Y2 spring 1

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Year 2 News Spring Term 1... Welcome Back! This half term we are beginning our creative topic about life on a farm. We will be looking at the different kinds of farm animals and the produce that is made on a farm. We will also be finding out what life is like on a working farm and experiencing this hands on through our trip to Whirlow Hall Far. In Literacy the pupils will be

Monteney Primary School

learning about

be undertaking

recount writing along with looking at a range of nnfiction texts to support their topic research.

different gymnastic

In maths we will be learning about symmetry and finding fractions of shapes. We will be looking at doubling and halving numbers along with rounding numbers to the nearest 10.

routines and looking at games skills and strategies. We will also be doing lots creative work linked to life on the farm including painting and puppet making.

January to February 2014

Special points of interest:  Shine Assembly Thursdays @ 8:55pm  Library visits will be announced.


In PE the pupils will


Home Learning... Please encourage your child to read for 10 minutes each night. If your child has read at home all week and has an updated diary, they

Volume 3 Issue 3

will win a house point.

the ezone2 on our Monteney web



activities can also be found on

If you have any queries about ezone please come and see the Y2 team.

Education City in

Every Wednesday, 8:35—8:50 Parents/carers are invited into class for our reading/maths mornings. READING BOOKS: Please encourage your child to change their reading book each morning and fill in their reading diary each evening.

Non Negotiable Targets This year we will be working towards targets called ‘non–negotiables’ that we would like every child to achieve by the end of Y2. Targets we will be particularly focusing on this term are stated below. Reading Recognise that non-fiction books on similar themes can give different information and present similar information in different ways. Writing Write simple first person recounts linked to personal experience , using the language of texts read as models for own writing, maintaining consistency in tense and person. Maths Identify and draw reflective symmetry on shapes.

Creative Projects

Visit to Whirlow Hall Farm

In line with our development of a more creative curriculum, the children will be set some homework that they are encouraged to undertake. Time will be set to show the rest of the class their work.

We are all really excited about our trip to Whirlow Hall Farm this coming

Here are some creative activities you may wish to try... *Create a shoe box farm. *Scarecrow collage. *Cotton wool sheep picture. *Fingerprint farm animal picture. *Farm poem/story *Powerpoint presentation about favourite farm animal Home learning can be brought into school for the children to showcase in class during snack-times.

Monday the 20th January. Please ensure your child arrives at school at 8:35 as we will be leaving the classroom at 8:50. Also ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear (wellies or boots) and warm clothing. School jumper must be worn. Please remember to send your child with a packed lunch. Finally, if your child wishes to visit the gift shop they may bring a maximum of £2 which they will be responsible for.

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