04/29/2021 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

VOLUME 30, NO. 17



Women & The War Effort Exhibit Opens Wright Museum’s 2021 Season The Wright Museum in Wolfeboro opens for the season on Saturday, May 1st with the exhibit “Women & The War Effort.” This fascinating exhibit focuses on the posters used during WWII to recruit women during the war effort. Using some of the best-known artists of the period to design appealing and patriotic posters, the initial focus was on recruiting WACS, WAVES, SPARS and women Marines. However, convincing women that they were badly needed on the

production line was just as important. The number of “working women” increased dramatically with America’s entry into the war. The impact of that growth forever transformed the role of women in American culture. This exhibit highlights thirty recruiting posters from the Wright Museum’s Permanent Collection. Our special pull-out section in this issue highlights the Wright Museum’s upcoming season of exhibits and lectures.

Wright Museum Kicks Off 2021 Lecture Series On Tuesday, May 4, UNH Advanced Master Gardener Christin Kaiser will kick off Wright Museum’s 2021 Lecture Series, sponsored by Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney, with “Internment Camp Japanese Vegetables and Recipes.” In addition to explaining how to grow Japanese vegetables, Kaiser will share recipes and ‘raffle’ off a number of 6-pack veggie starts that will include everything from Italian paste tomatoes to pumpkins, kale and sprouting broccoli.

According to Mike Culver, executive director at The Wright, the lecture underscores a complicated part of American history. “Under pressure from military and political advisors, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066,” he explained. “This order sent 45,000 Japanese legal residents and their 75,000 Japanese-American children and grandchildren, who were American citizens, to internment camps.” See LECTURE on 33




— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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P R I VAT E 1 : 1 K AYA K T R I P S

False Narratives To The Editor: What is a false narrative? Let’s start with what the term ‘narrative’ means these days. In the book ‘1984’ Orwell describes doublethink as “to know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them….to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself.’ So let’s take the false narrative that America is a racist country and that we all hate each other based on our skin color. Having watched many church services across the country and around the world by way of YouTube while in covid lockdown I noticed something strange occurring. People of all colors were worshipping side by side with no hint of animosity or hatred towards one another. How could this be when the media keeps promoting their false narrative to convince the populace that all whites are racist? Or that this is an evil country? And then it dawned on me. According the Word of God, aka the Bible, it addresses our differences in Galatians 3:26 – 28. “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is now no distinction

neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.” So looking at church families, they are all volunteering together, worshipping together and not buying in to the false narrative that the media and politicians want us to believe. No wonder churches have been a target of politicians to shut them down. I hope you take away from this that YOUR LIFE MATTERS! All lives matter before Christ, whether you are yellow, white, black, brown or purple…..it does not matter to God and it should not matter to us. It doesn’t seem to matter at all to the church so take note those who are not churched…. maybe you need to go find yourself a God loving church, bible study or fellowship and learn the truth. Kathy Rago Franklin, NH.

Harris and Broadband To The Editor: I am shocked the VP doesn’t already know about the BILLIONS collected for broadband as charged as a FEE on our telephone bills. I have been complaining about this fee/tax charged monthly as the USF (Universal Service Fund) as put in place under President Bush for us and businesses to pay in 1992 to make sure schools and libraries got internet service. There was $3 billion dollars in the account when I introduced a bill in 2003-

4 to end it for the goal had been accomplished. But the USF commission then added free cell phones as paid for by our phone bills under President Obama and our phone lobbyists for the phone companies didn’t want it ended as the phone companies were paid 10% of whatever they collected. The problem in my opinion is the citizen pays all the USF as we also must pay through the buying of products for any businesses cost as who pays the products they sell such as cars, groceries, hardware, ,etc. of course we the buyers (citizens.) But that’s not the end of the hidden TAX (fee) now the Congress has added a Federal USF Surcharge Fee to our telephone bill ( It amounts to USF $2.78 and Federal USF $1.21 on my $70.26 phone bill but actually a total of $17.27 in taxes and fees on the total phone bill of $70.26. But remember that isn’t all because we actually pay for every phone bill additional taxes and fees when I pay for my subscription to the daily newspaper or the cost of groceries. So VP Kamela Harris your governmental Congress will add to my costs, not the rich or rich businesses, right? So we will get Broadband in another hidden tax most citizens don’t even realize they pay in every product we buy??? Harriet E. Cady Deerfield, N.H.

Our Story



This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2021 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —




May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 5/31/2021


Becca removes her climbing skins from both pieces of her split-board snowboard on Cannon Mountain’s summit. More than a foot of new snow fell in the White Mountains last week. Skiers and snowboarders weren’t shy about getting out to earn their turns by skinning or snowshoeing up the slopes. All the resorts in New Hampshire have closed for the season and Loon Mountain ended up being the last to spin their lifts when Wildcat and Bretton Woods decided to call it quits. The exciting news is that Waterville Valley is going to replace their detach-quad with a new detach-6-person-Bubble lift, construction starts soon and opening is planned for the 2022/23 season. And don’t forget the best deals for season passes at the resorts and Nordic centers are right now!

Snow--It Just Won’t Go! Last week our daffodils were all bent over and covered with snow and not looking happy. I thought the rhyme went, “April Showers bring May flowers.” But what does April snow bring? More skiing and snowshoeing! I met Becca at Cannon Mountain. There were more than a dozen other cars in the parking lot. People were already

on the mountain skiing and snowboarding. We skinned up the mountain and all the way to the observation tower on Cannon’s summit. It was windy, cloudy and spitting snow on us. We couldn’t see a thing. We didn’t even bother to climb to the top of the tower. We ripped the skins off our skis and snowboard. Then Becca had

to piece her snowboard together to make it a snowboard again. As we left the summit a group of hikers arrived and told us they broke trail up the Kinsman Ridge Trail. With more than a foot of wet snow that was a big effort. As we glided past the top of the ski trails others were getting ready to ski and snowboard back down the mountain.

Becca and I decided to take the Skylight Trail and we were among the first to make tracks down the slope. Being inside a cloud and whipping snow made it difficult to see where we were going and made for some interesting turns. When we reached the bottom we headed back up the Ravine Trail and the weather began to See PATENAUDE on 35

“Shiva” Shiva has been at the shelter awaiting a home for a month now. She is a beautiful, 2-year-old, Hound mix who loves people and being the center of attention. Her first owner had health issues and had to re-home her. Her second owner surrendered her because she was not getting along with the other animals in the home. If you have bells on your entry door, Shiva will ring them when she wants to go out. She is fully housebroken and crate trained. She enjoys car rides, squeaky toys, and knows the words, “sit, off, treat, come, drop, fetch, and okay”. Her former owner tells us that she was a great dog except that she exhibited aggression toward dogs, cats, and rabbits and chickens. A secret admirer has sponsored her adoption fee. Call today to ask about Shiva (603) 539-1077!

Lakes Region Humane Society

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Outdoor Painting Class At Lakes Region Art Association Gallery

Artist Acacia Rogers will be teaching a beginner friendly 7 week crash course in outdoor painting this spring at the LRAA Galler y, 120 Laconia Road (Tanger Outlets), Suite 300, Tilton NH, and continue in various local outdoor locations, to be determined. The classes begin Thursday, May 13th, 10:30am-2pm as well as 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 and 6/24. Students will bring their own materials. Refer to the supply list on the her website, AcaciaRogers.wix.com/ FineArt or contact Acacia for more details. The class will cover everything from the basic setup and materials needed for painting outside, to sketching and replicating the scene before you, to creating the colors of nature, capturing light, and so much more! Visit 3 scenic locations around the lakes region and enjoy multiple live demos, side by side easel time, critiques, and even group lunches.

Aviation Museum Of NH Open Extra Hours During Vacation Week - The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire will be open extra hours during the state’s upcoming spring school vacation week. The Museum will be open on Thursday, April 29 from 10am to 4pm for families to visit, learn about flight, and have fun. The Thursday hours are in addition to the museum’s regular public opening hours of Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays 1 to 4 p.m. For younger visitors, the Aviation Museum has child-friendly (and Covid-19-safe) activities and exhibits, including a challenging scavenger hunt and a real airplane cockpit kids can climb into. The Aviation Museum was recently named “Best Place to Take Kids” in southern New Hampshire in the 2021 HippoPress Readers Poll. The Aviation Museum, based in the 1937 art deco passenger terminal at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, is dedicated to preserving the Granite State’s rich aviation past, and also inspiring today’s young people to become the aerospace pioneers of tomorrow. The Aviation Museum is compliant with all local and CDC Covid-19 guidelines. Face coverings are required, social distancing is observed, and public spaces are frequently cleaned and sanitized. The Aviation Museum is located at 27 Navigator Road, Londonderry, NH. LONDONDERRY

Canterbury Shaker Village Cross-Country 5K Race

In partnership with the Capital Area Race Series (CARS) and Millennium Running, Canterbury Shaker Village will be hosting its annual 5K Cross Country Race on Saturday, May 15 at 10am. Run or walk the unpaved course, which is a totally beautiful run through the fields and woods and around the ponds and pastures of the Village. This will be a safe and socially-distanced event, using the guidelines set forth by Millennium Running and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Masks will be required when checking in, getting ready for the race, and after, but not during. Each runner will start at a specific time and distance, ensuring that the participants remain safely spread out for the entirety of the race. Visit Millennium Running’s website, www.millenniumrunning.com, for further details about safety. If you prefer, every race also has an option to run virtually, to accommodate all who wish to run. To register for the Canterbury XC 5K only, please visit the website at www.shakers.org/ canterbury-shaker-village-hosts-annual-5k-race-on-saturday-may-15. The fee to register is $25.00. There will be no day of registration. The registration deadline is Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 9:00 AM ET. To learn more about the CARS Races or to register for the entire series, please visit their website at www.runcarsnh.com. For any questions about the Canterbury Shaker Village XC 5K, please email Rae Easter at info@shakers.org.

“Keeping The Family Lake House In The Family Join NH LAKES and McLane Middleton on Wednesday, May 5, at 7pm., for the webinar “Keeping the Family Lake House in the Family.” Family properties along our lakes are special places, often passed down and enjoyed and cherished by generation after generation. Sometimes, though, hanging on to the family lake house can be challenging and complicated. Tune in to this session and hear from two New Hampshire attorneys with extensive experience helping families plan gracefully for the future of their beloved property. his session will be presented by Caitlin McCurdy, Associate, Trusts & Estates Department, McLane Middleton and Christopher Paul, Director and Chair, Trusts & Estates Department, McLane Middleton. This webinar is part of the “Explore Lakes with NH LAKES” webinar series sponsored by Grappone Automotive Group. These webinars are FREE, but pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Visit nhlakes.org/explore-lakes-webinars to learn more and sign up! Established in 1992, the mission of NH LAKES, a statewide, donor supported nonprofit organization, is to ensure that New Hampshire’s 1,000 lakes are clean and healthy, now and in the future. To achieve its mission, NH LAKES works with partners, promotes clean water policies and responsible use, and inspires the public to care for our lakes. For more information, visit nhlakes.org, email info@nhlakes.org, or call 603.226.0299


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —


in brendan@weirs.com


Live Free or Die.


The Price Of Comfort

by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor

This week I am going back to a column I wrote in 2005. It was a big issue then and here, sixteen years later, it has only gotten worse.

Like many others here in the United States the rising cost of commodities has been wreaking havoc on my finances. Every week, especially as I get older, I find myself being more frugal, conserving what I can, even at the cost of my own comfort. Unfortunately, I can never hold out as long as I’d like and sooner than later I’m digging into my pockets to cough up the big bucks for that essential item that I have come to heavily rely on. Of course, I am talking about razor blades. Have you bought any lately? Some 10-razor packs cost as much as the Gross National Product of Belize. (Of course, that might be an exaggeration, but I don’t have time to confirm it. I am in the newspaper business after all.) It didn’t seem that long ago that razor blades were affordable. The price not even worth a second look at the drug store. Now a cold sweat breaks over me every time I find myself heading towards the razor blade aisle. I stand dumbfounded along with other distraught customers as we check the latest price increase. Even having one of those shopper rewards cards holds little comfort. Why has the cost of razor blades gone out of control? Back in the days when everyone used a single blade straight razor it seemed as if the supply was cheap and endless. We’d buy them by the box and used them for many other things besides just shaving: opening packages, cutting rope, slicing

garlic, to name a few. We would throw them away after just a couple of shaves. We were reckless, carefree. We thought the party would never end. Then along came the fancy two blade razors. We thought we were so smart. It was supposed to be a closer shave, but we were just being sucked in by Big Shava. They were setting us up for the fall. Too many of us left behind the thought of the single-bladed straight razor, forced into believing they were too “old-fashioned”. Next was the disposable razor and soon we were shaving willynilly, laughing in the face of our impending doom as we discarded each plastic one without a second thought. We were shaving like there was no tomorrow. There were even special pink ones for the ladies. Soon everyone was hooked. Of course, we weren’t satisfied. We wanted bigger and better razors. We wanted new experiences. We wanted more power. We wanted closer and closer shaves. We got what we asked for. The triple-blade disposable razor. The first blade pulled the whisker away from the face, the second blade held it in place while the third blade cut it closer to the skin than any blade in the history of the United States. It wasn’t enough. Soon a fourth blade was added. We didn’t even know what it was for but we knew we had to have it. Then came the aloe strip to add an extra depth of protection. It was like paradise. We were hooked and we could never go back. Today we have paid the price for our selfishness, trapped in the cycle due only to our own comfort and vanity. As we became more dependent on these four-bladed objects of desire the folks at Big Shava knew it was the right time to raise prices and we all started to literally pay for our addiction. I can’t imagine ever going to a single straight razor blade again.

Having to do the work of turning that handle, carefully inserting the blade and closing it back up again. It was time consuming and certainly not as rewarding as the comfort and ease of a four-bladed, aloe smeared, aerodynamically handled shave, but I may have no choice. So, what can we Americans who chose to shave do about it? Perhaps we need to tone down our shaving habits. It’s not always easy. I have tried not shaving for a few days but it’s just not me. I’m not the beard type. Someone sent me an email claiming that if everyone in America who shaves didn’t shave for one day, the price of razors would fall exponentially. Some have stated that boycotting the “Big 3” of Big Shava would take them down. I doubt it. I have tried to conserve. I am attempting to use one blade for two extra shaves. Unfortunately, I have found this leads to a type of gouging more painful than that of cost. Of course, environmental activists proclaim that the only way to end all of this is to go electric. I’ve tried that in the past more than a few times and each attempt has left me unsatisfied and finding my way back to my comfort zone. As far as I am concerned, alternative forms of shaving won’t be perfected anytime soon. I’m not here to claim I have an answer for this dilemma. If the cost of four aloe-vera aerodynamically correct blades go for $50 or more, we’ll just pay it. What choice do we have? Just be thankful shaving cream hasn’t hit the fan yet. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” available at BrendanTSmith.com. His latest book “I Only Did It For The Socks - Stories and Thoughts On Aging” will be published soon.

Now In 4th Printing!

The Flatlander Chronicles Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Astroturfing COVID Agitprop Attention, parents: If your children are online, they are being bombarded by an inescapable public relations campaign by all the Bigs -- Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Tech -- to brainwash them about the COVID vaccine. While children under 18 remain at the lowest risk of COVID-19, peer pressure to get the experimental jabs is enormous. by Michelle Malkin That groupthink is compounded by relentSyndicated Columnist less messaging from politicians, celebrities and social media influencers posting virtuesignaling photos of themselves flaunting their arm Band-Aids and immunization papers. The playing field is rigged by internet titans who ban all dissenters and label all skepticism as “misinformation” or “conspiracy theory.” It’s mass agitation and propaganda -- agitatsiya -- that would make the old Soviet Marxists proud. The 21st-century twist is that Silicon Valley, Fortune 500 corporations and their nonprofit organs are pouring gobs of money to manufacture support for the public-private COVID vax regime. The Ad Council alone -- backed by major companies including Facebook, Google, NBC Universal, GM, Verizon, Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon, Apple and CBS/Viacom -- has earmarked $50 million “to persuade skeptics to believe in coronavirus vaccines.” The businesses and public relations agencies work closely with the Biden administration’s U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on crafting Big Brotherapproved content. The Ad Council bragged in January that its COVID-19 vaccine promotions had already resulted in “38.9 billion impressions, $424.7 million in donated media value, and 31.8 million visits to Coronavirus.gov.” Even SpongeBob SquarePants has been enlisted to entice elementary schoolchildren to parrot the “safe and effective” mantras in “news” segments aired by Nickelodeon (the children’s network owned by Ad Council funder/ partner CBS/Viacom). There’s no mention, of course, of side effects, vaccine injury reports or risks to those with allergies and autoimmune diseases -- let alone the importance of family sovereignty, freedom of conscience and informed consent. The agitprop architects are also bribing Instagram stars and TikTok personalities to urge their thousands or millions of impressionable young fans to inject themselves with pharmaceutical products that are 1) still in the investigational stage and 2) which are shielded from See MALKIN on 36

The Bigotry Of No Expectations We all know what’s coming. In Minneapolis, in anticipation of the jury’s verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the alleged murder of George Floyd, everything is shutby Ben Shapiro ting down. MinneapoSyndicated Columnist lis public schools announced that schoolchildren will be transitioned to distance learning from Wednesday through Friday. The NBA announced the possibility of canceling games. Businesses in major cities began to board up. Meanwhile, elected Democrats continue to turn up the temperature. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, the cowardly nincompoop who hilariously tried to treat with Black Lives Matter protesters last summer, only to be berated for his white privilege, emerged to explain that “regardless of the decision made by the jury, there is one true reality, which is that George Floyd was killed at the hands of police.” Which is deeply inaccurate, of course, since that simple fact is what is at issue in the Chauvin trial. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who has a long and inglorious history of justifying mass violence dating back to the Rodney King riots -- she termed them the “Los Angeles Uprising” -- has now suggested that if Chauvin is convicted for manslaughter but not murder, protesters should get “more confrontational.” It’s hard to imagine Black Lives Matter protesters becoming more confrontational than they were last summer, when BLM-associated riots did an estimated $2 billion in property damage. But a congresswoman can dream. And her Democratic allies can back her up: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif., said that Waters should not apologize for her comments, despite the judge in Chauvin’s case positing the possibility

of a mistrial on appeal thanks to Waters’ jury intimidation. The media, too, have turned up the temperature. The establishment media have treated Chauvin’s defense as an annoyance, or even an outrage; they’ve suggested that any rational jury should quickly convict Chauvin on all charges. And they’ve preemptively justified violence in the streets, too. That’s nothing new: Last year, the media routinely termed violent riots “mostly peaceful protests.” Many in the media are openly (SET ITAL) rooting (END ITAL) for lawbreakers today, too. CNN’s Miguel Martinez told “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter that Black Lives Matter protesters had pelted CNN journalists with “whatever they could find” but that it wasn’t their fault -- after all, the system had generated (SET ITAL) such (END ITAL) anger. “I cannot blame them for being angry,” said Martinez. “A lot of people are very angry, suspicious of the press, the corporate media -- all of those things that come into it at these places. ... There were people who were angry at everything and everybody, and we happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.” This is all the bigotry of no expectations. If the establishment media and the Democratic Party agree with your divisive identity politics agenda -- or if your story can be twisted to fit that narrative -- you will be defended. You will be defended whether you throw bottles at reporters or ratchet up racial tensions in public protests, whether you loot the local Target or resist arrest while carrying a knife. Which is why race relations are worse than they were even a decade ago, violence is at stunning new highs in America’s major cities and police officers are quitting at astonishing rates. The bigotry of no expectations creates horrifying results for everyone but particularly the most vulnerSee SHAPIRO on 36


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Go Green, Go Nuclear This Thursday, (April 22) Earth Day, politicians and activists will shout more about “the climate crisis.” I don’t think it’s a crisis. COby John Stossel VID-19, malaria, Syndicated Columnist e x p l o d i n g d e b t , millions of poor children dying from diarrhea -- those are genuine crises. But global warming may become a real problem, so it’s particularly absurd that Earth Day’s activists rarely mention the form of energy that could most quickly reduce

greenhouse gases: nuclear power. When France converted to nuclear, it created the world’s fastest reduction in carbon emissions. But in America, nuclear growth came to a near halt 40 years ago, after an accident at the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania. The partial meltdown killed no one. It would probably have been forgotten had Hollywood not released a nuclear scare movie, “The China Syndrome,” days before. “People saw that and freaked out,” complains Joshua Goldstein, author of “A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change (with nuclear power).”

One of the people still freaking out is solar activist Harvey Wasserman. “I live in terror of the next accident,” he says in my latest video. His anti-nuclear argument has basically won in most of the world. Nuclear plants are being shut down. Why? I ask Wasserman. No one was hurt at Three Mile Island. Wasserman replies that after the accident, he went to nearby homes and people showed him “their tumors, their hair loss, their lesions.” “It’s bunk,” I tell him. “It’s been studied. People lose hair and get cancer and they attribute it to Three Mile Island, but it’s not true.” “Having been there,” Wasserman

responds, “It’s my clear assertion that people were killed.” Actual scientists don’t agree. In fact, they find less cancer near Three Mile Island than in other parts of Pennsylvania. But what about Fukushima? That was more serious. Today, clueless media quote Greenpeace claiming, Fukushima’s radiation could “change our DNA!” Also bunk. “There was heightened radiation, but it was all at this low level below what we consider to be safe,” explains Goldstein. The low level of radiation released at Fukushima was hardly a threat. See STOSSEL on 37

Burma’s Junta Backed into Corner? As events in Burma, aka Myanmar, continue to spiral into a dangerous descent of bloody civil conflict this strategic Southby John J. Metzler e a s t A s i a n n a Syndicated Columnist t i o n h a s n e a r l y reached a tipping point. Diplomacy is needed to defuse the crisis before it spins out of control with unpredictable consequences. Amid this sense of urgency, the ten-member Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has called for “an immediate end to the violence,” which had jolted Burma since the February military coup d’etat. ASEAN a largely economic

grouping of regional states, nonetheless is challenged to play a political role here to stop the spread of violence. In a meeting in Jakarta, the ASEAN group reached consensus and pressed Myanmar’s military leader General Min Aung Hliang to stop the violence, release political prisoners, and open the country to humanitarian aid. Indonesia’s president Joko “Jokowi” Widodo implored, “Violence must be stopped. Democracy, stability and peace in Myanmar must return immediately. The interests of Myanmar’s people must be a priority.” Indonesia, a regional powerhouse along with Singapore and Malaysia have pushed for a wider role to stop the crisis in Burma which has seen more than 730 killed by the

military junta. Malaysia moreover advanced a plan including deescalation of violence on the ground and an end to killing and violence against civilians. But Thailand, a key country bordering Burma and having extensive commercial ties with the resource rich country, was notable by its absence at the ASEAN meeting. Why? Thailand is itself ruled by a military regime and not anxious to rock the political boat. Thailand’s political ambivalence is shameful. Many observers no longer see the traditional military coup which quickly establishes control after a spasm of shocking of brute force. Now rather a sustained social media energized opposition from emboldened civil society as well as

Burma’s ethnic separatist armies all seem to oppose the coup. The Tatmadaw, the powerful but shadowy military force which has controlled the country on and off since 1962, confronts what could be a situation roughly similar to Syria a decade ago where a powerful regime was challenged by a growing insurrection unleashing a civilian bloodbath and refugee outflow. Such a confrontation in beleaguered Burma is becoming possible as violence has not abated. Sadly the UN Security Council has long been deadlocked on the Burma crisis and thus has not been able to exercise its mandate. As late as 2009 China and Russia used a rare double Veto to stop a human rights resolution sponSee METZLER on 37


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

—GUEST EDITORIAL— Ballot Equality: Who Really Defends The Votes of Black Americans? Hint: It’s Not The Party Screaming “Voter Suppression!” About Georgia’s New Voting Laws

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by Amb. J Kenneth Blackwell

Originally published in The American Spectator. Buried in the liberal lie that vote security somehow “suppresses” votes of black Americans is the truth: it protects their vote security, as well. Even in minority communities, ballots themselves are color blind. Deep in the cynical assertion that protecting votes is “racist” is the inference that black votes aren’t important enough to be protect-

ed. Liberals and their Democrat allies face two stumbling blocks in demonstrating legitimate concern about minority voting — the past and the present. They own the history of voting discrimination based on race, and they still practice it today. To assert that vote security is “racist,” it must first be established that minorities are separate and unequal from other voters, and less competent at meeting voting requirements. But all Americans must show ID for driving, banking, voting in union elections, going to postsecondary school, and purchasing certain products. The Left’s anti–vote security influencers are currently focused on Georgia’s new voting laws, which require voter identity verification with photo ID. Democrats claim this discriminates against black voters in particular. Why? Do we black Americans not have bank accounts? Union jobs? Do we not drive? Go to college? Buy beer? Photo ID is free in Georgia with a birth certificate and proof of residency. Like all other Americans, black citizens are born and live somewhere. By labeling this requirement “racist,” the Left is putting minorities in a subclass incapable of getting ID. This is demeaning and

absurd. According the Georgia secretary of state, residents can choose several forms of ID to cast mail or absentee ballots, including Social Security numbers or utility bills. Georgians have long needed photo ID to register to vote or vote in person, and that has not changed. Additionally, 99 percent of voters already have driver’s licenses. The liberal fuss is not about facts; it’s about manipulating the public — and sometimes causing harm. Major League Baseball was recently intimidated by liberals into moving the AllStar Game from Atlanta to Denver to protest Georgia’s voting law after former President Obama and President Biden yelled, “Suppression!” Atlanta’s population is 51 percent African American compared to Denver’s 10 percent. It is mathematically inarguable that black employees, vendors, and small business owners working in and around Georgia’s Truist Park will lose more income (in total, an estimated $100 million in revenue) than black employees in Denver will gain. This corporate capitulation to a lie takes income from the minority population it pretends to protect. Although embracing boycotts of Georgia

companies would harm his own voters most, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock (with a guaranteed Senate salary of $174,000) asked fellow African Americans to swap their income for outrage. And Warnock is far from the first to take a political position like this; the history of voting discrimination against black citizens by Democrats is long and disgraceful. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party, and its first president emancipated American slaves. The Ku Klux Klan was created by Confederate veterans in Tennessee in 1866 and soon spread to Georgia, where it was spearheaded by the Young Men’s Democratic Club, whose agenda included blocking African American voting. After the Civil War, Democrats opposed the right of black citizens to “Live Free,” as we say at the American Constitutional Rights Union — and vote. During Reconstruction, Republican Jefferson Franklin Long was Georgia’s first black congressman. Although a band of Klan members attacked him at a campaign stop and killed four freedmen, and congressional Democrats initially refused to seat him, in 1871 he became the first African American to address the House of See BLACKWELL on 37


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Not So . . . o g A g N Lo

Brenda MacKay

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

Tax Crisis In New Hampshire

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

In the middle of the 1930’s the State of New Hampshire was facing what was called a tax crisis. In 1935 the State Tax Commission was asked to make suggestions concerning possible new sources of raising revenue for the state. The reason for the request, resulting in an August 31, 1935 report, was the increased spending by the state and a desire to reduce property taxes. The matter of taxes, and what’s fair and reasonable, and what’s not, continues to this day. The State Tax Commission, at the request of Governor Francis Murphy, issued a second report on January 12, 1937, not just of suggestions, but this time of recommendations of ways to raise revenues by new sources while reducing the property taxes. Two major new taxes were recommended as a means of funding the increased spending by the Granite State. The first of these was a retail sales tax. The proposed sales tax would include a tax on every-

Printed Report of the 1937 Tax Commission recommending a broad-based sales tax and an income tax for New Hampshire. thing being purchased that was considered tangible personal property with a value of twelve cents or more. The rate of the sales tax was to be two percent of the price paid for an item, or, in other words, two cents for every dollar spent. The two percent was to be collected by the merchant and then sent to the State Treasurer, but the merchant was expected to pass on the tax to the customer by adding it to the price of the item bought. The commission recommended that the required tax be sent to the State Treasurer either every month or on a quarterly basis. The only

items that would not be included in the sales tax law would be items that were already being taxed, such as water, gas, electricity, motor fuels, and the liquor being sold in state managed stores. The commission did not want to tax certain items twice. The other tax that the 1937 commissioned commission advocated was the income tax. This tax was to be levied on individuals, corporations, and manufacturers at the rate of three percent of their earnings. There was already at that time a tax on interest and dividends which would remain under the new plan, but,

to be consistent with the new tax on other income, would also be assessed at three percent. Corporations would no longer be subject to a dividends tax, and there would be put in place a $1,200 exemption for a unmarried person and a $2,000 exemption for married couples. Again, the goal was to avoid taxing a person or a corporation twice for the same product. The 1937 Tax Commission report asked for a fund to be established to be called the Property Tax Reduction Fund into which all money collected from the sales and income taxes, less the cost of collection, would be deposited. The funds would then be distributed to the towns with the intention that they would reduce what See SMITH on 34

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Peace Begins In You C H I RO P R A C T I C FAG A N

by Kelly M. Chapman


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Regardless of where you stand on a number of issues, there’s no denying we’re currently moving through a time of heightened social tensions. While this may feel uncom-

fortable at times, by intentionally shifting our locus of control, even for a moment, from external to internal, it is possible to stay connected with our inner peace and authentic, core values despite these external circumstances. While this in no way means that we should disconnect from causes that are dear to us, it does allow us to engage from a more grounded and centered inner world. One of my favorite ways of challenging ideas such as this is to think of extreme examples, and then consider if they still hold weight. In this case, a story I turn to time and again is the story of Ilse, a young girl who lived in a concentration camp and who I learned of while visiting Boston’s Holocaust Memorial several years ago. She changed my perspective on personal power forever, and I believe hers is an example we can continue to draw upon today. At the memorial, Gerta Weismann Kelin recounts: “Ilse, a childhood friend of mine, once found a raspberry in the camp and carried it in her pocket all day to present to me that night on a leaf. “Imagine a world in which your entire possession is one raspberry and you give it to your friend.”

I’ll never forget the impact those final words had on me. What struck me was the immediate realization that, no, I did not need to imagine this world. I was living in a world where this possibility had occurred because of the choice a young girl had made in the most dire of circumstances. Nearly every form of dignity, safety and autonomy had been stripped from her, and yet she still chose to use her personal power to make this generous and loving decision with a single raspberry and leaf. The contrast between her experienced reality and how she chose to show up within it was so incredible, that I can honestly say there has never been a time since that I’ve felt completely powerless. I have never been unable to ask myselfwhat is my raspberry here? What I believe Ilse teaches us is that no act or offering is too small to change the world, and also that there are no circumstances in which we are truly and completely powerless. If you were to ask yourself, in this moment, “what is my raspberry?”, where does your power lie? This is what is meant by shifting our locus of control from the external to internal. If we wait for a moment

for our external world to be at peace before connecting to the most loving and gentle parts of ourselves, it might never come. But if we can look inward, even for a short time, we can always identify ways to offer the best parts of ourselves to the world around us. Even in the most extreme cases, we always get to choose how we show up, and through intention and practice build a life of our own design, moment by moment. This does not mean that we accept injustice, or stop advocating for the change we wish to see in the world, as the circumstances in which Ilse found herself were unconscionable on all accounts. It simply illustrates that the power of the human spirit and our capacity for kindness, generosity and connection truly does remain a choice in every moment, regardless of the discord around us. Kelly Chapman, M.A., is the Owner of Meredith Whole Living Center and Certified Authentic Leadership Coach.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

“Comfortably Wrong”

by Dr. Graham Moneysmith, DC. Contributing Writer

Over the last year of change, we have as a country suffered through many changes and stresses. But one thing that seems to be very common is through this time many of us have seen a decline in their physical health and health building habits. Which makes sense, but is also a bad idea since during times of duress we should consider building our health however we can. Often these issues are exactly what you’d expect: weight changes, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, quitting smoking, sleeping habits, etc. In my experience most people have at least one thing or sometimes many things they want to change in their health or life, but simply don’t. I’m right there too, sometimes! But now, more than ever, we must take care of and strengthen our health! It’s a strange phenomenon but it’s what I call being “comfortably wrong” (Pink Floyd might call it, “comfortably numb”). People are oddly content to keep their current habits,

even as these practices slowly decrease health, quality of life, and even rob years from their lives. Couch potatoes stay seated. Smokers keep smoking. Twinkies don’t eat themselves. We stick with our harmful habits, because we wrongly believe it’s just easier to keep the status quo. Instead of trying, we often settle for acceptance, which is on par with simply quitting. Deep down we know we are unhappy if we don’t feel well and aren’t being as healthy as possible, but that often doesn‘t create change. It’s Newton’s first law of motion: an object at rest stays at rest. In this situation we are just going to keep heading down the wrong road, because…..that’s what we do. We get caught in bad behavioral patterns. Work, eat, TV, sleep…..repeat for 50 years. This isn’t the life that we set out for, but it is often where we end up. Newton’s law also states that the aforementioned object at rest will stay there until put under unequal forces. Meaning: if something is going to get rolling it needs a push. Here’s the thing, living in a comfortably wrong way doesn’t change for people until we get a big push and unfortunately for most people that big push is something often scary: heart attack, cancer, disease. This is what I want to encourage you to do: change now, don‘t wait for the

bad to find you. Don’t let your health decisions be made for you, be proactive not reactive. Break free of living “comfortably wrong” by choice. The first step is to decide that you want to change. This sounds simplistic, but truly it’s the key. Decide you are fed up and realize that “comfortably wrong” living is really not easier or even comfortable: it takes an expensive toll on your health, life, and goals, and usually wallet (it’s cheaper to stay well, then to try to fix something.) Next make two lists: the first list is a list of all the goals you want to accomplish. Goals like walking daily, saving money for a trip with your newly found cigarette money, or fitting in to your old pants…. whatever, it doesn’t matter, as long as its important to you. The second list is of people who are counting on you to make these changes. Living comfortably wrong is a selfish endeavor. It requires you to put your wants ahead of others. Family, friends, coworkers all count on you and need you in their lives. Don’t shortchange them, by living a unhealthy, unsatisfying life. Also, don’t forget to put yourself on that list because you deserve more too. Lastly, make a game plan or action steps. You’ve made the decision to change, you have in mind what you want to do, and who you

need to do it for; now it’s time for action. In creating your game plan seek out people who have successfully achieved the goals you are after or consult your healthcare provider. Now execute the plan! Accept it will be hard and challenging, but know that if you can hang on, it will get easier and easier. Remember the rest of Newton’s law: objects in motion stay in motion. Meaning: now that you are rolling towards your goals, you will keep right on going. All it takes is getting started!

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

T o Y our G ood H ealth in their patients who followed a whole food plant-based diet. One young patient who suffered a heart attack even SCHEDULE saw complete reversal CLASSES & in his coronary artery CHILDCARE blockage on whole VIA aOUR food plant-based diet. NEW ONLINE Tennis & Fitness Club PORTAL! I’d encourage you to 45,000 S Q. F T. FAC I L I T Y! out their studies check by Dr. Keith Roach M.D. and booksEQUIPMENT: if you haven’t Synidcated Columnist done so already. Their Free Weights DEAR DR. ROACH: work is very encouragCardio Room I ran across a recent ing and shows that we Nautilus Circuit article of yours about do not have to succumb Hammerstrength carotid artery stenosis. to heart disease. -- K.G. Basketball Court In this article you state ANSWER: I apprecithat “there is no miracle CLASSES: ate your writing to give food, drink or suppleSIGN UP FOR A FA MILchance Y Booty Yoga, a to make ment that can clear MEMout On BERSHme IP & WAIVE ENROLLMEN my point a little more arteries.” The Ball, Yoga T FEES This is actually not clearly.! Fusion, Barre, I do want to X-train, emphatrue. I’dITlike to point out THE PLACE FOR E Cardio N-S size that the patient Dr. ODean Ornish’s work E R Pilates, Zumba, HILD CA E asCAwell BL Dr. Caldwell was asking specifically VAILAas Spin & Core videos Esselstyn’s work on about YouTube


for “food, drinks and heart disease. Both doc- RACQUETBALL TENNIS KID’S CLUB FITNESS diet regimens that clear tors GILFORDHILLS.COM showed regression • 603.293.7546 arteries.” I have seen in 314 coronary plaquesROAD OLD LAKESHORE • GILFORD

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some of these, which say, for example, all you need is a cup a day of lemon juice and turmeric to clear your arteries. There are healthcare professionals in the media who tout simple cures to reverse heart disease. These are what I refer to when I say there are no miracle cures. That is not what you are referring to in the work of Drs. Ornish and Esselstyn. Theirs was a significant lifestyle intervention, not a miracle supplement. Dr. Esselstyn did a small, uncontrolled observational study; Dr. Ornish did a small controlled study. In the Esselstyn study, the diet was quite restrictive: “Initially the intervention avoided all added oils and processed foods that contain oils, fish, meat, fowl, dairy products, avocado, nuts and excess salt. Patients were also asked to avoid sugary foods (sucrose, fructose and drinks containing them, refined carbohydrates, fruit juices, syrups, and molasses). Subsequently, we also excluded caffeine and fructose.” The Ornish study had a similar completely vegetarian diet, but 10% of calories from fat was allowed. In addition, there was (as there was not in Esselstyn) mandatory stress reduction time, and all smokers in the study quit. This study’s results, proven by angiography, showed reversal in coronary blockages by 3% in five years, See HEALTH on 13


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

HEALTH from 12 compared with 12% worsening in the control group in the same time. Esselstyn analyzed the study by those judged adherent and nonadherent. For any subject who was judged nonadherent, 62% had coronary events. Less than 1% of adherent subjects experienced an adverse event. Together, these studies show that in a group of extraordinarily motivated study subjects, coronary lesions can undergo regression with a multi-interventional approach including profound diet changes and sometimes other lifestyle interventions. These aren’t miracle diets. It’s an entire dramatic change in lifestyle. Extreme lifestyle changes are not necessary to show benefit. In the PREDIMED study, a Mediterranean-style diet was recommended, with high amounts of fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil and nuts, with less red and processed meat, less commercial baked goods and spread fats, and less soft drinks. Those who were recommended this diet had fewer heart attacks, strokes and death than those who were in the control group and were recommended a low-fat diet. DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m getting low grade tumors in my bladder. I just had my second operation after the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin treatment didn’t work. I read that tumors can’t grow in an alkaline environment. Should I eat vegetables, like broccoli and

sprouts? Also, would vitamin E and selenium be helpful? -- R.G. ANSWER: It is true that having an acid urine pH is a risk factor for bladder cancer. Many fruits and vegetables make urine pH more alkaline, whereas meat and dairy make the urine more acid. Smoking also makes the urine more acid. Eating more fruits and vegetables (and abstaining from smoking) will help reduce recurrence of bladder cancer, though I’m not sure it’s through urine acidity. Please don’t stop your doctor’s recommendations, though, as diet alone is not adequate therapy for bladder cancer. A 2012 study found no benefit in selenium and vitamin E on prevention of bladder cancer. It’s unlikely to be significantly effective in treatment. DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a very healthy 74-year-old male. I am not on any medications and enjoy normal blood pressure and great stats from my regular bloodwork. I weigh 140 pounds and have been exercising every day faithfully for decades. A couple of years ago, I started getting cramps in both legs throughout the night. My toes would curl down and my entire leg would get stiff; the pain was horrible. I had a terrible time “walking it off,” and very often when I finally got it to pass, as soon as I got back in bed the whole thing would start all over again. Some-

times I would go a few nights without having a problem, but there was always the fear that I would have another episode. I read online advice to get the weight of the sheet and covers off the feet. I took a strong cardboard box and sleep with my feet in the open end of the box. The first time I got in bed with this rigged up, it felt very strange not having anything on my bare feet, but eventually I got used to it. The remarkable news is that I have not had a single episode since fabricating the box over six months ago. -- G.K. ANSWER: I appreciate your writing in. I have had many patients use a box during sleep for acute gout, where even a sheet on top of the affected toe can be exquisitely painful, but I had

not heard this used for nocturnal leg cramps. Some patients have noticed that the symptoms do seem to be started or exacerbated by the weight of blankets. Before resorting to that, I recommend regular exercise, even a few minutes of riding a stationary bicycle before bed can help. Couple that with regular stretching of the calf and hamstring muscles and adequate hydration. Although many readers ask about it, I do not recommend quinine for most people, and it’s quite rare for the cause to be disturbances of sodium, potassium, calcium or other electrolytes. B complex vitamins and magnesium are helpful in some people, but I restrict iron to people with proven iron deficiency. If all else fails, prescription medications such as verapamil may

be helpful. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in

the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. cornell.edu.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Mother's Da Day! y!

Make Reading Part of Your Mother’s Day Celebration (Family Features) Many childhood memories include sitting on mom’s lap and reading stories together. This year, you can show your mother how much those memories mean to you

by giving her a Mother’s Day gift that harkens back to those special moments spent together. Whether your mom devotes time each week to read the latest best-

selling novel or can only find a few moments every now and then to spend some quality time reading, there are plenty of thoughtful options available for nearly every mother regardless of how often she settles into a comfy chair with a good book. From cookbooks and memoirs to suspenseful non-fiction and coming-of-age stories, options like these can be an excuse for her to dive into a new read and steal a few minutes of uninterrupted metime, which can be a special gift itself. Find more stories about motherhood, mother-child relationships and other popular topics at Facebook.com/ WilliamMorrowBooks. A Tale of Coming of Age A funny, wise and tender coming-of-age


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novel set in suburban Baltimore in the 1970s, “Mary Jane” by Jessica Anya Blau is complete with all the nostalgic trappings of the decade. The novel follows a straight-laced teenage girl whose world opens up after nannying for a progressive family in town and the celebrity couple hiding out there for the summer. A Memorable Memoir A story of unconditional love in the face of difficulty and the

grace of perseverance “I Have Been Buried Under Years of Dust” by Valerie Gilpeer and Emily Grodin is a memoir that details the journey a mother and her nonverbal, autistic daughter took to get to a place where they could finally understand and communicate with each other after a breakthrough revealed a young woman who had been trapped inside for more than two decades. A Suspenseful Story In “Mother May I,”

“New York Times” bestselling author Joshilyn Jackson delivers a novel of domestic suspense in which a mother must decide how far she is willing to go to protect her child and the life she loves. A tale of power, privilege, lies, revenge and the choices people make - ones that transform lives in unforeseen ways.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —



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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

Spring Bird News by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

I don’t see a lot of press releases now that journalism is no longer my full-time profession, but I did receive a few last week that caught my eye. One was from Cole’s Wild Bird Products and the other from the Purple Martin Conservation Association. The topics were very different but did have one important commonality: spring. Cole’s, which makes a red-hot blend that I’ve used and the birds loved, sent some spring bird feeding tips. Many people stop feeding birds in the spring for a variety of reasons, including bears and not wanting birds to become dependent upon feeders, but I’m a big fan of spring bird feeding. It’s a great way to get close, long looks at birds such as grosbeaks, orioles, buntings and even a few warbler species if you’re lucky. Cole’s sent along tips such as using a variety of feeder types at different heights and using a variety of foods. The food suggestions included dried mealworms, which I used extensively last spring to feed eastern bluebirds and pine warblers. More common feeder birds such as chickadees, titmice and nuthatches love them too. Suet is another can’tmiss offering to entice birds. Use care with

A purple martin eats a dragonfly in New England. suet in the spring and summer as it spoils quickly in the heat. Some companies, Cole’s included, make no-melt suet products. Fresh fruit was another suggestion. I’ve had very limited success using fresh fruit to attract birds, but I’ve seen enough photos and heard enough testimonials to know that it can work. A catbird eating from an orange half is the extent of my success using fresh fruit. And that happened about 20 years ago. I did get orioles at my feeding station last spring, but they ate suet instead of the

orange slices I had offered. Let me know if you’ve had better success with fresh fruit. News came from the Purple Martin Conservation Association that a purple martin had been spotted in Rindge, N.H., as early as April 4. “The Purple martins arrival in New Hampshire show the birds are making steady progress northward since they first made landfall in Florida two days before Christmas,” Joe Siegrist, president of the Purple Martin Conservation Association, said in the release. “Tracking the migration is not only

fun, but it also provides us with valuable information that helps inform our research and strengthen our efforts to make sure we’re doing everything possible to sustain the population of these amazing birds.” Purple Martins are North America’s largest species of swallow. They winter in the rainforests of Brazil before migrating up to 7,000 miles migration north into the eastern United States and Canada. I was in Florida visiting my brother last week following a few college visits with my son and the purple martin coloSee BOSAK on 24


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

When To Retire? ball coach Abe Lemons Sports Quiz Answer Green Bay Packer Jim Taylor ran for 1474 yards in 1962, to Brown’s 996.

by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

I recently attended a seminar hosted by a guy from New Orleans who naturally dropped Saints quarterback Drew Brees’ name during his presentation. Knowing Brees retired after last season I looked up his 2020 stats. Brees played 12 games while missing four due to injury. He threw 24 touchdown passes and only four interceptions while leading the Saints to a first-place finish in the NFC South, a game ahead of Tom Brady’s Tamp Bay Buccaneers. Brees and Brady contended all year for the all-time lead in passing TD’s. Brees finished the season with 571 to Brady’s 581. So why did Brees retire when he could obviously still play? After all, Brady is keeping on keeping on? Lots of variables I suppose. Family. Finances. Health. But will Brees regret not suiting up next fall when he sees Brady still playing? Who knows? Which all brings us to the question of when to retire? All-time great NFL quarterback Y.A. Tittle threw a record 36 TD passes for the New York Giants in 1963 while leading the Giants to the NFL championship game at age 37 and

Drew Brees winning the MVP. The next year Tittle threw only 10 TD passes and the Giants went 2-102. Obviously time to retire. But all-time great running back Jim Brown ran for a record 17 touchdowns in 1965, his ninth and final season with the Cleveland Browns. His 1544 rushing yards led the league for the seventh time in eight years. Yet he chose to retire to embark on a Hollywood career. Why did he quit at the top of his game? Perhaps … intuition? So when should one retire? Sometimes the answer is easy, as with Tittle. Sometimes, not so much, as with Brees and Brown. Willie Mays obviously played one year too many and tarnished his legacy by so-doing. See his 1973 stats from his last season. But when should Brady retire? He seems to love defying conventional wisdom. When should Tiger

Woods retire? Supreme Court Justices? Sports columnists? When should President Biden retire? A good question. An interesting question. An important question. (He’s clearly lost his fastball.) But better to go on too long like Mays, then to quit too early and always have regrets. I’m talking to you, Drew Brees! (Not you, President Biden!) Sports Quiz Who won the NFL rushing title in 1962, the one year that Jim Brown did not win it during his illustrious career? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on April 29 include golf great Johnny Miller (1947) and NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt (1951). Sports Quote “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.”— Former college basket-

State Representative Mike Moffett was a Professor of Sports Management for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the critically-acclaimed and award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.




— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Camp Constitution’s 13th Annual Family Camp Will Run July 18 - 23 Camp Constitution’s 13th annual family camp will run from Sunday July 18 to Friday July 23. This year’s camp returns to the Singing Hills Christian Camp and Conference Center in Plainfield, NH. www. singinghills.net. Instructors include author and journalist Alex Newman; Attorney Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Council; Debbie Bacigalupi, an expert on Agenda 21; atmospheric scientist, Professor Willie Soon; Constitutional expert, Mrs. Catherine; Rev. Steve Craft, and Pastor David Whitney of the Institute on the Constitution theamericanview.com. Re-

turning to run the Junior Patriot program is Mrs. Edith Craft. In addition to the classes, attendees have recreation opportunities which include swimming, marksmanship, basketball, volleyball, chess tournaments, martial arts, campfire, hiking and a field trip to the Calvin Coolidge Homestead nearby Plymouth, VT, and plenty of good, wholesome fun. Camp Constitution is open to entire families, unaccompanied minors from 12 to 17, and adults- staff and non-staff. The cost for campers 13 and older and nonstaff adults is $300. Camper 4-12- $200.

Children three and under- free- must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Staffers $250. A $50 “Early Bird” discount is available for each tuition for those who register by June 1. The tuition includes lodging, meals, and materials. We encourage early registrations to insure availability at campconstitution. net/camp-registration/ Fill it out, make a copy with a check payable out to Camp Constitution and send it to Mr. Charlie Everett by E-mail halleckeverett@gmail.com or by mail:5945 Quail Hollow Road, Unit D Charlotte, NC 282105028.

Payments may also be made via the Camp’s PayPal account accessed from their home page campconstitution.net. Not able to attend camp but would love to help send a worthy young person or family to camp? Please consider donating. For questions or more information, please feel free to contact me by phone: 857-498-1309 or Email campconstitution1@gmail.com. A link to classes and activities from our 2020 camp: www.youtube. com/playlist?list=PL7 jnzBzBiNYDOAZbrVE4kD1jNlhxScPmH


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Letters From God

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This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA

I realize that most of you have grown up with parents, teachers, coaches and leaders of all kinds, who exhibited mean and erratic behavior like this. Please do not associate that with me. The fear of me that you must have to be wise can be best understood by comparing it to civil laws. Every good civil society has established good laws, not to hurt you, but to protect you and others in society. If you violate those laws, you will need to fear the Judges who are responsible for holding people accountable to laws. They do this so that both the perpetrator is punished, and the people are protected. The punishment itself shouldn’t be because the Judge is mean or cruel but to bring painful consequences to the lawbreaker so that they learn their lesson. If they do, they can return to society ready to obey the laws and help others. Laws, Judges, and justice are imperative to experience life. Imagine what life would be like if there were none? It is in this sense that you must fear me. I created you and established you to function according to my laws and my will. Every law and every statement of my will was given not to hurt you but to help you. I asked you to obey and live in certain ways because these ways are not only good for you but also for others (Deuteronomy 32:46-47). If you lived according to my ways you would prosper and know the fullness of life. If,

however, you choose to disobey them, you will experience natural consequences, because those things naturally hurt you, and you would also face my loving but painful judgement. This kind of fear makes you want to avoid behavior that leads to judgment and its painful consequences and leads you instead, to follow my wisdom. When you do, you enjoy a life of freedom with all the possibilities for prosperity. But there is a second aspect of fear. It is a deep respect for someone so that you want to honor them by pleasing and obeying them. After the fear of punishment leads you to follow my wisdom, you will discover that you missed many of the painful consequence’s others suffered. You will realize that fear was a loving Father’s tool to guide and protected you from harm. Out of gratitude and deep respect for my love, you will be moved to express your gratitude & reverence by obeying me even more. Thus, your “fear” of me will only continue to enhance your life. You will know a quality and quantity of life, even for eternity because you walked in my wisdom. So, this is why you can only know wisdom if you fear me, your loving heavenly Father. I know that many of you already bear the scars of damage due to not following my wisdom. Many of your friends are no longer alive as a result of not following my wisdom. If you will continue to seek me and live according to

Letters From God

QUESTION If Wisdom is from God, how do we get it? It is so important that you understand this because you can’t know life in its fullness, without my wisdom. Remember my wisdom is different from knowledge. It is knowing and following my will so that you do those things I have asked of you and avoid those things that I know will ultimately hurt you. With respect to how to acquire wisdom, it is simply stated in a chapter in my book, the Bible, called Proverbs. I instructed Solomon to write these words so that you would understand how to appropriate wisdom for life. He wrote, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10). It will only be as you fear me, that you will find my wisdom and live by it. “Fear” means both being afraid and also deep respect for someone. First you must fear me in the sense of being afraid. Not afraid because I am a mean, unpredictable and erratic and may fly off in anger and give you a “whack” at any time and for any reason. That is not me. I love you and I don’t even have the capacity to hurt you in this way. You will never need to fear me in this respect.

my will as individuals and as a nation, your future will be bright with success instead of dark with judgement and suffering. As one of the other Proverbs I asked Solomon to write says, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.” (Proverbs 4:18-19). I have done everything to change your destiny but now you must act. Fear me to become wise. I love you and I would love to have you enjoy the life that only I can give. Your loving heavenly Father, God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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Newest Release By Brendan Smith

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

*Flatlander’s Observations On Life

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years. Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Wicked BREW Review



Industrial Arts Wrench IPA

WHAT’S ON TAP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? A listing of some of the area’s beercentric watering holes where you can find old favorites on tap as well as some cutting edge seasonals.


by Jim MacMillan

83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Stoneface - IPA 603 - Winni Ale Great Rhythm - Pale ale Moat Mt. - Stout Henniker - Hopslinger IPA

Contributing Writer

Back before digital and the internet, there was an ancient world that worked old school. If you needed to call somebody, you used a phone that had a cord running to the wall that connected to a circuit system somehow and you got through. No one knew where you were (other than possibly the FBI) because there was no Find My iPhone. Photography used light sensitive silver-based film that needed to be developed. You would put a roll of color or black and white film in a camera and when your 12, 24 or 36 exposures were taken, you couldn’t take anymore pics… oh no! And digital design used to be called computer graphics and before computers, it was called graphic arts for design elements or industrial arts as an overall umbrella containing architectural renderings, handdrawn graphics for advertising and clear layers of text and illustrations which made up page layout. In those days, things took much more time and effort to accomplish. Frankly, we are


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Bud Light Stoneface IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap

quite spoiled today with how fast we can get something done. But this lead-in brings us to a brewery new to NH with lots to love and technical abilities to make sure you love it again and again. Industrial Arts Brewing, located in the Hudson Valley of Garnerville, NY, is a tribute to art and technology shaking hands in the brewing business. Their concentration on precise science of malts, hops and yeast yields awesome tasing American made beer. One of the ways they

capture your attention is through technical names of their beers modeled after an industrial theme. For instance, Wrench is their single IPA, Torque Wrench is a double IPA and Impact Wrench is a triple. Pocket Wrench is a pale ale while Tools of the Trade is an extra pale ale. The State of the Art Series also has unique recipes that receive much attention as well as doing collaboratives with other brewers. Learn more about them at IndustrialArtsBrewing.com

Wrench IPA is their flagship New Englandstyle beer with a hazy light yellow hue and brilliant white foamy head. Mosaic and Citra hops command the flavor profile adding pineapple, green apples and orange peel to the aromas and taste. These notes start out on the sweet juicy side but finish with mild spicy complexity. With a medium body and slightly sticky to the tongue, this 7.1% ABV Wrench IPA wants to be a good friend you can get to appreciate. See BREW on 24


At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Downeast Cider- Blackberry Maine Beer- Lunch Burlington- Noble Bright Left Hand- Peanut Butter Stout Muddy Road- Heads Up Allagash- Curieux ...+30 More On Tap

PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Great North - Moose Juice Guinness Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale Harpoon - IPA Woodstock - Mtn Haze IPA ...+8 More On Tap

At Funspot Family Entertainment Ctr. THE WITCHES 579 Endicott St N., Weirs BREW PUB 603.366.4377 At The Craft Beer funspotnh.com Xchange Left Hand - St. Vrain Tripel 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Southern Tier–Coconut Truffle Beach 603.409.9344 Equilibrium - Fluctuation FB @craftbeerxchange Plank - Heller Weizenbock Downeast – Pear Cider Sea Dog - Sunfish Throwback – Rasp.- Lime Sour Einbecker - Winter Bock Schilling – Czech Pils ...+6 More On Tap Stoneface – Orange Duct Tape Maine Beer Co. – Spring IPA SoMe – Peanut Butter Whoopie Pie Stout ...+30 More On Tap ** Tap listings subject to change!


Contact Us Today to Find Out How to Promote Your Business here! sales@weirs.com or 603-366-8463 x 319


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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BOSAK from 15 nies were fully active in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, purple martins are in decline and have lost up to a third of their population over the last 50 years, according to a study released in 2019. Of course, human-provided “condos” have helped the species as natural nesting habitat has disappeared. In fact: “Human-provided nest boxes are the only thing keeping the species alive east of the Rocky Mountains,” Siegrist said in the release.

Visit www.purplemartin.org for more information about the bird’s migration or how to set up housing for a colony. To receive a free booklet on how to attract and care for purple martins from the nonprofit Purple Martin Conservation Association, email info@ purplemartin.org or call (814) 833-7656. As an aside, the Purple Martin Conservation Association is based in Erie, Pennsylvania, my hometown growing up. I wasn’t aware of this until I saw the release. Keep up the good work Erie.

BREW from 23 BeerAdvocate.com has officially rated this beer ‘World Class’ and awards it a 96 out of 100. Lots of other fans on Untapdd.com step up to extol their praise this IPA. Wrench is in limited supply so make

sure you find your 16 oz cans today. There are some 12 packs still available of this precious substance. Gather your gear, including Wrench, and get back to old school fun.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

Now Here’s A Tip by JoAnn Derson * Spring clean your tools. Ditch half-used tubes of caulk, stiff paintbrushes, random hardware that doesn’t have any obvious use, especially screws or nails that have been pulled out of the wall. * “When cleaning the microwave, boil a couple of cups of water in the microwave first. The steam will help loosen any stuck-on food.” -- O.D. in Idaho * Defrost meats on the bottom shelf only. Ideally, you should have a large bowl or container to put packages of meat in that require defrosting, so that if they leak, the leakage will be contained and will not get on any of your other foods. * “The plastic liner in cereal boxes makes a good, strong container for kitchen scraps if you are sav-

ing them for composting.” -- Y.T. in Oregon * Another reason to get the newspaper: Crushed newspaper makes a great rag for shining windows in your home and in the car. No lint left behind! * “Wipe out the insides of a cornstarch container to make a handy catch-all for craft supplies or crayon sets for kids (labeled so they all have their own). These are

a really good size, and several brands seem to come with a clear lid.” -- H.D. in Florida

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Are You Growing The Right Type Of Grass? Full Retail Showroom • Specializing in Custom Tile & Wood Flooring Refinishing 166 Wolfeboro Hwy, Alton, NH • 603-875-3655

•Septic Pumping •Drains Unclogged •Septic Pump Repair & •Septic System Installation Inspections From the Lakes to the Mountains, We Are At Your Service! MOULTONBOROUGH: 476-5557 | MEREDITH: 279-4313 www.lampreyseptic.com

(StatePoint) Choosing the right type of grass optimizes the chances that your lawn will be healthy, beautiful and easy to maintain. However, experts say that there are many factors to consider. “You may have your heart set on a specific type of grass because of where you grew up or because the Joneses down the street have a beautiful lawn and they grow XYZ grass. But what’s best for your lawn depends on where you live now and your growing conditions,” says landscape designer Doug Scott of Redeem Your Ground in Atlanta, Ga. A free video series from Exmark, a leading manufacturer of lawn care equipment, can help you master your lawn. In a recent Exmark Original video, “Done In A Weekend, Grass 101,” Scott

Dumont Cabinet Refacing & Counter Tops Cabinet refacing includes new doors & drawer fronts of your choice Th e Cabinet refacing DOOR SAMPLES No Messy rd ab le fo Af ! BROUGHT TO YOU! starts at only D e m o li t i o n rn Al te at iv e! • New Countertops


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The photo on top left shows a dark woodgrain kitchen that was refaced with a light cherry woodgrain, plus new doors and drawer fronts to brighten up kitchen. The same kitchen could have been refaced with any woodgrain or solid color you see in the photo of sample doors.

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discusses the various benefits, maintenance needs and other considerations of each grass type. Here he shares some top factors to keep in mind: • Climate: Grasses are typically divided into two temperature categories: warm-season and coolseason. Warm-season grasses grow best in hot, southern climates reaching 80 to 95 degrees, and go dormant when temperatures consistently drop below 65 degrees. Species like Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bahia and Centipede all grow best

in hot, humid regions, whereas Bermuda grass grows best in hot, arid areas. On the other side of things are cool-season grasses, which grow best in northern regions where temperatures fall between 60-70 degrees. Species include tall and fine Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass and annual and perennial Ryegrass. Living in the middle, in what’s known as the “Transitional Zone” can be both a blessing and a curse. On the positive side, you may have more grass choices, but on the downside, cool-season grasses may look worn-

out by late summer, and warm-season grasses will be dormant longer. • Sun and Shade: While there are exceptions, warm-season grasses generally grow best in full sun areas getting 8 or more hours of direct sunlight daily, and cool-season grasses grow best in moderate or medium shade areas getting between 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. You may notice that no one talks about “full shade” -- areas getting less than 4 hours of sunlight daily -- when See GRASS on 30


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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7 Steps to Save Money on a Remodel (Family Features) Every homeowner has a defined budget he or she can allocate toward a remodeling project. Even if funds were unlimited, it’s still in a homeowner’s best interest to secure the best value for each dollar invested in a remodeling project, ultimately increasing the value of the home. Consider these tips from the experts at the National Association for the Remodeling Industry to help save money on your next project. 1. Determine how far your budget will go. Create a wish list of everything you want to accomplish. Disregard cost and simply write

down everything you can dream of. Prioritize items from “must haves” to “nice but not necessary.” Find a contractor who will work with you to determine whether your wish list is attainable for the funds you are willing to invest in your home. 2. Decide how to handle budget overages. If you can’t get far enough down the list with the available money, you could choose to stop the process and continue saving, investigate financing options, re-evaluate your wish list or consider material substitutions. 3. Make material selections you can afford.

Every project will have a set of required materials, but there are options when it comes to variety, style and quality. * Cabinets: Subtle changes like forgoing custom rustic cherry cabinets with plywood cabinet sides for regular cherry cabinets with furniture board sides can achieve the same look at a lower cost. * Countertops: Natural stone and quartz countertops are popular, but advances in the design options for lower-cost countertop materials have rejuvenated their popularity, too. With the proper usage and protection, nearly all countertop materials can support your everyday needs. * Millwork: Painted

millwork has dominated the market for many years and solid maple is the preferred choice See REMODEL on 32

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Infuse Living Spaces with Color


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(Family Features) From experiences to surroundings, the past year has brought a renewed focus on feeding the soul. In an era of overstimulation and information overload, many are finding a new appreciation for living life minimally but with maximum experiences That mentality is increasingly evident in all aspects of life, especially with home design and decor. After all, spending more time at home means more time to discover what truly evokes happiness. At the same time, as the focus on physical and mental wellness

heightens, design experts see those trends reflected in a more considered approach to design inspired by color therapy, which makes it possible to create beautiful spaces filled with healing color.



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With an expertly coordinated color palette, like the Color Collections from HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams, colors work in perfect harmony in any combination. Thoughtful use of color is among the most effective design tools for reveal-worthy style in your home. Appliances In the past, appliances were meant to blend into the decor to be less obvious, albeit essential, elements of a kitchen. A more contemporary approach: vibrant appliances that get noticed. You can find major appliances in a wide range of colors, but if you’re not sure about going that big and bold, many smaller countertop appliances, such as stand mixers and toasters, come in a range of colorful options, too. Architecture When contemplating where and how to apply color to a space, avoid boxing in your options. Think beyond traditional wall space when planning ways to change the color in a space; be thoughtful with color and high-

light architectural details to elevate the interest and charm in your home. Take a 360-degree immersive color approach, painting the same shade from floor to ceiling and all around to create a mood-boosting lift to a room. To infuse more color and boldness into your space, consider a timeless and elegant shade of red, like HGTV Home by Sherwin-Williams’ 2021 Color of the Year. This paint color, “Passionate,” is a deeply saturated hue that is daringly rich and invigorates the senses. This bold and empowering red is steeped in history, merging modern design with traditional charm. Furniture Whether you’re into project pieces you can transform into something new or simply shopping for furnishings that complement your space, be sure to consider how the furniture fits into the overall color scheme. Selecting furniture that fits with the design brings a more cohesive and stylized feel to the room. For example, a desk and bookshelves in pale natural hues can lend warmth to an office with walls painted a cool dynamic blue. Cabinets Painted cabinets are on-trend, and if you’re bored with basic whites and grays, you’re not alone. Designers are going bold in the kitchSee COLOR on 30


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Dress Up The Landscape With Spring Flowering Shrubs

This Show Off forsythia signals early spring for many with its showy, bright yellow flowers and slight fragrance. der. Several viburnum varieties, like Korean Spice and doublefile, make great specimens or impressive small groupings in the landscape. Brighten those shady spots with azaleas. These spring


See MYERS on 32


Chimney Swe



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memories. Select the preferred white, pink, or purple color and varieties that will fit the growing location when mature. These will brighten any spot later in the spring. Look for other easycare, spring-blooming shrubs to include in the landscape. The spring blooms of viburnum are sure to provide plenty of enjoyment not to mention its attractive foliage, fall color, and fruit that attracts birds. Use them to create an attractive screen, hedge, or mixed bor-

Excavation bloomers thrive with D Emolition afternoon or dappled shade. Grow them in REtaining Walls moist, rich, acidic soil s kiDstEER / mini ExcavatoR in a sheltered location for best results. Make 774-406-7362 • jrfish0602@gmail.com sure there is a good view to enjoy the blossoms and hummingbirds they attract. Light up the spring garden with Garden Glow dogwood. The bright chartreuse foliage turns a burgundy red in fall. The white flowers give way to blue fruit and the red stems are a welcome sight in winter. Other dogwoods, like red twig and gray dogwoods, are native Highflow, low impact, brush mower/mulcher, shrubs with flowers tree line undergrowth removal, pasture/field that support pollinareclamation, right-of-ways, trail clearing. tors and fruit that Machine will cut up to 6” material. feeds the birds. Fothergilla’s fragrant — CALL 603-435-9970 — white spring flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds. This beauty ends its season with a colorful mix of yellow, orange, and scarlet fall color often on the same leaf. Add an evergreen Seeking area residents interested in having an backdrop of boxwood, on-site assessment of their private wells. This arborvitae, and juniservice is grant funded by the USEPA. It is free pers to showcase these and is confidential. Many times, well owners are Save $10 OThe spring beauties. ff with coupon of the possible causes of contamination spring blossoms, fall thisunaware in their wells. The well assessment considers color, and winter in-


by Melinda Myers Add a burst of color to the start of the garden season with spring flowering shrubs. Small or large, these beauties add color, support pollinators, and help attract birds to the landscape. Make room in mixed borders and gardens for these spring bloomers. Use varieties with slightly different bloom times to create continuous color throughout the spring. Complement these with spring flowering perennials and bulbs. Once the shrubs finish flowering, they add some nice greenery to the border. Plant a few compact varieties in containers for added color on patios and decks. Add seasonal color with annuals, pansies or other cool weather tolerant flowers for spring and fall. Replace these with petunias, lantana, or other suitable heat tolerant flowers for summer. Forsythia and lilacs are traditional spring favorites. Forsythia’s bright yellow flowers signal spring for many. The showy flowers have a slight fragrance, and the plants are basically pest free. Select varieties whose flower buds will survive cold winter temperatures, so there will be blossoms from the tip of the stem to ground level. Lilacs fragrant flowers may generate wonderful childhood

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protect your family and friends this summer! Help protect your children, pets, and loved ones from harmful dangers spread by mosquitoes and ticks that can cause a variety of diseases including West Nile, the Zika Virus and Lyme Disease.

• Use: Heavy-turf grass like Zoysia or Bermuda stand up to activity best, whereas cool-season grasses typically don’t do well in high-traffic areas where children play or dogs run.

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• Maintenance: What’s required to maintain a healthy lawn also deserves consideration. In general, cool-season grasses cost less to install but more to main-

tain. Because they don’t form that dense carpet-like structure that heat-loving grasses do, cool-season grasses need to be watered and tended more. For more tips, visit Exmark.com/Backyard. Exmark’s Backyard Life is a multimedia destination focused on helping homeowners make the most of their backyard. While visiting the site, you can also access other Exmark Original Series, including “DoneIn-A-Weekend Projects”, “Prime Cuts” and “Dream Yards” videos. By understanding your property’s growing conditions and a bit about grass types, you’ll be well-positioned to select the best grass for your needs and lifestyle.

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Do what you can to protect your family and NO MORE MOSQUITOES! Do what youthiscan to friends summer! NO MOREMONEY TICKS! SAVING



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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MYERS from 29 terest will shine when positioned in front of greenery. Take a walk through the landscape now to identify places that would benefit from some spring color. Select the right plants that are suited to the growing conditions and complement the garden design. Then plant and enjoy these colorful additions for years to come.

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Melinda Myers has written more than 20 gardening books, including The Midwest Gardener’s Handbook and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” DVD series and the nationally-syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment TV & radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Her web site is www.melindamyers. com.

COLOR from 27 because the tight grain allows for a beautiful, smooth surface. However, the cost is multiple times that of vinyl and equally appealing when finished properly. * Flooring: Advances in synthetic materials make them difficult to distinguish from natural products. Synthetics generally come with lower cost and more durability, making them a simple substitute for natural products like stone, wood, brick and marble. 4. Pay attention to project details. It’s critical to ensure every detail of labor and material is specified in the agreement with the remodeler. If it’s not included in the written agreement, it’s likely not included in the work scope. Ask your remodeler what labor and materials are not included and determine what additional expenses you’ll likely incur to complete the



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project. 5. Ask how you can help reduce costs. Talk to your contractor about tasks or materials you can provide that would reduce the project cost without affecting its schedule. This might include jobsite clean-up or obtaining certain materials the contractor would otherwise spend considerable time securing. 6. Plan ahead for project timing. Ask for a potential timeframe for completing the project, as well as any factors that could affect the schedule so you can anticipate costs such as eating out more often while the kitchen is being renovated or renting living or storage space. 7. Know how you’ll resolve disputes. Because of the unique stresses induced by remodeling projects, it’s a good idea to determine before you begin how disputes will be resolved, such as adding an arbitration clause to the agreement that eliminates expensive legal representation. A few deep breaths and a solution-minded approach can also save more than money if conflict arises. Find more moneysaving advice for your next remodeling project at remodelingdoneright.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 — sunflower with winter squash, pole beans and Indian corn, which are the three sisters of our native inhabitants.” She will also plant a section of Japanese/ Asian cabbages and greens, peppers, can-

taloupe, bok choy, broccoli and onions. “We’ll have an improved herb selection, too,” she added. Made possible by the generosity of Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney, the 2021 Lecture Series takes place

every Tuesday through the end of the museum’s season, which concludes Oct. 31. Admission is $3 for members and $8 for non-members. Seating is limited, and reservations can be made by calling 603-569-

1212. For more information about the 2021 Lecture Series, or Victory Gardens, visit wrightmuseum.org.

HURRY! Only a few slots left to order for the 2021 season!

UNH Advanced Master Gardener Christin Kaiser will kick off Wright Museum’s 2021 Lecture Series Tuesday, May 4, sponsored by Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney, with “Internment Camp Japanese Vegetables and Recipes.” LECTURE from 1 Life in these camps was anything but “normal,” but Culver said these Americans tried to make the best of the situation. Schools were established for the children, sport teams played and gardens were created. “Like the Victory Gardens planted by millions of American citizens outside these internment camps, the Japanese Americans grew produce to enhance their diets,” he said. “Their gardens would, of course, contain the kind of vegetables used in their traditional receipts.” As for what is planned for this year’s Victory Gardens, which were created and are managed by Kaiser, visitors can expect variety. “Peas, beans, carrots, cucumbers,

lettuce, kale, beets, spinach and three types of Italian paste tomatoes will be the staple crops,” Kaiser said. “Our educational planting will be giant

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

SMITH from 9 they charged citizens by way of property taxes. The Commission also was in favor of eliminating a couple of taxation items related to the observation in that year of 1937 that “New Hampshire people get their primary living from the factory and the farm.” But with manufacturing declining in the state, and with the adding of an income tax, it was felt that the tax on stockin-trade (inventory) of manufacturers and merchants should be eliminated. The second tax that the members of the commission wanted to eliminate was that on all kinds of livestock. The opinion was expressed that, “The repeal of the tax would tend to build up the livestock industry.” Thus the members of the tax commission were of the opinion that eliminating some taxes on the two main occupa-

Gov. Francis Murphy at a Governor’s Meeting in Washington, D.C. tions of New Hampshire workers would help to restore their declining influence in the state. The expected revenue received by the state as a result of the sales tax was estimated at $2,908,000. The amount of revenue to be gained by the in-

come tax was expected to be $794,000. The two proposed taxes were intended to provide $1,318,000 to be returned to the cities and towns of the state. Though the intent of Governor Murphy’s request to the State Tax Commission was for

them to come up with “Recommendations To the Governor and Council and the Legislature on methods of reducing tax rates and raising new revenue,” there were some added suggestions in addition to the recommendations in the final 136 page report. First it was suggested that the two dollar poll tax be increased from two dollars per person to three dollars. The poll tax was a tax that each citizen was required to pay regardless of their income, etc., and was not unique to New Hampshire. You can imagine the uproar that would erupt if such a tax were suggested today! The commission indicated that the extra revenue raised by increasing the poll tax should go directly to the state for old age assistance and relief. Secondly, a tax on electrical energy was suggested, and thirdly they suggested increas-

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NH Governor Sherman Adams ing the maximum rate for automobile permits. One other suggestion involved consideration of the manner in which standing timber was taxed. In the years since 1937 the possibility of adding a “broad-based” sales tax and an income tax have been continual matters of discussion, but here in 2021 we find that New Hampshire is joined only by Alaska among the United States in having neither of the two. Other Governors besides Murphy have considered such taxation with some like Governor Adams and Peterson recommending such taxes. Sherman Adams proposed that the state adopt an income tax in 1949 and Walter Peterson proposed a three percent income tax in 1971. It seems to be generally true, though, that any candidate for the highest elected office in New Hampshire that promotes either a general sales and/or income tax is not going to be elected. Governor Meldrim

Thompson, succeeding Peterson as Governor, ran on the slogan “Ax the Tax,” a sentiment that seems to have stuck with the majority of New Hampshire voters before and since his election. So we have the popularity of the pledge where candidates for Governor pledge that they will veto any general sales or income tax that the legislature might pass. The absence of such taxes is referred to as “the New Hampshire Advantage.” The State Tax Commission of 1937, consisting of John R. Spring, John G. Marston, and John T. Amey, assisted by Assistant Attorney General Dudley W. Orr, obviously worked diligently in coming up with a detailed report recommending changes in the way New Hampshire assesses taxes on its citizens. One wonders what the situation would be like today if the report the three Johns issued in 1937 had been adopted by the New Hampshire legislature and signed into law by Governor Murphy.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

After the lifts have closed for the season, Yours Truly and many others were out earning their turns after the big snow storm.


Kyle, Josh and Zachary on Wildcat A’s summit outlook ledge. Snowshoeing across the Carters and the Wildcats looked and felt more like February than At higher elevations it is going to be win- April. Expect winter-like conditions to continue in the White Mountains ter-like for a few more well into the month of May.

Becca snowboards down Baron’s Run. PATENAUDE from 3 improve. The skin track, the uphill tracks we made earlier were greatly improved by others that followed our route. We were impressed by a young man carrying his baby on his back as he quickly passed by us as he skinned up the mountain. His red cheeked smiling baby looked like she was enjoying herself too. The improved weather was warm, sunny and we could now see where we were going. The snow then got warm and sticky. The sticky snow wasn’t an improvement because it would stick to the bottom of our skis/snow-

board. The snow felt like heavy weights added to our feet. Later on the way down it grabbed our skis before breaking free which made for more interesting turns and a few spills. We went down Taft Slalom and we hiked up and over The Saddle to ski Mittersill’s Baron’s Run. The snow was heavily tracked, many had decided to stick to this side of the mountain. There was still man made snow lurking underneath Baron’s Run and Profile so I am thinking there might be some more adventuring on skis and snowboards on the mountain this weekend.

weeks to come. Don’t let the green grass in your backyard fool you. You will need snowshoes or skis if you want to follow the trails to the mountaintops in the Whites. I joined Zachary and Kyle to snowshoe the Carters and the Wildcats. On the way up Carter Dome we met Josh and he joined us for the stomp across the Wildcats. When we reached Wildcat D it was the final April summit for Zachary to check off. Wildcat was his first 4k peak he climbed when he was a teenager with his father. He completed all 48-4,000 foot peaks in every month grid when we made it back to the car at the bottom of the Wildcat Ski Area. Have Fun. Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

MALKIN from 6 liability at every step of development. Neither of those facts ever finds its way onto the influencers’ feeds, of course. Your kids should know that their favorite Disney stars, Twitch video gamers and even “Sesame Street” characters have been recruited to pimp the COVID-19 vaccine. One Instagram star and fashion blogger with 409,000 followers, South Carolina entrepreneur Whitney Rife Becker, spilled the beans on how “two vaccine campaigns paying thousands of dollars” had contacted her to “go and get the vaccine and record it and take a selfie while getting the vaccine.” She was asked to tell her followers how “excited” she was to take the vaccine and to gush about “how much she would be able

to do” once she submitted to her shots. She was promised that an unnamed entity would “put money behind” her Instagram videos or photo posts if she boosted the COVID vaccine. Becker rejected the offers, but many others have accepted the bribery. Sometimes, the quid pro quos mean cash. In other cases, the rewards mean VIP treatment. In Florida, Miami’s Jackson Health System threw vaccine parties for social media influencers who agreed to write positive posts or produce videos about getting the Pfizer vaccine. While there was “no payment made to any influencer,” the Internet stars and their “plus ones” moved to the head of the vaccine appointment line. “Each influencer will

be allowed to bring one spouse, partner, or relative who meets Florida’s eligibility requirement” to the party, health officials informed a select group of social media stars. Joe Smyser, the head of a nonprofit called “Public Good Projects,” told Politico his outfit pays “microinfluencers” to post about getting the COVID vaccine and compensates them “anywhere between tens to hundreds of dollars.” The Oklahoma CityCounty Health Department has paid 35 young social media stars undisclosed sums to post government-approved COVID vaccine content and convince their peers that they need the shots to return to “normal” life. This pay-for-play racket stirs fear, incentivizes herd think-

ing, stigmatizes independence, fabricates narratives, and facilitates subjugation of our young. The most important thing parents can do to keep their children free and healthy is to block their exposure to the Astroturfed COVID agitprop campaign altogether. Detox, deactivate, and deplatform them before they deplatform you. In a word: Unplug. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6 able. Everyone has a right to expect that the police will treat them in accordance with the law. American citizens also have a right to expect that when things go wrong, their cities won’t burn. Denying that simple fact means greenlighting brutality, viciousness, tribalism and violence. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editorin-chief of DailyaWire. com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side of History” and “Bullies.”


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 — METZLER from 7 sored by U.S. and United Kingdom. Recent Security Council attempts to revive a Burma peace process have fallen on fallow ground. In the months following the recent coup, China has offered predictable diplomatic support for its longtime ally in Burma. Nonetheless in the aftermath of the coup, which some observers say Beijing had a hand in, the Chinese communists now have become decidedly nervous that the Tatmadaw has still not fully consolidated political power and control inside Myanmar. Interestingly Russia too has openly allied itself with Burma’s Tatmadaw, sending high ranking military brass to lavish Army Day celebrations in March. That may be one reason why UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated, “Today, ASEAN’s role is more crucial than ever as the region faces an urgent crisis in Myanmar.” He added, that the UN’s Special Envoy for Myanmar stood ready to resume dialogue with the Junta and “to Contribute to a return of Myanmar to the democratic paths and to peace and stability.” Since the military coup Myanmar’s popular democratically elected leader Aung San Su Kyi has been arrested and the parliament suspended. In the meantime a kind of “shadow government,” known as the National Unity Government said ASEAN’s statement was “encouraging news.” The democratic dissidents added, “We look forward to firm action by

ASEAN to follow up its decisions and restore our democracy and freedom.” Returning to the Syria style scenario for a moment let’s look at what can happen. In 2017, the Burmese government (then still led by civilians) began a systematic plan to expel members of the Muslim minority from the largely Buddhist country. Over 800,000 Rohingya were displaced and still largely live in squalid camps in neighboring Bangladesh. Burma’s population of 54 million is roughly double Syria’s. Now imagine if the civil conflict expands; will large flows of refugees, many of them ethnic minorities flee Burma into neighboring Thailand or India creating a humanitarian catastrophe? Equally will an armed insurgency inside Burma expand seeing serious clashes between the opposition and the military? It’s time for Burma to step back from the brink. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 What killed people was the panicked response. “Everyone freaked out and ordered a massive sudden evacuation. That caused suicide, depression... Fear of radioactivity really did kill people.” One nuclear accident, Chernobyl, did kill, and its radiation may still kill thousands more. But Chernobyl was built by socialists cutting corners to please dictators. No Chernobyl-like plant will ever be built again. And even with Chernobyl’s deaths, nuclear power’s safety record is better than that of coal, oil, and natural gas. “But what about the nuclear waste!” shout the activists. “It’s a small problem,” says Goldstein. “All the nuclear waste from all America’s reactors for 60 years would fit into a Walmart.” While the anti-nuclear movement has stopped nuclear construction in most of the West, “other places are building them like crazy,” says Goldstein. “China puts a nuclear reactor on the grid every two to three months.” America may soon finish... one. It took Georgia Power Company six years just to get permission to build a plant. Regulation is so heavy that, 15 years later, it still isn’t operating. Wasserman is proud he played a role in that. “If you want to accuse us of having raised the cost of building new nuclear plants by demanding more regulation, I plead guilty.” He claims countries can power themselves with rooftop solar panels and wind. Technology improvements did lower their prices, but what happens when the wind doesn’t blow?

Or the sun doesn’t shine? Store energy in batteries! replies Wasserman. “We are having a major technological and industrial revolution in battery capacity.” Goldstein scoffs in response, “The idea that a miracle battery is going to come along and save us is completely untested.” By contrast, nuclear energy has been tested. It could reduce greenhouse gasses, and provide reliable energy, if only we didn’t fear it so much. “The whole regulatory system is crazy,” Goldstein concludes. “We’re regulating this energy source as though it were the most dangerous thing out there, and it’s actually the safest thing!” John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com

BLACKWELL from 8 Representatives. Well into the 20th century, Democrats committed acts of violence against black voters and their white Republican supporters. The violence was so widespread that Congress enacted legislation (largely ignored by southern Democrats) prohibiting the Klan from blocking civil rights for any citizen. Democrats created Jim Crow laws and the onerous poll taxes that blocked many African Americans from voting for many decades. In 1876, the all-black, Republican town of Hamburg, South Carolina, was attacked by white Democrats, and dozens of black citizens were murdered. Later on, a Democrat candidate for governor used the “Hamburg Massacre” as a threat against white citizens supporting voting freedom for black Americans. The 14th Amendment, providing citizenship to former slaves, was passed by Republicans with zero Democrat support. The right for all men to vote — the 15th Amendment — passed by 100 percent of Republicans with no Democrat support. Suppression of the black vote by those we now classify as the progressive Left is nothing new; they have merely developed a different

strategy. This modern approach includes supporting the anti-vote security provisions in the federal For the People Act and opposing safeguards in Georgia’s new voting law while ignoring that minority votes also deserve protection. All citizens — including minorities and African Americans — have inalienable rights, some codified in law, some assigned by universal values of morality and fairness. We have a right to vote. We have a right to have our votes protected by laws that ensure our ballots are not stolen, manipulated, or discarded. We have the right to be treated no differently than other voters exercising their most important citizenship right. We have the right to be treated as adults capable of understanding laws and acquiring government documents. We have a right to know the truth about history and current political reality. We have a right to know who is really on our side. Amb. J. Kenneth Blackwell is a Policy Board Member of the American Constitutional Rights Union and a former Secretary of State for Ohio.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —




PHOTO #855

The Wallenda family always enjoyed their vacations at the Grand Canyon. -Alan Dore, Rochester, NH..

Runners Up : Having your picture taken while sitting on “The Old Man of the Mountain’s Cigar” was a favorite, until it was accidentally snubbed out. David Doyon, Moultonboro, NH. The PASSENGER CLOUD to HEAVEN wanted Emma to take the last seat before floating away. - Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH. “Don’t move, I have to go back to the car for the other camera.” -Robert Ferlito, Woburn, Mass.


The Winklman Aeffect

PHOTO #857 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 2021 —

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