18-19 July, 2020 / Vol. 11 No. 31 / Price: $100
Internet: http: //www.mirrornewsgy.com / e-mail: weekendmirror@gmail.com
Granger gov’t must respect election results, step aside – Pompeo Personal sanctions hit…
Ali says ‘dangerous game’ being played with democracy, freedom, rights of Guyanese PAGE 7
‒ Phillips assures of fight to see democracy prevail
GECOM meeting scuttled by another legal action PAGE 10
‒ Oral arguments set for Friday at 2PM ‒ Lowenfield fails to prepare final report for fourth time
Op-Ed: The evil of the anti-democratic brigands must not be allowed any space to triumph PAGE 2
Finance Secretary threatens action PAGE 21 against staff engaged in whistleblowing
Moderna fires up COVID PAGE 22 vaccine race with promising early results
Arson attempt at Umana Yana PAGE 20