January 2019 Newsletter

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January 2019 Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.

Contents: Page 1:

Something New

Page 2:

Monthly Reflection

Page 3:


Page 4:

Church Directory

Page 5:

Adult Ministries

Page 6:

Adult Ministries

Page 7:

Pastoral Care

Page 8:

Youth & Children

Page 9:


Page 10: Evangelism Ministry Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information

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Something New "Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18, 19a Each new year offers a time of reflection. As we look back, we remember the joys, the challenges, and the tears of the past year. And as we look forward, we make new resolutions, embrace fresh possibilities, and know that something new is always upon us. “Do you not perceive it?” In every season of life, there is a new thing that God is doing. The question we are invited to ponder is, how we will open our hearts and spirits to its unfolding? Whatever time it is in your life, whatever your age, occupation, or season, God's voice continues to call out to you... “Follow me.” Or, as the God of Isaiah declares, “I am about to do a new thing… Do you not perceive it?” As you consider the possibilities of the new year that lies ahead, take time to listen and perceive... What new thing am I being called to? How will I grow in faith and relationship with God? How can I follow where God is leading? Let us commit to praying for one another as we seek to follow God and open our hearts and spirits to the "new thing" God is doing in and around us in the days ahead. Let us also encourage one another to find new ways to grow in faith, and connect with and serve others in 2019. If you would like help in finding ways to do this, please reach out to me. Also, take time to browse the Connections - Winter 2019 booklet - it's designed to help you find ways to intentionally grow in your faith and relationship with God. I can't wait to see all that God has planned for us in 2019. I look forward to taking the journey together. Blessings to you and yours in 2019! Patsy Sorrell, Director of Adult Discipleship

WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.

We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.

Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry Moore Follow Me What are some of the important building blocks of our ministry at Weddington? One, for sure, is discipleship. As a church, our goal is to make disciples, not just church members. This drives our ministry with our children, our youth, and our adults. We want to be more than a pretty church on the hill. We are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

January is a good time to recommit to be a disciple. We begin the year with the Covenant Service where we recommit our lives to Jesus Christ. We have many opportunities then to study and to grow. We encourage everyone to be a part of a Bible study, a Life Group, a class, or some opportunity to grow in our study of the scriptures and our walk with Christ.

In the Greek world the word “disciple” normally referred to an adherent of a particular teacher or religious/ philosophical school. It was the task of the disciple to learn, study, and pass along the sayings and teachings of the master. In rabbinic Judaism the term “disciple” referred to one who was committed to the interpretations of Scripture and religious tradition given by the master or rabbi.

We encourage you to review the publication, Connections. You can pick up a hard copy, view on the website, or the church app. Reach out to Patsy Sorrell or speak with some of our teachers or our Life Group team. We have large groups and small groups. We have classes that meet on Sunday mornings and others that meet during the week. We have groups and classes that meeting in the morning, the afternoon, and the evening. We have groups that meet in homes, coffee shops, and on our campuses. We can find a group for you. If not, we will start one.

Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

When Jesus called the disciples, he said, “Follow me.” And they did. Jesus now calls us to be His disciples. He invites us, “Follow me.” Our call is to grow in our faith and in our walk with Christ. Our call is to become disciples, not just serve as disciples. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ becomes part of our identity, our essence, our being. It is who we are, not just what we do. John Wesley referred to this as moving on to perfection: loving God with all of our being and loving one another, to have the mind of Christ, and to walk as Jesus walked. In our mission statement, we speak of “intentionally growing in faith.” Discipleship has to be intentional. It will not just happen. Disciples commit to following Christ and growing together. Page 2

Discipleship is about being. Being a Christian is who I am, it is not just what I do. I invite you to join us on the journey to being. Jesus calls, “Follow me.” Now, we answer. Rev. Dr. Terry Moore Senior Pastor

Missions Local Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.

Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli

Local Missions Throughout Advent Advent 2018 at Weddington UMC was filled with the Spirit of giving. Here are some of the ways that we served as a church through local missions this past month: • Neighbors were welcomed to the Hemby House for a warm and dry bed accompanied by a delicious meal. Thank you to all that have signed up to serve with Room In The Inn! • Many children were blessed with Christmas presents through the Angel Trees and through Operation Christmas Child. • Our Cub Scout Troop Pack 99 gave presents to our Monroe Campus children. • Operation Sandwich made lunch for our Mecklenburg neighbors. • ESL and Homework Help held Christmas parties to celebrate another semester completed. • Due to the rain, we celebrated caroling indoors in our Monroe Campus Sanctuary with the Monroe community, lead by Dr. Houze and a Brass Quintet. • We served lunch to Benton Heights Elementary teachers and cared for their students so that they could enjoy a duty free lunch. • The Building Brothers rebuilt our Monroe Campus ramp. • And finally, through the 200 family-size ham donation we received, we served a Christmas meal to the children at Thompson Family Center and to families from our Monroe Campus. We were able to donate hams to Turning Point, Union County Shelter, and House of Pearls. We were also able to visit a nearby apartment community near our Monroe Campus for the first time! We were very well received and gifted families with hams! Through it all, we shared Christ's joy, hope, love, and peace. If you are interested in learning more about the ways you can be a part of serving in local missions, please go to our website or contact Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez through the church office.

Building Brothers 2019 Mission With this annual trip planned for April 4-7, 2019, the goals of Building Brothers remain unchanged. We will be constructing Habitat for Humanity homes on the Carolina coast. "The experience is neither for the arrogant, nor for the timid. It is not for the man who thinks he has it all together. It is for the man who in his own imperfections can share the grace of Jesus Christ with his brother. Men who have all the answers or who are unwilling to let others see the real man inside should not come." Building Brothers can be described as a place and time where we labor to help others, but in reality, it is a place and time where God intervenes in the hearts of the men who go. The sense of God’s presence and His pleasure in the ordinary events are an integral part of why we go. A man’s skills may help in the building tasks, but those skills are secondary to the attitudes of his heart in building relationships. The team size is limited to 24 men and the cost is $325. The first 24 men that are paid will go – first come, first served. For more information, contact either Brian King at Bking@rodgersbuilders.com or (704) 582-1940 or Lloyd Briggs at Labinc1@aol.com or (704) 806-6752.

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Church Directory It’s time for a new church directory...and it won’t be complete without you!

Make your appointment today! January 2 2:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Hemby House January 4 2:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Hemby House January 5 10:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Hemby House January 19 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. at Helms Hall January 20 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Helms Hall

Please note the location for the date you choose.

To schedule your appointment online: Go to www.ucdir.com. Click “Photography Appointment Scheduling”. Enter NC180 in Church Code field. Enter WUMC in the password field. Follow the prompts to schedule your appointment time. If you have 6 or more in your family please use 2 consecutive time slots.

Opportunities to Serve Cafe Connections Hospitality Crew As a church, we know how important it is to help folks feel welcomed, make friends, and find a place to belong. Beginning in January our Sunday morning coffee service will have a new name - Cafe Connections, and is designed as a time and place for this to happen. Please consider sharing your gifts of hospitality with others before and/ or after worship in the Family Life Center or Helms Hall by the coffee stations as we welcome and invite one another to find places to connect - with God and others. Cafe Connections Coffee Servers Sunday morning beverage service is something that is enjoyed by many and only happens due to a wonderful team of servant volunteers. In order to continue this ministry of hospitality, additional servers are needed to join this rotating team. Not only is it a much appreciated ministry, it's a great way to get to know others. Please contact Ron Kraft through the church office for more information. Fill A Bottle, Save a Life Help Pregnancy Center in Monroe is inviting others to partner with them in supporting young women, men, and teens who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy through their Baby Bottle Campaign. Pick up a baby bottle from Helms Hall or the Church Office in January and fill them with coins, bills, and/or checks. Return your bottle by January 31. This is a great opportunity for families, small groups, and individuals to make a difference in the name of Christ. Community Shelter of Union County If you're interested in planning, preparing, and/or serving meals in 2019, please contact Pam Runkel through the church office. WUMC Welcome Center Do you have the gift of hospitality? We are in need of volunteers to serve on rotation at our Welcome Centers in the Sanctuary and FLC before and after worship. Please contact Rev. Amy Hutchison for more information. Page 4

Adult Ministries Adult Discipleship Ministry . Patsy Sorrell Connections - Winter 2019 There are many opportunities to grow in your relationship with God and connect with others in 2019. The Winter 2019 Connections, is now available to view at www.weddingtonchurch.org/connections, via the Weddington Church App, or you can pick up a copy at the church. Below are just a few of the many new small and large group opportunities. To register for any of these studies, please visit the website or contact the church office. Women: • God in Creation: A Study of Genesis 1-11, Mondays 9:00-11:00 a.m.; led by Louise Padfield, begins January 14 • Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer, Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m.; led by Heather Brown, begins January 8 • Raised Together: A Study of Colossians, Wednesdays 9:30-Noon; led by Marty Cook, begins January 30 Men: • 1 Corinthians, Tuesdays 7:30 p.m.; led by Dwight Jacobs at the Hemby House • Overcomer, Fridays 7:00 a.m.; led by Dave Bakich at the Hemby House • S.U.R.F.A.C.E, Sundays 6:30 p.m.; led by Jeff Vawter & Bryan Lynip at the Marvin Campus Pastor's Bible Study: • The Gospel According to John, Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m., taught by Rev. Dr. Terry Moore, begins January 9 Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the synoptic Gospels. They see things the same way. John is different. John is a theologian who desperately desires for all to believe in Jesus Christ as God's only begotten Son and Savior of the world. Join Dr. Moore on this 13-week journey through the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ as proclaimed by John.

Upcoming Events

Cafe Connections Looking for a cup of coffee, good conversation, and a time of connecting with others on Sunday mornings? Join us in Helms Hall or the Family Life Center before and after worship or Sunday School. It’s a great way to meet new friends, connect with old friends, and find ways to get connected at Weddington Church!

Cafe Connections takes place in the: Sanctuary Building from 8:30-11:30 a.m. in Helms Hall located across the hall from the Information Center Family Life Center from 9:30-10:10 a.m. and 11:15-11:45 a.m. in the Family Life Center (Gym)

Parent's Night Out Date: Friday, January 25 Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Location: Weddington Fellowship Hall Ready for an evening out with friends? Great news! We have planned a fun evening for both parents and the kids. Feed the kiddos at home, then drop them off in the Children's Wing. Adults will gather in the Fellowship Hall to socialize, enjoy a nice dinner, and have some fun too! Childcare is free, adults are $10 per person. RSVP is required and space is limited. Register online or by contacting Tonya Tapp at 704-814-1314. Family Movie Night Date: Friday, February 15 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Helms Hall Bring the kids, grandkids, and your friends along to enjoy a fun night of fellowship, a family-friendly movie, and some popcorn at Weddington Church as we hang out and have fun together. Page 5

Adult Ministries Women's Ministry Mary Martha Circle gathers as a group of loving and

caring women in fellowship - supporting each other, growing in faith, and helping to serve the needs in the church and surrounding community. Our January meeting will be Friday, January 4, 2019, at 9:30 in the church Fellowship Hall. We will be making fleece fringed blankets for Turning Point/ Tree House. Come join us! We welcome all ladies of the church to our meetings! Contact Mary Revels at revelsmary@carolina.rr.com or Tommie Craig at tommiecraig@carolina.rr.com for more information.

Lucy Price Circle The Lucy Price Circle meets monthly,

normally on the second Tuesday evening from September through May. Our circle tries to be mission focused and has projects, activities, and events to help House of Pearls (a Christian transition home), our WUMC Monroe Campus Homework Help children, a family with special needs, Operation Reach Out (collecting food), and other mission oriented opportunities. Our meetings may have a speaker, an activity and/or a meal. We enjoy eating and having social times, but also want to share the love of Christ by serving others.

Susanna Wesley Circle (SWC) Please join us for our next

Our January meeting will be on Tuesday, January 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hemby House. We are inviting the leaders of the Monroe Campus Homework Help tutoring program to speak to our circle. We will also prepare Valentine gift bags for the children who attend Homework Help at the Monroe Campus.

In our January meeting, we are excited to announce that we will hear from Wendy Reeder, Academic Adminstrator at Weddington Christian Academy. Mrs. Reeder will share ten tips for creating ready, confident students in the classroom. She will also explore navigating the transition to formal learning in the classroom and a parent's important role as a team player.

We welcome all ladies to join us. For more information about the Lucy Price Circle, contact Carolyn Canzonieri at cpc.canzonieri@gmail.com.

Susanna Wesley Circle Meeting on January 18 from 9:3011:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This is a great group of Godly women who gather for fellowship, to serve others, and to grow in their faith. Please bring a friend!

Childcare is provided in the nursery wing for children 7 months and older from 9:15-11:45 a.m. Contact secretaryswc@gmail.com for more information.

2nd Sunday Life Group Connection The 2nd Sunday of each month a member of our Life Group Ministry Team is available in the Narthex and near the coffee stations in the Family Life Center (FLC) before and after each worship service to answer questions and help you find a group that will be a good fit. The next 2nd Sunday Connection will be held on January 13.

Kings & Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings & Queens Our next meeting will be on

January 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. George DeMont, former lead singer of South Pacific at the Matthews Playhouse, will entertain us. Golden Corral Luncheon Wednesday, January 16 at 11:30 a.m. We will leave the church office parking lot at 11:00 a.m. May 13-15, 2019 Senior Celebration: Finishing Strong by Serving Well, with Rev. Jimmy Draper at The Cove – Cost is $285 per person. A deposit of $100 is due this month. Please contact Sandra McKee for additional information.

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Above: WCA students performing at the December meeting Right: James Johnson in festive holiday attire at the K&Q December meeting

Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs News and Announcements GriefShare beginning on Wednesday January 23 Experiencing the death of a loved one can bring forth great sadness. It is so helpful for people who are grieving to have a group of people who understand completely the pain of the grief journey. We are blessed in our church to have a group like this called GriefShare. The amazing facilitators who have also lost loved ones lead 13-week sessions on how to walk through grief. Their use of a DVD series combined with discussion, scripture reading and other activities bring forth an environment of love and healing. GriefShare begins on Wednesday, January 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hemby House. If you or someone you know are interested in signing up for GriefShare, please contact Sandra McKee at the church office. DivorceCare beginning on Wednesday January 16 The heartache and shame of separation and divorce can be overwhelming. That’s why DivorceCare is offered. We at Weddington UMC desire for people who are separated and/or divorced to experience God’s healing and grace. DivorceCare is 13 weeks and covers topics designed to help someone with all the many challenges brought forth from separation and divorce. The wonderful facilitators have been through divorce themselves and offer much support. DivorceCare begins on Wednesday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 20 in the Sanctuary building. If you or someone you know are interested in being a part of DivorceCare, please contact Sandra McKee at the church office. DivorceCare for Kids beginning on Wednesday January 16 The after effects of parents who are separated or divorced can be very difficult for their children. We are offering DivorceCare for Kids, beginning Wednesday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 21 in the Sanctuary building to help children who are in this life transition. DivorceCare for Kids is a 13-week series using videos, games, Bible study, refreshments, and more to be a support. Please sign up your child or grandchild for DivorceCare for Kids by contacting Sandra McKee. Alzheimer’s and Dementia Group on Wednesday January 9 The next once a month support group for caregivers of loved ones who have Alzheimer’s or dementia is on Wednesday, January 9 in Room 16 in the Sanctuary building. Caregivers can get drained emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In order to help prevent burnout, Ginny Hunt, from the Alzheimer’s Association, will be present to facilitate conversation in a way that participants will find to be helpful. New Year and a New You This coming year may be a good time for you to evaluate your emotional and spiritual health. A strong person is someone who recognizes a need for help. Seeking counseling is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of willingness to move beyond, to take a step of vulnerability towards healthiness. Tony Gibson is a licensed professional marriage and family therapist at our Weddington Christian Counseling Center. He is more than willing to walk alongside individuals or families to help facilitate healing and wholeness. Tony can be reached at 704-814-4220 or at tgibson.wcc@weddingtonchurch.org to make an appointment.

Men's Ministry Men’s Connection Breakfast The United Methodist Men meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:309:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics. All men are welcome! January Dates and Topics • January 13 - Continuation of Andy Stanley's Follow, Lesson 6 "What I Want to Want." • January 27 - Guest speaker Rev. Leroy Henry The Men's Connection members will be serving breakfast to the Weddington Christian Academy fathers and students prior to school in the Family Life Center on Friday January 25. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and biscuits & gravy are on the menu. Watch the WUMC weekly eNews "This Week at Weddington" for more details as the date draws closer.

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Children's Ministries Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are

programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.

Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from

7:00- 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Hello 2019! We are thrilled to kick off this new year and welcome all the ways God will move and work in our lives. Our normal Sunday night gathering starts January 6 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and our Wednesday night Bible Study resumes on January 9. We would love to have you join us and make it a routine to grow in your faith surrounded by other youth.

Retreats and Missions Trip Registration Now Open In addition to weekly activities, the youth participate in several retreats and mission trips throughout the year. All of our retreats are discipleship based and all youth have the opportunity to attend at least one mission trip during the summer and two retreats throughout the year. Our church helps to offset the cost for all of these trips and the participant cost to attend all of them is less than $600 annually. To view a full list of our 2019 mission trips and retreats, please visit www.weddingtonchurch.org/youth. Confirmation is a time of intentional preparation that gives youth the opportunity to reflect on the most basic elements of our faith. It is a special time to begin a journey of faith that nurtures and challenges youth to think about the nature of God, the life of Christ, and learn about United Methodist beliefs. The classes are offered annually starting in February to youth, 6th grade and above. To learn more and to register for Confirmation 2019, please go to the website. On February 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the FLC Multipurpose Room prospective confirmation students and their parents are invited to an Introduction to Confirmation class where we will explain the process of confirmation and have a special time to get to know our pastors and church staff.

Girls Blanket Making Party

Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson News and Announcements JAM (Jesus & Me) will start back on Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30 p.m. Children age 4 through 5th grade are invited to come and join the fun as we explore God’s Word, learn to use our Bibles, play games, and have fun together! New this year: 4th and 5th graders have their own class in Room #204 with Ms. Jamie. Come and join her!

Follow us @thearkwumc

Part-Time Childcare Workers Needed Are you looking to make a few extra dollars this year? The Ark Nursery/Childcare is looking for individuals age 19 and older to join our team. There are Sunday morning, weekday, and evening positions available at our Weddington and Monroe campus. Contact Carolyn Nelson to learn more on how you can be a part of our team and have fun with some amazing kids at the same time! HISKids Volunteers Needed Is God calling you to be a special buddy for some really super kids? The Ark Children’s Ministry could use you. We are currently looking for individuals who have a heart for working with children with disabilities and/or behavioral issues. There are weekly and bi-weekly ministry opportunities available with various ages. If you are feeling led to serve in this ministry, please contact Carolyn Nelson. Page 8

Weddington Christian Academy . Adell Keen, Principal News and Announcements Happy New Year from WCA! Registration for the 2019-2020 School Year will open to WUMC and WCP families on January 22. We will open to the general public on January 28. All registration documents can be found on the school website at www.weddingtonchristianacademy.org under the admissions tab. Our next scheduled open house is Wednesday, January 9 at 9:15 a.m. If you would like to register for this date or schedule a private tour on another date, please visit the school website to RSVP or email to admissions@weddingtonchristianacademy.org. Important Dates: • Monday, January 21 - MLK Holiday – No School • Thursday, January 24 - Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A @ Waverly from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Friday, January 25 - Annual Dad’s Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. • Friday, January 25 - Mother/Son Event The WCA First LEGO League Middle School students will compete at their first competition on Saturday, January 12. This group has built several robots and have practiced all fall to complete various robot missions. We know they will do a great job!

Weddington Christian Preschool . Emily Campbell, Director Happy New Year from WCP! Praying God gives you a year of favor, full of His unending love. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us…” Psalm 90:17a WCP January Mission is “Coins for Kids” to benefit the children at the “Home of the Good Shepherd” Orphanage in Niyahururu, Kenya. WCP will place coin jugs at the children’s Noah’s Ark entrance to collect loose change through February. All coins and cash collected will be wired straight to the orphanage and Pastor Simon Mwaura. We will be looking for volunteers to count and wrap coins the first of March. A visit from Local Kindergarten Teachers January 10 at 9:15 a.m. Among other topics, these teachers will discuss incoming kindergarten assessments, kindergarten preparedness, curriculums, and what a kindergartner’s day may look like. Please do RSVP to this all adult meeting by email or call us at the WCP office at 704-849-7628. Spirit Night at Chopt in Blakeney January 15 Please join WCP at the Chopt in Blakeney from 4:00-8:00 p.m. for some food, fellowship, and fun! Mention Weddington Christian Preschool when ordering and they will generously gift us a portion of the proceeds for our ministry. We benefit from both dine-in AND takeout orders. Enjoy comfort food, salad style! Is Transitional Kindergarten right for you and your child? Join us January 23 at 9:30 a.m. for lots of great information about our TK program! Please RSVP to wcp@weddingtonchurch.org or 704-849-7628 to attend. Registration for the WCP 2019-2020 School Year will open to the community on January 7. Please visit our website for all pertinent age requirements, deadlines, and documents. Registration for WUMC members started on December 15, and all forms are due by January 24. A WCP Weddington Campus Tour will be offered January 8, 16, and 30. Please R.S.V.P. to 704-849-7628 or wcp@weddingtonchurch.org to attend, and please be sure to leave a contact phone number. Tours will start at the main WUMC Sanctuary entrance near the fountain at 2:00 p.m. To respect the privacy and security of children and families enrolled at WCP, tours will be offered on the Bonds Grove campus by appointment only. Please call 704-843-6785 or email BGCPS@weddingtonchurch.org. Page 9

Evangelism Ministry . Rev. Amy Hutchison Christmas Eve Evangelism Dear behind-the-scenes servants, I cannot begin to express enough thanks to those who extended hospitality to the thousands of guests we welcomed this Christmas Eve. It always astonishes me how God provides, and this Christmas Eve was no different. We had enough volunteers to cover ushering duties at an extra service and communion servers for an overflowing overflow. The fact that you gave of your time on Christmas Eve makes it even more sweet. Thank you for your flexibility as we try to plan for the unexpected but there is, in fact, always something a bit unexpected. Some of the amazing things I witnessed this Advent & Christmas Season: • A family of 3 setting up nearly 800 chairs in preparation for Christmas Eve • Two of our youth stepping in at the last minute to create an extra communion station when our overflow room was filled at capacity plus • Leaders who sent countless e-mails and instructions to rally together teammates when we thought we wouldn’t have enough hands to serve • People standing outside in the cold so that our guests’ first impression of the church in the parking lot would be a joyous one • One wonderfully dedicated woman who made sure all of the communion elements were prepared and plentiful, and created an extra communion station at the last minute I’m sure I have missed so many other stories of those of you who stepped in during this time, but please know it does not go without notice or appreciation. Thank you for your dedication not only during this season, but throughout the entire year! Love in Christ, Rev. Amy

News and Announcements Neighborhood Bags We have a tool for you to reach out to your neighbors to welcome them into the community while inviting them to church at the same time! These neighborhood bags are stuffed with information about the church, as well as a note welcoming them to the community. Feel free to add your own special gift! These bags are available at each of the Information Centers. Please make sure to let us know which neighborhood you’ll be taking them to so we can see where we are reaching! For any questions, please contact Rev. Amy Hutchison. Silent Witness Come by the Information Center for Silent Witness items. We have discounted the suggested donation for each of these items to clear way for new ones in 2019.

Church Holiday Office Hours

Part-Time Kitchen Assistant Needed

The church office will be closed on Tuesday, January 1 for the New Years holiday.

Part-time help is needed in the Weddington Church and WCA kitchens. Summer and most holidays off. Please call or email Food Service Director, Kim Veith by email at kim.veith@weddingtonchurch.org for more details.

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Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions

Wednesdays @ Weddington

Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.

Fellowship meals are served from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center (Sept-May). The cost per meal is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, with a maximum of $20.00 per family. Reservations are not required, and while we hope you stay to join us for a time of discipleship, that is not required either. We’re glad to come together mid-week as a church family to break bread together, support one another in life and faith, and continue to build faith-filled friendships.

At Meet Weddington you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church, and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC. Meet Weddington Church sessions are typically held monthly. The next Meet Weddington will be on January 27 at 5:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room.

Weddington Kids Consignment Spring/Summer Sale Spring/Summer Sale - March 8 and 9 in the FLC

• Pre-sale - $15 cash/$16 card at the door (all proceeds go to Missions) - March 8 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. • Regular Sale free entry - March 9 - 8:00 a.m. - Noon • Half Price Sale - 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Consignor Lottery Registration will open January 16 at 8:00 a.m. and stay open through 8:00 p.m. The lottery results will be communicated Thursday January 17. Anyone who does not get a spot will be wait listed. Volunteer Registration opens on January 16 and will stay open until the week of the sale.

January Menu • Jan. 9 - Creamy baked penne pasta with Italian sausage, bread sticks, and assorted cookies • Jan. 16 - Herb crusted pork loin, parsley Dijon smashed new potatoes, oven roasted green beans, roll, and peach cobbler • Jan. 23 - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, roll, and assorted cookies • Jan. 30 - De-constructed chicken cordon bleu over rice, glazed carrots, biscuit, and apple pie * A salad bar is also available every week unless otherwise noted. We will not have W@W on January 2.

Square Dancing Square Dancing Open House Friday, January 4, 2019, 7:309:30 p.m. in the main campus Fellowship Hall. Come and give square dancing a try! No experience is necessary, just a desire to have fun. If you can’t make the Open House, please come try the first 2 weeks of lessons, January 10 and 17 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 2 of the Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Theresa Rutz, 704-763-6961 tbrutz1@gmail.com.

WUMC Support Groups NA Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Marvin Campus Fellowship Hall

AA Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall

Fridays, 10:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2 Contact: Nina, nina_michelle7@yahoo.com or 704-499-2564

AL-ANON Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Hemby House

Contact: Rev. Ed Briggs

Saturdays, 11:00 a.m., Monroe Campus Fellowship Hall Contact: Kasei, kaseidelpezzo@gmail.com Saturdays, 8:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Nina, nina_michelle7@yahoo.com or 704-499-2564 1st Saturday monthly, 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Nina, nina_michelle7@yahoo.com or 704-499-2564

Contact: Don, hanssally@aol.com or 704-243-0765

Contact: Sarah N. (704) 654-8529; sjn2003@gmail.com or Chris R. (704) 904-6849; cgr1057@aol.com

ACA, Adult Children of Alcoholics Fridays,

6:30 p.m., Room 209. Contact: suzanne.rakoczy@gmail.com

NAMI Family Support Group 2nd Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Room 214, John and Evann Duncan, 704-292-2287

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Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus) 6:00 p.m. Bilingual Worship (Monroe Campus) 4:00 p.m. Waltonwood Retirement Community

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Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor terry.moore@weddingtonchurch.org

JoAnn Horstman, Executive Director of Operations joann.horstman@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care ed.briggs@weddingtonchurch.org

Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications elizabeth.mitchell@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor rocio.avila@weddingtonchurch.org

Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant ruth.cooley@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor amy.hutchison@weddingtonchurch.org

Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant sandra.mckee@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy

Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant linda.caskey@weddingtonchurch.org

Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts reginald.houze@weddingtonchurch.org

Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant tonya.tapp@weddingtonchurch.org

Justin Lineberry, Director of Praise & Worship justin.lineberry@weddingtonchurch.org

Leah Primm, Admin. Assistant leah.primm@weddingtonchurch.org

Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister carolyn.nelson@weddingtonchurch.org

Adell Keen, WCA Principal akeen@weddingtonchristianacademy.org

Jamie Nader, Children’s Ministry Associate jamie.nader@weddingtonchurch.org

Emily Campbell, WCP Director wcp@weddingtonchurch.org

Katie Bradshaw, Children’s Ministry AssociateMonroe Campus katie.monroechildcare@gmail.com

Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director bgcps@weddingtonchurch.org

Charlie Brown, Youth Minister charlie.brown@weddingtonchurch.org

Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director jan.williams@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister meredith.hinton@weddingtonchurch.org

Mike Carver, Facilities Manager mcar1973@earthlink.net

Patsy Sorrell, Director of Adult Discipleship patsy.sorrell@weddingtonchurch.org

Kim Veith, Food Service Director kim.veith@weddingtonchurch.org

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Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Weddington Christian Counseling Center 9914 New Town Road Marvin, NC 28173 Tony Gibson, Counselor, MA, LMFT tgibson.wcc@weddingtonchurch.org Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110

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