Building Your LinkedIn Business Page, Reno Perry and Matthew Davis, LinkedIn

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LinkedIn Confidential Š2014 All Rights Reserved


Agenda § Components of the LinkedIn Company Page ecosystem. § Plan out your company’s page presence and determine if you should add a new page. § Questions LinkedIn Confidential ©2014 All Rights Reserved

Company Page Your destination to establish your company's identity and build relationships with the world's professionals and your customers

Identity Your company’s profile to the world’s professionals

Network Connect professionals and your employees to drive economic opportunity


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Share content & opportunities to make professionals more productive & successful


Page Anatomy: Company Page Company Logo & Name

Followers Employee Connections

Hero Image Career Page Company Description Company Updates

Showcase Page

Affiliated Page

Featured Groups People Also Viewed

Page Anatomy: Company Page

Company Name Logo Company Hero Image

Company Description Brief compelling description of what your company does

Company Updates

Reach your followers with content in their feed and establish your page with a healthy volume of updates

Followers Members can choose to receive content shared from your Employee company in their news feed Connections Highlights to visitors how they are connected to existing employees of your company. All employee are automatically followers of your Company Page

People Also Viewed

A listing of Company Pages that members also visit when visiting your Company Page 6

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Page Anatomy: Company Page

Career Page A dedicated tab to attract and engage candidates with targeted content and jobs

Affiliated Company Page A dedicated page for aspects of your business with distinct recruitment needs and/or a Showcase Page need to have a fully distinct Featured Groups page presence A dedicated page for each aspect of your with its Feature up tobusiness three groups that message best aligntotoshare— your own company’s goalstoon LinkedIn and audience share with (primarily brands, business units, and marketing initiatives) ©2014 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Showcase Pages Effectively segment your audience, and deliver the right message to the right audience Create a Dedicated Page Create a page for aspects of your business with their own messages and audience segments to share with

Share Specific Content Members can now follow aspects of your business they're interested in

Create Relationships Share focused content to build a relationship with a specific audience 8

Page Anatomy: Showcase Page

Hero Image

Page Logo & Name Page Description

Followers of Page Followers Connected to Members Other Showcase Pages

2 Column Feed Update

Share Company Updates Discoverable Through Search & Company Page

Page Anatomy: Showcase Page

Hero Image Prominent real estate to express your brand

Page Logo Page Description Brief description of what your page stands for. These can be adjusted for over 22 languages.

Page Anatomy: Showcase Page

Share Company Updates

Followers Highlights the number of Followers in members specifically Your Network following this page Shows visitors followers Discoverable that are already in Through Search their network Discoverable on the parent Company Page and through search

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Career Page A central hub to showcase your employer brand, standout amongst your peers & serve relevant career opportunities to passive & active candidates.

Attract & Engage Attract and engage candidates with personalized content about your company

Share Share relevant jobs opportunities to candidates that visit your page

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Page Anatomy: Career Page Distinct Audiences

Hero Image

Section Description

People at Your Company Jobs at Your Company

Page Anatomy: Career Page Distinct Audiences Create distinct audience aware views of your page based on geography and function

Hero Image Prominent clickable image to express your talent brand

Section Description Tell candidates what working at your company is all about •  Include a video, slides, or an image •  Include relevant links to additional key destinations

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Page Anatomy: Career Page

People at Your Company Show visitors company employees Jobsalready at in theirCompany networks Your Job recommendations are personalized for each viewer

Affiliated Company Pages Pages for parts of your business with distinct recruitment and content publishing needs

Dedicated Presence Dedicated presence for subsidiaries, acquisitions, and regional markets

Distinct Admins & Analytics Allows for distinct admins and analytics

Share Share relevant job opportunities to candidates that visit your page

Page Anatomy: Affiliated Pages Fully Functional Fully functional Company Pages (including Career Pages) that are linked to a parent Company Page

Aggregate Employees Aggregate employee counts at the parent Company Page level from all affiliated pages

Discoverable Discoverable through LinkedIn search and the right rail of the parent Company Page Š2014 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


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Reno Perry

Š2014 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Matthew Davis

Want more tips? Check out :

Reno Perry

Š2014 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Matthew Davis

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