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Haunted Hotel/Robin Smith
Haunted Hotel: Continued...
They’ll stop at some of the more haunted rooms — like 419, where the spirit of Theodora has been known to tidy up—but only if she likes the guest staying there.
We participated in the Crescent Hotel Ghost Tour - Bonus: The Criminal Mind or Norman Baker when we visited. It was an interesting way to learn the spooky history of the hotel and the ghosts who supposedly roam the halls. (I did not see or feel any spirits while there.) Our tour took us to the basement to see some of Baker’s nearly 500 bottles of potions. They were unearthed on the northwest corner of the Crescent’s 15-acre property in 2019. We were able to view the bottle dump site and Baker’s morgue. (creepy)
The tour was fascinating and educational. We were there two nights before Halloween, so a great time to enjoy some ghost stories and hear the tales as you tour America’s Most Haunted Hotel. It is a “must-do” activity when visiting Eureka Springs.
The Ghost Tour requires walking and steps. All areas are accessible; however, please request assistance before your tour.
The Basin Hotel is also thought to be haunted and hosts “Paranormal Investigations.”
The whole town celebrates Halloween, and every store is decorated. Halloween weekend is one of their busiest times. So, if you plan to visit near the holiday, make your reservations in advance.
Spend the Night
Visitors can elect to stay in the Crescent rooms, which have been reported to have the most paranormal activity. Who knows, you might have a ghost tuck you into bed or catch a spirit on camera.
Other Things To Do
Eureka Springs has plenty of things to do besides Ghost tours. Take a walk around the historic downtown district and visit the quaint shops, springs, art galleries, and eateries. Be sure to visit the Nut House and the soap shops.
Visit the Christ of the Ozarks statue if time permits. It is worth the short drive and provides a beautiful view of the city. The Great Passion Play is offered nearby during the spring through fall seasons.
Visit one of the most photographed buildings in America, the Thorncrown Chapel. It is a sight to behold.
Whether coming for the night or a weekend getaway, spend a night at the 1886 Crescent, America’s Most Haunted Hotel!
Lodging was provided during our visit. All opinions are my own.
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The Ghosts of Ybor City

Max Herman of Official Ybor City Ghost Tours introduced me to his “friend,” Don Vicente Martinez de Ybor, the cigar entrepreneur who founded Ybor City in 1886. Of course, the “friend” is just a bronze statue, but without him, Ybor City would not exist. Ybor City feels like a city within a city. It is known as having some of the most haunted buildings in the United States. It is listed as one of the three National Historic Landmark Districts in Florida. We proceeded on a terrific ghost tour of Ybor City. The Official Ybor City Ghost Tour has been ranked as the #1 ghost tour .One thing that differentiates it from other tours is you actually enter some of the buildings. In addition, my guide related much of the Ybor City history.
We visited Centro Espanol, the Spanish Club. Now in Ybor City, clubs had a different meaning than a nightclub or a health club today, although in some ways they served both purposes. Ybor City was the “Cigar Capital of the World.” Although Don Ybor brought many Cuban workers here to work his factory, many other immigrants came because here jobs were plentiful. The city was filled with Cubans, Spaniards, Romanian Jews, Sicilians, Italians, Germans, and more. Each immigrant mingled daily with other nationalities, but on Sundays and in evenings, they each had their own clubs. They paid about a quarter a week. This provided them with not only a place to socialize, dance, gamble, and enjoy entertainment, but also had a doctor on staff in case of illness. Think about that. A quarter a week for health care? Who wouldn’t join for that alone?
Max told of the night in 1908 when a fire broke out in the Spanish Club. A group of 18 somewhat shady citizens was in one room. The mayor’s assistant, head police chief, and members of the organized crime family were meeting there. They had pushed a large safe in front of the door, probably for privacy. When the fire exploded, they could not push the safe away. One of them even shot the safe trying to get out. All 18 perished. The safe, with its bullet hole, is still there in the lobby. Today, workers in the improv Club next door and those in the Centro building hear screams coming from that room.
Another interesting spot with a history and a tragic love story is now a place called Cerealholic,

The Ghosts of Ybor City By Kathleen Walls Americanroads.net

a cross between a kid’s slumber party upstairs and a speakeasy downstairs. However, at one time, it was a Catholic Church. I don’t want to spoil the surprise if you take the tour, but it’s here in the basement a tragic murder left a spirit behind. Max showed me a video of an apparition that happened there to one of the workers.
The most beautiful and most haunted stop was the Cuban Club named by The Travel Channel as one of its Top 10 Most Haunted Places in America. It is gorgeous. It also had something none of the other clubs had, a swimming pool. The pool was the scene of tragic drowning of a little eight-year-old boy. He still plays there. Visitors often bring him balls and toys.
The classic theater upstairs has its spirit resident as well. A talented young actor who experienced stage fright for his first play. His friends in the audience booed and left. He then repeated the play perfectly and ended by hanging himself on the stage.
Another interesting fact about the club has nothing to do with ghosts except the spirit of ra-cial inequality that still haunts us. This Cuban club was officially for the white Cubans. There was another club for the Black Cubans, however, at night when much of the city was asleep, Black Cubans would come to this club and were welcomed just like any other Cubans.
This is just a touch of the tour. To appreciate the tour, you really need to experience it yourself. It is unbeatable. https://www. yborghosttour. com/
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