June 2017 Newsletter

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June 2017 Our Mission: To fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ... by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love.

Contents: Page 1:

Vacation Bible Camp

Page 2:

Monthly Reflection

Page 3:

Missions and Outreach

Page 4:

Pastoral Care

Page 5:

Adult Ministries

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Adult Ministries

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Adult Ministries

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Children & Youth Ministries

Page 10: AV Update Page 11: Announcements Page 12: Church Information

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Vacation Bible Camp 2017 Vacation Bible Camp Registrations are still being accepted. Please download a form from our website or stop by the church office. Many volunteers are needed too! Youth and adults are welcomed. Volunteer Orientation will be held on Wednesday, June 7 OR Tuesday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m. in Helms Hall. All volunteers must attend ONE session. Childcare is available in the nursery wing. VBC Assignment Pick ups: Stop by to pick up your child's VBC assignment, iron-on transfer, and CD if you want to purchase one on: • Sunday, June 18 during the morning worship services at the KidCheck station • Monday, June 19 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Helms Hall • Wednesday, June 21 from 10:00 a.m. - 2 :00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in Helms Hall • Thursday, June 22 from 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. in Helms Hall VBC Decorating Days are a great way to come and help with the painting, drawing, and decorating for VBC. Childcare is available in the nursery wing. You do not need to love art or be good in art to come. Just have a desire to serve the Lord in a fun way. Decorating Days will be held on: • Monday, June 12 from 10:00-1:00 in Helms Hall • Monday, June 19 from 10:00-1:00 in Helms Hall • Wednesday, June 21 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in Helms Hall • Thursday, June 22 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in Helms Hall VBC Set Up will be held on Sunday, June 25 at 3:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Please come, give a hand, and stay as long as you can. Volunteers will set up the worship area, wall decorations, entry way and outside of the building. Childcare is available in the nursery wing until 6:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Carolyn Nelson or go to www.weddingtonchurch.org/vbc.

WELCOME TO WEDDINGTON UMC The Weddington UMC family is a vibrant and growing congregation, and we invite you to become a part of this exciting and dynamic church, as we seek to serve as the Body of Christ in our world. God is doing great things in and through this church. We offer a variety of worship styles and ministry opportunities.

We would love to have you join us for worship, ministry, and service. As the church, we are a family. To learn more about WUMC, attend a Meet Weddington session to get to know the staff and learn more about the church. For more information on Meet Weddington see page 11.

Monthly Reflections - Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore The Gospel on Five Fingers I have shared with you that I have been spending some time in the writings and journey of Mother Teresa, now Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Her passion for the poor, the unwanted, the unloved, and the uncared for was amazing and humbling.

When we are sitting with our friends in our clique and a person nearby is sitting alone, how would we respond if we saw Jesus in them? Would we dare exclude Jesus? How would we treat our neighbor, our co-worker, our client, our patient, etc.?

One of the lessons she would teach those in the Missionaries of Charity was what she called, “Gospel on Five Fingers,” “You-did-it-to-me.” This lesson was taken from Matthew 25:31-46 when Jesus is teaching that He will judge based on how we love and treat others. In particular, verse 40, “I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me” (The Message).

We are often tempted to see people as commodities for our personal satisfaction or advancement. We would never verbalize this, but actions often speak on their own. It is easy to ignore people who do not fit into our perceived needs. How would I treat people differently if I thought they were the person of Jesus Christ?

In, Come Be My Light, Father Brian Kolodiejchuk shares that Mother Teresa, “wanted the Missionaries of Charity to remember the poor – not only to respect the dignity of the child of God in each one, but also to realize the supernatural reality of God’s presence in each of them.” We have all read the Matthew scripture. However, it is easy for us to stop seeing people as people, much less as Christ himself. How different would our world be if when we looked at others we saw the face of Jesus? How would we treat the person in church that we have never met who sat beside of us if we saw Jesus in them?

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The "Gospel on Five Fingers" is a lesson and reminder for all of us. The great commandments are that we love God and others. With this lesson, we may do both. “You did it to me.” In ministry together, Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore Senior Pastor

Missions Missions . Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez.

Foreign Mission Chairperson . Bob Consoli

News and Announcements Homework Help May 23 was our closing Homework Help day for the 2016-2017 school year. It was difficult to close in prayer with the children knowing that we would not have those hours of weekly academic study for several weeks with them. What a privilege to be able to contribute to the betterment of their knowledge and future. They are a beautiful group of children and we look forward to seeing them at Vacation Bible Camp as well as Summer Fun Days. Thank you to Mrs. Deedie Baldwin and the entire team of volunteers from our church. You have been a vessel of God’s abundant life for those children and their families. Enjoy your summer break and see you soon! Adult ESL Classes (English as a Second Language) May 23 was our closing ESL class for the 2016-2017 school year. The students received certificates for their growth and effort. During our end of year fellowship they expressed care and gratitude for the teachers, recognizing the time and effort all of the teachers gave in order to offer them the skills needed to learn English. I too join in their gratitude and say thank you to all of the teachers and childcare providers. Learning a second language is not easy. We were able to provide these adults the opportunity that even included childcare so they could focus on class.

Building Brothers planting tomatoes at the Restoration House gardens.

Operation Sandwich: June 10 from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Please join us at the next Operation Sandwich morning that will be held in the main campus Fellowship Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to serve in missions together. Children can help make sandwiches too! 900 sandwiches are made each time and taken to Urban Ministry to share with our homeless neighbors of Charlotte. Great Week of Service August 13th -20th We invite you to be active in our Great Week of Service! We look forward to beginning the week with a prayer of blessing on the first Sunday, working together as Christians for those in need on Monday through Saturday, and closing the week with a prayer of thanksgiving and worship on the last Sunday! Throughout the week, you will be able to serve through service projects such as a neighborhood clean-up of our Monroe Campus community, building projects with a homeless shelter, a canned food drive, making hygiene-kits for school kids of Monroe elementary schools, and more! We look forward to this Great Week as we serve God by serving our neighbor together!

Save the Date: Monroe Campus Vacation Bible Camp July 10-13 We are bringing VBC to the Monroe campus for the second time! On Monday, July 10, we will open our doors to the children who live in the neighborhoods surrounding our Monroe campus. This VBC team is so excited to share the light and show God’s love to these children. Many volunteers are needed! Contact Carolyn Nelson to learn more. VBS at the Monroe Campus in 2016 Page 3

Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Ministry . Rev. Ed Briggs News and Announcements Monroe Campus News We had an exciting day of outreach at our Monroe Campus on Saturday, May 20 in the morning. Eight volunteers went door to door handing out Weddington UMC gift bags to 18 homes of senior adults. We hope these neighbors felt our love and support. Our desire is to establish a relationship with them so that they may experience Jesus through us. Eventually, we would like to have a Kings & Queens group formed for the seniors. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness You may or may not be aware of this but we have a support group for people who have loved ones with mental illness. This amazing group meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in room 214-216 in the Sanctuary building. If you would like more information about this group, please call Rev. Ed Briggs at the church office.

Monroe Campus Outreach to senior adults. Not pictured: Barbara Bennett

Red Cross Blood Drive: Save the Date Wednesday, July 12 from 2:00-9:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Summer GriefShare Grief from the loss of a loved one does not take a break just because it is summer. Therefore, we are offering an abbreviated six week GriefShare experience for the summer. The first GriefShare session begins on Wednesday, June 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hemby House. You can sign up for GriefShare by contacting Sandra McKee at the church office.

Waltonwood Retirement Community Ministry "What a blessing it is to be a part of our church ministry to the residents at Waltonwood's retirement community on Providence Road. I have been involved for over 2 years working with Pastor Ed Briggs in leading a weekly Bible study for the independent living residents there. The Bible studies have covered a variety of topics from books of the Bible to topical subjects to DVD studies. Currently we are finishing a study of 1 John, 2-3 John, and Jude. Even though we have between 10-15 residents regularly attending, you are welcome to join us. We meet Wednesdays in the hobby/craft room from 1:00-2:00 p.m. The ladies are forming friendships and becoming family as they pray for one another and fellowship with other believers. This group at Waltonwood is now known as 'the Bible Bunch' and they are making an impact on the other residents. They have also made an impact on me and I look forward each week to seeing them as we learn more about reflecting God's light on others." -Barbara Bennett If you are interested in getting involved at Waltonwood, please contact Rev. Ed Briggs.

WUMC Support Groups NA Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2 Contact: CJ, coytjr@gmail.com or 704-207-9430

Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Marvin Campus Fellowship Hall Contact: Rev. Ed Briggs

NA 1st Saturday monthly, 3:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Wayne, jrstillson@msn.com or 704-458-6090

AA Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall

Contact: Don, hanssally@aol.com or 704-243-0765

Fridays, 10:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Room 2 Contact: John, slashtwentyfore@gmail.com or 252-643-3551

AL-ANON Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Hemby House

Saturdays, 8:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Contact: Heather, hfhicks13@yahoo.com or 704-290-4290

Food Addiction Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall

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Contact: Joyce, jbain914@gmail.com or 704-256-7026

Room 2, Contact: Joyce, 704-606-4061

Adult Ministries Women's Ministry Susanna Wesley Circle The Susanna Wesley Circle meets regularly once a month on a Friday morning. Childcare is available. We would love for you to join us! SWC Mission:“Growing spiritually together as sisters in Christ by fostering Godly friendships and nurturing relationships with the Lord through missions and community outreach.” If you have any questions, please contact secretaryswc@gmail.com. Lucy Price Circle Lucy Price normally meets on the second Tuesday evening of the month from September through May. All women of the church are invited to join us. You may contact Carolyn Canzonieri at cpc.canzonieri@gmail.com for additional information about the circle.

Mary Martha Circle gathers as a group of loving and caring women in fellowship — supporting each other, growing in faith, and helping to serve the needs in the church and surrounding community. We welcome all ladies of the church to join us the first Friday of every month from September through May in the WUMC Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. Contact Mary Revels at revelsmary@carolina.rr.com or Tommie Craig at tommiecraig@carolina.rr.com for more information.

Women's Fall Retreat - November 3-5 How deeply are you rooted in your faith? What can we do to go from a tiny seed to a mighty oak tree and help others grow their roots deeper and stronger along the way? Join us for a weekend of amazing testimonies and teachings at Montreat Conference Center to help us grow in our Faith, so when the storms of life come, our roots will help us stand firm in Him! "So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love..." Ephesians 3:17 All women are welcome! Register by July 1 to receive a special early bird discount. Register at www.weddingtonchurch.org/women.

United Methodist Men (UMM) Men’s Connection Breakfast The United Methodist Men

meet in the Youth Center of the Family Life Center from 7:30-9:00 a.m. twice a month on Sunday for food, fellowship, and to discuss various topics. All men are welcome! Our next meetings will be June 11 and 25.

This Month's Topics • June 11- Recognition of the recent Building Brothers trip to John's Island, S.C. • June 25- Todd Jones speaking about his transition from missionary in Korea to Africa Women's Ministry Ladies Night Out

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Adult Ministries . Rev. Mark Curtis Resource Center : Great Books! Staff Recommendation - Charlie Brown "Orbiting the Giant Hairball", by Gordon A. Mackenzie Orbiting the Giant Hairball is not a “church book” but more of a guide for those who lead teams. It’s an attempt to provide insight to those who wish to help people reach great potential. The author is an ex-creative guru who worked for Hallmark. Don’t let the title throw you off! Author Gordon MacKenzie is a little “out there” and these pages contain disruptive purpose, but in this book one will find practical ways to recognize and unlock creative potential. What if there is a different “Way” than the one that we have perfected. I began by stating that this is not a church book and it certainly was not Gordon’s intent for it to be so. I do think it provides us some great insight into how we could re-present the Body in greater fullness. Orbiting the Giant Hairball is written for corporate leadership but its pages contain genius for a much broader audience. -Charlie Brown, Youth Minister You can check out a copy of this Great Book! as well as many other fine Christian resources from the WUMC Resource Center located just off of Helms Hall in Room 212 or online at www.weddingtonchurch.org/resource-center.

Resource Center Come in and see what's new and special for June! Whether it’s family movie night, bedtime story time, mom or dad’s time to unwind, or time for some Christian inspiration, the Resource Center has something special for you. The WUMC RC is located in Room 212 in the Sanctuary Building. It is currently open only on Sunday mornings from 9:15 until 12:15. The Resource Center is volunteer staffed. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please contact resourcecenter@weddingtonchurch.org.

Adult Sunday School Studies 9:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

11:15 a.m.

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Agape Foundations Jay Emry

Christianity's Family Tree by Adam Hamilton Favorite Psalms, led by Larry Mills Adult Comprehensive Bible Study, by David Cook

Youth Center, Main Area Room 19 Room 214/215

Shepherds View

The Seven Deadliest Sins

Helms Hall Room 213

Closer Walk

Tell Someone with Greg Laurie

Room 19

Cornerstone Crossroads Great Walk Doers of the Word Light of the World

Revelation, led by Kent and Nancy Allain The Easter Experience by Kyle Idleman True Spirituality, by Chip Ingram 1 and 2 Thessalonians Experiencing God, by Henry Blackabye

Room 214/215 Youth Center, 102 Youth Center 101 FLC, Multi-Purpose Room Helms Hall Room 213

Revival, by Adam Hamilton Down to Earth, by Michael Slaughter

Youth Center Room 204 Youth Center 203

Journeys New Creation

Adult Ministries Life Group Second Sunday Connection Are you interested in a Life Group? Every second Sunday of the month, a member of our Life Group Ministry Team will be at the coffee stations in Helms Hall and at our Hospitality Tables in the FLC gym before and after each worship service to answer any questions you may have about Life Groups here at WUMC. Our “Connectors,” as we call them, will be wearing blue Connector shirts so they can be easily identified. Our upcoming Second Sunday Connection will be June 11. We look forward to helping you get connected! Learn more about our Life Group ministry at www.weddingtonchurch.org/life-groups.

Kings & Queens . Sandra McKee The Kings & Queens will be going on day trips during the summer months and will resume their monthly meetings at the church on September 14.

Upcoming Trips: • June 8: “Wheel of MISfortune” at Narroway Productions Cost: $29 including lunch. You can meet the group at the Fellowship Hall parking lot at 10:45 a.m. or at Narroway at 11:15 a.m. Please let Sandra McKee know if you plan to drive. • July 20: Pleasant Grove Camp Meeting Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. followed by a covered dish lunch hosted by Bill Lowe.

• August 10: “Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at Flat Rock Playhouse Cost: $41 – not including lunch at Cracker Barrel. Payment due A.S.A.P.

• October 24-27: The Creation & Ark Trip Join us for a trip with Christian Tours to Kentucky to see Noah’s Ark, which is a life-sized reconstruction of Noah’s Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Bible and other sites. A $200 deposit is due to complete your registration. Contact Sandra McKee for additional information. Fun at Tiger World

K&Q at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

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Weddington Christian Academy . Adell Keen, Principal Challenging the mind, preparing the heart, nurturing the soul. The month of May at WCA was packed with lots of end of school activities. We had field day, a technology fair, a science fair and our annual Mother's Breakfast. Our year culminated in May with our Kindergarten graduation, Fifth Grade Graduation and Choral Program, and our Eight Grade Graduation and Middle School Program. It has truly been a wonderful year at WCA! Important Summer Reminders: WCA Summer Camp "Let's Be Active/LEGO Robotics" open to WCA families with rising 1st - 6th graders Weeks: June 19 - June 23 & July 17 - July 21 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Costs: $190 per week Registration forms can be found on the school website www.weddingtonchristianacademy.org Back to School Information • Monday, Aug. 14 - Drop-in to meet teachers/drop off supplies 9:00- 10:00 a.m. • Tuesday, Aug. 15 - First day of School (early dismissal at 11:30 a.m.) • Wednesday, Aug. 16 - Early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. • Thursday, Aug. 17 - Full day, dismissal at 2:45 p.m. • Friday, Aug. 18 - Full day, dismissal at 2:45 p.m. Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m. The office will be closed June 26-30 (WUMC VBC) and July 3-7 (4th of July). WCA Field Day

WCA wishes everyone a safe and blessed summer!

Weddington Christian Preschool . Emily Campbell, Director News and Announcements Graduation Celebrations Many thanks to the WUMC congregation for supporting the Weddington Christian Preschool Ministry. The preschool year is officially over as we graduated 140 four and five year old’s during the last week of May. These children will feed into 29 different programs…what a joy to know that these children will carry Jesus’ love right along with them! News and Announcements Please watch the WCP web pages for summer news. Summer Camp information is available on our webpage. The WCP Weddington Campus

Looking Ahead: graduation ceremony • The first day of the 2017-2018 school year is September 6. • Orientation Days and time will be posted soon on the website. • 2017-2018 Children’s Medical Reports and Draft Authorization Forms may also be printed from the website effective June 1. Page 8

Children and Youth Ministries Children’s Ministry . Carolyn Nelson News and Announcements Promotion Sunday: Up, Up, and Away! Promotion Sunday is June 4. This is the day our children will move up to another age or grade at the 9:30, 10:10, and 11:00 classes. Children age 3 by August 31 and are potty trained can move to our 3 year old classroom. Children age 4 by August 31 can move up to our 4 year old classroom. Children who are entering TK can move to our Kindergarten classroom. Please join us in celebrating this exciting milestone in the lives of our children. Summer Sunday Classes Children in our K-5th grade classes at the 9:30/10:10 hours will experience “Destination Station” where each week they will visit a different location, hear a different Bible story and learn about a different Bible character. We will create a special passport that will be stamped weekly. Drop off and pick up will be in the classrooms. Children at the 11:00 hour will stay in their classrooms for the hour learning how to be courageous, hearing about Elijah, and how God chose Joshua. The Ark team looks forward to sharing Christ in a really exciting way this summer. Join us on this adventure! Vacation Bible Camp in Monroe Once again we will bringing our VBC to our Monroe campus on Tuesday, July 11- Thursday, July 13 from 9:30-12:30. Many volunteers are needed to make this event a blessing to everyone. If you or your teen are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Carolyn Nelson to learn how you can serve. Volunteer forms for this VBC can be found at the KidCheck station and can be turned in at the VBC booth located at the KidCheck station. Summer Fun Days at the Monroe Campus Our children's ministry team will be hosting Summer Fun Days in June at the Monroe campus for children in the neighborhood. Adults and teenagers can serve in fun ways. Our fun days will be held on Thursdays, June 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 10:00 a.m. - Noon. Please email Katie Bradshaw to learn how you can serve.

Youth Ministry . Charlie Brown & Rev. Meredith Hinton Sunday Night Youth begins at 6:30 p.m. There are

8:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Doors are open from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Our semester of learning offered training on how to pray with individuals and groups, how to share scripture, how to take risks, and how to be better listeners. Our Seeds students have taken major leaps in their faith journey towards a more mature and full expression of their love for God. We are so excited to offer Seeds again in the fall as well as level 2 which we are calling “Roots”.

What a wonderful May it has been! This month we have continued to grow in our faith through life groups, Bible Study, Worship, and Sunday Night Youth. It’s been a wonderful spring semester and we are grateful for all God has done, is doing, and will do in the weeks and months to come.

We anticipate wonderful things to come this summer. We are getting ready for our domestic mission trips and our international trip to Costa Rica. God has so many beautiful things in store for us to shape us and stretch us. We are ready to jump in!

programs for Jr. and Sr. High students, with Bible study and games. Afterward, everyone comes together for worship.

Youth Bible Study Join us on Wednesdays from 7:00 -

On Sunday, May 21 our first semester of Seeds came to an end. This has been one of the most exciting new ministries offered for our youth. Seeds is a small group of students focused on sharing the love of God in their everyday context in organized and organic ways. We recognize the first love of God in each person and our Seeds students seek to nurture, with mustard seed sized faith, a love for Christ in all those they encounter.

Jr. High Spring Retreat at Camp Hanes Page 9

Sanctuary AVL Project Update We are thrilled to announce that our AVL System Project in the Weddington Campus Sanctuary is now complete! Our hope is that the new and improved sound and video quality will allow for an enhanced worship experience as we continue to worship God with passion! Weddington UMC would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on this project as well as the congregation for your patience and support during this process. Here is a list of new and upgraded items that were completed during the project: • Renovated sound booth • Sound board Before


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• Speakers • Personal mixers • Additional stage boxes • Stage monitors • Choir, floor, and wireless microphones • Amplifiers • Projectors • Video switcher and controller • Cameras • Camera controller • Dimmer system • LED lighting • Lighting controller • Miles and miles and miles of cabling

Church Announcements Meet Weddington Sessions

Bonds Grove Second Sunday Bluegrass

Interested in becoming a part of the Weddington UMC family? As your clergy, program staff, and fellow Christians, it will be our privilege to grow and serve together. We request that anyone interested in membership attend one of our Meet Weddington Church sessions.

Worship with Bluegrass Beginning Sunday, June 11 at 11:00 a.m. A Fellowship Luncheon will follow the service. Please bring a covered dish. For more information, please contact Rev. Amy Hutchison.

At Meet Weddington, you will enjoy an informal time of fellowship, meet the pastoral and ministry staff, hear an overview of the ministry and mission of the church and get answers to any questions you may have about Weddington UMC. Meet Weddington Church sessions are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Multipurpose Room. The next meeting will be June 25.

Wednesdays @ Weddington Join us for a church-wide fellowship meal in the Family Life Center on Wednesdays September through May. Meals are served from 5:00-6:15 p.m. Cost is $5 per person, $20 max for families. No reservations are necessary. All are welcome! *W@W will resume in the fall on September 6.

Evangelism Ministry . Rev. Amy Hutchison News and Announcements Neighborhood Packets Have a new neighbor moving in this summer? We have welcome gifts for you to take to your new neighbor! This is one way to be a Silent Witness to those around you as well as helping you open the door to meet that new person moving in! Feel free to add your own touch to the gift, whether it be bread you bake or that item you wish you had when you moved in. These are at no cost to you, but we do ask that you sign out which neighborhood you are taking it to so we can track our reach. These are available in the Sanctuary Information Center or in the church office. Food Truck Fridays Thank you to those who helped out at Food Truck Friday. We had a blast getting to know new neighbors and reconnecting with old ones! If you are interested in representing Weddington UMC at a future event, please contact Rev. Amy Hutchison. Young Professionals We continue to meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month for food and fellowship at some of our great local restaurants! Meet in the Information Center at 12:15 p.m. and we will decide where to go from there.

Hospitality Team at Food Truck Friday

Silent Witness Items By popular demand, samples of items from the Lands End collection are available in the Sanctuary Information Center. All items and more are available for purchase online. The link is available under the "Proclaim" tab on the Weddington website. Page 11

Sunday Worship Times 8:15 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m. Praise and Worship (Sanctuary) 10:00 a.m. Bilingual Worship (Monroe Campus) 10:10 a.m. Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. Traditional (Bonds Grove Campus)

Save the Date for the Fall/Winter sale on August 11-12. Registration for consignors and volunteers opens June 10 at 8:00 a.m. Visit www.weddingtonkidsconsignmentsale.com for details.

Rev. Dr. Terry L. Moore, Senior Pastor terry.moore@weddingtonchurch.org

Elizabeth Mitchell, Director of Communications elizabeth.mitchell@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor mark.curtis@weddingtonchurch.org

Ruth Cooley, Executive Assistant ruth.cooley@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care ed.briggs@weddingtonchurch.org

Sandra McKee, Admin. Assistant sandra.mckee@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor rocio.avila@weddingtonchurch.org

Linda Caskey, Financial Assistant linda.caskey@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor amy.hutchison@weddingtonchurch.org

Lisa Keeler, Admin. Assistant lisa.keeler@weddingtonchurch.org

Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts reginald.houze@weddingtonchurch.org

Tonya Tapp, Admin. Assistant tonya.tapp@weddingtonchurch.org

Charlie Brown, Youth Minister charlie.brown@weddingtonchurch.org

Adell Keen, WCA Principal akeen@weddingtonchristianacademy.org

Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Minister meredith.hinton@weddingtonchurch.org

Emily Campbell, WCP Director wcp@weddingtonchurch.org

Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister carolyn.nelson@weddingtonchurch.org

Jamie Edmondson, WCP Assistant Director bgcps@weddingtonchurch.org

Rev. Leroy Henry Affiliated United Methodist Clergy

Jan Williams, Mother’s Morning Out Director jan.williams@weddingtonchurch.org

Justin Lineberry, 10:10 Worship Leader

Mike Carver, Facilities Manager mcar1973@earthlink.net

Dr. Robert Ridgell, Organist and Music Associate robert.ridgell@weddingtonchurch.org JoAnn Horstman, Business Administrator joann.horstman@weddingtonchurch.org

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Kim Veith, Food Service Director kim.veith@weddingtonchurch.org

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for all the latest from WUMC (@WeddingtonUMC). Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 p.m. 704-846-1032 Campuses Weddington Campus 13901 Providence Road Weddington, NC 28104 Sanctuary Building and Family Life Center (FLC) Bonds Grove Campus 8215 Bonds Grove Church Rd Waxhaw, NC 28173 Marvin Campus 9914 New Town Rd Marvin, NC 28173 Monroe Campus 520 Engleside St Monroe, NC 28110

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