Weddington United Methodist Church | 13901 Providence Road | Weddington, NC 28104 704.846.1032 | |
Our Mission is to fulfill our call to be the physical presence of Jesus Christ by worshipping God with passion, intentionally growing in faith, proclaiming the Gospel with grace, and humbly serving in love. Sunday Worship Services Weddington Campus: 8:15 AM Traditional 9:30 AM Praise and Worship 10:10 AM Acoustic Praise and Worship (FLC) 11:00 AM Traditional Bonds Grove Campus: 11:00 AM Traditional Waltonwood Senior Living Center: 4:00 PM Traditional 2
I listened as we went around the table hearing from various ministry leaders of the work being done on behalf of Jesus Christ. It was a meeting of the Local Missions Team. We heard about children in our Monroe community being helped with their homework by our adults and youth so that they could build a successful life with a full education. We heard about meals that members of our congregation serve at the Community Shelter and Operation Reach Out. We heard about almost a thousand sandwiches being made monthly on a Saturday morning by people from age 3 to senior adults to provide a meal for the homeless and those who are hungry. We heard about Bible studies being held weekly by our members in the local prisons. We heard about Bibles being read for first time in someone’s native language and the expression on their face when they could understand how much God loves them. The stories went on and on. I was amazed at what God is doing through the life of His church and I was humbled to be a part of it. I listened as we sat on the porch of the Hemby House. It was a meeting of the Foreign Mission Team. I heard the stories of ministry in Romania with orphans and young adults becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, ministry in Bulgaria with our sister church, ministry in Costa Rica with our building teams, ministry in Kenya with our orphanage and our pastors who preached to “unreached people groups.” Lives are being changed for Jesus Christ though this church. I listened as we sat around the tables at the Church Council meeting. We celebrated how God is present through our various services of worship. Testimonies were shared of children who heard about sharing Christ and invited their neighbor to church, youth who lead worship and witness to others, adults who have turned their lives around, and new Life Groups where people are joining together to grow in faith. I heard about ministries and support groups with those who are hurting and of care being offered to those who need someone to share the love of Christ. We celebrated the blessings of our facilities and campuses that allow us to be in ministry and mission. I listened to all that God is doing. And I was humbled to be a part of God’s church. In the following pages, you will read some of these stories. But these are only a sampling of all that God is doing. We celebrate our God who so loved the world that He would give His only begotten Son so that all who believe in Him can experience forgiveness and everlasting life. We celebrate that God has called us His children and invited us to share in offering His love to our community and world. We celebrate that we are called to be the “physical presence of Jesus Christ.” We worship God with passion, we intentionally grow in our faith, we proclaim the gospel with grace, and we humbly serve in love. We celebrate that you are part of this community of faith and for your ministry on behalf of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Rev. Dr. Terry Moore Senior Pastor 3
Music & Arts Ministry Dr. Reginald Houze, Director of Music & Arts The Music and Arts Ministry at Weddington UMC is alive and vibrant. With choral and instrumental ensembles, multiple venues, a variety of high quality instruments, and informal contemporary groups there are unlimited opportunities for our own parishioners and the greater community to enjoy the arts in meaningful ways. At the center of it all, is a rich and profound desire to use the arts as a vehicle for the congregation to offer the highest standards of worship to God. My philosophy is that this is best achieved through an array of eclectic programming. My vision is to expand the Music and Arts Ministry by using as many of the church’s resources – human, physical, financial, and otherwise, to invest in opportunities for artistic expression. The arts can be the front door of the church. I seek to provide as many ways for us to connect with the community, other arts agencies, universities, and high caliber artists of all types to let them know that there is a place here at Weddington for them. As our ministry grows and expands, each life will be all the more enriched. 4
10:10 Worship Team Serving in the music ministry has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Music is one of the most powerful ways that we can express ourselves as humans. Songwriters have a way of putting into words the things that we want to say to God. On Sunday mornings we come together to fill the church with song. Some of us play an instrument, many of us sing, and some prefer to quietly listen and pray. Music taps into a deeper level of emotion and it is fitting that we would use music to praise God. - Rob Hussey
Music & Arts Ministry
The Chancel Choir
9:30 Worship Team
Children’s Choir
Music to me is an outward expression of our faith and an offering to demonstrate our sincere appreciation, awe and love of God. Each week my hope and prayer is that this joy is also spread throughout the congregation…a joy that helps to clear our minds and to prepare our hearts to receive His word. -Tony Hefner
“I love to sing in the Children’s Choir! Dr. Houze makes it fun, and I like serving our church this way. I also like the time together with my friends. It is fun to perform in church. It doesn’t matter if you are good singer or not - just if you have a heart for serving God!” -Gavin Lawrence
I feel a little selfish in writing about how much being a part of the 9:30 Praise Team means to me, because it’s a gift the Lord has given me that I myself derive pleasure from giving back! Leading the congregation in encountering the Lord through music allows me to “make a joyful noise” (Psalm 98:4) while worshipping an Audience of One. I am blessed to tithe my time and talent, and as He says “test Me in this…and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it” (Malachi 3:10). I receive much joy in the fellowship and friendships nurtured there. I believe Worship is a heavenly Weapon, and am honored to wield it on a daily basis! - Kendra Wallace
Adult Education Ministry
Rev. Mark Curtis, Teaching Pastor
“O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you.” Psalm 63.1 “Our hearts are restless, until they find rest in Thee.” Augustine 354-430 David the shepherd king and Augustine the Christian theologian express so eloquently our human condition of longing to be in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. These words, penned centuries ago, are as true now as they were then. Weddington United Methodist Church is passionate about helping people connect with God and with one another. We offer Life Groups and Bible studies throughout the week. We have a newly opened Resource Center with Christian fiction and non-fiction for the youngest to the oldest as well as biblical study resources and curriculum. We provide times of fellowship such as our Wednesday night meals from September to May. We give thanks to God for all the many ways God is at work in and through the ministries of our church. We invite you to join us as we intentionally grow in faith!
Adult Education
Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Life Group Ministry
Adult Sunday School
Disciple Bible Study
We are fortunate to have so many opportunities supported by WUMC to connect with other Christians on our spiritual journey. Participation in a Life Group, for me, rounds out my faith walk. Our meetings center on answering the question, “how is your soul with God?” which has become supplemental to attending Worship to praise God or Bible Study for digging deeper in His word. In Life Group, sharing with other believers my struggles, fears, hopes, and celebrations helps me recognize how God is very much at work in my life, which ultimately strengthens my relationship with Him. -Michelle Lynch
We moved to the Waxhaw area and joined Weddington UMC in the summer of 2015. Knowing the importance of small groups in a large church, we immediately sought a Sunday School class. We found the Light of the World class to be small, but growing, very friendly, and very welcoming. The class selects topics for Bible based study with teaching duties rotating among class members. The class encourages discussion with exchange and exploration of ideas. Perhaps most importantly, they are strong “prayer warriors” who believe in and practice the power of prayer. The class also enjoys occasional social events. -David and Carol Myers
Disciple Bible Study has been a blessing to me in several ways and by reading and studying the Bible every day I have experienced closeness to the Holy Spirit that I never had before. I not only pray but I find myself talking to God in a more intimate way throughout the day. I have also found it easier to witness to my coworkers and friends about God’s grace and love. Another huge blessing is getting to know the teachers and students and hearing their interpretation of the scripture and then having a light bulb moment. This to me is very rewarding in addition to sharing our concerns, worries and blessings with each other. I am very grateful to Weddington UMC Adult Ministries for offering these studies. -Marinda Palmer 7
Children’s Sunday School
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Serving as a Sunday School teacher has been so rewarding and fun for me! I very much enjoy the children, and, of course, I love God’s Word, which makes it a perfect fit! I didn’t go to Sunday School as a child and sometimes I feel like the lessons we teach the kids are just as helpful, if not more so, for me as they are for them. I marvel at the greatness of our God right along with them. I chose to serve in Children’s Ministry at first because it was one of the few places I felt “qualified” to serve. Now I know that it wasn’t about qualification as much as just loving the kids. We could all learn so much by just stopping and spending time with the children God has given us. I was blessed with only one daughter of my own, but He has given me so many to care for through teaching Sunday School! -Nicole Leddy
Two and a half years ago I moved from Hawaii to Charlotte and began working in youth ministry. This past January, I had the privilege of coming to be a part of Weddington UMC. After meeting young women here thirsty for God’s word, I was honored when asked to help lead them. As I served in Sunday night youth, on retreats and in small group, I felt God calling me to continue to invest more at Weddington. The family feel derived from a smaller youth group helped to feed my own passion for the Lord. I have been blessed to see last year’s seniors grow in the confidence of their faith and knowledge of His word; this year I am already beginning to see God teach the high school girls’ small group about trust, kindness, and forgiveness. It is inspiring to see their passion for Christ grow as they mature in their walk with Christ! -Sariha McIntyre
The youth group here has made a major difference in my life. The biggest thing would probably be my relationships with not only friends but also with God. The relationships I have made here are never to be forgotten. Youth group to me is a place where you can be yourself and not be judged. And I know that whether it’s friends or Charlie and Meredith, I will always have someone I can look to for advice and trust. -Braeden Duck
Children and Youth
Vacation Bible School 2016 Youth Ministry
Charlie Brown and Rev. Meredith Hinton, Youth Ministers Charlie and I are grateful for the opportunity to be in ministry with the youth of our church and community. We believe God calls people of all ages to share Christ’s love in our world. We are grateful for the many ways the youth share the love of God each week within and outside the walls of our church. Our hope is for each student to develop a foundation for lifelong discipleship. Here at Weddington, we are encouraged by the ongoing love and support given to the Youth Ministry. Thank you for your stewardship and for investing in the lives of students through mission trips, Sunday night gatherings, and retreats. We are excited to witness the ongoing transformation of our young people in and through Christ.
Children’s Ministry
Carolyn Nelson, Children’s Minister At The Ark, we love the little children! Each week we welcome over 300 to our Sunday school classes and Wednesday night program, JAM. Our purpose at The Ark is to equip children on their journey through God’s Word so they can grow in wisdom and stature, just like Jesus! We are able to do this through your generous support of children’s ministry. Each year we offer Vacation Bible School (VBS) to over 450 children and train 145 volunteers to share the love of Jesus. This year we were able to bring VBS to the Monroe campus. The community welcomed us with open arms; we shared Bible stories, games, worship, and a whole lot of fun! We also offer GLOW for our 4th and 5th graders. We had our kick off in September with 85 children who came to fellowship with one another, play games, eat pizza and hear the Gospel message like never before. Many of these children brought friends, some of whom have never heard the salvation story. What an awesome privilege it is to share this with them. Also through your support we are able to offer seasonal activities like Fall Fun Fest, Easter Eggstravaganza, and Sunday Funday. Your support blesses so many people at our church and in our communities. At The Ark, we will continue to provide unique and awesome opportunities so our children can know how much Jesus loves them and that there is a safe place they can come to hear about him. 9
Weddington Christian Preschool For my family, Weddington Christian Preschool has meant the beginning of a relationship with Christ. We had no church home when my son began attending WCP in the 3’s program, and no plans of joining a church. My son Jackson began talking a lot about God at home and sharing stories about what he learned about Jesus and God’s love from his teacher. He kept asking why we didn’t go to church. We eventually decided, after seeing the positive impact that being a part of the preschool and church environment was having on our son, that we should give it a try! We now attend church every Sunday and God has become a part of our lives. I was even lucky enough to be able to teach at WCP and help spread the message of God’s love to other children and in turn their families. I am so grateful every day to Weddington Christian Preschool and the wonderful teachers who have changed our lives. -Heidi Hill
Children and Youth
WCA Middle School Students Weddington Christian Academy WCA was an educational lifesaver for us. We experienced public school for one year and it was the worst experience for our family. I would walk my child into class a few times a month to see if I could have one-on-one face time with the teacher and be told what my child did wrong every time I saw the teacher. In my “not so Christian” way, I finally asked her if my child at least sharpened his pencil properly. I could finally understand why, when I picked him up from school, the only response to my “how was your day” question was, “I don’t want to talk about it.” A family decision was made that our son deserved so much more than what he was getting. I researched local private schools and my heart kept telling me WCA. I set up a meeting with Mrs. Keen and Mrs. Reeve (the first grade teacher at that time) and had my child tested. During that initial meeting, a tough decision was made and some tears flowed from my eyes. With those tears, the meeting stopped and prayer began. That was something I had never experienced before and it put such peace in my heart and such a desire for my child to attend WCA. Mrs. Keen would have to fill you in on her thoughts from that day, as she has told me since that the decision to have my child attend WCA took a lot of prayer from her, as she was not sure WCA would be a fit for our child. I am so happy that the decision was yes, and five years later, I have a different child in so many ways. When I pick him up from school now, I don’t have to ask “how was your day.” �e starts talking the moment he gets in the car and won’t stop talking. We’ve watched him grow into a kind, caring, respectful young man who has the love for the Lord in his heart and is not afraid to show it. What a blessing WCA has been to my child and my family. I thank God for His answer of “Yes” for Ethan to be a part of WCA. -Jane Ceurvorst-Darnell, Chris Darnell and son, Ethan
GriefShare and Stephen Ministry Rev. Ed Briggs, Minister of Pastoral Care
Caring Hearts Ministry When my mom moved into an assisted living facility in December, we were anxious about how she would acclimate to the new environment. I was thrilled to learn our church offered the Caring Hearts Ministry, comprised of volunteers willing to offer their love and support directly to her during this transition and new season of her life. I have seen God working in this ministry as these kind and caring volunteers soon visited with mom and have become an extension of her church family. She looks forward to each visit from her Caring Hearts Ministry team or, as my mom calls them, her “Sweet Hearts.” It brings her such joy to have these fulfilling and continuing Christ-centered relationships. I am grateful to, and my mom is blessed, by these volunteers. Thank you to each and every “Sweet Heart!” 12 Van Bergen -Robin
On June 27, 2016 my brother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the young age of 35. It was a shock not only to me but also to my family and children as well. There were so many complicating factors surrounding his death, I didn’t have a chance to grieve for him nor did I know how. I was taking the stress of the situation out on my friends and also on my family. It was an extremely difficult time. Several of my friends approached me and told me I was not acting like myself and I should start getting help for what I was going through. God works in mysterious ways and at this same time, I saw fliers being posted for GriefShare around the church. They were literally everywhere and I took that as I sign I should probably look into it and see if it was for me. I didn’t know how I would feel about it since it was so soon after my brother’s death but I went anyway. We are several weeks into the program now and it was the best decision I made in this process. The people in my class have become like family to me. They know my story, they understand how I feel and it’s a safe place for me to go and talk and cry. I have made many new friends and have learned a lot of new things about grief and how to deal with it. I don’t know what I would have done without GriefShare and will probably go through the class again. Rev. Ed Briggs came and spoke to our class one day and I was touched by his story. He also told us about the help Stephen Ministry could give us. I knew I needed someone else to talk to on a one-on-one basis and reached out to Ed for help. Ed prayed about it and put me in touch with the most wonderful friend, a Stephen Minister. She is truly a gift from God and has already helped me in more ways than she knows. Our time is sacred and also safe and very comforting and I’m very happy I made the choice to turn to her in my time of need. I’m thankful for the church and Ed for everything they offer their members or I don’t know what state of mine I would be in today. -Marchelle Hoffman
Pastoral Care and Evangelism
Sunday Funday 2016 Evangelism Ministry Rev. Amy Hutchison, Evangelism Pastor When I made the decision to follow Christ, I did not make that decision alone. I was surrounded by loving people who walked through their stories with me, telling me about why they decided to follow Christ and how they keep chasing after his heart. I believe in sharing the stories of how Jesus has worked and is working in our lives because of those who first shared their stories with me. Evangelism is less about something we do to people and more about how we walk with people. We invest in evangelism at Weddington because it resources all of us to walk with people. We walk with people through coaching and hosting the youth at Upward, neighborhood gatherings to invite your neighbor for fellowship, equipping you to be a Silent Witness, and each and every way we resource to make an easy invitation into the doors of Weddington. Each of these are ways that we as a community can be good stewards of our own stories and walk with our neighbors so they, too, may make the decision to walk with Christ.
Upward Sports The Upward Program has impacted my life by reminding me every weekend that God is always leading us through life. Whether it is when I referee with my son, when I am a game day leader or if I am just watching the games being played, I constantly see God leading us. If we are short referees, someone always volunteers or shows up at exactly the right time. You see coaches and parents stepping up to help with the devotion at halftime to share God’s word. You see youth being called to help with concessions, announcing the players and keeping score. God is leading them to be more involved with the church. The best example I can tell you of God’s work as I witnessed in the Upward program is the smiles on the faces of the young boys and girls that play basketball and cheer. The pride in their accomplishments on the court is testimony that God is at work in not only Upward, but in our lives every day. -Scott Mayer 13
Missions Ministry
Rev. Rocio Ávila-Ramírez, Missions Pastor Throughout the Gospels, Jesus calls us to love and serve people in need. Weddington UMC is embodying that call worldwide more and more each year. Our commitment to the mission of love and service is lived out through relationships, hands-on work, and funding. From our foreign missions in Kenya, Bulgaria, and Costa Rica, to our national and local missions, we are committed to providing bread that feeds the soul and body. As servants of Jesus, meeting God through the faces of some of the most marginalized people in our community is soul moving. In Union County, we are able to support homeless shelters as well as agencies that attend families in crisis. In addition, through our campus in Monroe, we have the privilege of caring for and supporting families through ministries such as our Homework Help, ESL, and Wednesday Night Prayer. I am inspired by this community’s trust in Jesus. Their faith and joy in the midst of uncertainty and struggle is admirable and inspirational.
Monroe Campus Ministry I attended a family reunion when I was young. It was a surreal experience seeing each cousin and aunt, because although we had never met, I was looking into familiar eyes, each having similar shape and color as my own. We were obviously family. We just hadn’t met yet. A similar occurrence happened the first prayer meeting I attended at our Monroe Campus. When greeting individuals from the community (most originally from Mexico and Guatemala) there was an immediate feeling of connection and kinship. Our eyes were not similar in shape or color, but there was something familiar. I saw Jesus in mis hermanos y hermanas. We were obviously family. We simply hadn’t met yet...I experience God each time we gather. -Kathryn Jenkins
Guatemala Mission Trip 2016 Foreign Missions - Kenya I have had the opportunity to travel to Kenya on three separate occasions. Each trip, in different ways, has challenged me personally, grown me spiritually, and stretched me emotionally. Each trip has had different highs and lows. And each trip has brought me new friendships. But the best part of traveling to Kenya has been glimpsing the majesty of the Lord and seeing how He truly works all things for His glory. If you want to glimpse the heart of the Lord and see firsthand how He holds us all in His hands, there is no better way than taking a step out in faith and serving the Lord in missions. We are so blessed that Weddington Church provides this opportunity. -Calli Burnett
Foreign Missions - Costa Rica When the opportunity arose to be involved with the church’s mission trip to Costa Rica, I was hesitant to travel out of country. God’s call was strong and I decided to go with the church’s help. As one would expect, to see God’s work in a place where people live in what we would refer to as sub-standard conditions is amazing. To see the faith that these people have is humbling to say the least. It was definitely rewarding to be able to help. A side effect of these trips is to bond with your fellow church members in ways that are difficult to do otherwise. God just fills the trip with His glory in so many ways. I could not have done this without the help of WUMC. -Tom Scott
Your generosity over the last year has made many things possible. As congregational giving continues to grow all church ministries are able to expand. Thank you for your contribution to the growth and outreach of Weddington United Methodist Church. Your support is greatly appreciated as each gift makes all these ministries and more possible. With gratitude, David Tucker FInance Chairman
Yearly Update Finance Committee The church has truly been blessed over the last year. Increased giving has allowed us to: • Establish afterschool tutoring and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at the Monroe Campus • Grow in the traditional music ministry • Establish a Life Group ministry • Become ministry partners with a new church start in Romania • Begin a new Senior Adult ministry, Kings & Queens, at the Monroe Campus • Continue to support our children’s home in Kenya • Add LED lighting in Youth Center • Repair flooring throughout our facilities • Continue debt reduction • Continue building adequate cash reserves
HOW IS GOD CALLING YOU TO GIVE? CONSIDER TAKING A STEP FORWARD The New Testament teaches giving in proportion to the material blessing we have received. Jesus affirmed the Old Testament tradition of tithing – giving 10% of our income or blessings. He praised the sacrificial generosity of the poor widow (Luke 21:1 – 4). We encourage giving a percentage of your income and moving toward or beyond, the tithe as your goal, as you grow in your generosity. You can use the charts to help you determine how much you commit to give.
Monthly Giving Levels Annual Income
$20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000
$33 67 100 133 167 250 333
$50 100 150 200 250 375 500
$67 133 200 267 333 500 667
2017 Spending Plan Worshiping God with Passion
$83 $100 167 200 250 300 333 400 417 500 625 750 833 1,000
$133 267 400 533 667 1,000 1,333
$167 333 500 667 833 1,250 1,667
$200 400 600 800 1,000 1,500 2,000
$350 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,875 2,500
2017 Ministry Goals $69,500
Intentionally Growing in Faith Children $46,475 Youth $54,000 Adults $36,400 Proclaiming the Gospel with Grace Evangelism Pastoral Care
$11,855 $18,550
Humbly Serving in Love Local Missions Foreign Missions
$49,160 $177,750
Supporting our Mission Communications Facilities/Operations Staff/Clergy UMC Ministries Debt Retirement Food Service
$20,400 $749,630 $1,545,583 $191,742 $227,805 $61,000
Total $3,383,850
If everyone increased their giving by one percent, the church could accomplish all of the following and more: • Continued growth in the ministry at Monroe • Expanded community evangelism efforts • Increased local mission support • Increased missionary support • Continued growth in foreign mission support • Additional parking areas • Addition of a columbarium to the Weddington graveyard • Extensive updating of the Weddington sanctuary video, audio, and lighting
Ways to Give Our Biblical understanding of Christian financial stewardship expresses giving as a sign of gratitude and faithfulness to be who God has called us to be. We respond to the goodness of God, and we give thanks for the ways He has blessed us by giving to His church. We encourage you to speak to your financial, tax or legal advisor. Please contact the financial office at 704.846.1032, if you have questions about these giving methods: • Online • Bank Draft • Check
• Credit Card • Stock • Annuity
• Charitable Trust • Bequest in Will • Life Insurance
CELEBRATING THE MISSIONS AND MINISTRIES Every dollar given to Weddington UMC supports the many ministries and missions of the church. We are thankful for your support and are committed to be faithful stewards.
WORSHIPPING GOD WITH PASSION Music Ministry • • • • • • • •
Chancel Choir Contemporary Worship Ensembles Children’s Choir (Grades 1-5) Instrumental Ensembles Seasonal Choirs Christmas at Weddington Concert Guest Artists Audio/Visual Team
Worship Ministry • • • • • • • •
Sunday Worship Services Acolytes Altar Care CD/DVD Ministry Communion Assistance for the Hearing Impaired Ushers/Greeters Welcome Center
INTENTIONALLY GROWING IN FAITH Adult Ministry • • • • • • •
Sunday School for all Ages Bible Studies Disciple Bible Studies Life Groups Wednesdays @ Weddington Fellowship and Events Ministry Resource Center
Young Adult Ministry • • • •
Life Groups Mission Trips Retreats Service Outreach
Weddington Christian Academy
• Private School: JK, Exceptional Child K - 8th Grade • WCA provides an education of highest academic excellence and Christian spiritual development in a faith community that challenges the mind, prepares the heart, and nurtures the soul; encouraging students and families to represent Christ in action and service.
Weddington Christian Preschool • • • •
Weekday Preschool Ages 2-5 Bible-Based Lessons & Chapel Monthly Child Friendly Mission Opportunities Priority Registration for WUMC Members, WCA, MMO Families
Children Ministry • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Children’s Sunday School Classes Created By God - Human Sexuality GLOW Event for 4th & 5th Graders J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) Wednesday Night Program Mother’s Morning Out (MMO) Nursery Care Angel Breakfast Children’s Christmas Celebration Children’s Christmas Eve Service Easter Eggstravaganza Fall Fun Fest First Aid/CPR Training New Baby Plates for Newborns Passing the Baton for 5th Graders Scouting: Cub, Boy, & Girl Third Grade Bible Presentation Vacation Bible School
Youth Ministry • • • • • • • •
JR & SR High School Sunday Night Programs JR & SR High School Wednesday Night Bible Studies Confirmation Program Life Groups Local & Foreign Summer Mission Trips Retreats Special Events Youth Worship Team
Welcoming Opportunities during Special Events Invitation Events Evangelistic and Ministry Outreach Opportunities Monthly Meet Weddington Prayer Team
HUMBLY SERVING IN LOVE Women’s Ministry • • • •
Annual Ladies Retreat Graduating Senior Scholarship Kid’s Consignment UMW Groups
Men’s Ministry • • • • •
Building Brothers Fund Raising Golf Tournaments Men’s Connection Breakfast Men’s Night Out UMM Easter Family Breakfast
Senior Adult Ministry • • • •
Kings & Queens Day Trips Monthly Meetings Retreats
Pastoral Care • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Al Anon Alcoholics Anonymous Bereavement Hospitality Team Cancer Care Team Caring Hearts Ministry to our Shut-ins DivorceCare Support Group Family Life Care Team Food Addiction Support Group Grief Share Support Group Job Hunt Support Consultation Marriage Enrichment Classes/Events Narcotics Anonymous Parenting Classes Prayer Shawl Ministry Prayer Team Stephen Ministry Weddington Christian Counseling
SUPPORTING OUR MISSION • Church Council • Staff/Parish Relations • Finance Committee
• Church Trustees • Worship Ministry • Safe Sanctuary
Sports and Recreation Ministry • • • • •
Adult Pick-up Basketball Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Summer Sports Sports Training Camps Girls and Co-ed Adult Softball
Local Missions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Angel Tree Ministry Back to School Bash Charlotte Rescue Mission Community Shelter/ Soup Kitchen Crisis Assistance of Mecklenburg County Crisis Assistance of Union County Disaster Response Teams English as Second Language Classes, Monroe Campus Gideons International Great Week of Service Habitat for Humanity Homework Help, Monroe Campus Hospice Love INC. Medical/Dental Missions Meals on Wheels Nursing Home Ministry Operation Christmas Child Operation Reach Out Prison Ministries: House of Pearls & Restoration House Repair Teams Room in the Inn Turning Point UMAR United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Urban Ministry Center/Operation Sandwich
Foreign Missions • • • •
Costa Rica Building Team Kenya Missions Bulgaria/Romania Missions Wycliffe Bible Translators/JAARS
• Security Team • Information Technology
Weddington United Methodist Church | 13901 Providence Road | Weddington, NC 28104 704.846.1032 | |