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The Odyssey Of Idiocy by Cameron Cutrone

Odysseus’ long journey home to Ithaca after the fall of Troy during the Trojan Wars is the backdrop for one of the most famous literary works of all human history. Homer’s “Odyssey” has been the foundation for entire genres of writing, schools of thought, and language. The epic poem, the Homeric question, the Homeric dialect (a mix of ancient Ionian and Aeolian Greek) have all been attributed to Homer.

One popular version of an epic film loosely based on the “Odyssey” is “O Brother Where Art Thou?” This Coen Brothers film is an entertaining American odyssey. It follows the trail of three escaped convicts trying to make it “home.” Quotes are added to highlight the nature of an odyssey. The general plot is at times unclear as the story seems more an account of their misadventures, diversions, and quest for survival. The characters’ original motives are increasingly irrelevant as we are caught up in their journey, revealing to the audience the larger, more spiritual questions about existence.

Many go to great lengths to receive advanced degrees in Homeric Studies in several institutions of higher learning. So much has been attributed to this “man” that some doubt he was ever a man and believe his body of work to be the labors of many men, similar to some of the theories surrounding William Shakespeare.

Now the work of art has truly imitated life. Just like Odysseus on the road home to Ithaca, it is more about the journey than the destination, according to what most modern scholars get from the “Odyssey.” In fact, every major English dictionary; Webster, Oxford, Harper Collins, etc, all use the word “wandering” in their attempts to define an

The Odyssey Of Idiocy by Cameron Cutrone

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odyssey. For centuries, writers have used it to describe a long wandering quest with no clear destination or goal. Which brings us to Operation Odyssey Dawn. On March 19th, the anniversary of the Iraq invasion, the UN decided to embark on a new quest to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya and protect the Libyan rebels from aggression by their dictator Muammar Qaddafi. We are still dealing with the unintended consequences of committing ourselves to patrolling the no-fly zone over Iraq two decades and trillions of dollars ago. Even while massive violent crackdowns are happening in countries that ally themselves with the US (Bahrain and Saudi Arabia), our leaders seem most anxious to teach Qaddafi something about human rights! Of course oil seems the more obvious motivation. Never mind our looming currency crisis, debt default, possible government shutdown, and overstretched military assets. No effort was spent consulting the Congress for authorization from the

people’s representatives as the Constitution demands. Instead, the globalist power elite have embarked on this illegal, open-ended, financial boondoggle. It’s also putting the standard for the legitimacy of multilateralism in disarray. Not a single member of the UN Security Council consulted their respective elected bodies before acting on behalf of their people. This is how an irresponsible 15 year old would go to war. All the participants had a sleepover and decided without asking their parents to drive the family mini van into the lake. What were they thinking? Ask them and they’d say it didn’t matter. It was about the journey, not the destination! So here it is, Operation Odyssey Dawn. The first post-modern existential beatnik war. Kerouac would’ve made a great general in this affair. We have no destination in sight, but there is an abundance of poetic musings about the journey.

Ironically, as the dawn of this odyssey was announced, the president took his family on a trip to South America. In Brazil, protesters were there to demonstrate in opposition to his current policy. The second stop on his Latin American trip was Chile, were he took some tough questions about his flowery human rights rhetoric in a country whose past violent dictator enjoyed considerable US support. To paraphrase Obama’s response to this line of questioning: It’s about the journey, not the destination. Not only is that insulting to the Chilean people, it must be insulting to Daniel Ellsberg, the famous muckraker who was arrested at a peaceful demonstration in Quantico, Virginia only a day before. Rather than trying to uplift our standard of justice at home, the heartless elite have taken their quest for meaning to the desert, again. Our young men and women will be put in harm’s way, again. The Empire is wandering the desert, as if on a lenten fast, in search of meaning. The Odyssey of Idiocy continues.


Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine. Tell us about your group? S.P.I.R.I.T.:: Greetings. We join you in mind and spirit. We are the Society of Paranormal Investigators, Researchers and Innovative Technologies or S.P.I.R.I.T. for short. Our focus is on developing paranormal devices and investigating historical sites and locations experiencing paranormal activity. We use cutting edge technology and psychics to conduct professional paranormal investigations Valleywide free of charge. We do this to help others, meet like minded individuals, and out of our passion for paranoraml research, knowledge, innovation and spiritual understanding.

W: What types of things have you caught on video tape if any? S.P.I.R.I.T.:True spirit apparitions captured on video are the unicorns of the paranormal field, but we feel thats because the current equipment thats out there is not looking in the right light spectrum. Our current research and experimentation has been on a particular nm range of the UV spectrum using varia-

tions of lighting and lenses and have yielded some interesting results. We have also captured faint spirit faces using whats known as the ITC Schrieber method using a camera and TV.

the “normal” limit of human hearing, later confirmed by EVP voices using the exact words mentioned.

W: I see you have captured many EVP’s on your youtube channel. ( Electronic Voice Phenomena). Explain to our readers about the EVPs.

W: When doing a cleansing of a house or building, are there ever any violent spirits?

S.P.I.R.I.T.:Yes. What we present on youtube are actual spirit voices and communication we capture during our research and investigations using classical, modern and innovative EVP capture methods . There’s still alot of room for improvement in this field, but we have been getting very good results and are very grateful and thankful with the feedback we’ve been getting worldwide. You can check out our videos by googling spiritinvestigators evp or on our youtube channel @

W: What else do you guys see on these investigations? S.P.I.R.I.T.: That all depends on what member you ask. We have some extremely sensitive psychics/mediums. At times, one can actually see the spirits and give detailed descriptions of physical features, demeanor and attire, later confirmed by pictures. Another appears to hear inaudible voices in the infrasound spectrum below

S.P.I.R.I.T.: Aside from the occasional foul language we haven’t had many problems. We have been very successful using frequential white light energy via electronic instrumentation known as radionics. We believe that negative dark entities can’t exist where there is light.

W: What is the Weirdest thing to ever happen on one of your investigations? S.P.I.R.I.T.:We have seen small objects thrown across the room, lights turn on, compasses flip and visible orbs and shadows.

W: Do you guys believe in Reincarnation, UFOs, Lochness Monsters, Bigfoot or the theory of Atlantis? S.P.I.R.I.T.: Death and rebirth on

an eternal evolutionary cycle is the nature of the universe; from subatomic particles to galaxies. UFO’s are as real as a heart attack, but are kept secret to prevent heart attacks. The Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur ghost. Bigfoot is a Monster Truck. Atlantis will rise again.

W: What other types of services or investigations do you do?

S.P.I.R.I.T.:Cleansings, bannishings, protective amulets and energy healings. We investigate and research psychic abilities, near death experiences, astralprojection, and consciousness. W: Do you believe in parallel universes? S.P.I.R.I.T.: That is the nature of reality. We live in a multidimensional universe. It is now certain that at the center of every galaxy is a black hole or supermassive black hole. That means that at the very nucleus of every galaxy is literally a universe beyond time and space.

W: Are any of you religious? S.P.I.R.I.T.: : We all have our own personal religious/ spiritual beliefs ranging from Shamanism to Methodist, but all of us believe in respecting everyone’s chosen path.

W: I used to do S.E.T.L.A.B with

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a good friend back in the late 90’s. SETLAB was an acronym for Studies of Extra-Terrestrial Life & Answers from Beyond. Do you have an opinion regarding UFOS or Extra-Terrestrials that you would like to share with us here in Weird Magazine? S.P.I.R.I.T.: There is unlimited life, intelligence and consciousness in both the physical seen and unseen universe in a state of black matter. This includes extra-terrestial and interdimensional beings.

W: How can readers get in touch with your team for an investigation or for general questions about what it is that you guys do? S.P.I.R.I.T.: spiritinvestigators ( coming soon )

W: Thank you guys! And in the words of Ozzy Osbourne - “ See you on the Other side! S.P.I.R.I.T.:It was an honor and a priviledge. And in the words of Jim Morrison from the Doors - “There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors.” - Expansion of consciousness is the key.

The Art of Ron English @ IMAS

Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Welcome back to Weird Magazine Ron. How have you been? We had you in the magazine a few years ago. Ron English: If only I knew then what I know now.

W: Well I see your art is on exhibit in Texas at The IMAS Museum in McAllen this Mar 31 – Aug 14, 2011.

characters. The sideshow banners feature characters like Cathy Cowgirl, MC Supersized, and Mouse Mask Murphy and the Renaissance paintings feature my fictional kid rock group The Kursed Kids. The Virgin Romances is meant to work on different levels, from The Kursed Kids graffiti on a Renaissance painting as an act of a new generation appropriating history for their own purposes, to the concept of the comic book replacing the catholic church as the

primary vehicle of the dissemination of mythology to the masses. Of course your take is warm enough to be cool.

W: I like pensive Hulk Boy, but he not only appears to have great thought on his mind but he also looks like he is trying to pinch a major loaf. Tell us about this piece. Ron English: The Hulk Boy is my representation of the American zeitgeist, often

(International Museum of Arts and Science)

“You Are Not Here” by Ron English Ron English: Yes, The show is mostly sideshow banners. My first experience with seeing paintings in person was the sideshows at the circus midway. I was usually disappointed with the spectacle behind the banners but I always loved the banners themselves. Of course it cost money to see behind the banners but experiencing the banners was free which was sort of the idea I adopted with the billboards.

W: I see some of the new artwork here, tell me about the Virgin Romances piece? There seems to be like a comic book feminist them here. Am I warm? Ron English:

For the last couple years I have been introducing my own

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more powerful than mature, and always about to pinch a very major loaf.


The Art of Ron English @ IMAS (You’re Not Here)

Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Ok. Who was your acid dealer? Seriously man.

Everything that is fucked up in our world needs to have a good smack to the face with a signature Ron English staple on it!

Ron English: No dealer, it was in the Kool Aid that America served me.

Keep it Up!

W: No but the art is so surreal? It’s got allot of political overtones to them as well.

W:Tell us about “You’re Not Here”.

Ron English :Thank you. I will try my best.

Ron English: Everyone has developed their view of the world peering through media and web portholes, but not necessarily through

firsthand experience. The show You Are Not Here will be viewed by a small number of people, the billboards around the show will find a slightly larger audience, but most people will experience the show through some form of media. Most of the show’s audience will not be here but they will feel as if they had been. The art itself speaks of another, cooler experience that is happening somewhere else, behind the curtain. W: have you been Liberating anymore billboards recently? Ron English: I have been more discreet in recent years.

W: Coulrophobic the clown. Is this for all those people who have a fear of clowns?

Ron English: Clowns are as afraid of clowns as anyone else. Probably more.

W:What do you think of the current state of The American Political Agenda regarding

the loss of civil liberties in the last decade? Are we heading towards despotism? Ron English:Gleefully

W: Who are some of your favorite artist? Influences? Ron English: For this show Fred Johnson the famous American sideshow painter.

W:Any advice for other young artists trying to break out and express themselves? Ron English: Break out and express yourselves.

W: Thanks Ron - any final words to Texans and Weird Magazine readers? Ron English: Texas is naturally surreal. I blame all my weirdness on my years in the Lone Star state.

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Interview By Russell Dowden

HIPPIES: Well, to start off. A huge shout out and a big thanks to all of our customers. What’s new? Well, honestly, we keep getting in new merchandise weekly. We’ve made some major upgrades on the shops appearance and the quality of merchandise.

W: What is the most popular VAPORIZER going for these days at the shop? HIPPIES:A top-quality VAPORIZER will run you from 400-500 dollars.

HIPPIES: J.G - Thats’s right. We’re on schedule to wrap it up the first week of April. We made this film for the 420 holiday

W: Cool I see you W: What’s the name of have some new W: Is see you have PHX, the movie and where glass and new spe- VORTEX, and HELIX glass. are you filming? cials this April? What other new brands HIPPIES: Hell yea! Well, as far as specials go, we’d like to say to just come in and i promise you’ll leave a happy hippie.

are you carrying?

HIPPIES:I actually just returned from a huge all glass expo. Everyone needs to come in and check out all of our new merchandise.

W: How long have you W: What specials are been in business here you offering on APRIL in Edingburg now? 20th? HIPPIES:Thanks to God we’ve been open for a little over a year now, and its been one hell of a ride.

W: Welcome to weird magazine this 4/20. What’s new at Hippies this April?

W: So I hear you’re making a movie about a head shop?

W: Great name to call your shop Hippies. Where did the Idea come from? W: So we HIPPIES: The Hippie era really influenced me. I like to consider myself a hippie from time to time. Don’t forget, tobacco use only.

HIPPIES: That day, we’ll be giving away free bbq plates with a free drink. Dollar papers and dollar blunts along with a shit load of other sales.

W: What makes Hippies so Hip? HIPPIES: I’m really big on customer service. I really like for the customer to come in and feel comfortable and leave a happy hippie. We like to keep things real original as well.

HIPPIES: A.M - The name of the film is called HEAD SHOP. It’s a short film created by C.A.B. Films.We are filming at Hippies Smoke Shop in Edinburg,Texas.It’s the best place for pipes and accessories.

W: Who are the writer,producer,and director of the film? HIPPIES: J.G.- The film was written by me,Jon Gonzalez with contributions from Project-X star Laya Hernadez,produced by Jon Gonzalez and Albert Mancha,and directed by John Flores.Many awesome and passionate people worked on the film.

W: Awsome! So what can you tell us about the plot of Head Shop? HIPPIES: J.G.The film takes place in deep south texas. Head Shop is a comedy about everyday life of an artist named Rick,played by Rob Garcia who manages a head shop.His girlfriend leaves him;he hates his job,and the customers.One day things become even more complicated when the boyfriend of a girl named Rick is interested and enters the shop and starts trouble.

W: Where and when will you be showing the film? HIPPIES: A.M.: The plan is to premier the film at Hippies Smoke Shop in Edinberg,Texas and Cine El Rey Comedy night hosted by Mario “superstar” Salazer on wednesday April 20th. It was great working with

the owner of Hippies and are grateful for everything they did to make this film possible.

W: Thorgood Jenkins, on facebook! How can folks get with you on the internet? HIPPIES: Anybody can just add me or message me, and i’ll be more than happy to answer any questions.

W: Brownies or cupcakes? HIPPIES: Brownies, fo shoo.

W: Favorite Hippy movie of all time? HIPPIES: Dazed and Confused.

W: If Arnold Swatrzenager and Geraldo Rivera got high in the 70s. Why can’t Obama and Snoop Dogg blow a blunt in 2011? HIPPIES:We all know Snoop Dogg is down, but we’re just waiting on Obama to come around.

W: Word! Favorite Black Sabbath song? HIPPIES:Sweet Leaf

W: Peace, love. you hippies! Page 10 •

Joe Lieberman: Let’s Bomb Syria

Kurt Nimmo March 28, 2011 Joe Lieberman and the neocons will not be satisfied until the Muslim and Arab Middle East is reduced to a smoldering ruin like Iraq. The next target on the list following Libya is Syria. On Sunday, Lieberman said he would support military intervention in Syria if its president, Bashar al-Assad, resorts to the kind of violent tactics used by Libya’s Muammar al-Qaddafi, according to Fox News. Lieberman is the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. “There’s a precedent now that the world community has set in Libya, and it’s the right one,” he said. In essence, Lieberman said the “Arab street” wants us to kill civilians and bomb hospitals. The precedent in Libya is the slaughter of Arabs, same as it continue to be in Iraq. This was recently confirmed by a team of Russian doctors in the country. NATO bombs have hit hospitals – including the Beir al-Osta Milad hospital – and residential areas in Tripoli and other cities, but this of course is not mentioned by the corporate media. “The bombing of Tripoli and other cities in Libya is aimed not only at the objects of air defense and Libya’s Air

Force and not only against the Libyan army, but also the object of military and civilian infrastructure,” the doctors from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia wrote. Medical infrastructure and personnel are protected under the rules of war established in the Geneva Law, specifically Article 12 of Protocol II. Neocons and neolibs of Obama’s stripe do not follow such laws, of course. Democrats and supposed anti-war libs are more than happy to support this murderous insanity, so long as a Democrat president calls the shots.

Beginning with Bush Senior’s 1991 invasion, the U.S. and its coalition partners – now described as the “international community” – have consistently inflicted “apocalyptic damage” to the civilian infrastructure of Iraq, at one time the envy of the Arab world.

Iraq now has 25 to 50 percent unemployment, rampant disease, an epidemic of mental illness, and sprawling slums, writes Adil E. Shamoo. Libya, Syria, and other recalcitrant Arab nations can expect the same globalist medicine if they continue to resist the forays of the globalists, who plan to turn the entire planet into a slave labor gulag. For the time being, though, Syria will not become another Libya, despite the wishes of Joe Lieberman. Secretary of State

Clinton said that there is a need to differentiate between what’s going on in Syria and in Libya.

the globalists declared in Libya. They are in the process of cooking one up in Syria as well.

In other words, for now, Freedom House-style external troublemaking imported into Syria will suffice. The Freedom House NGO is shorthand for the State Department, USAID, NED, the CIA, and the usual globalist suspects endeavoring to overthrow governments and make it look like the will of the people.

Joe Lieberman has jumped the gun. But he always does that when it comes down to invading impoverished Arab and Muslim nations and killing civilians in the name of saving

Military intervention is not required until there is a “humanitarian” crisis of the sort

after the CIA overthrows their governments, of course. them –

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KNOW YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS (and the criminal liability of your actions) by Criminal Defense Attorney Jamie Balagia The lack of information among most college age persons

about criminal laws and their consequences is astonishing. I represent college students on a regular basis that had no idea what potential trouble they could get into for doing what most of their friends were doing on most weekends. The idea that someone would pay tens of thousands of dollars to prepare for their future and not prepare for police encounters seems strange mostly to criminal defense attorneys. Why you would risk throwing it all away for a lack of knowledge is not smart. Below you will find listed the penalties for marijuana convictions in Texas (for information about DWI laws go to dwidude. com) borrowed liberally from the NORML website. If you toke then you need to know the laws and the effect a conviction could have on your future and Federal Laws about student loan prohibitions to convicted drug users. The best legal advise I can give to any one living or traveling in Texas is not to possess or sell

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marijuana. Having said that and knowing my past behavior while a student at (then) SWT, now Texas State University, you should at least know a little something about the Constitutional Rights you have as a United States or Tejas citizen (or as a visitor in the United States). Both the U.S. and Texas Constitutions provide the right to legal counsel upon arrest, the right to remain silent, the right to end any interrogation once started and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. But what do these rights mean to the average person on the street. Here is the “Street Legal Advise Forum” to provide some simple direction for those who may encounter “the Man” while simply minding their own freaking business on any given day. The Right to Legal Counsel only takes effect after you are under arrest and that usually doesn’t occur on the street. You typically don’t meet with an attorney until after you are booked and then bonded out of jail. So think hard about what you do initially when you are confronted by law enforcement officers. The first thing to remember is that you only have the immediate rights that the officer decides you are going to have. A police officer will be the one writing the report, filling out your booking sheet and testifying in court against you - should it come to that. So try to be polite even when standing up for yourself since a threatened police officer may overreact and split your head with a nightstick. Or more likely today you will be thrown to the ground (a take down move for your safety) with enough force to slam you into the concrete or ground so that you bounce a few times and hopefully don’t break any bones. I can tell you that San Marcos Police Chief Howard

Williams will not allow his officers to violate the civil rights of any citizen. I worked with Chief Williams at APD and he is a fine human being. Remember that calling the above actions “abuse” is a fine line for Internal Affairs to cross when the officer claims that a citizen overreacts and attacks an officer or if that is the “off-camera” version of events. Even if you are being “wrongfully arrested” don’t lose control, keep your mouth shut (video and audio tape recorders are up and running to replay in court) and let your attorney fix things once you get bonded out of jail. You can be legally charged with Resisting Arrest even if the arrest is later determined to be unlawful if you use more force than the court thinks you should have. So be smart and don’t hurt your chances at a victory by being your own attorney until the real one shows up. I touched on the second rule in the paragraph above - keep your lips tightly sealed and if your tongue starts losing control you should bite down on it until the urge to cuss out the officer and threaten his momma passes. Officers are trained to ask questions that will incriminate you no matter what answer you give. When I was investigating bad behavior as an undercover VICE officer at the Austin Police Department I learned that I could write out a police affidavit that would get you arrested based on what you didn’t actually say during an interrogation.

And yes there is a “learned” art to interrogating a “suspect” so that you don’t even realize you are a “suspect” until you become the “arrestee”. Politely tell the officer that you would like to invoke your right to remain silent and ask to call your attorney, Jamie Balagia. Don’t discuss any facts of your arrest with anyone other than me or my staff in a protected environment. Protected means that

you are not safe to discuss your version of events until you are out of that stinking jail and in my office. Know that your phone calls are recorded at the jail, the jail cells are potentially being recorded, your cell mate is looking to snitch or lie on you and any co-defendants will be offered the chance to “roll over” on you for a lesser sentence or his/ her charges being dropped in exchange for their testimony against you. Let’s see whether your girlfriend or boyfriend (for all of three months) would rather be a convicted drug dealing Felon or snitch you out for every sweet thing you whispered in her ear and some things you never said as well. I will add that if at the arrest scene the officer begins to take you away from the field of vision of the video camera you loudly ask him not to unless he is putting you in his police car or letting you go. There is never any reason for an officer to take you off camera if he has integrity and honor in his job performance. Bad things can happen out of the vision of the video camera. I hate to see videos that have an upset officer dragging a person out of the camera’s view and then start yelling “stop resisting” as the sounds of a butt whopping commence in the background. Third, just because you started talking while trying to get the nice police officer to understand that you’re “a good guy and have never done anything like this before and he can just let you go home now” doesn’t mean you can’t stop talking at any time (the sooner the better) and politely advise the officer that the interview is over PERIOD! And then ask to speak to me again and call my office collect if you have to. I also think it is a good idea to have a game plan with your top buddies so that if you get arrested they know how to contact my office or a bail bond company to get you out of jail. It is easier to keep calm and stand on your Rights if you know someone is getting your butt out of jail - post haste! No one wants to worry about a six foot tall, three hundred pound roommate that likes the color of your eyes in a locked jail cell. You would be

surprised at what you might confess to in order to gain a release. Pre-planning is a great idea to consider prior to your arrest. Lastly, I can pretty much bank on the fact that you can’t determine when a police officer is violating your Fourth Amendment Right against unreasonable search and seizure. The appellate courts are full of cases that have confused judges and attorneys on both sides because of the various positions taken on the Fourth Amendment. So follow the above rules and let me work on getting any evidence suppressed that the Constitution and case law will allow. The Texas Constitution provides additional protections that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t so we have a ample opportunities to attack the government’s case in a courtroom prior to any Jury Trial settings. There is nothing like winning your case and clearing your arrest record when a Judge tosses out evidence that would have been used against you in court due to improper behavior by law enforcement officers or prosecutors. I do want to say that most judges, police officers and prosecutors are doing a great job protecting citizens rights but sometimes even they will bend to the wrong voices and step out of character. The best way to avoid any disagreeable events in a jail or courtroom is to not get arrested in the first place. If you find that sweet smoke irresistible make sure you don’t drive while stoned (or buzzed as the sign says), stay off the street and at the house and don’t answer the door if the boogie man comes calling. And if he does, call the Dude at 210394-3833 (San Antonio) or 512-278-0935 (Austin area). Go to or dwidude. com for more information on your legal rights.

Jackie-O’s 2000 Nolana N. Bicentennial McAllen, TX. (956) 213-8425

drink made at Jackie-O’s?


MM: Mustard

MM: The Jackie O’s Martini (Vodka; amaretto; cranberry juice; orange juice; pineapple juice and grapefruit juice).

W: If you can bring back an artist to see live who would it be?

W: Cheddar or American?

W: What is the worst drink to make?

MM :Jim Morrison

MM: Cheddar

MM: Anything frozen is a b*tch

Mindy Martinez

W: If you can play one song over and over on the juke box what song would it be? MM: Killswitch Engage Life to Lifeless! W: If you had to say anything to a customer that’s walked out on a tab what would it be? MM: Hey, you forgot to pay your f*cking tab! W: Do you have any nicknames? MM: Mindoy, Minderella, Mindosmoke. WeirdMag dubs her Mindonesia W: If you can have any super human power at a bar what would it be?

W: AGE? MM: How old do i look? W: Years Bartending? M: On and off for about 10 years W: Your Favorite Night to work? MM: :FRIdays

MM: Multiplying yourself to get everybody their drinks. W: Favorite Drink? M: : Michelob Amber Shot: Chocolate Cake (Hazelnut Liquor; Vodka and Lemon) W: What is the best show you’ve seen Live?s.

W: What is the most common

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WEIRD MAGAZINE RAPID FIRE! W: Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers? MM: Ninja Turtles W: Mustard or Mayo?

W: Party all day, or up all night? MM: Up all night W: Pepsi or Coke? MM: Pepsi

Quote of the Night?

“ Do you have

any more 2pac on this ipod ?”

Angela and the X’s Interview By Max Moreno

Poop” (Main vocals, keyboard,ukulele) Esther Martinez (guitar, bass and backup vocals)

W: Tell us about the name and how many of you actually dated Angela? AEx’s:I really did date all the girls in the band. But, they have all yet to date each other.

W:Room for growth! So, judging from your last show you were definitely punk driven. Individually, besides punk rock, who are you other influences?

W: Angela and The Ex’s, Welcome to Weird Magazine! So, Introduce yourselves and let us know what it is you do in the band...? AEx’s: Angela Ink (guitar, backup vocals, bass, ukulele) Annette “Annetters” (drums) Letty “Lechuga Angel

AEx’s: Blues, Folk Rock... Natalie Merchant, Anita Franco, Sleeter Kitty, Foxy Shizam

rity who would it be and why?

AEx’s: What age do they come back to life at? lol

W: They have to return at the peak of their careers. AEx’s: Amazing old Blues artist named CoCo Taylor that I recently found out past away. I would love to go on a double date with Janis Joplin and B. Arthur! $1.50 Natty Lights at China’s!! Lets go!

W:Hey wait... Is Jessica Rabbit dead? AEx’s: I dont know but, I would like to bring back Little LuLu. It’s a really classic old school cartoon from back in the day.

W: Like Prince Babar old? AEx’s: NO! Way older than that!

W: Oh! Like Betty Boop

W: Where can we old? check you all out soon? AEx’s: Simon Sez, Newman’s, Jackie O’s, Smokin Aces, Metropolis oh My!

W: I guess we’re gonna have to look out for you! If you could bring back any dead female celeb-

AEx’s:I think maybe the 30’s!

W: What is y’alls favorite “CineRock” film? AEx’s:Spinal Tap, Detroit Rock City, Beavis and ButtHead Do America, The Runaways, Hedwig And the Angry Itch

W: Do you have any advice for South Texas original Bands? AEx’s: Find another group of bands that you get along with and throw shows together. It’s way easier than trying to do it on your own. We’re all very silly together and we have a good time always be yourself on stage and off stage. And we don’t shave our armpits!

W:So be your hairy self both on stage and off stage. AEx’s: Hell yeah!

W: Power in numbers! Ok, so you would say your a Chuck Taylors kinda band? Or a Van’s kinda band?

AEx’s:Chuck Taylor farts and Van’s quifs.

W: What do you like to do on your free time that is not X Rated? AEx’s: Snuggies, Jager Bombs and World of Warcraft I walk around butt naked at my house. Whatever I do on my time off is probably gonna be X Rated! No, but honestly, i like to reading and biking a lot. Lol

WWhat is the best way to contact you for any sort of show or booking info? AEx’s: FaceBook, Spelled out completely Angela and the Ex’s

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The Dark Side of Flying Saucers Are we dealing with something Evil? By: sean Casteel

The Dark Side of Flying Saucers: Are We Dealing With Something Evil? By Sean Casteel

The mystery of just who is piloting the UFOs witnessed around the world since ancient times has many so-called “solutions.” Working from the available evidence, one can argue for any number of interpretations of the phenomenon, and those interpretations run the gamut from the UFOs being an early harbinger of the Second Coming of Christ to an invasion by cold-blooded, methodical aliens bent on colonizing our planet by the skillful combining of our DNA with theirs. There is also this less frequently heard interpretation: that the present day UFO and alien abduction phenomenon are simply a modernized, more technological manifestation of the same demons that have tormented and sought to manipulate mankind since the beginning of time. In other words, the gray aliens are nothing new and their basic malevolent intent has never changed. This statement, by no less an authority than Lord Hill-Norton, the late five-star admiral and the former head of the British Ministry of Defence, helps to put that perspective into focus:

“UFOs are essentially a religious matter rather than a military threat, and furthermore there is certainly a degree of psychic involvement in almost every case. Quite often, however, such experiences are definitely antithetical to orthodox Christian beliefs.” I recently took part in the writing of a new book on this darker side of flying saucers. The book is called “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” A portion of the book is a reprint of an earlier book, circa sometime in the 1950s, by Cecil Michael, with which the later anthology shares its title. In the book, Michael describes a hellish abduction experience in which he visits the domain of the damned and is somehow miraculously returned and left coherent enough to write about the experience. Michael’s take on the subject is exactly the opposite of the majority of 1950s contactees, most of whom describe pleasant-looking, blond, Nordic aliens who compassionately warn mankind of his potential coming doom through nuclear warfare and environmental decay.

John Keel and the celebrated Jacques Vallee (the character of LaCombe in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was modeled after Vallee), both arrived at the conclusion that there is a spiritual, paranormal aspect to flying saucers that is too often denied by nuts-and-bolts researchers who see only the appearance of aliens from another planet in physical ships. But there is much about typical UFO encounters that blends rather fuzzily with time-honored stories of demons and run-ins with the “little people.” It is that opening of one’s self to the paranormal and psychic components that makes the overall experience so terrifying to so many. And the updated book does indeed present some terrifying anecdotes as it winds its way through its exhaustive treatment of the subject. One section of the book deals with the Jinn, the demons of Islamic mysticism, and makes a case for their overlapping with modern aliens. The Jinn are a morally complex form of demon, with some of them laboring to do good in the world, even “confessing” to the truth of the Koran.

between humans and aliens, and discusses how “the Great Beast” Aleister Crowley used hallucinogenic drugs along with sexual “magick” to invoke otherworldly entities. Gorightly lumps together the sexual aspects of our present understanding of the alien abduction experience with ancient myths about demons as sexual predators in his chapter on “Psychic Space Age Vampires.” Meanwhile, author Tim Swartz recounts stories of human mutilation at the hands of the UFO occupants, one incident of which took place on a military base in Texas in 1956. The notion that the aliens/demons may feed on the energy contained in human blood and on human misery in general is also explored. My own contributions to the book include a general overview of the beliefs of the aforementioned Keel and Vallee, as well as the case for the phenomenon’s wickedness made by pilot and researcher John Lear, the son of the man who invented the Lear Jet.

Given that Michael is for his time a dissenting, minority opinion, one would think it easy enough to dismiss what he is saying. But such is not the case. As all the updated material that was poured into “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” so ably demonstrates, there are a great many researchers and abductees of our more current age who also believe that the UFO phenomenon is Satanic and demonic. Two of the more prominent names in UFO research, the late


When one sees the beguiling light show of an approaching UFO, Lear advises one to “run like hell” and not be suckered in by the beauty of the ships or in any way to assume their true demeanor is a friendly one.

Contributor Adam Gorightly deals with sexual encounters

According to Lear, the aliens just want to suck out the

marrow of our souls, and our fear and humiliation is nourishing to them. I also interviewed a retired pastor named Tom Horn, who tells a story of a real-life encounter with a demonic entity that was witnessed by several members of his congregation. A rebellious teenager who had fallen under the spell of satanic heavy metal music appeared to become “possessed” and went charging at Horn only to run head-on into some kind of invisible force field and drop like a sack of potatoes. Horn believes he was singled out for the attack by the demon because of his position of authority as pastor, and testifies further that all who witnessed the apparent miracle were very shaken up and knew that there is a living God who watches over such things. Horn very much believes that the UFO phenomenon is demonic for the most part, but he also acknowledges that his sister is an abductee, which creates a moral dilemma for him that he continues to ponder along with the many other spiritual issues that have long troubled him. He allows as how some of the UFO activity in the Bible can be put in the righteous category and that the present day abducting gray aliens may somehow stand outside normal notions of sin and wrongdoing. The phenomenon is not easy to categorize in everyday terms of black and white, even for those of devout Christian faith.

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The Dark Side of Flying Saucers Are we dealing with something Evil? By: sean Casteel functions and make you do and say things that are completely beyond your control. It takes the voodoo zombie thing to a whole new level!” What is the government connection to all this? How do the intelligence community and the Pentagon view the good-versusevil-of-the-aliens question? Noted author Nick Redfern alleges, in an interview with Tim Beckley about Redfern’s book “Final Events,” that the government long ago concluded that the UFOs were of a demonic nature and there was little to be done in terms of protecting the general public from the flying saucer devils.

I also contributed a short chapter in which I discuss the views of “Communion” abductee Whitley Strieber and “Intruders” researcher Budd Hopkins. Strieber, at the time my interview with him was conducted, said it was very easy for him to equate the gray aliens with demons, and that the terror and the misery of the experience made it impossible to distinguish between them. Hopkins, on the other hand, said the moral complexity of the abduction phenomenon made it impossible to draw conclusions about the aliens’ inherent good or evil. All we can really do, according to Hopkins, is try to pick it up by the human end of it and examine the way it’s affected people, apart from any premature conclusions about the moral character of the abductors. Meanwhile, there is no lack of scary stories to be told about the wicked aspects of UFO lore. In an interview with Timothy

Beckley, the book’s editor and publisher, Christopher O’Brien discusses the folklore surrounding creatures called “skinwalkers” in the mysterious San Luis Valley, which spans parts of Colorado and New Mexico and has been a UFO hotspot for several decades. The term “skin-walker” is interchangeable with “shape shifter,” and essentially means a creature that can change his appearance from human to animal and back again. “According to traditional knowledge,” O’Brien says, “skin-walkers are able to read a victim’s thoughts. They are also thought to be able to mimic any human or animal sound. This ability is sometimes used to draw unwitting victims outside by calling in the voice of a person known to them or using a familiar animal sound. Don’t ever look into and/or lock eyes with a suspected skin-walker. This will enable his will to enter you and take over all your motor

They began to develop a plan to convert the entire population to Evangelical Christianity so that they could at least wage a kind of spiritual battle for their immortal souls. Tom Horn, who I referred to earlier in this review, calls such people “prayer warriors,” saying, “Fervent prayer by the righteous would be the battering rams that could push through that demonic oppression.” Whether the government will ever go public with the prayerful strategy is another question entirely.


There exists nowhere else such a complete, exhaustive study of the evil aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Drawing on a large collection of contributing authors, every angle of wickedness is covered in remarkable depth and thoroughness. It is also packed with photos and interesting sidebar material and will keep the reader absorbed throughout its 300 pages. I would like to add, however, that I personally believe the UFO phenomenon and even alien abduction are not simply demonic. It would take a whole other book to make the argument for righteous aliens to as complete a degree as “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” argues for the evil interpretation, but in the meantime you can check out my earlier books “UFOs, Prophecy and the End of

Time,” “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming” and “The Excluded Books of the Bible.” In any case, it certainly can’t hurt for us to pray for God’s mercy on our souls, which you will definitely want to consider doing once you’ve read “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer.” The cover alone, with artwork by Tim Swartz, is enough to put a scare into you, so please approach this book with caution.

[If you enjoyed this article, please visit Sean Casteel’s UFO Journalist website at www. Several of his books are available for purchase there, as well as at Amazon. com] THE END

The classic demons of Christianity as well as zombies, shapeshifters, hellhounds, vampires, succubi and incubi “Round Trip To Hell In A Flying Saucer” has it all. (Coauthor Tim Beckley believes that the ghosts who trouble the haunted are also part of that same list of manifestations of “alien” - evil.) Page 23 •

MUSIC: Holding Space Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine guys; tell us about Holding Space. Introduce the band members and each instrument he/she performs? HS: We are a group of cosmic passengers brought together through the omnipotence of the flow. We have her highness Tessa Hatcher on Alto Saxophone. The one and only DESTROYER on Bass Guitar, Miles Altgelt. The King of Karma, Sean Maher on Lead Guitar. The Hippy Cowboy, John Prater on Acoustic Guitar, and the Charlie Bucket, Mr. Jesse Hatcher on Drums.

W: We have caught your shows at the Triple Crown several times in Feo. San Marcos, one of Before we go any further which was the Weird HS: if it is okay with you we would like to know if you wanna get Magazine Birfday weird with us. Maybe put some Party last October Elmers glue on our backs and take assorted colored sprinkles with Helix, and Del

and make collages. Oh wait, even better we could lather up some squash and tomatoes and put strings on them and host a puppet show reenactment of “Veggie Tales: Duke and The Great Pie War? Whatever works for you.

W: OK. Works for me. Why the name Holding Space? Have many of you been locked up? HS:If by locked up you mean restrained by Xena Warrior Princess in a sweaty leathery cage, then yes we have all been locked up..twice.. Holding Space actually refers to the act of being completely present and open in a particular moment in order to fully activate a collective energetic potential.

W: Groovy funky beats and rhythms.

What got the band started?

easily moved by the slightest shift in the flow so that every show is different and potentially holds something brand new.

HS: Well the DESTROYER was tired of artificially inseminating beetles, Charlie Bucket had enough of the oompa loompas, and the Karma King had no more minions so we decided to quit those jobs. We three came together through divine intervention and ever since the very first jam session it was quite apparent that we had many adventures to be inscribed into the Akashic records. Tessa came along soon after fitting in perfectly and has blossomed into a phenomenal sax player. Prater came along a few months ago and added a whole new bean to the goulash. It’s interesting that when Prater came along, our direction changed completely and we dropped most of the music we had written and started a whole new collection. Most of the music you hear at our shows now is no more than a few months old. The cool thing about Holding Space is that we are ever expanding and very

W: Are you guys from San Antonio? Ever play in South Texas or Padre Island? HS: Originally we were from all over so it was hard telling people where we were from. Miles was going to college in Corpus Christi and he would drive up to San Antonio every other weekend for practice, but it worked out because our chemistry flows so well that in the weekends he would come up, we would advance very rapidly. Now, of course, we all reside in San Marcos and Austin. We do play in Corpus Christi and Padre Island fairly frequently. We just had our Annual Spring Break Extravaganza in Padre with FUNKOTRON and we also have two shows coming up on May 7 and May 8 at the Padre Island Burger Company.

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MUSIC: Holding Space Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Your myspace page list your genre as Experimental / Jam Band / Jazzbut its also kind of Psychedelic too. Would you agree?

it’s own space by drawing on many at once. People come out to our shows and have genuine spiritually moving experiences. Our songs are comprised of movements from the calmest, most serene spaces to the biggest, most epic spaces that provide the opportunity to have deeply opening and healing experiences which are further enhanced by the use of solfeggio tunings, mathematically sequential rhythms, conscious intention and activated crystal grids.

HS:Well undoubtedly, our art has been influences by a wide variety of bands and styles over the years. But honestly there have been some serious influences in the local scene that we have watched for years and truly inspired us to create our art. Spank, Moving Matter, Funkotron, Toast, Dimitri’s Ascent: these are all seriously talented bands that have blown our minds constantly for the passed few years, and we would like to personally thank them all for creating and performing their art so well because they have paved the way for the Austin/San Marcos jam scene and allowed newer bands like us to have an avenue to groove in.

W: What inspires the band? BTW: Hey that guy from Garden of the Ancients in Austin used to run ads with me like in 2003. Say hi to him! HS:We most certainly will give a big WEIRD Magazine shout out to the Garden. We are playing the Annual Eeyore’s After Party which will take place there this year, and is a show we are all very excited about. There are many things in this existence that inspire each of us on many different levels including our amazingly supportive families that have made it possible to continue our musical art. We are all very connected and easy going which allows us to activate that inspirational light when we all come together. But ultimately, inspiration can be found deep within every single moment we exist in this amazing flow. HS: Absolutely, if fact, we might wanna change that ,but its always so tough for us as a band to describe our music. We feel like the art we create steps outside the barriers of any particular genre and creates

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W: Who are some of your influences?

W:Do you like brownies this 420?How about some WEIRD Brownies?

minds. Be sure to check them out at Stubb’s 420. Is it okay to promote other bands? We love them so we are going to do it anyways.

HS: We all love Brownie... Brownies W: Final thoughts to the are Tessa’s favorite WEIRD MAG readers? dessert! Especially with ice cream! Not to HS :Holding Space is very busy right now, we are in the middle mention, we’re down of recording our first album, with booking the final for anything that has along few dates of our Mid-West the word ‘weird’ in it! tour. We are playing Wakarusa W: What is going on with you guys for 420? April 20th this month? HS: Oh April 20th... ahh we thought the 420 you were talking about, ah nevermind, you’re probably not into high speed plasma x-ray diffractometers. April 20th there is no shows booked so we will be enjoying the amazing Umphrey’s Mcgee at Stubbs with the DEBUT of A Live One, who are Austin’s brand new Phish cover band, and let us tell you, these guys are going to blow

Music Festival in Arkansas this summer which is a very exciting stop on the tour. So far we have 15 dates in the first leg which goes from early may until early June and will stretch through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Arkansas. Our LAST San Marcos show until Fall will be April 7th at the Triple Crown with Bungalouski from Norman, Ok. The Dude Abides! Thanks for having us.


The Gospel Of HEMP! Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Craig X. How are things at Temple 420 “The Spiritual home of the 420 Nation”? Pastor Craig X: Well, things have changed since we first opened. We no longer have a sanctuary to hold services at, marry people and provide medical marijuana. There has been a war not only on my church, but on pro-cannabis people of faith in general. Roger Christie of the THC Ministry is currently in prison, and has been for one year being held without bail, as he awaits a trial where he is facing life in prison for doing the same thing I did. The fact is we live in a Police State. There is no difference between Obama and Bush because they both work for the same moneyed interests. There may be differences in their style and priorities, but

when it comes to foreign policy they both believe in Empire as can be seen by their identical tactics in different countries in the oily regions of the world. Obama’s version of hope, change and listening to the people only goes so far. He asked the American people for their opinion on what the People thought was a priority. Overwhelmingly people asked to legalize cannabis, the number one, two and three demands of the President and he laughed US off as “Internet Junkies.”

It is difficult to have a church that believes and teaches the Bible when living under an authoritarian police state. We are not under full martial law and it is not being implement at once, but slowly creeping in, so to combat that Temple 420 has decentralized and is now in all 50 states, but doesn’t have a sanctuary in these states. People are simply starting Bible studies at home with their pro-hemp friends and learning for themselves the Revelation of Y’shua Ha’Meshiac. The Book of Revelation is awesome and worth studying. So, like the early believers our church is now underground in people’s houses all across the nation and I just answer Bible questions when people write me.

W: Are you going be on WEEDS in future episodes? Pastor Craig X: doubt that I’ll be on Weeds, but you never know. I just did a pilot called Venice Heat. I am not in the

trailer, but it is on YouTube and Google. I play the helpful owner of a bong shop who smokes out with the cops and while helping them to solve crime. The show is a cross between Reno 911 and Baywatch. It is funny. I am working on TV shows and movies trying to represent pot in a humorous and positive way in the media.

W: What are your plans for 420 This Year?

Pastor Craig X:Usually I do a comedy show, but this year I don’t have plans yet. I have been invited to a few places, but I just don’t know for sure. It is the 11th anniversary of my roommate Richard Castaldo being shot in Columbine. I’ll probably just hang out with him.

W:Are dispensary shops still getting raided in CA by the FEDS? Craig X: Raids are being done the Feds and by the State; it truly is a bad situation out here. There are no standardized ground rules and it seems to me, as an observer, that it is all about connections and payoffs to government officials. It is more about who you know rather than “how you operate your business” when determining the success or failure of an enterprise. That is not how it should work in America because that is how it works in Third World Economies, but more and more our nation’s corruption in business/government is beginning to reach levels only seen in the Third World and that is why the raids continue. There have been a lot of private prisons built and pot smokers are compliant prisoners; prisoners for profit, so it will change, but I don’t know when.

W: What is your main goal as a Marijuana Activist in the trenches of the American Drug War? Pastor Craig X: To make money, it always has been, as I wrote in 9021GROW (my first book) marijuana prohibition has always been about capital control. Recently, especially since 911, the government has put more controls in over the flow of capital. I lost everything I owned in the world after being arrested. It is hard to find a job when you are a convicted felon, so in some ways a marijuana felony conviction is a life’s sentence… even if it is only $20 worth of pot to cop with a doctor’s note. Therefore, it is my goal to teach people to make money from pot, with my web site, and as I said early…make movies and TV shows that show cannabis in a positive light because it is going to heal our nation and the other nations of the world when we can get off our addiction to death (an oil based economy) and love life again.

W: Will we “Get It Legal” in the foreseeable future? Pastor Craig X: I used to think it was close 30 years ago…. there is an ebb and flow to these

things. Will it be cool if it is “legal,” but IF only big Pharma can grow it than not so much… There are so many shades of gray. I just think prohibition should end. BOOM marijuana is legal and so is HEMP, why? Because it is not HARMFUL…not only is it NOT harmful….IT IS BOTH Benign and Benevolent!

When will prohibition end like that? It will end when the NWO globalist agenda ends because they are connected. Marijuana will allow small communities of people to produce a valuable natural resource…ie income without being connected to the ‘global economy’ and the NWO.

W: How does it feel to be in the middle of all this good controversy? Pastor Craig X: Guess I don’t know because I don’t know what it is like to be outside of it. I have been involved with this for so long. My life has been hard the last few years, but it was easy the years before that. I suppose you grow the most in the hard years. I am looking forward to some easy years again. I never intended to break the law. I waited until it was legal, so it is disappointing to be in trouble for something you thought was legal and everyone else is doing everyday in front of you, but life is not fair.

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The Gospel Of HEMP! Pastor Craig X: I never had a Federal case. They only supervised the LAPD as they busted me on State charges.

W: What is the most important thing people need to know about Craig X? Pastor Craig X: Craig X loves God and teaches the Bible, but he is most famous for being in the “Pot World” because of his appearance on Weeds, authoring 9021GROW, owning a chain of hemp stores and most importantly speaking out as an activist for over 30 years.

Interview By Russell Dowden

W: The Pot Culture has turned into the mainstream in the last 40 years hasn’t it? Pastor Craig X: Well, as the cops arrested me at my medical marijuana club and they drove me to jail we drove by 16 other medical marijuana clubs that are all still in business to this day. At first I was pointing them out to the police as they

were taking me to the station. By the end, the last four or so, the cops were pointing them out to me. So, yeah, now young people have no idea what it is to try and get a hold of their “pot guy” because there are more pot stores than 7-11s in Los Angeles, but it is still used to prosecute politically unpopular people and ideas and that is wrong.

W: Name some benefits of medicinal marijuana?

Pastor Craig X: Increases appetite, reduces stomach upset,

lowers inter ocular eye pressure…the list goes on and on… even shrinks cancer tumors! But, I am not a doctor, so consult your physician before using…lol. No one has ever died from pot…except for being shot by the cops or a robber.

W: Do you have any favorite flavors? Pastor Craig X: The good ones.

W: How is your case coming along versus the FEDS?

I am only forty five years old, but I have been aware and active for cannabis since I was only 12 years old as I document in 9021GROW. It is my sincere belief that the Bible is true and that cannabis is THE plant for the healing of all nations. Marijuana, and the ending of prohibition, is going to be THE key to defeating the NWO and their globalist agenda because cannabis is a natural resource that can be grown any where… even with little water and marginal soil. Hemp heals PERIOD that is a fact! I have not been afraid to stand up for what is right and neither should any one reading this have any

fear…read the Bible…in the END the good guys win!

W: Halleluiah! The REV. Has Spoken! Pastor Craig X: Thank you and God bless anyone who reads this. Let the truth of cannabis benefits strengthen you to tell the truth to your friends and family. Lastly, thank a pot smoker because they have saved the seed that’ll save the planet from the NWO. ___________________________ You can talk to Craig X April 13th on the Weird Show our guest just one week before 4/20! VISIT WWW.SMTX.TV on WED APRIL 13 AT 9PM CST: CALL IN 512-754-0084 !

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Interview By Russell Dowden

W: Welcome to Weird Magazine Cherijons! Sorry to hear you are going out of business. Cherijons Music:Going out

of business sounds so negative Russell, we’re actually just moving on. Cherijons has always been a family owned and operated store and the family is going through some changes.

W: Wow there has to be some great deals on Jackson Guitars and Orange AMPS. Cherijons Music:Sure but

remember not only do we have Jackson and Orange we carry Ibanez, Musicman, Washburn, Yamaha, Tama, Mapex, Zildjian, Cerwin Vega, Shure, Audio Technica due the I can go on and on, basically we have something for every musician and its all gotta go.

W: So how long has Cherijons Music served the Harlingen and surrounding areas now? Cherijons Music:

The original store open in 1968 as a gift shop then it transformed into a music school then into a full blown music retail store in 1973. So we have had a really good run.

W: So tell us about this Huge Sale you guys are having this SPRING! Cherijons Music:

Well first off I can not go into details about the deep discounts due to industry restrictions (MAP Policy) but I will say that if anyone comes in, it will be well worth their time.

W: So Everything must GO? Cherijons Music:Yeah everything gotta go.

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W: This is a SAD DAY for musicians all over the Valley. Can I get a good deal on a keyboard or an A HARP? Cherijons Music:

Everything in the store will be deeply discounted. Really discounted My sales staff is ready to go.

W: There are plenty of ROCKERS out there that need to come in and check out these great deals this month. Is there anything particular musicians from around the Valley need to know before coming in for this LIQUIDATION SALE? ITS A FIRE SALE OF MUSIC! Cherijons Music: All sales

will be final. All new items will still have factory warranties. No checks will be accepted. Oh and bring a car with lots of space. Guys you don’t want to miss this one.

W: Where will you guys go after you close? On the road? Teach music to HOBO’s? What’s next for Cherijons?

Cherijons Music: Who knows

everyone has got a back up plan and we have decided to divide the sales earnings with the employees they’ve been great we could not have made this far with out them.

W: Did you hear that Music was banned on Padre Island after Spring Break? They said Snoop Dogg got all crazy-high last month on stage and that the SO.PADRE City Council got a contact high. So they went crazy with all these new ordinances.

Cherijons Music: Nah , but

I did hear that 3 hot chicks were abducted by aliens and the families are still lookin for them do you know anything bout that ?

W: Nope. But it happens all the time. Whay my uncle . . . nevermind. Well it’s been one helluva ride. Best Deal on electric guitars this month?

Cherijons Music: there will be guitars starting at 40.00 bucs

W: What are some of the

staffs FAVORITE Guitars and Amps that you sell there?

Cherijons Music: They love they custom runs of the Roswell guitar

W: There is always a rock n

roll band as a second source of income guys! What do you say? RESURRECTION!

Cherijons Music: Well

Johnny has the Steve Perry hair- do maybe he can do some karaoke stuff

W: Any final thoughts to WEIRD MAGAZINE Rock & Rollers this month?

Cherijons Music: You guys have been great, the musicians, the reader, and the basic supporters that have been with Cherijons and weird through the years I thank you guys for the memories and wish everyone the best.

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