SUPPORT: Larson Versteegan with dad, Chris Versteegan, right, and family friend Loucas Vettos, who is organising fundraising efforts for Larson’s family ahead of a possible bone marrow transplant to combat the two-year-old’s condition, severe congenital neutropenia. Picture:
Lots of love for Larson
BY ABBY WALTERThere is ‘no day but today’.
That is how two-year-old Larson Versteegan lives his life after being diagnosed with severe congenital neutropenia.
The diagnosis means Larson does not produce neutrophils in his bone marrow to fight bacteria.
Larson’s mum, Erin Boutcher and dad, Chris Versteegan named Larson after the musical ‘Rent’ composed and written by Jonathan Larson.
Jonathon Larson’s motto in life was ‘no day but today’ and a feature song of the musical contains the lyrics ‘measure in love’.
“No day but today is how our little
boy lives his life,” Miss Boutcher said.
“He is remarkable considering what he has been through.”
Horsham locals created a GoFundMe account, ‘Measure in Love for Larson’ to assist the family and bone marrow research.
This has evolved into a ‘Pop-up Piano Bar’ to raise money for Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision – the only Australian charity that includes severe congenital neutropenia.
Miss Boutcher said there was no cure for Larson’s condition.
“Any time he gets an infection or a fever, he is on IV antibiotics,” she said.
“There is a drug called GCSF that he
didn’t respond to, so the only ultimate cure is a bone marrow transplant.
“He was meant to be having a transplant soon, but it has been put on hold, for now, which is a good thing because his doctors will do some further investigation.
“There’s a one-in-a-million chance of having this condition and Larson is rarer because there is no genetic link that appears to have caused it.”
Family friend Loucas Vettos, known to Larson as Uncle Luca, is co-ordinating the pop-up piano bar and fundraising efforts.
“We had to do something to show our support,” he said.
“We started a GoFundMe for Erin, Chris and Larson because of the time-
line for the transplant that was originally given. They were expected to be away from home for a long time.
“Everyone has been so responsive and really giving, which has been amazing.
“Money raised from the pop-up piano bar was originally going to Erin and Chris, but they have decided the community has been so great they want to give back to someone or something to pass it forward.
“Neutropenia is extremely underfunded and under-researched, so while the GoFundMe is brilliant and hitting the mark for what they need for their time in Melbourne when Larson needs a transplant, they’re giving back to Maddie’s Vision.”
Miss Boutcher said the family had been overwhelmed by the community’s support.
“There’s been amazing response for our little boy and we are so grateful –Horsham is a really wonderful town,” she said.
“Research is key for Larson now and that is what Maddie’s Vision supports, so we wanted to dedicate the event to that. Funds go towards research and making bone marrow transplants safer, because they are life-threatening. “It’s not what people think. A bone marrow transplant means chemotherapy and also medication for the rest of your life.”
Continued page 5
Free Kinder is here!
Three- and Four-Year-Old Kinder is now free across Victoria at participating services — saving families up to $2,500 per year per child.
Over the decade, we’ll also transition Four-Year-Old Kinder into Pre-Prep to become a 30-hour a week program, and establish 50 Victorian Government-owned and affordable childcare centres. Learn more at
United in efforts to expand long care
BY JESSICA GRIMBLEAplan to open almost 100 long daycare places for Horsham and district families is a ‘great start’ to address current and future childcare demand, an early years leader says.
But Jo Martin, the executive officer of the Wimmera Southern Mallee By Five Early Years Initiative, said workforce attraction solutions and equitable renumeration for childcare staff were also critical to making a ‘genuine impact’ for families and children.
Mrs Martin welcomed Horsham Rural City Council’s plan to seek a provider for long daycare at the Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub in Horsham.
There are currently 330 long daycare places at four centres in Horsham. More than 215 children are on waitlists for long daycare within the municipality.
A By Five report, released last year, showed about 300 children were on waiting lists for childcare across the region – an ‘all-time high’ – and 11
of 13 centres had a waiting list. By reverting the Kalkee Road hub to its original design and use, for long daycare and in-venue kindergarten, an additional 93 new long daycare places would become available.
The State Government has also pledged funding for a childcare centre in Murtoa, scheduled to open in 2025.
“Accessible childcare in the smaller communities will enable more places to become available across the region, but we are talking a number of years before these become practically available,” Mrs Martin said.
“Workforce attraction is still the greatest challenge in our region, compounded by the disparity in wages across the care and education sectors.
“Childcare staff are not being remunerated equitably for their qualification and we need to address this foundational issue before we can genuinely make an impact.
“If we truly value the work of childcare and we want to ensure we can attract and retain skilled staff, then paying people appropriately is one of the key solutions.”
Horsham councillors, at a meeting on Monday night, unanimously voted to advertise for a provider to run a long daycare and kindergarten program from the hub.
Under the plan, Emerge Early Years Services’ kinder programs currently run at the hub would shift to a tworoom modular building at Horsham Primary School’s Rassmussen campus by 2024, at the latest. The State Government will provide about $2-million for the buildings.
Quality services
Mrs Martin said a childcare provider would ideally have a proven record for providing quality services.
“By Five will continue to work with all our local governments to advocate for a rural funding model that supports our communities to have this essential service,” she said.
“While Horsham council is looking at immediate pressures around childcare, Wimmera and southern Mallee councils are united in their effort to make stronger early years services, which enable children and
communities to thrive.” Cr Les Power told Monday’s council meeting that Horsham was growing and the council needed to ‘look after citizens’ by offering childcare services that met demand.
Cr Ian Ross referred to the council’s prayer, which pledges to ‘work in harmony’ for the ‘social, cultural and economic well-being of our rural city’.
“This project moves a step towards that,” he said.
“With the inflation pressures we are under and the shortage of employees and staffing, by freeing up some of our citizens, we get another 93 people who can be available for employment and that will help the economic wellbeing of this town.
“We need to facilitate as much as we can so anyone who wishes to work, can work.”
Cr Penny Flynn said daycare availability was critical to workforce participation and attraction.
She drew attention to a Victoria University study that found there were three children competing for every
available childcare place. She said the change to the hub’s offering would mean increased income for the council.
The Kalkee Road hub was originally designed to include kindergarten, long daycare, maternal and child health, supported playgroup, early intervention services and visiting specialist consulting rooms. It does not currently offer long daycare.
Maternal and child health services and supported playgroup will continue to operate from the hub.
A report to the council noted that uptake of the five hours of funded three-year-old kindergarten had been slow and was well below the update in other regions statewide.
“There is a general consensus that this is, in part, due to families’ unwillingness to give up a full day of long daycare, being eight hours, to access five hours of kindergarten and also the difficulties for working families to accommodate drop-off and pick-up of children who finish kindergarten sessions in the middle of the working day,” the report said.
Council chief reappointed
Sunil Bhalla will continue as Horsham Rural City Council’s chief executive.
The council confirmed a four-year extension to Mr Bhalla’s contract, until April 2027, at a meeting on Monday night.
Mr Bhalla took the council’s top job in April 2018, with 30 years of local government experience including leadership roles at the City of Maribyrnong and Surf Coast Shire.
Under Mr Bhalla’s leadership, Horsham council has secured more than $15-million in state and federal government funding for infrastructure projects, such as the Horsham City Oval and Sawyer Park redevelopment and sporting facility upgrades at Quantong and Horsham’s Dudley Cornell Park, Wimmera Riverfront activation project and nature play park, Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange roof installation, Wimmera Agricultural and Logistics HUB, Hamilton Street pedestrian bridge, Dooen Landfill expansion, Horsham silo art project and upgrades to Horsham Aquatic Centre.
The council has also secured more than $5-million in roads funding.
“I am honoured and grateful for the opportunity to continue in this position,” Mr Bhalla said.
“The Horsham municipality is a very special place that has its natural environment and communities at its heart. It’s a privilege to lead a pas-
sionate and talented group of people, and I look forward to being able to continue to grow and develop our organisation’s capacity and to collectively provide even greater outcomes for our community.”
The councillor group employs the chief executive.
Mayor Robyn Gulline said Mr Bhalla had overseen the council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, established the council’s involvement in a ‘rural councils corporate collaboration project’, developed and adopted the 2021-25 council plan and a 20-year community vision and implemented a staffing restructure.
“As a council, we felt it was important to retain Sunil’s guidance and genuine passion for the community to lead the organisation in delivering the best outcomes for Horsham Rural City Council and its residents,” she said.
“Sunil has steered the organisation and community through the COVID19 pandemic by developing strong partnerships with all levels of government, industry, community leaders and organisations.
“We greatly appreciate the expertise and knowledge that Sunil has brought to this organisation during his time at council and look forward to continuing to work collaboratively and supportively as we prepare for the future ahead.”
Plan to offer long day care at Kalkee Road Hub
More than 90 new long day places will be available by the end of the year under a Horsham Rural City Council plan to ease the Wimmera’s severe childcare shortage.
Mayor Robyn Gulline said rooms at Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub would become available for long day care when current tenant Emerge Early Learning Services shifted its kindergarten program to a new Horsham North facility.
“Emerge Early Learning Services has secured funding for a new two-room kindergarten to be located at the Rasmussen Road school site. This means there will be a chance for Council to host a much needed long day provider at the Hub,” she said. “The new long cay care program at the Hub should be operational by 2024 at the latest,” Cr Gulline said.
Cr Gulline said there were at least 215 individual children on the waiting lists of Horsham's four long day care centres.
She said access to child care could be a deciding factor in how long families stayed in the area.
“The inability to return to work or to move to Horsham to take up skilled positions disadvantages our whole community, putting businesses and services under further pressure to find suitable staff. Our shortage of long day care provision also unfairly disadvantages women.
“By reverting the Kalkee Road Hub to the original design and use, which was for long
Heritage Hall floor replacement update
The Horsham Town Hall Heritage Hall floor replacement project is on track to be completed before the middle of 2023.
With foundation works finished, contractor Locks Constructions will soon begin installing a new steel floor frame.
The timber boards in the 1939-built hall have reached the end of their useful life and Horsham Rural city Council successfully applied for a $200,000 grant from Heritage Victoria to replace the room’s entire surface with like-for-like boards. Council is working closely with heritage advisors to ensure the hall’s heritage significance is retrained during the replacement of the floor.
Monday 27 February 2023 - 5.30pm
For details visit
The recent decision of the Victorian Government to provide free kindergarten places to all three and four year-olds from 2023 as well as move to 30 hours of kinder provision by 2032, will create further need for kinder provisions in the municipality.
However there is a general consensus that families are unwilling to ‘give up’ a full day of long day care (eight hours) to access five hours of kindergarten.
This includes the issues of the inability to ‘swap’ long day care days (due to demand) and also the difficulties for working families to accommodate drop off and pick up of children who finish kindergarten sessions in the middle of the working day.
day care and in venue kindergarten, an additional 93 new long day care places can be made available.”
“That’s very good news not only for families but also local businesses,” Cr Gulline said.
The region’s childcare problem extends beyond long day care.
Horsham Rural City Council (Council) advises of its intention to licence Council property, known formally as part of the Jubilee Hall, 19-21 Roberts Avenue, Horsham (part of Lot 2 PS337018B, Vol 10202, Folio 707), to the Horsham City Brass Band (ABN 12 614 733 627), known as the Horsham Rural City Band (the Band).
Council has been asked to offer a licence to the Band for part of the Hall for a 15 year period with two (2) further five (5) year options (15+5+5) for the purpose of rehearsal, teaching and practice of music, and the storage of music equipment and memorabilia.
Under the terms of the proposed licence, the Band will have exclusive access to 198m2 of the Jubilee Hall and shared access to common areas, and will pay for all outgoings in relation to the space exclusively occupied and a portion of outgoings for the shared spaces.
Council are asking the community for their opinion on the licence given the duration requested and legislative provisions requiring consultation for any agreement over 10 years.
Any person may lodge a written submission to Council in support or opposition of the proposed licence.
Submissions must be received by close of business on 1 March 2023 and should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer, Horsham Rural City Council PO Box 511 Horsham 3402 or via email to
Submissions received will form part of the public record of the relevant Council and Committee meetings.
Any person who has made a written submission to Council may request in writing that he or she be heard in person in support of the written submission or by a person acting on his or her behalf before Council (or a Committee of Council established for this purpose) at a time and date to be advised.
Enquiries can be directed to Tennille Ellis, Coordinator Property Management on 5382 9777 or via email: tennille.ellis@
“So right now our priority is to try and improve people’s options when it comes to long day care,” Cr Gulline said.
Council will soon invite expressions of interest from providers to run the new long day care and all-day kindergarten program. Maternal and Child Health Services and Supported Playgroup will continue to operate from the Hub.
Applications for HRCC’s Community Grants Program are now open for notfor-profit groups.
Clubs and organisations can apply for up to $10,000 via the HRCC website from 1 February until 1 March.
This year Council is hosting two Grants Workshops presented by Keith Whelan “The Grants Guy”.
Workshop 1
Monday 13 February, 6pm to 8pm at the Civic Centre Workshop 2
Tuesday 14 February, 6pm to 8pm at Natimuk NC2
Please RSVP by Monday 6 February. Email: melanie.janetzki@hrcc. or 0429 271 546.
Monday 13 February
Tender # Q31/2023
Thursday 9 February
Tender # Q29/2023
Friday 17 February
All tender, EOI and RFQ details online at: horsham-rural-citycouncil/
An opportunity to educate
elder says Janu-
ary 26 is an opportunity to walk hand-in-hand and foster education, awareness and acceptance.
Aunty Anne Nikkelson presented a welcome to country at Horsham’s Australia Day event on Thursday on behalf of Traditional Owners and Barengi Gadjin Land Council.
On a day that continues to rouse divided sentiment about its appropriateness for a national celebration, both within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the broader community, Aunty Anne said she viewed it as an education opportunity.
Aunty Anne is Stolen Generation Repatriation advisory committee chair, and a fellow Stolen Generation victim.
She said her childhood was a difficult time and she had carried anger and negativity.
Now, she said, she used her life experiences to educate others.
“It is hard for me, this particular day – simply because I understand what my mother went through; what my parents and my siblings went through and myself. It was horrific,” she said of January 26.
“But I want to move forward. We can educate the community as to the horrors. You can’t take it back, but you can’t bury it either. Let’s all move forward together.
“Acknowledge our hurt and pain and work with us to acknowledge us as a people.”
Aunty Anne said while she sup-
ported calls to change the date of Australia Day, she acknowledged differing opinions.
She encouraged people to have genuine conversations and become an ally, to change the narrative.
“Let’s walk hand in hand. Let’s not be ignorant and point fingers at each other; let’s educate each other about what we can do to move forward,” she said.
“It’s up to us to educate others as to why we feel so passionate about moving that date – because the struggle is real.”
Aunty Anne taught people at the Horsham event the Wergaia word ‘Dalk, which means hello. As she
learns language herself, she is proud to pass it onto her children and grandchildren.
“Sovereignty was never ceded and it always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land,” she said.
“We are all Australian – with Aboriginal roots.”
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures have always had protocols for welcoming visitors to country. Land boundaries were clear and crossing into another group’s country required permission.
Once permission was granted, the hosting group would welcome the visitors and offer them safe passage and protection of their spiritual being.
Dimboola investigation
A police investigation into the death of a man at Dimboola continues.
Officers attended a Victoria Street property on Monday last week where they found the man, 71, had died.
Visitors had to respect the protocols and roles of the hosting group while on their country.
Today, Traditional Owners, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have permission from Traditional Owners, deliver a welcome to country. It occurs at the start of an event or meeting.
An acknowledgement of country is a chance for anyone to show respect for Traditional Owners.
January 26, 1788 marks the day the British flag was hoisted at Sydney Cove.
The concept of ‘Australia Day’ was initially raised in 1915 as a fundraiser for the war effort. It was held in July.
In 1935, all Australian states were celebrating a national day, known as different names in different states. On the 150th anniversary in 1938, it was celebrated nationally; but it also saw First Nations people declare the date a ‘day of mourning’.
The federal and state governments unified state-based Australia Day celebrations in 1946 and celebrated it on January 26 as a country, with a public holiday taken on the closest Monday.
January 26 became a public holiday in every Australian state and territory in 1994.
A Victoria Police spokesperson said Homicide Squad detectives were continuing their investigations into the circumstances surrounding the man’s death, which they were treating as suspicious.
No charges have been laid.
Police want to speak with anyone who might have witnessed activity at the property, or has information about the man’s death.
People can contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.
Halls Gap crash
A woman has died in a crash near Halls Gap at the weekend.
The woman was driving south along Mount Zero Road when her vehicle struck a tree about 4.30pm on Saturday. She died at the scene.
A boy, who was travelling in the car, sustained non life-threatening injuries and was airlifted to hospital.
Police called on anyone who witnessed the crash, or who has dashcam or CCTV footage or information, to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.
There have been 30 lives lost on the roads to date this year; compared to 21 at the same time last year.
Community rallies to support young Larson
From page 1
“It alters your life forever; it is not an easy answer, so that’s why we appreciate the doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital doing further tests on Larson.
“We know other kids who go to the Royal Children’s Hospital and have their own battles, so hopefully we can keep the fundraiser going and give back to the Horsham community.”
Larson was first diagnosed with severe congenital neutropenia after a stye, caused by bacterial infection of the gland at the base of an eyelash, became infected.
He now receives IV antibiotics when he spikes a fever or there is a possibility he has an infection.
A bone marrow transplant would involve six to eight weeks of isolation and months of recovery in Melbourne.
‘We go to Melbourne to talk about
my bone marrow’, Larson says.
“He doesn’t know the severity of it. An infection is life-threatening for him because his body cannot fight it,” Miss Boutcher said.
“Some children may grow out of it and that’s my miracle – that he never has to have this – but unfortunately a bone marrow transplant is the only outcome where it is fixed, which is drastic, but if he needs it that’s what he needs.”
Miss Boutcher said from the outside, people would not know Larson had a medical condition.
“He is an isolated two-year-old because he can’t go to childcare or swimming lessons and he spends a lot of time in hospital,” she said.
“But he is a happy kid and always willing to stop and talk to people.”
The pop-up piano bar is at Horsham
Football Netball Clubrooms at Horsham City Oval on February 18.
Mr Vettos said people were volunteering their time to take care of food, decorations and performances.
“Everyone is so excited that it is going to a good cause,” he said.
“The Horsham Football Netball Club has been really great helping us out as much as we need with the venue.
“We have 22 performers and five accompanists on piano and guitar. We had 160 tickets and they were sold out within three days.
“People were happy to work around and make themselves available, some people are coming to sing one song or four songs or do a duet.”
Mr Vettos said because doctors were not rushing into a transplant for Larson, it was a good time to donate to research.
“Unfortunately, bone marrow is not researched as much as other diseases, so it is a way to give back and we’re aiming to keep costs as minimal as possible so we can give as much to Maddie’s Vision as we can,” he said.
“This isn’t just about getting people up to sing and having a good time, there will be information about Larson’s story and Maddie’s Vision so that people know there’s a reason behind what we’re doing.
“We’re very lucky to live in a giving town, and also have friends who are very gifted and willing to give their time and their services to get this going – it’s going to be a really good night.
“Someone said to me recently, ‘the only way to have good friends is by being a good friend’ and I think that has sparked something here about
why people want to get behind Erin and Chris to support them.
“Larson is such a special kid.”
Mr Vettos said he hoped there would be a ripple effect from this event to be able to donate to other families or charities in the future.
“Hopefully we have scope down the track to help other Wimmera families who are going through hard times, or other charities that will support them, because it’s sad when you think of how many people are in need and not everyone has lots of support,” he said.
“I think if this turns from something to help one family to help even more families, I think we will be pretty chuffed with that.”
‘Measure in Love for Larson’ GoFundMe can be found online at www.
“Let’s walk hand in hand. Let’s not be ignorant and point fingers at each other; let’s educate each other about what we can do to move forward”
– Aunty Anne Nikkelson, left
Sewer fogging program to start in Willaura
GWMWater would like to advise of a Sewer Fogging Program which will run in Willaura on 7, 8 and 9 February 2023.
Sewer fogging is a technique designed to identify leaks or unauthorised connections which may be allowing stormwater to pass into our sewer network. This can increase the risk of spills from our sewer manholes, sewer pump stations and wastewater treatment plants during heavy wet weather events.
The fog will move through pipes and come up from the ground if there is a leak. The fog looks like smoke, but does not smell and is harmless to people, pets, food and materials.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time while we complete these important works.
If you require any further information about the works, please contact our friendly Customer Service Team on 1300 659 961 during business hours.
For more information on sewer fogging, visit or scan the QR code.
Drawing strength from helping others
BY ABBY WALTERAtragedy has turned into a legacy for Gavin ‘Bear’ Hynam, of Horsham, as he launches an initiative to remember his son, Preston, who died in a car crash 15 years ago.
Mr Hynam said he is keeping Preston’s spirit alive with the creation of ‘Cars 4 Youth’ – a program to help get young people safe and reliable cars once they achieve their licence.
In recent years, Mr Hynam has helped seven drivers obtain cars, and on December 14 last year, he launched ‘Cars 4 Youth’ to recognise the 15th anniversary of Preston’s death.
“After the tragic death of a child, you have to find your way again because you are lost in the world,” he said.
“Preston’s death changed me – I’ll say for the better.
“I would have once called myself not a bad bloke, but after his death, I viewed the world a lot differently and more compassionately.
“I got a soft spot and passion for our rural youth, which is how I came to be involved in the L2P and P21 program run through the Centre of Participation at Horsham.”
The L2P program is a mentor program where young people drive with a fully-qualified passenger for 120 hours, working towards achieving their driver’s licence.
The P21 program is for people aged 21 and older who are trying to obtain their driver’s licence.
Mr Hynam said he joined the program as a mentor after a second training session about 13 years ago and he had lost count of how many young people he had helped learn to drive.
“Cars 4 Youth wasn’t formed at that stage, but I am always trying to come up with fresh, new ideas to help our youth,” he said.
“Suzanne Gatz, Preston’s mum, worked with the migrant and refugee community and we met a young Hazara refugee, Mohammad, who became part of our family.
“Suzanne taught him how to drive, for 120 hours, and that’s who the first car went to. We helped him.
“There were two other cars after that, and in 2022 I decided I would give away two cars, as each year I take about two young people and one migrant, in the P21 program, for their driving hour every Sunday.
“Two cars turned into four cars and in September my daughter Maddie Hynam suggested starting a GoFundMe account.”
Mr Hynam said at first, he was speechless, but after thinking about
Maddie’s idea he was on board. “I am passionate about cars. I am passionate about our rural youth and I’m also passionate about the L2P program, so ‘Cars 4 Youth’ came from a combination of that,” he said.
Family plan
“As a family, Suzanne, Maddie and my son Noah, told me I had to come up with a name, so when I was at work sitting on the tractor and I had plenty of time to think, I came up with one.
“Preston’s first car was a yellow Torana, which is the colour of the car on the logo. I had that done up at Mick Harrison Signs in Horsham and the whole family contributed to the story on the GoFundMe page.”
The GoFundMe page received $7835 from its launch to mid-January, when it was closed.
Three automatic cars were also donated for the cause.
Mr Hynam said he buys cars, makes any repairs needed, gets a roadworthy
certificate and pays for three months of registration on the car before donating it to a young person.
“The first car last year went to a young man who didn’t do the L2P program with me, but I was trying to encourage him to,” he said.
“He got his licence and while I had fixed the brakes, there were some other jobs that needed to be done and I had the parts for it.
“So I gave the young man the car and we agreed he would work with some friends and get the car ready for the road, which he did.
“A workmate knew of someone whose grandmother was handing in her licence and wanted to know if I was interested in a little car.
“I had new tyres put on it and some small jobs done at Rick Smith Motors to make it roadworthy before it went to a young lady who I was driving with who is having a real go and trying to better herself.”
Mr Hynam said the third car came from Rick Smith Motors as another person was handing in their licence and selling their car.
“I’m still driving in the program with the person who received that car and she is working towards her licence,” he said.
“The final car given away last year went to a young lady who contacted me to do her final 10 hours of driving in town, as she had only done rural driving.
“At the end of doing 10 hours, I told her that part of driving with me was receiving a car, so I got the roadworthy done on another car and she drives that now.
“I take the drivers into VicRoads and get the cars signed over into their name with three months registration paid for.”
Mr Hynam said his ‘criteria’ for a young person to receive a car from him was to have had a ‘tough run’
during their life and be ‘having a go now’ to improve themselves and get a licence.
“I’m not super strict on the criteria,” he said.
“I can’t help but want to help these people. When I teach them, and whether we sit in the car for 120 hours or 20 hours, I get to know them because L2P is not only about the drive, it’s about giving advice and being a person they can talk to.
“It’s very rewarding. You get back way more than what you give – this is the little bit I can do for people.”
Building a legacy
Mr Hynam said the response from the GoFundMe account was ‘amazing’.
“Thank you to everyone who contributed money or a car. It will make a massive difference to how many cars we get out there for people who need them,” he said.
“So, what will we do with the $7800 – well, I have just paid three months’ registration on one of the cars and one of the cars had a transmission problem, so we have had that fixed.
“With this amount of money, I am hoping to stretch it to between six and eight cars in the next couple of years.
“It’s not all about the money, though. The real thing is keeping Preston’s spirit alive – that is what this is all about.
“The money will help, but Preston lived here for 21 years and I want to remind people of him.
“Despite him not being here anymore, he is where I draw my strength from.”
Mr Hynam said his aim for 2023 was to donate two to three cars to young people.
“One young person I am driving with at the moment has 108 hours to go, so is a long way from needing a car,” he said.
“I have asked the program co-ordinator to look at who else is in L2P who fits the criteria and is close to getting their licence. So, we will see what happens from there.
“Who knows what will exactly happen this year, but whatever it is will be positive and good.”
“After the tragic death of a child you have to find your way again because you are lost in the world. Preston’s death changed me – I’ll say for the better”
– Gavin Hynam
Know the COLOURS
Across Australia, the Fire Danger Rating system has changed. Using real-time scientific data, it now gives you a more accurate rating of the risk level if a fire was to start in your area. Each colour represents the actions you need to take to stay safe. If it’s orange, the fire risk is Extreme, so you need to take action now and be ready to go. The safest option is to leave early.
Plan. Act. S u r v ive. G o to v ic . gov. au/knowfire
For more information on the new simpler and smarter Fire Danger Ratings, search Fire Danger Ratings
Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
Employers look to package housing
Farmers across the region are increasingly considering the potential accommodation packages have to attract skilled workers to their businesses as regional housing shortages bite.
Warracknabeal’s Northwest Real Estate director John Hadley said January was often a busy period for businesses seeking to hire staff, and he had met with several farmers in recent weeks who were considering purchasing and renting property to lure new workers and their families to the region.
He said it was a common concept for farmers to offer accommodationwage packages across Australia’s ag-
ricultural industry, but believed the practice was becoming more frequent as employee accommodation expectations changed and as new employees considered the region’s housing shortage an obstacle to employment.
“There has always been a steady demand for houses in this region and this year there seems to be more demand than usual,” he said.
Mr Hadley said housing packages were becoming an attractive option for all regional businesses seeking employees.
He said businesses were increasingly considering housing packages to attract, in particular, middle and seniormanagement level workers.
“We even considered going down
the housing route ourselves. We believed it might have been an option for us when we were seeking agency staff,” he said.
“I have had three or four meetings in recent weeks with different farmers looking at purchasing homes for potential staff.”
Mr Hadley said in previous eras, farmers could offer a bungalow or old farmhouse to their workers, while farm hands would often sleep ‘wherever they could’.
But he said as businesses sought more highly-skilled staff who would often relocate to the region with their family, farmers recognised they needed to offer a ‘better’ standard of accommodation.
NEW LEADERS: Horsham Holy Trinity Lutheran College principal James Phillips, left, and new junior school head Adam Borgas.
Lutheran principal assumes role
New stewards have joined the leadership team at Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College after the resignation of the school’s principal at the end of 2022.
Incoming principal James Phillips has taken the helm of the prep to year-12 college.
Mr Phillips was principal of Tarrington Lutheran School, a small primary school in southern Grampians, about 10-kilometres east of Hamilton.
He said he was ‘excited’ to lead a foundation to year-12 school.
“There is something special about being involved in a student’s education journey right through their primary and secondary school experiences,” he said.
Mr Phillips said he would also step into the classroom as a teacher at times, to build relationships with students.
He said his school leadership would be defined by his ‘passion for the future’ and his desire to ‘address the needs of tomorrow’s world, today’. “The role of principal is about closing that gap between school and the wider world,” he said.
“Prior to education, I was in the corporate world working in senior human-resources roles.
“I was identifying graduates entering the corporate world who might have lacked ‘everyday’ skills to navigate employment, even though they might have been academically talented.
“I want students to make mistakes at school, and to learn from them, because school is a safe place to have those experiences.”
Mr Phillips has replaced former principal Daniel Weller, who served from 2017 to 2022.
The college also welcomes the return of former teacher Adam Borgas, who will head the junior school department.
Mr Borgas taught physical education at the college before taking up principalship at Waikerie Lutheran Primary School in South Australia, in 2012.
Mr Borgas said his focus in Horsham would remain on continuing the college’s ‘holistic education’ approach.
He said he would work alongside former head of junior school Fiona Friberg, now deputy principal, as the school continued to grow its supervisory structures to appropriately handle expanding enrolment.
– Michael Scalzo![](
Wimmera farmer David Jochinke said providing accommodation packages for farm staff was ‘not a new concept’, however it had become more popular in recent years.
“Farmers are trying to remain the long-term employer of choice for farm workers who are usually jack-of-alltrades people,” he said.
“Agriculture has always been a traditional employee hunting ground for other sectors, and in a very competitive market, farmers were after ways to retain staff.”
Mr Jochinke, the former chair of Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Partnership, said increased necessity of employee housing packages across the region’s farms had only
further highlighted the region’s housing shortages.
“This does put a spotlight on a problem that is already here – that housing stock across a lot of Australia, not just the Wimmera, is in need of replenishment,” he said.
“What we need to do is continue to highlight, to all levels of government, the issues we are facing.
“Whether that is talking with councils about planning process, talking with State Government about funding allocations for affordable-housing schemes, or talking with the Federal Government about building the infrastructure around communities that will enable them to thrive.”
Ride to Remember
Ararat Blue Ribbon Foundation is hosting its 15th annual Grampians ‘Ride to Remember’ this weekend.
The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation honours the memory of members killed in the line of duty, by giving financial support to community projects.
All proceeds from the Grampians ‘Ride to Remember’ will be donated to East Grampians Health Service to purchase a new ultrasound machine for the John McNally medical imaging department at Ararat Hospital.
The Ararat ride begins at 9am on Sunday. Riders will travel 197 kilometres through Moyston, Pomonal, Lake Fyans, Halls Gap, Dunkeld, Willaura and Maroona. There is a ‘show and shine’ at Alexandra Gardens, Ararat, after the ride. Riders are escorted by Victoria Police for safety. Registrations can be made at www.trybooking. com/CCXJN
Fertiliser plant capacity![](
Agronomy business Crop Opti is building a fertiliser depot at Golf Course Road, Horsham, that is scheduled to be operational by early May.
The depot aims to cut costs and time spent on the road for Wimmera farmers carting fertiliser from ports in Portland and Geelong.
and community spirit is a trait of Wimmera people.
Rolling up the sleeves, lending a hand and getting it done. It’s our way of life.
Events across the past week have offered an opportunity to recognise and highlight the outstanding contributions of local leaders.
Their passion for community and the people within it. For helping, learning and growing with all good intent. Pride.
From increasing liveability within our towns, to advocating for innovative solutions for a ‘better’ future, identifying opportunity and creating action, and building the profile and brand of the region.
From longevity in the service of community, to their passion and prowess of grassroots sport or the plethora of community groups and interests.
To supporting others with care and kindness – and often, all the while, doing so with a quiet calmness and positive influence. No fuss.
A passion to ‘bottle’ and spread – far and wide. All for the ‘greater good’.
Today’s edition of The Weekly Advertiser is jam-packed with heart-warming examples of leadership and selflessness across the region.
Those who don’t do what they do for the accolades and fanfare, but because it is what’s right. Setting quiet examples that will leave a lasting legacy.
Challenges of declining volunteering numbers have received attention in recent years.
As the generations and the years pass by, ponderings stray to the ways in which future gen-
By Jessica Grimble
erations can, and will, support their community. Their capacity in environments that constantly demand more from volunteers and from employees. The sustainability to continue a passion for helping and serving; and the groups and endeavours that pique their interest.
The knowledge, skills, responsibility and support required to make it happen; and the factors that can encourage or inhibit success.
People are increasingly making choices that support their greatest passions – whether in community or the workplace. To do less, better. Quality over quantity.
Regardless of those choices, however, the ‘rule book’ of Australian Police Medal recipient, Horsham police Leading Senior Constable Linda McLennan, is a grounded reminder to us all, every day.
Her career has long been governed by a philosophy of positive experiences, positive influences, genuine relationships and kindness – and it has reaped the benefits by way of solid relationships and partnerships across the region.
“Always be kind. No-one ever regrets being kind and people will remember you if you are kind,” she said.
SCHOOL’S IN: Sophie Carter was among the Wimmera’s newest crop of foundation students to step into the classroom for the first time this week. Sophie, second from right, had support from her parents Josh and Jaz and sister Ella Carter, year-three, as she arrived for her first day at Ss Michael and John’s Primary School in Horsham on Monday. Almost 78,000 children will start primary school this week across the state. Motorists are reminded to adhere to lower speed limits in school zones from 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm on weekdays during school terms. More pictures, page 26.
An article in the January 25 edition of The Weekly Advertiser contained an incorrect figure. The shed will hold about 6000 tonnes of fertiliser at its capacity.
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The publisher and general manager is Scott Grambau, C/- 2 Stawell Road, Horsham, for Ace Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd, ACN 064 882 042. The Weekly Advertiser is a free paper printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd, 7940 Melbourne Rd, Shepparton, and distributed by regional distributors and Australia Post.
Event panel to address equality
AnInternational Women’s Day panel discussion in Horsham will explore the 2023 event theme, Embracing Equity, with a particular focus on how being rural impacts efforts for equality in the Wimmera.
An organising committee has scheduled the event for March 1 at Federation University in Horsham – a week prior to the annual, global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women; it also marks a call to action for accelerating equality.
Wimmera people will hear from a panel of speakers including Dr Cathy Tischler, who leads the Future Regions Research Centre –Horsham hub of Federation University. The centre delivers research to improve knowledge about rural communities and their needs, with a particular emphasis on western Victoria.
Dr Niki Vincent, Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector; Onella Cooray, program associate, Champions of Change Coalition; and Ashlea Edwards, See What You Can Be equality advocate will join Dr Tischler, discussing how patterns of work including part-time work and workplace flexibility occur in a rural context, and opportunities to support change.
Dr Vincent is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the ‘Gender Equality Act 2020’ and plays a key leadership role in promoting gender equality in the Victorian community and workplaces.
Her work funded the research centre to explore ‘Rurality and workforce participation: Exploring prevalence of part-time and insecure work in Grampians public service roles’.
Dr Tischler said the research was exploring the challenges of living rurally and participating in work.
“The research our team is doing locally explores how ‘being rural’ can sometimes make it harder to reach equality in our workplaces. There are different challenges for both employers and employees as a result of living in a rural area,” she said.
“While our government has a strong commitment to equality, it is important that we understand these differences.
“This will help everyone to support local efforts by workplaces, as well as seeing where expectations of employers and employees may need to shift, and highlight gaps in structures and systems that are needed for rural people to be able to work.”
Horsham East Rotary Club is among the organising groups.
Event organisers and supporters also include Women’s Health Grampians, Federation University, Horsham Rural City Council, ACE Radio and The Weekly Advertiser Rotary representative Robyn Lardner said the event was the eighth of its kind in Horsham.
“Each year the event has a different format and focus. This year’s speakers’ panel will discuss the real-life challenges women of all ages are facing, which impact society broadly,” she said.
“International Women’s Day is a chance to continue to reflect on the continued fight for gender equality and the work that still needs to be done to ensure equality for all women.”
More details are available online via www. and tickets are available via www.
MEMORY: People can view a mural honouring Stawell-born Stella Young at Stawell Pop up Park in Main Street. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Students complete Young mural
A mural honouring Stawellborn advocate and comedian Stella Young is complete.
Stawell’s Skene Street Specialist School students Lexi East, Amarina Richards and Amber Farrow worked alongside Stella Young memorial project creative consultant
Danny Fraser to paint a silhouette mural of Ms Young at Stawell Pop up Park. Each with lived experience of disability, Lexi, Amber and Amarina said they were proud
to use their creative talents to assist with a project that highlighted a need for inclusion and acceptance in the community. Inviting visitors to contemplate their perception of disability, a plaque and QR code at the site, in Main Street, will offer further information about Ms Young.
The mural also features a quote from Ms Young: “I would like to live in a world where disability is not the exception but the norm.”
It is another dimension to the Remembering Stella Young project, which will also include a bronze statue of Ms Young at Cato Park. The statue is due to be installed in March.
Ms Young, a Stawell-born activist and comedian, was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, otherwise known as ‘brittle bone disease’. She died in 2014, aged 32. State Government funding is supporting the project.
Free COVID tests available from council
Wimmera people can now access free rapid antigen tests, RATs, from their closest council office.
Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas said a council RAT distribution program was operating across more than 200 sites such
as libraries and council customer service centres. The program is now open to all, with eligibility requirements now removed.
Ms Thomas said people could collect up to two packets for themselves, plus up to two packets for each household member,
per visit, while people with a disability or their carer can collect up to four packets of tests.
She said RATs remained the primary tool for early detection of COVID-19 and to enable timely clinical care, including access to antivirals for those eligible.
Leagues support ‘choice’
BY MICHAEL SCALZOCall for youth climate voice
is at the root of the region’s netball leagues and Netball Victoria initiatives to broaden uniform options for all 2023 players.
Netball clubs now have an option to offer their players an official set of club-coloured shorts and singlet, along with a traditional netball dress, as part of an initiative to help all playing and aspiring netball players feel comfortable in their playing attire.
Netball Australia’s updated uniform guidelines for the 2023 season, as endorsed by Netball Victoria, have confirmed the uniform change for all participating netball leagues and associations.
The guidelines state that clubs and associations ‘must approve the uniform’ of a player if they are wearing a dress, singlet, bodysuit, long or short-sleeved t-shirt, shorts, skirt, or long pants, as long as they still adhere to team colour and design requirements.
Horsham District Football Netball League netball director Sharon Fedke said the uniform changes had been considered for ‘a long time’ among netball circles.
She said the new uniform options were a chance for clubs to reduce the reluctance of many eager netballers who were keen to join a team, but because of the dress-only options, had not.
“The league is trying to be more inclusive, and some people just didn’t want to step onto the court because they were uncomfortable wearing the
dress – they just wanted other options,” she said.
“For people reluctant to play, hopefully it gives them a few more reasons to join a team.”
Last year, before the sweeping 2023 uniform guideline change, Netball Victoria had provided its affiliate leagues with sample bylaws that gave them a choice heading into the 2022 season.
Netball Victoria government relations and affiliate services general manager Amanda Basu said the association’s sample bylaws, which
she had recommended its affiliated leagues adopt, allowed ‘choice’.
“We want our game to be the most inclusive game out there, so the freedom of choice for individuals to play in something they’re comfortable in just opens up our game to such a bigger audience,” she said.
“It also helps with the retention of girls and boys who might walk away from the sport because they don’t feel comfortable.”
Ms Fedke said she had not heard any negatives about players wearing alternative uniforms on the court, but
she was open to people voicing their views.
Wimmera Football Netball League netball director Toni Stewart said netballers playing within the Wimmera league in 2022 also had an opportunity to wear an alternative uniform that year after the league’s bylaws were amended.
“It is something clubs need to support. If it is stopping a player from playing, and we know that it does for a variety of reasons, then these players need to be able to have a choice on what they play in,” she said.
Elders Southern Wool Report
WEEK 30 – Ending 27-1-23
An opportunity for the Wimmera’s young people to have a voice on climate change is open for expressions of interest.
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, DEECA, is inviting young people aged 18 to 25 to help guide investment and action for climate change adaptation in the Central Highlands and Wimmera. They would then join the Wimmera’s Regional Climate Adaptation Group, RCAG.
DEECA Grampians region community and partnerships program manager Geoff Miller said climate change and adaptation were major concerns for many young people.
“This is a great opportunity for them to help shape what adaptation looks like in our region,” he said.
“It is important our RCAGs are a true representation of the communities they represent, which is why we are looking for interest from young people to be involved.”
The Wimmera RCAG provides an opportunity for people to lead the development and implementation of the Grampians Region Climate Adaptation Strategy.
The group continues to build and share an understanding of regional expectations in climate adaptation, encourage regional action, innovation and ownership and ensure that climate adaptation initiatives support regional communities.
Members meet regularly to discuss and develop opportunities that help communities adapt to the changing climate.
The Wimmera RCAG was established in 2019 as part of the State Government’s ‘Supporting our Regions to Adapt’ plan. Expressions of interest are open until February 7.
People can visit www.adaptgrampians. to apply.
City moves on band agreement
Horsham Rural City Band will relocate to Jubilee Hall in Horsham ahead of construction works at Horsham City Oval.
The current band hall on O’Callaghan Parade will be removed for a redevelopment of Horsham City Oval and Sawyer Park.
Band president Karl Carman said the band was working with Horsham Rural City Council to establish finer points of an agreement to move to Jubilee Hall, in Roberts Avenue.
“We had some concerns, but the council has come to the table and there are now plans in place to renovate Jubilee Hall before we relocate there,” he said.
“It will mean we have adequate storage, a bigger space and will meet our needs for soundproofing and lighting.
“Our concern was initially the hall was not equal or better as we were promised, however we are feeling positive now.”
The band is requesting a 15-year licence with the option of two further five-year options.
Councillors unanimously approved the request at their latest meeting on Monday night and it now goes to community feedback for a period of four weeks.
Under the Local Government Act 2020, a council must undertake community engagement before any proposal to licence property is approved if the duration is 10 years or more.
Horsham City Pipe Band is also relocating from the city oval precinct to Jubilee Hall. Each band will have a separate room and share a kitchen, toilets and meeting room.
The council is providing both bands
agricutlure venture
$10,000 for the impact caused by relocating due to the redevelopment.
The Horsham City Oval and Sawyer Park redevelopment occurs on Crown land. It includes a new community pavilion and football changerooms, netball pavilion and changerooms, two netball courts, an accessible grandstand, a bigger playing oval and a playground area.
It is the second stage of the Horsham Rural City Council’s City to River Masterplan. Works have begun on the netball courts and pavilion and changerooms after funding was received in October.
Mr Carman said he did not believe the band would relocate until Jubilee Hall works were complete, which he anticipated could take six months.
He said the band was initially concerned they would have to share a rehearsal space.
“If we didn’t have sole access to a room, we were concerned about mitigating risks of injury, damage to equipment and who would be in charge of insurance,” he said.
“Having exclusive access to a room removes that risk and at this stage, with the renovations, most of the proposal from the council meets the criteria we have stood by since the beginning.
“After the community engagement on the lease, we will have to do a formal vote on what comes from that as a whole band, but I don’t foresee any hold-ups there.
“There is sentiment for our unique hall but Jubilee Hall fulfils our need for a space to rehearse.”
People wanting to have their say, or for more information, can go to www.hrcc.vic.
YOU BEAUTY: The Weekly Advertiser’s Kelly Laird captured this cracking shot of a sulphur crested cockatoo nestled high in a tree along the Coppermine Track in the northern Grampians at the weekend. Recent warm weather has fostered ideal conditions for people, and their furry, feathered and scaly friends, to explore the region’s national parks, tourist trails and tracks, and recreational lakes and waterways. If you’ve snapped a great photo, we’d love to see it — email us a copy to
Municipal monitor’s term complete
The State Government could receive a report about the governance practices of Horsham Rural City Council within a week.
Municipal monitor Jude Holt’s six-month term concluded on Tuesday. She will detail the council’s efforts to improve governance in a report to Local Government Minister Melissa Horne.
Ms Horne appointed a municipal monitor to the council, at its request, in July.
A government spokesperson said other correspondence and media reports had also indicated ‘inappropriate councillor conduct’ resulting in ‘risks to good gov-
ernance and councillor and staff health and safety’.
A monitor observes governance processes and reports on issues, provides advice to the council and makes recommendations to Ms Horne for further action.
“Following the tenure of Ms Jude Holt, a report will soon be provided to the Minister for Local Government,” the government spokesperson said.
“The minister will then determine whether any further action at Horsham Rural City Council is needed.
“Councils are the level of government closest to the people and
it is imperative that they represent the communities they serve.” Ms Holt, of Wedderburn, is a finance and governance professional with 30 years of experience. Horsham council chief executive Sunil Bhalla thanked Ms Holt for her assistance.
“As an organisation we all share a common goal to do the best we can for our community and we are always looking for opportunities to improve,” Mr Bhalla said.
“The next step is for Ms Holt to provide a report to the Minister for Local Government. As a council, we are not privy to that process.”
‘Unwavering in her support’
Nhill’s Christine Dufty is Hindmarsh shire’s citizen of the year.
The honour recognises Mrs Dufty’s long contribution to healthcare, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic response, along with her volunteer service to the community.
She has worked for West Wimmera Health Services, WWHS, for 32 years.
“During the pandemic, Christine has been unwavering in her support of staff, and has been the go-to person for advice on management of infection prevention, vaccination, isolation, visitor management and a variety of other issues and challenges that have arisen,” her citation read.
“She co-ordinated the vaccinations of the elderly and vulnerable, staff, the community, and local businesses.
“Christine has gone above and beyond when caring for the community.
“She has travelled to businesses to
Ararat awards
Willaura’s Jo Byron is Ararat Rural City’s citizen of the year.
Her community involvement includes volunteering for the committees of the Salvation Army, AME Systems social club, Moyston-Willaura Football Netball Club, Tatyoon Cricket Club, Willaura Playgroup, Willaura and District Kindergarten Parents and Willaura Primary School Parents Council.
“Jo has demonstrated that it’s entirely possible to raise a family, help run a successful farming business, remain a committed and valuable employee, maintain a wide range of friendships, all while helping her community,” her citation read.
“The lives of Willaura’s residents and beyond have been enhanced through Jo’s capacity to create and diligently organise an extensive range of community-building activities and events.”
Chris Harris received the council’s volunteer of the year award.
A life member of the Ararat Eisteddfod, she joined the committee in 2001 and remains an ‘energetic and dedicated’ committee member who ‘leads with passion and enthusiasm’.
Dance entries for the eisteddfod have increased every year under her eightyear leadership as dance and eisteddfod convenor.
Harry Belcher was named young citizen of the year.
Harry participated in the Western Bulldogs Youth Leadership Project last year, run in partnership with the council. He has supported young people to have a voice about matters important to them, such as bullying, mental health and well-being.
vaccinate staff, visited the homes of vulnerable people, cared for residents in WWHS and other aged-care facilities, and played a key role in operations of the COVID-19 testing station at the Nhill Truck and Trailer Exchange, community vaccination clinics and vaccination clinics for children.”
Mrs Dufty is a 20-year member of Nhill Rotary Club and was its first female member.
She is also a long-time member of Nhill and District Sporting Club as a hockey player, Nhill Hockey Club volunteer and Wimmera Hockey Association life member.
She was awarded ‘employee of the year’ at the ACE Radio Wimmera Business Awards last year.
Meanwhile, Rainbow’s Ayla Roberts is young citizen of the year.
The Rainbow P-12 College captain organised a White Ribbon Awareness Day, including information and activi-
ties for students, last year – going on to host a community lunch and raising $3000 for White Ribbon Australia and West Wimmera White Ribbon. Ayla also cares for her mother, who has mobility issues.
She is open about her mental health and is passionate about promoting an inclusive community.
The Peter Taylor Memorial Barefoot Tournament and Night Jump, at Dimboola in February, was deemed community event of the year.
The event was named in memory of waterskiing legend, Peter Taylor, who lost his fight to cancer in 2017.
Barefoot water skiers of all ages showed their skills and the tournament was broadcast to people unable to attend. It attracted 2500 attendees from across Australia and raised more than $4500, which was donated to Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids, also known as WACK, and Wimmera Mental Health.
Dimboola Boat and Water Ski Club organised the event, with support from Dimboola Rowing Club, Dimboola Netball and Football Club and Dimboola Town Committee.
COMMITTED: Warracknabeal
Citizen of the Year
Barbara Bell accepts her award at the Warracknabeal Australia
Day service.
Three leaders honoured at Warracknabeal
Yarriambiack shire communities have recognised the outstanding contributions of its citizens – to community, liveability and sport.
An event at Warracknabeal recognised three community leaders with Australia Day honours.
Barbara Bell, an artist and former secondary school teacher, received a Rotary Citizenship Award.
The award recognised Mrs Bell’s contribution to the arts including early membership of Warracknabeal Arts Council and leadership of its community arts projects including the stained glass window project outlining history of the region, textile mural banner depicting farming seasons of the area, and painting a backdrop at the Molly Taylor kiosk capturing the spirit of the RSL.
Her foresight and passion led to an
increase of the arts council’s Australian print collection.
Mrs Bell also recognised the value of cultural tourism and its role in invigorating country towns – including Warracknabeal’s Scott Street roundabout projects, information boards and Federation Street tiling project. She is credited with the vision that resulted in Warracknabeal reminding the wider community of musician Nick Cave’s connection to the town on its welcome signs, resulting in a ‘steady stream’ of visitors.
Mrs Bell is a keen swimmer, having also taught swimming for a number of years, and is Warracknabeal Golf Club’s longest-serving women’s member, having joined the club more than 50 years ago. She has written a range of poems about the people and lifestyle of the region.
Year six student Piper Knorpp received the Warracknabeal young achiever of the year award, recognising her achievements in sport including athletics, swimming and basketball. Among highlights, last year, Piper narrowly missed beating Warracknabeal Oympic sprinter Lauren Hewitt’s 100-metre record, which has stood since 1989, by just .27 of a second.
Mavis Wardle, of Brim, received the sportsperson of the year award, honouring her long contributions including life memberships of the town’s bowling, tennis and netball clubs along with passion for golf, badminton and the town’s sports centre committee.
Other events across the shire including Hopetoun, Murtoa, Minyip and Rupanyup also presented awards.
Jess Maffescioni
Grampians presentations
Kyle Torney and Jess Maffescioni have received Northern Grampians shire Australia Day honours.
Mr Torney was Kara Kara ward’s citizen of the year and Ms Maffescioni won the honour for the Stawell, Central and South West wards.
Mr Torney, a fifth-generation St Arnaud resident, is credited for putting his home-town ‘on the map’ through his painted murals depicting the town’s rich history.
He has artworks locally, including in a pop-up park wall in Halls Gap, and abroad, in New York.
Ms Maffescioni ‘gives her time freely’ to community groups including Stawell Bowling Club, Stawell Amateur Athletic Club, Stawell Country Women’s Association and Seed Graders Association.
An accountant by profession, she services many groups with their annual audits, continuing a family legacy. She is also known for her baking prowess, holding the Stawell Show perpetual overall trophy for the past three years; and her participation in many fun runs, marathons and the entire amateur athletic club’s annual syllabus.
Stawell Urban Rural Fire Brigade veteran John Pye was Stawell, Central and South West wards’ ‘local hero’.
Mr Pye has also given 37 years of service to the Project Platypus Landcare Network and spent eight years as a Stawell Inter Church Council’s welfare committee volunteer.
Grampians Rail Trail, from Pleasant Creek to Lake Lonsdale, and the associated Friends of the Rail Trail Group was established on the passion and persuasion of Mr Pye.
Young citizens of the year were Rogan Hando, Kara Kara ward, and Tyler Wineberg, Stawell, Central and South West wards.
Joy Bryce received the Kara Kara ward’s senior of the year.
St Arnaud Community Kitchen was Kara Kara ward’s community group of the year and Concongella Primary School 150th Celebrations won the Stawell, Central and South West wards honour.
Privileged career
Linda McLennan believes in the power of a positive experience.
Whether she’s educating young people about the role of police in the community, or supporting migrant and refugee groups to dismantle perceptions of law enforcement, a desire to foster genuine relationships and offering positivity and kindness rules all actions.
Leading Senior Constable McLennan, of Horsham, has received an Australian Police Medal as part of Australia Day honours – recognising more than 40 years of outstanding service to policing. It is her genuine engagement with young people and her mentoring and coaching abilities that sets her apart, the award citation read.
“I really didn’t know a lot about the award –because I’ve never had reason to think about it,” she said.
“I am a fly-under-the-radar sort of person. I like to go along quietly and do my work and if I’ve done a good job, which I can tell by the smile on kids’ faces, then that’s enough reward for me.
“This was something entirely not anticipated, but I accept with very good grace.”
Leading Senior Constable McLennan said she preferred to celebrate not the longevity of her career, but the positive legacies and influences along the journey.
She followed her brother into the police force, viewing it as a solid and steady career option. However, the realities and challenges of the job, such as providing evidence in court, quickly became apparent.
Her first appointment was to the policewomen’s division. She spent five years working in stations in Melbourne’s city and western suburbs before moving to Horsham about 35 years ago.
“We’ve come a long way since then. Victoria Police needs to reflect the community we are policing and we need to have more women, more multicultural people with all different backgrounds because they’re all part of the community,” she said.
Many Wimmera people will remember Leading Senior Constable McLennan for her work in schools.
She said the police in schools program was a career highlight and a ‘huge honour’ with a fortnightly ‘captive audience’ of year-five and six students.
“There are previous students who are now constables at the station; there are tradies that come into the station and say, ‘hello Senior Linda’,” she said.
“It doesn’t matter what else you’ve done, but if you’ve made a good impression on a young person, and they remember that, then that’s a good legacy.”
Leading Senior Constable McLennan’s work has involved engaging with even the youngest members of the community.
“What a privilege to be able to engage with these little people, who are little sponges,” she said.
“I’ve had the opportunity to work in schools, in community policing, engaging with community and that’s an entire privilege and it’s one not all police get.”
Today, she is a member of the Proactive Policing Unit. Engaging with migrant and refugee communities, elderly people, and people with a disability are among priorities.
She reflected on experiences such as welcoming five families who had moved from a refugee camp in Thailand and settled in Horsham –among their first impressions of their new home and the first step in developing a positive association of police.
“I did that welcome in the foyer of the police station with five families and the assistance of an interpreter. What a privilege,” she said.
Leading Senior Constable McLennan said like many employers, Victoria Police was always seeking recruits and she encouraged those interested in a policing career to contact the station to discuss their options.
She said people could also attend a ‘cops and robbers’ event on March 18, in collaboration with the Wimmera River parkrun in Horsham, to learn more about their options.
Leading Senior Constable McLennan will receive the award at a formal presentation at Government House.
Historian wins honours
A former Horsham woman who documented insights into the region’s involvement in the First World War has won an Australia Day honour.
Gillian Francis has received an Order of Australia Medal, OAM, among Thursday’s Australia Day honours, recognising her service to community history.
Mrs Francis and her husband John co-authored ‘‘Strewth! – An Insight into Horsham’s Involvement in World War I’ in 2015.
Mrs Francis is a former researcher and treasurer of Horsham Historical Society and a former researcher and historian of Horsham RSL, credited with identifying 48 local soldiers of Gallipoli and being the principal concept designer of a World War I memorial.
She received a community history award for the book from the State Government in 2015.
Mr Francis is also a previous OAM recipient.
The couple now lives in Canberra. Woomelang man Donald Collins also received an OAM for service to his community.
The honour recognises his long association with Woomelang Lions Club since 1969 and Birchip Cropping Group since 1992.
He has a 50-year involvement with Woomelang Fire Brigade, 40-year involvement with Woomelang Cemetery Trust and more than 30 years of service to Woomelang State Emergency Service and Woomelang Retirement Units committee. He is a life member of WoomelangLascelles Combined Sporting Club, Woomelang Lions Club and Woomelang and District Bush Nursing Centre.
Charlton couple Brian and Rae Heenan both received OAMs for their service to community sport, including service to Charlton Lawn Tennis Club and Charlton Badminton Club.
Restorers are still searching
BY MICHAEL SCALZOAWimmera group of restorers continue to persist with their long-term restoration project of a 1930s radio-transmitter engine found on a Banyena farm.
A farm-clearance sale of Banyena personality Ken Pipkorn’s extensive farming-machinery collection in October 2021 unearthed the 1934 diesel engine that powered the 3LK, the radio transmitter at Lubeck.
Pulled from a paddock, the gargantuan flywheel – the engine’s iconic identifier, along with the cast-iron engine block – were separated from the wider clearance sale for private offer to Dunmunkle Sumpoilers Machinery Preservation president Graham Gellatly.
The Sumpoilers, with a home-base at Murtoa, have set about cleaning saved parts from decades of decay, and indicated a search had started in earnest for crucial missing engine elements.
Mr Gellatly, after purchasing the 1934 Ruston Hornsby 9HRC diesel twin-cylinder horizontal engine in 2021, noted the engine was missing a piston, an inlet, exhaust valves, as well as fuel and oil pumps.
Sumpoilers secretary Doug Clark said the machine was sitting in the group’s Murtoa shed with parts soaking in diesel, and that a search for original parts had not yet yielded results.
“We knew a lot of its parts were missing when it arrived, but so far we haven’t found any replacements, he said.
“Some of them could perhaps be refashioned, but the focus is on finding original components as much as we can – but we will do whatever we need to get it running again.
“The group has been cleaning the engine and fixing a few of its bent and broken bolts – unfortunately some parts are missing, and we don’t know why, or how.
“It was left in the rubbish for so long and perhaps they got chucked out, or removed by someone – who knows really, but it is a shame.”
Mr Clark said group members were always keeping their eyes on opportunities, in Australia or overseas, for sales of similar equipment or engines that could be part-donors to the Lubeck engine.
However, he conceded it could take ‘forever’ to stumble on the required parts, but once the parts were found, the group could restore the ‘eight to nine-tonne’ engine within a few years.
“The end goal is to have the engine running for people at our open days, along with our other historic engines,” Mr Clark said.
“The Lubeck engine is a backburner project, but one we are very keen to finish.”
Mr Clark encouraged people with potentially historic equipment on their property to always consider the equipment’s community and monetary value before time and weather eroded restoration possibilities.
Service awards scholarships
East Grampians Health Service has awarded scholarships to seven staff to undertake further studies in their chosen field.
The health service’s Building for the Future Foundation made available scholarships up to a value of $30,000 to ensure the long-term viability of services.
The recipients of the 2022 Foundation scholarships were Jazmin Sabo, who will undertake a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management; Lauri Williamson, who will undertake a Certificate IV in Human Resources; and Hayley Lugg, who will undertake an Advanced Diploma of Dental Prosthetics.
The Building for the Future Foundation also made available a scholarship in the name of Joe Kapp up to the value of $15,000.
The recipients of the 2022 Joe Kapp scholarships were Peta Barrie,
who will undertake a Certificate IV in Payroll Administration and Diploma in Payroll Management; and Tracey O’Brien who will undertake a Diploma in Leadership and Management.
Epworth Healthcare made available a $15,000 scholarship to ensure improvements in the long-term viability of obstetric services.
The East Grampians service is grateful for the support of Epworth Healthcare who assists to recruit and train midwives. This support enables midwives to keep up-todate with their skills and knowledge essential to continue to provide a maternity delivery service.
The recipient of the 2022 Epworth Healthcare Scholarship was Amanda Cranstoun, who will undertake a Graduate Diploma in Midwifery.
The Laidlaw family donates the Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholar-
ship in memory of Angela. This scholarship creates opportunities for staff working in clinical areas to be supported in recognition for effort and where they are prepared to demonstrate commitment to study in addition to the usual requirements of their role.
The recipient of the 2022 Angela Laidlaw Clinical Scholarship was Bree Leonard, who will undertake a Bachelor of Nursing.
The health service’s board chair Ken Weldin wished staff well in their studies.
“East Grampians Health Service is also grateful for the support of the Building for the Future Foundation, Epworth Healthcare and the Laidlaw family in enabling our staff to pursue further study and improve their skills, which ultimately benefits the health service and the community,” he said.
Toolondo CA 65 Holmes Road, Toolondo
625 acres (252.92 ha) or thereabouts
Located 15km Toolondo, 50km Horsham, 40km Natimuk, 40km Balmoral this versatile property offers multiple opportunities for any farming enterprise wanting a reliable grazing block with seasonal opportunistic cropping possibilities or for purchasers looking to secure either a tranquil lifestyle property within a short distance of the renowned Toolondo Reservoir, Mount Arapiles, Little Desert and Grampians National Park. The property boasts serviceable to near new boundary fencing with mixed soil types typical to this area, native grasslands and pastures along with parcels of remnant native timber, grasses and scattered mature trees, 4 run off dams, basic sheep yards and GWMW pipeline water connected.
FOR AUCTION: Thursday 9th March 2023 @ 1.00pm
Venue: Toolondo Golf Club
Tim Coller
M 0418 504 415
Tooan CA 55 & 55A Blakes Road, Tooan
904 acres (365.83 ha) or thereabouts
Located approx. 50km from Edenhope, 45 km to Goroke, 25km from Natimuk & close to Mount Arapiles this versatile property offers opportunities from seasonal, opportunistic cropping, year-round grazing or lifestyle. Comprising a total of 904 acres, this undulating property boasts sandy loam type soils typical to the area, native & improved spring clover pastures, multiple catchment dams, solar bore guaranteeing a year-round water supply. Well maintained serviceable to as new boundary fencing, divided into 5 main paddocks & complimented by scattered mature trees & pockets of native trees & grasses, functional sheepyards, sundry shedding & workers hut.
FOR AUCTION: Friday 10th March 2023 @ 1.00pm
Venue: Natimuk Golf Club
Tim Coller
M 0418 504 415
Lower Norton Land Auction
Three (3) individual allotments (to be offered separately)
Bothes Road, Lower Norton
309 acres (125.05 ha) or thereabouts
Conveniently located within 20 minutes of Horsham in the highly regarded, tightly held Lower Norton district this undulating cropping / grazing property features productive mixed soil types enhanced by a strong Gypsum and lime dressing program with cropping and chemical history available. Comprising two main paddocks boasting serviceable to near new boundary fencing, scattered stands of native trees, multiple catchment dams, fenced in two paddocks intersected by Bothe’s Road and GWMW pipeline connected to onsite tank.
Horsham Clear Lake-Sherwoods Dam Road, Noradjuha
173 Acres (70.13ha) or thereabouts
Located within 50 km of Horsham with bitumen road frontage this highly productive property represents an outstanding opportunity to purchase the ideal small farm / lifestyle property or to extend an existing farming enterprise in a highly regarded, tightly held farming area.
This versatile cropping / grazing property is divided into 4 main paddocks, offers basic sheep handling facilities and yards, several run off dams, GWMW pipeline and electricity available for connection.
FOR AUCTION: Thursday 23rd February 2023 @ 1.00pm
Venue: Noradjuha Hall
Tim Coller
M 0418 504 415
Lower Norton – Nurabiel Road, Lower Norton
428 acres (173.2 ha) or thereabouts
This attractive undulating 428 acre (173.20 ha) allotment is located in a highly regarded cropping / grazing area with the suitable to a variety of cropping & grazing opportunities. Boasting productive mixed soil types that have been enhanced by a strong Gypsum & Lime dressing program the property is divided into 3 main paddocks with heavily treed native creek corridor & scattered stands of native trees, serviceable to near new boundary & divisional fencing, catchment dam, GWMW pipeline connection & a full cropping & chemical history available on request. Opportunity to purchase an adjoining 870 acres to further enhance any farming enterprise.
Horsham – Noradjuha Road, Lower Norton
870 acres (352.04 ha) or thereabouts
This undulating 870 acre (352.04 ha) property is located in a tightly held, highly regarded district property is ideally suited to all crop types or a mixed farming enterprises incorporating both cropping and livestock production on rotation. Boasting versatile mixed soil types suitable for a variety of crop types that have been heavily enhanced by a strong Gypsum and Lime dressing program and regular Spring Vetch and weed spraying program. Divided into 13 main paddocks with treed seasonal creek reserve, scattered stands of native timber, serviceable and near new fencing including extensive specialist deer fencing and gates to some paddocks. Numerous catchment dams and GWMW pipeline water available. Opportunity to purchase the adjoining 428 acre property to greatly enhance any farming enterprise.
FOR AUCTION: Thursday 2nd March 2023 @ 1.00pm
Venue: Haven Hall
Tim Coller
M 0418 504 415
Horsham 85 & 85a Wilson Street
Substantial CBD retail premises / development site
With direct frontage to the busy Wimmera Highway this versatile premises offers astute purchasers a rare opportunity to secure a substantial commercial site in the heart of the Horsham CBD.
This extensive building comprises two independent premises, the first with a floor area of approx. 235m2 and the second with a single level retail area of approx 695m2 with adjoining warehouse / storage area of approx 300m2 with roller door access from Wilson Street.
FOR AUCTION: Friday 3rd March 2023 @ 1.00pm
Venue: On-site
Tim Coller
M 0418 504 415
YYarriambiack arriambiack
Council's Revamped Grant Programs Now Open
Council's SHARE Community Grant Program aims is to develop and actively support community organisations and businesses who positively contribute to community wellbeing and the cultural life of the region.
The Program guidelines have been updated for 2023, incorporating revised categories:
Community Events(up to $1,500 with no matching funding)
Business and Streetscape (Up to $2,000with 1:1 funding)
Community Building - Minor (Up to $3,000 with no matching funding)
Community Building – Major (Up to $10,00 requiring a minimum of a third of the requested amount in matched funding).
Supported by the Victorian State Government, Council invites applications for funding of up to $5,000 from the Spark Tank Business Innovation Funding Program. This program aims to support the business community and stimulate the economy through tourismbased projects.
Council will support projects or programs that are in concept stages through to full production. Funding of up to $5,000 will be available to implement: Small Capital Works Business Shopfront Developments Visual Merchandising Ideas Web Development / Online Platforms
Networking Marketing Design Implementation Stages
The SHARE Community Grants Program and Yarriambiack Spark Tank Business Innovation Program opened Monday 30 January and applications close on Tuesday 28 February. Funding guidelines and application forms can be found on Council's website Enquiries can be directed to Council's Community and Economic Development Officer Tom Huf on or (03) 5398 0100.
Have Your Say - Council's Footpath Hierarchy
Council requires your assistance to direct its limited funds to ensuring our footpaths meet community needs. We would like feedback from residents across all communities where our footpath network could be improved. This could be related to footpath material, access limitations or issues, crossing access and pathways for connecting locations or providing shortcuts. We would also like feedback on where lighting could be improved along footpath locations, to create a safer Yarriambiack for all to enjoy. Our staff will be hosting the following community consultation sessions for input into the Footpath Hierarchy.
7 February - Patchewollock Community Centre 9am - 10am
7 February - Speed Recreation Reserve 11am - 12pm
7 February - Tempy Hall 1pm - 2pm
8 February - Yaapeet Community Centre 9am - 10am
9 February - Hopetoun Gateway BEET 9am - 10am
9 February - Lascelles Hotel 11am - 12pm
9 February - Woomelang Town Hall 1pm - 2pm
14 February - Beulah Memorial Hall 9am - 10am
An online survey has also been developed to obtain feedback regarding access limitations, footpath standards and how they connect you to your community. The survey is now available on Council’s website Community members with enquiries or who cannot make these sessions are encouraged to contact our Assets Team on (03) 5398 0100 or
Youth Action Council Meeting 13 February
The first Youth Action Council Meeting for 2023 will be held on Monday 13 February at 6pm in the Council Office, Warracknabeal. Transport from other towns is available. To find out more visit Council's YYAC Facebook Page or website.
Council is looking for community members to join our Audit and Risk Committee.
The following skillsets are highly desirable:
Information Technology and Business
Human Resources
Risk Management – OHS
Successful candidates will be appointed for three-year terms. The Audit and Risk Committee Charter is available on Council's website.
All applications must be addressed to Tammy Smith CEO and submitted to:
Director Business Strategy and Performance
Tony Caccaviello on tcaccaviello@yarriambiack vic gov au For enquiries contact Tony on (03) 53980100.
Applications close Friday 24 February 2023
Current Procurement Opportunities
Council uses the e-Procure portal to advertise tenders, quotes, EOI and other purchasing requirements to the market.
Request For Tender: C321-2023
Hot Mix (Asphalt) Works
Council is inviting tenders from qualified contractors to undertake hot mix asphalt paving on Council’s roads, including profiling, supply, transport, blending, line marking and any other associated services required to complete the works Submissions close 2 00pm on Thursday 23 February 2023
For more information visit app eprocure com au/yarriambiack/home
Request For Tender: C320-2023
Kerb and Channel Works
Council is inviting tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors who can provide a high standard of capability to undertake replacement and construction of kerb and channel in the Yarriambiack Shire sealed road network. The initial contract period is three (3) years with an optional one (1) plus one (1) year extension, up to a maximum of five (5) years Submissions close 2 00pm on Thursday 2 March 2023 For more information visit
SAVER: Grampians Health Horsham’s newly registered midwife Eliza Lucas is pictured with a new Incu i 101 incubator.
The isolette and accessories were donated to the Yandilla ward at Horsham by The Melissa Lewis Foundation, through the Humpty Dumpty Foundation.
Surge in spending
Domestic headline inflation was expected to reach eight percent in the final month of 2022 as consumers continued to spend despite higher interest rates, the Reserve Bank of Australia says.
Retail spending saw a significant increase of 6.4 percent during November, with Black Friday sales pushing the number even higher at eight percent during the last week of the month.
The surge in spending during this time is relatively new in Australia, with the event being similar to the Black Friday sales that occurred in 2021, but lower than the two previous years.
Low unemployment levels and expectations of continued labour shortages throughout the economy appear to be creating new-found confidence among consumers, despite continued increases in interest rates.
The Reserve Bank appears determined to halt further price rises by pushing interest rates even higher throughout 2023, which will inevitably flow through to higher home loan rates and further falls in property prices.
This is despite its own figures suggesting that if cash rates reach 3.6 percent next year, some 15 percent of Australian homebuyers will be experiencing negative cash flow, where their mortgage repayments exceed their net earnings.
Few analysts, though, are expecting widespread defaults, pointing to the build-up of large financial buffers through the pandemic, continued strong labour markets and earlier house price gains, all acting to help homeowners get through the coming year.
Nonetheless, the expectation is for further downward pressure on property prices through 2023, with most analysts predicting a 15 to 20 percent fall in national house prices from peak to trough with impaired or unrenovated properties experiencing even greater price falls.
Company profits are expected to remain strong, driven mostly by export prices, despite efforts to speed up the decarbonisation of the economy and move to more renewable sources of energy
creation. Industries are expected to benefit from embracing public-private partnerships with the Federal Government in policy priority areas such as energy, defence, education, health, and security.
The continued strength of the domestic labour market and the strong international demand for Australia’s mining exports should also protect the domestic economy from the cold winds blowing through the international economy.
The United States economy, typically the powerhouse of the world economy, is almost certainly expected to fall into recession later in 2023, with domestic economic growth there expected to fall to a lacklustre 0.5 to one percent for the 2023 calendar year.
The Chinese economy is still held moribund by the continuing impact of the pandemic with reported cases of COVID-19 soaring as winter takes its grip on the country, causing factory shutdowns and with that, a fall in exports.
In the United Kingdom, inflation peaked at 11.8 percent in October 2022 and is expected to remain in double digits for some time as higher energy prices, interest rates and general cost of living increases cause widespread price hikes.
While the Bank of England is doing its best to bring inflation under control, there is widespread resentment that it is the poorest and most vulnerable in the community that are paying the highest price for the nation’s economic woes.
It is a situation made worse by the slowdown in economic activity in Europe generally, as the ongoing war in the Ukraine continues to take its toll, driving energy prices higher and causing massive economic dislocation.
Kaniva kinder win
Kaniva Kindergarten will purchase new all-abilities furniture after receiving funds from a national nonprofit foundation.
The Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal, FRRR, has awarded more than $1.4-million to 121 projects across remote, rural and regional Australia as part of its ‘Strengthening Rural Communities’ program.
The program awards money to community-led initiatives that directly benefit residents.
There are three streams of funding – small and vital, 2019-20 black sum-
mer bushfire recovery, and rebuilding regional communities which supports recovery from COVID-19.
Kaniva Kindergarten will receive $10,000 under the ‘small and vital’ funding stream to ‘support earlyyears childhood education and enhance community wellbeing through purchasing furniture suitable for people of all abilities’.
It is one of 43 community groups to receive support within the funding stream. People wanting more information about the grants program can visit website
OUT AND ABOUT: People gathered for Australia Day events across the Wimmera last week, with municipalities hosting award ceremonies and special events for the occasion. Pictured, clockwise from above: Lily and Bronwyn Hutton at Horsham’s Australia Day ceremony; Warracknabeal Rotary president John Tonkin at the Warracknabeal service; Andy Christian, of Southern Waters Ski Show Team, on the Wimmera River near Sawyer Park, part of Horsham Rural City Council events; Daniel Jigau at Horsham’s ceremony; and Southern Waters Ski Show Team’s Chloe Hall.
Wimmera events
For more photos and video go to
502 Dawsons Lane, Aspley Vic
SHOWCASE: Enjoying Australia Day events last week are, pictured, clockwise from left: Lilly Goder and Jamie Mayes at the Warracknabeal service; Luke Bowler of Southern Waters Ski Show Team on the Wimmera River; the Southern Waters Ski Show Team; new citizens Rushabh, Vidhi and Kiaan Patel at Horsham Australia Day ceremony; and Marlene Copley at Horsham’s service.
To be sold at auction unless sold prior Friday, March 10,
@ 10.30am
Venue: Onsite, 502 Dawson Lane, Apsley
• Total land size 516.16 ha/1275.42 acres approx.
• Productive heavy brown loans to grey clay.
• Beautiful, majestic red gums, white gums, bull oak & shea oak, “Strong Country”
• 4 stand shearing shed and yards (portion undercover) in good working order.
• Ideal for mixed farming – sheep, cropping, hay.
• 15km from Edenhope.
• Excellent fences all stock proof.
• All paddocks watered.
• Good solid fertiliser history, a number of paddocks limed.
• 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom hardi-plank house complete with decking area and verandah.
For an Information Memorandum or private and con dential inspection please contact Mat Taylor 0437 018 787 or Grant Schubert 0429 077 033.
For more information, please contact Elders Horsham | 03 5382 8800
BIG DAY: Wimmera students joined almost 78,000 children starting primary school this week across the state. Pictured on their first day of school are, clockwise from above: Oliver King with his prep buddy Mayson Murray at Horsham’s Ss Michael and John’s Primary School; Sarah, Madison and Stuart Johns at Horsham Primary School; Ben, Maggie and Stacey Peucker at Horsham Holy Trinity Lutheran College; Jessie Ferguson with her son Alister and daughter Clemmie at Holy Trinity Lutheran College; Crystal Sanders, Isabella Ball and Benjamin Ball at Horsham Primary School; new prep Orianna Lee with teacher’s aide Carmen Dridan, left, and teacher Victoria Janetzki at Holy Trinity Lutheran College; and centre, Ted McDonald and Otis Lukazsewski at Horsham Primary School.
‘Litmus test’
Chinese car brands eye Australia
automotive sector has an eye on Australia, with Chery in particular closely monitoring the upcoming launch and future potential for the brand locally, and on a global scale.
Due to relaunch in Australia this month with its bang-up-to-date Omoda 5 small SUV, Chery is looking to put the past well and truly behind it – a short run here between 2011 and 2015 ended on the back of poor safety scores and an asbestos-related parts scare.
This time, the brand launches in Australia with a wholly-owned subsidiary model that could well make the car-maker more accountable than
would have been the case previously, when Chery vehicles were imported and distributed by Ateco Automotive.
The company’s Australian marketing director, James Curtis, told GoAuto the pressure is on for the Australian arm to get it right this time around.
“Australia really is a litmus test for the brand,” he said.
“If it’s successful, Chery will rise to becoming a truly global company.”
The brand is already present in other markets outside of China, including – but not limited to – South Africa, Russia, Egypt and a number of South American and Middle Eastern nations.
Among the models sold elsewhere are the Tiggo 7 pro medium SUV and
Tiggo 8 large SUV that GoAuto understands require more development before being introduced to Australia.
Mr Curtis said the product range sold in Australia would be more representative of a modern, safety and technology-focused line-up.
“We’re a right-hand drive market, and that’s a rarity,” he said.
“We’ve got the most amount of makes and models per capita. I think the fact that we’re global consumers, our expectations in safety and design, and in terms of our lifestyle, are equal to that of North America and Western Europe, in particular.”
As for what China is doing to try and allow the brand every success with its
imminent launch in Australia, Mr Curtis said company headquarters were essentially ‘pulling out all the stops’ to make it a smooth start.
“Where other manufacturers might have parts shortage issues, I don’t expect that to be the case for us. We’re planning to make sure it’s not the case for us,” he said.
The brand’s parts warehouse will be based in Melbourne.
Further, Chery’s Australian arm has confirmed it will have ‘hundreds’ of Omoda 5 SUVs on ships, due in Australia in the coming weeks ahead of that vehicle’s launch.
The Chery Omoda 5 is a compact SUV, similar in size to a Nis-
san Qashqai or Kia Seltos. It will be offered initially with a 1.5-litre turbocharged petrol four-cylinder engine, CVT automatic transmission and front-wheel drive.
Pricing and further details about the Chery Omoda 5 are still to be revealed, though the brand has suggested it will be comprehensively equipped when it comes to safety technology.
The Chery Omoda 5 scored a fivestar rating in Euro NCAP crash testing in December 2022.
Chery reportedly sold more than 1.23 million vehicles globally in 2022, an increase of 28.1 percent on its 2021 tally.
– Matt Campbell![](
Subaru Crosstrek orders open
Subaru has opened the order books on its XV-replacing Crosstrek small SUV ahead of the model’s arrival in Australian showrooms from April, when it will battle new and recently revised entrants such as the Kia Seltos, Nissan Qashqai and Toyota Corolla Cross.
Priced from $34,990 plus on-road costs, the Crosstrek range includes 2.0L, 2.0R and 2.0S petrol variants, and Hybrid L and S grades.
All feature the latest infotainment and safety technologies to create what Subaru says is an ‘enjoyable ride for all occupants no matter their destination’.
Subaru’s third-generation small SUV will feature more technology inside the cabin than before, with enhancements including wireless device charging, an 11.6-inch infotainment array, wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity, and both USB-A and USB-C charging points now available.
Further, all grades will now feature keyless entry and push-button ignition, LED dusk-sensing headlights, LED rear combination lights, power folding mirrors and standard roof rails.
Higher-spec 2.0R, 2.0S and Hybrid S variants add LED daytime running lights and 360-degree camera tech-
nology, while a 10-speaker Harman Kardon premium sound system is reserved for top-spec 2.0S and Hybrid S variants.
Newly designed seats are claimed to improve comfort and support, with charcoal-coloured fabric upholstery offered on 2.0L and Hybrid L grades, grey-coloured premium cloth trim on the 2.0R, and leather accented trim on 2.0S and Hybrid S variants.
Wheel sizes range from 17 to 18 inches, depending on grade, while
the colour palette now extends to 10 exterior finishes with four new hues. All paint colours are available as a no-cost option.
On the safety front, the Crosstrek comes standard with speed sign recognition, lane centring function, a driver monitoring system and nine airbags plus Subaru’s comprehensive EyeSight active safety and driver assistance technology suite.
Subaru says the revised platform that underpins the Crosstrek increases
cabin strength while delivering a quieter, more comfortable ride.
Featuring what Subaru refers to as a bolder and more athletic exterior design, the all-wheel drive Crosstrek range is powered by a choice of 115kW-196Nm 2.0-litre Boxer fourcylinder petrol or 110kW-196Nm eBoxer hybrid drivelines, both paired to an automatic continuously variable transmission, and all with standard X-Mode all-wheel drive technology.
Running on regular 91 RON petrol, the Crosstrek is said to achieve fuel consumption of 7.2 litres per 100km on the combined cycle in petrol guise and 6.5L-100km for the hybrid with CO2 emissions listed at 165 and 147 grams per kilometre, respectively. The Crosstrek rides on a MacPherson strut front and double wishbone type rear suspension arrangement and is arrested by four-wheel disc brakes. Electrically assisted steering is standard and the turning circle is 10.8 metres.
All Subaru Crosstrek variants are warranted for five years-unlimited kilometres with 12 months’ complimentary roadside assistance.
Subaru Australia managing director Blair Read said the Subaru Crosstrek was a small SUV with real SUV credentials.
“It can zip through urban streets throughout the week and take you off the beaten track on the weekend,” he said.
“This is not just a jacked-up small car – this is a small SUV with real capability.
“Underpinned by the Subaru Global Platform, driveability and comfort have improved for this new generation model, offering owners an engaging yet refined driving experience.” –
Matt Brogan![](
Mercedes CLA goes mild hybrid
Mercedes-Benz has given its CLA four-door coupe and shooting brake range a front-toback facelift with mild-hybrid drivelines, extra tech throughout and increased outputs from plugin hybrid systems.
Arriving in Australia during the third quarter of this year, the revised CLA line-up is expected to reflect the existing four-variant range that opens with the CLA 200 and tops out in fire-breathing CLA 45 AMG 4Matic+ guise.
GoAuto understands plug-in hybrid variants are not on the agenda for this generation of CLA in Australia.
The German powerhouse has strengthened the CLA range with sportier looks, reshaping the front apron and revising the grille.
The front end also gets new highperformance LED headlights with standard auto high-beam.
Interior tech gets a bump, with 7.0inch and 10.25-inch displays as standard – twin 10.25-inch screens are available depending on options and variant – running the latest-generation MBUX operating system, and extra USB charging ports.
An optional Burmester surround sound system is also available, with Dolby Atmos spatial audio said to offer a ‘three-dimensional sound field’. Comfort seats are now standard in
both coupe and shooting brake models, upholstered with a combination of Artico synthetic leather and threedimensionally embossed fabric finished in black.
Mercedes-Benz has fitted an upgraded suite of safety systems to the
CLA range, with improvements to lane-keep assist and a next-generation parking package with 360-degree visuals.
Globally, a total of 35 CLA variants have been updated, all equipped with 48-volt mild-hybrid systems with belt-
driven starter-generators that provide a temporary power boost of 10kW as well as fuel-efficiency benefits.
Mercedes-Benz says the mild-hybrid system also improves comfort and offers seamless start-stop and coasting functions.
We want your used car!
During acceleration and braking, the starter-generator captures and supplies energy to the 12-and 48-volt onboard systems. This can then be used to support the ICE engine during acceleration, improving fuel economy.
Plug-in hybrid models score an improved high-voltage battery with a higher usable energy capacity, resulting in more electric range and an extra 5kW of power.
It is unlikely Australia will receive the plug-in hybrid models.
A new front radiator has also been added, which is said to improve temperature management ‘at the limit’.
AMG models also receive updates, with exterior design changes, fresh alloy wheels, new colours for the seat covers, the same mild-hybrid system as the standard range, and new Street Style 45 variants.
Power remains the same with 225kW-400Nm on tap, supplied by the potent turbocharged four-cylinder engine as the current line-up.
The special edition CLA 45 S 4MATIC+ coupe and shooting brake models are finished in a unique mountain grey mango colour, and ‘chequered flag’ AMG logos.
Inside, the Street Style variants feature bright orange highlights, aluminium trim, and edition specific red lighting.
– Cobey Bartels![](
1. Does the male or female platypus have a poisonous spur?
2. What Indigenous trees are colloquially known as Windharps of the Wimmera?
3. On average, how much salt enters the Wimmera River system each year: A. 110,000 tonnes. B. 12 tonnes. C. 25 tonnes. D. 3 tonnes.
5. What does the male yellow-footed antechinus, a marsupial mouse that lives in the Wimmera, do after breeding to leave adequate food supplies for pregnant females?
6. Are ‘crows’ in the Wimmera crows or ravens?
7. Unaarrimin is the commonly accepted real name of which south-west Wimmera sporting legend?
(March 21- April 20)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Changes and alterations in your plans could be unavoidable at this time, so make the most of it. Your movements during this period could coincide with someone else’s.
(April 21- May 20)
Lucky Colour: Blue
8. The predatory yellowbelly, also known as golden perch or callop, is a native fish of the Wimmera River. True or false?
9. Footballers who play for Wimmera league club Stawell are called the Warriors. It is the result of a club merger. What was Stawell’s previous nickname?
10. What has more toes –an emu or an ostrich?
is a native of the Murray-Darling river system. 9. Redlegs. 10. Emu. It has three toes, an
a star player in the Aboriginal team that toured England in 1868. 8. False. The yellowbelly
Answers: 1. Male. 2. Bulokes. 3. A. 110,000 tonnes, the equivalent of 4400 semi-trailer loads. 4. South Africa. 5. Die. 6. Ravens. The most common in the region are the Australian raven and little raven. There is also the forest raven. 7. Cricketer Johnny Mullagh. He was
Lucky Day: Thursday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Important period in business affairs and do not let anyone intimidate you into doing things their way. Finances are about to turn to your favour and some luck could also help.
(May 21- June 21)
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Big changes in your working environment should be for your benefit and even you could be tempted – you should stick to the known for the time being, luck should be on your side now.
(June 22- July 22)
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Keep away from other people’s problems and even if you are invited to, do not give your opinion now. People who are important to you will support you and someone might help you to sort out your problem.
LEO: (July 23- August 22)
Lucky Colour: Mauve
Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Travel is highlighted during this period - either yours or someone close, also problems could arise about departure times. You could be kept very busy sorting out problems brought about by your forgetfulness.
(August 23- September 23)
Lucky Colour: Fawn
Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Social life is highlighted during this period and you could really enjoy yourself now. Your relationship with loved ones is improving and more happy moments to come.
(September 24- October 23)
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
If planning to move, now is the time to do it. Or if you have been thinking of travel or even a weekend away this period could give you the best chance for a long time.
(October 24- November 22)
Lucky Colour: Hot Pink
Lucky Day: Friday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
You should be able to sort out your life much better now and more time to do the things that interest you. Some good and surprising news from far away could also help you to be more happy.
(November 23- December 20)
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Day: Thursday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Someone from your past could create some problems in your present domestic situation. Big changes are about to happen and new and interesting people could alter your ideas.
(December 21- January 19)
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Day: Monday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: There could be many new ideas tossed around and your ability to grasp the situation will become handy now. Starting a new love affair might not be the wise thing at the moment.
(January 20- February 19)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Do not let anything or anyone stop you from achieving what you really want of life. It is also a good time to start taking care of your health and fitness, join the clubs now.
(February 20- March 20)
Lucky Colour: Apricot
For the week February 5 - February 11
WItH KerrY KulKeNs Visit KERRY KULKENS MAGIC SHOP at 1693 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Ph/Fax 9754 4587 WWW.KERRYKULKENS.COM.AU Like us on Facebook
Lucky Day: Sunday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers: Not a good time to confide in people, best to keep your plans and ideas to yourself and not let anyone take credit for your work. If someone owes you something make sure they pay.
Call in and see how they can help you live comfortably 45 Wilson St, Horsham | 5382 5650 We work with these providers: SAFE AND EASY! The Uccello Kettle Country Care are your local healthcare and mobility equipment specialists Meet Cody •Equipmenthire&servicing • Home deliveries • FREE in-home trials
Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block.
Fit the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon.
An All Australian Word Game
* Each word must contain the centre ‘Focus’ letter and each letter may be used only once
* Each word must be four letters or more
* Find at least one nine letter word
* No swear words
* No verb forms or plurals ending in ‘s’
* No proper nouns and no hyphenated words
TODAY’S Good: 14 words
FOCUS Very good: 19 words
Word Find
Find the following words in the grid. They may read in any direction, even diagonally. Some letters are used more than once.
Rock Rye Screw Slot Stir
Join the Dots
What creature is this? Find out by joining the dots.
Quick Crossword No. 8489
N H O A S X O P E Alike Ewe Felt Foul Lie Loses
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION deer degree dent detente deter DETERGENT dreg edge edger ender entered gender greed greened greeted need needer nerd netted reed rend reneged rented teed tend tender treed trend
Reference: Macquarie Concise Dictionary
Focus No. 3861
Crossword Solutions
Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media Puzzles
Toes Tyre
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6 8 3 2 7 9 4 1 5 5 4 2 8 1 3 6 7 9 9 7 1 4 6 5 2 8 3 7 3 8 6 4 1 5 9 2 2 9 4 3 5 7 8 6 1 1 5 6 9 8 2 7 3 4 3 2 5 7 9 8 1 4 6 4 1 7 5 3 6 9 2 8 8 6 9 1 2 4 3 5 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 12 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Yesterday’s Solution B S A C R I D C R E W I M P S I U N D O R A N O B L E W S E S P R E E S E T T L E S L A V A A S H R F T P A L A T E S R L Y D E A F E N S R A V E R E V E R S E A T T U N E D A R I D T E M P L E S N M S E O E N T R E E P E A S R A P A L O E A T A N D E M N E A R S G E A R A D A P T M H E A G O G Z Z E R O D U T Y E V E N T D W Media 3200 284 3201 S C R E W E E I S T I R K R E L C Y I C S E O T L U O F P T A S L R Y E
6:00 The Talk 7:00 Farm To Fork 7:30 Good
Chef Bad Chef 8:00 Everyday Gourmet 8:30
Hidden Caribbean (PG) 2:45 Back Roads
(PG) 3:15 Gardening Australia 4:10 Long
Lost Family (PG) 5:00 Australian Story (PG)
5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 6:00 The Drum 7:00
ABC News 7:30 Monty Don’s Adriatic
Gardens: Greece 8:30 Van der Valk (MA15+)
10:05 The Larkins (PG) 10:50 ABC Late
News 11:05 The Larkins (PG) 11:55 Adam
Hills: The Last Leg (M) 1:25 rage (MA15+)
11:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 1:00
Demolition NZ (PG) 2:00 Boy To
Man (PG) 3:00 STIHL Timbersports (PG)
3:30 Towies (PG) 3:45 Irish Pickers (PG) 4:45
American Restoration (PG) 5:15 American Pickers (PG) 6:15 Movie: “I Am Number
Four” (M v) (’11) Stars: Alex Pettyfer 8:30
Movie: “Deadpool” (MA15+) (’15) Stars: Gina Carano 10:45 Movie: “Why Him?” (MA15+)
(’16) Stars: James Franco
12:55 Peppa Pig 1:35 Mister Maker 2:05 Bananas In Pyjamas 2:30
Dinosaur Train 2:55 Floogals 3:30 Play School 4:00 Andy’s Wild Adventures 4:25
Beep And Mort 5:00 Peppa Pig 5:30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs 6:05 The Adventures Of Paddington 6:30 Spicks And Specks 7:30
Hard Quiz (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Trumbo” (M l)
6:00 rage (PG) 7:00 Weekend Breakfast 9:00 rage (PG) 10:30 rage Guest Programmer
(PG) 12:00 ABC News 12:30 The Larkins
(PG) 2:05 Midsomer Murders (PG) 3:35
Joanna Lumley’s Unseen Adventures (PG)
4:30 The Human Revolution (PG) 5:25
Further Back In Time For Dinner (PG) 6:25
Better Date Than Never (PG) 7:00 ABC
News 7:30 Call The Midwife (M) 8:30
Midsomer Murders (M v) 10:05 Unforgotten (M l) 10:50 Come Home (M l,s,v) 11:50 rage
Guest Programmer (MA15+)
12:00 Better Homes And Gardens 1:00 Australia’s Big Backyards (PG) 2:00 Escape To The Country
5:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Randwick/ Sandown *Live* 5:30 Border Security USA
(PG) 6:00 Border Patrol (PG) 6:30 The Yorkshire Vet 8:30 Escape To The Country
9:30 Escape To The Perfect Town (PG) 10:30
Penelope Keith’s Hidden Villages (PG) 11:30
The Yorkshire Vet (PG)
1:35 Step Up To The Plate 2:05 Horrible Histories 2:35 Operation Ouch! (PG) 3:35 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 3:55 The Fairly OddParents 4:30
The Beachbuds 4:55 Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir 5:25 Ted’s Top Ten
6:05 The New Adventures Of Figaro Pho
6:10 The PM’s Daughter (PG) 6:35 Robot
Wars 7:45 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PG)
8:05 Supernatural Academy (PG)
9:00 Home Shopping 10:00 Rides Down Under (PG) 11:00
Australian V8 Superboats Championship 12:00 Motor Racing: Bathurst 12hr *Live*
5:00 American Restoration (PG)
70’s Show
Movie: “Over The Hedge” (G) (’06) Stars: Bruce Willis 7:10
5:00 Bewitched (PG)
Movie: “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (PG)
(’08) Stars: Ben Stiller 9:00 Movie:
“Transformers: The Last Knight” (M) (’09)
Stars: Mark Wahlberg 12:00 Alphas (M v)
1:00 In Ice Cold Blood (MA15+)
9:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield 9:30 Good Chef Bad Chef 10:00 Studio 10: Saturday (PG) 12:00 Pat
Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures 1:00 The Offroad Adventure Show (PG) 2:00 All 4 Adventure (PG) 3:00 What’s Up Down Under 3:30 Cook It With Luke 4:00 Farm To Fork 4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn 5:00 10 News First 6:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) 6:30 Jamie Oliver - Together 7:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M v) 8:30 FBI: International (M v) 10:30 NCIS (M l) 12:30 Home Shopping 5:00 Religious Programs
10:15 MacGyver (M) 11:10 48 Hours (M) 12:05 Seal Team (M) 1:00 Hawaii Five-O (M)
2:00 Formula E 2023 - Highlights 4:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 5:00 About A Boy (PG) 5:30 Movie: “A
Cinderella Story” (PG) (’04) Stars: Hilary Duff
7:30 Movie: “Stick It” (PG) (’06) Stars: Jeff
Bridges 9:35 Movie: “The Duff” (M l,s) (’15)
Stars: Mae Whitman 11:35 Paranormal Caught On Camera (M l) 12:35 Love After Lockup (M) 2:30 Surfing Australia TV 3:00 Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
12:00 Dave Gorman: Terms And Conditions Apply (M l,s) 2:45 BBC News At Ten 3:15 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 3:40 PBS Newshour 4:35 Mastermind Australia 5:35 Dynamo: Magician Impossible (PG) 6:30 Adam Eats The 80s (PG) 7:30 Impossible Engineering (PG) 8:35 The Last Overland: Singapore To London 9:25 The Story Of Get Busy (M) 9:50
The Story Of Man! I Feel Like A Woman (PG)
12:10 Movie: “The Railway Children” (G) (’70) Stars: Jenny Agutter 2:25 Movie: “Shalako” (PG) (’68)
Stars: Brigitte
Brought to you by NEIL MITCHELL
v) 9:50 Wreck (MA15+) 10:40 Operation Buffalo (M l) 11:35 Making Child Prodigies (PG) 1:05 Les Miserables (M) 3:00 Mark Berg’s Fishing Addiction (PG)
Gardening Australia 4:10
Long Lost Family (PG) 5:00 Australian Story
(PG) 5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 6:00 The Drum
7:00 ABC News 7:30 7.30 (PG) 8:00 Hard
Quiz (PG) 8:30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (PG) 9:00 Utopia (PG) 9:25 Spicks
And Specks (PG) 10:10 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (M) 10:50 ABC Late News
3:00 Billy The Exterminator (PG)
3:30 Down East Dickering (PG)
9:00 Judge Judy (PG) 9:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) 10:00 Studio 10 (PG) 12:00 10 News First 1:00 Dr Phil (M) 2:00 Australian Survivor (PG) 3:30 Judge Judy (PG) 4:00
Farm To Fork 4:30 The Bold & The Beautiful (PG) 5:00 10 News
“Assassins” (M l,v) (’95) Stars: Antonio Banderas 10:10 Movie: “Rocky Balboa” (M v) (’06)
plumbing & electrical specialists
The team at Waste Busters has been servicing Horsham and the Wimmera region since 1981.
Their aim is to significantly reduce landfill in the Wimmera.
In 2017 they introduced skip bins to their line of recycling solutions, giving people another option for waste disposal.
Mick Morris said the company continued to stay at the forefront of recycling technologies to lead the Wimmera in waste management solutions.
The family-run business boasts a team of nine and handled most recyclables.
“We collect paper and cardboard and offer a documentation destruction service,” he said.
Waste Busters are contracted for the waste management of Horsham Rural City Council transfer stations and have solutions for commercial and private recycling.
“Businesses can call us for a free waste and recycling appraisal to get the best deal for you.”
Waste Busters are open Monday to Friday 8am-4pm and at weekends by appointment.
JEITZ, Timothy John (Tim)
Passed away on January 22, 2023 aged 52 years.
Loved son of Josephine Smith and Terry Jeitz.
Loving brother and brother-in-law of Bobbi & Keith.
Cherished uncle to Brad, Dean & Bailey.
Forever in our hearts
LATUS, William John
Passed away peacefully on January 23, 2023 aged 81 years.
Dearly loved husband of Pat.
Much loved father and father-in-law of Timothy (dec); Matt & Connie; Katie & Paddy.
Cherished Pa to Jonty & Bessie; Maddie, Bridie & Sophie.
Forever Loved
JEITZ, Timothy John (Tim)
The Funeral of Tim Jeitz will take place at the Horsham Church of Christ on Friday, February 3, 2023 commencing at 1pm and will be immediately followed by burial at the Balmoral Cemetery. Casual dress. The service may also be viewed online at Ij1yrDmQo3Q In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Tim can be made to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation. Donation envelopes will be available at the service.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
GLARE ~ Damien Peter ~
17-3-1967 to 5-2-1970
May you always walk in sunshine, And God’s love around you glow. For what it meant to lose you, Only those who loved you know.
Mum, Dad (dec), Simon, Mathew and Melanie.
Our little Angel
~ Peter James ~
18-3-1944 to 29-1-2019
Without a farewell you went to sleep, But loving memories are ours to keep.
Loved, missed and remembered every day.
Your loving soulmate and wife Dianne.
Cherished dad of Damien (dec), Simon, Mathew and Melanie and families.
The committee, players and supporters of the Horsham Saints Football and Netball
Club forward their sincerest condolences to Pat, Matt and Connie, Katie and Paddy on the passing of John.
A past senior player, best and fairest winner, long-time sponsor and valued member.
Rest in Peace
SKURRIE, Suzanne Elizabeth (Suzy)
Passed away on January 20, 2023 aged 63 years.
Dearly loved partner of Peter.
Loving mother and mother-in-law of Damien & Belinda.
Adored Nan to Xavier and Georgia.
Friend of Clare, Yvonne & Bridget.
Now At Peace
LATUS, William John
Requiem Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul of John Latus at St Michael & John’s Catholic Church, Horsham on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 commencing at 2.30pm.
Private cremation.
The service may also be viewed online at smjchurchhorsham/streams
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
SKURRIE, Suzanne Elizabeth (Suzy)
The Funeral of Suzanne Elizabeth “Suzy” Skurrie will take place at the Horsham Church of Christ on Thursday, February 9, 2023 commencing at 2pm Private cremation.
The service may also be viewed online at https://
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
HOMMELHOFF ~ Ian Phillip ~
23-4-1942 to 30-1-2022
Thankful for all the amazing memories made. Missing you each and every day.
Love Lorna, Phil, Jo, Donna and families xx
Thank you
~ MAHER ~ Joan Ian, Colin, Janine, Pauline and families would like to extend our thanks and gratitude, for all the messages, phone calls and cards we received on the passing of our mother/ mother-in-law Joan.
A true indication of what a remarkable lady Joan was.
Aussie White/White Dorper 2022
ewe lambs for sale. $220 each, PIC 3HSDA108, Ph 0478226909 for more information.
Birds for sale, hand raised green cheek conures, lovely coloured aviary bred cockatiels, opaline turks, Bourkes all colours, all young birds, ring for prices Ph 0408535515
Black head dorper ewe lambs, born June 2022, pic# 3NGLM058 $250ea Ph 53585079
Ferrets ready to go, 10 weeks old $25 each Nhill Ph Adrian 53928225
Ferrets, 8wks to 18mths $30ea Ph 0418843180 Nhill
Goats wanted Ph 0427361940
Small mob of black faced Dorpers joined $140 each Ph 0429912620
Young pigs 2mth old, well bred, free ranged, suitable to spit or grow out, PIC# 3H5CG003 from $100ea Ph 0439834521
15’ Millard caravan, annex, registered, d/bed, kitchen, neat tidy clean van $4250 Ph 0419505737
Bristlenose catfish , great tank cleaners $5ea until sold out Ph 0474159010 after 6.30pm
Budgerigars, show birds at pet prices Ph 0447080439
Budgies, babies available $10ea Ph 0423976711
Budgies, just out of nest, pastel colours and lace wings $10ea Ph 0419505737
Budgies, young, asstd colours $10ea Ph 0423182267
Central bearded dragon hatchlings, 2 males, hatched 28/11/22, licence # 13411918-B, $130ea Ph 55851231 Edenhope.
Ferrets for sale, $10 each, Ph 0458681119
Great Dane X Mastiff puppies ready to go now, vacc, chipped, wormed, healthy and happy, DOB 20/11/22, source no# MB166978, mc # 39530 10006239217/235/205/098/236/099 /170/6393273/274, $1000 each,Ph 0499853884
Kelpie pups, 11 wks old, friendly, good natured, ready to go, vax and wormed, 2 male, 2 female, pics available, source# EE208536, m/chip# 95600 0014851565/47607/52798/53358
$550ono Ph Tim 0491895301
Muscovy ducks $10, drakes $20 Ph 0429842236
Pet carrier crate for cat or dog, large $50 Ph 0473870476
Pure breed black faced Dorper ewe lambs, pic# 3HSDC083 Ph Liz 0419664345
Purebred Alaskan Malamutes 1 x boy, 10 weeks old, vet checked microchip & wormed, 953010006 186664/953010006186786/9530 10006186778/953010006186662, source # MB168224 Ph 0429836214
Purebred Labrador Puppies 2 male, 5 female. Vaccinated, wormed & microchipped, DOB 26/11/22, source # MB120138, microchip # 95301000623 9182/070/183/245/184/189/246 $2,200 Ph 0427396114
Roosters and ducks wanted Ph 0469740723
Salami pigs wanted Ph 0481864397
The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your adv your obligations are as follows:
*All “for sale” or “to give away” advertisements, for either cats or dogs must include one of the following:
• Individual microchip numbers
• Vet certificate to exclude individual animals from needing microchips
• Domestic animal-business number
PLUS a source number from the Pet Exchange Register
*Selling, giving away or bartering of all livestock must include a Property Identification Code (PIC number) in the advertisement.
1950 Bondwood caravan, 12’ 4 berth small, porthole window, restoration started, windows not fitted, W2 x H2.4m $2500 Ph 0400696362 Horsham
1960s Bondwood caravan 14’ white, alloy roof, 4 birth, W2.1x H2.5m, light grey and red interior, almost complete restoration, needs trim inside and out etc $4500 Ph 0400696362 Horsham
1981 Viscount caravan, 16’ pop-top, roll out awning, full annex, shower, porta loo, double bed, microwave, 240v fridge, external gas hot water, 12v tv and aerial, reg till April 23, cover included, photo on request $8500 Ph 0428146771
1985 Viscount Aerolite, 15ft poptop, annex, d/bed, 2 bunks, fridge, stove, 6 months rego, minor interior work, $3,600, 0490364260 Dimboola
2000 Regent Cruiser, 18ft tandem poptop, rollout awning, d/bed, solar & battery pack, fridge, stove, 6 mths rego, $14,750 0490364260 Dimboola
2005 Jayco pop-top 16’, reg til 12/23, EC, island d/bed, new annex, battery, kitchen and extras $20,000ono Ph 0428854313
2005 T-Van MKII, EC, all standard TVAN features, extras include underbed storage drawers, wireless CD USB and 4 speaker system, sirocco fans, diesel heater, awnings one fully enclosed $25,000 Ph 0428982514 Caravan with dog box $12,500 Ph 0428788212
mum said years ago she was going to make funeral arrangements, we
Hyundai Elantra, 134,000kms, white, EC, very cheap and reliable car, will be sold with rego and RWC, 1DZ7PO $13,500 Ph 0408530717 Dimboola
Nissan Navara Twin Cab, 2006, Silver, VGC, no rego, sell as is, 202,000kms, last reg YVO949 $13,500 Ph 0439377524
Toyota Hilux 2wd 2009 SR Twin Cab V6 5spd manual, EC, 210,000kms XGK391 $14,000ono Ph 0444593135
Rare Astor roller dial console radio, ex working order and cond Ph 53824316
Retiring from music , music equipment speaks, Yamaha amps, mixer microphones, music stands, Yamaha keyboard Tyros 5, Maton 12 string guitar s/n 002 custom made, Cole Clark Guitar, Fender copy guitar, lighting equipment, leads and accessories Ph 53823803 or 0419509335
Student Cello and Bow $500 Ph 0427712331
Yamaha CLP330 Claven Nova Digital Piano, EC, great sound and feel, includes stool $2500 Ph0428894232
XR6 2010, auto, service history, RWC, full rego, EC, XSF763, POA Ph 0428989234
REDUCED 2017 Honda Civic VTI-L Hatch, CVT Auto, pristine condition, black sports pack, apple carplay, 1.5L turbo, new tyres, 41,000 country kms, Honda 7yr warranty, roadside assist, reg May 2023, always garaged, genuine sale 1MT2IG $29,500 Ph 0408881137
2 bedrooms available to rent, pre-approved by real estate, plus facilities $150p/w Ph 0417092805
2016 Pajero Sport Exceed 7 seat auto 4x4 diesel, roof racks, RWC supplied registered until Jan 2023, great family car, 98000kms, 1IW2AK $40,950 Ph 0418361268
“WANTED” Land to lease or share-farm anywhere south of Horsham, from 100 acres to 1000 acres, cropping country preferred Ph Roger Hallam at Mockinya 0418822700
2017 Hyundai Tucson Elite, 1.6l Turbo 81,000kms, like new inside and out 1KJ3ZQ $29,000ono Ph 0458030097
Airia, Fstyle, Mandolin with hard case, EC $300 Ph 0413207022 Bluthner Piano, well tuned, VGC $200 Ph Frank 0455181941
2018 Honda Civic , VTI-S Luxe Sedan,EC, leather heated seats, balance of new car warranty, full service history 53,000kms 1NP6RM $23,500 Ph 0466014594
Pajero GLS, 2015, 7 seats, 2 batteries, set up for towing, heated seats, EC, RWC, 117,000kms, 1GE91G $38,250 Ph 0400912163
REDUCED 2012 Ford Ranger 4WD, extra cab, 3.2 6spd manual, RWC, 10mths reg, 209,500kms, 1VW8GI $18,500 Ph 0490364260
Cole Clark/Angel semi-acoustic with hard case, EC $880 Ph 0413207022
Kawai MP 4 Stage Piano, stand, carry bag, two Behringer amps Ph 0413789736 Original metres kilocycles megacycle short wave, 5 valve
Ph 53824316
Wanted , someone already travelling to Gippsland to bring back 16’ caravan for an elderly lady, text only 0467189492
2015 Isuzu DMax, dual cab, white tub, prefer new condition, contact Greg at Greg McLennan Smash
Many question how a good God can allow bad things to happen. The Bible reveals that we are in a cosmic battle, and that Satan comes only to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He is described as the father of lies, and misrepresents God’s character. God in contrast is love, and promises life freely to all. Love cannot exist without free choice, and with free choice, sin entered the world. Sin is by definition unfair, hurtful and wrong, but God is so good that He entered into our suffering too. Jesus lived as we do, took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4) and suffered a cruel death for our sins and rose again, so that we can have eternal life and peace with God. God sees your tears and promises that when you pass through the waters, He will be with you (Isaiah 43:2a).
GWMWater is an innovative and progressive employer committed to contributing to the sustainable growth of communities within the Grampians, Wimmera and Mallee regions.
Corporate Resources Officer (Fixed Term 12 Months)
Position number VG/3109
The Corporate Resources Officer is responsible for the provision of the day-to-day tasks of the Corporate Resources team and the provision of resources to other divisions of GWMWater when required.
These tasks include but are not limited to records management, office maintenance, catering and agreement preparation. The position is also responsible for assisting the wider Legal and Corporate Resources Division in the implementation of statutory processes and the preparation of specialist documentation.
If you have an eye for detail, enjoy working in a team and are looking to start a new career in a dynamic organisation, we would like to hear from you!
To apply online please visit:
Applications close: Wednesday 15 February 2023
GWMWater contact: Ollie Reynolds, People Talent and Culture Officer
Water Quality Process Officer
Position number VG/5403A
The Water Quality Process Officer assists in the delivery of the Corporation’s Water Quality Management System. This risk management framework guides how water is supplied to customers which is fit for purpose. This role would suit an enthusiastic individual with an eye for detail who is familiar with water industry regulation and quality management systems. Functions performed would include assessment of water treatment process performance, control system verification, overseeing the water sampling and testing programs, water quality data management, assessment and interpretation of water quality data, reporting (internal and external) and development of management plans and operational procedures.
If you are looking to build a career in an organisation that supports the health and prosperity of regional communities, we want to hear from you!
To apply online please visit:
Applications close: Wednesday 22 February 2023
GWMWater contact: Ollie Reynolds, People Talent and Culture Officer
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Expression of Interest –Mowing Service Contractor
Grampians Health Stawell is seeking expressions of interest from service providers to undertake the maintenance of the lawns and landscaping of Grampians Health Stawell grounds on an ongoing basis.
Contracted hours will be approximately 10 hours per week.
Details are available from Mr Phil Hutton, Grampians Health Stawell, Maintenance Manager via email or by calling 0429 001 655.
Expressions of interest can be mailed or delivered to:
EOI – Mowing Service Contractor
Attention: Mr Phil Hutton
Grampians Health Stawell 27-29 Sloane Street (PO Box 800) STAWELL VIC 3380
Opportunities await volleyballers
BY DAVID BERRYPreparations are underway for another big year for Volleyball Horsham.
The season kicks off on Saturday in Bendigo for Horsham’s elite and emerging talent, when Phantoms Volleyball Club commences selection trials for the State League season.
A new look State League season will be in place this year as Australian Volleyball League, AVL, gets reshuffled with the advent of ‘AVL Superleague’ running from the start of August and finishing at the end of September.
This reshuffle means that State League will only be 11 rounds, with each team playing each other once.
State League is set to start on April 15.
Volleyball Horsham had 10 members play with Phantoms last season.
It is expected these numbers could increase, with some academy members showing an interest in developing their game further as well as some older members returning to the fold.
The women will kick off proceedings on Saturday at 10am followed by the men at 1pm, with trials at the Bendigo Stadium.
With Phantoms represented across multiple divisions there is a division for anyone who wishes to play.
On Wednesday next week, between 6pm and 7.30pm, keen youngsters
Swimmers make mark
Horsham swimmers made their mark on the 2023 Victorian LC Country Swimming Championships, with four competitors achieving a top-10 result.
The championships, from Saturday to Monday last week, involved heats and finals at the Wangaratta Sports and Aquatic Centre.
Seven Horsham swimmers attended, with Ellua Boyd, Edward Jones, Jake Matuschka and Tom Urquhart finishing with top-10 ranks in finals.
Urquhart won silver in the 200-metre individual medley and bronze in 100-metre breaststroke. He also finished seventh in 400-metre freestyle, eighth in 100-metre backstroke, ninth in 400-metre individual medley and 10th in 100-metre freestyle.
Boyd finished seventh in 100-metre freestyle and Jones finished ninth in 100-metre breaststroke.
Matuschka finished 10th in 100-metre butterfly and 200-metre individual medley and placed seventh in 100-metre freestyle.
Horsham swimmers with qualifying times are now looking to prepare for the Victorian State Age Championships in March.
wishing to take their volleyball to the next level are encouraged to attend the first selection trial for the Volleyball Horsham Academy program.
The program enjoyed a successful 2022, with 26 athletes participating across both the boys and girls’ programs.
Paige Hemley made the Vic White under-15 team, while the girls won the Junior Country Champs, with the boys claiming silver, so everyone involved is looking forward to bringing on the next group of youngsters, at the same time continuing to develop those returning.
The second trial will be the following Wednesday. Entries are now being
taken across all grades for Volleyball Horsham’s summer season.
The association finished last year with more than 270 members who played across six grades of competition and are excited for the year ahead.
Monday night competition consists of B and C grades, with the association keen to cater for more junior teams in 2023.
Wednesday night competition caters for A Grade and A Reserve as well as the women’s competition.
Already there has been good enquiry from female players keen to get involved in this competition.
The atmosphere is welcoming and encouraging, with each team respon-
sible for a musical playlist each week. This innovation proved popular last season and the association is keen to keep the fun vibe happening.
Teams and individuals interested in participating in any grade of competition are advised to follow the link on the association’s website or email
Entries close on February 15.
The association will host its AGM on Wednesday next week, February 8, from 7.30pm at St Brigid’s College stadium in Horsham; volunteers are always welcome to become a committee members.
Badminton competition returns
A new season is set to begin for Horsham Badminton Association – launching with a free come-and-try night.
The association is hosting the open night on Monday at Horsham College gymnasium on Baillie Street from 6.45pm. Horsham Badminton Association president Luke Dunn said beginners were most welcome and rackets would be available for use.
“We cater for all abilities and have a vast array of ages among our members,” he said.
“This is a great opportunity for anyone considering badminton as a sport to ‘come and try’ in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.”
The association’s weekly summer competition begins on February 13.
Scholarships open for junior golfers
Horsham Golf Club is offering three more scholarships to junior female golfers to increase their skills and retain them in the sport.
Horsham Golf Club project coordinator Cullen Williams said the scholarships included 24 coaching sessions with a Professional Golfers Association, PGA, professional golfer, branded shirt and cap, and one-year junior club membership that carries playing rights.
“The Australian Golf Foundation has funded these scholarships for several years, but this is the first time we have received them in Horsham,” he said.
“The program will run all year and we hope to start it up by the end of February.”
Mr Williams said there were six scholarships offered, with three already filled, for girls aged 10 to 16.
“It is open for any girl who has played golf before and who is interested in continuing to play golf, ” he said.
Bella McIntyre, 15, is one of the
scholarship recipients and said she was looking forward to the chance to learn more and play more golf.
“It’s pretty exciting to get this scholarship as there are not many opportunities to do what this scholarship offers,” she said.
“So, I took the opportunity while I could.
“Golf is something I used to come to with my dad when I was younger, and eventually, I picked it up to play myself.”
Competitive McIntyre said while she played basketball and netball, she enjoys golf because it is different to those sports.
“I like the environment of golf and how you get to know people from so many different places.
“Recently I have been trying to play a game competitively once a week and hit the practice range twice a week.
“I now play off 17 and irons are my best shot at the moment.”
Mr Williams said the club was also working to drive up junior memberships.
“Junior numbers have been dropping since COVID-19 restrictions began nearly three years ago when we weren’t able to do a lot, and the program dropped off,” he said.
“We only started getting junior clinics up and going at the end of last year, so we are looking to drive the program more.
“We have roughly 20 junior members now, but they had been on the decline as we didn’t have a golf professional locally to take clinics.
“Now we have some professionals back we will have more opportunities for our juniors.”
Mr Williams said he was hoping the scholarship would be ongoing, annually.
“Scholarship holders this year have the chance to do it again if we get more funding next year,” he said.
“It will depend on how much interest we get.”
Applications for the scholarships can be made to Mr Williams at marketing@horshamgolfclub. com
OPPORTUNITY: Bella McIntyre is a Horsham Golf Club junior golfer who recently received a scholarship for one-on-one coaching and a junior membership for 2023 as the Australian Golf Foundation works to encourage more girls into golf.
Girls play for shield
Three Wimmera Girls Cricket teams competed in the Twenty 20 Western Victoria Girls Shield at Hamilton in January.
Wimmera players made up the under-14 and under-16 teams and an under-18s team was a combination of Wimmera and Hamilton players.
The under-14 team finished fourth, the under-16 team third and under-18 team sixth after three days of compition.
The under-14 team started with a bye before taking on Geelong in round two.
Wimmera’s Reese Parsons and Indira Hogan opened and saw off the opening bowlers. Emma Uebergang took advantage of their next bowlers making 50 off 25 balls.
Despite a couple of runouts, the team made 9-123.
Wind and rain affected the bowling, however Lily Scott and Amelia Maloney started strong and kept the run rate down until Isabelle DeGraaff, for Geelong, found some form.
Some top bowling from Aurora Merrett, Hogan, Holly Bird and Hayley Uebergang resulted in a tight finish.
Scott came back in to bowl the final over under pressure and it came down to the final two balls, but Geelong managed to get the runs in a thriller.
Round three was won against Torquay and each player contributed with the bat, retiring on solid runs to make 8-188 in 20 overs.
Bird and Jenna Hogan both took three wickets. Alethea D’Silva and Merrett also took a wicket each.
Round four was against Warrnam-
bool, who took some early wickets.
Emma Uebergang managed to score quickly with 34 off 31 balls, ably supported by Moloney, Hayley Uebergang and Merrett.
Darcy Venn and D’Silva ensured Wimmera batted out 20 overs for 71 runs. Warrnambool’s batters were strong and made the required runs in 13 overs.
The final round was against Ballarat, who sent Wimmera in to field first where they managed a couple of quick early wickets to D’Silva and Bird, which kept the energy up.
Amelia Moloney was on a hat-trick, but unfortunately could not convert.
Ballarat’s Sarah Burton was unstoppable with a century off 87 balls.
In reply, Parsons and Indira Hogan went out and batted with good intent and Emma Uebergang added another 69 runs to the tally.
Emma Uebergang was the tournament’s highest run-scorer for the week with 196 runs at an average of 98.
Bird was fifth in the bowling statistics with five wickets at an average of six and Jenna Hogan was eighth in the bowling statistics with four wickets at an average of 10.
Wimmera opened its campaign in style, beating Castlemaine in a closefought victory.
Castlemaine set an imposing task of 117 runs to win, however, Issy Boulton made light work of that with 82 runs from 59 balls.
The next round was against Hamilton, and the team continued on its winning way thanks to some tight bowling from Lucy Avery, Boulton,
Ayva Mitchell, Dakota Meehan and Amalie Bell.
They restricted Hamilton to 84 runs and the run chase saw Issy Boulton continue her dominance with 49 from 28 balls and Maddison Walle with 16 runs from 30 balls.
Day two saw the team have its first loss, against Geelong, in a restricted over game due to bad weather.
With only 15 overs available, the Geelong girls worked hard for their 3-77 runs in slippery conditions.
Boulton dominated two of the only three wickets for the innings.
In reply, the Wimmera fought hard against the sharp bowling of Geelong, with Lilly Reading making 10 from 36 balls, Chloe Moloney 12 from 29 balls and Walle 11 from 26 balls.
The team then faced Colac and Boulton and Mitchell combined for a partnership of 51 runs.
Wimmera set the target of 95 runs.
Walle’s bowling saw her on a hattrick and sharp fielding from Avery and Reading resulted in vital run-outs that saw the Wimmera take a victory.
The team needed to beat Warrnambool on the final day to finish top-two but was also relying on other results.
After facing some tight bowling early, Boulton was again a star with the bat, going about her business with 50 runs from 60 balls.
Warrnambool needed 76 runs to win.
The Wimmera showcased impressive bowling, which saw Warrnambool struggle to get bat on ball early.
Bowling honours went to Mitchell with two maidens and one wicket and Reading with one wicket.
It was not enough to get into the
finals and the team finished third.
Boulton finished first on the under-16 batting top performer list amassing 203 runs across the five games and second on the champion player list with 323 points.
Five Wimmera girls joined forces with Hamilton District Cricket Association, with one training under their belt.
The first game was against Warrnambool, with Hamilton-Wimmera reaching 4-93, Caeleigh Humphries top scoring 32 runs, Bridie Reid, eight, and Ella Moloney, seven.
Warrnambool lost wickets regularly, reaching a total 7-94 with three balls to spare in the innings. Ella Jackson was 2-8, Micaela Meyer 2-5, Moloney 2-17, Bridie Reid, two catches and Gabby Campbell a run out. The second game was played against South East.
Hamilton-Wimmera batted first, finishing at 7-82 on the scoreboard, with Emilie Tonissen, 16 runs, Humphries, 15, and Moloney, seven.
In return, South East reached 3-83
with Reid, 1-12. The first game of day two was against Ballarat, who batted first and showed their skills, achieving 10 boundaries resulting in 3-161.
Hamilton-Wimmera’s high bowling tally saw Reid at 1-20 and two catches. Ella Jackson was the only double-figure scorer with 26.
The fourth game was against Colac, who scored 6-104.
Reid had 1-20 and a catch, Campbell 1-9, Moloney 0-13 and a runout and Matilda Venn a runout.
Hamilton-Wimmera struggled to put runs on the board, but continued fighting to the end, making 9-69.
The last game of the competition saw Hamilton-Wimmera playing Geelong, who batted first.
Hamilton-Wimmera started strong, getting quick wickets and continuing throughout the innings until the last few overs, where Geelong had a 34run partnership reaching a total of 9-103.
Hamilton-Wimmera lost early wickets then a 44-run partnership between Reid and Jackson settled the run chase to achieve 6-83.
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Saints in form
BY ‘ONE SHORT’St Andrews has signalled its serious contention for a Grampians Cricket Association premiership with a convincing 44-run victory against Swifts-Great Western in a match that saw neither team bat out their overs.
Saints’ James Hosking was the standout in the A Grade fixture, with 31 runs and 5-23 in scores of 121 to 77.
A bright spot for the Combine was Will Clough’s hat-trick among his 3-9.
At Ararat’s Alexandra Oval, RhymneyMoyston made a firm bid for fourth position with a strong victory against rival Chalambar.
Batting first, Chalambar was dismissed for just 57 and in reply Rhymston lost only one wicket in reaching 1-58.
This win leaves Rhymston six points ahead of Chalambar.
Dan Taylor was the star of this match with 36 not-out and 4-3.
The round’s turf scores might indicate more work is needed to equalise the battle between bat and ball.
B Grade saw a double to the two Halls Gap teams, with Halls Gap overtaking the Combine for top spot, cruising to a 122run victory.
Batting first, the Gappers amassed 9-187, thanks mainly to Charlie McIntosh, 65.
The Gappers’ bowling, led by Rickki McIntosh’s 6-12, then shot the Combine out for just 65.
At Moyston, Rhymston2 recorded its
highest score of the season, with 8-136 due to Wayne Gason’s 40.
But it wasn’t enough, with Gappers 2 replying with 4-145 and Lachy Smart, in his first game for the club, scoring 102 not-out.
This week’s scheduled A Grade matches are Rhymney-Moyston v Swifts-Gt Western at Alexandra Oval, Ararat, and Pomonal v Chalambar at Pomonal. St Andrews has a bye.
In B Grade, Rhymney-Moyston v Halls Gap at Moyston and Halls Gap 2 v SwiftsGreat Western at Halls Gap.
This week’s matches appear to be clear cut, but as anybody who has played cricket will tell you – cricket is a funny game.
Can the Combine regain some form at Rhymston’s expense? Having lost just one game for the season, Sam Cocks and his team will be looking to maintain its position at the top of the A Grade ladder.
Rhymston will be buoyed by its victory against Chally.
Sam Cocks has not worried the scorers for the past two innings and will need to feature if the Combine is to set Rhymston a decent score.
Halls Gap should be able to maintain its winning run with victory against Rhymston 2 and the Combine travel back to Halls Gap to find some winning form.
The Grampians will travel to Donald on Sunday to play Wimmera-Mallee Cricket Association in a challenge match at 12.30pm.
HIGH IN THE SKIES: Noah Tanzen of Mt Beauty and Ojars Balodis of Benalla were among participants of a gliding coaching course from Horsham Aerodrome on Monday afternoon. Horsham Flying Club members are welcoming the arrival of gliding enthusiasts to the Wimmera this week for the annual Horsham Week Gliding Competition. A coaching period is underway throughout the week before more than 35 gliders, and their support crews, compete across a seven-day period, starting on Saturday. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Hornets, Redbacks prepare for finals
Horsham Hornets and Ararat Redbacks men’s teams are gearing up for the semi-finals this weekend.
The Redbacks will host Millicent Magic for the semi-final on Saturday, while the Hornets head to Mt Gambier to play the Mt Gambier Lakers.
The winners of each game will progress straight into the grand final on February 11.
First-placed Redbacks and fourthplaced Magic won one game each
when they met earlier in the season. Magic won in round seven, 104-92 and the Redbacks won in round 15, 94-70.
Zac Dunmore has averaged 32 points per game for the Redbacks and will be well supported by Joshua Fiegert.
The Hornets finished third and Lakers finished second at the end of the home-and-away season.
The Hornets defeated the Lakers on both occasions the teams met
during the year, in round nine, 8482 and in round 15, 87-81. Austin McKenzie averaged 25 points per game and will be a strong opponent on the court, while Mitch Martin is also one to watch for the Hornets. It will be a close battle to the end when the teams meet on Saturday. Horsham Hornets women’s team finished fifth and will not progress to finals.
Bullants set Tigers mammoth target
Noradjuha-Toolondo Bullants have set a mammoth 362-run target for Jung Tigers to chase on Saturday in round 13 of Horsham Cricket Association’s A Grade season.
Strong performances from Troy Dumesny, 77, Kent Hair, 67 not out, and Tony Caccaviello, 66, propelled the Bullants to 9-361 at the end of their 75 overs.
Tyler Puls was the biggest threat to Bullants’ batters with 3-63 off 18 overs.
Spinner Angus Adams toiled without luck for 20 overs and the rest of the wickets were shared between six other bowlers.
When the Tigers walk out to bat on Saturday, Jake Durdin, Marty Knight and Brett Jenz will need to post their best scores to give the Tigers any chance to compete with the Bullants’ score.
Bullants bowlers Matt Combe and Nathan Hughes will try to dismiss the Tigers early and push for an outright result, but the Tigers are not easy beats by any stretch.
Rupanyup-Minyip resumes at 0-0 in its chase of Homers’ 226.
Opener Paddy Mills, 64, continued his recent good form for Homers and after some solid performances by the mid-order, the final wickets fell in quick succession.
Blue Panthers’ Braydon Ison took 2-30 and Lachlan Weidemann contributed 2-36 and a catch.
Openers Weidemann and Cameron Weston will aim to get the Blue Panthers into a good position to chase Homers’ competitive total.
Homers bowler Baxter Perry will work to continue restricting the Blue Panthers’ runs along with John Officer and Simon Hopper.
In B Grade, Blackheath-Dimboola made a significant improvement compared to last round and was 8-147 at the end of the day.
Rob Somers made the biggest impact with 34 not out, supported by Sam Polack’s early 31.
Jono Carroll was consistent for Horsham Saints and took 4-35.
Colts have set Laharum a target of 135, on the back of Josh Colbert’s, 30, and Dinesh Kancharapu’s 25.
Laharum’s Jackson Hoffmann was a tough bowler to face with 2-24 off 13
overs and Josh Mahoney’s 3-45 was a standout.
Rupanyup-Minyip is 1-70 as it begins to pursue Jung Tigers’ 180 – a score boosted significantly by Prabath Bandara’s 58 not out.
In a standout performance for the Blue Panthers, Clinton Midgley took 5-39 to rattle the Tigers’ top order.
Blake Downer’s 96 was the backbone of Lubeck-Murtoa’s 5-287 and has set a high bar for the Bullants to reach on Saturday.
Ben Anson took 2-55 for the Bullants as they chased leather all day.
Two-day cricket continues for A and B grades this weekend and it continues to be a close fight into the top four for a chance at finals.
This week: Day two of two-day cricket in A Grade and B Grade –
A Grade – Noradjuha-Toolondo
v Jung Tigers, Horsham City Oval; Homers v Rupanyup-Minyip, Sunnyside Recreation Reserve, Horsham; West Wimmera Warriors, bye.
B Grade – Blackheath-Dimboola
v Horsham Saints, Dimboola Recreation Reserve; Colts v Laharum, Dudley Cornell Park, Horsham; Rupanyup-Minyip v Jung Tigers, Minyip Recreation Reserve; Lubeck-Murtoa v Noradjuha-Toolondo, Murtoa Recreation Reserve.
C Grade – Horsham Saints v Quan-
tong, Coughlin Park, Horsham; West Wimmera Warriors v Natimuk, Davis Park, Nhill; Laharum v Colts, Cameron Oval, Laharum; Lubeck-Murtoa v Jung Tigers, Lubeck Recreation Reserve; Blackheath-Dimboola v Homers, Dimboola Recreation Reserve. Last week: Day one of two-day cricket in A Grade and B Grade –
A Grade – Homers 226 (P. Mills 64, L. Millar 48, J. Kannar 41, B Ison
2-30, L. Weidemann 2-36, B. Hendy
2-37, D. Schaper 2-61) v Rupanyup-Minyip 0-0; Noradjuha-Toolondo
Bullants 9-361 (T. Dumesny 77, K. Hair 67, T. Caccaviello 66, M. Combe 54, T. Puls 3-63) v Jung Tigers; West Wimmera Warriors, bye.
B Grade – Blackheath-Dimboola
8-147 (R. Somers 34, S. Polack 31, J. Carroll 4-35, M. Crafter 2-7, B. Hamerston 2-52) v Horsham Saints; Colts 135 (J. Colbert 30, D. Kancharapu 25, J. Mahoney 3-45, J. Hoffmann 2-24, M. Bunworth 2-28) v Laharum; RupMinyip 1-70 v Jung Tigers 180 (P. Bandara 58, S. Marks 35, C. Midgley 5-39, L. Funcke 2-32, G. Young 2-34); Lubeck-Murtoa 5-287 (B. Downer 96, N. Ballagh 47, S. Reddie 39, A. Chenoweth 27, J. Hedt 26, B. Anson 2-55) v Noradjuha-Toolondo Bullants. C Grade – Horsham Saints 5-161 (R. Kirkwood 51, K. Dalgleish 31, B. Mcphee 2-22) d Colts 6-124 (B. Mcphee 29, D. Stephens 28, M. Sandford 25, C. Keddie 2-23); Quantong 3-214 (R. Caris 50, J. Vague 50, N. Robinson 33, A. Pun Magar 2-12) d Jung Tigers 54 (S. Jose 3-0, A. Vague 2-4); West Wimmera Warriors 7-142 (J. Crowhurst 40, J. Gurry 31, J. Shevlin 2-12) d Laharum 9-125 (J. Borlase 38, X. Bone 3-14, J. Gurry 2-15, J. Crowhurst 2-18); Homers 4-222 (W. Drummond 54, J. Nagorcka 54, P. Drummond 41, B. Hopper 25, D. Schultz 2-44) d Lubeck-Murtoa 125 (C. Newell 32, S. Weir 4-8, D. McCann 2-8); Natimuk 2-109 (T. Coutts 32, L. Klowss 30) d Blackheath-Dimboola 96 (N. Schorback 37, J. Munn 7-15).
OUT: Brydon McPhee and Dave Wombwell, Colts, celebrate a wicket.
Easing into match play
BY ABBY WALTERHorsham Lawn and St Michaels were the stars of the first week back for Central Wimmera Tennis Association pennant competition, as the only teams to take the court on Saturday.
Kalkee forfeited to Central Park and Drung South had a bye.
Central Park, now sitting at the top of the ladder, will have another week off on Saturday with a bye.
Drung South will come out on fresh legs against a determined St Michaels team and Horsham Lawn will face Kalkee.
Drung South and St Michaels will need to win to keep their hopes of a top-four berth alive.
Horsham Lawn’s Cherie Wood won all three sets with two convincing wins across her singles and doubles with Gemma Walker.
Ian Nitschke played well for St Michaels winning all his sets but it was not enough to offset Horsham Lawn, who finished the day two sets in front.
Four rounds remain before finals and Kalkee, Central Park and Horsham Lawn will continue to fight hard for the top spot to ensure a double chance heading into the semi-finals.
Only one game separates Central Park from the two teams and it looks like it will come down to the wire in the final weeks of competition as to who will finish on top.
There were some large margins across A Special results, with Brimpaen, Homers and Horsham Lawn Dorman coming away with convincing wins.
Brooke Taylor played well for Haven, however the wins by Brimpaen’s Luke Dunn, Peter Brennan, Alex Dunn and Archie Sudholz had the team sailing towards a victory.
Central Park was no match for Horsham Lawn Dorman who was consistent across the day.
There were three tiebreakers across the round, but Shane Gillespie and Daniel Taylor could not be broken in singles or doubles action.
Camp Cleaner & Kitchen Hand
Location: Grampians, Closing date: ASAP
Skills and Experience:
• Current Working with Children’s Check
• First Aid Certificate advantageous
• Driver’s Licence and own vehicle
• Demonstrated experience in a cleaning position
• Good personal hygiene
For more information contact Nathan Keel on 0408 109 324.
Heavy Parts Sales Apprenticeship
Location: Horsham Closing date: ASAP
• Strong memory retention
• Be a team player with high attention to detail
• Computer literate
• Current driver’s licence and reliable transport (desirable)
• Client focused and excellent customer service skills
• Willingness to commit to work and study
• Evidence of COVID 19 certificates may be required
For more information contact Chris Barber on 0427 346 655.
Homers defeated Kalkee comfortably, with Homers’ Josie Kerr and Tammy Taylor having their work cut out for them in the closest set of the day against Meaghan Pohlner and Trudi Schmidt.
Horsham Lawn Thompson defeated Drung South by four sets and Telangatuk East defeated Natimuk, 9-5.
With seven teams still in the contest for finals it will be a tough run to the end of the season to make it into the top four.
Qualified Boilermaker / Experienced
Location: Horsham, Closing date: ASAP
Skills and Experience:
• Prior experience welding, preferably in a manufacturing environment
• Familiarity with common welding tools and procedures, including MIG welding TIG welding, metal fabricating, grinding, and finishing metals
• Ability to stand, crouch, and occasionally lift heavy equipment
• Blueprint reading and knowledge of common welding symbols
For more information contact Nathan Keel on 0408 109 324.
Aged Care Support & Hospitality Traineeships
Location: Stawell, Closing date: ASAP
Eventide Homes are currently seeking motivated candidates to undertake traineeships in both Individual Support and Hospitality.
Our trainees will receive ongoing mentoring whilst learning on-the-job and studying.
• Current National Police Check Clearance
• Influenza and Covid vaccination (essential)
For more information contact Daryl Eastwell on 0407 364 654.
Round 12 results
Pennant: Kalkee forfeited to Central Park; Horsham Lawn 7-77 d St Michaels 5-63.
A Special: Homers 12-103 d Kalkee 2-45; Brimpaen 11-100 d Haven 3-62; Horsham Lawn Thompson 9-97 d Drung South 5-73; Horsham Lawn Dorman 11103 d Central Park 3-70; Telangatuk East 9-86 d Natimuk 5-72.
A Grade: Central Park 12-96 d Homers 0-33; Haven 10-86 d Drung South 2-45; Horsham Lawn O’Connor 6-73 d Horsham Lawn Bardell 6-72.
B Special: Natimuk 8-79 d Haven 4-46; Central Park 9-82 d Laharum 3-47; St Michaels 12-96 d Horsham Lawn 0-42.
Civil Construction Apprenticeship
Location: St Arnaud, Closing date: February 7, 2023
• Willingness to obtain a Medium Rigid licence (mandatory) or Heavy Rigid Licence (desirable)
• Ability to undertake all inherent requirements of the position (detailed above)
• Willing to complete reference checks, police check and obtain an employer Working with Children Check.
• Construction induction card
• Willingness to commit to work and study
• Evidence of double COVID 19 vaccination certificates required
For more information contact Daryl Eastwell on 0407 364 654.
Automotive Mechanic Apprenticeship
Location: Donald, Closing date: February 14, 2023
Duties Include:
• Select appropriate tools and spare parts required for a particular task
• Study manufacturers service and repair manuals
• Gain knowledge of common vehicle faults and how to fix them
• Keep workshop tidy for OH&S requirements
For more information contact Kate Clark on 0428 971 821.
Perkin wins way to Spanish slam
BY ABBY WALTERDrung South tennis player
Kate-Lyn Perkin is competing in the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Alliance World Championships in Spain this week.
After winning the B Grade Glam Slam final at the Australian Open in 2022, Perkin was offered the opportunity to travel to the Canary Islands to compete in the four-day tournament.
“I thought the Glam Slam was an Australian thing, so I didn’t realise I would get this chance,” she said.
“The cool thing about Glam Slam is that it is the only inclusion event in the world that runs directly alongside grand slam tennis”
– Kate-Lyn Perkin
“I won the final 6-1, 6-2. It was played in Kia Arena, which is so cool,” she said.
“I had ball kids, linesmen and everything.
“I competed as an ally for the LGBTIQ+ community.
“The AO Glam Slam is part of the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Alliance, which is an international amateur tennis tour, and I got all these ranking points.
“The top eight in the world in each section receive an invitation to the championships.
“I finished ninth, so when someone else declined the invitation, I was invited.
“I said yes, because I’d never get to do something like this again.”
Perkin also competed in the AO Glam Slam last month and won the open division.
“Anyone can enter the Glam Slam, like a normal tennis tournament. The
idea of the Glam Slam is to promote inclusion in the LGBTIQ+ community,” she said.
“It has been running for about six or seven years.
“I got into it last year completely
randomly because I work for Tennis Victoria.
“It has been quite a male-dominated tournament, so they were wanting to bring a lot more women into it and sent a message out asking if anyone
wanted to fill some spots. I said yes, why not, let’s have a go.”
Perkin said because she won last year, she was encouraged to play again and compete in the higher division.
“The event was on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, in line with AO’s inclusion week, which starts with all-abilities day, includes Australia Day and concluded with Pride Day.
“The event is played at three locations – Melbourne Park, Albert Reserve and Scotch College.
“There were five women in the open division, so we played round robin, then first and second on the ladder played in the final.”
Perkin said it was an ‘amazing’ experience.
“The cool thing about Glam Slam is that it is the only inclusion event in the world that runs directly alongside grand slam tennis,” she said.
“There are lots of mini Glam Slams in Australia and we are hoping to host one in Horsham this year, too.”
Vol. 25 No. 29
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Drung South tennis player Kate-Lyn Perkin is taking her game to an international stage when she travels to Spain to compete in the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Alliance World Championships, as an ally, from tomorrow. Perkin won the women’s open singles Glam Slam at the Australian Open last week and previously won the B Grade division last summer, which qualified her for the tournament. The top-eight Glam Slam players in the world are invited to Spain to compete. It’s a farcry from Perkin’s regular competition in the Central Wimmera Tennis Association and working for Tennis Victoria from her Natimuk base. Full story, page 51. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER