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Pistol, jewelr y taken in home invasion
A black Ruger 357 revolver and two jewelry boxes were taken during a home burglary between 6 p.m. and 7:52 p.m., Jan. 30 in the 1200 block ofNorth Ridgeland Avenue.
Police were alerted to the scene by a security alarm and discovered that an unknown individual had kicked open the rear door to the residence. It was further found that the burglar had taken two jewelry boxes, which contained rings and cufflinks, and a firearm from a bedroom. The estimated loss is $2,050.
Motor vehicle theft
■ A 2018 Nissan A ltima was remove d from the 400 block ofHarrison Street between 10 p. m ., Fe b. 4, and 6:40 a.m., Fe b. 5. T he vehicle was recove red later Fe b. 5 in the first block of Garfield Avenue.
■ S omeone remove d a 2015 Hyundai S onata pa rked in the 1300 block ofNo rt h Austin Boulevard b etween 11:30 a.m. and
1:10 p. m ., Fe b. 2.
■ S omeone remove d a 2017 Hyundai S onata pa rked in the 200 block of S outh Maple Avenue b etween 5:30 p. m. and 6:50 p. m ., Fe b. 2.
■ A 2014 Hyundai E lantra was taken from the 200 block of Washington Boulevard b etween 6 p. m ., Jan. 26, and 6:50 a.m., Fe b. 1.
■ A 2003 Buick C entury pa rked in the first block of Washington Boulevard was remove d b etween noon, Jan. 29, and 7 a.m., Jan. 30. T he vehicle was recove re d by Oak Pa rk police at 9 a.m., Jan. 31.
Attempted motor vehicle theft
■ Someone broke the rear driver’s side window ofa 2013 Hyundai Sonata parked in the 6200 block ofNorth Avenue between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Feb. 2.
■ Someone broke the rear passenger’s side window ofa Hyundai Sonata ofan unknown year and then peeled the vehicle’s