tWS 2019-2020 9th Issue

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117 years


/tWSilliman @weeklysillimanian @tWSilliman


College student shifts to SHS by dʒiːn Salgados "Let it be stated in the record that the *!%£ are mad," stated Zayn Malik Asparagus after VPAA Dr. Larl Jade Cleopatra ruled out that college students can legally shift to Senior High School on the condition of regressing levels of maturity. Dr. Cleopatra said in an interview that “There [is] no reason that we shouldn’t allow students to accommodate themselves to their preferred company. Maturity is an important factor when it comes to education.” Prominent critics from DepEnDme and CHEDdar blasted Larl for allowing “absolutely disgusting decisions to be made with little legal counsel.” “This is absolutely outrageous,” said Dr. Evanescence M. Luminescence in a conference regarding education ethics last October 8 at DepEndme Division Office. Evanescence is part of the long list of officials that are against Yarl’s divisive statement. Despite drawing flak, the decision also garnered praise from SU President Better McCant. “A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one,” she said with enthusiasm after the concluded conference. The full written statement cited, aside from regressing maturity, increasing needs to feed ego with clout, and revival one’s potential as credible reasons to shift back to SHS. “Okay lang man saakon na skwelahan ko liwat ang Oral Comm, [I have no problem taking up Oral Com again]” Zayn said when asked about retaking previous classes. “Kaso, ang problema abi kay ang mga maistra ko.[The only problem are the teachers]” Zayn Malik Asparagus will be the very first college student to shift to SHS next June 2020. The choice to shift for other college students will be available effective 2nd semester of A.Y. 2020-2021

Continued on page 4

BEHIND THE SCENE. Members of the Weekly Sillipersonian pose with Mama Coco Martin during their film break, ready for the next episode of the 2015 hit series "Ang Probinsyano." The group was given a minute-appearance after the viral Sillipersonian photo. Photo from

SU to shift academic calendar, school year to start on August by Henrie Omaga Diaz

SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY (SU), through its memo issued last Oct. 7, announces its plan to implement the new academic calendar. The shift is in light of the new CHED memorandum in which all schools should abide uniform school calendars. According to SU President Dr.

Students Petition to change “Silliman” to “Silliperson” for Gender Equality by Daddy Dan EARLIER THIS WEEK, outraged students from varied colleges filed a petition to change the name of Silliman University to Silliperson University in order to advocate for gender neutrality. When two students discovered

the implication in Silli”man”, they immediately began to peacefully protest outside the school. They quickly garnered support after a random passerby posted on social media. However, they shrugged off interviews and other journalists offering no comment other than, “We are here to protest that ‘Silliman’ should be

Better McCant, “The university would like to follow other universities' academic calendar because I have been receiving complaints from students here about the inconvenience of the current calendar." For the longest time, SU begins its classes in June and ends in March. This includes all departments elementary, junior high, senior high, and college.

How are they going to implement the new change? This is one of the top concerns regarding the change of school dates. Dr. Larl Jade Cleopatra, Dean of Academic Affairs, proposed the idea that students and the admin should work closely together for an easy transition. What would happen during Founder’s Day and Hibalag? A lot

of students are scratching their heads trying to grasp the situation. Dr. Cleopatra, urges students to stop worrying since there would still be a Founder’s Day and Hibalag that would take place. “We can never take away the spirit of Founder’s Day, which is

‘Silliperson’ to make sure there are no implications that it is a maledominated university.” They then filed a formal protest later this week. Thanos, an inhabitant of the planet Titan, made a statement upon visiting the prestigious university. “This school does not put a smile on my face. There is no balance among its constituents. If I were to rule this place, there should be no discrimination between male and female. Each should be treated equally. I will pledge my armies and my support

to change the name of this university.” However, when asked what he would do to show his support he simply waved his gauntlet and disappeared into a space rift. In another interview, Batman stated that this argument proves no point and has no basis. “Silliman is a surname. It does not implicate any gender identity or sexual orientation.”Then, the masked vigilante gave no further comments. However, Batgirl and Robin did not share his views by saying that they had

to work together. “One team, one goal. Our time is now. We must stand firm in our advocacy,” added Robin. We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and

Continued on page 4

Continued on page 4

Viral Sillimanian to star in hit TV series ‘Ang Probinsyano’ by Shareen Nailadko Sabuing

Viral Sillimanian student to guest star in ABS-CNB’s hit TV series ‘Ang Probinsyano’, this was announced after the closed meeting with Mama Coco Martin and the Weekly Sillimanian (tWS) last Oct. 4. AGOSTEN Bas, an IT major and the layout artist of tWS, became viral after a photo of him holding a placard that says “Save the earth so we can watch Ang

Probinsyano Season 30” was posted on Facebook last Sept. 27 during the Climate Strike Dumaguete. His photo reached 12.5k reacts and almost 30,000 shares on Facebook, the viral photo was noticed by some of the cast of the series: Baron Guysler, who reacted HAHA on the photo and Yassi Pressme who posted on her Instagram account. Martin Continued on page 4

DECAFFEINAGLABAN. First-aiders assist fallen brother after suffering severe palpitation after receiving friendzone message over a tower of coffee. Photo taken by Nadali Bureauros.

2 twsopinion

the weekly sillimanian October 11, 2019


Why So Serious? The 2019 version of the Joker produced and directed by Todd Phillips proved too much to bear. It was rated Restricted–16 (R16) by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) but even then many people decided to walk out of the cinema with the world on their shoulders. With this in mind, it has sparked major controversy whether or not the next generations would mimic or copy the horrors found on the screen. The drama-thriller shows the perspective of the madman and his journey to insanity. It even depicted the brutal death of Batman, an iconic superhero in the same comic universe as the Joker. It even showed the mutilation of Batman’s body as well as the deaths of Robin and Batgirl; both sidekicks of Batman. tWS believes that the restriction is too low and may increase the risk of copycats that would perform such deeds. We also believe that this may present the wrong message to the public. Do we tolerate the brutality and mutilation of a person? Do we become apologists for terrorists because of the injustice they’ve received?


Compiled by Noble Whyler

What are the things that could get your #SILLIMANIAN card revoked? I actually like caf food Kuya Zane, TirSoc Founder Pointing out that "zero-waste" is not actually "zero-waste" Daddy Dan, Tag iya ug milktea-han Magpa picture ko ni kuya hibbard before mu graduate Batallones, OrgASM Chairperson Mas kusog ang Wifi sa Foundation!!! Silliman zone ano na? Whyler, Foundation University Alumnus I love using single-use plastics everyday!!!

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異文化交流 世界のニュースを見ると、世界情 勢の不安や民族間における争い、 政治、経済の面においての国々の 対立などが起きている。国や民族と いう壁によって人々に愛国心が生ま れる一方で反対に敵対心が生まれ ることにより、同じ地球市民でもにら み合ってしまう現状があるのだ。 そのため、異文化交流というもの はまさに私たち地球市民にとって非 常に大切な意味をもつのである。 現在、日本で開催されているラグ ビーワールドカップ2019の様子を例 に挙げよう。 各国の選手たちは日本式でこの 試合全般を楽しみ、日本側は他国 の文化に敬意を表す行動をとってい て、お互い異文化を楽しんでいる様 子が伺える。 浴衣にハチマキ姿でチームバス から降りて来たり、試合後には深々 と頭を下げて観客席にお辞儀をす るなど、選手たちは皆すっかり日本 の文化に染まってこの大会を楽しん でいる。 特に、ニュージーランドやイングラ


Yamamoto Momoka

ンド、ウェールズの選手たちは日本 の人々への尊敬と彼らからのサポ ートへの感謝、そして友好の意を込 めて、お辞儀をしているそうだ。 それに加え、イングランドのルー リー•マコノキー選手はお辞儀だけで なく、試合後に彼らが使ったロッカー ルームを掃除して綺麗にしてから帰 るそうだ。それは、日本の選手が毎 試合そのようにしているため、彼も それを手本としているのだという。 日本側からの他国への敬意とし ては、参加国のレプリカジャージを

着たり、その国の国歌を大合唱した り、オールブラックが来日した際に は日本の子どもたちがニュージーラ ンドの先住民、マオリの民族舞踊「 ハカ」で選手らを歓迎するなどした。 また、日本代表のリーチマイケル 主将は初戦で戦ったロシアの選手 にプラスチック製の日本刀をプレゼ ントした。 彼らの間だけでなく、試合会場 全体でも日本文化の雰囲気を感じ られる。試合が始まる前の選手入 場時には和太鼓や拍子木が鳴り響 き、キックオフやハーフタイム、試合 終了時といった時間の切れ目には 歌舞伎や能のかけ声、銅鑼などが 使われたりしている。 こうした日本の試合会場でのおも てなし、尊敬は世界の人々に興味 関心を持たせ、また日本人以外の 人々もそれを理解して、お互い尊敬 し合うといった、どちらの国にとって も嬉しい異文化理解がなされている のである。

Alribabes, BiscuitLord IceTeaDestroyer Not going to party at Tiki or Escaño. Naenae Than, Altar boy Taga NORSU ko nganong apil ko ani na survey Mandatory Head, AB-General Third Year (for some reason, we cannot see his profile) ??? Bas, ??

Photos from

Uyab na mi ni maam Junille, Physix Student First Year, Season Four Hi, I'm Francis

El dolor de vida estudiyante

I know hindi mo ako kilala pero nakita ko kasi yung Profile mo, and I found you impressive. I think you have a great potential in our company as part timer or full timer. Good for Students, Employed, Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Free lance. Earn weekly (NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED) Anyway, are you working or still studying? Your response is highly appreciated po. Thank You! Thisisfrancisryanbasapabiana Fromtheweeklysillimanian

i like icls Deo Rexona

Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor News Editor Features Editor News Writers

Feature Writers

Photojournalists Layout Artists Cartoonist Business Manager Asst. Business Manager

Jean Aldemer S. Salgados Kevin Q. Alaban Kristhel Hannah B. Baluarte Jeck G. Tirambulo Francis Ryan B. Pabiania Shareen Anjali B. Warad Edan Sam G. Pancho Henrie Angelie L. Tam Dominic Zi Ann D. Ng Maria Fiona A. Labucuas Diamay Klem D. Balacuit Deogracia William A. Bemida Junelie Anthony Velonta Momoka Yamamoto Ian Zane T. Esparaga Natha Le Louise B. Bureros Alrivin M. Trivilegio Agustin Vicente G. Bas Rochin A. Elnas Hervey Angelo F. Avenido Dan Walter D. Reyes Quezeah G. Alcantara

Web Manager Nathan Angelo B. Cruz Circulation Neil Willer S. Nobleza Manager Office Manager Andrea Marie A. Palomo Adviser Dr. Warlito S. Caturay Jr. The Weekly Sillimanian is published every week by the students of Silliman University, with editorial and business addresses at 1/F Oriental Hall, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City 6200, Philippines. SU PO Box 24. Telephone number (35) 422-6002 local 243. Opinions expressed in the columns are those of the columnists and not of tWS or of Silliman University. Comments, questions, and suggestions are highly appreciated. All submitted manuscripts become the property of tWS. Manuscripts will be edited for brevity and clarity. Member: College Editors Guild of the Philippines This is a LAMPOON issue of tWS.

Todos los noches y dias que pasa,iyo pensante muchas asida. Maga trabaho y nohay ora por amo na mi responsibilidad na pamilya y escuella. El mi cansansya, sin descansa, por causa pirmi ta ase apas na tiyempo y ora Yo necessita el grande descanso, un poco de mannera yo ya camina mi resuello. Por Dios y por Santo, hasta cuando yo esta trabaja? Nohay dormida en buenamente, el aga despierto sin. Acabar los trabajos, mi ojos coloretes

Empesa el dia de gritada "alas otso ya! Cabao ya dispierta ya!" el clase, ustedes descansa y numas ya pensa trabajo na escuella.



y boleret. Mi pensamiento bulao y abarriao. Tormienta y deppresao no hay mas gana menya, trabaja, y estudiya. Pirmi quiero esta en casa, sinta en silya y dormir con mi paborito almojada. Alboroto el maga manok, Ta tuca el radyo y ta arangca el voca de mi nana. Empesa el dia de gritada "alas otso ya! dispierta ya!" Ancina el vida de maga estudyante, todo dia maca sum-od, macabungul y makasimberguenza. Ligada na escuella, attende clase para apprende. Apuenas del entrada na cuarto, iyo ya mira de mi maga amigo. Maga tentaciones ta anda kumigo sila ta cumbida sale apuera y kome. El maestra ya anunsiya el cabada de clase, alboroto ya el maga estudiyante. Ta tuca el maga jovenes hombres na diila gitara. Ora del bolbida y el otro ta grita;"Cuidao!". Cabao ya el clase, ustedes descansa y numas ya pensa trabajo na escuella. Apuenas bolbe casa estaba escuella, derecho sinta, busca comida y tomada. Directamente agarar el cellphone y laptop mira maga buen salida. Mascin cosa pa se, ustedes ya bahala pensa. Mi vida na escuella complicao, bolbida na casa ta liba trabajo, ceno ta precura iyo vivi y ase apas na maga alegria mascin tiene bes de mi cuerpo cansao, hende iyo para hasta caba el maga trabaho.

the weekly sillimanian October 11, 2019

How to be Cool

A History of Chinese Censorship

by Junille Velonty Tensions have never been higher in the Orient. With the whole world observing the situation on Hong Kong, it becomes apparent that the conflict is more than just a clash of ideologies. If recent history is to be revisited, however, a semblance of the truth comes to light—this is not the first time China has resorted to such extremes. The Incident in Tiananmen Square Nothing happened on June 4, 1989. 网自由 天安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多 黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝 爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反 革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀 邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀 元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭 博 六合彩 天安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波网自由 Nothing happened on June 4, 1989. 网自由 天安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京 之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Hi 天安門大屠殺 Aubrey 反右派鬥爭 Kapoy Finals 大躍進政策進政策進政策 KMC friend 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian 制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多 黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Sorry na I miss you 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運 動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強 人體實驗 肅策進政策策進政策清 胡耀邦 獨裁 Xinjiang Uyghur 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵 Friends na ta pls 略 掠奪 破 壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天 Ayaw Hawa Pls 安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波网自由. Nothing happened on June 4, 1989. 网自由 天安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京 之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Hi 天安門大屠殺 Doterst 反右派鬥 爭 Kapoy Finals 大躍進政策進政策進政策 buglasan na 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian 制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多 黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Sorry na I miss you 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運 動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大 法弟子 強 人體實驗 Libreng eye check up 肅策進政策策進政策清 胡耀 邦 獨裁 Xinjiang Uyghur 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵 Friends na ta pls 略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒 品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天 Kanus a pista sa Tanjay安門 天安 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波网自由. NOTHING HAPPENED ON JUNE 4, 1989.= Please proceed with your day.


Silliman University ranks 1st in's listing of most attendees during weekends in Platha Ethcanyo Thiwoll. The survey was made through the "Students "FREE ENTRANCE FEE" gimmick by the different bars and clubs around Platha Ethcanyo Thiwoll. It was listed that Silliman University had the most number of regular attendees, counting around 150 hopefuls per hour. The ranking was computed based on the number of enrollees of the semester, duration of stay inside the bars and clubs, and the level of engagement during DJ's bass drops. Ranking 2nd on the list is Negres Uriental Thate Honiversity (NUrTHo), which presence was also very visible during the weekly events. In determination to reach the 1st place, NUrTHo will release an official statement regarding the ranking result. It is expected that NUrTHO will release a statement anytime during the month of October. In the meantime, Silliman University will continue to defend its position at the top, with the vision of defending the title in the next coming years.

SOMTAYMS WEN WE TATS. Senior High School student Princess Salgados spars against MAPEH Major Adrian Libag in preparation for the upcoming University Intramurals. Photo grabbed from Gold's Gym Sibulan.

twsfeatures 3

by Mary Labucoolas Starbox is where all the cool kids go. You see them on Instagram, Twitter, or even on Facebook. Scoring more than 100 likes on their #StarboxLover #ILoveCoffee posts, they are the people everyone wants to be. In fact, they are who you want to be like, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this statement right now. It’s not too late to be like them, don’t worry. All you have to do is follow these steps and you’ll be too cool to go to skskskskskschool. First, wear a branded outfit. Who cares if it’s thrifted or genuine? As long as the brand logo is visible, you’re good to go. Clashing colors? Unconventional and unfashionable? Who are they? The more brand logos, the better! Second, don’t forget to bring books or your laptop to give off the illusion that you’re there to be productive. Who are you kidding? You’re there to take pictures of your drink beside your school supplies and post them with the #productive and everyone knows that. It still looks cool to sigh dramatically and open your book

with your drink on the table, though. Before you get to Starbox, you have to practice on your language though. Purposely mix Bisaya and English words in order to achieve maximum conyo level. You can even go as far as alternating Bisaya and English words kada sentence kay it’s chada, see? Of course, you can’t be truly conyo without saying “bro “ and “bruh” and “sksksksksk” in every sentence. Don’t forget to “and I oop-“, too dudeparebro. Sksksksksk. Now that you’ve arrived at Starbox, hold your chin up and pretend to know where you’re going. You have to make people think you’re a regular because you’re cool, and cool kids only eat at Starbox. When in line, pretend to choose from the menu even if you know for a fact that you’re only going to order a tall mocha frappucino. Cool kid rule # 1 in Starbox: If it doesn’t have whipped cream, it’s not Instagram-worthy! Why bother ordering it? Once you get a table, dramatically put your school supplies on the table and take your phone out. Next, take abut 300 photos of your frappe in different

angles. Don’t forget to take selfies with it, too. You shudder at the taste of coffee because you don’t even drink coffee, but at least you look cool. You’re probably going to buy Coke at the store nearby later but for now, it’s time to look like you enjoy your frappucino. Post pictures of your frappucino on MyDay and IG story while geotagging the place. It is of utmost importance that you let people know you’re at Starbox. Otherwise, how else will they know how cool you are? When you’re done sipping and grimacing, leave without cleaning up because cool kids never learned to clean as they go. After all, when you’ve got no personality, replace it with a flex. “It’s their job to clean up”, you tell yourself. The last step to successfully climb the social ladder and achieve your full cool kid form is to tell everyone, and I mean *everyone*, about how good Starbox coffee is. Never shut up about it. Make it the only thing you talk about it. Engrave it on your headstone when you die. You’re a cool kid now. Congratulations, social climber.

And I do believe that psychiatry is one of the ways of answering the problems of the Filipinos, and I thank you!" Who is your inspiration? and why? "My inspiration is my loved ones. Seeing them happy and contented with what they have in their lives is already a heavenly feeling for me. They are my inspiration because they were there in times of the drawbacks I have experienced while I was still in medical school. Choosing Psychiatry as my vocation was the toughest decision I have ever made in life because it made see the world in a better view with fully calibrated eyes — and they [loved ones] made my journey more comfortable and easier." What is your greatest achievement in life? "The achievements I have in life is immeasurable. No one can fathom the feeling I have ever felt when I got these achievements — and the greatest among all of these were the smiles shared by the people I have helped. Seeing them smile after their treatment makes all the heavy shoulders I have lighten up. It makes me always go back to the very reason why I chose to become a Psychiatrist — and that is to do service." What is your greatest lesson in life? "I have actually learned a lot of lessons in life. What I actually learned in school was just 15-percent out of 100-percent learning I got in my whole life. As of now, the greatest lesson I learned is that

life is a rocky road. It is not the same with the popular ice cream flavor that brings sweetness to us. Instead, it is a bittersweet journey where no one can comprehend the very reason why we are experiencing it. I learned this lesson the hard way because of the financial limitations we had before — almost making me to stop becoming a Psychiatrist. This experience molded me into who I am today — strong to face life's adversaries" What is your message to the readers? "Never give up. That is the most important thing we need to do in achieving success. Someone may be talented but he or she may fail to achieve success if hard work does not come along with him or her. Aside from that, always seek help when you need one. Do not be afraid in doing that, especially if you are experiencing some mental health issues. Remember that some people may do harm to you but that is only a small percent compared to the people who will always ready to lend their hands. Look around you and you will see those people who are ready to go along with your journey in facing adversaries." Indeed, Twilight is a twilight — a light that takes over the darkness. A light that is ready to give a beautiful sight to almost darkening world — and a light that brings hope to the hopeless.

5 questions about Twilight Saga-Dy

by DayMayBalaKay She is like a star — ready to take over the darkness that engulfs the life of her loved ones. She is willing to endure the pain just for them to become at ease. She is Twilight — always ready to fight. Twilight Saga-Dy is a renowned doctor in the field of Psychiatry. She became known to all, not just the Dumaguetenos, but also to others who live outside Dumaguete. The once little girl with big ambitions of service is now a warrior — wearing a white gown ready to lend hands to the needy. The warrior we have right now is full of stories — and she is more than willing to share to us her stories of success. In order for us to know more about this incredible human bean, an interview was held by tWS last Oct. 4 during her visit on SO-PAP's Pear Counseling Seminar and Workshop at ATV2 Hall. These were asked during the said interview: What made you choose Psychiatry as your career? "It is because of me, myself, and I, ayown. Understanding people's psyche is a thing that we need to do because in that way, we can deal properly with the different mental health problems. It has always been my dream to always lend a hand to those who need comfort and understanding about their struggles in facing their mental health problems.

IMMORTAL. Former defense minister and senate president Jun Onse Enlire together with his grandson in front of Hibbard Hall the old admin building. This photo was taken during his teaching days in SU way back 1957. Photo by Junior Tirador.

4 twsbackpage RANDOMSPACE:


the weekly sillimanian October 11, 2019

Mythical Creatures of Silliman: Supernatural beings are always fascinating, but these kinds of “creatures” are often seen around the campus.

The Undead

“Ghost”o kita


These creatures are rarely seen inside the classroom. They usually don’t appear all semester long but when they do, they turn up during finals week, leaving witnesses asking them “Oy buhi pa diay ka?”

Much like Poltergeists, they normally let their presence be felt by unsuspecting girls, enchanting them and luring them into their downfall. After a few weeks of charming them, they will go back to their ethereal realm. “Lain siya, chat-chat pa sya nako pero mang ghost ra diay,” said one victim.

These vehement creatures usually take the form of a normal human during broad daylight. But when night falls, they become the most aggressive and wild beings, bar none. Cryptozoologists say that these creatures are usually seen at Ikit and Cafe Razer every Friday night.

Source: Plants VS. Zombies



Compiled by: Crush tagda ko Pancho ako apilyedo

from page 1 | SU to Shift...

from page 1 | Viral Sillimanian...

now a Silliman Tradition,” shares Dr. Cleopatra during the public announcement of the new change. It is getting a lot of mixed reviews from students and alumni. Students are both angry and happy for the new calendar. “Yes! 4 months of no classes #SUNewCalendar” one student posted on her Twitter account. Another person posted “The new change is kind of like that groupmate who doesn’t participate in the project - pointless.” Alumni also shared their reactions on social media. One person said “I understand the sentiments with what they [administration] are doing but this is absurd.” One person also added that: “It’s finally time to implement something like this just like in the [United] States #global #SUNewCalendar."

mentioned that he first saw the photo through Pressman’s post and later on found the original post on Facebook. Martin who was entertained by this immediately contacted the person who posted it and asked for a meeting with Bas. “Gusto ko yung timpla ng pagkakagawa ng placard. Yummy!” (I like the placard’s taste. Yummy!) Martin said, he also mentioned that if Bas

Intrams to introduce bare-knuckle boxing by Zi Ann Ambrosio This year’s intramurals will undergo a major change after the Sillaman University Athletics Department introduced bare-knuckle boxing as a new form of competition for this November’s event. Head of the SU Athletics Department, Miriam Machoow, said that the decision was made possible primarily to show that “Violence is the answer.” “Let’s say for example, a bully is trash talking to you about how you are a waste of oxygen then shows violent expressions, what would you do? You beat the living shit out of ‘em!” she said. The Athletics Department proposed that the event will take place either inside the president’s house, inside the SU café, inside Oriental Hall, or in front of the kiosks. Parts of their planned guidelines were; participants are either to be topless (male and female) or wear colourful costumes in the competition, first-aid will not be administered, and snacks will be provided to the audience and not to the participants. One Washington State University study found that bare-knuckle boxing is safer than gloved boxing. The study found that the highest generated level of bag momentum was found in the boxing glove, and a virtual indifference between the bare fists. According to Machoow, this competition will showcase the true spirit of a Sillimanian. Students are skeptic but also are hyped about the new competition. “This is insane! I don’t know what has gotten into her but I like it!” said Josw Polo Echaveszxc, head of the SUSkoG Sports and Recreation Committee. But Machoow remained unworried. “The strong will destroy the weak. It is none of my concern as to what will happen to the participants, as long as I will be enjoying watching the competition. We just have to be adventurous and try new things! This gonna be gooood,” she said.

from page 1 | Students Petition... secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution (Official Gazette). Please subscribe to Pewdiepie and don’t forget to hydrate. These students are now aiming to provide a better name to Silliman University. They now suggest naming it after the founder: Hibbard University. To quote Captain Hector Savage from the movie Doom: Annihilation, “In order to fight the enemy, you gotta stop fighting yourself.”

wants to be in the series until season 30 he would love to have him in the series. “I want to decline pero mapilit kayo, sige na lang I’ll join,” (I want to decline but you’re so persistent, fine I’ll join) Bas said during the meeting. Martin and Bas signed a contract between them the same way how Martin signed contracts with every viral person he meets. “I love taking in people in the

series, para akong nagchacharity,” (I love taking in people in the series, makes me feel like I’m doing charity) Martin added. Bas added that he doesn’t want to prioritize Ang Probinsyano, given Martin’s offer to stay until Season 30, because he has a lot on his plate – his studies and tWS. “I love Ma’am Bing,” he said. According to him, he might star in the series for the whole break and “I will think again


kung ganahan ko mag dugay sa ika 30 [season], I love sir Warly,” (I will think again if I would last until the 3oth [season], I love sir Warly) he added. The episode with Bas will air on Oct. 21, he will be in the hit series until he feels tired.

by Master Francis Pabieno, Fing Shoy Expert




Karon na semester, wala kay laing matubag sa imong test kung dili, Starbs, Tom's ug Bo's.

Dili ka ganahan mubasa ani kay sige rajud ka dimalasan karong tuiga. Muhilom nalang jud ka.

Imong allowance mahurot na laman sa imong sigeg lang ug kaon.




Makakita jud ka'g trabaho pagkahuman nimog graduate. Imong sweldo mudiretso sa pagkaon ug laag kuyog sa imong uyab.

Ma-enroll najud ka next sem sa imong ganahan na subject, niya imong ibayad unta sa tuition fee kay magasto nimos Itik ug Razer.

Unyang gabie o sa sunod na adlaw, macorrupt imong laptop ug mawala imong mga files, apil na ang para sa reporting ug thesis.




Karong tuiga, lami na para nimo ang sigeg hilak, hangtud sa wala na'y paki nimo ang tanan.

Makakuha jud ka'g unlimited Libre ug Free cards sa sunod na tulo ka bulan, tapos 1 year to pay dayun.

Sige ra ka magbinugo, ultimo si Hebbard kay walay masulti sa imong kaugmaon.




Makuratan raka na gi-block ka sa inyong Governor, kay wala nibayad sa college fee ug iyaha ka gilibak sa Facebook pagkahuman.

Sugod karon, kay makita na nimo ang tawo nga mupalangga, mu-amping, ug naa ra sige para nimo as a friend.

Makakuha ka'g award na BS Org, ug Hakop Committee. Ikaw pud mamayad sa mga kulang sa liquidation.

OrgASM hailed as most active org, COMSO confirms

by Jeck Ex-Battaliones SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY (SU) -- Organisasyon ng mga Animal Science Majors (OrgASM) was hailed as the most active academic organization for the first semester of school year 2019-2020, according to Cummittee on School Organization (CUMSO), in their latest statement released last Oct. 6.This is the first time that a newly established organization dethrones Silliman United Medical Students Association (SUMSA), who occupied the top spot for being the most active organization.

"OrgASM exceeded our expectations, we were surprised that in such a short time after their establishment, they were able to organize and participate in several activities that gave them massive points," says Al-khaleezer Ward, CUMSO Chairperson. OrgASM President, January Rivers, on the other hand said that they were glad to have accumulated massive points despite their lack of members and funds. "Since we have limited funding, we decided to sell double dead pork meat," says Rivers.

"Our pigs were stricken with African Swine Fever, and we thought we could make money out of selling its meat because the farm have already discarded those pigs," she added. When asked how did they managed to accumulate points in a short period, she replied, "We were not just participating events required by CUMSO. We also donated live animals to rice farmers who were affected by the Rice Tariffication Law. We want to help the rice farmers by giving them a new source of income." OrgASM Internal Vice-President, Roi Kamayan said he was surprised

SOFA lands partnership with Starbucks by ネイサン Cruz IN A HISTORIC MOVE, the American coffee giant Starbox has recently announced its plans to partner with the Silliman Overlords Fighting Alcoholism (SOFA) through their Facebook page. Starbox will now provide coffee and other drinks during the kapihan sessions of SOFA, held at Portal West every day at 4:20 p.m., and will also set up a booth there so passersby may order as well. According to Gerry Baldman, co-founder of Starbox, the partnership aims to send a message to the world by supporting the cause through assisting a grassroots organization. He added that they caught his attention since the opening of the first Starbox branch in Dumaguete. “I took some time off of my busy schedule for a vacation in the Philippines, and I thought that I might as well head over to Dumaguete since we were opening a new branch there. I was able to chat with some of the residents, and I stumbled upon the SOFA guys having coffee. I was enlightened, to say the least,” said

Baldman. Joanne Lynn-Te, the acting president of SOFA, said that although she lost a lot of brain cells during their conversation, she greatly welcomed the support in their quest to vanquish alcoholism. “[Baldman] approached us in the middle of a casual chat in the newly opened Starbox branch. I honestly wonder why he randomly came up, kicked one member out of his chair and asked us questions about American politics, Marxism, and the true meaning of the song, ‘Manok na Pula’. The man smelled like he didn’t shower in a week, though, so that must mean he’s important. All we wanted to do was to relax; buying just one Frappuccino here takes about a year’s salary,” Lynn-Te stated. She added that after mentioning that SOFA members gather outside Silliman to drink coffee and protest alcoholism, Baldman suggested to have Starbox sponsor them. “It’s free real estate,” Baldman said, “Why wouldn’t we take this opportunity? These guys need coffee because they have literally no money, and there is no better company for coffee than us. After

all, I have the greatest number of chromosomes out of anyone in the business.” SOFA According to Lynn-Te, SOFA was founded by frustrated teachers who discovered that students would not attend their classes because the students would always make the excuse that they allegedly got drunk. “It’s a very urgent problem. Somehow, for some reason, students would miss our classes to go to Hayayay, Café Razer, and Itik. It even got to the point that some fellow teachers would go to these places to drink and hold classes at the same time,” Lynn-Te said. Fearing the loss of their jobs, the teachers decided to band together and strike against alcoholism, sending a message that this problem will not be tolerated. Moreover, Lynn-Te advocated coffee over alcohol. “With coffee, you become productive. With alcohol, you get wasted … You tell me, which is better for students? Alcohol, of course! It’s the only one that drowns your sorrows away. But if you need to get things done, though, always go for coffee.

that CUMSO gave points on activities related to giving back. "It was a risky move for us. The farm management did not know that we donated three of their sickly cows to the rice farmers," he added. OrgASM disclosed that their future plan involves collaborating with the SU Envirocummittee on using carabaos as means of giving carbon-free ride to the Aggies students who are having a hard time getting a pedicab ride from the main campus to the SU Farm.

What's Happening? MamaCoco @RikiMartin Mupadayon pa ang Ang Probinsyano? #saveEarth Ate Xerox @SollimanCopier Naay CR sa library?

#E-boy @MrQtpieXx2002 Dudeparebro @CappeeAdik, let's go na sa starbxs. Like I'm am so hunger na :) Sir JonSnew @GoTeacher To my Wednesday Friday class, please message me unsa gani to ang assignment gahapon? Also, naa koy baligya lumpia ugma. With sauce na. I will pass SHS @iLovePewds You know my name, not my story. #LastNaLangKa .climateStrike @breakDwall OOF. Please say it to me directly, ayaw padungog sa Twitter please. SKSKSKSKSK who you? and i OoOoooOp #DontMe YourNoOrdinary @EXOfan44 wat does ur birth month mean? January - retake this sem February - wala na kay allowance March - manglibre ka April - makakita naka ug uyab May - next next year mu graduate June - kamo ni April ang uyab July - wala kay chance ni crush August - wala kay hibalag fling September - ok lang October - magbalik mo ni ex November - free tuition December - next year nalang ka

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