0902/2021 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

VOLUME 30, NO. 35



Celebrating Veteran Supporters

Weirs Times SportThoughts columnist Mike Moffett sits astride Emma at Moonshadow Farm in Epping, NH, where “Operation Renewed Freedom” helps veterans in need of healing. COURTESY PHOTO

Horseplay, Heroes And Hope by Mike Moffett

“SportThoughts” Columnist

Who amongst us has never been on a horse? While no equestrian, I did once recklessly mount a big old horse

roaming my grandfather’s apple orchard on his remote back farm in Lunenburg, Vermont— way back when I was 11 or so. My cousin Kenny used apples to lure

the horse over next to a big rock. While the horse was distracted by Kenny, the plan was for me to leap onto the rock and then onto the horse and then ride the horse around the

farm and then surprise the adults back at the farmhouse. The fact that I knew nothing about riding horses didn’t stop me. It couldn’t be that hard. See MOFFETT on 26

NHCares invites you to a public celebration of winners of The Protzmann Awards on September 14th at The Flying Monkey in Plymouth, NH. Protzmann Awards are given in recognition of outstanding service to veterans and their families by members of New Hampshire communities from across the state. This free event kicks off at 5pm and includes appetizers, a program honoring award winners and an ice cream social so be sure to register early as seating is limited for this unique celebratory event. Protzmann Awards are given in memory of Brigadier General Carol Protzmann who served 35 years in the U.S. Air Force and New Hampshire National Guard. BG Protzmann passed away in March of 2020 and this award reminds all of us of her commitment to the well being of the New Hampshire military community, including and especially military families. Winners exemplify her spirit and have demonstrated dedication to honor, serve and remember those who commit to defending our country. NHCares.org is an initiative of the New Hampshire Community Veterans Engagement Board who works with the VA to ensure the needs of New Hampshire veterans are met today and in the future. Please register for this free event at www. NHCares.org.









— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Dignified Transfer

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To The Editor: I watched the Dignified Transfer of the remains of the fallen from Kabul from Dover Air Force Base on Sunday. Heartbreaking, especially as we hear the stories of some of these Marines, the corpsman (Navy medic) and Army staff sergeant; one female Marine was only 25 and from Lawrence, another female Marine’s last instagram post was reportedly of her holding an Afghani baby outside the airport saying “I love my job”. 20-yearold Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum was just married, his wife is due with their first baby in 3 weeks. It is horrible to lose our truly best people in places like this, but having served in Kabul alongside people like this (I spent most of my time inside the base, protected by heroes like these ones, and the 20 injured Marines and soldiers recovering in Germany today) I know that if they weren’t our best, they wouldn’t have been the ones at the gates. Like all Americans watching I felt grief and some other emotions above all else, but having just read Senator and Army/Old Guard/OEF veteran Tom Cotton’s book “Sacred Duty” about the Old Guard that conducts, supports, and coordinates all Honor Guard operations including these Dignified Transfers, I found myself also more closely watching the process. From Senator Cotton’s meticulously researched book, as I watched Marine Honor Guard troops flawlessly perform these trans-

fers, I knew that while these Marines were not in the Old Guard (an Army unit, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment), the Old Guard subject matter experts had surely worked diligently for long hours with the other branches’ Honor Guard Details to be ready for this solemn mission, as well as their own, the Dignified Transfer of Army Staff Sergeant Ryan C. Knauss. The details about logistics and ceremony certainly pale in the face of the human loss, but by learning about the Old Guard I now had a far greater appreciation for just how important it is for these details to be ready and to be perfect in a Zero Failure mission. The Dignified Transfer is only the portion occurring at Dover Air Force Base where the remains of the fallen return to the United States, but these 13 details will follow all of the remains of these heroes to Arlington Cemetery (a member of each detail will be physically with the remains at all times until internment), conduct the full honors burials with families present, and present the colors to these families. None of this of course will bring back the fallen, but this mission is absolutely massively important to the families first and foremost, but also crucial to the country in honoring the ultimate sacrifice made on our behalf in as meaningful of a manner as is humanly possible. That is the Old Guard’s mission above all else, and these families deserve no less. Nick McNulty Windham NH.

Hoover and KGB To The Editor: In my last letter-to-the-editor in July, I introduced readers to the book which all Patriotic Americans Need to read: Masters Of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It, by J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI (New York, NY: Henry Holt, 1958). Among the important things that Hoover exposed in his Superb book was that he identified and defined a number of Secret Communist Codewords-known only to Communists (and, of course, the FBI Agents who investigated them). Hoover also Exposed how Commun­ ists Smear their opponents with False allegations of being “racists” or “fascists”-­depending upon the extent of their anti-Communism. Please Note: while Hoover warned us about this Communist Smear tactic in 1958, Communists were still able to effectively use it against Donald Trump in 2016-2021. People Need to heed Hoover’s words. What Hoover also did was to expose the fact that Communists are, indeed, Masters Of Deceit--hence, the title of his book: atheists who do Not believe in God, Communists have No qualms whatsoever in disobeying God’s Ten Commandments in general, and “Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness” (i.e., Lie, or otherwise Deceive) in particular. Communists will, therefore, say and do Anything that will advance their agenda: See MAILBOAT on 31

Our Story

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This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2021 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Author Dodie Stephens Honors Her Father’s Years of Service

she said. “They are very letter saying that my small with really tiny father had a special print. I needed a mag- dispensation for havnifying glass to read ing dentures because them.” you were not normally In addition to note- allowed in the service books detailing the with false teeth,” she wells drilled by her fa- explained. ther, Stephens donated Located on the first 240 letters written by floor of the Wright Muhim. She said she de- seum, Beal’s display cided to donate them features several picwhen her mother down- tures, including a photo sized and moved into a of the Sultan of Mosmaller house. rocco who “appreciated “Some letters didn’t having a well drilled” survive her move—there because there was no were probably hun- fresh water there. r N efor e S h op O uAs dreds more,” she w her thoughts o msaid. C S r t e o g onrThe “Though they are e ! Wright, she cited L a rnot all on display at the her fondness for the museum, they are all at Time Tunnel, which the museum.” takes visitors through S h e a l s o d o n a t e d each year of World War some of her father’s offi- II in conjoined rooms. cial papers, one of which “It is fantastic—it covshe found “interesting.” ers everything,” said “It was an official Stephens, who received

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Captain William Ross Beal, father of author Dodie Stephens.

multiple awards for her hard work during her time at The Wright. “In 2003, museum Founder David Wright gave me the Voice of the Museum Award for being a docent there,” she added. “In 2017, I got the Lifetime Award for my service at The Wright.” Culver added, “Dodie has for so many years made numerous contributions to the Museum, as a docent and volunteer, and now the gift of her father’s materials. We are thankful for her donation, which will interest and inspire visitors of all ages.” The region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II, The Wright features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield. To learn more about the museum, visit wrightmuseum.org.

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WOLFEBORO - One aspect that makes the Wright Museum in Wolfeboro, NH so special are the stories behind historical artifacts in its collection. “Sometimes, we must research the stories behind artifacts, while other items come with stories,” noted Executive Director Mike Culver. The latter scenario describes a recent donation by Dodie Stephens, a former docent of 19 years at The Wright. Her donation includes notebooks and letters among other items that belonged to her father, Captain William Ross Beal, who served in WWII. “My father came from a family of well-drillers in Brewster, NY,” said Stephens, who said he and his convoy, stationed in Casablanca following Pearl Harbor, were tasked with drilling wells for both American and British troops. She said her father’s job was “a huge responsibility” because the troops could not move on without water. “I think it is very important for people to know the importance of fresh water,” said Stephens. “There was no bottled water industry at the time. Just the idea of having to put these drilling machines on a ship is daunting to me.” She recounted the story of her father in her book, Water for the Troops, Evacuation Hospitals and Air Fields. She used several of the artifacts donated to help tell her father’s story. “What I really worked on was two tiny notebooks that my father used to record each well that he installed with his crew overseas,”


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES 11th Annual Harvest Festival Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center will host its 11th Annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, Sept. 11th, from 10 am to 3 pm. Fall is a traditional time to celebrate the harvest’s bounty with food and fun. The event will include an array of activities, including horse-drawn wagon rides, live traditional and Celtic music, Colonial-era Trades Faire demonstrations, nature craft activities for all ages, field games, garden tours, sing-alongs, and craft vendors. dmission is free with a nomi-

nal fee for some activities. Hungry and thirsty Harvest Festival goers can purchase lunch, snacks, and beverages right on site. Prescott Farm is happy to have Laconia Rod & Gun Club selling food and soft drinks as a fundraiser for their many charitable works. There will be a bake sale to support the Fledglings Nature-Based Preschool scholarship fund.

Hawk Watch With Renowned Ornithologist Scott Weidensaul Join Moose Mountains R e g i o n a l G r e e n way s (MMRG) on September 25th, 9am-12pm, at Birch Ridge Community Forest in New Durham, NH for a very special event with expert ornithologist and best-selling author Scott Weidensaul. Scott will lead an exciting, unique bird watching opportunity to observe the migration patterns and behaviors of hawks and other raptors. He will share his deep expertise, and his experiences from over 20 years of working with birds in the field across the globe. Migration is a phenomenon that has fascinated scientists and nature lovers alike throughout history. Late September is an ideal time to see migrating birds, which may pass by in the hundreds or even thousands. Participants might even notice other non-migrating bird species congregating nearby. Make sure to bring your binoculars and keep a sharp eye - participants will hike up to higher ground to watch for migrating hawk and raptor species as they head to warmer climates in preparation for winter. Space is limited for this event, and registration is required. Please register online at rebrand. ly/hawkwatch. The rain date for this event will be September 26th. A $15 per person donation while registering is suggested, which goes towards MMRG’s nonprofit programs and helps to defray costs. MMRG COVID-19 prevention policies are observed to make this a safe event for all. Participants should dress for the weather and bring what they need for their own comfort and enjoyment (water, snacks, bug spray, binoculars etc). This event will require moderate physical activity on uneven terrain.

Meet Local Author Derry James A book signing on Sunday the 5th of September by local inspirational author and speaker Chaplain, Reverend Dr, Derry James-Tannariello, will take place from 1-6 p.m. at Book Warehouse at Tanger Outlets, 120 Laconia Rd., Suite 206, Tilton.. Copies of all six of her books will be available for purchase at special event prices and hourly door prizes. No admission fee. Derry is a sought-after speaker known for her compassionate heart, humor and life- changing inspirational stories of faith and wisdom. She is an internationally recognized seminar and workshop presenter and an interdenominational guest speaker and lecturer on topics of “Spirituality and Health,“ “How to Support and Minister to the Sick and Terminally Ill,” How to Have an Effective Prayer Life,” “Personal Transformation,” “Relational God,”” and many more spiritually uplifting topics.

Tempest Trio Live In Bethlehem Begin your Labor Day Weekend enjoying an emotional performance by the Tempest Trio live in Bethlehem. Cosponsored by the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation Sounds of the Sanctuary and the Consulate General of Israel in New England, this concert begins at 5 p.m., Friday, September 3 in the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation sanctuary on Strawberry Hill Street in Bethlehem. Doors will open at 4:45 p.m. The trio features Alon Goldstein, piano, Amit Peled, cello, and Ilya Kaler, violin. Over the years, concertgoers have enjoyed the individual performances by two of the Tempest Trio’s members: Israeli-American pianist Alon Goldstein inaugurated our series in the winter of 2015, and then followed with two more solo recitals in subsequent years. Israeli-American cellist Amit Peled, performed in 2017 (accompanied by Elizabeth Borowsky) and in 2019 (accompanied by Noreen Polera). We welcome Goldstein and Peled back to BHC together with violinist Ilya Kaler as the Tempest Trio. The Trio will perform Beethoven’s Trio, op. 1; Stutschewsky’s Hasidic Fantasy; and Dvorak’s Piano Trio no. 4 in e minor, op. 90, “Dumky.” Due to Covid restrictions, we encourage everyone to book early and purchase tickets online at Catamount Arts: https://bit.ly/3mlhusy.This will help to prevent crowding at the entrance door to the sanctuary. Seating will be limited so reserve tickets early. All seats will be physically distanced for patrons’ safety, and all who attend this concert are expected to be fully vaccinated and wearing a mask for personal safety and that of others. If you are unable to purchase tickets online, please have a check or exact cash ready when you come to the concert. Tickets are $25 for the general public and $20 for members of BHC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —


in brendan@weirs.com


Live Free or Die.


Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV

Killing Time A recent study by health researchers at Michigan University looked at different foods in the average U.S. diet and measured their effects by Brendan Smith in minutes of Weirs Times Editor healthy life gained or lost. Overall, the researchers looked at 5,853 different food items and determined the time that each would either take away or add to one’s life. The research was intense and took months. Once all was said and done, the researchers came to the unanimous conclusion that they had all lost nearly a year of their lives doing research which probably won’t make a lick of difference in what most people eat anyway. If you are interested, it was determined that eating a hot dog takes thirty-six minutes off your life and that eating a piece of salmon adds fifteen. So, based on my math skills, if I have two pieces of salmon and a hot dog for dinner, I only lose five minutes, if I add in a few walnuts, I have done no damage at all. Of course, if I only eat foods that add minutes to my life, then, in theory, I should never die. I searched the internet for the complete list of all the foods, but could not find it, taking away about twenty minutes of my life. (Nothing a piece of fish and a strawberry won’t take care of.) I’d imagine that this important research, which would make for filler for an afternoon on 24/7 cable news, will be quickly forgotten when the next government-funded research project conclusions are released which also won’t do much to change the way

entral Baptist hurch

people act. (“Researchers at the University of Blah Blah have recently released the results of a three-year study that showed not paying attention to studies about things that may or may not affect your lifespan could increase your life by decades.”) All in all, I think the main reason for these different research projects is to give you an inkling of hope that if you do this or don’t do that, you will live forever. (Hint: You won’t. At least not in your human form.) I do think that some folks do pay attention to these studies and might try, at least for a week or two, to apply the results in their own lives before just falling back to most of their old ways. Some might come out on the other side a little better. So, here at the Weirs Times Research Center, we (I) have just completed a vigorous two days (not including sleep, meals and some TV watching) of studies on how doing or not doing certain things may add time to your life. Of course, I have about as much solid proof about these as other researchers have about eating hot dogs or salmon, but I am hopeful it may find its way to a cable news network on a slow news day. For every angry political tirade you don’t post on social media, you will add four minutes to your life. This can add up to decades for some. (And let’s face it, the ones you do post are only liked by the same ten people anyway who are losing two minutes by doing so. By not posting you may be saving lives.) Giving a wave of acknowledgement when someone stops in traffic to let you enter can add fifteen to twenty minutes to your life, depending on whether or not you actually mean it or are just doing it since you heard it could extend your life. Not acknowledging the act can take up to fourteen months off

your life. (Don’t believe these results? Go ahead then, do what you want and don’t say I didn’t warn you.) Watching an episode of The Bachelor takes an hour off your life. (There is no other act, or food, that is known at the present time that can get that hour back.) Snapping your fingers at a waitperson in a restaurant can take as much as a year off your life. (Of course, the kitchen crew, upon hearing of this, may sprinkle in a few of the 5,853 food items that are known to take minutes off your life as well, so the total loss could be much greater.) Sanctimoniously complaining when the person near you in the store isn’t wearing a mask can take as much as three days off your life. (Doing it while wearing the same stinky, germfilled mask you’ve been wearing and carrying around with you in your purse or pocket for days will take a few more days off your life for reasons that have nothing to do with this study.) Reading this column takes two minutes off your life. (I’m assuming that someone, as usual, who doesn’t like this column will write me to say that. So, I figured I would just beat them to it and save them from writing me an email that would take a few minutes off their life.) There are other results of this study as well which I will be releasing in a research paper, full of big smart sounding words that no one will actually ever read. Well, time to decides what’s for lunch. There’s a lot riding on it. Brendan is also the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” available at BrendanTSmith.com. His new book “I Really Only Did It For The Socks - Stories & Thoughts On Aging” will be released soon.





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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Coward Cuomo’s Last Act of Treachery Disgraced Andrew Cuomo abandoned the New York governor’s mansion last week, leaving nearly 15,000 dead nursing home residents in his wake as a result of a catastrophic executive order forcing their facilities to take in COVID-19-infected patients. He also left behind a bevy of female underlings with a mountain of sordid sexual harassment allegations. by Michelle Malkin And, reportedly, Cuomo also ditched his Syndicated Columnist poor dog, whom two state troopers claim he tried to pawn off to any willing taker. But that’s not all. In the dark of night, safe from public scrutiny or accountability, Coward Cuomo granted clemency to one of the radical left’s most notorious anti-cop convicts -- a man whose family’s elite privilege I’ve chronicled for the past 19 years. David Gilbert is the Weather Underground domestic terrorist sentenced to 75 years-to-life in prison for his role in the infamous 1981 Brink’s robbery in Nyack, New York. Gilbert and his wife, Kathy Boudin, were leaders in the 1960s group of rich-kid agitators who bombed government buildings and corporate headquarters and aided convicted felons in jailbreaks. The married militants acted as chauffeurs for the Black Liberation Army robbers who held up a Brink’s truck at a Rockland County mall and stole more than $1.6 million. Two of the holdup victims gunned down in the botched Brink’s robbery were police officers. One was a private security guard. All three were military veterans from working-class backgrounds. As I’ve noted previously in my columns dating back to 2002, Gilbert and Boudin’s abandoned son, Chesa, is the pampered Rhodes Scholar and now pro-criminal district attorney in San Francisco who has faithfully whitewashed his biological parents’ crimes (and those of his unrepentant adoptive parents, Weather Underground poster couple Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn). Celebrating the clemency order this week, Chesa Boudin claimed that his father “never intended harm.” What a steaming crock of San Francisco street manure. Gilbert was defiant at trial and has called himself a “political prisoner” for the entirety of his 40-year imprisonment, which he has spent See MALKIN on 37

Welcome To The Forever Pandemic This week, as Presid e n t J o e B i d e n a ttempted desperately to distract from his ongoing surrender in Afghanistan and the attendant chaos in its wake, the White House turned its eyes once by Ben Shapiro again to the issue of Syndicated Columnist COVID-19. On Monday, Biden pressed private industry to mandate vaccination, stating, “Do what I did last month, require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements.” Meanwhile, the ubiquitous Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “I respect people’s freedom, but when you’re talking about a public health crisis ... the time has come, enough is enough. We’ve just got to get people vaccinated.” Meanwhile, the Biden administration also pressed private sector vaccine mandates. Fauci announced on MSNBC that everyone should mask, vaccinated or unvaccinated: “Instead of worrying what kind of mask, just wear a mask. Wear a surgical mask, a cloth mask ... We need to wear masks.” Biden went further, extending his push for masks to small children: “You have the tools to keep your child safer ... make sure that your child is masked when they leave home.” Put aside the fact that the data support none of these policy prescriptions: There is little evidence that vaccine mandates will push the unvaccinated into overcoming their hesitancy; vaccine mandates are likely to press the unvaccinated into common spaces in which they are more likely to transmit the virus to other unvaccinated people, who are in far more danger than the vaccinated; the delta variant, according to former Obama advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm, makes a mockery of cloth masks; according to the University of Waterloo, surgical masks are essentially ineffective against delta; there is literally zero data demonstrating that masking

children in schools has been effective in reducing transmission of the coronavirus; and children are at exorbitantly low risk from the virus, given that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 361 Americans under age 18 have died of COVID-19 during the entirety of the pandemic. Instead, focus on a simple fact: our pandemic is now officially endless. At the beginning of the pandemic, we were told to accept lockdown measures in order to prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed -- to flatten the curve. We did so. Then we were told to mask up to prevent transmission of the virus while we developed a vaccine. We did so. Then we were told to wait to unmask and gather in large numbers until after every adult had the opportunity to be vaccinated. We did so. Now, every adult in America -- every person over age 12 -- has had the ability to get vaccinated. Well over 75% of all Americans aged over 65 have been double-vaccinated. A majority of people in the United States have been double-vaccinated. And yet we are still told that mask mandates are necessary -- presumably to prevent those who have already had the opportunity to be vaccinated from contracting COVID-19, since the vaccinated are at extremely low risk of hospitalization and death even if a breakthrough infection occurs. How can this be justified? On simple logical grounds, it can’t. The government has now done all it can to provide protection to those who want it; those who demand government restrictions have provided no metric for success by which proposed restrictions end and we all go back to normal life. Is it deaths? Obviously not: Hawaii has an indoor mask mandate for everyone, despite a seven-day rolling average of two deaths per day and a population of 1.4 million. Is it hospitalizations? No: Australia is in a state of complete lockdown, despite a grand total of 119 people in the ICU in a country of 25 million people See SHAPIRO on 38


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Lessons From Georgia

by John Stossel

Syndicated Columnist

Georgia (the exSoviet Republic, not the U.S. state) is now a remarkable success story. Its economy is growing at 5% per year, and the country ranks ahead of the United States in economic free-

dom. Yet, 20 years ago, Georgia was even more miserably poor than the rest of the former Soviet Union. So, what can America and the rest of the world learn from Georgia’s progress?

A lot, says my executive producer Maxim Lott. He’s spent the past several months in Georgia and made a StosselTV video about it. All former Soviet states are poor because the communists had grabbed everyone’s private property and put it under government control. They thought they were smart enough to run the economy. They did things like order Georgians to produce tea. Soon, 95% of tea in the Soviet Union came from Georgia. But Georgia is not the best place to grow tea. After the Soviet Union collapsed, “People started to taste Indian tea and realized that tea is actually bet-

ter,” says Georgian politician Zurab Japaridze. “Nobody wanted Georgian tea.” That industry, and most others, vanished when Soviet support ended. “Three-fourths of the Georgian economy disappeared,” he says. Central planners are never smart enough to run something as complex as an economy. Fortunately, in Georgia, an eccentric libertarian, Kakha Bendukidze, became economy minister in 2004. He made “everything private, as much as possible.” Georgia scrapped 90% of licensing and permit requirements. That reduced corruption.

“Every license means interaction with officials. Every interaction with the official can be an open door for a corrupt request,” explains Fady Asly, chairman of Georgia’s International Chamber of Commerce. Before those reforms, “Corruption was so rampant!” says Asly. “A high-ranking official told me: ‘I have a friend who’s very honest. We would like him to chair of the anti-corruption commission, but he has to pay someone $10,000 to get this job.’ The future chair of the anti-corruption commission had to bribe someone to get the job!” Georgia has come a long way since See STOSSEL on 38

Afghanistan; Dust Settling on Disaster The dust is now settling on an unmitigated military disaster and a stinging political humiliation for the United States’ standing by John J. Metzler in the world. The Syndicated Columnist unfolding Afghan fiasco confronts Washington policymakers with complicated Rubik’s cube choices in the wake of Kabul’s collapse. The Biden Administration’s next moves will affect America’s stature before its foes and, as significantly, among it’s nervous allies from the Baltic states to the Taiwan Straits and the Korean peninsula. We are in a Saigon moment, now having recognized and begun to

process the complete collapse of an South Asian ally, proxy, or partner— whatever you wish to call it—to a likely repeat performance of the very Taliban regime we toppled twenty years ago following the September 11th attacks on America. So let’s turn to the Rubik’s cube for complicated options. Kabul Airport. U.S. and Allied forces have conducted an amazing and risky airlift of civilians from the besieged Kabul Airport. American civilians and Afghan allies who helped the U.S. security effort are being evacuated under the guns of the enemy. Yet the timetable has been set by the Taliban and perimeter security entrusted to the Taliban in a kafkaesque ending of America’s

20 year Afghan engagement. It’s little wonder that many Americans and local partners will be left behind in the mayhem. The tragic but predictable deaths of twelve U.S. Marines and a Navy Corpsman, the largest American military causalities in a decade, as well as over 100 Afghan civilians to a terrorist bomb only reinforced the folly of using a near indefensible airport since having foolishly pulled out of the strategic Bagram base. Afghanis Fight On In Panjshir Valley. Not everybody has surrendered. About 60 miles northeast of Kabul tough Tajik rebels hold firm against their historic Taliban enemy. Panjshir presents a noble resistance among Afghan fighters led by Ahmad Massoud, son of the legendary “Lion

of the Panjshir,” who blocked Soviet forces in the 1980’s and later the Taliban in the 1990’s from conquering the region. Many Afghan army soldiers have fled to the free enclave. Former Vice President Amrullah Salleh now leads this resistance redoubt in the rugged mountains. They have not asked for American weapons but for international recognition as Afghanistan’s legitimate government. Afghan Women. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable and rightfully frightened of the return of Taliban Islamic fundamentalist rule. During the past twenty years, Afghan women made significant social and economic strides. In 2001, no girls were enrolled in formal See METZLER on 38


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Not So . . . o g A g N o L

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

How And How Well Mail Was Delivered

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

By the year 1906 newspapers for readers in central and northern New Hampshire were being delivered on the morning train coming from Boston. The natives were apparently becoming restless, however, concerning the time it took for their mail to be delivered from the time it was mailed and felt that if the newspapers could be delivered on the morning train that their mail coming from New York and Boston should be able to arrive at the same time. According to the editorial section of the local newspaper, the Laconia Democrat, there had been no improvement in the morning mail service from New York and Boston since train deliveries had begun in the year 1848. The train company in charge then was the Boston, Concord, and Montreal Railroad, and in 1906 was the White

Letters with 2 cent and 3 cent stamps from the 1920s. Mountain division of the Boston and Maine Railroad. The newspaper called upon the general public, and especially businessmen and manufacturers, to put pressure on the railroad to provide full morning mail service from Boston to Manchester. To quote the newspaper: “Letters mailed as early as five o’clock in the afternoon in some of the big office buildings in Boston do not reach this section of New Hampshire until noon the next day, and everybody

knows it is practically impossible to receive a letter in Laconia from Boston and get an answer back there in season to be delivered the same day, an arrangement which we allow is hardly up-todate considering that Boston and Laconia are only three hours apart. And of course further north the present service is still more unsatisfactory. The early morning train would bring a mass of mail which is posted in Boston in the afternoon and evening and also five heavy

mails from New York and the west which arSee SMITH on 25


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Mount Hale

View of Mount Hale from Wildlife Pond. On Zeland Road just across from the Sugarloaf Trailhead there is a gate blocking a snowmobile trail and a small sign that reads “Wildlife Pond.” The flat path to Wildlife Pond is just 2/10th and is a little brushy and overgrown but it well worth following all the way, across a few bog bridges, to the Wildlife Pond. From its shore there is a fine view of Middle Sugarloaf’s cliffs and across the water up to South Sugarloaf with Mt. Hale looming above it. Peak Baggers have to collect peaks even when the weather isn’t very nice or they’re feeling a little tired. Especially if their time is limited. My old college friend Sue came up from Maryland to New Hampshire to help her daughter Anna settle in for grad school at Southern New Hampshire University. They came up two days early

to hike mountains and to happily check them off the New Hampshire 4000 footer list. It was four years ago when we hiked Moosilauke and the Presidentials Range peaks together when Sue got the bug to finish the list. She bought all Steve Smith’s guide books and Sue has been wanting to get back to work on the list ever since.

They planned their hike and they started bright and early. They hiked up the Greenleaf Trail and summited Lafayette and then they traversed across the Franconia Range all the way to Mount Flume and then they backtracked to Mount Liberty to descend via the Liberty Spring Trail. Good weather accompanied them all

their long day. They enjoyed the trails and the views. They even met a few Appalachian Trail thru-hikers along the way. At suppertime I met them and we all went to the Rek-Lis Brewing Company to celebrate. We had a comfortable table out on the deck and it was wonderful to hear their account of their adventure. See PATENAUDE on 28



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —


WRIGHT MUSEUM OF WORLD WAR II Yankee Magazine’s “Best 20th Century History Museum in New England” THE






The American St. Nick

future astronauts, and a Vietnam vet as well as an artist, teacher, and novelist. The film is a Star Island Film production and directed by Jay MacNamee and Bob Bear. Jay is an award-winning playwright who holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Dartmouth College. Bob is an orthopedic surgeon with a life-long interest in music, film, and the arts.

Lecture & book signing by the author and seven-time Emmy-winning television producer/director Peter Lion. It’s December 1944, and knowing they would not be home for Christmas, battle-weary GIs throw a holiday party for the children of Wiltz, Luxembourg. Ten days later the town is all but Tuesday, Sept 21, from 7-8 PM destroyed during the Battle of the Bulge. Wiltz however never forgot the kindness Moving On and Hanging On: The Complex Legacy of the Vietnam of the Americans and for 30 years War for the United States searched for the GIs in hopes of bringing them back once more. Lecture by Professor Kurk Dorsey Fifty years have passed since the United Tuesday, September 14, 6:30-8 PM. States began to disentangle itself from (* Note early start time of this pgm) the war in Vietnam. Yet the war is still AN AMERICAN SOLO: meshed into American society, politics, The Story of Col. Norman Phillips and foreign policy. In this illustrated lecture, Kurk Dorsey discusses some (USAF retired) of the ways in which the Vietnam War This is a fun, fast-paced biopic about continues to influence the United Colonel Norman Phillips. No one has States years after U.S. troops finally left squeezed more out of 98 years than Phillips, and he tells his own story with Saigon in 1975. Professor Kurk Dorsey, Department Chair, has taught history at clarity, candor, and charisma. Raised the University of New Hampshire since by illiterate, immigrant grandparents, Phillips grew up to become a decorated 1994. World War II fighter pilot, mentor to

Admission $8 per person; $3 for Wright Museum members. Masks are optional for attendees who are fully vaccinated. Reservations strongly recommended, call 603-569-1212 for more info. Doors open 1 hour before the program begins.


World War II was a defining event in the lives of virtually all Americans. Whether they served in the military or worked on the home front, the war had a dramatic effect on daily life. In light of this, many Americans created and collected mementoes that they felt would serve as a lasting reminder of this pivotal experience. These keepsakes fulfilled different purposes, from honoring a fallen comrade to reminding a sweetheart of one’s devotion. Yet all were personal reminders of service and sacrifice in the fight for freedom. Our final special exhibit of 2021, Shaped by Conflict gives visitors an in-depth look at common mementos and personal items of the WWII era. Including handmade trench art, postcards, sweetheart pillows and much more, this exhibit illustrates how Americans sought to commemorate a critical moment in our nation’s history. This exhibit is curated by the Wright Museum of WWII, using items from its Permanent Collection. Exhibition made possible by : Weirs Publishing Company, Taylor Community and John & Evelyn Frank

Visit www.wrightmuseum.org for the entire series schedule

ut ADMISSION RATES: Ask Abonual n A r u Museum Members - Free | Adults $12.00 O ships & s Children (5-17) $8.00 / (4 and under) Free r e b m e p M bershi All Military and Seniors (60 and over) $10.00 Gift Mem

Masks are optional for Museum visitors who are fully vaccinated.

MUSEUM OPEN DAILY Show AAA card for 10% discount on adult admission fees.

May 1st thru Oct. 31st

Monday – Saturday, 10am-4pm Sunday, Noon-4pm

603-569-1212 • www.WrightMuseum.org • 77 Center Street, Wolfeboro, NH


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —



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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

A Surprising Eagle Sighting by Chris Bosak

Please call 603.260.1101 to inquire further. 109 Court Street Laconia, NH • graymattersnh.com

Contributing Writer

It was an eagle. There was no doubt about that. I secondguessed myself only for a second because of where the sighting took place. It was not on a remote lake in northern New England or on one of the islands in Long Island Sound. It was right along a highway. We are all used to seeing hawks perched along the highway. In fact, when I drive to Pennsylvania a couple of times a year to visit family, I make it a point to count the number of red-tailed hawks I see perched in trees along Route 86. It is usually between 10 and 15. Hey, it passes the time on a long drive. I noticed from far away as I approached the scene that there was a bird perched in a tree overhanging a somewhat busy state highway. Even from a significant distance, I could tell it was not a hawk. The only question was whether it was an eagle or a vulture. It did not have the posture of a vulture, but rather the regal stance of an eagle. As I drove up to the bird, I could see that it was an immature bald eagle. It was probably about two years old. Bald eagles do

In an effort to meet the increased need for mental health counseling, we have expanded our practice and are now accepting new clients as a result.

A bald eagle perches on a snag in New England last week. not get their signature white feathers on their heads and tails until they are four or five. It was large like an eagle, but not massive. That leads me to believe that it was a male bald eagle as female eagles, like most birds of prey, are larger. The snag the eagle was perched on is close to a small pond and the eagle kept a close look at the water and pond edges. The pond is so small, in fact, that I’m not sure what the eagle was looking for. The pond likely doesn’t hold many big fish and there were

certainly no ducks that the eagle could go after. Regardless of its reasons for picking that perch that morning, I was happy for it. As luck would have it, there is a small pulloff big enough for one car close to the pond. The eagle was not distracted by my truck pulling in or by the window going down. I snapped a few photos from the driver’s seat and headed back on my way to work. Not a bad way to start the day. It was probably my See BOSAK on 32



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Author And Emmy Award Winner Peter Lion Presents “American St. Nick”

WOLFEBORO - On Tuesday, September 7, the Wright Museum will welcome author and seven-time Emmy award winner Peter Lion, who will discuss his book, American St. Nick. Set in Wiltz, Luxembourg, American St. Nick is the true story of a group of GIs who created a Christmas celebration for children. In this small town, it was traditional to have a celebration on December 5, which is the eve of St. Nicholas Day. The American GIs revived this tradition by having one of their own dress up as St. Nick as they played music and handed out treats while the women and children of the town celebrated.

“Aside from the upfront story behind American St. Nick, what has always amazed me is the confluence of personnel, timing, location, circumstance and flat out luck that had to happen to make this story possible,” said Lion. “It’s truly remarkable.” The Wright Executive Director Mike Culver said he looks forward to the presentation, which is part of their 2021 Lecture Series, presented by Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney. “The American St. Nick is one of those stories that sounds as if it was created in Hollywood,” he said. “WWII American soldiers who can’t be home find a

Author Peter Lion will be at The Wright Museum on Tuesday, September 7th to tell the story of The American St. Nick.

way to bring the true Christmas spirit to the children of a small village and in the process manage to ‘be home’ for Christmas...More than 70 years later, those soldiers are still celebrated and revered for what they did for that village.” American St. Nick lecture begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7 followed by a book signing at the Wright Museum, 77 Center Street in Wolfeboro on the first floor of the new DuQuoin Education Center. Admission is $3 for members and $8 for non-members. Masks are optional for all fully vaccinated audience members. Reservations are strongly encouraged and can be

made by calling 603569-1212. On October 12, 2021, from 7 to 8 p.m, Peter Lion will return to speak about the documentary film made from his book, “The American St. Nick.” The film will be screened as part of the Wright’s GoodgameCanney education program, and reservations are required. The region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II, the Wright Museum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield. For more information about the 2021 Lecture Series, or museum, visit wrightmuseum.org.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Letters From God This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

the days of Noah, the sin and the evil will grow so great and so pervasive then I will destroy it again but this time with fire (Isaiah 66:15-16). It will be the final judgment on the world and the consummation of human history. Following this, I will recreate a new heaven and earth that will endure forever (Isaiah 66:22; Revelation 21). At the heart of these events are a series of judgments on the earth. These judgments, you must understand, result from direct judgment on sin by me, from my throne, because humanity has rejected me and brazenly violated my laws and my commands. They also are an indirect result, of natural consequences of the sin of humanity, boomeranging on them and producing catastrophic effects that ultimately will hurt them. Like war, which often arises from selfish and sinful desires. It brings famine and famine brings death and death becomes pervasive. I spoke through my prophet Isaiah and said, “when your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Though grace is shown to the wicked they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and regard not the majesty of the Lord.” (Isaiah 26:910) When sin becomes so prevalent and predominant, it is so sad that, if anyone will learn, it will be through painful consequences. Like dealing with Pharaoh in the Old Testament. The only

way he would ever let my people go and follow my will, instead of his, was if he felt the pain of the plagues. As I mentioned in my last letter, these judgments, as revealed in the book, are brought in three groups of seven judgments. Each of the groups are named. The first is a series of judgments that begin with the opening of a scroll (Chapter 5). The second are initiated with the sound of a trumpet (Chapter 8). The third are described as bowls of judgment being poured out to complete the judgements (Chapter 16). These painful judgments increase in intensity and duration. It includes salt & freshwater being polluted and killing much of aquatic life (Revelation 16:3), an earthquake that will shake the whole earth and a hailstorm with devastating destruction (Revelation 6:1214;16:15-21), the earth heating and creating unbearable conditions (Revelation 16:8-9), famine (Revelation 6:5-6), plagues more devastating than Covid (Revelation 6:7-8), the darkening of the Sun & Moon (Revelation 8:12), and even a final World War that will be initiated by a world leader who defies me and even claims to be God. He will lead a world government into the war that will end all wars. It will end because my Son, Jesus, who walked among you and died to pay for your sins, will return in the midst of that battle and establish His kingdom on earth and ultimately on a new heaven and earth (Revelation 19:11-21). Despite these and oth-

Letters From God

QUESTION: What Else Does Revelation Say About Judgements In Your Book, The Bible? Thank you for asking. In my last letter I spoke of events that will culminate human history. I began this final chapter of my book, Revelation, speaking to the Churches that existed in the 1st century to remind them and to inform you of the many important events that will take place before my Son returns to the earth and restores it into its original design. This design is found in the first chapter of my book, the Bible, the book of Genesis. May I remind you that when I created humanity, the earth and everything in it, and even the universe, I created to last eternally. I warned the first man and woman, that because I am without sin, should they disobey me they will be separated from me, the source of life, and they will begin to die (Genesis 2:15-17). With their death the world and everything in it began to die. At one point, the sin and evil of the world grew so great and so pervasive that I brought it to an end, when only Noah & his family survived the flood (Genesis 6, 7, 8). Though I predicted that I would never destroy the earth with water again (Genesis 9:12-17), there will be a time in which, like

er painful judgements, most will not turn from their sins or seek me and the forgiveness I offer, so that they might be saved from temporal and eternal death. These judgements will occur. They need not happen, but even as you are rejecting me now you will harden your hearts even more in the future. If, however, you would return to me, confess your sins, receive forgiveness from my Son and obey me, you need not die. If you have ears to hear me and a heart that believes me, come back to me and I will save you from certain death and give you eternal life (Romans 6:23). I love you, God These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — Serving ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily

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Contact Mmistretta@rcapsolutions.org or 603-312-7901 to schedule an assessment.


Pumking and Warlock Stouts

by Jim MacMillan Contributing Writer

‘Muggy’ is a term often used to describe how these last days of summer’s heat wave have been tolerated. With both higher temps and high humidity, thirsty folk are trending in many directions, With summer heat comes the need

for thirst quenching while milder declining temps allow us to pursue more directions. As we approach fall colors and moderating temps, our pursuit of more relaxing liquids becomes our motivation. Fuller body and flavorful profiles of fall begin to fill our senses, DunYin Pumpkin coffee is in full gear with matching spiced donuts. Yes fall will be here before we know it. So why not get into the pumpkin spice time of year if we must. All will follow as lemmings in a line. Inevitably, we will succumb to fall weather and its offerings in New England. I often refer to this time of year as ‘putting on the winter coat.’ Satisfied with bigger, more robust beers is a seasonal transition. Pumpkin season continues this week with focus beverages relating to pumpkin spiced beers. Two heavy contenders of flavor are from our friends at Southern Tier. Southern Tier Brew-

ing Company, located in Lakewood, NY, have produced finely crafted and bigger beers since 2002. Phineas DeMink and Allen Yahn started Southern Tier in 2002. By 2005, they were in full brewing mode. In 2009, the demand for their rapidly growing fan base of great craft recipes made it necessary to expand beyond the yearly offerings of pilsner, IPA and golden ale styles into seasonals that grew their notoriety. Today they are distributed among 30 states and beyond. Southern Tiers’ 110-barrel brewing capacity just barely keeps up with their distribution so more growth is projected. Their facility also ventured into distilling spirits in the spring of 2016. Find out more about Southern Tier at stbcbeer.com. These two compadre beers are linked by their producer as pumpkin spiced beers. Interestingly, if you taste them side by side,

you can taste their similarity. the difference between lies in the malt or grains used for each recipe. Because Pumking Ale is less hearty than the stout, the pumpkin flavoring is more apparent. In comparison, the stout is rich and full of what you might like a stout for. Either way, both Southern Tier offerings are mighty good and worth comparing. Try a single bottle purchase if you can to help you decide about the full 4 pack destination. They are both available at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other fine beer providers. BeerAdvocate.com has officially awards this year’s Pumpking with 92 out of 100 while Warlock enjoys a 90 out of 100, both earning an ‘Outstanding’ rating. There is a lot to like in both theses seasonal offerings. Thanks to Southern Tier for keeping us well supplied with pumpkin flavoring!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Oddball - Albino Moose IPA Moat Mtn. -Blueberry Lone Pine - Portland Pale Ale 603 - Amber Ale Great Rhythm - Tropical Haze

Burlington -Watermelon Whale Cake Great Rhythm - Perp. Grüven Downeast -Pineapple Northwoods -Surfcandy ...+30 More On Tap


286 S. Main St., Wolfeboro 603.569-3662 COPPER KETTLE Morrisseysfrontporch.com Smithwick’s TAVERN Guinness At Hart’s Turkey Harp Farm Restaurant Concord Craft Safe Space 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith Concord Craft Coffee Stout 603.279.6212 603 Hard Seltzer hartsturkeyfarm.com Stella Artois Henniker - Working Man’s Porter ...+10 More On Tap Concord Craft - Safe Space Stoneface - IPA PATRICK’S PUB Moat Mtn - Blueberry 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603 - Winni Amber Ale 603.293.0841 ...+6 More On Tap Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale D.A. LONG Great North - Moose Juice TAVERN Guinness At Funspot Tuckerman - Pale Ale 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603 - Winni Amber Ale 603.366.4377 Harpoon - IPA funspotnh.com Woodstock - Papaya Pale Ale Stark - Zeus’ Belgian Wit ...+8 More On Tap Two Roads - Roadsmary’s Baby Maine Beer - Another One THE WITCHES Liar’s Bench - No Dice Pilsner BREW PUB Concord Cft - Coffee Milk Stout At The Craft Beer Foundation - Wolfgang Xchange ...+6 More On Tap 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344 JOHNSON’S FB @craftbeerxchange TAPHOUSE DDowneast – Pumpkin Cider At Johnson’s 14th Star – Raspberry Sour Seafood & Steak Moat – Czech Pilsner 69 Rt 11, New Durham Sloop – Juiciest Triple IPA 603.859.7500 Woodstock – Pigs Ear eatatjohnsons.com/ Left Hand – Peanut Butter newdurham Stout Lone Pine- El dorado DDH OH-J ...+30 More On Tap Maine Beer -Tiny Beautiful Something ** Tap listings subject to change!


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!



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Music on the Meeting House Green: Peabody’s Coal Train

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tion for the Arts, the Village is pleased to present a wide variety of performance for all to enjoy! From folk to classical, Music on the Meeting House Green offers something for

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Dine on the Water at Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee

Peabody’s Coal Train will be performing Sunday, September 5th at 4pm at Canterbury Shaker Village.

everyone. The Village is hosting 13 summer concerts in a varied lineup, also featuring dance and poetry, culminating in a celebraFull Liquor License tion of the arts for all Boat Docking Available to enjoy. Dine on Our Sundeck Located Right by the Water This Sunday, SepRoute 11 • Alton Bay, NH • 875-3636 tember 5, don’t miss GPS: 42 Mt. Always Lots OfMajor Fun Hwy On Tap! the next concert in EXCEPTIONAL CRAFT BEER LIST • COCKTAILS • WINE the series, featuring Peabody’s Coal Train. GRAB A BITE TO EAT! Peabody’s Coal Train a six-piece acoustic Made to Order Pizza, is band playing a wideChicken Fingers ranging mix of folk, Appalachian mountain Hot Dogs music, classic coun& French Fries try, swinging blues, old-time gospel, and Explore our rotating draft to-tapping bluegrass selection with 12 carefully tunes. Plus, a little curated offerings! rock and roll! TAVERN HOURS The series began on Open Every Day, year round June 20th, and will Open Daily At Noon Open Daily at 11am for continue Lunch andevery Dinner SunSun. - Thur. noon -10pm day through SeptemFri. & Sat. noon - 11pm ber 19th. Concerts Located Inside Funspot, Rte. 3, One Mile North Of The Weirs Beach Sign are from 4 – 5 pm. All 579 Endicott Street N. • Weirs • NH • 603-366-4377 • funspotnh.com concerts will be held

Specializing in American Cuisine Seafood | Beef | Poultry | Pasta Veal | Lamb | Lobster Roll

on the iconic Meeting House Green, where there is always a beautiful view and a cool summer breeze. Suggested donation of $10 per person for each performance. Bring a picnic, bring a chair, and enjoy a series of concerts on the green. All concerts are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather, but there will be a rain location. Concert cancellations will be updated on www.shakers.org the morning of each performance date. Please visit www. shakers.org for more information, and to learn about more upcoming events. Please email info@shakers. org for any questions, or call 603-783-9511 x 205.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

The Rockin’ Daddios At The Franklin Opera House For One Night Only on Friday September 25th as the Franklin Opera House the Rockin’ Daddios take to the stage. Tap your toes and sing along to their fun and stylish renditions of hits from the 1950’s & 1960’s. For nearly a decade, Bo Guyer, Angelo Gentile, Jim Rogato and Drew Seneca have been thrilling audiences throughout New Hampshire and beyond with family friendly entertainment and feel-good nostalgic tunes. The Rockin Daddios formed in 2012 and have been singing strong together since. Some of their past venues include The Majestic Theater, Mohegan Sun, Belknap Mill and the Deerfield Fair. Join The Rockin Daddios at Franklin Opera House 316 Central St. in Franklin, NH for a trip down memory lane. Their flair for fun and captivating rhythms will have you tapping and singing along in no time. Some seating limitations currently in effect. Showtime is 7:30pm. For tickets and more information visit www. FranklinOperaHouse. org.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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Celebrate Labor Day Weekend at Gunstock at the fabulous Labor Day Weekend Craft Fair at Gunstock Mountain Resort on Saturday and Sunday, September 4-5. Hours will be 10am to 5pm both days. There will be over 90 exhibitors with an array of interesting arts & crafts including chainsaw wood carvings by Elise who will be demoing her chainsaw wood talents both days!

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Fine Jewelry, Photography, Cutting Boards, Soaps, Arts, Crafts & Specialty Foods! Country Woodcrafts, Glass Lanterns, Knits, Sports Collages, Fine Jewelry, Photography, Scarves, Blown Glass, Accessories, Pottery, Wearable Art, Candles, Toys, FloralDolls, Design, Leather, Stone Candles, Handbags, Watercolors, FiberWearable Art, Dolls,Art, Painted Glass, Knits, Knives,Doll Sea Glass Pics, Fine Art, Metal, Pressed Flowers, Clothes, Pewter, Intarsia, Pet Gifts, Growth Charts, Live Edge Furniture and more. Accessories, Furniture, Metal, Lampshade Covers, Come and sample gourmet specialty foods including Garden Folk Toys, Pottery, Fiber Art, Herbal Dips, HerbalArt, Dips, Pies, Roasted Nuts, Kettle Corn and more.

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Friendly Pets on a Leash are Welcome GPS Location: 24 Mount Major Highway (Route 11) Alton, NH. GPS Location: 24 Mount Major HwyWinnipesaukee! (Rte 11) Alton, NH The Fair is accessible by boat on Lake The Fair is accessible boat on Lake Winnipesaukee! For more by information visit


Some of the other arts & crafts will include beautiful alpaca products, amazing handpainted snowboards/ snowshoes/mush-

rooms/wood/slates/ metal, quilts, cedar wood furniture, macrame chairs & demo, charcuterie boards, recycled sweater hats & mittens, personal care products, quilts, CBD products, wildlife photography, handpainted tiles, jewelry, antique steamboats, abstract artwork, handpainted lanterns, wood carved black bears/ signs, amazing animal photography, cribbage

boards, cutting boards, soy candles, stained glass, gourmet foods, kettle corn & lots more. Always Free Admission. Held Rain or Shine Under Canopies. Friendly, Leashed Pets Welcome. Social Distancing Please. GPS Address: 719 Cherry Valley Rd., Rt. 11A, Gilford For more Info call Joyce at (603) 3871510.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

Summer Fun!


Experience movies under the stars!

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Labor Day Weekend: Laughs Time Three in Lincoln North Country Center for the Arts when three Boston area comedians take center stage at Jean’s Playhouse on Sunday, September 5. Expect standout stand up from Comedy Host Greg Boggis, headliner Jim Colliton, and featured Jody Sloane beginning at 7:30 pm.Jim Colliton has been honing his comedy with the real experiences of married-dad-with-threekids suburban life. His first album, “Stories from the Suburbs” won Comedy Album of the Year in 2006. Jim’s second album “Why is Dad so Angry?” has gone on to be one of the most requested comedy albums on XM Satellite Radio. Jim has been on Comedy Central, NBC, Fox, and CBS, and he has a new comedy special out this year on Dry Bar Comedy. Finally, Dads get their story told with the comedy of this popular comedian. Jody Sloane began with sit-down shtick as Penny Wise, a cheeky “Conducktor” on the Boston Duck Tours: 4,000+ tours provided a prefect tee-up to becoming a stand-up regular at esteemed venues throughout New England and beyond, from Headliners Comedy Clubs to NYC’s Gotham Comedy Club, the Foxwoods Comix Comedy Club and more. Hosting, Greg Boggis brings his own brand of humor as well as NCCA house comic and com-


Route 3 • Weirs Beach • 603-366-4723 visit weirsdrivein.com for showtimes

edy event producer. Greg’s monthly comedy showcase at Fody’s Tavern in Nashua was named one of the top 5 comedy venues in NH by the website Best in NH. NH favorite from The Strange Name Movie! The Sept. 5 show is rated PG-13, and presented with no intermission. Covidera precautions are in place and audience masks are required, with general admission/assigned seating to allow for safe distancing. Tickets may be available at the door, but with capacity limited by distance seating, the Playhouse urges advance purchase online at www.jeansplayhouse.com. Per person admission is $20, and concessions/bar available pre-show to take into the auditorium. STAND UP PADDLEBOARDS KAYAKS • CANOES



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — SMITH from 9 rive in Boston during the night, and would land this mail along the White Mountains division early in the morning in season for the rural mail carriers to deliver it along their routes the same day.” A somewhat related item from a 1906 issue of The White Mountain Republic-Journal reported the death of a 72 year old Civil War veteran, Proctor E. Harris. The connection to the mail was that Mr. Harris was for many years a mail carrier in Warren “between the post office and the Boston and Maine railroad station.” He had served in Company H of the First New Hampshire Heavy Artillery. Later in the 1900s as a child I took our Rural Free Delivery for granted with R.F.D. # 1, Ashland, NH, as our address even though we lived in the town of New Hampton and our mail would be delivered even if the RFD was not included in the address. Those were the days of the three-cent stamp for letters and one-cent for postcards. It seems to me that postcards were more frequently used in those days when one could write a short note and save two-cents on postage if you weren’t concerned about the mail-carrier reading your message. Some people could fit a good size message onto a card. I assume that much of the mail was transported by train in those days, but somewhere along the way air-mail made its appearance. I think that was in the 1920s. No airplane showed up in anyone’s yard, but for an extra fee one could expect that any longdistance mail would

The first Postmaster Benjamin Franklin. arrive at its destination in a more timely manner. Swift mail service in colonial America took a while to be established. The settlers didn’t arrive with a master plan that they could quickly put into operation, but long before the trains were used, mail was carried by post-riders using horses. According to an article in The Granite State Magazine, published in 1911, the first time that mail was carried south from Portsmouth, NH, in coaches was in the year 1786. A writer in those days of the early 1900s is said to have written concerning the late 1700s: “In the mountains of New Hampshire, in the hill country of Pennsylvania, in the rice swamps of Georgia and the Carolinas, letters were longer in reaching their desti-

nation than they are now in reaching Pekin, China.” At first the mail carried by coaches did not carry other merchandise or passengers and there was strong opposition to doing so, though it appears there were passenger coaches and mail wagons at other locations before the mail coaches left Portsmouth. The practice of carrying passengers on mail wagons was reportedly begun in New Jersey when room for four passengers on top of a stage coach was allowed, but it took some time for that practice to be generally accepted. Unlike the early train to New Hampshire in 1906 which was carrying six different newspapers, the early mail carriers of the 1700s delivered mail but few, if any, newspapers. Magazines and books were

added some time after newspaper delivery began. Post offices were in houses or taverns and the mail was not always handled with great care as the post rider here in the east, unlike the renown pony express riders, was apt to be an older man who wasn’t in a hurry and took time to open and read the mail as he traveled along. In 1776 there were only 28 national post offices in the country. Benjamin Franklin, as deputy postmaster general, is credited with great strides in the advancement of the postal service, including visiting Portsmouth and establishing mail routes in New Hampshire. It should be noted that post-riders and postmasters were made exempt from military service by an act of the General court in 1777. In 1798 postal rates established by Congress were six cents for single letters going 30 miles, eight cents for 60 miles, and ten cents for 100 miles. Rates were increased according to the distance involved and a periodic increase occurred over the next 30 years. In at least one of his letters as the national postmaster Franklin mentioned the name of Bartholomew Stavers whom he indicates was paid at some pe-

Sacred Heart Church

riod of time as a postal employee to carry the mail between Portsmouth and Boston. His brother John Stavers owned the “Earl of Halifax Inn” from which the mail was sent to Boston. Bartholomew Stavers is considered the pioneer of the stagecoach owners in New Hampshire, starting a a successful stagecoach business in 1863 with his coach, which he called “The Flying Stagecoach,” leaving Portsmouth at eleven in the morning and arriving in Boston at around two o’clock in the afternoon of the next day. It would seem that Stavers was delivering

mail illicitly as a sideline until the Boston postmaster hired him to make his activities legal. He had come to New Hampshire from England in 1755 and, being sympathetic to the English at the time of the Revolutionary War, returned to England, leaving his wife and baby behind, never to return. His life, like the stagecoach history and that of colonial mail service, was a complicated one which I might research further at a future date. Robert Hanaford Smith welcomes your comments at danahillsmiths@yahoo.com






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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — MOFFETT from 1









some exclusions may apply. disount on in-store purchases only. Sale ends Sept. 6th Meredith, NH 279-7463 • •Wolfeboro, NH 569-3560 MEREDITH, NH 279-7463 WOLFEBORO 569-3560 CONWAY, 356-7818 • • LACONIA, NH NH 524-1276 NorthNORTH Conway, NH NH 356-7818 Laconia, 524-1276

I’d seen countless Indians ride bareback on television. The plan worked! I was soon on the back of the giant beast. But despite my tugging on its mane and pointing where I wanted it to go, the horse chose to go away from the farmhouse. (In “hindsight,” this was probably a good thing.) Back towards the orchard went the big horse, despite my protestations. And I didn’t realize how high up off the ground I’d be. Then the horse started to run. That was not part of the plan. Increasingly terrified, I held on for dear life. The horse—apparently quite smart—headed for a large apple tree. It ducked its head under a big branch and literally scraped me off into the tree.

Mike Moffett getting to know Emma before their ride. Kenny came running to see if I was dead. I was quite alive, but my shirt was torn up and my back was bleeding in numerous places.

“We won’t talk about this to anyone, right Kenny?” Kenny agreed. But when we returned to the farmhouse my tat-

tered shirt and bloody back did not go unnoticed. “What in blazes happened to you?” asked my grandpa. “Um. I fell into an apple tree.” “How in blazes does anyone fall into an apple tree? Tell the truth!” “Mike jumped on the horse,” said Kenny. “It was all Mike’s idea!” Thanks Kenny. To quote Mark Twain from Tom Sawyer: “Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of this scene.” All of which brings us to Moonshadow Farm in Epping, N.H. and “Operation Renewed Freedom.” It’s there that Geraldine Duncan and friends take care of horses, ride horses and actually share horses with veterans in need of healing and wellness. As Vice Chair of the House Veterans Committee, I occasionally get invites to veteranSee MOFFETT on 27

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — MOFFETT from 26 themed activities and events and the invitation to visit Moonshadow Farm in August seemed like one I could not pass up. ORF’s published Mission Statement is “To help veterans, military members, first responders and their families discover the FREEDOM to LIVE ABUNDANT lives and experience HOPE and HEALING, using a model of IMMERSION and EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING while partnering with HORSES.” I got to meet some wonderful folks and not only made new friends but also learned about how to properly engage horses. After several hours on the farm I got to know a horse named Emma, owned by a wonderful woman named Deb. We all bonded and by the afternoon I was riding Emma, who patiently endured my presence and did not take off for any apple trees. Yes, it was indeed cathartic and therapeutic. Hard to explain. As Ronald Reagan once said, “There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” I posted a photo of Emma and me on Facebook, of course. I soon got a message from Karen Caron, of Guildhall, Vt.—right next to Lunenburg. A fellow Groveton High School grad, Karen became a marvelous equestrian / horsewoman. She pointed out that her Stable Connections operation similarly used horse power to promote wellness. Karen explained that she’s “been certified in equine assisted therapy for 12 years. Using horses for healing.

We’ve seen over 700 different individuals in veteran workshops, team building for businesses, working with at risk youth, schools, individual and family sessions.” Who knew? Check out Stableconnections.com. So while I went several decades between horse rides I am so glad I visited Moonshadow Farm. It helped erase the long-remembered trauma of the great apple tree caper on my grandfather’s farm. And, by the way. Kenny was just as guilty as me! Just saying. Sports Quiz When was the first Kentucky Derby? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on Sept. 2 include Kentucky basketball coaching legend Adolpf Rupp (1901) and tennis great Jimmy Connors (1952). Sports Quote “No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” – Sir Winston Churchill. Sports Quiz Answer May 17, 1875 State Representative Mike Moffett was a Professor of Sports Management for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the critically acclaimed and award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His email address is mimoffett@comcast.net.

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This Common Garter Snake, nearly 2 feet long, was just hanging out by the Mt. Hale summit cairn. From FireLookout.org has a section on New Hampshire Fire Towers and they share this wonderful photo of the Mt. Hale Fire Tower taken in 1939. According to their website the tower was built in 1929 and was in service until 1950 and torn down in 1972. Look at the big view of Mt. Washington! Today Mt. Hale is covered with trees and no longer has a wide vista. PATENAUDE from 11 I was amazed they seemed not to be worn out after almost a 12 hour day. They were excited and full of adrenaline. Between

mouthfuls of nachos we decided to hike together the next morning before they had to return to Manchester. But the forecast wasn’t good---rain,


rain, rain. But I assured them it was okay. I knew the perfect peak on the 4k list: Mount Hale. Mt. Hale is a popular New Hampshire 4,000 footer peak to hike on a cloudy or rainy day. The trail has decent footing, it isn’t too steep or long and the forest is lovely. But the main reason is that there is no view from its summit. The trees have all grown tall and block

out what was once an excellent view of the big mountains of the Presidential Range. Mount Hale was once home to a fire tower that sat on Hale’s cleared summit. The tower was built in 1929 and torn down in 1972. Oh well, if I ever win the lottery I’ll rent a Blackhawk helicopter and set a new lookout tower on Hale’s summit--shhh don’t See PATENAUDE on 29

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — was being guarded by a snake. Sue managed to scare it off when she went to get a closer look. The footings and the concrete step and some steel pins are all that remain of the former fire tower. I pulled out my compass and put it near the cairn’s rocks and we watched the needle spin around. Many of the rocks are magnetic. I learned this by reading my White Mountain Guide! We trotted down the mountain and the rain held off but we were

really hot and sweaty by the time we reached the car. The adventure was not quite 3 hours long but it was a lot of fun to be together. And now Sue has 13 of the 48 NH 4ks checked off. I am sure I will see her again soon. Have Fun! Amy Patenaude is an avid skier/outdoor enthusiast from Henniker, N.H. Readers are welcome to send comments or suggestions to her at: amy@weirs.com.

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Yeah we made it to the top of Mt. Hale, elevation 4,054 feet and ranked #37 in height on the New Hampshire 4000 footer list. The viewless summit has magnetic rocks that will cause your compass to spin. Mt. Hale is a good peak to do on a cloudy or rainy day. PATENAUDE from 28 tell the Forest Service. The smell of coffee encouraged the gals to get out of bed and get ready to go again. The Hale Brook Trail begins 2.5 miles up the Zealand Road from Route 302 (between Twin Mountain & Bretton Woods). There is a

small gravel parking lot and an information kiosk at the trailhead. It wasn’t raining yet, just hot and muggy. The lot already had 5 or 6 cars in it, others were trying to beat the rain too. The trail climbs 2,300 vf in 2.2 miles; it was a good steady

climb. Hale Brook was an easy rock hop across and the sound of its cascading water was joyous to our ears. We met a couple of people already on their way back down. The sky was cloudy and the air felt misty when we reached the top. The big rock cairn

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — MAILBOAT from 2 “world-wide, ever-lasting Communism”. For the past 90-100 years, One of the most infamous tactics that Communists have used has been to Smear their opponents with False allegations in an effort to either embarras or scare them into silence, or, to make them Falsely appear to be so despicable, or so ludicrous, that no one will listen to them and take them seriously. When J. Edgar Hoover wrote his book exposing communism in America, not only was the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) Incensed by the exposure of their secret activities, but so too were the masters of the CPUSA in the Kremlin: in an effort to silence J. Edgar Hoover, or at least, make him Falsely appear to be so perfectly ludicrous that no one would take his warnings about the CPUSA seriously, the Soviet KGB concocted and disseminated Disinformation about Hoover in a malicious effort to discredit him: it Falsely alleged that Hoover was a “closet-homosexual” and a “fruity transvestite”; therefore, no one should take anything

that Hoover says seriously; in fact, no one should take Hoover seriously: they should laugh at him--and, of course, his book: Masters of Deceit. That effective piece of Soviet Disinformation was exposed as the Lie that it is in: The Sword And The Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB, by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, who worked for 30 years in the Top Secret Soviet KGB Archives in Moscow, and who Defected to the West with Thousands of pages of notes from those Top Secret archives (New York, NY: Basic Books, 1999). Among the facts revealed by Mitrokhin: Hoover was the target of a Massive Soviet KGB Disinformation Campaign (pp. 235-236)--intended to make him Falsely appear to be a “closethomo­ s exual” and a “fruity transvestite” and the FBI to be a “den of faggots” [sic] (pp. 235-236). The entire purpose of this Soviet KGB Disinformation Campaign being to Smear Hoover with False allegations-in an effort to ensure See MAILBOAT on 32

Now In 4th Printing!

The Flatlander Chronicles Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

BOSAK from 13 second most surprising eagle sighting. The first one occurred about four years ago when I spotted an immature eagle perched in a snag in a swamp sandwiched between a large shopping mall and a six-lane interstate highway. Years ago, eagle sightings were rare enough that there is

no way I would have seen them in these settings. Now they are becoming more commonplace. Eagles, similar to ospreys, have made a nice comeback in recent years. Osprey, of course, are much more plentiful, but eagles seem to be getting there as well. Eagle population numbers in New Hampshire echo that of

very positive trends throughout New England, and the country, for that matter. Hopefully, this trend continues. It’s nice to see our national symbol thriving. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com


MAILBOAT from 31 that, if anyone read Hoover’s book, then they would not take either it, nor him, seriously because the Communists do Not want you to read Masters of Deceit, because they do Not want you to take it seriously. There­fore, you Need to find and read a copy of Hoover’s Superb book and learn what the Communists do Not want you to know. Douglass R. Knight, BA, BS Salem, NH.

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To The Editor: Lets have a round of applause for Senator Hasson and Senator Shaheen for approving 1.35 trillion dollars for the Infrastructure Bill with no apparent way to pay for it. They see no problem with this as the government is printing the money 24/7 to cover the cost. What also seems amazing is that the Medicare Fund will be depleted in approximately five years. Once again, no problem here because the money is on the way. What a great country ! This behavior persists while this country is already in debt to the tune of thirty three trillion dollars. This line item in the yearly budget now consumes fifty percent of every dollar printed. These two Senators are working behind the scenes to spend another 3.5 trillion dollars on what is referred to as Social Infrastructure programs and you guessed it, there is no plan in place to do anything other than print more money. This country is in big trouble financially and it is not going to end

well. Inflation is the precursor to monetary chaos followed by the blame game. On a positive note the State of New Hampshire recently approved a two year budget that takes into account how the money will be appropriated and how the budget will be balanced. Senator Bradley from Wolfeboro was a major architect for the new fiscal budget which should serve as an example in Washington. If you think I am being an alarmist, take a close look at the rising cost of everything. Energy is a key element and it will cost more to simply move goods and provide services. Your wellbeing is at stake and I am convinced that New Hampshire’s two US Senators care very little about anything other than their political future. You be the judge. Kenneth Bowers Wolfeboro, NH.

Liked The F.O.O.L. To The Editor: The 8/19/21 F..O.O.L. column was fantastic ad worthy of national syndication. Mr. Smith, you outdid yourself with your best humor recalled. Bring on more of this. Please? The best political correctness essay ever and worthy of required readings in all high schools, colleges, and universities. Jim Raschilla Alton Bay NH.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —




Runners Up : George Hamilton and David Hasselhoff get their first tans. - Alan Dore, Rochester, NH. Jimmy and Bobby do their chin-ups at 10AM every day. - Bill Pawluck, E. Wakefield, NH.

PHOTO #873

The nurse exclaimed “Their future is so bright they have to wear shades!” -Tom Mcadams, Moultonborough, NH.

Interspecies sports development programs are in its infancy at Area 51. -Jean Cram, Pittsfield, NH,


PHOTO #875 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

The Winklman Aeffect

by John Whitlock

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employs 400+ employees, hree plants, in more than 130,000 of manufacturing space.

• A woman in her mid-30s. She is independent in — THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — many activities. She needs someone to manage her medications, medical appointments and diet. Ideally, the home provider would engage her in exercise and maintain a healthy diet. She has day services out the home for 6 hours each weekday.




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home and receive a tax-exempt, non-reportable stipend based on the difficulty of care of each individual. Many individuals go out during the day to explore their communities and/or work which affords some down time for the home providers.

Lakes Region Community Services is always seeking new home providers, but are currently specifically Molded Plastics is located in beautiful Wolfeboro, NH. seeking provider for the following: 7:00am to 11:00am We offer competitive pay rates Judy A. Davis Antiques & • A woman in her mid-30s. She is independent in Globe employs employees, Benefits include Health & Dental Insurance, Vision, One Item MSA or Entire Estate ~400+ Cash Paid For: operating three in more than 130,000 All Antiques: American andplants, Continental furniture, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Life Insurance, 401k, many activities. She needs someone to manage her square feet of manufacturing paintings, oriental rugs and bronzes.space. medications, medical appointments and diet. Ideally, 10 paid holidays, paid vacation time, paid sick time, 4:00pm to 8:00pm Historical documents, old books and maps, nautical items, the home provider would engage her in exercise and barometers and sextants. Old prints, movie and travel posters. and many other incentives! Open cameras Positions: maintain a healthy diet. She has day services out the Old photography, and musical instruments. Machine Operators – All shifts Gold andStitching SilverMachine U.S. Operator and foreign coins. Office Staff / Customer Service home for 6 hours each weekday.

Assembler• Assist – 2nd & 3rd– 2nd Shift - Starting Assembler and shift Pay $14.50 with customer service, order entry and3rd processing

Civil war and all military items, guns, swords, medals and old flags. • Utilize a variety of industrial single needle, double needle Old advertising, wooden and metalmachines signs, vintage and100 and programmable to stitchwhiskey one of over wine, old weathervanes, old topottery, oldthe jugs, crocks textiles, operations complete firesuit shelland or liner lamps andtraining lighting, glass andlearning china.Snapping, Seam Seal, • Cross may include Old toys, banks, trains, sports memorabilia comic books. Automated Stitching, and Trim,and Material preparation, Labeling, Inspection, Matching and Final packaging. Over 40 years experience in the antique business. Chinese and jade, ceramics, OPEN TOAsian ENTRYarts, LEVEL CANDIDATES. We offer an excellent training oriental textiles, furniture andprogram! art. Classic cars and motorcycles, gas pumps, Specialsigns Knowledge, and Abilities oil cans and 25Skills years andRequired: older. • Ability to Read, Write and Speak rings, Englishbrooches, All estate and contemporary jewelry, diamond • Basicallknowledge computers or tablets Patek, Rolex, watches of and charm bracelets. Possess a willingness to learn All •Fine Gold and Silver Jewelry. Enjoy working withtea yourservices, hands Sterling• silver flatware, trays • Able sit silver and/orand standgold. for long periods of time andtoall

Sanders – 1st shift

for Firefighter Protective Clothing (known as turnout gear/fire suits). This role is counted on to ensure that each and every component of the order is accurate before it is sent to production.

Machine – shift 2nd$.75 anddifferential 3rd Shift Pay starts Operator at $14.50 plus for 2nd & $1.50 shift for 3rd. - Starting Paydifferent $14.50 Special Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required: Process 2nd Shift Painter – 3rdTechnician shift starting –pay $16.00 plus $1.50 shift differential - Starting Pay $19.00 • Self-starter with excellent time management skills • Strong fluency in English language, both written and verbal • 1-3 years administrative related experience is required • High proficiency in keyboarding and data entry while maintaining accuracy • Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment • Proven success in a job or tasks requiring strong attention to detail • Strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task • Demonstrated ability to meet daily entry goals in a fast-paced environment nd • Flexibility with work schedule preferred - core hours will be 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday rd

• A friendly 21-year old man. He requires assistance with some daily living activities. He needs assistance with medication administration. He is very friendly and personable. • A 22-year old young woman. She requires support with regulating her emotions. She has day services out of the home for 6 hours each weekday.

Spray Painter –PSI 2nd Shift Plastics - Starting Pay $16.00 Molded

Five Wickers Drive Sander 1stWolfeboro, Shift - Starting Pay $14.50 • Able tobyliftGem approximately 30 pounds Certified School of America NH 03894 Member:• Have New strong Hampshire Antique Dealers organizational skills Assn. $.75 per hour603-941-0022 shift differential on 2 shift. • Possess a high attention to detail 603-934-5545 603-496-1811 jlake@metrocast.net $1.50 per hour shift differential on 3 shift. Candidates with experience in the following areas are encouraged to apply: • Quality Control and Inspection


**$1,000 SIGN ON BONUS

• ABS 400 experience or other similar order management system

If you have any questions, want to learn more about becoming a home provider and/or are interested in meeting one of these individuals, please contact Ellen Bean at (603)581.1556 or ellen.bean@lrcs.org


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — MALKIN from 6 advising Black Lives Matter leaders and other fledgling Marxist militant groups. Gilbert called the deadly shootings and robbery “revolutionary expropriation.” As one of his sycophants explained, the domestic terrorist crimes were “aimed at supplying financial support for the Black Revolutionary Army, a militant spin-off from the Black Panther Party.” Reminder: In 1973, Black Liberation Army/ Black Panther mem-

ber Joanne Chesimard (“Assata Shakur”) shot and killed New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster executionstyle during a traffic stop. The gunfight also left her brother-in-law, Black Liberation Army leader Zayd Malik Shakur, dead. At the time, the Black Liberation Army had been tied to the murders of more than 10 police officers across the country. Chesimard, Zayd Shakur and another member were wanted for questioning in the murder of two of those

cops when they were stopped. Chesimard was convicted and sentenced to life in 1977 but escaped from prison two years later with help from violent left-wing accomplices. One of those thugs, Black Liberation Army killer Tyrone Rison, admitted to participating in a series of armored-car robberies, including a $250,000 heist in the Bronx on June 2, 1981, that left a Brink’s guard dead. Rison also confessed to taking part in the planning

of the Brink’s robbery in which Boudin said his father and mother meant “no harm.” I remind you, again, as I have for the past two decades, that police officers Waverly Brown and Edward O’Grady and Brink’s guard Peter Paige were murdered during the homicidal siege. Brown, who served in the Air Force after the Korean War, had two grown daughters and a teenage son. O’Grady, who served in the Marines and did two tours of duty in Vietnam, left

behind a wife and three children -- 6, 2 and 6 months old. Paige, a Navy veteran, also left behind a wife and three kids -- 19, 16 and 9. If you care to take a stand against Cuomo’s last act of remorseless corruption and against the anarchotyranny that grips our country still today, please consider contributing to the O’Grady-Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund, which honors the memory of the fallen Nyack Police Department officers by supporting students

pursuing careers in law enforcement. More information at http:// www.ogradybrown. com. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.


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38 METZLER from 7 schools and there were only one million boys enrolled, according to the World Bank. By 2020, 3.5 million girls were in school throughout the country of 38 million people. The literacy rate increased to 43 percent, according to the UN’s UNESCO agency. Such gains, particularly education and expanding social rights are now in peril. Prominent Afghan women’s rights activist Fatima Gailani told an interview on the German Deutsche Welle news site, “the future of Afghanistan has to include all of us. Men and women. All languages, all ethnic groups. All the sects in Islam. Our Hindus and our Sikhs.” She lamented that the ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is a “national traitor.” To Joe Biden she would say, “Mr. President what you did to Afghanistan was very, very reckless.” Even Germany’s left-

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 — leaning Der Spiegel newsweekly admonished in an article “Debacle in Kabul,” that the “grotesquely amateurish management also weakens a U.S. administration that promised when it took office in January to resume a stronger role on the world stage.” United Nations Mission Pullout. There was sadly no more than a slipshod plan to properly evacuate UN staff and locally hired Afghans from the country. The likely logic was that the UN was viewed as impartial and delivering humanitarian aid. While true, this nuance seems lost on the Taliban. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) could only evacuate some staff. A UN Security Council statement (not a formal resolution) “Condemned in the strongest terms the deplorable attacks” near the International Airport in

Kabul where thirteen American troops and at least 100 Afghan civilians were killed by a ISIS-K suicide bomb. A devastating slap on the wrist to the emboldened terrorists! “The Bells Toll for us in Kabul,” wrote noted French philosopher Bernard Henri Levy in London’s Spectator magazine; who says that in Washington there is the “shameful spectacle of the commander in chief of what had been the world’s greatest power coming back from vacation to tick off on television… the brilliant achievements of his botched and pathetic evacuation operation.” John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.September 2021

SHAPIRO from 6 and with baseline ICU bed capacity of at least 2,378. Is it infections? We have no standard by which infectivity level is low enough to go back to normal: Schoolkids are being told to mask despite no evidence that children are at serious risk or are a main vector of transmission. Which means that zero COVID-19 has become the goal. And that’s not a goal, that’s a pipe dream.

But that pipe dream means we are stuck in pandemic mindset permanently. There is literally no goal post. Which means that Americans have a choice: either we can choose to live under restrictions forever to prevent a minute risk of post-vaccination hospitalization and death, or we can go back to normal. If we choose to give up our freedom for the chimera that government can end risk entirely,

we deserve none of the freedoms we supposedly cherish.

STOSSEL from 7

This created a “huge boom,” says Asly. “Georgia turned from a failed state to a very successful state.” Its economy grew 10% a year. Buildings that had been burned were restored. McDonald’s and KFC arrived. Some prosperity came to Georgia. “This was kind of a libertarian utopia for four years,” says Iva Nachkebia, national coordinator for Georgia’s branch of Students for Liberty. But then the politicians decided that since things were going well, they would get in on the action. Instead of leaving markets free, they gave privileges to cronies. “They chose 10, 15, 20 businessmen who were close to the government,” says Asly. “And they started protecting them at the expense of their competitors.” Since the protected businesses got big tax breaks, businessmen like Asly couldn’t compete. “After losing a couple of million dollars,” says Asly, “I decided to stop the business.” Economic growth slowed. Now the economy grows at half the rate it once grew. Japaridze thinks

Georgia re-embraced big government because “people did not actually understand” why Georgia’s economy improved. Years of Soviet propaganda kept people from learning about markets. He says that mentality must change for Georgia to develop. Either “you want to take responsibility about your life, or you are fine with being a slave and having some kind of a master who will provide you with your needs.” He’s right, but I question whether “years of Soviet rule” are what made the difference. There’s plenty of hostility toward free markets among privileged Americans who’ve never heard Soviet propaganda. The overall lesson from Georgia, says Asly: “Government should be very small. It should just regulate the minimum.”

then. With fewer rules to obey and licenses to get, there are fewer reasons to bribe. Transparency International now says Georgia is less corrupt than all its neighbors. The country also fired its entire police force, customs office and tax service, and diminished government agencies by half.

Ben Shapiro, 37, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and editorin-chief of DailyWire. com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side Of History,” and “Bullies.”

John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 2021 —

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