IPC/FDC manifesto for Dr. Kizza Besigye

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MANIFESTO 2011-2016

President Dr. Kizza Besigye

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye

Together for change


Inter-Party Cooperation
























Together for Change

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Col. (Rtd) Kizza Besigye


Message To Ugandans Fellow Ugandans,


country is at its best when the leadership cares about its people and when the sense of national purpose and vision is clear. For 25 years under the current Government hope has been lost and the challenges we face are immense. Our public sector is overwhelmed by misuse of public resources, our social fabric is shattered. The political system and politicians have all betrayed the people and the cause they intended to serve. I believe we can get out of this trap and sort out these problems if we work together. If we remember that we are all Ugandans and we are therefore one people irrespective of our tribe, religion, colour as well as our social economic and political background. The current government says: ‘give us your vote and we will make all of you rich’. We say: real change does not come from government alone, real change comes when the people are mobilized, and inspired to play a part in the nation’s future and feel there is fairness in the distribution of the nation’s resources. Yes, this is our plan. Yes, it sounds ambitious. But in the end all the new measures, all the new policy initiatives, shall remain spoken words without your involvement. How will we create jobs unless we understand that we are all in this struggle together? How will we raise the standard of education in our schools unless every parent plays their part and government realizes the need? How will we turn around communities unless people stop asking ‘who will do this?’ and start focusing on solutions?

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


The 2011 elections offer us an opportunity to change or continue living in this misery. We believe Uganda will change for the better when we all vote to take part, to take responsibility – if we all come together for a purpose. We believe that collective strength will overpower our problems. We believe that we have the support needed for this change and above all we have the resources for change in this country. It is only this relationship that can get rid of this oppressive government that has kept you suffering for 25 years and, eventually start the progress we need. It is this process that can get the economy moving so that we can create jobs for our children. It is through this effort together that we will offer quality health care, improve the standard of education for our children, reclaim our freedom and liberties and repair our broken society. I believe that together we stand a chance to make politics and politicians work better to support our efforts. So ladies and gentlemen, my invitation is this: join us to reverse bad policies and build on our achievements by voting for us to take leadership of this country

Dr. Kizza Besigye Together for change we shall win

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Contents Message from Dr. Kizza Besigye



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Benchmarks for Uganda 2011-2016 Create employment for all Increase investment in the agricultural sector Guarantee land ownership Develop our infrastructure Develop the ICT for all Protect our natural resources


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Raise standards in school Provide quality health care for all Protect the vulnerable groups Provide safe water Encourage and support sports

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Give power to the people



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Making corruption risky Improve our governance Rehabilitate the North, Teso and Karamoja Promote unity and reconciliation The foreign policy that serves national interest Build a Defence System

Combat climate change

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye

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wenty five years of NRM’s failure and lack of opportunity and choice has kept Ugandans in poverty and disunity. The executive has become the State, and the state has become the executive. A small rich elite class has prospered, while most Ugandans have not shared in this prosperity. For the first time, in the history of this country, IPC offers Ugandans an opportunity to change the destiny of their country with proper leadership based on clear benchmarks. Achieving these benchmarks over the next five years will place Uganda back on track to building a new Ugandan economic model, very different from the one that NRM has presided over for the last two and a half decades. The IPC has carefully identified the following priorities for the next five years:




Promote economic empowerment and employment. Get Ugandans working by creating jobs for the youth and reducing unemployment, while fighting unfair treatment and exploitation of employees. Develop public infrastructure with a special focus on public transport, roads, water and railways. Resource utilisation, sustainability, equity and transparency with emphasis on energy and oil exploration. Build a greener economy with emphasis on sustainable environment management. Make Uganda an ICT country by developing the ICT Infrastructure to advance Uganda’s ICT capabilities.

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye






Raise education standards with a focus on quality, access and skills. Deliver good health care with a focus on universal access and quality. Protect the vulnerable, support the elderly, Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) and improve emergency responses. Develop sports and keep Uganda flag flying globally.



3.1 3.2

Restore our freedom and civil liberties. Reform our governance and return power to the people. Create unity and reconcile the people of Uganda Ensure defence and security with emphasis on modernization of the security forces, and improvement of their welfare. Implement a comprehensive post conflict rehabilitation program for the North, North East and Karamoja Promote national interest through the county’s foreign policy

2.2 2.3

3.3 3.4

3.5 3.6

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Change The Economy

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: CREATE EMPLOYMENT Promote economic development, create jobs and raise the standard of living

IPC government will promote free market enterprise and create a conducive environment for investment in order to create jobs. As part of the 5 years strategy for tackling poverty and inequality in our society IPC government will reduce youth unemployment, ensure job security and guarantee a secure work place.

Invest in local entrepreneurs to create more jobs

A nation is only truly prosperous if it is built on the strength of a society that believes and invests in its people. The current big government approach makes our social problems worse, not better – inequality and chronic poverty continue to rise despite presidential handouts; social responsibility is lacking; Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


while community and individual vulnerability threaten Uganda’s predominantly young population. Energetic and talented young people roam the streets and villages in search of work, many of them having exhausted their families’ assets and savings to pay for expensive tertiary education. At no time in our history have there been so many unemployed and frustrated Ugandans in the midst of so many opportunities The IPC government will do the following to reverse this trend: 1.1

Promote more local investment in productive sectors such as cottage, small and medium scale and agro processing industries. The government will play an active role in directing strategic investment for development through accountable publicprivate partnerships, targeting specific sectors. This will be done through providing incentives to the private sector, such as low interest rates (directed credit), tax incentives, low tariffs on imported goods for industrial production, and by assisting those companies that invest in priority sectors and regions.


Provide investment incentives in priority sectors that employ the Ugandan youth and those willing to offer apprenticeship to facilitate experience. Protect workers from unfair dismissal from work and bad working conditions by implementing labour laws. Introduce a living wage for all the workers so that they can meet their day to day needs. Raise the tax threshold for PAYE to 500,000 to give workers enough disposable income for day to day expenses. The IPC government shall establish a Youth Entrepreneurs Scheme to increase opportunities for young entrepreneurs and subsidize businesses started by the youth. Government shall increase macro-economic stability by cutting the current huge budget deficit that has resulted from irresponsible government spending and massive foreign

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.8 1.9

borrowing. This will in turn result in reduction of interest rates; hence increase the ease of borrowing from banks. Promote private investment and job creation by reducing taxes. Revamp Uganda Development Bank to provide affordable medium and long-term credit to local businesses and farmers which will lead to job creation.

2.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: INCREASE INVESTMENT IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR We will increase investment in the agricultural sector from the current 3.8% to 12%. We will modernise agriculture by investing in mechanization and we will ensure that Ugandan farmers have access to markets, and farm inputs.

Investment in agriculture will be increased from present 3.8% to 12% 0f the National budget

People living in rural areas continue to face the harshest conditions of poverty, lack of access to social and financial services, as well as uncertain markets for their produce. The IPC will pursue a supply driven agricultural modernisation program, with the aim of making agricultural sector more productive for the rural farmers. Our Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


strategy is linked to land and agriculture, and poverty reduction among the farmers. In pursuing this strategy we will therefore: 2.1 2. 2 2. 3 2. 4 2. 5 2. 6 2. 7 2. 8 2. 9

Set up marketing cooperatives to increase sales of crops and improve incomes of rural people. Provide access to high quality seeds, farming equipment, and extension services at subsidised prices. Provide agricultural water for production such as dams and irrigation facilities. Offer guaranteed markets for strategic agricultural products. Establish and maintain national food reserves in the rural areas. Establish an agricultural bank to give affordable and convenient credit and finance to farmers to increase productivity. Promote and support agro-processing to add value to farmers’ agricultural products in order to increase their earning. Invest in relevant research to aid the farming sector to enhance productivity and reduce preventable losses of livestock and harvests. Construct and support agricultural farm institutes in each sub region to offer the needed agricultural extension services to farmers.

3.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: GUARANTEE LAND OWNERSHIP We will protect and entrench the Constitutional provision which guarantees that ownership of land belongs to the people. We will develop a comprehensive land policy to protect both land owners and squatters. Land grabbing will be stopped within three years of the first IPC government.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Whereas government can regulate the use of land from time to time in accordance with the law, land belongs to the people. Land is the most important natural resource, and agriculture and industrial development are dependent on it. In the recent past there has been an escalation of land grabbing and evictions of squatters by a clique of rich and influential leaders of the current ruling party who steal public funds to buy land. The government has also sold land to fake investors who then evict the people. The IPC government shall do the following to ensure optimal use of land to better the livelihoods of Ugandans. 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6

3.7 3.8

Entrench the provision of peoples ownership of land in the Constitution. Require that foreign investors wishing to invest in land go into partnership with nationals who own the land. Evolve a comprehensive and acceptable land reform policy after extensive consultations with all those that hold a stake in the land. Review land laws to bring them in line with the demands of a rapidly growing population, and in conformity with people’s needs. Establish a national data bank on land and mineral resources. Prior to allocating public land to a private investor, publish a company profile in the national gazette that indicates the nature of the investment, sources of funding, shareholding, contributions to national treasury, and environmental impact. Enforce existing laws to control rampant evictions of lawful occupants of land Increase the Land Fund reserves to compensate absent land lords or squatters, and to settle landless men, women, and children.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


4.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: DEVELOP INFRASTRUCTURE IPC government will develop nationwide infrastructure. We will construct new roads that link Uganda to other regions and formulate a national road policy. We will renovate and repair town and city roads. We will construct flyovers and a ring road around Kampala to ease traffic congestion. We will ensure that taxi and bus parks are renovated and new ones constructed. We will revamp the railway transport system and air transport to meet the needs of Ugandans

Potholes on city roads: Criminal neglect

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Under the current government road construction, maintenance and repair remain very poor despite the large sums of money provided to the road sector each year. The railway system collapsed. The current government has made our roads impassable with floods in the city, potholes everywhere, sewage systems broken down and no proper transport infrastructure to be proud of. Public buses and airlines were sold off leaving Ugandans at the mercy of private transporters. The roads are narrow and crowded. Accidents are reported everyday because of the poor state of the roads. The IPC government will do the following: 4. 1 4. 2 4. 3 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6 4. 7 4. 8 4.9

Formulate a national policy on road development. Construct tarmac highway roads that link Uganda to other markets in the region and other outlets for exports and imports Invest in water transport through private- public partnership. Revive a national airline through private- public partnership. Construct the rail network for efficient passenger and transportation of goods through public - private public partnership Enforce accountability and axle load controls. Provide a legal regime for the protection of roads. Build a fly over network and a ring road around Kampala to ease traffic. Remove potholes and dust in Kampala, and other major towns.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


5.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: DEVELOP ICT FOR ALL ICT for all IPC government policy will be to ensure that all Ugandans both in formal and informal education access the knowledge, and use of ICT. We will ensure that Uganda becomes an ICT country and leads in East Africa. We will extend ICT infrastructure to rural areas for rural people. We will make sure that all schools teach computer as part of the curriculum.

Our future lies in mastering and applying ICT knowledge and skills

The future of our development lies in mastering and efficiently applying knowledge in Information and Communication Technology to process information and communicate. Most Ugandan children and even older people, are ICT illiterate. The current government has presided over an ICT illiterate population in the 21st Century and yet ICT is now a global tool for communication and information processing. Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


The IPC focus on ICT will be; 5.1 5.2


Increase investment in the use of ICT in education, both formal and informal, and in the establishment of rural ICT centres, to promote accessibility and usage by women and the youth. Increase resource allocation to the Uganda Communications Commissions Development Fund, so as to equip more rural populations, especially the youth and women, with computers. Require schools to teach computer and create community based infrastructure to target the youth who are out of school.

6.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: PROTECT OUR NATURAL RESOURCES Sustainable and equitable use of natural resources. It is absolutely crucial that our natural resources are well managed for the benefit of the people of Uganda. This is even more pertinent for oil resources because of the high expectations. The aim is to ensure that our oil becomes an asset rather than a curse. All development assume availability of the necessary energy to power them. Uganda has got an acute shortage of energy which is retarding its industrial development. The expansion of the economy means that we will need more power; on the other hand the increasing population also means that the need for energy in our homes for cooking and lighting of our houses increases. Unfortunately, most Ugandans depend on wood energy which puts pressure on our ecological system. For 25 years under the NRM, there has been little expansion of the electricity supply source. No new big dam has been constructed and no option has been given to our people. The cost of a unit of electricity today is high and unaffordable for most people. Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Our policy will aim at reversing this trend by popularising, among others, the use of clean energy from solar, geothermal, wind, bio gas, hydro power, and oil. IPC government will also construct power dams in Karuma, and facilitate the quick completion of the Bujagali dam. We shall manage oil resources prudently and transparently so that it does not turn into a curse The IPC government will do the following: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Establish a transparent and equitable legal and policy framework for the management of oil resources in Uganda. Set up a national oil fund for posterity separate from the consolidated fund. Promote solar, wind, biogas, and other forms of energy especially in rural areas. Allocate 10% of resources from oil and other natural resources to sectors that directly benefit women. Review the prices of energy such as electricity to ensure an affordable price for ordinary consumers

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Change Society

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.0 CHANGE OUR SOCIETY: RAISE STANDARDS IN SCHOOLS Raise standard in UPE and USE Schools by delivering quality education IPC government will improve the standards for all pupils and students and close the attainment gaps between the richest and the poorest. We will enhance the prestige and quality of the teaching profession and we will make sure that teachers live a quality life. The teacher’s salary, will be raised from the current Uganda shillings 250,000 to a minimum of 400,000 in the first 100 days and children in UPE will be fed with lunch and breakfast.

Still studying under trees in the 21st Century is unacceptable to IPC / IPC

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


The average rural child in Uganda is taught by poorly trained and unmotivated teachers in a crowded classroom with few or no text books and no other learning tools. Under UPE, out of every 100 children that enter P1, only 23 will finish P7. A large proportion of these children can hardly read nor count. The brilliant and resilient children who manage through tremendous effort and sacrifice to qualify for tertiary education are then excluded because government scholarships only cater for privileged children who benefited from superior private school education. Generations of Ugandans are being excluded from opportunities permanently because of this imposed ignorance disguised as universal education. Teachers, who toil every day, earn little money that cannot allow them to live a dignified life. Whereas, UPE and USE are good policies, their implementation in Uganda is a disaster that has retarded our children Many school going children, stay hungry all day and have lost pride in schooling; our universities are underfunded and expensive for those without wealth and connections. The IPC government will correct these injustices by focusing attention on improvement in the standards of education by doing the following: 1.1

Pay a minimum monthly salary of UGX 400,000 to teachers and ensure high standards of teaching in all schools and also provide housing for rural teachers or housing allowances where actual housing is not practical.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11

Compulsory school feeding funded for all primary and secondary schools. Provision of free exercise books, pencils and pens for pupils in primary schools. A vocational school shall be built in each constituency to cater for the UPE pupils. All university students, whether in government or private universities, will receive equal government financial sponsorship. A student loan scheme at no interest will be started to help those not able to afford the top-up tuition fees Upgrade and expand schools infrastructure, equipment, and keep the pupil- teacher ratio at a maximum of 45 to1, especially for rural schools. Review and reform the education system to make school leavers’ qualifications more relevant for the job market, and to the real needs of society. Introduce ICT as an essential subject in all primary and secondary schools, and equip schools to teach it. Replace State House scholarships with scholarships competed for at regional levels, to allow children from poor families to access quality higher education. Increase the number and quality of modern technical schools across the country, in all the 8 sub regions of Uganda in order to cater for those who dropout of post-primary schools.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


2.0 CHANGE SOCIETY: PROVIDE QUALITY HEALTH CARE FOR ALL Make the Heath System Work IPC government will support the National Health System. We will increase health spending every year and ensure that there are drugs in health units. We will give patients more choices including free medical care for expecting mothers, children and other vulnerable groups. We will improve the wages of health workers, starting with medical officers, nurses, and all those who work to save the lives of our people. We will renovate and equip all health centers as well as district and regional hospitals including building more hospitals that are responsive to our health needs. Our primary goal will be to stamp out unnecessary deaths and pain that mothers and children face daily under the current government.

IPC will build 20 modern hospitals to decongest wards Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


While Uganda’s economy continues to grow, the majority of Ugandans continue to suffer and die in their homes, or in public health facilities with no doctors or nurses, no equipment, and no medicines. About 16 Ugandan women die every day of pregnancy related conditions. Out of every 1000 babies born alive each year, 76 die before they reach one year. Out of every 100 health workers needed in health centres, only 45 are available. Poor health is preventing Ugandans from meaningful participation in education and economic activity. The public has lost faith in the national health system to the extent that majority have resorted to traditional birth attendants for delivery and drug shops and private clinics for medical service. The cost of health care is unaffordable to ordinary Ugandans. The IPC shall pursue a health strategy that includes preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services, and shall provide free essential health services. Increase health workers’ salaries to a living wage immediately. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Rehabilitate hospitals and health centres, and build 20 new hospitals. Ensure availability of medicines in health centres and hospitals as part of the provision of a free essential health care package Decongest referral hospitals by improving the quality of services at general hospitals and health centres. Recruit health workers to fill the big gap in health worker staffing levels, from the current 45% of positions filled, to at least 75% of the necessary workforce in the next 3 years. Increase funding to health sector to a minimum of 16% of GDP from the current 9%

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye



2.7 2.8

Reduce maternal mortality from the current 435 per 100,000 live births or 16 deaths of women per day – with the ultimate goal of “letting no woman die in childbirth”, through: free and easily accessible antenatal and maternity services, effective referral, and a motivated health work force. Avail family planning services that are easily accessible, easy to understand and use especially in rural areas, taking into account the special needs of the large teenage population in Uganda. Provide holistic treatment and support for persons living with HIV/AIDS, including children.

3.0 CHANGE SOCIETY: PROTECT VULNERABLE GROUPS Social protection IPC government will protect and support vulnerable support vulnerable groups. We will put in place an emergency relief system. We will pay UGX 50,000/= per months to persons over 65 years. We will restore dignity to the vulnerable by ensuring that they live a quality life.

Senior citizens deserve better: FDC will introduce a pension of Shs 50,000 per month for all those above 65 years. Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Under the current government, the poor, the elderly and orphans in our communities struggle to make ends meet. Those without support from their children struggle to live and yet the current government continues to be non-responsive to their needs. These vulnerable groups of people have been neglected and continue to suffer in silence. The IPC government understands the dangers occasioned by the absence of an efficient social protection system that can ensure a quick response to calamities and disaster, both manmade and natural. The IPC government will therefore; 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Put in place an emergency food relief program. Transfer 50,000 Uganda shillings every month to persons over 65 years. Introduce measures to improve relief distribution logistics such as storage, transport, purchasing and processing in order to reduce relief prices. Consult with the workers, to reform the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and ensure that workers savings are safe Consult with stakeholders on the possibility for contributors of NSSF to access their savings in the form of loans at low interest rates

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


4.0 CHANGE THE ECONOMY: PROVIDE SAFE WATER Safe water a right to all Ugandans We believe water is life and all Ugandans must have it.

Assisting at school or child labour? They need piped water

There is no doubt that water is life, everyone needs clean and safe water. Yet under the current government, Uganda in the 21st century many Ugandans continue to die of waterborne diseases which they get from dirty water. In villages, people travel long distances to look for water from wells. Increasingly, water has become scarce and expensive even for the middle class. The few boreholes that were constructed by NGOs’ get crowded and the majority of them have broken down; and remain unrepaired.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


The IPC government, will put water and sanitation at the top of its priority areas by doing the following; 4.1 4.2 4. 3 4. 4 4. 5 4. 6

Increase access to safe drinking water from the present National average of 57% in 2010, to 100% access by 2016. Repair all broken boreholes and build new ones depending on assessments of needs. Draw piped water from lakes to dry areas, towns and schools. Harvest rain water into dams for animals and irrigation. Increase funding to the water sector and prioritise the provision of water and sanitation in rural and slum areas. Involve the private sector in extending water supply at subsidised rates to the poor and the majority of our people and slum areas.

5.0 CHANGE SOCIETY: ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT SPORTS Promote sports and keep the Ugandan flag flying

IPC government will increase funding for sports in schools and other community areas. We will support our national football team to qualify to participate in the 2018 World Cup and athletes to participate in the 2012 and 2016 Olympics. We shall initiate sports recognition for sportsmen and women and make sports a part of the compulsory curriculum in both secondary and primary. We will give scholarship to talented students who excel in sports.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


“Victorious Uganda Cranes� more will be invested in our friendship ambassadors

Sports have been underscored as one of the most important sectors. Apart from generating physical fitness, sports are currently among the highest earning occupations. Unfortunately, under previous governments, sports have been marginalized. All our sportsmen and women have struggled on their own to keep our national flag high. We salute them for their achievement even with minimum support from the current government. The IPC government; 5.1 5.2 5.3

Focus on sports as a priority investment area in schools and communities. Promote sports in schools through construction of sports facilities and academies. Initiate special national recognition for sportsmen and sportswomen

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye



Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.0 FEDERALISM: GIVE POWER TO THE PEOPLE Several regions of Uganda have for long demanded for federal governments. During the 1995 Constitution making process, over 60% of the population expressed their desire to have federal governments. Failure to address these demands has caused political conflict in the country. The Constitution says power belongs to the people. IPC government will listen to the people and solve this persistent national challenge once and for all.

Discussing mobilization in Buganda: (L to R) Dr Kizza Besigye, Joseph Mulyanyamuli and Dan Muliika.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


The IPC government shall do the following: 1.1

1.2 1.3


Honour the views of Ugandans as expressed in the Odoki and Ssempebwa Commission Reports, hold dialogue, agree and implement a viable federal system of governance across Uganda where power and resources shall be shared equitably between the regions and the central government. Respect the rights of various nationalities in Uganda to enjoy, practice, maintain and promote their cultural institutions and traditions. Give back to cultural institutions their expropriated properties including land in Buganda and pay all debts owed to them by the central government for the use of their properties including compensation to Buganda Kingdom for the losses they incurred as a result of the closure of CBS radio station within one year of assuming office. Reverse NRM policies which were formulated and implemented with the sole intention of dismembering Buganda.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Change Politics

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.0 CHANGE POLITICS: MAKING CORRUPTION RISKY IPC government will fight corruption at all levels. IPC will have zero tolerance to corruption and all those found guilty of this offence will face severe punishment including refunding misappropriated funds. We will ensure that all organs that fight corruption are active and well facilitated. We will strengthen Civil Society and work with them in the fight against corruption. For 25 years public funds have stolen by some leaders of NRM. The government has nurtured corruption as a way of life in Uganda. It has now reached alarming levels in the public sector and yet those who steal public funds are unpunished and even promoted. This has frustrated the efforts and aspiration of many Ugandans. It has reduced the chances of delivering public services such as education, health and infrastructure, efficiently thus hindering progress. The IPC government will do the following to end corruption: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Implement a policy of zero tolerance to corruption through making corruption a high risk venture. Continue to ensure that the Public Accounts Committee is headed by the opposition as a check on government. Ensure that corrupt officials are punished promptly and firmly according to the law without fear or favour. And recover whatever they have stolen. Educate and empower citizens, civil society organizations, and the media on their role in fighting corruption. Empower the offices of Attorney General, Inspector General of Government, and Director of Public Prosecution to be more competent, independent and better facilitated.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


2.0 CHANGE POLITICS: IMPROVE OUR GOVERNANCE IPC will scale back the state and the government. We will protect our civil liberties and protect our freedoms Good governance is not only a prerequisite for investment and enterprise development but is also a lynchpin for confidence building among the people. Unfortunately, for most of the 48 years after independence, this good governance has been rare in Uganda. Under the current government, we had all hoped to build robust governance institutions but unfortunately, this has not been realised. The executive interferes in the work of parliament as well as intimidating the judiciary. The IPC government will: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

Reconstitute the Electoral Commission through a consultative process to reflect conditions in a multi-party system. Guarantee individual liberties and freedoms. Reinstate presidential term limits so that we do not breed dictators. Abolish the presence of the army in Parliament and ensure that the Army is non-partisan. Reduce the size of Cabinet and Parliament in order to save for social services. Improve the independence of the legislature by requiring that members of Parliament who are appointed to the Executive relinquish their position in the House. Ensure independence of the judiciary and support the judicial system in upholding the rule of law.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


3.0 CHANGE POLITICS: REHABILITATE THE NORTH, TESO AND KARAMOJA Rehabilitate the North and the North east IPC government will give priority to areas that have been devastated by war for over twenty years. We will reconstruct the infrastructure, pay war reparations and compensate war victims. North and North Eastern Uganda have lagged behind the rest of the country in many aspects of development, in large measure due to war and civil conflict. There has been a big imbalance in sharing the national cake. The regions have been plagued by chronic food insecurity, grinding poverty, high illiteracy rates, human rights abuses, and limited access to means of production. An entire generation has been disenfranchised. Uganda cannot be truly developed when a part of the country remains behind. The IPC government will correct this imbalance by doing the following: 3.1

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Implement focused investment in all areas of development, including infrastructure, access to water, education, health, and agriculture, including animal re-stocking in North and North East. Compensate all those who lost properties and family members Engage in dialogue and negotiation to end cattle rustling Nurture the spirit of tolerance of divergent opinions in all institutions of government. Conduct peaceful disarmament as opposed to a forceful approach to disarmament.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


4.0 CHANGE POLITICS: PROMOTE NATIONAL UNITY AND RECONCILIATION Set up truth and reconciliation commission IPC government will promote fair treatment of all Ugandans. All Ugandans will share equitably the national cake and benefit from national prosperity. IPC will set up a national reconciliation commission to reconcile and cleanse the country. Uganda has progressively become a fractured society. Areas of legitimate disagreement have been allowed to degenerate into causes of violent conflict. The IPC seeks to unite all Ugandans, and to foster a strong sense of national unity, where all Ugandans are convinced that government is working for their common good. To this end the IPC government will institute a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission to help heal the deep rifts in the country, and to help Ugandan society forge a common future. Uganda has the potential to become a peaceful and prosperous nation with people fully confident and in charge of their future. The IPC government will: 4.1 4.2

Promote fairness for all Ugandans in employments, promotions, justice, among others. Promote respect and tolerance for each other irrespective of gender, tribe, religion or race.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


5.0 PROMOTE FOREIGN POLICY THAT SERVES NATIONAL INTERESTS The wellbeing of Ugandans is closely linked to the wellbeing and success of Uganda’s neighbors. The East African Community is making strides in different aspects of regional collaboration. Uganda continues to be involved in military operations in regional countries as part of international peace keeping efforts. Uganda has a significant international community and many Ugandans are working and living abroad. Much as our participation in international organizations such as the AU and UN have given us recognition among African countries, we also know that the current President of Uganda has exported wars, and promoted conflict on the continent. We have been sucked in various conflicts such as the one in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Sudan. Consequently our neighbors look at us with suspicion. The IPC government will strengthen Uganda’s links with the international community by doing the following: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5


Continue to promote and support initiatives that advance global and regional peace. Promote the East African Community (EAC) and pursue political federation of East Africa. Work with other countries to pro-actively combat terrorism. Adhere to principles of international law, respect covenants and conventions, and agreements that enhance solidarity between states. Pursue regional economic integration through harmonization of tariffs and investment policy regimes that enable free flow of goods, services and labor, by actively participating in the EAC and other regional economic bodies Strengthen Kiswahili teaching and use in the country

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye



We will create a National Security Council chaired by the President to oversee all areas of our security. We will remain committed to the mission in Somalia provided other African countries also send troops there. We will never leave our forces without the resources they need to secure our country. We will ensure that the welfare, personnel development, families and the veterans are catered for. Defence and national security are needed for peace, stability, growth of business and development. Everyone loves a peaceful society where conflicts are amicably resolved and where people live at peace with each other in the country as well as with neighbours. For 25 years the NRM government has promised to modernize the army, but to date many of the armed forces including army, prisons, police and security agencies still live in uniports and “mama ingia pole�. Many of those who retired after serving the country (Veterans) have not been paid their due retirement benefits and the live a miserable life. We promise to pay attention to the welfare and wellbeing of our service men.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Ensure well trained and motivated armed forces by doing the following: 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

Streamline, build and equip national security agencies. Review the recruitment, training, promotion, and remuneration of the armed forces, ensuring that they reflect national character. Improve the welfare of the armed forces, with special emphasis on salaries, housing, health care, dependents’ education, and pensions. Ensure that our service men on a foreign mission are well equipped and supported by the population by seeking permission from the parliament. Ensure that we pay retirement benefits to all ex- soldiers, police officers and prisons irrespective of what government they served under upon retiring from active service. Promotions in the army, prisons, police and other auxiliary forces must be based on merit and reflect our national character.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Protect The Environment

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


1.0 PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT: COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE Combat climate change We will reduce carbon emissions. We will plant trees and safe guard our forests. We will quickly develop a waste disposal management policy to protect our environment We are facing a problem of climate change, which has largely resulted from failure to manage nature for our own benefit. The result has been depletion of forest resources, encroachment on marginal resources and inappropriate utilisation of land resources during farming. The IPC government shall do the following to ensure sustainable environmental management. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Support extensive afforestation by providing tree seeds and supporting projects aimed at increasing the number of trees. Gazette and protect all areas possessing fragile ecological systems such as wetlands. Invest in the promotion and exploitation of energy sources that spare forests and the environment. Ensure greater participation of women at all levels in the planning, management, and preservation of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


Suffering with polluted water: Violated rights

Plot: 1164 Entebbe Road Najjanankumbi P.O Box: 26928 Kampala Uganda Tel: 256-414-627920 Fax: 256414267918 email: Info@fdcuganda.org Web: www.fdcuganda.org

Together for change 2010-2016

Vote Dr Kizza Besigye


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