Elite Equestrian magazine May June 2022 issue

Page 30


EQUINE Accessories

EQUINE Fashion

By Elizabeth Milaitis of Ellany

Can you tell us a bit about how your business started? I have been 5’9-5’10 since I was about 12 years old and hated wearing leather belts because I could never get them �ght enough to hold my pants up. Because I was so tall and s�ll riding ponies, my breeches were always a size or two too big to fit my legs so I started using the leg straps from my horse’s blankets because I could �ghten it enough to hold up my breeches. A�er college, I was told to start selling the belts because of the func�onality behind it and later started designing my own clasps and elas�c. What is your inspira�on for your designs? I worked as a data engineer out of college for mul�ple years so my goal was to create styles that I could wear to work, out at the barn, going out; a seamless transi�on from street to stable. A lot of the designs and color schemes I use are from what is trending in the fashion world and from my own personal preferences. I tend to wear a lot of neutrals and earth tones so I like having the belts add just a touch of color to ou�its.





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