Vol 19 Issue 15

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Yad L’Achim Presents:

FREE TEFILLAH at the Kever of the

RAMBAM on his Yahrtzeit

Monday - 20 Teves

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Flatbush Shas Yiden Know Shas ‘Cold’ At Eretz Yisroel Farher/ Siyumei Hashasim

Gaon Yisroel Maran

Hagaon Hagadol Harav

Dov Lando, shlit”a, Rosh Yehiva Slabodka, Bnei Brak presented the avreichim geonim with a searching string of questions from all over Shas. His face creased into a beaming smile at their flood of answers. At the conclusion he danced and sang along with the avreichim geonim. He kept repeating “Tov Me’od”, “Ashreichem, Atem Yod’im Heitev”

A Fireworks Farher from

Maran Hagaon Harav Eliezer Dovid Shapiro, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Lishma, Bnei Brak. He gave a grueling and challenging farher focusing on Tosfos throughout Shas, and then including Shuti”m of the Yerushalmi, Midrashim, Tur and Shulchan Aruch, Shuti”m of Rishonim and Acharonim.

Flatbush Shas Yiden ‘Know Shas Cold’

Their first time at an annual Farher & Siyumim, the Flatbush group met the Shas Yiden of Eretz Hakodesh and London. An amazing sense of unity - to master Shas and other Torah works l’kadesh sheim shomayim mitoch limud Hatorah. The Flatbush contingent showed their mettle, on par with the others, securing their place in a singular and select group in klal Yisroel.

The Siyumim & Seudas Mitzvah

The dais was a gathering of Gedolei Torah joining in this unique Simchas Hatorah – the Siyumim of the 126 avreichim geonim, each completing Shas five times in the last year! Two of the Gedolim addressed the gathering - Maran Hagaon Hatzaddik Harav Yaakov Meir Shechter, shlit”a and Maran Hamashpia Hagadol, Reb Meilech Biederman, shlit”a. They were flanked by Hagaon Harav Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center in Cedarhurst, Maran Hagaon Yitzchok

Shas Yiden avreichim geonim at the Farher

Shaul Kaniyevsky and Reb Yisroel Halevi Moskowitz, patron of Shas Yiden, London.

Rav Shechter could not contain his great excitement and with great zeal he rose from his seat and began leading a long round of singing and dancing lichvod Hatorah. He delivered warm divrei brocha.

‘Reb Meilech’ spoke about the incredible zechus of those who are engaged in Torah learning as are the Shas Yiden and the supporters.

To watch the dynamic farheren and Siyumim of Shas Yiden, and to read the full article, click on www. shasyiden.com. Tel: 718-702-1528 Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: UK Registered Charity # 1191225 - 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England or call 0208-066-1566

Hatzadik Harav Yaakov Meir

at the Seudah Lichvod Hatorah, also seen The Pozna Rov, Harav Hagaon Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, founder of Shas Yiden, Hagaon Harav Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center in Cedarhurst, R’ Yisroel

the Patron of Shas Yiden London, and the Rosh Hakolel.

Hagadol, Maran Hagaon

Reb ‘Meilech’

Shas Yiden avreichim geonim at the Farher
Maran Hagaon Eliezer Dovid Shapira, Rav Chasidei Sanz in Bnei Brak at the Farher
Maran Hagaon
Shechter dancing
Halevi Moskowitz,
Maran Hagaon Yitzchok Shaul Kaniyevsky and Hagaon Harav Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center in Cedarhurst at the Seuda Lich’vod Hatorah
Maran Hagaon Harav Dov Lando, Rosh Yeshiva Slabodka, dancing at the gathering
Biederman addresses the Seudah Lichvod Hatorah
Maran Hagaon Hatzadik Harav Yaakov Meir Shechter addressing the Seudah Lichvod Hatorah
Shas Yiden avreichim geonim at the Seudah Lichvod Hatorah
Maran Hagaon Harav Dov Lando, Rosh Yeshiva Slabodka at the Farher
Maran Hagaon Harav Dov Lando, Rosh Yeshiva Slabodka at the Farher, seen to his right The Pozna Rov, Harav Hagaon Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, founder of Shas Yiden

Where Sparks Turn




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RECAP OF CHAPTER 53: Elky’s husband is given the expensive medicine. She asks Naomi not to tell anyone what she’d seen in her home. Naomi feels overburdened by the many secrets she is carrying.

Naomi asks Zuska if they can make a remedy from plants, for Mottel Kush’s ailment.



“What’s this?” Binyamin asked his mother when he noticed a note on the table, next to his supper plate.

“Naomi popped into the sewing shop today and gave this to me. I thought it’s in your secret code.”

“No, no.” Binyamin studied the numbers for a few long seconds, then folded the paper and stuck it into his pants pocket.

“Is everything alright, Binyamin?” Rechel asked.

“Yes, baruch Hashem.” “I’m a bit worried about you.” “Why?”

“You’ve been looking very uptight lately.”

“No, not uptight,” he said carefully, as he watched her face. “It’s just that I’m not a kid anymore, and it happens to be that I think

about things.” “Like about what, for example?”

“Like about our lives here.”

“What’s there to think about? We are alive, baruch Hashem, and we live with miracles.”

“Yes. Mottel Kush came back to work today. It was very exciting.”

“Baruch Hashem!” Rechel remembered hearing others talk about that today over lunch. “How is he?”

“Still weak, but it looks like he is slowly getting back to himself.”

“Nu, so after you see how much rachamei Shamayim we are surrounded with, why do you have to think about such serious things? It makes me worried.”

“Rachamei Shamayim is the only thing that calms me down in this place.” He didn’t look at her, but rather at a piece of sautéed onion on his plate. “And that tells me that if we are here today, this is the best place for us.”

“Do you have any doubt about it? In which other place are Jews even living, let alone serving Hashem, living independent lives,



Candle Lighting Starts Here

earning a livelihood?!” She was almost angry.

“That’s the question,” he said quietly. “In which other place do Jews live today.”

“And isn’t the answer clear to you?” “No.”

“So I’ll clarify it for you: there aren’t any living Jews besides us.”

“Who told you?”

“What do you mean who told me?” She sat down next to him. “I wasn’t born today, Binyamin. It’s been the reality of our lives for decades already, and until Mashiach comes, that’s how it’s going to be.”

“But who said that this is the reality?” he insisted. “The Wangel family? The few Wehrmacht officers who are in on the secret that we exist here?”

His mother fixed her eyes piercingly on him for a long moment, and again he lowered his gaze to his plate, but when she spoke, her voice was casual. “Look at these walls,” she said, pointing to the window behind him.

“Doesn’t that show you how awful and threatening the world out there is?”

He was quiet.

“Binyamin,” she said, and he noticed that she was suddenly pale. “Binyamin, please tell me—what is it that’s making you think these thoughts?”

“All kinds of things.” He flipped the onion with his fork. “Like, for example, the candidate to be the new cosmosfuhrer. He knows about our secret. He visited here a few years ago. So why are the Wangels still so afraid? He’s the highest-ranking official, so won’t he protect them even if we are discovered?”

“What do you think, that he’d go and publicize the fact that for years he’s been a party to the crime of hiding Jews? It’s obvious that there are, in the global Nazi regime, people who are more radical than him. They’ll go wild if they discover such a betrayal on his part. There’ll be an uproar in the whole world, and even if they won’t do anything to him because of his rank— what will be with us? We’d better not talk about it.”

“I also heard that theory,” Binyamin said. “But if indeed there have been changes in the party, then maybe there are more changes? Maybe all the anti-Semitism has calmed

think of someone with the sniffles.


But that’s in the past. Ever since I started taking ProDermix’s Optimal Support, I’m a different person. I’m immune and ready for the season.

down somewhat, and maybe there are Jewish labor camps that are supervised by the regime.”

“If so, I pity them,” his mother said sharply. “Go ask Zeide and Babbe and a few other people who can tell you their memories of the camps from the beginning of the Reich rule. ‘Supervised,’ as you called it.”

He was quiet again. “The food is very good, Mamme,” he said finally.

“I’m happy.” She was very agitated. “I really hope that no one plans on trying to take the risk of getting out of the walls to check what’s doing on the other side. I’m afraid that he won’t be able to come back to tell us his dismal

“No one is talking about leaving here.” “So what are they talking about?”

“I don’t know,” he said evasively, the piece of paper in his pocket almost

“This is a subject that’s discussed openly?” She stood up. “What happened to everyone, all of a sudden? How come I don’t hear anything about this from the women?”

“No, it’s not that something happened suddenly,” Binyamin said hastily. “Don’t worry. It’s just some small questions that a few people have on the subject, not anything that’s widely

“Well, let anyone who has these ‘small questions’ know that in this world, we have to overcome our curiosity,” Rechel said with a sad smile. “And you, Binyamin, should please try to keep away from those who enjoy action and talk of the kind that Wangel must not hear, alright? It’s playing with fire!”

She collected the plates, and Binyamin knew that he must not ask her about his father’s final day. She might faint if he brought up the

In any case, as he’d told David Elkovitz, nothing would help Tatte now.

Binyamin passed by Aryeh the next day. “Naomi sent me a note with the number. Where’d she get it from?”

“My mother,” Aryeh said simply.

“You decided to ask her for the

“Yes. We tried for a few days to come up with an excuse that could bring


Naomi to the estate and the kitchen again, but we couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t make her seem suspicious. Especially because…—” he glanced left and right— “if they ever catch on to something, they must not have even a clue. Especially a clue that leads to you, what with the story of your father in the background here.”

“You’re absolutely right.” It was calm around them; even Leo Sherer wasn’t around. Binyamin allowed himself to linger for a few moments. Two brothers-in-law were allowed to chat, weren’t they? “I need to also catch Elkovitz. I hope he doesn’t get cold feet at the last minute… I don’t really know how exactly he plans to make contact.” Aryeh nodded.

“Your mother agreed to get you the number?” Binyamin recalled his conversation with his mother last night. Well, Aunt Chani’s anxiety level wasn’t even half of his mother’s, and it was easy to understand why. “Yes.” “What did you tell her?”

“She knew something already. When Naomi saw the sentence about the insects, she showed it to her. But my mother didn’t really take it very seriously.”

“But does she understand what we are trying to do?”

Aryeh nodded. “Yes. I told her that we want to have the factory’s number, in case we ever get a chance to call the people there. But I didn’t tell her about Elkovitz’s cooperation, so she doesn’t believe we’ll ever get a phone line. That’s why she’s not nervous.”

“I’ll go look for Elkovitz soon,” Binyamin said in response.

“Great. Just…I promised my mother that we’ll only try to call if there’s absolutely no risk involved. And that we won’t go into the estate for it, and that under no circumstances will we do it on a day that Bernard is here.”

Leo Sherer appeared just then at the end of the hall, and Binyamin hurried to his corner near the sewing machine. At the meal break, he’d try to sit down near Elkovitz and find the right moment to report to him that they had the phone number.

“It was all wonderful, amazing, and beautiful,” Dena told her mother-in-law on Motza’ei Shabbos before they left. The other woman smiled with pleasure. “I love the way you put it!” she told Dena. And they went home.

Dina didn’t realize that the words “wonderful, amazing, beautiful” were beating a rhythm in her mind now, and she hummed them quietly in the car to Shloimy, who was resting his head on her, half asleep.

“What are you singing, Ima?” Duvi asked, with an alertness that was in sharp contrast to his brother’s sleepiness.

She smiled. “Just a few words.” “Is it a Pesach song?”

“I don’t know.” She stroked his cheek with her finger. “It’s just some words that got stuck in my head, together with a little tune.”

“It’s a nice song,” he declared. “When I go to sleep, sing it to me, okay?”

“If there’s time,” Bentzy said from behind the wheel. “It’s very late, Duvi, and I’m not sure Ima will have time to sing to you. Maybe if you get ready for bed very, very quickly.”

They went up to their sparkling clean home they’d left before Shabbos. Dena quickly prepared Shloimy for bed, and Duvi rushed to get into pajamas on his own.

“Now could you sing to me?” he asked. “Before we say Shema.”

Feeling a bit foolish, she hummed to him over and over, “It was all wonderful, amazing, beautiful…”

When Duvi fell asleep, she quietly left the room, but kept humming, even as she made some French toast for melaveh malkah.

Everything was so idyllic. Or rather, everything was so “wonderful, amazing, and beautiful.” A clean house, children sleeping calmly in bed, a wife standing in the kitchen preparing food as her husband sat in the dining room, listening to a recorded Daf Yomi shiur.

But could anyone compare this to what the wives of young men in Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Haifa, and even here in Vienna, were doing?

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TheSundayPerfect Program

Opening Presentation REB.

Guest Speaker




Ever notice how there are some people who walk into a room and everybody just gravitates to them like magic? What is it about some people? Is it that you’ve either got it or you don’t?

Patrick King, the author of The Science of Likability, argues that it’s not magic at all. It’s not even an art. It’s a science. We can all use the science of likability to master charisma, attract friends, and cultivate people. King begins his book with a definition of psychology.

King explains two important psychological studies that helped us understand how the subconscious and conscious interact. The first involved a young child called Little Albert who was presented with a white rat. He did not have any associations with rats, so he simply looked at the rat and did not respond. This was a neutral object. Every time the rat was brought into the room, the researchers made a loud sound that disturbed him. After several times, even when the researchers only brought the rat in without the sound, Little Albert responded with tears. He learned to associate the originally neutral rat with something negative.

The second study involved Ivan Pavlov’s famous study with dogs and dinner bells. Pavlov would ring a bell before serving his dogs dinner. His dogs would salivate when dinner was brought out. Over time, even if it was not dinner time and Pavlov did not bring out food, if he rang the bell, the dog would salivate. They had come to associate a neutral thing with something positive.

Rats, noises, dogs, and dinner. What does this all have to do with likability? Quite a lot! What these studies show us that we respond to memories from our subconscious in conscious ways.

If we utilize the subconscious, we can ensure that people like us without even knowing why!

What are some ways you can improve your likability? Among the different suggestions King makes is to help improve the mood of those around you. Bring up positive memories such as common interests, foods that they like, or even a smell that might be reminiscent of a positive memory. The person’s mood will automatically be lifted. Once the mood is lifted, they will see you in a more positive light. The more time they spend with you while they are feeling positive, the more they will gravitate to you in the future.

Likewise, I have written in the past about former FBI agent Jack Schafter’s book The Like Switch: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Influencing, Attracting, and Winning People. He explains there is a friendship formula people can use to make friends, assume leadership positions at work, and get the job in a high pressure interview.

The Friendship Formula

Friendship = Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity


• Proximity is the distance between you and another individual, and your exposure to that individual over time. The more you see the person in a nonthreatening environment, the more likely that person will be to consider you a friend – or in essence – start liking you. It’s an interesting part of human nature, but just being with a person a lot is critical to the development of a relationship. Therefore, if there is someone you would really like to befriend, spending more time with that person (at shul, at

the gym, in the supermarket, or at work) is the first step toward completing the friendship formula.

• Frequency is the number of contacts you have with another individual over time. Frequency goes hand in hand with proximity. The less distance and the more frequent that those meetings, chance encounters, or quick conversations are, the stronger the friendship.

• Duration is the length of time you spend with another individual over time. If you spend more extended time with the person, your relationship has the opportunity to blossom and grow.

• Intensity is how strongly you are able to satisfy another person’s psychological and/or physical needs through the use of verbal or nonverbal behaviors. If you run into the same person every other day at your local market and spend an hour shopping together (proximity, frequency, and duration), but you never have any meaningful conversations, your friendship will not necessarily develop. Intensity is the final element of the friendship formula.

Therefore, you need proximity, frequency, duration, and intensity to make a friendship work. Incidentally, Schafer also points out that you can also extricate yourself from unwanted friendships by slowly decreasing the elements of the friendship formula. This way, it will not feel like an extreme break, but will be a gradual growing apart.

If you can master the science of likability and the friendship formula, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to be successful in all of your social interactions!


Forget about the same old peanut chews and muddy buddies. This week, we bring you a fresh lineup of peanut butter and chocolate combos that will surely amp up your weekly Shabbos treats. Perfect for the long, cold Friday nights, grab a cozy hot tea and enjoy!



This homemade granola is the perfect balance of crunch, nuttiness, and sweetness. Enjoy it as a snack or topping over your favorite dessert!


3 cups old fashioned oats

¼ cup chopped nuts/seeds of your choice (walnuts, pecans, peanuts, pepita seeds, etc)

⅓ cup creamy peanut butter

⅓ cup honey

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 tablespoon oil

⅓ cup mini or regular chocolate chips


1. Preheat your oven to 325° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place the oats and nuts in a large bowl.

3. In a small bowl or glass measuring cup, combine the peanut butter and honey. Heat in the microwave in two 30 second intervals (you can also do this over the stovetop in a small pan). Add the salt, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and oil. Stir until smooth.

4. Pour the peanut butter mixture over the oats & nuts and toss until fully coated.

5. Bake for 23-25 minutes, stirring once mid-baking, or until granola is slightly golden brown (if you’re using a metal baking sheet, you might want to lower the baking time to avoid burning).

6. Remove from heat and sprinkle the chocolate chips on top. Let the granola cool completely on the baking sheet without stirring. When the granola is cool, break into chunks.

7. Storage or freeze in an airtight container. Serve over vanilla ice cream or as a snack.


The perfect balance of rich, creamy, and crunchy, these delicious chocolate clusters will become your new go-to Shabbos favorite.

Yield: about 40 clusters


12 oz. chocolate chips

1 ½ cups creamy peanut butter

3 cups crisp rice cereal

½ cup shredded coconut


1. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips and peanut butter. Stir until smooth.

2. Add the crisp rice cereal and shredded coconut to a large bowl. Mix in the melted chocolate mixture and stir until fully combined.

3. Arrange about 40 cupcake liners on a baking sheet. Spray lightly with cooking spray.

4. Use a 1 ½ teaspoon scoop to divide the chocolate mixture into the prepared cupcake liners. Use a spoon to flatten in the cup. Freeze until set. Drizzle with some white melted chocolate for garnish- optional.

TIP: We like them best straight out of the freezer!


These double chocolate peanut butter blondies combine rich chocolate with creamy peanut butter for a sweet and gooey dessert everyone will enjoy. A perfect addition to any treat lineup!

Yield: about 24 bars


½ cup oil

2 eggs

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking powder

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon salt

1 ½ cups dark brown sugar

½ cup white chocolate chips

½ cup brown chocolate chips

1 teaspoon instant coffee

2 teaspoons boiling water, to dilute coffee

1 cup creamy peanut butter

1 ½ cups flour


1. Preheat your oven to 350° and line a 9x13 pan with parchment paper.

2. In a large mixing bowl, add the oil, eggs, vanilla extract, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, brown sugar, and chocolate chips.

3. In a cup, dilute the coffee in boiling water and add to the bowl.

4. In a microwave safe bowl or measuring cup, microwave the peanut butter in two 30 second intervals until runny. Add to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix with a fork until smooth.

5. Add in the flour and mix until combined. Batter will be a bit stiff.

6. Add the batter to the prepared pan and flatten with your hands into an even layer.

7. Bake for 25 minutes. Let cool before slicing into bars.

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This dish combines tender chicken cutlets with the rich flavors of chestnuts, plums, and aromatics, creating a comforting and elegant meal.


6 butterfly chicken cutlets

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

3/4 tsp kosher salt

Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste

1/4 cup olive oil

2 bags Passion Root Chestnuts

2 large shallots, sliced

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1/2 cup Passion Root Plum Jam mixed with 1/2 cup water

1 cup chicken broth


1. Prep the Ingredients: Slice the shallots and garlic.

2. Prepare the Flour Mixture: In a shallow dish, combine the flour, kosher salt, and black pepper. Mix well.

3. Dredge the Chicken: Coat each piece of chicken in the seasoned flour.

4. Sear the Chicken: Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Sear the chicken cutlets for a few minutes on each side until golden brown. The chicken will not be fully cooked at this stage. Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside.

5. Sauté the Shallots and Chestnuts: In the same pan, add the shallots and chestnuts with a pinch of salt and pepper. Sauté for about 5 minutes, until the shallots soften and break down.

6. Cook the Garlic: Add the sliced garlic to the pan and cook for 1 minute, or until fragrant.

7. Add the Plum Jam Mixture: In a separate bowl, mix the plum jam with the water until smooth. Pour the mixture into the pan, along with the chicken broth. Bring to a boil.


8. Simmer the Chicken: Return the chicken cutlets to the pan, along with any juices from the plate. Nestle the chicken into the sauce, ensuring it is well-coated. Cover the pan and cook on medium-low heat for about 10 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked and the sauce has reduced and thickened.


Serve warm with rice, mashed potatoes, or crusty bread to soak up the flavorful sauce. Enjoy!

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QGoing out to eat occasionally with my husband is something that is very important to me. Now that I am trying to lose weight, does that mean that I can never go out to eat until I reach maintenance? How can I balance both?

AFor many, dining out is an essential part of life. The good news is that you absolutely can continue to enjoy meals out with your husband while working towards your weight loss goals. The key lies in balance, mindfulness, and preparation. Let’s break this down:

1. Understand the realities of dining out: It’s important to recognize that food prepared outside your home, even when it’s labeled as “clean” or “healthy,” is often higher in fats and calories than homemade meals. Restaurants frequently use oils, butter, and other calorie-dense ingredients to enhance flavor. For example, a piece of steak may contain significantly more calories than a grilled chicken cutlet. This doesn’t mean you have to avoid meat altogether, but understanding these differences can help you make informed choices.

If you’re craving a rich piece of steak, skip the carbs at that meal and pair the meat with nonstarchy vegetables instead. This approach allows you to enjoy the flavors you love while staying within your calorie goals. However, it’s essential to remember that this strategy works best for occasional meals out rather than frequent dining as a piece of meat or steak is higher in calories than we would like for a typical weight loss day.

2. Plan ahead: Before heading out to eat, take a moment to plan. Many restaurants post their menus online, allowing you to review your options ahead of time. Look for dishes that align with your weight loss plan—think lean proteins, plenty of vegetables, and minimal added sugars and fats. If you’re unsure how a dish is prepared, don’t hesitate to ask your waiter for details or for modifications (e.g., dressing on the side, grilling instead of frying).

3. Choose Wisely: When it comes to ordering, focus on balance:

Appetizers: Skip the breadbasket and opt for a light starter like a salad (watch the dressing!) When you get to the restaurant you are typically starving and the soft and delicious smelling bread is very enticing. Don’t spend all your calories there!

Main Courses: Prioritize dishes that feature grilled, baked, or steamed proteins paired with vegetables. Avoid heavy sauces and opt for simple preparations.

Portions: Restaurant portions can be oversized, so consider sharing a dish or packing up half your meal for later.

4. Be practical and balanced: While consistency is crucial for weight loss, rigidity can be counterproductive. Dining out occasionally and enjoying social outings is an important part of a balanced lifestyle. If eating out becomes too frequent, it may slow your progress due to higher calorie meals. However, when approached mindfully, these outings can be integrated into your plan without derailing your goals. I do emphasize to my clients to feast with your eyes. Enjoy the ambiance, the lighting, the sound, and the break from the typical humdrum of routine.

5. Practice mindful eating: Enjoying your meal doesn’t mean overindulging. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues, and eat slowly to savor each bite. Put your fork down between bites, and focus on the conversation and connection with your husband or friend.

6. Be respectful to yourself! Weight loss is not about perfection but about making consistent, sustainable choices. If you overeat during a night out, don’t let guilt derail your progress. Reflect on what happened, learn from it, and move forward with renewed focus.

Shaindy Oberlander,




BP vic 10000sf/16500 medical/office/ school space for lease

Pls call 917-930-2028 or email drubin@eretzltd. com


718-256-9595 ext 209

Mid 40's/13 New construction 2100sf dplx condo 4 & 5th flr + full deck. Ask $1.6mil

Beaut new construction 4 & 5 bdrm condos 2300sf & 2000sf, Prime loc. Ask $1.85m-$2.1m

Hi 40’s/17 nice 1 fam det 2 flrs + bsmt 21x60. Ask $3.5m

Pls call 917-930-2028 or email drubin@eretzltd. com


718-256-9595 ext 209

12/Hi 50s Luxury 1 family in MIC on nice lot $4.15m


718-256-9595 x202

Boro Park 60/17 vic 16,000sf warehouse for lease. Willing to divide. Short term.

Flexible terms.

Avail immediately


718-256-9595 x202

12/mid 50s 3rd flr condo 2300sf pvt ent/pvt elevator, windows in all rooms.

Ask $2.3m -

17/40s vic Xtra lrg luxury home with income. Call for more info or email sloevy@eretzltd.com


718-256-9595 ext 139

1 of a kind ctr of BP new construction over 3K SF 3rd flr condo on 1 flr! All you can ask for -

13/50s 4br 2bth 2nd flr 1500sf in MIC. Priced right!

14/40s 1800sf coop in elevator building. Under 1mil!

Webster Ave SD 2 fam

brk 20x68, 4/3br + fin bsmt, big bkyd, parking . $2.6Mil. Wont last. call or text Tzvi at 718 431-5842



718-256-9595 ext 207

2000 square feet in the heart of Boro Park!

ENGLEWOOD 10,000SF - 151,000SF SF DIVISIBLE $12.00 NNN




CLIFTON 34,000SF, $13.00 NNN


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Boggle your mind (not your computer)

Parsha Puzzle

Parshas Shemos Puzzle

Parshas Shemos!

Monster SudokuTest your brains to solve this puzzle of A-F and numbers 0-9! Numerical SudokuHaving numbers 1-9 in any order, in every row, column and 3x3 cell.

Alphabetical SudokuHaving letters A-I in any order,in every row, column and 3x3 cell.



4,000 5,000


-3 Printed Aleph Beis Templates

-A Magazine

-Paint: Pink, Blue, Purple, White -Stapler -Popsicle Sticks

-2 Sponge Brushes -A Small Paintbrush

-Glue Stick -Aleph Beis Stencils

-Glitter Paper: Pink, Blue, Purple, Silver -Pencil -Scissors



Finish the weekly project, snap a pic, and email us at info@weeklylink.com for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Jewish Children’s Museum. Let’s get creating!


When Yaakov asked Rochel to marry him, she agreed, but warned him that her father, Lavan, would try to deceive him by switching Leah for her. He assured her he could match Lavan’s deception by giving her a specific set of signs she would use to indicate it was her. When the wedding day arrived, Rochel realized her sister would be embarrassed when Yaakov would ask for the signs and she wouldn’t know them, so she gave over the signs to Leah. Due to her modesty (not revealing what she had done), she merited to have a great dynasty, including descendants Shaul Hamelech and Esther Hamalka.


Rochel Imeinu passed away on 11 Cheshvan. To this day, thousands of people flock to her Kever every year to daven on this special date.


According to some, Rochel and Leah were twins. Rochel was the younger of the two. After marrying Yaakov, she was childless for many years while her sister Leah and her two maids, Bilhah and Zilpah, had children. Eventually, she was blessed with the birth of Yosef, and then Binyamin. Sadly, she passed away right after Binyamin was born. She was buried alone on the road leading to Beis Lechem. Many generations later, when the Jewish people were exiled to Bavel, they passed by her Kever. There, they cried out their hearts to Mama Rochel, who pleaded with Hashem to have mercy on them.


We can work on developing the type of sensitivity that Rochel had. One way to do this is by being very careful not to embarrass people. For example, it could be tempting to tell a joke that will make everyone laugh, but will, at the same time, embarrass someone. In such a case, stop, think twice, and hold back from publicly humiliating this person.


How can you remind yourself to make sure that the words you say are respectful and considerate?

Measure out 1 Tbsp of water and 2 Tsp of baking soda into a small bowl. Mix well. Next, measure out 1 Tbsp of alcohol and 1 Tsp of turmeric into another bowl. Mix well and set aside.

Lay your colored piece of paper horizontally in front of you, and fold

the two top corners down until they meet in the middle of the paper. Press down the edges to crease them.

Unfold the triangle middle and refold over the two diagonal strips to keep

Fold the triangle down until it reaches the bottom point in the paper.

Dip your small paintbrush into the baking soda mixture and write a message on a sheet of paper. When you’re finished writing the message, set it aside to dry.

Fold the bottom of the paper up until it meets the folded edge.

You will now notice how the paper flares out, fold it in each side of the paper to form a rectangle.

Once your paper is dry, after approx. 20-25

minutes, dip your larger paintbrush into the turmeric mixture and paint over the paper to reveal the message!

Fold the paper up again, using the thin gap as your crease guide.

Now take the center bottom corners and fold your envelope in place, then tuck the triangle in the center opening.



them up to the right and left corners, keeping your paper in a rectangle shape.

Now you’ve got somewhere to keep your invisible ink cards! 11

When you write with baking soda and water, the solution dries clear but leaves a trace. When you paint the paper with turmeric and alcohol, it reacts with the baking soda, turning a reddish-brown color. This is because the curcumin – a substance naturally found in turmeric – is a natural pH indicator, which means it turns a different color when it comes in contact with a base such as baking soda.


-1 Small Paint Brush

-1 Medium Paint Brush

-2 Sheets of Paper 5 x 2 inch (to fit into the envelope)

-2 Bowls

-1 Colored Sheet of Paper

-1 Tbsp Water


- Cut a regular size paper into two pieces that will fit in the envelope

creative corner!

Baila Schwartz
Family Baumgarten
Yisroel Aron kornreich
ChanyKlein,5 BruchyEisenberg,6
Chana Frimet Appel
Shaya&ShloimyPorgesz Etty&ChayalaSchwartz
Yechiel Leifer, 5
Meir Ungar, 5 RuchyNeuman,10
Rivky Lovi, 5 Etty Schwartz, 5 RivkyLovi,5
Family Schnitzer
Baila Schwartz
Baila Schwartz


Center Monticello: Half acre land w/ house. Walking distance to shul all year. Call: 718-801-1915


Ave i/j - Older home, near Q train, shopping, shuls, conveniences, quiet st private homes, 23x36 house on 40x100 lot. R5. cellar driveway garage, needs work.

Agent Edith: 718- 851-1546

BP, Ft Hamilton & high 40's: 2 fam, semidet, brk, beautiful completely renov, high ceiling, fin bsmt w/ sep ent, $3m. Isaac Shmedra Landau 718-853-0202/917-750-7667

BP-15th & Mid 50's, 3rd FL 20x62, brick 3 BDR, porch, + air rights, attached, $1.25. Text: 929-475-1558

BP-Lo 50s / Ft Hamilton, corner house, 6 fam, 3 flrs + bsmnt, great for user/investment. Nice block. 26x80 built, 30x100 lot size. Asking $2,8m. Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau:718-853-0202 917-750-7667

BP: 11th & 38th, 2 fam, semi-detached, shared driveway, garage, 25x100 lot size, 20x60 built, R6 zoning, $1,890m. Neg. Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau: 718-853-0202/917-750-7667

BP: 13th & 47th St. 3 Fam House 25 x 65, On 40 x 100 Lot, $4.5 Million Serious inquiries only. Please Call: 646-595-9544

BP: 15th & mid 40s: 20x50 on 30x100. R6, $2.9. 732-708-2004

BP: 38th & 12th, semi-attached house, share access to garage in back. 20x60.2 flrs. 3 apts, raw cement basement 6.5 hgt. renovations & blueprints avail. Agent Edith: 718-851-1546

BP: 38th /13th, 4 fam, 2 flr + bsmnt, 20x70 built, 20x90 lot size, close to all, delivered vacant. Asking $2,1m. Call/Text: Isaac Shmedra Landau


BP:42nd/10th very nice condo 4 BDRM 2 bath 1625 sf, 2nd floor, great condition!, porch, pesach kitchen, laundry room, great block! Call/Text 845-445-6108

BP: 60th/21st. Beautiful 2-fam, 28x100 lot size, 20x67 built, private parking, finished bsmnt w/ separate entrance, asking $3m. Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau: 718-853-0202/917-750-7667

BP: Low 40s /15th, 4 bdrm 2.5 bath, 3rdfloor duplex. 2200 sqft. Asking $1,5m.

Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau: 718-853-0202/917-750-7667

BP: Mid-50s / 15th ave. 3rd Floor, 2,200sf, Built 31x70, Good Cond, 3 BDRM, 2 Bathrooms, Parking. Call: 347-635-5766

E 26 St /Ave M, single fam, 4 bdrms, 3 bthrms, 30x100 lot size, 18x40 built, bsmbt w/ separate entrance, asking $1,6M.

Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau: 718-853-0202 917-750-7667

Linden: 3 BDR house, 1800 SF, 50x200 Lot. Text: 845-203-1120

Sea Gate: beautiful large houses & apts for rent and sale. start your own shul/community... Further details please call Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/el7777@gmail.com

West Palm Beach, Florida: For the best real estate deals. Contact Mrs. Debby Schwartz: 203-667-2785

West Palm Beach Florida: Wellington M, ground floor, 2 BDR apt. Call: 347-760-0639



BP-13th & 57th, 2 BDR apt, 8 beds. avail weekends, all amenities incl. Call: 917-686-4065

BP: Mid 50s & 15ave: 3-Fam, brick, 3 flrs, Built 25x65, Detached, Elevator, Parking, delivered vacant, MIC. Call/Text: 347-389-4873

Webster/Seton, 2 fam, 25x113 lot size, 20x68 built. Finished bsmnt w/ sep/ entr, shared driveway w/ garage. Asking $2,6m. Call/Text Isaac Shmedra Landau: 718-853-0202/917-750-7667


17th & 62nd: 3 apts for rent: 1&2 bedrooms, kitchen, DR, bath. W/D hookup. $2,250-$2,550. Call: 347-524-2212

Ave F/E 5th: 3 bdrm, new kitchen, 2nd floor. Call/Text: Isaac Shmedra Landau 718-853-0202/917-750-7667

Ave I & E 13th st, walk-in bsmt, 2 BDR apt, + studio apt, can be combined as a 3 BDR, tile floors & remodeled, furnished/unfurnished, W/D hookup, near shuls, shopping area, train & bus. Call: 347-489-7727

BP: 10th Ave, & 45th St. Beautiful, 1 bdrm bsmnt apt. Mod Kitch, Dinette/L/R. Heat & A/C. W/D. 347-309-5595

Flatbush-Ocean Pkwy & Parkville, 1st flr, 3 large BDR, EIK, L/R, D/R, big backyard, MIC, $3,200. 718-436-1897 or 718-938-8388

BP-13th & 57th, brand new fully furnished apt, 6 beds, hotel-style. avail weekends, all amenities incl. Call: 917-686-7147

BP-53rd & 14th, 3 BRM, avail for Shabbos/Simchas. Linen & Towels included. Pls Call: 917-859-4846

Center Monticello: Beautiful newly renovated 4 bdrm house. 718-801-1915

Fallsburg- beautiful 4 & 5 BR homes, lge DR, shul, mikva, linen, towels, urn, hot plate, toys, supermarket Unbeatable price! 323-388-6901

Monsey: Beautiful & spacious 5 bdrm apt avail. Walking distance to grocery & many shuls. Please Call/Text: 347-383-2372

Monsey: Beautiful 6 bdrm, 4 bathroom fully furnished Shabbos equipped house. Highview/College. Call/Text: 718-541-0292


BP, 12th & 47th: bsmt apt. Frum women/girls only. W/D, util incl. Call/Text: 323-632-8623

BP: 17th & Lo 50s: 2 fam used as a 1 fam, brick, 22x70 on 25x100, R5. Asking $3.1M. 732-708-2004

West Palm Beach Florida: Apt for Sale: Century Village-Golf Edge, 1.5 bdrm apt. 2 baths, Brand new appliances, Ready to move in now. Price $200K OBO. Call: 845.325.0500

Flatbush: E 2 & Ave J, renov 1 flight up. 3 bdrm 1.5 bath, front porch, w/d hook c/a, split units, skylight, Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/ el7777@gmail.com

BP-13th & 54th: New 2 BDR. 1 Flight up. Full kitchen/bath, W/D, A/C. Chosson/kallah. Eve: 347-524-7686 Day: 718-686-0909

BP-50th & 19th, 2 Bedroom basement apt, nice backyard.

BP-Ave J & E 2nd, beautiful 1 BDR bsmnt apt, Newly renov. 347-461-0713

BP: 18th & 51st: Beautiful charming Chosson Kallah Apt. Pvt. Entrance: 1 BDR Furnished Bsmnt, Short/long term. Call:718-633-4180

BP: 36th & 15th, Male renter 1/2 wanted to share nice renovated apt with 2 bdrms. frum, quiet, clean, responsible person. Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/ el7777@gmail.com


• Monroe, beautiful 16 beds apt. • Bloomingrove, spacious 5 BDR house + sep small apt. Fully serviced, close to all. Call/Text: 845-323-0936

6 BDR vacation home on beautiful private acre near Monsey. Nr shul, luxury pool & spa (hot tub). $1500/week or wknd, $250/day. Rent the pool: $100/hr. 718-930-4848

Airmont: Brand new, spacious, scenic property, 3 BDR, playground, close to Shuls, $3800. Shabbosairmont@gmail.com

Flatbush: Ave J & E 31st: Newly renov large 1 BDR bsmt. New full bath. W/D hook-up. Call: 718-437-1811

Furnished rooms near Maimonides Medical offices/clinics, medical interns, internships, drs, nurses, professionals. Email: el7777@gmail.com Agent Edit: 718-851-1546

Linden NJ-Dream Vacation, Brand new construction for 2024 Short/long-term stays avail, Sleeps up to 21, Located across Bobov. Special introduction rate. 917-633-6607


Single working person, seeking studio/basement/ 1 bedroom apartment. willing to pay up to 1,200. 914-564-0389


Takeover a 12,000 SQ.F. commercial lot, near malls & shopping, areas in south Brunswick NJ, just pay small fee for transfer & taxes. Owner retiring & moving out of state. Lv Msg/Txt: 212-470-1708

Beautiful 3 BDR villa with pool avail in North Miami. Call: 347-446-6780 for more details.

Belle Harber Rockaways corner beach Blk. Shabbos, YT & midweek getaway. Enj fresh ocean air. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 7 & up to 10 BDR avail. Eruv, near shuls, Kosher 20 min from BP Summer rentals avail 347-619-3525

Catskills: 2 brand new priv 3 BDR apts/6 BDR house. • Jacuzzi • Hot tub • Trampoline • Nice playground Avail year round, week/weekend. Call: 845-662-5312

Chestnut Ridge: Jan 30- Feb 2, 5 bed/4 bath house. Indoor gas fireplace, trampoline, basketball, full-size air hockey, games & books. Linens & towels incl. Video of home, avail for serious inq. 314-915-2949

Hollywood, Florida: Beautiful priv house, fully furnished, 4 BDR, kosher kitchen. Walking distance to shul/kosher shopping. Call/Text: 347-335-8477

Hollywood Florida: Beautiful private Villa. 4 master suites. Kosher kitchen. Huge living area. Heated in ground pool + spa. Close to Shul/kosher shops. Call/Text: 718-541-0292

Miami Beach Florida: Carriage Club North, beautiful 2 BDR, 2 bath, ground floor. Call: 347-499-0031

Monsey Shabbos Getaway: 7+ BDR house in heimish Concord neighborhood, gorgeous park-like property, deck, swings, 20 beds. Linen & Shabbos essentials prov. 845-548-6478

North Miami Beach FL. Couples Only · Kosher Vacation House · Private Heated Pool

· Warm, Relaxing · Beautiful Patio · 5 Min walk to a Shul. · Couples Oasis. Contact Chany for more details @ 845-570-2341

Relax Kosher: Villas in Woodburn 17+ & Monroe 14+ beds with outdoor activities. Winter special! Call/Text: 845-537-1162

Seagate Vacation Home

Avail weekday/weekend/Yom Tov. Fresh ocean air in beautiful resort. 1, 2 & 3 BDR homes. 718-946-1236

BP. *New Utrecht & mid 50's, prof office spaces, $350 - $1500. *Mid 50's & NU office rm, $350. *Office rms for females, $200+. Broker: 732-708-2004

BP. 16th Ave: Storefront, 1,400 SF + basement space. 14th & high 40's: office space on ground floor, 1400 SF, newly built. 732-708-2004

BP 19th & 52nd area, 2 room bsmt office, newly renov, private entrance & bath. Call: 347-735-8748

Winter special 30% off Treat family w/ amazing getaway! Woodbourne, newly furnished house (2-10 ppl) on beautiful priv property. Avail day/week/weekend. Walk to minyan. Pls Call: 845-540-8991


BP: 12th & 45th Private office in bsmt avail. Approx 170 sq ft. High ceiling & window, with bathroom. Utilities included.

Call/Text: 347-860-6050

BP: 13th & 40th, 20 ft long kitchen space+ 2 rooms w/ big closets. can be rented as apt/offices/ storage. 7 ft ceiling Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/ el7777@gmail.com

Warehouse for Lease BP: 6000 SF warehouse in prime location. Incl 16' high ceiling, loading area, bsmt, office space & storefront. 718-954-4525


DRIVEWAY FOR RENT: Between 13th & 14th & 55th st. Call: 718-483-0470

BP, 16th & 42nd, state of art office, priv ent, 9' ceiling, windows, bath, kitchenette. Incl wifi, heating/cooling, 1 lg open room & 1 priv rm. Agent Edith: 718-851-1546

E8 Ditmas & Cortelyou, 2 driveway spaces avail. Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/ el7777@gmail.com

Miami Beach: Collins Ave, beautiful ocean view. 1 BDR apt. 347-760-0570

BP, NU/55th: Office Rooms/Office Desks. $250 Monthly. Building 5500 SF avail short term. 732-708-2004

Flatbush: E 14th & Ave P. Parking Space for rent in Driveway. Call: 917-541-7849

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Bridges is seeking Host Families for children in our community

Please call/text/WhatsApp: 718-490-5625

Email: nyoffice@bridgesforfamilies.org bridgesforfamilies.org


We can create a weekly newsletter for you, simply call and leave a message with some info you want included in the newsletter and we will email it back to you. $30.00 weekly.

Please call 718-854-2747 X 1181


HCS Individual Residential Alternatives Homes is seeking a dedicated heimishe Registered Nurse (RN) to join our team. This role involves overseeing the medical care of special needs individuals, ensuring comprehensive documentation, and providing evaluations.

Key Benefits:

Jewish-Friendly Environment: HCS upholds a Jewish mindset and cultural values.

Generous Holidays: Receive all legal holidays, all Jewish holidays, including Chol Hamoed, Erev Yom Tov, and Tisha B’Av, plus, an additional 3 weeks off.

Work-Life Balance: A 40-hour workweek across 4 locations in Boro Park and Flatbush.

Comprehensive Benefits and Compensation: Includes a family health, dental, and vision plan.

This position is ideal for anyone seeking a supportive, understanding work environment.

For more information or to apply please send in your resume to Jobs@hcsny.org or call 718-854-2747 Ext. 1114.


Does your Son Need a Part time Job? We are the answer.

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Small Business Owner? Need Packages?

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The HCS After school Program is looking to hire substitute counselors for Funshine. Monday – Thursday 3 - 6PM. Sunday 10:30 – 3 PMpart time or full time. Flexible schedules. Great pay! Exciting atmosphere!

Please call Rivky at 718-510-3002 or email R.Rubinstein@hcsny.org

If you are going for your BCBA licensure and need a place to acquire hours, please call to inquire about our partnership program!


Shirienu Dayhab is looking for an enthusiastic energetic counselor for our growing womans Dayhab Program. 1-5 PM daily.

Please forward resume to R.Walzer@hcsny.org or call 718-854-2747 ext. 1322


HCS is seeking male DSPs to work at our Flatbush residence for afternoon shifts 3-11 pm daily.

Please forward resume’ to jobs@hcsny.org

Please call 718-854-2747 ext. 1114


14th & 45th: Prime location storefront walk-in, great for sheitel macher, etc. approx 400 sq ft. Contact the Broker: 718-490-0825

BP: 10th & 47th, new renov space for rent, hi ceiling, W/C, closets, in-floor heating, split unit 9ft ceiling approx 250 sq ft. Agent Edith: 718-851-1546/ el77778@gmail.com


2020 Silver Volkswagen Passat, R line. Fully loaded. 51k miles. Heated seats. Lane assist. Adaptive cruise control. Leather seats. Black interior. CarPlay. 19-inch alloy wheels. Please Call: 347-729-5230

Car Donations

Donate your vehicle. Receive $1500 tax deduction + $500 cash shopping card. We buy cars too! Call: 718-974-9428


NEW: Brooklyn Minivan Rental at $79/day. Whatsapp "FB" to 929-790-1708


ABA Evening Support Role

Make a positive impact on children's lives! Join us as an ABA evening mentor in BP/Flatbush. Help kids develop social skills & confidence after school hours. Excellent rates for eve shifts. Call: 917-968-2292

Bais Yaakov of BP is seeking P3 Provider for elementary school students. Pls call Mrs. Twersky 718436-7300 Ext. 507 & email resume to: twerskydp3@bjbp.org.

A medical company is seeking to hire dedicated medical assistants to travel to patients' homes for vital sign checks & test admin. Training prov. Candidates should be based in Williamsburg, BP, Flatbush This is a full or part-time role with flex hrs. Well paid! Send Resume to: hr@theritecare.com 848-329-1085

Aba in Flatbush: Now hiring evening ABA support staff, we`re expanding our team and looking for exp ABA professionals to onboard our Flatbush families. No direct ABA exp? No problem. If you are passionate & have a desire to make a difference, Pls Call/Text/WA: 917.968.2292/email: Scaplan@yeled.org

Bais Yaakov of BP is seeking substitute teachers for pre-school & grades 1-8, AM & PM. Mrs. Weinman: 917-331-3714

BP INSURANCE AGENCY is seeking to hire a F/T responsible & devoted sec. Warm heimish envir. Office exp req. send resume to: hragency11211@gmail.com

Bus Driver:

The driver is responsible for driving older adults to appointments & other such errands. Must have CDL Class B w/ Passenger endorsement, Clean driving record, ability to lift 30 pounds. Sensitive to older adults, ability to drive16-30 passenger vehicles.F/T. Pay $22-$26 per hour. Email to: careers@jccgci.org / call: 718.449.5000 Ext. 2298

Cook Wanted: Brklyn based older-adult center & Home Delivered Meals Program, seeking cook to do menu planning,submitting orders, coordinate food preparation & take inventory. Prior experience as a cook, valid food protection certificate, Able to stand for long hours & lift heavy objects.Can read & write English, knowledge of kashrus laws. F/T. 30 hrs a week $29/ hr. E:careers@jccgci.org/ call: 718.449.5000 Ext. 2298

Do you have a car and looking to work on your own?

Text to: 347-385-9204

F/T secretary-BP insurance Office. Email Resume: Brandy@sdfassociates.com

Seeking: Frum Bais Yaakov girl w/ exp as a Mothers Helper for the hours bet 3-7. Yiddish speaking, centrally located. Well paid.


This job is meant for you! Your own location, hours, effort & money...grab the deal! Call/Text: 845-806-1244

Daycare Seeking: Teachers NYS certified & assistants. Ft/Pt opportunities avail. please email: School718438@gmail.com

Female OT provider to come to my house for a few cases. 718-757-0696

Flatbush school seeking F/T sec. 11 AM-5:30 PM. Fri: 10 AM-12:30 PM Email Resume: secofficejob613@gmail.com

Frum Experienced Medical Companion wants F/T night position. Hosp Home Rehab Center Nursing Home. 929-731-5566

Heimishe office in Boro Park is seeking a full time IT technician. Must have experience in Azure. Please send resume to: itjob0924@gmail.com or fax to: 718-228-6350

Looking for a commission-based worker. 347-385-9204

Looking to hire Male IT computer assistant. Must have exp in this field. Central BP location, well-paid. Call/Text: 718-637-0522

Pre1A Assistant / Teacher

Bais Yaakov type school in Flatbush is seeking an assistant in a.m. who will teach Limudei Chol in afternoon warm, excellent envir. Email: teacherjob30@gmail.com/ Fax: 718-376-4280

Retail store in Flatbush is seeks for F/T or P/T sales lady. Excellent pay & great envir. Please call & Lv msg/Text: 347-725-0898

Work from home: Easy & simple, with tons of potential. Pls Call: 845-243-5793

Work From Home

Great opportunity to manage your own business from home. No exp needed, no computer necessary. Huge potential to grow big. Call: 438-529-1216


Heimeshe lady, great social skills, fluent in English, Hebrew, & Yiddish looking for a job P/T. In BP, answering phones, filing, & other responsibilities. From home. Ref. Call/Lv Msg: 718-755-8402


Need a great work resume? Resumes are what we do (new grads/exp)! Join 625+ satisfied clients from the Heimishe community. Call/text 845-554-5778 info@resumakerpro.com


1 bottom part of a high riser that measure 39x70

Photo: el7777@gmail.com/718-851- 1546

1 high riser set 39x77 top & bottom Call: 718-851-1546 el7777@gmail.com.

1 Pair slightly used Floafers size 10, $15 each.


1. Silver and mahogany challah board, $50. 929-678-0863

2 Black kids Petit Clair short cardigan, NWT, size 10&12, orig $38. 929-888-5666

2 pairs of razor jets (wheelies) w/ lights. Not new. $16 each or take both for $30. BP. Text/ Call: 347-864-0423.

2 pinhole glasses for $9 e/. Or take both for $15.


Text: 347-864-0423

3-foot folding trampoline, $45. 347-564-6560

3.5 cubic chest freezer. Used one year, $125, Brand new condition. 917-890-6442

4 new pink Martha Stewart bath towels great quality only $20 each! (Orig $40 ) 347-737-5440

30" gas stove. HOTPOINT GE White & black color combination. .kosher self-cleaning, sealed cooktop burners. el7777@gmail.com/718-851-1546

39"/76 stained brown wood bunk bed. Mattresses, Persian rug, Chinese rug, runners, assorted chairs. 718-851-1546

Beautiful Brand New Luccini girl's Shabbos shoe. Plaid Wool look. 32/38/39. Call: 718-871-1946

Bugaboo dragonfly with new base & new hood w/ bassinet. 917-635-1778

Fisher Price Exersaucer brand NIB. Orig: $120 Selling: $90 Call: 917-588-6337

Adorable DKNY warm puffer girls coat w/ white in the hood size 14-16 to sell for $50. Pls Call: 347-415-7047

Beautiful ladies dress size 10, black velvet top, satin green bottom w/ beading at waist, $250. 917-854-7966

Big portable washing machine in excellent condition. 347-764-8894

Book ”Chess for Kids” $5. Great cond. BP. Cal/Text: 347-864-0423

Brand new, Jimmy choo crossbody bag, black, for sale $375. 917-685-1414

Brand new boys navy wool G & G Coat Size 12 for $99. (Orig $290) 347-524-9899

Bugaboo girls custom print canopy, for $69 OBO. Fits bugaboo fox, lynx, or Cameleon strollers. 347-451-0212

Bugaboo gray footmuffs & handmuffs. excellent cond, $90. 347-533-1520

Chairs clearance sale must go, offers accepted.. dining room, dinette, arm, office, swivel, stools, rocking chairs. photos: el7777@gmail.com/ 718-851-1546

Citi Mini double stroller, grt cond. Best offer. Mountain Buggy Nano single travel stroller, gently used, best offer. Call/Text: 323-632-8623

Crib beautiful Off white brand new condition for $250, Orig $700. Text for Pic: 347-971-1610

Brand new designer Kallah coat size xs/s for great price. Call: 845-362-9259

Cricut Machine, $150. Gotrax Hoverboard, $125. Please Call/Text: 917-3764127

Floafer Londoner women's boots black, size 9 ,almost brand new (worn for a few hours) $50 orig. $80 Call: 347- 803-5291

Floafer size 13 in Burgundy. $25 Call/Text: 347-534-8915

Gift Card to Toys 2 Discover for less. Please Call: 929-287-1852

Grey Silver Cross Coast carriage. Bassinet, reg seat, rain cover, buggyboard. Used. Any reasonable offer. 347-263-4207

LG front loader washing machine due to move. In brand new cond. Please Call: 914-707-2106

Master Bedroom armoire mahogany, great cond, $200. BP. Pls Call: 347-351-0335

Brand new in the box, I3 Dell laptop. $280 Call: 347-786-2145

Brand NIB, 50 black velvet hangers. $15. 347-546-7737

Brass valet & decorative containers menorahs, candles, boxed new light fixtures, night tables, wood hutch, cubbies Photos: el7777@gmail.com/ 718-851-1546

Bugaboo Cameleon 3 with black frame & gray hood. Bassinet & Seat. Good Cond. $349 OBO. Call/Text: 347-369-1161

Current season Retrokid Corduroy built up, wine color. 18 months. 646-416-1992

Elecare formula, $40/can. 929-331-2855

Farberware 4 Liter deep fryer. French fry cutter. Brand new in box, best offer. Text/Call: 323-632-8623

Fischer Price drum set. Call: 347-737-5440

Modern Dadada crib: White w/ natural wood legs. New condition. Price: $300, Orig: $500. 718-213-5516

Modern white velvet couch w/ gold legs, looks brand new. Great price. 347-304-1132

Pastel white ruffle neck blouse w/ red hearts, size 12. NWT. $15. Orig $48. BP. Pls Text: 347-864-0423

Scotch bonnet kids coat, size 5 black w/ white fur, NWT. $120 Call/Text: 917-648-0774

Seforim shanks/bookcases.

2 parts 64"w, 71"h,15"d, glass & wood unit for books, clothes 52"w, 65"h, 13"d, & 19"d. (seforim too) 718-851-1546

Stewart Weitzman boots size 7.5, for great price. Please Call: 347-382-0390

Stokke carriage, bassinet & seat. Great condition.

$450 OBO. 929-678-0863

Stunning boys wedding blazer & pants, offwhite linen w/ black velvet buttons. Call/Text: 718-974-7940

Table 32x48 glass rectangular table, 4 chrome legs. accepting purchase offers. Photos: el7777@gmail.com Agent Edith: 718-851-1546

Tickets avail to the Jewish Children's Museum, $14/ticket.

Value $19.


Uppa Baby: Vista frame w/ new wheels, $175! Bassinet, $125. Rumble seat, great cond, $125. Take all, $350. 347-737-5440

2 classy organza pink gowns children sizes 10 &12. Please Call: 929-292-0609

20+ custom lace (short) gowns, sizes 3-16, at a reasonable price. Please call: 718-344-7401


2 beautiful children custom-made white gowns, sizes 3 & 8, worn once! Call: 347-860-3863

2 children's gowns, creme w/ white dots, Sz 5 &14, $75 each. Call: 347-452-1481

2 kid size 6, 7-8 white eyelet gown. Call: 347-495-0198

A beautiful brand new light colored maternity gown, for sister of bride. Call/Text 917-474-7337

2 pink adorable Gottleib gowns sz 7 & 10. Call/Text 718-753-9989

2 stunning light pink tulle gowns from Whoopi, szs 16, 10, & 3. Worn once, great price. Call/Text: 347-232-0396

2 sz 14-16 children's white custom gowns. Worn once. 718-309-8245

2 White children gowns sz 6 & 12. Reas price. Pics avail. 718-809-0973

2 white pretty teen gowns. Call: 917-789-0829

3 Gorgeous navy velvet gowns. Children sz 4 & 5-6. Reas price. Pics avail. Call/Text: 347-743-7281

4 stunning kids gowns. Black w/ colored embroidered flowers. Size 4,5,8,12. Call/Text: 917-741-9361

5 adorable dusty blue gowns, (Size 3, 12, 14, & 16)

Please Call: 718-252-4321

9 stunning ivory Whoopi gowns w/ flower and crystal embellishments, 2 coordinating styles. Approximate sizes 3-14. Worn once. Contact: 347-578-3153 for more info.

Adorable girls szs. 12-14,8,7,6 sister/niece of the bride cream quilted gowns. all year round. Pls Call/Text: 718-926-4773

Adorable pink/maroon kids gowns approx sizes 5,7,10 This season!

Call/Text: 347-527-9877 for pics

Adorable white gown, original piece. Worn once. Size 8-10. Call/Text: 347-616-5337

Bar-Horin white children's gowns w/ embroidery. size 4 & 6. More sizes possibly avail. Call/Text: 845-376-2901

Beautiful, one-of-a-kind mauve pink gown. Size 12.

Call/Text: 347-527-9877 for pics

Beautiful custom, white w/ black, sister of bride gown, sz 12. Very slenderizing. Call/Text: 646-398-4424

Beautiful Dusty blue Bar-Chorin kids gown size 6 more sizes avail. 718-757-0696

Beautiful Exquisite black & beige gown, sz 12-14. Great price! Call/Text: 917-586-5568

Beautiful ivory accordion pleated sister of the bride sz 2 gown. $1,000. 929-545-3050

Beautiful ivory sister of the bride gown. Sz 4-6, $250. 347-323-6146

Beautiful kid's white Bar-Horin Gowns, this season, avail. 10-12. Call/Text: 718-930-8523

Beautiful Kleinfeld gown. Worn once. Size 0. Petite. 718-522-1092

Beautiful black classy maternity gown. Call/Text: 347-578-1373

Beautiful latte-colored teen gown, size 0, $250. 347-452-1481

Beautiful black Zimmerman dress size 1. Please call/Text for pictures: 347-463-2629.

Beautiful latte-colored teen gown, size 0. $250 347-831-3513

Beautiful bridal lace gown by Avigail Rumpler, size 0-2. Must-see! Please text for pic 917200620 917-200-0620

Beautiful cream white lace tenoyim dress sz 4. Call/Text: 347-423-2317

Beautiful light blue gown children's size 6. Call/Text: 347-733-5955

Beautiful navy Bar-Horin gown preteen size 10-12. 718-510-7306

Beautiful pink sister of the bride, teen gown, size 4-6 tall. 718-807-8767

Beautiful pink teen gown. Sz 6. Call/Text: 718-435-1912

Beautiful sister of bride dresses. Nude/bronze colors. 718-522-1092

Beautiful teen white gown w/ pink flowers(Charme) size 0, $350. Beautiful teen white lace (Charme) gown size 10, $350. Call: 347-452-1481

Beautiful white gown 2 piece-with beading on the shirt. size 10. 917-854-7966

Beautiful white tulle kids gown, sister of the bride, approx size 10. 917-474-7899

Black maternity gown sz L, $550. 718-436-2785

Black satin gown for adult sister of bride sz 12-14. Call/Text: 347-263-4282

Black sister of the bride gown. Size 4/6. Great price. 917-804-0237

Blush/peach stunning sister of the bride gown. Size 2. Call/Text: 347-731-8721

Children's cream color gowns w/ white dots, size 5 & 14, $75 each.


Children's white square lace gown, size 14/16 & size 5. $75 each! Call: 347-452-1481

Children's white square lace gown size 14/16 & size 5, $75 each. 347-831-3513

Custom blush gown sister of bride tall skinny sz 4. Worn once. 718-309-8245

Custom designer ivory/off white crochet lace gown. Sz 2-4. 917-474-6168

Custom white gown sister of bride tall skinny sz 4. Call/Text: 718-309-8245

Elegant hunter green w/ beading gown sz 14, very slenderizing! Pics avail.

Call/Text: 347-527-9877

Exquisite black gown with color, size 10, $400 neg. 917-446-9128

Black velvet & green gown, Size 14, $350 neg. 917-446-9128

Blue Stunning Sheva Brochos Dress For Kallah. SZ 2-4 Great Price. 917-202-8790

Exquisite high-neck navy lace gown.

Size 8. Bought Dec 1, 2024. Worn once.

Call/Text: 718-644-6219.

Gemy Maalouf Gown Size: 2 (can be let out to a 4) Price: $1500 718-687-0600

Girls Size 10/12 Custom-made floral gown $975. 718-687-0600

Girls Sz 8-10, white tulle gown. Only $70! Text: 347-683-2346

Gorgeous black & white gown, sz 8. 718-851-1036

Gorgeous black satin maternity gown. Sz 0-2. $350. Call/Text: 917-202-2887

Gorgeous classy ivory gown w/ beautiful stones size 8-10. 917-890-6442

Gorgeous designer blue silk sister of the bride gown. Size 2. Call/Text 347-731-8721

Gorgeous designer peach/ champagne young mechetenista/ older sister of bride. gown. Sz 4. Worn once, well priced! 917-804-0237

Gorgeous sis of bride designer pink gown size 0. Cal/Text 347-977-1348

Gorgeous this season, children sz 12 cream tulle gown.

Call/Text: 347-420-0343

Kids white gowns, $100 each. 3 size 5-6. 2 size 8-10. 2 size 10-12. Pls Call/Text: 347-534-7037

Little girls size 8 gorgeous off-white gown with smocked bodice. $300. Call: 646-409-2405

Magnificent, custom sister of bride gown. Sz 8, very slenderizing. Light color, worn once. 917-474-7899

Magnificent black gown size 2/4 excellent price. 917-935-5408

Magnificent custom designer pink gown, size 2-4. Great price! Call/Text: 718-772-5279

Magnificent custom off-white teen gown size 0-2. Call/Text: 917-202-0610

Magnificent Manhasset lace Bridal gown, in excellent condition, size 0-2. 718-687-0600

Magnificent Mother of Bride gown, sz 12. Used once. 347-633-8256

Magnificent off-white sister of the bride gown, size 12, very slenderizing. $420 Call/Text: 347-388-3976.

Magnificent off-white tenoyim dress. Worn once. Tall, size 2 Call: 347-522-2361

Magnificent Valentino pink/peach sister of bride gown. Adult sz 4-6. Call/Text: 347-631-1745

Married sister of the bride sz 4 black & white embroidered tulle gown. 718-854-4552

Off-white gown w lace, mother of bride, size 6-8, grt price. 347-304-1132

One-of-a-kind custom-made black & floral gown. New. Sz 0 Call/Text: 347-675-9024

One-of-a-kind gorgeous white & gold gown for sister of bride. Sz 0. Call/Text: 929-617-9490

One-of-a-kind sis of bride gown adult, size 0-2 / 2-4, Blue, great price! 718-781-8058

Pre-maternity/Maternity black classy gown size S/M. Call/Text: 929-580-9191

Sister of bride: Black lace gown with pink lining size 4-6. $250 Text: 347-633-2012

Sister of bride dark blue & black lace gown size 6, worn once. Sister of bride ivory gown size 4-6. both $200. Call/Text: 917-902-8274

Sister of the bride elegant black maternity lace/tulle gown. Sz L. Call: 718-853-9175

Soft Teal Green Gown, Exclusive for sister of the bride. SZ 4-6 Great price. 917-202-8790

Stunning, classy cream sister of bride dress/gown size 6-8. Call/Text: 718-787-5925

Stunning black midi gown teen/young married sz 2.

Black & green for teen/young married, sz 8.

2 children's black lace over white sz 10-12&14-16 gown, well priced.347-733-4133

Stunning blue sis of bride gown, size 2-4 adult. Great price! 718-781-8058

Stunning charme white teen gown, Size 4. Call/Text: 718-930-8523

Stunning children's off-white wedding gowns. Sz 4-5 & 7-8. 347-971-0446

Stunning dreamy sz 2 pink sister of the bride gown. Call: 718-438-1549

Stunning ivory gown, size 14, extremely slenderizing!

Call/Text: 347-527-9877 for pics

Stunning off-white & black velvet gown size 0-2 for teen or young married.

Call/Text: 917-648-6022

Stunning off-white maxi length gown.

Call/Text: 347-383-3681

Stunning white/ivory gown w/ beaded collar sz 16-18. 347-971-0446

Stunning White Vintage girls gown. size 5,6,10-12 excellent price. 917-935-5408

White flower lace gown.

Size 7, $85.

Text: 347-651-9267

Zimmerman tulle Sz 0/2 cream gown, $800. Negotiable. Call/Text: 718-687-0600


Navy blue gown w/ beading. current season Great price. Sz 14. Call/Text: 718-974-7940

2 girls cream color wedding dresses size 10 & 1 size 16. Reduced price! Call: 917-750-1235

2 Magnificent dark green taffeta, teen gowns, about size 4/6. Call: 718-853-5524

5 simple & elegant children’s gowns green & black velvet, 1 teen coordinated gown. Call:929-561-8935/718-431-0851

Adorable white floral embroidered gowns, sz 6 & 10. Located in Willi. 347-351-9280

Beautiful black & white lace maternity gown. Call/Text: 917-635-2915

Beautiful black maternity gown. Call/Text: 347-383-3681

Beautiful black w/ colored beading maternity gown size 0. 929-457-2614

Beautiful designer dark blue sis of bride gown. Sz 10/12 347-446-6114

Beautiful navy sister of bride exquisite gown, sz 10. Call: 347-452-2944

Beautiful white piquet teen gown. 347-564-6560

Beautiful white teenage gown. 347-737-5440

Children's Gowns:

Stunning off-white velvet MANY sizes available. Call: 347-362-4877

Designer off-white teen gown for sister of bride size, 2-4. 917-635-1778

Exclusive silk taffeta bridal gown from Esti's. Worn once. Call: 347-320-4194

Magnificent champagne gown w/ gorgeous beading size 4-6. Text: 347-633-2012

Stunning black gown w/ colored stones. Size 8,10,12 Call: 347-988-2307/ Text: 347-871-7623.

White Miri sz 2-4 gown for sister / mother of bride. 347-569-1053

Beautiful black lace sz 2 orig designer gown. Height: Approx 5'4". 718-853-5815

Magnificent custom gown for sister of bride, approx Sz 4. Call: 347-831-7319

Magnificent detailed lace gown, black, Sz 2.

Call/Text: 646-823-0973

Sister of bride, Magnificent white preteengown with blue accent. size 16.

Please Call: 718-853-9175

Stunning black/white designer sister of bride gown, sz 12, petite. Call: 347-446-6114

Stunning classy cream sister of bride gown size 2-4. Can be worn for pre-maternity or regular.

Call/Text: 917-702-9524

Stunning sister of bride, champagne rose silk taffeta gowns. sz. 7 & 12

Call: 917-648-3175

Magnificent white lace gown. size 2-4

Text: 347-683-2336 SERVICES

Are you suffering from stress, fear, emotional or physical issues?

Are you waiting for a Yeshuah?

Shiduchim, Children, Parnasah, or Nachas?

Rebbetzin Hager has been removing Ayin Horah for over two generations. $30 per name.

Call: 347-742-8660

Ayin Horah

The renowned Rebbetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim is always avail to remove “Ayin Horah” over phone. 718-689-1902/516-300-1490


2 Beautiful teen white gowns, approx sizes 8-12.

Call/Text: 347-385-2638

9 beautiful white gowns, size 4-14. Please Text: 347-570-0844

15 Beautiful white fresh girls gowns. $200 each. 347-737-5440

15 Stunning white custom made children's gowns (ranging sizes 4-22) + 2 coordinating pre-teens, & 2 teens. Great price! Call/Text 347-957-5437

Beautiful mother of bride Finds & co black gown size 14. 347-378-3159

Gartlech: We fix knitted & crochet Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. Pls Call: 917-414-3281


Beautiful handmade gartlech, hand crochet, hand knit, silks & more, with a beautiful gartel bag. Wholesale orders avail.

Text/Call: 718-283-4589

Gissen Blei according to Mesorah: With our mesorah, we clear the way, & bring blessings that come to stay. Call 718-400-AYIN, just $72/session, /$50 Monthly. we keep Shpreching until it's GONE!


Pls Call: 718-450-4700


Professional photo editing, many yrs of exp. Special rates for photographers. Also specializing in custom photo albums chosson, wedding, etc.

Photo Dreams 347.563.5153


Buy by the case & save. Baby & Regular Salmon. Hashgucha Volove Rav. Free delivery to your home. Call Eli: 516-270-6755



Custom Photo Albums: Specializing in custom photo albums, Chosson, wedding, etc. Also professional photo editing, many yrs exp. Special rate for photographers.

Photo Dreams: 347-563-5153

Photo Album Specials!

Order your album today for special rates! Choson, Tenoyim album-$325 Wedding album-$700 for 3 albums email: outlinesdesignny@gmail.com for samples/ Call: 347-673-3981


1 slot is avail in a vouchers babysitting for a NEWBORN that has ACTIVE VOUCHERS 53rd &14th area. 9:30-1:30 Pls Call: ‪929-483-5644

14th & 47th Area: Non voucher babysitting playgroup 6 weeks-2.5. Open all summer. Different classes for different ages. Call: 718-871-2948/929-561-8842

Babysitter avail in houses, evening hrs. $14 an hr. Also avail in halls: 1 baby: $12, 2: $10 References avail. 347-693-8155

Heimishe, exp lady willing to babysit in area of 14th/15th Ave & 50th-60th St, eve & night pref. Call/Lv Msg: 718-755-8402

Heimishe warm babysitter on 18th & 60th, drop-ins welcome. Monday-Friday. Hours: 9-5. Open all year round. 718-232-3096

Very heimishe warm babysitter avail in evening in the area of The Eminence Hall. Pls call: 347-533-2876

Professional voice lessons for girls Now only $320 for an 8-week semester. 929-625-3071


ALL CONSTRUCTION needs! bathrooms, kitchens, closets, decks, extensions, additions, basements, all electrical, plumbing, carpentry. Lowest prices, fastest service. 718-951-0090

Construction by Anthony. For all your construction needs: Painting, ceramic, plaster... Also doing electric, plumbing... 347-400-3009


Heimishe Yingerman avail to do long distance by the hour. Airport pickup & all kinds of messengers. Service accounts welcome. Call: 347-219-4846

Steady Driver

Heimishe man w/ mini van avail to take passenger from BP-Monsey, leaving: 6:30am, returning: 5:45pm. Friday leaving Monsey: 12:45. We deliver pkgs. 917-363-0677

Yossi's Van Service 15 Passenger van Local & long distance Airports & delivery. Call: 718-962-4664


All Electrical work, outlets, switches, fixtures, new lines for W/D or A/C, shabbos clocks, circuit breakers. 718-951-0090



*Small or Big Jobs*

Tile, sheetrock, plaster, painting, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, furniture repair, cabinets, assembly, bathroom & bsmnt renovation. Power wash. Jerry: 917-202-5524

All handyman jobs our specialty! Plumbing, electric, construction, locksmith, painting, plastering, Shabbos clocks, outlets/switches, spotlights, etc, we fix all section 8 violations. 718-951-0090

Professional Handyman No job too small. Highly recommended. Isaac: 347-417-0046


Acid reflux? Constipation? Indigestion? IBS? Weight loss?

Let the power of aloe bring you relief from digestive problems. To order Call/Text M. Halberstam 347-860-3949

If anyone has been healed from Lyme disease & can give us recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Helpedwithlyme@gmail.com


Makeup Artist:

Certified makeup artist for all your special occasions. Call Yides Neuwirth: 917-309-6000/718-858-0815

Makeup by Goldy Book your next simcha. Reasonably priced. Call: 917-652-9554

We also sell exclusive long-lasting makeup. Purchase a makeup kit & we'll teach you to apply it correctly.

For all your photography needs! (Portrait, Family, Upsherin, Baby, etc.) Many props avail! Great rates! Photos by Devorah 929-327-4621


Portraits, family, upsherin, Special service for newborns. We come to you with all the props. Photo Dreams 347-563-5153

Photography Studio Rental: Fully equipped photography studio for rent by hour. High end lighting, loads of updated backgrounds & props all included.

Call/Text: 718-812-0401


Toddler group 16+ months, small class, exp teacher, references upon request. 11th-12th & 52nd. Pls Call: 929-387-7840


A beautiful decorative wedding broom for a youngest child's wedding. Call: 718-851-0454

Heimishe singer for all occasions. Call Shimon Rabinowitz, if no answer, leave a message. 347-683-3696


Fresh, Modern, Aesthetically Pleasing. Bris, Kiddush, Vacht Nacht, Pidyon Haben. Brooklyn. 917.618.0909


Rite Price Tree & Landscaping. Tree cutting, pruning, feeding, open lots, planting, lawn service, sukkah clearance, junk removal etc. Free estimate: Call: 718-705-2344


Furniture Repairs:

Cabinet & General Repairs, specializing in Choson-Kallah Apt. Call: 718-633-6231


Cleanouts, junk removal, maintenance. Call Eli: 917-335-4854

YOUR AD HERE classified@weeklylink.com

Pink baby blanket on Monday, Nov 11 on 13th Ave between 46th-49th Street. Please Call: 929-319-4816. R"T tefilin on AA plane. Text: 347-385-9204 FOUND 2 pairs of brand new black toddler leggings. Call/Text: 347-623-4247

Bracelet on 15th & low 40s on 01/05/25. If lost Please Call: 845-553-5623

Found money in Feldman Jewelers. Please Call: 718-438-8895.


Wash and Sets by Shevy! Price $60. Located in Boro Park. Text or Call: 929-683-0019

Girls watch on new Utrecht & 55th. Call: 347 988 5242

Remote key for toyota sienna on 13th ave corner 47th st.

If Lost Please Call: 347-675-3170


Alpaca wool coat was mistakenly taken on Nov 18th at Igel/Weber wedding at Tiferes Rifka. 718-644-9537

Exchanged a black Gracia rain jacket, size l, by Silberstein-Neimen wedding on Dec 11, in Ateres Chynka. Please Call/Text: 718-787-6002


If you have a Freezer to give away for a shull. Please Call (or text) 718-753-3392

Looking for 1 dice from the Doodle Dice game. 347-737-5440

Looking for list of email addresses. ComputerProgramming@thejnet.com

Looking to exchange a list of email addresses w/ a list of cell numbers. ComputerProgramming@thejnet.com


Shared a ten pack ferry fare from 1st Ave 59th st. On chol hamoed. I was supposed to pay you for 4 tickets and I underpaid.

Please contact me: 718-972-1906

Tehillim on klaf. Tefilah, Tehillim for Cholim. Sun-Thurs, 1pm. 727-731-6762



3 NYC one-way ferry tickets, expiring January 19. BP.

Text: 347-864-0423

4-door china closet 3 unit seforim shank w/ doors. Due to moving. Pickup in BP. Call/text for pics/info: 347-742-5577

Do you have a Medela pump you don’t use anymore?

Donate it to Gemach in EY.

Call/Text For Pickup 347-271-1258

Graco snap-n-go carriage- only the base part in good cond, & a few rolls of raw frozen Gefilta fish Kosher L'Pesach 347-786-4050

Housekeeper/Companion needed. $100 a day, cash & tips. 718-974-9428

Needlepoint canvas not yet done, was bought for $155, & some threads. Located in BP. Text: 347-451-1080 for a pic.

Nice ladies clothing, to give away for the needy only.

Call: 718-974-9428

Open bottles of sleeping vitamins & Melatonin. Please call/Text if interested: 347-563-5096.

Presto pizza plus, pizza rotating oven. Barely used, best offer. Call/Text: 323-632-8623

White full-size crib & white dresser w/ mirror 4 feet wide. Both can use a paint. BP. Please Text only if interested: 347-864-0423

25 packs of Ner mitzvah cotton wicks. 718-755-0920

Yeshiva closing & giving away many school desks, chairs, filing cabinets, beautiful solid oak wood office desk w/ cabinets, and, loads of new & used English books from grades 1-8. Call: 917-676-6761

Baby swing, gently used, great cond, best offer. 2 Bugaboo (Bee & Cameleon) adapters for Maxi Cosi car seats, best offer, brand new in box.

Call/Text: 323-632-8623

Children's gown sz 2/3. Women's coat - new approx size 6/8. 718-633-3857 if no answer, lv msg.


Twin exchange- do u have twin clothing in perfect condition that you no longer use & want to pass it on to another set to enjoy? Call: 646-689-2129/Text: 347-675-9139


Advocacy Therapy Services

Advocate to assist w/ obtaining P3, SETSS, SEIT or related therapy services. 551-236-3578

Baby Bassinet Gemach

Call for availability.


Baby Bassinet Gemach Beautiful brass iron baby bassinet for your simcha.


Baby Bassinet Gemach

Williamsburg. 718-237-8715

Baby Gemach (BP)

Car seats, Snap & Go stroller, Pack ‘n Play, white bassinet for newborns. 718-854-6829

Baby Carrier Gemach

Baby Bjorn-great for vacation & touring. 718-809-9707

Baby Gemach Segula for easy birth from the Kuznitzer Magid. 917-514-9461

Baby Gemach

Brand new cradle & accessories for your simcha. 917-207-3341 or 917-692-9397

Baby Formula Gemach

Donate / receive baby formula. 718-782-5145

Baby Formula Gemach Donate / receive Neocate baby formula. Leave Message: 347-385-9188

Baby Scale Gemach In Williamsburg. Text: 347-675-9509

Baby Scale Gemach 718-435-5257

Baby Scale Gemach

Located in BP. 718-633-9266 or 718-473-5268

Babysitter Shadchan

List of females, HS+ who babysit eves in Flatbush/BP. Babysitters get paid reg rate.

Text/WhatsApp to add yourself to list or if you need a babysitter: 732-663-9606

Bentcher Gemach Bentchers for simchas, no fee.


Luxury Folding Beds & Airbeds 405-345-6831

Bilkelech Gemach

Fresh heimishe bilkelech,


Bigdei Malchus is here to provide bachurim & yungeleit in need with a warm winter coat.

Call: 917-204-6838/ Email: bigdeimalchus@gmail.com


Boot Gemach

Children boots. Donate gently used children’s boots. 718-435-7848

Box Gemach

Borrow 100 cardboard boxes for moving. for books, dishes & clothing. 347-962-1509 / yachnesy@gmail.com

Baby Spica Cast Gemach Pillow & bean bag chair. 718-288-2279

BP Maternity Gemach

Accepting new/gently used maternity clothing. Lv Msg: 718-490-9886

Bridal Accessory Gemach Gorgeous headpieces, veils, dektichlach. Min cost. BP. 347-680-1701

Bridal Chuppah Card Gemach

Beautiful Tefillah cards for a Chuppah. Free. Kensington. 347-675-0096

Bridal Gemach Crowns, veils, long veils & dektich, shoes, petticoats. Min fee. 718551-8714

Bridal Headpiece Gemach

Beautiful selection, Flatbush. 718-737-1844

Bridal Cape Gemach

Beautiful mink capes. White for kallah. Black for mother. Free Will: 718-387-7122/347-581-6400 BP: 718-633-3659/917-683-5557

Bridal Cape Gemach

Brand new luxurious fur capes for chuppah.


Bridal Cape Gemach Cape & headcover set for chuppah & mitzvah tanz. Lace & fur, $20. 718-438-6250

Bridal Cape Gemach

Lace (x fur), white & off-white capes for chuppah / mitzvah tantz. BP: 718-782-2869 Williamsburg: 718-599-0224

Bridal Cape Gemach

Luxurious white fur capes, fresh for chuppah. Black fur capes avail for mother. 718-437-2873

Bridal Cape Gemach White fur capes for chuppah. 718-218-8124

Bridal Chuppah Card Gemach Call: 718-435-5752

Bridal Chuppah Tefillos Laminated tefillos for chuppa. 718-854-1223 or 917-974-0690

Bridal Shoe/Sneaker Rental

All sizes. Many styles. White/ black. 917-936-8997

Bridal Shoe Gemach

Dance in comfort. White wedge sneakers. Free. Call/Text: 718-755-8105

Bridal Shoe Gemach

White kallah shoes. Free. 718-435-1950 or 201-686-1764

Bridal Yom Hachupah Gemach

Seder Yom Hachuppah in Yiddish now avail in BP. 718-435-3492

Bridal Yom Hachupah -Kol Tefilos Gemach

Beautiful tefilos pamphlet to rent for the Chuppah. Donations to Yad Batya L’kallah. Rochel: 718-258-0415

Chaya: 718-986-0594

Bridal Yom Hachupah Gemach

Machzor Lyom Hachuppah. Nusach Sfard & Ashkenaz. 718-837-8853

Bridal Yom Hachupah Gemach

BP, Seder Yom Hachupa for Kallahs. 718-972-1892

Briefcase Gemach

Grt cond & washed clean. Drop off anytime: 940 45th St.

For P/U, Call: 718-436-0936

Bris Twin Gemach

2 Beautiful bris pillows & outfits. 718-483-3787

Bris Gemach Outfit & poya. 917-588-7436

Bris Gemach

Complete package.

Lv Msg/Text: 347-461-4925

Bris Gemach

Beautiful bris outfit, poya, pillow & tefillos. Delivery & P/U in BP only. Call/Text: 347-244-2065

Bris Gemach

Beautiful bris set. Washed. Stunning vach nacht outfit. 718-633-3659 or 917-683-5557

Bris Gemach

Bris pillow from the holy Harav Kanievsky. 646-492-9952

Bris Gemach

Bris outfits & pillow. Flatbush. 917-838-2191

Bris Gemach

New bris pillow & outfit. 718-435-0664

Bris Gemach

Poyas, pillows, bris outfits.

BP: 718-435-7221-15th & 57th

BP: 718-871-5467-12th & 41st Williamsburg: 718-599-5508

Bris Gemach

Nice poyas, pillows & suits for bris. 718-871-7902

Bris Zichron Mordechai Gemach

Bris outfit w/ pillow. Tefillah for bris. Pidyon Haben outfit. Much more. Call/Text: 347-794-1278

Bris Gemach

Take away yellowness of baby before bris, Segula stone avail to be used 4 days before bris. 718-710-8483

Bris Gemach

Cards w/ tefilah to be mispalel while baby cries which is ais ratzon. 718-510-5521

Bris Gemach Free Mohel 347-383-5696

Bris Gemach Chusheva Mohel. Free of charge. Will pay for seudas bris. 347-447-9947

Bris Gemach Free Mohel service for people in need. Lv msg will return call same day: 646-637-5092

Bris Gemach Chasdei Zev Bris outfit & pillow free of charge. 917-607-3914

Bris Zichron Menachem Drops avail to rid baby of jaundice. 347-628-5912

Car Seat Gemach

Front seat occupants & children under 16 in front/back seats must buckle up. Children under 8 must be buckled in appropriate child restrained system. It’s the law.

Williamsburg: 718-384-4622 Monroe: 845-774-2425 BP: 917-468-7557

Car Seat Gemach

Zichron Gedalya השמ

Car, infants & booster seats. 718-438-5451

CCC Crohn’s Colitis Coalition A div of Chaim Medical Resource. Counseling, referrals, seminars, SCD food gemach & more. Free shiurim, chizuk, news, updates, valuable resources. 718-480-5555

Chair & Table Gemach Call or Text: 347-452-0442

Chair & Table Gemach

ח”מג F7Folding tables, 24 chairs, coat racks. 718-431-0851

Chair-Up Gemach 10 Comfortable black folding chairs. No charge. Call: 718-853-4966

Challah Cover Gemach 347-385-4491

Chavrusa Gemach

Donate 10% of your time, volunteer to be a chavrusa w/ homebound yid. BP/Williamsburg/Flatbush. 718-438-7871 / Eve: 718-692-2898

Children Clothing Gemach Brand new with tags, $3-5/piece. Donations/PU: 917-789-4395

Chocolate Mold Gemach BP: 718- 972-4768 Williamsburg: 718-522-3445

Clothing Gemach

Donate clothes, shoes, linens. Great cond only. Call/Text/ WhatsApp: 347-816-6406

Clothing Gemach Seeking ladies clothing, linen, towels, wigs, cz jewelry etc. Helping out Almanos, Kallahs & all those in need! Please Call: 929-276-2404

Coat Rack Gemach Zichron Shlome

Coat racks to lend for any occasion. 718-854-0900

Doona Gemach

Brklyn. Doona avail for medical reason/short period of time. Call: 260-366-6293

Doula - Dona Certified Min fee.


Doula Services Exp, extra special price.

Call: 718-781-5385

Dr. Sarno’s Method CD Gemach

Sarno’s method has helped thousands heal from headaches, eczema, stomach issues, etc. For a free CD call: 347-461-7330

Financial Advisory Gemach

Financial advisory for making sound investments. 718-853-6016

Flood Gemach

Dehumidifiers & commercial wet vacs. Flatbush. Call/Text: 347-628-3109

Furniture Gemach

Accepting: furniture, appliances, housewares, kitchens, vanities, fixtures, outdoor furniture, toys, food, flowers, clothing. Whatsapp 917-361-8268

Furniture & Appliance Gemach

Menadvim - donate & receive furniture, appliances, toys & more. 718-MENADVIm (636-2384)

Gartel Gemach

Beautiful velvet gartel for Mitzvah Tantz. Dep req. ןב

BP: 718-435-3162 Lakewood: 732-644-0372

Glassware Gemach יולה

Fruit & salad bowls, cake trays, mirror trays, vases, tea lights, candy dishes, cookie jars & plates. Glass shelves. 718-854-3017

Hat Gemach

Beautiful, updated hats for simchas, small fee. Donate elegant hats. 347-351-1604

Hairstyling Gemach For all occasions. Min fee. Lv Msg/Text: 347-948-5701

Hair Styling Gemach

Professional. For kallah & family. Min cost. Henny: 718-851-9058

Hospital Tznius Nightgown Gemach 347-786-2330

Hospital Bed Capes To be worn over a hospital gown. Williamsburg: 718-852-7477 BP: 718-438-1882

Hospital Gown Gemach 718-853-5815

Hospital Gown Gemach Bensonhurst. 718-259-0143

Hospital Gown Gemach Chasdei Miriam. 2 hospital gown styles. 15th & 51st: 718-853-3187 12th & 54th: 718-871-3741 13th & 38th: 718-633-2392 19th & 50th: 718-951-1892

Hospital Gown Gemach

Tznius hospital gowns in compliance w/ hosp req. 718-851-2418 cell: 917-207-5549

Hospital Gown Gemach

Tznius hospital nightgowns in compliance w/ hospital requirements. 718-625-0161/347-998-8455

Infant Massage Gemach

Lessons on how to perform skilled massage to soothe & calm babies. 347-576-7204

Invitation Gemach

We’ll email-blast your wedding invitation to your email list on the day of the wedding.



Gemach for Emunah Motivation & Sources

• Transformation Hotline 945218-0956 #549732. Press # / # 100-560. Yiddish/English.

• Rabbi Golombecks Emunah Hotline 732-719-3898

• Chazak Hotline 718-258-2008

• Bnos Melochim Hotline 718906-6451

• TorahAnytime 641-552-5300

Free lending libraries for Emunah books coming soon iY”H!

Kallah Challah Gemach

Matching kallahs w/ volunteer dough makers on day of their wedding.

Le”n Rivka Yocheved a”h bas Benzion HaLevi.

To register as a volunteer or kallah call: 929-257-1333

Ladies Clothing/Shoes Gemach

New ladies clothing & shoes for needy ladies. 718-974-9428

Laptop Gemach

Donate an old yet functioning laptop to help build skills of special needs kids.

646-543-6224 laptopgemach@gmail.com

Life Coaching Gemach

Text: 347-215-0600

Lighting Gemach

Lighting bars avail to greatly enhance your event. Min fee. 929-276-2404

Linen Gemach

Having company & short on linen? 718-853-4934

Maternity Coat Gemach

New/gently used maternity coats, $50. Deposit returned. Accepting donations. maternitycoatgemach@gmail. com

Call/Text 7-9PM: 718-635-1710

Maternity Simcha Gemach

Gowns/dresses. Call for appt. Also, looking to buy current, elegant maternity gowns/dresses. 1325 56th • 718-871-2005

Maternity Flatbush Gemach

Gently used Shabbos/weekday maternity clothing. For appt/ donation call/text Esther 347729-3747. L”N Ahron ben Dovid

Medical Gemach

Donate/receive. Pediatric wheelchairs, walker-shower seat, cast cover for shower, crutches. 718-388-3079

Mezuzos Gemach 718-666-7222

Mezuzos / Tefilin Gemach

Hasofer of BP 1640-49 / 718-437-7078

Mother’s Milk Gemach

Donate/receive mother’s milk. Leave Message: 718-258-0532

Music Gemach – Simchas Freida Music & sound equipment. Keyboard, speaker, mike & mixer. 845-459-4226

Musical Kumzitz Gemach Treat your friends/talmidos to a musical kumzitz. Nashir B’yachad: 347-543-2195

Nursing Lingerie Conversions Gemach Min Fee. B. Estersohn: 718-437-0428

Otzer Haseforim Gemach Free copies of seforim

רצוא 718-388-3085

Oz Vehadar Levusha Gemach Segula Nifla for any Yeshuah: Oz Vehadar Levusha, 40 booklets for 40 days. Call/Text: 347-372-5115

Pack ‘n’ play Gemach (BP) Call in the eve: 718-851-1017

Pidyan Haben Coin Gemach 5 - 1oz pure silver dollars. Yachov Friedman: 646.419.0782

Pidyon Haben Gemach Baskets for garlic & pillow, tray, etc. 718-851-7964

Pidyan Haben Gemach Zichron Meir V’Liba All Pidyan Haben needs incl coins & organza bags. 718-252-1517

Pidyan Haben Gemach

Custom design Pidyan Haben box. Frilly w/ blanket & pillow incl.718.633.3659/917.683.5557

Petticoat Gemach

Long petticoat for kallah & family for weddings. 718-809-7252

Power Tool Gemach Call/Text: 718-813-3479

Project Hour Blessing

Volunteer to assist mothers of multiples w/ baby care. 718-438-9013

Projector Gemach

Projectors for simchos, parties & gatherings. Min fee. Call Only: 347-631-1768 1718abcdefg@gmail.com

Pump Gemach

New Medela pumps avail short term. 718-853-2382

Pump Gemach

Long/short term electric pumps & hospital grade pumps. 718-436-3919

Pump Gemach

Gemach in Eretz Yisroel looking for pumps. 718-207-2362

Proposal Gemach

Props: Table, chairs, red carpet, champagne flutes. Brooklyn: 347-628-6079 Lakewood: 347-933-3399

Rabbi Avigdor Miller Gemach

BP. Borrow any Rabbi Miller sefer, free! TorasAvigdor.org/info@ torasAvigdor.org / 732-844-3670

Reflector Belt Gemach

Stay safe while walking or biking. Leave Message: 718-853-4966

Relationship Gemach Communication w/ direction with you, family & friends. 347-576-7204

Robe Gemach

Donate robes in perfect cond. 718-645-6715 or 718-866-5878

Sefer Torah Gemach

Brand new small Sefer Torah with traveling case (Aron) to be used for Simchas. Call/Text: 917-806-8110

Seuda Challah

Fresh seuda challah for bris seuda/seudas mitzvah. 718-871-3020

Senior Gemach

Prof consultant can answer your Medicaid, Medicare, SS, or other senior-related questions. MonThur 8pm-10pm. 347-902-1370

Shabbos Away Gemach

Air mattresses, warming tray, hot water kettle, Shabbos lamp. Flatbush. 646-703-8612

Shadchan - Matchmaker Zivug Shainee Only. Strictly confidential.

Rabbi Goldstein Rav of Onod: 718-384-5812 or 917-747-0964

Shalom Bayis MP3 Gemach Beautiful speeches in Yiddish on shalom bayis & chinuch on MP3. 718-871-4506

Sheitel Gemach

Donate sheitels to gemach in Eretz Yisroel. 718-837-5091

Sheitel Gemach

Donate wigs to a gemach in Eretz Yisroel. 347-675-6526

Sheitel Gemach

Wigs wash & set, repairs, cut & recut, half price. 718-256-0979

Sheitel Gemach

Accepting/donating wigs in good condition. 314-780-4583

Shtreimel Gemach

Shtreimel avail, short term. Refundable deposit requested. Leave Message: 718-851-2790

Simcha Accessories Gemach Challah deklach, linen napkins, napkin rings.

Gemach Zichron Freida Call/Text: 347-558-6050

Simcha Challah Cover Gemach

Beautiful challah covers for your simcha. Williamsburg. 718-802-9755

Simcha Gemach

Bechers, challah covers for Simchas. 718-435-4844

Simcha Gemach

Glass bowls & trays to lend. No fee. l”n Shprintza bas Sara Nechuma 718-871-0860

Simcha Gemach

White challah covers, bechers, zmiros, chumashim/siddurim. 718-633-6348

Simcha Gemach

White cubbies for miniature cakes, white ceramic square cake stand & 2 rose bowls, etc for sweet table.


Simcha Gemach

YBZ Beautiful bechers & challah covers. 718-972-1873

Simcha Gemach

Tablecloths & props for simchas. 718-387-6620 Williamsburg 718-387-6620

Simcha Flower Gemach Donate/receive fresh flowers to enhance another simcha. 917-593-2190

Simchas Rochel Tablecloth Gemach

$5/tablecloth for your Simcha. In BP. Call Eve: 347-385-9090

Singles Girls Gemach

Free sessions w/ heimishe licensed therapist. Tue Only, 1 - 5 pm: 347-651-4038

Song Gemach Listen daily to the songs of tzadikim listed in order of yartzeit on Kol Dodi Dofeik. 718-989-6844/845-351-1115 x17

Suppers For Kimpeturins

Fresh hot suppers for kimpeturins & family, delivered by 3:00 in BP, 4:00 in Willi. Min fee. Hashgacha. 718-964-8057

Suitcase Gemach Located at 19th Ave. 718-236-4949

Tablecloth Gemach 6 Crushed velvet pretty blue tablecloths for upsherin/party. 347-598-2927

Tefilin Gemach 917-337-7484

Tehillim Hachida Gemach Segulah for parnassah, zivug & all yeshuos. Get Tehillim Hachida for 40 days. 718-435-8789

Tichel Gemach

Silk Tichlech. Donate / receive tichlech in good cond. 718-854-1514

Traffic violations Gemach Speeding, cellphone etc, criminal court. Free consult/advice. rabbiticket@gmail.com F: 646-607-5800/P: 917-9885800

Tutor Gemach Chasdei Chaim Discount tutoring for all subjects & levels. 347-962-1509 / yachnesy@gmail.com

Twin Carriage Gemach Lend / rent a twin carriage for week, season or yr. Mint cond only. 718-522-3891

Twin Baby Clothing Gemach Receive / donate baby clothing, newborn - sz 2, brand new cond. (Specializing in layette). Call/Text R. Bornstein: 347-7427189

Water Pump Gemach Flood? Water pump, 50’ hose. (No solids.) 718-633-1850

Wedding Gemach Baby breath wreath, real looking. 718-809-7252

Wedding Kit Gemach Accessories for wedding night. L”N Perel Gela Bas R’ Shloima BP: 718-633-0510 or 718-435-5193

• Monsey: 845-425-2036 or 347351-2947

Wedding Boys Suit Gemach Yismach Yisrael • Sz 9M-8 yrs • 1943 50th St. 347-462-4596

Wedding Cap Gemach

Huge selection & variety of colors & styles. 718-633-1084

Wedding Dresser For Kallah & Family Text: 347-215-0600

Wedding Gown Gemach Crown Heights, for teens/adults. By Appt Only. Call/Text: 347-770-4136 • Quick Scheduling: gowngmach.com

Wedding Machteiniste Gown Gemach Gowns in beautiful cond. Donate/ book an appt. 646-250-9755 or 917-588-6377

Wedding Shtick GemachMesamchim

Exquisite & unique designs! Call/Text: 347-407-1964

Wedding Shtick Gemach Kallah Tumblers. Personalized kallah cups. 631-861-4536 or 347-846-8276 kallahtumblers@gmail.com

Wedding Shtick Gemach Beautiful arches & more. Min fee & deposit req. 917-862-6087

Wedding Shtick Gemach Parachute for wedding. Min fee & deposit. Lv Msg: 347-939-2916

Wheelchair & Knee Scooter Gemach

Wheelchair avail short term. 917-567-4562

Wig Gemach - Brooklyn Accepting human hair wig donations. Any length / color, wearable cond. Drop off / Pick Up Call Berta: 917-474-4305

Women’s Health Gemach For women suffering miscarriages. Call: 718-853-0722 Text: 347-623-3115

Working Papers Gemach Free, for Youth Corp. 718-854-0961

10:29 א"רג

3:37 ט"ק

חול עובשה


January 19

January 20


January 16

January 17

10:29 א"רג הליפת 6:05

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