Live Free Or Die: Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.
— General John Stark
Our Day Of remembrance DecOratiOn Day
by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing WriterMy first recollections of Memorial Day are of gathering flowers of those that were blossoming at that time of year to take to one or more cemeteries and place them at the graves of family members, most of whom I had never known. The flowers were lilacs and violets and mayflowers if they were still in bloom plus any other available Spring flowers. They might have even included a few dan -
delion blossoms which are a pretty flower even if the dandelion plant is considered a weed by many and a vegetable to be harvested before flowering to others. Sometime in my childhood years it seems that the geranium became the plant of choice to be purchased to adorn the graves of the departed. It could be planted or even left in pots for a more lasting tribute than the cut flowers.
But as years were added to my life I became more aware of the significance of Memo -
See SMITH on 30
Program On Fish Hatchery History
On Tuesday, May 28th at 7pm, The New Hampton Historical Society will present the program “The New Hampton Fish Hatchery.” It will be held at the Gordon-Nash Library, 69 Main Street, New Hampton The abundance of clean and flowing water stocked with many species of fish were among New Hampton’s earliest assets and a major contributor to the town’s industry. In 1875, George Dickerman bought an old inactive mill site and started a private
commercial fish hatchery selling trout to sportsmen’s organizations in Boston and New York City. The State of New Hampshire purchased it in 1919 and over the years the hatchery was reconfigured
See FISH on 35
NHEC Members Urged To Vote
To The Editor:
I’m an NH Electric Co-op director, but I speak only for myself when I urge NHEC members in the Lakes Region to vote in this year’s election for Leo Dwyer, Jerry Stringham, and Jeff Morrill. And to vote YES to a proposed Bylaws amendment that will guarantee directors access to needed information.
The member-petitioned Bylaws amendment ensures directors have the tools to protect you and find ways to deliver reasonable rates. It’s remarkable that there is any opposition to a proposal that simply guarantees a right to information requested by three or more directors, all of whom have a fiduciary duty to you – the Co-op’s owners - and are bound by a duty of confidentiality. The NH Public Utility Commissioners and Consumer Advocate would never allow restrictions on their meaningful access to utility information, such as having to travel to utility headquarters to view essential documents.
This year members can reelect two of NHEC’s strongest Board members, Leo Dwyer and Jeff Morrill. Dwyer was instrumental in getting the broadband internet project off the ground and securing a $50 million grant –an enormous victory. The Lakes Region will soon enjoy the benefits of Dwyer’s efforts with the NHEC buildout of internet in the Region. Morrill has chaired the NHEC board so he has deep
knowledge of the Co-op. Rep. Stringham, who represents Woodstock and Lincoln in the State Legislature, will bring high-level business experience and fresh ideas to the Co-op.
It’s commonplace for director candidates to claim they support lower electric rates. But when they win election, they vote in favor of whatever management proposes. Dwyer and Morrill have voted against proposed rate increases and have proposed other ways to keep the Co-op sound. Stringham is on the same wavelength. They deserve your support.
Bill Darcy Benton, NH.
Many Lies About Israel
To The Editor:
The Democrat Party rioters on behalf of the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, demand “Death to ‘America”, “Death to Israel”, and the obliteration of Israel. Does Hamas have a legitimate claim on Israel’s land? No.
Jews are Israel’s native people; Jews occupied the land of Israel for about 4000 years. Jewish kingdoms existed there almost 2000 years before Mohammed and the creation of Islam.
Islamic fighters conquered the land, but they subsequently lost it to conquest; so this establishes no legitimate claim.
During WW1 the Ottoman (Muslim) Empire controlled much of the Middle East, sided with Germany, and lost. During WW2, the Grand Mufti of Je -
rusalem sided with and raised forces for Hitler. After WWII, the United Nations divided the land into a Jewish State, and a Muslim State. The Jews accepted the division. The Muslims didn’t and have been fighting ever since to conquer the Jewish native lands.
Many lies are told about Israel. More than 26% of Israel today is not Jewish, more than 20% are Arabs, mostly Muslim. Today Muslims in Israel prosper and live as equal citizens with rights to work, vote, sit in the Knesset, serve as Judges, in the military, etc.
The people of Gaza elected Hamas governance which they continue to support; the majority even supports Hamas’s barbaric October 7th attack on Israel. Gaza has a border with Egypt, Israel does not hold them captive.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Democrat leadership has chosen to protect Hamas terrorists despite Hamas’s promises to repeat their barbaric October 7th rapes, tortures, slaughter, and kidnappings. Despite their opposite beliefs, Democrat leadership (secular atheists) has joined with Hamas terrorists (theocrats) because they have shared goals, the overthrow of the democratic governments of Israel and the US.
Don Ewing Meredith,This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for 30 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff.
Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 24,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 60,000 people reading this newspaper.
To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 603-366-8463.
If you hike mountains in New Hampshire there is a good chance you have hiked or will hike Mount Monadnock. It is just too hard to resist.
The mountain is located just southeast of Keene in the towns of Jaffery and Dulbin. Monadnock is a big beautiful mountain with an immense bare summit, elevation of 3,165 feet.
Mount Monadnock is special because it is nearly 1,000 feet higher than any other mountain within 30 miles. Mount Monadnock’s 2,186 feet of prominence ranks 9th on the New Hampshire prominence list.
The word monadnock means isolated mountain. According to the New Hampshire Forest Society’s website the name Mo -
the times We live in
by Brendan Smith Weirs Times EditorSeems there’s a big controversy about an NFL player who was invited to give a commencement speech at a private university. It was replayed on social media and then people who weren’t invited to the ceremony saw it online and spent the next week condemning the player from the confines of their own bedrooms while staring at their phones and laptops because they didn’t like what the NFL player had to say even though they weren’t invited to the ceremony and what he said was just fine with the people who were.
So, the people who weren’t invited to the graduation ceremony, but watched it replayed while sitting at home in their pajamas, decided that the NFL player should have to be punished for saying something that they didn’t like. So they set up a petition to be circulated among the thousands of other people who weren’t invited to the ceremony either, but who watched the recording of it at home in their pajamas. The petition stated that the NFL player who said these things that the people at the ceremony who were invited appreciated but the uninvited people sitting at home in their pajamas watching it on the internet did not, should be banned from playing football any longer because he outraged so many people sitting at home in their pajamas who didn’t like what he had to say.
Since there were so many people sitting at home in their pajamas feeling outraged about what the NFL player said at an event they were not invited to, but resonated with the invited people actually at the event, then, of course, the media decided that it needed to report on the outrage
that the NFL player created by saying things at a private event that even they, the media, were not invited to attend either.
So now, even other people who had no idea about the outrage felt by those thousands of people sitting at home in their pajamas who were offended by what the NFL player said at this private event he was asked to speak at which the pajamaed people were not invited to but saw it online and set up their petition to have the NFL player condemned, were sitting at home in their pajamas and were now made aware of this outrage they were missing out on since they had not looked at their phone or laptops in the past hour to see what they needed to be outraged about that day.
As the thousands of outraged pajama wearers grew to tens of thousands of other pajama wearers now sitting at home in their bedrooms now also outraged about what this NFL player said in his commencement speech at this private event that was appreciated by those invited to the event but was not appreciated by the tens of thousands of pajama wearing bedroom dwellers who were not invited, the news media expanded on their coverage of the outrage and brought in so-called experts to dissect what the NFL player said at this private event that they were also not invited to.
It was not too long until the story of the NFL player who said these things that the people at the private event appreciated but the uninvited pajama wearers sitting at home were outraged about, was soon everywhere and now even those not sitting at home in their pajamas, but who were out and about feeling a bit off since there was nothing new to be outraged about that day, soon became part of the act and quickly jumped on their phones and laptops to comment on something they watched a minute of since spending time watching the entire speech was
too time consuming and would take up the valuable time they would need to make sure that their outrage would be noted before the day was out since there would soon be something new to be outraged about and the story of the NFL player who gave a speech at a private event that was appreciated by those who were invited, but condemned by those not who were not invited but sitting at home in their pajamas, would be forgotten.
For the next several days Facebook, X, Instagram, etc. were filled with tens of thousands of negative comments provided by people who were not invited to the private event where the NFL player gave a speech that the invited guests appreciated but the tens of thousands who weren’t were outraged about.
So now the tens of thousands uninvited outraged people would look at their phones and laptops to see who had commented on their outrage (hopefully in a negative way, so they could answer back with more outrage) until the time came when the next outrage appeared.
Soon the story of the NFL player who gave a speech at a private event that was appreciated by those invited to the event, but outraged the tens of thousands in their pajamas who were not invited, would start to fade from memory. Many of the outraged who signed the petition to have the NFL player fired would soon forget they even signed it as they find a new outrage to be outraged about.
Meanwhile the people who were invited to the event would take something away from the entire speech they heard, while those in their pajamas who only heard a minute of it, will only take away more anger.
I realize this is all a bit complicated, but this is just an example of the nonsensical times we live in today.
fix sOcial security With OWnership, nOt mOre
by Star Parker Syndicated ColumnistGOvernment
The trustees for Social Security have just issued their annual report. And, as we have learned annually over recent years, the system cannot meet its obligations.
According to this latest report, the Social Security system will not be able to meet its obligations to retirees by 2035. In 2035, the system will be adequate to meet just 83% of its obligations.
This is supposedly good news because the projected shortfall occurs one year later than reported last year.
But the change simply reflects the fact that the system is so massive -- it’s the single largest government program, with annual expenditure of $1.2 trillion -- that small changes in assumptions in the planning model produce big changes in the projected results.
Young people today start working and immediately have 6.2% of their paycheck deducted in payroll tax for Social Security, with their employer matching this with another 6.2% -- all paid into a system that is bankrupt.
Our political leaders, to the extent they choose to speak about this issue, reiterate their commitment to “save the system.”
But “saving the system” means just taking a bad situation and making it worse. Who wants to “save the system” by raising taxes, raising the retirement age or cutting benefits?
Many still believe that Social Security is some kind of retirement investment program, but it’s not. It is a government tax and spending program.
Individuals are forced to pay the payroll tax. And those payroll taxes are used to pay retirement benefits for those currently retired.
Even if you think this is a good idea, it no longer works. When the system began in the 1930s, there were over 40 working Americans per retiree. Today, because of longer life spans and declining birthrates, there are just a little over three working for each retiree. Worker’s taxes soon won’t be enough.
I have been writing for years that the system should not and cannot be saved, and I make this same declaration now.
It is quite reasonable for the government to insist that individuals take steps to secure their future in retirement. But it is not reasonable for government to step in and take away an individual freedom on how to take care of themselves.
Individuals should be allowed
JOe biDen, pOlitical pinWheel
by Ben Shapiro Syndicated ColumnistJoe Biden is not a person of principle or character. He is a lifelong politician who has spent decades shifting his positions on nearly every major issue. If one had to define Biden’s political worldview, it would be simply this: Follow the Democratic herd, and desperately attempt to place yourself dead center in the middle of it. Joe Biden is, in short, a political pinwheel, taking note of the prevailing winds in his own party and seeking to channel them in his favor.
This strategy made Biden a career also-ran. After all, who wants to follow a follower? Biden never achieved any level of national popularity on his own: His presidential runs imploded in embarrassing fashion in 1988 and 2008. His saving grace was, in fact, his blandness and inoffensiveness: Thanks to those peculiarly counterintuitive qualities, Barack Obama made him his vice president. There, Biden thrived as a vice president who presided over little actual policy but happily floated trial balloons for the administration and acted as a rah-rah cheerleader for his more popular boss.
Obama himself had so little faith in his vice president that he passed him over in 2016 in favor of the widely reviled Hillary Clinton. After Clinton lost, Biden threw his hat in the ring -- and thanks to the extraordinary incompetence of some of his opponents (Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar), the extraordinary dilettantism of others (Pete Buttigieg and Michael Bloomberg), and the befuddled racialism of still others (Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) -- he prevailed by simply fulfilling two conditions: First, he was alive (barely); second, he wasn’t any of the other clods. So Joe Biden became president.
He posed as a political moderate. But there is a difference between principled moderation and simply bobbing, corklike, about the eddies of internal Democratic politics. Moderation sometimes requires a Sister Souljah moment -- a moment when you push away the radicals and embrace the mainstream. Acting as a political pinwheel encourages no such strength. In fact, it encourages the opposite: caving to every interest, at all times.
And thus, Joe Biden has tried to be everything to everyone -- and has ended up as no one to anyone. Biden has zero passionate fans, because his positions are all ersatz; he barely even has passionate enemies, since so few of his opponents believe that he believes anything he says in the moment. His constant waffling has earned him little loyalty and no victories of note (and no, spending trillions of dollars on wasteful boondoggles isn’t a victory; it’s just the way government is now done).
Biden’s waffling has cost Americans dearly. Stuck between a Modern Monetary Theory left and more fiscally moderate liberals, Biden has halved the baby, opting for big spending and interest rate increases. Trapped between a post-American left and traditionally interventionist Wilsonian liberals, Biden has hedged between militaristic support for Ukraine and slow-walking aid. Caught between an Israel-hating left and Israel-supportive liberals, Biden has declared his support for Israel in its goals of extirpating Hamas and then pressured Israel to leave Hamas in place by promoting Hamas propaganda and embargoing critical weaponry.
It turns out that the presidency is a bad place for pinwheels. The closest thing to a pinwheel president we’ve had over the past few decades was Bill Clinton -- but even Clinton knew to pursue a course once the course had been charted. Biden flips radically between positions --
censOrship: a GlObal panDemic
“Palestine will be free!” chant the protesters. “From the river to the sea.
Some says that’s a call for genocide -- another holocaust -- elimination of Israel and all Jews.
So, should the chant be illegal?
The House of Representatives just voted to make it illegal at universities. Both Republicans and Democrats voted for the bill.
Canadian politicians go further. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants
people “advocating genocide” sentenced to life in prison.
“We’re a laboratory of bad ideas,” says Canadian Ezra Levant in my new video.
Levant, founder of Rebel News, asks, “Who’s going to determine who’s going to be prosecuted? A law like that gives a politician the chance to criminalize his peaceful opponent!” Canadian politicians already do that.
“I wrote a (critical) book about Justin Trudeau,” says Levant, “a knockoff of ‘The Sopranos.’ I called it ‘The Libranos’ because he’s with the Liberal Party. He hated that book... and so, I was prosecuted.”
Levant was called before investigators working a government organization that polices “unregistered political advertising,”
“They fined me,” he says. “Five years later, I’m still in court over a book that criticized Justin Trudeau.”
“Canadians must like this,” I tell him. “Trudeau gets reelected.”
“A lot of Canadians and Americans and Brits,” he sighs, “want a net nanny -- for the other guy.”
Brazil already has that.
A judge there recently ordered X to block the Twitter accounts of people who support the former Brazilian president.
Elon Musk refused. He said, “We
will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit.”
Good for Musk.
A new law in Scotland says “misgendering” someone, like calling a trans woman “he,” can get you seven years in jail.
“Freedom of speech and belief are at an end,” responded “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling.
The day Scotland’s new law took effect, she intentionally broke it by misgendering people on Twitter, saying, “I look forward to being arrested.” By law, she should have been.
palestine’s un membership; pOlitical theater cOntinues
The United Nations General Assembly massively endorsed a plan which brings the State of Palestine one step closer to full membership in the 193 member multinational body. In alopsided vote of 143 to 9 with 23 abstentions, the Assembly passed a resolution which seemingly puts Palestine on the long awaited path to membership. Well, to a point.
The vote during the Tenth Emergency Special Session on Palestine, presented a classic piece of political theater where a whopping majority
of 143 countries including much of Europe, as well as the Global South and the usual progressive regimes endorsed a draft resolution which sends the Palestine question to the powerful fifteen member Security Council for a political blessing. Currently, Palestine already holds non-voting UN Observer status since 2012. Set inside a tense but not overflowing General Assembly hall, with the political trappings of high drama, speeches calling for redressing historical grievances flowed forth. Ambassador Ri-yad Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine speaking passionately before the vote stated, “A ‘yes’ vote is a vote for Palestinian existence;
it is not against any State, but it is against attempts to deprive us of our State.” He added that such a move would be an investment in peace.
Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan stated sarcastically, “Today, you have a choice between weakness and fighting terror,” adding that the UN is appeasing “murderous dictators” and destroying the UN Charter. “This day will go down in infamy,” he intoned solemnly.
In closing while still at the rostrum, the Israeli Ambassador held up a mini electric document shredder and inserted the cover of the UN Charter, and shredded it to the disbelieving eyes of assembled diplomats.
Russia’s delegate Vassily Nebenzia offered some irony, saying Palestine deserves nothing less than full membership at the UN. “It is the moral duty of everyone,” he said.
But wait, they got the process the wrong way round! The UN Charter cites that membership “is open to all other peace-loving States which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter.” But the process goes first to the Security Council, and if it is not blocked by one of the permanent five members (China, France, Russia, United States, or the United Kingdom) only then proceeds to the full General Assembly for affirmation.
First, the so-called elites promoted Eugenics which led to forced sterilization laws. Then it was abortion, first decriminalized in California, and New York,and then decriminalized by the now overturned Roe v Wade decision.
Note how angry the elite, especially in the Democrat Party, got when the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson decision was leaked back in May of 2022. The Left went ballistic unleashing a barrage of violence against churches and Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers around the country. New Hampshire wasn’t spared. Pathways Pregnancy Care Center, a Christian ministry in Littleton, was vandalized. No arrests were made for this vicious hate crime, and no public condemnation of this act was made by Governor Sununu or any of our Congressional delegation. A call to Pathways confirmed that Sununu and the Democrat Congressional delegation didn’t reach out to the center condemning the vandalism, bigotry, and hate. Indeed, they all poured gasoline on the fire by denouncing the Supreme Court decision knowing full well that it had absolutely no impact on abortion in New Hampshire. The once “Live Free or Die State” has, over the years, become the “Come Here and Die State.”
The Death Cultists are also pushing so-
called gender reassignment surgery via chemical and surgical castration of children. And woe to any who dare speak out against this. If you don’t wholeheartedly support this Death Cult madness, you may not be able to adopt children. Another item on their evil agenda is “assisted suicide” legislation which was recently passed by the New Hampshire House.
Forced Sterilization And Its Racist Roots
Forced sterilization was popular among our racist elite from the 1880s up to the early 1970s. It fell out of favor by the elites not because they thought it was wrong but because their Nazi colleagues in Germany efficiently adopted it from them.
Thirty states passed laws that allowed it. New Hampshire was no exception. One of the leaders of the Eugenics movement
was Harry Hamilton Laughlin who would be a big hit at today’s anti-Israel protests because he believed most Jews were feeble minded.
One of our nation’s top Eugenics and forced sterilization advocates was Madison Grant. Grant’s 1916 book The Passing of a Great Race was translated into German and read by Hitler in the early 1920s. Hitler made references to Grant’s book in Mein Kampf, quoted Grant in his speeches, and even sent Grant a fan letter praising his book. It comes as no surprise that Grant was an evolutionist. He was secretary of the New York Zoological Society and helped put a man from the Congo, Ota Benga on display with monkeys in the Bronx Zoo.
I am sure very few readers know about this sordid history due to the fact that modern day Death Cultists control our
government schools, and most of the media and publishing houses. Very few readers have heard of Planned Parenthood’s Negro Project and that Martin Luther King was in on the hustle promoting its racist agenda. He was one of the first recipients of its Margaret Sanger Award.
The New England states that had forced sterilization laws besides New Hampshire were Maine, Vermont, and Connecticut. California led the way with over 20,000 forced sterilizations. New Hampshire had about 700-with 90% of them being women.
Here is a portion of the 1929 New Hampshire law on forced sterilization:
“Whenever the superintendent of any state or county institution shall be of the opinion that it is for the best interest of the inmate and society that any inmate of the institution under his care should be sexually
This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures.
Letters From God Letters From God
QUESTION: Are There Other Leadership Qualities Of Future Leaders?
Yes! Thank you for asking. You need only turn to the next chapter of my book, the Bible, entitled Nehemiah. He, like Ezra, spoken about in my previous letter, was instrumental in the restoration of my chosen people from captivity under the Persians. They had been violently expunged from their homeland as a result of their terrible leadership and sins committed against me, God. I had warned them, that if they didn’t obey me, I would allow other nations to sweep them away into captivity. The Babylonians were my agents to punish them. Then the Persians conquered Babylon because of their sins, especially against my people.
I had predicted thorough my prophet Jeremiah that the captivity would last 70 years. (Jeremiah 29:10). Being faithful to my promise, I led the then King of Persia, Cyrus, to release my people to return to their homeland. He first let Ezra and others return and under their great and godly leadership, they rebuilt the Temple, restoring their worship of me and as a result restored my blessings to them. I then raised up another servant
leader, Nehemiah, who would not only rebuild the wall of protection around their capital city but also the spiritual commitment of my people to love and obey me. It was as a result of Ezra’s and Nehemiah’s leadership, my blessings returned to my people.
Just as I shared leadership qualities of Ezra in my last letter, let me share some of the traits that Nehemiah exhibited, so that you could look for them in your leaders as well.
First, you must recognize that Nehemiah’s strength was in his humility. He “feared” me (Nehemiah 5:15), His fear of me was “reverence” for me, manifested not only by acknowledging me as God but also by humbling himself and finding how to please me and to live accordingly.
When any leader fears me they will as a result, become servant leaders. They lead not for self-aggrandizements of pay, power or position but to please me by giving their life to care for and minister to those they serve. It’s revolutionary, because servant leaders give their lives to serve and establish their followers, not themselves. As a result of fearing me they also recognize that they must lead those that follow them, to find and follow my will. They know that if they don’t obey me, just as Israel lost everything, those they lead will also lose everything. My will and my ways
are taught and encouraged by leaders who follow my will and ways, and as a result I pour out my blessings that bring life, both personal and national. Notice the various ways in which this servant leader, Nehemiah, as Governor, sacrificed himself to enhance the lives of his people. They are found in the 5th chapter of the book of Nehemiah.
• He chastised and exhorted those who were practicing usury. As a result of gouging exorbitant great sums of money through exorbitant interest rates, the well-being of the people and the nation suffered greatly. At the same time, out of fear of God, Nehemiah was lending his money at no cost to help his people. (5:1-13).
• For 12 years he never ate the food allotted to him and instead shared it with those who worked to build the wall. The earlier Governors, who didn’t fear God, not only didn’t share their food but also extracted 40 shekels of silver from their people. (5:14-15).
• He, as Governor, actually worked on the wall with his people. He also gave his personal attendants to work on the wall also, instead of tending to his needs. (5:16).
• He didn’t acquire land for personal use and prosperity at the expense of his people
• He fed over 150 of his workers and foreign visitors at his own table and at his own expense and never demanded his food allowance. (5:17-18).
Remember your fu -
ture is only as good as your leaders, so choose wisely. Be wise and look for leaders who will love you enough to tell you the hard truth and expect you to live lives consistent with my will and word. In short, look for servant leaders who fear me and humbly serve others. When it is time to select your leaders who as I said, will lead you to prosperity or poverty, choose those who reverence me and who have a long track record of being servant leaders. I warn you, that many of those who lead you now do not know or fear me. So many are selfish and self-centered. They do not even think of what I, as God, have decreed for behavior that will bring you life, freedom and prosperity not death, bondage and poverty. Many call themselves “believers” yet their personal behavior and leadership practices belie their professions. Open your eyes and see how they are leading you to destruction, just as the leaders of Israel did in the days preceding the leaders, Ezra and Nehemiah.
I love you, God
These letters are written by Rev. Dr. Sam Hollo of Alton, NH.
The Simple Feast
by Eric N Gibson Contributing WriterThe Simple mushrOOm cheeseburGer stuffeD Zucchini
The Simple Feast Simple
I know, I too, never thought I would utter the words cheeseburger and zucchini in the same sentence, let alone the same title for a Simple Feast but that is what this is, a simple feast. And not only is it a simple feast it is a pretty darn tasty one too!
It all started when I opened the door of the fridge and wondered what to have for supper. I was hungry and I wanted something fast. Fast Food? No. Too spendy. However, the idea of a cheeseburger was gaining traction as I found a pound of burger on the shelf. But, I didn’t have any burger buns in the cupboard nor the freezer.
It was too soon for ACS (American Chop Suey). We just had that a week ago. Other members of the band get a bit testy as to the frequency with which some entrees hit the table around here. So, I try to be a bit sensitive as to how often I make something, sticking to a three week rotation of popular items. (And yes, to those who know me, old habits do die
We were getting down to the wire on time. It was looking more and more like scrambled hamburger, diced zucchini, and a starch yet to be determined. But then I thought, “Why do I have to have a starch on the plate? If I make the entree hearty enough we don’t need a starch, and the lack of carbs will also help to keep our blood sugar levels down. Goodness knows we are not starved for carbs in this house. And then the thought came to me.
“Why not stuffed zucchini?” Now, at this point in the story some of you are probably saying, “Um, actually, Why?” and I can fully understand your
sentiments, because I too was a skeptic. Many’s the time I have tried to make Stuffed Zucchini: stuffed with bread, stuffed with stuffing mix, stuffed with chopped veggies, and even stuffed with burger. Each time, I confess, the results were varying degrees of, well… just plain awful, to put it politely.
So, why did I think this time would be any different? Because I like Cheeseburgers. Looking over the recipe I selected, it had everything I liked about a cheeseburger; real burger, ketchup, mustard, relish, cheese, salt, pepper, and a host of other ingredients. But anyone who has read enough of these articles knows
Grill & Galley
83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383
Stoneface - IPA
Woodstock - Double Brown
Great Rhythm - Pale Ale
Baxter - Coastal Haze
603 - Amber Ale
At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant
233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212
Henniker - Working Man’s Porter
Concord Craft - Safe Space
Stoneface - IPA
Moat Mtn - Blueberry
603 - Winni Amber Ale
+6 More On Tap
At Funspot
579 Endicott St N., Weirs
Little Willow - Tree Hugger
Zero Gravity - Jaws
by now that I just cannot leave well enough alone. I had to play with the recipe a little to make it my own and you should too. The original recipe called for beef stock and I substituted red wine. Rather than salt I used a no salt seasoning and instead of the garlic powder I used minced garlic in oil. Subtle changes for sure but I wanted supper done and ready soon. I added some diced mushrooms and the zucchini cores chopped up, giving more body to the filling, and Italian seasoning for added flavor.
As done, the original recipe, along with my subtle changes, made this a very easy recipe
See FEAST on 34
Four Quarters - Great Bear
Unibroue - La Fin Du Monde
Feathered Friend- Backyard
Litherman’s - Cherry Bomb
+6 More On Tap
403 Main Street
Alton Bay, NH
Tuckerman pale ale
Aqua Vue Haze
Allagash white
Maine Lunch
Stoneface IPA
+10 More On Tap
At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak
69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 newdurham
Lone Pine -Brightside
Widowmaker -Blue Comet
Shipyard -Smashed Pumpkin
Jack Abby -Red Tape
Muddy Road -1762 Porter Northwoods -Autumn Buzz +30 More On Tap
Porch & Pub
286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662
Morrisseys’ 20 Year Lager by Great North Smithwick’s
Guinness Harp
Concord Craft Safe Space +11 More On Tap
18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841
Patrick’s Slainte House Ale
Great North - Moose Juice
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Tuckerman - Pale Ale +9 More On Tap
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to change!
A few weeks ago we did a column about a Los Angeles Laker documentary on Hulu—“Legacy: The True Story of the L.A. Lakers.” Since then we’ve had the chance to watch another sports documentary about another team with a greater local following— “The Dynasty: New England Patriots.” Based on the book by Jeff Benedict, this ten-part series can be seen on Apple+ TV.
“The Dynasty” was a nice trip down memory lane. Unlike “The Last Dance” (documentary on one Chicago Bull title season in 1998) this Patriots story is a 20-year saga—the Brady/Belichick era that saw the team go to nine Super Bowls while narrowly missing out on at least a couple others.
Dynasty indeed.
No two people would ever work up such a story the same way. With twenty (plus) years of material, what should be included and how? But the 2001 season which led to the first Pats Super Bowl win in 2002 was covered by the first three episodes. And such a great story that Cinderella Season was.
The producers did a great job getting interviews with people.
patriOt Dynasty
Tom Brady features prominently throughout, as one would expect. (What if he’d opted not to participate? I wonder what they paid him.)
Ditto re: Coach Bill Belichick and owner Bob Kraft.
But the many cameos by the likes of Bill Parcells and Drew Bledsoe added context and understanding as to how the dynasty came about. Brady family members added insights and pathos, to include Brady’s parents and sister Nancy.
(Giselle was not part of the cast, but I’m sure that was discussed. I wonder if she was approached?)
Numerous players, media people, and others also helped tell the tale.
I was already familiar with much of the story, i.e. how the New York Giants ruined the Pats’ perfect season in Super Bowl XVII in 2008. But many pieces I’d forgotten or never knew about in the first place. (Like how Vladimir Pu-
tin stole a Super Bowl ring from Kraft during the latter’s trip to Russia. Seriously!)
The series could have strictly focused on football. Twenty years of gridiron excellence provides a cornucopia of fabulous “onthe-field” action. But Dynasty is a story of people and communities, with compelling “off-the-field” chapters. Spygate. Deflategate. And the Aaron Hernandez show, all about the late Patriots tight end who was imprisoned for murder.
“F-bombs” were dropped by almost everyone, except maybe Brady’s mom. How profane our sports world is.
A consistent theme involved the relationship between Brady and Belichick, with the quarterback emerging as the sympathetic protagonist and the coach as an unsympathetic jerk—aside from his countless F-bombs. We already knew that Belichick was arrogant and taciturn. But win-
ning six Super Bowls earned Belichick a unique cachet. His success gave him a “diva license.”
The long-standing Brady-Belichick tension was more than I realized. Belichick had such an apparent lasting need to criticize and diminish his GOAT QB—eventually driving him out of town.
Brady won a Super Bowl his first year in Tampa Bay while the Pats quickly descended into mediocrity. Belichick had a losing record in Cleveland and New England before Brady (41-55) and in New
See MOFFETT on 17
On Exhibit May 1st - Oct. 31, 2024 WOMEN IN UNIFORM
This year’s temporary exhibition features works of art that depict female Navy military personnel
A breakthrough in Ear-Brain Technology™:
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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats
GOOD times in erie
$525 to family stipend paid monthly.
by Chris Bosak Contributing WriterWhen the peak of your favorite hobby lasts only a few weeks each year, you better make the most of that time.
For birdwatchers, that is spring. Specifically, the last week of April and the first two weeks of May. Of course, the spring migration started many weeks ago and will last into June, but the sweet spot is those few weeks.
As luck would have it this year, my niece planned her wedding for mid-May. The wedding was held in my old hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. I didn’t know it when I was growing up, but Presque Isle State Park in Erie is one of the top birdwatching destinations in the country. Presque Isle is a peninsula jutting into Lake Erie and, in addition to the many birds that nest there, several others use the land as a stopover before crossing over into Canada. Instead of going home for a long weekend, I took the week off and made a vacation of it. I visited the park for several hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Each day I saw something a little different. On Monday’s walk, I saw 51 different species. I did not keep track on Tuesday’s walk as I wanted to
Ovenbirds are warblers commonly seen throughout the East in the spring.
focus on photographing some of the warblers.
On Thursday, my brother Paul and I set out with the goal of seeing at least 60 species. The sky was entirely gray for the first several hours of the excursion making seeing detail in the birds difficult, but we still had 48 species when we ventured to a trail that would lead us to Gull Point, a spot where many birds nest on the beach. We did not add to our total during the long walk, but once we reached Gull Point, we added species rapid-fire until we petered out at 58. We made one more stop on the way out of the park and added five more species to surpass our goal. For the record, great-crested flycatchers was the 60th bird we found. Finally, as we were about to exit
the park, a turkey ran across the road to make our final number 64.
We missed several species I thought we would get, including ruby-throated hummingbird and red-headed woodpecker, which I had seen each of the previous two days. The biggest surprise of the day, bar none, was an American white pelican sharing the point with hundreds of gulls and terns. We also spotted a bobolink in a grassy, but marshy, area between the lake and the bay. It was a strange place to see a bobolink as it wasn’t the typical field habitat where they are usually found. Warblers, of course, were a main target, and we checked off several of the small migratory birds. Yellow warblers were way too numerous to even try to count.
They were, in fact, the dominant species on many of the trails we walked, along with Baltimore orioles and catbirds. Some of the other highlight warblers we found were bay-breasted warbler, Tennessee warbler, northern parula, Cape May warbler and blackpoll warbler. On Tuesday, the warbler action was equally good with a blackburnian warbler being the highlight.
The varied habitat at Presque Isle is the key to finding so many species. The water attracts birds such as osprey, bald eagles, shorebirds, herons and ducks. The woods and shrubby areas are magnets for warblers and other songbirds.
It would have been a great day regardless of the final species count, but reaching the goal made it that much more exciting. Good times in Erie.
Healthy goal oriented athletes need housing September 2024March 2025 while in Lakes Region.
Ashland & Bristol
If you looking for a Maintenance job with outstanding benefits, great hours while working independently join us in maintaining our senior communities and outreach offices.
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• Performs needed maintenance on buildings and grounds, such as replacing locks, inserting window panes, oiling or lubrication of hinges, adjusting various pieces of equipment, minor plumbing and incidental electrical repairs, light carpentry, painting, when directed by a supervisor or written work order.
• Maintains grounds, pruning shrubs and trees, reseeding, fertilizing, spraying insecticide on shrubs and trees, removing snow and ice and other task associated with grounds maintenance.
• Will assist the Facilities Supervisor in the management of all facilities and the administration of all SNHS programs and policies;
• Performs preventive maintenance on equipment and buildings, per established schedules.
Please call Nick Caggiano at (603) 668-8010 or Email:
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New Hampshire M arine Patrol
over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate
The New Hampshire boater education course covers a range of topics from safety instructions to boat handling to reading the weather and prepares you for a variety of situations you could find yourself in while on the water
To search/register for a Boating Education Class visit our website at www boatingeducation nh gov or for information regarding boating laws and regulations visit Remember t o wear your lif e jacket!
Rotating Craft Taps
even from day to day -- leaving the rest of the world confused and discombobulated. Americans don’t like it. In fact, they don’t like it so much that polls show that Joe Biden would be a one-term president if the election were held today -- and that he would lose to the man he declares a threat to democracy. Why? Because there is one character aspect on which Donald Trump outpolls Biden by leaps and bounds: leadership. As it turns out, there’s no substitute for leadership. And Joe Biden has never been a leader.
Ben Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and cofounder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com.
MOFFETT from 13
England after Brady (25-38). He apparently is interested in another head coaching job. But Dynasty is not going to help his prospects.
Dynasty confirms what we already suspected: that Brady indeed was the straw that stirred the Patriot drink and that he deserved the “last laugh” re: his public and notso-public conflict with Belichick. That outcome is probably the biggest “take-away” from a splendid documentary that brought back many memories— pleasant, poignant, and perplexing.
And besides reviving memories, Dynasty also raises some questions to which answers will likely emerge as more time passes.
Like is Putin ever going to return Kraft’s Super Bowl ring?
Sports Quiz
Head coach Bill Parcells left New England after taking the Pats to the Super Bowl following the 1996 season, when they lost to the Packers in the Super Bowl. Who coached the Patriots from 1997-99, before Belichick arrived in 2000? (Answer follows).
That is to say, sports standouts born on May 23 include Russian chess master Anatoly Karpov (1951) and boxing champ “Marvelous Marvin” Hagler, of Brockton, Mass. (1952).
Sports Quote
“I’m not a person who defends myself very often. I kind of let my actions speak for me.” – Tom Brady
Sports Quiz Answer
Pete Carroll
State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on His e-mail address is mimoffett@
The Squam Lakes Association Presents: It’s Warbin’ Time
Join the SLA at 7 AM on May 25th to look for some beautiful spring birds! Every spring, billions of birds migrate north through the United States, traveling from their wintering areas in South and Central America to northern breeding grounds. Among the most diverse and colorful spring migrants are the wood-warblers, a group of small perching birds with many beautiful species that become suddenly abundant in late spring. Especially in New England, the spring warbler migration is one of the high points of the birdwatching calendar. The SLA’s Lakes Region Conservation Corps members will help participants locate and identify these birds and learn about their remarkable ecology, and what we can do to protect them for the future.
This program will take place at the Alice Bernis Thompson Wildlife Sanctuary, a NH Audubon property. Birdwatchers of all experience levels are encouraged to attend and bring their own binoculars and field guides. The SLA will also be able to provide a few pairs of binoculars. Families and children are permitted to attend, although participants will need to remain calm and quiet while we are looking for birds.
For more information, or to sign up for this program, visit the SLA events calendar at, or call the SLA at 603-968-7336. The SLA offers guided hikes and educational programs throughout the year. All programs are free and open to the public. Adventure Ecology programs are presented by the SLA’s Lakes Region Conservation Corps members, who perform important conservation work in support of the Association’s mission.
Memorial Day Weekend Craft Fair
handpainted glassware, pottery, wrought iron creations, leather jewelry, charcuterie boards, many different signs & home decor, watercolor and acrylic paintings, face paintings, wooden decor, handpoured soaps, body care products, homemade fudge, kettle corn, books, gourmet foods, cat & dog toys, children’s toys, embroidery, quilted items, wildlife photography, alpaca products & lots more.
Held Rain or Shine Under Canopies. Friendly, Leashed Dogs Welcome.
For more Info Call Joyce at (603) 387.1510.
GPS Address: 1 Norcross Circle North Conway.
Preview Online at
Don’t miss the Memorial Day Weekend Craft Fair on Saturday and Sunday, May 25-26 at Schouler Park in downtown North Conway in front of the Scenic Railroad! The times are Saturday & Sunday 10 am to 5 pm both days.
Live Music both days with North River. There will be 120 amazing arts & crafts exhibitors displaying a wide arrange of arts & crafts including handsome cedar wood furniture, beautiful wooden American flags & crosses, awesome soy candles, beautiful
Late in Arriving - How Electricity Changed Rural New Hampshire Life
The Gilmanton Historical Society opens its 2024 summer program series with a presentation by Stephen Taylor on Tuesday evening, May 28.
Imagine a New Hampshire town where some people enjoyed the benefits of electricity – lighting at the flick of a switch and reliable heating controlled by a thermostat – while others lived with smelly kerosene lamps and smoky box stoves.
In New Hampshire, during the first half of the 20th century, residents of developed communities enjoyed the transformative benefits of electric power while those in the sparsely populated regions lived and worked in conditions little changed from the 19th century.
It took the coming of the New Deal’s Rural Electrification Administration and a determined band of farmers to overcome opposition from the established private utilities to create the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative in 1939. Despite labor and material shortages during World War II, within a decade power came to almost all of the previously unserved areas of the state. For thousands of households, this meant relief from the drudgery of the wood-fueled cookstove, the washboard and the kerosene lamp. Reliable electric power similarly brought new ways of life to farmers and artisans. This program will explore how these developments changed civic and social life in New Hampshire’s countryside, and touch the ways the disparity of broadband access in the state today echoes these earlier struggles.
The program, at the Old Town Hall on Route 140 in Gilmanton Iron Works, begins promptly at 6:30 pm. Social hour and refreshments begin at 6:00. All are welcome. There is no charge, but donations to support the Society are welcome.
The Society sponsors programs on the fourth Tuesday of each month, May through September. June 25 presents the History of Lake Winnepesaukee. For information about the Society’s museum and other programs, see the Society’s website: www.gilmantonhistorical
The Barnstormers Theatre presents “Underground Sunshine: A CATWOLF Production”
CATWOLF is an all-woman soulful rock trio based in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. They are making waves with their performances, reminiscent of ‘60s/’70s rock icons. Full of authenticity, charging tempo-changes and beaming vocal harmonies, they are sparking a new groove with old soul.
This event will feature special guests including AmandaLa, whose live performance painting at the show will be given to a donor during the event. Comedy by Toni Nagy, known for her viral videos. She’s directed and acted in numerous films and written multiple award-winning screenplays and is the founder of Cavelight Productions. The Broadway Comedy NYC club twice voted her “Best New Comedian.” Makenna Allen, a North Country poet from Littleton, and Go Go Dancing from Olivia and Jess: this fiery duo will brighten your spirits with every move. This event benefits Starting Point NH, an organization providing services for victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and human trafficking.
Underground Sunshine: A CATWOLF Production is presented at the Barnstormers Theatre, on 104 Main Street in scenic Tamworth, NH.
Tickets are $10 youth (18 and under, call Box Office) and $25 adults. VIP tickets include CATWOLF merchandise, poster, post-show meet and greet, complimentary concessions and preferred seating.
Intermission refreshments sponsored by Whippletree Winery and Tuckerman Brewing Co. For more information and tickets, visit or call 603-323-8500.
builD yOur OWn WinDOW feeDer fOr summer birD WatchinG
(StatePoint) There are very few things more relaxing than the amazing sight and sound of birds. A 2022 study even uncovered profound mental health benefits to birdwatching, including stress relief. But how do you go about bringing some of this outdoor zen to your kitchen or living room? The answer is simple: a DIY window bird feeder.
“With a window bird feeder, you’ll create a fascinating view of feathered friends going about their daily routines, great educational opportunities, family bonding moments and even a little fun for your indoor pets,” says Jamie Briggs, director of marketing at Exmark, a leading manufacturer of lawn care equipment.
Below are the tools, materials, and basic instructions for this “Done-in-a-WeekendProject” from Exmark:
• Drill
• Jigsaw
• Miter saw
• Speed square
• Brad nailer
• Sand paper
• Tape measure
• Wood glue
• Pencil
• Paint or pre-conditioner and stain
• Ear and eye protection
• Dust mask
• 1-1 1/2-inch brad nails
• (4) suction cups
• Landscape fabric (optional)
• (1) 1-inch x 8-inch x
3-foot pine board
(2) 1-inch x 4-inch x 3-foot pine boards
(1) 1-inch x 2-inch x 3-foot pine board
Build Steps
1. Cut boards to length, according to the cut list (downloadable on the Exmark site).
2. Measure the angles to form the roof peak.
3. Trace a window shape in board A and use a jigsaw to cut out the window hole.
4. Secure the tray using brad nails. Use wood glue along the seams.
5. Attach the roof boards using nails and glue.
6. Drill holes that match the diameter and depth of the suction cups. Fill them with glue and insert the suction cups.
7. Sand the feeder’s edges.
8. Apply paint or preconditioner and stain of your choice. Finish off with a sealer.
9. Line the interior of the tray with landscape fabric.
To view the video tutorial and download the full build plans, visit Exmark’s Backyard Life site at backyard., a multimedia destination that provides homeowners with everything from grilling tips and design projects to gardening and lawn care advice.
“Now all there’s left to do is pick out the perfect window, hang your new DIY bird feeder, and enjoy all the sights and sounds our avian friends have to offer,” says Briggs.
Ornamental anD eDible GarDens anD cOntainers
by Melinda MyersBoost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants to your garden beds and containers. Look for opportunities to substitute ornamental vegetables, fruit, herbs, and edible flowers for ornamental but nonedible plants. A hanging basket of semi-determinate tomatoes like Lizzano and Torenzo or Pota-Peno peppers can dress up a deck or porch and keep the harvest within reach.
Peppers like Quickfire and Cayenetta hot peppers, and sweet ones like Pretty N Sweet along with Patio Choice yellow cherry tomato are suitable for containers and small gardens.
Use asparagus as a backdrop in gardens. Look for disease-resistant cultivars like the recently introduced Millennium that is long-lived, cold-hardy, high-yielding, and adaptable to a variety of soils. After the harvest, the ferny greens create a nice backdrop and add a welcome texture to any flower garden.
Rhubarb makes a nice temporary shrub in sunny locations. The large leaves add bold texture and the colorful stems of Crimson Red and Canada Red varieties provide a bit of color to the garden bed. Just cut back the plants at the end of the season and watch for their return in spring. Use strawberries as a groundcover. The white flowers, tasty red fruit, and fall color brighten the ground
A vertical garden filled with purple pansies, chives, and a variety of lettuce plants.
level of any full-to-part sun location in your landscape. Choose day-neutral or everbearing varieties to enjoy several harvests throughout the sum -
Include colorful tomato and pepper varieties in mixed borders and flower beds. Use decorative obelisks and supports when needed for added beauty in the garden. Provide seasonal screening or add vertical interest to gardens by training the vining types of squash, melons, and cucumbers up supports. Growing vertically increases airflow and light penetration which helps reduce the risk of disease and increases
See MYERS on 26
(StatePoint) Did you know that you don’t have to spend tons of time or money on home interior updates? In fact, you don’t even have to engage a contractor to elevate your spaces in a big way.
Here are three stunning methods for completely transforming
stained, burned or otherwise drab countertop surfaces in your kitchen, bath or other areas of your home. The beauty is that each project costs less than $300, and you can complete one in a weekend, even if you don’t consider yourself especially handy:
1. A Marble Look:
Installing marble countertops can cost thousands of dollars and disrupt your life for weeks, if not months. Fortunately, there’s a way to get the same beautiful, one-of-akind look of marble with just a few supplies. The Marble Dream Resurfacing Kit from Daich Coatings is a new stone coating system engineered to be applied in a few simple steps, with no special artistic skill required. Available in both Pristine White and Cosmos Black, every installation will look completely unique based on how you blend the product. After prepping your surface and applying the base coat, the glaze mix and the vein accent colors, you use a blow dryer to push the colors around, deciding for yourself how they
get blended, and the direction and strength of the details and finish.
Designed so you can work at a relaxed pace and make changes on the fly, cleanup is a snap for this project. And the water-based, odorless formula is safe too, so you won’t be exposed to anything hazardous. When you’re finished, not only will your countertops look revitalized, they’ll offer superior heat, impact and scratch resistance for greater utility. The brand makes installation easy by providing a detailed online video tutorial. Visit watch?v=JJ8487WQIcg to watch and learn more.
2. Real Granite Finish: Real granite countertops are an
7 Ways tO reDuce hOme enerGy cOsts
(Family Features)
When building your budget, utility billsespecially the electric bill - are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, according to estimates from the Energy Information Administration.
In fact, 83% of homeowners are concerned about the impact of energy bills on their household budgets, according to a survey conducted by Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US (METUS), with 54% saying it cost “somewhat more” or “much more” to heat their homes this winter compared to last year.
To help dial down your energy costs, consider these tips from the heating and cooling experts at METUS.
Adjust The Temperature
While you’re sleeping
or away from home, adjust your thermostat up 5-10 F in the summer or down 5-10 F in the winter, which can help lower annual heating and cooling costs if done
Look For Incentives And Rebates
Qualified homeowners may be eligible to save money on qualified home energy improvement projects. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) offers tax credits and rebates, including a credit of 30% (up to $2,000) for qualifying heat pump installation, an energy-efficient option to replace fossil fuel-burning furnaces. Other incentives under the IRA include offsetting costs of electrical panel upgrades and
consistently. A smart thermostat can monitor your energy use and behaviors then automatically adjust to make your home more energy efficient.
productivity. Just sling heavy fruit to the support to prevent it from damaging the vines.
Purple, wax, and other colorful pole beans are another seasonal option that provides vertical interest in a garden bed or screens a bad view. You’ll find it easier
to harvest and enjoy an extra picking with pole beans. Add colorful flowers and boost the hummingbird appeal by growing scarlet runner beans.
Or try Mascotte bush beans in containers. Grow this plant in a pretty container and, if needed, elevate it on a support for easy picking. You’ll enjoy
a plentiful harvest of crisp slender beans held above the foliage for easy picking.
Dress up meals with edible flowers like nasturtiums, daylilies, and calendula. Just be sure they have not been treated with pesticides and remove the reproductive parts that can add bitterness to your meals.
Maximize the productivity of vegetable plants with proper care and regular harvesting, picking vegetables at their peak.
For more tips on growing ornamental fruits and vegetables watch my webinar and download the handout.
Melinda Myers has
gional High School last
Wednesday afternoon.
Layla Baker led the way for the Prospect Mountain girls, finishing in a time of 29:23 for 40th place overall.
place overall with a time of 39:01.
Caiden Wainwright led the way for the Prospect boys, finishing in 24:01 for 37th place.
Lyndi White was next
written more than 20 gardening books, including Midwest Gardener’s Handbook, 2nd Edition and Small Space Gardening. She hosts The Great Courses “How to Grow Anything” instant video and DVD series and the nationally syndicated Melinda’s Garden Moment radio program. Myers is a
Avery Guinta was
columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Myers’ website is ww w.
Thursday, Sept. 28
Boys’ Soccer at Prospect Mountain; 7:30
Cross Country Home Meet; 4
Boys’ Soccer at Kearsage; 6:45
Field Hockey at Littleton; 4
Girls’ Soccer at Kearsarge; 5
Boys’ Soccer at St. Thomas; 4 Friday, Sept. 29
Girls’ Soccer at Prospect Mountain; 7:30
Volleyball vs. Newfound; 6:15 Saturday, Sept. 30
Boys’ Soccer vs. Prospect Mountain; 11
Cross Country at Coe-Brown; TBD
Field Hockey vs. St. Thomas; 4
Girls’ Soccer vs. Prospect Mountain; 12:30
Volleyball vs. Laconia; 4:45
Volleyball at Mascoma; GILFORD
Golf at Hopkinton; Volleyball at St. Thomas; WINNISQUAM Field Hockey vs. Volleyball vs. Pelham; Tuesday,
Boys’ Soccer at Mascoma;
Girls’ Soccer vs. Mascoma; GILFORD
Boys’ Soccer at Campbell;
Girls’ Soccer vs. Campbell; Wednesday,
Cross Country at 4
Volleyball at Moultonborough; GILFORD
Boys’ Lacrosse vs.
Girls’ Lacrosse at Softball at Winnisquam; WINNISQUAM
Football vs. Laconia; 7 WINNISQUAM
Boys’ Soccer vs. Farmington; 10 Field Hockey vs. Littleton; TBD
Football vs. Franklin; 2
Volleyball vs. Souhegan; 5:45 Monday, Oct. 2
Boys’ Soccer at White Cross Country at 4
Volleyball at Gilford; Thursday,
Girls’ Soccer at Inter-Lakes;
All schedules are
COSTS from 25
rebates for homes with energy usage reductions of 20% or more.
Switch To A Heat Pump
Among survey respondents, 54% ranked government incentives like the IRA as one of the top reasons they would consider installing a heat pump to replace a traditional air conditioner. Options like Mitsubishi Electric’s all-climate heat pumps use two unitsan exterior heat pump, which replaces your existing air conditioning condenser, and an interior unit installed on your furnace - to deliver cost-effective, eco-effi-
cient, year-round heating and cooling. These smart systems not only improve air conditioning efficiency on hot days, but also determine the best source of heat (gas or electricity) on cold days, so your HVAC system is always running at peak efficiency and comfort.
Use Appliances
- usually in the spring and fall - can help ensure your HVAC system and all its components, including electrical and ductwork, are functioning properly.
Improve Your Insulation
Have HVAC Systems Serviced Regularly
For best performance and efficiency, regular maintenance of your heating and cooling system is imperative. Keeping outdoor units free of debris and changing air filters are tasks most homeowners can handle on their own but bringing in a professional
Poorly insulated attics, walls, ceilings, floors and crawl spaces can lead to energy waste and increase costs by requiring more energy to heat or cool your home. Because air can escape through these spaces when your HVAC system pushes air through your home, adding insulation can help reduce losses and keep your home more comfortable.
During Non-Peak Hours
Rather than using your oven, stove or clothes dryer from noon6 p.m., peak time for many electricity providers, consider doing so in the morning or later at night. Using these appliances outside of the peak timeframe, when conventional heating and cooling systems are often running full bore, can help lower energy costs. Some utilities may also offer plans that incentivize limiting energy use during peak hours.
Think Multi-Zone
Consider upgrading to an all-climate, multizone heat pump, which can seamlessly connect to multiple indoor units, revolutionizing the way you experience comfort in your home. By eliminating problematic hot and cold spots in your home, this system ensures personalized comfort tailored to individual zones and optimizes energy usage by directing it only to the areas requiring heating or cooling. Replacing an outdated HVAC system with a multi-zone solution can also help achieve cost and energy savings. By efficiently managing temperature in different zones, you can experience improved energy efficiency, resulting in a more sustainable and economical solution for heating and cooling.
Find more solutions for improving your home’s efficiency and increasing energy savings at
natural upgrade that can take your kitchen or bath to a whole new level. But what if you didn’t have to commit to the complicated construction, scary price tag or long wait time of a full stone slab to get the authentic look and performance of smooth, polished granite? The LuxROCK Solid Surface Granite Kit by Daich Coatings allows you to add a premium stone surface -- complete with the visual pop of mineral highlights and sparkling accents -- right over your existing countertop, without the mess or hassle of tearing out your current surface. Available in five beautiful colors, you can renew existing countertops made of laminate, wood, concrete, stone and more in just a weekend, and have the flexibility to economically switch to a new look if you’d ever like to refresh.
3. Naturalized, Speckled Stone: For more of a natural speckled stone appearance, consider the 11 colors available in the SpreadStone Countertop Finishing Kit, which allows you to tailor your texture. This two-step project takes two days to complete, with results that will last for many years. In addition to a range of interior applications, you can also use this kit on exterior surfaces,
including bar tops, barbecue areas, tables and more. Like the other kits, there is no need to remove sinks, plumbing fixtures or your current countertop to make this renovation, and your finished product will be food safe and intact with a polyurethane clear coat.
In just a weekend, you can make totally transformative DIY interior updates in a way that’s cost-effective and simple.
rial Day.
General John A. Logan, the Commander in Chief of the Grand Army first designated that a special day for the strewing of flowers on the graves of fallen Civil War soldiers and other tokens of remembrance be held on May 30th. It was then called Decoration Day and as time went by the day was used to honor those who died in other wars, and beyond that to also recognize our military
men who served but didn’t necessarily die in combat.
It became a federal holiday in 1971 with the instruction that the day was to honor the fallen soldiers of all American wars. But families also pay their respect to family members, including ancestors they have not known on this holiday at the end of the month of May.
The first anniversary of Decoration Day in 1869 fell on a Sunday and General Logan
Lee’s Mill Rd, Moultonborough, NH
603-476-LOON (5666) • SEE WEBSITE FOR HOURS The Loon Center & Markus Wildlife Sanctuary The Loon’s Feather Gift Shop Selling “all things loon” & more! •FreeAdmission•Award-winningvideos,exhibits&trails!
Lt. Col. John McCrae - Author of Flanders Field poem.
gave permission for veterans’ groups to observe the day ei -
ther on Saturday or Sunday of that year.
Free Admission ~ Rain or Shine ~ Pets Welcome Directions from Route 93 take Exit 23 or come by boat Route 3, Meredith, NH
Saturday May 25, 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday May 26, 10 am - 5 pm
Monday May 27, 10 am - 4 pm
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A New Hampshire newspaper, The New Hampshire Sentinel , published in Keene, objected to the General allowing an observance on Sunday, saying, “The general effect of a secular holiday would be quite out of keeping with the usual peaceful Sunday of New England.”
Memorial Day ceremonies, though often short in duration, have long been customary in New Hampshire. My observation has been that they usually include General Logan’s orders concerning Decoration
Day and the poem, Flanders’ Field by Col. John McCrae. That poem was from World War I, the war that some imagined to be the one that would end all wars, but came far short of that goal.
“In Flanders’ fields the poppies grow, Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below, We are the dead. Short days ago we
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders’ fields.”
The poet went on to ask the readers to take up the torch
and their quarrel with the foe.
New Hampshire men have fought and died in the many wars the United States of America has been engaged in. The Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, The French and Indian Wars, the Mexican American War, the Civil War (War of the Rebellion), World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the more recent conflicts. So there is barely a cemetery that does not contain the remains of someone who died, and often at a young age, defending our country. Hundreds of thousands had shortened lives so that others of us would not have to live
See SMITH on 31
Luther Ladd - First NH Civil War death. under tyranny, and it is right that they be remembered. The editors of the Keene Sentinel were fearful that a secular observance, with parades and partying crowds, rather than a more solemn observance of “Decoration Day” would take away from its meaning and significance.
The Eighteenth New Hampshire Volunteer Regiment was a late entry into the Civil War having been organized in response to President Lincoln’s call for more men in the year 1864. It was in active service for less than a year, but it served valiantly and its killed in action were just as dead as those who were killed earlier in the war. Some of the soldiers in the Eighteenth had previously served in other regiments. Major William Ide Brown was from Fisherville (now Penacook) New Hampshire, and had graduated from New
London Literary and Scientific Institution and was a student at Brown University in Rhode Island with the goal of entering the ministry when he answered the call for volunteers for the northern army in 1862. In 1864 he entered the Eighteenth Regiment as a Major. He had an excellent record in previous service and gained the respect of those he commanded and trained for battle in the Eighteenth Regiment. One day as Major Brown was directing the troops under him and preparing for an expected assault by the enemy he was struck in the forehead by a Confederate bullet and killed.
Then there was Private Wilfrid Barker of the Eighteenth Regiment, Company G. Major Potter wrote for the history of the regiment concerning Private Barker: “When I placed the men on the skirmish line, I cautioned them to keep down in the trench
which connected the picket stations, and not to expose themselves till ordered to move. On my way to the right of the line, after placing the men, as I was passing Barker he raised himself up in the trench, and I heard him give a sigh and saw he was hit. As I was walking erect and was exposed above my hips, the shot must have been intended for me, for he was exposed only an instant and I was only a step or two from him. I directed the men in the regular picket station to go to him. They reported to me afterwards that they went to him to bring him behind the station, which was as high as the head; that he declined to move, said he was going to die, and wanted to die right there. He gave them the address of his people at home, and told them how to dispose of his effects; told them to set him up in the trench, and to tell his friends that he died with his face to the enemy.’ Later his comrades bore him to a hospital in the rear where he expired.”
And take a few moments to remember the Bristol native who was the first New Hampshire soldier to lose his life in the Civil War, 17 year old Luther C. Ladd.
And ask yourself if the concerns on the first anniversary of Decoration Day by a Keene, New Hampshire editor, concerning what the day meant to honor fallen soldiers might become, were legitimate.
How much remembering is done on Memorial Day?
Yours truly and Becca near the famous weathervane on top of Monte Rosa, elevation 2,540 feet. The original weathervane was placed here so guests of the Half-Way could see which way the wind was blowing. The scond Halfway House was built in 1868 and in 1954 it also burned to the gournd (source: Historical Society of Cheshire County).
nadnock is an Abenaki name meaning “mountain that stands
alone.” The Forest Society owns the majority of the land on the mountain, more than
4,500 acres and it is leased to the State of New Hampshire and operated as Monad -
Leaving Monadnock’s summit, following the Dublin Trail to Jim’s Junction, the intersection of the Marlboro Trail.
nock State Park.
But here’s an impressive fact about Monadnock. It is the second most frequently climbed mountain in the world with 125,000 hikers tramping up its trails each year. Mount Fuji in Japan is first with an incredible 300,000 visitors per year.
The wildest thing about hiking Mount Monadnock is that there is no easy way up and yet so many people climb it. Every trail up the mountain is challenging. It’s a big climb over varying terrain, including steep rock slabs and open ledges that require scrambling on all fours and occasionally sliding on your butt. It is a real mountain and it is as difficult to hike as a lot of the 4,000 footers.
When Becca said she wanted to go for a hike on her birthday I asked her what trials she had not redlined yet on Monadnock? Years ago I had red-lined, hiked every trail, on Monadnock–most often going on
my birthday.
The White Mountains still have plenty of snow, rotten snow and running water on the trails in May. Monadnock hasn’t had snow on its trails in a month this spring and is a good choice for a hike right now. Another bonus is beating the summer crowds.
After she did a little research she figured out that she had not yet done the Marlboro Trail. Now we had an outing planned.
The Marlboro Trailhead is not easily reached by low clearance cars, from route 124 we turned onto the south end of Shaker Farm Road. The dirt road becomes quite narrow and when you see the sign that says parking 1/3 of a mile, it goes all to heck with big dips and mud pits. At the end there is a small parking area and an iron ranger to pay for parking next to the kiosk.
According to the AMC Southern NH Guide this is one of the oldest trails dating back to 1825 and the
only route up from the west. The trail starts out gradually and then climbs steeply but we didn’t head straight to the summit. When we reached an open slab area we turned off the Marlboro Trail and followed the lightly used Marian Trail–another new-to-Becca path.
Much of the Marian Trail is in the trees and the sun was hot so it was nice to get back into the shade. We crossed Mossy Brook and turned up the Great Pasture Trail that led us to Monte Rosa. On this bare knob there is a weathervane. Becca recalled being in a cloud here the only other time she stood here.
We enjoyed the big views from the open ledges. It was a sunny hot clear day with too little wind. We had hoped a breeze would cool us.
From here we hiked over the Black Precipice and we spied a rock climber’s anchor eye bolt in the rock. This is the largest cliff
On Mount Monadnock often the trail names and arrows pointing the way are painted right on the rock. The intersection of the Marian Trail is 1.3 miles up the Marlboro Trailhead located on the south end of Shaker Farm Road, just off of Route 124.
on the mountain and the views were grand. Note that on some of the minor trails the trailhead signs are hidden to try to keep the unknowing on the main trails, it can be easy to get misplaced. On the main trails they are the best blazed and signed trails that do a good job of keeping people on the right trails.
We met a dozen or more people coming down the steep White Arrow Trail, the last person had music blasting from their backpack. Up until then we had only seen one other person. Not surprising when we reached the summit there were dozens of people hanging out but surprisingly no one was sitting on the highpoint. We tagged it and found a place to sit to have a snack and look at the view and watch others tag the summit. We had fun naming and pointing out the mountains.
Becca and I agree that going down the mountain is much more difficult than going up and we slowly picked our way down all the slabs, ledges and rocks. We followed the Dublin Trail until we reached Jim’s Junction and then we turned left to head down the Marlboro Trail.
Lower on the mountain, back in the trees, some hungry black flies had organized their airforce and were skillfully attacking us as we hiked back to our car. Ahh the joys of Spring. What a wonderful hike, we hiked five miles and it took us nearly all afternoon. On the way home we stopped at the Dublin Road Taproom and Eatery at the Shattuck Golf Course and we sure are glad we did. Wow what choice of craft brews and they serve lots of good food too. It was a perfect place to eat after our hike and to celebrate Becca’s birthday. I bet
**Thank you to the readers that reached out to me to explain why there is no Exit 21 on Interstate 93. When I-93 was built it was planned/hoped for a
new east-west route to connect Laconia and Franklin and Exit 21 was saved for this project that never came to be. Does it make sense to convert consecutively numbered exits to mileage-based exits? Would NH be the same without our famous Exits such as Exit 32 for the Kanc?
we will return to Monadnock on her birthday to red-line again next year. Have Fun.
Servings: 3-6 (Depending How Served) Time: About 40-45 Minutes
3 Med. Zucchini split and cored (think boats)
1 pound of lean ground beef ¼ cup Red Wine
½ cup Water (Beef stock if you have it)
2 tsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 oz. Cream Cheese (about)
1 cup Shredded Cheddar (divided)
2 Tbsp. Ketchup
1-2 Tbsp. Mustard
1 Tbsp. Sweet or Dill Relish (heaping)
1 Tbsp. Minced Garlic (Heaping)
½ tsp. Powdered Onion
½ tsp. Salt Free Seasoning Mix
¼ tsp. Black Pepper
4-5 Mushrooms chopped
- Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
- Line a sheet pan with parchment paper
- In a skillet brown the burger, drain if needed and return to low heat. Add the cream cheese, ½ cup of shredded cheddar, the red wine, ketchup, mustard, relish, and minced garlic and stir to combine.
- Once the cheeses have melted add the water (or beef stock) and mushrooms. Let this mixture reduce and cook the mushrooms, then add the seasonings and simmer for about 5 minutes. (This is a good time to make the Zucchini boats, adding the chopped cores to the beef mixture.)
- Place the Zucchini boats side by side on a parchment lined sheet pan.
- Once the mushrooms and zucchini are tender, fill the zucchini boats with the mushroom cheeseburger mixture. Over-filling is OK.
- Top the boats with the remainder of the shredded cheese and place in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes.
- The Zucchini should be fork fender.
- Serve hot with an additional vegetable if desired or as a stand alone dinner.
to execute. The entire meal was ready in about 45 minutes or less and clean up was made easy, lining the sheet pan with parchment paper, something readily available at the local “$1.25 Store”. Like any burger recipe, this recipe is only the beginning so you too should change it up to your liking, as
it offers a lot of latitude for exploration into flavor profiles. Using small to medium size zucchini, the addition of the zucchini cores chopped up in the filling rather than discarded, mimicked the mushrooms as they were both cooked to a similar consistency and there were no tell tale zucchini seeds normally found in those “elephant
FEAST from 11 legs” that you find free on the side of the road in mid summer. As I said, this recipe offers a lot of room for change. I am thinking once the garden starts producing this summer I may try a meat loaf style stuffed zucchini with sauteed peppers and onions? Perhaps an Italian inspired stuffed zucchini with tomato sauce, fresh basil, and fresh mozzarella? Or maybe stuffed zucchini in the smoker. Perhaps even, dare I say it… a Tofu stuffed zucchini? Naahhh! We’ll save that one for the Crazy Feast, this is The Simple Feast. Enjoy!
sterilized, such superintendent is hereby authorized to cause to be performed by some capable surgeon the operation of sterilization…”
Most of these forced sterilizations took place at the State School for Feeble Minded Children in Laconia. States slowly repealed these laws some were still on the books until the early 1970s.
Suicide Is Self-Murder
If two or more people are involved it can no longer be suicide. Jack Kevorkian, one of the Death Cult’s high demons went to jail for 2nd degree murder for participating in an “assisted suicide.” Currently, nine states- and Washington D.C, all of them, with the exception of Montana, are Democrat Party strongholds, have passed “Death With Dignity” laws. These Death Cultists love to use euphemisms to mask their acts:
“Reproductive Health Care and Gender Reassignment Surgery” are two others employed by them. The Death Cultists are active in New Hampshire and are close to passing more Death Cult legislation. The New Hampshire House narrowly passed the bill HB1283 which should have been ceremoniously named HB1984. Here are the members of the Death Cult who sponsored the bill:
•Rep.Sherry Dutzy (D) from Hillsborough District 6.
•Rep.David Paige (D) from Carroll District 1.
•Rep.Linda Haskins (D) from Rockingham District 11.
•Rep.Stephen Woodcock (D) from Carroll District 1.
•Rep.Emily Phillips (R)from Rockingham District 7.
•Rep.Bob Lynn (R) from Rockingham District 17.
•Rep. Dan Wolf (R) from Merrimack District 7.
•Representative Bill Bolton (D) from Grafton District 8
APACHE Tax Preparation
While members of this cult have a cozy home in the Democrat Party, the Republicans also have them in their ranks.
The bill will be voted on in the Senate on May 16. If passed, it will go to the governor who said that he is “open to considering the bill” which means in Orwellian Double Speak, that he will sign it. Readers are urged to call their senators as soon as possible and tell them to say no to the Death Cult agenda and its HB1283.
“Are we a culture of life, or are we a culture of death,” said Rep. Terry Roy (R-Deerfield). We will soon find out.
On May 16th the Senate voted 17-7 to Refer To Interim Study which means that the bill will most likely not come up for a Senate vote again this session. - ED.
with new tanks, pools and hatchery buildings and new water sources were routed into the system. By 1931, it was the largest hatchery of its kind east of the Mississippi.
In the mid-1930’s, Harry E. Hubbard, Superintendent of the hatchery, drew na -
tional attention to the facility when he developed an albino trout, and by 1965, it was well established as the largest hatchery and rearing station in the state, stocking the local streams with brook, brown and rainbow trout. Presenter, Zac Curran, has researched his
ancestors who were involved in the history of the hatchery and has collected photos and stories that he will share with us. Zac currently works at the hatchery and is New Hampton Historical Society’s Vice President.
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and gold.
This seemingly simple procedure was attempted in April when the case for full Palestine member-ship was vetoed by the United States, sending the whole process into political tailspin. When the Palestine membership issue returns to the Security Council, Washington is almost certain to use its Veto to stop the move. The U.S. favors a phased in Two State Solution as the best path to peace.
Though the UN Charter allows for “Peace loving states” to join the organization, the Hamas terrorist record, makes the claim absurdly moot. The old Palestine Authority Government which theoretically controls Gaza is not in charge having been ousted by the terrorist Hamas movement who holds de facto leadership. Hamas loathsome terror against Israeli civilians (and often fellow Palestinians) after October 7th, disqualifies and disgraces the de facto Gaza rulers for UN membership in New York but should instead fast track them to the International Court of Justice in the Hague.
Here’s some political math; clearly the vote was a serious setback for the U.S. State Department, and obviously an isolated Israel who were clearly trying to get a few more votes against the draft resolution and many more abstentions. Of the 9 no votes besides the U.S. and Israel, the only two European countries supporting Washington were the Czech Republic and Hungary, and also Argentina.
Of those close allies supporting Palestine membership includ -
ed France, Denmark, Poland, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Naturally states ranging from Russia and China to Brazil, India and Pakistan backed the move too.
Among the 23 abstentions included Austria, Canada, Italy, Germany, UK, and Ukraine.
Many countries rationalized their decision based on the resolution which doesn’t give Palestine formal voting rights in the General Assembly but rather a more enhanced standing beyond its current Observer status.
Still, Palestine’s UN Seat is all about symbolism and political legitimacy for a Hamas terrorist regime who still forcibly holds Israeli hostages, among them Americans.
Exhibiting its foreign policy incoherence, the Biden Administration has shamelessly undercut Israel’s vital military resupply line, widening the political rift between the U.S. and Israel, but has held firm on the diplomatic front where the Administration is increasingly isolated.
Tragically Gaza’s war continues. But both sides see grim vindication in their policies.
John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism the Diplomacy of Separated Nations; Germany, Korea, China.
Last year, British police arrested thousands of people for “spreading hate” on the internet.
“J.K. Rowling has the wealth to fight a strong defense,” Levant points out. “She and Elon Musk are the two people in the world who have done more to stop cancel culture.”
Being “canceled” shouldn’t be an issue in America. Our First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech.”
Should that “River to the Sea” House bill become law, it would be something new.
Americans have mixed feelings about free speech. A RealClearPolitics poll reports that 61% believe government should restrict hateful posts. Yikes. Government? Will the party in power get to decide what’s “hateful”?
“I don’t think you reduce hate when you police it in that way,” says Levant. “The ability to speak the truth is a more pressing value. Even if we’re going to hurt a feeling, even if
we’re going to upset the apple cart, that’s what freedom of speech means. It trumps other values. Give people that peaceful outlet for their grievance.”
“If you cork them up, if you don’t let them have the safety valve of free speech, they’ll explode in another way, possibly including violence ... Free speech is a preventive mechanism that prevents an escalation of problems.”
I agree. It’s good that so far, American police say their campus arrests are for trespassing or property damage, not words.
I don’t agree with what most of the demonstrators say.
But I’ll defend their right to say it.
Every Tuesday at, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”
to take ownership of the payroll tax they are forced to pay and use these funds to invest in their own personal retirement account.
The benefits of giving individuals freedom to take ownership of their own earnings and invest are huge.
For one thing, putting funds into the equity markets over a 45-year working life yields far higher returns than Social Security provides.
In one study, done a number of years ago at the Cato Institute, they looked at a theoretical average-income couple that retired in 2009, one year after a huge crash in the stock market. Despite a 37% market decline in 2008, the cumulative returns they received since they started investing when they were 21 in 1965 yielded savings of $855,175. This is based on the actual market returns over those years, not theory. This is 75% more than what they would have gotten from Social Security, per the study.
Lack of ownership in
stocks greatly accounts for the huge difference in household wealth between Black households and white households. Whereas, per the Federal Reserve, 65.6% of white households own stocks, only 39.2% of Black households do.
As a result, average household wealth in assets among white households is approximately $1.5 million compared to $297,000 among Black households.
Plus, investing gives everyone “skin in the game” to limit government and keep our American system of capitalism alive and healthy.
No move could do more to restoring economic vitality and individual freedom in our country than transforming our broken Social Security system into a nationwide personal investment program.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.”
Answers on Page 34