Serving students representing
4 campuses 7 worship services 1 body 2,236
Over hours in the past year people are intentionally growing in their faith through
29 Life Groups 13 Sunday Morning Classes
7 Bible Studies 39 baptisms and 116 new members in 2017
Over students participating in Upward Sports
26+ schools Over 626 specific events this year
295 active families in Youth Ministry
Being the physical presence of Jesus Christ.
Serving roughly children each week
Over children at Vacation Bible Camp
330 children enrolled in preschool across two campuses
Over Pastoral Care programs this past year
Over given for disaster relief through UMCOR
115,000 sandwiches made and donated to Urban Ministry Center this past year
Over 700 people participated in the Great Week of Service
Weddington United Methodist Church | 13901 Providence Road | Weddington, NC 28104 704.846.1032 | |