Metro Fall Kick Off

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FALL KICKOFF 2011 Friday, October 14th through Sunday, October 16th Camp Shantituck, Shepherdsville, KY Join us for a full weekend of Girl Scout training. We have something for everyone, whether you’re a first time leader or a seasoned veteran. Come stay the weekend or for just one session - it’s your choice. The Girl Scout Shop will be there with lots of great items for your convenience. In addition, there will be food, time to network with other leaders, campfire singing, and so much more. On Sunday, we will offer a morning of round robin activities, such as crafts, games, and other fun things to do in the fall and winter. The following information should help you in planning for the weekend. Meals: Meals will be available for a small fee. See the attached registration form for details. Please be sure to indicate any special dietary concerns on your registration. Remember if you are taking Camp Out or a cooking course, then some of your meals are included with that class fee. Lodging: Overnight accommodations will be pre-assigned on a first come, first served basis. Indicate your choice on the registration form. Quiet hours (11:00 PM – 7:00 AM) will be observed in all facilities except Cardinal Lodge - the hub for the operations of the weekend. There will be staff working late, up early in the morning, and people coming and going. If you’re a person who likes to stay up late - you should request Cardinal. Participants can bring their own tents if they wish. Denham, Cardinal, Pine Lair, and Cedar Bluff (wood stove only) are heated buildings. All other shelters and platform tents are not winterized. Denham and Cardinal have showers. All other buildings, shelters, and tents may use the showers at the pool. All buildings have modern bathrooms. All shelters and tents have outdoor latrines. There are mattresses to sleep on in all facilities. You will need to bring your own bedding. What To Bring: Note taking material, resource books appropriate for your classes, equipment or materials as indicated in course descriptions, an unbreakable cup or mug for beverages, rain gear, warm jacket, sit upon, and flashlight. If staying overnight, you will be responsible for your own personal items (towels, personal hygiene, etc), clothing and bedroll. If you plan to sleep in a tent, make sure to weatherize your personal gear and sleeping bag.

Some classes will be held outdoors, so dress for the weather – it may be cold and wet! Training patches will be on sale. Proof of class attendance is required.

Kapers: All participants will be asked to help with clean up, setting up for meals, etc. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Remember: Many hands make light the work! Registration:

 Be sure to register on time. Classes fill up fast. Classes may be cancelled due to lack of registration. Don’t miss out!

 Be sure to double check your fees and send all money with your registration.  All efforts will be made to meet any special needs; please note these on your registration form.

 Please complete the registration form in its entirety including city, zip, phone numbers, etc. We have volunteers attending from many different areas of our council.

 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE. Contact your service center for form 526. It is also available on the web. (Send form to attention Julie Moorman, Metro Regional Director).

 Registration Deadline: Friday, October 7, 2011. Absolutely no registrations will be accepted after this deadline!

 You will receive an email confirming we have received your registration. If you have registered for a class that requires you bring additional equipment or materials, you will receive a special letter. You will also be notified if your class is canceled or changed, if there is a problem with your sleeping arrangements, or if we have questions about your information. Please make a copy of your registration for your own record. Refunds. No refunds will be made after Friday, October 7. If you have any questions about Fall Kickoff, please call Deb Giles, Volunteer Coordinator at 502-636-0900 or 1-888-771-5170 ext. 21200. or Rachel Ray, office assistant, ext. 20000.

CLASS AND ACTIVITY INFORMATION FRIDAY EVENING 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Registration (Supper is not served on Friday night. Either eat before you come to camp or bring a sack supper to eat prior to the start of your class). GIRL SCOUT SHOP OPENED 5:45PM – 6:45 PM Hike Camp Shantituck: First time to Camp Shantituck or just like to hike? Join Susan Cox for a hike around the camp - especially recommended for first timers. 7:00PM – 9:00PM Games for Girl Scouts: Fun for all ages, come learn many great games to play with girls. Campfire Program: Learn games, activities, ceremonies and songs to enhance your campfires. Experience a ceremonial fire and “spider sniffing.” Troop Beginnings: This session is designed to help new leaders get started with their troop. At least one member of the leadership team must complete Volunteer Orientation and Troop Beginnings before meeting with a troop. 7:00PM – 10:00PM Going for the Bronze: On your mark, get set, GO. Earning the Bronze Award (Girl Scout Junior highest award) is an accomplishment that you and your girls can take pride in for their entire lives. It’s also a great stepping stone toward earning the Silver Award (Girl Scout Cadette highest award). Come learn the requirements, time commitments, planning, how to network, and how to become that special “Mentor” in your girls lives. Leadership Essentials: This education opportunity is required for troop leaders. This education opportunity provides the “how-to” in facilitating the GSUSA Leadership Experience, girl characteristics, the role of the leader, working with other adults, and the Girl Scout program. (Grade level journeys will be given out, please be sure to put your troop’s grade level on your registration).

FRIDAY EVENING Continued: 7:00PM – 10:00PM Camp In A: Will help adults prepare girls for day activities in the out-of-doors. Is a prerequisite for Camp In B. Fee: $2 (includes materials and patch) Mean Girls - How to Deal With Them: Workshop will provide information and tips on helping girls deal with bullies face to face and on the internet. Also, tips for standing up to peer pressure, a real issue for many girls today. Girl Scouts Then and Now- 100 Years and Counting: We will celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouting this March. What better way to prepare your girls then to explore our past and who we are. This training explores the beginning of Girl Scouting; our history and traditions. You will also learn about the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). SATURDAY 8:00 AM – 2:00PM




8:00 AM– 8:30 AM

BREAKFAST (pre-paid)


Camp In B: Will help adults prepare girls for overnight camping in winterized buildings. Prerequisite: Camp In A. Fee: $6 (includes materials, snack and patch).

10:00AM – 1:00PM Outdoor Cooking: Learn creative ways to cook using a Dutch oven, box oven, foil, etc. Fee: $6 (includes lunch) 8:30AM– 5:00PM

NAA Archery Certification Training: This training is required by GSUSA for volunteers to teach and supervise girls in the sport of Archery. You must attend all 8 hours and must pass the field and written test to receive a NAA certification card. This certification is good for 3 years. Participants should wear well fitting clothing (nothing too loose or dangly that can get in the way). Dress for the weather as much of the course is outside. Bring a sack lunch or purchase one for $4. Bring your own drink. If you have a bow or other equipment you may bring it with you. You must be 18 years old to get a NAA certification. Limits: Minimum 6, Maximum 12. Fee: $30. You must be registered for this class by September 15. There will be no refunds after this date. Materials must be ordered at that time.

SATURDAY MORNING CLASSES: 9:00AM – 12 Noon CPR: This course is required for a Level I First Aider for troop activities and day camp. American Red Cross certification. CPR must be renewed annually. Fee: $34 (cost is $42 if taking First Aid too) Girl Scout Ceremonies and Bridging: Ceremonies are a special part of the Girl Scout experience. This session will introduce you to the important ceremonies in Girl Scouts, and how to plan them. Also in this session you will learn about bridging your girls from one level to the next and the ceremonies and awards that are a part of bridging. Inexpensive Crafts: Try several media that can be added to various ages and occasions. Bring scissors. Fee $6 Teams Course/Adventure Playground: Learn how to make the most of these fun activities and help your girls gain teamwork skills. Become a teams course facilitator so you can do teams course with your girls by yourself. (Baker) Leadership Essentials (for all grade levels): This education opportunity is required for troop leaders. This education opportunity provides the” how to” in facilitating the GSUSA Leadership Experience, girl characteristics, the role of the leader, working with other adults, and the Girl Scout program. Using the Girl Scout Journeys: Have you taken Leadership Essentials, tried working with a jouney, but not sure you get it? This session will focus only on using the journeys and answer questions you have. 12:00 – 1:30PM

LUNCH (pre-pay)


First Aid Training: This course is required for a Level I First Aider for troop activities and day camp. American Red Cross certification. First Aid must be renewed every 3 years. Fee: $23(cost is $42 if you are taking CPR and First Aid). “Letting the Girls Lead”: Structuring your troop so girls can lead, how to help them, how to sit back, and tricks that make it easier. Learn some history to show how girl leadership is not new, but has always been an essential part of Girl Scouting.

SATURDAY AFTERNOON CLASSES continued: 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM Stop the Wiggles but not the Giggles: Come learn activities you can do in 10 minutes to keep your girls under control, while they’re waiting, standing in line, moving from one activity to another, etc. True Colors: Can someone really be “good as gold” or a “true blue friend“? What does it mean to “let your true colors show“? True Colors is a straightforward and simple method for gaining insights into why people behave as they do. At this workshop, you will discover the True Colors of others and yourself and open lines of communication, reduce conflicts, and learn ways of relating to bring out the best in everyone. Fee: $7 Planning Trips With Girls: learn to plan and carry out trips that meet the needs and experiences and readiness of your group. Learn what questions to ask and where to find the answers. Learn ways to involve girls in the planning process. Training will cover planning field trips to international trips. Fun With Food: Looking for creative ways to play with food? Wanting a new activity idea, that doesn’t require glue? Try making fun, easy food items as gifts or for a troop event. We will explore several recipes. You will take home 20+ items. Class limit – 15. Fee: $8. Introduction to the New Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting: This session will introduce the new Girl’s Guide and the new badges and awards. Fall/Winter Global Celebrations: Explore the special days and celebrations of different cultures. Learn how to make your troop inclusive when observing holidays and special occasions. This workshop will focus on fall and winter celebrations just in time for Thinking Day. Lots of hands-on activities. 1:30PM – 9:30 PM Camp Out: This class will help adults prepare girls for camping, including camping in tents, and other shelters in established campsites, and while travel camping. Prerequisite: Camp In (both A & B). Fee: $10 (includes materials, dinner and patch). An optional overnight will be provided. If you will be spending the night as part of the Camp Out training please note that on your registration so we will have enough tents. Participants will receive a letter with what to bring

SATURDAY EVENING 5:00PM – 6:15PM DINNER (pre-paid) 6:15PM – 6:45PM Investiture of New Leaders and any volunteer who has never been invested. 7:00PM – 9:00 PM Leader’s Cafe: Join us for coffee/tea and snacks while you chat with other leaders and experienced volunteers. You will get the opportunity to share and learn during four interactive 30 minute sessions! Our topics include: Share your Journey (what works, what doesn’t); Record keeping (paper, paper and more paper); How to facilitate (guide), not dictate (lead)your girls.; Keep it interesting (camping, trips, and fun events). This is an opportunity to share your best ideas and learn from others! True Communication with True Colors: Have you ever tried to communicate something but it either didn’t come out right or the person took it the wrong way? The way you communicate with others has a great deal to do with your basic personality. Identifying your style and those of others gives you insights to help you improve communication. Join us for this next step of True Colors where we’ll go beyond the basics of True Colors and take a closer look at various communication styles. Prerequisite: Basic True Colors Star Light, Star Bright: Explore distances from the earth, where their location in the sky. You will receive moon, stars and galaxy. Information Girl Scout programs. There will be viewing.

the stars, learn their size, names come from, and their handouts of the planets, the on badges and other related two telescopes available for

Nite Hike: Learn fun activities to do as the sun goes down and afterwards. Learn some team building activities as well. Bring a flashlight that can fit into your pocket if you would like. Council-Wide Travel Opportunities: Hear about all of the upcoming council-sponsored travel opportunities for 2012 and beyond. Find out how to tell if your girls are ready for an extended trip, what you can expect on a council trip, and what is expected of you. We’ll talk about upcoming international trips and how they are different from trips in the US, and some fundraising opportunities to help your girls get there.

SUNDAY MORNING ACTIVITIES 7:00AM – 1:00PM CLEAN UP BUILDINGS, PACK UP, and LOAD. 8:00AM – 8:30AM BREAKFAST (pre-paid) 8:30AM – 8:45AM GIRL SCOUTS’ OWN 9:00AM – 12:00PM Fall Craft Festival: Join us for a morning filled with crafts you can do with girls Fee: $10 (includes all materials) Archery for Fun: Not a class, just an opportunity to experience and try archery.

NAA Archery Certification Training Registration Due September 15, 2011 Name: ______________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ (street/apt.) (city) (state) (zip) Email: ________________________________________________________________ Years of experience in Archery: _________ ___ Bringing own lunch ___ Would like a lunch provided (please enclose $4 with registration). Please list any dietary or special needs: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Fee enclosed: (Course-$30 plus $4 for lunch) ___________________ Please attach this registration to the Fall Kickoff registration. Thank you.

Fall Kickoff 2011 Registration Form Registration must be received by Friday, September 30, 2011 Please use a separate form for each participant Name: __________________________________________Home Phone: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________________Work Phone: _________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) Service Center: __Metro __Bear Creek __ Caveland __ Pennyroyal __ Heartland Area: ____Troop#: ___ Adult: an adult.

GS Senior/Ambassador: Please note: GS Senior/Ambassador must be accompanied by

I will need the following meals: (Please check all that apply)

Special dietary needs? Please list: ________________________________________________________ Please reserve sleeping space for me: (Please check all that apply) Friday night Saturday night Please check your location choices . Men will be assigned a designated area. Cardinal Denham Pine Lair Platform Tent I will bring my own tent. Friday Night Choose 1 + Hike Hike Camp Shantituck Games for Girl Scouts


Saturday Morning


Saturday afternoon


Camp In B


First Aid


Outdoor Cooking


Letting the Girls Lead

Archery Separate registration to be completed



Troop Beginnings



Going For the Bronze Award

Girl Scout Ceremonies and Bridging

Campfire Program

Leadership Essentials Camp In A

Inexpensive Crafts $2

Teams Course

Mean Girls

Leadership Essentials

Girl Scouts Then and Now

Using the Journeys


Planning Trips with Girls Fun With Food Intro to new Girl’s Guide Fall/Winter Celebrations Camp Out


Leader’s Cafe $42 Star Light Star Bright True Communications

Stop the Wiggles True Colors

Saturday Evening Participate in New Leader Investiture


Nite Hike


Council Wide Travel Opportunities Sunday Participate in the GS’s Own Craft Festival



Archery For Fun

Please register me for the following workshops (Please circle or highlight one class per time slot): I am applying for financial aid. Form attached. Course Fees: ______  I am facilitating this weekend Meals: ______  Registration Fee: $5.00  Total due: _____ For Office Use Only

Date Registration & Payment Received: ___________________________________________

 Check/money enclosed Check # ________ Total amount enclosed: $_______ Receipt number: _____________   Financial Aid Requested  Health Form enclosed  Confirmation email & date _____________________  Confirmation letter & date ____________________

Health Form on Back

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