03/10/2022 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

VOLUME 31, NO. 10



Lakes Region Symphony Orchestra Concert “Nature’s Splendor” The Lakes R e g i o n Symphony Orchestra (LRSO) invites you to a concert on Saturday March 19th at 7pm at Inter-Lakes Community Auditorium in Meredith. The LRSO features renowned local guitarist David Newsam performing the Postcard showing The Belknap Mountain Recreation Area, now known as Gunstock, in the 1940s. enchanting Guitar Concerto in D Major by Tedesco, a lyrical work balancing solo guitar with orchestral texture. Also on the program are the Rakoczy March by Berlioz, Debussy’s famous Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6 “Pastoral”. Tickets are $20 - 30 for adults and $10 by Robert So said a headline in a edged that whatever is over what’s happening - $15 for students college-age and under Hanaford Smith, Sr. (please no children under age 5). recent issue of the Con- going on includes “...aFRIDAY today, but, rather to takeSUNDAY SATURDAY Contributing Writer Tickets are available online at www.LRSO. cord Monitor. battle over the stew-MARCH a look backMARCH to the 1940’sMARCH “In Belknap County, The attached article ardship of other public and 1950’s, mainly the org or by phone using the numbers listed a battle over the future admitted that “...getting resources in Belknap latter to see what was with each concert on the LRSO web site. Any 12PMhappening -6PM 10AM -6PM un10AM -4PM tickets will be available at the door unsold of a landmark ski re-SPORTSPLEX to the bottom of• what’s County.” then AT THE NH Bedford, NH sort reaches a boiling going on hasn’t been I don’t intend in this der the direction of the starting one hour before the concert. point.” easy.” And, it acknowl- article to enter the fray See HISTORY on 30

The Commission And The Delegation A Look Back In History It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!


It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!












TRX/HIIT, THE PLACE FOR Cardio X-train, E IT -S ON Serving ARE ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily Pilates, Zumba, CHILD C LE B AVAILA Spin & Core

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


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Move Military Forces Into Western Ukraine To The Editor: Since the Russians are essentially occupying eastern Ukraine, and are attacking Kyiv from the north, east and south, maybe NATO military forces with U.S. support should move into western Ukraine to prevent Russia from completely overrunning Ukraine. Air cover would have to be provided for the ground forces. This would allow Ukrainian civilians to remain in Ukraine, and it could provide an alternate Ukrainian government seat of power if Kyiv is taken by the Russians. The presence of NATO and U.S. military forces in western Ukraine would also provide leverage to get the Russians out of eastern Ukraine since NATO and the U.S. could agree to pull its forces out of western Ukraine as part of a negotiated settlement. Obviously, moving military forces into western Ukraine runs the risk of war with Russia, but the alternative of trying to get Russia out of Ukraine with sanctions and diplomacy might not be viable. Additionally, it would put Russia on notice that it faces robust military action by NATO if it tries any expansionist moves in the future. Donald Moskowitz Londonderry NH.

Pass HB 1216 To the Editor, When you first started out in the workforce, (as I did in 1970) did you experience a ‘housing crisis’? If so, what did you do about it? A. Get a roommate and share an apartment B. Commute to work from another location C. Stay living with parents a little longer D. Ask the government to steal from the taxpayers and subsidize a home for you in a community where you could not yet afford to buy.. Unfortunately, D. is what is currently happening in NH thanks to Sununu and some Senators with their schemes to force towns into building stack’n’pack apartment buildings where they are not wanted or inappropriate. Local zoning is now of no consequence since the state and feds are taking over. Please ask them to vote to PASS HB 1216, the bill to repeal the HAB. The committee voted ITL, so you would ask the Reps to vote NO on ITL. Also ask the full House of Reps to kill these bills which passed committee, a NO on OTP. SB 400 SB 437 SB 329 Save the NH Advantage! Jane Aitken, Bedford bedfordresidents.com

Open Letter To The Citizens Of Belknap County On Tuesday evening, Feb. 22nd, I was elected to fill the vacant seat on the Gunstock Area Commission. When a new Commissioner is elected to replace a sitting Commissioner, administration of the oath of office is done at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission, when the outgoing member then steps down. But when a new Commissioner is elected to fill a vacancy, as I was, the oath can be given right away in order to fully constitute the Commission. This is done all the time not only in NH, but in other States across the nation and in the Federal government. As such, I was sworn in that night in front of the public. Contrary to the attack ads run against me in the Laconia Daily Sun., I am not a “free-stater” and strongly believe in the sovereign State of New Hampshire and the Constitution that empowers it. Yes, the election process for a Gunstock Commissioner is political, but only in the sense that the choice is made by the elected Representatives from Belknap County. Rest assured, I have not been asked, nor have I made any promises whatsoever, to support any agenda from the County delegation or any other party. In fact, had I any hint that I would be expected to be someone’s “puppet,” I would never have applied for the position. Because I was elected by the Representatives of the citizens of See MAILBOAT on 34

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2022 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 5/31/2021

A Good Time For Ducks

by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer


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March is a good time to look for ducks, assuming, of course, there is some open water. I took a short drive the other day to a large reservoir and found that the water was still largely frozen. There were plenty of open spots, however, and one, in particular, caught my attention. I saw mallards from a distance and zeroed in to see if anything else was lurking there. The mallards I had seen were not mallards at all but a pair of

American black ducks. mallards in the open Male and female black w a t e r a s i t t u r n e d ducks resemble female out. They seemed to mallards from a dis- be the most active of tance with their over- the ducks. Many of all bland coloring and the ducks were sleepsimilar size and shape. ing, but the mallards A closer look revealed would often fly from the black duck’s dark- spot to spot or swim er coloration. Male quickly across the black ducks also have pool. On more than a yellow bill, similar to one occasion, a mala male mallard’s bill. lard photobombed one The females of both of my attempts to get u r N e w of another species have duller e S h opa Opicture C o m r g e r duck bills. S t o r especies. ! La To complicate matI was hoping to see ters, black ducks and wood ducks and the mallards often inter- pool of water did not breed, especially in the disappoint. As is often Northeast, so hybrid the case, they stayed individuals may be in c l o s e t o t h e h e a v the mix as well. ily vegetated shoreline There were plenty of See BOSAK on 34



A digiscoped photo of a hooded merganser in New England last week.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Author of ‘Fly Girls’ At Aviation Museum Of New Hampshire

LONDONDERRY - The Aviation Museum of N.H. will have a presentation and book-signing by author Keith O’Brien, whose compelling research sheds light on the struggles and achievements of women in the early days of flight. O’Brien’s book, “Fly Girls,” published in 2018, illustrates the risks that aviation’s female pioneers took to advance their own careers in addition to fighting for inclusion in the air. “Fly Girls” focuses on the stories of five women, some of whom you may recognize the names of (Amelia Earhart), while others are less known. Florence Klingensmith, for instance, was a high school dropout from Fargo, N. D., and Louise Thaden was the young mother of two who got her start selling coal in Wichita, Kan. Both were boundary-pushing pilots frequently overlooked by the history books. The women’s stories take readers to heights previously unknown; from Earhart’s famed crossing of the Atlantic and the many women who preceded her, and to the air races of the 1920s and ‘30s that often looked down upon women as competitors. A book-signing will follow the presentation, with copies available to be reserved in advance. A limited number of copies will be for sale at the museum. The program starts at 7 p.m. and is open to the public. Tickets are $10 per person, general admission. A “book-signing package” for $40 includes admission to the lecture plus a hard-cover copy of ‘Fly Girls’ to be inscribed by the author at the event. The Aviation Museum is located at 27 Navigator Road, off Harvey Road, in Londonderry, N.H.

Belknap House To Hold Online Auction - NH Belknap House is excited to announce its first 2022 fundraise r eve n t ! T h e Belknap House Online Auction will begin at 7pm on March 15 and close at 10pm on March 19. This is a perfect time to shop online for gifts, or because our fabulous and one of kind items are a must have! Either way, with every purchase, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to provide safe shelter to homeless children and empower their parents to become independent. Plan to visit the auction website often, https://www.32auctions.com/BH-AuctionLink2022 Selected items include, a week in Chatham, a golf foursome and lunch at the Westhampton Country Club, or the Canterbury Woods Country Club, framed NH landscape paintings by Cam Sinclair, hand-crafted furniture, and gift certificates for services, dining and self-care. There are more than 100 items! Belknap House staff work directly toward empowering parents who become homeless; creating family stability, independence, and renewed hope. This in turn strengthens the communities they enter. In a collaborative effort, parents work with case management and agency partners to develop individual goals, based upon housing history and financial barriers. The process that follows is hard work and becomes a helping hand-up. The ultimate goals - families acquire transitional or permanent housing and become better parents because they feel better about themselves.

Newfound Lake Region Association’s Boat Storage Lottery Now Open Enter the Newfound Lake Region Association’s boat storage lottery for the chance to keep your canoe or kayak right on the shores of Newfound Lake and the Cockermouth River at Grey Rocks Conservation Area. All NLRA members are eligible to participate in the lottery, with seven storage spaces currently available. Lottery winners will be chosen at random on April 4th, and winners will submit a $200 rental fee for the storage season of May 1-October 31, 2022. Submit your entry at NewfoundLake.org/storage-lottery. Questions can be directed to Conservation Program Manager Paul Pellissier at Paul@NewfoundLake.org, or call 603744-8689. To learn more about the NLRA and Grey Rocks Conservation Area, visit NewfoundLake.org. Membership with NLRA supports education, programs, and collaboration that promotes the conservation and preservation of the Newfound watershed.


Meredith Altrusa Community Dinner The Meredith Altrusa Club will be offering their next C o m mu n i t y D i n ner at the Meredith Community Center on Wednesday March 23rd. Dinner is ser ved at 5:30 and guests may start to come in at 5:00. We will be serving Texas Hash, green salad with dressing, rolls and butter, Angel food cake with chocolate sauce and whip cream. The meal is free, though donations are greatfully accepted and will be used to help fund future dinners. The Altrusa International Foundation of Meredith , NH is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit foundation. Our fundraising efforts contribute to a better community through leadership, service, and partnerships. Community dinners are one of the ways in which Altrusa works to improve the community’s well-being and quality of life though their committment to community service. For more information please visit the Meredith Altrusa website: www.altrusameredithnh.org


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


in brendan@weirs.com


entral Baptist hurch

Live Free or Die.


A Matter Of Time A survey I recently came across stated that forty-nine percent of people would gladly give up control of their cars to an onboard, driverby Brendan Smith l e s s n a v i g a Weirs Times Editor tion system, in exchange for more free time. This to me seems rather ironic. After all, hasn’t the purpose of all this great technology over the years, from the washing machine to the touch-tone telephone to the microwave oven to the often-confusing self-checkout at the local supermarket (unexpected item in bagging area? No, I totally expected it, I put it there), been to free up more time for us to do the things we couldn’t get to before because we were too busy doing the things that technology was supposed to help us get through faster so we would have more free time? It can be confusing. As far as letting a computer take over total control over my car, while I am sitting in it, supposedly concentrating on some important task because before I was too busy concentrating on driving and never had time to get to it, is something I don’t think I will ever be comfortable with. I have to question exactly what time will be freed up to do exactly what task that you couldn’t get to before, but now will feel comfortable tackling while sitting in the passenger seat of a car travelling at 70 miles per hour down a busy highway, driven by an unseen entity, jockeying for position with other cars with no drivers and passengers with their heads down engrossed in some important task they never could have gotten to if they had

to spend the time driving their cars themselves. It seems we always have a lot of things to get done and we can never seem to get around to doing them since we have too many other tasks to complete. In fact, it seems the only ones who have the time to get all of the things done they need to are the folks inventing these great advances in technology that we need so desperately in order to get the things done we can’t otherwise get done since we don’t have the time. Personally, I admit to not getting everything accomplished that I need to when it needs to get done (like this week’s column for example). I have all the technology I need to get me through a day much faster than my grandparents did and yet it is still often a problem. Of course, they didn’t need to check Facebook, Twitter and Instagram a few dozen times a day and they certainly didn’t have the luxury of uploading their every move, meal and mood to their circle of friends several times a day. Instead, they had to catch up with people whenever they happened to run into them and spend precious seconds and minutes talking about what is has happened in their lives. They also spent the time to actually handwrite letters. The horror!! We are now fortunate enough to not have to do that any longer. The Internet has freed us from personally interacting with others any longer and not only taking our valuable time from us, but their valuable time from them as well. Many of us have been embarrassed to run into an old friend only to realize you are interrupting them as they are posting their recent visit to the deli counter on Facebook to let all their “other” friends know that the smoked ham is on sale for $1.99 a pound (and they have

the “selfie” to prove it). It can be an uncomfortable situation but, now that everyone has more time, according to the old saying, all these wounds will heal faster. I don’t believe that any new technology will create more time to do things we never seem to have more time to do. Giving people more time only creates more space for them to think of new things to do that they wouldn’t have thought of before because they didn’t have enough time to think of them before. It really is just chasing your own tail in a way (something, I admit, I enjoy watching our cat do on occasion). Most of us will never catch up. As far as spending time in a driverless car working on some project while speeding down the highway - I am of the generation that could never be comfortable with that. Having grown up with new technology that always found a way to eventually disappoint, I could never feel at ease. (Just think of your old eight track tapes getting eaten alive by the tape deck as one simple example.) If I were travelling down the road at seventy miles an hour in the passenger seat with no human at the steering wheel I would be spending all that valuable time I was supposedly inheriting, white knuckled and perspiring, while staring at the road anticipating my certain demise. Forty-nine percent said they’d be comfortable with this. I’m sure the other fiftyone were over the age of forty. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and his latest book “I Only Did It For The Socks and Other Tales of Aging” . All are available at BrendanTSmith.com.

Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV 401 GILFORD AVE.,GILFORD, NH • CENTRALBAPTISTNH.ORG

NOW ON SALE! BRENDAN SMITH’S NEWEST BOOK! “I Really Only Did It For The Socks Stories & Thoughts On Aging”

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)



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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money 374 Governor Wentworth HWY orders for $19.99 to Brendan Moultonboro, N.H. Smith 03254 and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

Skelley’s Market


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

AFPAC Versus America Last GOP GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy returned from a congressional junket to Israel this week and immediately surrendered to the woke corporate media and leftist smear merchants. Is this the kind of America Last “leadership” that grassroots conservatives want if Republicans take back Congress in November? McCarthy told a CNN reporter on Monby Michelle Malkin day that it was “appalling and wrong” for Syndicated Columnist Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., to speak to the annual America First Political Action Conference, or AFPAC. I have personally addressed and supported AFPAC since its inception in 2019. It is the authentic alternative to the moldy, Swamp-run Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, from which a rising generation of staunch immigration restrictionists and conservative Christians are banned and blacklisted (including me) -- while drag queens, foreign sponsors, and Big Tech titans Google and Facebook have been welcomed by CPAC with open arms. Decrepit GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed the liberal outrage mob over AFPAC. He railed against “white supremacists” and “antisemitism,” which now encompasses investigating billionaire globalist George Soros, criticizing powerful bankers and opposing unlimited foreign aid to Israel. (With Southern Poverty Law Center-parroting GOP friends like this, who needs left-wing Facebook, Twitter, Google, Chase Bank and Airbnb to ban us?) GOP elites and CNN gatekeepers want to censure Greene and Gosar for daring to address the large and growing movement of passionate patriots who care about the sovereignty of our families, churches and country above all others. In Idaho, a liberal Republican big-business group called “Take Back Idaho” demanded that populist America First Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin resign for addressing AFPAC by video. McGeachin (who has my endorsement for governor) retorted, “Not a chance!” and condemned “guilt-by-association” games. On Monday afternoon, the Republican-dominated state Senate in Arizona issued a “censure” of populist America First state Sen. Wendy Rogers for similarly addressing AFPAC by video. The eunuchs had nothing to say about the actual violent bomb threats that were called into the hotel that hosted our conference. Instead, they hysterically accused Rogers for “threatening” violence beSee MALKIN on 36

Putin Wakes Up The Western Ostrich

After the end of the Cold War, foreign policy experts across the spectrum assured us that things had changed. Wars of pure border conquest were over. Wars over oil would soon be a thing by Ben Shapiro of the past. Instead, Syndicated Columnist the increasingly intertwined world would move toward peace. Thomas Friedman suggested in his massive 1999 bestseller “The Lexus and the Olive Tree” that no two countries with McDonald’s would go to war with each other; Francis Fukuyama stated in “The End of History and the Last Man” that we had reached the “end-point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” The West set about proving these dubious theses by embracing what could be termed an ostrich foreign policy: a willingness to place security considerations last, and to pursue utopian goals with alacrity. Germany spent decades making itself more dependent on Russian natural gas and oil in order to pursue the dream of green energy, meanwhile slashing its defense budget as a percentage of GDP. France acted similarly. So did the United Kingdom. The West banked instead on more economic interdependence via the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization, more diplomacy at Davos and the United Nations. Most of all, the West banked on its own unwillingness to recognize reality. When, in 2012, Mitt Romney made the crucial error of reminding Americans that Russia was a geopolitical foe, President Barack Obama openly mocked him. So did Obama’s complaint media. The 1980s had called, and they wanted their foreign

policy back. When aggressive global competitors made clear that they did not buy into the West’s vision of a grand and glorious materialist future combined with welfare statism -- that they believed their own national histories had yet to be fully written, and that their centuries-old territorial ambitions were still quite alive -- the West simply looked the other way. When Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, the West did nothing. When Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, the West did nothing. When China abrogated its treaty with the U.K. and took over Hong Kong in 2020, the West did nothing. And, of course, President Joe Biden precipitously removed American support for the Afghan regime, toppling it in favor of the Taliban. The West decided that it would make a war-free future a reality by simply ending war. Now, as the West is finding out, ending war is a game that requires two players. Russian President Vladimir Putin saw Western weakness as the impetus for his final grand strategic move: the destruction and occupation of Ukraine. And the West has been shocked back into reality: yes, opponents of American hegemony are territorially ambitious; yes, they want more than mere integration into world markets; yes, they are willing to murder and invade in order to achieve their goals. Times and technologies may change, but human nature remains the same. As George Orwell wrote in 1940 about the rise of the Nazis, “Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all ‘progressive’ thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain... Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they See SHAPIRO on 37


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

My Dream State Of The Union President Joe Biden just gave his State of the Union Address. Here’s what I wish Biden said: “Russia’s unwarranted invasion of Ukraine reby John Stossel minds us why it’s Syndicated Columnist crucial that America’s military remains strong, and focused on defense, not distractions like gender equity. “I stand with the people of Ukraine, and I will help them where I can, but America will not enter this war. “My predecessors involved us

in wars all over the world. Today, America posts soldiers in 80 countries: 25,000 in South Korea, 30,000 in Germany, 50,000 in Japan ... “I will bring those troops home. Those countries can pay for their own defense. I promise I will deploy America’s soldiers only if there is a direct threat to America’s interests. “Avoiding war was one of the things my predecessor got right. “Former President Donald Trump said he would ‘bring our troops back home.’ I followed through, and we now are out of Afghanistan. I didn’t plan the exit well, but at least we finally left. “Turning to my governance at

home, I have a lot to apologize for. Two years into the pandemic, I finally understand how much I got wrong. “I said we wouldn’t mandate vaccines. My press secretary assured reporters, ‘That’s not the role of the federal government.’ “But just a few weeks later, I mandated vaccines for most employees. “I said, ‘This is not about freedom or personal choice.’ But that’s nonsense. It was exactly about freedom and choice. Fortunately, the Supreme Court struck down my mandate. “My government made endless mistakes.

“For a year, our Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintained outdoor mask rules. That’s absurd. It’s almost impossible to contract COVID-19 outdoors. I think bureaucrats do things like that because they like bossing you around. “I’ll stop that. “Next, during the pandemic, both Trump and I liked sending you money. ‘I’m sure people will be very happy to get a big, fat beautiful check,’ said Trump. I said, ‘85% of American households will have gotten a $1,400 rescue check.’ “But government has no money of its own, so that money wasn’t See STOSSEL on 37

Russia Suffers Stunning Political Setback On Ukraine Russia has suffered a stunning political setback from the United Nations as Vladimir Putin pursues his ruthless attack against The by John J. Metzler U k r a i n e . Syndicated Columnist diplomatic rebuff came amid Moscow’s widening military aggression on Ukraine which has created widespread civilian casualties and triggered a tragic refugee exodus from the East European country. In a rare Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly, one of eleven held since 1950, the organization’s full 193 membership weighed in on the Kremlin’s widening war against Ukraine’s territo-

rial sovereignty and demanded an immediate halt to Russian military operations and a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. The vote tally on a tough resolution “Aggression against Ukraine,” was 141 to 5 with 35 abstentions. Though highly symbolic but not legally binding, the Assembly vote stings Russia with the moral and political shame for its unprovoked invasion. Backers of the resolution included the United States, Canada, all of Europe, and most of Latin America and Asia. Only four states backed Russia; Belarus, Syria, Eritrea and North Korea. Many of the “usual suspects” who can usually be relied on to support Moscow in such a vote included China, Cuba, Nicaragua and Sudan were among the

35 abstentions. Other abstentions included India, Pakistan and Iran. Ukraine’s UN Ukraine’s Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya stated that the Russian forces, “They have come to the Ukrainian soil, not only to kill some of us ... they have come to deprive Ukraine of the very right to exist.” President Volodymyr Zelensky warned, “Russia is aiming to erase Ukraine, its history and people.” But the embattled President has by chance and clearly fate become the proud symbol of Free and fighting Ukraine. His words and more importantly his actions have galvanized his Nation, and defiantly prepared it for this David vs Goliath confrontation. Putin and his forces are carrying out war crimes with appalling

Soviet-style ferocity to subjugate Ukraine. We are clearly facing realtime evil in Europe from a nuclear armed rogue regime. Now Ukraine braces for the whirlwind of the Russian onslaught. Already Moscow’s devastating attacks on Ukrainian cities and civilian targets constitute war crimes and should be referred to courts in the Hague. The Irish Foreign Ministry added, “Along with 37 other concerned states, Ireland will now formally refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court.” Yet, Moscow’s military may have miscalculated; the Russians expected a quick shock and awe blitzkrieg which failed to gain momentum. Ukrainian forces, See METZLER on 35


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

HSA: A Healthy Way To Save For Retirement

Many expenses in life are unpredictable. But there are two things you know you’ll have to pay for: medical bills and retirement. You’ll probably need to take a variety of steps to meet these costs, but one financial instrument that can help is a health savings account (HSA).

HSA can help you in other ways. Perhaps most significantly, your HSA can be an additional financial resource for your retirement. That’s because the money in your HSA can be carried over from year to year – you aren’t obligated to “use it or lose it.” So, the money not spent on annual medical expenses can continue to grow tax-deferred. Plus, an HSA is “portable” – it moves with you when you leave a job. If you’re not familiar with an HSA, here are the Furthermore, unlike a 401(k) or a traditional basics: IRA, an HSA does not require you to begin taking withdrawals once you reach 72 – you can • Eligibility – If you are enrolled in a qualified leave your account untouched for essentially high-deductible health plan (HDHP), you can as long as you’d like. And while you may generally contribute to an HSA. While HSAs are typically offered through employers, you can need to use your HSA funds to meet your medical expenses in retirement – which can be still open one if your employer doesn’t provide considerable, even with Medicare – you can use it, or if you’re self-employed, although you what you don’t spend on medical costs for your must have HDHP coverage. You also can’t be enrolled in another health insurance plan, other other needs without penalty, once you reach age 65. (As mentioned above, any HSA withdrawals than those permitted, such as dental, vision, long-term care and disability insurance, and you not used for qualified medical costs are taxable.) can’t be enrolled in Medicare. Also, you can’t be Here’s one other point to keep in mind: Your claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax HSA likely contains investment options, along return. with a cash account. If you put all your funds • Contribution limits – In 2022, you can put in up in the cash account, as many people do, you to $3,650 to an HSA if you have single coverage, might be depriving yourself of the growth opportunities provided by the investment or $7,300 for family coverage. And if you’re 55 or older, you can put in an extra $1,000 per year. options. On the other hand, of course, these • Tax benefits – An HSA has triple tax advantages: investments generally carry more risk. One possible way to benefit from both parts of your Your contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, so they can reduce your taxable income HSA is to keep enough cash to cover your health insurance’s out-of-pocket maximum and invest for the year; your earnings grow tax-free; and the rest. your withdrawals are tax-free, provided the As you can see, an HSA can help you in money is used for qualified medical expenses. numerous ways. If you have access to one, (Withdrawals taken before age 65 that aren’t consider taking advantage of it. used for qualified medical expenses are taxable and subject to a 20% penalty; once you reach Edward Jones, its employees and financial 65, the penalty no longer applies, although advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You withdrawals are still taxable.) should consult your attorney or qualified tax In addition to its providing tax benefits, an advisor regarding your situation.


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This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

Letters From God Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. QUESTION: Why Has Russia Been Allowed To Inflict Such Barbarism?

Your question is particularly relevant in light of the strength of the United States and its allies to stop the carnage. Have you ever considered that the problem could be that your strength has made you weak? You have the resources and everything you need to defeat the oppressive evil that exists in the world, even world powers like Russia. Just three decades ago your strength caused the collapse of the Russian Iron Curtain. Yet, now you and the world find yourself unable to stop their rapacious efforts to dominate the world again. How can this be when you and your allies have the resources to stop it? Let me ask you as well, how can it be that you were unable to defeat the Taliban after investing 20 years of military prowess, enormous financial capital and the human effort of thousands, some of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives? Not only were you defeated but you left behind billions of dollars of military hardware to equip them in their battle to destroy Is-

rael and you and all those who don’t bow to their “god.” And what can you say about the devastation you left behind, including deserting many of your own and those nationals who relied on your strength and promise to liberate them. Is it possible that your strength has become your weakness? The answer is simple. You trusted in your power instead of trusting in me. Your power gave you a false sense of security for you and for your ability to secure others. Along with your pride of invincibility came behavior and practices that are reprehensible to me, the only true God. You have not only rejected me but also angered me with your behavior. You thought that you could live without me and that your power could sustain you and be a deterrent to the barbarism of any world power, but you are finding, as other nations have in the past, that without me it is woefully inadequate. There are forces of evil in the world today that are influencing individuals and nations to challenge and defeat those, who in the past, sought to uphold righteous principles. When you practice the same evils and try to oppose those forces in your own strength, you will find as you do today, that you have neither the will nor the power in yourself to stop the barbarism that is being driven by hell. Your strength

and self-reliance has become your weakness and you and the world are seeing its inadequacy (Proverbs 16:18). When I made you, as individuals and as a nation, I designed you to have my supernatural power strengthen you (Zechariah 4:6). My power is greater than any human power or supernatural power from hell. With me and through me, evil will be restrained but without me you are at its mercy despite the false belief that you, in yourself have the power to overcome it (1 John 4:4). My servant Paul was given the privilege of standing in my presence in heaven. The tendency to become proud from his experience threatened to undermine the ministry I gave him. In order to keep him from pride I gave him a weakness he called “a thorn in his flesh.” It was a malady that required my resources to overcome. When he did, he was strengthened with my supernatural resources that enabled him to overcome his personal weakness as well as change the world. Even mighty Rome bowed to me as a result of his faithful witness. Later he would thank me for this weakness, because he recognized that it forced him to abandon pride and rely on me. When he did, his weakness became his strength because he drew on my supernatural power (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). If you as a nation and your people, ever hope to have the strength to

not only stop the evil and barbarism represented by Russia’s attack on Ukraine but also to stop the decaying influences that will destroy your country, you too must acknowledge your weakness and once again look to me for strength. If you do, I will hear your prayers, forgive your sins and empower you with the resources to once again be a light in the world that can expose and even quench the evil darkness once again. If you don’t, you will join the nations of the past, who are part of the scrap heap of failure. These are critical times. Would you recognize that without me and my blessing it will not end well. I close with a challenge I once gave to my people, Israel. I said, “if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14). It’s a challenge to you now.

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I love you God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


How’s The Ice?

While beautiful, fog and water runoff are ice killers and should never be taken for granted. by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

“How’s the ice?” is a question I get at least five times a week, and it’s a question I rarely answer unless it’s from one of my closest fishing friends. The question most often comes after a warm spell, like the one we had last week that included rain. One day I was standing in 4-inches of water on top of the ice reading Facebook messages asking me how the ice was holding up. I don’t refuse to answer that question out of spite or to be a jerk. For one thing, when it’s warm it seems like the messages never cease, but the main reason is because there are so

many variables that influence ice formation and loss that conditions change differently in different areas under different conditions. When there is a prolonged warm spell, especially one that includes rain two things happen: there is lots of water running through ice fishing holes, pressure ridges, and around dock bubblers, and all that excess runoff creates currents, especially in narrows between islands. Another thing that warm weather brings is fog. Fog is often referred to as an ice eater. Fog is ice that has melted and is evaporating, and it makes open cracks

and pressure ridges difficult to see. When we hear of a vehicle going through the ice after a warm spell it is usually between islands or because the driver was crossing a pressure ridge, likely in a place that they have been driving all winter, so they were confident it was safe. Some people just get complacent and don’t think they need to recheck the ice, which is time consuming. When pressure ridges form, the ice is sometimes only 6 to 8-inches thick. Once it heaves up it doesn’t get any thicker. The pressure ridge also leaves a void under it that prevents the water from freezing.

So, when the ice begins to melt, pressure ridges are often the most vulnerable and first to go, often collapsing into the water and creating an open crack. Not all pressure ridges form or melt the same. Many will form and then lay down See MOORE on 33

New Hampshire Marine Patrol

Get your New Hampshire Safe Boater Education Certificate! New Hampshire has a mandatory boating education law. Everyone 16 years of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. The New Hampshire boater education course covers a range of topics from safety instructions to boat handling to reading the weather and prepares you for a variety of situations you could find yourself in while on the water. To search/register for a Boating Education Class visit our website at www.boatingeducation.nh.gov or for information regarding boating laws and regulations visit www.marinepatrol.nh.gov

Remember to wear your life jacket!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

D.A. LONG TAVERN Baseball Strikes by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

Being just a naïve, idealistic teenager when baseball endured its first major strike in 1972, I joined many millions of other fans in sorrow when that season’s April games were cancelled as players stayed home. Eventually the owners and players did come to terms and a schedule was played out, but the disruption of our national pastime created lasting rancor. It was a more innocent time, an era when the reserve clause kept players with the same team for as long as owners wanted. But when the ’72 season finally got underway the leagues were stuck with unequal schedules. Not every team played the same number of games. This resulted in the Red Sox finishing a halfgame behind the Detroit Tigers in the A.L. East—the narrowest pennant-winning margin ever. Cincinnati and Oakland met in the World Series, and I just wasn’t that interested. The tumult associated with the strike soured me on MLB—especially the “half-game” thing with our BoSox. Many folks swore off baseball in 1972, but most of them came back to the game.

Mike and Beth and Angels Park in Anaheim. Then there was the 1994 season which saw a mid-summer strike resulting in the cancellation of the World Series for the first and only time ever. Technically, it was the eighth work stoppage in MLB history and the fourth since that 1972 strike, but this one was particularly devastating. As of April Fools Day of 1995, the strike was in its 232nd day and it looked like yet another season was in jeopardy. But the warring parties came to terms on April 2 and a shortened 144-game season commenced on April 25. Many folks swore off baseball in 1994 but

most of them came back to the game. For New Englanders, a reconciliation with the national pastime was aided by a firstplace finish by the Red Sox as Mo Vaughn had an MVP season in 1995 to help fill the seats again at Fenway Park. So with a lock-out presently threatening the start of the 2022 season, I pondered the investments I’ve made in our national pastime. Emotional investments to be sure, but also financial investments, going back to when I paid $2 to see the BoSox beat the Indians at Fenway in 1972. Noting that MLB rev-

enues recently topped $11 BILLION annually, I wondered how much I’d spent on tickets, hot dogs, beer, apparel, parking etc. over the past 50 years. I can only estimate, as I didn’t keep a baseball ledger. But I did make a list of the baseball venues I’ve been to besides Fenway. Jarry Park. Yankee Stadium. Shea Stadium. Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. Camden Yards in Baltimore. Nationals Park in Washington. Coors Field in Denver. The Oakland Coliseum. Jack Murphy Stadium and Petco Park in San Diego. Dodger Stadium. As well as several Florida spring training venues and minor league parks from Manchester N.H. to Woodbridge, Va., to Buffalo N.Y. And most recently Angel Stadium in Anaheim, where Beth and I contributed “mucho dinero” to help pay Mike Trout’s annual $36 million salary. I calculated that if I’d invested all the baseball money I’d spent into mutual funds or the stock market that I’d be rich today. But no regrets. I have countless fun memories of seeing so much wonderful baseball action over the years. It only cost me $2 to see BoSox catcher Carlton Fisk and Yankee catcher Thurman Munson get into a fistfight after a home plate collision in August of 1973 at FenSee MOFFETT on 35


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

THE SIMPLE FEAST Nanny Meda’s Banana Bread NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

A tribute to one of this family’s dearest and oldest friends. A beautiful little lady, small of stature, big of heart, and filled with personality. At 98 years old she still lives at home. While she has slowed down in stride her mind is still as playful as the first day I met her. She continues to exhibit that characteristic spunk she will always be known for. And, while only one eye may offer sight, both still sparkle with a brilliance that others lack at even a fraction of her age. A close friend of my

mother-in-law, my wife has known this lady ever since she was old enough to recognize people. Calling her “Nanny”, my wife can remember Nanny was the person on her emergency contact list. Living across the street

from the elementary school this was both convenient and consoling. Nanny knew just how to ease the pain of a tummy ache, mend a bruise on the knee or elbow, or just give a hug when needed. And if you ever had the notion

to run away, it would be to Nanny’s house, because the door was always open. To me, “Nanny” is Meda. I first met Meda and her late husband George many years ago when my wife and I See FEAST on 32


Yield: 3 Loaves Time: 10 min. prep. 60-70 min. cook Bake at 350 degrees F. Ingredients: 4-5 Very Ripe Bananas 4 ½ Cups Flour ¾ tsp. Baking Powder 1 ¼ tsp. Baking Soda 3-4 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 1 ½ tsp. Ground Cloves 3 Cups White Sugar 5 Eggs 1 ½ Cups Sour Cream 1 ½ Cups Veggie Oil ⅔ Cup Bourbon 2 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract 1 bag of Chocolate Chips (semi sweet or milk chocolate)

- Place bananas in a mixer and blend on low to medium speed until there are no lumps. - While blending your bananas, place the flour, powder, soda, cinnamon, and cloves into a bowl

and whisk together to blend completely and set aside. - Into the banana, combine white sugar, eggs (one at a time to blend), sour cream, veggie oil, and vanilla extract, blending all completely. - Gradually add in the flour combination to the wet ingredients. As the batter thickens you may need to increase the speed of the mixer. - Once the batter forms (the dry ingredients are combined with the wet) add in the bourbon and continue to mix for a few minutes more. - Remove the batter from the mixer and fold in the bag of chocolate chips, blending completely. - Divide the batter into three standard size loaf pans and bake for approximately 60 minutes. - Check for doneness by inserting a stem thermometer. Temperature should be about 165 degrees or higher. If the loaf is too ¨sticky¨ continue to bake for an additional 10 minutes. - Remove loaves from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes and then remove from pans to a wire rack to continue cooling.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

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* Lettuce will last longer if you store it in the crisper drawer in a clean paper bag. * “Try using an empty glass wine bottle (remove the label) for rolling out pie crust or any dough. It is the best thing IÕve ever used ... nothing sticks to the glass, unlike my wooden rolling pin, which is now in the back of my cabinet for good after using it for decades!” -- L.F. in Texas * Peas, spinach, sweet potato, squash and carrots can be pureed and added to baked goods to increase fiber and nutrients. They are especially useful in soups to thicken a broth without adding fat. You can sneak some veggies into unexpected places, too -- like cookies, pancake batter and pasta dishes, or make a flavorful sandwich spread. * “When you get a new pair of running shoes, treat the insides with spray starch. We have always done this, and it keeps them fresher longer.” -- S.M. in Indiana * Tubes make it easy to access toothpaste when they are full, but it’s sometimes hard to get that last bit out. Here’s a tip from C.W. in Oregon: “To get the last bit of a tube of toothpaste to come out, run the tube under warm water for a few seconds. There’s more still in there than

you think!” * It’s easy to sort hardware using a muffin pan. If you get a pan that has 12 depressions, you can line up nails and screws and such according to size, making it even more convenient. “Large dogs can benefit from a raised water and food bowl. Why not make it pretty at the same time by putting a stainless-steel bowl into a decorative planter? Find a planter and bowl that have the same size opening. Your pup will thank you.” —I.B.B. in Georgia “Here’s a novel way to store your skewers that’s both handy and safe: Once they are clean and dry, wrap in plastic wrap. They will stay together, and the plastic can save you from being poked by the ends when they’re loose in the drawer.” — T.H. in Arkansas The secret to avoiding stains on your carpet is to get to spills right away. If you have a liquid spill, remove as much of the liquid as you can, then spray the stain with a solution of half vinegar and half water. Let it sit for two minutes, then blot with a towel. If it’s solid food, try using a plastic card to scrape it up from underneath so it doesn’t get ground in. Then follow the same steps as for a liquid stain. “It’s better to use a dry, lint-free cloth to See TIP on 17


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

TIP from 16 clean your DVD player and other electronics. Moisture will damage your electrical circuits, so no spray cleaners. But there is one thing you can spray into those cracks to help you clean: canned air! It’s is a great alternative for dislodging dust from vents without risking your tech. While you have it out, you might try ‘dusting’ the headphone and charging ports on your cellphone, too.” — M.F. in Oregon

hours. After they cool, you can bag them in freezer-safe zipper-top bags and freeze them for easy use later.

“Need sliced mushrooms for your salad or recipe? They are hard to cut, but you might have the perfect tool for doing the job already in your kitchen. If you have an egg slicer, get it out. It works very well for mushrooms, and it’s easier to use than trying to cut those slices yourself.” — J.R. in Utah

• “To make the handiest long-handled garden tool, do this right now: Lay the tool on the ground (it can be a hoe, rake – whatever you use most) and, using a tape measure, mark out feet and inches with a permanent marker right on the handle. Now, when you go to put plants in the ground, you can space them out perfectly by laying down your tool along the planting line.” – C.O. in Arkansas

• Putting in your spring garden? To keep your fingernails from developing a dirt problem, use this classic tip: Rake your nails over a bar of soap. It “seals” the gap underneath, and later when you wash your hands, the soap slips right out ... no need to spend time scrubbing out the dirt! — JoAnn • Add these to the list of items to eliminate the odor of cooking cabbage: a heel of bread, a whole walnut or a pinch of baking soda. • Love beans but trying to save a little money? Don’t be intimidated by dry beans, just rinse them and chuck them in the slow cooker. Add water according to package directions and cook on low for up to eight

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• If you keep a couple of crackers in your sugar jar, they’ll keep the sugar from caking. • If you or your kids have trouble drifting off to sleep, try this aromatherapy trick: Spray sheets with a diluted lavender essential oil. Lavender is classic for sleep time.


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At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Henniker - Working Man’s Porter Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Lagunitas - Willettized Coffee Stout (2019) Banded - Daikaiju Fiddlehead - Aetherium Maine Beer - Lunch Jack’s Abby - Sunny Ridge Toppling Goliath - Zeelander ...+6 More On Tap


215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Orono -The Way Life Should Be Widowmaker -Blue Comet Northwoods -Glass Bells -Expedition Stout Woodstock- Frosty Goggles Lone Pine - Oh-J ...+30 More On Tap


Porch & Pub 286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662 Morrisseysfrontporch.com Smithwick’s Guinness Harp Concord Craft Safe Space Concord Craft Coffee Stout Stella Artois ...+11 More On Tap

OVER THE MOON FARMSTEAD 1253 Upper City Rd, Pittsfield overthemoonfarmstead.com CIDERS: Thirteen5; Little Apples BEER: Full Moon Blanket (Belgium Gold Strong); La Lune Blonde (Belgium Blonde Ale); German Pilsner; American Pale Ale; IPA with Honey SESSION MEADS: Razz What She Said; Currant Obsession; No Need To Argue


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale Woodstock - Moody Brew IPA ...+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344 FB @craftbeerxchange Ace – Pineapple Cider Schilling – Czech Pils 603 – Knuckle Puck IPA Fiddlehead – Second Fiddle 3 Floyds – Zombie Dust Smuttlabs – Snaccident Stout ...+30 More On Tap

** Tap listings subject to change!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





18 19 20



18 1019 20 NH’S LARGEST BOAT SHOW Boat Show Hours: 12 -6 -6 10Friday, -4 March 18, Noon-6pm AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH Saturday, March 19, 10am-6pm INSIDE THIS WEEK! BOAT SHOW PREVIEW EDITION!! Sunday, March 20, 10am-4pm PM

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!








Admission: - $10. // Children under 12 - No Charge (must be accompanied by parent). Buy your tickets online at greatnortheastboatshow.com/tickets


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Directions: Everett Turnpike Exit 13 (non toll road/Manchester Airport Exit) follow signage for S. River Road (Route 3) NH Sportsplex is located behind Sullivan Tire on Rt 3 South River Road. Turn from Rt 3 onto Technology Drive.



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM

18 19 20

It’s Time for the Great Show! Welcome ToNortheast TheBoatGreat 18 19 20 NH’S LARGEST BOAT SHOW Northeast Boat Show! INSIDE THIS WEEK! BOAT SHOW PREVIEW EDITION!! AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH




12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM

Springtime is right around the process and more. It is a celebracorner and there is no better time tion of the boating lifestyle featurSATURDAY SUNDAY to get ready to get out on the water ing everything needed, wanted or FRIDAY MARCH MARCH with your new boat. desired by the boating enthusiast. MARCH On Friday through Sunday, A one stop shop, showcasing evMarch 18-20, New Hampshire’s erything from power boats, cruislargest boat and SPORTSPLEX the largest ers, motor yachts, ATshow THE NH • Bedford, NH docks, kayaks,12PM -6PM 10AM -6PM 10AM -4PM boat show north of Boston, The inflatables, runabouts, fishing Great Northeast Boat Show, takes boats, jetboats, pontoon and deck place at the NH Sportsplex in Bed- boats. ford, NH, providing those with the “This boat show has grown in Boating & Rec Gui fever to get out on the lake this popularity over the years,” said summer the best place to buy a Anthony. “WeBoating expect & to Rec be drawing Guide/Northeast Boat Show Guide Special boat. thousands from New Hampshire, “We have twenty-five boat dealers Massachsusetts, Maine and Veroffering seventy-five brands and mont since the proximity to all of New more than one hundred and fifty these areas is very convenient.” Department of Safety Show organizers Suzette & Blair Anthony are excited to welcome visitors boats” said Suzette Anthony who Additionally there will beNew manyHampshire NH’s largest show in Bedford, NH on the weekend of March 18-20. is the organizer of the event along other companies supporting the to Division of boat State Police with her husband Blair. “It is re- boating lifestyle as well as informaNew Hampshire Marine Patrol ally the only boat show you will tive booths to educate the boating Get Your New need to attend this year.” enthusiast. The Sportplex is 56,000 square Admission is $10 adults andHampshire Safe Boater Education Certificate! GetforYour New feet and has been recently reno- children under 12 are admitted New Hampshire does vated. free and must be accompanied by New Hampshire does have a mandatory boating education law. Everyone 16 years of age and old At the Great Northeast Boat Show an adult. of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampsh you can compare a wide variety of March 18-20 is the perfect time New Hampshire does have a mandatory New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. boats, talk to experts, dealers and to buy a boat-Just in time to get boating education law. Everyone 16 manufacturers and take advantage ready for summer! LIFE IS GREAT Boating safety is a con years of age and older who operates a of special deals and incentives on IN A BOAT!Boating safety is a concern for everyone on the water. Boaters can keep themselves and their passengers’

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!


Get Your New Hampshire Safe Boater Education Certificate!

motorboat over 25 horsepower on New

and their passengers’ safe by learning about responsible boat operation, etiquette, Hampshire waters must have a boating and the rules of the waterways.

For more information on the Great Northeast Boat Show education certificate. visit their website at greatnortheastboatshow.com. Boating safety a concern for everyone on the The program offers a one dayisclass or evening classes. Boaters keep themselves and their To search /register forwater. a class visit can www.boatingeducation.nh.gov passengers safe by learning about responsible boat operation, etiquette, andtothe rules of the waterways. Visit our website at www.marinepatrol.nh.gov learn more about New Hampshire’s boating laws and regulations.

The program offers a one day class or evening classes. To search / register for a class visit boatingeducation.nh.gov

The progr To search /regi

Visit our website Ha

Start enjoying

Start enjoying your boating experience and remember to wear your life jacket!

Start enjoying your boating experience and remember to wear your life jacket!

NH Department of Safety • Division of State Police


Visit our website at www.marinepatrol.nh.gov to learn more about New Hampshire’s boating laws and regulations.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!



It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show! oat amp tiquette AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX by Tim Moore

• Bedford, NH




12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM




12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM



18 19 20

18 19 20


Contributing Writer

Etiquette is defined as: The customary code of polite behavior in soFRIDAY ciety or among members MARCH of a particular profession or group. Like driving a car, AT oneTHE operator 12PM -6PM NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH can cause huge delays and backups, especially at times when traffic is highest. Etiquette is not appreciated more than Courtesy docks are just that. A courtesy that at a boat ramp, as it helps boaters so they can park their vehicles after shows that one boater launching. cares for the timeliness in which other boaters can get on the water right by the sign saying, your face. Turn off your and often brings about “Stage Boats Here” and headlights while staga sense of community do so in the middle of ing and launching your among folks who barely the ramp. boat. If your vehicle has know each other. Here day running headlights are some tips for good Turn Off Your that stay on while the boat ramp etiquette. Headlights vehicle is running, shut Many boaters launch the vehicle off. Use your Use Staging Areas and land at dawn or parking lights or bring Almost every boat dusk. Turning off your a headlamp if you need ramp I have ever been headlights may not be additional light. to has a designated intuitive, until you’ve (with signage) or an im- tried to stage or launch Use The plied staging area. This your boats while anCourtesy Dock is an area that was de- other boater’s headMost marinas, and signed for boaters to lights are beaming in See BOAT RAMP on 25 stage their boats prior to backing down the ramp. The staging area is an out of the way place where you can take your time rigging your tie-off lines and fenders, get life jackets out of storage compartments, and transferring items such as fishing gear, coolers, and whatnot from your vehicle to your boat, without holding up others who would otherwise be able to get on the water faster than you. Whatever you do, do not stage your boat in the middle of the ramp. I wish I had a nickel for every time I saw someone drive

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!






— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM

18 19 20

Take Turns BOAT RAMP from 23 2022 BOAT SHOW EXHIBITORS some FRIDAY SATURDAY town or state Often times, espeIt’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show! MARCH MARCH ramps, will have a cour- cially on weekends,

trailer is at a weird an-

SUNDAY gler, making it difficult MARCH

which is why my next column will talk about proper launch etiquette for kayakers. Whether we are fishing or just pleasure boating, we all spend time on the water for one reason, to have fun, but proper launch etiquette isn’t just about having more fun. It’s about making sure the flow keeps moving, but a little courtesy goes a long way toward that fun.

tesy dock for boaters boat ramps are busy trailers to get around American Club K 18 19 20 NH’SBoat LARGEST BOAT SHOW to tie up to after they with people launching it without hitting it. 12 -6 10 -6 10 -4you noticed and AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH launch their boats. and landing. It’s hard Maybe Bath Makeover By Capital L These docks are a place to know for sure ex- thought it was no big INSIDE THIS WEEK! BOAT EDITION!! to tie up your boat while SHOW actly who goes PREVIEW next all deal, but some trucks Crockers Boat Yard 13 you park your vehicle. the time, but if there and trailers are longer They are not for stag- are boaters waiting to than others. The truck FRIDAY ing your boat. This is MARCH launch orSATURDAY land when SUNDAY next to you might not be Cruise Planners O It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show! MARCH MARCH not the place to load you arrive at the ramp, able to get out, or others up coolers and fishing18 get in line and wait your 20 may not be able to get East Coast Flighcraft 1 19 NH’S LARGEST BOAT SHOW gear. This is a tempo-12turn, even though the theirs-4in, so you’ve es-6 10 -6 10 AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, raryNH place to tie up your line is figurative. Ma- sentially taken up two Fay’s Boat Yard Inc. 21 boat. Some marinas rinas often have dock spaces. READ THE OFFICIAL SHOW THISeti- ISSUE! have larger courtesyGUIDE w o r k e r s t h at kINSIDE now Proper launch Tim Moore is a full-time docks, so you might who’s next and will help quette isn’t something Goodhue Boat Company 2 have a little more time keep everyone in line. new, and it isn’t ex- licensed New Hampshire to be there depending clusive to just some fishing guide and owner of Inn Season E on the traffic, but most Don’t Park Like a… launches. It applies to Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He offers guided fishing marinas expect boatOkay, you staged your every launch, every- trips on Lake WinnipesauIrwin Marine 11 ers to help them keep boat in the staging area, where you go. You may kee and kayak trips for things moving by limit- with no headlights, you be thinking, “What striped bass. He is a meming the amount of time launched quickly and about kayakers? They ber of the New England Lake Life Brand F-G spent tied up to the tied up to the courtesy use the launches too, Outdoors Writers Associacourtesy dock. If you dock. You did every- and they clog them up tion and the producer of Liberty Mutual Insurance M have a friend who can thing right. You head as much as boaters do.” Tim Moore Outdoors TV. take the boat out and to the trailer parking You’re right, I’m a kay- For information on guided Meredith Marina 10 raft while you park the area, pull into a space, aker and a boat owner. trips visit www.TimMoorevehicle, take advantage and head to your boat, I’ve seen kayakers using Outdoors.com. You can also follow TMO on Facebook at of that. but you missed one very some horrible launch www.Facebook.com/TimMonadnock Boat Store 3 important piece to the etiquette as often as MooreOutdoors. etiquette puzzle. Your I’ve seen it with boaters, New Hampshire Electric Boats 15 Newpro V-W NH Marine Patrol Front Entrance Northeast Dock Sales 12 Perfect Tender Q-R-S Port Harbor Marine 20 Sealver Canada 14 SUNGLASS GUY N Superior Roofing and Siding P TowBoatU.S. Front Entrance Tri-City Marine Sales Inc. H-I-J West Shore Marine 22 Winnisquam Marine, Inc. 4 for other people with














— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

The Weirs Times Presents


1888 May 12 1889 Apr. 14 1890 Apr. 24 1891 Apr. 23 1892 Apr. 11 1893 May 10 1894 Apr. 20 1895 Apr. 26 1896 Apr. 23 1897 Apr. 23 1898 Apr. 14 1899 May 2 1900 Apr. 26 1901 Apr. 20 1902 Apr. 4 1903 Apr. 2 1904 Apr. 29 1905 Apr. 24 1906 Apr. 26 1907 Apr. 29

1908 Apr. 21 1909 Apr. 19 1910 Apr. 6 1911 May 2 1912 Apr. 23 1913 Apr. 17 1914 Apr. 15 1915 Apr. 24 1916 Apr. 16 1917 Apr. 28 1918 Apr. 24 1919 Apr. 14 1920 Apr. 24 1921 Mar. 28 1922 Apr. 17 1923 Apr. 24 1924 Apr. 18 1925 Apr. 10 1926 May 2 1927 Apr. 13

1928 Apr. 19 1929 Apr. 18 1930 Apr. 7 1931 Apr. 11 1932 Apr. 20 1933 Apr. 25 1934 Apr. 21 1935 Apr. 21 1936 Apr. 8 1937 Apr. 25 1938 Apr. 17 1939 May 4 1940 May 4 1941 Apr. 16 1942 Apr. 18 1943 Apr. 30 1944 May 3 1945 Apr. 1 1946 Mar. 30 1947 Apr. 24

1948 Apr. 10 1949 Apr. 6 1950 Apr. 20 1951 Apr. 14 1952 Apr. 20 1953 Apr. 3 1954 Apr. 16 1955 Apr. 19 1956 May 3 1957 Apr. 3 1958 Apr. 13 1959 Apr. 26 1960 Apr. 19 1961 Apr. 27 1962 Apr. 24 1963 Apr. 20 1964 Apr. 28 1965 Apr. 22 1966 Apr. 20 1967 Apr. 20

1968 Apr. 15 1969 Apr. 25 1970 Apr. 28 1971 May 5 1972 Apr. 22 1973 Apr. 23 1974 Apr. 17 1975 Apr. 25 1976 Apr. 17 1977 Apr. 21 1978 Apr. 27 1979 Apr. 25 1980 Apr. 16 1981 Apr. 5 1982 Apr. 29 1983 Apr. 10 1984 Apr. 20 1985 Apr. 14 1986 Apr. 16 1987 Apr. 12

1988 Apr. 16 1989 Apr. 25 1990 Apr. 22 1991 Apr. 8 1992 Apr. 21 1993 Apr. 22 1994 Apr. 23 1995 Apr. 15 1996 Apr. 17 1997 Apr. 24 1998 Apr. 7 1999 Apr. 8 2000 Apr. 10 2001 May 2 2002 Apr. 5 2003 Apr. 25 2004 Apr. 20 2005 Apr. 20 2006 Apr. 3 2007 Apr. 23

2008 Apr. 23 2009 Apr. 12 2010 Mar. 24 2011 Apr. 19 2012 Mar. 23 2013 Apr. 17 2014 Apr. 23 2015 Apr. 24 2016 Mar. 18 2017 Apr. 17 2018 Apr. 26 2019 Apr. 24 2020 Apr. 6 2021 Apr. 5 2022 ?? EARLIEST ICE-OUT ON RECORD : March 18, 2016 LATEST ICE-OUT ON RECORD : May 12, 1888


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





12PM -6PM

10AM -6PM

10AM -4PM

18 19 20

Mandatory NH Boating Education Classes

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!





The New Hampshire gation, boating safety instructor-led class MARINE PATROL HQS GILFORD Saturday, March 19, 9am-4:30pm Classroom Course cov- equipment, invasive incorporates a range ers a variety of topics aquatic species and of learning methods 12 PM -6PMOF 10 AM -6PM 10AM -4PM DEPT. SAFETY HQ CONCORD AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH including boat navi- laws and rules. This consisting of lecture, Saturday, March 19, 9am-4:30pm videos, and student WINDHAM FIRE DEPT discussion. Saturday, March 19, 9am-4:30pm Upon successful comMARINE PATROL- HQS GILFORD pletion of the course, FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Saturday, March 19, 9am-4:30pm students will leave with MARCH MARCH MARCH MOULTONBORO PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG a boating certificate Saturday, March 26, 9am-4:30pm which is valid for 45 days. The permanent 12 PM -6PM 10 AM -6 PM 10AM -4PM WINDHAM FIRE DEPT AT THE NH SPORTSPLEX • Bedford, NH certificate card will be Saturday, April 2, 9:00am - 4:30pm automatically mailed to DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS the student’s address CONCORD entered at the time of Saturday, April 2, 9:00am - 4:30pm registration. WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, April 9, 9:00am - 4:30pm Who Needs PORTSMOUTH URBAN FORESTRY CTR Boating Education? Saturday, April 9, 9:00am - 4:30pm Everyone 16 years Complete Rebuilds, Structural Repairs, of age and older who DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS Mechanical Work, Fine Finishes operates a motorboat CONCORD over 25 horsepower on Saturday, April 9, 9:00am - 4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, April 16, 9:00am - 4:30pm DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS CONCORD Saturday, April 16, 9:00am - 4:30pm MARINE PATROL- HQS GILFORD Tuesday, April 19, 6pm-9:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, April 23, 9:00am - 4:30pm DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS CONCORD Saturday, April 23, 9:00am - 4:30pm MOULTONBORO PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG Saturday, April 23, 9am-4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, April 30, 9:00am - 4:30pm

Granite Creek Woodworks

It’s Time for the Great Northeast Boat Show!


Saturday, May 14, 9:00am - 4:30pm PORTSMOUTH URBAN FORESTRY CTR Saturday, May 14, 9:00am - 4:30pm DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS CONCORD Saturday, May 14, 9:00am - 4:30pm PORTSMOUTH URBAN FORESTRY CTR Saturday, May 21, 9:00am - 4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, May 21, 9:00am - 4:30pm DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY- HQS CONCORD Saturday, May 21, 9:00am - 4:30pm MARINE PATROL- HQS GILFORD Saturday, May 21, 9am-4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, May 28, 9:00am - 4:30pm MOULTONBORO PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG Saturday, May 28, 9am-4:30pm PORTSMOUTH URBAN FORESTRY CTR Saturday, June 4, 9:00am - 4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, June 4, 9:00am - 4:30pm MARINE PATROL- HQS GILFORD Saturday, June 4, 9:00am - 4:30pm PORTSMOUTH URBAN FORESTRY CTR Saturday, June 11, 9:00am - 4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Saturday, June 11, 9:00am - 4:30pm MOULTONBORO PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG Saturday, June 11, 9am-4:30pm WINDHAM FIRE DEPT Tuesday, June 14, 6:00pm-9:30pm



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To register for a course go to the NH Fish and Game website at


New Hampshire waters must have a valid boating education certificate. Age Requirements Students may register and take the course at 15 years old, although a boating education certificate will not be issued until their 16th birthday.

Special Accommodations Individuals with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting the New Hampshire Marine Patrol at (603) 293-2037 option #1. Please allow a minimum of 30 days advance notice for the

department to arrange a course and requested accommodations. Individuals can also connect with the New Hampshire Relay Service or TDD at 1 (800) 735-2964. To register for a course go to the NH Fish and Game website at www. wildlife.state.nh.us

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


30 HISTORY from 1 Belknap County Delegation, Commissioners and the entities under their supervision. Each year a report of the activities of the county is printed, and, though what is in the report varies from year to year, reading the reports from past years is a good starting place to learn basics of county history. The way the county business is set up makes it easy to see why one might ask, “Who’s in charge?” Looking at the yearly report for 1940 I find that it is titled the “ANNUAL REPORT of the

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 — COMMISSIONERS of the COUNTY of BELKNAP together with the reports of the Superintendent of the County Farm, Sheriff, County Treasurer, Jailer, Physician, Chaplain, Clerk of the Court, County Solicitor, and Auditors.” By 1954 the County Farm had been changed to County Home. The report was the Commissioner’s Report and not the Delegation’s Report, though the “Records of the County Delegation” preceded the “Commissioner’s Report” in the 1940 County Report. Both the Commis-

Fireplace at Belknap Recreational Area- from Postcard circa 1930 -1945 sioners and the County Delegation officers are elected positions, that of the delegation by virtue of being elected representatives to the state legislature. A more recent Annual Report explains that the Commissioners are the Executive branch of the county government and the Delegation is the legislative branch. The Delegation also has an Executive Committee. The Belknap Recreational Area came into being as a result of a WPA project, but in the year 1940 the WPA withdrew its work on the

Archibald Mathews of New Hampton, Elmer Tilton, Alfred Simoneau, and Myron Hart of Laconia, and Warren Metcalf of Tilton. At a February meeting the Executive Board decided on their recommended budget for the year as follows: Superior Court = $19,000, County Home= $65,000, support of the Poor= $8,500, Soldiers Aid= $6,000, Belknap Area= $90,000. The Executive Committee met at various locations during 1953 and during a February meeting at the Court

“Area” as it was once called, and transferred its attention to the construction of the Intervale Airport, described as “the new defense airport at Gilford Intervale.” The project was to cost the county $7,200 and to be completed in two years. In 1953 the County Commissioners were Joseph F. Smith of Meredith, Walter A. Woodward of Laconia and Maurice W. Sawyer of Gilford. The sheriff of Belknap County was Homer l. Crockett, and the Superintendent of the Country Home and Jailer was John Pickard,

County Report shows County Officers and Delegation Members in 1954. with Mrs. Ina Pickard being the Matron of the facility. Rev. Thomas J. Cate was appointed Chaplain, succeeding Rev. Frederic W. Fitzpatric. Some of the readers will remember some of these names as well as that of the clerk of the Delegation, Marion H. Atwood, and those of the Delegation’s Executive Board, Chairman Frederick Perkins of Alton,

House “Manager Fritzie Baer appeared and answered questions concerning his proposed budget. Fritzie was manager of the Belknap Recreational Area. The Income for January 1953 at the Area was $20,433.69 compared to $12,279.85 in the same month of 1952. There was much discussion throughout the year of See HISTORY on 31

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

Ski Jumping at Belknap Mountain Recreation Area. HISTORY from 30 1953 about the Recreational Area, which included renewing Fritzie Baer’s contract. (Baer was fired in 1959.) The New Hampshire legislature had passed a law, which went into effect on August 1, which established the Recreation Area as a separate Belknap County operation with its own bank account and bookkeeping set-up. Along with thousands of skiers, using improved trails, the Recreation Area was used by many groups including two concerts by the New York Symphony Orchestra, the National Championship Motorcycle Race, the Fall Hill Climb, and an Arts and Crafts Fair. Groups held outings at the Area, coming from far and near, including a group of 1,000 from General Electric. The County Delegation held a February “tour of investigation” at the County Home where a noon dinner was served to the Delegation, Commissioners, County Solicitor Thomas Cheney, Manager Baer, Senator Keller, Mr. Aiken (bookkeeper), and representatives of the Laconia Citizen and Manchester Union. Back in those days the County Home still

included the farm which produced revenue for the County. The Annual Report submitted by the Commissioners of Belknap County stated that “The farm has had a productive year despite the continuous rain and cold weather. Over 500 bushels of potatoes per acre have been harvested and other vegetables accordingly. Our hay crop exceeded any previous crop harvested. Our milking herd under the feed plan which we use exceeded last year in production the earnings for the year being $9,763.20 plus the milk and cream used in the institution.” Those other

vegetables included 70 bushels of beets, 80 of corn, 170 of tomatoes, and 900 head of cabbage. The total amount of hay harvested was 250 tons, with an additional 200 tons of ensilage. Livestock at the farm included 1 bull, 35 cows, 2 two-year old cattle, 17 yearlings, 10 calves, 4 horses, and 8 brood sows. They used 100 cords of wood at the home and had on

hand another 200 cords which had been sawed and stacked. In that year of 1954 there appeared to be little, if any, disputing between the Delegation and the Commissioners. Before the year came to an end the delegation authorized the Commissioners to sell several lots of County Farm property bordering Lake Winnisquam. One parcel was sold for $2,500 and the others were to be sold for not less than $2,000 each. These decisions by the Delegation were passed with affirmative votes from all the members present. All seemed to be peaceful, at least, on paper, among the Commissioners and the Delegation. Many of the votes taken in those years were passed by unanimous consent of Delegation members, and the Commissioners did their work as the Executive branch.



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 — FEAST from 15

A-1 Firewood Quality Hardwood

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were dating. We were invited to Meda’s for a Christmas party, a yearly gathering of family and close friends. By the time I met him, George was a quiet man, humble not boastful, he seldom called attention to himself, but those still waters ran deep. And George had a gift; not only could he fix everything, he could build anything. Meda was the life of

the party, a natural, with an almost comedic-like timing. She was fun loving, outspoken, seemingly carefree, inviting, and engaging. Meda and George were a team that complemented each other well. They were the type of people you wanted to hug every time you met them. Unpretentious, together they made a house a welcoming home. And it was here that I first had Meda´s Zucchini Bread. Soft, moist, and flavorful with all those little green flecks of Zucchini; it was delicious. I remember asking Meda for the recipe. After some thought she told me the recipe as I feverishly scratched it out on a random note pad. That was 25 years ago. I still have that recipe; folded in four, dog eared, grease stained, faded script. But, rents and all, I keep it. I treasure it. The actual recipe committed to memory long ago, it is kept for the memories that soiled

faded scrap of paper represents. Tiring at the thought of grating Zucchini, over the years I have tinkered with the recipe and made it my own, adding anything from chunky applesauce and craisins, to a can of Pineapple Tidbits, shredded coconut, and Spiced Rum. (By the third slice you too will be singing, “If you like Pina Colada…”) Finding combinations that go together I have settled on bananas with whiskey and walnuts, or chocolate chips. While the original recipe did have actual measurements, the most difficult task I face is when I am asked for the Banana Bread recipe. It is hard to put to paper exact measurements for “three or four or five spotted mushy bananas,” “enough soda to form a small pile in the palm of your hand.” Or, “three shakes of the Cinnamon can. Or was it four? Maybe four, if you don’t shake it hard enough. You’ll know by

the color of the batter if it’s enough.” Or, “a little bit of Ground Clove, about half the amount of Cinnamon.” And my favorite, “four or five glugs from the whiskey bottle and if the batter looks too thick, add some more.” Never having two batches come out the same, I have yet to hear any complaints regarding the results. So with that, I offer you, the reader, “Nanny Meda’s Banana Bread.” Adapted from her Zucchini Bread recipe and with standardized measurements for the ingredients, it is my way of saying thank you to one of the kindest, most welcoming, fun loving people I have ever met. Meda, your kindness, your friendship, and your warmth to my family over these many years will never be forgotten. Perhaps you too have a “Nanny Meda” that deserves a hug? Enjoy the Simple Feast!

Last Week We Inadvertently published the wrong recipe for Eric’s Simple Spicy Tomato Soup Recipe. We apologize and have printed the correct recipe below.

SIMPLE SPICY TOMATO SOUP Yield: 6-8 servings Time: 20-30 minutes Ingredients: 1- 23 ounce can of Condensed Tomato Soup 12oz. Water (½ a can) 12oz. Milk, Cream, or ½ and ½ 3/4 cup Chunky Mild Salsa 1 Tbsp. White Sugar (optional) Garnish Sour Cream Grated Cheddar Cheese Fresh Chopped Cilantro Or Chives

- Empty contents of soup can into large pot and turn heat to low. - Fill can to half with water, stirring to ¨rinse¨ the can of remaining soup contents. - Empty into soup pot. - Fill can to half with milk,

cream, or ½ and ½ and empty into soup pot. - Stir contents of pot until well blended. - Add the ¾ cup of Chunky Mild Salsa and stir to blend. - Taste for acidity, if too acidic add sugar; continue to heat until hot. - Garnish each serving with grated cheddar, a dollop of sour cream, and a little fresh Cilantro or Chive. - Serve with Maple Bacon and Tomato Grilled Cheese Sandwich or Loaded Nachos - Heat to desired doneness and remove to plate.

- Serve immediately with chips and soup of choice if desired.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

The Loon Center

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A perfectly flat piece of Lake Winnipesaukee could go from this to dangerous in seconds when a pressure ridge forms. MOORE from 11 flat, which will allow the ice to continue growing. These areas hold up better, but I’ve seen them re-heave during drastic warm and then cold spells. Sometimes pressure ridges will form randomly and dramatically, especially late in March when the sun is high and the ice is rapidly expanding and contracting. If you’re on the ice and you hear loud booms that sound like a distant explosion, you might want to make your way back to where you came from. The large booms are pressure breaks, and that ice has to go somewhere. Pressure ridges should never be crossed after a large temperature swing without being rechecked. Another variable is how the ice formed to begin with. Some areas freeze long before others, sometimes in the same bay. Obviously, the places that froze last will become unsafe first. I realize that ice anglers want first-hand ice reports, but it isn’t

something I’m comfortable giving. I feel that anyone heading out onto the ice should know the conditions by checking it themselves. I can’t tell you how many times someone has driven up in a truck or side-by-side and stopped to ask me how thick the ice is, something they obviously should have found out before they drove out. If I gave someone an ice report, and they misunderstood what I meant and ended up going through, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. My cardinal rule of ice safety is always check for yourself. This is a time of year when the ice begins to deteriorate from warmer temperatures, rain, and longer days. Take nothing for granted and be safe rather than sorry. I will be playing it safe. I have never fallen through the ice, and I don’t intend to start now. Tim Moore is a fulltime professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns

and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association, and the producer of TMO Fishing on You-

Tube and the Hooked with TMO Fishing Podcast. Visit www.TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.

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pon — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —


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—OBITUARY— Bernard J. Forts, 95

Bernard J. Forts, 95, a resident of Meredith and formerly Moultonborough New Hampshire died peacefully on February 28, 2022. A beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Bernie was born in Bayonne New Jersey in 1926 to Sigmund and Ann Forts. He is a proud alumnus of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute which led him to Troy, NY, where met and married the love of his life Shirley (Gaulin) Forts. Bernie was a thoughtful, innovative businessman who ran a successful construction company in New Jersey for over 20 years. During those years he and Shirley raised their 4 children in Watchung where they developed many lasting friendships. As a family they skied, boated, traveled and relished life. In 1983 Bernie retired and he and Shirley moved to Moultonborough NH so their daughter Annie could attend Moultonborough Academy as a mainstream student. It was also at this time that Bernie took on a new and important role as Annie’s public relations manager. Together he, Shirley and Annie traveled the country serving as special needs ambassadors, reinforcing the importance of every life, demonstrating and celebrating the tremendous potential of all people with disabilities. Furthering his commitment to those with special needs, Bernie worked with the Moultonborough Lion’s Club to launch the UP Syndrome Fund in honor of his daughter Annie. The fund raised over $500,000 to support educational programs and scholarships for teachers and students who work with the special needs students. Most recently the fund provided a grant to support the leadership series at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability. Bernie was a man who always put family first. He taught us through his words and actions that that love conquers all and he never missed an opportunity to impart his wisdom on family and friends. His faith was strong, and his convictions were clear – be good to one another, show respect, work hard, take care of others, never complain and always express gratitude – these are messages he spread whenever he had the chance. Bernie was predeceased by Shirley, his beloved wife of 70 years, his son Brian and his daughter Annie. He is survived by his daughter Sheri MacMillan, his son Jeffrey and wife Patricia, his daughter-in-law Carla Forts, his 8 treasured grandchildren Jared Forts, Amy Canfield, Meredith Rodrigues, Heather Soldner, Michael Forts, Sara Fuller, Kevin Forts and Kathryn Manning, and his 15 great grandchildren. Calling hours will be held Thursday, Mar. 10th, from 6 – 8 p.m. at Mayhew Funeral Home, Routes 3 and 104, Meredith, NH. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated in St. Charles Borromeo Church, 300 Route 25, Meredith on Friday, Mar. 11th, at 10am. The Rev. Msgr. Gerald R. Belanger, Pastor, will be the celebrant. Burial will be held at a later date in the NH Veterans Cemetery, Boscawen, NH. In lieu of flowers and in light of the Lenten season, the family asks that donations be made to Lakes Region Visiting Nurse Association, 187 Waukewan Street, Meredith, NH 03253 in recognition of the wonderful care given to Bernie in his final days. To sign Bernie’s Book of memories go to; www.mayhewfuneralhomes.com


that the opening of new trails and the proposed and did not venture construction of a hotel out into the open wawould violate existing ter. agreements on usage Ring-necked ducks of the land. That also were the most plenappears to include the tiful species with a proposed road to the few dozen represensummit and constructatives. Male ringtion of a restaurant necked ducks are there. Ignoring these handsome birds with concerns might expose black (somewhat irius to needless litigation descent) heads, backs and therefore I think we and chests, and gray should address these sides. They have bright concerns before the plan yellow eyes as well. proceeds any further. Even their gray bills As these two groups are interesting with have offered to discuss black tips and white these concerns with the rings. They do have a Commission, I plan to brownish ring around invite them to the March their necks but it’s 23rd meeting to open a very difficult to see. public dialogue and furI’ve always thought ther this process. Until ring-billed duck would this happens, at our have been a better Chris Bosak may be March 1st Special Meetname because the ring reached at chrisboing, the Commission on the bill is very ob- sak26@gmail.com or voted to pause the Masvious, but hey, who through his website ter Plan. am I to question such www.birdsofnewengI also feel the Comthings? land.com mission needs greater A hooded merganinput from the citizens ser pair shared the of Belknap County. I’ve open water as well. heard from many of Usually, these scenes you who are concerned in March hold more about the environmenhooded mergansers, tal impact of a road to but this time there the summit and reswere only two of them: taurant. Once we have a flashy black, white a full understanding and rusty brown male of the concerns from with his more drably the two conservation colored mate. groups, I will be advoI used the opportucating for a series of listening sessions around the County, before the Commission commits to any development. True representatives of Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice the people, as the ComTh e missioners are, should y s s DOOR SAMPLES e Cabinet refacing M No le ab rd want this kind of input fo Af ! BROUGHT TO YOU! starts at only e! iv at D e m o li t i o n rn before putting a single te Al • New Countertops BEFORE shovel into the ground • Countertop Refacing (SAVE BIG!) or cutting a single tree. • New Drawers As your newly elected of cabinet replacing. • Custom Vanities • Closet Storage Commissioner, I pledge Free Estimates.... Compare and SAVE BIG! • Meredith, NH 603-279-6555 to listen to and address your concerns as we AFTER The photo on top left work together to maxishows a dark woodgrain mize the potential of kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry this cherished Countywoodgrain, plus new owned asset. BOSAK from 3

nity to try digiscoping for the first time in many years. Digiscoping is using a spotting scope as a camera lens. It takes a special adapter to attach a camera or smartphone to the scope. I can’t even claim to have had mixed results in the past, only poor results. I wouldn’t say I knocked it out of the park this time, but the results were better than usual at least. Practice, practice. As long as open water persists, migrating ducks will be around for the next several weeks. Let me know what you see out there.

Belknap County, I consider myself accountable to those same citizens. As such, I have an obligation to listen to you when it comes to the changes proposed in the “Master Plan” for Gunstock. For the record, I do not support the sale of the mountain, nor do I think it could legally be done. I’m also highly skeptical of leasing the operation of the resort to outside management. Look at the problems that Mt. Sunapee is currently encountering with its management lease to the Vail Corporation to understand why I feel this is not a good idea. Gunstock is on sound financial footing right now while managed by the County and I will work to keep it that way. When it comes to improving Gunstock, I fully support modernizing its lifts to allow more skiers and boarders to use the facility. If legally allowed, I would also be interested in opening new ski runs to reduce trail crowding. The complete Master Plan however, has several features that are concerning to many of you. Recently, two conservation groups have come forward stating

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Respectfully, David Strang, MD Gilmanton, NH.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 — METZLER from 7 many with combat experience in Russian’s ongoing dismemberment of Ukraine since 2014, have stalled and blunted the momentum of the attack, at least for now. Sadly despite Ukraine’s predicament, Washington is well advised keeping American troops out of the conflict nor extending a No Fly Zone over the disputed region. Significantly the Ukrainians have the will and the courage to fight in epic but uneven battles not seen since Hungary in 1956. Recalling the October 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the freedom fighters initially and surprisingly defeated Soviet garrison forces in the country. But their exuberance soon turned bitter ten days later in early November as massive Soviet military forces streamed into Hungary from Ukraine. The Hungarians fought bravely, but the sheer numbers and brutality of the Russians broke resistance as subdued a sullen land to Soviet communist rule. Massive numbers of refugees fled and Hungary lost some of its most talented people. Viewing the conflict’s humanitarian angle, already more than a million of Ukrainian refugees and foreigners have fled from the widening war. Neighboring Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have helped ease this humanitarian wave with offers of food and shelter. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned, “The brutal effects of the conflict are plain to see. But as bad as the situation is for the people

of Ukraine right now, it threatens to get much, much worse. The ticking clock is a time bomb.” He’s right. While Putin’s invasion has united NATO and the Europeans as never before in the modern era, its consequences confront Europe with serious security, humanitarian and energy supply questions, given it’s dangerous dependence on Russian gas and oil. While American and European economic sanctions have squeezed Russia’s economy, why hasn’t Moscow’s lucrative energy sector been subject to embargoes? Moreover, why is the USA still now importing 710,000 barrels of oil per day from Russia? Both disgust over the war and pain from the economic sanctions may slowly begin to take effect in Russia. Putin faces domestic discontent, discord and political rumblings. A Pyrrhic victory for Moscow in Ukraine may change Putin’s fortunes in Russia itself. Darkness is descending. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

MOFFETT from 13 way. It was worth it. And the great ballpark socializing and camaraderie is priceless. I’ll never forget all the strangers hugging me in the right field rooftop section at Fenway after Trot Nixon’s extra inning home run beat Oakland in the 2003 ALDS. Now with more MLB labor strife it looks like the 2022 season will indeed be disrupted, as in 1972, 1995 et al. Many folks will again swear off baseball in 2022. But most of them will come back to the game. Again. Sports Quiz What MLB team went on a one-game strike in 1912 to protest the suspension of its star player? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on March 10 include sportscaster Pam Oliver (1961). Sports Quote “The money I saved during baseball is all gone. I’m tapped out.” – former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling

Sports Quiz Answer On May 18, 1912, the Detroit Tigers refused to take the field against New York to protest the suspension of Ty Cobb. The Tigers fielded local college and sandlot players that day and lost 24-2. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@ comcast.net.



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

MALKIN from 6 cause she demanded that “high-level criminals” responsible for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths face consequences for their actions -- and that convicted traitors be forced to face the gallows. Rogers rightly refuses to fold and tweeted after the vote: “Those lying saying I was calling for violence are false. I was calling for justice and I still do.” Now, Arizona state GOP weenies want to strip Rogers of her committee assignments, just like Traitor Kevin McCarthy did to former GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa after The New York Times character assassins deceitfully painted him as a “white supremacist” for decrying those who have turned the phrase “Western civilization” into hate

speech. As King, who spoke to AFPAC last year and attended this year, told me Monday: “The only freedom of speech McCarthy respects is that which supports McCarthy ... He has an avaricious lust for power.” Texas GOP Rep. Dan “Two Minutes Hate” Crenshaw, whom my young friends in the America First movement exposed as an anti-free speech, pro-red flag law, double-talking phony on college campuses in 2019, supplied CNN with more ammunition. He attacked AFPAC’s founder, 23-yearold internet entrepreneur and nationalist activist Nick Fuentes, as “one of the worst human beings I’ve ever come across.” “I f---ing hate Nick Fuentes,” Crenshaw (last seen bullying a

Texas schoolgirl who challenged his blasphemous comments about Jesus) fumed to CNN. “Everybody should know they’re supposed to hate Nick Fuentes.” And they call us the “haters”? Over the weekend, the indefatigable Fuentes and his remarkable team of 100-plus AFPAC volunteers hosted more than 1,200 American patriots -mostly young, mostly Christian and mostly, but not all, white men -- in Orlando, Florida. The livestream, carried on Fuentes’ independent platform, Cozy. tv, which he created after being banned by every major Silicon Valley company, garnered 10,400-plus concurrent views and 3,000-plus new subscribers. The 2022 AFPAC lineup included nine

current or former government officials and two sitting members of Congress. In his keynote speech, America’s Sheriff and Maricopa County law enforcement legend Joe Arpaio recounted the decades long political witch hunt against him for detaining and deporting thousands of illegal aliens. Defiant as ever at 89, Arpaio told me he was unbowed by the firestorm over AFPAC. “I’ll talk to anyone.” Free speech activist, Florida 11th congressional district candidate and early AFPAC supporter Laura Loomer told me that “Kevin McCarthy’s condemnation of a nationalist, conservative, pro-America conference is yet another reason why he should never be speaker of the House.” She added that “the old guard

of the failed GOP establishment” is “taking the party and America backwards with their calls for increased cancel culture and political censorship.” Indeed, podcaster and Daily Veracity founder Vince James, who has spoken at every AFPAC, told me: “When all the worst Republicans attack you, it shows you’re a threat to them ... It’s an honor to be disavowed by such feckless liberals posing as conservatives.” Black pastor and longtime broadcaster Jesse Lee Peterson galvanized the AFPAC crowd with a rousing defense of America’s founders. Rejecting Black Lives Matter, monument destruction and the martyrdom of George Floyd, Peterson asserted unapologetically: “White people built America, and we

need to remember that.” Stating facts like these will earn you the fearmongering label of “white nationalist,” even if you’re not white! Nationalists of any color are not haters, but lovers of their precious homeland. Just two simple words, embraced by a swelling red tide of conservative dissidents, will put the baying America Last mob in their place in the face of all the shunning, censuring, lying and clucking: So. What.


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Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 — STOSSEL from 7 a gift; it’s taken from you. Then Washington, D.C., took a cut, and we handed out the rest like we’re Santa Claus. “I’m not Santa. I promise, I’ll stop giving away all this money! The national debt is already an unsustainable $30 trillion. There’s no way I can pay that back. In fact, my reckless spending made the problem worse. I once even said, cluelessly, that my big spending would reduce inflation. Inflation then hit a 40year high. “But I’ve learned from my mistakes! Starting today, I will cut irresponsible spending. “I will cut useless cabinet departments, like Housing and Ur-

ban Development, Labor and Agriculture. Agriculture employs almost 100,000 people. Why? Independent farmers grow the food. I’ve been in Washington 50 years, and I still don’t know what most of my bureaucrats do. “I’ll get rid of the Department of Education, too. Why does it even exist? Education is a local responsibility. It’s none of the federal government’s business! It’s none of my business. “We don’t need a Commerce Department. After all, commerce just happens. I’ll get rid of those bureaucrats and sell the buildings. “I’ll get rid of the

Drug Enforcement Administration, too. We don’t need it because I’ll end the destructive War on Drugs. We all have a right to do what we want with our own bodies. Even if we didn’t, law enforcement is a local police responsibility. “If we got rid of harmful laws and departments, we could focus on what the government should do: keep us safe and free. “In closing, I pledge to follow our Constitution. It puts limits on what I can do. Trump once claimed that Article II gave him the power to do whatever he wanted. But that’s nonsense. “We have limited powers.

“I can’t do whatever I want. “And from now on, I promise I will do less. “In fact, if I do my job right, you should barely know I’m here.” John Stossel is creator of Stossel TV and author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6 also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades.” The West rose to meet Hitler’s challenge. It appears that the West is rising again to meet the challenge of Russian aggression. We can only hope that the West’s newfound commitment to a very old idea -- the idea that only a sense of Western purpose combined with some very hardheaded thinking about hard power can preserve freedom -- lasts longer than Putin’s invasion. If it doesn’t, the reshaping of the world order will continue, to the lasting detriment of a

West that is only now removing its head from the sand. Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and editor-inchief of DailyWire.com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side Of History,” and “Bullies.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —




Runners Up : Draining the swamp is a never-ending task. Todd Hyatt, Augusta, MT,


The Winklman Aeffect

Anonymity is key to a bootlegger siphoning moonshine undercover. - Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH.

PHOTO #900 While baby Jessica’s well ordeal captured the world’s attention, toddler Timmy’s rescue from a sewer went virtually unnoticed.

-Bob Miller Collierville, TN.

“No Bob, that’s not the ‘thumbs up’ gesture the motorists are giving you”. - Bob Patrick, Moultonboro, NH.

PHOTO #902 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 2022 —

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