11/19/2020 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

VOLUME 29, NO. 47



A Taste Of The Future In Meredith? by Brendan Smith Weirs Times Editor

Back in 2008, after the housing market crash, an electronic version of money, known as cryptocurrency, came to life. It was called Bitcoin. No one knows who created Bitcoin, though theories abound, but it was without a doubt a new phenomena, powered by a massive amount of computing power, that not many outside of those having

remarkable computer prowess could grasp. “Bitcoin was created to move money without people being able to identify you,” said Dan Estes of Estes Collectible Investment in Meredith where the store is only one of a few in New Hampshire to now have a Cryptocurrency ATM. It has been twelve years since the start of Bitcoin, and what was once considSee ESTES on 24

‘Piecing’ Together History At The Wright


which transforms the space and invites all people who live here or passing through to come and visit us,” explained Culver. “We are very appreciative for all the projects he has completed at the museum.” Facing Center Street in Wolfeboro, the Remembrance See WRIGHT on 14 h

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Dan Estes of Estes Collectible Investment next to his new Cybercurrency ATM, one of BRENDAN SMITH PHOTO only a few in New Hampshire.

At the Wright Museum of WWII in Wolfeboro, many individuals have contributed to making it one of the region’s most visited museums, including John Thurston. “John owns The Green and Granite Landscaping and has played an integral part in beautifying our grounds over the years,” said Mike Culver, executive director of the museum. He said Thurston’s most recent work, however, might represent his most lasting contribution to The Wright. “He completed our walkway to the Remembrance Garden,


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —


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New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

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November Birdwatching by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer



The recent stretch of beautiful weather aside, November can be a tough month for birdwatchers. Frigid temperatures, cold rain and even some snow has many of us longing for the more pleasing fall weather of September and October. Most of the migrants, such as hawks and songbirds, are gone by November. The last of the leaves have fallen off the trees, except for a few hangers-on, erasing most of the color from the landscape. With most of the flowers long gone already too, brownishgray tree trunks and dark green foliage of evergreens dominate the landscape. Birders, however, are eternal optimists and always find bright spots. For me, November means that the waterfowl migration has begun in earnest. It starts slowly in October and hits its stride

A female common merganser swims in a pond in New England. Male common mergansers are white and black with dark green heads. in November. Ducks, as I have written for years, are my favorite type of bird to watch, so I never dread November. My first duck migration sighting of the year came a few weeks ago when I spotted four male hooded mergansers swimming away from the shoreline as I approached a

neighborhood pond. It was a beautiful thing to see and the first of many similar sightings that will occur for the next several months. I received an email last week from Amy, who wrote that she had seen a flock of more than 70 common mergansers on Childs Bog in Harrisville. Common mergan-

sers often form huge flocks and may be seen throughout late fall and winter on our lakes and large ponds. Smaller flocks and individual mergansers are often seen as well, including on smaller ponds and rivers. The merganser family, which also includes the red-breasted merSee BOSAK on 28

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This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 TheWeirsTimes.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2020 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

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Interview With The Godfather Of Modern Ice Fishing: Dave Genz -Part Two Contributing Writer

e S h op O u r N Com rger Store ew



Dave Genz is a leader in the ice fishing industry. His innovations and ideas have turned a hobby into a passion for many an angler. just. Like your cell phone; you start out with one that all you did was talk into it and now you can get online with it. If you want all the bells and whistles they cost more, but as far as catching fish the inexpensive one works just fine. TM: Do you fish with tip-ups? DG: No I don’t. I’m not a tip-up guy. There’s nothing wrong with putting a few tipups out, but some-

times they act like an anchor. Once you put that tip-up down, you tend to stick around that area because you have the tip-up down. Sometimes you have to keep moving until you find the fish. I fish one line, in one hole, and I keep moving a number of holes. I’ve been in areas where there are lots of tip-ups, hundreds could even be the number, (on Lake Champlain even,) and it was amazing how we could move around

TM: You are the Ice Team captain. What is Ice Team? DG: Well, when we started Ice Team its mission was to promote and enhance the quality of ice fishing by teaching people how to use the modern ice fishing equipment that was available at that time. Now it has expanded into teaching ice fishing to the people who want to learn. You can become a member of Ice Team for free by going to IceTeam.com joining. An Ice Team membership will get you newsletters and tips to help you become a better ice angler. TM: What words of encouragement would you give to someone considering making the switch from a more traditional style of ice fishing to what we do with modern ice fishing? DG: Hang on, you’re going to start catchSee MORE on 12

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In part one of this Weirs Times exclusive two-part article I had the honor of discussing the history and some key components of modern ice fishing with Mr. Ice Fishing Dave Genz. Part two deals with some of the tools that help separate the modern ice anglers from more traditional anglers in their quest to catch more fish through the ice. TM: With all the sonar flashers, fish finders, and cameras on the market today, it seems like there is no limit to how much an angler can spend. Does an angler need expensive electronics to catch fish? DG: Well, I don’t know about expensive electronics. First of all, it’s amazing how many electronics we have with our cell phones and X Boxes. We already understand how important electronics are in our lives. It’s the same thing with ice fishing. If you want to be better at it and have more fun at it then we need to have some form of electronics. The least expensive ones are under $300 which will definitely increase the amount of fish you catch. Then after you have it you might want to upgrade


the tip-ups (not making the tip-up fishermen very happy, but you can’t control the entire lake) and we would be able to catch fish, but it wasn’t like the tip-ups were going off. Again, the fish weren’t moving around. The fish has to be moving before the flag’s going to fly.

by Tim Moore



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES Comedy Legend Steve Sweeney At Pitman’s He is arguably one of the best comedians in the business and when it comes to capturing New England humor, there are few that can rival the genius of the legendary Steve Sweeney, who will be bringing his awardwinning act to Pitman’s Freight Room in Laconia, Friday Nov. 27 for an 8pm show. Tickets are $25 and seating will be limited to 100 patrons. Pitman’s is located at 94 New Salem, St. in Laconia and can be reached by calling (603) 527-0043. It’s been a year and half since Sweeney last performed at Pitman’s, where he received a rousing ovation for a show which featured his dialects and character voices while treating the crowd to part of his critically

acclaimed one man show “Townie.” Sweeney has been seen on Letterman, Evening at the Improv, Comics Come Home, and Comedy Central, and has starred in his own Boston-based sitcom, Park Street Under. Most recently he starred in the aptly titled film, “Sweeney Killing Sweeney,” and has also appeared in “The Forger,” “The Equalizer,” “Me, Myself & Irene,” “There’s Something About Mary,” “Next Stop Wonderland,” “Southie,” “Celtic Pride,” “Back to School,” and more. Steve Sweeney is one of the funniest most versatile comedians in the business,” said Michael Smith of Laugh Riot Productions, which books the comedy at Pitman’s, as well as producing fundraisers with Sweeney and others, throughout New England. “Steve immediately connects with the crowd and has them from the first minute. “He takes you on this hilarious ride through, not only his life, but if you have spent any time in New England, you will recognize his characters and the ‘people’ he brings to the stage.” Also appearing will be Ryan Gartley, a New England favorite who along with Sweeney will give the crowd a great one-two punch as the table setter for Sweeney.

Farmington Congregational Church Thanksgiving Worship Service The First Congregational Church, UCC in downtown Farmington is planning a special Thanksgiving worship service for Sunday, November 22 at 10am. Brass musicians will be joined by popular singer Merrill Peiffer who will perform “The Lord’s Prayer” and other selections. She will be accompanied by her brother, Jonny Peiffer on piano who is the church’s keyboard player. The church is open to the public. People are asked to wear face masks and use hand sanitizing stations and maintain social distance while in the historic church. The service is seen on www.facebook.com/farmingtonnhfirstcongregational

Merrill Peiffer

Toys For Tots Collection Program At Art Association Gallery In Tilton The weekend of November 11 was the launch date for the beginning of The Lakes Region Art Association’s 2020 holiday season ‘Toys for Tots’ Collection Program. The collection box is located in the LRAA Gallery, Tanger Outlet Mall, Tilton, NH, suite 132. Hours are Thursday-Sunday 10:00 am-6:00 pm. Early donations already began Sat. Nov. 7 and LRAA Member ar tist Audrey Rougeot, pictured here, was there to accept the first of many expected contributions of unwrapped only toys. The collection program concludes Dec. 20.

NH Audubon Biologist Webinar Series New Hampshire Audubon biologists have had a big year conducting conservation research throughout the state, and would like to share what they’ve discovered. Join in for a ZOOM webinar that engage participants in raptor and bird conservation. The webinars are $15 and registration is required to access the ZOOM presentation. Proceeds support NH Audubon’s programs including those featured in the series. Please visit www.nhaudubon.org for additional details and registration. Thursday, December 10: 7-8:15 PM Tracking and tagging migrating birds and butterflies through the Motus program - Carol Foss, Senior Advisor for Science and Policy. Find out about the Motus Wildlife Tracking System -- a new research network that is revolutionizing the study of winged migration by tracking the movements of birds, bats, and even large insects that have been fitted with tiny radio transmitters (nanotags). The Motus network is dramatically increasing our understanding of the phenomenon of migration. Learn how NH Audubon is one of a team of many, expanding the global Motus network into new regions in the Northeast, starting with receiving towers installed in northern NH and the Mondanock region. Registration link at https://nh-audubon-nature-store.myshopify.com/products/motus-webinardec10-2020


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —


in brendan@weirs.com

Now In 4th Printing!


The Flatlander Chronicles Live Free or Die.


Of Legal Age I am now officially sixty-five, the legal age to be crotchety and cranky if I choose without having to face repercussions. But there has been talk that by Brendan Smith the legal age Weirs Times Editor may soon be moved up. There are many who are outraged about this. But I am not one of them. I have a great responsibility as a world-renowned columnist to teach those who come after me, the still young at heart who are about to reach the age of legal crankiness, that there is so much more to sixty-five and beyond then complaining to the clerk at the deli counter because he cut your precious bologna too thick. The legal right to be miserable once we turn sixty-five is a law that was written many decades ago when our life spans were so much shorter. The original law, written in 1921, gave people the legal right to start being crotchety and cranky at the age of sixty. The life expectancy for the average male at the time was only fifty-nine, so reaching sixty was a milestone and not many made it. Especially those that were average. Congress, in its wisdom (an oxymoron) and on a day when they didn’t have any spending bills or restrictive laws to pass, decided it was time to give a little something back to the people. Of course, most of those in office at the time were pretty old, and they thought that any good law that was passed should benefit them as well should they be voted out in the next election. The Law, known as “The Right To Be Crotchety and Cranky ” was easily passed and signed into law by President Warren G. Harding. Harding, who was only fifty-

five at the time, realized how it could benefit him once out of office. He would be allowed to complain about anything without repercussions. (Unfortunately, Harding died unexpectedly in 1923 at the age of fifty-eight and never got the chance to be legally cranky or crotchety.) The law, as written, didn’t change until 1960, when the life expectancy for the average male in the United States reached sixty-nine years of age. Raising the legal age for being crotchety to sixty-five was the last bill Eisenhower signed into law. Some say Ike was against the bill. He was of the mind that no one really had the legal right to be crotchety or cranky ever. He wanted the law eliminated entirely. But he was only going to be in office for another month, so he said, “What The Heck” and signed it. The age for being legally crotchety and cranky has not gone up in sixty years, but there is talk of it being raised to seventy and that has some people alarmed. AARP, which is a very powerful lobby representing older folks, has been working behind the scenes to make sure that the legal age to be crotchety and cranky stays at sixty-five. They realize it could affect their membership base and monthly fees. A lot of folks approaching sixty-five have been speaking out. Over the years many in their early sixties have held their tongue when they were served cream in their coffee instead of milk; when the mailman puts the wrong letter in their mailbox and one of those darn kids comes to close to them on the sidewalk on their skateboard, to name only a few legal crankiable offenses. They have built up their frustrations, knowing that in only a matter of a few years they can legally let loose with all the crotchetiness they want. (Yes, there are some, under the age of sixty-five who have let their

crankiness show early, but they must live with that guilt for the rest of their lives.) Now with whispers of raising the legal age for being crotchety and cranky, they are not at all happy. After all, they already have had to deal with the Full Retirement Age goalpost for Social Security being pushed ahead. How much more are they supposed to take? I am here to defend the possible age change making crankiness and crotchetiness legal. In fact, like Ike, I feel it needs to be outlawed completely. I can already hear it: “How dare you. Now that you’ve reached sixty-five you can be as crotchety and cranky as you want. Even if they change the law, your right to be a crotchety complainer about anything at all with be grandfathered in.” This is true, but I am not one to just be crotchety and cranky just because I can. I feel being allowed to be legally crotchety and cranky just because one has reached a certain age is a right that we all take unfair advantage of. Those of us of legal age wield it like a sword. When we rail at the young grocery bagger who has given us paper instead of plastic when we were unclear we wanted plastic, he has no recourse but to submit to our legal right to chastise him, even though we were in the wrong. The examples are many. It is time for our generation to leave its mark and do our best to eliminate crotchetiness and crankiness forever. Or at least raise the legal age to eighty. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” His latest book “I Only Did It For The Socks - Stories and Thoughts On Aging” will be published soon.

Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

No Time For Phony Healing We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not forgive. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not forget. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not surrender. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, resoundingly by Michelle Malkin reject the phony olive branches of former Vice President Joe Biden. Syndicated Columnist After liberal media operatives prematurely declared Biden the winner of election 2020 this weekend, Biden’s handlers carefully trotted him out in front of the cameras to read a script that proclaimed: “It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to each other again.” “Listen”? Biden’s already hatching plans to crack down even harder to silence patriots and dissidents who share their ideas online. Twitter, which ran censorious interference for Biden throughout the campaign, allows thousands of tweets by users wishing to “assassinate Trump,” but deplatforms peaceful conservatives and independent investigators exposing voter fraud, COVID-19 hypocrisy and left-wing violence. “See each other again”? Biden and his Silicon Valley cronies want to wipe us all completely off the internet “Lower the temperature”? Tell that to the flag-burning, window-breaking, traffic-obstructing lunatics shouting: “All cops are bastards!” “Shut it down!” “No borders; No walls; No USA at all!” Biden has never disavowed them, and for his running mate, Kamala Harris, has helped raise millions of dollars in bail money for them. Biden now says it’s “time to heal.” I call bullcrap. This corrupt career politician and his mob-coddling party seek to disarm us, debase us and destroy us. Biden’s celebrants marched onto the streets Saturday with President Trump’s bloody head on pikes. One Black Lives Matter bigmouth shrieked that asking them to be peaceful was “white supremacy.” They’ve torn down statues across the country, pillaged small businesses, invaded residential neighborhoods, and engineered assaults and assassinations of Trump supporters. They’ve slapped senior citizens and gunned down retired cops while deifying serial criminals, convicted sex offenders, and home invasion robbers. They’ve been threatening to burn down Washington all year. Biden now declares, “To make See MALKIN on 28

When ‘Unity’ Means ‘Shut the Hell Up’ On Saturday evening, presidential frontrunner Joe Biden -- who doesn’t actually become president-elect until vote counts are certified -- gave a preliminary victory address. In that address, he spoke of by Ben Shapiro his mandate to govern: Syndicated Columnist a mandate, he said, that extended to marshalling the “forces of decency ... fairness ... science ... hope.” Which is a pretty vague mandate, as it turns out. But there was another overarching mandate Biden expressed: a mandate to come together, to unify as Americans. “To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy,” Biden said. “We are not enemies. We are Americans.” All of that is nice. Who wouldn’t like a country in which we could enjoy cultural events together without being lectured about the alleged evils of the country, in which we could attend family events without being castigated as bigots, in which we could disagree and still enjoy one another? Who wouldn’t like an America in which our neighbors no longer see us as cancel-culture targets, in which we no longer have to fear our compatriots rioting and looting over supposed systemic injustices, in which our social interactions are not limited by our voter registration? But. Americans are right to have some rather serious trust issues with calls for unity in our polarized time. After all, former President Barack Obama pledged American reunification right up until he began treating tea partyers as unspeakable threats and political opponents as crypto-racists. Everything was hopey

and changey right up until the time ... it wasn’t. So, in order to earn our trust, Joe Biden would have to call his own side out for raising the temperature. And he has steadfastly refused to do so. He hasn’t called out Black Lives Matter for the suggestion that America is systemically racist; he has cheered it on. He hasn’t condemned antifa; he has deemed it a philosophy rather than a dangerous movement. And he certainly hasn’t said a word about the continuing attacks on Trump supporters. We will wait in vain for Biden to chide former first lady Michelle Obama for declaring that 70 million Americans “voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.” Our bones will likely bleach before Biden tells Hillary Clinton that Trump supporters aren’t deplorables. No, “unity” in the Biden formulation isn’t a recognition of what we have in common; it’s a demand that we silence ourselves in order to mirror Biden’s priorities. Unity, you see, can be achieved one of two ways: through recognition of the other, through a determination to understand those who think differently than we do; or through ideological domination. It’s rather obvious which pathway Democrats will choose. After all, social ostracization is one of their most powerful tools. Why disarm now? Americans can only come together when we share a common philosophy, history and culture. Democrats have spent years attempting to tear away those commonalities in favor of coalitional interest-group politics. They’ve declared American philosophy racist from inception; they’ve declared American history a litany of brutalities; they’ve declared American culture bigotry embodied. Now they want unity -- the unity of absolute See SHAPIRO on 28


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Freeloader U Yale University has fancy dining halls. They pay no property tax. Local restaurants struggle to compete, but their tax burden makes that hard. by John Stossel “We basically pay Syndicated Columnist one-third of our rent in taxes!” complains Matt West, manager of Koon Thai Restaurant. “Yale is a money-making machine.” It is. Many colleges are. Yale has a $31 billion endowment. Harvard’s is $40 billion. My alma mater, Princeton, has $26 billion.

Yet, these schools also get government handouts and tax breaks. How government rips-off taxpayers and students by subsidizing colleges is the subject of my video this week. Yale owns about a quarter of the town of New Haven, Connecticut, but the school pays little property tax. It even has a golf course that’s half taxexempt. Politicians tried to tax the school, but they cannot. “It’s written into the constitution,” complains New Haven Board of Alders President Tyisha Walker-Myers. “They just don’t have to pay.” Now the city is ticketing more cars to try to cover its budget shortfall.

Everyone else pays more because colleges get tax breaks, government grants, and government loans. “De-fund universities!” says Inez Stepman, senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum. “Their entire business model is dependent on the taxpayer.” I push back: “You make it sound like it’s all government money. But people pay their own way.” She corrects me: “Without that lifeblood of those federal student loans, very few universities would be able to operate. They are dependent on that federal interference.” They’re dependent because they’ve raised their prices so much. When

I went to college, my tuition was $1,950. Now, Princeton charges $53,890. After government increased subsidies, colleges raised tuition prices at four times the rate of inflation. They spend the money not just on golf courses and fancy foods. They build new stadiums, first-class swimming pools, media rooms and some even offer students housekeeping. Why not spend? Colleges know they will get more money from taxpayers. The federal government is now America’s biggest largest provider of student aid. “There is no check on the cost of See STOSSEL on 29

Turkey’s Erdogan Meddles in Caucasian Conflict While the world was looking elsewhere and embroiled in the American presidential campaign, a long simmering terby John J. Metzler ritorial dispute Syndicated Columnist between Armenia and Azerbaijan reignited in late September. An unexpected ground war in the remote Caucasian mountains followed, pitting two former Soviet territories Armenia and Azerbaijan against each other to regain land in the obscure Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. From the onset UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres condemned the violence and reiterated that, “both sides have the obliga-

tion, under international humanitarian law, to take utmost care to spare and protect civilians and civilian infrastructure in the conduct of military operations.” Turkey’s authoritarian president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan strongly supported his Azeri ethnic kin through Turkish backed military proxies. Erdogan’s involvement comes as part of a series of coordinated regional probes into territories adjoining Turkey or near its shores, such as disputed maritime claims with Greece and Cyprus over waters expected to hold vast gas deposits in the adjoining Mediterranean Sea, unambiguous support for Libya’s embattled government, and meddling in Syria’s ongoing conflict. UN Human Rights authorities

based in Geneva, warned of the clear and blatant use of Turkishbacked mercenaries from Syria who were fighting for Azerbaijan. “The Government of Azerbaijan, with Turkey’s assistance, relied on Syrian fighters to shore up and sustain its military operations in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone including on the front line,” the report added. “The fighters appeared to be motivated primarily by private gain, given the dire economic situation in the Syrian Arab Republic,” the UN experts stated. Significantly, “In case of death, their relatives were reportedly promised financial compensation and Turkish nationality.” “The way in which these individuals were recruited, transported and used in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh

conflict zone appeared consistent with the definition of a mercenary, as set out by relevant international legal instruments,” rights monitors conclude. Though sending massive arms shipments to Azerbaijan earlier this year, Turkey offered little overt military involvement but used Arab proxies as a way to intervene. Yet the case of Nagorno-Karabakh, the enduring territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, both former Soviet territories, dates to a deliberate move by dictator Josef Stalin to redraw the map in the Caucasus; in this case Armenia gained at the expense of ethnic Turkish Azerbaijan. In 1923, Stalin arbitrarily decided to make the Nagor n o - K a r a - See METZLER on 29


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Not So . . . o g A g N o L

Exploring ThE lEgEnd & lorE of our graniTE STaTE

Women’s Rights Questioned The Threat To Society sought to expand their influence in our state they began with influencing women by organizing women’s clubs in the various towns, not for political purposes, but for educational, social, and charitable reasons. The effort to promote political causes and competition with men for prominent positions in town and state came later for many and has continued as New Hampshire women have joined others in the attempt to be equal with men in every pursuit allowing that to be possible. The editor of 1853 questioned (opposed) “women’s rights” on the basis that it empha-

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr. Contributing Writer

The actions of some women about 170 years ago caused some men to “get their dander up,” to use an old expression. The women, it seems, were talking about “women’s rights” and did so at a get-together in Seneca Falls, New York in the year 1848 and at what has been called the first national women’s rights convention in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1850. It wasn’t until 70 years later that women were allowed to vote in a United States Presidential Election in the year 1920. In this 100th anniversary year of women’s suffrage what I am going to share may “raise some eyebrows” to use another long-used phrase, but I choose to know history as it actually was and to attempt to learn from it. The fact is that a woman’s role in society was vastly different in the mid 1800s than it is today, and some people

See SMITH on 26

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Anti-Suffrage Postcard. didn’t want it to change; however, we have seen a constant progression of change instituted by now prominent women, including some from New Hampshire. The editor of a publication begun during the mid-1800’s wrote that the women’s rights movement had an “intimate connection with all the radical and infidel movements of the day.” The women’s rights

movement, according to the editor was “opposed to the most timehonored proprieties of social life”, it was “opposed to nature,” and it was “opposed to revelation.” Before we let him explain the opposition view, let me say that his remarks didn’t stop some New Hampshire ladies from organizing the first State women’s group a few years later. Interestingly, as women



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —


Tom Heinsohn

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by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

Late next month we’ll see the inevitable list of sports icons who passed away in 2020. It’s a sad annual ritual. These lists help us to remember and reflect, and while the departures of these sports greats are not to be celebrated, we still celebrate their lives and accomplishments and we honor their memories. Our connections to most of these recentlydeparted stars like Gale Sayers or Whitey Ford are largely limited to recollections of seeing them on television. Most of us never actually met Kobe Bryant or Al Kaline. But there is real pain when New Englanders lose someone special. Like Tom Heinsohn. His Boston Celtic playing days were even before my time, but I remember him coaching the C’s to a couple NBA titles. And we bonded when he later became a Celtic telecaster. Like Jeopardy!’s Alex Trebek, Heinsohn was a frequent visitor to our living rooms, and his voice—like Trebek’s—is part of the soundtrack of our lives. I don’t really know what the late Wes Unseld or Jerry Sloan sounded like, but Heinsohn’s voice will always resonate. Heinsohn sold insurance late in his Celtic career during a time when NBA players had to work in the offseason.

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Tom Heinsohn and Mike Gorman at a Celtics game. And he set records for sales. Who wouldn’t buy insurance from this gregarious 6-foot-6 Celtic star? As a sportswriter who occasionally made pilgrimages to the Boston Garden, I’d sit in the press room before a game and experience him “holding court” with whomever was there. I pondered how great it must be to have starred at Holy Cross before becoming NBA Rookie-of-the-Year in 1956. That year he scored 39 points and grabbed 23 rebounds in Game 7 of the NBA Finals at the Garden, a two point win over the St. Louis Hawks. It was the first of 17 Celtic World Championships and Heinsohn was around for all of them in some fashion. Like the radio voice of the Celtics, Johnny Most, Heinsohn the telecaster was a “homer”— which made Boston fans love him all the more.

But time marches on and Heinie is now in Celtic heaven along with Most, Red Auerbach, John Havlicek and others. He’ll soon be joined there by Bob Cousy (92) and Bill Russell (86). And whether they like it or not, these Boston sports legends are members of many extended New England sports families. I think Heinsohn liked being part of our families. RIP, #15! Sports Quiz Who did Tom Heinsohn replace as Celtics coach? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say sports standouts born on November 19 include Brooklyn Dodger Hallof-Fame catcher Roy Campenella (1921) and TV sports analyst Michael Wilbon (1958).

Sports Quote “I don’t know what it is about me: I’m no Rock Hudson, but I absolutely wow all the little old white-haired ladies. They stop me and talk to me all over the country, on the street, in restaurants, in elevators.” - Tom Heinsohn Sports Quiz Answer Heinsohn became Celtic coach in 1969 when player-coach Bill Russell retired. He coached the team until 1977, winning NBA titles in 1974 and 1976. State Representative Mike Moffett was a Professor of Sports Management for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He co-authored the critically-acclaimed and award-winning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A Warrior-Actor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon.com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@ comcast.net.

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12 MOORE from 3 ing more fish. It’s just so much more fun to go catching. I remember my dad taking me ice fishing when I was young and it was a cold thing. We sat around and waited for the fish to bite. When I take young people out, they’re figuring out how to go out there and catch these fish, not waiting for them. If you want to get your children involved with ice fishing, get out

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 — some electronics and let them see that it’s a video game with live players on the other end. You can go out in the middle of the day and catch fish. You don’t have to wait for the sun to go down or get up early in the morning (before the sun comes up) just to catch fish.

WHAT’S ON TAP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? A listing of some of the area’s beercentric watering holes where you can find old favorites on tap as well as some cutting edge seasonals.

Dave Genz is a legend in the ice fishing industry. He may be a National Freshwater



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Tim Moore with a dandy Lake Winnipesaukee white perch. Fishing Hall of Fame and Minnesota Fishing Hall of Fame inductee, but at heart Dave is just another ice angler who loves sharing his passion with other anglers. In many ways,

he is responsible for much of my success, both directly and indirectly. If you ever have the good fortune of seeing him in public, don’t be shy and say hello. I’ve never seen him turn down the opportunity to chat about ice fishing. Tim Moore is a professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association and the producer of Tim Moore Outdoors Fishing on YouTube. Visit www.TimMooreOutdoors.com for more information.


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Bud Light Stoneface IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot Family Entertainment Ctr. 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Industrial Arts - Pocket Wrench Victory - Merry Monkey Mast Landing - Gunner’s Daughter Litherman’s - Midguided Angel Moat Mtn - Matilda’s Red Rage Oxbow - Momoko ...+6 More On Tap

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Wicked BREW Review



Victory’s Merry Monkey

Serving ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily

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Newest Release By Brendan Smith

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

*Flatlander’s Observations On Life

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years.

by Jim MacMillan Contributing Writer

Variations. It’s a word that describes different versions of something (a product, issue or style) and tends to possibly excite the interested viewer. It may come as a surprise or as an anticipated event. It also may be an annual release or newer version of a model. Nonetheless, variations of a theme are always of some interest. It is that way with craft beer too. Expectations of a variant can be of great interest. As promised last week, we are going to examine the second of our two holidaycentered beers. It’s a variation of an original brew from our friends at Victory. Victory Brewing in Downingtown, PA, opened their doors in 1996 after founders Bill Covaleski and Ron Barchet decided to take their love of home brewing into a full time business. It was 1985 when Bill and Ron first brewed together and they loved the outcome. Great tasting beer creations led them on a path to expansion in 2014. That is when they out-

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Also available on Amazon andlocal bookstores Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com

Newest Release By Brendan Smith

grew their original brew space which allowed them to open a second brewery in Parkesburg, PA. By 2016, with three restaurants and brewery locations, they announced an alliance with Southern Tier Brewing in Lakewood, New York, called Artisanal Brewing Ventures. In 2018, Sixpoint Brewery and Bold Rock Hard Cider joined the Artisanal alliance. Victory has a brewing capacity of over 125,000 barrels a year and are distributed in 30 states and nine countries. They have 16 yearround beers, seasonals and a barrel-aged series. Look them up at victorybeer.com Merry Monkey is a variation of Golden Monkey Belgian-style Tripel Ale (9.5%). The Belgian side of Golden

Monkey is the yeast which yields a banana and clove feature. Merry Monkey takes this fruity beginning and adds cranberry, orange peel, cinnamon and nutmeg according to the label. Initial sips found mostly orange, very little cranberry or spice until late in the savoring. Hops for this beer are Cascade (west coast variety possessing citrus notes) and Tettnang (one of the four German Noble hops). Because Golden Monkey did not use the Cascade hop, a new variation is born. Another difference is the addition of roasted barley. This may be the attribute that gives the chestnut hue. Pouring this beer into a slim beer glass allowed a brief encounter with an antique white head.

Taking Golden Money to Merry achieved 10% ABV. Although Merry Monkey is unique in its flavor, it might be a bit tough to pair it with specific food groups. Maybe that is just the way this beer is to be enjoyed… all by itself. Victory’s Merry Monkey is receiving an 87 (Very Good) on BeerAdvocate.com and similar cheers from Untapdd and RateBeer. You can find your very own Merry Monkey at Case-n-Keg in Meredith as well as other fine beer providers. Look for other Victory offerings and enjoy the holiday seasons that are approaching. After all, variation is the spice of life!

“The Best of a F.O.O.L.* In New Hampshire”

D.A. LONG TAVERN *Flatlander’s Observations On Life

With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor Always Lotswhich Of has Fun On Tap! been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Located in a quiet corner Exceptional Craft Beer List forsteps twenty of Times Funspot, awayyears. Specialty Cocktails

fromOrder lots ofyour funautographed stuff... Made to for Order Pizza copy today $13.99 20 bowling lanes, 18-hole plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like thethe author to personalize your copy with.) mini-golf and largest arcadeSend in thechecks worldor money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., including c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. a huge Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com collection (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times) of classic video & pinball WACKY WEDNESDAYS games!


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

WRIGHT from 1

u V a j é D Café

—OPEN DAILY FOR DINE IN & TAKE-OUT— Mon - Fri 5:30am - 2pm / Sat 5:30am - 12:30pm & Sun 6:30am - 12:30pm


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Garden is a public space with plantings, granite benches and flag poles framed by the exterior wall of the museum upon which hundreds of memorial bricks are affixed. “Everyone can now walk around the front of the museum and take advantage of this spectacular setting and spend thoughtful time remembering those who have served,” said Culver. The region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II, The Wright features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the home front

John Thurston in the Remembrance Garden at The Wright Museum in Wolfeboro where he recently completed the walkway,

Myrna s Classic Cuisine

and battle field. According to Thurston, his involvement at The Wright resulted from his association and friendship with Founder Italian & American Comfort Food David Wright. Formerly known as “One of my first jobs Nadia’s Trattoria, voted was working for David one of the top ten restaurants at his home in TuftonVeal Francese and Eggplant Rollatini in NH by Boston Magazine. boro,” he said. “David called their home ‘her — Join us Tue-Thurs from 3-5 p.m. for Small Plate Specials — Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thur 3-9pm Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm house,’ which meant Located under the canopy at 131 LakeatStreet At Paugus Bay Plaza,Bay Laconia Located under the canopy 131 Lake Street at Paugus Plaza his wife Carole, and he Hours: Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 3-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 3-9:30pm (603)527-8144 myrnascc.comcalled the Wright Museum ‘his house.’” Thurston, said David wanted ‘his’ house to be better looking than ‘hers’. “He asked me to come work at the museum,” he laughed. Referring to The Wright as “one of [his] first clients and probably one of [his] last,” Thurston said he has seen many changes through the years. “The museum wasn’t 215 Laconia Rd. - Tilton • 603-286-2223 always so busy,” he 273 Loudon Rd. - Concord • 603-715-8600 said. “Now, the parking www.wrapcitysandwiches.com See WRIGHT on 15

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

WRIGHT from 14 lot fills up -- even with a pandemic. So many people want to go back. They can’t see enough and appreciate it all.” He said the museum especially appeals to him because it focuses on the home-front. “One of its focuses is on what people did at home to help during the war,” he said. “All the history is rewarding, though, just reliving history is a gift in itself. When you are in there, you relive history.” In reflecting on his years at The Wright, Thurston said he cannot help but remember times spent with David, whom he described as “a gentleman.” “He was a little man who smoked a cigarette and ate hot dogs everyday for lunch,” he recounted. “He wore his baseball cap with the Wright Museum written on it. We’re all fortunate because he was here.” Culver agreed and said The Wright is equally fortunate for the work

performed by Thurston over the years. “The Wright would not be what it is today without the support of many people, including John, who has gone above and beyond the call of duty on many occasions,” he said. Thurston added, “The places I have created around town are from the heart…I love my town and want it to be beautiful.” As for the future, he said he is not sure what it will bring, as he said things in life build on each other in Wolfeboro. “I will read a lot and continue to educate myself and learn from other people,” he said. “All those little steps -- a piece here and a piece there. I’m still adding to those pieces.” To learn more about the Remembrance Garden, made possible by financial contributions from Dan Marrone, Meredith Village Savings Bank, Northeast Delta Dental and John Warner, visit wrightmuseum.org.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Meredith Altrusa “Giving Trees” Initiative Supports Local Needs OPEN WED - SUN 10-4


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The Altrusa International Club of Meredith announces its handson, “Giving Trees” project which ushers in the club’s 25th Anniversary Annual Festival of Trees. Your support of their 2020 Festival is needed more than ever. From December 6 through December 16 two decorated trees will be on display, one at the Hannaford in Meredith and one at the E.M. Heath Supermarket in Center Harbor. Customers are invited to remove an ornament from the tree, follow the “giving” instructions listed on the poster beside the tree, and then make their donation either in person or by mail to the collection point indi-

Altrusa members (left to right) Monica Bennett, Vivien Mitchell, Linda French, Wanda Henderson, and MaryAnne Skawinski stand alongside a “Giving Tree” and the 2020 “Virtual” Festival of Trees Banner.



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cated on the back of the ornament. Agencies benefitting from the “Giving Trees” are local food pantries, town welfare offices, the NH Humane Society, and the Meredith Historical Society. Each Giving Tree enables individuals and families to choose the non-profit that is especially meaningful to them In addition to this hands-on “Tis the Season” opportunity, you can visit their website www.altrusmeredithnh. org or visit us on Facebook beginning December 6th to join in additional activities. A donation of any size to the “Charity Trees” highlighted on the website and your purchase of tickets to win fab-

ulous “Gift Baskets” worth between $230 to $1,000 will go a long way in helping help others this holiday season. Please spread the word to your family, friends and co-workers about all the ways you can participate in this year’s festival. Watch for more information promoting the Festival of Trees in newspaper ads, press releases, and the internet. You can also help by posting a link from your site to theirs (www. altrusameredithnh.org). The members of the Meredith Altrusa Club thank all of our “Friends of Christmas” who spread the magic of the season and the spirit of giving.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Mix Cash & Cans Prize Calendars Now On Sale Mix 94.1fm’s 34th annual Cash & Cans Money and Food Drive for the Holidays is set for December 4-11. A unique way to raise money is to purchase a Mix Cash & Cans prize calendar. “The calendar is filled with over four thousand dollars in cash and prizes, each prize donated to us by area businesses and individuals. And we appreciate each and every one of them,” said Fred Caruso, founder of the Cash & Cans program in 1987. Winners will be selected daily during December and you can win multiple times. Calendars are ten dollars each and available at Prescott’s Florist, Vista Foods and All My Life Jewelers in Laconia; at Franklin Savings Bank offices in Franklin, Tilton, Gilford, Bristol, Tilton and Boscawen; Caleb’s

Barber Shop, Tilton; Park-N-Go Market, Northfield and The Hair Depot, Franklin. You can also email Caruso at fred@mix941fm.com and calendars will be mailed to you.



Last year, Mix Cash & Cans raised over $44,000 in cash and


thousands of pounds of non-perishable food items. All donations stay local, benefiting the Twin Rivers Interfaith Food Pantry; The Santa Fund of the Greater Lakes Region; the Tilton/Northfield/ Sanbornton (TNS) Christmas Fund; Bread & Roses Soup Kitchen; the Franklin Police Toys for Tots program; Santa’s ‘Lil Helpers through the Belmont Police Department; Every Child Is Ours; the Meredith Emergency Food Pantry and the Northfield/Tilton Congregational Church Food Pantry. For more information about the Mix Cash & Cans program, contact Caruso at 603-9342500 or by email.



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

A Magic Journey Through The North Shop Barn This holiday season, Canterbury Shaker Village will be hosting A Magic Journey through the North Shop Barn, December 11 — 23, and December 27 – 30, 2020. The event will take place 1 – 5 pm. The Magic Journey begins at the “magic wardrobe”, winding and meandering through the North Shop Barn, which has been transformed into a winter wonderland. The Barn features artist-created vignettes, including a Shaker Christmas, a dollhouse and skating panorama, and snowladen forest scenes. More surprises await, including a Find-theElf treasure hunt, and, on weekends, a Christkindlmarkt-inspired artisan market of handcrafted holiday gifts. Hot cocoa and cider will be available, and the Moolicious and Sweet

Crunch Bakeshop food trucks will be at the Village on December 12 & 19. Also on December 12 from 3-4 pm, there will be a live musical performance by Massimo Paparello and his Brass Quartet. The Village Store will be open, so please stop in to get started on holiday shopping. New items are arriving weekly! Festive holiday decorations, provided by Canterbury Planta-

tion, and illuminated lights will add to the holiday spirit at the Village. A Magic Journey through the North Shop Barn is a socially-distanced event with safety guidelines in place. Masks are required and all barn doors will be open to optimize air flow. Non-member adults: $10. Member adults: $5. All youth are free! Canterbury Shaker

Village is grateful to their sponsors who made this event possible: Cambridge Trust, Northeast Delta Dental, and Lou Kaucic with Coaches Collective International. The museum is a member of the NH Heritage Museum Trail, which connects the public with culturally rich heritage institutions in New Hampshire. For more information, visit nhmuseumtrail.org. Canterbury Shaker is located at 288 Shaker Road in Canterbury, New Hampshire, just south of Laconia and north of Concord, NH. For more information, visit www.shakers.org, or call 603-783-9511 x 205.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction Announces New Super Bidder Option The Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction (GLRCA) has created a new benefit for potential bidders for this year’s upcoming auction, scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 8 through Friday, Dec. 11. Anyone looking to increase their support of the auction—or to have an edge on bidding—can now become a Super Bidder. For a donation of $100, Super Bidders will be granted a look at the items on the auction boards as soon as they are available. Super bidders can: bid on items before they are open to the public; submit bids with incremental increases up to the bidders prechosen maximum; see how many bidders are also bidding on the item that they are interested in; enjoy VIP check-out and pick-up service; and be proud to support the children of the Lakes Region during an especially challenging year. Interested community members can become a Super Bidder at bids. childrensauction.com. “In past years, community members have mentioned that they would love to be able to have tools available so that they could spend less time babysitting the auction for the items that they most wanted to bid on,” said GLRCA chairperson Jaimie Sousa. “It will also give people an opportunity to donate directly to the auction to assist children in need

while getting some great benefits.” Because of the threat of COVID-19, this year’s auction will be held virtually from the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion. Auction leaders will not accept donations during the event to ensure there is time to properly sanitize and photograph every item in a manner in which volunteers can social distance. While many items have been received at this time, there is a need for thousands of items to raise enough money to meet the needs of the community. Visit www.childrensauction.com for dropoff locations. Volunteers will also collect items on Friday, Nov. 27 and Saturday, Nov. 28 from 10am to 2pm at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion. At all dropoff sites, donors must


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bring a completed form, available at https://bit. ly/32ahYHb. Gift cards can be ordered online for donation to the auction; mail gift card donations to GLRCA, 383 South Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246. Only a small group of volunteers, radio and TV personnel will be welcomed on the auction set during the event. The Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction is a charitable event held every December in central New Hampshire. Countless volunteers and donors have

turned the Auction and its many fundraising events, including, It’s for the Kids Community Challenge (formerly PubMania), into a major annual campaign. The Greater Lakes Region Charitable Fund for Children is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that helps community organizations in the Central New Hampshire region. For more information about the Auction, the nonprofits it supports and how you can help, visit ChildrensAuction.com.

Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts!


5 to 20







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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

We’re Always Buying & Selling.. Stop by To See What’s New! • Estate Jewelry • Diamonds • Rare Coins • Investment Grade Gold & Silver Bars WE PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR GOLD & SILVER! 31B Main St. • Downtown Meredith • 603-279-0100


A Delicious Holiday Meal Made Simple

(StatePoint) When planning your holiday menu, consider selecting one ingredient to be the star of the show. Not only is this a good way to simplify your shopping list during a busy time of year, it will unify your meal with complementary flavors. Need some inspiration? Consider sweet tea. Not just a hot or cold beverage, sweet tea can be used in cooking and baking to deepen the flavor profile of mains, sides, desserts and more. For holiday ease, pur-

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chase a ready-to-drink version like Milo’s Famous Sweet Tea—it’s available nationwide and is fresh brewed daily without any added colors or preservatives. Get started on your holiday meal prep by wowing your family with this simple recipe for a Sweet

Tea Turkey Brine: Ingredients: • 1 gallon Milo’s Famous Sweet Tea • 1 cup kosher salt • 3 large sweet onions, quartered • 4 lemons, sliced • 8 garlic cloves, peeled • 5 sprigs rosemary • 10 cups ice • Whole turkey

Directions: 1. In large stockpot over medium-high heat, combine sweet tea and kosher salt; stir frequently until salt is dissolved. Add onions, lemons, garlic and rosemary. Remove from heat; let cool to room temperature. See MEALS on 23

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

MEALS from 22 2. When broth mixture cools, pour into clean 5-gallon bucket. Stir in ice. 3. Wash and dry turkey. Remove innards. Place turkey, cavityside up, into brine to fill cavity. Cover and place bucket in refrigerator overnight. 4. Remove turkey, carefully draining excess brine; pat dry. Discard excess brine. 5. Cook turkey, as desired, reserving drippings for gravy. For those in need of a pick-me-up before or after dinner, try this recipe for Milo’s Holiday Hot Tea: Ingredients: • 12 cups Milo’s Famous Sweet Tea • Two 12-ounce cans frozen limeade juice concentrate • Orange, thinly sliced (reserve 1 slice for garnish) • 12 whole cloves • 4 cinnamon sticks • 1 teaspoon vanilla • 1 cup fresh cranber-

ries • 1 cup ginger ale Directions: 1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large crockpot and stir. For easier serving, place the cloves into a tea ball or a double layer of coffee filters and close with kitchen twine. 2. Heat combined ingredients on high for 30 minutes, then reduce to low for an additional 2 hours; or heat on low for 2 hours then reduce setting to warm overnight. 3. Optional serving garnish: garnish rim of glass with remaining orange slice and sugar in the raw or brown sugar. For more sweet-tea inspired recipes for your holiday meal, including cobblers, cakes, sauces and dressings, visit drinkmilos.com/ recipes. By using a baking and cooking ingredient you might not have considered before, you can give your holiday meals a delicious twist.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

ESTES from 1 ered a fad that would come and go, has now slowly been seeping into the mainstream of the financial world and most likely is here to stay. “Companies like J.P. Morgan were against it in the beginning, but are now on board,” said Estes. Despite it not being officially considered legal tender, today there are hundreds of other virtual forms of currency called Altcoins. If you are like this reporter and a majority of other people in the world, It is hard to re-

Are bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies here to stay? ally grasp the concept of electronic currency. How does it work? Will it survive? Will it be all we use in the future or will it go the way of the leisure suit? Dan Estes is on the side that electronic currency will not only survive, but it will thrive. “I truly believe that it

Dan Estes in 2018 with the almost ninety pond silver ingot from the Spanish ship Nuestra Senora de Atocha which sank in a storm in 1622 which was the subject of a Weirs Times article. The silver ingot has since been sold. will be the wave of the future, whether it is in our lifetime or not,” says Estes. Even though Estes himself is not yet taking cryptocurrency at his own store, where he deals with buying and selling gold, silver and jewelry and even antiques, it will most likely only be a matter of time until he does. “More and more companies are accepting it,” said Estes. “You can buy land, homes, cars, jewelry and more with some companies. So as all that grows, I am strongly considering it.” An interesting fact about Bitcoins is that,

unlike dollars which can be printed at the whim of the government, only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created as they are electronically mined with computers. To date, 18.4 million have been mined. With all that being said, the Cryptocurrency ATM at Estes’s shop has not gone unused. In fact, there has been a very brisk influx of customers for the machine. “With this ATM, you can only buy bitcoins, you can’t sell them,” said Estes. Those who want to buy bitcoins need to See ESTES on 25


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Dan Estes at his shop. Estes Collectible Investment in Meredith, where jewelry, coins and other collectibles are constantly changing. ESTES from 24 set themselves up with an electronic wallet. (Estes recommends using either Coin Base or The Edge for the best security.) Once you have the wallet then you can go ahead and buy bitcoins and even send them to others. “Say your wife is overseas and she has an electronic wallet and so do you and you need to send her some currency,” explained Estes. “She would send you the app for her wallet, you show the app to the camera on the ATM, put the cash in the machine and the cryptocurrency equivalent will go immediately into your wife’s wallet.” If you have been paying attention to cryptocurrency at all, you see that the price of one bitcoin can be pretty hefty. (Different altcoins have different values). As this article is written the cost of one bitcoin was 16,111 dollars, but it has, at times fluctuated wildly up and down. At first, that might put off the novice bitcoin purchaser who

might not want to part with that much cash right away. “You don’t have to buy an entire bitcoin, you can buy percentages of one,” said Estes. “You can put anywhere from five to a hundred dollars in the machine and buy as much or as little as you want.” The price of a buying a bitcoin through the Coinbase ATM does include a fee, but it is considered one of the safest systems to date. If you are interested in getting in on bitcoins, Dan Estes will be more than happy to give you advice on how to get started. Even though the process of how bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies work can be a bit overwhelming, being able to buy them is extremely simple. Of course, if you’d rather go searching and mining for your own fortune that isn’t a bitcoin, Estes Collectible Investment is also one of the largest brick and mortar stores in Northern New England for metal detectors. But that’s a story for another day.

Estes Collectible Investment is located at 31B Main Street, Meredith, NH. The phone number is 603-279-0100. You can also find them on Facebook.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

SMITH from 9 sized the rights of the individual rather than those of the community as a whole. He felt that it was contrary to Biblical teachings. “But this unblushing female Socialism,” he wrote, “defies alike apostles and prophets. In this respect no kindred movement is so decidedly infidel, so rancorously and avowedly anti-biblical.” Nature and the society built around it was also claimed to be against women’s rights and the editor stressed one fact that answered the question of woman’s role in society. That one fact was maternity. He argued that through nature a charge was given by God to women – a charge that was precious and honorable, but a charge “...which must, in the very nature of things, unfit them for the right and regular performance of those

Women’s Rights in the 1800’s. duties which the usages of all civilized and all Christian nations have ever assigned to the opposite sex.” First, it was stated that there are physical impediments that prevent a woman from engaging in the same duties that a man has, and to try to surmount those impediments would involve “ ...a sacrifice of almost everything that distinguishes the civilized human from the

animal...” The editor could have used the saying that “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world,” but instead he said “Around the nursing mother God and nature have thrown a hallowed seclusion.” A second factor in addition to the fact of maternity set forth as an argument of nature against the women’s movement was the whole dual constitution

Sara Josepha Hale. Editor of a woman’s magazine, author of “ Mary Had a Little Lamb, and woman who persuaded Pres. Lincoln to make Thanksgiving Day a national holiday. of humanity. The “dual constitution of humanity” opinion was that men and women were not only different sexually but were constituted to perform separate roles in society which, working together, were harmonious. The two were described as “the domestic and the outer existence” or “an inner and an outer sphere”, The inner sphere was as honorable as the outer sphere and “more intimately connected with the essential life.” Woman was meant to be the main influence in the inner sphere while a man’s place was in the outer. In the opinion of the editor, and probably many others in 1853, maintaining this view of separate roles of men and women was advancing “pure Christianity.” He wrote:“Destroy this dual life, and the merely physical or sexual distinction becomes a

source of immeasurable mischief. Preserve the former, and the latter, instead of a hotbed of sensualism, is converted into a fountain of the purest and most sacred affections of which our earthly nature is capable.” Of the two “spheres”, one for women and another for men, the magazine insisted that the domestic is actually the higher sphere and that the best thing that a woman could do for the State and for “the security of her own personal rights and dignity” was in “making the home what it ought to be.” It was further stated that in the right education of her children she had more political influence then she would ever have at the ballot box or caucus. It was not thought, moreover, that the wife had no say in elections because the husband cast a vote for the family. As representatives from towns

voted in the state legislature for their town, so the husband and father voted, not just for himself, but on behalf of the family. “The wife does exercise the right of suffrage.” “It is the family that votes, not the individual.” The editor warned of proposed laws that would be a threat to the unity and social life in the family such as allowing the wife to own property separate from her husband. He also issued a warning concerning the fledgling women’s rights movement: “Let families be brought up with the clear knowledge that this belongs to the father, and that to the mother – that each party has its separate rights, its separate interests, its separate dealings with the world without – let this become the predominant feeling, we say, and the family itself, with all its sacred associations, will soon be numbered among the ‘things that have waxed old, and are ready to vanish away. Those were the opinions of the editor of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine expressed in the November, 1853 issue. Other voices were being heard, however, including some from New Hampshire. One New Hampshire native, Sarah Josepha Hale from Newport became the editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book, a magazine published in Philadelphia, which helped to empower women and pave the way for the right to vote, which right they have been granted for the past 100 years, along with the right to be voted into public offices. Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr., welcomes your comments at danahillsmiths@yahoo. com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

MALKIN from 6 progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy.” I call plagiarism. That’s right. Biden stole the words from his old boss, Barack Obama, who used the same hollow line 10 years ago after the 2010 elections. Remember that? I do. After labeling “America First” adversaries of his open borders policies as “enemies” who deserve to be “punished,” Obama walked back the attack when the 2010 midterm Republican wave hit. “I probably should have used the word ‘opponents’ instead of ‘enemies’ to describe political adversaries,” Obama disingenuously admitted. He and Biden spent the next six years wielding their power by spying on journalists who dared to expose

his culture of corruption, firing government whistleblowers who challenged his Chicago-on-the-Potomac grift and graft and demonizing conservatives who protested their radical policies at home and abroad. Same old fake rapprochement. Same old bogus reconciliation. I’ll repeat my words from a decade ago: You can take your faux olive branch and shove it. This is the time for hell-raising, not healing. Every legal vote must be counted, every illegal vote thrown out, every lawsuit heard. Anything less amounts to exactly the kind of “coup” undermining the “peaceful transition of power” that anti-Trump forces falsely accused our president of perpetrating. We, the 71 million Americans who voted

to reelect Donald J. Trump, resist the media-Silicon Valley coronation of Biden-Harris. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not relent. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not yield. We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not concede. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

SHAPIRO from 6

BOSAK from 2

victory. Ironically, it’s that very desire -- the desire for monolithic control -- that will be their undoing. Unless Biden is serious about unity -- unless he’s willing to cross the aisle and recognize the humanity of those with whom he disagrees, and to call out those on his own side who won’t -Biden’s term is likely to be contentious, polarizing and ultimately unsuccessful.

ganser, is an interesting family to study in New England. They are divers, meaning they dive underwater for their food as opposed to dabbling, and they have serrated bills to keep the food from slipping away as they surface. Mergansers, especially common mergansers, are extremely wary, at least in my experience. Occasionally, I have come across a slightly less timid hooded merganser, but I am yet to find a common merganser that is not ultra-wary. Of course, the merganser family just scratches the surface of all the ducks we will see passing through New England for the next several months. Bodies of fresh water will attract a differ-

Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side of History” and “Bullies.”

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ent variety than salt water. There are some species that will readily go to fresh, brackish or salt water, but many species have a preference. Loons are interesting in that they breed on large freshwater bodies of water, but are mostly found on salt or brackish water in the winter. Long Island Sound off the coast of Rhode Island and Connecticut is an excellent place to find common and red-throated loons in the winter. They are not the flashy birds that they are in the summer, but rather a much more dull-colored version of themselves. They are still a thrill to see regardless of what plumage they are sporting. With the duck season just picking up pace now, there will be plenty to write about in the next several months. I look forward to sharing my experiences. As always, feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you are seeing as well. Chris Bosak may be reached at chrisbosak26@gmail.com or through his website www.birdsofnewengland.com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 — METZLER from 7 bakh enclave an autonomous Armenian populated region of Azerbaijan. The Nagorno-Karabakh territory, aka Artsakh, is about the size of Rhode Island. The region separated from Azerbaijan in a war during the early 1990’s. But now a ceasefire deal brokered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, stoped the shooting and allows for Azeris to move back to the region at the expense of previously settled Armenians. Some 2,000 Russian “peacekeepers” have deployed to enforce the agreement. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed concern for continuing hostilities between nations “friendly to Russia.” He opined, “Given that Russia is connected with Azerbaijan and

Armenia by a shared history, culture and economic ties, it would be highly inappropriate, on our part, to resort to methods as diktat, coercion or pressure.” Moscow has clearly tilted to the Azeris at the expense of long suffering Armenia. Thousands were killed or displaced on both sides from the fighting during the six week war. Though the Armenians comprise an ancient Christian culture while the Azeris are mostly Muslim, this is less a religious conflict than a classic territorial dispute. The region represents the vortex of competing geopolitical interests; Turkey, Russia and Iran. Though geographically part of Imperial Russia and subsequently the Soviet

Union and not the Ottoman Empire, many sides including the British played for its fortunes. Why? The rich oil fields of Baku on the Caspian Sea pump petrodollars into the corrupt Azeri state and its powerful military. Notably the South Caucasus region provides crucial transit routes for gas and oil to world markets. Human rights monitor Freedom House, rates Armenia as “partly free” whereas Azerbaijan is cited as “not free” having poorer political rights and civil liberties than neighboring Iran or Turkey. Reports indicate that Turkey has engaged in large-scale recruitment and transfer of Syrian fighters to Azerbaijan through armed factions, some of which are affiliated

with the Syrian National Army. Some 2,000 Arabs, many Islamist militants serve as Erdogan’s proxies. In October President Erdogan stated bluntly, “Turkey wholeheartedly supports Azerbaijan’s just struggle for the liberation of its lands.” Clearly Erdogan views his country as rightfully reviving a neo-Ottoman strategic mindset; one of many Turkish geopolitical probes likely during the coming year largely owing to world indifference. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

STOSSEL from 7 a college degree,” says Stepman. “If students had to walk into Wells Fargo for those loans, Wells Fargo would look at whether or not those loans would be paid back. The federal government doesn’t ask any of those questions.” So, money is thrown at students who don’t benefit. Today, almost half the students given loans don’t graduate in six years. Instead, says Stepman, they have “$50 or $60 or $80,000 in debt, without the degree to show for it.” Taxpayers lose. Students lose. The winners are bloated colleges. Colleges say they deserve every loan and tax break because they make “wiser citizens.” “They’re not,” says Stepman. “They’re making citizens who hate their country.” I push back again.

“Most colleges educate rather than indoctrinate.” “I wish that were true,” replies Stepman. “I was part of the College Republicans... registering voters. I actually had a professor walk up and spit on me. Another called us the ‘Nazi Youth.’ These are professors!” “It’s offensive,” she adds, “that we take dollars out of mechanics’ pockets and put them into the pockets of, largely, middle-class and upper-middle-class students.” It is offensive. But that’s what America does. Unfortunately, our next president wants to do even more of it. John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —




PHOTO #832

Santa, enclosed is a “well behaved” affidavit notarized by my lawyer, Ivan Good. -Robert Patrick, Moultonboro, NH.

Runners Up : They said this was air mail. - Lois Moran, Meredith, NH. When early mail in voting ballets were suggested it didn’t mean 4 years old. John Brennick, Rochester, NH. “HELLO, HELLO in there. I’d like to buy a stamp! .” -David Doyon, Moultonboro, NH.


The Winklman Aeffect

PHOTO #834 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 2020 —

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