06/25/2020 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

VOLUME 29, NO. 26


Summer Fun! The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!


Weirs Times Summer Fun Guide Out Now!

It’s been a long, strange trip since March, but now summer is here in New Hampshire and The Lakes Region. The Weirs Times Summer Fun Guide is also here a g a i n w i t h 2020 LAKES REGION FREE TAKE ONE! great articles to SUMMER FUN GUIDE keep you entertained during these lazy, hazy and (especially) crazy days of summer. Find out some history, get summer reading ideas, learn some new fishing tips and more. There are also lots of great ideas from our advertisers for things to do and places to go as well as shopping ideas and ways to get those summer projects completed with the help of local businesses and services. Pick up a Free copy today while they last. You can find a copy of The Weirs Times Summer Guide around the Lakes Region where you usually find The Weirs Times. — THE WEIRS TIMES SUMMER FUN GUIDE 2020 —

Amy’s hiking adventure ends with some paddling on Kelley Pond. Learn about places to put your canoe or kayak in the water at New Hampshire Fish & Game website: https://wildlife.state.nh.us/maps/boatfish/index. html or just Google: NH Fish & Game boat launches and it pops right up.

New Hampton’s Kelly-Drake Conservation Area - Finding Nature & History by Amy Patenaude Outdoor/Ski Columnist

There is a good chance you’re going to find an interesting place to visit after clicking on a town’s conservation commission’s link. I did just

that for the town of New Hampton and found a gem. The first thing that caught my eye on the New Hampton’s Conservation Commission’s page was “Enjoy the Out-

doors.” And my response was “Right On!” Then I continued to read about the Kelley-Drake Conservation Area--194 acres of forest, wetlands, meadows and Kelley Island in Pemigewasset Lake.

Over the past two years they have cleared the Kelley-Drake farmstead cellar holes and blazed a couple miles of trails on the property. The New Hampton Historical SoSee PATENAUDE on 18












— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


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BLM Is Dem Enforcement Arm To The Editor: Of course black lives matter; all lives matter. So why are people condemned and fired for saying, “All Lives Matter”? Because “Black Lives Matter” is a term used to advance the far left “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) political movement. Americans sympathize with suffering or unjustly treated people and are unknowingly seduced into supporting the BLM political movement. The BLM movement is the Democrat Party’s new enforcement arm. Like the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and officials like Bull Connors, the BLM movement uses intimidation and violence to coerce support for, and to suppress opposition to, Democrat politicians and policies. But neither the actions nor the policies of the BLM movement indicate an interest in improving the lives of most Black Americans. The riots encouraged by BLM and allowed by Democrat Mayors since the horrible, unacceptable killing of George Floyd have killed many blacks and injured thousands. Thousands more blacks have had their property stolen or destroyed, and/or lost their jobs or businesses. “Black Lives Matter” doesn’t care. Annually black murderers kill about 90% of the thousands of black murder victims; “Black Lives Matter” doesn’t care. “Black Lives Matter” policies

make black lives more difficult and dangerous. BLM supports illegal immigration which stifles black economic success and makes poor neighborhoods more dangerous. BLM exacerbates the problems of poverty and fatherless children by advocating further erosion, started by Democrat Welfare Laws, of the traditional family. BLM advocates the release of convicted felons who often return to victimize poor neighborhoods. BLM demands defunding police departments, and many Democrat politicians are joining this demand. Defunding the police will make poor and middle income neighborhoods even more dangerous, reduce local investment, and destroy job opportunities. The “institutional racism” (poor schools, lack of economic opportunities, institutional injustice, and dangerous neighborhoods) that harms most blacks occurs almost exclusively in Democrat controlled cities. For decades Democrat politicians have figuratively had their knees on the throats of inner city blacks, ruining millions of lives. Yet “Black Lives Matter” supports the Democrat politicians, including Mayors, City Councilors, Governors, Congressmen, Senators, and Presidents who have done nothing to improve the lives of inner city blacks. Donations to BlackLivesMatter.com go to the DNC, Democrat committees, Democrat

politicians, and other Democrat causes. BLM opposes Republicans who fight for things that Black Americans need: strong economic growth providing good jobs, safe neighborhoods, equal justice, and school choice so children can escape bad and/ or dangerous schools. The “Black Lives Matter” movement only cares about the black problems and black deaths that can be used to increase its political power; it isn’t interested in fixing the problems that harm black people. Don Ewing Meredith, NH.

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 TheWeirsTimes.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2020 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Not So . . . o g A g N o L

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

Raising Something For The 4th The Cost And The Celebration -Part 1 marks the 245th birthday of the United States Army which was formed from militias from the States whose organization began in the towns. Many people in those days were opposed to a standing federal army, fearing that such would be a threat to the freedom individual states had to govern their own affairs. In 1775 the State of New Hampshire had twelve Regiments which were made up of companies of volunteers from the various towns. Regiments were made up of from 200 to 750 men and the number was increased to 18 Regiments in 1777. All male See SMITH on 26

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

A Solider in The NH Second Regiment -1777.

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toned down celebrations provides a good time to remember that Independence came at a cost. In 1775 and periodically through the war the States were raising troops for the War. The armed forces of the American colonists in the Revolutionary War did not come from a standing army, meaning that there was no permanent federal army when the war began in 1775. This year actually

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more pennies than the ringsewere O rin this h worth, w Cway raising money with which to celebrate the Fourth. One of the boys reportedly received fifty cents for one of the rings. It has been 244 years since that famous declaration was signed, yet the yearly celebrations go on, and children, adults, and whole towns still seek ways to raise money to help celebrate the event. This year with the

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Seventy-six years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence a couple of boys wanted to find a way to raise something “for the Fourth.” These two boys had several brass rings which were polished up to have a nice shine, though their worth at that time was probably no more than a penny. Not everyone knew that, however, and the boys thought up a scheme where they would stop people on the street and ask them if they had lost a ring. Some would look at the ring and continue on their way indicating that the ring wasn’t theirs. But others would look at the ring and say, “I believe I did lose one like this.” They then would inquire where the boy found the ring and pretend it was their lost ring. If they didn’t offer to give the boy a reward for “finding their ring” he would ask for one. In this manner the boys were able to “return” several “lost rings” and receive rewards of

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


in brendan@weirs.com


Live Free or Die.


More Summer Birds It is now officially the summer season, and with that arrives the summer birds once again. I have written beby Brendan Smith fore about such birds Weirs Times Editor as the Gawking Slowpoke, The Big Bellied Loudmouth, The Thin-Legged Longwalker, The Jewel Covered Long Island Whiner and, of course, The Lake House Bird. (Shameless Self Promotion: You can read about these birds in The Flatlander Chronicles.) They will all still be here, of course, but there will be some new ones as well. Some have been around for a few years and have developed new characteristics, others are new species that have come into being due to the recent events in our country (or what is left of it). The Wide-Eyed Busybody – This is a local bird that can be found year-round. They are easy to spot as they never pay much attention to their own nest but need to know what is going on in every other nest (and are never happy with what they see.) These birds have been mostly ignored over the years as science has proven that the DNA from this bird is sure to be found within all other birds to some degree. Still, they have recently been appearing in large numbers this season with new markings and can now also be identified as “The WideEyed Masked Busybody.” They are no longer solely concerned with what is going on with other nests, but they now travel further to places where many other birds go to hunt for food and other necessities, where they like to squawk about any other bird who is not a “Wide Eyed Masked

Busybody”. (With a lot of variety of birds now wearing masks, how does one recognize this particular species? If you think you have spotted one, simply walk the wrong way down a one-way only aisle at the local food gathering place and they will loudly squawk.) The Social Distancing Bird – These birds are everywhere this year. Unlike most birds, who do their best to try and give space to other birds, the Social Distancing Bird is consumed with needing to keep exactly six-feet away from other birds. Changing flight in mid-course to avoid another bird, dodging traffic to cross the street in order to avoid oncoming birds and sometimes finding themselves trapped between two sets of oncoming birds but no safe place to get to in order to keep that six-foot distance. Ornithologists predict that these birds may become extinct at a rapid rate from either the constant stress from their own worry and fear, or errant moves that prove to be more deadly than the virus are trying to avoid. The Too Soon Bird – Mostly just a nuisance bird as their constant and unending squawking of “Too Soon, Too Soon” when they see other birds coming out of their nests, can really wear on one’s nerves. The Angry Gawker – This is a local bird that has been around for years but has increased in population over the past few months. They are hard to spot since they look like most other birds, but they seethe anger, usually while flying, as they notice other birds, who have flown in from places like New York and Massachusetts. Much like the Social Distancing Bird, they become stressed merely by the site of these other birds and they bring that back to the nest with them where they post about their anger on social media like

“BeakBook” or write angry letters to the local paper expressing their displeasure with the out of state birds. The Anxious Sueyou Bird – These birds have been in hiding but you will soon be reading about a whole influx of them over the coming months. Once other birds have opened their nests to all other species, the “Anxious Sueyou” Bird will be one of the first to show up (sometimes with the “Wide Eyed Masked Gawker” by their side.) They may seem innocent at first, but they are on the lookout for nests that aren’t using the proper materials, or are letting other birds get to close to each other, or any one of a plethora of things that they will claim made them feel unsafe. Then they will fly back to their nests, contact a “Litigation Bird” in the hopes of acquiring the goods of the other nests. (If you think there is a chipmunk problem this year, just wait. Some experts from BOPA (Birds of Pandemic America) think these birds will soon be multiplying ten-fold every week.) There are also a lot of older species of birds who we haven’t seen around much over the past few months but hope to see soon. They have been hunkered down in their nests, afraid to show their beaks. When they do finally decide to spread their wings again, let’s make sure to embrace them and welcome them back to the group (even you “I Ain’t Afraid Of Nothing” Birds.) In fact, we should be sympathetic to all of our fellow birds, whatever species, who have been dealing with these strange times in their own ways. We must remember that All Birds Are Important. (Except maybe the “Anxious Sueyou” Birds.) BrendanTSmith.com

Now In 4th Printing!

The Flatlander Chronicles Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)




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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

The White Supremacist Lynching Hoax If you type “#HoustonLynching” in Twitter’s search engine, hundreds and hundreds of tweets appear. Thousands more appear under the hashtags “#Lynchings” and “#Lynched.” Social media activists supporting the Black Lives Matter movement have spread a terrifying story: Evil racists are hanging black men from trees across the country. by Michelle Malkin In the wake of the George Floyd incident in Syndicated Columnist Minnesota and three weeks of riots, America is in the grips of a purported epidemic of white supremacist violence that harkens back to the Jim Crow era with noose-wielding Klansman lurking on every corner. Except that it’s all a big fat lie. Actress Deborah Brooks exclaimed: “Their (sic) LYNCHING our Black men and no one is screaming like hell! So I will, the white racists are LYNCHING OUR BLACK MEN! California, Houston Chicago.” Ray McClusky, whose Twitter bio sports #EndRacism and #VeteransResist identifiers, fumed: “There’s no way they are suicide or coincidence. I think they are all connected & are serial murders by lynching. White supremacists are terrorizing the black community.” Self-described “foundational Black American” Tariq Nasheed raged that “cops are working with white supremacists” to cover up the “lynchings.” Rebecca Smirnov demanded to know: “Why isn’t the press reporting on these lynchings ... How many more must die before the press connects the deaths? Who is investigating the #Lynchings?” A BLM activist who calls himself “SJPeace” posited: “It can’t be a coincidence. There is no reason to rule out that these were racial terror lynchings! BLACK LIVES MATTER!” Just a few teeny, tiny problems. The “black man” in the Houston suburb of Shady Acres who was allegedly a “lynching” victim was, in fact, a Hispanic adult male “whose family said he was suicidal,” according to local authorities. Moreover, of the other four alleged lynching victims lumped together by social justice propagandists: --Bronx native Dominique Alexander was found on June 9 in a Manhattan Park. His death was ruled a suicide. The family has declined to comment publicly except to disclose that they are grieving and loved Alexander. --Robert Fuller of Palmdale, See MALKIN on 28

Our Totalitarian Moment America feels like it’s falling apart. That’s because it is. There are two ways to achieve unity in any group. The first is to set up a few serious standards of conduct, policed with the abby Ben Shapiro solute minimum of Syndicated Columnist compulsion, and then allow freedom in all other matters. This was the founding vision for our federal government. In this vision, we agree not to infringe upon one another’s life, liberty and property, and we create a government capable of preventing or prosecuting such infringements. Then, so long as we abide by those simple standards, we are free to pursue our own paths. Diverse ways of life can coexist within this broader group membership. Governance becomes largely a matter of localism -- places with homogenous values setting further standards for their group membership. But our broadest-group membership is easy to obtain and easy to maintain. The founding vision for unity presupposed a flawed human nature: People were capable of sin individually but capable of the greatest sin when backed with the power of federal force. The founding vision for unity also presupposed an agreement on the nature of rights and liberty: No man had a right to demand anything from his neighbor. Furthermore, the founding vision for unity presupposed that our strongest bonds would exist outside of government -- in our families, our communities, our churches. The founding vision has now been abandoned in pursuit of something more fulfilling: a communitarian vision of reality in which the will of the mob is perceived as virtuous; in which every man has the right to protect himself from the vicissitudes of life and the cruelties of history by demanding redress from his

neighbors; in which our strongest bonds are forged at the most centralized level. This second path toward unity requires purification. This path seeks homogeneity in place of diversity, top-down standards in place of localism. Standards for membership are not weak or broad -membership cannot be obtained simply by avoiding encroaching on others’ life, liberty or property. Membership can only be obtained and maintained through strict compliance with an increasingly arcane set of rules and standards. Politically, this means a demanding legal regime with heavy coercion. Culturally, this means braying mobs of ideological enforcers, casting out unbelievers into the cornfields. This second model of governance is promoted by the political left today. In this view, diversity of viewpoint cannot be allowed; unity of viewpoint in all things is the predicate for all serious change. Once the group has been purified, change will require only the snap of a finger. No more gridlock; no more conversation. The collective can be activated quickly and powerfully. This second model of governance is totalitarian in nature, and it is toward that model we are now moving as a society. Politically, those who deny that the collective ought to have the power to override individual rights must be punished; culturally, they must be exiled. They must be deemed unworthy. To stand up for individual rights in this climate means to be labeled a defender of privilege. To deny the systemic evil of the United States means to betray your moral unworthiness. The great irony is that the second model of unity -- the totalitarian purification rituals we watch before us -- will never achieve unity. It will achieve further division, as more and more people fall short of ideological purity, or refuse to bow before the ideological demands of the perpetual revolutionaries. We could See SHAPIRO on 28


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Bad Cops - Bad Unions For my internet video this week, my staff showed me clips of violent cops. It’s not just Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s by John Stossel neck for almost Syndicated Columnist nine minutes--it’s the other cops who just watch. It’s the Buffalo cops who floored a protester and simply walked by as he lay unconscious, bleeding out of his ear. It’s a cop in Philadelphia, swinging his baton into protestors, the Atlanta police needlessly tasing

two college students, the NYC cops beating a bicyclist and dozens of cases where police lied about what they’d done until bodycams or cellphone cameras revealed the truth. None of this justifies looting, arson and violence against other cops. But I understand the rage. Policing is the rare profession given where employees are given a legal right to use deadly force. Most officers use that power responsibly. But America has 800,000 cops. If just a fraction is racist or sadistic, that’s a lot of racist and sadistic bullies. What can be done about that?

“The problem is repeat offenders. The system doesn’t fire those cops,” says Washington Post columnist Radley Balko. “The job of a union is to protect the interest of its members, really at any cost.” So, bad cops keep policing. The officer who killed George Floyd had 18 complaints filed against him. A San Antonio cop was caught challenging prisoners to “take off your cuffs and fight for your freedom!” Then he did it again. Technicalities in his union’s contract forced police to reinstate him, twice. “There’s a strong argument to

be made that we need to get rid of police unions entirely,” says Balko. What’s the union’s side of the story? Cops have a hard job. They must make split-second decisions and act as peacekeepers, baby sitters, marriage counselors and more. They deal with people at the worst time of those people’s lives. It may be why officers have a high suicide rate. “Unions are there for a reason,” says Larry Cosme, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. “You have to protect these men and women.” See STOSSEL on 29

UN Security Council Musical Chairs t’s one of those Rites of late Spring when members of the UN’s General Assembly come together to choose five new nonby John J. Metzler permanent memSyndicated Columnist bers of the fifteenmember Security Council. But what’s usually a spirited but pro-forma election of candidates, this year was carried out in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the awkward spirit of social distancing. Diplomats from the 193-member states entered the cavernous but near-empty General Assembly hall to vote in a complicated phased time-slot fashion. This marked

the first time in more than three months when delegates visited the still-shut United Nations headquarters. Political lobbying and jockeying for seats on the Security Council remains an annual ritual; Countries select candidates from regional groups years ahead, and then begin the marathon process to present their case and country presumably best suited for the twoyear Council tenure. Earlier this year, when election cajoling was beginning to reach its crescendo, the pandemic hit, shutting down the UN and sidetracking the political momentum. Yet online campaigns continued, but the time honored diplomatic glad handing, receptions and schmoozing among the contenders was largely neu-

tralized by the cruel rules of social distancing. So here’s the outcome selecting five of the ten rotating countries on the Council who will join the permanent veto holding members Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. West European and Others group. In a fiercely challenged contest, three countries competed for two seats; Ireland, Norway and Canada. Norway, a clear favorite won handily, especially given its humanitarian and peacekeeping credentials. The real contest emerged between Ireland and Canada, both of whom spent considerable sums on lobbying. Ireland sponsored a Bono U 2 concert last year while Canada flew in Celine Dion for an electoral soiree. Both countries wined and

dined delegates for the coveted Council seat. But this was Canada’s seat to lose (as it did a decade ago); Canada lost again. Ireland ran a better campaign (online too) stressing its Empathy for all things global. Despite being a smaller financial donor to the UN system than Canada, the Republic of Ireland played its traditional peacekeeping cards; currently Ireland has 466 men and women in blue helmet operations. Equally Ireland was strongly backed by the European Union. Back in the day, Canada’s strong suit was peacekeeping too along with its massive and generous Development assistance. Though 125,000 Canadians served in peacekeepi n g f r o m See METZLER on 29

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —







Is The Keto Diet Right For You?

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by Braelynne Jurius

Meredith Whole Living Center

As a Registered Dietitian, I do not recommend the “keto” diet for most people, as the risks and health issues often outweigh the benefits. A keto diet works for weight loss like any other: it helps reduce calories. By limiting the diet to mostly fat-containing foods not paired with carbohydrate-rich sources, you’re likely to eat less total calories, thereby losing weight. The same is true for high carbohydrate, lowfat diets. Both can work well depending on which is easier for someone to adhere to. The keto diet’s ability to decrease calories is about where the ben-

efits stop, and some people don’t obtain this caloric deficit. Dietary fats contain 9 calories per gram, and proteins/ carbohydrates 4 calories per gram. I see far too often that believing carbs are bad and fats are good leads to eating excessive fats as long as we don’t eat carbs. But fat calories add up quickly without much volume, decreasing satiety hormones produced when our stomachs expand. Furthermore, some high-fat foods like avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds are nutrient dense, but others like butter, bacon, and oil (even coconut) are low in nutrients. Even with a calorie deficit, the keto diet is not typically nutrient dense. The risks don’t end there. Many nutrient dense foods also contain fiber, which is essential for digestive function and overall health. While it’s possible to get enough fiber from



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whole food fats and vegetables, our bodies prefer a variety of fiber from different types of foods. Common keto diet complaints include diarrhea from excessive oil/dietary fats and lack of soluble fiber, and/ or constipation from a lack of total fiber. I see keto diets consisting of excessive bacon, butter, cheese, etc., which are not unhealthy in moderation, but lack fiber. Many inhibit cultivating a healthy gut microbiome, as our gut bacteria thrive on pre-biotic foods containing soluble and insoluble fiber and resistant starch. Carbohydrates are also necessary for metabolic function, run by hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Every cell in the human body has a thyroid hormone receptor, because a healthy thyroid is essential for overall human function. While carbohydrates do promote insulin production, which is why a low carbohydrate diet can help people manage type II diabetes, insulin also has many important functions, including converting the inactive thyroid hormone T4 into the active T3. Without sufficient carbohydrate, not enough T3 is produced and people can experience symptoms of hypothryoid, including fatigue and weight gain. Insulin resistance is also about inflammation, and without addressing this insulin resistance may still be a problem. While eliminating refined starches

and sugars can help heal inflammation, limiting whole food carbohydrates is generally unnecessary, as many carb-containing whole foods contain anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Lastly, while some body tissues, such as the heart, prefer ketones as fuel, our brains and muscles prefer glucose. When we enter ketosis through nutritional or normal starvation, we may experience heightened awareness due to a safety mechanism designed to help us survive. Quick water-weight loss (up to dehydration) may also occur on a lowcarb diet, however this is due to a lack of carbohydrates that help us retain fluid/electrolyte balance. A lack of carbohydrates can also cause muscle weakness and fatigue, as carbohydrates build, maintain and fuel muscle function. The processes I discussed are basic human functions, and while everyone is different, in general a balanced, whole food diet is more likely to promote health, provide nutrients, and allow weight loss (if desired). The keto diet may be an answer, but it’s certainly not the only answer, and should be followed under the care of a health practitioner. Braelynne Jurius is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Licensed Dietitian (LD) at Meredith Whole Living Center.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Chasing Your Passions

by Dr. Graham Moneysmith, DC. Contributing Writer

I think we can all agree, 2020 has been a strange and difficult year. Life has not gone as we all expected. Remember New Year’s Eve and thinking, “2020 is our year!!!!”. Ok, so maybe not so much. But it tells a lot about us as a society and as humans, in general, that we are still trying. Trying to adapt, to grow, to evolve, and to still believe in better days ahead. For all the cynicism in the world, we have to remember how resilient we are and be grateful. One thing we can take from 2020 is this lesson: life can go in ways we did not expect and that it can change instantly. My question, in light of understanding that life can change in an instant, is this: how many of us live life like we have unlimited time? In my opinion, time is the most valuable commodity we have as humans. So what are we using our time on? Is it what we love, chasing our dreams, or creating a better life/ world for ourselves and those around us? It seems too often we do not spend our days on those, aforementioned pursuits, but on rather surviving and grind-

ing through our days. Sometimes we function (or barely function) in a closed loop of work, eat, Netflix, sleep, repeat until we can even begin to forget who we are as individuals. Life becomes simply putting one foot in front of the other. To be fair, there are periods of life where we have to just get through the day. But if that becomes our normal it can become problematic. The answer, in my opinion, is to find your passion and chase it. Maybe we feel like we can’t do this. But I think we need to start making our passions a priority. It’s not selfish, it is a key to being healthy. We often think of health as exercise and diet (and that’s true), but it is also mental and spiritual health. It’s being a whole person and you can’t be a whole person if you don’t follow your passions, dreams, and goals. Now the passion you have isn’t so important, it’s about doing it. It could be fishing, knitting, making art, playing a sport, learning a language, starting a business, etc. That thing that drives you and makes you feel excited; find it and hold on to it. There are other benefits to chasing our passions, besides doing something you love: It is good for your brain. Per totalbrainhealth.com “a German study found that adults who became proficient jugglers showed in-

creased brain volume on imaging studies.” Learning a skill increases our brain’s neuroplasticity. Basically that means it increases the brain’s ability to grow new neurons and make connections. There is also evidence that engaging in an intellectual passion (and that’s not just reading or learning a language, anything that involves problem solving, in my opinion would fit the bill) helps stave off memory loss as we age. It is good for your heart. Doing something you love improves how you feel about your day to day life and it gives you a purpose. It basically improves your psychological well being and this improved well being is linked to

cardiovascular health. An author of one such study, Laura Kubzansky of Harvard School of Public Health says, per cnn.com, “For physical health, it’s not so much happiness per se, but this ability to regulate and have a sense of purpose and meaning.” The bottom line is that we know life and be unpredictable and change instantly. We owe it to ourselves and to those around us to be our best, most healthy selves. So yes, live a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, exercise, get good sleep. But don’t forget to create a complete health picture by protecting your body and mind by finding purpose in chasing your passions.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Ways For Seniors To Remain Socially Connected by Martha Swats Comfort Keepers

Many people worry that their senior loved ones spend too much time alone, and may be suffering from isolation. But there are many ways for people to stay connected to the older adults in their lives. And, studies show that seniors are physically and mentally healthier when they maintain social connection and foster relationships. It’s important to remember that it takes a team to ensure the highest quality physical and mental care for a senior. According to the AARP, nearly one in five family caregivers is providing unpaid care for an adult with health or functional needs. There are many ways that other

family and friends can provide social support and create meaningful interactions with their senior loved one. For those trying to connect with a senior in their life, they can consider the following options: Teach them something new – while many seniors are adept at using technology, some could use extra help getting set up for video chats or finding sources of online connection. Helping a senior learn to use new technology can be a fun bonding experience and pays off in continued contact! And if the family member or friend isn’t an expert, they can consider taking a class together. A study by William Chopik, a professor at Michigan State University, found “greater

technology use was associated with better self-rated health, fewer chronic conditions, higher subjective well-being and lower depression.” Involve others – Group video chats have never been easier to set up, and there are free options that are great for small groups or paid options for larger gatherings of friends and families. Seeing each other’s faces and sharing stories is a great way to stay connected. Play together online – Popular board games have gone virtual! Classics like Monopoly, Scattergories and Scrabble can be played online together, and there are a host of sites with card games, trivia and other fun activities to do together. Sometimes, a game

night is all it takes to make people feel closer. Spend time in-person when possible – While it may not always be possible, it’s great to see loved ones when the situation permits. Families should take some time out of their week when possible to take their senior loved ones to community events, or plan special meals at home. This can be especially important for seniors with mobility issues See CONNECT on 24

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Wicked BREW Review



Shed Mountain Ale

by Jim MacMillan Contributing Writer

FREE WELL ASSESSMENTS Seeking area residents interested in having an on-site assessment of their private wells. This service is grant funded by the USEPA. It is free and is confidential. Many times, well owners are unaware of the possible causes of contamination in their wells. The well assessment considers site conditions, geology, land use practices, well construction, and maintenance in determining if conditions exist which would impact your well water quality. Site specific recommendations and best practices will be provided to help keep your water safe from contamination.

Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment.

Enjoying summer fun and activities associated with it is a tradition in the Lakes Region. Boating, water skiing, swimming, hiking and taking drives on hot days are commonalities. And since we are still in the midst of warm summer temps, we tend to compartmentalize activities with seasons. We don’t usually shift activities but we can be talked into drinking a non-seasonal beer or two. Porters and stouts are usually reserved for the colder months when you don’t mind hiding a few extra pounds under your warm sweater. And lite beers are inherently for summer outside fun. So why am I presenting you with the choice of a non-seasonal beer? Because it is very tasty and worth trying of course! So let’s examine Shed’s Mountain Ale. The Shed Brewery is located at 793 Exchange Street, Middlebury, VT but were originally started in Stowe almost 50 years ago. The building where they began

was built in 1830 and blacksmithing was the sole purpose there. Later hard cider was made for local farmers to enjoy and share stories. In 1965, the Shed Restaurant was opened and was the hot spot for the apres-ski culture. On a cold night in 1994, the Shed was lost to fire but was rebuilt a year later to include a seven barrel brewery in Middlebury. With a

focus on English-style ales, Shed Mountain Ale was born. The name Mountain Ale certainly catches your attention and is even referred to as Rugged Brown Ale on the label. At 7.4% alcohol by volume of the 12 oz bottle, there is a mild 35 IBUs or International Bittering Units rating. With these two aspects, you can expect a malty beverage style. Tra-

dition is found within this drink. A tankard of this pub beer might have been served from casks in local taverns in the English countryside. Pouring Mountain Ale, you’ll find a frothy off-white head wants to take over the glass. Deep ruby clear amber tones appear through the glass in the light. Aromas of malts, maple syrup and bready notes embrace your nose. Tasting your first sip, you are greeted by more malt sweetness without being sugary. Hops are not immediately perceptible in this fuller bodied beer which also hides its ABV very well. BeerAdvocate. com has officially rated Shed’s Mountain Ale as ‘Very Good’ and awards it an 85 out of 100. Other followers rate it as high as 4.75 out of 5.0. This is one of my go-to beers… You can find both at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other fine beer providers. Sold year round, the Shed Mountain Ale may also become a year round beer to be enjoyed no matter the season… Cheers!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —



Running in 2020? by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

So is running a sport? It depends. Jogging is recreational. But if you sign up for a 5K Road Race where you’re timed and your finish is published then running is most certainly a competitive sport. Though road races have been casualties of 2020’s COVID pandemic they’ll soon be back with certain restrictions. Road races are not for everyone. But for many of us, they’re healthy competitions in which we can still partake during our golden years—unlike football, baseball, hockey, etc. As a Marine Corps lieutenant I considered a 40 minute 10K to be the standard. That was 35 years, 20 pounds, and three knee operations ago. Twenty seven minute 5Ks are now satisfactory. Yes. I’ve lowered my standards. But competitive juices still flow. Being over 190 pounds I’m now in the “Clydesdale” category but can still kick the butts of most other over-60 Clydesdales. Last fall I was on a race team for Dover’s Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Seacoast Cancer 5K, along with a cast of thousands. Many were walkers who paid to participate in the 5K to support the anti-cancer cause. But

The Weirs Times sports columnist battled fellow Clydesdale and former Boston Celtic Brian Scalabrine at last year’s Seacoast 5K Road Race. many were serious runners. Vojta Ripa, 30, won the race with a time of 16:50. (I hate Vojta Ripa.) I knew I wasn’t going to win. But I did want to at least beat the over-60 Clydesdales. As over 3000 runners took their places before the start, I squeezed my way up towards the front. A rabbit, I liked to start fast and didn’t want to get slowed down by the masses. I also looked for other Clydedales, hoping to find a speedy one who’d set a good pace for me. Then I’d pass him with a strong finishing kick at the end. I soon found the perfect Clydesdale for that purpose—Brian Scalabrine. The former Boston Celtic and USC Trojan star (a spe-

cial race guest) was the perfect “Pacer” for me. At 6-foot-9 and with bright red hair he was a runner I could keep in my sights. And at 245 pounds he was definitely a Clydesdale. The opening gun unleashed a flood of humanity towards Dover’s downtown. The Vojta Ripas of the world— lithe and long-legged— took off and were soon out of sight. (I hate Vojta Ripa.) But I kept my eye on Scalabrine. Even though he was 23 years younger than me, he had to carry that extra 40 pounds, making my goal of beating the hoop star achievable. Or so I thought. Despite running a decent seven minute first mile, I was falling behind the

giant red head. My spirit was willing, but … My pace slowed considerably. I felt all of 64 and wanted to walk, but had too much pride. I jogged on while being passed by numerous runners, young and old, male and female. With about a quarter mile to go, I speeded things up to finish strongly. I looked ahead of me for a target to pass before the finish. No red-headed 6-foot-9 former Celtics were in sight, so I focused on an older runner with wearing a blue shirt with a Yankee logo. Perfect. I quickly closed to within a few feet of my prey but then he seemed to hear my footsteps and he speeded up. We both flew by numerous runners as the finish line beckoned. Game on. The agony of oxygen debt kicked in but there were only 50 yards to go. We were both in a full sprint but there was no way I was going to let the Yankee dude beat me. I turned on the afterburners and passed him just as we crossed the finish line. I quickly moved to a grassy area and doubled over and gasped for breath. Eventually I recovered, and got a bottle of water and returned to the finish line area to cheer on the runners. I looked around for the Yankee dude but he’d disappeared. When everyone on our race team finished we congregated briefly and decided to forego See MOFFETT on 25

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

What’s In A Name? by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

To err is human and I am about as human as they come. Of course, no one is perfect and trying to solve nature’s mysteries is fraught with pitfalls. I was walking down a trail one morning not too long ago. It had rained heavily the night before and the trail was damp. I had to watch my step because there were so many efts on the trail. I remembered a time when I mistakenly referred to the bright orange amphibians as newts. I wasn’t completely off base, of course, as efts are the terrestrial stage of the newt. After being born in the water and then crawling around the ground as an eft for a while (sometimes a few years), they return to the water to live out their time as a newt. That is just one example of many mistakes and misidentifications I used to make. I’m sure there are some things I currently mistakenly identify and there will certainly be things in the future that I errantly call the wrong name. Here are some examples I often hear from others that are not correct. There is no judgment, of course,

An eft moves along the ground of the New England woods. as we have already determined that no one is perfect. I think I hear the “fisher” called a “fisher cat” more often than its proper name. The fierce, large member of the weasel family is simply called a fisher, no “cat” necessary. Indeed, it is not a cat at all. It is a weasel. Now that the redbellied woodpecker is expanding its range north throughout New England, It is a good time to remind everyone that it is not actually a red-headed woodpecker. The redbellied woodpecker does indeed have a mostly red head, but the name red-headed woodpecker is already taken by a bird that


does indeed have a fully red head. Adding to the confusion is that the reddish-pink belly of the red-bellied woodpecker is not often seen and not an obvious field mark. Here’s a tough one that took me years and years to get: the difference between a house finch and purple finch. They look very similar and many people automatically default to the purple finch, which is understandable as it is the state bird of New Hampshire and native to New England. House finch, however, is far more common these days even though they are transplants from western U.S. Purple

finches are more colorful (at least the males), slightly larger and have more substantial bills. No, not the type of bills that are due every month. I often hear people think an owl is singing during the day when they hear a mourning cooing. The mourning dove’s song does have an owl-like quality to it, but it is softer and unique to the dove. The owl that typically sings during the day is the barred owl and its song is much more gruff sounding than the cooing of a dove. Finally, the osprey is sometimes confused with the bald eagle. See BOSAK on 29

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


visit: www.HoboRR.com for tickets Meredith Station: 154 Main Street, Meredith, NH Weirs Beach Ticket Booth: 211 Lakeside Ave., Weirs Beach, NH

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

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PATENAUDE from 1 ciety donated an information kiosk telling the history of the original settlers. There is room for maybe six cars at the end of Kelley Pond Road just before the gate. There is a general information kiosk and a box containing brochures and trail maps--take one if you forgot to download the trail map. Bria and I walked down the road behind the gate and in a few minutes we came to a trail sign pointing left up a bank to a view area and a bit further another sign pointed right to the Ridge Trail.

Poor John Drake’s Bria studying the old gravestone in the Drake d a u g h e r, A n n e E . Family cemetery. The Kelley-Drake Conservation Drake died April 1, Area has a short path from the Lake Road to the 1864, 4 years 13 days. We climbed up and Drake Family Cemetery. We scrambled up the short path to the view where one can sit on a bench and look out

over a meadow and to distant hills. Then we followed the red blazed Ridge Trail.

through a nice mixed forest past an old farm well and along rugged constructed old See PATENAUDE on 19


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Summer Fun! The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!

Near the farmhouse’s old stone cellarhole the meadow was dotted with the purple Iris flowers. New Hampton’s Kelley-Drake Conservation area is open to hunting, fishing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and walking & hiking. Please leave no trace when you visit. that didn’t have much water due to our lack of rain this spring. We saw a couple of Pink Lady slippers and other wildflowers along the path. See PATENAUDE on 20

This farm well is found along the Ridge Trail. The land was first settled by the Samuel Kelley Family in 1774, among the first to settle in New Hampton. PATENAUDE from 18 stone walls. On our left the land dropped off steeply and the ridge followed the rim of a deep gully. As we descended the trail became wider and the footing improved; we

were glad we picked the best direction to take this path. We returned via the Valley Trail and it followed along the bottom of the gully. There are bridges that cross over the small streams

XXX from 19

Summer Fun!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

The Best Summer Ever Starts Right Here!

PATENAUDE from 19 We continued down the Farm Road Trail and found the Historical kiosk. Surrounding the farmhouse and barn’s cellar holes was a lovely green meadow spotted with purple

Iris flowers. From the kiosk we learned that the Kelley family arrived from Exeter in 1775 and the family lived their first winter here in tents. Samuel Kelley served with distinction in the

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Yours truly on the Valley Trail. There are nice foot bridges over the small streams. The trails are well blazed and color coded. Bow Riders • Deck Boats • Pontoon Boats All Boats equipped with AM/FM Stereos

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Revolutionary War and built New Hampton its meeting house that is still in use today. The Kelley’s sold the farm to the Drake family in 1820. The town acquired the property in 1978. On our way to the Lake we took a short side path to the cemetery. Granite posts surround the small cemetery and the Drake family members’ headstones were from the mid-1800’s.

New Hampshire Marine Patrol

Get your New Hampshire Safe Boater Education Certificate! New Hampshire has a mandatory boating education law. Everyone 16 years of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. The New Hampshire boater education course covers a range of topics from safety instructions to boat handling to reading the weather and prepares you for a variety of situations you could find yourself in while on the water. To search/register for a Boating Education Class visit our website at www.boatingeducation.nh.gov or for information regarding boating laws and regulations visit www.marinepatrol.nh.gov

Remember to wear your life jacket!

The Lake Road ends at the water’s edge of Pemigewasset Lake. Straight across the water we could see Kelley Island, the forested island is 23 acres. The island was our next goal to visit. We spent about an hour and a half walking the trails. We estimated the walk straight to the lake from the gate to be 0.75 miles one way. The Pemigewasset Lake Cartop Boat Access, I discovered it on the New Hampshire Fish & Game website, thank you NH F&G. It was late morning and it was hot so getting out on the water was the perfect thing to do after our walking. I was able to back the truck up fairly close to the water and we unloaded the kayaks. The launch ramp has a bit of a drop off See PATENAUDE on 21


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 — PATENAUDE from 20 and fine for kayaks and canoes. Parking is limited, maybe ten cars. We were the only car (Thursday, late morning). We had an enjoyable two hours of paddling on the lake. We went straight to the island and we saw a Loon pop up out of the water not too far from us. We paddled west over to the end of the Lake Road where we had just walked and admired all the yellow Lily-pad flowers. Then we went back over to the island and on the south side we found a small clear area where we decided to beach our boats. There was a sign that read no camping and no fires inland on the island. So we went swimming and dried off in the sun. Then we paddled to the very south end of the lake, there was a

small breeze but sometimes bugs buzzed us. We ended up paddling around Kelley Island before getting back to the boat launch. A family was just putting their kayaks and a paddle board into the water. They asked us if we found a good place to swim and we told them about Kelley Island. I know all my readers are respectful and always have another place in mind to go if the parking area at the boat launch or trailhead is full. Keep discovering new-to-you places. Have fun.

Our first swim of the year was at Kelley Island in Pemigewasset Lake. The 23 acre Kelley Island is part of the Kelley-Drake Conservation Area.

Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

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tage boat decor, jewelry, quilts, etc. There will also be food and live music. Admission is free and so is parking. 10am to 5pm both days. Social Distancing and Masks are Required. For more information call Joyce at (603) 5284014. Gunstock Mountain Resore is located at 719 Cherry Valley Road, Rt. 11A, Gilford, NH.

NE Motor Sports Museum Midget Car Exhibit


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On Saturday and Sunday, July 4th & 5th come to Gunstock Moutain Resort for a weekend Craft Fair as Joyce Endee’s Famous Craft Fairs are back. A special feature for the Gunstock Fair will be awesome chainsaw wood demos by Elise Ford. Some of the many arts & crafts featured will include cedar wood furniture, unique vin-

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LOUDON The North East Motor Sports Museum (922 NH Route 106, Loudon, NH) is now open to the public. The museum will reopen on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm for the remainder of June with possibly adding Fridays starting in July. The museums 2020 feature exhibit “The Mighty Midgets” presented by late board member Frank Manafort opens on June 20th and will feature seven historically

significant New England midget cars. In addition to the cars, you will see rare midget photography and artifacts. Visiting the museum will be a bit different. They are asking visitors to please wear masks while inside the museum and practice social distancing from others as we protect our volunteers and guests. If you do not have a mask one will be provided for you. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the museum. Our interactive exhibits such as our slot car track and iRacing Simulator will be temporarily closed per state guidelines. Call 603-783-0183 or visit nemsmuseum.com to learn more.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

NH Boat Museum To Open July 1st


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—Since 1945 WOLFEBORO - On Wednesday, July 1, the New Hampshire Boat Museum (NHBM) will open its doors for the 2020 season. “We are thrilled to open and look forward to a wonderful summer,” said NHBM Executive Director Martha Cummings, who cited Boat Building classes and an online Vintage Boat and Car Auction as 2020 highlights. In Boat Building, youth, families and adults can build a boat from a kit. In the Vintage Boat and Car Auction, this year’s iteration will take place online. For visitors this summer, Cummings said NHBM will feature local artwork and “Locally Produced”, an exhibit that highlights local boat manufacturing companies. In addition boat building and the auction, NHBM will feature model yachting (radiocontrolled) on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the Back Bay Skippers, who will provide take-home kits for kids. NHBM will be open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm, and Sundays from 12 to 4pm. Visitors will be

required to wear face coverings when entering the museum. All NHBM programs will also conform to social distancing guidelines. To learn more about NHBM, or purchase tickets online (available soon), visit nhbm.org.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 — CONNECT from 24







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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 — NBA star Dell (Steph’s Dad) Curry (1964). Sports Quote ““I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.” – Ronald Rook Sports Quiz Answer Kenenisa Bekele once ran a 5K in 12:37.

A third place medal from last year’s WentworthDouglass Seacoast Anti-Cancer 5K Road Race. MOFFETT from 13 the awards ceremonies in favor of heading to a friend’s house for “post-race recovery activities.” The following week I received a small package in the mail from Wentworth-Douglass. Upon opening it, I was stunned to find a medal for finishing in third place amongst all runners over 60—not just the Clydesdales. I went on line to check the times and saw I’d finished one second ahead of another over-60 runner, who must have been the Yankee dude. My finishing kick had earned me a medal. So is running a sport? YES! (P.S. I don’t really hate Vojta Ripa.) Sports Quiz What is the world record for a 5K race? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say sports standouts born on June 25 include New York Knick great Willis Reed (1942) and former

Mike Moffett was a Professor of Sports Management for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the critically-acclaimed and award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available through Amazon.com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@ comcast.net.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

SMITH from 3 residents in the state were divided into two classes for service in the militias. The active list included those between the ages of sixteen and fifty, and the alarm list included all those between the ages of sixteen and sixty-five who weren’t on the active list. Certain classes of people in official positions were exempted from the militias. Those on the active list were

supposed to attend sessions for drills and instructions eight times a year and those on the alarm list two times a year. My reading about these drills indicates that the guidelines were not always followed and not taken that seriously and became more like gatherings for picnics and fun than for serious military training. We can only imagine what it was like for those men who responded to

Welcome to your retreat!

the alarm of April 19th sounded by the events at Lexington, Massachusetts, by immediately leaving their homes and some in two hours time gathering in their towns and heading south on foot or on horseback ready to take part in the beginning battles of the Revolutionary War. In May of 1775 the Fourth Provincial Congress of New Hampshire officially placed their support behind the cause of resisting the British forces by voting to raise two thousand men to serve in three Regiments. The men were volunteers and they had to furnish their own arms and equipment. They were paid thirty shillings a month, were given a travel allowance of a penny a mile, and allowed four dollars for an over-coat. Because enlistments were for short periods of time and all calls to active service had to be approved by the State Legislature there were numerous calls to raise more men. On September first of 1775 the Fourth Provincial Congress voted to raise four regiments of Minute Men out of the militia to be ready for immediate duty. They were to serve for four months and then

More help was needed for General Schuyler in New York and a draft, rather than the usual volunteer procedure, was used. keep re-enlisting for four additional months as long as needed. Another call came from Generals Washington and Sullivan on the first of December in 1775 to New Hampshire and Massachusetts to raise five thousand men to replace the men of the Connecticut militia who had been offended by something and, instead of continuing their ser-


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vice, returned home. New Hampshire provided 1800 of the replacements and Massachusetts provided the remainder. New Hampshire also raised three companies to serve in Canada. There were no Revolutionary battles fought in the State of New Hampshire, partially because their militia men, especially General Stark, worked diligently to keep the enemy forces out of the State by defeating them in places like Canada, New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The Legislature would raise men to guard particular sites within the State with companies regularly being assigned to guard the coast. Ships for the Navy assembled during the war were built in and launched from Portsmouth. An article by Judge Jonathan Smith in a Granite Monthly magazine indicated that the year 1776 was an espe-

cially busy one for raising colonial troops and that the signing of the Declaration of Independence gave the militia men new incentive to fight for freedom. Each new vote of the Legislature to raise troops involved a new pay policy. The vote in January to raise two regiments of 780 men each to serve for two months came with the promise of advance pay for those two months. The vote in March of 1776 was to raise a regiment of 725 besides 300 additional men to serve as guards at the seacoast for nine months, and for 760 men to serve in the Continental army in Canada. In July the vote was to send another 750 men to Canada to serve until December. Those men were offered a bounty of seven pounds for equipment and one month’s pay in advance while their regular pay remained the same. In August another one thousand men were raised in response to a call from General Washington to serve in New York. They also received advance pay and a bounty of six pounds. More help was needed for General Schuyler in New York and a draft, rather than the usual volunteer procedure, was used in December, 1776, to raise 500 men out of the militia to serve in northern New York State. They were to serve until the following March for three pounds a month. I have used the word “raised” multiple times to draw a contrast between the raising of soldiers to fight a war and the raising of money down through the years to celebrate the freedoms they won when they won the war. Part Two next week.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

MALKIN from 6 California, had been the subject of a missing persons flyer describing him as having a “history of mental illness” before his body was discovered June 10 hanging from a tree. --Malcolm Harsch of Victorville, California, was found hung from a tree in his homeless encampment 10 days before Fuller on May 31. His death was initially reported to police by his girlfriend who lived with him in a tent. Law enforcement authorities did not recover any evidence from the scene suggesting foul play. Family members who have stirred conspiracy theories in the media live across the country in Ohio. Harsch reportedly had both a longdistance wife and the girlfriend.


--TeTe Otis Gulley was a black, transgender homeless person who was found hanging from a tree in a park on May 27. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The suicide rate for transgenders, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is nearly 10 times the national average. More than 40% of transgender men and women in the U.S. have attempted to take their own life. Fact: On average, one person dies by suicide every 11 minutes in the U.S. Fact: In 2014, according to the American Association of Suicidology, “2,421 African Americans died by suicide in the U.S. ... The overall suicide rate per 100,000 was 5.46.”

Fact: Hangings accounted for 26% of suicides in 2010, up from 19% at the start of the decade, according to a Johns Hopkins study published just last fall. But let’s not let facts, or the utter lack of them, get in the way of expedient narratives to paint our country as irredeemably bigoted and unsafe for non-whites. Mainstream outlets from Voice of America to National Public Radio to The New York Times and CBS have all failed to tamp down the lynching hysteria. Prominent, Twitter-verified influencers are fueling this Mother of All Hate Crime Hoaxes, too. Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer baldly asserted: “Black people are literally still being lynched in this country.” Liberal writer and

“comedian” Tony Posnanski tossed his echo into the chamber: “Five African Americans were lynched this week.” And Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy III lamented: “These horrifying deaths of Black men conjure up the worst racist sins of our nation’s past.” Here’s the ultimate truth: Fear-mongering opportunists and anarchy vultures don’t care about the dead black men they are using to advance their Americasmearing agenda. Instead of confronting the nation’s suicide, homelessness and pandemic crises, we have callous race hustlers connecting random dots of real tragedies and conjuring up invisible hangmen to stir more hatred and division. Somehow, all these

conspiracy theorists have escaped the increasingly authoritarian regime of Silicon Valley thought policing, “moderation” tools or algorithmic discrimination directed at any who dare criticizes BLM. On Tuesday, NBC News pressured Google to demonetize The Federalist and ZeroHedge websites because liberal activist reporters didn’t like the rival media outlets’ coverage of BLM violence. There’s only thing hanging from the end of the rope at the hands of an out-of-control lynch mob: The credibility of American journalism is swinging in the wind. R.I.P. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com.

SHAPIRO from 6 agree to live with one another, as individuals under the broader rubric of rights. If we don’t, we won’t be living with one another at all. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editorin-chief of DailyWire. com. He is the author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller “The Right Side of History.” He lives with his wife and three children in Los Angeles. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 — METZLER from 7 the earliest missions, in recent years the commitment sadly appears to have dimmed; currently only 34 Canadians serve in the UN multifaceted blue helmeted missions. By losing again, Canada foregoes the chance to be back on the Council after a twenty year break, presenting a stinging political slap to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s woke Liberal government. As Canada’s National Post opined editorially, “Trudeau has spent millions of dollars, pledged millions more in aid, strained relations with some of our closest allies” and courted dictators in a failed bid to get the two year term on the Security Council. African group. Here was the other significant showdown when the voting went into a second day ballot; Kenya faced off Djibouti. Kenya won with a 129 majority to 62. Kenya represented English speaking African states while Djibouti, a former French colony, was supported by the Francophonie. China supported Djibouti’s case as the small but strategic state at the mouth the Red Sea hosts a Chinese military base. Beijing equally maintains close ties to Kenya. Asian Group;. India was the unopposed candidate and thus won the Council seat handily. India replaces Indonesia. Latin American Group; Mexico was equally unopposed and won, replacing the Dominican Republic. Realistically what is the effect on the Coun-

cil’s dynamic starting in 2021 and moreover what does this mean for U.S. policy? Among the European group Norway and Ireland replace Germany and Belgium. While both countries have been largely supportive of U.S. policy, Norway and Ireland, shall not likely change any balance. India’s return to the Council (it’s been a member on 8 occasions) replacing Indonesia, shall noticeably move the needle towards the U.S. if only for India’s deteriorating relations with China. Despite India’s closer political friendship with Washington, don’t assume that New Delhi will rush to overtly support American policy. Nonetheless it’s a clear Plus. Kenya replaces South Africa; basically even while Mexico’s ascent replacing the Dominican Republic offers a slight positive to the U.S. Moving forward when the new members assume their places in January, they will face a world shaped by COVID-19 and its bitter aftermath. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 After two New York City cops drove into a crowd of protesters, I asked Cosme to justify that. “Crowds are throwing bricks at them! You get to a state of panic. You can’t go forward. Can’t go backwards. So you try to get out of the situation!” He added, “The police should police themselves.” “But you don’t,” I said. “They’re not held accountable. Especially union officers. They do it again and again. It gets erased from their records.” Cosme disagrees. “They are disciplined. ... If you don’t have these protections, then no one’s going to want to be a police officer.” But only about half of America’s police belong to a union. Where cops are not unionized, says Balko, “there’s no shortage of police officers.” Police unions also make police departments harder to manage. In crime-ridden Camden, New Jersey, union cops took so much sick time and family leave that, most days, nearly 30% of the force just didn’t show up. So, Camden fired all of them. Camden rehired some, but only those willing to go along with new rules that made it easier to fire and discipline. The result: Murder went down, and Camden saved money. Per-officer costs dropped from $182,168 to $99,605. That allowed Camden to double the size of its force from “bare bones” to “near the highest police presence of any city.” Extra police allow for

community policing -- more people walk the beat, talking to residents. Unfortunately, today’s protesters rarely mention police unions. Instead, they say: “Defund the police! Fund community programs, like job training.” But that won’t stop crime. America has already spent trillions on job training and other government social engineering that rarely works. Initially, the programs are staffed by well-intended people who want to help. But over time, they become wasteful, ossified bureaucracies, like most government programs. We need cops. Police presence does reduce crime. But we need cops who can be held responsible for their actions. John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www. creators.com.

BOSAK from 15 Both are large, majestic birds of prey with white heads found near water so the confusion is understandable. The best way to tell them apart is by size. As impressive as the osprey is, the eagle is substantially larger. The typical wingspan of an osprey is about five feet, while an eagle’s is six-and-a-half feet. Also, the underside of an osprey is white and that of an eagle is brown. Either way, it’s great to see the population of both species rebounding so significantly.

In the end, whether people get the name or identification correct pales in comparison to the species being noticed and appreciated. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —




PHOTO #811

Despite johnny’s mom telling him not to stare at others, johnny couldn’t stop because Mrs. Smith looked just like a large Beagle. -Alan Doyon, Meredith, NH.

Runners Up : Mom.. I know you say every dog has their day. But a $120 spa treatment seems a bit much. - John Brennick, Rochester, NH. The mind transfer complete, Rover came to the shocking conclusion that a dog’s life was actually better - Steve Jamele, Sanbornton, NH. Read that part again,Mommy where the dog goes in for a “poodle-perm” and gets sucked up into the hairdryer.... -Nancy Sweeney, Lincoln, NH.


The Winklman Aeffect

PHOTO #813

Send your best caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, June 25, 2020 —

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