04/08/2021 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

VOLUME 30, NO. 14



Laconia Rotary Charity Motorcycle Raffle

“Weirs Channel Spring Sunset” Photograph by Robert Allan Clifford.

An Antidote To High Pressure Living by Kenneth Ripley Forbes Reprinted from “The New Hampshire Troubadour”. June, 1937. I have lived for the past seven years on the edge of some of Connecticut’s most attractive countryside. In a city of 60,000 people, it is remarkable how soon

one can find himself in the midst of thoroughly rural territory. Ten miles from City Hall is true back-woods, with only the nearness of concrete roads to remind one of cities and towns. And to a considerable extent this is true of nearly all parts of the state; real country and large city, cheek by

jowl, with no intervening suburban areas to taper off the sharp contrasts of scenery and mode of living. It fascinates and still almost surprises one who was brought up in a Massachusetts urban region. But there is another striking thing about the Connecticut country that

is equally surprising to anyone whose summers have been spent in midNew Hampshire, - and that is the lack of distant outlooks and the feeling one gets that the country and the shore alike are shut in and away from the world at large. It is all a rolling countryside See LIVING on 30

Wouldn’t it be nice to cruise the roads of New England this summer on a brand new Harley? And what if your sweet new ride was all because you supported local charities like the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation? It’s not just nice… it’s possible! Laconia Rotary Club is excited to announce the kick off its 29th Annual Charity Raffle and the chance to win a 2021 Harley-Davidson Street Glide. The billiard red FLHX bike is valued at $23,752. The $20 ticket can be purchased early and often online starting today. Only 3,000 tickets will be sold. Visit laconiarotary.org to purchase tickets and view the Harley. Tickets can also be purchased through contacting a Club Member. Not a rider? You can purchase tickets on behalf of friends and family members who would love a new bike.









— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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Some exclusions may apply, visit store for complete details. Sale ends April 18th

MENS * WOMENS * KIDS Meredith, NH 279-7463 • •Wolfeboro, NH 569-3560 MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 WOLFEBORO 569-3560 CONWAY, 356-7818 • • LACONIA, NH NH 524-1276 NorthNORTH Conway, NH NH 356-7818 Laconia, 524-1276

No Response From Governor To The Editor: On March 11th, I sent a letter to Gov. Chris Sununu asking for clarification of a statement he made during an interview on the NH Exchange on March 9th. He stated that there are schools that haven’t taken the COVID relief money, going so far as to say he has been begging them to do so. I asked how many schools, what schools, what are their stated reasons, how do schools have to apply. Was the money automatically sent and these schools sent it back? There has been no response from the Governor’s office, not even an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter. Most offices (senators, congress members) send an initial “Thank you for your letter, we will respond to you shortly” within days or sometimes just hours of receipt and follow up with a response. Nothing at all from the Governor’s office. It has been 20 days, more than enough time to get, at the very least, an initial response. I will send this message to the Governor’s office again and see if I can get a response. I will keep you posted. Feel free to photocopy this and mail it to Gov. Chris Sununu, State House, Concord NH 03301, with or without your own comment. Judith Ackerson Franklin, NH.

The Equality Act To The Editor: Recently, I contacted Maggie Hassan along with others in Congress, urging them to vote against the Equality Act. It seems quite clear to me that if we think is fine for a man to say he feels like a woman today, or this week, or for awhile, we are throwing common sense out the window. God created man and woman biologically and temperamentally different for many reasons; Fact: men have bigger muscles, are stronger, and generally faster than females. They do NOT belong in women’s sports OR bathrooms because they “identify” as a woman. Oh, and they can change their mind anytime they like. Huh?? I look to the men I know as gentlemen and protectors who often take risks to safeguard the rest of us. Men should feel proud of that. Back to the bill, I got the general Democratic answer from Maggie Hassan I usually get, except this time it was something I found disturbing. I quote her below; you decide. The underlining is mine. “I will note that some of the objections that people have made to this bill are based on assertions that I do not share, such as the idea that gender identity is a choice. As I understand it, gender identity is a biological fact. Moreover, nothing in the Equality Act interferes with a person’s or organization’s exercise of faith. It, instead, adheres to the principle that all Americans – regardless of their religious beliefs – have the right

to enjoy the basic protections of American citizenship and civic participation.” Does she realize what she just said? Gender identity is biological, not a choice? She wants basic protections for Americans; how about the girl who gives up her childhood to work hard to be the best in her sport and then has a guy decide he’s going to compete against her? She has perhaps just lost her chance for a scholarship through her sport. He has the physical ability to be stronger, and faster. Those are the scientific facts. What happened to Title 9 that women fought to get in the first place?? What about the protections for girls/women going into a Ladies room and suddenly finding themselves being accosted by a man because he’s now allowed to go in there when he likes? We need to really vet the people we are voting for. I have yet to see any common sense come out of the Democratic representatives we have in Congress from NH. Let’s watch and see if they pass the Gun Control law coming up; let’s watch and see if they pass the HR1 bill that takes the election process and throws it open for fraud (i.e. mail in ballots, no proof of signature), etc. Let’s see if they pass the Immigration Amnesty bill that will do two things (give amnesty not only to the millions here uup to 1/1/21, but to anyone they want to call a relative and bring into the US; and it will only encourage See MAILBOAT on 37

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 TheWeirsTimes.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2021 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Wright Museum Preparing For ‘Victory’ This Season

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Christin Kaiser with Adam Stockman at Spider Web Gardens greenhouse preparing seeds for the Wright Museum Victory Garden. WOLFEBORO The spring is an incredibly busy time for museums as staff prepare to open for the warmer months, an operational challenge faced by Wright Museum volunteer and UNH Carroll County Advanced Master Gardener Christin Kaiser. “I prepare seed trays every spring for the Wright Museum’s Victory Garden,” said Kaiser, who noted she has built a partnership through the years with Spider Web Gardens in Tuftonboro. “This works out well all around, as they look after and care for our seed trays during this time of year until they are ready to bring to the garden,” she added. According to Executive Director Mike Culver, the museum’s Victory Garden pays homage to a sometimes forgotten aspect of World War II.

“Victory Gardens boosted morale, expressed patriotism and protected against food shortages on the home front,” he said. By 1944, an estimated 20 million victory gardens produced approximately 8 million tons of food. “Produce grown in our Victory Garden has benefited the local food pantry, too, so there is a strong community aspect to it,” he said. As for the growing process at Spider Web Gardens, Adam Stockman, who bought the business from his uncle in 2019 with partner Jacinda Montague, said the trays begin on a heated table in their seed house. Upon germination, seeds are gradually moved to cooler conditions -first to the edges of the seed house and then to a glass greenhouse. “This process grows a strong plant, ready for the garden,” he said.

Citing the spring as “an incredibly busy season” with both time and space at a premium, Stockman expressed appreciation for Kaiser’s expertise and preparation. “It helps immensely that the Wright Museum’s seed trays are properly prepared, including a sterile growing medium, and that a proper seeding technique is used,” he said. “Once her trays are dropped off here, they respond like our own and they do not introduce any pests or bacteria to our operation.” Regarding what will be grown in the Wright Museum’s Victory Garden this season, Kaiser cited what one might find in a backyard garden, including tomatoes (3 types), lettuces, kale (2 types), sprouting broccoli, onions, shallots and garlic. The garden will also feature a represenSee VICTORY on 19

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxist and the Cancel Culture

On Monday April 19 at 7pm, Camp Constitution Speaker’s Bureau Presents “The Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxist and the Cancel Culture” at the First Christian Church, 83 North Main St, Wolfeboro. The presenters will be Rev. Steve Craft and Coach Dave Daubenmire.

The Reverend Steven Louis Craft

The Reverend Steven Louis Craft holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, MA and a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Pastoral Counseling from Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. He has completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Boone Hospital Center, Columbia, Missouri. Rev. Craft is a member of the American Correctional Chaplains Association and is ordained as a Correctional

Chaplain with the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A.. He formerly served as Correctional Chaplain at the Pine Prairie Correctional Center, the Missouri State Penitentiary and the Moshannon Valley Correctional Center in Central Pennsylvania. Reverend Craft is the Executive Director of Christian Citizenship Ministries, Inc. He is co-author of “Virtue and Vice”: A Fascinating Journey into Spiritual Transformation. He is also the author of “Morality and Freedom: America’s Dynamic Duo”. Steven is also a motivational and inspirational speaker on issues involving race, religion, politics, and culture from a Christian, Black American, Conservative perspective. As a flexible, multifaceted speaker. Dave Daubenmire, a veteran 35 Dave Daubenmire year high school football coach, was spurred to action when attacked and eventually sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for mixing prayer with his coaching. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights and a determination to not back down, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement. As a result of the experience, Coach heard the call to move out of coaching a high school team, to the job of coaching God’s team. PASS THE SALT was formed to encourage the Body of Christ to step into the cultural war. Challenging the “church of the Status Quo”, Pass The Salt is calling Christians to engage the culture. By taking the fight to the enemy Coach Daubenmire has become a recognizable voice with the media as he is an unashamed, articulate, apologist for the Christian worldview.Admission is free. An Offering will be taken. For more info call Hal Shurtleff 857-498-1309

“Earth Dreams” Exhibit At Franklin Gallery In Rochester

The Franklin Gallery at RiverStones Custom Framing, 33 N. Main Street in Rochester, will host an exhibit during the month of April called Earth Dreams, featuring the work of Rollinsford artist Taintor Davis Child. There will be no opening reception due to RCF’s concern for the safety of its visitors, but anyone may stop by and see the current exhibit during regular RCF business hours. “Earth Dreams is a large and growing collection of paintings. The ones exhibited here at The Franklin Gallery are arrivals over this past year,” says Child. “They are meditations on elements of nature (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Ether) expressed while employing the elements of art (Line, Color, Form, Shape, Space, Texture).” RiverStones Custom Framing and the Franklin Gallery are open Wednesday through Friday, 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. For information about Taintor Davis Child’s April exhibit and other RiverStones events and services, call Kris or Tom at 603-8121488 or visit the RiverStones website or Facebook page.

Volunteers Needed For Local Conservation Projects If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, Amelia Kaufhold, Volunteer Coordinator for Environmental Stewardship and Food Assistance in Belknap County probably has a volunteer opportunity for you. Throughout the month of April, volunteers are needed starting April 7th to pack up this year’s record number of plant orders for the Belknap County Conservation District (BCCD) Spring Tree, Shrub and Trout Sale. The BCCD Plant Sale is April 30-May 2nd. To volunteer, sign up online by visiting the www.belknapccd.org under the ‘Get Involved’ tab or enter into your internet search https://signup.com/go/tYKqZnf The Conservation District received twice as many orders as last year, so more help is needed. With deliveries underway from suppliers, the District is no longer able to fill new orders, but will have some surplus items available during the Plant Sale weekend. The updated Belknap County Conservation District website: www.belknapccd.org includes information about volunteering as well as good conservation information. Upcoming volunteer opportunities include spring clean ups on the Wetland Walk at Gunstock in Gilford and the BCCD community garden along Parade Road in Laconia. Sign up dates will be posted to help with raking and minor repairs at ¼ mile boardwalk trail, pollinator garden planting and installing interpretive signs at Gunstock. The Laconia community garden needs volunteers for clean up and tilling in May. For more information on this Volunteer Program reach out to bccdvolunteer@gmail.com. For other Belknap County Conservation District activities check www.belknapccd.org or contact Lisa Morin at lisamorin@nh.nacdnet.net

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


in brendan@weirs.com


Live Free or Die.

A Group For Us coverage when they hold their awards, but that’s only because they do a lot of great PR work leading up to their event. No one in OOOPS is really up to the task considering we are more or less a group who has been working forty hours a week for the last forty years or so and doing anything extracurricular, like doing PR work, is something no one really wants to take the time to do. Some of the awards which will be given out at this year’s function include: MOST LIKELY TO RETIRE FIRST - Many members vie for this important award by doing their best work during the year to help them achieve it. Some will put in extra hours at the office hoping to reach this goal, others might just add a larger percentage to their 401ks, some might even have that special side project they have been working on for years that might finally payoff. Of course, a few will try to take the easy way and buy a few extra Powerball tickets or just sit back and hope there is a rich relative somewhere who has remembered them in their will. No matter the method, all have that one goal in mind -to be the next to retire. Even though this is the most coveted award of the evening it is a handed out first, giving the winner the honor of having the most attendees see them get it since, as the night goes on and the hour gets later, the crowd has a habit of thinning out. VISIONARY OF THE YEAR – This award goes to an Older Professional who had the good sense to be the first to cancel on attending the awards dinner making it harder for others to bail once the list of attendees started to shrink. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – An honorable award, but not one that most OOOPS members strive for. The fact that it goes to the oldest and longest

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* 5 In New Hampshire” *Flatlander’s Observations On Life


I’m not big on joining groups, but when I received an invitation last year to join a new group that might be helpful in advancing my career goal by Brendan Smith of retirement I Weirs Times Editor took a chance. It’s called The Organization Of Older Professionals (OOOPS) and its focus is to help those of us between fifty-five and seventy still plugging away at five or more days of work a week, feel better about ourselves. According to the group’s brochure, the name itself is not an acronym they are proud of, but it was the only decent idea that came out of the first development meeting. Once it got past 9pm, OOOPS was considered “Good Enough”. (The other acronym under consideration was Aging Professional Elders Society (APES). Unlike the groups of Young Professionals you might read about in press releases in the local paper, OOOPS doesn’t spend a lot of time having gatherings and conferences. In fact, we stay as far away as those things as we can. We’ve been to enough over them over the years and we know that, besides some lukewarm clam chowder, dry plates of chicken or fish and not enough of whatever it was that was recycled for dessert, there really wasn’t much more going on except an excuse to get away from the office on a Wednesday afternoon. Still, once a year, the group does hold its annual awards banquet to recognize some of the more prominent older professionals. Most of us even begrudgingly attend, realizing that one day we may find ourselves the recipients of an OOOPS award and we’d like some of our aging peers to be there. Not many folks know about the group except us members. The young professionals get a lot of

Newest Release By Brendan Smith

working member of the group is not a coincidence. Those who are still left when this award is given last give a smattering of applause while inside thinking “Oh man, I hope that’s not me next year” and then considering ways to beef things up to maybe get in the running for “Most Likely To Retire First” at the next awards. MENTOR OF THE YEAR – Usually goes to a member over sixty who takes one of the new, still closer to fifty, members and talks them through this rather rough patch in their career. No longer at the age to qualify as a Young Professional, but not quite willing to accept the designation as an older one, their mentor will encourage them to “stick to it” and that all their hard work will one day payoff. Though there are many members who are nominated for this award, it is usually the one who can keep a straight face while constantly reinforcing the message that will take home the copper plaque. There will be other awards as well, but at the moment they escape me. We are not yet sure of this year’s keynote speaker, we are currently sorting through a list of exceptional candidates who promise to talk for no longer than seven minutes. If you’d like to become a member of OOOPS go to Ooops.com. (I’d advise signing up after this year’s annual banquet so you won’t have to worry about attending one until next year.) Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” available at BrendanTSmith.com. His latest book “I Only Did It For The Socks - Stories and Thoughts On Aging” will be published soon.

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years. Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Also available on Amazon andlocal bookstores Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com

Newest Release By Brendan Smith

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

*Flatlander’s Observations On Life

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years. Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

The Global Trace -and-Track Regime

The Biden administration’s vaccine passport scheme is just the teeny-tiny tip of a massive privacy invasion iceberg. A year ago this week, I began chronicling the worldwide weaponization of COVID-19 by big government and big business to trace and track the health data of untold hundreds of millions of human beings. Let’s review. by Michelle Malkin In March 2020, Singapore unleashed a Syndicated Columnist Bluetooth app called “TraceTogether” on Google Play and the Apple Store to track people who tested positive for coronavirus and notify others through their cellphones. For those who argue that participation is completely “voluntary,” bear in mind that Singapore functions as a hightech dictatorship where refusal to comply with stay-at-home orders and refusal to share GPS location data with health bureaucrats are criminal offenses subject to six months’ imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine. The Singapore system was quickly expanded to require users to submit their national ID numbers and passport numbers; a few months later, the government issued wearable tracing “tokens” with QR codes to all 5.7 million residents in Singapore. Plans are in the works to formally mandate TraceTogether enrollment for anyone in cinemas, restaurants, workplaces, schools and shopping malls. Dozens of states, plus countries including Germany, the U.K., and a large swath of Canada, now use COVID-19 exposure notification apps akin to Singapore’s that are built on Google and Apple’s Exposure Notification application programming interface. On March 9, 2020, the Trump administration’s U.S. Department of Health and Human Services unveiled new data rules requiring doctors and hospitals to “send a core set of medical data directly to third-party apps after a patient has authorized the information exchange.” Google, Apple and Microsoft -- all at the forefront of health data mining -- sat in on the rule-making process meetings. The tech oligarchs are in the driver’s seat, not the back of the bus. As I’ve reported in investigative documentaries and this column for years, Google/YouTube is already knee-deep in mental-health data mining of adults and children despite repeated privacy violations. They’ve mined students’ emails in violation of the federal Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act. They’ve vioSee MALKIN on 36

The Derek Chauvin Trial Isn’t a Referendum on American Racism Since the death of George Floyd, our esteemed media, as well as their Democratic allies, have suggested that Floyd’s alleged murder is representative of broader American white supremacy, that Floyd’s experiby Ben Shapiro ence with law enforceSyndicated Columnist ment is indicative of how American police pose an existential threat to black Americans. They have offered no evidence for this proposition. Not a shred of evidence has been presented to suggest that former police officer Derek Chauvin’s actions the day of Floyd’s death were motivated by race. Not a shred of evidence has been presented to suggest that black Americans live at threat of extermination from whites or police officers: As of 2013, according to Reuters, a black person’s chances of being murdered by a white person were 5 in 1 million, and according to The Washington Post database of police shootings, as of 2019, a black person’s chances of being shot by the police while unarmed were approximately 3 in 10 million. But facts don’t matter when you’re pressing forward a narrative. Now that Chauvin is on trial for Floyd’s murder, the facts will once again become secondary to the narrative. Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., said that police reform is dependent on Chauvin’s conviction: “If there was ever a case that you can just not argue, it is this one. This trial has got to come out the right way, and we have to deliver.” Floyd family lawyer Benjamin Crump stated, “Today starts a landmark trial that will be a referendum on how far America has come in its quest for equality and justice for all.” That’s simply not true. Bass, Crump and the rest of the establishment media assume that Chauvin’s case is clear-cut -- that nobody could possibly vote to acquit. The fact pattern, however,

presents serious issues for the prosecution. Chauvin has been charged with seconddegree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. All three charges are a challenge. The prosecution first has to show beyond a reasonable doubt that Floyd’s death was caused by Chauvin’s actions. But the autopsy report shows that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system and had a serious heart problem, and that Chauvin’s neck hold did not in fact cause damage to Floyd’s trachea. That means that while Chauvin’s neck restraint may have contributed to Floyd’s death by ratcheting up his blood pressure, for example, it’s uncertain that it caused Floyd’s death more than, say, the excited delirium from which Floyd may have already been suffering. Second-degree murder requires that the prosecution prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin unintentionally killed Floyd while committing a felony -- in this case, felony assault. But felony assault requires “intentional” infliction of bodily harm -- that Chauvin wanted to hurt Floyd, not just use a suppression tactic already greenlit by the Minneapolis Police Department. Third-degree murder -- depraved-heart murder -- doesn’t actually seem to fit the crime here, since it requires proving beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin acted in a way “eminently dangerous to others.” Others -- plural. Usually, depraved-heart murder applies to someone who fires a gun into a crowd, not a person who targets an individual. Second-degree manslaughter requires that the prosecution prove that Chauvin acted with “gross negligence.” But such gross negligence would have to show that Chauvin should have known that his behavior might cause Floyd’s death -- an unlikely expectation, since the Minneapolis Police Department actively taught neck holds of the type Chauvin used, and which Chauvin applied only after Floyd resisted arrest and refused to be See SHAPIRO on 37


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Woke Colleges Did you take the SATs to try to get into college? Your kids may not have to. More than 1,300 schools have become “test optional,” meanby John Stossel ing students need Syndicated Columnist n o t s u b m i t S A T scores. Some, like the entire University of California system, now won’t even look at scores. There are seemingly legitimate reasons to oppose the tests. Richer kids often get tutoring that gives them an advantage.

Critics claim the tests are culturally biased and say that’s why Blacks and Latinos don’t score as well. But that doesn’t explain why Asians do so well. In fact, Asians get the best SAT scores. I assume it’s more about culture and parenting. Kids raised in front of the TV do poorly. Those encouraged to read do better. Kids who spend time talking to adults do better. Bob Schaeffer, executive director at FairTest, an advocacy group that helped persuade colleges to dump tests, says testing companies just want to make money. “These are businesses selling

products,” Schaeffer says in my new video. “The College Board is a billion-dollar a year business.” I ask him what’s wrong with the tests themselves. He replies, “The SAT and ACT are inferior predictors of college performance.” It is true that high school grades predict 33% of college grades, while tests predict 32%. But that is just barely “inferior.” Combining grades and SATs predicts 42% of college grades, which makes the tests useful. Also, tests can help the smart student who, for whatever reason, doesn’t do well in high school. “It’s the diamond in the rough

argument,” Schaeffer responds. “There are actually very few examples of that being true.” I believed him until I looked at College Board data. It shows that students with C grades in high school, but great SAT scores, do better in college than A+ students with low SAT scores. Without tests, schools often choose students based on parental connections or donations. Tiwalayo Aina, a Black student at MIT, got good SAT scores. He tweeted, “The SAT is fairer than the alternative: needing my parents to connect me with a ... professor.” See STOSSEL on 37

ISIS Storm Brewing On Mozambique’s Coast Storm clouds are gathering along Mozambique’s northern coast. Islamic State militants launched a coordinated and by John J. Metzler deadly assault on Syndicated Columnist the town of Palma, nearby a multibillion dollar natural gas complex being built by France’s Total energy. The recent attack underscores escalating violence against civilians and foreign workers has triggered insecurity leading to considerable population flight from the region. The script seems right out of the classic ISIS playbook with brutal ritualistic beheadings and burned villages adding to near theatrical

intimidation. Among at least 55 people killed in Palma were local civilians, foreign contractors and government troops. The three pronged attack by hundreds of jihadi fighters underscored the expanding insurgency as well as the tactical capacity of the terrorists. Yet the question remains whether this latest flareup in violence in southern Africa is really an extension of similar movements in places such as Nigeria or the Subsaharan Sahel or more localized terrorism to destabilize the resource rich region? The target is alluring; since 2011, rich LNG reserves have been discovered off the coast of Cabo Delgado. Major offshore gas fields would prove a financial windfall for the moribund Mozambican economy,

hobbled by state socialism and rife with ingrained corruption. Some analysts predict that the country could become a major LNG producer by mid- decade. Currently Total has pulled back its staff from its $20 billion gasport development after the attack. Total is reassessing its Mozambique operations until serious security can be assured. While the actual gas hub site at Afungi was not overrun by insurgents it was dangerously exposed to the attack. The militant Islamic movement Ansar al-Sunna has been active throughout Cabo Delgado since 2017; one of the jihadi groups’s aims is to impose Sharia Islamic law on the region. The widening insurgency has left more than 2,600 people killed and displaced nearly

700,000. Experts expect these numbers to reach a million people before long. According to the UN, prior to the Palma attack which displaced 10,000 civilians, nearly 670,000 People, including an estimated 160,000 women, were internally displaced in Cabo Delgado and Niassa. Furthermore UN humanitarian sources state that more than 2.7 million people in Mozambique face food insecurity, at least 840,000 of them being in Cabo Delgado. Mozambique’s 30 million people live in a land mass slightly larger than Texas! The southern African territory gained its independence from Portugal in 1975 after a decade-long insurgency in which the Beijingb a c k e d See METZLER on 37


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Will investors change behavior after the pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic may end up changing our lives in some significant ways. To cite one example, it’s likely we’ll see a lot more people continue to work remotely, now that they’ve seen the effectiveness of tools such as videoconferencing. Education, too, may be forever changed in some ways. Perhaps just as important, though, is how many people may now think more about the future – including how they invest. If you work with a financial professional, you may have connected with this individual over the past several months through a videoconferencing platform, rather than in person. Some people like this arrangement because it offers more scheduling flexibility and eliminates the time and effort of traveling to and from an appointment. Others, however, still prefer face-to-face contact and look forward to when such arrangements will again be practical and safe for everyone involved. But if you’re in the first group – that is, you prefer videoconferencing – you may now wish to use this communication method in the future, at least some of the time. But beyond the physical aspects of your investing experience, you may now be looking at some changes in your investment strategy brought on, or at least suggested, by your reactions to the pandemic. For example, many people – especially, but not exclusively, those whose employment was affected by the pandemic – found that they were coming up short in the area of liquidity. They didn’t have enough easily accessible savings to provide them with the cash they needed to meet their expenses until their employment situations stabilized. Consequently, some individuals were forced to dip into their long-term investments, such as their 401(k)s and IRAs. Generally speaking, this type of move is not ideal – these accounts are designed for retirement,

so, the more you tap into them early, the less you’ll have available when you do retire. Furthermore, your withdrawals will likely be taxable, and, depending on your age, may also be subject to penalties. If you were affected by this liquidity crunch, you can take steps now to avoid its recurrence. Your best move may be to build an emergency fund containing three to six months’ worth of living expenses, with the funds held in a separate, highly accessible account of cash or cash equivalents. Of course, given your regular expenses, it may take some time to build such an amount, but if you can commit yourself to putting away a certain amount of money each month, you will make progress. Even having a few hundred dollars in an emergency fund can help create more financial stability. Apart from this new appreciation for short-term liquidity, though, the foundation for your overall financial future should remain essentially the same. In addition to building your emergency fund, you should still contribute what you can afford to your IRA, 401(k) and other retirement plans. If you have children you want to send to college, you might still explore collegefunding vehicles such as a 529 plan. Higher education will still be expensive, even with an expansion in online learning programs. Post-pandemic life may contain some differences, along with many similarities to life before. But it will always be a smart move to create a long-term financial strategy tailored to your individual needs, goals and risk tolerance.. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. © 2021 Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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Grandfather’s Arithmetic Book Adding To His Knowledge

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

Do you know what a mill is? No, not a million, just a mill. What about a minim? Or a cipher? My guess is that my grandfather was more apt to know the answers to those questions than many who read this, simply because he had a copy of French’s Common School Arithmetic. This was probably his school book, and I’m confident it was his because it has his signature in several places on pages at the front of the book. He obviously had been taught penmanship in addition to arithmetic. My grandfather was Bradley H. Smith, and the arithmetic book was published by Harper Brothers, Publishers in New York in 1869. One might expect that an arithmetic book of 150 or so years ago might not differ as much from a modern math book as would song books in the two

Title page of Common Sense Arithmetic with Grandfather Smith’s signature. eras. That is probably true, but methods and exercises will change even in an arithmetic book with the passage of time. The 1869 book of my grandfather has a section in the preface called “Useless Matter.” It reads:“The subject of the exchange of currencies is obsolete, Alligation Alternate is merely a curiosity

of numbers, English Money is of little value to American youth, and many denominations in Compound Numbers often heard of in the school-room are unknown in business. Those who look for these matters in this book will look in vain.” Chapter one of Common School Arithmetic begins with a list

of definitions with one of those being of arithmetic itself. Arithmetic is defined as “...the science of numbers, and the art of computation.” Section II of the old arithmetic book is titled Notation and Numeration. Throughout the book there are problems written down for the student to solve, though some of the answers are given at the end of the questions. Just reading these problems reveals that the author was writing in a different time than the present. For example, “One day a man traveled 241 miles by railroad, 57 by steamboat, and 14 by stage. How far did he travel?” And,“A man built a house, which cost, for brick and stone, $375; for lumber, $540; for other materials, $224; for excavation, $72; for mason work, $284; for carpenter work, $580; and for painting, glazing, and paper hanging, $225. How much did the house cost him? My grandfather apparently used the blank pages at the front and back of his book to do some mathematical figuring and appears to See SMITH on 35






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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Meredith Bay Signs

Time For New Sports Movies Motta in the 1980 movie Raging Bull? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on April 8 include Boston Celtic legend John Havlicek (1940) and sportscaster Lisa Guerrero (1964).

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

Movie theaters are reopening all over the country. More so in Texas and Florida than in New York or New Hampshire, but the day is approaching when film fans will again crowd into the Gilford Cinemas 8 or BarnZ’s Meredith Cinema. Netflix productions for TV are fine, but give me a big screen, senssurround noise, decadent popcorn, and $8 sodas. And give me some new sports movies. Plenty of old sports columns rank sports movies—from the excellent (Slap Shot) to the execrable (The Babe Ruth Story). While there will never be unanimity about best or worse, can’t we all agree that Hoosiers (hoop) or Miracle (hockey) were fabulous flicks? And it was only 40 years ago that Chariots of Fire won the Oscar for Best Picture, the wonderful true story of Scottish runner Eric Liddle and his quest for a gold medal at the 1924 Paris Olympics. Then there was Field of Dreams. Yes, I was taken in by this 1989 “baseball” flick’s escapist fantasies. But after watching it years later I realized that it’s a really stupid movie. Chicago Black Sox coming out of an Iowa corn field? Seriously? The movie did feature

Move poster for “Bull Durham” Kevin Costner. And one must ponder that Kevin Costner and dumb movies seem to go hand in glove. The Bodyguard. Waterworld. The Postman. For Love of the Game. Tin Cup. Even Dances with Wolves was dumb, although, yes, I know it won “Best Picture.” But so did Parasite last year. Bull Durham is the exception that proves the Costner rule. Anyway, what would be a good sports movie subject for 2022? Chris Conn of BleacherReport. com once made some suggestions. •Japan’s 2011 Women’s World Cup soccer champs. (But it won’t sell in America.) •Autistic basketball player Jason McElwain coming off the bench late in the only high school game for which he ever

suited up to hit six threepointers. (But no movie could ever top the video of the actual game.) •One-legged NCAA wrestling champ Anthony Robles. (But while inspiring, it’s, well, it’s wrestling.) •Golfer John Montague. (The Mysterious Montague may have been the nation’s best golfer in the early 1930s. But he refused to play in any major tournaments. Turns out his real name was Laverne Moore, and he was a fugitive criminal. Now THAT has possibilities. Especially with a sexy femme fatale!) But as a basketball guy, I’m ready for another hoop movie, a la Hoosiers. Got …. Gonzaga??? Sports Quiz Who won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of boxer Jake La-

Sports Quote “Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” – Lou Gehrig at his July 4, 1939 “Appreciation Day” at Yankee Stadium, shortly after being diagnosed with deadly ALS, which came to be known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Gehrig was played by Gary Cooper in the 1942 movie Pride of the Yankees, which also featured Babe Ruth playing … Babe Ruth.

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Sports Quiz Answer Robert DeNiro. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Professor of Sports Management for Plymouth State University and NHTIConcord. He co-authored the critically-acclaimed and awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast.net.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

Letters From God

Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA. Every attempt is made to express thoughts according to statements made by God in the Bible. It is written so that we may remain one Nation under God by always following His will, in order to continue to enjoy His blessings of individual and national life that only He, the source of life, can give

Question Is our Nation in trouble? Are we in a decline and if so, will we pull out of this? You are in grave danger. Individuals and Nations live only to the extent that they rely on me their Creator for life. Since I created you,

you do not have life in yourself. You live only to the extent that you derive it from me. It is only through a relationship with me that you can experience the fullness of life, only I can give (Acts 17:24-28). I told you this when I had it inscribed in my book, the Bible, when I said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12). As you acknowledge me as God, trust me for continued life and blessing and follow my wisdom which defines what is right and wrong, you will continue to flourish and thrive. If, however, you choose to reject me, trust in yourself or other so-called god’s and fail to follow my wisdom, practicing things I consider abhorrent and deadly, you will perish (Leviticus 20:23). Look back at history. No nation that rejected me continued to prosper. Please look at my chosen people, Israel. If any Nation should have had continual prosperity it would have been them. I created them by raising up Abraham. I fulfilled my promise to make him and his descendants into a great nation. I gave them their own glorious land. I promised him that he would enjoy my blessings and be a blessing to all the earth. Through them my Son, Jesus, the Messiah was born and through faith in Him, all those on earth who trust Him to forgive their sins experienced my life for eternity (Genesis 12:13). Sadly, however, because they forsook me, much of their history from the time of King Solomon has been in

decline, captivity away from their blessed promised land and oppression at the hands of cruel overlords. They have been preserved as a remnant and now restored by my miraculous intervention just as I promised in my ancient but timely prophecy. I ordained, that before I return, they would be brought back as a prelude to the final events of history (Ezekiel chapters 38, 39). You can’t explain this any other way except that I removed my hand of blessing. Read, if you will, my words to them in the 26th chapter of Leviticus, a chapter in my book, the Bible. I warned them that depending on their trusting and obeying me they would either experience my blessings for life or painful judgement leading to death. Your country began trusting me. Never perfectly and at times feebly but now you have taken a hard turn away from me. Note that you still worship, you still pray, you still ask for my blessings but from the highest levels of national government and religious establishments you have forsaken me. It is as I wrote, “a form of godliness but denying its power.”(2 Timothy 3:5). I noticed that at the start of your congress you opened with a prayer that was prayed to the so-called god Brahma, a Hindu god of creation. In the prayer at the inauguration of your President you prayed “in the strong name of our collective faith.” This was a prayer in the name of you and your collective faith not

to me, God. Your “collective faith” includes gods that are not gods and if you are praying to your collective faith you are praying to idols, not me the one true God. I made it very clear in my book, the Bible that “the name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10). In an earlier letter I reminded you that God, by definition, is almighty and that there is only one God. From your earliest days of your nation until this time in history you only prayed to me and in my Son’s name through my Spirit. Even in your public schools, until as late as the 60’s you prayed to me in my Son, Jesus’ name. That’s over 300 years. This is a hard and decisive turn from me and from my blessings for life, I have bestowed upon you for so long. It is interesting to note that along with turning from me, you have rejected my wisdom for right and wrong. You have begun to sanction and even legalize practices that brought every other nation down as a result. I will explain more about this in a future letter. I have so much more that I want to say but I ask you, to consider that you can’t defy your Creator and sustainer of life and live. For all who have a sensitive heart to my word of truth, reflect on Leviticus 26:40-44. Come back to me and pray your leaders, lead you back as well. “Letters From God’ is written by a New Hampshire Pastor.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

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Spring Brings Changes by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

I’ve seen a few reports of pine warblers showing up in New England already. The thick of warbler season is still weeks away, however, so let’s put warblers on the back burner for now. Phoebe reports are bursting all over the region. Those small, rather nondescript songbirds are an early spring migrant and get a head start on the competition by their early arrival. The risk, of course, is that winter lingers into spring in New England and phoebes have a hard time coping with the weather. It’s all about risk-reward strategy when it comes to migration for birds. The juncos that have delighted backyard bird feeders all winter are making their way north and becoming more scarce. I saw a red-breasted nuthatch the other day at the feeder. It won’t be long until those little birds are all back up north on their breeding grounds. I recall a hike I took in Pittsburg, N.H., last summer to the top of Deer Mountain. Aside from a dilapidated fire tower and piles of moose droppings, dozens of red-breasted nuthatches were about all there was to see as a reward for finishing the hike. Clearly, it is

A red-shouldered hawk perches on a branch in New England. Red-shouldered hawks are increasing in population and boisterous birds of the woods. a prime breeding area for the birds. Robins are hopping on lawns all over the region. They, of course, are the traditional harbinger of spring. There are robins in New England throughout the winter but it certainly feels like spring when you see them hopping along the green grass. The chorus of spring peepers and wood frogs echoes throughout the woods now. Spring peepers make the familiar high-pitched drone near swampy

areas. They are impossible not to hear but almost impossible to find as they go quiet upon approach and are tiny creatures hidden among the leaves. Wood frogs sound like mallards are at the pond but there are no ducks to be seen. There are ducks to be seen, however, on plenty of water bodies as the fowl make their way north. I saw a male wood duck resplendent in its breeding plumage the other day along the side of a

road in a temporarily flooded area. The “pond” couldn’t have been more than a few inches deep. It just goes to show you never know what you’ll see or where you’ll see it, so be on the lookout at all times. Most birds of prey are already well into their breeding season, but I came across a mating and territorial pair of redshouldered hawks the other day. They get my vote for the most boisterous hawks in New England. Osprey have returned in great numbers, particularly in coastal areas, but also some inland waters as well. Bears have awoken from their slumber and are See BOSAK on 18

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


Kayak Fishing: Skills & Essentials by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

Kayak fishing has been the fastest growing aspect of fishing for several years, growing more than 31% from 2014 to 2017 according to the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation. While that growth has slowed slightly in the past couple of years, it continues to dominate the fishing industry in many ways. New kayak anglers are like sponges, soaking up every bit of information they can get from websites, social media groups, seminars, and other events. They form communities, plan trips together, hire guides, and more, all in the hopes of learning more and becoming better kayak anglers. Well, here are a few essentials and tips that might help novice kayak anglers get started. Safety Safety gear should be the first thing you pack and the one thing you never skimp on. Unlike fishing gear that get’s a lot of use, and sometimes abuse, safety gear hopefully only gets used once. The PFD is the most important piece of equipment on your kayak, but it only works if you wear it. This shouldn’t need to be said, but unfortunately it does. Countless kayakers who fancied themselves as experienced die each year because they had a PFD with

Kayak angling has exploded in popularity over the past ten years. them but didn’t think they needed to wear it. Dry suits are a musthave if you plan on fishing in cold weather or in cold water. It isn’t rare to have daytime temps in the seventies in April. It’s easy to jump in a kayak wearing shorts and a t-shirt, feeling comfortable. The problem is that water temps barely creep into the forties in April. Cold water kayak fishing is most dangerous this time of year due to cold water temps. The human body loses heat 25 times faster in water than it does in air of the same temperature. This is why you will hear many kayak anglers advise

dressing for the water temperature rather than the air temperature. I like to use what is called the 120 Rule; If the combined air and water temperature is 120 degrees or less, I wear a dry suit. Sometimes the air is warm and the water is cold, or vise versa. The 120 Rule pretty much covers you regardless. If you tip over or fall out of your kayak, a dry suit will keep the cold water off of your skin. This will give you life-saving time to avoid hypothermia and get back on your kayak or keep you dry and warm on a cold day. If you will be fishing at night it’s a good idea to have a light post to

make you more visible in the dark. In fact, if you are kayaking on federally controlled waters, such as tidal waters or federal lakes, you are required to display an all-around white light from dusk to dawn. Other safety gear might include a leash for your paddle so that if it falls in the water while you’re fighting a fish, you don’t lose it. A beadless whistle will help you call for help if you ever fall out and can’t get back in. Another piece of equipment is a portable floating VHF radio. The radio not only allows you to communicate with friends without worrying about dropping your cell phone in the water, but it also lets you call for help should you need it. See MOORE on 33

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Castle In The Clouds Selected To Participate In National Museum Assessment Program MOULTONBOROUGH - Castle in the Clouds has been selected to participate in the Museum Assessment Program (MAP), which is administered by the American Alliance of Museums. Through guided selfstudy assessment and on-site consultation with a museum professional, participation in MAP will empower Castle in the Clouds to better serve the its visitors and the community by facilitating its meeting and exceeding the highest professional standards of the museum field. The museum’s participation is made possible through funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

MAP helps museums strengthen operations, plan for the future, and meet standards through self-study assessment and a consultative site visit from an expert peer reviewer. Castle in the Clouds has chosen to do a MAP Education assessment in order to aid in updating and improving onsite tours and educational programming, as well as expanding school outreach. “We believe that participating in the program will put us in the best position to create a highimpact and sustainable interpretive plan that allows us to use our site and resources to best serve our community.” says Castle Preservation Society

Castle in the Clouds has been selected to participate in the Museum Assessment Program (MAP). Curator and Museum Manager, Robin Sherman. “Choosing to be part of the MAP program is indicative of the com-

mitment to civic involvement, public service and overall excellence on the part of Castle in the Clouds,” said Laura Lott, presi-

dent of AAM. “Studies have shown America’s museums to be among the country’s most trusted and valued institutions. MAP is de-

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signed to make them even better.” Since its creation in 1981, the MAP program has served over 5,000 museums. MAP is supported through a cooperative agreement between AAM and IMLS. For more Castle in the Clouds is owned and operated by the Castle Preservation Society, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve, interpret, and share the buildings and landscape of Castle in the Clouds as a cultural resource for the benefit of the public. It will open for the 2021 season on May 29! For more information or to plan your visit, call 603-476-5900 or visit castleintheclouds.org.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Wicked BREW Review



Hat Trick IPA

WHAT’S ON TAP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? A listing of some of the area’s beercentric watering holes where you can find old favorites on tap as well as some cutting edge seasonals.

ACKERLY’S JOHNSON’S GRILL & GALLEY TAPHOUSE 83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Stoneface - IPA 603 - Winni Ale Great Rhythm - Pale ale Moat Mt. - Stout Henniker - Hopslinger IPA

by Jim MacMillan Contributing Writer

In a recent article in the Epoch Times, a discussion about the 5 senses of the human body was investigated. It determined how sight, sound, sight, taste and smell were important for us to relate to the world around us. In a survey among folks questioned about these five senses, samplers were asked which sense was most important and which would be considered to be least regarded. Smell came in as one that could be ignored if necessary. To me, taste is most likely to be about even with sight. We of course need sight to function on a daily basis. Taste is that sense that makes food and beverage most appealing. As it applies to this column, taste AND smell are paramount to sampling great beers. Which that in mind, lets look at Hat Trick Triple IPA. A chance meeting of two guys with common interests in homebrewing who became fast friends are now owners of Twin Barns Brewing Company. These two men have realized


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Bud Light Stoneface IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap

their dream and created a destination for craft beer lovers. Twin Barns opened in July of 2019, when owners Dave Picarillo and Bruce Walton, purchased the Antique Motorcycle Museum property on Rt 3, Meredith. Remodeling the inside of the co-joined barns allowed the wooden structure to be seen by craft beer lovers who stop by to sample delicious brew made on premises. Downstairs is where the brew production happens. A 10-barrel state-of-the-art bre-

whouse is assembled where all TBBC beers are created. Brewer Randy Booth makes all his amazing recipes here. 4 oz pours of the core tap beers (called flights) are available as well as 16 oz pints and growler fills. 16 oz four pack cans are available for sale as well. With as many as 12 taps inside and 8 more taps outside in a spacious beer garden, Twin Barns is now the Lakes Region’s beer hot spot. Find out more about TBBC at twinbarnsbrewing. com

Hazy but not opaque, Hat Trick is a phenomenal malt-forward beer that affords both flavor (taste) and aroma (smell) to the imbiber. Usually, a dry hopped beer is very aromatic. It embellishes the hop aromas as you partake. Hot Trick instead gives you the bready malt essence of a well balanced brew that lets the malt speak without the Vic Secret and Sultana hops getting in the way. I would love to see this 10.1% ABV beer become a year-round atSee BREW on 18


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Downeast Cider- Blackberry Maine Beer- Lunch Burlington- Noble Bright Left Hand- Peanut Butter Stout Muddy Road- Heads Up Allagash- Curieux ...+30 More On Tap

PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale Harpoon - IPA Woodstock - Mtn Haze IPA ...+8 More On Tap

At Funspot Family Entertainment Ctr. THE WITCHES 579 Endicott St N., Weirs BREW PUB 603.366.4377 At The Craft Beer funspotnh.com Xchange SoMe – Peanut Butter Whoopie 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Pie Stout Beach 603.409.9344 Northwoods - Bumbleberry FB @craftbeerxchange Sloop Brewing - Mosaic Bomb Downeast – Pear Cider Plank - Heller Weizenbock Throwback – Rasp.- Lime Sour Spencer - Monk’s Reserve Quad Schilling – Czech Pils Foundation - Burnside Brown Stoneface – Orange Duct Tape ...+6 More On Tap Maine Beer Co. – Spring IPA SoMe – Peanut Butter Whoopie Pie Stout ...+30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change!


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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ks a e St od • sta afo Pa Se

BREW from 17 tribute to the Twin Barns stable. BeerAdvocate.com hasn’t officially rated Hat Trick TIPA as of this writing but I’m sure it will pop up soon. Folks that have tried it on Untappd. com posted it between 3.79 to 4.37. Currently, you can find Twin Barns Hat trick in 16 oz four pack cans at Twin Barns Brewing Company and Casen-Keg, 5 Mill Street in Meredith. Because this beer will not be in the core rotation at Twin Barns, you should make plans to visit Twin Barns and Case-n-Keg very soon so as not to miss out on this amazing brew.

BOSAK from 13 raising young. Be on the lookout and bring in your bird feeders at night if you live in an area where bears roam. Those areas, by the way, seem to be more numerous than in the recent past as the bear population grows. In other words, it’s spring. There is a lot going on out there. Keep your eyes and ears open and let me know what you see out there. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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Christin Kaiser with tray of seedlings at Spider Web Gardens VICTORY from 3 tation of vegetables grown by Japanese Americans interned in isolated ‘camps.’ Some of these vegetables will include Japanese cabbages ( Late Nagasaki, Golden Beauty, Green and Purple Bok Choi), Umaina Japanese chard and Black Futsu, an edible skin winter squash. “We will also have two types of heirloom greens -- Chijimai, and pink Mizuna,” she added. “I’ll have several six-packs of these for a raffle and for sale at my May lecture where I will speak on plants grown in these camps.” This year’s Victory Garden will additionally include a medicinal-Herbal Tea section. “Many families at home as well as in the camps grew herbs for tea and Chicory roots for coffee replacement,” said Kaiser, who said

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in Missouri donated the majority of the Asian vegetables. “We are very grateful for their support and our partnership with Spider Web Gardens.” For more information about the Victory Garden, or Kaiser’s upcoming lecture, which opens on May 1, visit wrightmuseum.org.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —



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Care For Spring Flowering Bulbs by Melinda Myers Bright yellow daffodils, colorful tulips and fragrant hyacinths brighten our spring gardens. Give them the care they need to extend their spring display and keep them coming back for years. Hybrid tulips and hyacinths are short-lived stars of the spring garden. They bloom profusely the first spring, but the number of flowers decline each year. You may want to treat these like annuals, carefully removing them from the garden to avoid damaging any remaining plants. Toss these in the compost pile and start planning for their replacements. It is a great opportunity

to try something new and freshen the look of your spring garden. If you are looking for a permanent replacement, consider using species tulips that are less floriferous but return each year. Add a few years to the life of hybrid tulips and daffodils and get the most from all your longlived spring flowering bulbs with proper care. Water spring gardens thoroughly whenever the top few inches of soil are crumbly and just slightly moist. Spring rains often take care of this task, but when they don’t it is easy to forget to provide spring gardens with the water they need. Providing the right amount of water when

needed will keep your bulbs looking their best. Bulbs often receive sufficient nutrients at the time of planting or when the other plants in the garden are fertilized. Apply fertilizer to established bulb plantings, if needed, as the leaves begin to emerge from the soil. Use a low nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer to encourage slow steady growth. Follow the label directions so you apply the recommended amount for the area you are fertilizing. Remove spent flowers on tulips and hyacinths you plan to keep so the energy is directed back into the bulbs instead of setting seeds. Do the same if you want to improve the appearance

of daffodils. Leave allium seed heads in place to extend their beautiful contribution to the garden. Remove these before they drop their seeds if you want to limit the number of seedlings sprouting in next year’s garden. The same is true for grape hyacinths and squills. The only reason to remove their faded flowers is to slow down the spread. Leave the leaves on your bulbs until they naturally yellow and dry. The leaves produce energy needed for beautiful blooms next spring. The longer you leave the leaves intact, the more energy and better bloom for next season. Hide the declining See BULBS on 27


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Four Fabulous Home Office Ideas (NewsUSA)If you’re able to use a whole room as a workspace, it can be outfitted fully with custom built-ins and decorated in appropriate style. Lisa Michael Interiors juxtaposes crisp white-painted hardwood cabinetry with navy-blue nautically inspired wallpaper and accessories in this shipshape Boca Raton home office. Visit www.hardwoodinfo.com for more about putting American hardwoods to work in your home.

Full Retail Showroom • Specializing in Custom Tile & Wood Flooring Refinishing 166 Wolfeboro Hwy, Alton, NH • 603-875-3655

FRESH & MINIMAL In a Philadelphia house, designer Mel McDaniel uses three beech desktops, purchased at a local big-box store, to turn an alcove into a simple but effective workspace for two people. Vintage chairs, painted white, and a pair of residential table lamps complete the homey yet professional look.

THE ATTIC OFFICE Architects and designer Kathleen Walsh demonstrate in this farmhouse on Martha’s Vineyard, the height-challenged space under the eaves in an attic can be the ideal spot for a substantial work surface. Dormer windows bathe the custom oak-and-steel desking with daylight while also providing a view.

OFFICE IN A CLOSET For many homeowners, finding sufficient space for a dedicated office is a problem. One solution, even in a small apartment, is to transform a closet with hardwood built-ins. Michael K Chen Architecture shows how it’s done with this admirably compact yet surprisingly roomy example in a New York loft.

THE FULLY FITTED OFFICE If you’re able to use a whole room as a workspace, it can be outfitted fully with custom built-ins and decorated in appropriate style. Lisa Michael Interiors juxtaposes crisp white-painted hardwood cabinetry with navy-blue nautically inspired wallpaper and accessories in this shipshape Boca Raton home office. Visit www.hardwoodinfo.com for more about putting American hardwoods to work in your home.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —




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The Missed Home Improvement Step Putting You And Your Community At Risk What do planting a tree, building a patio, installing a pool and putting up a fence

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The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors.

Refacing your cabinets is less than HALF THE PRICE of replacing them, SAVING YOU BIG MONEY.


have in common? These popular home improvement projects add value to your home, and they all require an important safety step: getting utility lines marked before digging. With so many people spending more time at home during the pandemic, homeowners are tackling DIY projects at growing levels - 19.5 million Americans plan to dig this year for a home improvement project, according to the Spring 2021 Homeowner Omnibus Research from Common Ground Alliance (CGA). Unfortunately, two in five homeowners will miss the crucial step to call 811 to get utility lines

marked before they dig. Tempted to skip this step? You are putting yourself, your family and your entire community at risk. Unintentionally striking one of these lines can result in inconvenient outages for entire neighborhoods, serious harm to yourself or your neighbors, and significant repair costs. CGA research found that a third of American homeowners have been affected by a utility service interruption during the pandemic. This can be particularly frustrating as people spend more time at home, relying on essential utilities to work, study and stay

entertained. You don’t want your digging activity to be the reason your neighborhood faces an inconvenient outage, or worse. If you think it won’t happen, think again. “A utility line is damaged every few minutes in the U.S. because someone decided to dig without making a call to 811 to learn the approximate location of buried utilities in their area,” says Sarah Magruder Lyle, President and CEO of CGA. “Calling 811 to get utilities marked before digging is free and easy, and will protect you, your community and the utilities you rely on.” Follow these safe See RISK on 27


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Backyarding Has a Purpose. What’s Yours? Identify your backyard’s purpose, then build the yard of your dreams. Backyarding – the trend to use the backyard for everything from tele-working and working out to relaxing and recreating – has a different purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating a purposeful outdoor space that is customized to your needs. “How do you a create a more purposeful outdoor space? First, you need to identify what type of ‘backyarder’ you are,” explains Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) and the TurfMutt Foundation. “Then, you can get to work in your yard with that idea in mind.” Here are just a few of the backyarding personality types. Which one(s) are you? • Expert Landscaper - Your yard makes neighbors green with envy. You know how to maintain a healthy living landscape all year long, and you have the latest outdoor power equipment to make even big jobs easier. Your idea of a good time? Spending the weekend doing yardwork. You love the sense of accomplishment that comes from working in your

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FREE WELL ASSESSMENTS Seeking area residents interested in having an on-site assessment of their private wells. This service is grant funded by the USEPA. It is free and is confidential. Many times, well owners are unaware of the possible causes of contamination in their wells. The well assessment considers site conditions, geology, land use practices, well construction, and maintenance in determining if conditions exist which would impact your well water quality. Site specific recommendations and best practices will be provided to help keep your water safe from contamination.

Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment. yard, and friends can count on you for advice about their own living landscapes. • Environmentalist - You know that nature starts in your own backyard and that taking small steps in your yard can make a big impact on climate change. As the proverbial Robin to your yard’s Batman, you embrace your role in supporting the superhero powers of your living landscape (capturing and filtering rainwater, producing oxygen, and

absorbing carbon just to name a few). • Nature Lover No binging Netflix for you. You subscribe to “Nature TV” and prefer to spend your free time watching the birds, bats, butterflies and other wildlife that count on your yard for food and shelter. You cultivate a living landscape that supports a rich biodiversity with butterfly bushes, flowering plants, water sources, and trees and shrubs with See PURPOSE on 29


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Upgrade Your Home, Downgrade Energy Usage 7 Efficient Home Improvement Projects (Family Features) The best home upgrades not only make spaces more livable and energy-efficient but are also cost-effective. Making energy-efficient improvements is a savvy way to save money on utility bills, curb energy usage and add to the house’s value. Consider a variety of home improvement projects, both big and small, that can reduce the financial burden of maintaining your home throughout the year and improve energy efficiency.

est due to hot air rising. While many newer homes are adequately insulated, those that are several decades old (or older) may benefit from an upgrade in not only the attic but other common problem areas where air can escape such as basements, crawl spaces, fireplaces and ductwork. Seal Doors and Windows Windows and doors are common culprits for energy loss. While a complete replacement of doors and windows can be pricey, adding exterior caulk and weather stripping to fill in gaps where air can escape around these

Add Insulation A cost-effective way to save on heating and cooling bills is adding a layer of insulation in the attic where heat loss is typically great-

See UPGRADE on 28



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 — BULBS from 22 bulb leaves by planting annuals between the bulbs. Or add perennial flowers that return each year for a more permanent solution. As the bulbs decline, the perennials will grow and mask the declining foliage. Try mixing spring flowering perennials for double the impact or combine with summer and fall bloomers to extend the floral show. Take some pictures of your spring bulb display and make notes of the areas where you want

to add some color. Then order early for the best selection and to make sure you are ready for bulb planting season next fall. Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the nationallysyndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. er website is www.MelindaMyers.com.

RISK from 24 digging steps each time you dig: Step 1: A free phone call to 811 makes it easy for your local one call center to notify appropriate utility companies of your intent to dig. Call a few days prior to digging to ensure enough time for the approximate location of utility lines to be marked with flags or paint. Step 2: Know where you plan to dig and have a basic idea of what you plan to do.

When you call 811, a representative from your local one call center will ask for the location and description of your digging project. Step 3: Your local one call center will notify affected utility companies, which will then send professional locators to the proposed dig site to mark the approximate location of buried utility lines with colored flags and paint. Step 4: Wait the required amount of time for the lines to be

marked. Once all lines have been accurately marked, carefully dig around the marked areas. There are nearly 20 million miles of underground utility lines in the United States, which equates to more than a football field’s length of utilities for every person in the U.S. Your family depends on this buried infrastructure for your everyday needs, including electric, natural gas, water and sewer, cable TV, high-

speed internet and landline telephone. With that much critical infrastructure underground, it’s important to know what’s below and call 811 before digging. To find out more information about 811 or the one call center in your area, visit www. call811.com.


Cabinet refacing includes new doors and drawer fronts of your choice

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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UPGRADE from 26 openings can make a noticeable difference for a fraction of the cost and make it cheaper to heat and cool your home. Install Skylights Skylights are a cost-effective option for transforming any room in the home with natural light while also delivering energysaving benefits. For example, Sun Tunnel Skylights from Velux can be installed in as little as 90 minutes and funnel natural light from the roof through the attic and into the room below with an aesthetic that resembles recessed lighting. Customizable with six diffuser film styles to complement interior design, the skylights can make a home more energyefficient by reducing reliance on artificial lighting. An optional daylight controller makes it easy for homeowners to adjust natural light entering a room, and a solar nightlight provides a moon-like guiding light at night. Installed with the solar nightlight, the skylights qualify for a 26% federal tax credit on solar property.

Add Reflective Window Film When the sun shines through windows, it can heat up the home’s interior quickly and trigger the air conditioner to turn on. Window coverings, such as blackout curtains, can help, but adding low-e reflective window film to your windowpanes, particularly southern-facing ones, can provide an additional shield from the sun’s hot rays and reduce energy costs. Install a Programmable Thermostat A programmable thermostat is an efficient way to control the climate inside your home, and those with smart technology take programming to a whole new level. Today’s smart thermostats not only let homeowners control temperatures from their smart devices while on-the-go but can also learn daily habits and adjust the temperature accordingly with no other manual adjustments necessary. In addition, some utility companies offer incentives like money back at the end of the year for installing a smart thermostat because the

energy savings are so substantial. Replace Appliances Because appliances like refrigerators and ovens, among others, are major energy users, investing in more efficient models provides both cost and energy savings. Additionally, homes more than 15 years old could benefit from updates to the air conditioner or heater as systems 1520 years old or older may be candidates for replacement as they’re inefficient by today’s standards. Add Ceiling Fans In comparison to running your air conditioner consistently, the cost of running a ceiling fan (or several) is significantly less. Particularly on days that may not require cooling the entire house completely, fans can provide a gentle breeze and circulate air in the spaces you use most often. Simply adjust the switch to the counterclockwise position to ensure it’s pushing air downward during warmer months. For more information and home improvement ideas, visit whyskylights.com/livelighter.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

trend posh. Family milestones, birthdays, graduations, reunions, socially distanced BBQs – your yard is *the* place to gather. Your yard is set up for success with patio furniture, fire pit, yard games, plenty of outdoor seating, string lights, and maybe even an outdoor kitchen.

• Entertainer Extraordinaire - Your backyard was the neighborhood hot spot long before the pandemic made that

• Zen Master - Enjoying your morning coffee on the balcony as songbirds serenade you. Meditating under the shade of a

thanks to your yard these benefits are only steps away.

tree. De-stressing by swinging in a backyard hammock. Taking a break from your busy day to feel the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair. Your backyard is your sacred space for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. You know that spending time outside is good for your health and well-being, and that

Sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly enewsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. To learn more a b o u t c r eSa a tvei n$1g0 Otffhweith this coupon yard of your dreams, visit TurfMutt.com.


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• Kid Zone Creator - You know the safest place for your kids to be is in your own backyard, and you work hard to create an outdoor fun zone they will never want to leave. A flat area of sturdy turfgrass to play sports and pitch a tent? Check. Treehouse? Check. Zipline strung safely between backyard trees? Check. An elevated garden where they can help grow the family’s meals? Check. Natural playscapes, like a patch of sand bordered by rocks and log stump seating?

• Pet Pamperer Your focus is on Fido, and you take cues from your four-legged friends about how to purpose your backyard. You’ve planted sturdy turfgrass like Buffalo or Bermuda that can stand up to pet play, and you’ve used soft foliage to create a natural barricade between “off limits” areas and the rest of the lawn. Trees

and shrubs are strategically planted for shade, and you’ve even set up a shallow water feature to help your pup cool off on hot days. Planting with purpose for you means keeping toxic plants out of the picture. (For a complete list, visit ASPCA’s list of non-toxic and toxic plants.)



• Horticulturist The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is bookmarked on your browser because putting the right plant in the right place is the living landscape Golden Rule you live by. You consider location, maintenance, sunlight and watering requirements, as well as your climate zone and lifestyle needs, before you even think about sticking your shovel in the dirt.

Check. “Fun” is your middle name, and you are winning at this game.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Meredith Bay At Mill at Mill Falls. Photograph by Robert Allan Clifford. LIVING from 1 with few steep hills and no suggestions of the mountainous, even in the distance, while the shore line

is completely shut in by the great bulk of Long Island on the east. There is no “stern and rock-bound coast” anywhere, no feeling

Fishermen on Meredith Bay. Photograph by Robert Allan Clifford.

of the infinite power of the open sea just beyond you that one gets along all the rest of the New England coast. And the sharp contrast of the great hills and valleys, with mountains soaring just beyond, that so dominates the sight and the feeling of the New Hampshire resident and visitor all this totally lacking in the self-contained, reticent atmosphere of Connecticut. I find myself homesick for the high lights and deep shadows of New Hampshire’s vivid country and for the brilliant and stormy challenges of the open sea along her coast line. The ever-increasing number of satiated city dwellers who pour into this countryside from the canyons and apartment-hives of New York - because Connecticut is so See LIVING on 31


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 — LIVING from 30 near and commuting so easy; I look on their elaborate houses along the shore and in the back-country with wonder and pity. They seem to feel that they have reached at last the haven of the honest-to-goodness country and the refreshing stimulus of the bona fide sea shore! But the view from their country estates is, for the most part, nothing but the short expanse of a few low ridges and their ideas of forest land must be satisfied with the cut-over wood lots of second - and thirdgrowth saplings! And these city migrants whose impressive houses spring up increasingly along this Connecticut shoreline - what do they know of the splendor of a firstclass easterly storm as it sweeps in from the open sea? They never see the coming and going of the solemn procession of the world’s shipping but a few miles distant from their doors, as so the more fortunate

folk whose summer houses look out from the crag-lined coast in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. They are still a sheltered folk not far removed either in distance or in spirit from the oppressive tameness of the crowded metropolis! And so as I think of my own modest summer home on an island in the midst of New Hampshire’s great Lake Winnipesaukee, where the outlook in every direction reveals the mountain peaks with their ever-changing colors — from the white brilliance of the snow in early May, through the green richness of midsummer to the glory of the gold and scarlet flaming up into the sky through October, I rejoice that although it is not within commuting distance of my winter home, it is yet permitted to spend half the summer there and — thanks to the motorcar — to make three- and four-day trips at other seasons. I am convinced that no one really knows the


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recreating stimulus of the genuine high, as well as open, country until he has actually lived in northern New England. It alone is the perfect antidote to the highpressure life of our overgrown cities and the soul-corrective to the mass-production

atmosphere in which such a large proportion of us professional and business folk live the most of our active lives today. Philosophers tell us that contentment is two-thirds of life’s bounty. I do not know of a single city dweller

who has obtained that state, but I know hundreds in the out-of-way places who have. Their names do not spangle our headlines, fresco our news reels nor do they decorate the ringside of The Colony, yet they have a complacency, a serenity wholly suburban. You

never behold it in the city. — O. O. Mclntyre in “New York Day by Day” To see more of Robert Allan Clifford’s photographs go to robertallanclifford. com and Cliffordphotographynh.com

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Comfort and stability are the primary focus of today’s fishing kayaks.

A dry suit usually has latex gaskets on the cuffs and neck area to prevent water from seeping in. MOORE from 15 Gear and Rigging There is a lot of gear that kayak anglers prefer, but there are often important details left out when purchasing new gear such as rod and reel combos. Rods 7-feet or less are generally preferred. Anything longer than 7-feet makes landing fish more difficult. A longer rod keeps fish farther away from your kayak when you get them to the surface, sometimes causing anglers to choke up on the rod to reach their catch. They become so focused on landing their fish they don’t realize that their reel has been submerged under water. I call this “stirring the soup.” Dunking most reels drastically reduces the life of them. Using rods 7-feet long or shorter makes landing fish easier, while still allowing you to fish most any lure you might want. Losing gear is never fun. Tethers are often seen as miniscule and time consuming, especially on items that you frequently use. It’s

easy to get complacent and not do it, but almost every kayak angler tips their kayak at some point. If you tip over deep water, or in current, the chances of recovering your gear are slim. Tethers keep everything attached to your boat. If you fish in saltwater, you have undoubtedly got a whiff of salt air at some point. FYI, if you can smell that salt air, it is also getting into everything. Moist salt air will penetrate every crevice of you rods, reels, and kayak. If you want your gear to last as long as possible, it’s a good idea to wash down your rods and reels with soapy water and give them a good rinse. At the very least, give everything a good rinse with a hose, including your kayak, as soon after your trip as you can. Pay particular attention to the guides and guide frames on your rods, as this is where salt will find its way in and sit there rusting your gear. If you run a PDL (pedal) Drive, rinse it with a hose, then

turn it over and rinse it again to make sure you rinse saltwater from any hiding places. Other Helpful Tips Sitting close to the water makes it easy to reel a fish to within a couple of feet of your rod tip. It’s almost intuitive to do so. This keeps the fish a rod length away from you though, making it difficult to land. The result is often a dunked reel, which has been the death of many a reel, especially in saltwater. One tip I give my clients is; when reeling in a fish, stop reeling when the fish is a rod length of line away from the tip. This allows you to point the rod tip toward the sky and bring the fish closer to you. Once you land your fish, let out some extra line and put the rod in the nearest rod holder. You may need to reach around for tools, get your camera ready, or put the fish back into the water while you get your measuring device or camera ready. Efficiency is a com-

monly used term in the recreational fishing industry. Being efficient makes fishing easier, and if it’s easy, you’ll do it. Being efficient while fishing is a sum of parts and small parts add up to large sums. Use these tips, if you don’t already,

to make kayak angling easier and more fun and hopefully you’ll catch more fish. Tim Moore is a fulltime professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and

operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association and the producer of TMO Fishing on YouTube. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Illustrated page inside the Arithmetic book. SMITH from 9 have used an Indian head penny dipped in ink as a stamp on a couple of back pages. The inside pages in the 335 page book were mostly clean with a few pencil marks on some pages near the beginning. Though there were not an abundance of them the illustrations were well-done and an attractive addition (excuse the pun) to the arithmetic book, as were the designs at the beginning of each chapter. On page 95, under the heading of United States Money or Federal Money, it reads that such money “consists of dollars, cents, and mills”. 10 mills equal one cent and 100 cents equal one dollar or to switch that around, one cent is ten mills and one dollar is one hundred cents. The lesson goes on to explain that as one cent is written $.01 and one mill is written $.001, so 50 cents and 4 mills are written $.504. In 1869 as now 10 cents equaled a dime, and ten dimes

equaled a dollar, but did you know that 10 dollars equals an eagle? A double eagle is $20, a half-eagle is $5, and a quarter eagle is $2.50. These coins were issued as gold coins, along with a 50-dollar piece and a dollar coin. A 3-cent piece, along with the half-dime, dime, quarter-dollar, half-dollar, and a dollar coin were made of silver. Nickel coins were made for five, three, and one cent money. A minim is a drop. So, according to Bradley Smith’s arithmetic book when a physician prescribed medicine and an apothecary prepared the medicine they used the following measures: 60 minims are one fluid drachm, 8 fluid drachms are one fluid ounce, 16 fluid ounces are one pint, and 8 pints are one gallon. Another way of measuring popular at the time was that 4 teaspoons are 1 tablespoon, 2 table-spoons are 1 ounce, 2 ounces are one wine-glass, 2 wine-glasses are 1 teacup, and 4 tea-cups

are 1 pint. “Notation in arithmetic is the art of expressing numbers by ten characters, called figures.” There are ten of these figures and grandfather’s book told him they looked like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , and said they were called naught, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. The last nine he was told were sometimes called digits, but the first of the ten was called something else, and it wasn’t zero. It was cipher, denoting nothing, or the absence of number. I don’t want to pretend that I know more than Dr. John French did when he wrote the math book, because he obviously knew a lot more about arithmetic than I ever did, but, though I can accept the statement that cipher (0) is the absence of number, I think it means something, not nothing. I would argue that if 0 always means nothing that 10 would just be one and 20 would be two, etc. It is true that by itself

it denotes or means nothing, but when it is combined with a digit(s), so that it does not cipher alone, it becomes something. The Common School Arithmetic book of 1869 was meant to be practical in relating to the business practices of the day. Having been brought up as a country boy I was acquainted with bushel and peck baskets that were sometimes used for measurements. A bushel contained four pecks. I don’t remember that I knew or cared that a peck contained eight quarts. I was acquainted with barrels but don’t remember ever being concerned about the capacity or measurement of a barrel. The most I hear about barrels as items of measure these days concerns barrels of oil, the price of which appears to be on the rise. Grandpa Bradley Smith no doubt knew that a barrel’s capacity for liquids was 31.5 gallons, because he had penciled an asterisk beside that information in his book. A hogshead contained 63 liquid gallons. The book also not-

Some handwritten figuring on the inside of Arithmetic book. ed that barrels and hogsheads used for commercial purposes did not contain fixed measures. Sizes of containers apparently depended upon what product the item held. I never knew much about hogsheads, except those on the pigs we raised for meat on the farm, and I don’t know how that term became used as a type

of container. A hogshead used for commercial purposes could hold from 60 to 125 gallons and a barrel could be from 30 to 45 gallons. I could learn a lot from grandfather’s arithmetic book.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

MALKIN from 6 lated the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Google secretly harvested tens of millions of medical records with identifying names, lab results, diagnoses, immunization records and prescriptions from thousands of hospitals across 21 states through “Project Nightingale” -- a partnership with Ascension health system to build a search tool and data analytics using machine-learning algorithms. A year ago this month, Google launched “Verily,” a COVID-19 screening and testing website. California Gov. Gavin Newsom forked over $55 million to subsidize Verily contracts with 28 counties. The contracts allow Google/Verily to mine and share home

addresses and medical information with “unnamed contractors and state and federal health authorities,” according to Kaiser Health News. In April 2020, COVID control freak Anthony Fauci mentioned that the feds had begun investigating “certificates of immunity” for American citizens. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio launched a snitch line urging people to upload photos of businesses not in compliance with social distancing rules. Georgia officials dispatched law enforcement officers to random private homes in Fulton and Dekalb counties to ask residents questions about their health and to collect blood samples for an antibody test. Police agencies in Florida, Connecticut

and New Jersey deployed drones to enforce social distancing and experiment with fever and facial mask detection. In May 2020, China rolled out temperature armbands to college students. In August 2020, the Butler, New Jersey, public schools mandated temperature armbands manufactured by Accwell for students and staff to be worn at all times as a condition of access to public education. Volan Technology successfully marketed and distributed tracking Bluetooth-enabled “badges” and “beacons” to school districts that can track campus movements of COVIDpositive wearers for up to 30 days and identify others with whom they’ve had close con-

tact. Princeton Identity rolled out new touchless biometric and iris scanning products to be installed on college campuses. Online proctoring services that proliferated in the age of COVID, including Proctorio, Factorial and Respondus Monitor, collect college students’ facial recognition data -- which can be sold to third parties. This week, the Washington Free Beacon obtained a Biden COVID team document outlining a trace-and-track program developed by the University of Illinois using Bluetooth technology that mimics the Singapore model I flagged a year ago. This week, snoozing Americans finally woke up to the Biden vaccine passport plan and the New York vaccine verifi-

cation program known as the “Excelsior Pass.” But these credentialing systems have been in the works for years among U.S. and global health agencies, long before “corona” meant nothing more than a beer or bright light to most people. The Vaccination Credential Initiative is a joint endeavor of the feds, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, the Mayo Clinic, electronic medical records giant Epic, Big Pharma CEOs and globalist nonprofit entities all coordinated by the military-industrial powerhouse MITRE corporation. These public-private partnerships between tech companies and Surveillance States obliterate any meaningful distinction between “free market” initia-

tives and government directives. Big tech, big health and big government all work seamlessly to ensure the success of the global trace-and-track regime. There is no freedom to choose in a climate of collusion and a culture of conformity. The conspiracy is real. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 — METZLER from 7 Frelimo fighters seized power. Though Mozambique’s government has dispatched thousands of troops to the North, the soldiers are poorly trained and motivated. Given the high value target of Total’s gas terminal complex, a serious security capacity is needed. Foreign players have already come into the mix to provide protection; the government contracted a South African firm Dyck Advisors which kept the recent attack on Palma from becoming a wider catastrophe. Earlier Mozambique engaged with Russia’s statesanctioned private security “Wagner Group” which has operated in places like Syria and Libya. The Russians did not exactly distinguish themselves in counter-insurgency and have pulled back. Now we quietly learn that a U.S. Special Forces Team has gone to Mozambique to train local units among the countries Marines. The American deployment mirrors similar military training operations in places like Mali. The U.S. has designated the Islamic State-linked insurgents in Cabo Delgado province a “foreign terrorist organization.” In parallel Portugal, Mozambique’s former colonial power, will send 60 special forces to work in Cabo Delgado. Ironically in the early 1970’s Portuguese Commandos battled Frelimo insurgents in precisely this region which was an key infiltration point from Tanzania. Though the attacks have been growing in recent years there’s been a definite uptick

in violence recently in Cabo Delgado a region forming the fault line between largely Christian Mozambique and the Muslim north bordering Tanzania. Islamic State is clearly taking advantage of a power vacuum to insert itself in the far north of the country; militants are being recruited in Tanzania and sent into neighboring Mozambique. While they call themselves Islamic State Central Africa Province; we may be deceived by the name and the branding. The terrorists may be part of the Islamic State “franchise” but the jihadists plan to create a self-declared “caliphate” in Cabo Delgado province. This would have dire consequences for Mozambique as well as a potential spillover effect into Tanzania where there are shared ethnic and religious roots. Beyond the fate of Total’s natural gas facility, there are serious security implications for all Southern Africa threatening destabilization of weak states. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 I say to FairTest’s Schaeffer, “By eliminating tests, you’re screwing the minority student who is really smart, but goes to a lousy high school, has family problems and got low grades.” “That student would have shown brilliantly in her high school classes,” is Schaeffer’s reply. Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley says colleges scrapped tests to make it easier for administrators to control how many people from each racial group attend their college. Without an objective standard, who’s to say an administrator’s admission picks are wrong? “It really is about making these campuses look right. ... It’s not about learning,” says Riley. “If you want more diversity,” he adds, “Open up more of these charter schools (like the ones that are) able to prepare kids for these tests.” Some charters, the Success Academies, do that well. Sadly, those charters are criticized and limited by politicians because they are not under the control of teachers unions. Ending limits on charters and allowing school choice, says Riley, would do much more to close the race gap than dropping SATs. “Eliminate the test, you’re just going to delay where it shows up elsewhere in this child’s life. You’re not doing that child any favor.” What’s wrong with these schools saying we want a more diverse student body? “There’s this assumption,” says Riley, “We just get these kids in the door and they’ll

be fine. No, they won’t! They’re being set up to fail. I see no progress in getting a bunch of Black kids admitted to MIT, and then having them flunk out or struggle. They don’t need to be struggling. They could go be going to another school and doing quite well.” But woke educators want to eliminate tests. And these days, what the woke want, the woke get. John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www. creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6 confined to the back seat of a police car. The Chauvin case, then, is a legally complex one. But such complexities have been abandoned in favor of narrative. Should Chauvin be acquitted, we are likely to hear that America has proved its racism once again. The only thing that has already been proved, however, is that the “America as white supremacist” lie will remain the media’s dominant narrative, no matter the data. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-inchief of DailyWire.com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side of History” and “Bullies.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com.

MAILBOAT from 2 the millions of people coming across the border to keep coming in hopes of getting the same for them in the future). The cartels are making millions off the human trafficking. Ground reports tell us that many of the young men are already “gang” wise. There are people coming in from terrorist countries. Hassan, Shaheen, and Pappas need to start showing some backbone and do what is right for the people of NH. NH needs small business to be successful; the changes to immigration and the spending by the govt. and yes, new taxes coming are going to kill the businesses we have left. It is a shame what is happening to our country; we have to do all we can by getting involved and holding our elected people accountable, and we have to trust in God to bring us back. Barbara Koehler Moultonborough, NH.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —




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PHOTO #852

Dr. Fauci demonstrates the new nose protection device he Before 24/7 news, this recommends to slow the spread device helped you not of the next Covid flu strain. see beyond your own -Alan Doyon, Meredith, nose.-Robert Ferlito



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PHOTO #854 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 2021 —

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