The Catalyst Called Change - Edition 49

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EDITION 49 VOL.09 ISSUE 6, 2014

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Celebrities Who Graced Our


Style Pages

The BEST Of Our WEDDING Articles

Timeless!!! Dresses That Rocked That You Can Still Rock



Then &

Now les and more

airsty Evergreen Bridal H

...Our Recap Edition


WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



The 11th Commandment of Fashion…

! e s i r o s s e Acc







LAGOS: 23 OPEBI ROAD, IKEJA, LAGOS. TEL 01-7360124, 07064395256. EMAIL:MEZEREONLTD@GMAIL.COM TEL: 098702296. EMAIL:MEZEREONLTD@GMAIL.COM plans made absolutely easy!




22 15





20 Power of Lighting 55 You may now kiss the bride 56 NICE Where Loves Takes You 60 The Standard Wedding Programme 62 PLAN B! The Real Plan A! 64 On Behalf of the Gurls 66 Explore a small Wedding 68 Wedding in the Rain 77 Your High Table; Who should be on it 78 Hair Styles you can still rock 88 Establishing a budget

22 LINENVILLE The Glory of Linen 26 THE SUMMIT


relationships 16 Maid of Dishonor 24 On the Water

style & industry 70 Dresses that Rocked 74 Aso-Oke Then & Now 76 Other traditional Attire you can still rock plans made absolutely easy!

Direction Twixt Studios Divine Looks, Beauty wise and Radiant Touch

Mrs Elsie Ofulue is CEO of ‘Event on Wheels’, a top Event Management company in the UK. She is a graduate of English Language and Literature from the University of Lagos, who has a solid background in Marketing Communications and Event Management. She has been trained at the QC School of Wedding Planning London, United Kingdom and has also attained an IEWP (International Event and Wedding Planning Professional) certification. She is your ‘happy ever after’ event planner.

08187794941, 08055041645

10 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




The Catalyst Called Change


When Steve Jobs gave his acceptance speech to the graduating class of 2008 at Stanford University, he probably didn’t know he would be addressing the rest of the world, but years later, those words are still touching lives around the world. Of all that he said, what I found most profound is that “It is impossible to connect the dots in our lives looking forward. We can only connect the dots looking backwards.” It has been said that the only thing constant in life is the phenomenon called change. That is, life has only one certainty, and it is that everything is subject to the power of change - the young will not always be young; the new will not stay new; even the living will not always be alive. As sinister as it sounds, we must all draw hope from this, for it also means the poor will not stay poor, nor will ill-health continue with the invalid. It also means that an end will come to violence and bloodshed in our dear country. For us optimists, change is very much welcome, for without it we can neither grow nor develop. And when in the fullness of time, our lives have undergone a series of changes, it is then we can look back with grateful reflection and


measure just how far we have come. After 9 years of publishing WP, this is our 49th edition, and because one can only connect the dots looking backwards, we decided to have a recap edition and share with you some of the blasts from the past. We have brought to you dresses we consider timeless, even though their quality has proven elusive as the years have gone by. We have also brought to you, articles that deserve a second read, maybe for the hilarity in the information that they carry. Also, if you had no idea how many celebs featured in our editions over time, here’s your chance to meet with some. This is no doubt another loaded unique and special edition, one you wouldn’t forget in a hurry, and while I hope it inspires you afresh, I would like to encourage you to stop, take a breather, and appreciate God in your life and business as you reflect on just how far you have come. Don’t forget to like us on face book and visit our website @ follow@wedplanworld instagram – @weddingplannerworld Love always

Duupe Adeniran plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



Event The Makeup In Nigeria Conference



Photography by Segun

The 30th of April 2014 witnessed the first ever Make-up In Nigeria Conference (MINC). The event targeted converging pro-makeup artists in the country in order to move the industry forward. It was organized by Tara Fela–Durotoye, M.D. House of Tara in conjunction with Maybelline New York. The event was held at The Oriental Hotel in Lekki, Lagos. In attendance were stakeholders in the make-up industry in Nigeria as well as Africa.WP was there to record the event in pictures.

14 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!




Dis Honor Maid of


by Enitan Karohunmi

I grabbed the pillow and pulled it down over my head with both hands. I suppose anyone who saw me like that would think I was trying to smother myself to death. I wasn’t. I was trying desperately to shut out the sound of my alarm. Whoever thought to invent alarms ought to be jailed for sadism. My dark thoughts didn’t scare the clock though, it shrilled away gleefully, and though it seemed to me like I had barely fallen exhausted to bed than the stupid clock was dragging me out again, I rolled out of bed as reluctantly as I could manage. It’s Saturday, and it seems she’s really going to do it after all, since she hadn’t called to say it was off. Never mind that she’d been threatening green fire and purple brimstone for close to one month now. It started with the choice of reception hall. She didn’t even want to hear of a hall that wouldn’t hold three thousand people. As far as she was concerned, why get married if you can’t invite the whole country and have extra room for spillovers from the neighboring continent? He wanted something more “cozy” and he swore it had nothing to do with his wallet. They fell out over that and a dozen other things. By the time they got around to arguing about the color of the crockery for the day, I was sure they would need boxing gloves. He turned to me in desperation at some point; “you are the maid of honor, can you please tell her everyone uses white crockery at weddings and NO ONE wants to scrape food off a plate with the grinning couple printed at the bottom?” she didn’t let him finish; “what does he know? Please tell him there won’t even be a couple if he doesn’t get it into his grey matter that this isn’t everyone’s wedding, it is MY wedding and what I


Some facts always hold true, no matter what period in time it is; one is the fact that your maid of honour can help you retain some sanity in the whirlwind of wedding-planning. True talk, hmmm? Please make sure to choose that one person that can wear those shoes fantastically. Maid of honour or dishonour: make your pick after this piece!

want is what matters”. I had to apply every diplomatic and pacifist move I had ever learnt every step of the way. Here’s a tip: The term maid of honor is actually a joke. The reality of it is you’ll be the maid of DIShonor from the moment you accept, till two weeks after the honeymoon. Never mind how long the honeymoon lasts for.

On top of everything that could go wrong, the tailor made a royal mess of the bride’s maids clothes, and didn’t say anything till one day before the wedding. And so I organized a mad hunt for a bridal store that had maid’s dresses for twelve women in all the sizes on the chart. In between, I had to throw in a session with the police- we had to arrest the tailor for a refund, a quick dash to the reception venue to make sure the décor was done to spec, a spat with the caterer and a long phone conversation with the weeping bride. She didn’t think she was ready for marriage. WHAT?! And she kept this epiphany at bay till 12 hours before the wedding? My efforts cannot just be in vain like that oh! Needless to say, I spoke in rapid fire and struck gold when I asked her to think of all the gifts she won’t be getting; 2,500 gifts in all. No, she’s not fickle, she just loves presents. Next, I made a quick call to the groom and asked him to switch his phone off. He wanted to know why, and since I couldn’t very well say “because if you don’t, you might not get married in the morning”, I threatened him with a graphic mental image of all the things she’d tell him if he came in with sacks under his eyes in the morning… it worked. I drove around in a panic till I finally found a salon in VGC that agreed to stay open at11.30pm and got my hair done. I fell into bed at 2.15am and 30 seconds later, the alarm went off; its 6am Saturday morning. The wedding is 11am. I think it’s at 11am anyway. She hasn’t called to cancel. I’m stumbling to the bathroom and I’m mumbling “here comes the bride…” This to us, counts as one of our favourites from NYM. plans made absolutely easy!


On the



Faith in anything takes a tremendous amount of willpower. Faith is the soil on which hope is cultivated, and where both forces are present they can be harnessed to do the hitherto impossible. Contrary to popular perception believing everything will fail is in itself an act of faith if we take as true that what we believe we will receive. Both optimism and pessimism are both active acts of faith. Basically, faith in whatever position we take is a stand; an active submission and dismissal of all reservations to agree with what is at best unproven and unsure. I am not a person of the cloth and certainly have no qualifications to preach a sermon to anyone so I won’t. I will just try and put some of the thoughts riding on my roller-coaster of a mind down so I can make sense of them. It seems to me that life is an adventure that is predicated on faith. Faith that is active and practiced is a conscious choice or the even greater faith that is sure and begins with the assumption that we are entitled to the next breathe we draw. I have spent a lot of time wondering how one can connect to the faith that is sure; the faith of a child that all will unfold as it should without fear or doubt. Active faith is a practice that requires constant willpower to dismiss secret doubts and fears; so it can be emotionally and spiritually exhausting. The reality for most people is that failure is easier to anticipate than putting our faith on line and risk the disappointment that seems inevitable when we dare to dream big. There is so much hate and darkness in the world now that pushing our doubts and fears aside is more difficult than ever. There are no more assumptions that we are entitled to anything and drawing the next breath is more a dividend of mercy than our right. There is an account in the Bible where Jesus walks on water and beckons to Peter, one of his disciples to join him. Peter did get out of the boat and takes a few steps on the water before he begins to sink. In my mind, Peter initially just assumes that it was okay to walk on the water, after all Jesus bade him come but then he realizes he is doing the impossible and those niggling doubts and fears we all have came out and he starts going down. As the story goes, he cries out to Jesus and he is saved. Investing in anything and anyone is an active act of faith; we can’t guarantee outcomes and returns. The older I get the more my faith in mankind gets crushed. It seems that advancement in technology is closely matched to advancement in evil. Lately it has become a staple that our eyes and ears see and hear of greater evil day after day. The evil that was once confined to the news in far away lands is at our door step; knocking! The problem with faith, either active or passive is the weight of expectation that comes with it. It’s that weight that breeds fear and doubt. When you love someone there is an expectation that they love you back; just like when you give of yourself or your substance you rightly or wrongly expect some validation of your position. Expectation is the millstone that normally kills faith. I personally hold

the view that those who base their expectation on reciprocity of trust or love will most likely end up sorely disappointed. That may be seen as faith in negativity or pessimism but I have found that to be painfully true over and over again. My world view has changed to considering my feelings as my own business and prerogative and that no one is obliged to reciprocate. My head has this directive but my heart is proving very difficult to convince as I am very often cut to the quick when another love bites the dust. A couple of weeks back, I came out from under the shower, sprawled out on the bed and gave in to a bout of self pity. I just couldn’t let go of the doubt that somewhere down the line I may have taken the wrong turn. There were so many opportunities to join bigger companies and I didn’t doubt that I would have done well but I had been convinced that I was building something great by working for myself. God has blessed me and I have grown bigger than I ever expected but I am finding that greatness comes with responsibility and so much work. Along the line I have taken some hard knocks, made bad decisions and been robbed countless times by those I trusted. The one decision that continues to haunt me is the one to stay here when I could have relocated to join a massive conglomerate abroad. Even now, many years later, when increase is obvious, I question that choice as I see my once beloved country degenerate into a geographical entity of people who seem to speak hate as a language of choice. I concluded that my entire life is an active act of faith; like Peter, I am walking on water. I sink a lot but I have been rescued by my saviour severally. That the love vested in family and friends is as necessary to me as the air I so freely breathe; though I must learn caution. That I must stay on the water and keep walking, that my faith and strong belief that this is where I belong will be validated someday Debbie Olujobi CEO, EveryWoman Limited


Power Of The



Never underestimate the power of lighting at your wedding. Be it at night or during the day, indoor or outdoor, lighting is very important. Lighting is one of the most overlooked décor elements when planning a wedding. Lightning sets the mood for the event. It can completely transform your venue from ordinary to spectacular. The proper wedding lighting not only enhances the look of your venue, it also highlights the important elements of your décor, like the centerpieces, or makes certain areas of the room focal points, like the dance floor or head table. Photographers love wedding lighting because it gives them additional visual elements to use in their pictures and makes for beautiful wedding photos. As you work on your wedding lighting design consider what colors you would like to use. You can opt for colors that match or compliment your wedding color scheme or go for something more neutral like rose or amber. Amber is a great color as it goes with almost any color scheme and creates a soft romantic glow that mimics candlelight. If you are using intelligent LED lighting your lighting designer will be able to change the color of the lighting throughout your reception; imagine a soft amber glow during dinner that slowly fades into a more festive purple when the dancing begins. Your guests will be amazed at the transformation of the room into a festive party atmosphere.

at weddings.

Gobo – A gobo is a piece of flat steel or glass, which when placed

in a lighting fixture projects the image that is on the gobo. The image can be a solid color, pattern, shape, design or even your monogram or name. Many couples use a custom gobo to project their monogram onto the dance floor or the wall behind the head table. This is a very impressive effect that always has the guests commenting as they walk into the room. The word gobo is an acronym for the phrase “Goes Before Optics.” There are specific lighting instruments that can accept gobos. The most common is an ellipsoidal, which are lighting instruments that allow you to focus the light and gobo by moving the lens back and forth in the lens tube. Focus ensures that your monogram will be crisp and sharp. A low quality fixture usually won’t be as bright and therefore, the fixture will need to be closer to the projection surface to be effective. This would also cause the image to be reduced in size. Professional grade fixtures are highly recommended for the best results.

The following should be put into consideration when doing the lighting design. What room features do you want to highlight? What features do you want to de-emphasize? What areas of the room do you want to make focal points (the high table, the dance floor, etc)? What décor elements do you want to highlight (a backdrop, the centerpieces, the chandelier, etc.)? How does the existing venue’s lighting play into the design? Do they have fluorescent or incandescent lighting? Can the lights be turned off or dimmed as needed? Can the different types of lighting fixtures in the room be controlled individually (i.e. wall sconces, chandeliers, overhead lights, etc.)? What type of power is available in the room?

Pin Spot – It is a spotlighting that focuses on particular features, casting direct lighting on them. Instead of spending capital on too much of floral decoration, spend the amount of the floral budget on pin-spot lighting that focuses directly on centerpiece, cake table, buffet etc. Don’t forget to pin-spot the centerpiece from two opposing angles or sides, it makes your table look more impressive. Pin spots are an absolute must if you have beautiful tall centerpieces that you want to show off. By using pin spotting you can also dim the overall lighting in the room effectively hiding more unsightly features of the room and bringing your guests attention to where you want it; the décor.

Below is a list of some commonly used lighting elements used

Uplighting – Uplighting has

20 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

incredibly chic and add an elegant mood lit feel to any venue. They literally colour wash a room, so this option works really well with those looking to spill their colour scheme into the reception. Or if you think this may be a bit much you can set the lights to fade in and out of different colours which also looks incredibly pretty. Color Wash – Color wash lighting is another important tool that can greatly enhance the look of a reception hall or an outdoor patio area. Unlike ambient LED up lighting, color wash lighting is more functional, because the lights are mounted on tripod stands, which allows the light to come from the top and cover a larger surface area. This type of lighting can be used both indoors and outdoors. This can be a very powerful and dramatic effect and isn’t recommended for every lighting design but is a great way to bring attention to a specific area (think dance floor). Color washes work really well in a tent wedding where the whole tent becomes the canvas to decorate.

Intelligent Lighting –Lighting fixtures that can be

controlled through the use of special controllers or software. This will allow your lighting designers to change the look and feel of the lighting throughout the reception. With the right intelligent lighting fixtures you can turn your dance floor into a high-energy, nightclubstyle dance party at the flip of a switch! Think Color

Lighting for Tent Weddings

Lighting is an extremely important element for tented weddings and can range from subdued and simple to wild and flamboyant. A tent affords your lighting designer a completely blank canvas to work with and the ability to use a wide variety of lighting fixtures in their design to achieve just the look you want. Some common lighting elements for tent weddings include chandeliers, color wash, break up patterns, lanterns and string lights. become an important part of the reception. Uplights are indivdiual LED lights that beam vibrant, colorful lights vertically along walls, pillars, and columns adding accent colors to your overall environment. A great way to bring life and personality to your reception space. Place special lighting fixtures next to architectural features or against the wall around the perimeter of the room to project columns of light upwards. The color of the uplighting should coordinate with your wedding color scheme. Uplighting is probably the most cost effective and dramatic wedding lighting element.

LED – LED is short for Light Emitting Diode and is the newest

technology in wedding lighting. The fixtures are more expensive but allow you to achieve millions of different colors with just one lighting fixture. In addition they consume far less power than traditional uplighting fixtures and do not get hot to the touch. It is a very popular choice for weddings. There is the LED par 64 which produces the primary colours red, blue and green. Alternatively we have a high powered LED par 64 which can produce pretty much any colour you want! Apart from gold and black, as this isn’t at all possible with lighting, no matter how much you want to spend it’s impossible. Please note that the LED uplighters require individual power sockets so ensure the venue has ample power. We can supply the extension cable where needed, so don’t worry about that. LED uplighters look plans made absolutely easy!

Lighting for Outside Weddings

If you are hosting an outdoor wedding reception you should definitely consider lighting in your plans. There are a variety of extremely affordable lighting options that will not only illuminate the reception area for your guests but will add to the beauty of the setting. If there are pathways or steps consider using candles or luminaries to light the way. Lanterns or string lights look fantastic in an outdoor setting and are a great way to highlight the dance floor or the dining area. Create Your Dream Wedding Lighting can be a cost effective way to completely transform the look and feel of your reception and create an atmosphere that will wow your guests. Make sure to do your research and find a quality wedding lighting company that will work with you (and within your budget) to help bring your vision of your wedding day to light! Kind Regards, Omu Obilor On Facebook omuobilorluxuryeventplanner




Mrs Odunmbaku and Youngsong Martin,

CEO Wildflower Linen


Mrs Olasinmi Odunmbaku nÊe Akindele studied Business and Finance, Accounting major at the University of East London. She is a mother of two lovely boys and outside events; you will find her doing a lot of community work and can be rightly referred to as a community leader. She started Linensville in 2007 exclusively to cater to the linen needs in the industry and 7 years going, no one has come near to the service she passionately renders. WP: Why linens and how has it been? OLASINMI: My decision to go into the business of linen rental was informed by the need for quality linen and the huge gap that was evident in the industry. I realized it was unbelievably difficult to get quality linen for events, I therefore decided to create an avenue where table linens especially are easily available with a variety of choices. Since then, there has been no going back. To me, the best appetizer for any meal is the table linen. The table linen reflects the theme of the event. It has been really interesting and it is so amazing how linens change the face of any event and sets the tone. WP: You seem passionate about table setting, how vast is the business of linens? OLASINMI: I am truly passionate about table settings. With the right table setting you need very little decor to create the right ambience. Without any drapes, you can WOW your guests. All you need is the right type of linen for the event, matching napkins and chargers with the right centerpiece. Make sure your colours are coordinated, not necessarily using all the colors of the event but using those that blend. Everyone stares at the table because they are seated at the table; not everyone stares at the ceiling to see the drapes. WP: What types of linens are there, and what are the varying functionalities? OLASINMI: The business of linens is quite vast because we have different types of linen in a wide array of colors. There are also various styles and sizes, fabric types and uses. You can’t use a flowery table linen for a corporate event or use dull looking linen for weddings because weddings are meant to be glamorous. There are some table linens that suit most functions but the emphasis would be on the


overlay to depict the type of event. WP: You recently got back from the Las Vegas conference, would you so like to share the experience with us? OLASINMI: The Las Vegas event was quite interesting and revealing. It offered a lot of behind the scenes knowledge and gave an insight into other aspects of the catering and events industry. I have always believed that knowledge is key so attending the conference was a bonus for me. Glitter and Vintage are still very much in. Decorators should get inspiration from everything around them. At the trade show, I saw a storage drum being used as a decorative accent. Various old things were used in very creative ways and it all looked very exciting. The show is really worth attending as training and education is very important to move this industry forward. WP: So what is new from Linensville? OLASINMI: Linensville is moving into more decorative and flamboyant linen. We will continue to stock large quantities of any type of linen so we can satisfy our large customer base. We will maintain our service quality of clean, fresh linen and we will strive to provide our customers with the best possible service. WP: What is the bigger picture for Linensville. OLASINMI: The bigger picture for Linensville is to be the one stop shop for every decorator and caterer in the country. We already have a lot of customers outside Lagos but we intend to improve on that. We aim to provide the solution to all your linen needs be it table covers, overlays, runners, napkins or table accents like chargers, Centerpieces, etc. From Linensville, the best is yet to come! plans made absolutely easy! plans made absolutely easy!



The SUMMIT With event venues springing up all over the metropolis, adequate information as well as proper positioning is a necessity. This is why the Summit Events Centre, located in Ikeja, at No 5, NERDC Road, Off Asabi Cole Street, Alausa area of Lagos State is the perfect place to hold events.


The Summit is a unique event Centre with a touch of class. Events held at the Summit are said to be quite memorable, as the management seeks to meet the needs of customers with a high sense of quality and taste. They offer quality service in an atmosphere filled with so much comfort and luxury. It is all about great value for your event, which will not only guarantee a positive experience but a life time experience. The events centre is positioned to provide unique and adequate services to host all your events ranging from wedding receptions, birthdays, AGMs, trainings, conferences graduation ceremony and after parties, concerts to end of the year parties and many more. It is the ideal venue for grand social functions. Apart from the elegance that the tall ceiling and ample floor of the hall projects, it also enjoys a vintage look. The several facilities in place include:

• One large hall with a seating capacity of 700 guests at banquets seating and 1000 at theatre seating • 14 stand-alone air conditioners (10 tons each) in the hall • 6 service points for caterers inside the hall • 8 female toilets • 6 male toilets and 7 urinals • Flowing water • Seminar room with a seating capacity of 40 guests at banquet seating and 65 guests at theatre seating • 2 VIP toilets Lounge (waiting room with toilet and bath) • Uninterrupted power supply • Parking space Everything about the summit is unique, starting from the highbrow environment where it is located, the touch of class, the taste of quality with all its facilities, the superb services by staff, the good security in place, uninterrupted power supply, parking space and many more. The summit is just the place to have an unforgettable event. E-mail: Website: Facebook page: Phone: 09034411570, 09093975545

WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED A well equipped venue; perfect for your event, mee ngs, concerts and par es in an elegant environment suitable to house your celebra ons.

No 5, NERDC Road, off Asabi Cole Street, beside Afrika Shrine, Alausa, Lagos. +234-903-441-1570 | +234-909-397-5545 | |




style Models: Adunse Opeyemi, Ifeanyi Obi, Patricia, and Oluwaseun Oni Set design: Sea Bonito Events Location: Wedding Planner Studios plans made absolutely easy!




Elegant white dress with lace sleeves and bling detail from Franchy Bridal Make-up: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: LaViva Bridal Hair: Brushes and Colours

28 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


White Ball dress with pleated bodice and crystal detail from Chique Bridal Make-up: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: LaViva Bridal Hair: Brushes and Colours Hair accessories: Leries plans made absolutely easy!




Ivory mermaid lace dress from LaViva Bridal Make-up: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: LaViva Bridal Hair: Brushes and Colours

30 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Ivory ball dress with crystal stone detail from Chique Bridal Make-up: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: Leries Hair: Brushes and Colours Hair accessories: Leries plans made absolutely easy!




Ivory mermaid dress with pleated bow and brooch from Perfect Occasions Make – up: Divine looks Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: Perfect Occasions

32 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Ivory lace dress with veil from Perfect Occassions Make – up: Divine looks Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: Perfect Occasions Hair: Styles & Brushes plans made absolutely easy!




Ivory ball dress with crystal detail from Franchy Bridal Make-up: Radiant Touch Makeovers Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: Leries Hair: Styles & Brushes

34 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Monostrap ball dress with stone detail from Chique Bridal Make-up: Radiant Touch Makeovers Ring: Eternal Circles Accessories: Leries Hair: Styles & Brushes plans made absolutely easy!




Ivory ball dress with lace detail from Prefect Occassions MAKE-UP: Radiant Touch Makeover RING: Unveil ACCESSORIES: Leries Hair: Styles N Brushes

36 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black suit, green cravat and black shoe. from kemka. Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Grey suit, white shirt, lilac bow tie and black shoes from Bobo’s Clothing. Ring: Unveil

38 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black suit, white wing collar shirt, champagne bow tie with black shoe from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Navy blue suit, white wing collar shirt, wine and black pattern bow tie and black pattern shoe from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Unveil

40 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Blue tuxedo, white wing collar shirt and black shoes from Kemka. Ring: Unveil plans made absolutely easy!




Blue double-breasted suit, white wing collar shirt, wine and black pattern bow tie, cufflinks and black pattern shoe from Bobo’s Clothing Ring: Unveil

42 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Light grey suit with white shirt, yellow striped tie and pocket square with leather laced up shoes from David Wej. Ring: Eternal circle. plans made absolutely easy!




Blue tuxedo, white wing collar shirt with matching tie and black shoes from kemka. Ring: Unveil

44 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Black tuxedo with a wing collar shirt, silver waist coat and a patent leather shoes from David Wej Ring: Eternal circle. plans made absolutely easy!




Blue striped double breasted suit, white wing collar shirt, purple parcely bow tie and patent leather shoes with tassel from David Wej. Ring: Eternal circle.

46 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Teal buba with champagne aso oke, heavily accessorized, from Evirit Essentials Make-up&Gele: Beautywise Makeover Ring:Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes plans made absolutely easy!




Red buba with silver and red embroidered aso oke from Evirit Essentials Make-up&Gele: Divine Looks Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes

48 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Blue buba with silver embroidered aso oke from Bolsy Make-up&Gele: Radiant Touch Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes plans made absolutely easy!




Silver buba with red aso oke from Bolsy Make-up&Gele: Radiant Touch Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes

50 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


White lace buba and sky blue and lace iro from Evirit Essentials Make-up&Gele: Radiant Touch Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes plans made absolutely easy!




Red lace buba and champagne aso oke with matching agbada from D Elect Aso-Oke Make-up&Gele: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Beautywise Makeover Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes

52 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


Sea blue and gold matching attires for bride and groom from D Elect Aso-Oke Make-up&Gele: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes plans made absolutely easy!




Burgundy and blue matching attires for bride and groom from D Elect Aso-Oke Make-up&Gele: Beautywise Makeover Ring: Unveil Accessories: Leries Shoe and Bag: Regal Shoes

EDITION plans 48 made absolutely easy! 54 WP plans madeWP absolutely easy!48 EDITION


In this edition (Styled by Styles ‘N’ Brushes)

In this edition (Styled by Styles ‘N’ Brushes)

Hair Styles

Hair Styles



NICE Where Love Takes Over


France has proved to be not just a destination where you can have a taste of the best wine and take a few snap shots in the monumental Eiffel tower. Everything France represents an atmosphere of absolute vibrancy and adventure. The warm locals, the rich cultural heritage, the magnificent landscape and of course the gastronomy, all add up to give you the experience of a life time.

Paris may have been the first choice for most travelers but Nice’s four million visitors a year should definitely be enough to convince you to have a second opinion about the destination to spend your honeymoon. Located on the French Riviera in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region after Marseille, Nice is blessed with a sunny temperate climate that allows for any kind of holiday, any time of the year. Nice itself is an attraction: the rich blue-green sea, diverse shopping, splendid dining and lovely artdeco façades. But there are several spots that a tourist simply must see, such as the Cours Saleya Flower Market, the Matisse Museum,


ancient Roman ruins, the Russian Cathedral and more. Its crescentshaped pebble beaches, stunning boutique hotels and cutting edge fashion features are just a few of the phenomenal reason why Nice is ideal for a perfect honeymoon getaway. Still asking “why Nice?” If you are looking for the destination that will give your spouse Goosebumps and bring them to tears of joy then Nice should be on top of your list. Nice la belle (Nice the beautiful) is endowed with breathtaking views, medieval red tiles roofed villages, narrow curved streets, small gourmet restaurants and colorful open markets where you and your partner can hold hands and mix with the welcoming people. If you want to spend your days at the verandah of your hotel room reading a book, a view of the scintillating waters of the Cote d’Azur is definitely worth it.

Honeymoon attractions in Nice, France Old town (Vieille Ville): For those who want to peruse boutiques and sip on the best wines, the old town neighbourhood has all it takes to entertain you. Old Town is not just the best beginning point for any day. Couples may find the easy walk to the Mediterranean water front a good spot to fill their photo album. World class sightseeing: Castle hill is probably the most popular attraction in all of Nice. At Atop

100 inlaid stairs (be sure to pack your walking shoes) honeymooners will be blown away by the breathtaking view of the village sea below. With a café nearby, the sprinkling of park benches are perfect for taking a relaxing break. Rue de France Pedestrian Zone: The Nice pedestrian zone, or “zone pietonne,” is a hub of activity. This is the place if you need to load up on souvenirs. Street entertainers frequent this area. There are gourmet shops, clothing shops, newsstands, bookstores and more. (Check out the Ducs de Gascogne store for some real finds). Grab a café au lait and watch the world go by, nibble on a crepe, or visit in the evening for a robust meal with an Italian accent. Groove to the modern music: Nice is also a popular stop off on the modern music scene with the larger venues like Acropolis and Théâtre Lino Ventura. You can also visit some of the underground hiphop and electronic music outfits and have a good time. If you are lovers of theatre, a brace of Niçois theatres, Théâtre du Pois Chiche and Théâtre Francis Gag, have some of the most well-trodden stages in town. Slice up some ‘socca’: Socca, a sort of chickpea crepe – the preparation and consistency of the batter is similar – is a specialty of southeastern French cuisine, particularly in and around Nice. Try this local treat are at socca specialist Chez Pipo, where addictively delicious food is churned out day

in, day out. At Chez René Socca, the tasty grub is served at rustic wooden tables with street-side views. You can also visit the Lou Pilha Leva, where (although no more than a glorified kiosk) there’s a bit of everything going on at the lively corner restaurant, Nissa Socca where you’ll also find cheap pitchers of wine and plenty of bonhomie.

NICE: where to stay Nice is famous for its belle époque architecture, beachfront promenades and landmark hotels. It may not be as glitzy as other Riviera hotspots (such as St Tropez and Monte Carlo) but is one of the liveliest cities along the coast. B4 Park (4*)-From USD 347.056 B4 plaza (5*)- From USD 331.977 Normandie (3*) -From USD 234.63 Nh Nice (4*)- From USD 363.033 Holiday Inn (4*)- From USD 486.926

Getting there The best way of getting to Nice, France from Lagos is by air. You can hardly find direct flights from Lagos. Indirect flights to Nice can pass through Casablanca, Istanbul, London, Paris and Amsterdam. Airlines that fly to Nice include; Royal Air Maroc, Turkish Airlines, British Airways, Air France, and KLM. plans made absolutely easy!

Visa issuance: A Schengen or French visa is needed to enter Nice, France and World N Traveland has an efficient visa department that offers adequate visa consultation services. We also offer general visa advisory. You can send your request to visas@worldtraveland. com or call the following numbers 08098229999, 070010101010.

Quick Facts Country: France Time zone: GMT +2 Currency: Euro Area: 71.92 km² Population: 344,875 (2008) Weather: 19°C, Wind 0 km/h, 30% Humidity Telephone: +33 4

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…You may now kiss the bride


Love…it was they shared, the feeling was that of joy and peace as they prayed for a lasting life together. They savoured the priceless message engraved in the sermon and were also blessed by the excerpt in the scriptures. They danced gracefully to the beautiful tunes presented by the Band and recited the vows that seem to mean the world over to them. It was glaring they were in love and finally the stage was set for one last act; one final show of affection…the very last opportunity to show the whole world how much they mean to each other.

The clergy was the anchor and as the word streamed through the lips, the quiet couldn’t have been matched by a graveyard. The moment everyone has been waiting for was finally here. Every eye, every breath, every heart was focused on the couple as they wait for the final instruction to play out the last scene. You may kiss the bride! The clergy concluded and so began the final act. The camera men were equally not left out of the scene as they swerved from left to right to catch a glimpse of this golden moment. He leaned forward, keeping his eyes fixed on hers as he slowly lifted the veil of her face. Her face glowed with smile and passion. He tilted his head leftwards while partly opening his lips; he clutched her palms, pulling her to meet his lean halfway. Their lips met amidst the slashes of camera lights; she slid her hands off his, wrapping him within the warmth of her cuddle. It was an exchange of affection. The one time they both had to show how much they wanted to be together…how much they wanted to share their souls…how much they wanted to become one. Indeed the scene played like they had spent their past twenty years planning and acting it all out…they were one and all the multitude could afford was a loud shriek of excitement. To most ladies, the wedding kiss is the most romantic moment to look forward to as it foretells their spouse that their wedding is the beginning of an uninterrupted affection, which forever will remain green. It should be done with all concentration and commitment so as to tell your spouse how much you cherish that moment and would always want to have a replay of such scene....Mmmuaaaah!! Be cautious of the duration, because if it is too brief, it doesn’t seem passionate and if it’s prolonged, it might



awkward. With your eyes partly closed, smile as you enjoy the moment.

W plans made absolutely easy!



Isn’t it amazing how one minute something is trending and after what seems like three minutes, the same thing becomes obsolete, out-dated and a new fad has taken its place? Never mind that the old trend took time, effort and the creativity of the designer. Many times though, these old trends go to sleep for a few years, maybe decades, and wake up bigger and better, sometimes modified from their original state. plans made absolutely easy!

While we encourage the novelty in creativity and keeping up with trends, we decided to show you the best of trends long gone, in the hope that it inspires you for some time to come. This menu serves you all things evergreen, from bridal dresses and traditional attires, to hair and make-up. Enjoy..





Wedding Programme

Do you believe in providence? Well you better. For the first time in my career as a wedding Emcee, I attended a wedding and the programme was right on point! No frills, no unnecessary ceremony! In short, in the words of the koko master, no long thing! I didn’t even have to perform the usual surgery of cancellations and addendums with my pen. It was the 23rd of May and it was Abimbola Adebayo’s wedding in Abuja. You know I had to ask the bride this question; ‘who drew up this programme for you?’ I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was she herself! ‘Wow’, I thought. Am I supposed to believe it is a pure coincidence that this is happening just as I am putting finishing touches to the same issue in The Wedding Planner? I think not. Like the words of the song by the group ‘Hot Chocolate’, I believe in miracles..!


Below is what a standard wedding programme should look and flow like. The bold items in italics are optional (duh, like you didn’t know that already). Now in a bid to be different and exotic, some people substitute the generic names of some of these items for more personal nomenclatures e.g. Chairman’s speech can be called ‘words of wisdom’. Whatever you choose to call them, this is what it boils down to: • Guests are seated • Introductions of parents - this also includes the introduction of the chairman. • Arrival of Bride and Groom • *A minute of silence for the departed (if any of the parents happen to have passed on and if the couple want it. As I have come to find out, not everybody wants this solemn ceremony observed in this traditional manner. I was once Emcee at a wedding where the Groom wanted a minute of praise and worship for his late father instead of the silence. I thought that was excellent!) • Opening prayer • Chairman’s speech • *Breaking of the Kola nut ( Ibo weddings only) • Cutting of the cake • They feed each other • Couple’s dance • Toast • Presentation of gifts • Grooms response to toast/gifts • Tossing of the bouquet You have noticed at this point that I have omitted a few items from the agenda? With good reason too; here are the omitted items and the reason(s) for their omission. • LUNCH/DINNER(FOOD SHA)- what is fair is fair; if your guests have been nice enough to follow you to the Church(or whichever religious ceremony you had) where you were joined and then they have also decided to come to the reception with you, start to feed them as soon as they arrive at the venue. This idea of waiting until ‘item no 7’ before announcing food is not only unfair but uninformed. And you


by Teju Babyface

also risk turning your guests off. Would you like me to repeat what I just said? Don’t wait until the reception starts before you start feeding people! As soon as they start arriving from church (or wherever it is you were joined) start to feed them as they seat. It will make for more amiable guests and they will respond to the entire ceremony better. I should know this; as the emcee, I have found that guests that are well fed are usually more receptive to jokes and gimmicks. That’s why it’s unnecessary to put that item on the agenda. The feeding of guests is an on-going thing that happens all through the programme. From small chops to dessert, start even before the introduction of daddy and mummy to the head table. Now, I hear someone ask ‘but my wedding arrangement for feeding guests is a buffet!’ well, the truth is, I have always been one of those strongly opposed to having a buffet arrangement for a wedding. ‘Why’, you ask? Simply put, it will take too much time for me to write out all the reasons why you should pick a ‘sit-down’ service arrangement over a buffet so I will probably write about that in the next issue. The bottom line is that except you have a guest register of about 150 people, in my opinion, you don’t need to be doing buffet. • CLOSING PRAYERS- a wedding reception does not end until the band packs up so there shouldn’t be closing prayers. Closing prayers usually give the guests the false impression that the wedding is over and it’s time to go home. And the interesting thing is, no matter how many times the Emcee announces otherwise, the guests just won’t get it; they will troop out of the reception en masse as soon as they hear the last ‘amen’. So, unless you want your wedding to be over before the band can get the opportunity to earn the money you paid them, leave this item out. • CHAIRMAN’S CLOSING REMARKS- at the point in the programme where this item should happen, your guests would have been seated for a while and as can be expected, they will be quite eager to move around or dance. Been told that they will have to sit through another speech (especially one that will usually be boring) is quite unrealistic and they will not give their attention to the speaker; not when he is introduced nor when he is speaking. As a matter of fact, the only time they will perk up and pay attention is when he says ‘so thank you very much ladies and gentlemen’ and drops the microphone! Most adept chairmen know this and always opt out on this item if it appears in the program. • VOTE OF THANKS- the object behind the vote of thanks is to thank the guests for their presents and their presence and it is necessary in all ceremonies EXCEPT a wedding! The reason for this exception is that the Bridegroom, who is in the best position to thank everybody, would have done so in his groom’s response and having another item to thank people again is (need I say it?) a repetition. After all said and done, this is my opinion cued from a decade of experience from being the man behind the micro phone at weddings, ergo the one who usually has to do damage control when things start to go south. You don’t have to take my word for it, but you really should consider it; seriously! Happy preparations, ojo a bawa layo (go get a Yoruba translator!)




By Elsie Ofulue

In my years of wedding planning and coordination, I have come to understand that there should be no plan A without a plan B! Plan Bs are alternate plans, they are plans you set in motion when the real or original plans do not go in the right direction which often times is the case. As a Bride, working on a plan B with your wedding planner could be what will add the final notch in creating the wedding of your dreams.


A wedding I once attended had so many outstanding and noteworthy feedbacks, that it is still a yardstick used by those in attendance as an “ideal wedding” up till today. The success was all based on the Plan B, how you ask? The bride had six beautiful bridesmaids but worked with 12 all in same heights and colours she wanted and at the end of the day the plan B bridesmaids were the ones that graced the occasion as the plan A ones suddenly had emergencies. We had thoughts on two venues, booked the first one and just a month to the wedding it got shut down; of course there was no cause for alarm as there was a plan B! Oh lest I leave out the fact that the grooms’ men on the day of the wedding had some emergencies and the plan Bs represented. At another wedding, I planned the MC was stuck in another city and there were no flights for the day but prior to our booking him we had envisaged this and got in the contract the supply of an alternate but equally skilful MC in the case of mishaps. I am sure you are thinking? Why should a person think things will go wrong, but truly the best way to plan is to plan like it won’t go right because most times you will have situations that are out of your control? Just remember that the best made plans may go awry, and that is certainly true of weddings. You plan and you plan, but sometimes things pop up at the last minute that must be dealt with. These are some of the things to think about... Now that leaves me with what will be my perspective as a Christian. Tough one as we are taught that you should get it right the first time. While pondering on that I sat through a TV show and watched people discuss the issue of plan B, the question being whether having a plan B meant that someone didn’t have faith. This truly is food for thought, Faith always works, and if it doesn’t then it wasn’t Faith to start with.


However remember the bible says Faith without work is dead. Have u done your own WORK? Also a scripture talks about the fact that ‘My People perish for lack of knowledge’ meaning that knowledge is very key in life’s endeavors you cannot clearly make a proper decision without information/ Knowledge. Going back to our subject of wedding planning, for every couple it’s a first time experience but for me as a planner, I have come to realize that a plan B is necessary as experience is the best teacher. So even though most couples find it difficult to agree to a PLAN B because they have closed their minds to the possibility of alternative arrangements, I have learnt to insist on a PLAN B, as wedding planning that depends on different vendors requires backup plans almost all the time. For example, every country has a season or weather condition and when you choose to get married during any season, plans should be made to accommodate the weather. But overtime I have found couples who have had their hearts set on garden open air weddings in raining season. Unbelievable? This is reality; a bride has her heart set on open air wedding despite the season and doesn’t want to have necessary plans put in place like umbrellas, marquees etc. Or what if a bride wants to have a carriage ride to her church ceremony or reception; is there a traffic plan in place in case she is late? Or a car on standby which can be used to get out of the traffic? If she is so insistent on the carriage what is the plan B action to have security or the police make the way clear in which case having a siren is important because Nigerian roads don’t exactly cooperate as envisaged. Then again it depends on what it is you’re planning for. Some tasks I will be slightly inclined to agree do not require plan B’s; you know for certain that you either get it right the first time or don’t bother. For instance Marriage sure doesn’t need a plan B; you get it right the first time or stay single. The wedding itself will definitely need to have a plan b for they tend to go wrong a lot. I can go on and on about a Plan B but really it can’t be over emphasized. It ensures you are never stuck in a rut; it makes you look good and avoids embarrassments. Your Plan B can be a life saver and at the end of the day when you look back it rings in your head, My Plan B, The Real Plan A! plans made absolutely easy!


On behalf of the



Hallo dudes, I am the spokes-man or do I say spokes-woman for the ladies in the house. We have noticed a popular trend amongst you and we would like to bring it to your attention. It has come to my knowledge from your babes that you skip a very important stage of our relationships: the proposal stage! And for some reason or the other, you cleverly maneuver into the ‘introduction’ ceremony/ traditional marriage stage and then, straight to the wedding ceremony. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, this is how the scenario goes… Boy meets girl, he likes her and girl likes him in return. They are at it for a while and guy decides to settle down. Guy calls girl and says...I have been thinking about us lately, How about we do our introduction next month, girl agrees. Guy goes to girl’s family, states his intentions, a date is fixed and the rest is history! I know you are raising your eye brows now and wondering what exactly our problems are…at least you have agreed to get married and settle down now and we are still looking for a proposal! Yes o! We need to be asked, we need you to take time out to properly ask for our hand


in marriage. We need you to take time out to surprise us by picking out a beautiful ring (with the help of our best friend or any female you think would know what we want. Please, do not embark on such a journey on your own!) and ‘pop the question’ on one knee. Look for the appropriate time and place, take her to go and see that movie she has always wanted to see, take her to go try out that new restaurant that just opened and everyone’s talking about, cook her a nice dinner at your place, bake her a cake etc. You sure know her much more than I do so I trust you know where best she would like to go and what she would like to do then go on bended…oh, now I’m pushing it huh? Ok ok, you may not go on one knee, but take time out to ask us properly to marry you. You don’t have to break a bank to pull this off neither do you need to have sleepless nights strategizing to put this together. Thoughtful acts and well stringed words would make this a reality. Employ the services of our best friends, sisters, (even mums) to help you out with this and one last thing…pleaseeee, make it a surprise! Make it one your girl would remember years to come. Remember that you can’t pull this off twice so do well to plan properly. We are excited to marry you but please ask us first! I’d be expecting feedback from my gurls and I trust they would have positive news for me, and then we can publish your beautiful proposal stories on the Almost A bride page. plans made absolutely easy!




A ‘small wedding’ doesn’t mean a less-classy or poorly-planned/executed one; rather, it has all it takes to out-shine larger weddings! If you are not a lover of crowds, you’ll want to know how. That’s why we dug-out, from our archives, this classic article on small weddings; to help you plan that small, yet swanky wedding of your dreams. (Wink)


Most people assume having a small wedding is thinking or planning cheap; they feel it creates a perception that is rather subjective to the fact that they don’t want to spend money or probably because the recession is unrelenting. I strongly don’t believe in all that. Mostly it is NOT the budget or financial status that restricts people to having a small wedding, it’s just the way some people want it, besides, some folks just can’t stand it when they invite you and you don’t show up. Like it or not, some people like to have it small because they want everything put in place. Some just can’t stand the crowd and they preferably like to invite those that will attend. From my own view, planning a small wedding gives you both (the couple) an opportunity to exchange ideas before you exchange your vows. It also gives you the chance to make sure the guests are well catered for. We all know what a large crowd can do to a wedding even in the abundance of wealth. Planning a small wedding could be a romantic thrill. Some would frown at the sound of that but that is really the case most times and just in case I got your attention with that, here is how to make your small wedding classy and elegant, plus a few benefits of having a small wedding. A small wedding can be a far more intimate experience for you and your guests especially since planning a small wedding is mostly within reach. You get to have more time to spend with your friends and family and it will most likely be far less stressful. You will be able to concentrate on nuances and make sure everyone has an enjoyable time. When planning a small wedding, few close friends and family members


within the range of 70-100 (or maybe 150) guests wouldn’t be a bad idea. The planning allows you a lot of flexibility and gives you more time to stay on top of a lot of things. For example, you’ll have a lot more leeway to attend to matters regarding food, decorations and several other details. Depending on what your budget will allow; you can have a full buffet, or go all out for a catered event. If your wedding budget is big enough, you can even go as far as reserving rooms at a nice hotel for your few guests. No small wedding plan is expected to break the budget, and you can spend the money where it really matters. While no one will remember what they ate or drank, the photos and videos from the event will last forever. Your wedding is a one-off event and one sure way you could save the memory is by capturing as much photos of you in your wedding gown as you can afford. Make sure those pictures are of the highest quality so they can serve you as long as you want them. You definitely don’t want to skimp on photo and video production…no event should. A small wedding permits you the luxury of involving your guests in a whole lot of activities. At one wedding, the couple had each guest sign their name and write their sentiments on the tablecloth. Over the next several years, the wife took the guest sentiments and embroidered them over respective tablecloths or something else. Today, that is her cherished heirloom that will get passed down through her lineage. Smaller, more intimate weddings generally seem more personal than the large social gatherings some couples choose. Also, when planning a small wedding, you have a lot more options on where to hold the event. You can have it virtually anywhere; you could have a garden wedding, or you could rent a gazebo and have the wedding guests gather around it as you exchange vows! Whether you decide to plan a small wedding or a large wedding, the size of the wedding is not necessarily tied to the size of the budget. Many couples have large weddings on a small budget, and you can definitely have a small wedding on a large budget. A small wedding does not necessarily mean cheap or boring. plans made absolutely easy!


Wedding Rain

in the

by O’Seun Yusuf


The rain is a sign of blessing from God reaped through bountiful harvests, but it can also spoil your happiest moments or fantasies. Is this enough reason not to fix weddings at this time of the year?. The following took place on my friend’s wedding day; a bright Saturday in June, 2008 between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, this event occurred in real time… 9:00 to 10:00 am…we did all we had to do and left for church. . . We got to the church just in time for the service which was to start at 10:00 am and end at 12:00 noon. A bright and promising day it looked and she felt like the luckiest bride in the world! She has a fulfilled smile on her face. 10:00am to 12:00noon…church service. And the announcement of where the reception was to be came at the last minutes of the programme - like some fifteen minutes drive from the church. 12:00 to 12:15 pm…those of us who attended the wedding ceremony arrived at the venue, greeted the few guests and family members around. The stage was set with the band ready to blast. And then... the storm with thunder and lightning; the rain started to pour heavily and angrily! 12:15 to 8:00 pm… It rained so badly that I thought heaven was going to come down. My greatest fear as the rain kept pouring was that my friend was losing her guests to the rain. And it just wouldn’t stop raining! By the time the reception was coming to a close, the hall was still half empty. What went wrong? Here’s another bright and sunny Saturday in August 2008 and it’s another friend’s wedding day and everything had been done perfectly by the event planner. From the bride’s house; where the makeup, bridal dress and accessories were being put in place to the groom’s, where his needs and wants were prioritized; to the already decorated church and reception venue( looking like heaven on earth). The event started at about 9am in church, where few guests came to witness their exchange of vows and take pictures with them. It lasted


shortly; then, they all moved down to the reception venue for item 7(menu menu) and some entertainment…then, the cloud started to change and soon the rain came pouring. At first, it felt like it would stop soon but it didn’t. The intensity increased so much that the sound of the rain took over the sound of the musical band. They could only pray because except for these few guests, NO one else had stepped in due to the heavy pouring. At the airport, one of the couple’s friend just arrived from Abuja when the heavy down pour started. He stopped a cab and off he went to the venue. On the road, he was held up in traffic some few distances from the venue and he got down from the cab with his well starched agbada. And he walked in soaked, smiling and happy that he didn’t miss this wedding… Another friend of theirs was already well dressed looking gorgeous with her top-of-the- line outfit when she heard the sound of rain pouring. She would have removed her clothes and apologized later but she got into her car and off she went to the venue. She was well beaten by the rain which ruined her perfect make up; she didn’t mind, she was so fulfilled to have made this wedding…. The bride’s mother’s friend of age 61 with her thick goggles and no driver, drove herself down from Ibadan under the heavy rain. She didn’t mind the constraint encountered during the journey. She made it finally, danced her way to the bride’s mother’s side, hugged her heavily and muttered:”I would have regretted it if I missed this wedding...” In ones and twos, the guests arrived despite their constraints; the heavy rain and even the “no night party please” order didn’t stop them from partying till late. Imagine a day that started with just over 100 guests but ended up getting crowded in the rain! Why did they all leave their respective homes to attend a wedding in the rain? Their personality. The BRIDE has an outstanding personality that endears people to her. It’s your occasion but she makes it hers; she contributes her hard work, money, energy and time to making your event successful. The GROOM is one friendly person with a high spirit. He’s simply sweet! So ask yourself, why should anyone attend your wedding in the rain? For me, why should I leave my comfortable home to attend your wedding in the rain? plans made absolutely easy!



Nothing feels good like a trip down memory lane. This is why, in this Blast From The Past edition, we have put together an exclusive selection of dresses, tradional outfits, and yes, a selection of our celebrity models for you to enjoy. Come with us, into this blast from the past.

Intro to plans made absolutely easy!



Dresses that Rocked


Uniqueness is a quality that every new bride has to display on her big day, and most, if not all brides, make their wedding gown the highspot of their uniqueness. The variety of bridal dresses in the world today, is innumerable; can you imagine that there are about 200 shades of white, talk more of ivory, pink, grey and what-other-colour brides can conceive? This is because; each bride wants to find that single dress that embodies her own individuality. Over past editions, we’ve featured a good number of wedding dresses in our style pages

Ivory tulle dress with sequins from Elizabeth Phillips


as a source of inspirationfor brides to a make well-informed choice. We observed that right there in our collections; we have some rather gorgeous pieces, still trendy and in fact, more beautiful than some new bridal designs out there presently. Yeah! It’s possible you missed the editions they came in, or you weren’t this close to being a bride then, or, you simply can’t access them any more…don’t sweat it, we brought them back as part of our recap-delight!

Ivory raw sillk Ball dress with crystal belt from Elizabeth Phillips plans made absolutely easy!


Ball dress with bow and flowery details from Bridal Gallery

Ivory ball dress with crystals from Brides ‘N’ More

Ivory tiered dress from Brides ‘N’ More

White Mermaid dress with lacy mono strap detail from Enthyst plans made absolutely easy!




White circular ruffled organza dress with side chest brooch from Bridal Gallery

Tinkerbell-accordion pleated organza dress in multi-layers from Bridal Gallery


White ball dress with crystals from Bridal Gallery

White ball dress with floral pattern detail from Bridal Gallery plans made absolutely easy!




Let’s face it, weddings in Nigeria have evolved. They have grown. We cannot say it enough: everything has changed, and aso oke with it. Years ago, the designs would be woven into the aso oke on the loom, which would limit the amount of creativity and design, but this is not the case today. Also, dull hues have been replaced with vibrant colours, and the end result is a bride that is as elegant at her traditional wedding, as she is exquisite in her wedding gown. Because we can only measure progress by looking backward, we have brought you a few pictures of aso oke then, as well as aso oke now.

Today, the dynamics of aso oke making require the plain wool to be woven on the loom, and thereafter designed with whatever accessories the designer may choose, ranging from sequins to monogramming to crystal stones, to even pearls and beads, and the gele and ipele are not left out. Today’s bride is confident that she will be the cynosure of all eyes at her wedding. plans made absolutely easy!








You Can Still Rock A South-South Wedding Attire from JD7

An Edo Wedding Attire from JD7

Oji Uso Outfit from Eastern Nigeria by Zubby Edo Bridal Attire from Zubby

76 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!


YOUR HIGH TABLE; WHO SHOULD BE ON IT The high table is becoming an outdated tradition. Having a raised dais on which you put everybody from your former principal (in high school) to your current boss and your landlord is becoming something of an ancient tradition. It’s (kind of) like wearing tight Lycra pants and a waistcoat (or monkey jacket) with a bowler hat to church or club. Very 80’s, wouldn’t you agree? The tradition now is to have a HEAD TABLE on which the bride and groom, their best man and chief bridesmaid sit. Finish! Of course there will be reserved extension to the head table on which the parents of the couple and the remainder of the bridal train will sit. In other words, the only thing that should be raised that day is the platform on which the bride and groom sit. But if you insist on having the traditional high table… T2) THE PARENTS- This part is pretty much self explanatory I believe. Of course your parents should be on your high table!! Chances are they paid for most of the expenses anyway. Not to mention that they have had to put up with your sometimes- ungrateful- but- loving personality for decades. 3) THE CHAIRMAN- As I wrote in the earlier piece, the tradition of having a chairman is exclusively an African, maybe even a Nigerian thing. Personally, I have always figured it’s a way for our parents to honour one of their long standing friends (because let’s face it, they are the ones who nearly always determine who the chairman is going to be, right?). So, if you must have a chairman, he should be on the plans made absolutely easy!

high table. And if he has decided to attend your wedding with his wife, of course she is coming to the high table with him. I seem to remember reading something about “what God has put together, let no man…?”hmm… can’t remember for the life of me where I might have seen it (wink). Ideally, this is where any efficient and aesthetically sound high table should end but because of emotional ties and commitments that the African man seems to have been abundantly blessed with, we usually make two other places available on the high table. These are known as: 4) THE MISCELLANEOUS/ GOODWILL SEATS- As the name implies, these seats are reserved for what you refer to as unforeseen V.I.Ps. Just in case the President (or any high ranking member of the government) decides to show up at your wedding, you will have somewhere nice and important for him (them) to seat. It’s not only members of the government who can seat in these seats though. Who you allow to sit there is a personal choice. Some people have been known to put their grandparents, sponsors etc in the seats. It’s entirely up to you. The bottom line though, is that you invariably end up slighting (and royally annoying) somebody who thought they should have been on the high table (given their ‘very own’ personal estimation of their self-importance). So why not just play it straight down the middle and avoid awkward apologies later on? Eliminate the high table and have an excellent day with your sweetheart on your romantically decorated (and very exclusive) HEAD TABLE!

Teju Babyface




Hair Styles

You can Still Rock by Bobby Eke, CEO Bobby’s Signature


What makes some hairstyles evergreen? It’s in their ability to give an enticing look, while being comfortable and simple. We bring you some bridal hairstyles from the genre of the evergreen! They were artistically fashioned in a past edition by Bobby’s signature; but you can still rock them because they are simply unique. Part of what makes these styles evergreen is that they exude a naturalness and still embrace the use of


extensions; the overall effect is a piece that’s pretty, simple yet classy What’s more, they can be easily styled by any professional hair stylist. You can add one or two details of your own, trendy headpieces (check edition 48) that are in-line with your theme or suit your taste. Make a bold statement of your own with any of these…….. plans made absolutely easy!

Model: Idowu Ogunlola plans made absolutely easy!




80 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!



TANIRA LINDSAY, better known as the CATWALK DIVA is also a visionary entrepreneur,

born and bred in the fashion capital of New York City, where she resides. Her modeling experience ranges from fashion and runway to beauty and television. Tanira is also a dancer who was trained in the world renowned dance theatre of Harlem and Alvin Alley. She graced the cover of WP’s eight anniversary edition alongside Preston Bailey.

PRESTON BAILEY is the famous designer and celebrity events planner who is well known for his gift for completely transforming raw, ordinary spaces into sumptuous, theatrical environments. Some of his clients include Joan Rivers, Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Jennifer Hudson, and Catherine Zeta-Jones etc. He was featured as the cover of WP’s eight anniversary edition. plans made absolutely easy!



UTI NWACHUKWU emerged Winner of the 3rd Edition of the popular MNET Reality Television Show, Big Brother Africa. Since then, he has made his mark as a supermodel, actor and talk show host. Uti graced the cover of the 3rd Anniversary edition of WP. ALEX EKUBOR emerged 1st Runner Up in the second Mr Nigeria pageant. He is a model as well as a Nollywood actor whose face is a regular fixture on the sitcom AY’s Crib. Supermodel and actor, CHARLES UJOMU features on the popular TV series Tinsel. Charles has appeared on more than one edition of Wedding Planner magazine, and is considered a friend of the house.




ALEX EKUBOR plans made absolutely easy!


UTI & LINDA LINDA EJIOFOR is popularly known as Bimpe of Tinsel. The actress who is also a model co-starred as Ejura in Rita Dominic’s “The Meeting”. She graced the cover of the 3rd Anniversary edition of WP alongside Uti Nwachukwu. plans made absolutely easy!


MICHAEL OKON is considered the rising star in Nollywood. He is one model who has featured in several television series. MELVIN ODUAH went into the Big Brother Africa house right after the photo-shoot for the 8th anniversary edition of WP, and he emerged a finalist. The model who is also budding Nollywood actor has made his debut in a Nollywood movie alongside winner, Dillish. SIMEON OKOROUGO is a professional model who towers above 6 feet and was one time contestant in the popular Gulder Ultimate Search reality television show in 2010. All three models featured in the 8th Anniversary edition of WP.




MICHAEL OKON plans made absolutely easy!



EZINNE AKUDO ANYAOHA emerged winner of the 2013 edition of the Miss Nigeria beauty pageant, right after she was nominated Face of Zaron. She featured in the 43rd edition of WP. There is no stopping AISHA SHABA, the multitalented supermodel who is also a budding designer and actress. In 2011, Aisha featured in Hollywood’s The Spirited Actor. Aisha also considers herself a writer and inspirational speaker. She was featured in the 42nd edition of WP. VENITA AKPOFURE, also known as Mimi on the sitcom AY’s Crib, used to be a video vixen and has featured in major music videos like Tuface’s Ihe Neme. BIRRION IDONGESIT shuttles between modelling and acting in Nollywood. She is a fast rising Nollywood star. She can be seen in the 41st edition of WP.

EZINNE AKUDO ANYAOHA plans made absolutely easy!







EKENE EZELI is a handsome supermodel who towers over 6 feet and possesses a career in aviation. Ekene is featured in the 42nd edition of WP. CHINKO FRANCIS, as he is popularly called in the modelling industry, is a top model who represents Nigeria in international circles. He featured in the 43rd edition of WP. GBEMISOLA ASHAWE has appeared in several music videos and is an established Video Vixen in Nigeria’s Entertainment Industry. She can be found in the 8th Anniversary edition of WP. LILLIAN ESORO is well known as Nurse Abigail in “Doctors and Nurses”, Lillian is an event planner, and Nollywood actress who owns a hair salon in Lagos.




MUNA plans made absolutely easy!

TEMMI DOLLFACE is a self-styled singer, songwriter, performer and

producer. Her hit single Patapata is still very fresh. UFUOMA EJENOBORMc. DERMOTT is a supermodel, presenter and actress. MUNACHI ABII is an ex-beauty queen, a rapper, and a TV show presenter, songwriter and model. In 2007 she emerged the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria and went on to represent Nigeria at the Miss World Beauty pageant. All three ladies featured in the 45th edition of WP in a celebrity-themed photo-shoot.

MUNACHI ABII plans made absolutely easy!






Establishing A BUDGET

While most people would assume that wedding planning is easier for a small wedding as against a large wedding, in many cases that’s not true. Any wedding (big or small) encompasses many of the same todos, i.e. Wedding dress, invites, cake, church, reception, caterers, drinks, décor, etc. Whether


there are 100 or 5000 people attending your wedding, wedding planning can be very stressful. Plain and simple, there are just a lot of details in planning any wedding. However, I would say the main difference in having a small wedding versus a large wedding, is that you don’t have to plan for as many people. plans made absolutely easy!

Planning A small wedding range between hosting 50 – 250 guests, an average wedding is between 300 – 700 guests and anything from 1000 is a big wedding. I know some numbers are missing here but it is deliberate, you can figure that out yourself. So, how do you figure what kind of wedding you want to have? Truly, it’s about your budget. Once you’ve finished basking in the glow of your engagement, you’ll find it very hard to get anything accomplished without a detailed wedding budget. This will give you an outline of what you should spend on each item, so as to ensure you don’t spend more than you intend to overall. Figuring out your wedding budget can be stressful, but don’t worry. Just like buying a pair of suit, renting an apartment, or buying a pair of shoes, when it comes to financing a wedding, you should figure out how much you need to spend to get what you want. Set your expectations accordingly. As soon as you’re engaged, start putting aside as much of your income as you can for the wedding. Saving 20% of your monthly income is a good though painful goal. The longer your engagement, the more money you’ll be able to stack away. One way of establishing a reception budget is by putting a figure per wedding guest; this will give you a good start especially for the reception. This allows for a 70/30 ratio for food and drinks depending on the variety of drinks you wish to serve. Whatever amount you arrive at as your budget per head, multiply it by the number of guests you wish to invite and see if you can afford it. Instead of cutting down on quality, it’s safer to cut the guest list (see wedding guest list). We know it’s tough, but one of the fastest and most effective ways to lower your wedding cost is to pare down the invitees. Also consider the size of your wedding party: Gifts, hair, and makeup are cheaper for four than for ten. Glamorous details hike costs without adding much fun to your day. Free yourself of the pressure to upgrade and instead make honest choices based on what you need. As a general rule, ask yourself, “Will anyone notice if we don’t do this?” It’s important that you prioritize what’s important to you by choosing 2 to 3 “most important” things you plan to go all out on. You may decide that you want to have an amazing photographer, but you’re happy to hunt for a bargain on the dress. Pick your top three priorities and allocate a little extra money for them (e.g., gown, catering, and décor). Next, pick the three things that come lowest on your priority list (maybe musical band, cake, invitations), and budget accordingly. You can adjust your budget numbers to reflect your priorities. Once you’ve set a budget, stick to it. I know it’s easier said than done, but an important thing to do. You’ll spend the next few months keeping track and allocating your funds. …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….. Now you’re thinking how you both are going to pay for all these right? Although tradition says that the bride’s parents pay for the whole thing, this is frequently untrue for today’s couples. If you can pay for the wedding yourselves, you’ve got it easy. If you want your families to help you out, or pay for it all, you should have a frank discussion with them about it and so that no one feels like they’re doing more than they should, here are some scenarios for who pays for what: 1) Traditional Responsibilities • The bride’s family pays for: - Reception costs, including food, music, decorations, rental fees and entertainment - Ceremony costs including rental fees, decorations - Décor for ceremony and reception - The bride’s wedding dress and accessories - Invitations, announcements and programs costs - Wedding Favours plans made absolutely easy!

- Photography - Transportation and accommodations for bride’s family out of town guests - Their own attire • The groom’s family pays for: - The rehearsal dinner (if any), including food and entertainment - Their own attire, transportation and accommodation for out of town guests. - A wedding present • The bride pays for: - The groom’s wedding ring - A wedding gift for the groom - Her hair, makeup, beauty treatments - Gifts for her attendants - Sometimes accommodation for any out-of-town bridesmaids • The groom pays for: - The marriage license - The bride’s engagement ring and wedding ring - The honeymoon - A wedding gift for the bride - The bride’s bouquet - Gifts for his attendants - Boutonnières for men in the wedding party - Sometimes accommodation for any out-of-town groomsmen - Fee for the officiating ministers 2) When the bride and groom are older, or whose parents don’t have resources The bride and groom pay for all wedding costs themselves 3) A modern take on who pays for what at a wedding: After announcing their engagement, the bride and groom sit down and estimate what they’ll spend on the wedding, probably after finding a reception venue and making general decisions about theme, style, time of day etc. They then approach their parents and after describing what they’ve decided on so far, say gently, “We were wondering if you would be able to pitch in for any of the costs.” The parents may look at the budget and say, “We’d like to pay for the reception food and the decor” for example. They may also offer a set amount they’ll contribute. If their parents say they can’t afford to contribute, or only offer a small amount, the bride and groom should say, “Thank you for considering,” and perhaps have to revise their budget or find other means to pay for the wedding. 4) Split the budget three ways In this scenario, the bride’s family, the groom’s family, and the couple each pay for one third of the budget. Typically, this means they will also each invite one third of the guests. ……………………………………………………………………

Wedding Guest List

Your wedding day is a day to be shared amongst your family, friends and loved ones. As you start to write your guest list, you may be tempted to invite everyone you’ve ever met in your life to attend although in most cases, this is not possible. Deciding if your wedding will be “big” or “small” and how many guests you will invite is one of the first and most important decisions that need to be made when planning a wedding in a recession period like NOW! It may then dawn on you how stressful selecting a set number of guests for your wedding might be! Start off by making the longest list you can. List everyone that you might possibly consider inviting to your wedding; college roommates, co-workers, distant cousins etc, get them all on paper. Eliminate half or more of the list by going through it, strike out anyone you feel you could do without; people you haven’t spoken to for years, people you think if you invite won’t come. Make a non-negotiable list of high




priority guests - this is the short list of people that absolutely must be at your wedding.

Long lost friends

If you have to spend time tracking down those friends you went to primary school with in the year 1971 to your wedding… it’s probably a good sign not to invite them! Most likely there is a reason why you don’t keep in contact with them anymore as your lives have changed, but if you feel the need to let them know then a wedding announcement in a newspaper may be a good idea.

Parental Power

If your parents insist on inviting all of their friends that you don’t know, then it is time to put a leash on their actions. You can do this by giving your parents the number of guests that they can invite and they can then make their own shortlist based on that. This has its advantages as it eases some of the pressure off you and your partner in regards to who to invite and it keeps your parents busy deciding who they will invite!

Begin finalizing your list

Once you have a list made up, begin finalizing your guest list, if you are having problems trimming your guest list it may be worthwhile looking into the idea of eliminating all high school mates from your guest lists. Inviting some colleagues’ and not others may create work place tension so if you opt to not invite some work colleagues make sure they are people you’re not very close with. Get together with the other members of the wedding party (attendants, Bride and groom’s families) and have them help make your list shorter by ranking them by priority.

Harmonise lists

Cross out duplicates and compile all the lists from both parents and your partner’s together into one. Make the list a bit longer than your limit. Now, ask the others to rank the guests that did not get cut. Repeat this until you are within your guest limit


Lastly review your list and begin sending out invitations.

Sending invitations


Your parents or in-laws may request that you send out invitations to distant relatives, knowing that they most likely won’t attend due to the traveling distance. However this is a dangerous idea, as relatives have been known to make the journey across the world and throw wedding plans into chaos! If your parents or in-laws think it is rude not to send them invites, you can come to a compromise by sending out wedding announcements. These inform people that although it is a small ceremony, you still wish to share the news of your marriage to them. Remember that at the end of the day your wedding is just…yours. So invite people who you would love to have at your wedding ceremony and enjoy the day with the people you love the most! …………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… Your wedding list Here’s ALL you will need to plan your wedding Church Wedding Bride Wedding Dress Wedding Rings Wedding Shoes Tiara/hair pins Veil Bouquet Make-up artist Hair stylist Nail technician Underwear Transportation


Suit/Tuxedo Shirt Tie Shoe Socks Belt Boutonnieres Hair cut Transportation plans made absolutely easy!


Bridal party

Bridesmaid outfits Groomsmen outfits Aso Ebi Reception


Fireworks Cake boxes Bonbonniere Massage/Facial Security ……………………………………………………………………

Venue Decoration (Recep & Church) Invitation Card/Programme A breakdown of how you can expect to spend your budget: Catering (Food desserts and Finger Foods) Reception: 48%-50% Church ceremony: 2%-3% Drinks & Chapman/Cocktail Attire: 8%-10% Decor: 8%-10% Photography Entertainment/Music: 8%-10% Photography/Videography: 10%-12% Video Stationery: 2%-3% Wedding Rings: 2%-3% Mc Transportation: 2%-3% Cake Gifts: 2%-3% Band/DJ/Music Miscellaneous: 8% Souvenir Now, don’t get confused with these percentages, whether your budget Guest book is N200,000, N500,000, N1M, N2M, N4M, N6M, N10M or N25M, Traditional Wedding this is the ratio you would need to work with. To avoid stress, allot Venue about 5% of your budget for a “just-in-case” fund. And if you’re Décor paying for your honeymoon yourselves, remember to budget for that Food/drinks as well. Engagement cake rain and even the “no night party please” order didn’t stop them from All traditional requirements by brides family partying till late. Imagine a day that started with just over 100 guests Traditional outfits but ended up getting crowded in the rain! Why did they all leave their Shoe/bag respective homes to attend a wedding in the rain? Their personality. Make-up/Headtie The BRIDE has an outstanding personality that endears people to Bead/Accessories her. It’s your occasion but she makes it hers; she contributes her hard Engagement letter work, money, energy and time to making your event successful. The Alaga/Spokeperson GROOM is one friendly person with a high spirit. He’s simply sweet! Aso Ebi So ask yourself, why should anyone attend your wedding in the rain? Gifts/Gift wrapping For me, why should I leave my comfortable home to attend your Phography/videography wedding in the rain? plans made absolutely easy!



Have you seenthe


Now You Can • Read the e-edition of wedding planner magazine online for the rest of the year. • Follow our blog and see the industry through the eyes of various contributors including you. • Get inspired with wedding featured on iweddings and inspired ideas. • Read our lifestyle magazine, Beyond Wedding and take a ride through life. • Fuel your travel cost from our honeymoon and destination and thank us later.

What are you waiting for? It’s just a click away! 92 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

LETTER TO THE INDUSTRY Dear Wedding Industry, It has been 9 years, and we’ve come a mighty long way together, haven’t we? At the beginning of this journey, we promised you unflinching support and relentless dedication to our collective cause – helping the Nigerian bride have an unforgettable wedding and building and growing Nigerian’s wedding industry, and we have done just that, though not without our fair share of challenges, twists and turns. But we are grateful for the opportunity to serve. However, after 9 years, you would agree it’s high time we stepped the game up a few notches. We have decided to give Wedding Planner a facelift, as we merge the best of wedding publications – Wedding Planner &Inside Wedding magazines. Expect inspirational, edgy, top-notch content exquisitely presented. This is us taking our pledge to you more seriously - our own part in partnering with you to build an industry that you are not only proud, of but one that is worthy of international showcase. To this end, this is the part where we charge you to do your bit, whatever it is, to take the industry to our mutually desired height. Whatever your area of specialty, we encourage you to put in your best. Finally, we would like to acknowledge and thank all those who have consistently given their best shot, not being afraid to create and showcase their most unique designs in décor, dresses make-up and all, even in the face of limitation; and those who have steadily stood by us over the years. I pray upon us all the grace for excellence, diligence and perseverance. Love Duupe P.S. Let your family and loved ones all over the world know that they can now read an e-version of the magazine on our website, just as they can find you in it as well. God bless you. plans made absolutely easy!



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BEADS AND ACCESSORIES BEADS OF ARCADIA TEL: 0802 814 9795, 0806 277 5252 LERIES ACCESSORIES 21, Joel Ogunnaike Street, GRA Ikeja Tel: 0809 835 7311, 0802 835 7311 BRIDAL HAIR ZUBBY Tel: Tel: 0803 722 8927 BRIDAL HOUSES CHIQUE BRIDAL 54, Allen Avenue, Opposite Panasonic, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 320 3568, 0816 246 3514 FRANCHY BRIDALS 26/27, Balogun Street Lagos Island Tel: 0803 335 1658, 0803 664 5946 LAVIVA BRIDALS 3, Osho Street, Opebi-Oregun Link Road, (4 Blocks behind Chicken Republic), Opebi, Lagos Tel: 0802 327 6770, 0802 885 9611 PERFECT OCCASIONS 155, Herbert Macaulay Rd Opp MRS Filling Station, Adekunle b/stop, Yaba Tel: 01 815 2410, 0807 608 4137 BRIDAL SPA PEACHES N CREAM 7 Adedamola Ojomo Close, off Bode Thomas Street, Surulere. Tel: 0802 313 1330, 01 295 1252 CAKES / DESSERTS ABSOLUTE ELEGANCE Tel: 01 804 0499, 0803 047 6194 CAKES AND CREAM 95A, Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 01 815 0477, 08033020863 DIVA CAKES 63A, Opebi Road Ikeja Tel: 01 741 1327, 08033009464 CATERING SERVICE DODONY 424/427, Old Abeokuta Express Road, Car Wash B/Stop, Abule - Egba, Lagos Tel: 08023176198, 08186460410 JK PARTY WORLD 66, Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 715 7910, 0802 346 1552 DRINKS AND COCKTAILS DAINTY COCKTAILS Tel: 0809 836 1172, 0803 563 8515 EVENT MANAGERS BLOOM DESIGNS 23, Opebi Road, Ikeja Tel: 0802 975 6656, 0803 323 0546


OMU OBILOR Tel: 0803 669 1902, 0802 223 3135 SHADES & ACCENTS 19B, Kayode Taiwo Street, Magodo GRA Lagos Tel: 0805 544 7599, 0816 444 1428 EVENT VENUE THE SUMMIT 5, NERDC Road, off Asabi Cole Street, beside Afrika Shrine, Alausa Ikeja Tel: 0903 441 1570, 0909 397 5545 GROOM’S OUTFIT BOBO’S CLOTHING 61, Allen Avenue, Opposite First Bank, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0803 379 9660, 0805 111 6708 DAVID WEJ 27b, Idowu Martins off Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island Lagos Tel: 0705 5773 661, 0807 288 2097 KEMKA 72, Opebi Road, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 01 736 4240, 0809 991 7045 HONEYMOON/ TOURS INSTANT TRAVELS AND TOURS Tel: 0097143597101 WORLD N TRAVELAND Tel: 01 818 6648, 0809 822 9999 INVITATION / PROGRAMME KOZA Yard 158; PLOT 34, Kudirat Abiola Way Oregun Ikeja Tel: 08034054510, 08033557190 RAHWANJI CARDS TEL: 0806 281 2224, 0803 240 7263 LACES/ASO OKE BOLSY ASO OKE 18, Morocco Road, Charity B/Stop, Shomolu Lagos Tel: 0805 475 8318, 0816 354 4316 EVIRIT ASO OKE 3, Adeniran Ogunsanya Street, Opp Zenith Bank Water Margin Chinese Restaurant, Surulere Tel: 0803 712 3391, 0802 566 7533 THE ELECT ASO OKE 77, Oduduwa Way, Adonai House, GRA, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 0802 290 1496, 0809 753 3735 MAKE UP BEAUTYWISE 68, Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos Tel: 0805 743 6311, 0702 800 1979 DIVINE LOOKS 52, Road, A Close 5th Avenue, Gowon Estate, Egbeda, Lagos

Tel: 0803 329 7168, 082 201 9713 RADIANT TOUCH 53, Addo Road opp Denka Dredging, Ajah Tel: 0803 096 9522, 0809 766 0845 PRIDE OF BEAUTY Tel: 0806 719 3541, 0704 468 8997 UNVEIL STUDIOS 31, Unity Road off Toyin Street Ikeja Tel: 0704 533 2395, 0802 039 3333 PHOTOGRAPHY TSP FOTOWORLD 20, Ogundana Street, Allen – Avenue, Ikeja – Lagos Tel: 0809 887 7207, 0803 720 5673 EXQWIZIT EVENTS 19, Sinari Street, 1st Floor Capwire House, Victoria Island, Lagos Tel: 0809 887 7207, 0805 254 8618. RENTALS LINENSVILLE Block 16 Unit 09-11, Odua Model Mart, 384, Ikorodu Road, Ojota Lagos Tel: 0803 331 7246, 234 842 400 4125 RINGS UNVEIL STUDIOS 31, Unity Road off Toyin Street Ikeja Tel: 0704 533 2395, 0802 039 3333 ETERNAL CIRCLES Shop A02, Riggs Shopping Plaza, 2A Isheri Road, Omole B/stop, Ikeja Tel: 0802 343 1685, 0809 664 0106 SHOES & BAG REGAL 72, Opebi Road, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 0708 129 8482, 0818 039 4441 VENUE DECORATORS ADORABLES 1, Adebisi Close, Idiroko Village, Behind Tunde Debasco Motors, Maryland Tel: 0802 319 9636, 0814 027 1425 SEA BONITO Suite 16b, Jehoshammah Plaza, Abiodun Jagun str by Ogba Garage, Ogba Tel: 0803 350 2940, 0809 628 7471 SEDU COLLECTIONS 28, Fagbenro Square, off Randle Avenue, Surulere, Lagos Tel: 0802 303 448, 0803 864 5382 VICTORIA F 24, Isolo Road, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi Lagos Tel: 0802 300 0076, 0803 600 6661 VIDEOGRAPHY OBAH STUDIOS Tel: 0805 544 7599, 0816 444 1428

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100 WP EDITION 48 plans made absolutely easy!

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