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OPRF picked to pilot AP course on African American studies
Controversial in DeSantis’ Florida, welcomed here
By BOB SKOLNIK Contributing Reporter
Next year students at Oak Park and River Forest High will have the oppor tunity to take a new Advanced Placement course in African American Studies. But that course will be dif ferent than the version which has attracted the ire of F lorida Gover nor Ron DeSantis. At the Jan. 26 meeting of the OPRF school board District 200 Superintendent Greg Johnson announced that OPRF has been chosen by the Colle ge Board, which develops AP courses as well as the SAT, to be a pilot site for the new AP course next year
This year AP African American Studies is being piloted in 60 high schools The Colle ge Board is revising the course to remove the most controversial elements from its core framework. DeSantis has loudly criticized the current version of the course and last month the F lorida De partment of Education infor med the Colle ge
Board that it would not allow AP African American Studies to be taught in F lorida public high schools. F lorida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr described the course as “woke indoctrination masquerading as education.”
In an interview with National Public Radio Colle ge Board CEO David Coleman said that changes to the course were being worked on well before DeSantis criticized the course.
“We be g an the changes that are being discussed in Se ptember of the previous year, led by the committee that is developing the course,” Coleman said on NPR’s All Things Considered show broadcast on Feb. 3.
The revised syllabus for the course will shift readings by scholars such as law professor Kimberle Crenshaw, who developed the concept of intersectionality, writer and jour nalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, author bell hooks, professor and activist Angela Davis, and novelist Alice Walker, to an op- tional part of the course framework called AP Classroom. Coleman said on NPR that the core framework of the course is going to focus on primary sources, rather than the works of scholars although the work of scholars of various political stripes will be available to students and teachers as optional resources.
“There’s a free resource called AP Classroom, and every teacher and student in AP African American studies is going to have access to it,” Coleman said. “And we have already bought the permissions for texts like Kimberle Crenshaw’s breakthrough piece on “Mapping The Margins,” on intersectionality.”
Despite the changes to the course OPRF History Division head Amy Hill is happy that OPRF has been chosen as a pilot site for the course.
“We’ re thrilled to be piloting the AP African American Studies course,” Hill said in a comment emailed to Wednesday Jour nal. “Like all AP History courses, it’s built on a framework of primary sources. There are le gitimate questions about why some primary sources, such as Ta-Nehisi Coates and bell hooks, were not included, but teachers have discretion over what they choose as supplementary sources. We’re confident our students will have a rich, rigorous, and eng aging experience in the course.”
The ter ms queer studies and reparations have also been moved to the optional part of the course.
After DeSantis criticized the course Illinois gover nor J.B. Pritzker said Illinois would not allow what he ter med a water downed version of the course to be taught in Illinois
Since it will be a pilot course next year AP African American Studies will not be an of ficial advanced placement course next year. OPRF currently of fers 23 AP classes and also of fers classes in African American History and African History which are not AP courses