03/28/2024 Weirs Times

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The Message Of easTer an eMpTy CrOss and eMpTy grave

It was an unlikely scene, but there I was at the front of a group of church youth group boys and girls with a piece of colored chalk in my hand and an easel with a drawing pad on it beside me.

Somehow I had been chosen to present some of the program for that particular night quite a few decades ago when I was a teenager. I had seen artists draw pictures using chalk and, though not an artist by any standard, I decided that I ought to be able to do a simple chalk drawing.

So, after a little pre-youth group night practicing, I made my chalk drawing of three crosses on a hill to

represent the gospel account of Jesus dying on the cross between two thieves. At the close of the meeting a girl came up to me and asked if she could have the picture I had drawn, and I let her take it.

Down through the years many representations have been made of the cross that Jesus died on, with many of them, like mine, showing an empty cross, not only to show that the body of Jesus was taken down and laid in the tomb, but that it came back to life.

The first New Hampshire settlers were among those who believed, not only in Jesus, but in His death and resurrection. They were Puritans who moved here from England via Massa-

See EASTER on 32

Ebenezer Smith Program In Meredith

The Meredith Historical Society invites the public to the first program in its 2024 Speaker Series: “Ebenezer Smith: Meredith’s Revolutionary Trailblazer.” This original program will be presented Tuesday, April 2, by Rudy VanVeghten, a member of the Society’s Executive Board.

Rudy will present recently researched material that will bring into focus the early life of Meredith founder Ebenezer Smith, including his leadership during the Revolutionary War.

“When it comes to understanding

the period from Meredith’s earliest settlement to its involvement in the war for independence, there is no figure as important as Ebenezer Smith,” said VanVeghten. “His en -

See PROGRAM on 34


Watergate V. Demolitioncrat Gate

To The Editor:

As a young law student in Washington, D.C., I experienced Watergate through the eyes of the Washington Post. I frequently mailed their articles to my Dad. He was convinced the Watergate break-in was a hoax in an attempt to remove President Nixon from office, one of the greatest international strategic thinkers of the 20th century. Nixon had just been elected in a 49-state landslide over the hapless George McGovern for whom I cast my first vote in the 1972 Presidential election. While few may know it , history has revealed Deep Throat (W. Mark Felt) leaked classified information to Woodward and Bernstein because he was passed over for the Director of the FBI.

Demolitioncratgate (DCG) makes Watergate look like a “Child’s Birthday Party”. DCG is a relentless malicious criminal assault on former President Donald Trump and now candidate Trump to prevent the American voters from re-electing him for the second time, having stolen Trump’s re-election in 2020.

The barrage of vicious and unfounded political attacks by the mainstream media have been endless, beginning with Spygate and the Russian Hoax, continuing with the Zelensky phone call, an invasion of Mara-Lago by the FBI, the peaceful J6 demonstration infested with FBI, CIA, and ANTIFA agitators, and now malicious persecution dressed up as Lawfare in Georgia, Florida,

New York State, NYC and Washington, D.C. by persecutors who were elected promising “to get Trump”.

Anyone watching President Trump’s re-election rallies held across the country will see massive crowds of thousands of patriotic Americans, proving most Americans have opened their eyes and realize the Demolitioncrats have conducted a persecution and defamation campaign against Donald Trump. They stole the 2020 election and intend to steal 2024.

For the sake of our nation, Donald Trump needs to be reelected our 47th President!

Charles Bradley Laconia, NH.

Most Important Thing

To The Editor:

Between 2010 and 2020, annual drug overdose death increased by 192% according to the CDC.

The average annual growth rate of drug overdose death from synthetic opioids was 31% while Trump was in office.

Between 2019 and 2020, Trump’s last year while in office the drug overdose death from synthetic opioids was 55%.

I do not know what gas station you are paying $20:00 for 3 gallons of gasoline. But if that is true, you difficulty need to change gas station.

I we do believe we have a border crisis (both our northern and southern border). However I think there’s a bill that the Republicans have put together

with the Democrats. Maybe the Speaker of the House should bring it forward and see if it helps with alleviating the crisis.

The most important thing to me.. is that I am living in a Democracy and not a Dictatorship.

So yes... I feel better off under Biden.

John Brennick, Rochester, NH.

In With The Barbarians

To The Editor:

The Democrat Party leadership has thrown-in with the barbarians against Israel.

President Biden helps the world’s greatest sponsor of terrorism and weakens Israel. Biden released frozen Iranian funds and removed Trump’s sanctions enabling Iran to fund terrorists like Hamas. Biden restarted aid to Hamas, violating the TaylorForce Act which prohibits funding terrorist organizations.

After enabling Israel’s enemies resulting in the October 7 attacks, Biden has slowed delivery of munitions to Israel. Senator Schumer’s recent speech, created in Fantasyland, demands that Israel replace its democratically elected leader and support a two state solution acceptable to neither side.

Considering its small population, the October 7th attack on Israel would have been like our 9/11 killing 40,000 Americans rather than 3000. Our wars to kill the 9/11 culprits resulted in about 250,000 civilian deaths

2 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — ©2024 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.
newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication.
owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.
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339 DW HWY, MEREDITH ANNALEE.COM 800-433-6557 Open Daily 10am - 5pm Fill Your Easter Baskets with Smiles! ENJOY 25% OFF 2024 EASTER COLLECTION With this ad | Exp 3.30.24 Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH 603-476-LOON (5666) • www.Loon.org SEE WEBSITE FOR HOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails! See MAILBOAT on 34

The Simple Feast

The Simple Feast BeauTiful in iTs TiMe

The Simple Feast Simple

Have you ever wondered what pastries, pies, donuts and breads talk about? Well, one day, long ago, I overheard a conversation that I will never forget. I don’t talk about it often.

Perhaps I should as time picks up its pace? While naysayers would much rather believe in aliens building pyramids than acknowledge that this conversation was plausible, it has been proven that younger ears can hear things that older ears cannot. Perhaps that din we hear as we age isn’t tinnitus but a voice we no longer wish to hear? Drowned out by life’s chaos, maybe if one were to sit still long enough, really clear

the distracted mind, we might once again discern a voice that spoke to the innocent heart long ago?

It happened in a small town bakery, not unlike so many that dot the New England landscape. With one town looking much like another, perhaps you too remember it? In my mind’s eye I can still see the broad picture window to one side of the entrance. A gigantic pane of glass that stretched from the chin of a tot to beyond the outstretched fingertips of the tallest of the tall and wider than

the longest outstretched arms could reach. Behind this looking glass displayed a hearty sample of every conceivable treat, eye-catching in abundance, variety, and color. But the cakes, most impressive, demonstrated their creator’s great aptitude. Artfully crafted, each sponge tiered, layer upon layer, was painstakingly draped in flawless confectionary pastel hues with accents of filigree, lattice, and lace. Cakes, meticulously frosted in chocolate, vanilla, and buttercream, each skillfully adorned with intri-

cate piping, and rosette bouquets.

The entrance itself is an indelible recall. The sidewalk awash with a lusty perfume from a fan over the door offered passersby an anointing with the essence of freshly baked loaves and sugar spun treats. I can still hear the trill of that little brass bell on the door announcing the coming and going of each patron. And the intense rush of warm air that smacks with the welcoming aroma of dinner rolls and yeast breads as one enters. To be sure, it was a most decadent repast for the olfactory.

Case after case ran the depth of the interior, each filled with pastries, confections, and pies. And it is here, the pie case, that our story takes flight, for there was one pie who was not very happy it seemed. While I concede it was flawless, it was rather demure in appearance. It was just a pie after all. That is what I thought,

See FEAST on 18

3 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — KENSINGTON N CAAMELOT w/ Aurora Foam w/OrganicWool & Latex BUCKINGHAM VENICE 10 YEAR WARRANT Y 15 YEAR WARRANT Y 15 YEAR WARRANT Y 15 YEAR WARRANT Y 800 P Pocket C Coils Firm or Plush 1057 Pocketed Coils Luxury Firm, Luxury Plush 1057 Pocketed Coils X-Firm or Plush 1057 Pocketed Coils Firm or Plush QUEEN $799 TWIN $569 FULL $699 KING $999 QUEEN $1299 TWIN $899 FULL $1099 KING $1699 QUEEN $1199 TWIN $799 FULL $999 KING $1399 QUEEN $1699 TWIN $1199 FULL $1599 KING $2199
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Dr Chris Gnanakan, Professor At Liberty University To Speak In Alton

Keynote Topic: Sharing Christ Among the Suffering Unreached in the Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist Worlds

The Community Church of Alton is pleased to announce that Dr. Chris Gnanakan, from South India, Professor of Theology and Gobal Studies at Liberty University, will be speaking at their Missions Night on April 6 from 5:30 to 8 pm.

The Keynote Topic: Sharing Christ Among the Suffering Unreached in the Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist Worlds.

Dr. Gnanakan travels the world extensively, even into highly restricted areas with the Christian message, and comes to NH to share with us his work in Asia. He is a compelling teacher on the topic of world religions. The event will include a pot luck dinner and a presentation from Kevin Van Brundt of Camp Sentinel.

Professor Chris Gnanakan will be in the New Hampshire area only for the weekend, he is a dynamic speaker with a message you won’t want to miss!

The Community Church of Alton, is located at 20 Church St, Alton, NH for more info contact Deb Ryan cell 413-478-7539 or email dryanbagge8@gmail.com

Sea Turtle Program At Aviation Museum

Never mind when pigs fly. How about turtles?

That’s what happens each year when local pilots help a conservation group transport hundreds of cold-stunned sea turtles by air from chilly New England waters to warmer climes.

Learn all about this unusual rescue effort on Thursday, April 4 at the Aviation Museum of N.H., 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry, N.H.

The program, in honor of Earth Day in April, starts at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 per person; Aviation Museum members admitted free.

David Dinneen, a pilot and Massachusetts Aviation Coordinator for ‘Turtles Fly Too,’ will speak about how aviation supports the rescue of sea turtles that each year become stranded and disoriented in the cold waters off New England.

Species involved in the rescue include Kemp’s Ridley turtles, the most critically endangered sea turtle in the world.

By mid-November, temperatures begin dropping too fast for these cold-blooded reptiles, and volunteers find them washed ashore in a hypothermic state. That’s where the pilots such as Dinneen come in to transport them to emergency treatment facilities.

Dinneen is also the aviation coordinator of Cape Cod Ocean Community, a non-profit and community-based organization that facilitates shark surveillance testing projects.

The program on Turtles Fly Too takes place Thursday, April 4 at 7 p.m. at the Aviation Museum of N.H., 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry and is open to the public. Admission to the event is free for Aviation Museum members and $10 per person for non-members.

Learn more about Turtles Fly Too at www.turtlesflytoo.org

What Is That Bird I Hear?

Are you wanting to know more about the tweets, whistles and chirps you are hearing either in your backyard or out on the trails in your watershed? Then sign up for this introductory Bird ID course with LRCC Meg on March 31st from 9:30 am - 1:30pm. You’ll be hiking along the easy 2.2 mile loop trail at the Pine Hill Conservation Area. Using a variety of methods you will learn and teach each other about the birds you are hearing and hopefully see as you walk through the woods. Participants are welcome to bring ID books, binoculars, and a phone equipped with the Cornell Lab’s Merlin Bird ID app. If Participants have their own binoculars to use during the hike that would be great, but not required as sound identification is the most common way to ID birds. Participants should bring enough water and food for the duration of the program, there will be a lunch break as well. Participants should also be sure to have appropriate attire and layering for winter hiking, extra layers, and comfortable water resistant hiking shoes as well as snowshoes and/or microspikes depending on conditions.The SLA can provide snowshoes & microspikes for up to six participants. For more information, or to sign up for this free guided hike, visit the SLA website (squamlakes. org) or contact the SLA directly (603-968-7336). The SLA also offers other guided hikes and Adventure Ecology programming throughout the year. These free programs are open to the public and cover a variety of nature and conservation related topics. The Adventure Ecology programs are presented by the LRCC AmeriCorps members at the SLA who perform important conservation work in support of the Association’s mission.

4 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —


never sTOp learning

The snowstorm this past weekend certainly was an anomaly this winter. A little bit too late. So, as I’m sure you can surmise, this has not been a very good year for F.A.T.S.O.

For those of you unfamiliar, F.A.TS.O. is the acronym for Flatlanders Adjusting To Solitary Oblivion, a support group I started with a friend in the late 1990s for new transplants to the area to help them adjust to their first few winters here.

Even though this winter was a mild one I also have to remind new Flatlanders to the area that season like this one can also be very dangerous.

I am not talking about the obvious dangers like driving a truck on thin ice on a lake; even though that’s not really a danger in the true sense of the word since most people with common sense wouldn’t attempt it in the first place.

I’m also not talking about the danger of a warm winter and how it can affect the local economy by keeping away the visitors who come here for winter activities such as skiing and snowmobiling, which is always a concern.

The danger I am talking about is the overwhelming sense of calm that befalls those same new transplants here for their first winters who have been told about the upcoming season, readied themselves for its arrival and prolonged stay and are now thinking that it is not as bad as they imagined and things will be just fine.

Over the many years that F.A.T.S.O. has been around, we have learned that our mission is to not only help folks when a harsh winter is upon us, but to make sure that

the highly disillusioned new Flatlanders among us in years like this, can still be taught to understand the harsh realities of a real winter here and how to deal with it so as to be prepared.

That is why a few years back, during a similar warm winter, we developed a winter survival class that F.A.T.S.O. offers at a reasonable fee.

In this class we will present participants with simulated real case scenarios that will give them a true sense of the season. It lasts for a week and includes housing and three meals a day.

The first course is where we teach participants to accept the fear factor of winter and try to desensitize them to it. In an idea we picked up from watching the movie “Clockwork Orange” where we tape participants eyes open and for twenty-four hours show them nothing but old news weather forecasts where the doom and gloom of an impending storm is predicted. Then we show them the aftermath of the same predicted storm where they come to realize that it is often never as bad as predicted.

Next we gather the entire group together as one for a day and let them do what they would as if they were home and with their own families. Once they are settled in their warm and cozy environment, we suddenly turn off the lights and heat and Internet and make them stay in the room with each other for twenty-four hours.

This may seem like cruel and unusual punishment, depriving them of their television, iPhones, tablets, video games and other diversions and forcing them to actually talk with each other, but it is one of the harsh realities of a real winter when a power outage occurs. It is especially hard on the thirty and younger crowd who now

have to look people in the eye instead of just sending them text messages. (The horror!!)

One day of the program we will bring them to the local supermarket and train them in the “bread and milk” segment of the course. This is where we bring in experts to show them how to best maneuver the aisles and how to come away with the essential foodstuffs they will need to survive the possible twenty-four hours they might be homebound if a real storm arrives. Besides bread and milk, we will show participants how to position themselves to score Cheez-Its, Chocolate Chip Cookies and other essentials which will be in high demand.

There will be an exercise portion of the class where participants will spend ten minutes on and ten minutes off with a handgrip attached to a pulley which will simulate the snowblower which suddenly won’t start now that the snow has fallen. By working these muscles now, it will keep them from the day after muscle soreness which is attributed to this procedure.

Walking properly on an icy surface and even the correct winter greetings to natives (believe it or not “Cold enough for you?” is not always proper) are among a few of the other valuable lessons that we teach in the course.

If you are interested, we will be holding these classes in mid-October so as to make sure that you are fully prepared for next winter if it happens to be cold and snowy.

If you’d like more information or to sign up for FATSO’s winter survival class go to our website.

5 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
in Live Free or Die. brendan@weirs.com brendan@weirs.com A
BRENDAN SMITH’S NEWEST BOOK! NOW ON SALE! NOW ON SALE! “I Really Only Did It For The SocksStories & Thoughts On Aging” Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

This is nOT

The sOvieT uniOn, Mr. Biden

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. It marked the end of an experiment that lasted almost a century testing the premise that godless secularization, turning control of people’s lives over to other people to rule them, who decide what others need and how they should live and conduct their lives, is the answer for mankind.

In the free world, the collapse of the Soviet Union was cause for celebration. In the USA, it was widely viewed as a victory of the American way of life -- a free nation under God.

But let’s not get confused between things and the names we give them.

Our own country -- despite the words in our founding documents about freedom and God -- has been on a path adopting the same premises about human reality that lead to the collapse of the communist world.

This was evident in President Joe Biden’s message to the nation in his State of the Union address.

Biden, in so many words, delivered a message that the path for a better, wealthier, fairer America is more government.

Despite the reality that the country is being crushed with staggering debt, the result of runaway government, Biden and his party celebrate this and want even more.

The words find their way into numbers in the budget for the next 10 years that the president has just submitted to Congress.

Federal spending in this budget will stand in fiscal year 2025 at $7.3 trillion. One-quarter of our national economy consumed by the federal government.

This amounts to a 14% increase from where federal spending stood in the last quarter of 2023 -- $6.4 trillion.

Per the president’s spokesperson in the White House, this budget “invests in all of America to make sure everyone has a fair shot, we leave no one behind.”

Translation: government will accumulate more power and decide what is fair and achieve its aims with more government paid for with other people’s money.

The beautiful language of leaving “no one behind” means government expansion into every area of our lives, including subsidized child care for families earning $200,000 and below.

The bill for the massive new spending, per the president’s budget, will be paid for with a to-

Why i’M CO-hOsTing a TruMp fundraiser

Unsurprisingly to those who follow this space, I plan to vote for Donald Trump in November. Not just that. This week, I’m co-hosting a fundraiser for him. So, how precisely did a conservative who didn’t vote for president in 2016 and didn’t support Donald Trump during the Republican primaries become a Trump donor? The answer is obvious: Donald Trump’s opponent is Joe Biden. And Joe Biden is the worst president of my lifetime.

Because Donald Trump is the nominee against Joe Biden, I won’t just vote for him. I’ll go into my own pocket to support him. Which is what I’m doing.

My calculus is simple: America was better off under Donald Trump than it is in under Joe Biden.

At home, America was safer and more prosperous. When Donald Trump was president, we did not have an open border. We were not flooding our country with at least 7 million illegal immigrants, overwhelming our cities, leaving our country wide open to the plague of Chinese- and Mexican drug cartel-backed fentanyl poisoning.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have a president who tried to use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to force 80 million Americans to take a vaccine or lose their jobs -- and my company didn’t have to sue to stop it.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have 40-year highs in inflation and decreasing real wages.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have a federal attempt to teach children that boys can be girls and vice versa, or to force taxpayers to subsidize abortion, or to target religious institutions for the great crime of upholding traditional Judeo-Christian values.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have an administration hell-bent on stymying the police in their attempts to fight crime, or an administration that values diversity and inclusion and wokeness above military readiness, all in the name of “equity.”

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have American businesses preparing to have their incomes robbed from them in the name of the biggest spending programs in American history.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not have unconstitutional attempts to simply wipe away student loan debt, or a Department of Justice dedicated to the targeting of political opposition.

When Donald Trump was president, the world was not on fire.

When Donald Trump was president, we did not cut and run in the face of 8th-century barbarians in Afghanistan, who blew up 13 American soldiers, hunted down our allies, and reestablished al-Qaida bases.

When Donald Trump was president, peace was breaking out in the Middle East between Arab nations and Israel, and Iran was in a box. We certainly didn’t have a multi-front hot war between Iranian proxies and American allies -- or American soldiers directly -- and we weren’t trying to pay billions in bribes to the Iranian mullahs.

When Donald Trump was president, we didn’t have war in Ukraine.

When Donald Trump was president, we didn’t have China threatening imminent blockade of Taiwan.

When Donald Trump was president, America was better off.

I’ll always be honest with you about Donald Trump. He wasn’t my first choice in the primaries; he’s a deeply flawed man. I’ve been open in my criticisms of Trump on both character and policy. And I’m not going to stop criticizing Donald Trump when I disagree with him. I always have, and I always

6 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
PARKER on 36

Four years ago, government officials told us, “Stay home!” We have “15 days to slow the spread.”

Days turned into months and then years, while officials chipped away at our freedoms.

I have long been wary of politicians, but even I was surprised at how authoritarian many were eager to be.

Some demanded police to go after people surfing. They took down the rims of basketball hoops. Children’s playgrounds were taped up like crime

hOng KOng enaCTs TOugh dOMesTiC seCuriTy Bill; Beijing apprOves ‘15 days TO slOW The spread’

There was no hint of dissent in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council as its 88 members passed Article 23, a piece of draconian domestic Security legislation which “complements” Beijing’s own 2020 Security stamp on the Special Administrative Region. Instead the local lawmakers, led by John Lee, Beijing’s Proconsul, proudly called their unanimous vote a “Historic Moment.”

It was so indeed, but for all the wrong reasons.

Hong Kong, a once vibrant and

scenes. They told people in rural Utah and Wyoming to stay in their homes.

In the name of safety, politicians did many things that diminished our lives, without making us safer.

They complied with teachers unions’ demand to keep schools closed. Kids’ learning has been set back by years.

Politicians destroyed jobs by closing businesses. Some shutdown orders were ridiculous. Landscaping businesses and private campgrounds were forced to shut down.

Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden sharply increased government spending. Trump’s $2.2 trillion “stimulus” package, followed by Biden’s $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan,” led to

so much money-printing that inflation doubled and then tripled.

This week, the fourth-year anniversary of “15 days to stop the spread,” my new video looks back at politicians’ incompetence.

First, government probably killed people with its endless red tape.

At least the Trump administration broke FDA rules to speed vaccine approvals. But FDA rules kept perfectly good American Covid test kits off the market because they hadn’t gone through its multiyear approval process.

Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banned “public and private gatherings of any size.” Residents were told they

could not see friends or relatives.

Many of her rules seemed random. She banned motorboats and jet skis, but allowed kayaks and canoes. She closed small businesses, but exempted big-box stores if they blocked off aisles offering plant nurseries and paint. Why?

Even the CDC’s “six-foot rule” under Trump was arbitrary, says former FDA commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb. Covid travels in aerosols that flow much farther than six feet.

When some Americans became fed up and protested, they were vilified for “threatening the public.” Some were fined. A few were arrested.

See STOSSEL on 30

often socially brash city of 7.6 million people on China’s coast, has seen its freedoms slowly diminish into a more reserved if not “patriotic” Chinese political cookie mold. The once admired and vaunted Hong Kong “brand” is now losing its luster.

When Britain left Hong Kong in 1997, the island’s Basic Law , a mini constitution, guaranteed that for a fifty year period Beijing would do nothing to coerce or restrict political, religious, media or economic freedoms. That was the deal, and China carefully kept to best behavior for about twenty years.

Over more than a decade now, the once free press has morphed into “patriotic” read PRC regime

friendly media. The arrest and imprisonment of free press publisher Jimmy Lai chilled the media space and brought a level of “obedience” to Hong Kong’s reporting.

The term “Patriotism” in the Chinese context means loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party, not the wider nation-state as many would assume.

When this writer was in Hong Kong just after the July 1997 handover to China, a common adage was the tale of the Golden Goose; the Goose being rich and prosperous Hong Kong. The Chinese communists would not foolishly kill the Golden Goose which lays the golden eggs (economic prosperity) for a single meal!

Rather they will leave it alone to lay more golden eggs encouraging continued prosperity. Hong Kong’s once booming stock market is now half its 2020 value! Equally the city faces the undertow of China’s own slowing economy on which Hong Kong is economically intertwined.

Fast forward to 2020 and tough Beijing Security legislation after violent street protests a year earlier which is now followed by Article 23.

Since the 1997 Hong Kong “handover” from Britain, a once politically agnostic but commercecentric city state has evolved into another dutiful province of the People’s Republic of China. After


7 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —

New Hampshire State Rep Jason Gerhard of Northfield sponsored Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution-CACR-20 which is a proposed amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution that will trigger the succession of New Hampshire from the United States when the national debt rises to $40 trillion. The national debt, not counting unfunded man -

dates, is approximately $34 trillion.

Mr. Gerard’s proposed amendment needs to get 60% of the vote in both the House and Senate. If passed, it goes to the New Hampshire voters in the next general election where it needs 2/3rd of the voters to approve it. Of course, in the very unlikely event that it would pass and be adopted, New Hampshire would have to deal with the federal government. We fought a war over states seceding from the Union back in 1861.

A similar proposal to secede was proposed back in 2022. It received a handful of votes, and the Left used this as a battering ram against the few House members that voted for it. I would think that members of the Left who constantly tell us how evil, wicked, and racist the United States is would love to secede from a country that they hate. After watching Biden’s “Hate of the Union” yell fest,I can see why secession appeals to some.

If I were a member of the House or Senate, I would not support CACR 20. However, I would support statehood for Belknap County. Statehood

Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution is where we find the method of creating new states:“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union, but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two of more States, or Parts of States without the

Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”

Three states have been added to the United States in this matter:

1792: Kentucky that was once part of Virginia.

1820: Maine which was once part of Massachusetts, and

1863: West Virginia that was once part of Virginia. Virginia had seceded from the Union but most of those who lived in Western Virginia opposed secession and ended up creating their own state.

Over the years, there has been a number of proposals to create new states. They include The State of Jefferson which would consist of Northern California and Southern Oregon, and the State of Liberty in Eastern Washington.So, why not the State of Belknap or as I would call it The Free Republic of Belknap?

All we would need is a simple majority in the NH House and Senate and Congress. With such a small population, we would have one seat in the House of Representatives but, like the other 50 states, two in the Senate.

By looking at his voting record, Congressman Chris Pappas represents the Democrat National Committee and the Biden Administration-not his constituents. And his E-mails clearly demonstrate that he has no knowledge of Article 1, Section 8 of the US. Constitution or he assumes that the majority of his constituents are ignorant of it. He recently voted for D.C. statehood because it would guarantee three far-left Democrats in

Congress. Let’s see how he would spin his opposition to Belknap statehood.

Our two U.S. Senators are no better. They, like Chris, have voting records that indicate that they represent the Democrat National Committee, the Biden Administration and the racist Planned Parenthood. They, like Chris, are seldom, if ever, seen in Belknap County. It would be refreshing to have members of Congress who actually represent the people who voted for them.

There would be wellfunded opposition. Millions of dollars would be spent to hire lobbyists both in D.C and Concord to oppose our statehood movement. Our “friends” who started a now defunct or inert organization back in 2022, would be back in action littering the roadsides with their obnoxious and inane signs. Let me give them a few suggestions: “Hate Has No Home Here And Neither Does Statehood” or “Statehood for D.C. But Not For Belknap.” But we can counter with signs that read: “We Are part of the Lakes Region But Not The Swamp,” “Free Belknap-Vote for Statehood,” and “People of Belknap: You Have Nothing to Lose but Pappas, Hassan and Shaheen.”

I would be honored to chair a committee to write our state constitution. I would propose Alton be the state capitol. We won’t need much office space. We can probably rent space in the town hall. I am hoping that my editor and the leader of the ever-growing Flat-

8 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
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This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

Letters From God Letters From God


Why Would You Encourage People To Mourn In Order To Be Comforted?

When someone speaks you must understand their meaning by understanding the context of their words. If you take something out of context, it can be radically different from what the speaker or writer intends to say.

In my own book, the Bible, I actually said, “there is no God.” (Psalm 14:1). Do you really think that I blatantly contradicted myself and even denied my own existence as God? Never! In its context, I was actually affirming that I am God. I was also explaining that those who say, “there is no God” are fools because they explain me away in order to justify their sinful behavior. This illustrates the importance of keeping words in their context in order to understand their true meaning.

In view of this principle, note the context of the words I spoke through Matthew, “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4). In my first statement made through Matthew, I revealed that in order to be rich in your spiritual life, that is in your relationship with me, you must first be “poor.” (Matthew 5:3).

I explained in a previous letter that if you think you have every-

thing without me and that you are able to be your own god, you will have no desire to pursue me as the one and only God. As a result, you will lose what you have in death and miss my blessing for life that I long to give you. Your so-called spiritual richness without me, is in reality the cause of your spiritual poverty. If, however you admit you are not God and that you desperately need me, thus being “poor in spirit,” (Matthew 5:3) you will become rich. Why? Because I will pour out my riches to ensure that you enjoy” life that is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:9). The other context you must see is that the passage you have asked about, Matthew 5:4, is part of a longer series of progressive qualities in which the later are only possible if the former are understood and practiced.

Let me explain. The second quality, “blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,” (:4) is only possible if you have first admitted your need for me, expressed in the phrase “blessed are the poor in spirit.” (:3). In other words, what you “mourn” over, leading to weeping, is a result of admitting you have previously failed to seek me and my blessings for life. Why, you may ask, would that failure lead you to “mourn,” with such deep sorrow that it brings you to tears?

There are a number of reasons. They include, recognizing that by failing to find me and my blessings you have suffered greatly. You have experienced pain and

suffering that I never intended you to have. You have done things that have brought unintended consequences that have produced immediate, chronic and terminal pain. Things that, had you known me and followed my wisdom, you would have missed completely but now you are left with the specter of suffering with unremitting pain. It may be a physical, mental, emotional, relational or spiritual plague but whatever it is, it has been your constant companion throughout your “life.”

have been.’” John Greenleaf Whittier

The greatest cause of mourning will be your shame of foolishly thinking that you, the created, thought you could have life in all its fullness without me, your Creator. You will recognize the insult that it was to me, to make yourself a so-called god and the ultimate tragic failure you have incurred as a result.

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Another reason you “mourn” would be because of the grief of having wasted your life in beliefs and activities that didn’t lead to building you and others up but rather contributed to tearing you and them down. One of your own said, “of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might

Every aspect of this kind of mourning, due to coming to the realization that you are not rich in spirit but “poor in spirit” has led you to find me and will actually lead to being “comforted.” (Matthew 5:4). You will be comforted because by recognizing your failure and mourning over your sin you turned to me. You didn’t hide the truth you exposed the error. You didn’t “go to hell in

See LETTERS on 37

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All are welcome!

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
For more info contact Deb Ryan email: dryanbagge8@gmail.com

naTural apprOaChes

TO ferTiliTy

Fertility rates have been dropping precipitously in the US (and all over the world) for many decades. Of course this data represents that families are having less

children, but miscarriages took a jump in the last few years, infant mortality is up, maternal mortality is up, and women are having a harder time conceiving. Modern medicine approaches fertility issues using synthetic or animal hormones to induce pregnancy, an expensive and invasive technique that can increase the mother’s chance of cancer. Natural approaches to fertility issues are an effective way to have a baby and reduce your risk of side-effects from these modern harsh approaches and can help get to the source of the issue. Is this approach for everyone? No.

Sometimes we do need modern medicine, but I think too many no matter what the issue, go to their doctor for any and everything first without

trying basic things. Go visit your local Herbalist!

Herbs that help cycle management and increase your chances of conception:

Chastetree Berrythe seed of this plant is known to balance progesterone, the hormone that is low in many women which can cause excess bleeding each month and longer periods. Progesterone is essential to hold a pregnancy.

Red Raspberry Leaf - a uterine tonic that nourishes and tones this vital organ.

Wild Yam - contains phytoestrogens and helps with overall inflammation in the body.

White Peony - is known to decrease androgens in women (male sex hormones) that is a common problem in

fertility issues. Many times it’s not just sex hormones that are out of balance. Stress hormones can be a huge factor and disrupts the normal cycles. Stress is a factor in thyroid health too. Then there is diet, and lifestyle. Using the natural approach helps to understand the connection between what you eat and do daily and how it affects your over-all health. Many think there is nothing YOU can do without the help of your doctor. There is! Manage stress (using herbs like schisandra, holy basil, and eleuthero), support the thyroid (with seaweed, iodine, selenium), and tweaking your diet (dump the junk food, eat less sugar and more veggies, fruit, and locally grown products) and

10 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
Sara Woods Kender Sacred Tree Herbals
—SACRED TREE HERBALS— It’s Spring Cleaning Time! Detox Packages Available 169 D.W. Highway, Suite 1, Meredith, NH sarasherbs.com • 603-279-2779 Sara M. Woods Kender, CLINICAL HERBALIST KennellOrtho.com K ENNELL Give Dr. Kennell a Call Today! Dr. Alan F. Kennell 524-7404 Laconia | 536-7404 Plymouth | 444-7403 Littleton TouchUp! Are your teeth out of alignment and need a Touch-Up? Need a new set of Retainers? 20 Homestead Place, Alton nhconcussioncenter.com • 603-855-2031 FUNCTIONAL CHIROPRACTIC CARE of New England, LLC NH CONCUSSION CENTER MIND BODY HEALTH Doctor of Chiropractic & Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist See KENDER on 13

In the American, rush-everywhere-doall-the-things lifestyle, meals often become more of a pit stop rather than a moment of nourishment and pleasure. The trend towards quick, on-thego eating over the past several decades has not only contributed to a decline in our overall health but has also disconnected us from the innate pleasure of savoring and truly enjoying our food. However, there’s a simple yet profound solution to this modern-day conundrum: mindful eating.

Mindful eating is a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, drawing from Buddhist teachings on mindfulness and awareness. At its core, it invites us to bring our full attention to the present moment, including the sensations, thoughts, and emotions that arise while eating. Research has shown that incorporating mindfulness into our eating habits can have a transformative impact on our relationship with food and our overall well-being.

One of the fundamental principles of mindful eating is the art of slowing down. In our rush to finish meals quickly, we often overlook the signals

our bodies send us, leading to overeating and poor digestion. Studies have demonstrated that eating slowly not only allows us to better recognize feelings of fullness but also enhances our enjoyment of food. When we take the time to savor each bite, we become more attuned to the flavors, textures, and aromas, leading to a more gratifying culinary experience.

Furthermore, the act of chewing plays a crucial role in the digestive process and overall nutritional absorption. Contrary to popular belief, digestion begins in the mouth, where enzymes in saliva begin to break down food. By chewing food thoroughly, we facilitate this process, ensuring that nutrients are more effectively extracted and absorbed by the body. Research suggests that individuals who chew their food more slowly tend to

consume fewer calories and experience greater satisfaction after meals.

In a recent interview on my radio show and podcast, “Half Hour to Health” on WEMJ 107.3FM, I interviewed retired US Airforce Lt. Col. Lisa Tuai, who serves as a registered dietician to our

warfighters. As part of March’s National Nutrition Month, Lisa shared her advice of taking at least 20 minutes to consume your meal. One of Lisa’s patients committed to this last year, and she lost 35 pounds with only this change to her eating habits.

11 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
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deliBeraTe COnsuMpTiOn


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TO yOur gOOd healTh

DEAR DR. ROACH: I developed chronic dry eyes after having cataract surgery on both eyes. I consulted an ophthalmologist who specialized in treating dry eyes. She prescribed Restasis, but my con-

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dition didn’t improve after three months of use. She then switched me to Xiidra and instructed me to use it for two more refills, which lasted for nine months.

At the end of my conversation with the dry eye specialist, she said that she had done everything she could for me. I inquired about the Miebo drug that was recently approved or the LipiFlow procedure. She mumbled something, then said “goodbye” and “good luck.” Was she openly admitting her incompetence? -- K.J.W.

ANSWER: It’s hard for me to believe that a dry eye specialist wouldn’t know about the new treatments available in their area of expertise, and I can only guess that there was some kind of miscommunication. As a generalist, I have to know at least a little bit about a whole lot of conditions, rather than a specialist who knows a whole lot about just a few conditions.

which secrete an oily substance that helps prevent the eye fluid from drying. It also forces the lacrimal glands to make more tears. (This leads to the paradox of people having red, watery eyes when they really have dry eye disease.)

also place plugs to reduce the loss of tears through drainage.


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For most people with dry eyes, starting with artificial tears is usual and effective, but I certainly have had patients use artificial tears many times daily and still have unpleasant symptoms. I also recommend trying to avoid dry areas, especially with high airflow.

Most people with dry eyes have blockages in the meibomian glands,

Trying to unblock the meibomian glands with baby shampoo and warm water is another treatment generalists like me often try. But when these therapies aren’t working, an ophthalmologist is essential.

An ophthalmologist can do an exam to be sure if the meibomian glands are blocked. Among the treatments they have available are the ones you tried: cyclosporine (Restasis), which works well for a minority of people; lifitegrast (Xiidra), which decreases inflammation; varenicline (Tyrvaya), which increases tear production; and Miebo (perfluorohexyloctane), which works by reducing evaporation.

If the problem really is the blocked glands, doctors can also consider more powerful treatments to unblock them. One of these, Lipiflow, is a heat-based treatment. My colleagues in ophthalmology, to whom I refer, tell me that this is often successful, although the process may need to be repeated -- sometimes every six months and sometimes longer. Ophthalmologists can

DEAR DR. ROACH: We’re told to wash our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds to kill the COVID-19 virus. How long should we wash our hands to kill bacteria and other viruses? -- C.C.

ANSWER: 20 seconds is the right amount of time for bacteria and viruses. An alternative is an alcohol-based handrub, which is fast and effective. Of course, you should wash your hands before and after eating -- and after using the restroom. Bacterial spores cannot be easily killed, but they are effectively washed off with soap and water. In cases where spores are a concern (Clostridioides difficile is a big one), then handwashing is essential, as alcohol is ineffective.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.(c) 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

12 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
Daniel Webster Hwy • Suite 1 • Meredith, NH

KENDER from 10 RYAN from 11

lifestyle changes like getting light/moderate exercise, stop smoking, getting proper sleep: all essential. Don’t forget to detox! We live in a polluted world. We always seem to be talking about carbon, but carbon isn’t our issue. Particulates, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, NOX and SOX, micro-plastics, all these pollutants take a toll on our body and we need to help our liver’s filter our blood and reduce exposure to toxins.

Herbs and nutrients for liver health:

Burdock root, dandelion root, schisandra berry, nettle leaf, B vitamins like folate and B12 (methylated), all the rest of the B vitamins, carotenoids in fruits and veggies, Vitamin A, D, and C, minerals like magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Many people are over fed and under nourished.

All these factors go into fertility and what you put in your body matters. Reduce exposure to ANY toxin, whether ingested or injected, and get to the root of the issue. Forcing the body with synthetic or animal hormones needs to be a last resort.

Sara Woods Kender is a Clinical Herbalist & Reiki Master and owns and operates Sacred Tree Herbals, 169 Daniel Webster Highway, Unit 1, in Meredith, NH. She teaches classes on herbalism and see clients weekly at her shop. www.sarasherbs.com

In addition to its physiological benefits, mindful eating can also have a profound impact on our psychological well-being. By cultivating awareness during meals, we develop a deeper connection to our bodies and the sensations they experience. This heightened awareness can help us better understand our hunger and satiety cues, leading to a more balanced and intuitive approach to eating. Moreover, studies have shown that practicing mindfulness can reduce emotional eating and improve overall mood and self-esteem.

To incorporate mindfulness into your daily eating routine, consider the following tips:

1. Pause and Reflect: Before diving into your meal, take a moment to pause and acknowledge the food in front of you. Consider where it came from, the effort that went into preparing it,

and the nourishment it provides for your body.

2. Engage Your Senses: As you eat, pay attention to the sensory experience of each bite. Notice the colors, smells, textures, and flavors of the food. Take pleasure in the act of eating and appreciate the richness of each moment.

3. Chew Thoroughly: Aim to chew each bite of food at least 2030 times before swallowing. This not only aids digestion but also allows you to fully experience the taste and texture of your meal.

4. Listen to Your Body: Tune in to your body’s hunger and fullness signals throughout the meal. Eat slowly and mindfully, stopping when you feel satisfied rather than overly full.

5. Minimize Distractions: Create a conducive environment for mindful eating by minimizing distractions such as television, smartphones, or work-

related tasks. Instead, focus your attention solely on the act of eating and the company of those around you.

By embracing the practice of mindful eating, we can cultivate a more harmonious relationship with food and nourish our bodies and souls in the process. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, remember to slow down, chew more, and savor each moment. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Stephanie Ryan, DC, CCWP is the owner of Crossroads Chiropractic, PC and is the host of the “Half Hour to Health” radio show on WEMJ, WTPL and WTSN.

13 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — acupuncture & holistic health • Microneedling • Herbal Formulas • Massage Therapy 8 Elm Street, Wolfeboro, NH 603-326-1251 Atwellacupuncture.com
A Smoother You Maureen Robidoux, RN, BSN, Certified Aesthetic Nurse, with 23 years of experience. Call today to schedule a consultation. 603-860-3893 asmootheryou.com 25 Country Club Rd., Unit #605, Gilford, NH

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If you are a homeowner and have been thinking about upgrading your home to be more energy efficient by installing energy efficient doors, windows, adding insulation, installing heat pumps, etc., this article will help you plan accordingly, depending on your goals and could potentially save you money on federal income taxes if a plan is well-executed.

Most people will decide to make energy efficient upgrades to their homes for environmental reasons, to manage electricity consumption and save money on electricity, or both.

Energy Credit.

The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit

The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit is for existing main homes and applies to exterior doors and windows, insulation, heating, air conditioning and water heaters. You may qualify for up to $3,200 in tax credits. For each item, satisfying the energy efficiency requirements, the credit is 30% of the costs, including labor.

a day Of spring sKiing aT lOOn MOunTain

Whatever the reasons, you may need to plan to achieve some tax savings for the work. Below, an explanation of the two kinds of energy tax credits is provided as well as some tax planning tips to help the reader benefit from making a desired upgrade.

There are two kinds of energy tax credits that you can qualify for as a homeowner: The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit or the Residential Clean

The maximum credit you can claim each year is: $1,200 for energy property costs and certain energy efficient home improvements, with limits on doors ($250 per door and $500 total), windows ($600) and home energy audits ($150); $2,000 per year for qualified heat pumps, biomass stoves or biomass boilers.

The credit has no lifetime dollar limit. You can claim the maximum annual credit every year that you make eligible improvements until 2033.

The credit is nonrefundable, so you can’t get back more on the credit than you owe in taxes. You can’t apply

any excess credit to future tax years.

Depending on what your current year tax liability is going to be in 2024, you may want to consider reducing the tax payments or withholdings by the estimated credit if the energy efficient property will be installed in 2024. To receive the full benefit of the credit, adjust the withholding for a W-2 employee or reduce the estimated payments for contractors and business owners filing a Schedule C. This credit will only reduce the tax liability and will not be refunded

Bria makes first tracks on Loon Mountain’s South Peak Cruiser Trail. Cannon Cliff, Big Coolidge Mountain and the tip tops of the Franconia Range Mountains are nearly always in sight when skiing Loon’s South Peak. There are big views and plenty of snow left to enjoy this ski season. It’s time to get your 80’s Day tickets, March 30th, wear your bright pink and neon green wild one piece suits and big hair if you got it! Dance to Rubix Kube--an 80’s tribute band. Its totally rad. The annual Slush Pool Party is April 6th. Spring is Fun!

Spring skiing is good fun.

Bria and I arrived early at Loon’s South Peak to get one of the first rides up the Lincoln Express Quad. Since it was a weekday there was plenty of parking to be found. The sun was up and it was just barely above freezing so the snow was firm. They had groomed the night

before and our skis barely made a mark on the smooth frozen corduroy on our first couple of runs.

Schussing down Cruiser we went. Our turns were loud and rattled our bones but we knew soon the snow would become soft as the temperature rapidly increased. We stopped at the upper terminus

of the new Timbertownquad. The snow looked wonderful on the new green and blue rated trails. The lift wasn’t running but would be open on the weekend. This new lift and trails makes the Escape Route Parking desirable. It won’t feel like overflow parking now that a bus ride to lifts has been eliminated.

After a thrilling run down a most difficult trail, that we should have waited to ski until the sunshine hit it, we decided to take the Tote Road quad-chair over to the Loon Peak. The morning sunshine on its northeast-facing terrain has a head start over South Peak.

By 10:30 the snow

15 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — 8
717 NH Rt 104 New Hampton, NH www.nhwood.com 603-744-9333 Mon to Fri 10:00-6:00; Sat 9:00-6:00; Sun 10:00-5:00 MARCH MADNESS SALE Select In Stock Dining Room Table sets 25-35% off Select In Stock Bedroom sets20-25% off Hurry in and SAVE on deals around the Store! Ambrose M. Kizza, MST, MSA, CFE, EA Owner kizzataxaccounting.com ak@kizzaea.com KIZZA TAX & ACCOUNTING, LLC. Experience true tax savings and accurate, timely accounting 36 Country Club Rd. Gilford, NH 03249 Cell: 603.800.7922 Office: 603.527.8427 DON’T MISS OUT ON TAX CREDITS YOUR TRUSTED TAX EXPERTS FOR LIFE (603) 524-5222 702 Union Ave Laconia, NH 03246 File in-person with a trusted tax expert.
to the taxpayer. So, in this case, it is better to owe and utilize every cent of the credit and pay the balance. If you are due a refund, no benefit will be received, and you cannot carry forward any unused tax credits generated by the Energy Efficient Home Improvement. Therefore, the credit will never be claimed. For example, let’s say Joe Smith qualifies for up to $1,200 in credits because Joe made some energy improvements to his home. Let’s also assume that at the end of the year, Joe will owe an additional $1,000 in federal taxes. The $1,200 credit will offset his $1,000 to $0. The $200 leftover credit that was not utilized will never be claimed and used because it can’t be carried forward under the Energy Effi cient Home Improve ment Credit. Therefore, it is recommended that Joe reduces the with holding to fully utilize the credit. The Residential Clean Energy Credit The Residential Clean Energy Credit would apply if one invests in renewable energy for one’s home, such as solar, wind, geothermal, fuel cells or battery storage technology; you may qualify for an annual residential clean energy tax credit. The credit is 30% of the cost Understanding the basics of the clean energy tax credits By AmBrose KizzA KIZZA TAX & ACCOUNTING, LLC See next page See PATENAUDE on 35 Brenda MacKay Established 1971 My Little Sewing Room Homestead Place, Alton, NH (603) 875-5329 FORCallNow PROM APPOINTMENTS!
16 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —

Baseball star Shohei

Ohtani’s recent $700 million contract deal with the Los Angeles Dodgers somehow made me think of former Celtic basketball great Tom Heinsohn.

I’ll explain.

Aside from his Hallof-Fame hoop career, Heinsohn also sold life insurance. In fact, he was a very good salesman. Having seen him coach the Celtics and having enjoyed his television basketball commentary, I could tell he was a “people person.”

So, if this charismatic 6-foot-7 Boston Celtic knocked on my door selling life insurance, I’m sure I’d buy a policy, whether I needed one or not. Apparently, lots of folks bought insurance policies from Heinsohn.

The Holy Cross grad was not only a record-setting scorer, but he was also a record-setting insurance salesman. He later ran his own company.

But why was this NBA All-Star selling insurance in the first place? Selling anything can be a tough slog. Well, quite frankly, he needed the money. Like most other sports stars of the sixties and earlier, he “moonlighted.”

Heinsohn made around $8000 his first season as a Celtic, when he was named NBA “Rookie-of-the-Year.” In Game #7 of the NBA

jerry/riCK & leBrOn/sTeph & salaries


Heinshon and Jerry West.

Finals, he scored 37 points and grabbed 23 rebounds as Boston beat the St. Louis Hawks 125-123 in double overtime.

Yet after winning eight NBA titles, Heinsohn’s salary was still only $28,000 a year.

Consider that Red Sox pitcher Jim Lonborg won 22 games in 1967. He missed some time during the season due to army reserve duty but still won the Cy Young Award. Given that his salary was so low, the extra dollars from the reserves must have been a help.

After his baseball career ended, Lonborg went to Tufts Medical School to become a dentist. He practiced dentistry until the age of 75, in 2017, the 50th anniversary of his dream season.

So, do you think Shohei Ohtani is doing any moonlighting to get by in 2024? Sales? Back to school? Like Heinsohn and Lonborg respectively? Or countless other pro athletes? (These are rhetorical questions.)

All of which brings us to a couple pairs of NBA greats, both Laker/War-

rior combos.

Laker Jerry West and Warrior Rick Barry.

Laker LeBron James and Warrior Steph Curry.

West and Barry were arguably the NBA’s top guard and forward, respectively, in 1971.

Curry and James are arguably the NBA’s top guard and forward, respectively, in 2024.

So, ponder that, in 1971, I and ten other Groveton High School basketball players went to a week-long summer basketball camp in Fitzwilliam, N.H., named the Jerry West/ Rick Barry Basketball School. Those two NBA superstars came to the Granite State in the summers to make some extra money at the remote basketball camp.


Can you imagine LeBron and Steph doing likewise in 2024? (That’s a rhetorical question. Together they’ll earn around $100 million this season.)

Do you suppose West and Barry bought life insurance from Heinsohn? (Serious question.)

In 1971 Carly Simon sang “these are the good old days.”

But you can’t beat the good money pro athletes make in 2024. THESE are the good old days!

Do you think Shohei would agree? (Rhetorical question!)

Sports Quiz

Who was the first MLB player to earn a million dollars in one season? (Answer follows)

Born Today

That is to say, sports standouts born on March 28 include Yankee pitching star Vic Raschi (1919) and basketball great Rick Barry (1944).

Sports Quote

“If I was still playing baseball and was sitting down with Mr. Steinbrenner to talk about my salary and based on what Dave Winfield got with his statistics, I’d have to say ‘George, you and I are about to become partners.’” –N.Y. Yankee great Joe DiMaggio.

Sports Quiz Answer

Pitcher Nolan Ryan in 1979.

State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.



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233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com

Henniker - Working Man’s Porter

Concord Craft - Safe Space

Stoneface - IPA

Moat Mtn - Blueberry 603 - Winni Amber Ale

+6 More On Tap


At Funspot 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com

Northwoods - Lucky Cast

Litherman’s Ltd - Perfect Day

Unibroue - La Fin Du Monde

Feathered Friend - So Says I

Left Hand - White Russian Nitro

Narragansett - Lager

+6 More On Tap


403 Main Street Alton Bay, NH 603-875-1234


Bud Light

Tuckerman - Pale Ale

Aqua Vue Haze -Muddy Road Brewery

Sam - Seasonal

Allagash - White

Maine - Lunch IPA

+2 More On Tap


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak

69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500

eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham

Lone Pine -Brightside

Widowmaker -Blue Comet Shipyard -Smashed Pumpkin

Jack Abby -Red Tape

Muddy Road -1762 Porter

Northwoods -Autumn Buzz

+30 More On Tap


Porch & Pub

286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662


Morrisseys’ 20 Year Lager by Great North Smithwick’s Guinness


Concord Craft Safe Space

+11 More On Tap


18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com

Patrick’s Slainte House Ale

Great North - Moose Juice


Clown Shoes - Bubble Head 603 - Winni Amber Ale

Tuckerman - Pale Ale

+9 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange

59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344

FB @craftbeerxchange

Moat – Miss V’s Blueberry

Ayinger – German Marzen

1911 – Black Cherry Cider

Jack’s Abby – Blood Orange

Able Ebenezer – Burn the Ships IPA

Mighty Squirrel – Cloud

Candy IPA


Contact Us Today to Find Out How to Promote Your Business here! sales@weirs.com or 603-366-8463 x 319

+30 More On Tap **

17 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
listings subject to change!


“My dear Berry, why are you so blue?” It was a soft voice, maternal, coming from a rather large Apple Pie in the center of the case, placed there as if to tend over all the other pies.

“Oh Granny, I’m just not happy. In fact, I’m mad.”

“Oh my!”, said Granny with a bit of a chuckle. “This sounds serious.”

“It’s not funny Granny!” I could hear frustration and uncertainty in

Berry’s voice.

“You’re right sweetie, I’m sorry. Go on.” Granny’s voice offered some reassurance.

“Well…”, Berry began again, “Everyone is so special and I’m not.” His tone became agitated, jealous. “Look at those cakes over there in the window. They take center stage for all the world to see. Decked in layers and oh so smooth with their flowing lines and budding with all of their pretty flowers. And all

trimmed out in piping and pearls. They’re just so… so… per-”, Berry stopped just short of saying the word.

“Perfect?” Granny’s voice was gentle as she said the word.

“Yes! Perfect!”, Berry declared in an envious tone.

“Now Berry, you sound jealous?” Granny’s voice was calm.

“And the pastries,” Berry didn’t even try to hide his jealousy, “all dusted, crusted, and

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frosted with sugar and icings!” His voice quickened, “And the cookies, freckled and filled with their chips, nuts, and jams.” His voice seethed with contempt, “Even the other pies Granny! Each covered in chiffon or coiffed with golden meringue curls!”

Giggles could be heard at the other end of the case as a Pumpkin Chiffon Pie and a Lemon Meringue Pie began to tease and taunt singing, “Berry Berry never contrite, filled with jealousy, anger, and spite!”

“Dollie! Verna!”, Granny scolded, “That’s enough, you two!”

“And Berry, you need to stop.” Granny’s voice soothed.

“But Granny, it’s true!” Berry protested, “Why even the cherry pies have fancy lattices!”

“That’s right Bub!”, sneered the cherry pie next to Berry. “And don’t you forget it!”

“Morello, stop.”, Granny gently admonished, “Don’t be so sour. Can’t you see that Berry isn’t happy? Try, atleast, to be cordial.”

“Sorry Granny, It’s what makes me what I am.”

Berry, filled with sorrow, replied, “Let’s face it Granny, they are all so beautiful and I’m just…” Berry paused. “I’m just… ordinary!”

Or-din-ary Ber-ry! Ordin-ary Ber-ry!”, chided Dollie and Verna.

“Girls! Enough!”, Granny was tart with the two pies at the end of the case.

“And Berry, that’s just not so.” Granny tried to comfort him.

“It’s true Granny! I’m not Blueberry. I’m not Raspberry. Why, I’m not even Elderberry. I’m just plain old Ordinary Berry! A hodge-podge! An accident made from leftover fruit and scraps of pie paste.” Berry sounded dejected.

“Oh Berry!”, Granny

cooed sweetly, “Don’t say that. You are neither ordinary nor a hodgepodge. And you are not an accident.” Granny’s voice was filled with sweet reassurance.

“Berry, do you think, perhaps you’ve been a little distracted? Preoccupied with comparing yourself to what you see on the outside of others, rather than looking deeper within yourself?” Berry thought about this as Granny continued.

“Take a good look around Berry, our creator does not waste time with ordinary things. Nothing our creator does is by accident. It is by design that you are the way you are. Our creator has taken the same care and delight in making you that he has taken in making each and every one of us. We are all products of his handiwork. Each of us has purpose and appeal.”

Berry thought for a moment. “But Granny, if that’s true, then why are all the beautiful cakes and pastries out there in the window getting all the attention, while we’re stuck back here in this case?”

This fact was not lost on Granny as she replied, “Many may marvel at those cakes in the window, admiring some of our creator’s dazzling creations, but that is their purpose. Those cakes, with their brightly colored flowers, smooth frostings, and seamless coverings are created, designed, for the purpose of attracting the attention of people. Those cakes display the creator’s artful talents, drawing people to him. But it is we, Berry, the pies, the pastries, the donuts, the daily loaves that are shared at the table, we are the ones who serve as an everyday witness to our creator’s magnificent handiwork. It is

our testimony, tasted by many, that lends proof to the talents in our creator’s hands. Not too many may ever feast on the cakes in the window, but they have served a purpose. However, the ones you call ordinary, well, we are the ones who feed the world. We demonstrate daily to others just a fraction of what our creator is capable of. With a mere handful of ingredients our creator takes what we have within us, adds to that his love and care, and creates within us something special… a new creation.”

“Do you really think so, Granny?”

“Oh Berry, I know so! Just look around you dear. You and I, we are surrounded by so many examples of our creator’s great works. Our creator knows us inside and out. Every cherry, blueberry, raspberry, cranberry. Every slice of apple. Why, our creator even knows every rosette that adorns those cakes in the front window, right down to the very last petal.”

“Really, Granny? How do you know?”

“Because Berry, it is written in the creator’s great book of recipes. And, do you see that sign above the door? Do you know what it says, Berry?”

When Granny said this I turned and saw a sign above the door as I heard Granny’s voice, “‘He has made everything beautiful in its time.’ Our creator has a plan for each of us, Berry.”

I turned back to the case and Berry was gone. I looked around and spied a box, tied with blue and white string being carried out the door. As the bell on the door trilled its farewell I heard Granny’s voice softly whisper, “It’s your time Berry. Be beautiful for the creator.”

18 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
FEAST from 3

CrOWs, TiMBerdOOdles & Cardinals

Crows are exceedingly smart, timberdoodles are back and cardinals just may be nesting already. Those are some of the interesting email topics I have received recently.

Don from Laconia wrote to say he has observed some interesting behavior from crows that hang around his yard. When the crows find a piece of food that is too big or hard, they carry the food to a nearby puddle and dip the food into the water to soften it and make it more manageable.

It has long been known that crows and other corvids, such as ravens and blue jays, have a high degree of intelligence. There is a video on YouTube with close to 10 million views that shows an experiment with a crow figuring out how to access food from tubes using water displacement. The pieces of food are floating on water in a tube just out of reach of the crow’s beak. In a series of tests, the crow has to figure out how to raise the level of water enough to reach the food. The crow eventually aces all of the tests and gets to the food each time.

Robert from Sullivan wrote to say that his first timberdoodles arrived on March 9,

which is earlier than in previous years. Timberdoodles, of course, are another word for American woodcock, a small “shorebird” found in the New England woods. Woodcock usually arrive in mid-March and may be seen at dusk performing their aerial displays in fields with the hopes of attracting a mate. It is one of the highlights of the March birding calendar in New England.

Robert’s email referring to timberdoodles got me thinking about some other birds with interesting nicknames: baldpate for American wigeon, Jenny wren for house wren, marsh hawk for northern harrier, great northern diver for common loon, and Indian hen for pileated woodpecker.

Which ones am I missing? Send me an email and let me know.

Robert, as well as Patti from Westmoreland, wrote in about eastern bluebirds.

Patti was happy to see them at her feeders, and Robert wrote that he “loves the color blue in nature.” I agree with that for sure. Every once in a while, I’ll find a bluebird that really pops in the landscape.

Susan wrote in asking about cardinals and when it is safe to prune hedges, clear brush or otherwise work in areas known to be home to a cardinal nest. Depending on the individual cardinal pair, the birds may start nesting anywhere from early March to April. The breeding season, which usually includes two broods,

can go into late August or even early September. After mid-March, it is always a good idea to be certain that there is not an active cardinal nest before doing pruning or trimming for the spring.

Cardinals rarely reuse nests from previous years. Just because there is a nest present doesn’t necessarily mean it is a new or active nest. Keep an eye on the area for cardinals going in and out of the brush to determine whether it is safe to do the pruning.

Thanks to all who wrote in. Thought-provoking banter about birds is always a good thing.

19 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — BIRDS For The New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats by
CLEAN OUT SERVICE • ATTICS • BASEMENTS • BARNS • GARAGES • OFFICE BUILDINGS IF YOU NEED THE CLUTTER GONE, GIVE US A CALL! (603) 738-1909 ALLABOUTFAMILYAUCTION23@GMAIL.COM allaboutfamilyllc.nh Join the Family WE BUY ESTATES allaboutfamily.hibid.com CLEAN OUT SERVICE • ATTICS • BASEMENTS • BARNS • GARAGES • OFFICE BUILDINGS IF YOU NEED THE CLUTTER GONE, GIVE US A CALL! (603) 738-1909 ALLABOUTFAMILYAUCTION23@GMAIL.COM allaboutfamilyllc.nh Join the Family WE BUY ESTATES Grand Summit Hotel Bartlett 03812 12 p.m. 3 p.m. Buffet lunch and cash Live, silent auctions and 50/50 $75 per ticket carrollcountyrepublcans.org Paid for by CCRC PO Box 1218, N. Conway Grand Summit Hotel Bartlett 03812 12 p.m. 3 p.m. Buffet lunch and cash bar Live, silent auctions and 50/50 raffle $75 per ticket carrollcountyrepublcans.org Events Paid for by CCRC PO Box 1218, N. Conway 03860 CARROLL COUNTY REPUBLICANS LINCOLN DAY LUNCHEON with Kelly Ayotte Sat., April 20th 12pm - 3pm Grand Summit Hotel, Bartlett, NH Buffet lunch and cash bar Live, silent auctions & 50/50 raffle $75 per ticket Carrollcountyrepublicans.org Paid for by CCRC PO Box 1218, N. Conway 03860
Crows are among the most intelligent birds.

Common Weatherization Myths—


(StatePoint) If you haven’t yet weatherized your home this season, you’re not alone.

A new survey from Duck brand found that 80% of people that weatherize their homes notice a decrease in their energy bills – yet many homeowners and renters alike still aren’t taking advantage of these easy DIY solutions to create a more comfortable and energy efficient home. Why? Some common myths about weatherization may be to blame. Read on for the truth about the home weatherization process.

Myth #1: You need to hire a professional to properly weatherize your home. Weatherizing projects can be tackled over a weekend with a few do-it-yourself solutions. From rolled window insulation kits to weatherstrip seals, many home weatherization products are easy to install and re-

move, often requiring only basic tools, like scissors and measuring tape, or sometimes needing no tools at all.

Myth #2 : Weatherizing only helps in cold weather climates. While insulation kits help block cold drafts in the winter, they also can maintain a comfortable room temperature in warm environments by keeping cool air from escaping. Products like Duck brand Heavy-Duty Weatherstrip Seals and the brand’s Double Draft Seal for under the door also are designed to provide year-round protection from wind, dust, insects and pollen, providing added benefits during the warmer months.

Myth #3: It’s expensive to draft-proof your home. In reality, many weatherization prod -

ucts retail for under $50. Considering that 76% of people have experienced an increase in their energy bill in the past five years, it’s definitely economical to weatherize. One great solution is the Duck brand Max Strength Rolled Window Insulation Kit, which helps block drafts to lower heating and cooling costs.

Myth #5: Weatherizing is only for windows and doors. Windows and doors are the two most common sources for drafts, but other large openings, like the attic and garage, and even small ones, like electric sockets, are rarely insulated and can lead to air leaks.

Luckily, there are a variety of products available to create an airtight seal in these areas.

Understanding the short-term and longterm benefits of weatherizing can make all the difference in staying cozy and comfortable, saving money and increasing the longevity of your home, no matter where you live.

Myth #4: Only old homes require weatherization. Weatherizing can make even newer, more energy-efficient homes more comfortable and less costly to heat and cool, while also protecting homes from the damaging effects of the elements throughout the year. For example, faucet covers are essential to help prevent freezing pipes in cold climates, while air conditioner covers can guard units from damaging rain, snow and dirt.

22 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
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seleCTing The righT pOTTing Mix fOr yOur planTings

As gardeners, it seems we are all looking for an ideal potting mix for our houseplants and containers. As with any gardening endeavor, a lot depends on what is available, the plants you are growing, and the type of maintenance you provide.

That said, there are some things you can do to increase your success and reduce ongoing maintenance. It all starts by reviewing the label on the bag you plan to purchase. You’ll find a variety of bags labeled as planting mix, potting mix, container mix, and more. Check the label to see what the bag contains and recommendations for its use.

These mixes usually contain inorganic and organic materials and may also include sand and mineral soil. They may or may not be sterilized to kill weed seeds and pests. If it doesn’t say sterilized, it probably is not, and you should consider another product instead.

Many potting mixes are labeled as “soilless.” They consist of peat moss, sphagnum moss, and compost for moisture retention and vermiculite or perlite for drainage but do not contain mineral soils such as sand or clay. They are lightweight and blended to hold moisture while draining well.

Some potting mixes are modified to accommodate the needs of

certain plants. Orchid mixes often contain more bark for better aeration while cacti and succulent mixes have more sand or perlite for better drainage. African Violet potting mix contains more organic matter to create a moist, rich growing medium.

Organic potting mixes are also available. Many gardeners prefer to know the ingredients are free of pesticides and other contaminants. Check for the word organic and OMRI on the label if you want an organic product.

Once again, check the label on the bag for more details on the potting mix. Some potting mixes contain a “starter charge” of fertilizer. This minimal amount of fertilizer is usually gone after two or three waterings. Some include additional fertil-

izer that provides small amounts of nutrients over a longer period. The label may say controlled-release, timerelease, or slow-release fertilizer, meaning it provides your plants with nutrients for a certain amount of time.

Moisture retaining products are supposed to hold water near plant roots and reduce the frequency of watering. Research has not shown them to be effective. Some gardeners feel they are effective while others end up with root rot when using these.

Consider adding an organic product, like Wild Valley Farms wool pellets (wildvalleyfarms.com) to potting mixes that do not contain moisture-retaining products. It is sustainable, made from wool waste, University-

23 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
The right potting mix will help ornamental and edible plants thrive.
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ThinK OuT Of The BOx: unique hOMe painTing TeChniques

A growing number of homeowners are taking a different path from the usual plain walls. They prefer the walls to be a conversation piece instead of buying a separate piece of art. Consider using textured painting products and fauxfinishing techniques to give the walls of your home a distinct character.

Does your home look like it needs a drastic makeover? You do not need to spend several thousand dollars to rejuvenate your lit -

tle paradise. With the help of a few paint cans, brushes and unique painting techniques, you will be able to refresh your home in no time. Let’s get ready to transform your home into a thing of beauty.

Plain no More: Add Texture to the Walls of your Home

Many homeowners choose the simple path and opt for neutral color for their walls. It is definitely a safe approach because the walls act as a backdrop for decorative pieces and expensive artwork. But, if you want the walls of your home to become a statement piece, a simple paint color won’t make the cut. Wallpaper can personalize your home. But, if you need something more, incorporate textured interior paint and make your home the talk of the town.

Using Pre-Textured Paint

Textured paints are not limited to popcorn ceilings or the unusual wall patterns from

24 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your
& Installation
MEREDITH: 279-4313
See PAINT on 26

hOW TO MainTain a healThier hOMe On a BudgeT

(BPT) - Living healthily remains a primary concern for many today, with homeowners looking to make home improvements with an emphasis on the health benefits of living in an environmentally friendly space.

“When it comes to home improvement, eco-friendly choices can be budget-friendly,” said Bonnie Lee, Vice President of Property Claims at Mercury Insurance. “Healthy home choices, especially for large renovations, can bring your homeowner cost down and save you money on insurance too.”

The journey to a

healthier home begins by identifying areas needing regular maintenance and determining which environmentally friendly products can replace current ones. Here’s a roundup of beneficial and feasible home enhancements:

Breathe Easier With Clean Air

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. The air filters in your home’s heating and cooling equipment weed out contaminants like dust and pet dan-

der; however, a dirty filter hampers their efficiency. Regularly cleaning or changing these filters, especially HEPA filters that cost as little as $30, can ensure clean air.

A costless preventive measure is to maintain the proper functioning of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Fires and carbon monoxide poisoning are more likely during winter when homes are typically heated, making detector maintenance an important step.

25 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
See BUDGET on 29

the 80’s era. Today, textured paints offer a wide variety of options to homeowners. You can opt for smoothtextured paints that give a subtle charm to the walls. Alternatively, gritty textures

are also available to give a personality to your home.

If you are tired of the usual satin, eggshell and flat finishes, opt for textured paints and elevate the look of your home. You can buy them from local home improvement stores of your area. Usually, a gallon of branded textured paint is available for $30-$40. The price may change depending on your choice and availability of the paint color. Even spray paint cans are available in different color options and textures.

Adding Additives to Standard Paint

If you do not want to commit to a textured paint, you can opt for additives and add drama to the walls of your home. You can mix additives to the usual paint cans and create textures according to your liking. A 6 oz. paint additive mix is sufficient for a gallon of paint. You can use the additive for giving textures to a wide range of surfaces including wood, brick, drywall, plaster and concrete. It usually costs around $5 per packet.

If you are interested in additives, you will find several texture options such as sand, stone, popcorn, etc. to adorn the walls and ceilings of your home.


Faux-finishing helps you add texture to the walls by using different objects other than the traditional paint brush. You need to apply a base coat and then use different dec-

orative painting techniques to incorporate textures and layers. Sponging is the most common finishing technique that is used to create layers on the wall. Many homeowners replace the sponge with a rag to change the end-result. Other common items used for adding texture include potter’s rib, corrugated cardboard, graining tools, etc. Many home improvement stores sell faux finishing applicators such as sponge rollers and brushes in different sizes and shapes. They are not expensive and can be obtained under $10.

Textured Painting: The Sky’s the Limit! No matter which texture or faux-finish technique you to decide to incorporate in your home, it will be one-of-a-kind. Your home will not be like any other house on the block. It will be different and unique. So, if you are tired of the usual walls, choose textured painting. It is a fast process that enables you to hide imperfections on the walls. So, go ahead. Color you home the way you love!

26 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
PAINT from 24
27 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — See the Pella difference at our showroom in Meredith! Pella® is the #1 performing replacement wood window and pa�o door for the combina�on of energy, sound and value.* Pella Window & Door Showroom 71 Route 25Meredith, NH 603.725.4660 | pellabranch.com/new-england *Performance solutions offering an unbeatable combination of energy efficiency, sound control and value, require upgrades to triple-pane, Advanced Comfort Low-E and mixed glass thickness. Based on comparing product quotes and published STC/OITC and U-Factor ratings of leading national wood window and patio door brands. Pella Windows & Doors of New England
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MYERS from 23

tested, and has been shown to reduce watering by up to twenty percent, while also increasing air space and adding organic matter.

Select bags of potting mix that are light, fluffy, and moist. Avoid bags that are waterlogged and heavy. The mix can break down and become compacted and some of the slowrelease fertilizer may be pre-released and damage young seedlings when saturated with water.

Spend a bit of time searching for the potting mix that best matches the plants you are growing and your watering regime. The time spent selecting your perfect potting mix will pay off with greater growing success.

Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including the recently released Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine and was commissioned by Wild Valley Farms for her expertise to write this article. Myers’ website is www.MelindaMyers.com.

BUDGET from 25

Ensuring Safe Water

Water filters offer a health-centric and budget-conscious upgrade to homes. Filter pitchers start from as low as $20, and there are more upscale alternatives available like under-sink, countertop or faucet-mounted systems.

Water leak detection devices present another home improvement avenue. These systems alert homeowners when a leak is detected and can automatically shut off the water system if a significant issue exists. Mercury Insurance offers a related discount to eligible homes equipped with these devices.

Environmentally Friendly And Effective Household Supplies

Attentions have shifted due to concerns over the composition of traditional cleaning products, paints, flooring and construction materials. Many homeowners now prefer environmentally friendly alternatives. Look for biodegradable products based on renewable resources. When painting the walls of your home, look for volatile organic compounds (VOC)free options or those that are Green Seal or GreenGuard certified.

When it comes to appliances, aim for LEEDcertified or STAR-rated products for lower energy usage and eligibility for an insurance discount for green homeowners. For flooring, consider alterna -

tives like unfinished hardwood, stone or concrete, and carpets made from natural fibers. Look for non-toxic adhesives to further limit chemical exposure.

For building materials like drywall and insulation, opt for GreenGuard-certified products to avoid hazardous chemicals.

Adopting routine maintenance and home improvements can foster a healthier living

environment and offer financial rewards. For instance, Mercury Insurance provides a 5% green home insurance discount to homeowners with a certification from either the U.S. Green Building Council LEED or the National Association of Home Builders Green Building Guidelines (NAHB).

29 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — (603) 875-0032 hardwoodunlimitedfloorsinc.com Installation DustRefinishingContainment Recoating Repairs Fully Insured Eco Friendly Affordable Prices Pete’s Hardwood Unlimited Floors, Inc. FAMILY / LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED HIGHEST QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP

Sweden’s approach.

It’s clear now that restrictive rules were not the best way to protect people.

Sweden took a near opposite approach. They mostly left people alone.

Swedish officials encouraged the elderly and other at-risk people to stay home.

NBC “reported” on what it called, “Sweden’s failed experiment. How their dangerous Covid gamble went wrong.”

CBS confidently stated, “Sweden becomes an example of how not to handle COVID.”

Time Magazine headlined: “Swedish COVID-19 Response Is a Disaster.”

But beyond that, they let life carry on as normal. Sweden didn’t impose lockdowns, school closures or mask mandates.

They followed standard pre-Covid wisdom that the best protection is what epidemiologists call “herd” or “collective” immunity. Once a critical mass of people are infected and recover, collective immunity will reduce the total number of infections.

Arrogant American politicians and media “experts” sneered at

But the media’s experts were just wrong. Swedish health officials were right.

Yes, at the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden suffered high numbers of Covid deaths, but as predicted, over time, herd immunity protected people. Sweden’s excess death rate was the lowest in Europe.

Sweden’s economy got through the pandemic much healthier than other countries. Because Swedish schools never closed, Swedish students didn’t suffer the learning losses that American kids did.

Four years later, have media blowhards who were wrong apologized?

Corrected their stories? No.

Have American politicians apologized and begged forgiveness for their arrogance, for destroying jobs, restricting our freedom and needlessly pushing us around? No.

Let’s not give politicians power like that again.

Every Tuesday at JohnStossel.com, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom.

30 on the TOWN OUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! 69 State Route 11, (just south of the Alton circle) New Durham, NH 603.859-7500 | EatAtJohnsons.com Serving Lunch & Dinner Dine in or Takeout 7 Days A Week JOHNSON’S TAPHOUSE Featuring 36 BEERS on Tap! RESTAURANT | DAIRY BAR | MARKETPLACE | TAPHOUSE Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street At Paugus Bay Plaza, Laconia M Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.com Located under the canopy at 131 Lake Street at Paugus Bay Plaza THIS WEEKEND SPECIALS Veal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Italian & American Comfort Food Myrna’s Classic Cuisine Pasta•Steaks Seafood 603.527.8144 myrnascc.com Formerly known as Nadia’s Trattoria, voted one of the top ten restaurants in NH by Boston Magazine Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 4-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4-9:30pm 603-409-9983 • 604 Endicott St. N, Weirs Beach, Laconia A LITTLE TASTE OF PARADISE IN THE LAKES REGION A low-key vibe, island-inspired food & featuring the largest selection of Rum & handcrafted Rum concoctions in the region Home of the WINNI PAIN KILLER - It’s Vacation in a Glass! 331 SOUTH MAIN ST., LACONIA 603-524-4100 SHANGHAINH.COM Open For Take Out Bar Open 11:30am - 8pm Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am - 8pm For Health Concious People… SPECIAL GLUTEN FREE ITEMS & VEGETARIAN DISHES OPEN Tues - Sat 11am - 1:45pm & 4pm - 9pm Closed Sun & Mon
D.A. LONG TAVERN D.A. LONG TAVERN Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com Always Lots Of Fun On Tap! TAVERN HOURS Open Every Day, year round Open Daily At Noon Sun. - Thur. noon -10pm Fri. & Sat. noon - 11pm EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE Explore our rotating draft selection with 12 carefully curated offerings! GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Made to Order Pizza, Chicken Fingers Hot Dogs & French Fries STOSSEL from 7

“Lighten blemish spots on your skin with lemon juice. Just dab on several times per day.” -- O.M. in Georgia

* “Collect small bits of soap into a cup or jar. When you have several, add a tablespoon or two of water to the cup to soften the soap pieces. When they are moderately soft, pour out the contents on a washcloth, fold it over and press into a bar shape with your hands. Peel away the cloth to reveal what should be a reasonably solid new bar of soap.” -- C.T. in Pennsylvania

* Save power with this tip: Use cold water to wash towels and jeans. Then hang them to dry -- preferably outside, but on an inside line is OK, too. When they are mostly dry, pop them in the dryer on air dry to fluff up. Towels and jeans take the longest to dry in the clothes dryer, and use a lot of electricity.

* “When canning or doing another job, always do the thing you hate first, then the rest will be easier.” -- L.D.W. in Illinois

on the TOWN OUT OUT Great Food, Libations & Good Times! 67 Main St. Meredith, NH (603) 677-7625 LUNCH & DINNER DAILY OPEN 7 Days • 11am - 9pm FROG ROCK TAVERN RELAX & ENJOY OUR CASUAL PUB ATMOSPHERE IN DOWNTOWN MEREDITH APPS • SALADS • SOUPS • BURGERS • SANDWICHES & MORE! 10 PLYMOUTH ST., MEREDITH • 279-8723 Blackboard Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials OPEN THUR - TUES 6AM-8PM WED 6AM - 2PM INDOOR, OUTDOOR or TAKE-OUT ! JUST GOOD FOOD! Connect With Us! 603-279-6212 • HartsTurkeyFarm.com Exit 23 off I-93 • 233 Daniel Webster Hwy • Meredith 18 Weirs Rd. Gilford (603) 293 - 0841 PatricksPub.com Weekdays Open @ 4pm Weekends Open @ Noon Closed Tuesdays FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS 6PM  9PM MONDAY NIGHTS 6PM  8PM LIVE MUSIC! LIVE MUSIC! 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600 www.wrapcitysandwiches.com 603-409-9344 • 59 Doe Ave, Weirs Beach, NH YOUR CRAFT BEER DESTINATION IN THE WEIRS! 36 Rotating Craft Taps Full Liquor, Wine & Food Menu Huge Beer Garden Overlooking the Lake THE BEST PIZZA IN THE REGION!
Syndicated Columnist
Here’s A Tip
JoAnn Derson

chusetts for freedom to worship God as they felt right and proper. The church was an important entity in the lives of those early settlers, so their governments were set up in accordance with Christian principles as they understood them.

Three early New Hampshire settlements

of Dover, Exeter, and Hampton all had adherence to Puritan dominated Christianity and churches that would eventually become known as Congregational. The Puritans did not celebrate an Easter holiday, nor any other holiday. They did not want to be involved with any celebrations that came out of “pagan” or

1:30 P.M. Reconciliation

2:30 P.M. Holy Rosary

of Jesus, the Christ, and both believed in the triumphant resurrection of the body of Jesus from the dead.

After the Indian wars of the eighteenth century grants of land in New Hampshire were made by the provincial Governor Benning Wentworth. In a speech given by the minister of the North Church in Portsmouth, Lucious Harrison Thayer, to the General Association of Congregational Churches in the year 1908, it was noted that when Gov. Wentworth granted plots of land for new towns, of which there were many, he reserved a share of each grant for Easter card sent to my Uncle Dick in April of 1917

“popish” origins. They said “every day is a holy day.”

We should remember, though, that the Puritans did believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus and of the future resurrection of His followers. As

time went on Congregational churches and other denominations in New Hampshire have observed Easter as “Resurrection Day” and as a reason to celebrate. In Portsmouth the Anglican or Episcopalian church took a more

prominent place with the greater allegiance in that community to the old country, that is, England. Though practicing different forms of worship they both traced their roots back to early Christianity and the scriptural admonition to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Both groups expressed belief in the sacrificial death

the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Thayer described Benning’s nephew, who followed him as Governor, as a sincere Christian gentleman of distinction and charm.

He gave the land upon which to build Dartmouth College, a school begun to promote the Christian faith, teaching the doctrines of Christi-

32 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — Tell All Souls About My Mercy COME CELEBRATE DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY
At St. André Bessette Parish, Sacred Heart Church, 291 Union
Laconia Sunday April 7, 2024 Schedule:
the Divine
For more information call the St. André Bessette Parish Office at 603-524-9609. For more information on Divine Mercy: GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING , LLC —Call for pricing We Buy CATALYTIC CONVERTERS - See Nick for Pricing Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7am to 3pm Closed Sat. & Sun. Fully Licensed Facility License Number: 2023000074 Permit Number: DES-SW-PN-11-006 201 Abel Road, Bristol, NH 03222 **IF USING GPS, TAKE RIVER RD TO ABEL RD. (DO NOT TAKE PEAKED HILL RD.) Office: (603) 744-3453 Fax: (603) 744-6034
3:00 P.M. Divine Mercy Holy Hour
of the Blessed Sacrament Sung Chaplet of
1700’s Evangelist George Whitefield - painting by Joseph Badger
See SMITH on 33
from 1

Another Easter Postcard probably form early 1900’s also.

anity to the Indians and others. Congregational ministers were trained at Dartmouth.

SMITH from 32 and resurrection of Jesus as explained by the Bible were key beliefs. Towns thought it important to have a settled minister and one of the first buildings erected in a new settlement was a meeting house, often for use for both church services and town meetings.

The coming to New Hampshire of a group of Presbyterian ScotchIrish immigrants to Londonderry (Nutfield) was perhaps a little unsettling to the Puritans, but, though they had their own form of worship their belief in the importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus was in harmony with what most of the residents of New Hampshire accepted as the truth in those days. With the entrance of Baptists, Methodists, and a few Quakers, and the near-by revival services of Whitefield, a variety of Christian churches existed in the Granite State.

Not everyone who came to America in those early days of English settlements was a Christian, but many were, and the doctrines associated with the death

on evangelical principles, will give the best and greatest security to government...” The Convention removed the phrase “on evangelical principles,” though it did retain a reference to a public worship of “the DEITY.”

A reference to religious societies being authorized by the Legislature to make provision “for the support and maintenance of Protestant teachers of piety, religion, and morality,” was changed to read “public teachers,” instead of Protestant. This kept the Roman Catholic religion from being excluded from protection of rights under the Constitution, but did not change the belief of early religious organizations in the State in the death and resurrection of Jesus. The word “ Christian” was removed from another sentence addressing State protection for religious denominations, thus providing protected freedom of worship for non-christian religions.

Psalm 23

TheLordis my shepherd; I shall not want… He restoreth my soul… I will fear no evil: for thou art with me… Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of theLordforever.

Thayer, in his speech to the Congregationalists in 1908, said that “the period after the Revolution marks the beginning of the rise of sects, and consequently it was a trying time for the guardians of the established faith.” But the established faith has survived to this day, and there are still many who will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter Sunday morning.

A Constitutional Convention was held to revise the New Hampshire State Constitution in 1889. Article 6 of the constitution had previously said, in part, “As morality and piety, rightly grounded

As many New Hampshire residents observe the solemn day called Good Friday in remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus, and then Easter on the first day of the week in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, remember that these events represented the faith of many of the founders of the State of New Hampshire. These were not always days of public celebration, but when they became such the message was that Jesus Christ is alive! The Easter message was representative of the faith of our New Hampshire forefathers and mothers.

And I do wonder if somehow, perhaps, my chalk drawing is rolled up somewhere in somebody’s attic.

33 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
You! Jesus died for the world!
When you… Remember me Feel Alone Are Sick Are Broken Need a Friend Simply Pray … I am here! www.BookofRomans8.org
Jesus Loves
Happy Easter!


(see Wikipedia).

The October 7th murders were so vicious that our TV won’t show the videos that the Hamas barbarians took for bragging rights. Men, women and children were tortured, mutilated, and killed in front of their families. Surveys show that the Palestinians approve of the attack.

For decades Hamas took humanitarian aid and used it to obtain arms and build fortifications, often around or under schools and hospitals. Despite the suffering Hamas causes, surveys show that Hamas remains popular among Palestinians.

Israel wants to bring

those responsible for October 7th to justice. But to appease the US domestic pro-Palestinian mobs, the Biden administration is trying to force Israel to stop now, and implement a plan which resolves nothing and isn’t acceptable to Israel or the Palestinians.

Craving the votes of the pro-Palestinian mob, Biden is willing to let the barbarians who committed the October 7th atrocities escape justice, no matter how many Israelis and Palestinians die in the future.

Don Ewing Meredith, NH.

Now In 5th Printing! The Flatlander Chronicles

ergy and involvement not only put Meredith on the path of successful future growth, he was also instrumental in the early history of the surrounding communities of Laconia, Gilford, Belmont, Sanbornton, New Hampton and Center Harbor.”

John Hopper, president of the Society, noted, “A fresh look at this key figure in our town’s history is long overdue. Be among the first to learn about this exciting new information.”

Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

A long-time former editor of the Meredith News, VanVeghten is the author of several books on Meredith’s history including “These Sons of Liberty”: Meredith in the Revolutionary War and The History of Meredith Bay. He also serves as a contributor and copy editor for de Halve Maen (The Half Moon), a journal of early Dutch-American history.

PROGRAM from 1

Loon Mountain Park has rails, many big jumps and a large half pipe. There are two smaller parks on the mountain too.

had warmed nicely and it was easy to make turns. Not Surprisingly, a lot more people had arrived to ski and snowboard.

On North Peak we skied the bumps on the ungroomed Upper Walking Boss. The sun was shining and we unzipped our jackets. The view north was nice but clouds hid Mount Washington but Franconia Ridge and the nearer peaks were right there in front of us. It had turned into a perfect Spring day.

We rode the Kanc-8, this chair is a thing of beauty and comfort. The lift seats 8 but today I don’t think we ever had more than 4 or 5 persons on each ride. It moves a lot of people. We skied favorites Blue Ox and Picked Rock - good snow and we enjoyed the fun natural rolling slopes. On Coolidge Street the race crew was out resetting the red netting on the edge of the trail. Right across the street is the trail’s namesake, Prominent Big Coolidge Mountain, summit el-

“Spaghetti or Lasagna?” Don’t be surprised if the people in the chair coming towards you ask a quick one word question. The Tote Road Quad carries skiers and snowboarders between Loon Peak and South Peak and vice versa. Spaghetti just edged out Lasagna and one person said I can’t choose and yet another answered Ravioli.

evation 3,294 feet.

On one run we did find ourselves at the top of the Loon Mountain Park. A group of three


These two boys were wearing sweatshirts and shorts at Pats Peak.

snowboarders went by and we watched them sail over monstrously large jumps. They made it look so fun and easy. Since it appeared no one else was in the park we decided to ski down and go around all the jumps. But we did play down the middle of the half-pipe. Only going up its walls as far as it made us happy and not scared.

We decided to skip the gondola since we decided it would be nice to ride the Seven Brothers lift a couple times. The lift is a high-speed quad, actually the repurposed Kanc4, and how nice it is to ride up twice as fast as the old lift. We took a trip down Springboard and we actually went over some of the smaller jumps.

Time flies while you’re having fun. Our plan was to leave by Noon but of course we did a couple” just one more run.” When we were in the lodge taking our boots off I turned off my watch tracker and saw we had skied 23 thousand vertical over 19 runs. Bria being the good sport that she is asked if I wanted to go back out and do one more. I reluctantly declined but said we will be back to ski Loon again soon.

I am not close to giving up winter yet. Maybe we will have one more big snowstorm.

Have Fun.

Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com

35 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 — Concord’s newest gun shop has opened! Mention Weirs Times and Get 5% Off Purchases Firearms, ammo and accessories Rifles, shotguns and pistols CANTARA CONCEALMENT 106B South State St., Concord
The Bear Claw Trail returns skiers and snowboarders from North Peak to Loon Peak past this big ledge and Loon PATENAUDE from 15

tal of $4.9 trillion in tax increases on the wealthy and on corporations.

I say “supposedly paid for” because expansion of government under the premises of raising taxes on the most successful sectors of our economy never works.

Renown economist Arthur Laffer and Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore just published data showing that when President Donald Trump cut the highest individual tax rate and cut the corporate tax rate in 2017, the percentage of overall taxes paid by the wealthiest 1% of the population increased.

Before the Trump tax cuts, the top 1 % paid “a little more than 40% of the income taxes collected,” per Laffer and Moore.

After the tax cuts, that percentage increased to almost 46%.

This was not something new. Laffer and Moore show data going back to 1980 showing general correlation of lower top tax rates with a larger percentage of overall taxes paid by the top 1%.

Freedom means unleashing productivity and creativity. Absence of freedom means punishing both and therefore getting less of both.

It’s why the Soviet Union collapsed. Godless secularism doesn’t work.

The latest edition of CURE’s “The State of Black Progress” shows the uniform failure of expansion of government into health care, education, housing and retirement, all in the name of “fairness” and no one being “left behind.”

The truth really is it’s more than this. It’s about politicians who

love power buying it with gifts given with other people’s money. Harsh to say, but this is reality.

Only 19% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country, per Gallup.

Most Americans feel something is wrong. We need leadership to take us back to freedom and God.

Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6

will. That’s my job, and the job of all Americans.

But Donald Trump is the man standing between America and a second Joe Biden term. And a second Joe Biden term means America in dire, dire trouble.

It’s that simple.

It’s Trump or Biden.

Unlike in 2016, we don’t have to guess at what a Trump administration will be. And we don’t have to guess what a Biden administration will be either. We know. America cannot afford another Joe Biden term.

Or, perhaps more realistically, a Kamala Harris term.

Joe Biden is here to finish the job that Barack Obama started, of fundamentally transforming America into the image of the left. That cannot happen. That’s why I’m



not just giving Donald Trump my vote, I’m giving him my money. Because this election matters. And Donald Trump must be the next president of the United States.

Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.

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lander Party, Brendan Smith (I think it is up to three dues paying members) would get behind this campaign. We would have lots of fun voting one the state’s official bird, flower, fish, reptile, and ice cream. If I had my way at our state constitutional convention, we would be the 30th state to be a constitutional carry state, and the only one without any compulsory education laws, and mandate that all government schools have a warning sign in front of it which reads:

“Warning This school is dangerous to the mental and physical wellbeing of its students. Alternatives are strongly recommended.”

We would bump Rhode Island out of the smallest state category and give Maine some competition being the second state that is only bordered by one state, and one up Maine by being the only state surrounded completely by another state. Fellow Belknapians: It is time that our voices be heard in Washington. It is time for statehood. Let’s make our beloved county a state. Statehood for Belknap now. Statehood for Belknap forever.

Readers who would like a free pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution, may contact me at campconstitution1@ gmail.com And, those who want a New Hampshire State Constitution should call one of their state reps to request a copy.

a handbasket,” thinking you were fine, instead you jumped out in time and let me save you and deliver you from death, now in your lifetime but also for eternity. You let me change your ways so that you followed my design as your Creator. Instead of having an existence in which you built contrary to my design and eventually it collapse on you,” (Matt 7:24-27), you began to follow my design and built a beautiful, enduring, safe life that will be rewarded with eternal life at your death.” (Romans 6:23). This is why I said, “blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

Before you sleep tonight, read what I had written in the last chapter of my book, the Bible, from Revelation 7:14-21. This is a snippet of the comfort I will give you if our relationship is restored. Never forget, I sent my son Jesus, to die in your place and pay for your sins so that if you admit your spiritual poverty, mourn over your sins and come back to me, you will have what he promised when he said, “I came that you may have life and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10).

I have made a way for you to enjoy this life! Will you see your spiritual poverty and weep at your failure and turn to me to reverse the curse? My offer ends when you end, at your death.

Don’t wait beyond that point.

I love you, God

These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo of Alton, NH.

the handover many experts wondered how long it would take for the spirit and political vibrancy of the former Crown Colony’s freedoms to influence the political body politic of Mainland China? Many opined; will China soon become like freewheeling Hong Kong?

Today it’s the other way around, Hong Kong is becoming more like Mainland China, albeit still a far more economically vigorous version.

Business is really feeling the pinch of Beijing politics; from COVID to Chinese communist political crackdowns and toughening “security legislation,” Hong Kong has adopted Article 23. The legislation covers Sedition, Treason, Insurrection, Espionage; falling afoul of the broadbrush Law is probably easier than most people think or presume.

Hong Kong’s once admirable civil rights and political freedoms are under assault from security legislation intended to safeguard the CCP’s stifling monopoly on power and opinion.

Volker Turk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights warned that broadly defined and vague provisions in the bill could lead to the “criminalization of a wide range of conduct protected under international human rights law, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the right to receive and impart information.”

The European Union raised concerns over the “potential impact on the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong.”

Condemnation of the legislation has been

both bi-partisan and widespread in the U.S. Congress. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) stated, “Article 23 legislation will only further strip the people of Hong Kong of their rights and freedoms and subject them completely to the Chinese Communist Party.”

Hong Kong was once a government of Laws; a clearly applied rule of Common Law ensured the region’s security and prosperity. Today the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region it is not a society ruled through the Law but by the Law. That’s Beijing’s Law and political rules.

John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.

37 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —
Skelley’s Market Skelley’s Market Whether you are a vacationer or a full time resident of the Lakes Region, Skelley's Market is the place to go for your shopping needs. Located on route 374 Governor Wentworth HWY Moultonboro, N.H. 03254 Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 www.skelleysmarket.com Skelley’s Market Services Include: Stop by Skelley’s Market today and enjoy some great food, Richardson’s ice cream, a lobster roll or anything else you may need. You will be glad you did!
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METZLER from 7 LETTER from 9 SHURTLEFF from 8


38 — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, March 28, 2024 —

Answers On Page 37

The Winklman Aeffect by John Whitlock
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