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February 2017 Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.
Contents: Page 1:
Kids Consignment Sale
Page 2:
Monthly Reflection
Page 3:
Missions and Outreach
Page 4:
Pastoral Care
Page 5:
Adult Ministries
Page 6:
Adult Ministries
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Adult Ministries
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Page 9:
Youth Ministry
Page 10: Children's Ministry Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information
The first Weddington Kids Consignment Sale was held the fall of 2003 in the Fellowship Hall. The Susanna Wesley Circle started the sale as a way to raise money for the church and local missions. Through years of hard work and dedication, this bi-annual sale has grown to include the need for 330 volunteer shifts and most of the space in the Family Life Center. Each sale receives approximately 30,000 items from over 250 consignors and welcomes thousands of shoppers through the doors of Weddington United Methodist Church. The sale continues to bless members of the community. Annually, the sale now pays out an average of $124,000 to its consigning families and $52,000 to local missions. Organizations such as Operation Reach-Out, Turning Point, Matthews Help Center, Union County Crisis Assistance, Union County Community Shelter, and Help Crisis Pregnancy Center are just a few of the recipients of financial donations. They also benefit from the gifting of unsold items donated by our generous consignors. Within the church, money is allocated to the general budget, youth scholarships, Children’s Ministry, Weddington Christian Preschool and Academy, and to SWC outreach programs. The Weddington Kids Consignment Sale is 100% volunteer run and is not possible without WUMC member support. There is a need for both volunteers and shoppers. For additional information or to see available volunteer shifts, please visit the WKC website at The Weddington Kids Consignment Facebook page also contains valuable shopping tips and sale information. Every sale offers amazing deals and a wide selection to include everything a newborn to teen could want or need.
WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.
We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.
Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore Pruning The other day I pulled into my driveway and realized it is about time to prune my crape myrtles. When we built our home, we lined the side of our drive with crape myrtles. We love the colors when they bloom. I get a little nervous when I prune them. It is not my area of expertise. I watch the videos on how to do it properly. I speak with members of our congregation who are landscapers and arborists. Each year, for the past 13 years, I have gone outside with my tools and pruned. Should I cut this branch and leave that one? Or, should I cut that one and leave this one? I am constantly asking Nancy, what do you think? Pruning is important. By removing the dead branches or the ones that choke out others, pruning allows the plant to place its energy on the branches that can help the plant to grow and thrive. In his book, Necessary Endings, Dr. Henry Cloud uses the pruning of plants to show the importance of pruning in our lives and in our work. Dr. Cloud reminds us that some plants produce more buds than it can adequately sustain. To remove some allows the others to thrive. Some branches are not healthy and the plant spends energy in areas that will never thrive. Some branches are dead and get in the way of the healthy branches that are reaching for light so they can bloom. In our work, we often place our energy in areas that will never produce the desired results rather than pruning our work to enable our energy to be spent on the areas that make a real difference. These are necessary
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Sometimes we have so much happening in our lives that we cannot handle it all well. In our ministries and missions, I constantly share with our staff and leaders that I had rather we do a few things phenomenally well than many things half-way. This is true in our personal lives as well. We have to look at what are the really important things and focus our energy there instead of allowing the important things to suffer because we are so busy with insignificant things. Our relationship with God has eternal implications and yet is often choked out by other things. Our relationships with family and others often suffer at the expense of little things. Pruning makes me pause to evaluate what should thrive and what should be removed so the important can thrive. It can be painful. But in the end, our lives and our energy are spent on what is important and what will bloom with beauty. Our relationships with God, family, and others are the important branches. Remember, spend your time with the people who will cry at your funeral. I dread pruning, both in my yard and in my life. But it is vital. Otherwise, the important gets choked out and I cannot put my energy into the things that really matter. Let’s take a good look at our lives and pick up the pruners. In ministry together, Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore Senior Pastor
Missions Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.
Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli
Missions News and Announcements As we enter the month of love, I invite us to base ourselves on the love that Jesus taught. A love that is unconditional and self-giving. A love that meditates on the mission, feels the passion, and moves to create. In that love, the Spirit moves us to broaden our relationship with humanity and all of Creation. With that in mind, let us mature our volunteering into service. Let us serve God by serving people. Let us love God who calls us to love people. - Rev. Rocio Avila-Ramirez Room In The Inn A heartfelt thank you to all who have already served our neighbors through Room In The Inn. In partnership with Urban Ministries, we are able to welcome neighbors in need of shelter into a comfortable and restful space. Thanks to your loving service, we have hosted them at our Hemby House with warm meals and beds two weekends a month since December. You can serve by welcoming, being present, cooking and eating together, or cleaning. This ministry will continue until March so please know that you too can serve!
Building Brothers 2017 - April 27-30!
This annual men's retreat/mission trip improves the relationships with our God and with each other as we build Habitat for Humanity homes on the Carolina coast. The total cost is $325. Space is limited. The sign-up deadline is March 27. We will have a team meeting on Sunday, April 23 at 4:30 p.m. (Location to be determined.) For details, contact Brian King at 704-408-3170 or, or Lloyd Briggs at 704-806-6752 or
Homework Help This week, God has brought us to another level of the call to loving service. At our Monroe campus, Homework Help ministry has grown to the point that we will be expanding and equipping more classrooms! We have over 30 children attending and more waiting to register. However, we also need servants of God. We encourage you to pray, and if you are able to be present with the children by reading with them and helping them with their homework, then welcome to this beautiful opportunity! Children will pierce your heart with their love and gratitude. Operation Sandwich will take place at our Bonds Grove Fellowship Hall on the second Saturday in February. Please come join us from 9:00-10:00 a.m. to help prepare sandwiches for our homeless neighbors. Local Mission Service Opportunity Please join us in preparing and serving a meal at the Union County Community Shelter. We are in need of volunteers October 19 and November 16 2017. Please email Pam Runkel at for more details. For more information on any of these service opportunities, or others, please contact the church office or email Lisa Keeler or Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.
Children at Homework Help in Monroe receiving winter hats and gloves donated by the Mary Martha Circle.
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Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs News and Announcements Caring Hearts Sunday on February 26 Sunday, February 26, is when we will be celebrating our Caring Hearts Ministry during our worship services. It will be an exciting ministry moment as we highlight the outreach Caring Hearts Ministry provides for church members and people in our community who are shut ins. Our vision is that these persons will never feel like they have been forgotten. Numerous lives are being touch by volunteers through visits and our Caring Hearts meal delivery ministry. A big thank you to our Caring Heart coordinator, Roberta Thompson, our Caring Heart Meal ministry coordinator, Mettie Spittle, and the volunteers who are making a difference in the lives of so many wonderful seniors!
Rev. Ed Briggs, Roberta Thompson, Madeline & Sarah Kelly at a Caring Heart birthday party for Marie Crawford.
TLC (Tender Loving Care) Team Servant hearted volunteers are needed to deliver a meal either made at home or from a restaurant to people who have been recently discharged from the hospital, who are dealing with a long term illness, or who have lost a loved one. Please contact Rev. Ed Briggs at the church office at 704-846-1032 or to get involved with this caring ministry. Domestic Violence Support Group Living in the lies of abuse is difficult to stop on your own which is why WUMC will be offering a Safe Community Event just for you. If you are interested in learning more about this Safe Community Event, please call Pastor Ed Briggs at 704-846-1032 or Cathy DeLoach Lewis, MA, LPC, BCPCC at 704-370-0334. Space will be limited to 15 women and will begin the week of February 20, 2017. The registration deadline is Friday, February 17 when your nominal fee of $40.00 will be due. Childcare will be provided. When you contact us, we will give you specific information about the time/ date/location of this Safe Community Event. We want you safe. God wants you safe.
The Cooper family visiting home-bound member, Paris Collins, with Caring Hearts.
Stephen Ministry Leader Testimony It was such an honor to represent Weddington United Methodist Church amongst 321 other attendees from 4 countries, 33 states and 218 congregations at the Stephens Ministry Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida. Stephens Ministry, with a process approach, paves the way for God’s work by allowing the layman to offer distinctive Christian care to those in our congregation and community. To be able to spend a week with other Stephen Ministers learning how to better serve God through this ministry has allowed me to deepen my faith and commitment to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and I thank our church for the opportunity to do so. Stephen Ministry works in so many different situations because two factors are constant for every congregation. One, there are always many more people in the congregation and community than a pastor alone can care for; and two, there are always gifted laypeople capable of providing high quality Christian care, if trained and organized to do so. -Jeff Humbert, Stephen Ministry Leader Page 4
Adult Ministries United Methodist Women (UMW) Susanna Wesley Circle Join us for our 3rd annual "Share the Love" meeting -- a perfect time during Valentine's month, the month of love, to do just that - share our love with others! On February 3, we will have our annual "Mission project meeting" in Helms Hall, where we do hands-on service projects that can be done during the meeting time. This has become a favorite for many of the moms who wish to participate in our monthly service outings, but can't because of childcare issues. We will have childcare on site as we always do for meetings, to complete projects while we enjoy fellowship. This year we will make craft kits for children at Levine Hospital, snack bags for Turning Point, Valentine care bags for Compassion to Act and write letters to deployed servicemen, as well as a few other projects for organizations we support. Children may be dropped off for childcare at 9:15 a.m. in the Nursery wing of WUMC (please RSVP so we can plan for the appropriate number of children). Bring a friend! We hope you can join us!
Lucy Price Circle will have a Valentine's Luncheon in February in lieu of the regular Tuesday meeting. We will host the ladies from the House of Pearls at the City Tavern in Waxhaw on Saturday, February 11, at 12:00 p.m. The House of Pearls is a Christian transition house helping troubled women get their lives back on track. This will be a very special time when we can share the love of Christ with these ladies. On Valentine's Day, the circle will deliver Valentine's Gift Bags that were made at the January meeting to the children at the WUMC Monroe Mission Campus Homework Help. Lucy Price normally meets on the second Tuesday evening of the month from September through May. All women of the church are invited to join us. You may contact Carolyn Canzonieri at for additional information.
United Methodist Men (UMM) Men’s Connection Breakfast
Mary Martha Circle will meet on Friday, February 3, at 9:30 a.m. in the WUMC Fellowship Hall. We will begin a video entitled Embrace Grace by Liz Curtis Higgs.
The United Methodist Men meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:30-9:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics.
We welcome all ladies of the church to join us the first Friday of every month from September through May for fellowship. Contact Mary Revels at or Tommie Craig at for more information.
All men are welcome!
Kings & Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings & Queens
Right: January Kings & Queens and Ron Melvin as Rev. John Wesley
February 9, 10:00 a.m.: Weddington Campus Kings & Queens meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Jessica Weathersbee, Physician Assistant, will be doing a program for “Heart Month.” She will have a Power Point Presentation and answer questions. Join us for a very informative program, fellowship, Bingo, and a delicious meal! Visitors are always welcome! February 15: Friendship Luncheon at Golden Corral in Monroe. For transportation, we will meet at the Weddington Campus Fellowship Hall at 11:00 a.m., or you can meet us at Golden Corral at 11:30 a.m. Two trips are in the planning stages: Senior Adult Celebration at The Cove and a trip with Christian Tours to Kentucky to see Noah’s Ark. This is a life-sized reconstruction of Noah’s Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. More details to follow. Page 5
Adult Ministries . Rev. Mark Curtis Announcements New Life Group at Bonds Grove Campus On Sunday, February 5 at 9:30 a.m., we will be starting a new Life Group. It will meet in the Bonds Grove Fellowship Hall. We will begin by reading the book The Class Meeting by Kevin Watson, which explores the Wesleyan concept of Life Groups and sets the foundation for living life together. No registration is necessary and all are welcome.
New Co-Ed Life Group in Waxhaw We are looking to launch a new Co-Ed group in the Waxhaw area for couples. Several couples have expressed interest and we would like to extend the invitation for others to join. For more information contact Rev. Mark Curtis or Tonya Tapp.
Ministry and Mission Opportunities Is your group looking for an opportunity to serve God’s kingdom beyond the walls of the church? Serving is a meaningful way to apply what you are learning together, grow together as a group, and offer your gifts and talents to God. Visit to learn more about how your group can get involved.
Save the Date! Weddington UMC Adult Ministry Retreat Feb. 23-25, 2018 Facilitators: Rev. Mark Curtis and Rev. Kathryn McElveen St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville N.C. Stay tuned for registration information to come!
Adult Sunday School Studies 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m. Page 6
Agape Foundations Jay Emry
The Great Prayers of the Bible Book of Joshua Adult Comprehensive Bible Study, by David Cook
Youth Center, Main Area Room 19 Room 214/215
Shepherds View
The Seven Deadliest Sins
Helms Hall Room 213
Closer Walk
Tell Someone with Greg Laurie
Room 19
Cornerstone Crossroads Great Walk Doers of the Word Light of the World
How to be Rich, by Andy Stanley Book of Job, led by Chuck Howard True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram 1&2 Thessalonians Experiencing God, by Henry Blackabye
Room 214/215 Youth Center, 102 Youth Center 101 FLC, Multi-Purpose Room Helms Hall Room 213
Revival, by Adam Hamilton Down to Earth, by Michael Slaughter
Youth Center Room 204 Youth Center 203
Journeys New Creation
Resource Center : Great Books! Staff Recommendation - Rev. Meredith Hinton Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle is a book I have read well over ten times in two years. This book was recommended to me by a friend in 2015 and has become one of the most important discoveries of my life. I consider this book to be a touchstone, a kind of work I seek to return to time and time again for fresh perspective, a reminder of what the Gospel is all about, and a challenge for my soul. Gregory Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries, a program designed for gang intervention in the projects of Los Angeles, California. He shares his experience working in some of the poorest neighborhoods in L.A. and tells of his encounters with various people seeking to know their worth. This book is a collection of stories that help put flesh on the meaning of compassion, kinship, and unconditional love. This book will challenge your assumptions about people who look and act differently than you, and will move you to a deeper kind of knowledge of God’s love for all people. I highly recommend checking this book out in our Resource Center. It may very well be one of the most important books you’ll read in 2017. And if you read it - let me know! I’d love to hear your reflections. You can check out a copy of this Great Book! as well many other fine Christian resources from the WUMC Resource Center located just off of Helms Hall in Room 212 or online at
Resource Center February Update
Life Group Second Sunday Connection
February is "Love Your Library Month", and there is a lot to love about your WUMC Resource Center, i.e, Church Library. With now over 4,700 books, studies, DVD's, CD's, periodicals, and electronic games, there is something for everyone. And, as titles are frequently added there is always something new. If you haven't stopped by and checked out your WUMC library, then make February the month to show it some love!
Did you miss the Life Group Launch but are still interested in a Life Group? Every second Sunday of the month, a member of our Life Group Ministry Team will be at the coffee stations in Helms Hall and at our Hospitality Tables in the FLC gym before and after each worship service to answer any questions you may have about Life Groups here at WUMC. Our “Connectors,” as we call them, will be wearing blue Connector shirts so they can be easily identified. Our upcoming Second Sunday Connection will be February 12. We look forward to helping you get connected!
Whether it’s family movie night, bedtime story time, mom or dad’s time to unwind, or time for some Christian inspiration, the Resource Center has something special for you. The WUMC RC is located in Room 212 in the Sanctuary Building. It is currently open only on Sunday mornings from 9:15 until 12:15. The Resource Center is volunteer staffed. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact
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Weddington Christian Academy . Adell Keen, Principal Announcements Annual Dad's Breakfast On January 27, WCA celebrated our annual 'Dad's Breakfast' in the Family Life Center. The students and their fathers (or other family member) enjoyed a special breakfast prepared by the Weddington United Methodist Men. It was a special time of fellowship with our WCA fathers. Chili Cook-Off On February 10, the WCA Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF) will hold their 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off at 6:30 in the Family Life Center. Parents and staff submit entries of their favorite chili recipes. Students, parents, and staff sample the dishes and vote on their favorite recipe and a winner is announced.
WCA Dad's Breakfast
Registration for grades JK-8 is ongoing and open to the public. If you have questions about registration, please visit the school website at or call the office at 704-846-1039 to gather more information.
Weddington Christian Preschool . Emily Campbell, Director News and Announcements WCP Salutes Community Helpers! February is Community Helper month at WCP, and we would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who serve this community with your gifts and time. “We should use whatever gift we have received to serve one another.� 1 Peter 4:10 Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A February 7 Please join WCP at the Wesley Chapel Chick-fil-A on February 7 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. for some food, fellowship, and fun! Mention Weddington Christian Preschool when ordering, and they will generously gift us a portion of the proceeds for our ministry. We benefit from both dine-in AND drive-thru orders. Eat more chicken! WCP is in the process of confirming registration for the 2017-2018 School Year! Registration Confirmation for church members will be emailed no later than February 2. Please watch your Email Inbox! Please contact WCP at or to check on additional openings for this school year or for the 2017-2018 school year. A WCP Weddington Campus Tour will be offered on Wednesday, February 1, and Tuesday, February 14. Please R.S.V.P. to 704-849-7628 or to attend, and please be sure to leave a contact phone number. Tours will start at the main WUMC sanctuary entrance near the fountain at 2:00 p.m. To respect the privacy and security of children and families enrolled at WCP, tours will be offered on the Bonds Grove campus by appointment only. Please call 704-843-6785 or email Page 8
Children and Youth Ministries Weddington Christian Preschool . (cont.) WCP February Mission is “Coins for Kids” to benefit the children at the “Home of the Good Shepherd” Orphanage in Niyahururu. WCP will place coin jugs at the children’s Noah’s Ark entrance to collect loose change through February. All coins and cash collected will be wired straight to the orphanage and Pastor Simon Mwaura. We will be looking for volunteers to count and wrap coins on March 1. Mark Your Calendars! WCP will hold the second annual WCP Open Golf Tournament on March 27. There will be food, fun, prizes, and even golf! Additional information will be published in February by e-newsletter and on the website. Would you like to be part of the planning? Please contact Corey Glass through the WCP email at WCP Summer Camps Watch for registration to begin in February by visiting our website. Summer camp dates are June 6-8, July 11-14, and August 8-11.
Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are
programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.
Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from 7:00 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
News and Announcements Happy February! Confirmation begins on February 12 at 6:30 p.m. in Helms Hall. We are excited to get to know our prospective confirmands and look forward to growing in our faith together! This year we recognize the way in which spring break for many of our students overlaps with Holy Week. We understand this has created a dilemma for some of our prospective confirmands who have pre-arranged trips at the time of our Palm Sunday Confirmation Service on April 9. We would like you to know - if there is a reason you need to miss the Confirmation Service on April 9 we will be happy to speak with you about picking a Sunday morning for your son/ daughter to be confirmed in worship.
Summer Mission Trips and more... would you like to know what we have planned for this year? We are really excited to have a new google calendar for our youth ministry. This calendar option is great because it will work on most phones, tablets, and computers. The link to subscribe/add it to your calendar is on the youth page of the church website. Subscribing will give you up-to-date information as to what our plans are and will update you if they change for any reason. Currently we have the dates for all of the trips for 2017, including missions, on the calendar. We have not locked in locations for all of them yet but this should help you in your planning for 2017! Senior High Beach Retreat If you’re in high school, mark your calendar for March 9-12! We will head to Topsail Beach for our winter retreat. The cost is $120 per person with a $60 deposit due at registration (register on the website For students who have school on March 10 - there will be a transportation option available to you. Please let us know if you are in need of a ride on March 10 and we will make a way for you.
The church has traditionally set the season of Lent as a time of preparation for students who wish to be confirmed so they may worship as members on Easter Sunday. We as clergy and staff thoroughly discussed the decision to keep the service scheduled for Palm Sunday because of this theological consideration. We are thankful to journey with you through this special time and we are praying for all who participate! We look forward to seeing everyone on the 12! Page 9
Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson News and Announcements Created by God- Date Change! Created by God for 5th graders will take place on Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25. This program is a neat way for our children to learn about their bodies and to celebrate how their bodies are changing. Cost is only $30 and registration can be found on our website or at the KidCheck station. For questions, please contact Carolyn Nelson. GLOW is coming! Calling all 4th and 5th graders to come and join the fun on Friday, March 3 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the Family Life Center. We are so excited to welcome back the Florence Baptist GLOW group. You won’t want to miss the “glowing” good time we will have. Games, pizza, and worship are all part of the fun. Wear your white shirt so you can glow right along with all your friends!
LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE A Fun Event for 4th & 5th Graders Games, food, worship & the Gospel message shared in a really neat way! Bring a friend in 4th or 5th grade! May 13th 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Family Life Center For more information contact Carolyn Nelson at
Vacation Bible Camp 2017 This year’s Vacation Bible Camp will be held on Monday, June 26 - Friday, June 30 from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Registration will begin on March 19.
Nursery/Childcare Provider Needed We are searching for part-time Nursery/Childcare providers to work in our nurseries and childcare rooms at our Monroe campus. Hours include Sunday mornings and/or evenings, Wednesday mornings and evenings, and other days and times as needed. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age, consent to a criminal background check, have child care experience, and have the desire to care for our littlest ones with Christ-like love and patience. To apply for this position, please contact Carolyn Nelson.
Sew Many Blessings Life Group A little trivia......Do you know the first time sewing is mentioned in the Bible? In Genesis! Genesis 3:7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. Sew Many Blessings is the name of the quilting/sewing Life Group started December 2015. Not all of our members sew. Some crochet, knit, or even do cross stitch while joining in for the fellowship. While we don't make loin cloths, we have been known to make 112 pairs of mittens to be donated with the WUMC coat drive; 55 seat belt covers, angel pillows, and chemo hats for cancer patients; Easter baskets, crocheted scarves, and fleece hats for the Monroe campus; and walker bags and lap quilts for nursing homes. Some of the other groups we have donated to are the March of Dimes, The Shriners, and Children's Miracle Network. One of our projects for the new year will be quilting isolet covers for the Carolina's Healthcare System Neonatal Intensive Care Units. We meet on the first Saturday of the month at Bonds Grove Campus at 9:00 a.m. and stay until 4:00 p.m. This is a drop-in type of group, so if you can't be there the entire time, come anyway and stay as long as you can. We are always looking for new members, projects, and ideas. Donations of quilting fabric (100% cotton), cotton batting, and thread are welcome at any time. If you would like to join us, or have further questions, please contact Robin Turner at Page 10
Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions
Wednesdays @ Weddington
Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.
Join us for a church-wide fellowship meal in the Family Life Center on Wednesdays. Meals are served from 5:00-6:15 p.m. Cost is $5 per person, $20 max for families. No reservations are necessary. All are welcome!
At Meet Weddington, you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC.
February Menu • Feb. 1 - Enchilada casserole, salad bar, and churros • Feb. 8 - Chicken and dumplings, lima beans, corn bread, and peach cobbler • Feb. 15 - Lasagna and salad bar, breadsticks, and assorted cookies • Feb. 22 - Marinated flank steak with flour tortillas, rice with black beans and corn, salad bar, and chocolate surprise
Meet Weddington Church sessions are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Multipurpose Room. The next meeting will be February 26 at 5:00 p.m.
Evangelism . Rev. Amy Hutchison Young Adults
Music & Arts Ministry. Dr. Reginald Houze Seasonal Singers for Lent and Easter
Young Adults Third Sunday Lunch Join us for lunch after worship each third Sunday for food and fellowship! Meet at 12:15 in the main Sanctuary narthex. For more information, please contact Rev. Amy Hutchison.
Anyone interested in singing in the Chancel Choir for the Lent and Easter special services, including the Dubois Seven Last Words of Christ, contact Dr. Houze at the church office.
Child-Parent Relationship Training
Stampers for Life Group Fundraiser
For parents of children ages 3-9: Do you feel frustrated in your relationship with your child? Do you find that you repeat yourself with no results? Would you like to learn skills that enhance parent-child interactions? This 10 week training, led by UNC Charlotte Masters-level students, will help you learn effective responses to your child’s behavior and emotional needs. • Regain control as a parent • Help your child develop self-control • Understand your child’s emotional needs • Communicate more effectively with your child • Effectively disciple and limit inappropriate behavior
The Stampers for Life Group using crafting skills and creativity to raise money for postage for the WUMC prison ministry. We will have a Card Sale on Sunday morning, February 5 and 12, in Helms Hall, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
The parenting sessions will begin the week of February 12 at Weddington UMC, either Sundays from 4:00-6:00 p.m. OR Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided and the cost is FREE! Childcare provided. Registration is required and space is limited. Questions? Please contact Jennifer Cobb at 704.517.0854.
We will also hold an Open House with Bake Sale and Workshop on Saturday, February 11 at the Hemby House, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. In addition to cards and treats for sale, the workshop gives you an opportunity to make a card with us and find out more about our Life Group. Ministry Leaders: Stampers for Life Group makes a variety of greeting cards. If these can be useful in your ministry, come and see us to discuss how we can help.
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Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus)
Members of the Week Two Costa Rica Mission Trip Team in Belen, Costa Rica. The team spent the week building an addition onto the existing church school.
Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor
Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant
Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor
Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care
Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant
Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor
Lisa Keeler, Admin. Assistant
Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor
Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant
Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts
Adell Keen, WCA Principal
Charlie Brown, Youth Minister
Emily Campbell, WCP Director
Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister
Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director
Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister
Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director
Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy Justin Lineberry, 10:10 Worship Leader JoAnn Horstman, Business Administrator Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications
Page 12
Mike Carver, Facilities Manager Kim Veith, Food Service Director
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Marvin Campus 9914 New Town Rd Marvin, NC 28173 Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110