11/25/2021 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

h s i b W s ook! a m t s Our Annual Chri VOLUME 30, NO. 47



Inside This Week - Our

Christmas Wishbook

by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr.

Don’t Skip Thanksgiving! The Harvest Holiday

Contributing Writer

We might not have a national day of thanksgiving if it hadn’t been for New Hampshire native Sara Josepha Hale’s decades long campaign to establish such a day. President Lincoln responded to Hale’s efforts in 1863 and

proclaimed that the country should set aside a day of thanksgiving when the civil war was in progress. The country was divided by location then, and though intact now, it finds itself more diverse than ever before as efforts are made to somehow put those diverse pieces into one unified people. I assume that maybe

the President and perhaps our Governor will sign Thanksgiving Day Proclamations, but the Governor’s will probably go widely unread and the President’s pardoning of a turkey will probably make the headlines while the proclamation will not. Holiday travel issues and possible shortage of Thanksgiving staples and

Black Friday shopping will probably take precedent over any calls to thanksgiving. I fear that Thanksgiving Day itself is often crowded out or diminished by other considerations. As I write this it is November 15th, the halfway point of the month. My Dad was born on this See SMITH on 18

This week we bring you our annual Shop Local Holiday Wishbook to help you with the often daunting task of Christmas shopping. Inside you will find some creative and unique gift ideas from local businesses that you might not have on your shopping lists…yet. Our center Wishbook pull out section offers great ideas in clothing, crafts, collectibles, food items, handmade signs and even Christmas trees, just to name a few. Over the years our Wishbook has become the “go to” guide to help you surprise your friends and loved ones with gifts that they weren’t expecting but will cherish. Best yet, it all can be purchased close to home and help to support our local businesses who have faced tough challenges in these unique times. So, open up to our center section or see the Wishbook online at www.weirs.com and start your Christmas shopping right in your own neighborhood. Happy Thanksgiving!









— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

To Belknap County Residents


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Freedom And Slavery

Hello my fellow Belknap County Citizens I would like to take this time to let you know where I stand with the issue of the Belknap County Gunstock: 1. I want to keep Gunstock OPEN! I have never had a talk or discussion about closing Gunstock ever. I am not sure where this information originated but this has never been an option. 2. I want to keep Gunstock in the hands of the Citizens of Belknap County, I am not for leasing out Gunstock. 3. Gunstock also has employees that make visiting Gunstock a fun experience. These are the ones who run and operate the day to day operations and we need to all appreciate their work. I have family and friends who work for Gunstock throughout the seasons. Gunstock is a vital part of our community and I will work hard to ensure that it stays in the hands of Belknap County Citizens. I also am looking forward to seeing the master plan for Gunstock. I will make no decisions without facts and all the information. I have welcomed the large amounts of emails I have received from Belknap County residence and to keep up with them all has been hard. For this reason, I write this piece to let everyone knows where I stand on the issues. Sincere Blessing to All Representive Dawn Johnson Laconia District 3

To The Editor: The Biden Administrations obedience to a foreign authority, what appears to be the UN, not the U.S. should be a concern of all patriots. The Deep State has him implementing the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum program called, The Great Reset. United Nations UN law, rules while betrayal and disloyalty to the United States Constitution is ignored. Reminds me of the words of Tom Paine: These are times that try mens souls.” Just as in 1775, tyranny approaches while too many political self-servers oppose the cause of Independent liberty. This brings to mind an eternal truth, the difference in freedom and slavery represented by the Constitution of the United States and its greatest threat and enemy , the United Nations. let’s expose these basic under girding’s that differ: one producing liberty and the other slavery. Members of The John Birch Society’s educational army have been teaching these basic “eternal truths” since their 1958 origin. Challenging the evil force then, a conspiracy hidden by a silent media, that today is labeled the Deep State, applauded and praised by the major media that sells our liberty for personal gain. These political axioms, the foundation of Western Civilization, today remain hidden, ignored or perhaps never known by our leaders who should know better. The very essence of the U.S. Constitution is based on Jefferson’s immortal words from the Declaration of Independence:

“We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, and governments are instituted among men to secure these rights.” This means the source of human rights are from God, they are “unalienable,”as opposed to the UN source of rights that are given and taken away as we see today in the U.S.. Liberty demands responsibility and a diligent search for the truth. Find it at JBS.ORG. Russ Payne Merrimack,, NH.

Monoclonal Antibodies To The Editor: How many of you are aware that monoclonal antibodies (Regeneron) are available to people that contract covid-19? Very few from conversation I’ve had with family and friends because there is so little put out by the mainstream media. For those that don’t know, monoclonal antibodies were developed under the Trump administration to reduce or eliminate the effects of covid-19. President Trump received them when he was infected October 2, 2020 and was back to work a few days later. Monoclonal antibodies work by attacking the virus and inhibiting its ability to reproduce. The catch is it has to be administered early. The efficacy drops off rapidly as symptoms progress. By the time you’re on a ventilator they are useless. So where can you receive monoclonal antibody treatment in NH? This link https://bit.ly/3mf9xET reports they are available in 15 See MAILBOAT on 25

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 Weirs.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2021 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 — Serving ServingLaconia LaconiaDaily Daily

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hike. flected the Kinsman The hike to Lonesome Ridge just as if the waLake climbs from the ter was a fine mirror. floor of the Notch up We decided to fol1,000 vertical feet in low the trails counter1.2 miles (an additional clockwise around the half mile to get to the Lake, still on the Loneother side of the Lake some Lake Trail. We and the AMC Hut). The then continued on the ur New e S h op OAround-Lonesome trail isn’t easy but Lake o msince C S r t the distance isn’t too Trail to the AMC Hut. e o g r r e a ! L long to reach the lovely The Lonesome Lake lake it is a favorite hike Trail actually goes past for people of all ages the north end of Loneand abilities. some Lake and ends At the trail intersec- at the Coppermine Col tion we walked down to on the Kinsman Ridge the Lake’s east shore. Trail. Its placid waters re- See PATENAUDE on 20

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Becca and I met just before 8 am at the Lonesome Lake Trailhead next to the Lafayette Place Campground on the southbound side of the Franconia Notch Parkway. There were still plenty of parking spots available. After a couple rainy weekends in a row we were happy to see blue sky. We knew that the trails would still be wet from the rain earlier in the week and we were thankful we wouldn’t need raincoats on this



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —


New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

Turkey Facts by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer

It’s turkey time and I don’t mean on the dinner table. That time will come soon enough. I’m talking about the time to highlight a few facts about the wild turkey ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. One of the most important facts about the wild turkey is the species was nearly wiped out due to deforestation and overhunting.

A wild turkey walks across a yard in New England this fall. There are now roughly seven million wild turkeys and they occur in every state except Alaska. It is a successful conservation story thanks in large part to reintroduction programs. According to New Hampshire Fish and Game, there were no wild turkeys in the state 150 years ago. The bird returned to the Granite State thanks to reintroduction programs in the 1970s. New Hampshire now has more than 25,000 wild turkeys and they may be found in every county. Turkeys can indeed fly. Many people think

they cannot fly because they are most often seen walking or running. They don’t typically fly long distances but they can achieve relatively high speeds (about 55 miles per hour) in short bursts. Domesticated turkeys do not fly because they are bred to be much heavier than their wild cousins. Turkeys sleep in trees. Getting off the ground to sleep offers protection from predators. They would be easy prey snoozing on the ground. I haven’t confirmed this myself but I have seen it in several sourc-

es: A turkey’s sex can be determined by its droppings. A male’s dropping is shaped like a J and a female’s dropping is shaped like a spiral. Or, you can look at the turkey itself. Males are generally larger and darker than females. Also, males have more pronounced wattles and a beard growing from their chest. Females can also have a beard, however. Only males gobble. Females yelp and cluck. Adult female wild turkeys are called hens and males are gobblers or toms. Young females are called jennies and young males are called jakes. All chicks are called poults. A turkey’s head changes color depending on its mood, going from red to blue. The more intense the color, the more intense their mood — kind of like when humans get redfaced because of anger or embarrassment or some other emotion. Ben Franklin thought the wild turkey was a more noble bird than the bald eagle, which he thought of as a bird of “bad moral character.” By contrast, he wrote that the wild turkey is a “bird of courage.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean he campaigned to make the wild turkey the national symbol, as is often reported. See BOSAK on 17


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —


in brendan@weirs.com


entral Baptist hurch

Live Free or Die.


Giving Thanks Even though I was passed over - again – as People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive – I still have a great many things to be Thankful for by Brendan Smith this ThanksWeirs Times Editor giving. First off, I am Thankful to be able to write this column about being Thankful as well as all the other columns I have written over the years. There are a lot of writers who would love the opportunity to spew out about eight hundred words a week and have a lot of folks read them. Of course, it isn’t always easy coming up with an idea to write about. Like this week for instance. If it wasn’t for Thanksgiving, I wouldn’t have had any other ideas. So, I am Thankful for that. I am Thankful for the lawmakers of the land and the government agAencies on both a local and national level. They serve up so many ridiculous ideas to poke fun at that, when I don’t have any column ideas, they save me time and time again by being able to poke fun at theirs. I am Thankful for the advances in medicine that saved my life…twice… over the last eleven years. I have a tendency now to listen to my doctors, who I once ignored to my own peril, as opposed to listening to those who seem to know more than them because they read stuff on the Internet. I am Thankful for the New York Jets, who continue to not make it to the Super Bowl, always giving me something to look forward to and keeping the dream alive. I’m also thankful for all the money I’ve

saved not having to buy any Jets World Champions paraphernalia. I am Thankful for microwave ovens. I am Thankful for Joe Biden who reinforces the American Dream that anyone, if they just stick to it and never give up, can become President of The United States…anyone!!

Central Baptist Church of Gilford, NH Independent, KJV

he was usually correct as trouble soon followed. The same thing with the check engine light in my car. I am Thankful for drive thru car washes.

I am Thankful for my parents giving me a stable and loving home life as a child; it has helped keep me centered as an adult. I realize not everyone is so fortunate.

I am Thankful to the late Regis Philbin. Without a small confrontation I had with him back in 1985 I may not have ever moved from New York to New Hampshire and all of the great things that have happened to me since. (I have told the story on these pages a few times over the years. I’d be happy to tell you all about it if you missed it.)

I am Thankful for freedom and all who sacrificed their live so I can enjoy it. I only hope that someday I won’t have to whisper that I was Thankful for my freedom. But I am beginning to have my doubts.

I am especially Thankful for the love of God who sticks with me no matter how much I slip, only asking of me to stick with him. Unfortunately, this is something that less and less of us do nowadays.

I am Thankful for coffee (and antacids).

I could never finish this column without giving Thanks for my wife, Kim. She entered my life at just the right moment and gave it direction and meaning when I needed it most. She made me realize that you can start fresh at any age. I may not have won the Sexiest Man Alive, but I am certainly a top contender for the luckiest.

I am Thankful for all those who work hard and pay their taxes, I thank you, because there are so many relying on those tax dollars who never will. I am Thankful for caller ID in helping me avoid those annoying telemarketers. I am Thankful for the fourteen item or less (or fourteen items or fewer, so I don’t get any emails) checkout at the supermarket, even though I have cheated myself on occasion. I am Thankful for indoor plumbing. I am Thankful for that little voice in my head that sometimes warns me when something isn’t right. I ignored him (or her, so I don’t get letters) many times over the years and

Thanks for reading. Happy Thanksgiving! Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” and his newest release “I Really Only Did It For The Socks - Stories & Thoughts On Aging.” All are available for purchase at BrendanTSmith.com, or at the offices of the Weirs Times.


NOW ON SALE! BRENDAN SMITH’S NEWEST BOOK! “I Really Only Did It For The Socks Stories & Thoughts On Aging”

Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money orders for $19.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)



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Order your autographed copy today for $16.99 plus $3 shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like.) Make out checks or money 374 Governor Wentworth HWY orders for $19.99 to Brendan Moultonboro, N.H. Smith 03254 and mail to: Socks Book c/o Weirs Times, Call 603-476-8887 • F: 603-476-5176 PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 www.skelleysmarket.com Or order online at BrendanTSmith.com (Autographed copies also avail. at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

Church Militants, Not Church Milquetoasts These are abridged remarks I gave Tuesday morning in Baltimore at the “Enough is Enough” protest across from the annual gathering of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Church Militant senior producer and St. Michael’s Media founder Michael Voris was forced to go to court to hold the prayer rally and gathering of Catholic dissidents after by Michelle Malkin their permit was canceled by Baltimore’s Syndicated Columnist speech-squelching city solicitor James Shea. Baltimore authorities baselessly accused Voris and scheduled speakers of promoting violence; the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower district judge’s ruling that “the First Amendment to the Constitution is at the heart of this case ... The city cannot conjure up hypothetical hecklers and then grant them veto power.” I would first like to address the evil corruptocrats here in the city of Baltimore, right across from us at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, down at the White House, perched in the Vatican, and deeply embedded in the Deep State and Creep State. Look at my face and the faces of every single Catholic bearing witness here today. Hear our voices. Heed our words. We will not be silenced. I would also like to directly address the lying corporate media -- the so-called fact checkers, those narrative distortionists, control-freak gatekeepers and professional defamers who have tarred us one and all as violent domestic terrorists. They poured fuel on the nationwide fires of the George Floyd riots. They coddled bloodthirsty antifa demons tearing down the pillars of civil society. They created monsters such as Shaun King who smeared us as “white supremacists” and incited acts of vandalism against our places of worship. They turned a blind eye over the past two years to the targeting of Catholic churches, decapitation of Catholic statues and bloody assaults on prayerful Catholics. Hear our voices. Heed our words. This is what truly peaceful protest looks like. I am humbled to join you all today to speak about the unholy alliance of radical bishops, Open Borders Incorporated and pandemic profiteers. But first, I must take a moment to honor every brave survivor of clerical sexual abuse in the audience or on the speakers’ roster here today. Loyalty, fear, intimidation, shame, denial and lack of transparency See MALKIN on 24

The Narrative Is the Priority According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was an active shooter. According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderer. by Ben Shapiro In reality, he was Syndicated Columnist none of these. Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old young man who went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in order to protect businesses and administer medical aid to those who needed it. He was chased down by Joseph Rosenbaum, a 36-year-old convicted child molester; he shot Rosenbaum when Rosenbaum grabbed for his gun. He was then chased down by Anthony Huber, 26, a man convicted of two felony counts of strangulation and suffering after pulling a knife on his brother and grandmother and choking his brother; Rittenhouse shot Huber when Huber tried to slam his skateboard into Rittenhouse’s head. Finally, Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, a member of a radical Antifa offshoot, approached Rittenhouse with a pistol in his hand; Rittenhouse shot him in the biceps. All of this was on tape. It was verified by witness testimony and physical evidence. Yet Rittenhouse was brought to trial anyway. He was brought to trial because his case became the center of a political firestorm. In September 2020, Joe Biden featured Rittenhouse in an ad decrying then-President Donald Trump’s supposed sympathy for white supremacists. Members of the Left declared that Rittenhouse was a stand-in for American racism, despite the fact that all three of the people Rittenhouse shot were white. Even after the prosecution presented its case -- a case so weak that the prosecution’s own witnesses ended up supporting Rittenhouse’s self-defense case -- members of the media continued to maintain that an exoneration for Rittenhouse would be yet another stain

on America’s racial record. Meanwhile, last week, we learned that the Department of Justice had indicted one Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who worked with Christopher Steele on the infamous Steele dossier -- a collection of bizarre misinformation about Trump treated as blockbuster material by the media. Danchenko, it is alleged, concealed that one of his informational sources was a Democratic Party operative close with the Clinton family. This means that Steele, at the behest of Hillary Clinton’s hired guns at Fusion GPS, gathered false information from Clinton allies, and laundered it into a report -- and then Clinton’s team handed the Steele report over to the FBI, which promptly used it as the basis for a FISA warrant against Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign. The Clinton campaign then used the FBI investigation of Team Trump as a campaign point. The media, of course, went right along with all of this. When the Steele dossier went public, members of the media treated it as though it were verified and credible. As Bill Grueskin, former academic dean at Columbia Journalism School, writes, “some reporters simply didn’t like or trust Mr. Trump and didn’t want to appear to be on his side.” Jussie Smollett was not attacked by MAGA-hatted white thugs; the media treated his initial story with complete credulity. Christine Blasey Ford provided no supporting evidence for her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh; the media treated her as a groundbreaking heroine. The high schoolers of Covington Catholic did not mock a Native American man; the media treated them as evil white supremacists. Jacob Blake was not wrongfully shot by police; the media treated his shooting as a case of systemic police racism. No evidence was ever presented that Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd based on race; his case nonetheless became the point of the spear in our “national conversation” about racism. How many See SHAPIRO on 24

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —


Prove You’re Needed! “Why does Louisiana have the right to stop me from doing what I love to do?” asks Ursula Newell-Davis in my new video. Newell-Davis has helped peoby John Stossel ple. She’s a soSyndicated Columnist cial worker who’s worked with kids with special needs for 20 years. She’s really good at it. “She helped teach me how to talk to people,” says Kamal, who never had friends before. His mother adds, “She explained to me things that I didn’t understand

about my kids.” Newell-Davis helped many families like hers. Her clients are ecstatic about her work. Now she wants to help more kids by starting her own business focusing on “respite” work. “Respite” means acting as backup to a primary caregiver. They fill in for a few hours or days to give a parent a break. “Someone that can go in and teach their child a different skill,” NewellDavis says. She has a college degree, a master’s degree and a social work license. But Louisiana bureaucrats won’t let her do respite work unless she can prove “there is a need for an additional

HCBS provider in the geographic location for which the application is submitted” and “the probability of serious, adverse consequences to recipients’ ability to access health care if the provider is not allowed to be licensed.” What!? Why? “Louisiana wants to limit how many agencies they have to regulate,” says Newell-Davis. “That makes it easy for the state.” Easy for the state? Yes, that’s the actual reason. Anastasia Boden of the Pacific Legal Foundation is helping Newell-Davis sue Louisiana, trying to get the law declared unconstitutional. “Louisiana gives you no clue about

how to prove you’re needed,” says Boden. Even if they did, “That would be difficult for even the best entrepreneurs.” I thought about my career and said, “I couldn’t prove that I’m needed.” “The only way to find out is to open up your doors and try!” replies Boden. But Newell-Davis isn’t allowed to try. She gave regulators what they demanded. She paid their $200 fee, rented office space and explained why her work is needed. She wrote many pages about rising youth crime and how respite care could help these kids. See STOSSEL on 25

Afghans To “Pay Twice” After Taliban Takeover? Following the Taliban’s lightning takeover of Afghanistan and America’s humiliating withdrawal, the remote South Asian country soon morphed by John J. Metzler into the political Syndicated Columnist netherworld. The U.S. war was over, the Taliban Islamic fundamentalists had won, and the long suffering Afghan people were relegated to the tragic club of conflict-wrecked countries that are overlooked, forgotten and forsaken. Somalia, Syria, Libya, Congo, Yemen and so forth. None of these

sad states were forsaken early on; quite the contrary, there have been significant UN and international aid efforts keeping them on humanitarian life support even after the primary crises have passed. So we revisit Afghanistan. It’s not the fault of the U.S. nor more than a score of NATO countries that had troop commitments in that country for twenty years. Americans, British, Canadian, French, German, Italian among others served there to sustain a status quo which was at odds with regional and cultural realities. American blood and treasure was spent (some would argue squandered) to stabilize a host of quasidemocratic governments in Kabul

which were supposed to transform, through the magic wand of nation building, a semi-feudal land into a hybrid working Democracy. After the Biden Administration’s shameful and shambolic withdrawal, most Americans would prefer to turn the page. That’s understandable but allows for emotion to override compelling reality. Another crisis looms. “To abandon the Afghan people now would be a historic mistake, a mistake that has been made before with tragic consequences,” warned Deborah Lyons, the UN’s Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). Addressing the UN Security Council, she said

that the Taliban takeover has left the Afghans, “feeling abandoned, forgotten and punished by circumstances that are not their fault.” Viewing the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the country, Ms. Lyons said it is preventable, as it is largely due to financial sanctions that have paralyzed the economy. Now with the winter fast approaching, she stressed up to 23 million Afghans will be in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity. Despite the Taliban’s tenuous control of Afghanistan, their regime has not been able to contain a growing insurgency, namely the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan (ISIL-K), which See METZLER on 26


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

YOUR Immune System Health Better Nights Make Better Days!

by Sara M. Woods Kender Clinical Herbalist & Reiki Master


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If there is one thing this pandemic has brought to the surface for everyone is the need to support the body’s immune system. We have always been taught that viruses cannot be treated and to let them ‘run their course’. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In herbalism there is a class of herbs called Antivirals and they all work in different ways for different types of viruses. For example, St. Johnswort and Lemon Balm work to clear herpes viruses, and they do this very well. Other plants like elderberry work to help clear the flu virus. In this article I want to talk about a few other plants (and mushrooms) that work to help clear upper respiratory viruses by supporting the immune system directly, but I also want to convey how supporting the body in other ways: stress management and body work, can get you healthy and can KEEP you healthy for anything that comes your way. As a clinical herb-

alist I employ many tools to help a body stay healthy and the immune supporting herbs are absolutely a class of herbs I use often. Some of my favorites are echinacea (Echinacea purpurea or Echinacea augustafolia). Many have heard of this plant as it is a common garden addition known as Purple Coneflower. The whole plant helps to stimulate T cells, a class of white blood cells in the immune system that are made in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus gland, and attack a foreign invader in the body. I use echinacea in many formulations combined with others like astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous). Astragalus root is mild tasting and known to support the immune system, the heart, lungs, and kidneys too. What’s more is it has antiviral qualities as well! Medicinal mushrooms shine here too. As an avid mushroom forager, I use several types of mushrooms in my practice that offer slightly different affects on the body, but all work to support and/or stimulate the immune system. Some of my favorites are Reishi (Ganaderma tsuga or lucidum), Artist’s Conk (Ganderma applenatum), and Chaga (Inonotus obliquus). Medicinal mushrooms are integral in prevention and supporting a body through

any sickness and are my ‘go to’ in regards to viruses too. At the sign of the onset of a cold, taken in the right dosages, they can clear the intruders before they even have a chance to replicate in high enough amounts before the manifestation of major symptoms. I also use mushrooms for Lyme Disease and general well-being. What’s more is that many of these amazing plants and mushrooms grow right here in NH, whether they can be found in the garden or the forest. Body work is a huge part of staying healthy. We all know exercise is important for a healthier lifestyle, so keep doing that, but what I am specifically talking about is therapeutic movement and massage work to support the lymphatic system which is so important in regards to immune system health. Many immune cells are located in the lymphatic system and many folk remedies for cancer are powerful lymph movers. The lymphatic system does not have a pump like our circulatory system, so movement is KEY. The BEST lymph mover by far besides exercise and herbal interventions, is body work; body manipulation and massage done by a qualified practitioner. Thai Yoga Massage is a unique and not very often offered service

involving stretching and massaging major joints and muscles. The movement and massage will aid in the excretion of toxins (from our environment) and waste products (from regular cellular metabolism) out of the body. This regular practice is also great to reduce injuries and the need for expensive and sometimes unnecessary surgeries that result from lack of movement. Regular Thai Yoga Massage has helped me tremendously with reducing the need for the chiropractor and keeping my body in line and my immune system healthy. Stress is a huge immune suppressor and most people’s stress comes from the anxiety of overworking; making impulsive choices; not taking time for yourself, and just plain LIFE. Dropped in my lap recently is the therapy of Neuro-Feedback. This noninvasive approach to neurological health has been touted to help with anxiety and stress, ADD, ADHD, and brain injury too. I feel it has helped me be able to live a less anxious life in general. With life being so busy for all of us, sometimes the anticipation of having to do “all the things’ leaves us anxious and stressed. Regular sessions have shifted my mindset into being more See KENDER on 11


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —


by Dr. Graham Moneysmith, DC. Contributing Writer

How is the holiday season back again? 2021 felt like it was gone in a flash. The problem though, for me at least, is it doesn’t FEEL much like the holidays and moreover I don’t feel much like celebrating. I’m thinking of going full Scrooge! And I know I’m not the only one. If I may, I would like to offer us all a holiday Scrooge alternative: gratitude. We all know this word, and have probably been grateful at some point in our lives. Yet, having gratitude can be more than an emotion or feeling. It can be more than a response to a gift. Gratitude can be a practice, an act, a daily ritual. My challenge to you and myself, as well, is to, this holiday season, start living a life of gratitude. Gratitude, as a daily practice becomes a powerful tool, to not only benefit those around us, but to improve ourselves and our quality of life as well. A leader in this field of gratitude study (yep, that’s a thing) is Robert Emmons, Ph.D

a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He has studied the effects of gratitude in depth and has published research and written books on the topic. Emmons attributes the following improvements with practicing gratitude: • Stronger immune systems • Less bothered by aches and pains • Lower blood pressure • Exercise more and take better care of their health • Sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking • Higher levels of positive emotions • More alert, alive, and awake • More joy and pleasure • More optimism and happiness • More helpful, generous, and compassionate • More forgiving • More outgoing • Feel less lonely and isolated. http://greatergood. berkeley.edu/article/ item/why_gratitude_ is_good Look at your life and your health. Could you use some of those listed improvements? I know I could! We spend billions on pharmaceuticals, chasing these qualities. Yet, if we listen to Dr. Emmons, these traits could be ours just by practicing gratitude. So how can we do this? There are

obviously many ways such as surrounding yourself with positive people, etc. However, Emmons’ most common recommendation is a tool he uses in his research: keeping a gratitude journal. He states, “Establish a daily practice in which you remind yourself of the gifts, grace, benefits, and good things you enjoy. Setting aside time on a daily basis to recall moments of gratitude associated with ordinary events, your personal attributes, or valued people in your life gives you the potential to interweave a sustainable life theme of gratefulness.” Essentially, stop and recognize the good in your life, everyday and be grateful. Everyday create this focus and write down what makes you thankful. It almost seems too simple. Yet, that’s the beauty. If we could reap any of the aforementioned benefits for such a simple practice, why wouldn’t you make the time to make a gratitude journal a priority? In practical terms, here’s how you do it: upon waking write down three things you are thankful for. That’s it. In Emmons research, that was the method used. Do this each morning, reap the benefits. I fully appreciate that in 2021, finding things to be grateful for could feel like a really difficult task. But that does not mean we shouldn’t try. It means, it is more important than ever to

Chiropractic... Because the body heals itself. try. Keep it simple. If life is hard, be thankful for your breath, a friend, your family, a place to sleep, or food to eat. We cannot control the world, only how we react to it. Now, more than ever, we have to look for light and seek gratitude.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

Simple Breathing Exercises For The Holiday Season

by Kelly M. Chapman Owner Meredith Whole Living Center

As wonderful as they can be, the arrival of the holiday season means many of us will be experiencing stresses and interruptions to our daily lives unique to this time of year. Even in the best of circumstances, travel plans, hosting loved ones,

and extended interactions with friends and family can leave our nervous systems taxed and our patience short. Because it’s not uncommon to find ourselves in stressful situations we can’t readily leave, having a few simple breathing techniques at our disposal can help us stay positively grounded to the moment when we find our stress levels rising. Each of the breathing techniques below have helped me at specific points in my life, so I can speak directly to their impact. I attribute my introduction

to the first technique in an HR meeting as a stressed out non-profit director to the shift in awareness that began my interest in learning more about how mindfulness can improve our experience of daily living. The second technique, recently reintroduced to me during a session I was receiving at YourGa, was top of mind last week when a flight I was on experienced exceptionally nervewracking turbulence. Not only was I able to calm my own anxiety, but in its simplicity I was also able to guide my equally nervous friend through the sequence. Technique 1: Deep Belly Breathing With deep belly breathing, we want to stay focused on our breath and its place in our physical body

for eight intentional breaths. If possible, finding a place to yourself, even if it’s as simple as a bathroom stall, is helpful but not necessary. Start with breathing slowly through your nose, so deeply that you can feel your breath first fill your belly, then your chest, and finally all the way up to your clavicle, noticing how each expands as it fills with air. Pause here for a count of three, before slowly releasing the breath through parted lips first from your clavicle, then chest, and finally your belly. Notice how your body gently contracts as you fully release your breath. After a brief pause, continue this cycle again for a total of eight deep breath cycles. This exercise may be repeated See CHAPMAN on 11



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

KENDER from 8 calm and present. The set-up for the therapy is quite simple; being ‘hooked up’ allows for your brain to mirror itself and promote healthy brain function. I can’t speak highly enough about it and what it has done for me. There are many modalities of energy healing that can offer balance and one in particular is Reiki. As a Reiki Master I have found this approach to offer profound healing for people working deep into the spiritual and mental body’s of a person helping to release past and stuck traumas. Releasing this trauma also helps to reduce physical maladies and pain as well. Many have told me they feel less heavy and can maneuver through day to day life with more ease and intention. Having a healthy immune system, as you can see, is a multisystem, multi-modality approach that involves medicinal plants, mushrooms, and food, as well as healthy brain function, stress management, and keeping the body moving, but it isn’t complicated! Having worked in this field for almost 15 years, I can say without a doubt using an integrative approach; propping up the body in a myriad of ways; feeding it what it needs using appropriate interventions as conveyed above, will go a long way to living a full, happy, balanced life and support you

for whatever comes your way. Sara M. Woods Kender is a Clinical Herbalist, Reiki Master, and Psychic Medium offering an array of medicinal and culinary herbs, spices, and teas; syrups, skincare, and magical items too. All this and the services listed above are available to the community at Sacred Tree Herbals, 169 DW Highway, Unit 1, Meredith, NH. Please check out the website for more information and to learn about the other Practitioners offering these services: Fabienne Alberti - Thai Yoga Massage, and Anni Jakobsen offering Neuro-Feedback. www.sarasherbs. com 603-279-2779.

CHAPMAN from 10 throughout the day as needed. Technique 2: 4-7-8 Breathing For 4-7-8 breathing, we’re again breathing in through our nose, pausing, and releasing through parted lips, but the focus is instead on the counts of each phase. First, take in a full, deep breath through your nose to the count of 4, hold for a count of 7, and release slowly through parted lips for a count of 8. It’s recommended to begin by starting this cycle up to four times and checking in on how you feel before continuing. As with the exercise above, it can be repeated throughout the day any time you begin to experience feelings of stress or anxiety rising in your body. While these are two of my favorite, simplest breathing exercises, you may have varia-

tions of these or others that have worked well for you in the past. By mindfully connecting us to our breath and body in the present moment in ways that signal to our physiology that we’re safe, breathing exercises create measured and immediate shifts in our bodies that allow us to transition from a sympathetic nervous system response (fight or flight) to a parasympathetic nervous system response (rest and digest). These deceptively simple techniques can be the foundation of transitioning to experiencing life with less stress and more ease beyond this holiday season and throughout the year. Kelly Chapman, M.A., is the Owner of Meredith Whole Living Center and Certified Authentic Leadership Coach.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

Letters From God

I have noticed the many reminders on billboards and stores, to give thanks during this, your Thanksgiving season. I thought I would remind you how important it is to give thanks in general, but especially toward me. I don’t need your thanks because I am complete in myself and my reservoir of love doesn’t require you to fill it. You need to give thanks for yourself. It is vitally important for you to do this so that you can experience the fullness of life in time and for eternity. You see, I have given you everything you need for life now and forever (2 Peter 1:3). I brought you into your physical existence by forming you in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). I brought you into personal existence by placing your spirit or the person who lives within the body I created in the womb. When I created the first man and woman there was no womb to form you. I created them from nothing. I formed the body from the dust, but it wasn’t animated or alive. It wasn’t until I breathed my breath or Spirit into the inanimate carcass that it came alive (Genesis 2:7). This life wasn’t just a body able to breath and move but the person in the body was fully alive, experiencing life in its full-

ur Comfort Is Our Business!

In the book of Romans, in the New Testament that I instructed the apostle Paul to write, I describe the spiritual and moral decay that you will experience if you become separated from me, the source of genuine life. It is not a pretty picture (Romans 1:1832). This moral decay, if left unchecked, will ensure that you spend your eternal life not in heaven with me but with the Devil in hell with unmitigated evil as your constant companion. But I want you to note that what begins this descent into moral depravity and hell is a failure to acknowledge me and GIVE THANKS (Romans 1:21). It seems so inconsequential, but it is fateful for life or death. By not recognizing me you feed your pride by assuming all that you have, has come from yourself. Your pride had already separated you from me, your God and source of life. Now your thanklessness will harden your heart even further and accelerate your descent. Giving thanks is that important. As I close, allow me to ask, how thankful to me have you been? When was the last time you thanked me for anything I have given you? More importantly, from this time on, how thankful will you be? May I suggest that you begin by thanking my Son for giving his life on a cross to pay for your sins. Then, ask Him to pay your penalty and bring you

back into a relationship with Him, Me and The Spirit. When He does, because you looked to us with thanksgiving, you will reverse your course downward and begin your ascent upward. It will conclude when you take your last breath and stand before us in our throne room. There, we will welcome you to join us for eternity because your sins will be forgiven and because we make you holy, you can live with us who have always been holy, for eternity. We will live together in the same recreated and perfect environment Adam & Eve once knew. You will be eternally grateful. Believe me! I love you, God


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FITNESS These letters are written by a New Hampshire pastor.

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ness. There was not sin, evil, suffering, pain or death and the first man and woman lived in a perfect environment in the majestic garden I created. I provided everything for them and for you, oxygen to breath, food and water to nourish your bodies, raw materials to sustain your life with tools for housing and everything else you would need to prosper. Most importantly, I created you without sin so that you could enjoy a relationship with me, God, your Creator. In this relationship I was able to pass my life into you so that through me you would continue to be filled with everything good and life sustaining. This is why you should consider, that giving thanks to me is vitally important. You have taught your children to thank those who “gift” them and rightfully so. If they didn’t, they would manifest pride and arrogance with their ungratefulness and the negative effective effects in general but particularly with those who “gifted” them would bring great damage to them and their attempts to enjoy life in its fullness. Shouldn’t you be doing the same with me, your heavenly Father and Creator who has given you everything, even those who bestow “gifts” on you? Yes, you should! To fail to do so would create serious problems for you as well. In fact, that is the final reason I would like to remind you to give me thanks.

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Letters From God

This series of Letters From God is an attempt to put the thoughts of God as revealed in the Scriptures as they relate to individuals and the nation of the USA.

Chimney Swe


The Importance Of Thanksgiving




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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

Bow/Pembroke Girls Soccer— And Dartmouth Football NO PRESSURE, NO GIMMICKS, NO KIDDING! 159 D.W. Hwy, Belmont, NH • 603-524-8821 by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

The 2021 NHIAA Division II Girls Soccer championship game between Bow and Pembroke figured to be a good one. Pembroke’s Spartans were undefeated while Bow’s Falcons had lost but once—to Pembroke, 3-2. And what a title match it was. Pembroke took a 1-0 and it looked like the Spartans would finish their season as undefeated state champions. The game clock stopped showing five minutes to play. That’s not unusual. The official time is kept on the field by a referee, who adjusts for game stoppages, such as for injuries, etc. But after five minutes the girls kept on playing, as Pembroke fans focused on the official, waiting for the final whistle. Minute after minute after minute went by. And the girls played on. And on. And on. Finally, Bow got the equalizer, with supposedly seconds to play. Overtime. The Falcons would be the ones to put the ball in the net for an emotional and unforgettable state championship. Tears of joy abounded amongst the Bow contingent. There were plenty of tears of anguish as well, from the Spar-

Headline after the famous “Fifth Down” game between Cornell and Dartmouth in 1940. tans, their families and their fans. Inevitable questions were raised about all the extra minutes. Did the referee mistakenly extend the game and rob Pembroke of a title? There’s a good case to be made for that. The controversy diminished everyone. Some argued that there was enough evidence for the NHIAA to overturn the result and award the title to Pembroke. Others counterargued that Pembroke’s goal itself was not without taint. What to do? There are some interesting precedents for reversing outcomes of completed games, including a famous one in Hanover, N.H., where in 1940 Dartmouth College hosted the gridsters from Cornell University. Cornell was nationally ranked

and came into Hanover with an 18-game win streak. Dartmouth held a fourth quarter 3-0 lead but a late touchdown gave Cornell its 19th straight triumph as the Big Red returned to New York with a 7-3 win. However, the Cornell touchdown came after officials mistakenly gave the Big Red an extra down. The film evidence was incontrovertible. Days later, Cornell administrators, led by President Edmund Day, offered Dartmouth a 3-0 win in place of a 7-3 loss. Dartmouth accepted. In looking back at 1940’s official results, one notes a 3-0 Dartmouth win in the books—giving Dartmouth a final record of 5-4 and a winning season. That was what was known as sportsmanship. Cornell gave up

an undefeated season but never surrendered its honor. Is there a similarly honorable way for a satisfactory outcome to be salvaged out of the emotional wreckage from that November 7 Bow/Pembroke title match? Perhaps officials from Bow and Pembroke could get with the NHIAA Soccer and Executive Committees and discuss a “Co-Champion” scenario. Just last year the NHIAA Executive Committee declared several cochampions when the COVID pandemic nixed winter tournaments. With the Pembroke and Bow soccer girls so evenly matched, it’s a shame that either team had to lose. A cochampionship scenario would ease Pembroke’s bitterness as well as See MOFFETT on 26

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —


Dear Snickerdoodle

by Eric N Gibson Contributing Writer

Authors Note: This week´s submission of The Simple Feast was inspired by my enjoyment of letter writing. I hope you enjoy as well. November 2021 Dear Friend, I hope this letter finds you well. While miles may separate us, the ties that bind keep us close. One of those is our mutual love of all things food. I know that you too enjoy not just the Simple Feast but also the history, lore, or just a darn

good yarn behind the food set before you. So I write to you this week with praise of the Snickerdoodle. Not to be confused


YIELD: About 60 Small Cookies Preheat oven to 359 degrees F. 1 cup Unsalted Butter (softened) 2 Large Eggs 2 and ¾ cups Flour ½ tsp. Baking Soda ¼ tsp. Nutmeg 1 and ½ cups Sugar 2 tsp. Vanilla 1 and ½ tsp. Cream of Tartar ¼ tsp. Salt ½ tsp. Ground Cloves Cinnamon / Sugar Mix for rolling dough balls in. ½ cup plus 2 Tbsp. Sugar 3 tsp. Cinnamon

with the Sugar Cookie, the Snickerdoodle has a quality and consistency all its own. Typically a flat profile, crisp on the outside,

soft in the middle, a liberal coat of Cinnamon and Sugar all around, and a hint of tart (some say ¨bite¨). All combine to give the Snickerdoodle its unique appeal. For the uninitiated (non-New Englander) a bit of Google ¨history¨ on this cookie indicates that the Snickerdoodle originated in the New England area / Eastern U.S. back in the late 1880´s. Some believe, according to internet lore, that these cookies may even derive their name ¨Snickerdoodle¨ from German or Dutch origins. The Amish call their domed top solid ¨crunchy¨ version a ¨Friendship Cookie¨. However, as good a cook as they are, I´m not quite certain how many friends you´ll have after eating a cookie capable of cracking a tooth. A See FEAST on 17

1) In a mixing bowl cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. (About 5 minutes.) 2) Add eggs and vanilla and continue to cream together ingredients for about 3 minutes. 3) In a bowl combine flour, cream of tartar, soda, salt, nutmeg, and ground clove, whisking the dry ingredients to blend. 4) Add dry ingredients gradually to the butter, sugar, vanilla, egg, mixture. Blend completely to form a dough. 5) Refrigerate dough for 20-30 minutes. 6) Work the dough into small balls about an inch or so in diameter. 7) Roll the dough balls in the sugar cinnamon mixture to completely cover each. 8) Place coated dough balls on parchment lined cookie sheets, gently flatten with the back of a spoon (for a flat cookie) or leave as is for a domed cookie, and bake at 350 degrees F. for 9-11 minutes. 9) Remove cookies from the oven and remove from cookie sheet placing cookies on a wire rack to cool. 10) Enjoy with friends and family.



— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

OUT on the TOWN Great Food, Libations & Good Times!

FEAST from 15 true ¨dunker¨! Regardless of where they came from, Snickerdoodles are truly delicious! And, they are not Sugar Cookies. A fact which noted purists are emphatic about. What’s the difference, you ask? A Sugar Cookie, as far as I have been able to determine, is made with Butter and Sugar, as are so many other cookies. However, these two ingredients combined and heated, bind together and create a bond that becomes crisp, almost hard, and crunchy. With Snickerdoodles, Cream of Tartar is added and acts as an inhibitor so that the Butter and Sugar stays soft, resulting in a soft cookie. The tart flavor that some speak of is also courtesy of the Cream of Tartar.

Whether thin with a crispy edge or thick with a dome top, the cinnamon and sugar outside and soft center is what makes a Snickerdoodle a Snickerdoodle. Deliciously sweet with a hint of holiday spice, a touch of tart, and an appealing yellow hew; these cookies are a staple in any proud New Englander´s recipe box. I have enclosed my recipe for Snickerdoodles, just in time for the holiday´s but good any time of year. These cookies are simply delicious when shared with friends over a cup of hot tea next to the hearth on a cold autumn day. You are sure to create memories as you enjoy the Simple Feast! All the best!

BOSAK from 4 Turkeys eat mostly plant matter such as seeds, grass, berries, corn, oats, alfalfa and buckwheat, but they also eat insects. In fact, a wild turkey can eat around 200 ticks a day. As if we needed another reason to like turkeys. Take time to reflect on the things you are thankful for this week. I am grateful for all of you. A column doesn’t exist without the support of its readers. Happy Thanksgiving.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

SMITH from 1 day in the year 1906. I’m a country boy, so looking back at my childhood days I see November as a transition month between fall and winter and the end of the harvest season, with wood being harvested in an attempt to fill the woodshed before snowfall. I know that the wood, to be seasoned properly, should be cut and dried long before November, but that didn’t always happen. A good growing season would find the cellar stocked with potatoes, rutabagas, carrots, beets, and apples as well as dozens of jars of canned vegetables. Crocks would contain some salt pork, one of the products from the pigs we raised. The winter would also find us enjoying their bacon and ham, the latter

having been smoked in a barrel prepared for the purpose with corn cobs providing the smoke, not hickory wood. Our homegrown items were an important part of our food supply in those days. Pumpkins and squash were also stored for winter use. Sometime during the fall months the local Grange held their Grange Fair, confined to the Grange hall, but an event that had its appeal for young and old. I recently came across a ticket for a drawing on prizes awarded at that event. The first drawing was for a quilt, the second for a turkey, and the third for another turkey. I recall that a live turkey was usually on display at the event. Newspapers were the primary source of current events and in

alto, performed. According to the newspaper: “These two young ladies were exceptionally fine.” Miss Elsye M. Wallace of Rochester was another soloist with “a very sweet voice.” A violinist from Boston, Miss Anna R. Forbes, was also on the program, but the biggest hit of the evening seemed to be Miss Alida D. Howe, elocutionist, a young lady from Woodsville. Joining all the other misses was Miss Ethel Knowlton of New Hampton, a pianist. Supper and ice cream were served.

paper also reported on the ceremony in the Fall of 1904 at the old Salem Street Cemetery in Medford , Massachusetts where a boulder in memory of New Hampshire soldiers who died at the battle of Bunker Hill was unveiled. The boulder was placed by the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution with representatives from both New Hampshire and Massachusetts taking part in the ceremony. Forty-one soldiers were said to be buried under the boulder which was taken from

Sara Josepha Hale spent years campaigning to establish such Thanksgiving Day which finally became a reality in 1863.

“I have respect for him, Ronnie is one of the best Blues Guitarist you can find today, he makes me proud.” —B.B. King

1953 the Thursday, November 12th issue of the New York Times had 50 pages, and I found on one a small article about the National Grange meeting in Burlington, Vermont. I would have been a Sophomore in high school at that time and went with some of the family to Burlington where we joined the highest degree in the Grange, that at the national level. But going back before my time, the Nov. 5, 1904, the Ashland Citizen reported on a Harvest Fair put on by the L.G. Society of the Baptist Church on Thursday and Friday evenings. This fair seemed to consist mainly of musical entertainment with the first evening presenting some solos and duets. A couple of young ladies from Vermont, Miss Antha W. Munsell, a soprano, and Miss Adine D. Hale, an

Thanksgiving issue of the New England Homestead, 1896. On the second evening an Old Folk Concert was given by local talent. It would be nice if we had a recording of that event and could hear the male quartet singing the Old Oaken Bucket. The Ashland news-

“the scene of Baker’s great fight with the Indians on the Pemigewasset River” in Plymouth, N.H. The November 26, 1949 issue of the New England Homestead magazine had an ediSee SMITH on 19


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 — its roots right here in New Hampshire so let us not sort of skip over it in favor of all the distractions, including Black Friday, that can keep us from feeling and being thankful. “Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices.” Robert Hanaford Smith welcomes your comments at danahillsmiths@yahoo.com.

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Boulder from Plymouth, NH at cemetery in Medford, Mass. in remembrance of New Hampshire Soldiers who died from wounds at the Battle of Bunker Hill. SMITH from 18 torial about Thanksgiving. It said, in part, “When we sit down at the family table on this Thanksgiving Day of 1949, we, as a nation, have truly much for which to be thankful. Bumper crops have filled our bins and storage barns to overflowing and made it possible for us to ship much needed food supplies to less fortunate nations beyond the seas. For this too we are thankful, for in the process of bringing relief to suffering humanity, we are spreading the gospel of ‘peace on earth, good will to all men.’” An opinion piece in the same publication emphasized the importance of being thankful for freedom. Harold E. Mayo wrote, “We can be and are thankful today for our founding fathers, for our wise and Christian forebears, for the faithful citizens of this land who meet the dawn of a new day with faith and courage, born of humble folks

who loved freedom and were ready to share it and its price with their fellows.” There are many people who have by the grace of God been a blessing to me through the years for whom I am thankful: my family and friends, including those who I knew in my childhood to new friends in these more advanced years, and the many in between. Sadly, several of these dear people,

including family members, have passed on during this year. One who has left us recently, Bob Lawton, has benefited many by providing Funspot and the Weirs Times. He proofread my articles and that of others before you got to see them. Most of all I am thankful to God in Whom we live and have our being and Who can make one truly free. Thanksgiving Day had

Now In 5th Printing!

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Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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Roman Artifacts in America Monday, November 29, 2021 7:00 pm at the Belknap Mill “Romerica” - Scores of Roman-era coins and artifacts have been found in New England and the Ohio River Valley. They just didn’t just swim across on their own. Most of these seem to date back to the 2nd century AD, potentially tying them to the Jewish Bar Kokhba uprising in Jerusalem against the Romans in 130 AD. At around the same time, the Roman Ninth Legion disappeared from history. Did the members of the Roman Ninth Legion, perhaps accompanied by survivors of the Bar Kokhba uprising journey to America in the 2nd century? If so, did they bring with them the lost Temple Treasures?

Free Admission, First Come, First Seated No tickets required ABOUT DAVID BRODY.. David S. Brody is an 8-time Amazon bestselling fiction writer and author of 16 novels. A long-time resident of Westford, MA and native of Laconia, NH, he currently resides in Newburyport, MA with his wife, sculptor Kimberly Scott.

20 PATENAUDE from 3 We didn’t stop at the hut but marched on past and began following the Fishing Jimmy Trail. The blazes are white on this trail because it is a section of the Appalachian Trail. I think it is one of the most difficult sections of the AT because it is always wet and slippery

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 — and steep. The trail goes up and down and crosses a few streams and has sections where the stream flows down the middle of the trail. In the streams there were lots of piles of whitish copperish colored foam. It is caused by the hard rains mixing up organic material with the water and it is


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There is a big view of Mount Lafayette and the mountains of the Franconia Range across Lonesome Lake from its westshore. The AMC Lonesome Lake Hut sits just above the shore. The hike to reach Lonesome Lake and the Hut is just 1.6 miles but it climbs a 1,000 vertical feet from the floor of Franconia Notch beginning from Lafayette Place Campground.

North Kinsman is a pointed boulder on the east side of the main trail, 30 yds North of the outlook spur” quote from the White Mountain Guide. We tapped our hiking poles on top of the highpoint, pointing out the pointy boulder to the guys. Becca and I continued on to South Kinsman, just a mile away. This section always feels quick, it doesn’t go down too far and doesn’t feel like it climbs too high. The panorama view from the ridge filled our eyes as we hiked across to the south knob and the big rock cairn. It was breezy and a little chilly. But no snow or ice yet but I am sure there’ll be some next

very airy and fluffy. We played with it, blowing it to disperse like bubbles. Becca and I thought it was interesting seeing that trail maintainers long ago cut the steps into the granite slabs and used some of the rock pieces to build stairs. There are also slippery wooden steps that we debated if it would be better not

We took advantage of the good weather and lingered on South Kinsman. The Kinsman Ridge Trail is part of the Appalachian Trail. to have them at all. We both agreed iron bars would be much better. Maine and Vermont use iron rungs and they aren’t slippery. When we reached the junction with the Kinsman Ridge Trail we took a break. We ate

snacks and admired the view. A few young men went by us and we followed them towards the summit of North Kinsman. We chatted with them and learned this was their first time up the Kinsmans. “The true summit of

week! We spent a few minutes admiring the view from the south knob but then we retraced our steps back to the north knob where we were more protected from the wind. Here See PATENAUDE on 21


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

If you think you’re on the top but you see something higher go there! Yours Truly and Becca hamming it up with the true summit of North Kinsman. The White Mountain Guide book makes mention of this pointy rock along Becca playing with the airy light foam floating in the stream. The foam is caused from the heavy rains mixing organic materials and it’s all natural. the Kinsman Ridge Trail. We’d never seen so much of it in one place before! PATENAUDE from 20 we ate an early lunch, I had a Swiss cheese sandwich! On our way back to North Kinsman we started meeting lots of people on the trail. North and South Kinsman are #28 & #22 on the NH 4,000 Footer List. We continued on down the Kinsman Ridge Trail and turned off down the Fishing Jimmy Trail. We did our best not to tumble down the trail and to

stay on our feet. We kept meeting lots of other hikers on their way up. When we reached Lonesome Lake we took the Cascade Brook Trail and completed circling the Lake counter clockwise before heading back down to the Notch on the Lonesome Lake Trail. We met dozens and dozens of people headed to Lonesome Lake. Bright white sneakers appeared to be the footwear of choice for

day hikers to the Lake. It was a perfect day to visit the lake. When we returned to our cars the lot was full and overflowing.

Apparently there are no longer any parking rules for late arriving hikers. Our hike out and

back over North and South Kinsman was about 10 miles. I am betting it is the last one without mirco-spikes

or even snowshoes this year! I am ready to get out my skis, Have Fun!

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —




PHOTO #885

While a wedding on the moon was unique, many felt there was “no atmosphere.” -Bob Patrick, Moultonboro, NH.

Runners Up : It is difficult for romance to blossom with these COVID-19 protocols. However love will find a way. John Brennick, Rochester, NH.. The first “test tube” baby, has a baby herself. - Daivid Doyon, Moultonboro, NH. In the year 2075 there will be no more need for mouthwash. -Robert Ferlito, Lynbrook, NY.


PHOTO #887 Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

The Winklman Aeffect

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

MALKIN from 6 all darkened the path. The survivors shined their light and showed us the way. I believe the same is true for the Catholic Church’s deplorable racketeering for mass, uncontrolled immigration and shilling for Big Pharma’s toxic and sinful enterprise. Since 1986, when open-borders lobbyists were hammering out the disastrous Reagan amnesty on Capitol Hill, Catholic leaders in the U.S. and abroad have moved from fighting against legislation that enhances American immigration enforcement to actively undermining enforcement and violating immigration laws. Disgraced leftist Cardinal Roger Mahony, censured and banned for his role in covering up sexual abuse, was booted from his post in Los Angeles yet continues to this day to advo-

cate that Catholic clergy and other Americans brazenly defy deportation orders and harbor so-called Dreamers in the name of charity and compassion. These policies have enriched cartels, traffickers, smugglers, coyotes and the vast network of left-wing nonprofits while inducing the poor to traipse across the desert, stuff themselves in car trunks and cash in on their own children. Is there any more obscene illustration of the need to drain the Catholic Deep State and defund the Creep State? Archbishop Jose Gomez, head of the Los Angeles archdiocese, blasted former President Donald Trump’s workplace enforcement actions and bemoaned the plight of outlaws “who live in the shadows.” Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn excused criminal border trespassing, criminal

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-- $2 billion of which came from government sources. My time is short, but know this: The same evil rationale for covering up clerical sex abuse, covering the cover-up of clerical sex abuse is the same evil rationale behind profiting off open borders and national suicide, and it is the same evil rationale for pushing experimental pharmaceutical jabs inextricably conceived with the cells of murdered unborn babies to quell, control, track and trace the world’s population. Pandemic profiteers are false saviors in a soul-destroying industry that relies on rigged clinical trials, sabotage of informed consent, silencing of the vaccineinjured, persecution of devoutly pro-life parents and workers whose pleas for support as they face losing their jobs and livelihoods are being

spurned by junk-science promoting priests and bishops, and blanket protection from corporate liability in the name of the “common good.” In the face of such godlessness and ruin, our faith must be stronger than our fear. We must be engaged in allout spiritual warfare -fully immunized against the real deadly viruses of moral relativism, cultural Marxism and globohomogenized capitalism. Church Militants, not Church Milquetoasts, are required for such a time as this.


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Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

facts will die at the hands of media-crafted narratives? As many as need to die in order to achieve political utopia for the Left. As David Burge suggested years ago on Twitter, “Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.” Ben Shapiro, 37, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and editorin-chief of DailyWire. com. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side Of History,” and “Bullies.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.




SHAPIRO from 6

visa violations and criminal document fraud. Bishop Thomas Joseph Tobin of the Providence, Rhode Island, diocese issued a declaration of support for driver’s licenses for illegal aliens in his state, citing the pope’s call “to welcome immigrants into our midst” because “these immigrants will enrich America and its Church.” Key words: “Enrich” its “Church.” In 2019, the USCCB sat on net assets of $377 million and raked in total revenues of $188 million. Its annual government grant revenue totaled nearly $50 million; with $23 million funneled to a program encouraging illegal alien unaccompanied minors to trespass our borders; $16.5 million for refugee admissions; and $12.1 million for refugee and entrant assistance. In 2020, Catholic Charities vacuumed up $5 billion


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 — STOSSEL from 7 But Louisiana said that wasn’t good enough.” In fact, Louisiana turns down most applicants. This is crazy. Special needs kids need more help, not less. The government’s excuse: “Regulating is a resource-intensive process.” Rejecting applicants helps “limit the burden on regulators.” Streamlining the application process would be a better solution. “Imagine if government argued that it didn’t have enough money to administer driver’s license exams,” says Boden. “That’s just not a legitimate excuse.” I tried to interview a regulator, but not one would answer our emails or calls. So, a Stossel TV producer went to Baton Rouge. As you see in my video, the government’s offices are quite nice. I

wish they spent less on buildings and more on serving people. A security guard diligently called one health department person after another. It went to voicemail again and again. Too busy rejecting applications? Sleeping? Who knows? Later one sent us an email saying, “We’d be happy to work ... on providing information.” “Work on it?” Is providing information so hard? It must be. Weeks later, they still haven’t told us anything. Unfortunately, 39 states have similar laws. They’re called “CON laws” because entrepreneurs must get “Certificates of Need” to open certain businesses. They must prove they’re needed. Some states demand it of moving companies, hospitals, ambulance services. People in Kentucky wait longer to get to a hospital because Ken-

MAILBOAT from 2 hospitals in NH. On the list is Concord Hospital Laconia (CHL). Great right! Well not so quick. A close friend tested positive for Covid last month and requested Regeneron twice from CHL, the first time at day 2 after symptoms began and again at day 9 when symptoms were acute. He was “discouraged” both times. He was a prime candidate for the treatment being in his late 60’s and not yet vaccinated. His wife also contracted Covid 3 days after him. Both were taken by ambulance on day 12 for him, 9 for her to Concord Hospital Concord (CHC) and ended up on oxygen. Both were treated with Remdesivir. She spent 5 days at CHC and he was there 15. Both are recovering at home now. This “potentially” could have been avoided had they received early treatment. By comparison, after

tucky’s CON law makes it hard to offer an ambulance service. Louisiana is the only state that applies its CON law to respite care. Sure enough, “Consumers in Louisiana are less satisfied with their care,” says Boden. “Complaints go up year after year.” Why do these laws stay on the books? Because established businesses don’t like competition. They lobby legislators, and legislators dutifully protect them. Consumers get screwed. John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com.

my friend was first diagnosed with Covid he informed his brother who also tested positive. His brother had been vaccinated and showed mild symptoms. He was offered and received monoclonal antibodies and recovered quickly. It begs the question “Who decides who gets treatment and based on what criteria?”. His vaccinated brother showed mild symptoms. If you believe the CDC, he should have been able to “fight off” the virus and yet he was offered and received monoclonal antibodies. My friend was unvaccinated, had more severe symptoms and was sent home twice despite his worsening condition. That’s unacceptable! It’s been reported there is shortage of monoclonal antibodies so they are being “rationed”. That’s backed up by this DHHS Public Health Emergency notice dated 9/3/21. https://bit.ly/3n2Mnln

When the Biden administration cut back on monoclonal antibody supplies, governor DeSantis of Florida contracted directly with an approved monoclonal antibody supplier to cover demand. He’s saving lives. Here is a good link for more information https://bit.ly/3b9H1hF So why doesn’t NH follow suit? There is no shortage of supply, only a shortage of will to purchase and distribute. Please, contact your state representative and demand an adequate inventory of monoclonal antibodies be procured. It could save your life or that of a loved one. Bruce Jenket Moultonborough, NH

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

MOFFETT from 14 Bow’s defensiveness about what many feel to be a tainted title. Win/Win. But someone in BowWorld would first need

to channel their inner “Edmund Day.” MR. LAWTON Everyone has a final day when they’re “called home” and for

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Weirs Times founder Bob Lawton that day came, fittingly, on November 11—Veterans Day. His obituary was in last week’s Weirs Times and elsewhere and it described a 90-year journey truly worth celebrating. Mr. Lawton’s path crossed mine back in the nineties when his paper published occasional Op-Eds that I “penned.” Then in January of 2005 his paper added this sports column. Editorialists and columnists are used to

catching flack. It goes with the territory. So supportive comments are especially appreciated by our ilk. And Mr. Lawton often took pains to alert me as to how much he agreed with my sentiments on this issue or that. Thank you, Mr. Lawton. Godspeed and RIP … Sports Quiz What nickname celebrated Dartmouth sports teams before 1971? (Answer follows) Born Today That is to say, sports standouts born on November 25 include Boston Bruin great Eddie Shore (1902) and New York Yankee Hall-ofFamer Joe DiMaggio (1914). Sports Quote “We old athletes carry the disfigurements and markings of contests remembered only by us and no one else. Nothing is more lost than a forgotten game.” ― author Pat Conroy, a former college basketball player Sports Quiz Answer The Indians. (Dartmouth College was established in 1769 to help educate indigenous Native Americans and the nickname celebrated that history.) State Representative Mike Moffett was a Sports Management Professor for Plymouth State University and NHTI-Concord. He coauthored the awardwinning “FAHIM SPEAKS: A WarriorActor’s Odyssey from Afghanistan to Hollywood and Back” which is available on Amazon. com. His e-mail address is mimoffett@comcast. net.

METZLER from 7 is widening, stepping up attacks from 60 in 2020 to 334 in 2021. Concerning the deterioration of women’s rights under the Taliban, the UN representative conceded that while the “the de facto authorities” had initially assured the protection of women’s rights within Islamic law; however, there has been a general curtailment of Afghan women and girls’ fundamental rights and freedoms. France’s Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere stated that the Taliban has created a crisis situation for the people and may destabilize the entire region. Nonetheless France has committed $112 million in humanitarian aid. The United Kingdom moreover has pledged $384 million for winter aid. The U.S. has marked an additional $144 million in assistance. Afghanistan’s delegate (from the ousted government) Ghulam Isaczai said his country, “faces a crisis of historic proportions,” with the lives and dignity of millions of its people currently being threatened by a failing economy, severe food insecurity and the absence of security, basic rights and freedoms. Ambassador Isaczai painted a grim picture of the conditions in his country, where nearly 23 million people need food aid. “While the Taliban have not changed, the Afghan population has,” he emphasized, adding that many in his country have benefited from opportunities provided over the past 20 years and can drive local and national change.

This remains a key element. The younger Afghanis, especially women, have been educated and empowered socially in ways which make it difficult for the Taliban to easily exert their fundamentalist gloom over the country. In the next weeks the UN’s Credentials Committee will see a challenge to the sitting pre-war Afghan delegation by representatives of the now ruling Taliban regime. U.S. Deputy Ambassador Jeffery de Laurentis stated, “The Taliban chose the path of battleground victory” but added “ the Afghan people should not have to pay twice for the Taliban’s decisions.” Thus Washington is committed a total aid of $474 million in 2021. Clearly American aid should be conditional on Taliban pledges and transparent actions for women’s equality in the society and unequivocally ensure the safe and free passage of at least 400 U.S. citizens still trapped inside the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Britain’s delegate stressed candidly, “the United Kingdom’s approach to the Taliban will continue to be calibrated according to their actions, not their words.” We must watch and verify. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.

— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, November 25, 2021 —

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