Reception News Summer Term 1 This half term we have de-
cided to start our learning with the topic of growing. This week we have been following instructions to plant a bean and by half term, we hope that all your children will have a beanstalk to take home! Later on this half term we will turn our attention to the theme of jungle animals to complement our visit to Twycross Zoo. We are already very excited about the animals we are going to see! The jungle animals topic will be linked to a series of stories called Tinga Tinga Tales, which you may have seen on CBeebies. Here is the website if you want to investigate further!
Green Fingers Have you been gardening at home? Let us know what you’ve been growing! Why not try planting some seeds and watching them grow!
Websites Animated Jack and the Beanstalk: c/stories/jackandthebeanstalk/ Green Balloon Club: enballoonclub/
All donations for the visit to Twycross Zoo need to be brought to school by Wednesday 2nd May. Remember! If we do not have enough funds, this visit cannot take place. We will send out information about what your child needs to bring with them closer to the date.
Jubilee We will be celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee in the last week of this half term. Look out for a letter coming home with information about a fun family tea party / picnic event!
Issue 5 April—May 2012
BBC Science Clips: eclips/ages/5_6/growing_plants.sht
Monteney Primary School
Dates for your diary: Praise Assembly
Inside this issue: This term
Diary Dates
Stop Press!!!
Wow Stickers
Useful websites
School Information
Tuesdays at 2.35pm. We will let you know if your child is in Praise Assembly.
Class Assmebly Wednesday 27th June at 8:55am It will be Miss Faraday’s class assembly on Wednesday 27th June at 8:55 am in the school hall. Keep the date in your diaries to come and watch!
Thanks again for all the observations you have been making at home. We really want to focus on ‘wow’ moments linked to shape, space and measure. When playing at home, please listen out for your child using the names of shapes or comparing length/weight etc (heavier, lighter, taller, shorter).
School Meal Prices 2 Scavenger Hunt
Parent Workshops
Contacting school 2 Monteney University
Monteney University
Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: Website: http://
ers are School Dinn 9.90 y£ £1.98 per da per week
Now we are in our final term of Reception before the children move up to Y1, we are going to be taking part in Monteney University activities along with the rest of the school. Children will have the opportunity to visit different classrooms to take part in a range of activities with other children and teachers. There are lots of exciting activities on offer such as sewing, football, cooking, science, hama beads and yoga that your child has chosen from in order to develop a new skill!
Scavenger Hunt
Parent Workshops
Look out for an invite to our scavenger hunt event on Thursday 3rd May! This will be a Literacy based activity outside in the school grounds linked to our topic of growing. Parents are invited to join in with the scavenger hunt along with their child. Remember, dads, uncles, aunties, granddads and grandmas are invited too!
In the next few weeks, Miss Faraday will be running a parent workshop about helping your child to read at home. During the session she will be talking about phonics, reading and the ways in which reading is taught in school. An invite will be sent out next week. If you are interested please see Miss Faraday for more information.
Balloons! Last week we released 57 helium balloons into the sky! We put a message on each one and have asked anyone who finds one to send them back to school telling us where and when they found it. We have already had one reply from someone who found Isabelle Hutchinson’s balloon whilst walking her dog in Denaby near Doncaster. We can’t wait to find out where else our balloons have got to!