Wedding Planner Magazine Edition 48

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EDITION 48 VOL.09 ISSUE 5, 2014

£4 /$6 / N1000

Look Up:


Trending Headpieces A Refreshing Entrant


Destination Weddings Plus Bridal Jumpsuits



WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

The 11th Commandment of Fashion…

! e s i r o s s e Acc










WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



Direction Twixt Studios Unveil, Yapha

Mrs Elsie Ofulue is CEO of ‘Event on Wheels’, a top Event Management company in the UK. She is a graduate of English Language and Literature from the University of Lagos, who has a solid background in Marketing Communications and Event Management. She has been trained at the QC School of Wedding Planning London, United Kingdom and has also attained an IEWP (International Event and Wedding Planning Professional) certification. She is your ‘happy ever after’ event planner.

08187794941, 08055041645




HAIRS C N O E L NAPO plans made absolutely easy!




...A path that leaves a trail

“By three methods we may learn wisdom. First, by reflection; which is the noblest, second, by imitation; which is the easiest, and third by experience; which is the bitterest Confucius.” Simply put; those who get the best out of life are people who want to think and do things in a way it has never been done before. The same rule applies to every aspect of life; including how you plan your wedding. The year is moving so fast; a lot has gone down and there’s much more to come! What’s more, not everything that looks new is really new; some are the refurbished old, while others are a mixture of the old and the new. I tell you, there’s so much to catch-up with. And that’s what this edition is about; catching up with the in-thing(s)! ‘Mirror, mirror in my hall’ gives a refreshing transformation to your wedding décor and how you choose to use your mirrors is limitless. Omu Obilor’s feature on destination weddings etiquettes gave birth to interesting destination wedding favours to thrill your guests with. They will be pleasantly surprised on arrival. It is really a trend edition as we bring you the non-traditional bridal jumpsuits for a second dress to the absolutely trending headpieces that range from the great Gatsby to bohemian and outlandish fascinators. Not forgetting the


non-traditional trends on suspended cakes. I almost cracked my ribs to pieces reading wicked humour by Debbie, you don’t want to miss Enitan’s Ghana escapade in “the one that called me coward”, Styler’s style and the mind, “It’s your wedding!” by Elsie, how to choose a wedding photographer by Mo’Klicks, and ‘living a lie’ by Aunty Arn Ajadi. Plus over 30 pages of style. It’s a basket full of goodies for you to have your pick! About every part of your planning is covered in this edition. I hope you find something especially made for you and have a great deal of fun while you’re at it. And I quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. This is what we set out to do and this, we will continue to do. Don’t forget to like us on face book follow@wedplanworld instagram – @weddingplannerworld See you soon and God Bless you

Duupe Adeniran plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




DIVA CAKES OPENS BRANCH In Muri Okunola, Victoria Island

12 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




THE ONE THAT CALLED ME A COWARD I met him in Ghana. I decided to expand my search and have a holiday after I got bored with my job and resigned. I am currently a free bird, and I am loving the life I tell you, at least until my reserves dwindle enough to cause a panic. He is part Liberian and part Ghanaian and a Nigerian friend whom I had met through another friend introduced us. I had to tell Kemi before I left Nigeria that I was coming to Ghana and it was her job as my Naija connection in Ghana to arrange all the eligible Kofis and Chalehs within a one thousand meter radius, in anticipation of my visit. Kemi is married to a Nigerian but her husband decided that they move to Ghana to raise their young family. I had another girlfriend in Ghana that I was looking forward to hanging out with, so I was prepped to have as good a time as I possibly could. Suzan is Ghanian and I met her when she came to Lagos to perform for a jazz event for which I was the female host. Anyway, let’s cut to the chase. I got to Accra on Thursday evening, but couldn’t call Kemi because my phones went haywire. I got a local SIM by Friday night and guess who I called first? Kemi was delighted. She lived some 45 minutes away and was nursing a three month old so she couldn’t come right away. We agreed to meet at the Accra mall on Sunday evening after worship. Fast forward again to Sunday evening at the mall... I got there ahead of them. We agreed to meet at 6pm but I got there an hour early because I wasn’t inclined to get there sweating half of my foundation off. I had enough time to powder my nose in the washroom (that’s what they call the toilet in Ghana o) and sit at the coolest part of the food court. By the time Kemi called me to ask where I was, I was the picture of togetherness. I had tried to no success to glean as much info as I could out of her


about Derrick the Chaleh she wanted me to meet, but all she told me was that he was of average height, not fat, not slim and not balding. I decided that I could live with that. At first sight I knew I was older than the lanky man who walked in with Kemi. He had slightly bulging eyes and very dark skin. The biggest thought on my mind was how tall he wasn’t, but I swatted the thought away with a giant mental broom. I’m not very tall myself, so tall men have always been my soft spot. I however quickly decided to focus on the man inside and hope for a good conversation at least. We talked, I tried to keep Kemi in the loop but at some point she just grabbed her three year old son, gave me her baby daughter to hold and said she was going to buy bread at Shoprite. That legendary queue for Shoprite bread has a clone in Ghana by the way. So after Kemi left, Derrick and I ended up talking, and laughing, and totally strangling any awkwardness. I liked that. But that was it. After that Sunday I didn’t hear from him again till Tuesday. When he called he said he’d been busy with work. I told him I was a seasoned Naija babe and the three day rule trick had been abolished some ten years ago. That cracked him up, and opened him up some more. We talked all night and I got to find out that yep, I was right; he was younger, by two years. I told myself that would only be a problem if we let it, asked about it and he said it was not a problem for him if it wasn’t for me. We decided to return to the mall on Thursday to see a movie. We saw a romcom featuring Kevin Hart, and ended up elbowing each other in defence of the male and female actors we favoured. I will tell you how that night turned out, and why the Chaleh branded me a coward, next edition. Be patient, LOL! I’m, Enitan Karohunwi,I’m NYM Please send comments to plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




By Debbie Olujobi

The shock or maybe pain of the slap triggered an involuntary release of repeated farts! From all accounts the robbers were stunned for a few minutes before they started laughing!

M y favourite genre of entertainment is comedy; I like to laugh; I like funny people and I am sometimes considered very silly by those very close to me. It is always surprising to hear people describe me as very serious and even austere. I think life for the most part is serious; reality is a mixed


bag of events that will either reduce you to tears or have you double up in laughter. I have no control over the happenstances of the world so I roll with the punches. But I can at least control my own entertainment and my choices are determined by the laughter quotient. I am intrigued by involuntary actions and reactions that are comedic and lately I have been inundated by quite a few. There is comedy that comes from entertainment and there is the natural occurring comedy. This is when spontaneous responses and accidents lead to mirth and I have chosen to brand this type of comedy, wicked humour. Its wicked because most of the time the laughter is at someone else’s expense.

Almost everything is funny from the right perspective and I was tickled into a long bout of uncontrollable laughter by a scene from a Sitcom last week on television. A thief had threatened everyone in a diner with a gun, asking everyone to unload their purses and wallets on a table. One of the waitresses just froze and couldn’t move; this seemed to upset the gunman who then shouted at her with hilarious consequences! Her face contorted into a comical mask and a few seconds later it relaxed with a hiss! The lady just peed!! Urinating while being robbed was funny to me on several levels. The scene it self was funny but it reminded me of a real life robbery incident some years back. Armed robbers had gained entrance into a home and had everyone lying face down. The parents weren’t home and they were trying to get the cook and two of the children to tell them where the valuables were. On finding the rotund cook unresponsive; they dealt him a rather vicious slap. Now I know the cook would not have been amused but everyone else present certainly found his reaction funny.

There must be some unwritten or unspoken cosmic law that embarrassment naturally translates to laughter. We are all guilty of laughing at others when they embarrass themselves. The laughter has a dash of malice when it is at the expense of someone we don’t like. In the case of Monsieur Etienne (the messing cook as he came to be known thereafter), fear seemed to give him gas and being slapped was the trigger for him to release the said gas!! I should give you a brief history of the household in question. At the time of the event, there was a mother and father, two sons in the university, household staff that included Monsieur Etienne who doubled as cook and daddy’s right hand man. He ran a tight kitchen and acted as spy on the boys to the parents; so he wasn’t very popular. This happened in the midnineties and my senior brother was a friend to the boys (now middle aged men) in question. The boys moved with friends and like locusts, they ate a lot. They had a habit of eating everything and anything and it had caused the cook to lock the kitchen to protect his job. They accused him of eating all the food himself and starving them; they had a good case, he was gaining weight all the time. So back to the slap. The robbers decided to have fun at the cook’s expense and they slapped him a few more times. Unfortunately each slap produced more farts so it went on for a while. I should add at this time, that the robbers couldn’t gain access to the upper floor so they were just being entertained by Monsieur’s fart fest! They were persuaded to leave by the sound of sirens and they had everyone tied face down before they made their getaway. You would think the fun ends now but no!! Remember me describing the cook as rotund? Well, his pot belly prevented him from lying flat so he was tied sitting on the floor. The robbers locked them up in a room and switched off the lights and there they stayed for 4 hours before being rescued when the parents came home. According to one of the boys; it felt more like days because they were suffocating! Monsieur continued to fart intermittently and they suspected he may have even defecated at a time. I wasn’t there but I have never not laughed crazily anytime I remembered the story and the peeing waitress certainly brought it back to mind. Lately I noticed quite a few comedians use wicked humour to great success; there are some that cross the border of good taste but most of them are pretty fun. You should catch a nigerian comedian known as Clint da Drunk; I would crown him the king of wicked humour. Debbie Olujobi is CEO, EveryWoman Limited

16 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

Planning Planning Planning

T he r o c e D t h R ig you


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21/01/2014 08:35:29 plans made absolutely easy!







For a destination wedding which will most likely involve travelling and higher expenses for your guests, it’s needful to include thoughtful wedding favors in your plan; to say thank you for coming all the way. Wedding favour is yet another chance to make the memory of your wedding a lingering one; for years to come, you want to see one or two things around your friends, that they took home from your wedding in Las Vegas, Italy, Dubai, Hawaii or wherever else. Your wedding theme is not totally rocked until a part of it tags along with your guests, all the way home.

Travel Favours

You can start your guests up with thoughtful favours that will contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of their stay at the destination. Luggage tags, flip-flops or beach sandals, shades, sunscreen, parasols, hand fans, sun hats, visors, umbrellas or shawls, wine stoppers, bottle openers, bookmarks, postcards, towels, tote bags, wedding date magnets, water bottles or travel cups; would do perfectly for your welcome packs. Personalizing the welcome packs with each guest’s name or initials


will be a pleasant surprise that says you are thinking about each one of them!

Destination Memorabilia

Materials that display what’s unique about your wedding location or what it’s known for. A souvenir of the country or locale; to put a stamp on the destination wedding experience and since it’s at no extra cost to your guests… why not! plans made absolutely easy!

Venetian glass paperweight and olive oil for Italy, tequila for Mexico, wine for Napa, Eiffel Tower wine opener for Paris, straw materials for the Bahamas, Arab oil for Dubai, Pottery for the Southwest, local flower or herb seeds, local music in a CD (maybe your wedding band; but they must be ‘that’ good, lol.), picture frames or paper weight of famous locations and items, Palm tree or starfish shaped items for a beach wedding.

Something to Nibble on

Attractively packed and tasty take-out edibles are also great. Miniature favour pails and baskets are very good packages; edibles can carry tags with destination prints and designs. Personalized drink mix like a Cosmopolitan drink mix or a personalized margarita drink mix would be great to include in that welcome basket. Away from home; people want to keep something for the road or a night cap; others take them home as souvenirs. Cookies, chocolate, nuts, candy and lots more. To get the best out of your favours, you can have a beautiful display of the gifts, on favour tables at the entrance. A sign should indicate that items are to be taken away. This will make picking-up an item optional so your guests will select only those items that catch their fancy; and plans made absolutely easy!

you’re sure that they will be cherished. Enjoy your adventure with destination favours!





From studying Law in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; her all encompassing love for cakes and baking has taken her all the way to the UK to study the ‘laws’ of baking. As far as she is concerned; there is no looking back! Meet Folasade Ozigi, the CEO of Preety Treety Integrated services; an outfit that caters boulangerie, patisserie, confectionery, cakes and sweets (desserts) . W.P: How did you get into the confectionery business and when was this? ‬ Folasade: My strong passion for baking was discovered at age ten by my mom who encouraged this flair by deciding to send me to her very close Trinidadian Aunt, Late Mrs Esme Amona; a famous icon in cake decoration, to learn more on cakes and decorating. She was a master in cake decor. Since then, the sky has been the limit!

Our specialities are royal icing, french butter cream icing, fondant icing, chandelier cakes, upside down cakes, suspended cakes, blinged cakes, fountain cakes, and animated cakes. I love bringing innovations and uniqueness into cakes, presenting a wonderful piece of art that must ‘wow’ my client!

W.P: Let’s talk about cake designing, what does it mean to you and what is your speciality?

W.P: It seems Preety Treety is in love with the upside down cake and chandelier cake, how are brides responding to this?

Folasade: For every special celebration such as birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, decorated cakes serve as a central point of attraction. Hence, there is a need to capture every detail of our client’s request, and project in one piece, on a perfect canvas which is the cake!


Folasade: Absolutely amazing… Every bride wants one! W.P: What other services do you provide at Preety Treety? plans made absolutely easy!

Folasade: We have Preety Treety bread, pastries, delicatessen, finger nibbles and desserts. We also offer indoor and outdoor catering services. W.P: So now that you have come into Nigeria, how do you compare what you did in United Kingdom and what you are doing now? Folasade: It’s basically the same; however, the hot climate is not right for the temperature of some of our recipes. But we’ve been able to combat that; by learning from other hot regions, and have gotten wonderful results! W.P: So, in the next two or five years, what more should we look forward to from you. Folasade: In each passing year, Preety Treety will be engaged in evolving more creative and innovative designs. We plan to bring the best to our clients at all times... Thank you, for talking to us!

Preety Treety Bakeshop - Km. 2, Ajah-Ado Road, Ajah, Lagos., t: 08178591670, 08033933678, 08103191797, 08071513530 plans made absolutely easy!



Mirror Mirror In My Hall


Early this year a friend invited me to an exhibition she themed “mirror mirror”, I couldn’t make it and she is yet to forgive me for that as she nicely missed my little birthday gig too – I get your message HNK. Then JasonDavids also shared her idea on “mirror mirror on the wall” with me and I recommended she featured it in iWeddings Magazine (see iWeddings Edition 8). Now this got me to take a second look at this theme and I saw a breath of fresh air in the wedding reception hall. Mirror has sure found its way into the wedding décor and I see it doing great.

24 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

Start by welcoming your guests at your wedding with large antique mirrors on both sides of the first area they step in and with a welcome message and if you have placed your guests on distinct tables, it’s also a great way to let them know where they are seating and for table numbering. The focal area of the day which is the bride and groom’s stage is the perfect place to get dramatic. Add mirrors in varying heights and shapes on the backdrop and the result will be refreshing from the usual. There’s also a lot you can do with your table décor when it comes to the “mirror mirror” themed wedding as mirror sits very well as table top décor, walk way pedestals, dance floor, charger plate etc. We made a few selections that we know will inspire your own creativity. Feel free to share your designs with us via instagram @weddingplannerworld plans made absolutely easy!



26 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!




Binta Destiny Adekoya was born and raised in Kaduna. At about 15yrs, She relocated to the UK; there she gained her “A” and a degree from Greenwich University. While in the UK, Binta had several jobs; from McDonalds’ at age 16, to financial services. She is married to her friend and mentor Ayodeji Samuel Adekoya and blessed with two wonderful girls. W.P: Tell us about your company. Binta: Goodfood service is what it is! It’s all about “plating/serving” up hygienically prepared dishes with great quality, taste and affordability; giving our clients a reason to come back and recommend us. W.P: How did you get into catering business? Binta: My love affair with food started when I worked in a French restaurant in Dulwich. I started on my own by selling pre-packed meals with my then boyfriend (now husband of 7years). People started asking that I cater for their parties so we started a restaurant with my brother in Erith Kent called “OYIN” (honey in the Yoruba language) W.P: since relocating to Nigeria and entering the event industry, what have you observed and how do you compare it to the UK? Binta: I am now based in Lagos and I’ve observed that the Nigerian industry here is very vibrant and open minded about food as long as it tastes good. It’s also dynamic such that any industrious individual, with passion for food, decor or beverage, can succeed in no time. Unlike the UK, where one has to be scrutinized and must graduate from a certain college or train under some top chef to get patronage from typical English couples that are getting married. This makes it very difficult for self-trained caterers to reach the peak. W.P: What’s special about being catered for, by your company? What is unique to you? Binta: I am a stickler for exceptional customer service, I see every client as a life line to the make or break of my company; therefore, my staff is trained to treat all customers with excellent customer service. Goodfood does not just cook party food and slap it on plates, food presentation is very essential and it’s our tradition to use quality produce, crockery and tableware. We create contemporary gourmet meals and also give a twist to local dishes; we love to serve with art in mind! W.P: How many guests can you handle conveniently? Binta: We can cater for as many as 5000 guests. W.P: Is there any new experience in catering services that’s included in the packages you offer? Binta: The Goodfood experience is one that a customer will always remember. We know the importance of food in an occasion so we do our best to give the client their money’s worth our packages are based on each customer’s budget so there is no client we will turn down. Goodfood also has the Goodwife service which is designed to brushup a wife or bride-to-be, on home economics skills. We believe in learning everyday and that applies to home makers too, no matter how long you’ve been married. W.P: Where do you see your company in the nearest future? Binta: We forecast a projection to expand to further locations around Nigeria, West Africa and East Africa; then, establishment of a franchise operation to expand our reach in all the listed locations. We know we can do this, because our roadmap and operational template to success is our driving force which would help us get there! plans made absolutely easy! t: 07032665822, 07011969322



28 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




If you’re all about chic and sophisticated style, and Vera Wang is your favourite wedding dress designer, you’ll most likely want a modern wedding. Opt for a less obvious venue with interesting design, like a sleek loft with high ceilings and lots of windows. Set the tone with modern stationery, plenty of flowers, creating huge, overboard arrangements, and choose vibrant, striking colours like hot pink, cobalt blue, rich hues of green, gold and silver. Lighting is key here, be sure to use modern LED lighting. For music, combine an edgy DJ with a live band. Also, be sure to stick to the full wedding timeline and menu, with 3 course meals, cocktails and all.

30 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

The movie the Great Gatsby has inspired the wedding industry, and 2014 will not be left out. It is vintage, romantic and modern all rolled in one. Art-inspired invitations will give your guests an idea of the wedding they’ll be attending, and help them choose their attires appropriately. For a venue think giant mansion, or a high ceilinged hall with galleries. A nice garden would also do. The trick is to not forget the Art Deco element, even in the wedding dress. Think pearls and fascinators for accessories, and of course as centrepieces or table dÊcor. plans made absolutely easy!



Everything old is new again, and vintage themed weddings continue to be popular with both brides and groom’s. The atmosphere of the wedding day is easily enhanced by incorporating vintage design touches in the bride and grooms attire, and including vintage items in the reception dÊcor. For a vintage venue think long halls with extremely high billowing ceilings. Let your colours be pale and soft like pale pink, teal, baby blues, pale gold mixed with white and black. For vintage centerpieces incorporate scented candles, or dream up small floral arrangements that bring detail into your wedding theme, instead of the huge floral statements we are used to. Feel free to mix and match the extremely old with the not so new to create a magical ambience for your wedding.

32 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!




Gbemisola Emmanuella Adeniji, a selfless and amiable person who is passionate about meeting the needs of her clients and people around her;in ways that outshine their expectations. A business woman to the core; she has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Lagos. Now, she’s in travel consultancy and has a Diploma in Transport Planning and Management from Olabisi Onabanjo University, a foundation Diploma in Electronic booking and ticketing with International Air Transport Association (IATA), also,a certificate in Master Customer Service from the Customer Service institute in America. We present to you, the Managing Director of Appu Travels Limited. WP: How did you get into the travel business and how do you come about your destination network? Gbemisola: While growing up, I was always being told I could become whatever I desired. I wanted to help make dreams come true, so I became a travel agent! And it’s been a beautiful and satisfying experience! We establish our destination network by conducting research; to watch-out for most-visited Destinations- this directs and motivates our services. Appu Travels is associated with American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) and we have the certification-”Dubai Destination Specialist 2013”; We are also destination specialist for America, Peru and South Africa expert (FUNDI); so, our packages are diversified and enjoyable, as well as affordable! WP: How do you get your destination network? Gbemisola: People travel for pleasure and other reasons. We conduct researches periodically to watch out for most visited destinations, this directs and motivates our services. We started with Dubai; Appu Travels is associated with American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) and has got the certification-”Dubai Destination Specialist 2013”. Appu Travels is also destination specialist for America, Peru and South Africa expert (FUNDI). This enhances our packages; making them more diversified, as well as enjoyable and affordable! WP: What has been your most memorable time on the job? Gbemisola: I was in a travel agents meeting organized by ASTA in Miami where Hillary Rodham Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State addressed us. She specifically said: “You are in the travel business but also in the dream business.” This was my most memorable time! Also, the sense of satisfaction I feel when clients appraise a package; saying I helped create priceless memories and made their dreams of a splendid vacation come true! WP: Let’s talk about newlyweds, how do you serve a couple with no idea where to go on honeymoon? Gbemisola: As a Niche Travel expert, with the certification from Travel Agent Academy- “Sell Romance Travel Specialist”, and destination weddings specialist; we go all-out to give couples a perfect, hand-crafted occasion. We work with each couple’s budget, to provide them the best options. We also promote honeymoon in Nigeria and presently we have a 6-day get-away for couples to create unforgettable memories. WP: What’s new at Appu Travels? Gbemisola: Appu Travels has interesting packages for couples and plans made absolutely easy!

families that people should indulge in; The Couples Romantic Escape

Islands Escapes, an exclusive division of Appu Travels, specializes in escape vacations to the world’s most idyllic islands: the Cook Islands, Dubai, Maldives, Mauritius, and Seychelles. These Islands will leave couples in a pleasant state of mind and body; and would have created gratifying memories that will linger forever. These Islands are visa free. Active and Adventurous

93% of kids see travel as “QUALITY TIME” with family! This package is meant specifically for couples who have children, grand parents who feel they need bond time with their grand kids. It’s a list of exciting destinations where every member of the family will truly have their long deserving vacation. Destinations include; Anaheim Vacation, New York city, California, Turkey, Lego land Florida amongst others. WP: In the next five years, what more should we look forward to from Appu Travels? Gbemisola: Appu Travels in the next five years would have helped lots of couples bring their dream honeymoon to reality; we also plan to create more destinations on our specialist programs that can reach out to more people irrespective of their budgets. So their minds can be at rest knowing Appu Travels your one-stop travel partner, gets it all-sorted!

48 Bornu Crescent Apapa, Lagos. 08032061545 / 08023131824,





Wedding IT’S YOUR

By Elsie Ofulue


I am sure many wedding planners like myself have used the above line countless times when we talk to our couples; particularly in times of decision making, we always let the couples know that ‘It’s your wedding’ and not our wedding. The statement ‘it’s your wedding’ means that since it’s your big day, you have the free will to make decisions/ choose what you will like to see or have at your wedding. It doesn’t matter how many things are almost imposed on you, but it’s your wedding so you call the shots.

34 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

It’s rather interesting to know that as many times as this statement is made, a lot of couples do not realise its import; and are weighed down by the many compromises they have to make in the journey of planning their wedding. Only recently, I was talking to a bride-to-be on various aspects of her wedding and choice of vendors; I almost fell off my chair with laughter when she informed me that the selected MC for her big day was decided by her mum. After composing myself, I had to find out why and she just said her mum thought this MC would be fine for the wedding and of course the line left my lips “it’s your

he gave a ‘brief ’ biography of who they are and how privileged the couples were to have them in attendance. I got worse these ’guests’ in turn stood to say ‘a word’ of prayer for the couple. You can imagine how long this entire unplanned for event took forever. The couple were yet to have the first dance or even cut the cake which led to a lot of people leaving because it was getting late. It’s true the dad helped with wedding expenses but does that a justify him to having the spotlight at his daughter’s expense? Don’t get me wrong I am not against involving your family in your wedding plans; I am more for you taking control of your day. Yes, I

wedding………….. What do you want?” What she said she wanted, as you must have guessed, was in no way like this MC her mum was springing on her. Thank heavens! I encouraged her to speak to her mum and they switched the plan. Listening to this bride and many other brides, I have come to understand that a lot of times couples are scared to challenge their parents/ families on decisions regarding an important day as their wedding day. Some feel there’s no need to complicate things; after-all, the wedding is for the whole family so let the families have their way: some have made-up their minds that allowing families ‘take over’ their wedding is seen as a form of respect to be accorded them; yet, another group feel “what’s the point in arguing? Just let it be”. A rather interesting reason someone else gave is that if they are paying for it then they should be allowed to hold the reins. Oh! How I laugh in Greek! I stand corrected; but I thought the cash/cheque given to us by our parents was meant to be born out of love and support; not to be referred to as the instance of ‘whoever pays the piper dictates the tune’. Even God who blesses us daily doesn’t insist on how we spend it! I was at a wedding reception a few years back; a lovely young couple. It was generally a wedding everyone looked forward to; but on the D-day, nobody was sure whose wedding it was. The Father interrupted the MC countless times and what I found most hilarious was that: at a point he took the microphone and wanted to thank his guests for attending the wedding. We thought it was for just a few dignitaries, but it ended up being a roll call; and before he called any of the individuals

know it’s one day out of the many years of marriage, but it’s one day that you can’t do over except you plan to remarry (lol). From the minute you are thinking wedding, you need to have a very well laid out plan then you can incorporate some inputs from family that you and your hubby are able to accommodate. If you go to your parents or family blank and without a plan, then forget it! They will be all over you and your voice, vision, dreams can be lost. Saying NO to family shouldn’t be something you should be afraid of saying irrespective of who is footing the bill. I remember when I got married; oh, my days I so knew what I wanted and how I wanted things done! Few disagreements here and there but largely family knew I was flexible on things I felt added to the big picture of my wedding dream and everything I considered unnecessary were cut away, and all they could say was ‘it’s YOUR wedding’. Lol! Yes, it’s my day; and one day- but a day that when I reflect on, I pat myself on the back knowing it was exactly how it should have been; me having an awesome time (even my parents refer to my wedding till date as a yard stick for other siblings to emulate) A wedding should be the reflection of you as a couple not a reflection of your parents. People have said please let family be, you can plan yourself a 10 year anniversary bash. Are you kidding? You mean you need to wait 10 whole years? That my dear still isn’t your wedding it’s called ‘anniversary’. Nothing replaces your wedding day, so decide today, what it’s going to be. Never forget IT’S YOUR WEDDING! plans made absolutely easy!

Elsie Ofulue is an Event Planner based in UK.





“In matters of great importance, sincerity is not what matters; it is the style of a man”

The quote above is credited to the famous Irish writer and poet, OSCAR WILDE. An individual of impeccable character, vogue fashion, superior intellect and style. So why would a man of such natural depth attribute a pride of place to style even at the expense of an index such as sincerity? The answer is simple. The world has billions of people, and if we are not all to be robots, then our identifiable, individual style is what makes us recognizable as it sets us apart. In this issue, let’s examine what runs around in the mind of he who takes his style as important. Those conscious, everyday considerations that make it important to appeal in a certain way and those thoughts that justify such importance. Welcome to The Styler in wedding planner. It’s the 20th “episode” of the Styler and I’m excited. Consistency itself is a style. If for instance, now, as an exercise, I said we should write out in a broad sense, what our aspirations are, I’m sure certain items will recur. For example: Success, Career progress, Business progress, Happiness, Spiritual improvement, Freedom, Liberation, Fun, Fame, Power, Influence, Riches, Wealth , Financial sufficiency………….fill in the gaps. If we look at the incomplete list above, we shall find that we as human beings are not as different from each other regarding our aspirations as we are, physically. Most if not all of us can identify with most if not all the items so far on the list. What does the above scenario create? Competition. If seven billion people want the same things and those things are in limited supply no matter their definition, then social competition arises. It’s like a battle that’s won only by the fittest, only in this case, who is deemed fit is determined by the overall structure of the individual in question as informed by his priorities regarding “standing out”. Where are priorities set? In the mind. Uppermost in the mind of every style oriented individual is not just a tendency to appear stylish as it were, but there also exists a cognitive link between style and the achievement, more easily of the items in the list above. The stylish gentleman or lady understands that there is a direct or indirect link between how he/she is able to pull off the activities that stand him out from any given congregation and the ultimate achievement of his pre stated priorities. In order to achieve, doors must open. Doors open more easily to the memorable. Everyone who has become someone phenomenal attributes it to God ultimately but to a person or group of people specifically. It’s not



charity. Your appeal to these people starts from making a distinguishable lasting impression. Effecting this impression is always uppermost on the mind of the style oriented individual. Therefore, because style borders on almost every conceivable index relating to man viza-viz lifestyle, dress style and personal style, his or her reasoning is that if he can get the principle of being outstanding right, he’s likely to literarily find himself exactly where he wants to be or more importantly, where he needs to be at any given time within any given demographic. As a result, he/she takes the pain to create a distinguishing character that is expressed habitually and soon becomes a branding campaign for a potent brand. Selling oneself is after all like selling all other things. There is the manufacture of the personality as a product, ensuring it meets up with universal dictates of quality standards. Then there is the packaging of the individual just like wrapping up a commercial product to create aesthetic value. Subsequently there’s presentation, campaigns and the generation of a unique selling point as informed by the individuals area of comparative advantage which is then highlighted in the overall campaign. At this point, the individual is ready to be introduced to the open market to compete favorably with other people (products) in order to test the efficacy of the total package. Usually, the result is that he/she comes out tops regarding all the targets and aspirations pre-defined as he gets absorbed more easily into every relevant congregation and most rapidly climbs the ladder to its pinnacle. Style has many advantages. It is important to take matters of distinguishing oneself very seriously as it is a potent antidote to mediocrity. Let’s meet again in another episode of the Styler, however, till then, keep in mind the cardinal rules for successful aspiration. Stand out at all costs. Stay blessed.

Questions for Styler should be forwarded to: Follow ibidayo on twitter handle @dayo_aleshi IBIDAYO AKEREDOLU-ALE on facebook

Ibidayo Akeredolu-Ale is Creative Director and image consultant at QUTE COMPANY (A FASHION and STYLE MANAGEMENT OUTFIT) based in Lagos | Tel 08033303531 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




Models: Folake Awobotu, Adetutu Balogun, Jasmine Mbonu , Martin Momodu Photography: Camara Studios Set design: Twist Events Location: Wedding Planner Studios plans made absolutely easy!




A fit-to-flare sequin and crystal embellished dress from Visage Make-up: Yapha Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Rings: Unveil Hair: Zubby

40 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


A beaded tulle lace dress with tail from Visage Make-up: Yapha Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Fascinator: Needles & Thread Rings: Eternal circle Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




An ivory tube dress with lace details from Visage Make-up: Yapha Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Rings: Unveil Hair: Zubby

42 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


An intricately layered dress with a bejewelled waist line from Brides ‘N’ More Make-up: Yapha Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Hair accessory: Zubby Rings: Eternal Circle Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




A sleeved mermaid dress with sequin and crystal details from Brides ‘N’ More Make-up: Yapha Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Rings: Eternal Circles Hair: Zubby

44 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


An ivory mermaid tube dress, decorated with roses and drooping beads from Chique Bridal Make-up: Yapha Hair accessory: zubby Earrings: Chique Bridal Rings: Eternal Circles Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




A ball dress with a bejewelled neckline, sequinned skirt and a waistline ribbon from Chique Bridal Make-up: unveil Hair: Zubby Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Rings: Unveil

46 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


An A-line dress covered in beads and sequins from Chique Bridal Make-up: Unveil Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Fascinator: Needles & Thread Rings: Unveil Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




A tulle dress with rose trimmings, and blinged neckline and waistline from Chique Bridal Make-up: Unveil Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Hair: Zubby

48 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


A sleeved fit-to-flare dress, with layered, embroidered skirt from Brides ‘N’ More Fascinator: Needles & Thread Earrings: Chique Bridal Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




An embellished monostrap ball dress from Chique Bridal Make-up: Unveil Earrings: Chique Bridal Rings: Eternal Circle Hair: Zubby

50 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Collection of sequinned dresses with scarves to match, all from Brides ‘N’ More plans made absolutely easy!




Peach sheath dress from Chique Bridal Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Shoes: Mezereon Make-up: Yapha Hair: Zubby

52 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


shimmering black gown from Brides ‘N’ More Earrings: Brides ‘N’ More Rings: Eternal Circles Shoes: Mezereon Make-up: Unveil Hair: Zubby plans made absolutely easy!




Flowing turquoise monostrap gown from Chique Bridal Earrings: Chique Bridal Rings: Eternal Circles Make-up: Unveil Hair: Zubby

54 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black tuxedo and white shirt with pink and black dotted bow tie on black shoes, all from Kemka Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Blue suit with white shirt and black dotted bow tie and shoes, all from Kemka Ring: Unveil

56 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Grey suit with white shirt and light blue dotted bow tie and shoes all from Kemka Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Blue tuxedo on a white shirt and a black bow tie with black shoes and belt, all from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Eternal Circles

58 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Grey tuxedo on a white shirt, black bow tie, black belt and black shoes, all from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Eternal Circles plans made absolutely easy!




Black blazer on grey pants with blue pattern loose cravat, black lace- up shoes, belt, cufflinks and a white shirt all from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Eternal Circles

60 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black suit on a white shirt with gold and black pattern tie, cufflinks and shoes, all from Bobo’s Clothing plans made absolutely easy!




Black tail jacket on grey pants, with white shirt and a blue parsley waist coat on black lace up shoes, all from David Wej Ring: Unveil

62 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black stripped double breasted suit with a black and white bow tie, white pocket square, white shirt and black lace up shoes from David Wej Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Red buba with champagne aso-oke from Heritage Make-up and gele: Unveil Accessories: Beads of Arcadia Shoes and bag: Mezereon

64 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Purple buba with ivory sequins aso-oke from Heritage Make-up and gele: Unveil Accessories: The Pearl Shop Shoes and bag: Mezereon plans made absolutely easy!




Turquoise blue buba with grey aso –oke from Heritage Make-up and gele: Unveil Accessories: Beads of Arcadia Shoes and bag: Mezereon

66 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Silver buba with purple aso oke from Heritage Make-up and gele: Yapha Ring: Unveil Accessories: Needles & Thread Shoes and bag: Mezereon plans made absolutely easy!




Red buba and silver aso –oke from Needles & Thread Make-up and gele: Yapha Accessories: Beads of Arcadia Shoes and bag: Mezereon

68 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Green buba and red aso oke from Needles & Thread Make-up and gele: Unveil Ring: Unveil Accessories: Beads of Arcadia Shoes and bag: Mezereon plans made absolutely easy!




Gold blouse with purple velvet wrapper and ready-to-fit gele from Needles & Thread Make-up: Unveil Ring: Unveil Shoes and bag: Mezereon

70 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

We understand your desires and expectations for your special occasion. Every event is different, and that’s why we cater for your individual needs by offering complete flexibility when trying to decide your event structure. Taking into consideration every detail from location and environment to colors our tailor made event structure will complement you and your special occasion‌ plans made absolutely easy!




Headpiece TREND T 2014

The 2014 wedding trend is making a non-conventional move of replacing the veil with a headband or combining both; now, that’s what I call i-n-n-n-o-v-a-t-i-o-n… and the choice is endless; from plain jewellery headpieces to the addition of tulle and lace to the Bohemian headbands, cathedral veils with flowery or bejewelled details, dramatic fascinators and the simple and timeless touch of flowers in your hair. If there’s something that you can shout to the heavens with, it’s your headpiece! The perfect headpiece will not only add glamour to your overall look, it will also showcase your uniqueness and style.

72 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

Great Gatsby

Most have gone vintage with the look. This 1920s art deco designs trend, features heavily embellished headbands with all the glitz and glam worn to one side or across the forehead. Some with fabric embroidered satin, or lace decorated with beads, crystals, pearls; art deco ornaments and the dangling chandelier-like hair combs. And because of the generous use of glitters, on these, they are prone to stand-out and look good on any style personality! plans made absolutely easy!




Go for utmost simplicity and sophistication, go with the Bohemian version. Bohemian headpieces carry lots of flowery and leafy patterns. They come in form of floral hairpins and headbands in floral wreaths, which can be used to enhance your bridal braids or loose hair. If your wedding theme borders on nature, you can accentuate it with this gorgeous lot!


: And you can go Modern with fascinators are still here and now more elaborated. It comes with fish net, feathers, full bouquets of flowers or a single full bloom that says it all; and some blings too!

74 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!






Chandelier Cakes or Suspended cakes are still phenomenal and trendy in the cake world and seriously, it’s quite fairy-tale-ish to have your wedding cake hanging in the air, like some sort of giant decor piece. A suspended wedding cake is a perfect finish for your reception décor and is sure to give you and your guests that ‘wow’-effect with a bang!

76 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

Cake designers have explored various designs to make their brides happy, from the blinged up options, to hundreds of roses, fabrics and more, cake has never gotten so much attention. These cakes are hung from the ceiling, or mid-air, on an ornate metal, wooden swing or on any exquisite platform created specially for it. Designers have also explored the sparks too - with crystals, pearls, studs decorative candles and lanterns hung alongside suspended cakes all make it breathtaking. What’s more? Any kind of cake design can be suspended including your desert and cupcakes stand, your guests won’t be able to resist the beckoning charm, plus you can combine more than one trend in your suspended cake. Say, you love the dress cake, then have it suspended! So, dear bride, go ahead, challenge your event designer and cake designer, I bet they’ll be up for it, it’s bound to stand out! I’m sure you’ll love these cakes! plans made absolutely easy!



78 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!







In the last write up, one of the things I spoke about was the importance of choosing a wedding photographer. As important as choosing your groom is, I said, let’s face it, just like your man; you live with your pictures forever. And forever has a whole new meaning now that technology is aiding and abetting. You have memory cards that can store an unbelievable amount of data............... In any case let’s get back to finding the right man.... Oops I meant finding the right man or woman for the job. Your pictures will stay with you forever and the best part is there are so many picture products; that remembering your wedding day can come in all shapes and sizes. From an impressive 13 split canvas to your iPad jacket, mugs, photo books, so many memorabilia to pick from, so it won’t be a bad decision asking yourself the right questions, asking the photographer the right questions, even asking your product (pictures) the right questions. Let’s dig into it; we start with you, our beautiful bride.

Asking the Bride the right questions: The Bride from the beginning must know what kind of wedding photographer she prefers. There are various approaches photographers use in covering events; there is the traditional photographer who mostly poses his subjects; telling them how to sit, walk, and eat, (yes! Eat). There is also the candid approach where you don’t know you are being photographed. The glamour approach uses fashion photography......bright lights and.....action! The freestyle approach combines all these styles to give that certain ‘je nais se quoi’ (my personal favorite). You can get a sense of the photographer’s approach and style by looking through their portfolios, and of course keeping ‘oga at the top’ in the thick of it; a second opinion really helps. The Bride must also know what level of service she requires from the photographer; are you looking at just the church ceremony? Or the complete package of pre-wedding, engagement, and wedding? The photographer’s portfolio should mirror your expectations. CHEMISTRY! Lol, yes you heard right! You must hit it off with your photographer, maybe not necessarily replacing the groom….or bride, but the photographer’s personality must appeal to you. It’s a make or break point, this will determine how comfortable you will be with your photographer; your poses, smiles,


and allure will no doubt be more natural and faultless when you know your photographer’s got your back. Most times photographers are the ones who do all the talking. From the preliminary meetings you find that all photographers do is show off their work to impress potential clients. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the bride and groom should also use the opportunity to drill the photographer; like what is his/her approach to weddings? What kind of equipment will be used? What products come with the package? And most importantly, what cost category will fit the wedding budget? Asking the photographer the right questions: A photographer’s portfolio should be the first question; these are samples of pictures taken at different times and events. Portfolio Presentation comes in websites, hardbound copies, Tablet presentations, even a smart phone can be used to present pictures to potential clients. The key is to identify what approach or approaches are being used by the photographer, how good are the pictures in terms of clarity, and I know we all love that blurred out background effect…’s called a ‘bokeh’ effect. So when you do meet with your photographer you can drop some photo-lingua, I’m sure you’ll be appreciated. There are other questions like; how many images will the couple get from the event? If the event is out of the photographer’s station, what is the implication? Arrival time at the event? How long before the pictures are ready... This is also the right time to ask yourself if you like the photographer, do you trust this person enough to handle such an important day in your life, are you comfortable with the person, will your family and friends like the person (lol, I know it’s starting to read like intimate questions) but it is actually an intimate feeling you want whenever you look through your wedding pictures. So know your photographer, trust the person enough to allow for creative pictures on your very special day. Asking the product (pictures) the right questions: I know this sounds very vague; an abstract, if you dare. But the simple truth is you need to know what you want to use your pictures for. I said in the beginning that there is an amazing emergence of picture products and the photographer should be able to offer an array that may suite you. Photo-books are big sellers, ask if it comes in A4? A3? Or even pocket sizes. iPad cases, iPhone cases, Picture frames, Split Canvas’, the list is endless. Ask what means of storage would the pictures come in and would there be a back up of all the pictures in case you lose it?. by: Oluwaseyi Moritiwon (Mo’Kilcks Fotographie) email: | web: Tel: 08023600944 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




Living A LIE


Her Story My name is Abike. I am 39 years old. I got married twenty years ago as a virgin. I was young, full of life and filled with hope. I longed for a glorious future. A big house in a large compound, many children and they would all be mine. Ola my husband was a gentleman. Though ten years older,

he treated me like a queen. Life was good and I could not dream of a nicer home. He gave me all I needed, I was extremely happy, it felt like heaven was smiling down at me alone.

One year rolled into another and the children were not showing up. At first, no one thought anything of it, me especially. I did not imagine that I could have a problem bearing children. I married pure for crying out loud! When the in laws began to ask questions, we answered with confidence. Our story was that we were just not ready for children. We wanted to enjoy ourselves before they came. My Ola was extremely gentle and nice, never bothered me and if I raised any fears, he was quick to allay them. He believed in God and in Gods time. I believed in my husband. Then it was five years, and I began to feel uncomfortable. I needed to know what the issues were. I needed to consult the professionals. My hubby was not interested. His point was if he did not worry me, he did not see any reason why I would worry. By now, I still thought nothing of it. I held my peace another year. I was now twenty five! What was the point of marrying early if I was still going to wait to live my dream of a quiver full of arrows. I became restless and decided to do something or at least start something. My hubby would not budge but I could care less. It was also my life and I would not watch it slip by. I consulted doctors and ran series of test. All was good but Oga needed to run his own. We ran into a road block. Oga saw no need. Children would come when they would. Why hurry God? I cried, I pleaded, threatened and Ola stood his ground. I could not understand his stand. This guy was thirty five at this time, did he not want children or did his plans for the future not include them? Two more years of no progress whatsoever and I decided to force things. He reluctantly agrees but picks the doctor. I was happy, at least he would come along. We ran the tests and everything was certified ok. Something in me did not have rest. It felt like something was amiss. I could not pin it so I let it be. I turned to God and He helped calm my soul. By the tenth year, I had kind of resigned to the fact that I may not have children of my own. I thought of adoption. My hubby was undecided but I would no longer wait for him. I set the process in motion and was put on a wait list. Strangely though, one month ran into six years on the waiting

By Anne Ajadi

list. Others who came after got their desire, me I did not. I prayed the more and in the process of time, I started to have strange dreams. I have never been a believer in such but there was a peculiarity in these ones. The dreams were basically the same. A group of young men at a meeting and they decide to exchange something in them for a good life. It didn’t make sense to me so I would promptly dismiss. By my eighteenth year, I had become more than desperate. I needed answers and no clear ones came. Folks did not understand why I fretted, after all my hubby was good, his people were nice and no trouble. I needed to be fulfilled and I needed my inner questions answered. One night, I decided I was going to find the answers by all means. I didn’t know how but I just knew I had to. I woke Ola up and demanded he tell me all he knew. He sat up in bed and decided to tell.

His story I was twenty five and ambitious. My parents were poor and I swore I would not live my life poor. My friend Jide had been my buddy since kindergarten. His background was wee bit better than mine but by now he had become rich and affluent. We got talking and I asked if he would show me his secrets. He said I could not bear it but I dared him to try me. He told me he belonged to a group that members were kind to each other. The rule of engagement dictated that you be willing to help others out. It sounded noble so I decided to join. We went for what would be my first meeting and there was the shock of my life. You would become rich, the leader stated but you must drop something in exchange. Of all the things required, my ability to have children seemed like the easiest. I would not seek to have biologically or otherwise. I was also told that I could not back out of the deal. I had to pick. What choice did I have. I picked childlessness. It is the reason I chose to be with someone who would not want to have sex before marriage. They would understand why I was not eager to touch them before marriage. ‘My dear, I married you knowing you were innocent and fearing this day would come’ he told me. He said he was sorry and I could do whatever I wanted. He would understand. My life ended at this revelation. This was twenty whole years! What do I do? What should I do? I have been living a lie all these years! What is my life without children? I know someone might say it is not the end of the age but for me it feels like it is. What should I say to my hubby, should I move on? To what? Sell out to Jesus, you gain eternal life Arn Ajadi is CEO Absolute Elegance Couture Cakes

82 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




Wedding Jumpsuits

‌ A perfect 2nd dress


The wedding trend in 2014 has some rather peculiar features that have tagged it outrageous: upside down cakes, pink wedding dresses and now this - bridal jumpsuits! The thought is so untraditional, but if you ask me, it has a lot on the up-side.

84 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

No one is asking you to say your vows in a jumpsuit; but then, there’s the reception dress option, as well as other ceremonies attached to your wedding, so you can pick a bridal jumpsuit for one of those. Designers like Temperley London, J. Crew, Rosa Clara, Valentino, Rivini and Lanvin are known to be pushing this trend and have created a variety of styles so you can easily find one that suits your personality and fits your body-type. There are designs that are just as feminine as any wedding dress. Found in lace materials, with low necklines and detailed backs; you still have the “it’s my wedding day” look, while some have the more casual ankle-length look. Not forgetting that jumpsuits are perfect for dancing, for comfort, and they are really trendy. Destination brides have also been exploring this trend; so if you are one, you can go for it too. Opting for a casual look in an island destination is so hot. Considering that wedding attires are the most loved, yet least worn by brides after the big day; bridal jumpsuits have no such restrictions. They can be worn over and over again, to a variety of occasions, without feeling overdressed. You also don’t have to spend an arm and a leg, jumpsuits cost much less! Be that bride extraordinaire; take a look at these jumpsuits, and fall in love again… Don’t pass up the fun! plans made absolutely easy!



ZANZIBAR Begin Your Love Story


Located in the Indian Ocean, 35 km off the coast of mainland Tanzania lies the exotic island of Zanzibar. This magnificent piece of land is home to a wide array of impressionable cultural values established by a mixture of both local and international historical development, giving the island the status as one of the most adventurous and romantic destination in Africa. For those couples searching for that delightful location that will give them the chance to make the best memories of a lifetime, Zanzibar has all it takes to entertain you with the best romantic experience. Imagine walking the narrow shaded streets of Stone Town, the capital city, holding your spouse’s hand and gazing in awe at the rich culture of the people, inhaling the sultry scent of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg in the air as the locals are beckoned from the one of the city’s 50 mosques. Experience a throwback episode as you journey with your spouse from Kilele square in a traditional wooden dhow to some of the small islands off Stone Town. Watch the bottlenose dolphins as they dive in and out of the water, the school of multicoloured fishes that beautify the water floors and the splendour of the cresting whales. Take a time out for a romantic picnic as you explore the Jozani forest to check out the


rare Red Colobus monkey that only exists in Zanzibar. You can also take a leisurely trek through the Forodhani Gardens and listen to the harmony of the chirping birds. People often think of honeymoons as filled with five star resorts and tourists with a big hole in their wallets. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that Zanzibar is a wonderful destination open to travellers on any budget. It is a whole new world out there. The people are warm and welcoming and the outdoor is like magic. All you have to do is to be there to enjoy it.

ZANZIBAR: THINGS TO DO: Your honeymoon should be your own private world, where you and your spouse will be treated with royalty. Wherever you are in Zanzibar, there is a huge variety of things to do. Zanzibar is immensely rich in flora and fauna. Their forests are widely endowed with a great diversity of animals and birds. There are about 25 beaches in Zanzibar paved with exotic white sand, with small fishing villages in close proximity. Here are some of the things you can do in the Zanzibar;

DHOW SAILING: The venetians

have the gondola while the people of Zanzibar have their Dhow, a traditional hand-crafted wooden sailing vessel. Sip that refreshing juice from that raw pineapple or coconut drink in your hands, and sail the waters of stone town catching the amazing view of the sunset with your beloved. You can also spice up the romance by surprising your spouse with a sandbank honeymoon dinner when you arrive at the shore. Better still,

you can have a delightful wedding reception built privately for you and your spouse on one of the restaurants or local hotels.




Zanzibar is popularly known for its game fishing. A honeymoon package can provide a thrilling deep sea adventure where you and your spouse can go hunt for yellow tuna, blue martins and bill fishes in the local waters.

THE BEACHES: There are about

Zanzibar: where to stay With a new wave of luxury resorts, this Tanzanian Archipelago Island is fast becoming a draw for tourists who want to enjoy their five-star comforts. Zanzibar is famously known for its beautiful beaches, resorts and island atmosphere. Choosing a place to stay might prove to be difficult not because there are no good places but because the choices for accommodation are very huge. You might just get confused.

25 beaches in Zanzibar. Some of the famous ones include Nungwi, Mangapwani, Pwani Mchangani, Uroa and Jambiani. Most of the beaches are home to awesome resorts with world-class facilities. There are also elegant coral reefs that make the beaches more astonishing. Just watching the sunrise and sunset from a Zanzibar beach can become a memorable experience which you and your spouse can cherish for the rest of your lives.

Sazani Beach Hotel(1*)- From USD 130 Mbuyuni Beach Village – Bungalows (2*)- From USD 56 Waikiki Zanzibar Resort (3*)- From USD 63 Ocean Paradise (4*) between USD 89-233 Melia Zanzibar (5*) - between USD 142-485 Sea Cliff Resort and Spa (5*) - between USD 119-273

WATER SPORTS: You can also

Getting there

find various water sports activities in Zanzibar beaches. Activities like scuba diving and snorkeling along with deep water fishing options. The island has many unspoilt beaches which provide peace and tranquility to you lovebirds giving you enough alone-time.

ZANZIBAR FILM FESTIVAL: If you are travelling to Zanzibar this summer, schedule your vacation to coincide with the Zanzibar international Film Festival, East Africa’s largest film, music and arts festival. Here you will appreciate Africa’s film culture. The main events are held on Pemba Island and mainland Tanzania.

The best way of getting to Zanzibar is by air. There are very few direct flights, but from Dar es Salaam (Tanzania’s largest and richest city),it is not too difficult to book a short hop flight to Zanzibar or Pemba. Zanzibar also has an international airport. The airlines that fly to Zanzibar are; South African Airways, Ethiopian airline, Kenyan Airways and Arik Air. Securing direct flights might be difficult. If you going from Lagos, Nigeria, you may have to take a connecting flight from Johannesburg, Addis Ababa or Nairobi plans made absolutely easy!


Quick Facts

Document validity rules: Passport and/or passport replacing documents must be valid at least 6 months on arrival. Passports and passport replacing documents of all visitors must contain at least 1 unused visa page for Visa Administration Sticker (VAS), stamps, etc. Please note that this does not include the page reserved for “Observations” or “Amendments and Endorsements”.

Visa issuance: Visa is required. Nationals of Nigeria can obtain a visa on arrival, provided holding travel documents valid for at least one month beyond period of intended stay. The fee varies from between USD 50- USD 100. Visitors are required to hold documents required for their next destination. Visitors not holding return/onward tickets could be refused entry.

Island Capital: Zanzibar Town Time Difference: GMT +3 hours Language: Arabic, Swahili & English Currency: Tanzanian Shilling Area: 1,020 sq miles Population: 950.000 Island size: 1464 square km, 86 km long and only 36 km wide at the largest point Climate: Tropical, average temperature. 25 degrees centigrade throughout the year . Long rains in April/May, short rains in October/ November. Hot dry season from November to March. Telephone : Country code +255. Local area code 24. A few cellular phone companies are now operating on the island and renting of mobile phones is available for visitors. Electricity: 230V 50Hz

Funmi Faloye (Mrs) | Tour and Travel Expert |08033066836 plans made absolutely easy!



In this edition (Styled by Zubby)

In this edition (Styled by Zubby)

Hair Styles

Hair Styles

88 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!



90 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



92 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



BEADS AND ACCESSORIES MONIJO GARNET Tel: 0703 920 8389, 0705 241 0255 BRIDAL HAIR ZUBBY Tel: Tel: 0803 722 8927 BRIDAL HOUSES ADEBAKARE Sandiland Arcade 230, Muri Okunola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos Tel: 0802 762 6343, 0818 811 5414 BRIDES N MORE 83, Allen Avenue, beside Thermocool, Ikeja Tel: 0803 614 6000, 0806 785 3187 CHIQUE BRIDAL 54, Allen Avenue, Opposite Panasonic, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 320 3568, 0816 246 3514 VISAGE Tel: 0802 336 4097, 0807 448 0335 CAKES / DESSERTS ABSOLUTE ELEGANCE Tel: 01 804 0499, 0803 047 6194 CAKES AND CREAM 95A, Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 01 815 0477, 08033020863 DIVA CAKES 63A, Opebi Road Ikeja Tel: 01 741 1327, 08033009464 GOLDEN HAND 13A, Folayemi Street off Coker R/ bout Ilupeju Lagos Tel: 0803 333 0908, 0805 588 4377 GRACE’S CAKE 1st Floor Osusina House, Omole Roundabout, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 683 6200, 0817 934 6344 PREETY TREETY Km. 2, Ajah Ado Road, Ajah, Lagos Tel: 0803 393 3678, 0817 859 1670 SWEET & SAVORIES Tel: 0803 320 0556, 0803 482 1680 CATERING SERVICE GOOD FOOD SERVICES Tel: 0703 266 5822, 0701 196 9322 FLOWER/BOUQEUTS ADORABLES 1, Adebisi Close, Idiroko Village, Behind Tunde Debasco Motors, Maryland Tel: 0802 319 9636, 0814 027 1425 EVENT MANAGERS ESOB EVENTS Tel: Tel: 0802 319 9887, 0806 137 1366 OMU OBILOR 10, Moleye Street, off Herbert Macaulay Road

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Yaba Lagos Tel: 0803 669 1902, 0802 223 3135 SHADES & ACCENTS 19B, Kayode Taiwo Street, Magodo GRA Lagos Tel: 0805 544 7599, 0816 444 1428 EVENT VENUE BELLUS COURT 7A, Ade Akinsanya, off Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos Tel: 0813 8020660, 0818 703 5160 FOUNTAIN HALL Surulere Super Plaza, Akerele Road Surulere Tel: 0803 305 0756, 0909 597 6332 GROOM’S OUTFIT BOBO’S CLOTHING 61, Allen Avenue, Opposite First Bank, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 379 9660, 0805 111 6708 DAVID WEJ 27b, Idowu Martins off Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island Lagos Tel: 0705 5773 661, 0807 288 2097 KEMKA 72, Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 01 736 4240, 0809 991 7045 HONEYMOON/ TOURS INSTANT TRAVELS AND TOURS Tel: 0097143597101 WORLD N TRAVELAND Tel: 01 818 6648, 0809 822 9999 APPU TRAVELS 48, Bornu Crescent, Apapa, Lagos Tel: 0803 206 1545, 0802 313 1824 INVITATION / PROGRAMME KOZA Yard 158; PLOT 34, Kudirat Abiola Way Oregun Ikeja Tel: 08034054510, 08033557190 RAHWANJI CARDS TEL: 0806 281 2224, 0803 240 7263 RINGS & RIBBONS 36, Ladipo Kasumu Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja Tel: 0809 100 9500, 0703 000 3500 LACES/ASO OKE HERITAGE ASO OKE Tel: 0803 082 7428 NEEDLES & THREAD 33, Toyin Street beside Water Parks Ikeja Tel: 0803 431 1865, 0802 223 6748 MAKE UP UNVEIL STUDIOS 31, Unity Road off Toyin Street Ikeja Tel: 0704 533 2395, 0802 039 3333

YAPHA MAKE UP 26, Ijero Road, Off Apapa Road, Ebute Metta West, Lagos Tel: 0706 762 5562, 0812 924 5115 PHOTOGRAPHY QUART FOTOGRAPHY Tel: 01 897 4642, 0803 308 7356 RENTALS LINENSVILLE Block 16 Unit 09-11, Odua Model Mart, 384, Ikorodu Road, Ojota Lagos Tel: 0803 331 7246, 234 842 400 4125 UNVEIL STUDIOS 31, Unity Road off Toyin Street Ikeja Tel: 0704 533 2395, 0802 039 3333 DIAMOND RINGS 44, Unity Road off Toyin Street Ikeja RINGS Tel: 01 813 3625, 0803 322 2004 ETERNAL CIRCLES Shop A02, Riggs Shopping Plaza, 2A Isheri Road, Omole B/stop, Ikeja Tel: 0802 343 1685, 0809 664 0106 ETERNAL GEM 62B, Opebi Road, Salvation B/Stop, Opposite Keystone Bank, Ikeja Tel: 0809 494 5645, 0802 766 5000 SHOES & BAG MEZEREON 23, Opebi Road Ikeja Tel: 01 736 0124, 0706 439 5256 RARE COLLECTION 125, Alade Market, Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 0803 359 9607, 0803 331 6362 REGAL 72, Opebi Road, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0708 129 8482, 0818 039 4441 VENUE DECORATORS BOSH & EVENTS Tel: 0802 579 2232, 0818 396 1892 EMAGE EVENTS 3 Evo Road, GRA Phase II, Port Harcourt, River State Tel: 0803 706 9552, 0805 462 6546 JIDAHLIGHTS Suite D40, Dolphin Plaza, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi Tel: 01 760 3921, 0805 633 6904 TOP RANGE 1, Ogunbiyi – Ilo Street, Olude B/Stop, Beside Conoil, Ipaja, Lagos Tel: 0802 302 9099, 0803 833 9757 SEDU COLLECTIONS 28, Fagbenro Square, off Randle Avenue, Surulere, Lagos Tel: 0802 303 448, 0803 864 5382 VIDEOGRAPHY OBAH STUDIOS Tel: 0805 544 7599, 0816 444 1428 plans made absolutely easy!

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09:29:52 plans made absolutely easy!



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