P.6 Going Global:Portugal, Turkiye
P.16 Places to Go: Halloweentown
P.17.Things to Do: Add Pumpkin to the Recipe
P.18 People to See: Edward M Krauss / Doherty
P.20 Hotel Hospitality
P.22 Travel Product Reviews
P.24 Fall RV Vistas
P.26 Benchmark Fall Adventures
P.28 Arizona - Frightful Fun
P.30 Claremont Club - Calif.
P.32 "The Shining" Hotel - Colo
P.35 Scary Getaways - Idaho
P.36 Big Sky Country/Renee Gordon
P.40 Astoria/Kathy Condon
P.46 New England States
P.52 Haunted Gettysburgh - PA
P.54 Haunted Hotel/Robin Smith
P.58 Ybor City Ghosts/Katy Walls
P.80 Sherlock Holmes Mystery /Sharon Miller
P.84 Museum of Shadows / Tim Trudel
The Weekender Extended Magazine is Pub
lished Monthly by BarnettPRO Publishing Corp. 1515 W. 3rd, Sedalia, Mo 65301
PHONE; 419-687-0002
Email: info@barnettpro.com
Publisher - Michael D. Arnold mike@barnettpro.com
Managing Editor- Kathy Barnett kathy@barnettpro.comov
Technical Director- Norman Reed Norm@TTE3.com
Social Media Director - Brandi Paxton Brandi@barnettpro.com
Going Global Director - Jamie Ye’
Places to Go Editor: Sheeree Oney Team: Rebecca Embry
Samantha Bradley
Kelly Ramey
Things to Do Editor: Kandy Derden Team: Geremy Sowash
Beth Cantrell Sowash
Renee Gordon
People to See Editor: Lisa Garcia Team: Lisa Brant
Angie Offenburger
Sports Editor: Duane Duchesne Team: David Derden Lisa Duchesne
Visit our Website for event coverage between regular issues at www.ExtendedWeekendGetaways.com
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Copyright 2022 by BarnettPRO Publishing
All rights reserved. Reproductions of any material from this issue is expressly forbidden without permission of the publisher. Adver tisements in this publication do not necessar ily carry the endorsement of the publishing company.
Fall is upon us and with that, daylight be comes shorter, the air turns crisper, the leaves are turning colors, and the holiday promo tions have begun.
Just once, I would like to go shopping for my favorite candy corn with the intermin gled pumpkin shapes before they are buried underneath the candy canes. I totally understand and do agree we must plan ahead and make our lists and check them twice. But alas! I am a procrastinator by heart. My theory has always been ‘Why do something today that doesn’t have to be done until tomorrow?’
Well, because we just might get left out. That’s why. This past summer has been loaded with places to go, things to do and people to see in every crook and cranny of the world. I’ve noticed that it’s not slowing down either. The upcoming Fall events are now filling the calendar just as fast. So if you are ready to plan your next extended weekend getaway, you’ve come to the right place for some great suggestions. Whether you want to be scared...very very scared or just out for a leaf peeping hike, this issue offers plenty of choices for all.
So while I’m thinking about costumes, cider, and donuts, I must also focus on what are the best buys for those on our Christmas list. Coming next is our extra special issue, Early Bird Holiday Gift Guide - coming your very soon!
A Halloween theme has taken over the Victorian decor at the JC Wyatt House in St. Joseph, MO and chef Jeff Keyasko has prepared a special fivecourse evening dinner for his guests. See the menu on P. 83.
Kathy BarnettLisbon is a wonderful destination, filled with outdoor activities, histor ic sites, fine cuisine and wines that visitors find no need to explore the surrounding area. I assure you there are wonders throughout the country that are well worth a trip. A num ber of Portugal’s most historic sites and monuments, as well as unique experiences, are to be found within a day’s drive of Lisbon and the small cities and quaint villages provide glimpses into the soul of the country. You can opt to rent a vehicle or book an organized tour to one or more of these destinations.
Óbidos, a picture perfect fortified town, is a mere 50-miles from Lisbon. Encircled by 14th-century Moorish walls the town’s circu itous cobblestone streets lead to a 15th-century medieval castle, now a luxury hotel. The for tress was rebuilt as a castle after the Moors left the town in 1148. You enter the town through the Porta da Vila gateway adorned with 16th-century tiles detailing the Passion of Christ. The main street, Rua Direita, is lined with shops, some of which sell Ginja de Óbidos, a traditional cherry li quor in a chocolate cup made to be eaten after finish ing the drink. A few of these make it easier to walk the 1-mile perimeter wall and take in a panoramic view of the exterior vineyards, farmlands and intact, 1.5-mile, 16th-century aqueduct, and the interior flower-draped city streets.
Óbidos was so beautiful it was designated the House of Queens in 1281 after King Dinis gave it to Queen Isabel as a wedding gift. The tradition con tinued for 600-years. In 1444 the Santa Maria Church was the scene of the wedding of King Afonso V, aged 10, to Isabel, aged 8. The church dates from the 1100s and was constructed on the site of a former mosque.
Alcobaça, is home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Portugal’s largest church, begun in 1153 to commemorate the removal of the Moors. It was completed in 1223. There is much to see inside the church including the vaulted ceiling, Cloister of Silence, Room of Kings and the tombs of Portugal’s most famous lovers, Prince Pedro and Inês de Cas tro. Pedro was wed to Constance but he carried on a secret affair with Inês, the love of his life. When Constance died in 1345 his father King Afonso IV continued to deny Pedro permission to marry Inês. He then went away and lived with her as his wife. The furious king ordered three men to murder her and she was decapitated on January 7, 1355. A grief stricken Pedro rebelled against his father immediately and was crowned king in 1357.
Two of the murderers, the third was never located, were execut ed by having their hearts ripped from their chests. King Pedro had her exhumed, crowned queen and forced members of the court to kneel and kiss her hand. In 1360 Pedro interred her in a tomb in the Royal Monastery of Alcobaça. Pedro and Inês rest in the nave in ornate tombs with feet facing one another so that their first vision in the afterlife will be each other.
Prince Henry the Navigator’s tomb is in the 1388 UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Domin ican abbey of Santa Maria da Vitória,in Batalha. The tombs of King João and his wife reside in the Chapel of Founders and there is a superb 1514 stained-glass win dow behind the choir. Architecturally and historically this is an important and impressive edifice.
Nestled in a bay is the 4th-cen
tury fishing town of Nazaré where visitors can soak up the atmosphere of a village seemingly arrested in time. Wooden fishing boats line the shore, some with an eye painted on the prow, reminis cent of Phoenician boats, along with fish drying racks. The town is named after Nazareth in the Bi ble. There are seaside restaurants along the Avenida Marginal.
In times past the “fishwives” of the town waited for the fishermen on the seafront and for warmth and out of superstition they wore the traditional seven skirts of Nazaré and wooden shoes. Lucky visitors may still see women dressed that way. Nazaré is an international surfing paradise be cause of the enormity of the waves here. Hugo Vau broke the world record in January of 2018 when he rode a 100-ft. wave, Big Mamma, at Praia do Norte.
In the 7th-cen tury legend states that two sailors brought a statue of the Black Ma donna to Nazaré from Nazareth. During the years the Moors ruled the statue was hidden and re discovered in the 1100s. A chapel was constructed where she was discovered and in 1377 a larger church was built to accommodate the large number of pilgrims. The Black Madonna is
still on view.
Around 1158, a crusading knight, Don Gonçalo Her mingues, captured a Muslim princess named Fátima. They fell in love, she converted to Chris tianity and they married. Soon after she died leaving a heartbro ken husband. He joined the abbey of Alcobaça and when he moved he took her ashes with him and named the place where she was buried after her. A chapel was built in her honor.
Fátima is one of the most fa mous Christian religious sites in the world and receives millions of international visitors annual ly. The miracle took place from May 3 to October 13 in 1917. Three children, Jacinta 7, Santos 9 and Lucia 10, told their parents
that the Virgin Mary appeared to them in the top of a tree while they were tending their sheep. Only Lucia spoke to Mary who told her she would reappear on the 13thday for the next 5 months. Word spread and by the final appearance 70,000 pilgrims were gathered there.
The Sanctuary of Fátima com plex has more than 15 individual sites. The Neo-Baroque Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima lime stone basilica was constructed from 1928-53 with a 231-ft. tower. Within the basilica are the tombs of Jacinta, Santos and Lucia and the stained glass windows depict the events. The 8,633 seat Basil ica of the Holy Trinity, the 3rd largest Catholic Church in the world, was built from 2004 -2007. The Chapel of the Apparitions is
situated on the spot where Mary appeared and a marble pillar and statue of Mary mark the exact spot. The tree in which Mary ap peared is adjacent to the chapel. There is a full schedule of activ ities and no admission fees are charged. The homes of the three children are outside the complex.
Trips outside of Lisbon allow you to get to know the country in greater depth and immerse yourself in Portugal’s influential European and African legacy.
You will feel amazing about its beautiful scenery, the delicious seafood, friendly people and affordable travel cost. And it is actually a convenient destination.
United Airline launched its first flight route to Azores on May 13th 2022. United will
be the only US carrier flying nonstop between the Azores and New York since Delta Air Lines dropped its route at a Portuguese island in the middle of the Atlantic.
Azores Island is located in
the North Atlantic Ocean, away from main land of Por tugal about 1.5 hours flight distance. The climate of the Azores is very mild. Daytime temperatures normally fluc tuate between 16 and 25 °C (61 and 77 °F) depending on season. It is also generally
If you have four for an extended away, and are what to do for tion, Azores Island be an ideal one for
four days available extended weekend getare thinking about for a short vacaIsland of Portugal will for you.
wet and cloudy.
Besides the beautiful scen ery, Azores has amazing seafood, fresh and tasty. On this Island an average of four cows are owned by each local individual. This means they can supply and export milk to the Mainland of Portugal
and other European countries. The Cheese from this Island is delicious too. Each of the nine islands has been making cheese since the
15th century and several of the cheeses are named for the island they’re produced on.
turn to next page...
Hot Springs / Furnas by Moonlight (Termas das Quenturas) is a small village located within a volcano which gives off steam. You will feel like you are in”Yellow stone Park” here.
On the July 4th, 2022 weekend I visited Azores and the hotel I stayed in is called “Azores hotel.” They have since changed their name to Octant Hotel Punta Delgada. It is listed as one of the top 10 hotels in Azores Island.
As a professional traveler we know how to choose an ideal ho
tel with the best value points. This is the hotel In Sao Miguel Azores Portugal where we recommend for your stay. You won’t be disap pointed.
Azores Island is good for hiking lovers too. some people call Azores Island “Hawaii in Europe. It will be a lovely four-day extended weekend gateway for your vacation. I highly recommend it. For more information, visit https:// azoresgetaways.com/en-us/ destination/azores/general-ar ticles/hawaii-of-europe
Photos by Jamie Ye
In the lobby the local cheeses, wines, and art pieces like earrings and handbags are available for sale. The price are very good and I was so happy to bring home some local arts.
Türkiye’s most com prehensive celebration of arts and culture has expanded to five cit ies across the country this year, taking place through October 23, 2022. These Culture Route Festivals will feature nearly 15,000 artists and more than 3,000 events, including art, cinema, literature, dance, music and much more.
Originally started in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul in 2021 as the Beyoğ lu Culture Route Festival, the event was expanded earlier this year with the Ankara (Başkent) Culture Route Festi val and will continue to grow this fall.
“We look forward to ex panding our festival, which started with the Beyoğlu Cul ture Route last year, to wider audiences with much more inclusive and widespread activities in all five provinces,” said Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Tür kiye’s Minister of Culture and Tourism.
Having already begun in Çanakkale last month, the Troya Culture Route Festi val hosted more than 1,000 artists across 100 events in cluding exhibitions, concerts, workshops and much more. The 19th International Konya Mystical Music Festival then took place from September 22-30, welcoming musicians from Türkiye, Spain, Egypt, Azerbaijan and many other countries to perform as part of the 815th birthday celebration of Melvana Celaleddin Rumi, a historical Sufi mystic and poet.
The festival will now move
to Diyarbakır with the Sur Culture Route Festival taking place from October 8-16, 2022.
The cultural celebration will continue in Istanbul and Ankara with the Beyoğlu and Ankara Culture Route Festi vals being held simultaneously from October 1-23, 2022. In Istanbul, the Beyoğlu Culture Route Festival will host more than 6,000 artists and 1,000 events at more than 46 differ ent venues. The Ankara Ulus route, spanning 3.5 miles, will host more than 500 events with 5,000 artists at 70 different locations.
“With the Türkiye Culture Route Festivals organized with the aim of showcasing the cultur al heritage of our country to the world, we not only develop the cultural routes of our cities, but we also make culture and art ac cessible to everyone,” said Ersoy.
The horse (right) isfrom the 2004 movie Troy, which was given to the The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and is displayed in Çanakkale.
ST. HELENS - Cel ebrate the haunted history and movie locations from Hal loweentown and Twilight mainly on weekends offering fun attractions and family activities for all who visit. The courthouse plaza is home of the big pumpkin. It is lit the pumpkin on the first Saturday of October following the Big Halloween Parade and it stays lit all month.
There are four “must experi ence” attractions:
1) Sand Island Adventure Wa ter Taxi and Hunt - Ride across the river on our cool new water shuttle to Sand Island. After dis embarking walk the nature path and see the incredible pumpkin carvings by Carving Artist Ex traordinary Wade Lapp. Follow the trail and find our resident Big Foot and grab a selfie. Participate in our all ages scavenger hunt
By Sheeree Oney Places to Go Editoralong the way. Try your hand at our Disc Golf Challenge or Lad der Challenge and win big priz es. Challenge others to our Can Jam game. Sit around a fire and answer “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” questions while you toast a marshmallow and enjoy some other tasty treats included in your adventure.
2) The new Spirit of Hallow eentown Train to Whispers in the Woods. Meet our live characters along the trail and score a treat. Find our hidden forest characters hidden in the trees.
3) Haunted House Come and check out our new additions that are sure to have you screaming for more!
4) The Pumpkin Puzzle Plaza is host to many games and photo ops. It is also home to our resident Mermaid Una at select times in October. Solve a puzzle and grab a selfie with the oh so cool props. Be a human slingshot. It’s a great place to ponder the Power of the Pumpkin!
General Admission Ticket 2022 includes everything in the one big ticket for $30, except Sand Island Ad venture Water Taxi Adventure. Other individual tickets are also available. Visit https://spiritofhalloweentown. com/attractions/ and search by date to find the best deal for your adven tures.
comes to mind when you step outside and discover that ‘crispness’ in the air? When I first notice how brisk the air is, I know it is time for my favorite season to begin. I enjoy autumn because the weather is so beautiful. It’s not too hot and the humidity level is quite comfortable. Fall colors are lovely and that leads my thoughts straight to all things pumpkin.
For the next few weeks, it won’t be possible to traverse any grocery aisle without being bombarded with pumpkin-flavored products. I haven’t tried very many of them, and for good rea son. I’m fairly certain I would not want any pumpkin pickles. Another reject might be pumpkin popcorn. Why mess with a good thing? Or how about pumpkin flavored iced tea? I shudder to think what it would be like if some one suggested pumpkin toothpaste.
Relax. All is not lost. This is one pumpkin recipe which caught my at tention. We tried it and liked it. I think you will too.
1 ¼ c. all-purpose flour
¾ c. sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground cardamom
¼ tsp. salt
½ c. evaporated milk
½ c. canned pumpkin
the cozy essence of home.
As always, I try to find recipes with options. I liked the pecans in it, but it would taste just as good without. In addition to not being too sweet, one of the things I really like about this recipe is the size. For our small family, a normal sized cake is just too much.
¼ c. butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½ c. chopped pecans
Topping: 1 c. packed brown sugar ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 1 ½ c. boiling water
Preheat oven to 350°. In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients. Add milk, pumpkin, butter and vanilla; mix until blended. Stir in pecans. Transfer to a greased nine-inch square baking pan. For topping, combine brown sug ar and cinnamon; sprinkle over batter. Pour water over top (do not stir).
Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean and liquid is bubbling around the edges, 25-30 min utes. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack. No icing is needed. Serve with vanilla ice cream or sweetened whipped cream if desired.
I think you’ll love the delicious aroma created as this cake bakes. The carda mom scent will fill your kitchen with
I know with the extra step in the instructions, it sounds complicated but it is actually incredibly easy to make. Even though the water is poured over the top of the batter, it sinks to the bottom during baking which creates the pudding. When served warm, it is actually more like a sauce. Personally, I enjoyed it more after leaving it in the refrigera tor overnight. This allowed the sauce to thicken and become more like the consistency of pudding. (If you’re not partial to these types of pudding cakes, simply cut back on the water, using just enough to moisten all the topping. Ad just baking times accordingly.) In case you have allergies, this cake contains no eggs, but is certainly very moist without them.
This cake is suitable not only for October but would make an excellent addition to any Thanksgiving dinner and can also be an easy carry-in for any Christmas gatherings. A recipe like this makes me wonder why pumpkin foods aren’t available all year long.
Perhaps I’ll do a bit more exploring and experimenting. Does anyone have a good recipe for pumpkin tacos? Who knows? By next year, bacon-wrapped fried pumpkin just might show up on your grocer’s shelves.
Taking time to curl up in your favorite reading chair and devouring a good book is one of life’s small pleasures. And if you are looking for a good murder mystery or a love story, why not choose both?
In Edward M. Krauss’s most recent novel, A STORY OF BAD, he pro vides just that. Set in Queens, New York, the owner of a sportswear factory has been killed. Detective Terry Stans believes the victim knew his assailant. So all employees and members of his family are suspects.
Business reporter June Replyn is assigned to cover how a small company survives the death of its inspirational leader. She meets Stans at the factory and the two join efforts to solve the mystery. In the process, a romance evolves.
During the course of the novel the reader visits the worlds of police investigations, newspapers and their editorial policies, drug smuggling, and the Cambodian experience in America. It’s a very GOOD story of how BAD life can really get.
Krauss intertwines the pro gress of solving a murder mys tery with an unexpected love affair between reporter and detective. It raises concerns about confidentiality, employer loyal ty, and professional ethics. All have been addressed through the
author’s career experience as a me diator in resolving various conflicts of domestic, business, financial, and personnel grievance. He has been successful in training others, such as social workers, court staff, high school students and prison inmates in mediation skills.
Also the author of HERE ON MOON and SOLOMON THE AC COUNTANT, Krauss is now availa ble without fee for speaking engagements at book clubs, either online in any location or near his home in Columbus, Ohio. He is also available for interviews to discuss his next book, which is already in pro gress for publication and to be available in time for Christmas orders.
The Story of Bad (192 pag es) now shows off its brand new cover and is ready for you to order on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/ Story-Bad-Edward-M-Krauss/ dp/097980874X, Barns & No ble at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-story-of-badedward-m-krauss/1009084444, through its publishing company at GAP Publishing https://www.globalauth orspublications.com/or by contacting the author at emkraussauthor@gmail.com.
The novel contains occa sional profanity but does not contain graphic sex or violence.
Doherty joined TikTok in March 2020 when the pandemic started. She started to share parenting hacks, DIY activities, recipes, and crafts. She quickly gained hundreds of thousands of followers after her DIY * STAY HEALTHY* FRONT DOOR SUPPLIES
STATION went viral and took over TikTok as she inspired fam ilies with safety tips during the pandemic. Doherty is also the founder of Coco and Lala, a lifestyle brand and clothing boutique for women and chil dren, featuring stylish clothing and accesso ries with custom items designed by Doherty herself. Coco and Lala sweatshirts and PJs are best-sellers. Coco and Lala launched a campaign to encourage handwash ing in 2020. The proceeds went to the organization No Kid Hungry.
When Doherty posted her life with her kids at home, people questioned her about things that she had in her kitchen and things behind her in her videos. She realized that there was a space on TikTok for people wanting to learn ideas she has as a mom of four. Since then, her account At Home with Shan non has tallied over 40 million views from parents interested in everything from easy dinner ideas to creating a neon volcano science experiment at the kitchen table.
Born in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, Doherty grew
By Lisa Rhoden Garcia People to See Editorup in Stamford, Connecti cut, and went to an all-girls high school. Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a real estate developer. She attended Boston College where she studied nursing. During clinicals, she passed out and soon realized nurs ing wasn’t the profession for her, although she was passionate about wanting to help others. She trans ferred to the business school where she double majored in finance in marketing and landed a marketing intern ship with the New England Patriots. After college, Do herty moved to New York City where she interned at Madison Square Garden. She pursued a job as a personal assistant at JP Morgan and worked her way up in the finance world in Manhattan for 12 years. Doherty also got her real estate license and took classes at night at New
York Law School where she completed her degree in two years. While Doherty loved working in finance, she has always been a creative person. Her experi ence in sports marketing allowed her to explore her creative side and when she worked in finance, she got to see the bigger picture and learned how clients grew their businesses.
When she is not filming helpful hacks for TikTok, Doherty spends time with her husband, four chil dren, and their golden doodle Charlie. Doherty’s philanthropic efforts support No Kid Hungry and St. Jude’s. She is focused on building her At Home with Shannon brand, expanding Coco and Lala, spreading love, positivity, and inspiration for par ents, and writing a book.
Chautauqua Harbor Hotel is a member of The Harbor Hotel Collection, a portfolio of AAA Four Diamond caliber properties that offer upscale accommodations and exceptional service in unique waterfront destinations selected for their authentic local character. Supreme comfort, modern amenities, and a wealth of thoughtful touches define the guest experience.
You may have visited other properties in The Harbor Hotel Collection including 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel, Clayton, NY and Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel, Watkins Glen, NY.
The Harbor Hotel Collection’s Annual Apple Days returns this fall now through Oct. 16. Apple Days celebrates apple picking season in Upstate & Western New York with seasonal amenities, such as apples and fresh cider at check-in, and special menu items featuring delicious apple-in spired dishes and signature cocktails. Guests will receive a list of nearby orchards they can visit for apple picking.
Enjoy some fruits of the harvest at Lake Erie Wine Country wineries or visit award-winning craft breweries and distilleries on the unofficial “brew and spirits trail.” Tickle your funny bone at the National Comedy Center and Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Museum. If you’d rather take things a little slower, follow the Amish Trail and discover unique, hand-made treasures and pass through quaint Victorian villages along the way.
Check out our Area Guide for local festivals and events and don’t forget to visit an apple orchard or farm stand to experience the real home-grown taste of the season! Guests will receive a list of nearby orchards
they can visit to pick apples and enjoy other New York State fall produce.
Travelers who visit two hotels on consecutive nights will get a portable mini-cooler
stuffed with goodies for the drive.
Then, head back to our lakeside patio to en joy a beverage, the warmth of the firepits and glorious Chautauqua Lake sunsets.
Chautauqua Harbor Hotel’s 135 deluxe guest rooms and suites are generously sized, many rooms feature panoramic views of the lake and balconies. All are beautifully appointed with wood floors, tile bathrooms, luxurious down sleep sets with Spa quality amenities in each room.
For more info or to make a road trip reserva tion please visit HarborHotelCollection.com.
Staying lint and pet hair free just got easier with LintZapper’s ultra slim disposable lint remover that fits conveniently in a pocket or bag.
The LintZapper is a new, portable laundry problem solver. Designed with convenience and portability in mind, they are a perfect alternative to bulky lint rollers. LintZapper is the most portable lint and fur remover in a discreet, flat package.
Price: $13.99
Works overnight to remove odor and moisture, leaving your shoes fresh and dry. These mini odor eliminators are a non-toxic, safe alternative to traditional shoe sprays that typically contain harmful chemicals and fragrance. Safe to use on any surface or material. Moso Natural Air Purifying Bags don’t cover up odors; they absorb them. Premium bamboo charcoal absorbs odor-causing sweat, prolonging the life of your shoes and sports gear. With routine rejuvenation, the Mini Moso Bags last up to 2 years! Simply place outside in the sun once a month for one hour. After two years as an air purifier, cut open the charcoal bags and sprinkle into your garden to promote plant growth. Pack of 2. Each Mini Moso Bag contains 75 grams of moso bamboo charcoal.
Price $10.95 https://mosonatural.com/Minimoso
This is a must have for those weekend football games. Also, for those cold airplanes or to cozy up in a long car ride. Mozy is a blanket that wraps around your legs and keeps you warm and mobile while doing any Halloween activity and more! This innovative wrap-and-go blanket is the perfect light weight layer that provides adjustable warmth and moves with you as you refill your glass, join in the lawn games, or go for an evening stroll. Each Mozy features handy pockets for storing your phone, gear, or beverage and a unique foldable design for easy transport
Price: $70
Magna-Ready Apparel
Traveling can be a challenge for people with handicaps or disabilities and for older adults. Having travel gear designed to simplify daily tasks can make the experience easier and more en joyable. After a long day of travel or a night spent trying to get used to a new bed, having clothing that is easy to put on and stylish is a must. Intro ducing Magna - Ready outfits with hidden mag netic closures and wrinkle resistant fabric.
Price: Varies Styles/Sizes: Varies https://magnaready.com/
Traveling for the holidays? Bring Doctor Plotka’s with you with their travel brush! These brushes are infused with silver to naturally eliminate 99% of bacteria, viruses, and fungi on your brush. Superior multi-layered flossing bris tles break up more plaque and reach places that other brushes miss. Comes in a foldable design for easy packing!
Price: $4.99 and up Available on Amazon and https://www. mouthwatchers.com/
Collection features shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, and hair serum. Each helps to reinforce each strand of hair to reflect light and luster, increasing elasticity to resist breakage caused by brushing, chemical processing, and styling. Keeps hair frizz-free. Natural ingredients include: Pearl Extract - amino acids and vital trace miner als for stimulating the formation of keratin and providing shine; Argan Oil - for high quantities of Vitamin A, C, and E, plus antioxidants and omega-6 fatty acids, to support in repairing strands and fighting future damage. Rose mary - stimulate hair growth, thicker and fuller-looking. Helps slow down the effects of premature graying, helps a dry, flaky scalp.
This fall, American Coach, a lux ury RV brand within REV Recrea tion Group®, a subsidiary of REV Group®, has assembled a collec tion of 10 majestic and unusual vistas across the United States that pair autumnal foliage with other natural wonders that range from waterfalls and snow-capped mountains to volcanic craters.
Some of the fall vistas are perfect for day trips while others can extend into a long weekend or become a weeks-long vacation.
The fall vistas have been re searched in advance but be sure to call ahead to confirm hours of operation for parks, tours, and other attractions and activities.
For more information, visit americancoach.com.
New River Gorge & Bridge, Glen Jean, WV Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains near Fayetteville is the New River Gorge Bridge – a breath-taking steel arch bridge of 3,030 ft. that spans the New River Gorge. In fact, the bridge is so iconic that it’s pictured on the state’s commemorative quarter. For a picture-perfect spot to cap ture an image of this impressive structure and the beautiful fall foliage that flanks it, visit the Canyon Rim Visitor Center. For views from the gorge floor looking up at the bridge, take the winding Fayette Station Road that dates back 100 years. The drive delivers sweeping vistas of the river, its bridges, hardwood forests, and
Cuyahoga Valley National Park , OHforgotten coal mining towns from a bygone era.
Finally, for those who’d like to witness some adventure, there’s Bridge Day. This Oct. 16, the bridge becomes an extreme sports platform when daredevils from near and far come to jump off, zipline down, and rappel from the bridge to New River Gorge below.
RVers can stay overnight at the Stonewall Resort near Roanoke. The resort’s amenities include beautiful lake views, a full-service spa, and golf course.
The white water of Amicalola Falls cascading over a towering bluff in multiple tiers is a perfect contrast to the fall scenery of the southern Appalachian Mountains that surround it. During October and November, the stunning 729foot Amicalola Falls (the tallest waterfall in Georgia) is framed by vibrant autumn colors. Accessing the falls can be done by climbing more than 600 steps or by vehicle.
For those taking a vehicle, park at the top of the falls and take in the
amazing view of the valley and mountains beyond. Walk down the stairs to a viewing platform for a closer look at the spectacular falls. RVers can stay overnight at the Adventure Lodge of Georgia at Amicalola Falls State Park.
A long weekend or weeklong visit to the unmatched beauty of the Upper Peninsula in Michigan is a fall must. The trip begins by traveling across the awe-inspiring Mackinac Bridge that transports drivers over the legendary Straits
of Mackinac. At approximately five miles, it’s the longest suspen sion bridge in the Western Hemi sphere.
After crossing the straights, plan to visit Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. This signature stop is known for its: 15 miles of multi colored sandstone cliffs that tower up to 200 feet above Lake Supe rior; huge sand dunes; unspoiled beaches; picturesque waterfalls; deep forest; and nature trails. The park is open year-round, 24 hours a day, and is free. Some of the most spectacular views of the rugged cliffs that line Lake Supe rior are from the water. Through mid-October, a variety of boat cruises are offered by Pictured Rocks Cruises. For those looking for activity, there are hundreds of miles of trails in the Pictured Rocks area that range from easy to strenuous.
Next, head to Michigan’s north ern-most town – tiny Copper Harbor located on the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula. This hamlet of approximately 100 residents is in a valley at the base of Brockway Mountain. The nearly 10-mile Brockway Mountain Drive de livers panoramic views of Lake Superior from more than 700 feet above lake level, along with swell after swell of autumn majesty. Look for freighters slowly pass ing by and get a birds-eye view of tiny Copper Harbor below. On clear days, Isle Royale, which is
approximately 50 miles away, can be seen. Due to its remote location and absence of artificial light from nearby towns, star gazing on the mountain peak is an amazing ex perience on a crisp fall night.
RVers can stay overnight at the Wilderness Resort near Lac La Belle. Resort amenities include fishing charters, kayaking, mine tours, and more.
For a unique fall vantage point, book a ticket on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. A three-and-a-half hour round trip weaves through Cuyahoga Valley National Park and parallels the rushing Cuyahoga River. Soak up the brilliant sugar maple reds and towering brown oaks along the way. For a bit of exercise, try the Brandywine Gorge Trail and hike up to the 65-foot Brandywine Falls for panoramic views of fall foliage in each direction. The his toric Everett Covered Bridge that crosses Furnace Creek is another site within the national park that shouldn’t be missed. It’s a nod to days gone by when more than 2,000 covered bridges were scat tered throughout Ohio. Today, the Everett Covered Bridge is the last remaining one in Summit County.
RVers can stay overnight at the luxurious Hearthside Grove Lake Erie RV Resort.
Travelers will have many from which to choose thanks to new seasonal vacation offers by Bench mark Resorts & Hotels®. This autumn, those seeking a last-minute get away can fall for a new destina tion with a host of great deals and programs from the leading hospitality com pany’s marquee portfolio.
The Glass is Half Fall
Ride through Oregon’s famed Willamette Valley with a guided ATV Wine Tour experience at Sentinel in Portland. Guests can book the Start With a Ride, End With Wine experience which includes a guided ATV wine tour of a Durant Winery, a wine flight for two, and a bottle of Durant wine in the hotel room.
Venture out to Woodinville, Washington and be immersed in all the things that make fall in the Pacific Northwest so special. Participate in a tastingfor-two at award-winning Woodinville Whiskey, bike along the Sammamish River trail, sit back and relax around the fire pit or listen to local entertain ment in the Fireside Lounge at Willows Lodge. Book the Whiskey Business package by October 31, 2022, which is good for stays through December 30, 2022.
Road trip to La Cantera Resort and Spa in Tex as’s famed Hill Country with the LCR Road Trip package, where guests will re ceive a gas card provided by Jag uar/Land Rover of San Antonio, resort credit and a complimenta ry wine tasting at Turtle Creek Winery in Kerr ville.
Head to Forest Suite Resorts in South Lake Tahoe, California for all the fall feels and 35% off through the Fall into Autumn package . With fewer crowds and the perfect temperatures, fall is a fantastic time to visit the Sierra Nevada Mountains for hiking, bik ing, or a ride on the lake.
As New England transitions from the lush green and warmth of summer to fall’s famous foliage, The Equinox Golf Resort & Spa in Manchester, Vermont (offering a third night free) is an escape from the ordinary. Set amidst the splendor of the scenic Green Mountains, guests can explore over 900 acres of mountain trails, drive a Land Rover through moun tain terrain, spend the day at Equinox Pond fishing or kayaking, or head out on the golf course.
“Colorful Colorado” beckons at Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in Colorado Springs. Book and stay the Fall into Autumn package by December 20, 2022 and receive $100 per night in resort credit and indulge in a wellness elixir upon arrival. It’s a great excuse to relish in the changing colors of the trees while enjoying a round of golf on the famed 27-hole Kissing Camels Golf Course or visit the spa for a massage before relaxing by the outdoor firepits with a craft, smoked cocktail.
For those happy to skip pumpkin spice and chunky sweaters, Florida offers an endless summer vibe. Plan a warm weather vacation on St. Pete Beach and capture that vacation glow at Bellwether Beach Resort. The Endless Summer package includes ex clusive savings off retail rates, $50 nightly spending credit and more. Guests can indulge in the tropical atmosphere while enjoying a variety of amenities in cluding beachside cabanas, multiple dining options, daily live music and magical sunsets on Florida’s Gulf Coast.
Escape to Cambridge Beaches Resort and Spa in
Bermuda and stay two or more nights to enjoy exclusive savings with Bermuda’s Endless Summer offer, including a $25 nightly resort credit. Experience the luxuries of Bermuda with private beaches and coves, multiple restaurants and bars, a spa and plenty of both land and sea activities.
Head to the island of Oahu and enjoy the 5th night free and up to $500 in experience credit with the Sa vor the Sun offer at Turtle Bay Resort. With plenty of thrilling outdoor adventures, awe-inspiring surf and stunning backdrops, Oahu’s North Shore beckons to be explored.
Benchmark Resorts & Hotels’ fall adventures getaway offers can be booked online. Blackout dates and restrictions may apply, and reservations are subject to availability and resort-specific booking windows. Full promotion details are available on the website.
Benchmark Resorts & Hotels, a di vision of Pyramid Global Hospitality, features the finest in lodging, dining, recreational and meeting accommodations. Featuring unique and distinctive proper ties renown for exceptional service and for creating unforgettable memory-making experiences, it is the signature division of Pyramid Global Hospitality, a leading U.S.-based hospitality management compa ny. Many of Benchmark’s properties are certified by IACC, the association that represents the finest meet ing venues and services globally, and many have also been recognized with the coveted Benchmark Conference Centers® certification of meeting excel lence. Learn more at www.benchmarkglobalhospi tality.com
CLARKDALE - When you’re dying to tap into everything dread ed, climb aboard Verde Canyon Railroad’s Fright Night phantom railcars, permanently parked at the depot, and make all your night mares come true. Frightening tales and treats are plenty through the month of October. Passengers and train staff are encouraged to ride the rails in costume on October 31.
When: Fright Nights and stationary train: select nights until Oct. 31. Haunted Halloween Express: October 31, 1 p.m.
Tickets are $30 (Fright Nights), $119 (Haunted Halloween Express) *Purchase a train ride and add a Fright Night ticket for only $25
WICKENBURG - The aban doned mining town returns to life for a weekend in October for a new Halloween Experience. Choose from a morning (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) or evening (3 - 9 p.m.) en trance and then wander the site, which features restored buildings showing life during the town’s heyday. Enjoy live trick or treat ing, food vendors, a bear garden, and live pumpkin carvings by some of the world’s top carvers courtesy of Villafane Studios.
When: October 21 - 23
Tickets: $25 (adults), $22 (se niors/vets/military), $10 (kids 6-16), or free (kids 5 and under
Taking place at a private home in north Phoenix, Mount Mayhem is a family-run haunted house put together with some serious devo tion. This year’s theme incorpo rates all the creepiness of a South ern gothic night—think spooky swamps and voodoo magic. (Note: No groups larger than five people allowed at a time; larger groups will be split.)
Open Oct. 27-31 Tickets are free, but donations are accepted. Doors open at 7 p.m.
TUCSON - After a two-year hiatus, the popular Old Tucson Halloween event returns for its 30th anniversary with a com pletely new experience. Instead of roaming characters, those brave enough to explore this haunted attraction will have to explore the grounds. How much you experi ence is completely up to you. Will you help the residents of Nightfall and uncover the town’s hidden secrets or sit back and enjoy the show?
Open Oct. 6 - 30 (ThursdaysSundays) Tickets: Thursdays and Sundays: $35 (12 and older), $30 (ages 5-11), and free for children 4 and under. $10 higher on Sat
urday (children 4 and under are still free). *A $5 parking pass is required for each vehicle.
TUCSON - Discover scary science this Halloween week end. Little scientists can explore spooky arts and crafts, terrifying treats and a Halloween-themed laser show. Two other planetari um shows, “Legends of the Night Sky” and “Spooky Tucson Sky,” also make their return for a limited time.
Open October 30 - 31 Tickets range from $3 - $9 (kids 3 and under are free)
Terror in the Corn MARANA Forget houses— how about a haunted cornfield?
Enjoy a night of outdoor fright consistently voted as one of the area’s best haunted attractions.
The corn is calling.Open Weekend nights in October and Halloween
Tickets start at $25, your ticket includes entrance to three haunts. Experiences, such as Zombie Paintball and an escape room, can be purchased for an additional cost.
BERKELY - Over the years, the Claremont Club & Spa, A Fairmont Hotel, has built a consider able reputation for being one of the most haunted places in California. From reports of phantom elevators to eerie disembodied voices, the resort has been the source of countless paranormal tales for generations. Of all the stories, the most spooky involve the fourth floor. And even then, one room in particular seems to attract the most activity—Room 442. Noises fill the space at times like a cacophony, confusing guests immensely as to their point of their origin. One couple has even alleged that the sounds made the room seem as if they were sleeping in an active construction zone. They simply ignored the ruckus as best they could, assuming that the work was being done in the rooms opposite of theirs. When the two ad dressed the event with the staff the following day, they were stunned to learn that both of the spaces had been—and still were—completely vacant!
Additional stories abound throughout the Claremont Club & Spa about the spirits of chil dren. One such tale pertains to a six-year-old girl. While no one exactly knows why her ghost haunts the hotel, all who encounter her admit that she is rather peaceful. According to legend, the girl enjoys sitting at the edge of a person’s bed while lightly touching them as they sleep. It’s all meant as a simple way of saying “hello.” Others have reported hearing the sounds of a little girl laughing throughout the resort’s corridors in the middle of the night. When guests have thrown open their doors, they chillingly find no one. Ad ditional reports concern the ghost of a baby. For instance, several athletes once stopped by for the night at the Claremont Club & Spa. They attempted to unlock the room to their suite, only to notice that the door was jammed. As one of the athletes contacted the concierge, the rest continued to try to get inside. Yet, they immediately stopped once they heard strange noises emanate from room.
Even more odd, the athletes said that they could even hear the sound of a baby chattering. In the end, the guests thought it was best to reserve another space somewhere else within the resort. The Claremont Club and Spa in Berkley, Califor nia, was originally built as a castle-style home for a wealthy family in the 19th century. After a fire destroyed it in 1901, it was rebuilt as a hotel that opened in 1915.
Legend has it that the hotel is haunted either as the result of the fire or the death of a young girl, whose apparition is often seen in Room 422. Some say she was only six years old when she died.
Past guest who stayed in that room, reported to have gone into the show with the TV turned off. When they returned, the TV was on. Others have felt the girl’s presence and heard her call for her mother throughout the fourth floor.
The place is pretty old so it creaks all the time which sounds really loud when it’s quite in the middle of the night.
The infamous Stanley Hotel inspired Stephen King’s The Shining, and not only can you tour the hotel, but you can also stay the night. Just don’t take an ax to any of the bathroom doors. Only 90 minutes north of Denver, the 100-plus-year-old hotel had paranormal connections long before Hollywood got its hands on it. Real-life ghost sightings and hauntings have been recorded (and rumored) at The Stanley Hotel since as far back as 1911, just two years after its opening in 1909. Rooms 217, 401, and 407 receive the most complaints from guests and are believed to be haunted. In the time since Jack Nicholson graced the legendary grounds overlooking Rocky Mountain National Park, the hotel has embraced its stardom and even hosts the popular Shining Ball among other Hal loween festivities. You can also take part in the Night Ghost Tour year-round.
In the novel, the infamous hotel room was 217, but it was changed to room 237 at the request of Timberline Lodge, where the exterior shots were filmed. King’s novel is based on the famous Stanley Hotel in Colorado, but the exte rior shots in the movie are of Oregon’s Timberline Lodge.
Author Stephen King said he was inspired to write “The Shining” after he and his wife spent a night at the Stanley in September of 1974.
“We were the only guests as it turned out; the following day they were going to close the place down for the winter,” King wrote. “Wandering through its corridors, I thought that it seemed the perfect – maybe the archetypical – setting for a ghost story.”
The 1977 novel tells the story of an aspiring writer who, along with his wife and child, agrees to take a job as a caretaker at a large hotel in the Colorado Rockies, which will be shut down and isolated over the winter. The book was adapted into the now legendary 1980 film of the same name, directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Jack Nich olson.
From thrilling coasters in the dark and sleuthing with professional ghosthunters at a former prison to exploring haunted halls on a former college campus, Idaho is filled with spooky fun this fall.
Enjoy screams of fright and delight on October evenings at Silverwood Theme Park—when the Pacific Northwest’s largest theme park transforms into Scarywood Haunted Nights. Experience five haunted attractions, nine scare zones, amusement rides in the dark and all the roaming monsters your heart can handle.
If exploring 100-year-old abandoned buildings wasn’t scary enough, then you’ll surely feel a cold shiver as you wander the haunted corridors and tunnels of the Haunted Mansions of Albion. This creepy former college campus in southern Idaho raises its fear factor with reported paranormal activ ity spanning strange voices and unexplained chills to hallways haunted by a dark-haired woman.
While Idaho Falls may seem like a typical town to outsiders, the city’s past is filled with unsettling accounts of settlers, ghosts, murders, brothels and more. Step back in time on a haunted walking tour to learn the city’s dark, complicated history.
Explore one of the state’s most haunted destina tions during “Locktober” at the Old Idaho Peni tentiary in Boise. Walk in the footsteps of some of the West’s most notorious criminals at Sleepless in Stripes—a simulated prison experience for ages 18 and up. Try some spooky sleuthing as part of the monthly Paranormal Investigation series (Oct. 22)— where professional ghosthunters attempt to connect with prisoners.
The awe-inspiring beauty and endless views of Montana’s Big Sky Country has lured travelers for hundreds of years. The region is located equidistance between Bozeman, Montana and West Yellowstone. Archeologists have proven that indigenous people lived and hunted on the land for a minimum of 12,000 years and the first documented nonnative ex plorers, the French, arrived in the early 1700s. They erected a series of log trading posts and estab lished a fur trade with the resi dent tribes. Both the French and the Spanish rapidly laid claim to portions of the land. https://www.
The Louisiana Purchase was the impetus for the travels through the region of Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery in 1805 and the often erroneously cited idea that they were the first nonna tives in the region. Sacagawea, a Shoshone native, was the party’s primary guide but in Montana Watkuweis, a Nez Perce female, led them over the Bitterroot Mountains. In 1858 there was an influx miners seeking gold and in 1889 Montana gained statehood.
The population remained small in the Big Sky County area and in 1902 Augustus Crail built a 1,000acre homestead. The Crail Ranch Museum, two historic log cabins and a 2.6-mile trail featuring a na tive plant demonstration garden are open at scheduled times.
Montana native Chet Huntley,
the renowned news commentator, wanted to share the beauty of Big Sky and upon his retirement he decided to create a Big Sky Re sort. He purchased the log cabins on the Crail Ranch and with a $25-million investment he began construction on the 10,647-acre Big Sky Resort. Huntley died of lung cancer three days prior to the resort’s 1973 opening.
Most visitors have historically arrived from Bozeman and for greater than 100-years they have taken Karst Stage transportation. In the early 1900s the railroad ended in Bozeman and visitors took Karst Stage for the remainder of the journey. The modern Karst Stage provides airport transpor tation as well as excursions to Yellowstone and other guided
The route from Bozeman parallels the Gallatin River, “swift water”, and meanders through the Gallatin Canyon. The river is 120-miles long and is an internationally recognized world-class blue ribbon trout stream. Rafting outfits and hiking trails set off from its banks.
The tiny town of Big Sky is a
By Renee' Gordonjewel set in a crown of four mountains beneath what appears to be an unending sky. There are two stoplights and in Town Center there are a plethora of restaurants, breweries, outfitters, and galler ies. Live music is performed in the square and you can soak up the atmosphere in the park with a large fire pit and several sculptures.
Before leaving Big Sky stop at Sweet Buns where Chef Christine Lugo-Yergensen specializes in high-altitude cooking and her skills are apparent in her fresh desserts. Take some to go.
Lone Mountain comes into view in the distance before you arrive in Big Sky. The iconic mountain is 11,166-feet tall and has a drop of 11,167-feet. Nestled at the foot of the mountain are the Big Sky Resort Village and the Summit Hotel. The Summit offers a selection of ac commodations each decorated in serene hues, natural woods, fireplaces and curated artworks. Every amenity is offered, includ ing nightly turndown service, designer linens and bath products.
Every imaginable winter and summer sport is available making this a year round destination. The resort has the 2nd steepest runs in the country with 5,800 skiable acres and 400-inches of consistent annual snowfall. The roads are never closed ensuring a great day of skiing no matter what the weather conditions. The longest run is 6-miles in length and the ex pert only Big Couloir triple-black diamond run drops 1,400-ft from the summit with slopes reaching 50-degrees.
The peak can be reached by a number of trams including the
Lone Peak Tram and Swift Current 6. Lone Peak tops 11,160-feet and affords visitors and skiers alike views of three states and two national parks. The swiftest 6-person chairlift on the continent, Swift Current 6, ascends in 7-minutes with heated seats and a bubble top to protect from the elements.
Solace Spa & Recovery Lounge is the perfect place to renew, refresh and reinvigorate. The spa’s menu of services includes specialized massages and an impressive assortment of beauty treatments.
Big Sky Resort seeks to blend a traditional ski weekend with a series of unique adventures and to that end they offer the Mon tana Dinner Yurt experience. Guests ride into the backcountry via rugged terrain truck or snow vehicle to a yurt constructed for the experience. A gourmet threecourse meal is served with white linen, candlelight and live music. There are main course options but the filet mignon is my strong rec ommendation. The dessert course consists of a Toblerone chocolate fondue accompanied by fresh fruit
and pound cake. Vegetarian substitutes are available. There is time for guests to mingle on the patio around the outdoor fire pit.
Guests at the Summit Hotel at Big Sky can comfortably chpose a day trip to Yellowstone National Park because of its history, proximity and popularity. It has been inhabited for 11,000-years. The Apsáalooke , or Crow Indians, were the first of the current tribes to migrate into the region following the abundant food source.
John Colter, a trapper and explorer, was a member of the Lewis
and Clark expedition. When making the return trip, and very near to St. Louis, he decided to return to trapping because society was too confining. In 1807 he became the first white man to document what he saw in Yellowstone. When he later related what he had seen, because of his reputation for telling tall tales, no one believed him. His descriptions of the landscapes and geysers led people to name the area Colter’s Hell.
The government sent an expedition in 1869 that confirmed Col ter’s account and three years later
in March 1872 President Grant enacted the Yellowstone National Protection Act making Yellowstone the first national park. For the first 35 years army troops were stationed in Fort Yellowstone and cared for the park because there was no National Park Service.
Yellowstone is the world’s most concentrated geothermal area featuring 10,000 such individual areas. There are more than 700 native plants and with the return of the wolves there are all the types of animals that inhabited the region pre-contact. In 1492 there
1.The Summit Hotel at Big Sky Resort.
2.A gourmet three-course meal is served at the Mon tana Dinner Yurt experience.
3.Waldazo the bison sculpture is made of recycled metal parts and stands in Fire Pit Park, Big Sky Town Center.
4.A view of Lone Mountain from Yellowstone National Park.
5.Black Sand Basin in Yellowstone National Park
were between 46-60 million bison now there are only 6,500. Visitors can view 290 waterfalls and the 20-mile long, 12,000foot deep Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The Yellowstone River is 650-miles long and is undammed. Old Faithfull continues to be a favorite and still erupts approximately every 90-minutes. The Old Faithful Inn is adjacent to Old Faithful and is also well worth a trip. The rustic craftsman-style pine lodge showcases stunning architectural elements including an enormous fireplace. Yellowstone Vacation Tours is an excellent way to take this journey.
The National Parks: America’s Best Idea is a 2009 Documentary by Ken Burns
Connecting the states of Oregon and Washington, the four-mile-long bridge spanning the Columbia River is shroud ed in fog. As the morning begins, the eerie feeling permeates the area and seems to enhance the mysteries and mysticism of the west coastal town of Astoria, Oregon.
The first documentation of the Co lumbia River, where Astoria proudly sits, occurred in 1775 when Bruno de Heceta of Spain saw the river’s mouth. During this period, the indigenous Chi nook and Clatsop people lived a com fortable life, with bountiful amounts of food and a fur-trading business, which enabled them to exchange goods with other groups dotted on the coast and inland. Then Captain James Cook from the British Royal Navy sailed to the area and noted the vast fur resources.
Word spread, and soon the area attracted hundreds of people to the Northwest, seeking their fortune with fur trading. With them, they brought diseases that nearly dec imated the native populations. With a declining population, the area began to struggle. Meanwhile, John Astor, an entrepreneur from New York City, sought to expand his fur trade empire and set his sights on the coastal area. Working with partners, he established the American Fur Company and found ed Fort Astoria in the early 19th century. In October 1876, the Oregon Legislative Assembly named the area Astoria.
In 1860 there were 499 people in the town, and by 1900 there were 8,000. By today’s standards, that doesn’t seem like much. Still, considering the grow ing immigrant population consisting of Finnish,
Chinese, German, Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes, one can see how conflicts might have started arising. Today official documentation states Astoria had become a frontier-like town.
With the newly established maritime activities such as fishing and processing and packing canner ies which rose to 22 at their peak, the need for crews became desperate. Underground tunnels were built to enable the transfer of both people and goods. People began to fear for their lives, for shanghaiing, a practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercion, became prevalent.
With the above history, ghost seekers have to look no farther than Astoria, Oregon. Astoria holds the unofficial title of the town with the most ghosts in Oregon. It is no wonder October sees an influx of
visitors. The Un derground Tun nels The popular Astoria Under ground Tours has been developed by the owners of Gulley Butch Shop, whose place of business sits on top of the tunnels. They started exploring the tunnels that had been closed since prohibition. The exploration result ed in discovering that there once had been existing homes in this un derground world. With an office set in one of these spaces, they felt someone was visiting them. Was it a ghost?
After various episodes of seemingly ghostly inter actions, they brought in three separate paranormal investigators. All of whom came to the same con clusion that there were at least two women ghosts, Abigail and Sarah, both known citizens of the area and had lived in apartments in the underground.
A friend wanted to take us for lunch at the Coffee Girl. She gave us little information, but we soon saw a rather rickety-looking pier, and she started to drive across it. Since I saw other cars parked directly in front of the expansive building labeled Pier 39, I fig ured we would be safe. We got out and followed her
to the entrance of the building. Walking in, it looked like a giant, abandoned ware house. It was once one of the thriving canneries I mentioned above.
Large strange, looking machinery sat motionless, collecting thick dust piled on its flat surfaces. Old cannery brand signs hung askew on the walls in unexpected places. Are there ghosts here? Eerie? I was convinced this would be a great place to jump out and scare someone if I were a ghost.
At last, we came to the end of the building, perched on stilts in the Columbia River. We walked through the doors, and the story started to unfold. During the heyday of this particular cannery, the workers, mostly women, came to take their breaks and eat lunch at this cafe. Frozen in time, I had a delicious sandwich called Turkberry, reminiscent of the day after Thanksgiving’s terrific turkey and cranberry sandwich. What a great experience eating the sandwich and watching the ships.
A leisurely walk exploring Astoria brought us across the street from the Liberty Theatre. The large marquee Liberty sign caught my attention, and I
noted people were milling around the front door. We approached, and I asked if we could go in, and a broadly smiling volunteer assured us we would be most welcome to peruse the area.
One first notices the elegance of this magnificent theatre, which was particularly popular during the vaudeville days. Today, under an architect’s guidance, it is undergoing a restoration. A film documents the process, and an interview with the firm restoring the place says they were thrilled most of the initial ornate cornices and ceiling décor were still in place, just needing to be repaired.
Like many buildings in As toria, it is rumored that a ghost, Handsome Paul dressed in a white tuxedo and derby hat, has chosen to make the theatre his home. Producers and staff have come in and found curtains once closed and now opened, strange noises, and the popcorn and soda machine turned off the night before are on when they arrive.
If Handsome Paul chose to live here, he would be an intelligent man, for the theatre is stunning. A ballroom room-like space on the second floor has become a beauti ful community gathering place.
Flavel House Stands Majestically on the Hill. The Flavel House is one of the finest remaining exam ples of Queen Anne architecture in the Northwest. Captain George Flavel, who obtained his wealth through being a Columbia River pilot and real estate investments, built the house in 1845 for his fam ily.
The house consists of 11,600 square feet on two and a half stories. The interior is graced with moldings, wainscoting, doors, and window covers faux wood-grained by master artisans, making Doug
las Fir look like rosewood and mahogany. The exquisite furnishing reflects the Victorian era.
Again, stories abound about voices being heard, floral scents suddenly appearing, and curtains opening and closing. Just saying locals believe the house is haunted, by whom no one is sure. In any case, you will want to visit this magnificent home now turned into a beautiful museum.
Maritime Museum on the Columbia River I
don’t say this often, but the Columbia River Mar itime Museum is one of the most well-organized and appointed museums I have ever visited. Everything from the entrance to the lighting, carpeting, and signs add to the only word I can think of is elegance.
Perched on the edge of the Columbia River, this world-class museum is doing out standing work presenting the ocean and river trials and tribulations to the world. A 30-minute 3-D film frankly mesmerized me, for it tracked the journey of a mother whale and her baby on their journey home. During the film, a viewer learns how the ocean is crucial to maintaining our life as we know it now, not alone illustrating how it could be better if we took action.
Since we have been talking about ghosts, it is hard to even look at a map that documents 200 plus shipwrecks that have taken place in this area due to the Columbia River bar, considered to be one of the most dangerous spots in the world. Imagine the lives that have been lost. Are some of these former sailors reappearing as ghosts? I will leave the answer up to you.
After touring this museum, I can unequivocally say you must make this a stop when you are in As toria, Oregon. Plan for a minimum of three hours.
I was honored to be hosted for a night’s stay at the Cannery Pier Hotel and Spa. This former can nery building has been restored into a luxury hotel on stilts directly on the Columbia River. Oh my, what a magnificent experience.
The minute you walked in, you felt like you were in for a unique visit. The staff greeted you
with great smiles, and some teasing fun took place. We were escorted to our room on the second floor, where the light poured in once we opened the door, for the scene before was a full view of the Columbia River right outside our window. The checking-in process was just part of the adven ture. Happy Hour food and wine were plen tiful, and
it was fun meeting others as we sipped our wine and watched the ships sail by, heavily loaded with cargo.
It was time to head off to dinner. With a driver and antique Rambler provided by the hotel, we were taken downtown to Silver Salmon Grille, where we had reservations. The chef recommend ed we have the evening’s special of halibut, with a creole bent. Certainly, heed the recommendation of the chef. It was outstanding.
Alas, it was time to end our wonderful Asto ria visit. The large shower at the hotel and then wrapped in the great bathrobe made it awfully hard to pull us away from this luxury, romantic hotel that had more than met our expectations. Breakfast, part of your room reservation, immedi ately caught our attention as we got off the eleva tor. The freshly baked croissants aroma was just the first act in the array of food available for break fast.
With the visit to Astoria ending, it became ap parent there is still so much more to explore. Retail stores, art galleries, and numerous restaurants are scattered downtown and on the water’s edge. As for the ghosts, I’ll let you make your own conclu sions.
JACKSONVILLE - A small historic gold rush-era town just north of Ashland in Southern Oregon, Jacksonville claims the first group of buildings in Oregon to enter the National Historic Landmark Register. Perhaps the town is so rich in spirits because minimal modification of these buildings has allowed energy to accumulate, theorizes Carolyn Kingsnorth, president of Historic Jacksonville, which leads haunted history tours in the area.
Monthly ghost tours — which involve about a mile of walking — run May through October, with multiple one-hour tours going out each evening. Reserve well ahead of time at Historic Jacksonville Haunted History Tours, as they usually sell out. Participants can choose between the Courthouse tour — featuring stories of old brothels, epidemics and hangings — or the Britt Hill tour, which reveals stories of arson, saloons and Oregon’s first Chinatown.
Kingsnorth also collects tales from locals who have seen ghosts or ghostly activities. On the Britt Hill tour, for example, participants learn about a spirit who provided art critiques in the home of two artists. “They would come into the studio in the morning and they might find paintings turned to the wall,” says Kingsnorth. “Or they might find a picture occasionally enhanced, particularly nudes.” The tours evolve as more ghosts come out of the woodwork.
If you prefer to ride rather than walk, reserve your spot on Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce’s Haunted Trolley Tour. The tours run Oct. 2830, 2022 and promise a lighthearted, not-too-gory approach to hauntings with special effects and interpreters.
ANNAPOLIS – Got Ghosts? We do...and we’ll tell you all about them...who they are, where they haunt, why they’re still here, and to what ends these troubled souls go to in order to make their presence felt by those currently living in and intruding upon their domain! Take a nighttime ghost walk through the historic Downtown district on a spine-tingling journey
Take a leisurely ghost walk through the historic downtown district on a spine-tingling journey into Annapolis’ dark and troubled history. Get ready to meet some of the more spirited residents and visit their most horrific haunted sites!
There are two different types of tours - one is PG-rated and family friendly (7pm) and R-Rated adults versions (9pm)
Inquire about their Haunted Pub Crawls for a delightful evening of spirits and spirits! Where better to find spirits of other worlds than among the liquid spirits of this one? Ghost stories and drinks! Visiting 3-4 bars, you’ll spend between 20-30 min utes at each, before the guide gives a 3-min warning to finish your drinks, then it’s on the next bar...you may also make a few haunted stops along the way!
Annapolis Tours & Crawls has been thrilling guests for nearly 20 years and is consistently rated as the “Best Downtown Tour” and among the best ghost tours in the nation!
Tours depart from the front porch of the Maryland Inn!
Amonth-long celebration of Halloween and fall inNew England, people travel from around the world to visit during October. Welcome to Salem Haunted Happenings, the largest celebration of Halloween in the world! Salem will welcome more than a half-million visitors to the parties, parades, vendor fairs, walking tours, museums, attractions, and special events. Plan ahead, put on your costume, and join this town steeped in history, haunts, and a bit of magic.
Created in 1982, the festival features hundreds of spe cial events through Oct. 31 in addition to the normal attractions, museums and tours available throughout the year. This year’s special events include a Grand Parade, the Haunted Biz Baz Street Fair, Family Film Nights, cos tume balls, ghost tours, haunted houses, live music, and chilling theatrical presentations.
The best place to start is the new welcome center locat ed within the Pickman House, part of the Peabody Essex Museum. Established in 1637, Charter Street Cemetery is Salem’s oldest cemetery. The welcome center features exhibitions about the cemetery and the Charter Street Historic District, as well as a small gift shop and maps and information for visiting the cemetery. The Pickman House is almost as old, with its first-period structure dating back to 1665. The adjacent Salem Witch Trials Me morial honors all of the victims from 1692 and includes a bench for each person who was wrongfully executed.)
The Salem Witch Museum examines one of the most enduring and emotional events in American History, the Salem witch trials of 1692. There are two presentations. One an immersive look into the events of 1692. Visitors experience the drama of that dark time though thirteen life-size stage sets, figures, lighting and narration as they are witness to the web of lies and intrigue of the Salem witch-hunt. The other is Witches: Evolving Perceptions, explores the meaning behind the word witch and evolu tion of the image of the witch over time. This presenta tion focuses on the European witch trials and the back ground leading to the Salem witch trials. In addition, this presentation discusses the emergence of the stereotypical witch and the phenomenon of witch-hunting.
For complete information visit HauntedHappenings. org.
Attention all ghosts and goblins! It’s time to get back into the Hal loween Spirit with Newmarket Rec’s Freakiest Fun Fest of the season on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, with all of your festive fun favorite games and activities. Goblin Gate will OPEN at 1:45p.m. in an effort to speed up the line. However, games will not start until 2 p.m.
Entrance Fee is $5 per child or $10 per family Additional donations will be accepted if you are feeling freakishly generous because tons of candy and prizes will be given out to all the children at the activities at a pretty scary cost to the Rec! There is plenty of parking at the Community Center and at the Junior/Senior High School!
Costume Contest 1:45- 3:15 p.m: Once again, our Halloween Haunt Goblin Gate entrance will be located in the parking lot in front at the Rec Center. Show up early if you want to be in the Costume Contest! Costume Contest Registration is only open between 1:45pm - 3:15pm - ages and categories listed on the website. Babies through Adult categories, plus a best Family theme category! Prizes given to all winners!
Freaky Fun-Fest: 2-4 p.m. Activities around the Newmarket REC & Community Center including: Terror Toddlers Area, Fortune Teller, Which Witch is Which! Zombie Laser Tazer, Little Devil Dia per Dash, “Booing Ally, The Mortuary, Pumpkin Patch Monster Match, Boo Toss, The 3 Eyed Mon ster, The “Axe”anator, Walk of the Living Dead, Captain Jack’s Deadman’s Treasure Island Hunt, Hip Hop Glow in the Dark Dance Party, Touch-ATruck with Newmarket’s Fire & Rescue and Police, plus a whole lot more, and of course, all of our Let’s Make a Devilish Deal games!
Entertainment 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. - Head over to
the outdoor stage for our Costume Winners An nouncement Show Case of winners, More Let’s Make Devilish Deals & a Hip Hop Halloween Per formance by none other than the Rec’s very own Next-Gen creative movement performers!
Trolley to Town 4- 6 p.m. - The Trick or Treat Transfer Trolley is back! After the Rec Event, we invite you to hop onto the trolley which will begin transporting families downtown to go Trick or Treating at all the Downtown Main Street Busi nesses! The Trolley will travel to and from HS parking next to the Rec to down town and then back HS parking lots. No need to park again! Plen ty of Parking across street from HS as well at 213 Main Street.
Trick or Treating Businesses Wanted - Are you a business downtown? Please Let us know ASAP you will be open for Trick or Treating that after noon and/or you would like to donate a gift card that can be used for prizes! The list of participating businesses will be added soon.
This Halloween Haunt is only as good as the vol unteers recruited If you or you know someone who just loves Halloween and/or if your house doesn’t get any tricking or treaters and that bums you out… then - this is the perfect event to get anyone and everyone right in the middle of the Halloween Season fun! Just email: RecDesk@newmarketnh. gov for details.
Ready to be spooked? Just in time for the Halloween season, On Location Tours has launched a spook-tacular self-guided ver sion of their Horror Movie Location Tour, featuring filming locations from various horror movies and psychological thrill ers set in the Upper West Side of NYC. Too scared to trek it alone? On Location Tours offers a private tour booking op tion, where you and your closest friends can join alongside a horror film buff tour guide.
The creepy walking journey begins at Greyshot Arch in Central Park, which was featured in the disastrous monster film Cloverfield. Throughout the tour you will have the opportunity to take a photo in front of the iconically brooding Dako ta building, as seen in Rosemary’s Baby; catch some ghosts with your ghoul-friends at Spook Central; solve a true murder mystery at the apartment building from Only Murders in the Building, and more! The tour is available as a private tour for $36/person, or as a self-guided version for $15.95/device.
On Location Tours, the Concierge Choice Award Winner for Sightseeing and Tours, is among the world’s largest TV and mov ie tour companies with tours in New York City, Boston and Chicago. The tours fea ture sites from the hottest and latest on the big and small screen. Founded in 1999, it is one of the East Coast’s most popular tour ist attractions. Some of the tours include: NYC TV & Movie Sites, Gossip Girl Sites, Sopranos Sites, Central Park TV & Movie Sites and Boston TV & Movie Sites.
Considered the “most haunted town in the USA,” Gettysburg is a bucket list destination for every serious ghost hunter — especially on Halloween!
This spooky list (from a life-long Gettys burg resident) is packed with frightening and entertaining Civil War ghost walks, ghost hunts and ghost tours in haunted Gettysburg, Pa!
If you’re ready for a scary journey back in time, then read on and book an adven ture that might just be out of this world! Gettysburg is a small southcentral Pennsyl vania town of about 7,000 that was the scene of a bloody three-day battle in July of 1863.
The Battle of Gettysburg took place in the farms and fields surrounding the town as well as in the streets and alleyways.
The horrific clash of armies resulted in 51,000 casualties, many of whom succumbed to their injuries in the houses, churches and barns of local residents.
These days, Gettysburg is a charming his torical destination that is home to boutiques, shops, pubs, bars and restaurants — but it’s still THE place to visit for Halloween.
All of the Gettysburg ghost tour providers have their own unique and varied services, so use this guide to help you figure out which one is best for you, your family or your group.
If you really want to get spooked this year, make your plans now, because Gettysburg ghost tours fill up fast!
https://pastlanetravels.com/gettys burg-ghost-tours/
Do you believe in ghosts? The 1886 Cres cent Hotel in Eureka Springs is supposedly haunted, and my hus band and I spent the night there just a few days before Halloween in 2021.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is a charming town in the Ozark Mountains, perfect for am extended weekend getaway. With beauti ful scenery and quaint, historic downtown, it’s no wonder this town is a popular tourist desti nation. It’s also thought to be haunted!
Eureka Springs’ popularity grows ex ponentially during the Halloween season. Not only is the Crescent Hotel supposedly haunted, but the whole town gets into the spirit of things with dec orations and celebrations. Other hotels and buildings also claim to be haunted, adding to the town’s mystery.
A historic hotel located at the top of a hill above the downtown, the 1886 Crescent Hotel offers beautiful views of the Ozark Mountains.
As you drive up the mountain, it looks like a hotel out of a movie or
fairy tale. Multiple ghosts from its storied history supposedly haunt it.
The doors to the grandiose hotel first opened in 1886, ushering in an exciting era for Eureka Springs. At the time, it was thought to be
America’s most luxurious resort hotel offering vacationers opu lence unmatched. The magnificent structure was lighted with Edison lamps, heated with steam, and had a hydraulic elevator and elec tric bells. Gala balls and banquets
were held in the Grand Ballroom.
The Crescent had a Billiard’s Room, Bowling Alley, and Tennis Courts.
In 1902, the hotel was leased to the Frisco Railroad. After five years, they opened the Crescent College and provided education to females until 1934. It was a college during the winter months and a playground for the elite during the summer.
Norman Baker purchased and remodeled the hotel into the Baker Cancer Clinic in 1937. He claimed he could cure cancer at the clinic. Baker was a quack and made big bucks from people with cancer. He treated patients with fake potions and other bogus treatments. No one was ever cured, and many died under his care. In 1940, he landed in jail for mail fraud.
New owners purchased the hotel, and another renovation took place in 1946. It was once again operating as a hotel.
The Crescent endured a fire and
was transferred to various owners over the years. In 1972, Crescent Heights Developments, Inc. purchased and restored the property and expanded the facilities. It was during this period that people started to report supernatural occurrences.
It changed hands several times, and in 1997 the current owners, Marty and Elise Roenigk, purchased the Crescent and began to renovate it. The 1886 Crescent Hotel has been featured in films and on numerous shows such as Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures.
According to legend, some guests “checked out…but never left” and still roam the halls and rooms of the Crescent. A nurse, people who died of cancer, a young boy, the “Girl in the Mist,”
“The Ghost of the Morgue,” and a cat are just a few spirits roaming around
Eureka Springs’ robust spirit world is rooted in a checkered history with a roll call of rogues and scoundrels. Ghost tours are offered at various hotels across the town. Whether you’re a believer or not, these excursions promise a spooky good time. The ghost tours do NOT include jump scares or make any promises about actual ghost sightings. They are fun storytelling experiences; some involve hands-on ghost hunting with meters and other gear. Some tours are even appropriate for school-age children.
The Crescent Ghost Tour guides dress in period garb for the tour. They are natural storytellers — and they have plenty to tell.
They’ll stop at some of the more haunted rooms — like 419, where the spirit of Theodora has been known to tidy up—but only if she likes the guest staying there.
We participated in the Crescent Hotel Ghost Tour - Bonus: The Criminal Mind or Norman Baker when we visited. It was an interesting way to learn the spooky history of the hotel and the ghosts who supposedly roam the halls. (I did not see or feel any spirits while there.) Our tour took us to the basement to see some of Baker’s nearly 500 bottles of potions. They were unearthed on the northwest corner of the Crescent’s 15-acre property in 2019. We were able to view the bottle dump site and Baker’s morgue. (creepy)
The tour was fascinating and educational. We were there two nights before Halloween, so a great time to enjoy some ghost stories and hear the tales as you tour America’s Most Haunted Hotel. It is a “must-do” activity when visiting Eureka Springs.
The Ghost Tour requires walking and steps. All areas are accessible; however, please request assistance before your tour.
The Basin Hotel is also thought to be haunted and hosts “Paranormal Investigations.”
The whole town celebrates Halloween, and every store is decorated. Halloween weekend is one of their busiest times. So, if you plan to visit near the holiday, make your reservations in advance.
Visitors can elect to stay in the Crescent rooms, which have been reported to have the most paranormal activity. Who knows, you might have a ghost tuck you into bed or catch a spirit on camera.
Other Things To Do Eureka Springs has plenty of things to do besides Ghost tours. Take a walk around the historic downtown district and visit the
quaint shops, springs, art galleries, and eateries. Be sure to visit the Nut House and the soap shops.
Visit the Christ of the Ozarks statue if time permits. It is worth the short drive and provides a beautiful view of the city. The Great Passion Play is offered nearby during the spring through fall seasons.
Visit one of the most photographed buildings in America, the Thorncrown Chapel. It is a sight to behold.
Whether coming for the night or a weekend getaway, spend a night at the 1886 Crescent, America’s Most Haunted Hotel!
Lodging was provided during our visit. All opinions are my own.
Max Herman of Official Ybor City Ghost Tours introduced me to his “friend,” Don Vicente Martinez de Ybor, the cigar entrepreneur who founded Ybor City in 1886. Of course, the “friend” is just a bronze statue, but without him, Ybor City would not exist. Ybor City feels like a city within a city. It is known as having some of the most haunted buildings in the United States. It is listed as one of the three National Historic Landmark Dis tricts in Florida. We proceeded on a terrific ghost tour of Ybor City. The Official Ybor City Ghost Tour has been ranked as the #1 ghost tour .One thing that differentiates it from other tours is you actually enter some of the buildings. In addition, my guide related much of the Ybor City history.
We visited Centro Espanol, the Spanish Club. Now in Ybor City, clubs had a different meaning than a nightclub or a health club today, although in some ways they served both purposes. Ybor City was the “Cigar Capital of the World.” Although Don Ybor brought many Cuban workers here to work his factory, many other immigrants came because
here jobs were plentiful. The city was filled with Cubans, Span iards, Romanian Jews, Sicilians, Italians, Germans, and more. Each immigrant mingled daily with other nationalities, but on Sun days and in evenings, they each had their own clubs. They paid about a quarter a week. This pro
vided them with not only a place to socialize, dance, gamble, and enjoy entertainment, but also had a doctor on staff in case of illness. Think about that. A quarter a week for health care? Who wouldn’t join for that alone?
Max told of the night in 1908 when a fire broke out in the Span ish Club. A group of 18 somewhat shady citi zens was in one room. The mayor’s assistant, head police chief, and members of the organ ized crime family were meeting there. They had pushed a large safe in front of the door, prob ably for privacy. When the fire exploded, they could not push the safe away. One of them even shot the safe trying to get out. All 18 perished. The safe, with its bullet hole, is still there in the lobby. Today, workers in the improv Club next door and those in the Centro building hear screams coming from that room.
Another interesting spot with a history and a tragic love story is now a place called Cerealholic,
a cross between a kid’s slumber party upstairs and a speakeasy downstairs. However, at one time, it was a Catholic Church. I don’t want to spoil the surprise if you take the tour, but it’s here in the basement a tragic murder left a spirit behind. Max showed me a video of an apparition that happened there to one of the workers.
The most beautiful and most haunted stop was the Cuban Club named by The Travel Channel as one of its Top 10 Most Haunted Places in America. It is gorgeous. It also had something none of the other clubs had, a swimming pool. The pool was the scene of tragic drowning
of a little eight-year-old boy. He still plays there. Visitors often bring him balls and toys.
The classic theater upstairs has its spirit resident as well. A talented young actor who experienced
stage fright for his first play. His friends in the audience booed and left. He then repeated the play perfectly and ended by hanging himself on the stage.
Another interesting fact about the club has nothing to do with ghosts except the spirit of ra-cial inequality that still haunts us. This Cuban club was officially for the white Cubans. There was another club for the Black Cubans, however, at night when much of the city was asleep, Black Cubans would come to this club and were welcomed just like any other Cubans. This is just a touch of the tour. To appreciate the tour, you really need to experience it yourself. It is unbeatable. https://www. yborghosttour. com/
OCONEE COUNTY - As one of the oldest towns in north Georgia, Watkinsville has some tales to tell that are both historical and eerie. Come hear tales of a haunted tavern, the lady who never left and more. Shivery thrills are enhanced by the fall air on a Watkinsville Haunted History Tour. Local folk lorist and historian Jeff Clarke has appeared in the series “The Amer ican Revolution” on the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel series “Tales of Terror–Historical Haunt ings” and more. He takes guests on a spooky and spirited walkthrough downtown Watkinsville. VisitOconee.com/portfolio-item/ walking-tours, 706-521-2556.
BOGART - For all-day activi ties, head for Washington Farms open through No. 6. Far beyond wagon rides and a petting zoo, farm fun includes more than 30 activities from a vortex tunnel and human foosball to pig races, jumping pads, climbing wall, low ropes course and a zip line. Pick from the pumpkin patch, get lost in the 6.5-acre corn maze and make a pledge on the wall of Growing Kindness. Pick a bou quet from sunflower and zinnia fields. Capacity is limited per hour. The grill serves kettle corn, ice cream, hamburgers, pizza and more. See www.Washington farms.net/fall/
WATKINSVILLE - For a lively fall fair at mosphere, don’t miss the Oconee Chamber Fall Festival, Oct. 15, at Rocket Field. Always held on the third Saturday in October, this outdoor event is a top regional draw. All items are handmade at this premier arts and crafts showcase featuring 200 vendors from all over the U.S. A wide variety of food vendors and fun activities make this a must-do. Free parking and admission. .
For a quick orientation on more things to do, stop in for a complimentary cup of Geor gia Bushcraft coffee at the Oconee County Welcome Center in historic downtown Wat kinsville. There you’ll be greeted by experts offering personalized itineraries, dining and shopping recommendations, historic spots and lodging ideas. Learn about Antique Row and
pick up a map of Oconee’s Antique Trail of shops, from high-end antiques to cool vintage. Then, step across the street for a family selfie at the Eagle Tavern. The front lawn is decorat ed for fall and ready to serve as a backdrop for photos.
Discover more history on a scenic drive to the 1897 Elder Mill Covered Bridge, one of 13 functioning covered bridges in Georgia and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
more on Georgia
Known all over the world for its compelling, mystique-laden history, New Orleans offers the perfect peek into the paranormal, which you can experience yourself on one of our bus ghost tours in New Orleans. You may even see a ghost or two yourself, as 90% of our tour participants have cap tured paranormal activity in photos they’ve taken on our tours!
Haunted History Tours takes you through New Orleans’ freaky past, from voodoo to ghosts, all with an offbeat, theatrical presentation that makes it fun. Come join us and prepare yourself for a historically spooky adventure! two of visit eerie the of al, haunted
A tour like no other, focusing on several different historical Cities of the Dead at the end of Canal Street. This tour takes its participants by several cemeteries and discusses the history, burial procedures, tomb architecture and local customs.
Here in one of the most mysterious cities in America, we offer a scenic daytime stroll down famous Canal Street to visit some of the most unique cemeteries in the world. Less a spooky tour and more an academic experience, this walk takes you by the famous above-ground tombs, called the CITIES OF THE DEAD — a nickname first used by author Mark Twain. Not everyone in New Orleans was buried in these beau tifully ornate tombs, however. You will also visit what are called the COPING TOMBS which became popular in the late 19th century. Step back in time and hear the folklore, customs, and superstitions which are mingled into our unusual New Orleans burial tradition.
Discover New Orleans’ dark side on this two hour haunted history ghost tour. Hear tales famous hauntings from your local guide and visit the French Quarter’s most infamous and eerie locations.
Cross one of the most notorious streets in the French Quarter, once referred to as “the port missing men.” Hear stories of murder, betray and some of our scariest urban legends. Learn why New Orleans really is the most haunted city in America!
Starting from $30
Climb aboard our comfortable, air conditioned bus and escape into the darkness with your licensed guide as we take a ride to some of the most haunted locations.
Vicksburg is the most haunted town in the Mississippi Delta, with seven locations holding years of anecdotal and paranor mal-investigator evidence. From a former Civil War battlefield and hospital to stately homes, Missis sippi’s most haunted house and one of the state’s most haunted hotels, visitors have plenty of op portunities for eerie shivers. Four historic Bed and Breakfasts even welcome guests to an overnight fright. Why so many haunts? Vicksburg has a long and bloody history of conflict, between Native American and European settlers to brother against brother in the war between North and South.
At Vicksburg National Military Park, where thousands of soldiers perished, paranormal investiga tions and ordinary visitors have reported hearing sounds, smells and sights of battle, including cannon fire, horses, orders is sued and screams of the wound ed over empty fields. Haunted Vicksburg Ghost Walk includes a 12-block, leisurely stroll through Vicksburg’s oldest, most haunted neighborhood. The Trail of Tears, antebellum duels, yellow fever epidemics and a 47-day siege have left quite a legacy of restless spir its. www.HauntedVicksburg.com/ newghostwalk.htm
McRaven Tour Home is Missis sippi’s “Most Haunted House” and is considered to be the third
most haunted house in the entire United States. Years of ghostly and paranormal activity have been documented by professional paranormal researchers and ex plored on A&E, The Travel Chan nel, 48 Hours and more. From the hideout of a notorious high wayman on the Natchez Trace to a prominent businessman who was murdered by Union troops, discover why spirits have lingered in the gardens and home that held a Confederate campsite and field hospital. Year-round historic and ghost tours, private paranor
mal discovery tours, no charge for children 5 and under. www. McRavenTourHome.com. The cuisine is as diverse as the Mississippi culture. Both the Mississippi Tamale Trail and the Mississippi Seafood Trail are represented here, as are revered establishments featuring local produce, original recipes and a reputation for Southern hospitali ty. www.VisitVicksburg.com
KINGWOODNorth of Houston, in the city of Kingwood, lies the sleeping giant of the haunted house industry.
Purgatory Scream Park is the fastest growing horror themed attraction in Houston, and is
beloved by its guests. This is evident by the raving reviews Purgatory receives on social media and its unmatched rating of 4.9 on Google.
The measure of a haunted attraction is the satis faction of it’s guests, and it is here that Purgatory
Visitors can explore this 5000 square feet haunted house in Baird September 4 through No vember 6. Located at 120 West 3rd Street, tickets are $15 for ages 12 and older, $10 for ages 6-11, and free for kids five years and younger. Find House of Horrors Facebook page for a full schedule and more information.
Visitors can tour this house ‘where nightmares turn into reality’ from 7-11 p.m. October 28 through 31. Tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children, and all proceeds will be donated to the ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Scle rosis) Association. This house is located at 1049 Veterans Drive. To
Scream Park outranks all other haunts in Houston.
Purgatory’s scenic designs are second to none, and it’s resident personalities are unforgettable. If you are looking for the most exciting haunted house to visit, this is the one you don’t want to miss!
At 27,000 sq ft and a 30-40 minute walk through, it is the largest haunt in the state of Texas.
Come see Kill Count, Dredzo, Lester the Jester, Bendy and the crew of signature characters that have been tormenting North Houston for years.
The man, the myth, the MANIAC! Come out and see Twitchy At Purgatory Scream Park! He’ll be waiting to steal your thoughts. Ticket sales start at 7 and the door opens at 8. Come test your wit at Hous ton’s most immersive attraction!
For more information, visit https://purgatoryscre ampark.com/
learn more, go to the MUNSter House Facebook page.
Visitors can explore a haunted house, woods, graveyard and butcher shop themed house ev ery Saturday and the last Friday in October. Admission is $15 per person (cash only) and the house is open from 7:30 p.m. to Mid night. Located at 3516 Interstate 20 West in Baird. You can find 13 Vultures Haunted Estate on Face book for more information.
At Denton Valley Farm – Visi tors can explore a forgotten forest themed walking trail. The day
time (no scare) is on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the nighttime scares are on Friday and Saturday after dark. The daytime is $6 per per son and the nighttime is $15 each. It is located at 8750 County Road 224 in Clyde and more informa tion can be found on the Denton Vally Farms Facebook page.
The Factory of Fear is now open!
Smell that? FEAR is actually in the air here. So grab your friends and head down to Factory of Fear in Mo line and experience two haunts in one location.
Celebrating 28 years of fear this season, a 100% remodel took place in 2018. An additional 5000 square feet was added in 2020 and another 5000 in 2021. There are now more than 40 rooms to explore.
Go, Do, See...
New for 2022! The same great entertainment and scares of the longest running haunted attraction in the Quad Cities, paired with the startles and scares of the Quad Cities’ newest “oldest” haunt, Fear Underground.
Fear Underground takes you back to haunts of old with dark hallways, cheap thrills, jump scares, and strobe lights... Fear Underground is a classic bump in the dark, loud noises, loud music kind of haunted house... just an old school haunted maze in the dark. This is certainly not a new concept. But it is originally done a new
way... become Check this at attractions. Fridays midnight days, Halloween For tickets, fear.com/
way... and on purpose!. It is sure to become a fan favorite.
Check out both haunts for just $30 this Halloween season! Plan to spend least 45 minutes to an hour for both attractions. Factory of Fear is open Fridays and Saturdays from 7 p.m. to midnight through October and Sun days, 7-10 p.m. A special opening on Halloween night is also 7-10 p.m.
For more information or to reserve tickets, visit https://www.qcfactoryof fear.com/
Quad Cities – Fall is the season of leaves, cooler temps, pumpkin spice, fall brews, and Oktoberfests. There are a lot of different versions of this fun classic event in the Quad Cities.
With the Oktoberfest events featuring beer, we can’t overlook the number of great microbrewer ies in the Quad Cities. The local microbreweries have tapped their own fall beers, so it’s the per fect time to start the QC Ale Trail. It serves as the guide to the 18 local breweries (and counting). The QC Ale Trail rewards you with prizes as you check-in at each local microbrewery you visit. Start your online passport today at www.qcaletrail. com and let it be your guide to exploring the fall flavors of the Quad Cities. Prost!
What’s on tap this fall in the QC:
• You’ll find Ok toberfest at Stompbox Brewing in Davenport, Iowa, for a new take on this Marzen-styled brew fermented lightning-fast with Lutra Kviek Yeast.
• The Festbier at Blue Cat Brewing Co. in Rock Island, Ill., is a Munich Helles with slightly more hop flavor and a golden color.
• The Ryetoberfest at Twin Span Brewing in Bettendorf, Iowa, is a malty, yet crisp, Marzen with a punch of rye and notes of caramel, toast, and spicy earthy rye.
• Great Revivalist Brew Lab in Geneseo, Ill., has two fall brews on tap. Their Oktoberfest Märzen is packed full of Pilsner and Vienna malts, producing a malty German-style Amber Lager. The Pumpkin Eater is as dark as All Hollow’s Eve, sinfully light on the palate with nuances of pumpkin and fall flavors,
laced with a delicate finish.
• The Mawktoberfest Marzen at Midwest Ale Works in East Moline, Ill., is a malty, bready, cara melly, and delicious German style amber.
• The Oktoberfest at Five Cities Brewing in Bet tendorf, Iowa, is a Marzen-style in the perfect dark amber shade to match your lederhosen.
• The Sweet Potato Ale at Bent River Brewing Company in Moline, Ill., is one of their most highly-antici pated seasonal beers. Sweet Potato Ale (not a pumpkin beer) is a medium-bodied wheat beer that captures the best flavors of fall.
Dogs get in on the fun too at Dogtoberfest. Free doggie bags for the first 150 visitors through the gate on Friday, September 23, from 5-8 p.m. at Crow Creek Dog Park, 4800 Devils Glen Road in Bettendorf. Live auc tion, raffle baskets, food, and drink for sale. For more information, visit www. bettendorf.org
Cruise the Mississippi on the Oktoberfest cruise on September 29, 2022, with Barefoot Becky & the Ivanhoe Dutchmen. This band will get toes tapping and everyone out on the dance floor! You can expect a mix of your favorite Oktoberfest polkas and waltz es and a mix of some party favorites, and even the crew joins in. This lunch cruise on the Celebration Belle riverboat departs at 10:30 a.m. from Moline, Illinois. For more information, visit www.celebrationbelle.com
The Bierstube restaurant, 415 15th St. in Moline, Illinois, celebrates its Oktoberfest on Saturday,
October 8, 2022. They’ll celebrate from 5 p.m. to midnight with live music, food, drink, games, and prizes. For more information, visit www.bier-stube. com
On Thursday, October 20, 2022, enjoy unlimited pork, beer and seasonal specialty drink samples at Hogtoberfest. This event features local establish ments competing for various awards. Guests will also be treated to a silent auction, beer pull, grub grab, live entertainment, giveaways, games, and more. Join in on the fun at the RiverCenter, 136 E. 3rd Street in Davenport, Iowa, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. The funds raised at this event will benefit the programs and services Friendly House provides to Quad Cities families. Admission is $40 per person in advance and $50 at the door. For tickets and more information, visit www.friendlyhouse.org
Celebrate the QC’s German roots with the Ger
man American Heritage Center and Hauberg Estate on Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 12-9 p.m. for the second annual Oktoberfest Quad Cities at the Hauberg Estate, 1300 24th St., Rock Island, Ill. There will be kids’ activities offered starting at Noon and various games like trivia and pretzel toss offered throughout the day. Food, beer, and souvenir mugs will be available for purchase. The ceremonial keg tapping is at 4:00 p.m., followed by live music with Die Musikmeisters from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Wear your best Oktoberfest finery for a chance to be crowned King & Queen of Oktoberfest QC. Admission is free from 12-4 p.m. and after 4:00 p.m. it is ticketed entry. Tickets are $10 in advance at www.gahc.org or $15 at the door. Kids 12 and under are free.
DONAHUE - Enjoy a delicious grilled cheese sand wich, with a glass of milk and ice cream for dessert at the “Lunch on the Farm”
This fourth annual event is scheduled for Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participate in fun activities, Watch and learn where milk comes from (this farm has robots
to do the work of milking the cow), and help support the North Scott FFA and the Donahue Fire Department while doing so!
The FFA students will have activities for the chil dren while the Donahue Fire Department is grilling up the cheese sandwiches. There will be a free will do
nation to the FFA and Fire Department to support their activities. See farm equip ment up close. Experience a wagon ride along the crop fields.
Admission to this event, held rain or shine, is free. For more information, visit https://www.tourmyfarm. com/
What seems like a long time ago, in a barn not too far away- in Bloomington, an idea of TERROR was born.
Year after year the darkness grows bigger, more frightening, and the path twist a little more.
It all begins again... Come join in the haunt ings at The Barn of Terror. It is open every Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to midnight through October.
General admission is $12 at the door (cash only.) and children ages ten and under are $8. You can get tickets online at https://barnofter ror.net/hauntings.html. Located near Indiana University campus and the legendary Stepp Cem etery, makes the B.O.T. a perfect place to spend an evening during the Halloween season.
Zombie Paintball is also available at The Barn of Terror. The B.O.T. now offers the chance to take down Zombies in our new Zombie Paintball gallery. Individuals will be given the chance to purchase 50 to 100 paint balls at a time a test their aim against live actors and targets. This event is available every night the Barn of Terror is open.
Looking for a spookier story just in time for Hallow
een? Those interested in the other kind of “spirits” Bloomington is a great destination for Halloween tricks and treats. Graduate Bloomington Hotel has a room dedicat ed to the hit Netflix show Stranger Things. Offering The Upside Down Experience, the hotel houses an aston ishing replica of the Byers’ living room, complete with the iconic alphabet and Christmas lights, as well as the Wheeler’s
basement, headquar ters of all Dungeons & Dragons activities and Eleven’s first hide out. The WonderLab Museum is one of the Top 25 science centers in the country, located right here in Bloom ington. Although it isn’t nearly as scary as the Hawkins Nation al Laboratory where Eleven’s journey began, WonderLab does offer an exciting variety of science-re lated fun through in teractive exhibits and programs. Especially thrilling for kids, and interesting enough to entertain adults, a trip to the muse um is a must during your Stranger Things
adventure brought-tolife. Plus, if you book the Graduate’s Upside Down Experience, it’s already included!
And if that’s not creepy enough, Bloomington offers cemetery hikes and tours. What legends lie hidden in Rose Hill Cemetery? Explore the stories that have outlived the deceased at one of Blooming ton’s first cemeteries. The Monroe County History Center hosts guided walking tours with reenactors who share secrets that lie beneath the stones and some haunted history, too! Rain date for the tour is Sun day, Oct. 17. This is a
walking tour; attend ees must be able to walk at least one mile on uneven terrain. Flashlights are recom mended.
The family friendly tour is at 5:30, with the adults after dark tours being at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. There are plenty of other local events and hap penings for an extend ed weekend getaway, like Halloween candy wine pairing events, fight nights, pumpkin patches and more. Mystery lovers will enjoy Indiana Uni versity’s Lilly Library Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects exhibit on display now through December 16.
The Indianapolis Children’s Museum has garnered a wealth of accolades and awards including being designated one of the ten best children’s museums worldwide. The museum complex is the world’s largest children’s museum and is dedicated to the charge of presenting creative learning experiences in the arts, humanities, sciences and sports. The muse um was founded in 1925 by Mary Stewart Carey and relocated and expanded in 1973. @childrensmuseum
The Sports Legends Experience, 7.5-acres of health and fitness activities designed to engage families at all levels, is adjacent to the main museum building. One of the highlights of this section is the Pete and Alice Dye Golf Experience consisting of two 9-hole putting courses, a 9-hole introductory course and a 9-hole toddler course.
Twelve outdoor experiences are available until the end of October with the Efroymson Family Entrance Pavilion offering indoor family engagements yearround. The pavilion houses both The World of Sport and the National Art Museum of Sport that enable children to immerse themselves in the art, science, principles and values strengthened by participation in athletics. All equipment meets the accessibility standards ensuring inclusivity for all levels of abili ty.
The Children’s Museum Guild’s Fantasy Tree House of Sports is modeled after Disney’s Tree of Life. The tree is 60-foot tall on the exterior with a 25-foot interior for children to climb. There are plat forms, windows and three slides, each for a different age level, culminating with a 9-foot Thrill Ride Slide. The museum is justifiably renowned for its Dinosphere Exhibit. The 2-level gallery features
Giants of the Jurassic, Creatures of the Cretaceous and Monsters of the Mesozoic.
Dracorex Hogwartsia, resem bling a dragon, is a newly discov ered type of dinosaur on display here and a Paleo Lab on the prem ises allows visitors to ask ques tions and watch paleontologists as they work.
The Power of Children is an outstanding chron ological exhibit focusing on children as activists and agents of change.
Anne Frank, Ruby Bridges, Ryan White and Malala Yousafzai are featured in four gal leries within the larger exhibit. Displays are interactive and include introductory videos, replicated living spaces, artifacts and memora bilia.
Visitors are introduced to Anne Frank’s sto ry with a video that is shown in a reconstruc tion of her kitchen. Also on view is a replica of the entrance to the secret annex where the family hid from the Nazis and a copy of her diary is prominently displayed.
Ruby Bridges joined the civil rights move ment at the age of 6 when she integrated a school in 1960 Louisi ana. She was the youngest child to participate in Louisiana’s desegre gation efforts and the first African American to integrate a southern
elementary school.
The Ryan White Gallery show cases his actual room. The con tents were donated by his mother and contain 500 artifacts. Ryan was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 obtained through a tainted blood transfusion. He found himself the subject of discrimination and was not allowed to attend school. Even
continues to assist people who have been diagnosed. Malala Yousafzai was 10 years old when the Taliban arrived in Pakistan in 2009 and immediate ly mandated that no girl could attend school. At the age of 11 she began a blog about life under Taliban rule and became vocal regarding education for girls. On October 9, 2012, while aboard a bus, the Taliban attacked her. Her wounds were considered mortal and she was taken to England for medical care. In 2014 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, at the age of 17, the youngest awardee. An introductory film is shown in a replica of Malala’s living room. Artifacts include person al items.
though given only a few months to live he began actively working to educate the public on the dis ease and fight discrimination. He died in 1990 at the age of 18. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
The outstanding exhib it, “Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley: Let The World See”, will be on view at The Children’s Museum until October 30, 2022 prior to traveling to additional cities. The exhibition walks visitors through Emmett Till’s life leading up to and in cluding events that took place on August 28, 1955 and altered the world’s view of American racism and justice.
Emmett Till was 14 when he was allowed to visit his extend ed family in Money, Mississippi in the summer of 1955. As an
African American boy from Chicago his mother warned him about the “rules” of be havior for blacks in the South. On August 28, 1955 he was forcibly removed from his great-uncle’s home based on the stated belief of that he had whistled at a white female in a grocery store. He was brutally beaten, killed and bound to a cotton gin and tossed in the Tallahatchie River. His body was found three days later and two white men were tried by a white jury and adjudged not guilty in 67-minutes, with a break for in between. Subse quently the two men gave a $4,000 interview to Look Mag azine in which they confessed. They could not be retried
because of double jeopardy. Emmett’s mother ex erted great effort to have his mutilated body returned to Chicago. She demanded an open casket viewing, so that the world could see what was done to her son. The 3-day viewing was held at Roberts Temple Church of God with more than 100,000 people at tending.
Visitors should begin touring the exhibit with the introductory film and then continue clockwise. Be mindful that there are warnings throughout the exhibit regard ing explicit content.
As a result of this horren dous crime, miscarriage of justice and the tenacious work
of John Lewis The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act was passed in 2016. It authorizes the reopening of cases of sus pected violent crimes commit ted against African Americans prior to 1970.
Read the Road: Till-Mobley, Mamie, Death of Innocence.
Emmett Till Memory Project – website and free mobile ap plication. Tillapp.emmett-till. org
on Indiana
Atchison’s most famous haunted house, the Sallie House, is visited by hundreds each year. The house is currently not occupied, and available for both daytime visits and overnight stays. A waiver is required due to the potential for personal injury, though no serious injuries have been reported since the last tenants in 1993.
Originally built at the turn of the century, this house became the residence of an Atchison physician. The front served as office space and examination rooms, while the doctor and his family lived upstairs. One day, a frantic mother arrived car rying her 6-year-old daughter, Sallie. The child had collapsed from severe abdominal pain. The doctor diagnosed appendi citis and knew there was no time to delay surgery. Believing the appendix would soon burst, the doctor began cutting Sallie before the anesthesia took full effect. Sallie’s screams suddenly stopped and she grew pale and limp. She died on the operating table – her last memories of a man whom she believed was torturing her.
more information on Kansas,
WESTLAND - Eloise has transformed. Experience two walkthrough, state-of-the-art, fully immersive haunted attractions at a truly haunted location! With cutting-edge production technol ogy, and over 30,000 sq ft of hor ror-themed immersion, Eloise is haunted experience like no other haunted house ever seen in Mich igan.
New for 2022 is a new wing of the Asylum NOW OPEN! Tjos ,ales a tpta pf 3-.--- sqiare teef pf jogj=tecj jprrpr/ There are new and improved sets with twice as many actors as before. There is also an expanded midway.
The result? With twice the the asylum space, twice the patients and twice the scare actors, there is sure to be TWICE the screams from those who dare enter.
Plan a good half hour to 45 min utes to walk through this attraction. It is open Fridays through Sundays from now until November 5. Tick ets are now on sale for both haunted attractions, the Eloise Asylum and Sublevel 1 = Nankin Project (located in the basement of the same building). A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the homeless shelter on-site. Escape room attrac tions are also available. To purchase or for more information, visit https:// eloiseasylum.com/haunted-attraction/
SkyBridge Michigan is making its debut as the world’s longest timber-towered suspension bridge and opening to the public October 15. Located at Boyne Mountain Resort, a celebrated destination renowned for its outdoor recre ation, the new pedestrian bridge offers resort guests and northern Michigan visitors an exhilarating experience year-round.
SkyBridge Michigan is po sitioned between the peaks of McLouth and Disciples Ridge. The architectural masterpiece stands at approximately 1,200-feet-long. Bridge visitors can expect a thrill ing adventure with panoramic views of Boyne Valley. The experi ence starts with a chairlift ride to the mountain top, followed by an open-air walk across a suspended fivefoot-wide walk ing surface near ly 118 feet above the valley floor. Guests can cross and then make a return trip back across the bridge for ample views and thrill. For an unobstructed glimpse of the valley floor below, a thirty six-foot span of seethough glass flooring is located in the middle of the bridge.
Eagle’s Nest, the adjacent mountain peak eatery, offers vis itors a unique dining experience. Historical resort memorabilia, continued views of Boyne Valley, a full bar and a menu of hearty sandwiches, soups and burgers await guests at the restaurant.
SkyBridge Michigan is the latest record-breaking attraction in the resort’s rich history of many industry firsts. The resort itself is known for offer ing guests count less all-season at tractions including Avalanche Bay, Michigan’s largest indoor waterpark, the 18,500 square foot Spa at Boyne Mountain, two golf courses, and a myriad of seasonal outdoor activities. For daytime hikers, SkyBridge Michi gan connects to Boyne Mountain’s extensive paved resort trail system. The bridge will be illuminat ed at night viewable from the resort yearround.
“With four-season appeal, SkyBridge Michigan is a major attraction for Boyne Mountain Resort, as well as the entire northern Michigan region,” notes Erin Ernst, Boyne Mountain Re sort’s director of communications.
“The bridge brings an of fering that’s extremely unique for our area. It’s an exciting must-do when plan ning a trip to northern Michigan, whether for families, couples, or friends.”
Designed by Experiential Re sources (ERi), SkyBridge Michigan is grounded in about one million pounds of concrete. The bridge is anchored by two striking timber tow ers that stand approximately
52-feet high and nearly 70-feet long, weighing about 40,000 pounds each. SkyBridge Michi gan’s timber-frame design is a nod to the logging heritage of northern Michigan, with lumber sourced by long-time partner in resort growth, Matelski Lumber.
The design itself took six months to complete and is in spired by the Pure Michigan M, in an elongated form. It will be open daily, from 10 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. through Oct 31, then Fri day-Sunday only Nov. 4 through Dec. 4; then open again daily for the winter season beginning De cember 9. Tickets are valid for the day. Pricing starts at $25 for adults (ages 11-69). Guests can re load a Go Card, the same media used for resort lift tickets, for direct-to-bridge access. To pur chase tickets and learn more about SkyBridge Michigan, visit boynemountain.com/sky bridge-michigan.
While diving into Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition at the Minnesota History Center, solve a mystery within the mystery. Sher lock Holmes himself–was he a real man or myth? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was the author and creator of the famous, fictitious Sherlock Holmes. Yet, the mystery doesn’t end there. Behind the fictional pages, many believe Dr. Joseph Bell is the true Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes is shrouded in mystery. And now, the legend ary forensic detective is coming to life in Minnesota. Amateur sleuths can step inside Victorian London without leaving stateside. Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition opens Oct. 20 and runs through April 2, 2023, at the Minnesota History Center in Saint Paul.
Visitors will follow in the foot prints of the world’s most pro lific detective, Sherlock Holmes. Moving through a series of clues, guests will be immersed in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s vivid stories. Doyle penned his first Sherlock Holmes mystery in 1887. For the exhibition, Doyle’s famous de tective novels are recreated with history, science, culture, and a stage set worthy of a mystery masterpiece.
Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibit
will have sleuths surrounded with original manuscripts, period arti facts, and investigative tools used to solve a murder. Inside, actual artifacts will unlock clues and ignite the power of observation.
“I can’t think of a more fun or engaging way to learn about the historical process,” says Kent Whitworth, director and CEO of the Minnesota Historical Society. “Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition goes straight to the core of our new strategic plan. This highly creative and interactive exhibit combines mystery with history to teach critical thinking so that visitors understand not just facts, but how to participate in a process that’s very similar to the study of history—with the mind of a fo rensic scientist and the gusto of a super sleuth.”
Using Sherlock’s powers of observation, it’s interesting to note author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s relationship to that of the real Dr. Joseph Bell. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a 17-year-old-medi cal student and Dr. Bell was his teacher and mentor. Dr. Bell’s approach to science was revolu tionary because he developed the study of forensic science. Dr. Bell was recruited by Scotland Yard to
solve some of the most baffling mysteries using autopsy science to solve the crimes. Handwriting analysis and CSI (crime scene investigation) were new tools Dr. Bell employed–and the same ones woven into Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s plots.
The exhibition takes visitors inside Dr. Conan Doyle’s study. Here, sleuths will be able to follow Doyle from his early med school days at Edinburgh University with Dr. Bell to his journey as doctor-turned-author. Next, visit Sherlock Holmes’ and Dr. Watson’s sitting room at 221B Baker Street, London–right in Minnesota. Finally, enter the present day where leading forensic scientists from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) contributed to the Sherlock Holmes exhibit. Fans will also find Holmes’ pop cul
ture items–from books, movies, radio, comics, and more.
“Bringing this exhibition to our home city and state where it was designed and developed is thrilling,” says Amy Noble Seitz, CEO, founder and executive producer of Exhibits Development Group. “Museum visitors will experience the scientific and literary ideas that inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to create Sherlock Holmes, alongside Holmes’ methods for investigating and solving crimes as the world’s first consulting de tective. They will visit their two worlds, including the very rooms in which all this took place.”
Some of these artifacts for the Sherlock Holmes: The Exhibition are on loan from the Sherlock
Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota Library. The university boasts the world’s largest gathering of material related to Sherlock Holmes and his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Despite the fact that Sherlock Holmes is fictitious, that hasn’t stopped him from receiving numerous science awards. Even today, letters addressed to 221B Baker Street arrive with requests to solve crimes. Yet, he was a fictional character. Or, was he? The answer probably lies somewhere in between fact and fiction. Delve into Minnesota’s exhibition where science meets imagination–stay, play, and investigate. Just leave only footprints.
For More on Minnesota
JEFFERSON CITY - If you are seeking an eerie, out-of-the-ordinatry Halloween adventure, consider the Missouri State Penitentiary. Many insist it is truly haunted - no props or fake scenery here.
Decommissioned in 2004, the Missouri State Penitentiary was the oldest continually operating prison west of the Mississippi. The prison was 100 years old when Alcatraz began taking inmates. When the prison opened in 1836, the Battle of the Alamo was going on in Texas and Andrew Jackson was in his second term. Public history and paranormal tours showcase the prison’s grisly past, including cells of famous inmates such as heavyweight champion Sonny Liston and James Earl Ray, the gas chamber where 40 men and women were executed, several housing units and the upper yard. In 1967 the Missouri State Penitentiary was infamously named the “bloodiest 47 acres in America” by Time maga zine because of the incredibly high number of serious assaults on the grounds between 1963 and 1964. Reservations are recommended. Groups of 25 or more can book a private tour.
If you dare, ghost and paranormal tours are available for scheduling. Whether wanting to learn the ghostly stories of inmates or simply experience a real ghost hunt the
ghost and paranormal tours are a great way to experience the otherworldly side of the Missouri State Penitentiary!
Due to lack of time, my editorial team chose a sampling of the twohour ghost tour that is available. Our tour guide was a former prison guard, an added bonus. He was able to share actual stories from his own experiences.
To continue the prison atmosphere, we ate lunch at Prison Brews, a convenient two blocks from the prison. Each booth was divided by cell bars to give the idea you are in your own cell. We ordered the pizza to compliment their handcrafted brews right on premises.
ST. JOSEPH - It is definately worth the drive to visit the J.C. Wyatt House during the holidays. You mustn’t wait for Christmas, however, as owners,, Jim Pallone and Chef Jeff Keyasko have con jured a Halloween spell complete with decorations, atmosphere and most important of all - delicious quisine.
A special menu has been scheduled for guests between Oct. 12-29 and are open Wednesdays throug Saturdays. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and reservations are required.
$49.95 not including the sales tax, gratuity or any credit card processing fees.
1st Course
Welcome Hors d’ oeuvres
Toasted Flatbread with Ricotta, honey & caramelized onions
2nd Course
Sweet potato bourbon tartlette
3rd Course
Cheese Tortellini Soup with truffle oil, mushrooms, parmesan shreds
4th Course: Entree (please choose one of the following) Braised Pork Chop with red
onion apple, pear over fennel stuffing or Pecan pesto glazed salmon over roasted root vegetables
5th Course: Special Dessert Trio
For more information or to make reservations, visit onlinie at http:// www.jcwyatt.net/index.html
Have you had an eerie feel ing sitting alone in the dark? As a kid, did your toys seem ingly move on their own? If the occult or unknown pique your interest, then a visit to the Museum of Shadows –Named the Most Haunted Museum in the World - is a must. Nate and Kaleigh Raterman have long-believed in things that go bump in the night. In fact, they believe so strongly, they opened the Museum of Shadows in the small town of Elmwood about seven years ago.
With more than 3,000 arti facts in hand, the Ratermans outgrew the first location, moving the museum to a vintage building in downtown Plattsmouth less than a year later. It helped that the Mu seum of Shadows was now located in a haunted building. Hosting ghost hunts, visitors and paranormal research teams confirmed to the Rater mans that their new home was indeed occupied by spirits.
Continuing to look for the best place to call home, the Museum of Shadows reopened in Omaha’s Old Market in 2020. The area is ripe for reports for oth er-worldly apparitions appearing in some of the century-old buildings. Items in local buildings move on their own. Doors open and shut without anyone being nearby. This is the area the Ratermans knew would become the new home for their ghostly exhib its.
Moving into the Christian Specht Building at 1110 Douglas Street, the possessed dolls and toys are lo
cated over two floors. The Specht building survived attempts to demolish it a few years, to replace it with a performing arts building. Imagine see ing a spirit fly above the orchestra pit. The curtain may have closed quickly on that venue. Instead, appa ritions, moving items, and doors closing on their own – as well as strange sounds – are just another day at the Museum of Shadows.
Instead, people are encouraged to traverse the museum’s two floors, checking out the dolls, toys, and other items on display. Each item is believed to be possessed by a spirit. Don’t worry, you won’t likely en counter any evil spir its. The Ratermans research each artifact they pur chase or are donated to the museum. If they suspect an item may be evil, they safely secure it away from the museum.
What should you expect as you explore the Muse um of Shadows during a self-guided tour? People have reported being touched in the dark without anyone being within an arm’s reach. The feeling of being watched overpowers some visitors. If you scare easily, you’ll be scared during your visit.
Visitors can test their bravery be completing the museum’s challenge to sit alone in the dark for 10 minutes. Specialized cameras monitor you to record
any spiritual encounters. Participants are given a flashlight to turn on if they want to quit before the time limit. The Museum of Shadows also hosts ghost hunts at the museum, where people can join them using special equipment to help them explore the crooks and crannies of the building.
Skeptics abound, seeking to disprove the Museum of Shadow’s residents are possessed. Even Nate Raterman was once a skeptic. Until he moved into an old house in western Nebraska, almost 20 years ago. He noticed doors started
opening and closing on their own. Then, he saw a ghostly figure, heard footsteps while home alone. The final straw may have been the voices he heard, despite being alone.
He researched the history of his house. A previous owner, a man in his 70s, died in the house. He then noticed that records about the house were spotty, with gaps in its records. He was told by local officials to “leave it alone.” Everything came together for him, and he realized he has purchased a possessed house. As his story became public, people sent him items and stories about possessions and
Elsewhere, Kaleigh Raterman, a spiritual medium, grew up believing in the unknown. Believing she had a connection with the “oth er world” since childhood, Raterman experienced odd dreams and feelings. They only grew stronger as she aged.
Meeting in 2013, the cou ple have been involved with television programs on A&E and Travel Channel. The Mu seum of Shadows has had its own Amazon Prime series, Museum of Shadows.
With its artifacts verified by experts as haunted, the Mu seum of Shadows is either a source of entertainment for visitors or a confir mation of personal beliefs.
The Museum of Shadows, one of the best haunted experi ences you can enjoy, is open Wednesday through Sunday. Admission is $20 per person, and doesn’t require reservations.
WILMINGTON - Dave and Sandy Sharpe have been providing scary haunts and op portunities for fear to their guests for more than 20 years now. Where did the inspira tion come from? It’s just always been there, according to Dave, who is the head instigator and main one responsible for setting up and rearranging the four different attrac tions.
“Every year each and every one of our attractions is redone with new scenes, new scares, and new obstacles and the RIDE is no exception,” said Dave. He concluded that the ride is consistantly the most attended and individual tickets may be purchased for that attraction alone.
Known as their most popular attraction, The fields of Clinton County come alive with screams of horror as Fire Breathing Semi’s chase unsuspect ing victims on a Haunted Bus Ride through a forest filled with monsters, mad ness, and mayhem.
After being sold to Thomas Eville, the Asylum evolved into a self contained community. Being totally isolated, the doctors were now free to merci lessly subject these mental patients to any cruel and vicious treatment they chose, until they went com pletely mad. Not all patients survived. those who died now haunt these halls. The living still roam and when you come face to face with these mentally deranged lunatics, they will try to disorient you, so the dead can take over your soul.
While searching for the key to room
#1313, mysterious sounds of muffled moans and screams were heard coming from the elevator shaft, after a relentless search of the 13th floor, the “Death Tunnel” was discovered. Everyone fled the Hotel, com pletely terrified, and now it’s up to you to find out the secrets of the “Death Tunnel”. Hope you enjoy your stay because under ground, no one can hear you scream.
With an abundance of LIVE Actors, Animatronics, and our Signature “Fire Breathing Semis,” the Sharpes are again ready and are eagerly waiting to scare the “living to death”! So, Be Brave...be very, very brave - and come take a ride if you dare..... They’ll be waiting for you!!
COLUMBUSIf you can’t decide whether we should be getting ready for Halloween or Christmas with all the decorations and promotions at neighborhood stores, then try combining the two with one activity. Head to the Ralphie’s Nightmare Before A Christmas Story Escape room.
Escape rooms are taking the United States by storm! The goal of the game is to find a way out of a locked room within the given time limit. Work as a team to solve logical puzzles, uncover clues, and follow the storyline to unravel the mystery. Each riddle brings you one step closer to the ultimate escape! Escape room games are great for a night out with friends, a date, a birthday celebration, or a team-building activity in the United
Are you brave enough to help him escape and get ready for Halloween? You even have an extra ten minutes to solve the mystery as most escape rooms are given an hour time limit. This one has 70 full minutes. But is that enough? Ralphie is lost in his scary nightmares and they have arrived to haunt him. You need to come and help him face his fears! This is a 100% completely-differ ent escape experience from the normal “Christmas Story Escape Room - also currently available.
Tickets are $35 per person with a minimum of four participants in each adventure. For tickets or more information, visit http://www.teamdj.com/escape/
We double dog dare you to come!
LOGAN - Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Natural Reources Director Mary Mertz is scheduled to officially open the Hocking Hills State Park Lodge and Conference Center on Oct. 8. Reservations are now being accepted for dates Nov. 1 and after.
The 74,000-square-foot structure will feature 81 overnight rooms, a restaurant, two swimming pools, conference facilities and more. The lodge is a replacement for a smaller facility, one without guest rooms, that was destroyed by fire in 2016.
The $40 million lodge is under its final construction details on the same footprint as the previous building, just south of the park’s Old Man’s Cave area off of Ohio 664, near the state park cabins.
Architectural elements of the new lodge include a dramatic, three-story lobby area; heavy timber structural elements; and expansive views of the surround ing parkland.
The architect for the Hocking Hills project is Schooley Caldwell Associates in Columbus; construction manager is Corna Kokosing Construction, also in Columbus.
Room designs include king,
double queen, king bunk, and queen bunk rooms; many of the rooms have patios or balconies. Each room offers a full bath with a shower, coffee maker, micro wave, refrigerator, high-definition TV, and other traditional hotel amenities.
Additionally, four two-room suites will be available and of fer a separate living area with a pull-out sofa and kitchenette. The lodge also offers several accessi ble king and double queen rooms. Like other Ohio State Park lodges, the Hocking Hills Lodge will offer a large public lobby with over sized fireplaces, event space for over 200, a dining room & lounge, grab-and-go café, fitness center, gift shop, and indoor and outdoor pool complexes, both featuring all-season hot tubs.
Construction on the lodge
began in July 2020. It is replacing the former day-use dining lodge that was destroyed by a fire in 2016, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
Hocking Hills State Park enthusiasts are encouraged to visit hockinghillsparklodge.com or call 1-800-AT-A-PARK (1-800-2827275) as demand for overnight accommodations is expected to be high. Reservations may be made up to one year in advance.
As unsuspecting passengers step aboard the Belle of Louisville, a 108-year-old steamboat once known as the Idlewild, they step back in time to October 31, 1947. On this date, sheriffs conducted a night raid on the vessel, searching for illegal gambling machines installed by Idlewild Captain Ben Winters.
The surprise raid shook Capt. Winters so severely that he suffered a heart attack on the spot and died onboard. This Halloween, these tragic moments make up a time loop that guests now find themselves a part of.
While onboard, your family will explore the haunted Belle, come faceto-face with ghosts and apparitions—real and imagined– and visit the cabin that Captain Winters actually died in.
During the cruise, play a few card games in Old Captain Ben’s honor, have your tarot cards read (to make sure you’re not next!), and conces sions— After all, interacting with spirits requires are lot of energy! For those ages 21+, a cash bar will also be open onboard.
During the Ghost Cruise (For Kids!), trick-or-treating around the boat and crafts will also be available.
The spooky (not scary!) Ghost Cruise (For Kids!) departs at 1 P.M. and returns at 3 P.M. and the adults-only (ages 21+) cruise departs at 8 P.M. and returns at 10 P.M. Halloween costumes and period apparel are en couraged for this Halloween cruise, but not required.
HUNTERSVILLE – It’s a combi nation of outdoor theater, circus, arts and crafts fair, jousting tour nament, and feast. Now open for eight weekends, Oct. 1 through Nov. 20.
The 25-acre village of Fairhaven has sixteen stages packed with costumed performers offer a unique mix of continuous music, dance, comedy, and circus enter tainments. Swimming mermaids, Birds of Prey Falconry demonstra tions, and the popular Jousting Tournament with horse mounted armored knights battling three times daily are all examples of the endless entertainment options offered. The shows are always spontaneous, and you will nev er know what happens next, on stage or off.
The Renaissance Festival is the largest costume party in the Carolinas. Visitors can come as they are or join in the spirit in costumes. Each weekend has unique themes with many having costume contests with prizes and discount admission opportuni ties. Returning popular weekends like Halloween Daze & Spooky Knights, Pirate’s Christmas, and Time Travelers’ Weekend em brace visitors in non-renaissance
costumes such as those dressed as superheroes (and villains) and characters inspired by Harry Potter, Games of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, and more. Visitors can wear their own costumes or ac quire them at the village costume rental shop located just outside the Festival gates. Available for rent are wagons, strollers, wheel chairs. and motorized scooters.
• Four new musical artists, an end of Festival day drum jam, Songs and Stories by the Fairy Godmother, and Franklin Fertiliz er’s Dung Show (aptly performed next to the Village Petting Farm).
• New delicious food items: Joining the Fairhaven village kitchens located throughout the grounds are Transylvania Chim ney Cakes and Chateau Hibbele with charcuterie on a stick, drunk en mushrooms, brisket macaroni and cheese, and from the new world, barbacoa tacos.
• New Ticketing: Festival tickets are now sold with date specific selections, available only online at www.carolina.renfestinfo.com, while supplies last. $32 adults.
• New Hours: Opens at 9:30 a.m. and closes at dusk.
The Artisan Marketplace with
over 140 merchants is filled with returning favorites that include an extensive array of vendors offering jewelry, clothing of re naissance and medieval fashion, handmade art and décor, pottery and blown and torched glass demonstrations, and activities for children that include people powered amusement rides and countryside faire games such as the castle climbing wall, archery and tomato tossing at a fool.
The Carolina Renaissance Festi val is the fall destination for quality entertainment in the Carolinas. So, bust out your sense of good cheer, leave your cares behind, and spend a day at the wildly popular and entertaining time machine known as the Carolina Renaissance Festival and Artisan Market Place!
Where: North of Charlotte between Concord and Hunters ville. The Festival is located on Highway 73 at Poplar Tent Road (between I-77 and I-85).
Visit the spooky underbelly of Charleston with a 90-minute tour of the Holy City’s haunted historic district. Explore one of the region’s oldest build ings, the Old Exchange and Prov ost Dungeon, to unravel a dark and ghostly history.
Test your nerve and explore the dark edges of Charleston’s haunted historic district, deeply steeped in South Carolina’s low country superstition.
Venture through Charleston’s haunted historic district, one of the oldest places in America, and learn about its terrifying history. Continue along the eerie back al leys and churches to find out why Charleston is known as “The Holy City.”
Visit the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon to learn about its harrowing past, confining en slaved people, American revolu tionaries, and British soldiers.
Other guided tours offered in Charleston are a Haunted Car riage Evening Tour that lasts around 40 minutes, the popular Ghost and Graveyard Walking Tour, 1.5 hours, the Dark Side of Charleston, and the Supernatual 90 - Minute Ghost Tour.
The walking tours require quite a bit of walking on cobblestone streets, so be sure to wear comfort able walking shoes.
For more information, vis it https://www.getyourguide. com/charleston-l894/charlestonghost-and-dungeon-walkingtour-t23023/
in Lenoir City is also a working family farm with harvest delights like pre-picked pumpkins and cornstalks for sale, but the biggest draw is after dark. Open Septem ber 30-October 31, Dead Man’s Farm offers serious fear factor. The haunted attraction enjoys many “Best Haunted Attraction” accolades, including “#1 Haunted House in Tennessee” by Fright find, and named the “2019 Top 10 Haunted Attraction in America” by USA Today 10Best Reader’s Choice Awards.
Each year the sprawling attrac tion adds new twists and themes to the frightening fun. Face down chainsaw-wielding evil in a threeacre corn maze. Scream your way through the revamped-every-year Haunted House Tour, with its story line of atrocities acted out in vivid detail. Coffins, virtual real
ity experiences and horror-based escape rooms all display pro fessional street creds. Inside is not recommended for children under 12. Outdoor midway en tertainment includes excitement for those more into freaky fun and less into fear, with performer photo opps.
There is also a haunted corn maze (watch out for the wild and crazed chainsaw-wielding clowns). The midway features mini escape rooms, a coffin buri al ride and a virtual reality “face
your fears”.attraction. Dont miss the fire performers, outside char acters and jack-o-lanterns display. Various food trucks will be on site for your convenience as well as private campfire sites.
NEW FOR 2022! Dead Man’s Farm has new scares, new scenes, and new characters to haunt your nightmares! Built on a real farm, in a small town, the murderous Bludgeon Family has plenty of places to bury your bones! Come find out what THOUSANDS have been SCREAMING about for years!
Open Thursday through Sunday every weekend in October. Check website for details/updates. www. DeadMansFarm.com
There’s nowhere quite like Mem phis, even more so during the spookiest date on the calendar. With a host of fabled haunted locations, some of the country’s best pumpkin patches, and even spooky fun for kids, the city of Memphis is a great place to be during Halloween.
When a city is as steeped in history as Memphis is, it’s no surprise that a few locations are considered by many to be haunted. For travel fans who love history and a bit of ghostly fun, there are a few Memphis haunts that even sceptical have agreed there is something a bit spooky about. Earnestine & Hazel’s, now a cool dive bar and a former brothel, has long been rec ognised as one of the city’s most haunted buildings and has even been named as one of the USA’s most haunted loca tions (#4 in fact). Believed by many to be the home of sever al ghosts, the bar also houses a haunted jukebox which is said to randomly come on time
to time to play music that is weirdly aligned to happenings in the bar. Examples include a time when two women cel ebrating a divorce got sere naded with a playing of
“D.I.V.O.R.C.E.” by Tammy Wynette or when Lynyrd Sky nyrd’s “That Smell” played on its own after a customer told a story about a stinky cab ride. Possibly the most compelling example is when owner Rus sell George was discussing an exorcism at the bar with a paranormal expert, and the jukebox busted out “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones.
Other impressively spooky places to visit if your nerves can handle it include The Orpheum theatre where the ghost of “Mary” has haunted performances since 1921; the Victorian-era manor Wood ruff-Fontaine House, which is home to numerous known ghosts including Mollie Woodruff, who has appeared frequently to house guests; and Blackwell House where it is said a family died just two nights after moving in, and no subsequent resident has been able to stay for more than a
month because their spirits now roam the house.
If you prefer safety in numbers, exploring the city’s haunted heritage with the likes of Backbeat Tours is a great way to see the city’s haunted hotspots. Offering a range of ghost tours to take brave tour ists and locals alike through the South Main Historic Dis trict, the city’s most notorious ly haunted neighbourhood, tours take in notorious loca tions including Ernestine & Hazels’, the old Morris Cem etery, and Woodruff-Fontaine House. Some tour options also
include after-hours access and opportunities for ghost hunting.
If you like your scares a little less intense, the Memphis Zoo always delivers on holiday fun, and Halloween is no exception. Their annual Zoo Boo is taking over the zoo and encourages kids to dress up and trick or treat as well as offering theatre shows, magicians, Dracula Dis co, maze, a pumpkin hunt, and a Mad Scientist Lab.
For kids that want the fun without the fright, Memphis’
Priddy Farms and Jones Or chard both offer pumpkin pick ing as well as mazes and other interactive farm activities.
For big kids and those not able to get to Memphis, the virtual Monster Market touts itself as the “virtual pop up shop for weirdos” and will kick off on 3 October. An in-person launch on 1st October will offer spooky cocktails and a range of
on-theme treats at the mini-market sampler of the online event.
Explore more of Memphis here: https://www.mem phistravel.com/
Tennessee’s second largest city, Memphis is famous for its music, great food, and its significant place in America’s history of civil rights. Excep tional hotels, and something to please every type of traveller await in Memphis.
For More on Tennessee, >Click Here
Head high into the Blue Ridge section of the Ap palachians to Wytheville for an off-the-beaten track getaway. Unique in-town attractions, breathtaking mountain scenery and activities from fly-fishing and watersports to horseback riding and wilderness adventure await.
Wytheville’s classic downtown includes the old, the contemporary and the quirky, like the selfie-worthy “biggest pencil in Virginia” outside the old Wytheville Office Supply. Just three miles from downtown, Crystal Springs Recreation Area and Big Survey Wildlife Manage ment Area offer more than 9,000 acres of preserved lands, 13 miles of hiking and mountain biking trails. A 57mile trail, canoeing, tubing, kayaking and fishing are all favorites at the New River Trail State Park. Climb the oldest and highest private attraction in Virginia, the 100-foot Big Walker Look out, for views of five states at an elevation of 3,405 feet. The Big Walker Country Store offers live regional music, the wares of regional artisans, authors, and musicians, as well as gifts and locally made preserves and ice cream.
Picking pumpkins and corn mazes are just the beginning of the reasons to visit two family farms. Plenty of seriously-fun activities can be found at Richdale Farm’s Fall on the Farm festival and Wil liams Orchard’s Fall Festival, and each has a differ ent layout, adventures and ways to play. For more details on these, as well as activities at West Wind Farm Vineyard & Winery, Seven Sisters Brewery and where to stay, go to the Visit Wytheville blog: www.
For paranormal activity, Wytheville has two options. In addition to an impressive military arti fact collection, the 1870 Octagon Mansion History Museum is favored by bona-fide paranormal inves tigators. Have a gourmet Dinner with a Ghost and meet the spirits of past residents while engaging in a paranormal investigation. The Haunted Graham Mansion holds secrets along with unsettled spirits from the past trying to find rest from their dark memo ries.
For those who love the scare-you-to-death vibe of a horror house, Hel heim Haunted Attraction promises to “put the evil in Wytheville.” Housed in a creepy former 6,000-squarefoot amusement park, this thrill-a-thon gets top ratings on sites like TheScareFactor. com. Actors are meticulous about makeup, costumes and special effects, which produce shock and awe in this postapocalypse-meets-Vikingthemed attraction. Helheim is the Norse word for hell, land of the dishonorable dead, but the owners will only hint at what’s in store. Definitely not intended for anyone under age 18. Open Fridays and Satur days through October. For more information, visit ww.HelheimHaunt.com
Fright Nights is celebrating its 13th year of fear this Halloween season! At our barn, we will bring you over 20,000 square feet of five terrifying haunt experiences. Save by booking our overnight package with lodging, breakfast and Fright Nights Tickets.
Package includes lodging, breakfast and tickets to Fright Nights haunted attrac tion (up to $60 value).
5 terrifying themes:
Ghost Town
Camp Kilamee
House of Wax
Ahh, the splendors of Fall and savings! Stay anytime through October and enjoy the beautiful fall pallets of yellow, orange, and red, plus discounted rates up to 15% our standard rates. Rates include breakfast for up to two adults and two children ages 12 and under.
Plus, while your here, you’ll also have access to all of these fun activities:
Indoor heated pool and hot tub
Fitness center
Outdoor tennis and pickleball courts
Access to fishing on Mallard Lake
Movies in our cinema room
Bonfire on weekends, and more!
Package is pre-paid and non-refundable. For more information or to make reservations, visit https://www.gladesprings.com/