Western Sydney International Airport has locked in its in-flight caterer, starting from 2026.
Ally Hall reports on Page 16

Construction giant John Holland will build the new-look Penrith Stadium, it was confirmed this week.
Infrastructure NSW had curiously not made any official announcement regarding the appointment of a builder, but

confirmed to the Weekender this week that John Holland had won the job.
It’s the same company that controlled the impressive Sydney Football Stadium project.
The new Penrith Stadium is expected to open in 2027, welcoming back the Panthers who will spend the next two NRL seasons on the road.
The $309 million project is already

underway, though work so far has been limited to relocating sewer lines.
Locals are likely to see increased construction work in the coming weeks, with the famous western grandstand expected to be the first knocked down.
The stadium has been closed since the end of the 2025 NRL season.

Chefs Kieran Brine and Robert Smithson. Photo: Melinda Jane.
Fears end of Federal Government housing scheme will put more pressure on housing Renters pushed to brink
Calls by a local resident to meet with the NSW Premier and Prime Minister have fallen on deaf ears as he demands change in the rental market.
Melville Toms has lived in a National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) property in Kingswood for the past three years and is among tens of thousands of Australians who benefit from the scheme.
Originally set up in 2008 by the Rudd Government, the scheme is now “winding down” and will officially come to a close in 2026.
The scheme worked by paying property owners a financial incentive to rent out homes at a rate below market value for 10 years.
The last of the homes under the scheme are set to leave in 2026.
“I think that personally they have rushed the NRAS scheme [ending] and they must consider a lot of the difficulties that they have put people under,” Toms said.
“The real estates and the landlords have been unjust and unfair in such a way that it has become untenable for a lot of people that rent in difficult financial situations as a result and the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and the NSW Premier Chris Minns have got to be made aware of this.”
Toms was told on Christmas Eve that the property he was living in was being removed from the NRAS scheme this month, and his rent will increase to $660 a fortnight.
Many NRAS properties are managed by community housing providers, which means their rent will stay below market value when the scheme ends, but for people like Toms, whose property is privately owned, their rent will be dictated by the owner.
Toms has demanded that the politicians
NSW Department of Education

work with affected people to reach a tenable outcome.
“The poor people that rent are the ones stuck in the middle… and that’s where I challenge the Prime Minister to get off his butt and out of his ivory tower, the same with Dutton and Premier Minns. They are looking at other things and funding other things, but they are not looking at the major issues in their own backyard,” Toms said.
“They’ve got to start looking where the problems are lying and fix our backyard up first. It’s injustice and unfair on the old people who are made to suffer like this when it is not bloody necessary.
“They keep pushing down our throat about social housing but there is no social housing!
Application period for selective high school and opportunity class entry in 2026
Application dates: Thursday 7 November 2024 to Friday 21 February 2025
Applications for selective high school entry in Year 7 and opportunity class entry in Year 5 in 2026 are open from Thursday 7 November 2024 to Friday 21 February 2025.
Selective high schools and opportunity classes are one of the ways that the NSW Department of Education provides support for high potential and gifted students. High potential and gifted students are supported across all NSW public schools through high potential and gifted education programs
Students living in rural and remote locations may apply for Aurora College, which provides online selective high school and opportunity classes in NSW public primary schools and high schools.
For more information and to apply online visit: edu.nsw.link/shs-oc

Contact the department’s Selective Education Unit: Email: ssu@det.nsw.edu.au
Phone: 1300 880 367
Applications close Friday 21 February 2025.
Even if there was, there is a lot of waiting before you even get on the list and there is no guarantee we would get anything because we might be dead by then. I’m nearly 80 and I’m living day by day.”
Homes NSW, a State Government body designed to assist in social and affordable housing, recognised how hard it is to acquire affordable housing for low income earners right now.
“Homes NSW acknowledges the housing crisis across the state and remains committed to supporting families and individuals experiencing housing stress and homelessness,” a spokesperson for Homes NSW said.
“The reality is that due to the crisis in the private rental market, people are unable to
acquire appropriate rental housing, and they often end up on the social housing waitlist.
“Homes NSW continues to work across all levels of government and with community partners to make this state a place where everyone has access to safe and secure housing, and where experiences of homelessness are rare, brief and not repeated.
“Anyone experiencing or at risk of homelessness can contact the statewide homelessness information and referral telephone service, Link2Home, on 1800 152 152. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
A spokesperson for NSW Minister for Housing Rose Jackson said there will be homes retained by Community Housing Providers after the NRAS scheme ends.
“The Federal Government’s 10-year National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) operates within the private rental market and is due to wind up by 2026,” the spokesperson said.
“We estimate more than 3,100, or around half of NRAS properties in NSW are being retained by not-for-profit community housing providers, which is good news.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have visibility over how many private NRAS participants will retain their properties, as many are owned by investors.
“Anyone who is being impacted by changes to the Federal Government’s NRAS scheme is invited to reach out to our office or directly to Homes NSW. We will arrange a Housing Services Support Officer to reach out for a confidential discussion regarding their housing options.”
The Weekender contacted Federal Minister for Housing Clare O’Neil for comment but did not receive a response.
The Weekender also reached out to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Chris Minns on behalf of Toms, but did not receive a response.
up”: Firefighters issue fresh warning over lithium-ion batteries
Fire and Rescue NSW is urging the public to wake up to the risks of lithium-ion battery products amid a spate of dangerous fires.
FRNSW crews have responded to 13 lithium-ion battery fires across NSW since the start of the month, including four incidents in a 12 hour period last week.
So far in 2025, there have been 25 lithium-ion-related fires.
“We had at least 318 lithium-ion battery fires in NSW last year, that’s well up on the 272 of 2023 and 165 of 2022, we know they are on the rise, but people are still taking dangerous risks in their homes,” said Fire and Rescue NSW Commissioner, Jeremy Fewtrell.
“Please, heed our advice. Lithium-ion fires are happening to households almost every day.
“People are aware of the risks but are still willing to overcharge their lithium-ion batteries, leave them on charge when they sleep or mix and match power cords. It’s a recipe for disaster and they need to stop now.
“Don’t charge lithium-ion-powered devices near exit points. In

A fire caused by a lithium-ion battery issue recently.
at least three of the recent fires, residents were trapped by the flames and were forced to flee through windows.”
A recent NSW Government survey has also highlighted a high degree of community complacency around the risks associated with the use of lithium-ion battery products.
Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Anoulack Chanthivong, said action needed to be taken.
“We know poorly designed and built lithium-ion batteries present a
real and potentially life-threatening risk to consumers, contributing to more than one fire per week across NSW,” he said.
“In response to these risks the NSW Government is progressing the introduction of Australia’s most comprehensive regulatory regime for e-micromobility devices. But regulations can’t stop poor consumer behaviour and the high number of fires FRNSW responded to last week should be a wakeup call to people with these products.”
Melville Toms. Photo: Melinda Jane.
Revealed: John Holland locked in to build new Penrith Stadium
The company that built Sydney’s impressive Allianz Stadium has been appointed to create the new home of the Penrith Panthers.
The can exclusively reveal that John Holland has been awarded the contract to build the
new $309 million Penrith Stadium complex.
A W Edwards Pty Ltd and Hansen Yuncken were the other shortlisted candidates for the project, but John Holland has been appointed to build the new venue and the surrounding infrastructure.
The Panthers vacated the current stadium, first built in 1967 but significantly upgraded in the
decades that followed, at the end of last season. They will base themselves at Parramatta’s CommBank Stadium until the new venue is complete – expected to be in time for the 2027 season.
“The NSW Government’s $309 million redevelopment of Penrith Stadium is on track,” a spokesperson for Infrastructure NSW told the Weekender

Preliminary works to move a sewer main in preparation for demolishing the current western grandstand began in October 2024 and are nearing completion.
That means fans can expect to see the iconic grandstand – which still features elements of the original 1967 stand – come down in the coming weeks and months.
The newly designed stadium will
continue to cater for men’s NRL matches, but it will also benefit the women’s NRL competition and support the growth of female representation in sports with new player facilities and changerooms. The training field to the west of the stadium will be remodelled to create new quality open spaces with multipurpose courts and improved landscaping.

Artist’s impressions of the new Penrith Stadium.
What fans can expect to see when approaching the new stadium.
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Western Weekender

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From The Editor’s Desk
Troy Dodds

Glaring gap that could cost lives
You could say it is impossible to imagine, and yet as a parent, it is indeed possible.
You turn up at a daycare centre to pick up your child, as you’ve done hundreds of times before, only to be told she was never dropped off that morning.
Your heart races. Your brain starts to tick over. The pit of your stomach erupts.
The reality of what has happened sets in: your child is still strapped in the back of the car, now lifeless after a day spent in the searing heat of a vehicle.
A father experienced this devastating series of events last week when he realised his 15-month-old daughter had died after she was left inside his car all day.
He arrived to collect her late in the day, only to be told she had never been signed in to the Earlwood centre.
The reporting has been devastating to read as witnesses described the distraught dad’s vain efforts to revive his daughter.
You may wonder how this could possibly happen.
Truth is it could happen to anyone, even the most diligent of parents.
And it has indeed happened many times, with incidents like this occurring more regularly than you’d think both in Australia and overseas.
It is easy to look at the character of the parent straight away.
To lay blame.
But there’s been so much research done in this space, around brain function and just plain old human psyche.
The slightest change in the morning routine. The phone call you didn’t expect. The meeting you’re thinking about at work.
A microsecond of distraction.
The possibility of tragedies like this does not discriminate.
It can happen to mothers, fathers, grandparents.
It can happen to doctors, tradies, receptionists and sales reps.
But I can’t help but think that there’s a way tragedies like this could be avoided, especially as someone who’s traversed the daycare system myself as a parent.
If you didn’t turn up to work today, there’s every chance your employer would call your emergency contact by the time the middle of the day rolled around, concerned about your welfare.
As a boss and manager, I’ve done it myself. You automatically assume a sense of responsibility and concern when someone should be under your watch but they’re not contactable and not following their usual routine.
And yet at most daycare centres, there is no fail safe in place to alert parents if a child has not been signed in or is not in attendance on a particular day they are scheduled to be at the centre.
No call or text message to the parents even if the child hasn’t been logged as sick or on holidays, and there is no expectation of a non-attendance.
“It seems pretty simple to me that you could have that extra layer of protection”
Now don’t get me wrong, there is no blame on daycare centres for tragedies like this occurring. It is well and truly out of their hands, and they feel the grief just as much as anyone.
But it seems pretty simple to me that you could have that extra layer of protection and security.
A daycare centre knows exactly what kids are supposed to be there that day. They know when someone hasn’t arrived, and yet the stock standard response is just to play on. No call, no text, no action.
I’m sure someone will point out a daycare centre that does go above and beyond in this space, and good on them.
But when I raised this with my child’s daycare centre a year or two ago, it was met with roadblocks.
In short, kids arrive at different times, there’s shift workers, there’s variables, and it just wouldn’t be possible to implement such a system.
And yet it would be.
If you can tell a hotel you’re expected arrival time when making a booking, you can tell a daycare centre.
Surely it’s as simple as a parent being able to flag a standard drop-off time in the various software, and being sent an automated message if the child hasn’t been signed in within 90 minutes of that drop-off time. If it’s not that simple, then maybe it’s worth the manual effort required. It could literally save lives.
Again, no mud at daycare centres here. They do a tremendous job and there’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure children are fed, happy and safe.
But over the past week I just can’t stop thinking about that Dad at Earlwood.
I can’t stop thinking about how for the rest of this life, he will re-live that day.
About how he went about his day last Tuesday thinking his daughter was happy and playing at daycare, and instead she was dying in the back of his car.
And I can’t stop thinking about how a single phone call or a text message from the daycare centre flagging the unusual lack of drop-off could have saved her life.
Daycare centres expect you to flag when your child is sick or on holidays, and won’t be attending the centre.
They do this so they can be aware of non-attendance, prepare staff numbers and also offer casual vacancies should they be wanted by other parents.
I cannot fathom how the same system could not work the other way.
There will be a million reasons and excuses as to why such a standard system could not be rolled out.
But there is one very good reason to forget all of that and just do it: saving a life.
Surely that is worth whatever it takes to make it happen.

Fine after worker hurt
2022 incident occurred at same factory at centre of last week’s massive blaze
The company where a large fire broke out last week has been slapped with a major fine after a worker was injured in a previous workplace blaze.
Waste management company
Cleanaway Liquid Waste Services has officially been convicted and fined $300,000 for breaching Commonwealth work health and safety laws over a 2022 fire that left a worker with serious injuries.
The incident occurred at the company’s liquid waste treatment facility on Christie Street in St Marys in April 2022.
A worker was operating a Haxpak machine, which is used to process hazardous wastes including aerosol cans and paint tins, when flammable gases escaped.
The gases were ignited by a spark from an exposed spindle on an electric motor that was not fitted with a guard.
The Cleanaway worker suffered severe burns to his face and hands.
The fire took several hours to contain and required more than 130 firefighters deployed to the scene.

ComCare is an Australian government body that promotes and enables safe and healthy workplaces through physical and psychological injury prevention, early intervention, injury recovery,
return to work and work health and safety regulation.
Cleanaway is a licenced national employer in the ComCare scheme and subject to regulation under Commonwealth work health and
safety laws. ComCare CEO Greg Vines said the health and safety risks involved in the scenario were obvious and should have been foreseen.
“ComCare’s investigation iden-
tified failures in providing a safe system of work relating to the maintenance and operation of the machinery,” Vines said.
“Workers had previously raised concerns about safety, including that flammable gas had been escaping from the Hazpak machine as recently as five days before the incident.
“Expert advice also established that the motor and the Hazpak machine did not comply with industry standards and regulatory requirements for electrical installations.”
Cleanaway was charged with a Category 2 offence under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, which carries a maximum penalty of $1.5 million but walked away with a $300,000 fine.
Cleanaway made headlines last week when over 100 firefighters on 20 firetrucks were called to the facility after a major blaze broke out. No injuries were reported from the scene aside from two firefighters suffering from heat stress.
Investigations continue into the cause of the blaze, which forced evacuations and saw smoke visible from across western Sydney.

A fire broke out at Cleanaway Liquid Waster Services last week. Photo: Melinda Jane.
Police Snapshot Legal Matters
Penrith: Running a red light leads to arrest for outstanding warrant
A man has been found to be driving without a licence and with an outstanding warrant hanging over his head after running a red light in Penrith.
At 5.10pm on Thursday, February 6 police saw a car speeding through a red light at the intersection of Coreen Avenue and Parker Street, Penrith. Police activated their warning lights and pulled the car over.
The driver, a 49-year-old Lethbridge Park man, provided police with a fake name and a driver’s licence that didn’t belong to him. When questioned about his real identity, the man ran from police.
Police engaged in a short foot pursuit before apprehending the man a short distance away. The man didn’t listen to police instructions and violently resisted arrest. He then continued to resist his arrest and was taken to the ground by police. In the process, one of the police officer’s watch was damaged.
The 49-year-old man was handcuffed and he confirmed his real identity which later showed that he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest and a disqualified licence.
The man was taken to Nepean Hospital for assessment. Blood samples were taken from the man for analysis of illicit substances which is currently pending further investigation.
The man was charged and will appear in Penrith Local Court on Tuesday, March 4.
Kemps Creek: Disgruntled employee comes back for revenge
A man fired from his job returned to joyride a truck last week.
On Thursday, February 6 a 28-year-old Bidwill man was terminated as a truck driver from a trucking company in Kemps Creek.
At 4.30pm on Sunday, February 9 the man returned to the truck yard and entered a truck belonging to the company. The company’s Director was made aware of this and contacted the man instructing him to park the truck as he no longer had permission to be in the truck or the yard.
The 28-year-old became verbally abusive during the call with the company’s Director before ending the call. The man then sent a number of threatening messages to the Director, threatening to kill him.
Police were called and attended the scene. They spoke with the 28-year-old and arrested him. The man was taken to St Marys Police Station where he made partial admissions to the crime.
The man was charged and will appear in
Penrith Local Court today, Thursday, February 13.
St Clair: Late night drive-thru theft results in arrest
A man has been arrested after stealing cash from a drive-thru window.
Just after midnight on Friday, February 7 a 34-year-old Kingswood man allegedly walked up to the drive-thru window of a fastfood restaurant in St Clair, reached inside and ripped the cash drawer from the register.
The man then ran from the location with $200 worth of cash.
Police later located the man at a different fast-food restaurant in St Marys with the cash still on him. The man was arrested and taken to St Mays Police Station.
The man was refused bail and will appear in Penrith Local Court on Friday, March 21.
Penrith: Smashed mirror leads to prison stay
A man has been sentenced to nine months in prison after damaging a police car.
At 11.24pm on Saturday, February 8 a 24-year-old Cooks Hill man was walking along High Street, Penrith after drinking at a nearby hotel.
The man kicked the passenger side mirror of a police car parked out the front of Penrith Police Station, causing the mirror to shatter.
Police located the man nearby. While talking to the man about the damage, the 24-year-old harassed and threatened police.
The man was arrested and taken into Penrith Police Station where he was charged.
The man entered a guilty plea at Penrith Local Court and was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment that commenced on Sunday, February 9.
Kingswood: Police searching for missing boy
Police are appealing for assistance to locate a teenage boy missing from Kingswood.
Ryan Hughes, aged 14, was last seen in Kingswood about 8pm on Monday, February 10, 2025.
When he could not be located or contacted, he was reported missing to officers attached to Mount Druitt Police Area Command who commenced inquiries into his whereabouts.
Police and family hold serious concerns for his welfare as he lives with a number of medical conditions that require medication.
Ryan is described as being of Caucasian appearance, between 150-160cm tall, of a thin build, with a shaved head and blue eyes.
A picture is on our website.


In our column last week we provided a refresher on Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship documents and how they work.
Following on from that discussion, this week we explain how an appointment of an attorney and/or guardian can be reviewed if for some reason there is a question mark over the effectiveness of the appointment.
For the purposes of this column, we are talking about a scenario where the person who made the appointment has lost their capacity to manage their affairs and a third party wishes for the appointment of their existing attorney or guardian to be reviewed.
There are two technical ways this can be done. The first, more uncommon path is via the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
The most common review method though is to make an application for review by the guardianship division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
This is because parties are able to participate in the Tribunal process without legal representation (in fact, if you want to have a lawyer represent you in NCAT you need special leave to do so).
Essentially any person who is concerned about a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship appointment concerning an incapacitated person or a person whose capacity is in question can make an application to the Tribunal to review the appointments.
There are a number of circumstances in which the need for a review might arise:
• There is concern that the attorney and/or guardian is not fulfilling their duties or is making decisions that are not in the best interests of the person who appointed them;
• The attorney and/or guardian themselves feel as though they are not able to fulfil their duties for some reason, whether it be something like conflict with other people or family members close to the appointor or something like being a long physical distance away from where the appointor lives;
• Where there is a question mark over whether or not the appointor still has the capacity to manage their own affairs or it is time for the attorney and/or guardian to take full control.
The process starts by one or more concerned parties lodging an application at NCAT. NCAT will then schedule a “directions hearing” which will be a short, initial meeting to discuss the case, nominate some dates by which certain information has to be shared by the parties to the proceedings, and fix a hearing date. The hearing date is the date is the date on which the Tribunal will listen to all of the relevant information and make a decision about what to do next.
The Tribunal will hear from “witnesses”, being people who have relevant information concerning the application. This usually includes the person or people who are appointed as the attorneys or guardians, the appointor if they are able to give evidence about their own wishes and/or experiences to the Tribunal, other concerned people who might have relevant information, and people like social workers and/or medical professionals who might provide evidence about the appointor’s ability to look after themselves and manage their own affairs.
Once the Tribunal has heard from all of the witnesses and reviewed the relevant information it will make a decision about whether or not the existing Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship documents should be cancelled and someone else appointed as the appointor’s financial manager or guardian, whether or not the documents are to remain in place, or, where there is a question about whether or not the appointor has the ability to keep looking after themselves, the Tribunal will try to answer that question.
This process can also be undertaken in relation to a person who has not got a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship in place, that is, an application can be made to NCAT for the appointment of a financial manager and/or guardian if there are concerns about the person’s ability to manage their own affairs.
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Contact Us News
Civic Centre, 601 High Street.
Queen Street Centre, 207-209 Queen Street.
8.30am-4pm. Mon-Fri. 4732 7777
PO Box 60, Penrith NSW 2751 council@penrith.city
Council’s services are accessible via the online portal at
Services 4732 7777
Contact the EPA hotline on 131 555 and ask for the RID Squad (Regional Illegal Dumping Squad).
Freecall 1800 022 182
Meeting Dates
17 February 2025 – 7pm (Policy Review Committee) Online via
penrith.city.council penrithcouncil
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Council Briefs
● The Penrith Seniors Festival is happening from Monday 3 March to Sunday 16 March 2025. Don’t miss our diverse program of activities and events including movie screenings, health workshops, exercise classes, crafts and more – all free of charge. Join us as we celebrate our senior community! See the full program at
● Restyle, Reuse, and Swap for a Sustainable Wardrobe! Join Nina Gbor, founder of Ecostyle War on Waste 2023, for a sustainable fashion workshop. Learn how to restyle your wardrobe, reduce refresh your style – without the environmental impact.
Event Details:
• Clothes drop-off (refreshments and live music will be provided)
• Restyling workshop
• Clothes swap Free registration essential via:
For more information, visit Don’t miss out on this stylish and sustainable opportunity. Funded by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
● The community can now enjoy a safer and more connected Great River Walk experience with the new pedestrian pathway on Nepean Avenue complete and ready to use. The pathway, stretching between Memorial Avenue and Tench Reserve, features bollards at key intervals to provide physical and visual cues to motorists and help to protect pedestrians from
supports cyclists. New trees have also been planted to enhance amenity, provide shade and help cool the city.
provides the crucial ‘missing link’ to the popular bridge-tobridge loop of the Great River Walk, enjoyed by thousands of people each week.
Learn more at
This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Penrith City Council.
● If you’re looking for an excuse to go outdoors on the weekend, register for our Creating Canopies tree planting event on Saturday 1 March from 9am–12pm at Emu Green Reserve in Emu Heights. We’ve partnered with Greater Sydney Landcare to plant 1,000 trees at the reserve to provide shelter and habitat for local wildlife. The event is free, but registration is essential. Register at
Public Notices
Penrith City Council is proposing the re-establishment of Alcohol-Free Zones (AFZ) and Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APA) across the Penrith Local Government Area for a four-year period from July 2025 to June 2029.
Current AFZs and APAs expire 30 June 2025, and Council is inviting feedback from the community regarding the proposed re-establishment of these locations.
For more information or to make a submission, please visit
Consultation is open for 30 days and closes at 5pm, Sunday 16 March 2025.
Local Government
Act 1993
Under Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Penrith City Council intends to grant an easement as detailed below.

Penrith City Council Lot 2174 DP 776426 (Future Lot 1 & 2)
Easement to drain water (C) Lot 2174 DP 776426 (Future Lot 3) 11A Canopus Close Erskine Park NSW 2759
Term: Perpetuity
All affected parties are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal. Submissions must be received in writing addressed to the General Manager, Penrith City Council to PO Box 60, Penrith NSW 2751 or , within 28 days of the date of this notice.
Please contact Fiona Waites on 4732 7777 or
Fighting for Orchard Hills
“People feel like they are being forced out”: Councillors lash out at proposal
Penrith City Councillors have delivered scathing responses to the State Government’s draft plan to rezone the Orchard Hills Precinct as they prepare to make a submission to the proposal.
In November last year, the State Government released its Draft Re-zoning Proposal for Orchard Hills Stage 1, which shows the plan to accommodate the predicted growth associated with the future Orchard Hills Metro Station.
Council has prepared an over 60-page document to be submitted to the State Government highlighting all the issues with the plan including the proposed fragmentation of land, lack of green space, rezoning of the prestigious Vines Estate, financial burden on Council, lack of employment opportunities and lack of greenspace.
Deputy Mayor Ross Fowler acknowledged development of the area is needed but that it needs to be done in a sustainable way that matches the community.
“It’s not that this Council doesn’t support what the overall proposal

is around the Metro station,” Fowler said.
“What this Council doesn’t support is the manner and the way this planning proposal has been put together and without proper consultation, without proper consideration and without proper thought going into the various problems that will occur because of the proposal as it now stands.”
The majority of Penrith’s South Ward Councillors revealed that they had received numerous submissions from their constituents regarding the draft development proposal, as Councillor Vanessa
Pollak said the proposal has left the community she represents uncertain.
“The proposal has left the community with significant uncertainty for the future of Orchard Hills. It is crucial that the Department get this right but unfortunately the current proposal falls short,” Pollak said.
“It seems to lack depth of understanding overlooking the great potential of Orchard Hills.
“Key issues such as infrastructure services, cost to the Council, feasibility and timing are not addressed and this is of great concern.”
Fellow South Ward Councillor
Hollie McLean highlighted the lack of green space as another key concern.
“The development that is happening and the growth in our population is welcomed, it is the right thing for Penrith City. However, that needs to be done in a way that speaks to our environment, that speaks to our communities and speaks to our residential housing strategy,” McLean said.
“There is an 85-hectare shortfall of open space in the plan for 30,000 people in high density living. No one wants to live in an apartment without access to greenspace.
“No one wants to raise their families in apartment buildings without a park to take the kids too, without somewhere to go for a run after work or enjoy your weekend. There must be adequate, high quality open space.”
Councillor Sue Day indicated that the result of this proposal could have effects on a future State Election, should the proposal stay how it is.
“In my view this state-led rezoning proposal has more negatives than positives… I’m concerned about the impact on the people living in
Orchard Hills. They’ve had this thrusted upon them without any concern about the stress it caused. Overall, it lacks feasibility,” Day said.
“Overall, people feel like they are being forced out by a very uncaring State Government, their words not mine, it’s stealing by stealth… their option is if the State Government persists with this unstaged approach, I wouldn’t blame them if they held them accountable at the next State Election.”
Councillor John Thain was concerned that there are not enough employment opportunities and doesn’t want mistakes of past developments to happen again.
“We missed out on the employment opportunities that should have been at Jordan Springs East. It hasn’t happened,” he said.
“So, I think we really need to be firm when it comes to employment that we’re serious… I think that it is really critical for the development to work properly is that we have proper employment to go with it.”
A number of Orchard Hills residents were in attendance at Monday night’s Council meeting, expressing their concerns.

A prediction of what the future of Orchard Hills will look like.
Send your jokes to news@westernweekender.com.au.
cupboard prize

There’s nothing quite like experiencing movies at the cinema, and 2025 is the right time to do it!
There’s so many great movies out at the moment, including the latest Bridget Jones movie, ‘Mad About The Boy’. After the tragic loss of Mark Darcy, Bridget navigates life as a single mother to two young children, balancing work, family, and a surprising new romance.
The thrilling true story ‘September 5’ is also out now. During the 1972 Munich Olympics, an American sports broadcasting crew finds itself thrust into covering the hostage crisis involving Israeli athletes.
The new ‘Captain America’

movie has also just landed in cinemas, as has ‘Heart Eyes’. So gather your friends, get some popcorn and head to Hoyts for an unforgettable movie experience. Visit www.hoyts.com. au for session times and to book.
The Weekender has five Hoyts double passes to give away. For your chance to win one, send an email to competitions@westernweekender.com.au with ‘Movies’ in the subject line. Don’t forget to include your contact details. Entries close Friday, February 21 and the winners will be notified by email. Terms and conditions are available at www.westernweekender.com.au or Weekender reception.
paceway winners lucky
Members of the Penrith Paceway in Penrith have the chance to win great prizes thanks to a special promotion involving the club and your favourite newspaper, The Western Weekender Club members can pick up a free specially numbered

bumper sticker from the Paceway or the Weekender office, and our spotters will be out and about in the community.
Three spotted bumper sticker numbers will be printed each week, with winners needing to report to the Pace-

way to verify their bumper sticker number and collect their prize. Look out for new winners on this page every single week! This week’s lucky winners are: 0654, 0777, 1121

Tell us exactly where this week’s featured I Spy image is located in Penrith and you could win! Email competitions@ westernweekender.com.au with your answer for your chance to win two movie tickets. Our winner will be notified by email. Entries close each Wednesday at 5pm.
The spectactular mural of the woman sipping her hot coffee is located at Fibonacci Coffee at Southlands in South Penrith.

Community can have its say on new school set to open in 2027
The NSW Government is one step closer to delivering a new high school in Jordan Springs, with the community now able to have their say on the plans.
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the school was placed on public exhibition on February 6 and will close on Wednesday, March 25.
The REF will assess potential environmental impacts from building a new public high school and the community is invited to view and provide feedback on the proposal.
To view the plans or make a submission, visit the NSW Planning Portal at www.planningportal.nsw. gov.au/part-5/new-high-schooljordan-springs.
The new high school will be located on the corner of Armoury Road and Infantry Street in Jordan Springs and is set to open on Day 1, Term 1 in 2027 with a capacity for 1,000 students.
It will have more than 50 classrooms, including three support learning rooms, 10 workshops for specialist subjects including

science, visual arts and technology, a multipurpose hall, three sports courts and a playing field, library, canteen and a covered outdoor learning area.
Minister for Education and Member for Londonderry Prue Car shared her excitement as the plans for the high school move along.
“It is wonderful to see the plans

for our new Jordan Springs High School as the Minns Labor Government continues to move ahead in delivering this vital project for our community,” Car said.
“Our community has waited far too long for its own high school, so the young families of Jordan Springs and Ropes Crossing have certainty for their children’s futures.
“I invite our local Jordan Springs community to look at the plans for our new local high school, and have their say on what will soon become a fantastic asset for our community.”
The Jordan Springs-Llandilo area was identified as one of the top 10 student growth areas, with its student population having nearly doubled between 2018 to

2023, according to the Department of Education’s 2024 Enrolment Growth Audit.
In November last year, the State Government announced significant reform to fast-track the delivery of new and upgraded public schools by six to eight months, by cutting red tape in the planning system.
The new high school in Jordan Springs is the first new school project to through the streamlined approvals process, not requiring the lodging of a development application with the local council or Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure – a process that can take many months.
Thorough assessments of the environmental impact of projects will still be conducted, along with consultation with communities, councils and other stakeholders before construction can begin.
Planning determination for the new high school in Jordan Springs is expected in mid-2025.
A tender for construction of the school has been released to market, with contract award and start of construction also expected in mid-2025.

A render of what the new school at Jordan Springs is set to look like.

The location of the soon-to-be-built kayak launch pad.
Penrith City Council has approved plans for a Nepean River kayak launch deck.
The launch deck, set to cost more than $250,000 to build, will provide new access points for non-motorised watercrafts such as kayaks to enter and exit the river safely.
A tender for the construction of the launch deck was advertised last year by Council, with Wilton company Lamond Contracting Pty Ltd chosen to complete the works for $268,281.20.
There were 11 total applications with just one coming from a Penrith company. Lamond Contracting have completed simi-
lar projects for other local Councils including Camden and Wingecarribee Shire Council.
The project will be funded through the NSW Government’s Boating Now Round 3, Council’s Major Projects Reserve and Grant Reserve.
The new kayak launch deck will include a boardwalk and a lower and upper platform to access the water.
The launch deck is proposed to be located opposite 150 River Road, Leonay.
“Several sites along both sides of the river were investigated,” the Council report said.
“Following detailed analysis, and community engagement, the proposed location… was determined as the most suitable location; in particular the ground conditions and accessibility.” Kayak
Rotary’s upcoming District Conference will focus on sustainability and humanitarian challenges while highlighting the positive work the organisation does locally and overseas.
‘Our Better World: Through People and Rotary’ will be held at the Pullman Hotel from March 21-22 where attendees will hear from
diverse speakers, enjoy networking opportunities, and hear from school groups about their ideas for a sustainable future.
“We are tackling today’s most urgent sustainability and humanitarian issues, and through Rotary we do make a difference,” said
District Governor Niranjan Deodhar.
“The environment is one of our seven areas of focus for Rotary, and we are excited about the work we’re doing.”

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Some of the speakers will include neuroscientist, inventor and philanthropist Dr Alan Finkel, who will discuss the nation’s energy transition, and UNSW scientist and engineer Dr Veena Sahajwalla will motivate the audience to move towards no waste.
The positive impact of Rotary programs around the globe will also be celebrated, with guests from Timor Leste and Cambodia ready to share their experiences with the organisation.
The Rotary District’s Chief Storyteller Liz McDougall explained sustainability and humanitarianism work hand-in-hand, and that it’s our responsibility to do the right thing.
“I think humanitarianism means we’re all born equal around the world, but we don’t have equal opportunity,” McDougall said.
“So, it’s the role of people who do have opportunity to help the others in whatever way we can.”
Everyone is welcome to the conference.
For more information, visit ourbetterworld2025.wordpress.com.

District Governor Nirinjan Deodhar (fifth from the left) surrounded by members of the organising committee.
Business power couple’s impact on Penrith celebrated by Council
Alocal couple who have spent years giving to the community and providing local employment had their efforts recognised by Penrith City Council this week.
Ian and Lea Hicks have spent the last 30 years servicing the Penrith community through their trade service company Hix Group and other advocacy roles, and have now decided to retire.
Penrith Mayor Todd Carney spoke in Council on Monday night to recognise and celebrate the work Ian and Lea have put into the Penrith community over the years.
“Built from the ground up, Hix Group has become a leading service provider in western Sydney supporting local businesses, construction companies and government infrastructure. Their generosity and commitment have had a lasting impact not only through their business but also through their community involvement,” Carney said.
“Together, they’ve supported numerous community organisations, events and projects including the Mayoral Charity fundraiser and Australia Day celebrations.”

Ian currently serves on the board of the Penrith CBD Corporation, is a long standing member and Director of the Western Sydney Business Centre, is a former board member of the Penrith Panthers Football Club, and served for eight years as a Director for Panthers on the Prowl Community Development Foundation.
Lea spent 15 years teaching a range of subjects including business communications and employment at TAFE NSW and is currently the Chairperson for the Institute Advisory Council for TAFE

NSW and was the Chairperson and board member of the Australian Women and Children’s Research Foundation for many years.
Deputy Mayor Ross Fowler also shared his thanks to Ian and Lea.
“If you were to look back over the history of Penrith over the last 30 or 40 years, Ian and Lea Hicks are basically synonymous with Penrith,” Fowler said.
“What is really amazing is that together as a couple they have given back to the city time and time again with their community efforts in relation to various boards and organisations.”
Veteran Councillor John Thain acknowledged the contribution their company made to the local community through job opportunities.
“They’ve worked as a team for many years and been incredibly successful,” Thain said.
“The really great thing about the Hix Group as well is the local employment it created and the apprenticeships they provided for people to get a start in life with a trade here in Penrith… its truly been a Penrith success, a local success.”
Councillor Reece Nuttall acknowledged the dedication Ian and Lea gave to their community over the past three decades.
“I think it is often said that the strength of the community lies not just in its infrastructure or its institution but by the spirit of its people. Ian and Lea Hicks embody that spirit,” Nuttall said.
“Tonight, we don’t just say thank you, we honour a legacy defined by hard work, humility and heart. Ian and Lea, your impact on Penrith is profound and your spirit will continue to inspire us all.”
Ian and Lea officially retired last December, with BGIS taking ownership of Hix Group, which remains Penrith based.
Backing career switch
How a change of heart took South Penrith local around the world
From South Penrith to South Africa, a dramatic career shift saw Clare Curtis travel across the world to come face-to-face with big cats. It began when Curtis had a change of heart while studying a Diploma of Fashion Design at TAFE NSW, making the decision to transform her future by enrolling in vet nursing.
“Getting experience in the fashion industry made me realise I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would,” Curtis stated.
“I’ve always had an interest and a natural bond with animals and then during lockdown, my mum pointed out some short courses.”
In 2023, she enrolled in a Certificate II in Animal Studies through TAFE Digital and commenced a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing last year.
That choice resulted in a life changing trip to Kwantu Game Reserve in South Africa in November last year.
“We spent two weeks at Kwantu Game Reserve where we were sedating animals, doing vet checks, giving injections, and doing some wildlife conservation work,” Curtis explained.
“We were also working with the lions, feeding them, clipping their nails – it was loads of fun.”
The experience elevated her confidence and gave her a new appreciation for life in Australia.
“Having that experience of responding to animals in a different environment really helped build my skills as a nurse too,” Curtis said.
“For example, we were there when an impala went into cardiac arrest, and we helped do CPR on it.”
“We’ve got cockatoos, possums, kingfisher birds – there’s heaps of animals we get in at my work that we treat and then release to WIRES where they look after them before releasing them,” Curtis said.
In the midst of a vet nurse shortage, Curtis encourages anyone with an interest in the field to follow their heart, just like she did when changing her focus.
“Don’t be afraid to achieve your goals… and get work placement, because you never know until you try,” Curtis finished.
Prior to that, the vet nurse had only ever seen African wildlife at Taronga Zoo on Sydney’s north shore, but regardless, she has plenty of great local wildlife to care for at Nepean Animal Hospital.

Lea and Ian Hicks with Mayor Todd Carney at Council on Monday night.
Clipping the claws of a lion.
Clare (left) with a zebra.
Penrith has a blast on
Local sports lovers gather at pubs and clubs across the area to watch the Eagles
Despite the storms and torrential rain outside, Penrith locals were out in force for Super Bowl Monday.
Thousands of football fans packed out pubs and clubs all over the city, with the biggest party happening at Panthers World of Entertainment.
More than 300 people made their way to the local watering hole to watch the Philadelphia Eagles shock the NFL world, cruising to a 40-22 victory over the mighty Kansas City Chiefs.
Down the road at the Tattersalls Hotel, dozens of football fans also gathered to watch the Eagles and Chiefs battle it out at New Orleans’ famous Caesars Superdome.
Fans that visited the Tatts were also treated to a live podcast recording of The Armchair Champions, who were broadcasting their Super Bowl episode live from the venue.
At some local pubs, the storms did wreak havoc on the Foxtel signal during the game, with some fans resorting to streaming the match from their phone instead.
Photos: Melinda Jane.

Cl aremont Creek Flood Stud y
We need your help!
If your property is located within the study area and
Panthers was packed with passionate football fans.
Mates sharing a beverage on Super Bowl Monday.
All eyes were glued to the screen at Tatts.
NFL fans at the Tattersalls Hotel gathered to watch.
America’s biggest day
crush Chiefs in Super Bowl

Fans of all NFL teams were glued to the coverage. Some people even dressed the part. Chiefs fans were all smiles before defeat.
The Backyard at Panthers was thriving on Monday.
Mates from far and wide had a blast at Panthers on Super Bowl Monday.
From paddock to plane: Airport locks in caterer ahead of opening
Western Sydney International Airport (WSI) served up their next critical milestone this week, announcing dnata Catering and Retail as their new inflight caterer.
dnata is Australia’s leading inflight meal provider and is investing $17 million to build an advanced catering centre within WSI’s cargo precinct, inclusive of a ground support vehicle fleet.
dnata’s Chief Commercial Officer Mark Stubbings said their highly trained team and advanced facility will help WSI establish itself as a premium international aviation hub.
“Not only does dnata get to be part of one of Australia’s leading infrastructure projects, but we get to play a role in driving economic growth, attracting new carriers and international airlines, and bolstering new tourism routes for western Sydney,” Stubbings said.
There are three key elements to the partnership: dnata’s investment, innovation with the latest sustainable technology, and local job generation.

Stubbings stated.
“As part of our ‘Paddock to Plane’ philosophy, dnata is already building a strong ecosystem of local New South Wales suppliers to ensure we support our local operations and deliver high-quality meals.”
It’s expected the partnership will create over 200 new jobs over 10 years.
“We will begin recruitment in early 2026 across a wide range of roles, including chefs, drivers, and catering attendants,” Stubbings said.
The partnership is a box ticked for WSI CEO Simon Hickey, who provided an update on the airport’s progress.
“We’re on time, we’re on budget, and we’ll be opening next year as we always said,” Hickey stated.
The terminal will be capable of handling 10 million annual passengers in comparison to Sydney Airport’s 45 million.
“We’ll be about the size of Adelaide [Airport] when we open,” the CEO explained.
“We have a 3,000 square-metre facility which will incorporate the latest technologies in design and operation to minimise our environmental footprint, including energy efficient equipment, a recycled water system, and a waste treatment plant,” Stubbings explained.
The company will also engage with local producers for ingredients.
“This is an integrated international and domestic airport, so they’re right next door to each other, which means your connection time between a domestic flight and an international flight will be the fastest on the east coast in Australia.”
“As the airport and our customer-base grows, we will continue to expand the size of our facility.”

As your local member in the Australian Parliament, there’s nothing more important to me than representing and supporting our community
If I can help in any way please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or

“Our innovative retail and catering services will harness local produce for domestic and international airlines and their passengers,”
Construction of the dnata facility is underway and expected to be completed in late 2026.
Melissa’s Message
The weekly views of the Federal Member for Lindsay
Protecting Australian kids
Last week marked Safer Internet Day – a reminder to keep an eye on what your kids are doing online to keep them safe.

for under 16’s because he knows it is vitally important to keep kids away from harmful activities online.

The Coalition established the eSafety Commissioner to advocate and work towards protecting kids online.
Unfortunately, cyber bullying is rife throughout our community and right across Australia and there are so many children suffering right now.
Almost half of kids aged eight to 17 have been treated in a hurtful or nasty way online.
This is unacceptable.
It took the Albanese Labor Government until last November to introduce a bill to ban under 16’s from being on social media.
Because it took so long, we are waiting until this December for the promised implementation of the ban.
Labor has a track record of delaying the role out of important projects.

The Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, announced the Coalition’s position on protecting Australian kids online back in June last year. He led the debate on social media bans
Australians would be right to question whether the implementation will go ahead by December, or whether this will be another Albanese Labor Government broken promise.
MELISSA MCINTOSH Federal Member for Lindsay

WSI CEO Simon Hickey (left) and dnata Chief Commercial Officer Mark Stubbings (right).
Photo: Melinda Jane.


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Don’t be cruel, get yourself some tickets to the Elvis Festival
Dust off your blue suede shoes and get ready to howl like a hound dog for the Panthers Elvis Festival from February 28 to March 2.
The three-day festival will include a classic car show, a pin-up pageant, multiple tribute shows featuring Australian and international artists, and most notably, the 2025 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist (ETA) Contest.
Festival promoter Colin Greene said this will be the festival’s third year at Panthers Leagues Club.
“It’s the first year that we’ve been licensed and endorsed by Elvis Presley Enterprises in Memphis in Graceland,” Greene said.
This year, the Panthers Elvis Festival will host one of three Australian Preliminary Rounds for the ETA contest, and the winner will travel to Memphis for Elvis Week 2025 to compete in the Semi-Final Round.
“It’s been accepted that whoever wins that competition is the world’s best Elvis,” Greene explained.
It will be hard to select a winner to compete overseas with the
immense talent scheduled to perform at Panthers – you could say audiences can’t help falling in love with them.
“They spend thousands and
thousands of dollars on costumes and they’re absolutely authentic,” Greene said.
“They’ve got the wigs, the hair,

the makeup, and people like the spectacle, whether you’re an Elvis person or not.”
It’s time for a little less conversation and a little more action. Visit the Panthers Leagues Club website to book a ticket to a show or find out more about the free entertainment at www.pantherselvisfestival.com. au.

Mayor’s News
The weekly views of Penrith’s Mayor
Working together for our shared future
It’s no secret the future of Penrith is bright.
We have a wonderful community and cover a vast area, offering family fun, adventure, exciting eateries, thriving day and night-time economies and direct access to the stunning Nepean River. It’s the ideal base for people of all ages to build a life, with housing options, study facilities and a growing number of jobs near home.
We are one of western Sydney’s most liveable cities with unprecedented change underway. St Marys is about to be connected to the rest of the world via the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport rail line, and the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport will open just 15 kilometres from Penrith in 2026. You – our community – are central to how this region grows. We value your participation in Penrith City Council’s regular engagement initiatives, to ensure we continue to meet your expectations and evolving needs.
In our latest community survey, nearly 80 per cent of respondents highlighted the importance of Council advocating on your behalf. Through our advocacy work, we have delivered tangible results, such as the Gipps Street Recreation Precinct

– a hive of activity every day of the week – and a renewed Regatta Park, drawing residents and tourists alike.
I am pleased to share that Council has just determined its 2025 advocacy priorities – we are calling for federal and state investment and policy change to support sustainable growth and achieve the best outcomes for our City.
The focus areas are housing, roads and transport connections, flooding, liveability, and place-based initiatives in St Marys and Orchard Hills, with each comprising several key projects.
Council strives to embrace opportunities enabling us to futureproof this City, but we can’t do it alone. We need the Federal and State Government to help realise our shared vision for a sustainable, thriving region and support us in the provision of timely infrastructure and policy, both crucial enablers of Penrith’s future growth. Castlereagh Connection, an earmarked flood evacuation route; full length northsouth rail; a Western Sydney Rapid Bus service; community infrastructure to support housing growth; and greater public access to valued sites are among the list of priorities. Read the full list at penrith.city/ advocacypriorities.
CR TODD CARNEY Mayor of Penrith
Tours run for 1 hour at 10.00am or 11:30am It’s free! 240 Quakers Road, Quakers Hill NSW 2763 Spaces are limitedBookings are essential
Did you know that 85% of our drinking water supply relies on the rain?
At Sydney Wate r, we are exploring ways to be less reliant on rain.

HOW TO BOOK Register your interest by emailing PRWDiscoveryCentre@ sydneywater.com.au Can’t make a Saturday? We also run free tours during the week, email us to find out more!

We have built NSW’s first Purified Recycled Water (PRW) Discovery Centre at Quakers Hill –and you’re invited to visit!
On Saturday March 1, the Sydney Water Education Team will be guiding visitors through the PRW Discovery Centre.
The tours are open to all ages.
This FREE learning experience provides an opportunity to explore water management over time and see how purified recycled water treatment technology works by touring our working demonstration plant.

Elvis tribute artists from all over Australia will visit Panthers in the coming weeks.

Penrith’s Perle set to become jewel in local property crown

James Place, the boutique developer of Perle – a new ultra-luxe $200 million residential and lifestyle development being built at Eastside Quarter (ESQ) in Penrith – has fast-tracked the second release of apartments for sale, following the unprecedented success of the first release in September last year.

Ahead of launch, James Place held an off-market tower release of 20 spacious sky homes within the development called ‘The Residences’ marking a record sale for the western Sydney area, the largest penthouse was purchased by a local businessman for $5.5 million.

To date, Perle has attracted over $100 million in sales. The apartments sold in the first release have been predominantly to local buyers including first-time home buyers and downsizers. Highlighting the community spirit and appeal of the ESQ neighbourhood, buyers have included friends and family members of existing residents, as well as repeat buyers.
The new second release offers a mix of one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments ranging from $610,000 to $2.6 million plus, with many offering panoramic views of the Blue Mountains.
Residents of Perle will have access to its Palm Springs-inspired rooftop infinity pool and deck, a state-of-the-art Wellness Centre with a gym and sauna, private gardens, a concierge service, and a private dining room and lounge.
Furthermore, the latest release includes ‘The Collection’: a curated selection of sophisticated Terrace Homes and rooftop Penthouses, crafted to reflect the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. The Collection Penthouses include a limited number of four bedroom apartments, not commonly sold in the area.
“Perle is setting a new benchmark for luxury living in Penrith, and it’s exciting to see a thriving community taking shape,” said Andrew James, Founder and Managing Director of James Place Group.
“Eastside Quarter is redefining urban living in western Sydney and Perle – one of the final stages on the lakefront – exemplifies James Place’ commitment to design-led innovation, people-positive spaces, and quality craftsmanship. With world-class architecture, thoughtfully curated amenities, and a dedicated onsite team, we are delivering an unparalleled lifestyle experience that resonates with local buyers.
“The second release expands on this vision, offering a diverse range of residences designed for long-term liveability, where homeowners can enjoy premium quality, connection, and convenience in one of Sydney’s most exciting new precincts.”
Marking another milestone in the project, preliminary early works have commenced on site, with further updates to be announced soon.
Showcasing the new properties for sale, the Perle showroom at Retreat Drive, Penrith is open now on Monday and Tuesday and Thursday to Saturday, from 10am to 2pm.

Perle is delivering stunning apartments in Penrith.
A Wellness Centre will be part of the Perle development.

Get a free health check
Penrith locals are being encouraged to get a free health check-up this weekend as the Rotary’s Men’s Health Education Rural Van (MHERV) is coming to town.
This Friday and Saturday at the Penrith Homemaker Centre in Jamisontown near Bunnings, the MHERV van will be offering free health check-ups and advice thanks to the Rotary Clubs of Nepean, Penrith, Penrith Valley and Lower Blue Mountains.
The MHERV has a registered nurse who offers services in a relaxed, confidential and informal setting and has been visiting regional and rural parts of NSW since 2017.
“The Men’s Health Education Rural Van is a regional project made possible by fundraising, generous sponsorship and time freely given by hundreds of Rotary volunteers,” International Director for the Rotary Club of Nepean, Frank Portelli said.
“A custom-built motorhome with a dedicated registered nurse travels the state of New South Wales offering free health screening to regional

and rural areas, who are notorious for being completely in the dark about the state of their health.”
The MHERV is mainly designed for men, but they will not turn anyone away who is after medical care or advice.
“For most, there is no culture to see their doctor for a regular check-up. Indeed, it could be said that many men are afraid to do so in case they

are told something they wouldn’t like to hear,” Portelli said.
“Consequently, conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar, which have little to no symptoms, can build up and lead to sudden unexpected death or long-term incapacity.
“Tests may show no reason for concern, or at the other end of the scale it may be recommended that
immediate medical attention be sought for treatment that would bring the condition under control… probably saving a life!”
Each year 41,000 Australian men die of a preventable disease. Since the inception of the MHERV in 2017 20,500 people have been tested by the MHERV, and of those 8,100 were found to be in need of treatment and 615 were in immediate danger of a
stroke or a heart attack.
The MHERV is operated by the Rotary Club of Warners Bay in collaboration with local NSW Rotary clubs and other local community organisations and works to make sure everyone can access medical care.
Head down this weekend and get a free health check, it could save your life!

The Men’s Health Educational Rural Van is coming to Penrith this weekend.
This photograph was taken standing at the corner of the Aussie Arms Hotel in High Street, Penrith in 1948.
The Melrose Fish Shop can be seen on the opposite corner, and the Bank of New South Wales is in the distance.
Old cars, and a bicycle rider, can be seen getting around the city.
The Aussie Arms still stands today, and despite the time that has passed, the view from this exact spot would not look all that different.
(Photo thanks to State Library NSW)

Δ El Jannah drops old fave: Jannah has returned the popular EJ Bites (pictured) to its menu. The crispy, golden chicken bites are back for $6.50, at all El Jannah stores including Penrith. And that’s not all – El Jannah is also introducing new loaded hommous. Think rich, creamy hommous topped with bold, flavour-packed ingredients, served with plenty of Lebanese bread for the ultimate dipping experience.
Δ Drinks flowing at Penrith RSL: Penrith RSL has announced a special happy hour from 7pm on Saturday nights. Get the night started with $12 cocktails including Purple Rain, Summer Bliss and Long Island Sunset.

at 118 Stafford Street, Penrith. It features juicy burgers, fish and chips and BBQ chicken, along with other takeaway favourites. Tastify replaces The Chicken Run.
Δ New bakery: KB Bakery has opened at 10 Parklawn Place, North St Marys. It serves a range of meat pies and sausage rolls, as well as Vietnamese rolls.
Δ New burger joint: Tastify, which is known for its burgers in the Hawkesbury, has expanded to
Δ Harley-Heaven arrives: Harley-Heaven Penrith opens this weekend. Located a 1/141-145

(pictured right) will hold an opening night from 3pm until 9pm on Friday, February 14 with food trucks, giveaways, live music and more. Then on Saturday, February 15, there will be a family day from 10am until 2pm with face painting, breakfast treats, discounts and more.
Δ Pizza deal: Ooshman Penrith is offering $5 pizzas at the moment. If you buy one pizza, you get the second for just $5 by using the code FEELTHEOOSH at checkout.

Δ Got some Source? We want to hear about new menus, store openings, new products and more! Email your contributions to The Source at news@westernweekender. com.au or contact us on Facebook or Instagram.

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Situated on a magnificent 1.377 hectares of manicure lawns and gardens, is this stunning family home that is filled with char acter, charm and sophistication. The at tention to detail with design and renovation is truly stunning highlighting the homes period features whilst bringing it into the modern age. Main features include:
- Five bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, tr aver tine flooring (bathrooms), heated flooring, ra ked cathedral and curved fluted ceilings featured throughout & flexible floorplan
- Magnificent br and new French provincial kitchen with commercial gr ade cooking - R everse cycle ducted air conditioning, plantation shutters, wood fire place
- Undercover enter tainment are as, private surrounds, automatic watering systems - Detached gar age workshop with
flooring & circular driveway

A safe, supportive environment Nepean High says congratulations
St Paul’s Grammar School, located on a 70-acre campus in Cranebrook, offers an education that fosters critical and independent thinking within a safe and supportive Christian environment.
By incorporating the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum alongside the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, students are equipped with essential skills for the 21st century, supported by comprehensive teaching and learning initiatives.
The school’s thoughtful and engaged approach to lifelong learning is a hallmark of its educational philosophy, distinctive to the IB programme.
The St Paul’s school community – comprising staff, students, parents, and caregivers – is strong, supportive, and vibrant. It provides numerous opportunities to engage with a dynamic school calendar and a thriving co-curricular programme.
At St Paul’s, the foundation for students’ ongoing

achievement is laid by focusing on nurturing and educating the whole child. Through both curricular and co-curricular activities, students grow academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Empowered to engage in the full life of the school from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12, they are inspired to flourish at every stage of their educational journey.
There are many ways to determine if St Paul’s is the right fit for your child. You can book a campus tour, engage with community events, or attend information evenings.
An information evening for students entering Year 7 in 2026 will be held on Tuesday, March 4 at 7pm. Visit the St Paul’s Grammar School website to learn more at www.stpauls.nsw.edu.au.
The staff, students and community of Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School would like to congratulate their Year 12 2024 students on the successful completion of their HSC journey.
“Our Year 12 of 2024 were a diverse group of talented and enthusiastic young people who showed commitment and dedication to their studies, and we greatly value the contribution they made to the life of our
success and their consistent application over the last two years and wish them all the best for their university studies.
“We also acknowledge the success of our students who followed Vocational Education Pathways (VET), obtaining dual qualifications both as a Certificate of Attainment (II or III) and the HSC. Your performance has done you proud and placed you in an excellent position to move into your preferred vocation.

school community,” a representative of the school said.
“Many of our students travelled significant distances to attend Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School and we would like to acknowledge their efforts, contributions and achievements.
“A significant number of our students received offers of early entry to university based upon their academic performance and application in Year 11. We applaud their
“We are especially proud of the achievement of our Dux, Ms Eva Wilmshurst, who attained an ATAR of 96.5 and achieved one x Band 6, three x Band 5 and three x E4 results.
“Whether it is our Dux or the student who is the first in their family to complete the HSC, we regard all our students to be high achievers.
“Congratulations to all of our Year 12 2024 students, and best wishes for the future.”

St Paul’s Grammar School 2024 High Achievers

In 2025,Iplanon studying the Bachelor of Paramedicine with Western Sydney Universitywhilst continuingwith my casual jobasan AIN at Nepean Hospital.Iwouldalsolove to join alocal community theatre groupasI really enjoy performing and would liketo continuetodoso.
To theclass of 2025, my biggesttip is that consistency is key, whichI know is everyone's tip but it's true. I personally found it difficult to remain consistent between trials and HSC exams, but being pushed by my teachers and parentsto continue my study, revision, and practiceiswhat allowedmeto perform well and achieve the ATAR Iwanted.

Families interested in a place for 2026 are apply by the end of April

Dyaan Birring Jerome Cruzado Samantha Esdaile
Elissa Ferguson Toby Gange
Ava Kobus
Emma Grant Louise Hammond Jovanna Hanna Kaleb Irawan
Erin O’Shannessy Top Achiever and All Rounder
Anne Oliver Isabella Robson Top Achiever and AllRounder
Isabella Stewart All Rounder
Mysa Tariq Ava Toland Elena Tomaras Leah Tomarchio
Erin O’Shannessy
PAC thrilled with 2024 HSC results
Penrith Anglican College has extended its congratulations to the Class of 2024.
“The HSC results and ATARs achieved by our students continue the College’s reputation for strong academic performance. In 2024 we had 66 students completing the HSC. 18 (27 per cent) students achieved a Band 6 or E4 result in at least one subject with a total of 40 Band 6/E4 results. 53 students (80 per cent) achieved at least one result at Band 5/E3 or above. We particularly congratulate our 2024 Dux, Isabella Stewart with an ATAR of 97.4,” said Principal, Felicity Grima.
“Congratulations to Erin O’Shannessy for achieving 2nd place in the State for her EVET Human Resources course and to Isabella Robson for achieving 5th place in the State for Chinese Beginners.
And congratulations to Isabella Stewart, Isabella Robson and Erin O’Shannessy who are All Rounders, scoring the highest band in at least 10 units.”
The school congratulates students who received an ATAR above 90:
– Isabella Stewart 97.40.
– Erin O’Shannessy 97.00
– Toby Gange 97.00
– Isabella Robson 96.30
– Leah Tomarchio 96.25

– Ava Kobus 94.75
– Timothy Batcheldor 93.50
– Mysa Tariq 92.70
– Elissa Ferguson 92.05
– Ava Toland 90.90
The College is ranked 174th based on the percentage of Band and E4 results (11.1 per cent), which made it the highest placing non-selective co-educational school in the Penrith LGA.
Grima said: “We acknowledge the academic achievements of students at our College, but we believe that education is not limited to academics alone. An education at Penrith Anglican College is also about nurturing and shaping the hearts and minds of our students so they can follow Christ and serve others.
“Our values of compassion, integrity, humility, courage, and
perseverance form the building blocks of our college community and culture as we support our students to build strong character, meaningful relationships and look beyond themselves.
“We would like to thank the teachers and staff of the College whose hard work and encouragement have empowered our students to achieve their best. We would also
like to acknowledge the parents and families of our students who have encouraged and supported their children and the College throughout their learning journey.”
The school’s message to the class is: Year 12, Class of 2024, we are immensely proud of you and all you have achieved. We wish you every success and happiness for the future.


One of the hardest things to overcome when it comes to social media, is being able to talk on camera and be comfortable in doing so. Most wouldn’t feel comfortable at first (this is normal), but it can be crucial to growing your brand. Using yourself on camera in social media videos offers several key benefits, both for personal branding and engagement. Here are some of the primary advantages:
1. Authenticity and relatability: When viewers see you on camera, it humanises your content. They can connect with you on a personal level, which builds trust and a stronger connection. People are more likely to engage with someone they feel they know and relate to. This is one of the great advantages to social media marketing, you can get to know someone before actually meeting them!
2. Builds personal brand:
Being on camera allows you to showcase your personality, values and expertise. This helps you establish a unique identity and strengthens your personal brand, making you memorable to your audience.
3. Engagement and interaction: Videos with faces tend to attract more attention and engagement than those without. Viewers are more likely to comment, share and interact with content that includes a personal touch. This allows you to interact with your audience and find out what they want to see. Remember, platforms like Instagram and TikTok prioritise videos with higher engagement, which gives you a better chance of growing online.
4. Improved communication: It’s easier to communicate your personality and intent when your audience

can see you speaking, compared to just reading text or looking at static images. Let them get to know you and your story behind the business.
5. Increased trust and credibility: People tend to trust those they can see and hear. When you put yourself on camera, it can boost your credibility and make people more likely to follow, share or purchase.
6. Emotional connection: Videos that feature you can evoke emotions through tone, facial expressions and personal storytelling. This emotional connection can be powerful.

How AI can change your business
Running a business today is no walk in the park. Between managing customers, training staff and keeping operations ticking along, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. That’s where Aiden Solutions comes in.
Based in western Sydney, Aiden has built a platform designed to simplify your workday, using AI-powered chatbots tailored to suit your unique needs.
Aiden isn’t about flashy tech for the sake of it. It’s a practical tool that turns your product and service documentation into a conversational knowledge base.
Whether it’s answering customer questions in seconds or giving your team quick access to important info, Aiden helps you get the job done without the hassle.
Here’s what Aiden brings to the table:
1. Chatbots built for your business. Aiden don’t do cookie-cutter solutions. Aiden learns your products and services inside out to deliver accurate, relevant answers.
2. Seamless integration. Whether it’s your website, app or internal systems, Aiden fits right in with-

out the headaches.
3. Team support made simple. Upload all your documents in bulk and let Aiden handle the heavy lifting. Need to share images for troubleshooting? Aiden’s got you covered.
4. Focused on local needs. As a western Sydney company, Aiden understand the challenges faced by businesses in the area. That’s why they offer preferential pricing and hands-on support to help you thrive.
From retail and hospitality to automotive and beyond, Aiden is already helping organisations save time, cut costs and focus on growth. It’s about making life easier for you, your team and your customers.
“Our goal is simple – give businesses tools that work,” said Ben Crowther, founder of Aiden Solutions.
“We want to take the guesswork out of AI and make it something that genuinely helps you get ahead.”
If you’re ready to streamline your operations and keep your customers happy, get in touch!
Visit www.aiden.solutions to learn more and to book a free demo.
Let’s see how Aiden can help your business!

Western Weekender

We specialise in recovering unpaid super, that is where you have worked as a sole trader anywhere in Australia since 1992 and earnt at least $450 per month and have not had super paid.
It makes no difference if you were a contractor and not an employee, you are still entitled to super We work “on results only”.
If you would like to discuss this with no obligation, please call Ian James on 0414 973 874 or email ian.james@kaizenenterprises.com.au

Rubbish Removers

Captain America – known for his bravery, loyalty, and chivalry – is the catalyst for a parody show coming to Riverside Theatres soon; however, it wasn’t any of those noble attributes that inspired the performance.
‘MARVELous: The Show’ is a raunchy production parodying the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it all stemmed from one very important superhero feature.
“It started with Captain America’s ass, hence why we leaned into the risqué nature of the show,” said the show’s producer, director and occasional narrator Samwise Holmes.
“The first scene that got created was a parody of a song they sing in the first ‘Captain America’ movie called the ‘Star-Spangled Man with a Plan’.
“I created a parody version called the ‘Man
with America’s Ass’, which is based on an injoke from the last ‘Avengers’ film.”
The parody song involved a number of analogies describing the greatness of the Captain’s blue buns and spurred on subsequent ideas over the next five years, accumulating into a show involving acrobats, vocalists, dancers, and high-flying aerialists.
“All the parody and all the comedy is done with love for the franchise and for the characters,” Holmes explained.
“It’s a fun show that is created for fans of Marvel to enjoy, but we also incorporate a lot of other pop culture parody within it from things like ‘Dirty Dancing’, ‘The Greatest Showman’, ‘Magic Mike’, ‘Flashdance’, and so many different things.”
Thor, Black Widow, Deadpool, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and more will also be seen like never before during the satirical show, brought to life by incredible performers found during an extensive audition process.
“A single role might need comedy skills but also aerial straps, singing, adagio skills, and dance all combined,” Holmes stated.
“Every role has their own specialties too.
We’ve got our lead vocalist, our aerial performers, our hip-hop dancers, we do some magic in the show, we’ve got such a wide range of different skills.”
All the skills are accentuated by the costuming.
“We’ve got an amazing wardrobe team that have put together incredible costumes,” Holmes praised.
“We had Maxine Muller, our costume designer and coordinator, who sourced everything, and Laura Cagnacci, who did an amazing job putting all of that together.”
Despite the hilarity of the production, Holmes said the focus was on creating a great show first and a Marvel parody second.
Award-winning designer Dan Porta created the stage design, James Wallis did the lighting,
and Emma Wong choreographed the show.
“It’s been an exciting ride just seeing where we could take it and how far we can push the boundaries of what people would expect,” Holmes stated.
“We are so proud of the show we’ve put together and can’t wait to share it once again with Sydney.”
Whether you’re interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or not, the show is bound to leave an impression.
“The number one thing we hear from audiences is that they couldn’t stop laughing or smiling and they had a great night out, and that’s such a warm feeling to know that we are creating that for people.”
Experience the rock-infused soundtrack and satirical stories at Riverside Theatres from March 14 to 22. Tickets range from $79 to $119 and can be purchased at Riverside’s online Box Office at https://riversideparramatta.com.au/whats-on/marvelous.



The Butterfly Effect comes to Panthers
On the 21st anniversary of their debut album, The Butterfly Effect will be at Penrith’s EVAN Theatre to rock your socks off. The Aussie rock band will play their album, ‘Begins Here’, from beginning to end on Saturday, February 15 at 8pm. The event is 18+ only, and tickets cost $75. You can purchase them online at penrith.panthers.com.au/event/the-butterfly-effect.
Op Shop at Kingswood
Thursdays and Fridays, 9am to 3.30pm. Kingswood Anglican Church, corner of Bringelly Road and Second Avenue, Kingswood. Morning tea every Friday morning.
Penrith Valley Chamber of Commerce
For more information about membership and upcoming events, visit www.penrithchamber.org.au.
Penrith CBD Corporation
Regular meetings and networking for Penrith CBD businesses. Visit www. penrithcbdcorp.com.au.
Free weekly Tai Chi & Qiqong
Saturdays 4.30pm, WSU Kingswood Campus. Outside the Food Hub. Guan 0422 120 738.
Jordan Springs Probus Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month at 10am, Jordan Springs Hub. 0414 766 763.
Nepean Riverlands Probus Club
Meets on the second Wednesday of the month at Nepean Rowing Club

Valentine’s Day at Chechos
For $99 per person, head to Mexican favourite Checho’s in Penrith for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner. The menu features mouth-watering dishes like Wagyu beef carpaccio and Sydney rock oysters, live music will set the mood, and a Spicy Amor shot will kick things off upon entry. Book online at chechos. com.au/valentine.
from 10am. New members are always welcome.
Kingswood-Caddens Probus Club
Meets on the last Monday of the month at Kingswood Sports Club at 10.30am.
Probus Club of Nepean
First Wednesday of the month at Emu Sports Club, Leonay from 10.30am. Visitors and new members welcome. Contact Faye on 0417 267 866 for more information.
South Creek Probus Club
Meets on the third Wednesday of the month at St Marys D&B Club. Email southcreekprobusclub@gmail.com.
Penrith Lions Club
Second and fourth Monday of the month. Penrith Bowling Club. 4736 1546 for more information.
Penrith Hospital Auxiliary
Craft stall at Nepean Hospital on the first Tuesday of each month from 9am2pm. Volunteers needed. Call Trish on 0421 414 012.
Red Cross Penrith
Meetings held the second Thursday of the month for lunch. Members and

High Tea for Two at Tori’s
For a classy Valentine’s Day weekend, delight in pastries and divine desserts with an exclusive High Tea for Two at Tori Café and Bar. Seating times are 2pm to 4pm from February 14 to 16. It’s $65 per person and for $10 extra you can get bottomless Prosecco! Check out the menu at toribarandcafe.com.au/ valentines-day-high-tea-for-two.
volunteers knit teddies for trauma victims. Call 0438 244 414.
Penrith NASHOS
Monthly meeting on the third Sunday of the month at Penrith RSL. Call 0448 983 399 for details.
Nepean Evening VIEW Club
Meets the third Monday of the month at Panthers from 7pm, with dinner and interesting speakers. Call 0411 306 150.
Nepean Food Services
Delivered meals available to purchase for those over 65 or with a disability. Call 4733 7200 for details or visit www.nepeanfoodservices.org.au.
Free food shop
9am-11am every Tuesday at 51 Henry Street, Penrith.
Penrith Museum of Printing Sundays from 10am. Penrith Paceway. 0415 625 573 for more information.
Nepean Naval Museum
Open Sundays 11am-3pm. 40-42 Bruce Neale Drive. 0411 138 700 for more details.
Arms of Australia Inn Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-1pm, 4735 4394. 127 Gardenia Avenue, Emu Plains.
Penrith Stroke Recovery Group Third Thursday of the month at 10am, Panthers. 1300 650 594.
Penrith Carer Support Group
First Thursday of the month. Headspace. 8880 8160.
Penrith Men’s Walk and Talk Thursdays from 5.30pm. Meet at Coffee Club Nepean River.
Penrith Women’s Health Centre Domestic violence support services. 4721 2499.
Penrith Autism Community Network Carers support group. Meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm at Maze Cafe, Penrith RSL. Phillip on 0420 209 015 for more details.
Prostate Cancer Support Group Meets third Monday of the month at Emu Sports Club from 6.30pm. Call 1300 13 38 78 for more information.


with Wayne Tunks

B. And of course, a CD or tape would finish when we were unable to change to a new one and you were left frustratingly thinking about music you were playing next.

I miss physical media. I realise how impractical it is, but I still miss it. Spotify and streaming platforms are easy, I can listen to so much – though it always seems to miss some ‘80s and ‘90s classics I adore. Before that I had a massive iTunes account, though it was expensive to get everything I wanted. They are both great, but I miss collecting physical media. Though, I have started collecting vinyl again. I just enjoy having the music physically in my hands. Even if it wasn’t perfect.

It’s funny how we are told to not touch our phones while driving (and rightly so), but once upon a time we were fumbling with large CD cases filled with discs as we travelled down the M4, desperately trying to find the perfect mixed CD. Or before that, we were ejecting tapes to turn from side A to
And physical media was never perfect. Just how many cassettes were eaten by boom boxes? I remember one Christmas morning in 1987 receiving a compilation album I was desperate for. I was midway through my first play and it got eaten. I was not happy. Some tears may have been shed that day.
There was also the time I had borrowed a friend’s Rav4 (remember when they were the car to own?) and I had put a few CDs in her stacker. While driving there was a terrible noise, the music stopped and nothing would eject. I panicked, had I broken my friend’s car? Took it to the mechanic. They quickly
fixed the stacker, though my CDs were damaged beyond repair. Sigh. There are so many stories of vinyl and CD scratches and chewed tapes but still, I miss physical media. I miss heading to a music store and browsing the aisles for new releases. I miss Brashes at Westpoint. I own so many CDs and I just can’t get rid of them. CD singles take up so much room, but I took them with me when I moved to Melbourne and brought them back when I came home. And most of the vinyl I get is just to add to my collection and will never be played, but I love owning it. Marie Kondo became famous for telling people to throw things out if they don’t spark joy. Well, when I look at all my vinyl, all my collectable Madonna albums, they spark immense joy. So I’ll keep them. I miss physical media.

At the movies...
A family of four move into a suburban house inhabited by a ‘Presence’, and the film is portrayed from the poltergeist’s point of view.
The Presence watches the dysfunctional dynamic between the Payne family members, including the mother Rebecca (Lucy Liu), the father Chris (Chris Sullivan), the brother Tyler (Eddy Maday), and the sister Chloe (Callina Liang).
After making itself known to Chloe numerous times, the Presence finally reveals its existence to the family when it trashes Tyler’s room.
A medium warns the family that she believes the Presence is there to prevent a future event.
‘Presence’ is in cinemas now.

The fourth rom com in the ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ universe will follow a now50-year-old Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) as she heads back into the world of dating.
It all began with the first film in 2001 when Jones was a self-professed spinster confiding her secrets in her diary with hilarious narration. Now, after the death of her husband Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), she’s entering a new decade and a new diary.
Audiences will watch the blonde bombshell navigate life as a widow and a single mum with the help of family, friends, and unex-
pectedly, her sleazy former lover, Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant).
To throw a spanner in the works, it looks like Bridget is entering another love tri-


angle with
man (Leo Woodall) and her son’s science teacher (Chiwetel Ejiofor).
‘Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy’ is in cinemas now.


Denvah returns with new single Following a breakout year that saw her claim her first #1 single, Denvah (pictured above) is back with her most emotional release yet, ‘Valentine’s Day’.
The rising star of Australian country music once again showcases her signature storytelling, this time diving deep into the raw emotions of loss and heartbreak.
With a voice that feels like home and an undeniable down-to-earth charm, Denvah has quickly become one of country music’s most exciting new talents.
After winning the Groundwater Kix-Start and Gympie Muster Talent Competitions, as well as making waves as a Top 3 finalist on ‘Australian Idol’, she has captivated audiences nationwide.
With ‘Valentine’s Day’, Denvah delivers an aching ballad that explores the heartbreak of losing someone who once promised to stay. The song mourns both what’s been lost and what could have been, making for a gut-wrenching anthem that will hit home for anyone who’s experienced love and loss.
It’s out now on all the usual streaming services.
Jess starts new chapter Jess Moskaluke (pictured below) kicks off the new year with a bang, unveiling the brand new single ‘Life For Me’, out now on all the usual streaming services.
Known for her genre-defying creativity and chart-topping hits, Moskaluke continues to shine as one of country music’s most celebrated voices, while the vibrant and uplifting track offers fans a first glimpse into the fresh, authentic sound she’s been exploring and adapting over the past year.
“‘Life For Me’ feels like a fun and fresh new chapter,” Moskaluke said.
“Making music that feels good to me has always been what the fans seem to enjoy and connect with the most, so I hope that authenticity shines through in this song, and everyone sees a little bit of themselves in it – in one way or another.”

Nathan Taylor
Ê ‘The Voice’ has announced its updated coaching panel for this year’s series. Following the departure of Guy Sebastian, Adam Lambert and LeAnn Rimes, international artists Melanie C, Richard Marx and Ronan Keating will join returning coach Kate Miller-Heidke with Sonia Kruger returning as host. Production begins in Sydney this month, with the new season set to air later this year. For audience tickets, visit www. thevoice.com.au.
Ê ‘Selling Houses Australia’ returns for its 17th season next month with real estate guru Andrew Winter, interior design expert Wendy Moore and landscape designer Dennis Scott back on deck. The trio will once again aid Aussie homeowners to sell the unsellable. They offer expert advice and renovations that could transform homeowner’s lives, sharing real estate insights, design tips and tricks and budget-friendly ideas that anyone can apply in their own homes. The new season will air on Foxtel and for the first time on Binge on Wednesday, March 5 at 8.30pm.

Ê One of Australia’s favourite shows ‘Better Homes and Gardens’ returns for its 32nd season tomorrow night, February 14 on Channel Seven. The 2025 cast includes: host Johanna Griggs, Adam Dovile (DIY), Charlie Albone (landscaping), Colin Fassnidge (chef), Clarissa Feildel (cook), Dr Harry Cooper (vet), Graham Ross (gardening), Juliet Love (decorating and design), Melissa King (gardening) and Pete Colquhoun (architect). ‘Better Homes and Gardens’ airs weekly on Fridays at 7pm.
Ê Highly anticipated US drama series ‘Suits LA’ will be fast-tracked to 7plus on Monday, February 24. ‘Suits LA’ follows Ted Black, a former federal prosecutor from New York who has reinvented himself as a powerhouse attorney for Los Angeles’ most elite clients. However, with his firm at a breaking point, Ted is forced to embrace a role he once despised in order to survive. No word yet on
whether the polarising Meghan Markle will reprise her role as Rachel Zane, but don’t rule it out.
Ê It was sad to hear the news last week that legendary Channel Nine journalist Liz Hayes was leaving the network after a whopping 44 years. The 68-year-old said she’s leaving to pursue “new opportunities” outside of Nine. Hayes joined Nine in 1981 as a reporter before going on to score roles on ‘Today,’ ‘60 Minutes’ and of course ‘Under Investigation with Liz Hayes’. Nine said Hayes will “remain part of the Nine family” and will still be seen on screens for special stories and events.
Ê There’s whispers ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ is making a comeback, with fan favourite Sarah Michelle Gellar on board. It’s understood the next chapter of ‘Buffy’ is close to a pilot order on US streaming service Hayu, which is Disney+ in Australia.

TV Guide: February 14 – 20

NINE News Morning 12:00 Movie: “Love At

3:30 Ready, Steady, Wiggle! 4:05 Tish Tash

Like” (PG) (’23) Stars: Gina Vitori 2:00 Pointless (PG) 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) 4:00 NINE News Afternoon 4:30 Tipping Point Australia (PG) 5:30 WIN News 6:00 NINE News 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) 7:30 David Attenborough’s Mammals (PG) 8:40 Movie: “Valentine’s Day” (M s) (’10) Stars: Julia Roberts 11:10 Movie: “The Sun Is Also A Star” (M l) (’19) Stars: Yara Shahidi 9:00 Lingo (PG) 10:00 Judge Judy (PG) 10:30 I’m A

Counting Cars (PG) 4:30 Storage Wars (PG) 5:00 American Restoration (PG) 5:30 American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Surveillance Oz (PG) 10:30 House Rules (PG) 12:00 Buffy The Vampire Slayer (M s,v) 3:00 Ed And Karen’s Recipes For Success 4:00 Bondi Vet (PG) 5:00 Britain’s Got Talent (PG) 7:00 Movie: “Hotel Transylvania” (PG) (’12) Stars: Adam Sandler 4:05 The Mysterious Cities Of Gold (PG) 4:35 Motown Magic 5:00 Our Stories 5:30 NITV News: Nula 6:00 Bamay 6:40 Arctic Secrets (PG) 7:30 Movie: “The Silver Brumby” (PG) (’93) Stars: Caroline Goodall

Saturday 15
7:30 Beyond Paradise (M) 8:30 Vera (M v) 10:00 The Newsreader (M l) 6:00 NBC

2:00 Better Homes And Gardens 3:00 The Yorkshire Vet (PG) 4:00 Escape To The Country

5:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick/ Flemington *Live* 6:00 Dog Patrol (PG) 6:30 Bondi Vet (PG) 7:30 The Yorkshire Vet (PG)

3:00 Play School 3:30 PJ Masks 4:05 Grace’s Amazing Machines 4:35 Little J And Big Cuz 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:55 The Adventures Of Paddington 6:25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond 7:05 Riley Rocket 7:30 Kids BBQ Championship

6:00 Home Shopping 8:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 8:30 Jake And The Fatman 9:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 11:30 JAG (PG) 1:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 1:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 2:00 Becker (PG) 2:30 Frasier (PG) 3:30

7:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Morning Show - Weekend 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick/ Flemington *Live* *Live* 5:00 Seven News At 5 5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 7:30 Movie: “The Bourne Supremacy” (M l,v) (’04) Stars: Brian Cox 9:45 Movie: “Taken 2” (M) (’12) Stars: Liam Neeson 11:45 Border Patrol (PG) 6:30 A Current Affair (PG) 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 Today Extra - Saturday 12:00 Destination WA 12:30 My Way 1:00 Let’s Eat With George 1:30 Your Next Cruise 2:00 Innovation Nation 2:15 Movie: “Overboard” (PG) (’87) Stars: Goldie Hawn 4:30 Explore TV 5:00 NINE News: First At Five 5:30 Getaway (PG) 6:00 NINE News Saturday 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) 7:30 NRL: Indigenous v Maori All Stars *Live* 10:00 NRL: Post-Match

12:00 Golf: LIV Golf League: Day 2 *Live* 5:00 Golf: Post-Show 6:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:00 Storage Wars (PG) 7:30 Aussie Salvage Squad (PG) 8:30 Heavy Tow Truckers Down Under (PG) 9:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 12:00 Dream Home (PG) 1:45 Holey Moley Australia (PG) 3:15 Britain’s Got Talent (PG) 5:00 Movie: “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse” (PG) (’18) Stars: Shameik Moore 7:30 Movie: “Back To The Future” (PG) (’85) Stars: Michael J Fox

6:30 Australian Story 7:00 ABC National News 3:15 Doctor Who (PG) 4:05 A Bite To Eat With Alice 4:30 MythBusters (PG) 5:20 Love Your Garden (PG) 6:10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) 7:30 QI (PG) 8:00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG)
6:00 ABC Evening

6:00 rage (PG) 7:00 Weekend Breakfast 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Offsiders 10:30 The World This Week 11:00 Compass (PG) 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 ABC News 12:30 Landline 1:30 Gardening Australia 2:30 Monty Don’s Spanish Gardens 3:30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure (M) 4:15 Extraordinary Escapes (PG) 5:05 Maggie Beer’s Big Mission 6:00

4:30 Strait To The Plate (PG) 5:00 Spirit Talker (M) 5:30 The Last Land - Gespe’gewa’gi (PG) 6:00 Kutcha’s Carpool Koorioke (PG) 6:30 The Other Side (PG) 7:30 Alone Australia (M l) 8:30 Movie: “The Shining” (MA15+) (’80) Stars: Jack Nicholson

Silvia’s Italian Masterclass 6:00 Palisa Anderson’s Water
6:30 Jimmy’s Taste
Florida 7:30 Billy And Dom Eat The World 8:30 Rick Stein: From Venice To Istanbul 9:40 Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

4:30 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League Men: Round 19: Melbourne City v Perth Glory *Live* 7:00 Football Tonight 7:25 Football: Isuzu Ute A-League Men: Round 19: Adelaide United v Newcastle Jets *Live* 10:00 NCIS (M)

11:00 Farm To Fork 11:30 Deal Or No Deal (PG) 12:00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) 2:00 Ridiculousness (PG) 3:00 Friends (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 10:30 Frasier (PG)

4:00 BBC News At Ten 4:30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 4:55 PBS News Hour 5:55 The Food That Built The World (PG) 7:35 Impossible Engineering (PG) 8:30 Icons Unearthed (M l,v) 10:20 Hudson & Rex (M v) 12:30 Movie: “Ruby’s Choice” (PG) (’22) Stars: Jane Seymour 3:00 Ben Fogle: Starting Up Starting Over (PG) 4:00 Young Sheldon (PG) 5:00 Movie: “Stargate” (PG) (’94) Stars: Kurt Russell 7:30 Movie: “Deep Blue Sea” (M l,v) (’99)

Sunrise 10:00 The Morning
(PG) 12:00 Golf: LIV Golf League: Day 3 *Live* 5:00 Seven News At 5 5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Australian Idol (PG) 9:00 An Evening With Dua Lipa (PG) 10:30 Ed Sheeran v Adele (M) 11:30 Autopsy USA (M) 12:30 Friday Night Lights (M s,v) 1:30 Harry’s Practice 2:00 Home Shopping 3:30 Million Dollar Minute 4:00 NBC Today 7:00 Weekend Today 10:00 For The Love Of Pets (PG) 11:00 World’s Greatest Myths And Mysteries 12:00 Fishing Australia 12:30 Innovation Nation 12:40 Bondi Vet (PG) 1:40 Movie: “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” (PG) (’88) Stars: Steve Martin 4:00 David Attenborough’s Green Planet 5:00 NINE News: First At

Intent (M) 8:30 Law & Order: SVU (M s,v) 10:30 Bones (M) 12:30 The Blacklist (M v) 4:45 Black As (PG) 4:50 Soh Presents: Generations And Dynasties (PG) 6:20 NITV News Update 6:30 Queer & Here 7:00 Great Lakes Wild (PG) 7:30 Our Law (PG) 8:40 Movie: “In The Zone” (PG) (’18) Stars: Terrance Wallace 11:30 Cook With Luke 12:00 Exploring Off The Grid (PG) 1:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 2:00 JAG (PG) 3:00 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:00 What’s Up Down Under 4:30 TBA 6:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M v) 10:20

3:30 Sport: Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler Highlights 4:30 Touch Football: Indigenous All Stars v Maori All Stars *Live* 5:30 NRL: Women’s Indigenous v Maori All Stars *Live* 7:30 Movie: “Bridget Jones’s Baby” (PG) (’16)

Get Macca’s® delivered.

Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Fireman Sam 6:05 Kiya

4:00 Surf Patrol 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 5:30 Escape To The

5:35 Fireman Sam 5:55 The Adventures Of Paddington 6:25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond 7:00 The Deep 7:35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 4:00 Afternoon Briefing 5:00 ABC News With Joe O’Brien 6:00 ABC News Hour 7:00 ABC National News 7:30 7:30 8:00 ABC News Tonight 4:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 4:30 MythBusters (PG) 5:20 Love Your Garden (PG) 6:10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7:00

5:00 Our Stories 5:30 Living Black 6:00 Bamay 6:30 NITV News Update 6:40 Great Blue Wild 7:30 Great Australian Walks (PG) 1:30 Charmed (M v) 2:30 Jake And The Fatman (PG) 3:30 Diagnosis Murder (PG) 5:30 JAG (PG) 7:30 Elsbeth (M v) 8:30 Bull (MA15+)

4:30 The King Of Queens (PG) 5:00 Becker (PG) 5:30 Frasier (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 The Big Bang Theory (PG)

6:30 The Nanny (PG) 7:30 Seinfeld (PG)

4:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 5:00 Chateau DIY 6:00 House Hunters International 6:30 House Hunters USA 7:30 Home Town (PG)
3:30 Movie: “Billy Liar” (PG) (’63) Stars: Tom Courtenay 5:30 Our Yorkshire Farm (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 To The Manor Born 12:00 ABC News 1:00 The Newsreader (M) 2:00 Fake Or Fortune? 3:00 Nigella Bites 3:25 Grand Designs (PG) 4:15 Long Lost Family (PG) 5:00 A Bite To Eat With Alice 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 (PG) 8:00 Back Roads (PG) 8:30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure (M) 9:20 Grand Designs (PG) 9:00 The Morning Show (PG)

5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) 6:00 Seven News 7:00 Home And Away (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Mamma Mia!” (PG) (’08) Stars: Meryl Streep 12:00 Married At First Sight (M l,s)

C addens
C addens News (C addens Corner)
C ambridge Gardens
Overlander Hotel
C ambridge Park
C ambridge Park Newsagency Cellarbations
Friendly Grocer
C astlereagh
Ampol Ser vice Station
Claremont Meadows
Iga Claremont Meadows
Coly ton
Coly ton Centre Pharmacy
Coly ton Friendly Grocer
Coly ton Hotel
Coly ton Newsagency
Hewitt Street Takeaway
Aldi Cranebrook
Cranebrook Community Health
Cranebrook Village
Mother Earth Nurser y Plus Pharmacy
Woolworths Cranebrook
Emu Plains
Chambers Cellars
Lennox Centre Newsagency
Penrith Regional Galler y Woolworths Lennox Village
7/ 11 Emu Plains (Gre at Western Highway)
7/ 11 Emu Plains (Old Bathurst Rd)
Emu Height s
Super Save Compounding Chemis t
Erskine Park
Ashcroft’s Iga
Erskine Park Ctc
G lenmore Park
Mags News
Medi Advice Pharmacy
J amisontown
Atmosphere Fitness Signature Gym
B att Street Take Away
Grey Gums Hotel
Har vey Norman
New On York Takeaway
Parrabey Gourmet Kitchen
(Penrith Homemaker)
Patt y’s Place
S alt C afé (Penrith Homemaker)
S hell Ser vice Station
The Coffee Club Nepean River
Three Sugars C afé
We stern Weekender
York Takeaway
Zoo Fitness
7/ 11 Jamisontow n
Jordan Springs
Brooks Tavern
Jordan Springs Newsagency
Kemps Creek
C altex Ser vice Station
Kemps Creek Bowling Club
B arista Bar Coff ee Shop
(Nepean Private Hospital)
Countr y Brewer
Kingswood Hotel
Kingswood Newsagency
Kingswood Smash Repairs
Kingswood Sports Club
Penrith Gaels Club
Volunteers Desk Nepean Hospital
7/ 11 Kingswood
Emu Sports Club
Grow C afé (formerly Willow Tree C afé)
Londonderr y
Londonderr y Liquor Store
S hell X Roads
Au stralia Pos t IGA Luddenham
Minchinbur y McDonald's
Minchinbur y Fruit Market
Glenmore Heritage Golf Club
Mulgoa Newsagency
Mulgoa Pharmacy
Nor th St Mar ys
Boronia House (Retirement Community)
MFC Food Stores
Orchard Hills
Flower Power
Oxley Park
Morris C are & Advice Pharmacy
Atmosphere Gym
Au stralian Arms
Borec Road Takeaway (Valley C afé)
Brisket Boys
Ca fé Fre d

C altex Coreen Avenue

Coles Penrith (Nepean Village)
Coles ( We stfield Penrith)
Crescent Mini Mar t
High Street Pies
Hoyt s Westfield
Joan Sutherland Arts Centre
Liquor Stax Pe achtree
McDonald's High Street
McDonald's Panthers Le agues
McDonald's Pe achtree
Mercure Hotel
Museum Of Fire
Nepean Aquatic Centre
Nepean Motor Group C afé
Nepean Rowing Club
Nepean Village Coffee Club
Nepean Village Newsagency
Nextra Westfield
O ffice of Karen McKeown MP
One Point Health
Panthers Le agues Club
Pe achtree Hotel
Penrith Bowling Club
Penrith CBD Corporation
Penrith City Council
Penrith City Librar y
Penrith Golf Club
Penrith Hotel
Penrith Paceway
Penrith RSL
Penrith Senior Citizens’ Centre
Pioneer Tavern
Sittano s Restaurant
Tattersalls Hotel
The Chicken Run
The Heritage Terrace C afé
The Log C abin
We stfield
World Gym
7/ 11 Henr y Street
7/ 11 Regentville
Ropes Crossing
Ropes Crossing Newsagency
Mobil Ser vice Station
The Chemist Shop
S outh Penrith
Budget Ser vice Station
Fish Fish
Friendly Grocer
Grose’s Pharmacy
Southlands Newsagency

Lemongrove Community Health Centre
South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre
St Clair Blue

St Mar ys
s Corner Store
Ampol Foodar y Astley Pharmacy C assand ra’s On Queen
Cr ystal C afé
Guido’s Hair C are
Jayam Supermarket
Monfar ville Corner Store
Queen St Newsagency
St Mar ys Band Club
St Mar ys Fish Market
St Mar ys Le agues Club
St Mar ys Librar

McDonald's St Mar ys South

Gizzelle Powell knows a thing or two about real estate. And in 2025, she expects the local property market to remain strong – encouraging buyers to take action when it comes to hitting the open home circuit.
“The local Penrith market remains attractive to both firsthome buyers and investors,” said Powell, the owner/principal of REMAX Lifestyle Marketing.
“With the completion of the Western Sydney International Airport, experts predict that prices in the area will remain steady and may even surge.
“Therefore, it is important for buyers not to sit on the fence and keep waiting. If they need to buy, they should take action. It’s crucial for them to make a decision based on their current situation and work with an experienced agent to guide them.”
Powell has been working in real estate for nearly a decade and knows the difference a good agent can make.
“A good real estate agent in Penrith needs a deep understanding of the local market and community,” she said.
“It’s crucial to build strong relationships with clients, be
approachable, and have strong negotiation skills. Additionally, staying ahead of market trends, leveraging technology, and providing transparent communication are essential.
“A successful agent also understands the specific needs of the area, whether it’s first-home buyers, investors, or families, and tailors their approach accordingly.”
Powell has been responsible for the growing strength of the REMAX brand in Penrith.
“The REMAX brand has always been synonymous with trust, innovation, global reach, and

customer service. It has been able to adapt to market changes by embracing new technology, maintaining a strong international network, and offering local expertise,” she said.
“My personal brand remains strong because I focus on building meaningful relationships with clients, staying informed about market trends, and delivering results that exceed expectations. It’s all about consistency, dedication, and always putting the client’s needs first.”
Powell has owned REMAX Lifestyle Marketing in Penrith since 2022.
“My experience in buying, selling, and leasing has provided me with extensive industry knowledge. As the owner and selling principal, I provide leadership, strategic direction, and client-focused service,” she said.
“I oversee operations, finances, and compliance while mentoring my team to ensure high performance. I work directly with clients to provide expert advice on pricing, marketing, and negotiations, always striving to achieve the best outcomes for both clients and the company. Additionally, I’ve been recognized as Agent of the Year for multiple suburbs by RateMyAgent and have received Club Awards every year from RE/MAX Network, reflecting my commitment to excellence in real estate.”
Talk to Gizzelle Powell today by calling 0428 934 618.

What is so great about this property?
This property offers modern design, comfort, and practicality, set on a generous block with ample outdoor space. Spacious interiors, high ceilings, and a stylish kitchen enhance its appeal. Premium features include keyless entry, climate control, and a covered alfresco area for entertaining. Located in a peaceful part of Glenmore Park, it’s close to quality schools, shopping centres, and parks, making it ideal for a relaxed and convenient family lifestyle.
Ray White Diamantidis Group Joshua Cassells • 0410 504 918 joshua.cassells@raywhite.com
Who does this property suit?
This property is ideal for families seeking a spacious, modern home with premium features and ample outdoor space. Its convenient location
near schools, parks and shops makes it perfect for a busy yet relaxed lifestyle. It also suits professionals or couples who value stylish living and entertaining in a peaceful setting.
Tell us about the suburb? Glenmore Park is a vibrant and family-friendly suburb in western Sydney, offering modern homes, excellent schools, and convenient shopping at Glenmore Village and HomeCo. Town Centre. Surrounded by parks and walking trails like Blue Hills Wetland, it’s perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. With easy access to the M4 Motorway, it provides seamless connectivity to Penrith and Sydney CBD, making it an ideal location for families and professionals seeking a balance of tranquillity and convenience.

Ma rian’s Mana is a pre stig iou s maste r-plan ne d pre ci nct offer i ng prem iu m land lots and a rchite ct ural ly des ig ne d res idence s i n one of South-West S yd ney’s faste st-g rowi ng com mu nities.
Located near Oran Park ’s most popular amenities and shopping precinct, Marian’s Mana invites you to enjoy an addres s that blends nature with urban conveniences. It ’s a place you’ll want to call ho me
*Artist impression

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St Clair 39 Solander Drive
This property presents a rare opportunity to enter the housing market at an affordable price but there is a catch. The property requires a full renovation. The bathroom has been partially renovated so this is a major plus. Set on secure private battle axe block in this much sought after location is a major plus and with imagination, creativity and work, this could become the ideal family home or investment. The home’s basic layout provides 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, inter nal laundry and open kitchen space. In addition the covered outdoor entertainment area doubles up as a generous oversized carport.
To be auctioned on site Saturday 8th March at 3:00pm Open Home Saturday 2:30pm - 3:00pm
For more details contact Ross Heidtmann 0407 113 039 Peter Stanford 0417 333 322
2/314 High Street, Penrith

2/2a Rusden Road
This stunning duplex is located off the street, hidden away from all the hustle and bustle, yet still only a 3 minute walk to the local shopping hub, local schools, service station and bus stop right out of the front of the complex. The spacious open living design with its stunning polished timber flooring and large windows that allow plenty of natural light, combines perfectly to help create a real ambience within the home. There are three great sized bedrooms with quality carpet floors and built-in robes and the main bedroom has direct access to the 3-way bathroom which is a considerable size with a large vanity and wall mirror, separate shower and bath, and the toilet is separate again.
$799,990 - $839,990
Open Home Saturday 10:00am – 10:30am
For further information please call Ross Heidtmann 0407 113 039
2/314 High Street, Penrith

Penrith 13/171-173 Derby Street
Located at the rear of this well maintained security strata development and boasting sought after ground floor position you will find this functional two bedroom apartment with moder n kitchen, separate laundry and generous living area complete with private balcony The property benefits from a single carport, security access and is positioned 2 streets back from the CBD and approx. 1 kilometre to Centro Nepean. The area is well serviced by childcare, medical centres, local schools and transport infrastructure.
Open Home Saturday 12:00pm – 12:30pm
Details and appointments please call Tony Liras 0425 269 611 Peter Stanford 0417 333 322
2/314 High Street, Penrith

Kingswood 1/14-18 Santley Crescent
Situated on the ground floor in a well maintained complex, this two bedroom unit offers open plan design with a good size main bedroom with built in wardrobe, updated kitchen with stainless steel electric appliances & ample cupboard space, new carpets throughout, freshly painted, split system air conditioning, two balconies and a lock up garage with remote gate access.
Situated within walking distance to Kingswood Station, UWS and Nepean Hospital this unit offers everything plus more.
This is the perfect unit for the investor, downsizer or first home buyer

Open Home Saturday 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Details and appointments please call Tony Liras 0425 269 611
2/314 High Street, Penrith

Arthritis, a condition affecting millions worldwide, is often associated with pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. While rest may seem like the best response to sore joints, research suggests that physical activity is one of the most effective ways to manage arthritis pain and improve overall function.
Exercise helps strengthen the muscles surrounding joints, providing better support and reducing strain. Strength training exercises, such as resistance training using bands or machines, can enhance joint stability and decrease discomfort. Additionally, regular movement helps lubricate joints by promoting the circulation of synovial fluid, which acts as a natural cushion.
One of the many benefits of exercise for people with arthritis is improved flexibility. Activities like yoga and stretching exercises enhance range of motion and decrease stiffness, making daily tasks easier.
Low-impact aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking, and cycling also promote cardiovascular health while reducing stress on the joints.

Beyond physical benefits, exercise plays a crucial role in weight management, which is particularly important for individuals with arthritis. Excess weight adds extra pressure on weight-bearing joints, such as the knees and hips, exacerbating pain. Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, easing joint stress and potentially slowing the progression of arthritis.
Mental well-being is another key area where exercise provides relief. Living with chronic pain
The Experts

Ican contribute to depression and anxiety, but physical activity releases endorphins – the body’s natural mood boosters – helping individuals feel more positive and in control of their health.
Despite these benefits, arthritis patients should approach exercise with caution. Consulting an Exercise Physiologist before starting an exercise regimen ensures that activities are safe and appropriate for you. Gentle, gradual movement is essential, as overexertion can lead to increased pain or injury.
Incorporating regular exercise into daily life can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with arthritis.
s your child’s school swimming carnival coming up soon? I remember my school carnival days very fondly, so I was very surprised when attending my own children’s swimming carnivals in recent years to see how participation rates have declined over the years – in my day, most children were able to swim 50 metres and were eager to race. However recently the majority of children seem only confident to compete in the novelty races. It makes me wonder what’s changed?
A recent report by the Royal Life Saving Society showed that three out of four children had quit swimming classes by age eight, long before they’d reached national safety and swimming benchmarks. Because children were leaving lessons too soon, 83 per cent of 12-year-old children couldn’t tread water for two minutes – the goal for children by the time they finish primary school – 40 per cent couldn’t swim 50 metres of freestyle or backstroke, and
one third couldn’t swim 25 metres of survival strokes. Obviously, COVID lockdowns had a huge impact on swim skills. In April 2024 the ABC reported that 10 million swimming classes were cancelled because of COVID lockdowns, and many children missed two years of water safety education. We are now seeing the repercussions of that period of missed lessons at school swimming carnivals across the country.
In a country surrounded by water, with a lifestyle largely defined by water, this represents a dangerous decline in swimming skills. We understand that there are a multitude of choices of sporting and after school activities for children nowadays – but swimming education has to be non-negotiable until children are fully competent in the water and meeting their swimming milestones, for safety’s sake. Encourage your child to take the plunge – a high student participation rate makes for a fun and exciting day for all! Whilst

swimming carnivals are great fun, water and sun safety basics should be adhered to. Sunscreen is not optional and needs to be reapplied several times throughout the day. A broad rimmed hat, polo shirt and zinc in their house colour is ideal for further sun protection. Always follow the instructions of the race official, and only enter the water when instructed to do so. Good luck to all and race well, and if your children are not yet in swimming lessons, make this your year to start their swimming journey! If your child loves to race, why not consider joining a swim club? The Nepean Aquatic Centre Swim Club is one great option!

The Experts

Aplanned release of the Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)
K5 strain is set to occur across Greater Western Sydney and the Central Coast in early March 2025. This highly contagious virus is almost always fatal in

unvaccinated rabbits, making vaccination the most effective way to protect pet rabbits from this devastating disease.
Why is vaccination important? Rabbit calicivirus, also known as RHDV, is a deadly disease affecting both wild and domestic rabbits. It spreads easily through direct contact with infected rabbits, contaminated surfaces, and even via insects such as flies and mosquitoes. The virus can also be carried into homes on clothing, shoes, and other objects, making indoor rabbits just as vulnerable as those kept outside.
How to keep your bunny safe
The upcoming virus release highlights the urgency of ensuring your rabbit is fully vaccinated. Here’s how you can protect your pet:
• Schedule a vaccination: Ensure your rabbit receives the Filavac® vaccine before the virus release. If your rabbit is
already vaccinated, check that their boosters are up to date.
• Keep rabbits indoors: This minimises exposure to the virus, which can be spread through direct contact with infected wild rabbits or contaminated surfaces.
• Prevent contact with wild rabbits: Wild rabbits are a primary carrier of RHDV. Limit your rabbit’s access to outdoor areas where wild rabbits may roam.
• Install fly screens: Flies and mosquitoes can transmit the virus, so keeping them out of your home provides an added layer of protection.
• Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands and disinfect any supplies before handling your rabbit, especially if you’ve been outside.
Symptoms of Rabbit Calicivirus (RHDV)
Unfortunately, calicivirus can be difficult to detect in its early stages. Be alert for the following
symptoms and seek veterinary care immediately if you notice:
• Loss of appetite and lethargy
• Fever and difficulty breathing
• Bleeding from the nose or mouth
• Seizures or sudden death
Does your rabbit need a vaccination?
Ask yourself the following:
• Does my rabbit go outside?
• Does my indoor rabbit come into contact with anything from outside (e.g., clothing, shoes, bags)?
• Is my rabbit older than 10 weeks?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, your rabbit requires vaccination before March 1, 2025.
To book your rabbit’s vaccination or to learn more about how to safeguard your pet, contact Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital at (02) 4736 2027. Don’t wait— schedule your appointment today and keep your bunny safe!

Relax & Unwind

Boho Astro
© Joanne Madeline Moore 2025
Four planets are activating your cash zone. Letting finances take their own course seems tempting but you really do need to keep up to speed with money matters. If you increase your financial literacy then it will pay off handsomely further down the track, as you replace short-term whims with long-term strategies. This week’s positive Venus vibes are fabulous for social media connections and inventive Internet endeavours as you talk, text, Tweet and post up a storm.
It’s time to review and renew your peer group as the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune fire up your friendship and networking zone. Be inspired by birthday great, writer Anais Nin, “Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” When it comes to neighbours and local community connections, don’t rush. Meditation, contemplation, rumination and relaxation are favoured.
Saturn is transiting through one of your money zones, so look for ways to consolidate your finances and build firm fiscal foundations for the future. Getting sound professional advice is best policy, as you work on manifesting abundance. Inspiration and intuition are taking a short break, but they’ll be back soon. Your motto for the week is from writer Anais Nin, “You should not give anybody the power to decide what is right and wrong in your creativity.”

On Tuesday the Sun transits into fellow water-sign Pisces, which boosts your creativity, compassion and sensitivity. However, this week much of your time could be consumed by a frustrating problem involving a child, teenager or friend. In order to satisfactorily resolve the situation, you’ll need to be discreet, proactive and patient. If you are going away (locally, interstate or overseas), then take your time and double-check all travel arrangements carefully.
Courtesy of retro Mars, be extra patient with a child, teenager or friend. On Tuesday, the Sun joins Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. So you’ll feel like daydreaming and creating even more than usual as you perform, paint, draw, dance, write, sing songs, play music or take photographs. Be inspired by writer and birthday great Anais Nin, “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love.”
This week Jupiter squares your ruling planet Mercury. So, if you spread gossip or jump to hasty conclusions, you could end up in hot water. And avoid the tendency to take short cuts, especially at work. A slap-dash attitude will only mean you have to do everything twice. With a more methodical and practical approach, you can accomplish tasks and still have plenty of time to play. With Mars reversing through your money zone, impulse buys are a temptation.
Partnerships – of the romantic, platonic and business variety – are highlighted, as the planets activate your relationship zone. Jupiter is visiting your career and life direction zone, so self-belief is the key to success and satisfaction. Don’t let annoying disruptions and minor matters rattle you! Keep going on your chosen path, with confidence and determination. Be inspired by birthday great, writer Anais Nin, “Good things happen to those who hustle.”
Speedy, spontaneous Sagittarius – it’s time to slow down and tread gingerly. Mars is still in retrograde mode until February 24, so avoid being too blasé about a complicated issue (especially involving intimacy, trust, taxes, income, property, possessions or joint finances). With Jupiter (your patron planet) squaring communication planet Mercury on Thursday/Friday, be careful you don’t put your foot firmly in your mouth and end up offending a loved one.
Rams love to rush full speed ahead, but this week’s frustrating stars don’t encourage haste. Your patron planet Mars is still retrograde (until February 24). So, if your actions are blocked or a relationship hits a brick wall, then use it as an opportunity to re-group, re-plan and re-energise. You thrive on debate and confrontation but pick your battles carefully because (in the short-term) you’re unlikely to win. Compromise and a cool head will get you a lot further.
It’s not a good week to initiate ambitious projects that require heaps of energy and buckets of enthusiasm. Mars is reversing through your sign (until next Monday, February 24) so you may feel like a sluggish, unmotivated, cranky Crab! However, it is a suitable time to revise, rehearse and reimagine. So your motto for the moment is from writer and birthday great, Anais Nin, “There are many ways to be free. One of them is to transcend reality by imagination …”
It’s not a good week to initiate ambitious professional projects that require plenty of energy, enthusiasm and motivation. Dynamic Mars is reversing through your career zone (until next Monday, February 24) so you may feel like a lazy, lacklustre Libran! However, it is a suitable time to review, revise, rehearse and reimagine. Venus is transiting through your relationship zone, so make sure you tell loved ones how much they mean to you.
Mighty Mars is still reversing through your relationship zone until Monday, February 24, so be extra patient with loved ones. Jupiter blesses professional projects with one proviso … your heart must be in what you are doing. If you’re just going through the motions, it will affect the quality of your work. On Thursday and Friday, don’t jump to conclusions and assume you know what a relative, neighbour or colleague is thinking. You may be way off the mark.


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Word Search
Find all the words listed hidden in the grid of letters. They can be found in straight lines up, down, forwards, backwards or even diagonally.

Last week’s solution

Trivia Quiz
Test your knowledge about the Super Bowl in our special trivia quiz this week... 1. Who won the Super Bowl played on Monday? 2. Who was named MVP out of the game on Monday? 3. Who performed the American National Anthem prior to the showdown between the Chiefs and Eagles? 4. Who headlined the half-time show this year?
5. Which team won the coin toss?
6. The Caesars Superdome at New Orleans hosted this year’s Super Bowl. How many Super Bowls had the venue hosted previously?
7. Which pop star was booed by the crowd when she appeared on the screen, and later mocked by Donald Trump?

Lexus gets more rugged
Luxury car brand makes major announcement set to raise motorists’ excitement
Adventure-seeking customers of the luxury brand’s flagship SUV – the Lexus LX – can now experience even greater off-road capability with the addition of the new rugged Overtrail grade to this year’s line-up, all while maintaining the vehicle’s signature luxury and performance.
Building on the success of the GX Overtrail, launched last year, the LX Overtrail reinforces the commitment to offering customers an expanded range of vehicles tailored to their diverse needs.
Lexus Australia Chief Executive John Pappas said the LX Overtrail is designed for LX customers seeking the ultimate combination of adventure and refinement.
“Since its introduction to the Lexus Australia range in 1998, the LX has enabled customers to navigate Australia’s tough terrains with unwavering reliability and unparalleled comfort,” he said.

The exterior of the LX Overtrail is otherwise differentiated from the rest of the LX range with black highlights for the front spindle grille, front and rear bumpers, wheelarches, side mirrors, door handles, window mouldings and roof rails.
Customers can choose from a duo of twin-turbocharged, intercooled V6 powertrains: the 3.3-litre diesel producing 227kW and 700Nm of torque from a low 1600-2600rpm, and the 3.5-litre petrol powertrain offering an effortless 305kW and 650Nm.
The global announcement of the revised LX range in October 2024 highlighted upgrades for the 2025 model, including the introduction of a hybrid powertrain for select markets. Lexus Australia is currently evaluating the availability and suitability of this powertrain for Australian customers.
“The LX combines luxurious appointments and thoughtful comfort features with the rugged performance of a full-size luxury SUV, delivering outstanding off-road, towing and hauling capability.”
ity and traction in the most difficult terrain.
Control, Multi-Terrain Monitor and Active Height Control.
While the LX Overtrail looks the part with its bold yet refined exterior design, it is the bespoke mechanical components and enhancements that improve ground-covering abil-
Low-speed grip is maximised with front, centre and rear locking differentials, joining the alreadyimpressive suite of off-road traction aids including Multi-Terrain Select, Downhill Assist Control, Crawl
Further grip is provided by the fitment of 265/70R18 Toyo Open Country all-terrain tyres, which offer a taller sidewall than any other LX thanks to unique 18-inch Overtrail alloy wheels.
Further details on the 2025 LX range – including LX Overtrail pricing and major specifications across all grades – will be announced closer to the revised flagship SUV’s introduction later in the first half of this year. For updates, visit www. lexus.com.au.

2025 Lexus LX Overtrail.
Harrold sets his sights on big things to come
Local rowing sensation Miles Harrold may have missed out on his first international medal, but the memories he made along the way more than made up for it.
After rowing for close to a decade, the 22-year-old finally lived out his dream midway through last year when he represented Australia at the U23 World Rowing Championships in Canada.
Harrold competed for his country in the U23 Men’s Coxed Four event against some of the best young rowing nations in the world.
With not much international experience between them, the young Aussie crew qualified for the Final with ease before falling agonisingly short of a spot on the podium.
“We finished fourth,” Harrold told the Weekender
“We were coming second and third the whole way down the course and then just got edged out in the last 100m by the French team.
“We set our sights on a medal from day one and it was in our hands the entire race, however we just couldn’t

“It was a bittersweet moment, but it was still a great time.”
Following in the footsteps of his older brother, the Mulgoa resident took up rowing back in 2015 when he was attending Penrith Anglican College.
“I remember coming down to the river one weekend when Nepean Rowing Club had a Learn to Row program on,” Harrold said.
After seven years spent with Nepean Rowing Club, Harrold joined the Sydney Rowing Club to further advance his skills and prospects in sweep rowing.
Harrold said getting to represent
Australian on the world stage – a goal he’s had for a very long time – was a dream come true.
“Rowing for my country was an incredible experience,” he declared.
“It’s something I’d never done before but its made me want to chase that same feeling again in the future.”
Following a strong first decade in the sport, which has resulted in plenty of medals and success, this month’s Penrith Valley Sports Foundation
Senior Sports Star said he’s ready to begin the next chapter of his rowing career as an Open-age athlete.
“At the moment, I’m feeling like a
the underage team where I was one of the oldest guys there,” Harrold said.
“As you step into the Open-age group, there’s no limit or cap as to who you are racing against. It’s equal parts exciting and daunting racing against guys who have been around for decades and have a lot more experience than me.”
Last weekend in Penrith, Harrold enjoyed strong results as an Open-age athlete at the 2025 NSW Rowing Championships where his Elite Men’s Four and Elite Men’s Eight teams performed “well”.
The youngster’s aim is to keep improving as he settles into his new surroundings.
Miles Harrold’s PVSF
Senior Sports Star Award is all thanks to sponsor Penrith Panthers Leagues Club.
PVSF Senior Sports Star of the Month winners take home a cool $700 each for their efforts.
If you know someone who has achieved in their chosen sport, send in your nomination to Penrith Valley Sports Foundation.

Nomination forms are available at www.pvsf.org.au.


Orange Ball – Wednesdays @ 5pm - 6pm
Green Ball – Thursdays @ 6pm - 7pm
Yellow Ball – Saturday @ 10:30am - 11:30am

Miles Harrold is the latest Senior Sports Star.
Star Olympian in Penrith
Japanese medallist to conduct special seminar next Friday
AJapanese Olympic medallist is making his first-ever trip Down Under next week, and Penrith is on his travel itinerary.
34-year-old karate megastar Ryutaro Araga, who won a bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, will be conducting a special seminar at Yukan Kai Karate Do in Jamisontown next Friday, February 21.
Open to the club’s dedicated members, Araga will conduct the kumite karate seminar alongside Australian karate star Kristina Mah.
Speaking with the Weekender, Chief Instructor Davy Wijayw Sensei said he can’t wait to host the Olympic bronze medallist at his newly opened dojo, located at the ABCOE Centre.
“Our club is registered with Karate Australia and when the President called me recently to ask if I’d like to have an Olympian come to my dojo, I didn’t hesitate in saying yes,” he said.
“This opportunity gives our students the chance to meet an Olympian, so I was very excited for our members, for the community and for the region of Penrith to have the real karate kid come to town.”
Araga has well and truly done it all during his decorated career in the discipline of kumite karate. Not only did he compete and win a medal at his home Olympic Games, but
he’s also a World Karate Federation World Champion, Asian Games Champion and World Games Champion.
“There’s two types of karate – kumite and traditional – and kumite is the fighting art of karate. We’ve never had a sparring champion come to Australia before until now,” Wijayw said.
“At 84kg, he’s a heavyweight champion, and everyone wants to see the heavyweight!”
Joining Araga next Friday is the woman accompanying him on his upcoming tour of Sydney, Kristina Meh.
The Aussie is a former World Karate Federation World Champion, eight-time Oceania Champion and 5th Dan Black Belt in Go-Ju Ryu Karate-do.
Wijayw said the purpose of next week’s seminar is for the students to learn the art of kumite by two of the best to do it.
knowledge,” he said.
“He’s going to get everyone to partner up and then run through the fundamentals of kumite with them.”
Wijayw is expecting upwards of 40 members to participate in the 75-minute seminar at Yukan Kai Karate Do.
“This is a great opportunity for Penrith and for the sport of karate locally,” he said.
For more information, contact the club on

“Ryutaro is going to give them the

Davy Wijaya at his Jamisontown dojo.
Olympian Ryutaro Araga competing for Japan.
Story continued from » p.64
“He was an Eels junior, Johnny Fonua, and then gave the game away,” Alexander said.
“He played a first-grade trial against the Panthers in 2020 and that was it, he quit, he’d just had enough of the game.
“Disappeared for three years, came back to Brothers out at Penrith last year.
“He was 130kgs at a stage in his time off and out of the game [but] has impressed the coaching staff that much… he’s going to be at Penrith for quite a time.”
The Panthers will put their feet up this weekend, but will play one final trial match against Manly at Leichhardt Oval on Friday, February 21.
Meanwhile, tickets for Penrith’s match against the Knights in Bathurst later this year went on sale earlier this week.
And it won’t be a cheap trip for Panthers fans, with a grandstand ticket costing between $70 and $80 for adults. General tickets are from $40.

Panthers pull pin on plan to play Bears before Vegas trip Hit-out cancelled
Penrith have cancelled a planned unofficial trial against NSW Cup side North Sydney, and they have their Grand Final opponents from last year to blame.
The Panthers had scheduled an opposed scrimmage this weekend against the Bears, allowing the likes of Nathan Cleary and Dylan Edwards to have some game time before flying to Las Vegas.
But 2024 runners-up Melbourne have called up a host of Bears players for the NRL’s Pre-season Challenge, leaving the scrimmage somewhat pointless.
“We wanted a decent quality team, and Norths were the best option,” Panthers coach Ivan Cleary told the Sydney Morning Herald
“[But] we didn’t really get what we thought we were going to get.”
The Panthers informed the Bears on Monday that the match would not go ahead.
Penrith will fly out to America

almost all of the 17 players not having played a minute of pre-season footy.
Only a couple of players who took part in last Saturday’s trial against Canberra would be likely to be named for the Las Vegas

next Thursday, with their next Pre-season Challenge match not scheduled until Friday, February 21 against Manly. It means Penrith will face the extraordinary reality of going into a round one match with
season opener. Meanwhile, the NRL officially launched the 2025 season earlier this week.
Liam Martin was Penrith’s representative at the event, held in Sydney.
Penrith’s Liam Martin chats with NRL CEO Andrew Abdo on Monday. Photo: NRL Photos.
Noah Martin. Photo: NRL Images.

FOOTBALL: The Western Sydney Wanderers have finally snapped their lengthy losing streak, defeating the Brisbane Roar 2-1 last Sunday at Wanderers Football Park. Sienna Saveska opened the scoring for Western Sydney in the 7th minute before Zara Jewel Kruger found the equaliser in the 67th. With the game locked up, it was returning star Holly Caspers who nailed the match winner two minutes from full-time. It was an emotional moment for the winger, who was one of the best players for the club last season but has not had the chance to prove it in the current campaign due to injury. The Wanderers were then brave in defence and managed to hold on through six minutes of stoppage time for just their second win of the season. The Wanderers will aim for back-to-back wins when they return to Wanderers Football Park for a date with the Newcastle Jets on Valentine’s Day, February 14.
FOOTBALL: The Western Sydney Wanderers late game struggles continue, sharing the points with Sydney FC in one of the most entertaining Sydney Derbies of all-time. In what’s been dubbed one of the most dramatic matches of the season, Western Sydney led 3-1 but conceded two late goals in heartbreaking fashion in front of over 32,000 fans at Allianz Stadium. Western Sydney fans were almost in disbelief as their beloved team let another game slip from their grasp, with the Sky Blues scoring the match equaliser late in injury time. The result sees Western Sydney remain in eighth spot heading into Sunday’s game against fifthplaced Macarthur at CommBank Stadium.
FOOTBALL: The Western Sydney Wanderers have announced the signing of central defender Joshua Laws for the remainder of the 2024/25 A-League season. The 26-year-old brings a wealth of experience to the Red & Black, having played in both domestic

and European competitions. A product of the Blackburn Rovers Academy and Fortuna Düsseldorf’s youth system, Laws arrived in the A-League in 2020 and made 50 appearances across three seasons with Wellington Phoenix. More recently, Laws has spent time at Swiss side Grasshoppers where he further developed his game in a highly competitive European environment. Western Sydney Wanderers coach Alen Stajcic welcomed Laws to the club. “It’s great to bring an experienced defender with both excellent A-League and European knowledge as we head into the final stages of the season to fight for a Finals position.” Laws arrived in western Sydney on Monday.

CRICKET: Penrith have continued their late season slide, this time losing to Fairfield-Liverpool in Round 13 of the Belvidere Cup. Playing in a Two-Day match at Rosedale Oval, Penrith won the toss and elected to bat. Penrith put up a reasonable score of 167, with Liam Doddrell top scoring with 63. When Fairfield-Liverpool hit the crease, they reached 172 before being dismissed. Doddrell took 5/59 in a stunning all-round display. Penrith will look to bounce back when they face Sydney at Howell Oval this Saturday.
CRICKET: Penrith have lost consecutive games, going down to Campbelltown Camden in Round 15 of the Women’s First Grade competition. Playing in a One-Day match at Howell Oval, Campbelltown Camden won the toss and elected to bat. The visitors performed exceptionally well, posting 186 before being dismissed. Callee Black and Elise Noble took three wickets each for the home side. When Penrith hit the crease later that day, they put up a good fight but fell short of victory by 41 runs. Keira Jobson was the best of the batters scoring 30. Penrith will take on Manly Warringah at Manly Oval this Sunday.
CRICKET: Round 14 of the Nepean District Cricket Association competition got underway last weekend, with Panthers Cricket Club finding themselves in a critical run chase after

the first day of the final round of the competition. Emu Plains won the toss and batted first, but Panthers made critical fielding and catching errors as Emu Plains were dismissed for 161 in 50 overs. With the result of this match affecting semi-final positions, Panthers had to bat in fading light and rain and finished at 3/28 after 12 overs. Panthers will need to score the remaining 133 runs this weekend to consolidate a semi-final position.
SOFTBALL: A big congratulations to Penrith City’s O35 representative team, who contested the State Championships last weekend. The team fought hard throughout the entire competition, falling just short of a spot in the playoffs. It wouldn’t have been a weekend of softball without some intense heat and humidity, but also a little bit of rain for added measure. Congrats to all that took part!

RUGBY LEAGUE: Round 1 of the NSWRL Junior Representative season took place last weekend with disappointing results for Penrith’s Tarsha Gale and Lisa Fiaola teams. In the Tarsha Gale Cup, Penrith went down to the Canterbury Bulldogs 32-16. In the Lisa Fiaola Cup, the Panthers were hammered by the Bulldogs 38-4. Both sides will take on the Wests Tigers this Saturday at Windsor Sports Complex.
RUGBY LEAGUE: Round 2 of the NSWRL Junior Representative season took place last weekend with mixed results for Penrith’s SG Ball and Harold Matthews teams. In the SG Ball Cup, Penrith smashed the New Zealand Warriors 28-8. In the Harold Matthews Cup, the Panthers fell to the Warriors 22-20. Both teams will take on the Newcastle Knights this Saturday at Windsor Sports Complex.
GET IN TOUCH: To make a submission to ‘Sports Shorts’, email Nathan@westernweekender.com.au. You can also private message me on Facebook or @wwpenrith on X.
The Wanderers celebrate their first victory of 2025. Photo: Getty.
Experienced footballer Joshua Laws has joined the Wanderers.
Penrith City’s O35s team last weekend.

Latest Sports Star – see page 60

he Premiers unveiled some potential new stars, but in the end Canberra were far too good for the Panthers in their first NRL Pre-Season Challenge game of the
The Panthers may be back in the Pre-Season Challenge for the first time in two years, but it’s obvious the club’s focus is on the competition proper and next month’s opener in Las Vegas.
Despite the inclusion of new recruit Isaiah Papali’i as well as a smattering of regular NRL talent, the Panthers were unable to overcome the Raiders at Sharks Stadium
Played in wet conditions in front of 1,700 brave fans last Saturday night, Canberra scored the game’s opening try after 26 minutes to lead 6-0.
Nine minutes later, the Panthers hit back through powerful centre David Fale, who carried Raiders defender Ethan Sanders on his back on the way to the try-line.
Down 6-4 at half-time, the Panthers were in for a tough second half when the Raiders inched further in front with back-to-back tries in the 45th and 48th minutes.
Up 16-4, Canberra continued to pile on the points when backrower Noah Martin scored in the 64th minute to make it 22-4.
With the game seemingly out of reach, Penrith finally began to click into gear when Samuel Lane went over after collecting a neat kick. Trent Toelau’s conversion made it 22-10 with 10 minutes to play.
Two minutes later, the Panthers would score another try through Zack Lamont to set up a grandstand finish, however some late errors and strong defence from Canberra cost Penrith a chance of a better result.
Some of the standouts for the Panthers were Trent Toelau, who showed off his versatility throughout the match, while Casey McLean topped the metres gained with 142.
Backrower Mav Geyer was also strong in defence – racking up a team-high 35 tackles – while inspirational Brothers Penrith player Sione Fonua also had some memorable touches in his first game of 2025.
Fonua could be one to watch for the Panthers this season, with Penrith great Greg Alexander revealing on the Fox League coverage that the centre – known as Johnny Fonua to his teammates – had quite the incredible comeback story.

New Panther Sione Fonua has quite the back story. Photo: NRL Images.