This flu season has been particularly challenging for the Brooklyn community. Simultaneous outbreaks of Flu A and Flu B, which typically peak at different times, have hit hard this winter, leading to widespread illness.
To get a better understanding of the situation, we spoke with Ben DMSc, MPAS, PA-C, a physician assistant at Asisa Urgent Care under Alter Kessler, who shared valuable insights on managing and preventing the flu.
Each strain of the flu has its own set of symptoms:
Flu A: Often comes with high fever ranging from 100.4F to 104F, runny nose, and body aches.
Flu B: Typically involves coughing and body aches but may not cause as high a fever as Flu A.
This year, the overlap of Flu A and Flu B has compounded the challenge for families and healthcare providers alike.
The flu is highly contagious and spreads through droplets from coughing or sneezing, making complete prevention difficult. However, Ben recommends taking proactive steps to strengthen your immune system:
Proper Hygiene: Wash hands frequently with soap, especially when there’s a sick family member in the house.
Diet, Exercise, and Sleep: A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and regular physical exercise will ensure your body is strong enough to fight illness.
Vitamin C and D: Taking vitamins regularly will help fortify your body’s defenses.
If someone in your household catches the flu, it’s crucial to limit its spread. Children who test positive should stay home until they’ve been fever-free for at least 24 hours. Adults should avoid gatherings, such as going to shul and simchas until the severity of their symptoms has decreased. Infants under six months and elderly individuals over 65 are at higher risk of complications, so it's best to keep them away from anyone who’s ill.
Ben emphasizes that early treatment can make a big difference. Antiviral medications like Tamiflu are most effective when taken within 24-72 hours of the onset of symptoms. Tamiflu works by blocking the replication of the virus, giving your body a better chance to fight the illness. However, once the virus has fully taken hold, its effectiveness diminishes.
For children struggling with cold and flu symptoms, Ben suggests using household remedies like saline sprays or nasal rinses to clear out bacteria and congestion. A coolmist humidifier can also make a significant difference by reducing the dryness in the air and easing breathing.
Though most healthy individuals recover from the flu in 7-10 days with rest, fluids, and supportive care, complications like pneumonia can arise in rare cases. Ben advises seeing a doctor if symptoms linger for longer than two weeks, especially if there’s persistent coughing, which could indicate a more serious issue.
While flu season can be daunting, Ben reminds us that most people will recover with time, rest, and proper care. “The flu is serious, but for a normal, healthy person, it’s manageable,” he reassures us. By focusing on prevention, early treatment, and a healthy lifestyle, we can all get through this season.
Stay safe, Brooklyn!
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“Bye, Ma!” I waved enthusiastically until my mother was completely out of sight. As we inched forward in the security line, a touch of sadness swept over me. It had been an incredible Yom Tov. After a few months of living in Eretz Yisroel, I had been so excited to head back to America and spend an entire month with family. We had even stayed a few extra weeks, due to the war that broke out on Simchas Torah, but now it was time to go back. Although I had missed my family terribly, the short time I had already spent living in Eretz Yisroel had been wonderful in many other ways, and I was anticipating an amazing rest of the winter zman. Little did I know what was in store for me.
We arrived back to our apartment in a blur of suitcases and tiredness. After taking a day to rest up and unpack, I expected to resume our regular schedules the next day. However, my husband, Shloimy, woke up the next morning with a terrible headache. It was so bad that he didn’t feel it was worth going to Kollel.
I booked Shloimy an appointment at a clinic near us for later that afternoon. After waiting in line for a few minutes, it was finally Shloimy’s turn. Shloimy affirmed that he had a clear medical history with nothing significant going on, Baruch Hashem, and detailed his recent headaches, which were so strong that his everyday living was impaired.
The doctor listened intently, and then asked us, “Is there anything that happened recently, that you can think of, that might be causing these headaches? Think back to the last few days or weeks. Any fall or bump on the head? Or is there anything else that might have occurred?”
We both sat and thought for a minute or two, until I suddenly remembered what had occurred the night before our flight.
“What about that nosebleed, Shloimy?”
“Maybe,” he said, then turned to the doctor. “A few days ago, I had a bad nosebleed. My nose was bleeding and bleeding and wasn’t stopping, until finally, after a few minutes, it slowed down. Could that be related?”
“I just don’t think I’ll be able to learn properly,” he explained. “I can’t concentrate on anything like this. Hopefully I’ll feel better in the afternoon, after taking a nice nap.”
But the headache was just as intense when he awoke, and did not recede the entire day. Painkillers brought him a small measure of relief, but not nearly enough.
When Shloimy awoke the next morning to more of the same, I suggested it was time to go to a doctor.
“Maybe you have some sort of weird virus or something. Maybe there’s some sort of medicine the doctor can prescribe to make it go away.”
“Very possibly,” the doctor said. “Give it a few days. If the headache doesn’t go away within a week, you can come back and we can do further testing.”
In the next few days, not only did the headache not go away, but more symptoms joined the club and added to Shloimy’s discomfort. His vision turned blurry at times, and he even occasionally suffered from imbalance while walking! When we went back to the doctor a week later, he did a thorough checkup.
“I don’t see anything wrong with you,” he declared. “Let’s do
a blood test to see if that indicates any issues. Maybe your iron levels are low.”
Shloimy took a blood test the next morning. We waited a few days for all the results to come in, then went back to the doctor.
“Everything looks normal. There are no issues here. You are completely healthy,” was his final determination. We thanked him and left, at a loss. There was obviously something wrong. Shloimy had been completely fine up until now. There had to be some sort of reason for his continuing severe symptoms.
“Let’s try a different doctor,” I said. I asked around and found out about another doctor, who was considered to be very good. Though he was quite a distance from us, we travelled there anyway, as we were determined to get to the bottom of the issue.
We explained the symptoms of the past week-and-a-half, and showed him the blood test results. He, too, did a thorough check up of Shloimy, but did not find anything out of the ordinary. He sent us for further testing. Those tests did not show anything; the results were all normal.
We tried out another two doctors, both highly recommended, but neither could figure out what the problem was. The last one referred us to a neurologist.
At this point, I was petrified. It had been a full three weeks of unrelenting, intense headaches. The only cause we could think of was that nosebleed. I was scared there was something seriously wrong with Shloimy.
I took a morning off of work (I’d been doing a lot of that recently anyway, accompanying Shloimy to all his appointments) and headed to the Kosel. I poured out my heart to Hashem.
“Please, let there not be anything seriously wrong. Please take away these crazy headaches from Shloimy, and let him go back to his usual healthy self. Please let him go back to learning and thriving, instead of being too sick to function and running around to doctor’s appointments.”
I begged and cried, saying multiple perakim of Tehillim and talking to Hashem in my own words. When I left, I felt lighter than I had in a while.
Bright and early the next morning found us sitting in the neurologist’s waiting room. We tried joking around, but the gloomy atmosphere in the waiting room only exacerbated our nerves. Finally, the doctor called our name.
Shloimy answered the many questions about his medical history, his family’s medical history, and his exact symptoms. When the question-and-answer session was over, and the neurologist finished checking Shloimy, he informed us that he could not pinpoint any medical condition or issue, but with symptoms
like these, we should head straight to the emergency room.
So off we went. I tamped down the panic rising up my stomach, through my throat, ready to spill out and completely overtake me. I had to be strong on the outside, for Shloimy’s sake. He was the sick one, after all. I didn’t want to add to his suffering by falling apart.
What if Shloimy had a tumor, or a brain bleed, or a serious issue like that? This could be the end of regular life, and instead I would find myself with a seriously ill husband
In the ER, Shloimy was poked and prodded and pricked. He gave a thorough medical history, including the past few weeks, and did a lot of testing. They even did a CAT scan of his brain! Interspersed between all the tests were long periods of waiting time. We sat there and tried to distract ourselves, doing our best to take our minds off the reason we were there.
When the doctor came to share the results with us, I started shaking. All the thoughts I had been avoiding came rushing back. What if Shloimy had a tumor, or a brain bleed, or a serious issue like that? This could be the end of regular life, and instead I would find myself with a seriously ill husband—I squeezed my eyes shut to stop my thoughts in their tracks.
“All the tests came back normal and clear,” the doctor said, interrupting my ruminations. “We ran every test to try to figure out the problem, but nothing is out of the ordinary. Since we can’t see any issues, there’s no reason to admit you to the hospital.”
Relief bubbled up inside me. I was overcome with gratitude to Hashem that all the serious issues they had tested for had come back negative.
We got back home and looked at each other.
“Now what?” Shloimy said. “We ruled out all the scary possibilities, it’s true, but where do we go from here? The headaches didn’t go away. We still don’t know what’s causing them or how to stop them!”
I was at a loss. I had no idea what to do next. Shloimy was right.
First, though, we had to think about Shabbos. It was already Thursday night, and with all the hecticness throughout the week, we had completely forgotten to make any plans for Shabbos, and I definitely hadn’t had the time to start cooking.
“Maybe we should go away for Shabbos. I feel like we need a break this week,” I suggested.
Shloimy agreed that it was a good idea, but where could we go? Suddenly, he jumped up. “My Uncle Mendy! He lives in Beitar, and he told me when we first moved here that he would love to have us over for a Shabbos. Let’s see if this week works for him.”
Uncle Mendy was enthusiastic about the idea. “We would love to have you! It would be our pleasure!”
So instead of spending Friday in a frenzied rush, I calmly packed up a few things for Shabbos, and we took a bus Friday afternoon to Beitar. Uncle Mendy and his wife, Tanta Suri, were the most gracious hosts and welcomed us warmly. When I woke up Shabbos morning, Shloimy was staring at himself in the mirror.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
He pinched his cheek as if to make sure he was actually awake and not experiencing a dream. “I don’t know…the headache has mostly gone away! I mean, it’s still there, but much fainter than usual.”
“That’s amazing!” I was ecstatic. Maybe the issue, whatever it was, was finally going away!
Throughout Shabbos, Shloimy was mostly back to his usual self. It was wonderful.
When we came back to our apartment after being away for an entire Shabbos, I stepped in the door and noticed a funny smell. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, though, so I asked a neighbor to come check it out.
She took one sniff and told me, “Smells like mold. Many apartments here have mold issues.”
“Mold?!” I was aghast. But sure enough, after searching a bit, we found the source. One wall of our bedroom shared a wall with the bathroom. Behind the closet, which was placed against that wall, there was a nice amount of mold growing.
“We must call the baal dira about this,” I told Shloimy. “Mold is a big issue and really needs to be taken care of.”
headache he had been having the past few weeks.
“It’s back!” he cried out.
I looked at him blearily. “What’s back?”
“My headache! It’s as strong as usual. I guess Shabbos was just a temporary reprieve,” Shloimy sounded disappointed.
Something suddenly clicked in my brain. “Wait a second! I just thought of something. This whole thing started right when we came back to this apartment from America, right?”
“Right,” said Shloimy.
“And when we went away to a different place for Shabbos, the headache almost fully went away. But when we came back to this apartment, it came back. Do you see what I’m getting at?”
“You think it’s something with this apartment?”
“Yes!” I said. “And I might even know what it is. Do you think it could be from the mold?” Now that I thought about it, there had been a funny smell when we arrived back from America too, but I had chalked it up to the apartment sitting empty for almost two months.
We went back to the first doctor Shloimy had seen and asked if it was possible the symptoms were coming as a reaction to the mold in our apartment. He was dubious, but agreed to send Shloimy for testing for a mold allergy. The results came back positive. Shloimy was allergic to mold!
We felt the best course of action would be to find a different apartment. After a few whirlwind days of going to check out new apartments in between packing up all our stuff, we found something nearby that fit our needs. We went to see the apartment in the evening, signed a contract a few hours later, and slept there that night. We were desperate to be out of our old apartment, and for good reason. Within three days of moving, Shloimy’s symptoms of the past month cleared up entirely. He was able to go back to Kollel, shteiging away with a newfound appreciation for the ability to lead a normal, regular life.
Dr. Binyamin Hillel, RPA-C
led by: Dr. Stuart Goldwasser, RPA-C
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In today’s fast-paced and sometimes overwhelming world, being socially adept is crucial for children and teenagers. Social skills are the bedrock of friendships, they help navigate the complexities of school life, and they play a significant role in both personal and academic success. As someone who has spent years working with children on these skills, I’ve seen how learning to interact effectively can truly transform lives. This realization has driven the creation of our new Social Skills Curriculum, designed to help children develop the tools they need to thrive, both socially and academically.
Children and teens often face significant challenges that make school life difficult. Whether it’s the anxiety of meeting new people, the fear of rejection, or the complexities that come with learning differences like ADHD, these struggles can hinder their ability to form meaningful relationships. For many children, these issues are intertwined with feelings of low self-esteem. It's not uncommon for children who struggle socially to feel isolated, misunderstood, or even targeted by their peers. This can create a vicious cycle where their social difficulties lead to further
withdrawal and anxiety.
Often, children with learning disabilities find themselves receiving little positive feedback, leading to a sense of frustration and shame. They might be labeled as "lazy" or "unmotivated," which only deepens their struggles. Research has shown that as much as 70% of children with learning disabilities suffer from poor selfesteem, which can exacerbate their social challenges. It's important to help these children understand that their difficulties do not define them and that they have strengths that can be nurtured and celebrated.
Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a cornerstone of healthy social interactions. Teaching children empathy helps them connect with others on a deeper level, fostering stronger and more meaningful relationships. Children who learn to empathize with their peers are more likely to respond to the emotional needs of others, making them more likable and trustworthy. Here are some ways to help develop empathy in children:
• Story Discussions: Use characters from stories to discuss feelings and perspectives. Ask questions like, "How do you think this character
feels?" or "What would you do in this situation?"
• Role-Playing: Engage children in role-playing scenarios where they must consider another person's perspective. For example, one child might act out being sad while another tries to comfort them.
• Reflective Questions: Encourage children to reflect on their own experiences and how they felt in similar situations. This helps them understand how others might feel in comparable circumstances.
Empathy also plays a crucial role in conflict resolution. When children understand and acknowledge the feelings of others, they are better equipped to resolve disagreements amicably. This ability not only strengthens friendships but also reduces the likelihood of bullying, as empathetic children are less likely to engage in harmful actions toward their peers.
Verbal Communication: The Foundation of Interaction
Clear and effective verbal communication is another essential social skill. Many children struggle with expressing themselves, either because they are shy, lack confidence, or simply have not been taught how to communicate effectively. Teaching children how to articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly can help them navigate social situations more
One method to improve verbal communication is through structured group discussions, where children are encouraged to express their opinions in a supportive environment. This helps build confidence and improves their ability to communicate in larger, more spontaneous settings. Additionally, teaching children active listening skills— like making eye contact, nodding in agreement, and asking followup questions—can enhance their verbal interactions and make conversations more meaningful.
Verbal communication is also closely tied to self-advocacy. Children who can clearly express their needs and boundaries are less likely to feel overwhelmed or taken advantage of in social situations. This skill is particularly important for children with learning differences, who may need to advocate for accommodations or explain their challenges to peers and teachers.
Addressing Bullying
Bullying is a pervasive issue that can severely impact a child's social development. Children who are bullied often experience significant emotional distress, leading to withdrawal from social situations and further isolation. Teaching children how to stand up for themselves and others in a non-confrontational way can help reduce the incidence of bullying and empower children to take control of their social environment.
Strategies to Combat Bullying:
• Encourage Peer Support: Promote a culture where students support each other. Peer support groups can be highly effective in reducing bullying by empowering students to stand up for one another.
• Teach Assertiveness: Children should be taught how to assertively but calmly stand up to bullies. Roleplaying exercises can help them practice assertive communication, such as using firm body language and a steady voice.
• Open Communication: Create a safe environment for children to talk about their experiences with bullying. Regular check-ins with teachers, parents, or counselors can help identify bullying early and allow for timely intervention.
Social anxiety is another significant barrier to social success. Children who experience social anxiety may avoid group activities, shy away from making new friends, and struggle to engage in classroom discussions. This can lead to a cycle of avoidance, where the child misses out on social opportunities and becomes increasingly isolated.
Managing social anxiety starts with understanding its root causes. Often, social anxiety stems from a fear of negative judgment or rejection. Helping children reframe their thoughts and challenge these fears can reduce anxiety and encourage more positive social interactions. Techniques like practicing relaxation exercises or gradually facing feared social situations can be particularly effective in managing social anxiety.
Creating a supportive environment is also crucial. Children should feel safe to express their anxieties, and teachers can help by providing accommodations like allowing the child to ease into social activities at their own pace or offering smaller group interactions. Over time, with the right support, children can build confidence and reduce their social anxiety.
Children with ADHD often face unique challenges in social situations due to impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. They might interrupt others, struggle to wait their turn, or have difficulty following the flow of a conversation—behaviors that can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships with peers. With the right strategies, however,
children with ADHD can improve their social interactions. Teaching them to recognize their impulses and practice self-regulation techniques, like taking deep breaths or counting to ten before responding, can help them manage their behavior in social settings. Structured activities with clear rules and expectations can also be beneficial, providing a predictable environment where they can practice social skills.
Parents and educators can support children with ADHD by reinforcing positive behaviors and offering clear, consistent feedback. Social skills training, which often includes role-playing and modeling appropriate behaviors, can help these children develop the skills they need to interact more effectively with their peers.
Anger management is another critical area for many children. Kids who struggle to control their anger may lash out at peers, leading to damaged relationships and social isolation. Uncontrolled anger can result in aggressive behavior, which not only alienates peers but also creates a negative cycle of conflict and rejection.
Teaching children to recognize the early signs of anger, such as physical tension or a rapid heartbeat, is the first step in managing their emotions. Once they can identify these signs, they can learn calming strategies, such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break from the situation. These techniques can help them regain control of their emotions before they escalate into anger.
It’s also important to teach children how to express their feelings in a healthy way. Encouraging them to use “I” statements, such as “I feel upset when…” instead of “You always…” can help them communicate their emotions without resorting to anger. Additionally, helping children develop problem-solving skills can
reduce frustration and anger in challenging situations.
Confidence is key to social success. Children who believe in themselves are more likely to take social risks, such as introducing themselves to new peers or participating in group activities. Building confidence involves helping children recognize their strengths and encouraging them to take small steps outside their comfort zone.
Celebrating successes, no matter how small, can significantly boost a child's confidence. Whether it's successfully making a new friend or speaking up in class, acknowledging these achievements helps reinforce the idea that they are capable of positive social interactions. Over time, these small victories can lead to greater confidence and more significant social success.
Additionally, setting achievable goals in social situations can help children build confidence incrementally. For example, a child might start with the goal of saying hello to a classmate and gradually work up to joining a group activity. Each successful step builds a foundation of confidence that can support more complex social interactions in the future.
There is a strong connection between social skills and academic success. Children who are socially adept are more likely to participate in class, work well in groups, and form positive relationships with teachers—all of which contribute to a better learning experience. Conversely, children who struggle socially may avoid participating in class, miss out on collaborative learning opportunities, and develop a negative attitude toward school.
Improving social skills can lead to a more positive school experience, where children feel comfortable
and supported in their learning environment. This, in turn, can lead to better academic outcomes, as children who feel connected to their peers and teachers are more likely to engage with their studies and take an active role in their education.
Moreover, the development of social skills fosters a sense of belonging in the school community. When children feel that they are part of a supportive and inclusive environment, they are more motivated to attend school, participate in activities, and strive for academic excellence. This sense of belonging is a powerful factor in promoting not only academic success but also overall well being. When children feel connected to their peers and valued by their teachers, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude toward learning, which can significantly enhance their academic performance. A strong sense of belonging in the school community also reduces feelings of isolation and anxiety, which are often barriers to learning. Furthermore, social skills contribute to the development of key academic competencies such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. Group projects, classroom discussions, and peer learning opportunities all require children to work together, share ideas, and consider different perspectives. These experiences not only reinforce academic content but also help children develop the interpersonal skills they will need throughout their lives.
The journey to social success is not always easy, but with the right support and guidance, every child can develop the skills they need to thrive in social situations. By focusing on empathy, verbal communication, managing bullying, understanding social anxiety, and building confidence,
we can help children overcome social challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.
Developing social skills is not just about making friends; it’s about equipping children with the tools they need to navigate the world with confidence, empathy, and resilience. As they learn to interact more effectively with their peers and adults, they will find that their school experience becomes more enjoyable, their relationships deepen, and their confidence grows.
The benefits of strong social skills extend far beyond the classroom and playground. These skills are essential for success in adulthood, where interpersonal communication, collaboration, and emotional intelligence are highly valued. By investing in the social development of our children today, we are setting them up for a lifetime of success and
Nothing will make a child or teenager happier than becoming more socially adept. The ability to connect with others, express oneself clearly, and navigate social challenges with confidence is a gift that will serve them well throughout their lives. As educators, parents, and community members, it is our responsibility to provide the support and resources needed to help our children develop these essential skills, ensuring that they can enjoy the full richness of life’s social experiences.
By fostering social skills early on, we empower our children to face the world with a sense of confidence and self-worth. These are the foundations upon which they will build successful and meaningful lives, both personally and professionally. As we guide them through this journey, we are not just teaching them how to interact with others—we are helping them become the best versions of themselves.
By: Yehudis Schonfeld
If talking about weight loss makes you groan, then groan. Weight loss is a groan-worthy subject.
Writing about weight loss has me clucking my tongue and shaking my head. I think about the pressure we create for ourselves by glorifying matchstick- shaped figures. It makes me sad that sometimes we are so external and judge people (mostly ourselves!) by the way we/ they appear. It makes me wish for all of us to be at peace with ourselves, in our bodies.
Writing about weight loss also makes me think about the shtetl.
In the shtetlach of the past, when most people hardly had what to eat, being plump was a sign of prestige.
I remember reading about a young girl who was so overweight, her mother wouldn’t let her out of the door, for fear of ayin hara!
So, if vintage is vogue again,
perhaps we can convince each other that plump is prestigious again?
But then I realize that losing weight is not just about aesthetics. Being careful with what we eat, how we eat, why we eat, can be done for the noble cause of maintaining our health, to serve Hashem in top shape.
So, there goes my wishes for plump being the new skinny. Those of us who have weight to lose (groan), well, we just may have to try to lose it. To make things easier for ourselves, here are some fascinating interviews and back stories with various weight-loss professionals depicting different weight loss approaches. Go ahead, see which one fits (groan) you- your lifestyle, your personality, your budget. And yes, while weight loss is boring and groan-worthy, I think you’ll agree with me that these interviews are anything but. And if none of these weight-less methods are a good fit (I will not groan here), you can always consider moving back to the shtetl.
Please tell us about yourself and about your weight loss approach.
My name is Mr. Weiss. My company is known as Kosher Skinny Shots. We offer weight-loss injections that help people lose weight rapidly and easily.
Our journey began with a passion for creating natural, effective solutions that empower people to take control of their health. After seeing how many struggled with ineffective diet pills or unsafe weight loss methods, we developed a science-backed approach that truly helps people achieve their goals sustainably.
Hi! I’m Valerie Mishaan. To my friends in the frum community, I am known as Sara Henche. I founded my company Why Weight in 1992. This weight loss program is based on acupressure, which eliminates hunger and cravings for sugar and carbohydrates.
Our program works like this: There are three pressure points behind our ears which when massaged, help us lose weight. To be precise, two of them help us lose weight as in actual pounds and one of them helps us lose inches. I tape miniscule steel balls behind my clients’ ears -no, not under the skin, but on the skin. This is a non-invasive treatment. The client then massages the balls several times a day thereby activating the pressure points. When the pressure points activate, four things happen:
1- They short circuit a message from the stomach to the brain that tells the brain it’s hungry.
2- They cause cravings for sugar to disappear, immediately. I’ve had women call me after Shavuos, “Valerie, I had to actually remind myself to taste the cheesecake.”
3- They curb cravings for carbs. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that this works immediately for the male clients, but can take several days to kick in for my female clients. But there are always exceptions to the rules.
4- They burn fat in the actual abdomen, which is why my clients lose more inches in proportion to pounds. That means that if you are trying to get into a dress or shirt that fit you thirty pounds ago, on this diet you only have to lose twentytwo pounds to fit in, because you lose so many more inches.
Hi, my name is Rachel Hochman. I am an intuitive eating coach. Intuitive eating is about trusting your body’s natural cues rather than relying on rules. It means eating when you’re hungry, stopping when you’re satisfied, and removing guilt from food choices. But beyond that, it’s a mindset shift. It changes how you approach food, movement, and your body. Before I learned the intuitive eating approach, a lot of my days revolved around food what I could eat, what I shouldn’t eat, and beating myself up if I “messed up.” Even at my thinnest, I didn’t feel good. I would go to bed hungry because of a rule that told me I shouldn’t eat past 7 PM, even when my body was telling me otherwise. Yomim Tovim time found me anxious because I felt torn between wanting to enjoy the foods and fearing I’d lose control. Now, my days are completely different. I trust my body to tell me when I need to eat and when I’ve had enough. I can enjoy meals with friends without obsessing. Food is just one part of my life, not the center of it.
Hello and thank you for asking about our program known as Ascent by KTPO(keep those pounds off).
My name is Alan Nemtzov and I am a board-certified psychiatric nurse, certified health coach and published author.
Slympha is an FDA approved machine which stimulates and compresses lymph nodes while draining all the excess junk fluid and fat cells out of the body. This results in amazing inch loss and body shaping. Developed by Danish physiotherapist Dr. Emil Bodder, Slympha has been used in Europe for almost 100 years. Unlike our other body systems which are designed to work “on their own”, the lymphatic system relies on body movement for it to work. Exercise, movement and compression therapy help it do its magic. This gentle form of bodywork boosts vitality and immune function, and removes excess water from within the body.
My name is Mrs. Gitty Wieder. I am a naturopath and have been practicing naturopathy for more than 20 years. My approach to weight loss through naturopathy is to ‘take the body back to its natural, healthy state’. In naturopathy we believe that being overweight is an indication that one or more body part/s is/are not working properly. We help the body heal. When it heals, it automatically goes back to its natural healthy weight.
My name is Mr. Yiddy Fink and I have a fitness center in the center of Boro Park (16th Ave. and 48th St.- can’t get more center than that!) called BP Fitness.
I have been helping people with vitamins, health and weight loss for over 20 years. I always felt bad for people struggling with obesity and felt there was a large need for better weight loss solutions. The only real solution in the past decade, in my opinion, was bariatric surgery, which is a very big undertaking. About 2 years ago I was approached by a doctor who asked me to help him spread the word about these new and effective weight loss shots. I took the opportunity to introduce these unique forms of medication which help people overcome their weight struggles easily. You have to understand, when people lose weight, it has a huge impact on their lives. They breathe easier, have more energy, motivation increases, emotional health improves, they become more confident, have less anxiety around food and the numbers on their blood work improves. And surprisingly, people are now saying that these treatments help with many other issues such as addictions (alcohol, smoking…) and even PCOS. These treatments have many benefits besides for weight loss. The shots we use are Mounjaro shots, not Ozempic shots. Mounjaro shots have fewer side effects and cause people to lose more weight. As for the side effects, they are minimal. Constipation and diarrhea are the most common side effects with nausea being far less common. Nausea happens if you eat the wrong foods such as fried or processed foods. Nausea reminds the client to make better food choices. The constipation caused by the shot is not chronic and is easily alleviated. I advise my clients to take magnesium to help themselves.
The shots cost between $400 and $450 a month.
I have been overweight my entire life and reached a top weight of 312 lbs. in 2004, after failing multiple times (an understatement!) to lose weight. I tried everything short of bariatric surgery. In 2004 I finally found a program which helped me lose 115 lbs. but had no idea how to keep them off. I did my research and figured I’d ask thin people about their approach to food. Why could they go to a simcha, a Shabbos kiddush, eat out in a restaurant and not gain weight? I believed they didn’t like to eat, but then discovered that that was just not true. There was something blocking them from gaining weightalmost as if they had a skinny mindset. They had a different approach, and I needed to find out what that was. And for the subsequent fifteen years I researched and came up with these solutions of how to maintain weight loss for the long term. And yes, I’m grateful to say that I have maintained my own weight loss for all these years.
My fitness center came about through Parcare- a one-stop-all-encompassing medical center in the heart of Boro Park, which I run. We started out very small, just by bringing in an OB GYN to service the heimishe community. When our patients needed an endocrinologist, such as those who showed up with thyroid issues, we brought in an endocrinologist. For the patients who developed diabetes, which needed to be co-managed by a primary care doctor, we brought in one, as well. And for those who needed cardio care, we brought in a cardiologist. For patients with pelvic floor issues, we built up a beautiful space for physical therapy. So, like I said before, it all started with the OB GYN services, and now we Baruch Hashem have a thriving center with top-quality care, carefully and thoughtfully targeted to our community’s needs. We offer primary care, pediatric and internal medicine. We have OB GYNs, we have Fast Track (more on that, later). We offer dermatology, cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology, urology, gastroenterology, optometry, physical therapy, pain management and we now have a lyme disease specialist on staff, as well. But back to the gym. We had set up a beautiful place for PT when I thought it was a chaval that it was not in use at night. So, we opened it up for the public to use as an exercise gym.
We are currently open all week. Our men’s hours are: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 6 pm -11:45 pm • Monday and Wednesday and 8 am-5:45 pm, Fridays and Motzaei Shabbos. Our women’s hours: Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 8 am5:45 pm Monday and Wednesday 6 pm – 11:45 pm
Those who sign up receive a card and can use our fitness center whenever it works for them, before mincha, after mincha, bein hasedorim, on the way to the babysitter and during lunchtime. Chap arein ten minutes on the treadmill, ten minutes on the elliptical, and feel the difference.
When I was thirty- three years old, I got very sick. My body would not eliminate, my digestive system started to shut down, I developed bleeding ulcers in my stomach… I was in and out of the hospital for more than a half a year. The medical doctors tried their best, but none of their treatments helped me.
A friend of mine gave me the number of a natural doctor, Dr. Limoges. She had been sick with gallstones and the Tosher Rebbe told her not to operate. Instead, he guided her by reaching out and contacting Dr. Limoges, a naturopath in Montreal, to help her. He healed her naturally. (Incidentally, the Tosher Rebbe Zatzal was a big proponent of natural healing. He drank fruit and vegetable juices and encouraged alternative healing approaches long before it was in vogue.) Dr. Limoges put me on a diet of healthy foods and vitamin supplements. After a week I felt like a new person, Baruch Hashem. When I recovered, I decided that I wanted to bring this healing approach to the heimishe community. So, I started learning naturopathy.
I was zoche to receive a bracha from the Tosher Rebbe Zatzal regarding my healing work. He was very weak at that time and could not even give brachos like he used to. Instead, he would just answer ‘amen’ to the brachos that his gabbai would articulate. But this time, when the gabbai told the Rebbi that I help people with their gezunt, the Rebbi, who was so weak at that time, got up from his chair, motioned with his hands and said “grois hatzluche!”
I found intuitive eating after years of trying different diets, always hoping the next one would finally be the cure. No matter how much weight I lost, I never felt at peace. I realized I was constantly fighting my body instead of working with it. That’s when I started learning about intuitive eating, and it completely changed my relationship with food and with myself. I feel free. I don’t think about food 24/7. I listen to my body and trust that it knows what it needs. I can go out with friends without the stress of planning what I’ll eat or feeling guilty afterward. I no longer feel trapped in a cycle of restriction.
After years of consulting with nutritionists and researchers as to why Americans have such a hard time losing and keeping weight off, we came to the conclusion that the common weight loss programs involve ingesting artificial foods which cause toxicity in our bodies. This toxicity hurts our metabolism. It’s not just diet pills, shakes or injections, but all our processed foods are full of additives and preservatives. To jumpstart our metabolism, it’s necessary to detox our systems. This balls diet is really a detox diet
Slendr™ isn’t a magic pill. It’s a powerful, natural boost that enhances metabolism and digestive health thereby improving cravings, suppressing appetite, and increasing fat-burning through thermogenesis, (which means you’re still burning fat even while you sleep!). It helps you better utilize energy and achieve lasting results. It is 100% natural, safe, and ideal for people aiming to lose 20 to 30 pounds effectively.
Because of my background in the nutrition/vitamin field, I guide my clients, helping them minimize the side effects and discomfort while taking the shots. We also have a great team that helps our clients understand the importance of eating healthier and takes this opportunity to guide them towards making better lifestyle changes so that when they wean off the shots, they keep the weight off.
Exercise is a magical form of stress release and prevents so many health issues. And it’s healthy. Why take medication or injections when you can lose weight naturally?
As our endocrinologist, (originally from Cornell with over thirty years of experience) cried to me, “Yiddy, I’m here to service my own community. But when I go into Shloimy’s Bakery and see my patients who are borderline diabetic ordering a sandwich two feet long, I want to take a microphone and shout ‘Why are you doing this to yourselves??!! Watch what you eat, how much you eat and exercise!’ I wish I can prevent health problems from developing.”
Through my research and experience in the psychiatric field and as a health coach, I have discovered a solution for long term weight loss.
When people want to lose weight they say, ‘tell me what to eat!’. The truth is, every overeater knows what to eat and when to eat. The problem is that they don’t know how to control their cravings. They believe that by going on a diet, they will change their habits. Yet, after a short time they find that they sabotage any weight loss success that they achieved.
Our program is unique because we go to the source of why we overeat in the first place.
For example: A person wants to eat healthy foods and lose weight, yet he also wants to overeat. His true ‘want’ is that he wants to lose weight, however he has an opposing ‘want’ which I call the ‘coping mechanism want’ where he wants to overeat because he believes it will make him feel good. So, he has two opposite voices in his heads; we call this cognitive dissonance in psychology. My question is to every client is, which ‘want’ will win?
They give various answers.
‘Well,’ they tell me, ‘it depends on how I feel that day, what kind of food we’re talking about, which ‘want’ is stronger’.
Those are all good, logical answers. However, the true answer is not logical. The one that’s going to win every single time is the ‘want’ that follows a belief. If an individual believes that food is going to calm him/her, give him/her a good feeling, that (often subconscious) belief will fuel the want that always wins.
I’ll give you an example: I’ve never met a young parent who likes to get up and change diapers in the middle of the night. But do we, as parents, hesitate to take care of our children in the middle of the night? No. Why? Because we want a mishpacha. Human beings do what they want, not necessarily what they like.
We go to work even if we don’t like everything about our workplace or choice of job. We work because we want to work. Why? Whether because of our salaries, building our careers, having a sense of purpose or whatnot. When we know what we want, likes and dislikes don’t affect our wants.
Here too, we may not like being overweight and its consequences, but we want to overeat because that’s the ‘want’ that follows our beliefs and that’s the ‘want’ that always wins. Behaviors don’t work long term. In our program we don’t work with the behaviors, we work with our beliefs. How do we work with our beliefs?
We retrain the subconscious. We go through a double process of five stages of grieving and five stages of healing. It’s not about emotional eating and overeating (and yes, there’s a difference between them which we talk about in our program) but rather about figuring out what fuels our eating behaviors. When we uncover the self-sabotaging beliefs- which are unique to each individual- his/her cravings disappear.
What’s unique about Slympha is that it’s healing and helps you lose weight, all while you sit and unwind on our comfortable recliners. We apply lymphatic massage using specialized equipment which brings the lymphatic massage to you while you relax. It’s an easy, stressfree method for inch and weight loss. All you have to do is show up at our newly renovated, serene facility and we do the rest. But that’s not all. Using the Slympha machine will also improve your blood circulation, digestive system, boost immunity and so much more. Our clients walk away from our sessions, relaxed, energized and ready to face the day with confidence.
While other approaches have certain limitations about what you eat or when you eat and how you eat, with intuitive eating, the focus is more on relearning how to trust your innate food compass. It’s a journey, with you being the boss of your body and me coming along as your support and guide. There are 10 principles to intuitive eating and we go through each one together. Some of the principles are: honor your hunger, feel your fullness, and discover the satisfaction factor.
In naturopathy, we look at the client’s entire body- not just on isolated parts- and help them heal so that the body will function at its optimal level. The reason for weight gain is toxicity in the body. The body is very intelligent and does everything it can to keep us healthy. If toxins run around freely in our bodies, they damage our organs. So, the body, in its magnificent wisdom bequeathed to it by Hashem, creates fat cells where it dumps the toxic wastes, thereby keeping us safe. In naturopathy, we try to heal and detox the body. And when our bodies are ‘cleaner’, they don’t need those fat cells anymore and shed the excess weight.
Our typical client is a person who has about 20-30 or more pounds stuck for a while. With Hashem’s help they get rid of the weight in a very short time with minimal effort.
Slendr™ is for everyone. Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey or looking to enhance your progress, it adapts to your needs. It is especially ideal for those committed to a healthy lifestyle and looking for a natural, balanced weight loss solution.
Everyone and anyone looking for another way and willing to trust the process.
All ages and stages. Male, female, teenagers… all those who struggle with weight loss, yet are afraid to take weekly injections because of the side effects. Our Ball Diet- is a natural, non-invasive diet with no negative side effects. The reason this diet has been so successful for the past four decades, is because our clients lose so many inches, not just pounds. You know, there is always a new, trendy diet that is hot for one to two years. But on this program our clients are shocked by the rapid, noticeable results. And that is why our diet is still so popular.
With 800+ inches lost over the last 12 months, the Slympha method is an effective weight-loss method for Kallahs, professionals, working women, bubbies before a simcha, those on the shidduch scene and even teens. At our exclusive, women-only clinic we have a proven regimen that combines relaxation, a lunch hour, and getting into better shape all into one rejuvenating experience. As a side note, this method is used in the hospitals for patients, postsurgery or on bedrest. The patients are pleasantly surprised when they realize that they lose inches and look that much trimmer!
We’ve opened about two months ago and already have several hundred sign-ups. I myself use the gym on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. It does so much for me. We have a beautiful chassidishe group of about twenty-five men, Rabbanim, Kollel yingeleit, baalei batim who get together to do the mitzvah of v’nishmartem m’od l’nafshoseichem. There are groups who come together with their own instructors. We are in the process of setting up our own classes, as well. Exercising is not an extreme weight loss approach where you drink grass or can’t eat wheat. It’s easy, accessible and refreshing.
Any success stories you can share with us?
We have had many successful clients, Baruch Hashem. Sometimes we have clients that start with the smallest dose, buy the shots one at a time, and call us 6 months later that they are still on the lowest dose and lost over 50-60 pounds. Those are the calls we love to get.
I had a client who weighed over 300 lbs. and lost 100 lbs. with the shots. He was so excited, he convinced his parents and siblings to take the shots, as well. I just want to make it clear that the process will be different for everyone. It has happened though, that a customer will tell me that he/she lost about 40 pounds in the first month. This is obviously not the average, but it’s like a miracle when it does happen. Writer interjects: Mr. Weiss, Can you tell us about your ads? My children eagerly
turn the pages in the local circulars each week to find your ad and we all laugh from your characters and their clever messages.
People call me all the time to thank me for our ads because it motivates them to lose weight, even without the shots. Someone told me he that he put the ad on his treadmill; it gets him to do his daily exercise. Most people can help themselves; they just need the motivation. Our ads do that in a comical way. The ads start with the marketing team. We draw up a list of all the points we want to bring out about our product and each week the marketing team brainstorms on how to bring out another point on the list with a cute and clever twist. We use characters who depict all walks of Klal Yisroel. We don’t want to hurt anyone by singling out specific characters. We originally had a different marketing approach where we featured people losing weight for simchos, before going to the country and more and people took it very personally. So, we switched our approach to include all sorts of characters which make people laugh. We don’t want to hurt anyone, we only want to raise health awareness and let people know that there are solutions to their struggles. You don’t have to suffer in silence anymore. We are here to help you through this process.
I feel that my success is due to the positive encouragement I give my clients 24/7 even into the maintenance stage which is free of charge. (That’s when clients who don’t see me any longer call me every three to four weeks for advice on how to handle holidays, vacations etc.) I feel that the reason why so many young girls and boys get amazing results is because of the positive encouragement they get. These young people gain confidence and give me great nachas by changing their lives. I celebrate simchos with many of my clients. My most successful female client lost 91 lbs. in 4 ½ months. Her surgeon sent her to lose 100 lbs. before he would do double knee surgery. My most successful male client lost 103 lbs. His wife told me recently, ‘it’s like he forgot about food’!”
We’ve heard amazing feedback from clients who feel more energized, have reduced cravings, and finally see results after years of struggling. One user, Rachel M., shared, “I feel lighter, healthier, and more energized every day.” Another client, David L., said, “Dieting never worked for me. Since using Slendr™, I’ve finally started seeing positive changes.”
One gentleman came in at 370 lbs. after having three failed bariatric surgeries. He lost over 160 lbs. and kept it off for three years, as of now. A 72 year- old gentleman who weighed 195 lbs. lost 25 lbs. with our program. A woman who dieted for years, yet never lost more than ten pounds, lost over forty lbs. Mothers trying to lose weight after birth keep losing their baby weight. The stories just keep coming. We accomplish much more than just weight loss because we get to the source. We get to the anxiety that causes people to overeat.
It’s amazing to see how the body can regenerate. People have reversed their diagnoses of type two diabetes. (Type one is a lot more challenging to reverse but there have been individuals who have managed to do so.) A client reached out to us when the doctor had said to him, “at the rate you’re going, you’ll need a kidney transplant within weeks.” Baruch Hashem, within a very short time the client’s numbers were much better. We’ve had tremendous success with hormonal and fertility issues, PCOS and so much more. Weight loss is just a side benefit of what happens when the body detoxes and regenerates.
I think the snow is extra slippery this year!
Winter nights are so loooong. Munch. Crunch.
This is crazy. I'm always the one getting sick...
That's it. I'm calling Kosher Skinny Shots. Time to get healthy again.
Now is the perfect time to get back on track and start your journey to better health. Choose our complete package, or reach out to us for private consultations, guidance and support to help you achieve lasting success.
A client used to struggle with eating late at night. She found herself feeling out of control around food at night. She tried different strategies strict food rules, avoiding certain foods during the day, even ignoring her hunger but nothing worked. When we started working together, we focused on helping her rebuild trust with her body and emotions. She learned to nourish herself consistently throughout the day and tune into her body’s signals without judgment. Over time, she noticed that the nighttime eating naturally faded, not because she forced herself to stop, but because her body no longer felt deprived.
Another client came in wanting a different weight-loss approach and has kept the weight off for three years. Of course, she still has her ups and downs, but she has generally stayed consistent.
We have clients who lost more than 10 inches total after just 12 sessions.
A happy client told us, "after 3-4 sessions, I finally found my ankles!" Another client said that after just a couple of Slympha sessions, her gastroenterologist told her that he doesn't know what she did, but she just slashed off many appointments with him.
Here are some more clients’ feedback:
“I had lost over 40 lbs. I started getting many more compliments after only 6 Slympha sessions because my body was reshaped.”
“I am here based on my nutritionist’s recommendation. She saw several clients looking so much better after they did Slympha sessions and recommended it for me.””
“My kinesiologist was amazed by the improvement she saw in me after a couple of Slympha sessions!”
Discover intuitive eating and enjoy life’s moments without guilt or worry. ARE YOU EATING BECAUSE YOU’RE: An Emotional Eater? A
At the beginning of the first session one of our friendly staff measures and records the client’s measurements so that we can note the results of inches loss after 12 sessions. One of our clients were due to be measured right after Sukkos and was quite concerned about her results, considering that 8 days of Yom Tov schedule would throw her completely off track. She tried to be careful with her food intake and was pleasantly surprised when she was measured and had lost a total of more than 11 inches!
Every client who walks through our doors is a success. The average yingerman gets up in the morning, drives to Shacharis, eats breakfast in the car, goes to work, eats lunch in the office or in the car, comes home to eat supper. And hardly does any exercise. The ones who do exercise, are our success stories. But people tell me all the time how the exercise impacts their health. Multiple people have thanked me for helping them avoid developing diabetes.
Get started on your journey to a healthier, more empowering relationship with food. Let’s work together to break the cycle, Rachel Hochman 732.674.1884 •
Discover intuitive eating enjoy life’s moments without guilt or worry. ARE YOU EATING BECAUSE YOU’RE:
started on your journey to a healthier, more empowering relationship with food. Let’s work together to break the cycle, now. Rachel Hochman 732.674.1884 •
Emotional Eater? Pleasure Seeker? OMO er? healthier, food. now. • •
How long (or quick) does it take for people to lose weight with your approach and how easy/ hard is it for them to maintain it? How long does the average client maintain it for?
Many people notice a difference within four to eight weeks. Some even see results in the first week, feeling fuller and craving less. After three months, Slendr™ helps reset your metabolism, making it easy to transition to a regular probiotic for maintenance.
This approach focuses on the relationship with food more than on weight loss itself. When embracing the principles, your body will naturally settle at its correct weight. As long as you practice intuitive eating, the weight will stay off.
Typically, you should start seeing results after four to six sessions. As for maintenance- as long as you continue to eat mindfully and to drink enough water, you should be able to maintain your inches loss.
We start with a six- week program where people lose between 6 and 16 lbs. We have a 98% success rate in those six weeks. Then we continue to our eight- week program where 95% of our clients manage to keep their weight off.
While we do private sessions, we also do 4-day women’s retreats. We rent out a hotel and provide a delicious menu of healthy salads, raw foods, juices and fruits, all bursting with flavor and nutrition. We do an intense diet program (I have designed this gentle yet efficient detox program with Dr. Limoges) which boosts weight loss tremendously. Most women lose a nice amount of weight the first week and then follow an easier program at home where they eat healthily and take supplements. They continue to lose weight and feel great.
The average client loses about 10 pounds per month. It is not hard at all. It’s probably the easiest way to lose weight. We slowly wean our clients off the shots. The maintenance depends on how motivated the client is to keep the weight off. Most of our clients keep it off very nicely. We do get some calls from customers a year later that they gained back 5-10 pounds. They take the shots for a month or two and find themselves back on track.
I tell people, it’s in your hands. It all depends on how determined you are and how hard you try. The only effortless form of weight loss are injections and medication. Let’s not kid ourselves; if we want to lose weight we need to eat less, eat healthier and exercise.
Here’s advice for overeaters:
When you are about to overeat, ask yourself, “Why do I want this food? Do I want this because my body needs energy or because I’m looking for pleasure?”
It’s important to realize that food has both components; food gives us energy and is pleasurable.
If you find yourself eating because you need the energy then go ahead and eat. If you’re eating for pleasure, be honest. Ask yourself, “Will this give me pleasure?”
Will that kokosh cake or cheesecake tainted by that guilty voice in the back of your head telling you, ‘I shouldn’t be eating this’, give you pleasure? The reason why it does not give you pleasure is because you are eating to numb your emotions. So, in this equation, tell me, where’s the pleasure in overeating? There isn’t any.
Another piece of advice:
Plan, plan, plan. A failure to plan is a plan to fail. You don’t have to plan more than one meal at a time. Some people plan for the day, some for the week and more than that I wouldn’t suggest. Once you’ve made a plan, stick to it. And if you can’t, ask yourself – ‘can I follow just one meal plan?’ If we can fast 26 hours on Yom Kippur, we can plan and follow one meal.
I believe if you eat every 2 1/2 to three hours and then eat a healthy snack- a nutrition bar, a yogurt, soup- you can tell yourself once you’ve finished eating, “that’s okay, I can wait. I’ll eat in another two hours.” We retrain our subconscious to have structure.
This is how I was successful in my personal weight loss journey, Baruch Hashem. I still plan my meals today, twenty years later. Not as urgent and not as aggressive as I did at the beginning, but I don’t leave my meals up to fate. An overeater cannot leave meal prep up to fate.
Also, take food with you. For us, Kosher eaters, shlepping food along is not a big deal, we’re used to it. Don’t be stuck too long without food because when we become overly hungry, our blood sugars go down and we tend to overeat.
To recap:
1- Ask yourself why you are overeating. If it is for pleasure, ask yourself if you need to have that much pleasure. And if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll notice that you are not eating for pleasure, but rather to numb a feeling.
2. Plan. One meal at time. Take small bites. (And I mean that as in slow but steady progress.) Do one meal, one snack, at a time. Don’t be perfect- it’s a recipe for disaster. Be good. Be 90%. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail.
The first step to losing weight is to eliminate properly. As the Rambam advises us, always make sure your bowels are working properly because a clogged elimination system is the first cause for the accumulation of toxins in our bodies.
The formula for losing weight is this:
If you eat twice a day and eliminate twice a day, nothing changes.
If you eat twice a day and eliminate three times a day, you lose weight.
Our health supplement company Tahua offers a popular cleansing drink combination that consists of three products: Motion, Action and Vibrant. These excellent supplements aid in elimination and push out old toxins and waste that help you lose weight and feel lighter.
I also want to point out that when someone craves something unhealthy, it is their body letting them know that it needs the vitamins and minerals in the food. If we nourish the body with the real version of said vitamins and minerals, it will stop craving the unhealthy version of it. For example, a chocolate craving is a body begging for iron and minerals.
Weight loss isn’t about quick fixes. It is about building habits that create a healthier, happier you. Slendr™ is here to help you on that journey with a natural, balanced boost to your efforts.
As the director of Parcare (4714-16th Ave., phone # 718-840-3535), I want to take this opportunity to communicate an important message to our community: Please take your health seriously! Schedule an annual visit at your primary care doctor. Annual visits save lives. When you do annual visits, you notice patterns. You notice if your sugar levels are climbing, you check your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, heart rate… so that diagnoses don’t fall on you like a ton of bricks! You don’t develop type 2 diabetes overnight. There are warning signs. And you can prevent so many of these issues, if you do annual check-ups, notice your body’s warning signs and make lifestyle changes.
These shots are a real breakthrough for those struggling to lose excess weight easily. At the same time, it’s important to know that you should only consider these shots if you are struggling with your weight. These shots are not made for people who just want to lose 5-10 pounds.
Never eat when you are uncomfortable, whether physically or emotionally. Don't use food to run away from emotional problems or anxiety. It’s okay to skip a meal if you don't feel hungry. You can eat a fruit or drink vegetable juice instead. And, thank you for taking the time to respect your body and keeping it healthy!
You know, I’m a bit hesitant to say this, but sometimes we cut the line only to hurt ourselves in the process. I feel like we hurt our own care in our community, by over-relying on urgent cares. Urgent care centers are great, but they are here to take care of urgent matters. They do not take the place of primary care doctors. They don’t notice patterns, check labs, and medical history. I’ve had several patients who developed cancer l”a and had no idea! It went undetected because they had used urgent care centers for past medical issues. We, at Parcare, realize though, that urgent care centers offer very convenient hours, so we started Fast Track- a primary care center which is open from 5 pm – 11 pm. It is staffed by Dr. Ben Hillel and Dr. Stuie Goldwasser, two top providers with 35 years of experience who provide a primary care doctor experience at urgent care convenience.
We cater to the community on a golden platter. We realized that women would feel more comfortable using a female PCP so we now have male and female PCPs. We also have male and female podiatrists, dermatologists and physical therapists for the same reason. Whenever we see a need in the community, we try to fill it.
Anyone and everyone can become an intuitive eater. It doesn’t take any special skill. You just have to be willing to learn that there is another way and to trust the process.
In addition to intuitive eating, I also teach a four- week series on mindfulness because the two go hand in hand. The more mindful we are, the more we can quiet the external noise of diet culture and reconnect with our internal cues. Not just around food but in all areas of life. Through mindfulness, we learn to slow down, check in with ourselves, and make choices from a place of body signals rather than from thoughts. This practice is a game changer for intuitive eating because it helps us tune into our bodies with less judgment and more trust. Thoughts are incredibly useful when we need them, but not every thought is helpful or true. Learning to recognize this is the key to mindfulness.
I offer a Shabbos menu when needed and an alternative program for nursing mothers and people over 72 years who should not be losing weight too quickly. According to the science you lose 14 lbs. in 14 days on this program. I now offer concierge services, privately, in your home or office.
Contact Valerie at 516-616-3009 for more information. Looking forward to meeting you!
Contact Us, we are here to help! Email: Text: 845-520-3157
Ascent by KTPO(Keep Those Pounds Off).
You can contact us at 845-4009466. Call us, leave us a message, or text us and we’ll be more than happy to send you to our website where you can hear our free webinar about our program.
BP Fitness
4714-16th Ave.
Monthly membership (24 hr. access) $69.99
Single day pass (full day access) $19.99
To hear more free lectures on health and weight loss call our 24 hour free hotline 718-506-0909.
For private appointments 718-650-6343 For any Tahua supplement questions 1-877-258-8687
Intuitive Eating by Rachel Hochman
• Phone: 732-674-1884
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What are you waiting for?? Don't delay! Join today! We offer a special package of 12 sessions or pay per session. We are here to please
you and work with you and Baruch Hashem have many satisfied clients!!
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sneezing, sniffling, and stuffy voice - all symptoms of the common cold were irritating and relentless. On the first day of taking the Tahua Immuno supplement several times daily, I was already seeing improvement. Baruch Hashem, by day two the bothersome symptoms were completely gone.
Now I know to begin taking Immuno when I feel a cold coming on to prevent it entirely.
Tahua Explains: Immuno contains echinacea and garlic - formulated from the complete herb for maximum quality and effectiveness. These ingredients help loosen the mucus and enable the cold to pass.
Have a health concern? Email us to:
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Crops Iron is a high-quality food blend, 100% free of synthetic ingredients, formulated to boost your iron levels and increase your energy.
Crops Iron supports liver function, helping to restore and maintain natural iron levels. This reduces the chances of future iron deficiency and fatigue.
Crops addresses the root cause, promoting long-term health.
when my doctor told me to take iron infusions, i decided to first try crops iron and was b"h able to avoid infusions; my iron level increased nicely.
when my doctor told me to take iron infusions, i decided to first try crops iron and was b"h able to avoid infusions; my iron level increased nicely.
i always felt very tired during the afternoon hours. after taking crops iron, i started to skip my daily naps.
Hey! Did I hear talk of digestive issues? Why don’t you try me? That’s what I’m here for! Ask around. People who were on a high dose of laxatives were able to lower the dose and saw tremendous improvement. Plus, many more benefits…
Hey! Did I hear talk of digestive issues? Why don’t you try me? That’s what I’m here for! Ask around. People who were on a high dose of laxatives were able to lower the dose and saw tremendous improvement. Plus, many more benefits…
Licensed & Experienced Esthetician
cleansing facial
Facial steam to open pores and remove impurities from the skin. Cooling mask is applied, followed by moisturizer and SPF.
hydrating facial
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration. Recommended for skin types: ALL
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Facial steam to open pores and remove impurities from the skin. Cooling mask is applied, followed by moisturizer and SPF.
brightening facial
Recommended for skin types: ALL
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Advocate to assist w/ obtaining P3, SETSS, SEIT or related therapy services. 551-236-3578
A div of Chaim Medical Resource. Counseling, referrals, seminars, SCD food gemach & more. Free shiurim, chizuk, news, updates, valuable resources. 718-480-5555
Sarno’s method has helped thousands heal from headaches, eczema, stomach issues, etc. For a free CD call: 347-461-7330
To be worn over a hospital gown. Williamsburg: 718-852-7477 • BP: 718-438-1882
Bensonhurst. 718-259-0143
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Licensed & Experienced Esthetician
cleansing facial
Experienced Esthetician moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich mask, protecting against future for skin types: ALL for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Facial steam to open pores and remove impurities from the skin. Cooling mask is applied, followed by moisturizer and SPF.
to open pores and remove from the skin. Cooling mask is followed by moisturizer and SPF.
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
Recommended for skin types: ALL
Chasdei Miriam. 2 hospital gown styles. 15th & 51st: 718-853-5815 • 12th & 54th: 718-871-3741 13th & 38th: 718-633-2392 • 19th & 50th: 718-951-1892
4023 18th Avenue
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Tznius hospital gowns in compliance w/ hosp req. 718-851-2418 cell: 917-207-5549
hydrating facial brightening facial
Deeply moisturizes skin with nutrient-rich serums and mask, protecting against future dehydration.
Recommended for skin types: Dry, Sensitive
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
Leaves skin feeling rejuvenated. Improves the skin’s complexion, targeting blemishes and dark spots.
feeling rejuvenated. Improves complexion, targeting blemishes spots. for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination
Recommended for skin types: Dry-Normal, Combination 917-231-5833
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
Tznius hospital nightgowns in compliance w/ hospital requirements. 718-625-0161/347-998-8455
Donate/receive. Pediatric wheelchairs, walker-shower seat, cast cover for shower, crutches. 718-388-3079
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
Wheelchair avail short term. 917-567-4562
4023 18th Avenue (side door)
I very often use Colloidal Silver Drop from Nature's Cue. I put one drop in the child's runny nose and the cold is gone. It may need another drop a few hours later.
Immune Abreve prevents colds. Zahler’s Immune Kid prevents colds for kids.
The most used item in my medicine chest is hands down: Miracle Clay Cream! I wouldn’t manage without it! It has an amazing pulling power-from taking out splinters (I cover the splinter with cream and a band aid, I found the splinter the next day on the band aid!) to taking out the pus in pimples and healing them, to taking away rashes and removing stubborn crayon marks from the wall! Unbelievable!
Arnica cream for cracked skin.
The most used item in medicine cabinet is: Skin
Healing Cream from the MR company, I use it for rashes, chapped face, burns or any wound. Great product to have.
Most used item in my medicine cabinet is Motrin/Tylenol and is used for all pain and fever reducing.
Our most used item in the medicine cabinet is Vaseline. We use it for what not... Great for hand cream, dryness for lips, feet, etc.
Arnicare. For all bumps and bruises.
Medicine cabinet answer: We mostly use Band Aids. I let the kids take one for every tiny boo boo, it makes them feel good and stop kvetching. It's a quick and cheap fix. Try it - you'll like it!
Shout out to Nature's Cue brand. They make top quality products that actually work. • Constipation Care (women in special circumstances take with care) • Immune Power and Colloidal Silver for flu, viruses, strep and infections, take both together hourly. You will BE”H see amazing results. • Colloidal Silver spray for pain and itch relief of chicken pox, thrush, fungus, eye and ear infections, etc. • Miracle Clay -Cream help heal acne, MRSA, eczema, fungus, for facials. -Powder/Capsules heal issues at the core: MRSA, eczema, acne, fungus, or any stubborn germs. • Toothpaste, have clean teeth while nourishing and hydrating your teeth and gums. Helps heal minor teeth issues. • Cough n cold, this formula will clean mucous out of person’s system. My most used item is my Synergy Prenatal Once Daily Multi Vitamin. Also, children's Motrin. I use it at night for my teething baby, when a child has a virus, or my toddler complaining of growing pain. It's something you always need in the house when you have little children.
The most often used item in my medicine cabinet is Landaus' Melty Melatonin (.3mg). My kids won't fall asleep without it!
My most used item is the HPA Cream. I use it on everything from burns to wounds to rashes to MRSA and I find it extremely effective.
I use Olbas Oil a lot for sinus headaches, coughs, croup, congestion, stuffed nose. And even stress. I put a little on a tissue and put it under my pillow or I mix it into a carrier oil like coconut oil and shmeer it onto the chest. It works wonders and it’s easy.
Most used item is MR cream. Works for everything!
The most used item in my medicine department is Tylenol. For adults and children. Headaches, teething, fevers...
I very often use V free from the company Herberi It's an antiviral herb drops for any flu, cold... or any other virus. I see very quick results with it.
The 2 most used items in my medicine cabinet are 1. Calamine Lotion. This cheap pink lotion is great for anything you want to dry up. Poison ivy. Acne. Warts. Moloscum. Impetigo. It has bentonite in it which absorbs toxins and zinc which fights germs. 2. Lanolin for any boo boo or dry skin or lips that needs healing. Besides being very similar to our own skins oils it is ricin vitamin d amazing for healing. Both sooth instantly.
The Freedom Superpatch gets used often to relieve minor aches and booboo's. Use the Defend Superpatch to strengthen the immune system, especially now during flu season.
Most used item is Bactroban and band aids. Use for all type of bruises.
Empty capsules filled with ginger from the spice section for any stomach issues. Chewable papaya enzymes an allergic reaction.
I use the Aloe First Spray for cuts, burns, bumps, wounds... what not - basically a first aid kit in a spray bottle - a must for every
In our home Lavendar is the magic word! Young Living Essential Lavendar Oil. I have one in my downstairs medicine cabinet, one in my upstairs medicine cabinet, another one in my bedroom drawer and one in my everyday bag. We use it for burns, bruises, infection, congestion, stuffy nose, falling asleep at night. Even one drop is enough. For burns and bruises it works like magic! Put one, two drops on the burn and within seconds it will be gone. Trouble falling asleep? Put one drop on each wrist and rub together and sleep peacefully! Stuffy nose, one drop onto bridge of your nose. Finger got caught? One drop on bruise and you won’t believe it ever happened. Even for teething. Combine one drop lavender oil with one tsp olive oil and smear on gums. For blisters in the mouth or on the lips just one drop and smear. I am so happy to finally share this amazing magic oil publicly. I have it in my everyday bag so I was able to help many people in emergency cases. And now, you reader can also benefit. It is available in all health food stores. The most important thing to do before taking or doing anything for any ailment is what I was taught from my dear father ztz”l always say: der eibishter zul helfin zul zein tzee a refuah shlaima.
Melo-Chews. I give a quarter and it saves my night when I need to go out for a simcha, etc.
Looking for a healthy, gluten-free dinner idea that doesn’t skimp on flavor? These red lentil or chickpea wraps are the perfect base for a smoky, spiced chicken and veggie filling. Packed with protein and vibrant colors, this recipe is as wholesome as it is easy to make. Enjoy!
Yield: 5-6 Wraps
5-6 Baguettes N More Red Lentil or Chickpea Wraps (2 packages)
1 tablespoon oil, for pan frying
1 red pepper, sliced
1 orange pepper, sliced
1 jalapeño, diced (optional)
1/2 red onion, sliced
1 lb. chicken cutlets, sliced into strips
3 tablespoons oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon cumin
2 teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
1 teaspoon dried oregano or parsley
1 teaspoon salt
1. Preheat your oven to 425° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, combine the sliced peppers, onion, chicken strips, oil, garlic, and spices. Toss to combine.
3. Spread the seasoned chicken and veggies evenly onto the prepared baking sheet.
4. Bake uncovered for 20-25 minutes. Remove from heat.
5. Smear 1 tablespoon of the garlic mayo or some techina onto a wrap (leave about ½” space clean around the edges). Spoon some of the baked chicken mixture onto the center of a wrap. Roll the wrap up tightly. Repeat with the rest of the wraps.
6. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil (or some cooking spray) in a large skillet over medium high heat. Place the wraps seam side down into the greased skillet. Turn the wraps every minute or two until they are golden and crispy on all sides.
7. Remove from heat and slice in half. Serve warm.
½ cup mayonnaise
1 clove crushed garlic
1 teaspoon fresh lime or lemon juice
½ teaspoon parsley flakes
In a small bowl, whisk all ingredients with a fork until smooth.
QI had a baby 6 weeks ago and really want to get back to dieting. When is the opportune time to get back on track? Do I really have to wait 6 weeks?
AIt’s only natural to think about returning to your usual routines, including healthy eating habits. You might feel ready to dive right in, but there are good reasons to give yourself some time before starting any formal diet. Let’s explore why waiting until about seven weeks can be so beneficial for your wellbeing and your baby’s, too.
You need time to recover: This time is crucial for letting everything settle and heal naturally. Your energy is focused on adjusting to a new chapter, and proper nourishment plays a big role in helping your body rebuild strength. By giving yourself these extra weeks, you’re allowing your body the space it needs to feel stronger and more balanced. Being rigid about food prep and food intake at this time is not going to be helpful to your new schedule.
Your hormones are settling: Hormones are like the body’s internal messengers, and they’ve been working overtime. It takes a bit of time for everything to settle back into a natural rhythm. Hormonal balance affects how you feel, your energy levels, and even how your body uses food for fuel. Trying to diet too soon can disrupt this delicate process and make things harder in the long run. Especially if you are nursing your baby, there are more hormonal factors to take into account here.
Sleep is key: Let’s be honest — sleep can feel like a rare treasure with a new baby. Yet, it’s one of the most important factors in feeling
well and managing your health. When sleep is interrupted, the body craves extra energy, often in the form of quick snacks and sugars. This is totally normal and not something to feel bad about! Once your baby begins sleeping a bit more predictably, it becomes much easier to focus on mindful eating. Trust the process: As your baby grows, you’ll notice that your days start to develop a rhythm. Your body will begin to follow that natural flow, making it easier to tune into your own needs. Waiting a few more weeks can also help you make a smoother transition into long-term healthy habits, rather than feeling like you need to rush. Also, once your nursing is adjusted and there is a solid demand and supply schedule, weight loss oftentimes goes hand in hand here.
While you’re waiting, focus on eating nourishing meals, staying hydrated, and moving gently when you feel up to it. While your grandmother might encourage you to indulge in cheesecake and sour cream now, that is not necessarily something you should do, but rather aim to nourish yourself with nutrient dense snacks and meals. These small steps will set the foundation for more structured habits later on. And most importantly, be kind to yourself.
Remember, taking care of yourself in a balanced way now will pay off in the weeks and months to come. Patience truly is a gift you can give yourself during this special time.