Cover Page
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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About Homeless People
Welcome to our e-publication about homeless persons on our beautiful Whidbey island. You may have noticed the smiling faces on the first page. In the real world of homeless people many of them do not smile often when they do not have a home. The picture of the tent above is an actual homeless person’s home. Our originations goal is to a temporary or permeant home for homeless people for south Whidbey Island.
Please turn page to learn why so many people are homeless today
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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About Homeless People
You may be surprised why so many people are homeless today Suggested additional copy in this page About this first draft of our e-publication As you will see there are misspells , additions and deletions necessary prior to going live with our story. Please feel free to provide your candid feedback how our e-publication can be improved. I will explain my thoughts why I have designed the elements to provide readers about our coalition and why they will be motivated to donate cash, homes, properties on in-kind needed products and achieve our goals. Suggest we purchase Office 365 for our key persons to provide information, stores and other needs. The cost is about $5.00 a user. The MSN publisher software is excellent to provide me with your content to be published quickly and easy for you to use. We should also consider designing a blog to seek our needs I will explain why a blog is an excellent method to seek what we need. Best Method To View and Read Our e-publication Our goal is to explain our goal to provide homeless shelters in our community in South Whidbey Island. Please take few minutes to read our e-publication. You may view the information by turning each page or you may turn the page and use our index to be directed to subjects you wish to read about by clicking various subjects pictures. When you click the pictures the subject you wish to read about will appear. Please turn the page to start your journey to learn more about our coalition!.
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South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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The South Whidbey Homeless Coalition is an association of neighbors including those who are or have experienced homelessness, local activists and advocates, community-based and faith-based service providers, and others committed: to prevent and abate homelessness on South Whidbey while protecting each individuals civil rights and filling their immediate needs.
MISSION Empowerment through Community The South Whidbey Homeless Coalition (SWHC) strives to make homelessness a brief and rare experience in our community. We serve as a catalyst for the creation of emergency, transitional and permanent housing, the delivery of services and community advocacy. Article Five of The United Nations Charter of Human Rights asserts that “all people have a right to shelter�. THE URGENT NEED Though homelessness has been a persistent issue on Whidbey Island, in the local conscience the need was believed to be addressed through the good works of Island County, nonprofit agencies, churches, schools and volunteers. There are no emergency facilities or shelters in the South Whidbey area. People have been provided for on a one off basis and often redirected to Oak Harbor or off island. Recently the homeless have become visible, pervasive and challenging to the capacity of the community to respond.
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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What We Do
School data suggest there are 80+ homeless children; the Good Cheer food bank estimates 400 individuals without permanent housing including those who are house surfing and families living with other families searching for appropriate housing arrangements. These are our neighbors. It is for us to provide. “If you walk down the street and see someone in a box you have a choice. That person is either other and you are fearful of them, or that person is an extension of your family” Susan Sarandon WHAT WE CAN DO South Whidbey is an economically diverse community which harbors people of myriad backgrounds and varied means. Relatively unnoticed among the island’s scenic attributes is a burgeoning sector of poor and homeless; our neighbors who for one of many reasons, are suffering. SWHC is a broad community based initiative to recognize the spectrum of needs and fill those gaps in providing essential services. The principal underserved sector of need among our vulnerable neighbors is housing. SWHC efforts to fill this need fall into four areas: Preventing Homelessness - This is the work of a caring community. In particular, this initiative seeks to find ways, both legal and social, to keep people in their homes through trying times and to develop an early warning system by which potential need for shelter may manifest and be addressed. We also educate our neighbors as to the status of homelessness. Emergency Immediate Shelter - Finding oneself without a roof overhead and a bed to sleep on is an urgent crisis that can’t be postponed. SWHC envisions that Island County and the church community are best positioned to address this. It’s our work to facilitate their efforts.
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What We Do Transitional Housing – House of Hospitality -
For those who find themselves cast adrift, the road back to stability and self-sufficiency may take longer. Creation of a community residence that nurtures its members leverages the gifts of the wider community and provides a road map to independence and security is a central initiative of SWHC.
Permanent Housing for the Chronically Vulnerable - We envision purpose-built or converted housing that enables a small community of people to exercise their rights and freedoms in a protected atmosphere which supports them in living life fully.
“What we would like to do is change the world - make it a little simpler for people to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves as God intended for them to do.� Dorothy Day
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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What We Do
Click smiling woman to view a homeless persons videos
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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The Coalition’s focus is on community education, identification of those in need and researching root causes to imagine how they could be changed. The Open Door Cafe has launched monthly community invitation dinners encouraging interested citizens and affected families and individuals to sit down together and start conversations. This effort raises awareness, puts a face to the issue and begins to remove the shaming often afflicted upon the poor. This has been well supported by the community and attended by a smattering of our neighbors in need. Word is spreading and the conversation will continue. At these events, not only is a good meal provided (by donation from those who can) but also personal hygiene kits are given out and resource materials as to service options are provided. Information is being gathered to make available videos, reading lists, websites to assist the community in becoming bettered informed about issues of the homeless. SWHC Facebook page is launched where stories and information are accessible and our website is under constructions. This will be a resource to those in need but also a valuable source of public information with opportunities to volunteer and donate. An agenda will be developed to address with Island County and other appropriate agencies eviction standards, current and future housing developments, prison release programs, family and youth shelter the voice of the unsheltered at community forums and through media opportunities.
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SWHC and its members are increasingly contacted by those needing shelter and neighbors aware of someone unsheltered in their midst. A few churches have a history of providing assistance through the congregations. Helping Hands and Good Cheer have aided in directing people to Island County Housing. But, the fact remains, that even with County vouchers available, there are too few possibilities to provide shelter on South Whidbey and people are directed to go off island, to Oak Harbor (where only a few spaces exist) and for many reasons; schools, healthcare, transportation, mental illness, those who are unable to leave find themselves unprotected. Many concerned community members have provided a couch, a spare room, a garage or shed. But, as kind as that is, it is seldom for long and cannot be relied on to address a burgeoning need. A principle effort of SWHC is to assist the various church groups in reimagining how churches working together might create a pool of volunteers, capabilities and spaces to offer consistent, reliable and safe care for those who might appear any day in need. There are several models applied in congregations throughout Puget Sound. SWHC has a sense of urgency around this initiative as winter is fast approaching and among the churches there can be found the will and the resources to make this happen. Information is being gathered about alternative shelters - pop ups, rvs, tents - along with a place to accommodate them and the facilities needed to provide hygiene, security and resources. Please turn page to read additional information
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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What We Do
SWHC attempts to locate property owners open to renting a room or home and introduce them to the Island County program which provides damage deposit and rents currently under-utilized for lack of consenting landlords. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING _ HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY The House of Hospitality envisions that, for some, a period of time is needed to get life back on course, resolve the issues that caused the homeless condition, and build the resources to either reenter society’s mainstream or to progress to appropriate long term care. This is the passion of Judy Thorslund who is the catalyst for SWHC formation and who leads the initiative to find a home that can be converted to provide hospitality The membership is drawing upon friends, relations, contacts to locate within the South Whidbey area and among the inventory of unoccupied homes, people who will support this vision by making their property available. One or two opportunities have surfaced, each with different financial models, property issues and logistics to be addressed. There are no preset conditions or limitations that SWHC imposes. Each situation is unique and we consider any offer for how it serves the property owners and the implications for providing the benefits needed. We anticipate that neighborhoods will be engaged, lawyers, the County and others, all needing to weigh in to make any such home an actuality. We feel that these hurdles can be surmounted in a compassionate community with a will to serve. Once a property is offered, we will immediately commence planning to visualize how the property can be used; how many and who it can accommodate and what services can be added. The expectation is that volunteers and community will be vital to operation ongoing but that Judy Thorslund will be resident for management and continuity.
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For some, reentering the mainstream from transitional housing may never be possible. Although provision of shelter is our primary concern, our view is that creating community in which the fragile are empowered is a more holistic approach to the full range of human needs. Whether through donated property, modified to accommodate individuals and families long term or through purpose built facility, South Whidbey and the needs of the homeless have grown to the point where foreseeing this type of serviced community needs to be a centerpiece of our community planning. Inasmuch as the Coalition is newly formed, are energies are focused on the immediate and transitional needs. As we begin to stabilize the unsheltered community and to understand the needs of that population, we anticipate organizing to address this more fully. We keep a place marker for this topic as it is a vital element in the long term spectrum of
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What You Can Do DONATE
Cash - Please consider a cash donation to support the work of the South Whidbey Homeless Coalition. We have minimal operating expense but do have administrative costs for business license, post office box, telephone service, mailing, functions, supplies and brochures. We are building a cash reserve for legal fees, insurance, and accounting costs. Housing - The urgent need is for a donated house suitable for group living. Terms can be flexible to the owners needs - gift, lease, rents. In addition, the Coalition is building a cash reserve to acquire and/or build housing. Reserves are also being accumulated for home conversion, repair, maintenance and operational costs. Volunteer - Get involved by attending regular coalition meetings, helping prepare and serve the monthly Open Door Cafe dinner, production and distribution of flyers, etc. When special fundraising events are launched, volunteers will be especially helpful. As housing becomes available, volunteers will have an opportunity to assist in upkeep, supervision and odd jobs. Contact us for current volunteer opportunities. South Whidbey Homeless Coalition has filed for 501 C-3 status. The process is overseen by the State of Washington in compliance with IRS regulations. Current wait times for processing are up to two years. We are seeking your generous help so our work can begin immediately. Tax deductible status will follow as soon as possible.
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What You Can Do Please consider donating a home, a manufactured home
a camper, a travel trailer , vacant land or a continuum
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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Homeless Persons Stories
I had an encounter today I would like to share with you. These are happening on a much more frequent basis. I believe when we direct our energy toward something the universe seems to interact. Plus my work at Good Cheer has shown me the face of the homeless on a regular basis. My energy currently is focused on establishing a home where those without shelter can lay their head for a space of time and gather strength in community before heading back out into the world. We all need one another. I will try and post each encounter without breaking any anonymity. These are encounters with the divine so I believe they are to be shared. Blessings. As I got on the bus to Langley from Bayview the driver greeted me and then asked a man who I sat in front of if he was getting off in Langley or what? The man appeared to have been sleeping or shutting his eyes. He answered that he 'did not know where he was going, he had not figured it out yet. I said to him about 'yeah, it's hard to figure things out sometimes.'' He then stated 'it's hard to figure things out when you don't know where you are going to sleep at night." Well folks, there stands before you a couple of primary issues the homeless face. Where to sleep safely at night, and where to hang their hat during the daylight hours.
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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Homeless Persons
It was heartbreaking to see the anguish on this man's face, as he tried his hardest to not lose his image as a strong person. I shared with this man that there were some very wonderful citizens of island county who were working hard to make sure that this dilemma will be resolved here in our community soon. That led to a conversation with a woman on the bus who shared with the man and I how she and her daughter had once been on the waiting list for a shelter when she was homeless. Her story touched this man and his spirit was lifted and it showed in his eyes when I got off the bus. What a blessed encounter and I will see him again for sure. It's a small island. It is my heartfelt hope that before 2014 is over we will have a House of Hospitality here on the south end of our island. Please send out prayers and light to help keep this vision alive friends.
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Homeless Persons Stories
Here are two local from an adult who stayed the House of Hospitality in our community back in the 80's and 90's, and the other from the child of a mother who stayed there. This child is now a loving father of two children of his own. Both these stories bear testimony to the enduring legacy of a community that cares for it's homeless. We need another such home here. James Bartz I am on it Girl! Maybe perspective from a child who spent a little time there would diversify the testimonials a bit. I still drive by that house occasionally and say a little prayer, and give a little internal thank you. and God Bless you Judy. Until a person knows what it is like to not have a bed to sleep in every night, it is easier to blame homelessness on laziness or drugs. The truth of the matter is, that almost 80% of our nations homeless were in foster care systems at one point or another. Children Folks!....and, To live in a country that lets so many children slip through the cracks makes me feel very sad, ashamed, and heartbroken. PaulaButcher Once upon a time there was a place to live with other women who were all in the same situation; Homeless! (Reasons ranged from Domestic Abuse, Drugs, Alcohol, or just being a young adult with a child). This place was a normal house amongst the neighborhood that had Women of all ages, some with children and some with none, living in a respectful harmony of safety. Everyone living there were given chores that were rotated amongst them along with their own clean up after yourself daily chores too like making your own bed. (read next page)
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Homeless Persons Stories
The bathrooms and the kitchen were shared and cleaned by all. Respect was the first rule of this house, along with no drugs, alcohol or fighting. They all had to sign a rental contract and pay a fee to stay there depending on their situation. Some women stayed for a month and some stayed longer depending on how soon they could find their own place, and get back on their feet. Some had a harder time trying to function in this harsh world, but there was always help out there for them. When you feel you've hit rock bottom and there is no hope, you get pretty sad and depressed and you cry a lot. You feel unloved, ashamed and you think there is no one around supporting you. Face it, you feel it's hopeless. But it's not, there are good people out there, strangers who care and who want to help. But there needs to be more giving strangers to help build, donate and supply help to those people who have fallen onto hard time like domestic abuse. Giving of your time, energy, or money to non-profit agency helps to guide a person to stand on their own and bring back their dignity of self worth. Even just giving a comforting conversation helps boosts a persons self esteem. So please people, giving of yourself could safe a life. I myself was one of those women who needed a safe place to live, who needed support, love and a roof over her head and a warm bed to sleep in. I had a one year old child too who was my life force to getting stronger inside and to feel like a human being again and not a doormat to be walked on over and over again. (please turn page to continue)
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Homeless Persons Stories
It was my child and my faith that got me stronger inside this safe house home called the Genesis House. It was also the guidance of others that I met who came to help me go through this transition so I could survive and stand on my own two feet once again. I started to feel better when I finally got a place of my own, and then I went back to college and finished my first AA degree in Liberal Arts. Then I got a job and things started to get even better. I had the opportunity to build my own house with assistants from the Housing Authority and another non-profit organization, but I ended up moving away. I am always thankful that I have a roof over my head no matter where I am, and I will always give back to others who need it. I t's been over 22 years since I have lived in the Genesis house, and for the last 17 years I have volunteered my time and energy to help others where ever the need is: Feeding, rebuilding, teaching or just helping with grocery shopping for my neighbors, I give back. I've come along way with many years of college education and degrees because I didn't give up on myself or on my child to have a better and safer live. I hate that I had to go through a terrible abusive situation and struggle through this when a year before I had a great paying job with benefits, and a much safer life with no soap opera drama to follow. I just had to get back on track with my life and go forward with my goals. But I think we all have to go through some trials in life, some have harder ones to walk through then others do. (read next page)
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Homeless Persons Stories
It's just another lesson to learn that helps you grow. My lesson was to learn to read the signs and to stay away from those "Red Flags". I was blind yes, I was in love too. But I also felt trapped and had no control over my life, so I thought. Lesson learned. Never again will I be a doormat to be stomped on, but I will always welcome those over mine in front of my door Another Persons Story Ah Summer, time for sun and beach and camping out!! And this little campsite seems a perfect spot away for a time from the hustle and bustle of the 'real' world. In reality however, this is the home of a person here on south Whidbey who has no home, other than this tent. One of our wonderful and caring coalition members found this campsite on a small piece of property they own near Langley. What did they do when they saw their property had been violated this way? Well they did what every caring and compassionate person might do. Left them a sweet note inviting them to our Coalitions next monthly meal, along with some water and a bit of food they had in their car. They also intend to follow up and see what other resources and help they can be for this person. If we had our House of Hospitality already this individual could have packed up their gear (when they had enough of Mother nature!) and been welcomed to a safe, warm home to lay their head. Camping out in the woods is cool, but for women particularly, this is not a safe place to live. These stories are just a few of many persons who are homeless, we would appreciate your donation to help south Whidbey homeless!
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
About Eagles Hero Club Who Help Homeless Our Eagle Club honors people who have provided our colocation extraordinary efforts to help homeless people. To qualify for this special recognitions the following efforts or accomplishments are required.
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South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
Sponsors Page Click Logos To View Their Information Page 23
Cheers Thrifts Stores - Langley and Clinton
Your Ideas To Help Homeless People
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
We ‘re Affiliated With Many Local Church's We are affiliated with many local south Whidbey church's who also have a passion to help homeless people. Some of the churches have provided housing in church buildings We working with them in hopes they will provide homeless housing. Suggest additional comments
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South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
Please Join Our Weekly News Letters Please join our weekly news letter service to learn more about new developments about our coalition . Our news letters are provided at no cost but, we welcome your donations You may also read our weekly news letters by clicking the eagle above.
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This is probably an excellent project for Judy to provide along with a blog, I will research the best software
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition
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South Whidbey Homeless Coalition