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Mathematics 5-6: Pairs game Introduction This lesson is about addition and subtraction of numbers up to 20. It is a pelmanism card game and requires children to develop memory and matching skills. It makes use of the Pairs Game – Maths: contact@ictopus.or addition & subtraction - that can be found on-line amongst the Naace Primary classroom activities. g.uk http://www.mape.org.uk/activities/Pairs/index.htm What will the children learn? To perform simple calculations and match the answers to the appropriate pictures To develop recording and memory skills. What prior experience do the children need? The ability to count and recognise numbers to 20 The ability to add and subtract numbers to 20. Equipment One PC per two children for group work, or one PC and a data projector for whole class work Children may need paper and pencil to help them record their findings. The lesson This is a straightforward lesson whereby the children perform addition and subtraction calculations with numbers up to 20 and match the results to a set of pictures. Each time the game is played the cards remain the same, but the position of the cards is changed. The game is very effective when run as a whole class activity with an interactive whiteboard – this may be the introduction to the lesson. Children may then try for themselves. They can either work as a team or they can play against each other taking alternate moves. There is a scoring system included, so the target is a) to see who can complete the game in the minimum number of moves or b) who (in the two-person game) finds the most matches. Hints and tips When two cards are revealed, pay particular attention to the first card before revealing the second. Once the second card is revealed the two cards are immediately turned over again (ie. there is little time to assimilate the information on the second card in a pair, so concentrate on the first card). Why are we using ICT? This task could be completed without the use of ICT by using pictures on laminated cards. However, when using cards it is easy to ‘cheat’. In this game the children are playing the computer and there is a greater tendency to think and concentrate. Motivation is also increased.

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Mathematics 5-6: Pairs game

Where do we go next? This is a one off activity; one of a variety of different ways of enabling children to practice work with number bonds. It is possible for teachers (or children) to create their own games. In order to do this the best idea is to copy the folder and all of its contents to a separate folder (so as not to overwrite or modify the original). Then any of the cards can be overwritten with new information. Information about how to do this is available as a Read Me file which is downloaded from the website with the activity. Differentiating the activity In order to play the game, different children will need different levels of support. Some may need counters to help with the calculations and some may need to record where the cards are positioned as they reveal them (they could be given a 4x6 grid for this). Other Children will be able to play the game straight away without any additional support They could then be asked to take one of the picture cards and write down three other questions that could match to the same picture. Reflecting on their work Children should be asked to reflect on which part of the activity proved the hardest. Were the calculations the hardest or remembering the position of the cards? Does the game get easier on the second or third attempt? Why is this? What strategies do the children have for remembering the position of the cards? This lesson idea was first published as part of the Becta Direct2U subscription service for teachers Š Becta, 2005-2006.

Š ictopus ltd 2011


Mathematics 5-6: Pairs game

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