12/31/2020 Weirs Times

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

VOLUME 29, NO. 53



“Lakes in Winter” Webinar

Gail Culver shown here comforting a mule. Gail, whose love for animals showed no bounds, passed away in March of 2020. Gail’s husband Michael and Daughter Amanda recently collaborated with the Lakes Region Humane COURTESY PHOTO Society to develop the Gail Culver Feral Cat Lounge Project in her memory.

Feral Cat Lounge Honors Memory Of Avid Animal Lover In early spring Michael Culver, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Wright Museum, reached out to the Lakes Region Humane Society (LRHS) in Ossipee, to ask if there was something he and his daughter, Amanda, could do to benefit pets in need in memory of his late wife Gail who passed away in March 2020.

Gail Culver’s passion for all animals was renowned and she is survived by a menagerie of house animals that she spoiled, so a project to honor her memory through caring for animals was an easy choice. “Every winter Gail also made winter ‘homes’ on our back deck for homeless cats,” said Michael Culver.

“Over the years we took in several of these cats ourselves and they became our ‘house pets’. Some who were more feral just continued to come back in the winter to Gail’s hotel, eat, sleep in a warm place at night and then wander off - only to return. Gail would take those who returned to the vet and have them cared

for and neutered. The vet always told us that if she ever came back in another life, she would want to come back as ‘one of Gail’s cats’”. Culver also noted that “Although Gail loved all animals and supported the Humane Society in our hometown of Port Jervis, New York, she was espeSee CULVER on 15

Join NH LAKES on Wednesday, January 6, at 7pm, for the webinar “Lakes in Winter.” Find out how our lakes freeze and what happens under the ice… and see and hear some strange and usual winter phenomena, Bring your questions about what happens to lakes in winter and be ready to share your stories of strange things you’ve seen in and along the lake during winter. This informative and fascinating session will be presented by Krystal Costa Balanoff, Conservation Program Coordinator, NH LAKES, and Andrea LaMoreaux, Vice President of Programs & Operations, NH LAKES. This webinar is part of the “Explore Lakes with NH LAKES” webinar series—a monthly series being offered through spring 2021. Make sure to tune in to these FREE webinars to learn about our lakes throughout the seasons, how wildlife survives changing temperatures, and more. These webinars are FREE, but pre-registration is required, and space is limited. Visit nhlakes.org/ explore-lakes-webinars to learn more and sign up.









— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —


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Massive Evidence Of Voter Fraud To The Editor: The Peter Navarro Report titled – “The Immaculate Deception,” covers many election irregularities. It is on the internet - every U.S. Citizen should read it. The people who wrote our Constitution understood human nature. They realized many people are hypocrites whose objectives are to acquire power and money by any means. Article 2 of our Constitution protects Americans from people who want to replace our Republic, with Socialism. To prevent Socialism our founders had the foresight to include in our constitution - article 2, clause 3, section 2, - rules for resolving flawed elections. Over half of legal American voters believe there was massive fraud in the November 2020, election. Our founders with amazing intelligence and foresight, included in our constitution remedies “to cure election irregularities”. In the election between Andrew Jackson and John Q. Adams, the irregularities were resolved by article 2. American voters must prosecute fraud. If it is ignored it will destroy our Republic, our Freedom and Prosperity. Those that have committed fraud must be identified and punished with prison according to our laws. In January of 2021, Congress will meet to ratify the election of November 2020. That process has already started. Scheduling of a congressional debate is next

and will be followed by a vote in the House. The winner of that vote will be certified as the President elected by representatives of “the people”. David Scott Dover, NH.

President Trump’s Accomplishments

To The Editor: While there is still some debate over the legality of the results of the 2020 Election, one thing remains perfectly clear…President Trump achieved many accomplishments during the first 2 years in office, and especially during his first 6 months in office. Let’s review a partial list of some of these as of September, 2018: *OPERATION WARP SPEED !!...creation of a safe COVID vaccine in record time. • Almost 4 million jobs created since election in 2016. • More Americans employed than ever recorded before in our history. • Creation of more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs. • Manufacturing jobs growing at a faster rate in more than 3 decades. • Economic growth hit 4.2% during one quarter. • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low. • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded. • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. • Asian-American unemploy-

ment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded. • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded. • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years. • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century. • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. • Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years. • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since 2016. • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans promoting a commitment to Vocational Education. • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6% over last year. • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back into the US in the first quarter alone. • Trump tax bill produced lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years for small businesses. • Record number of regulations eliminated. • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions. THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP Nick De Mayo Sugar Hill, NH

Our Story

This newspaper was first published in 1883 by Mathew H. Calvert as Calvert’s Weirs Times and Tourists’ Gazette and continued until Mr. Calvert’s death in 1902. The new Weirs Times was reestablished in 1992 and strives to maintain the patriotic spirit of its predecessor as well as his devotion to the interests of Lake Winnipesaukee. Our newspaper’s masthead and the map of Lake Winnipesaukee in the center spread are elements in today’s paper which are taken from Calvert’s historic publication. Locally owned for over 20 years, this publication is devoted to printing the stories

of the people and places that make New Hampshire the best place in the world to live. No, none of the daily grind news will be found in these pages, just the good stuff. Published year round on Thursdays, we distribute 30,000 copies of the Weirs Times every week to the Lakes Region/Concord/ Seacoast area and the mountains and have an estimated 66,000 people reading this newspaper. To find out how your business or service can benefit from advertising with us please call 1-888-308-8463.

PO Box 5458 Weirs, NH 03247 TheWeirsTimes.com info@weirs.com facebook.com/weirstimes 603-366-8463 ©2020 WEIRS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —


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The Almanack Man – Dudley Leavitt

Contributing Writer

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1910 Leavitt’s Farmer’s Almanac. a farm. He was a farmer, teacher, author, and publisher who became one of the best known men in the state. He is perhaps best remembered for his almanack which he sometimes spelled with the “k’ at the end. The almanac was published with his name on it for many years after his death in 1851. Leavitt was a dedicated scholar and is also remembered for the private school he ran with himself as the teacher. In that role he appears to have had great influence upon the lives of his students

with the knowledge he passed on in many subjects but particularly in mathematics. Weather statistics and predictions seem to be a major part of farmers’ almanacs and Leavitt’s was no exception. I don’t get too involved with the detailed explanations that farmer’s almanacs provide about the influence of the planets and the moon upon the weather, but for the farmer of old these facts and predictions were important for planning their work strategies for the year. The more down to earth parts of the publica-



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If someone mentions the word “almanac” you might think of The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the one published in New Hampshire, or Poor Richard’s Almanack, a publication of the past authored by Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia. The one that this article emphasizes, however, is another one that was published in New Hampshire, namely, Leavitt’s Farmer’s Almanac. Leavitt’s was a competitor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac which continues to be published today. The almanac has been an important publication for farmers at the beginning of each new year as they reflect on the past year’s accomplishments and work to improve their production during the new year. Dudley Leavitt was born in Exeter, New Hampshire and moved to Gilmanton after his marriage to Judith Glidden of that town, and a couple years later the couple moved to Meredith where they bought


by Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr.

tions are the ones that attract more of my attention, but wherever your interests lie, beginning a new year by reading an almanac is a must for the farmer and can be an educational and enjoyable activity for everyone. The preface for Leavitt’s 1910 almanac cited the improvements that the new year revealed: “the greater facilities for diffusing intelligence, by means of books and papers, by better roads and rapid traveling, by better schools for our youth, the improved social intercourse by the grange, by the telephone in the farm houses – these are sources of a just satisfaction.” January first was on a Saturday in 1910 and the prediction was for a fair but windy day and a warm month with “snow enough for business.” The 1910 edition of the almanac was the 114th edition with the calculations in the book being made by Dudley’s nephew and student, William B. Leavitt, presumably still using the method developed many years earlier by his uncle. The calculations were made for all of the New England states and the title page claimed that the publication contained “... more than useful Astronomical Calculations, a larger quantity and See SMITH on 19


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —


New England’s Wild Birds & Their Habitats

The Christmas Bird Count by Chris Bosak Contributing Writer


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I’ve been doing the Christmas Bird Count in coastal Connecticut with my friend Frank for nearly 20 years and every year is a little different. Sure, there are the predictable birds we see at the same place year after year: greater scaup in the harbor, American wigeon and hooded mergansers on the river, brant by the beach, Carolina wrens at the dog park, peregrine falcons on the railroad bridge and gadwall on the ponds. Then there are the regulars on Long Island Sound, which we scan with spotting scopes from the beach. Those reliable birds include common loon, redthroated loon, longtailed duck, bufflehead and red-breasted merganser. What makes the day different every year are the birds that can be hoped for, but not guaranteed. Sometimes, a bird we never even thought of will show up. Those are the real exciting moments and there are a handful of them every year. Before I get into what surprises showed up in our area this year, let me quickly explain what the Christmas Bird Count is. Run by the National Audubon Society, the CBC is the longest-running citizen

A northern shoveler swims on a river during a Christmas Bird Count in New England. CHRIS BOSAK PHOTO science bird project in the world. Volunteers from throughout North American and beyond form teams and count as many birds in a designated area as possible on a single day. The data gives scientists a historical snapshot of bird populations to be used as a conservation tool. It is similar, but also very different, from the Great Backyard Bird Count, which takes place every February. More on that in a future For the Birds column. Now back to those surprise birds that brightened up an otherwise gray, cold day. The day got off to a great start when Frank found a merlin even before we officially started looking for birds. We had ordered a break-

fast to go from a local diner and, while standing outside waiting for the eggs and bacon to be ready, Frank found the small falcon on the top of a telephone pole. I can remember only one other year in which we had found a merlin. Frank had heard a tip a few days before the count that a few warblers were hanging out in a row of pine trees near the wastewater management station. The trail wasn’t part of our normal route, but we decided to check it out. It’s a good thing we did as we found yellow-rumped warblers, a pine warbler and a prairie warbler, which was arguably the best sighting of the day for us. We also found a brown creeper and ruby-crowned kinglet

there. Sometimes it’s good to break old habits and try something new. Welcomed, but not entirely unexpected, birds that we found included northern shoveler, northern pintail, northern harrier, horned lark, tree sparrow and red-breasted nuthatch. Frank and I finished the day with 61 species. With all the birding teams combined, this particular count typically gets around 110 to 120 total species -- aided by the wintering ducks and shorebirds on Long Island Sound. In a year in which routines have been turned upside down, it was nice to have a bit of normalcy. Happy New Year everyone.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —


in brendan@weirs.com

Now In 4th Printing!


The Flatlander Chronicles Live Free or Die.


Getting Along This column is to invite you to the first ever Flatlander/Native Tolerance Forum to be held via Zoom next week. In all honesty, we never even by Brendan Smith thought about Weirs Times Editor having one of these before, but it seems some Flatlander, who we will all now know, retweeted a tweet on Twitter that was retweeted by somebody else who retweeted the tweet by another Flatlander, twelve times removed, who tweeted: “Natives Stink.” Well, you can imagine the uproar against the Flatlander that retweeted the tweet that was retweeted from another retweet. It was also a slap in the face to the rest of the Flatlander community as we would now all be unfairly marked as “anti-native.” Usually something like this would have passed unnoticed. But a native who likes to spend a lot of time on Twitter looking for offensive tweets and retweets, happened to catch this Flatlander’s offensive retweet and immediately retweeted the original retweet that was retweeted from a retweeted original tweet. The outrage over the retweeted tweet spread like a brush fire through the community of people who diligently await the retweets of the native who likes to retweet offensive tweets and retweets tweeted by others. Then they can carry their phones around with them so they can show others the offensive tweet that was retweeted. The retweeted tweet by the Flatlander that was found by the native who looks out for offensive tweets, was welcomed by the natives since it had been a long time since an offensive retweeted tweet that was retweeted from another tweet had been noticed and they were getting antsy and

needed something to be outraged against. So, they gathered their posterboards and their magic markers and their sticks and, like villagers carrying torches to Frankenstein’s castle to kill the monster they knew nothing about, they set out to show the rest of the natives what they needed to be outraged about since they do not have time themselves to watch for retweets of offensive tweets posted by the native who watches for offensive tweets, since they are too busy earning a living. A major intersection was chosen where the offended natives could hold their signs and yell and scream stuff at passing cars about the Flatlander who retweeted the offensive tweet that was retweeted by someone else which was noticed by the native who likes to look for offensive tweets or retweets. Before the native villagers took up their position on the chosen corner, they all spent a few hours going through their own social media accounts to make sure they had eliminated all of their tweets and posts that may be considered offensive by others, not necessarily on their side, who spend a lot of time looking for offensive things posted on social media accounts. Of course, there were the many things in their pasts that are not on social media sites. Things they said at one time or another, in public or in private, that would be considered offensive if anyone had ever found out they had said them. Maybe something just said once, or maybe more than once. Possibly a few of them even said “Flatlanders Stink”. But who would know? The chances of those offensive things being discovered were small, so they gathered their sticks and signs and headed for their designated spot to show their dislike for the Flatlander who retweeted a tweet that was retweeted that claimed: “Natives Stink.”

Of course, being the most renowned Flatlander in the area, I was approached on my take of the situation. I certainly don’t agree with the content of the retweeted tweet. I have many friends who are natives. Of course, there are some I am not very fond of, but that goes for some Flatlanders as well. It was suggested to me, to help quell the situation a bit, that we should have a forum and invite both Flatlanders and Natives to discuss things, air their grievances and to get the people with the sticks and the signs off the sidewalk. Hence, next week’s Flatlander/ Native Tolerance Forum. Of course, due these peculiar times we live in, we will be holding the forum remotely on Zoom, so all can attend without fear of catching whatever it is that is going around (and also keep them safe from COVID -19). I will serve as moderator and other prominent Flatlanders and Natives will be part of the forum and all concerned citizens are welcome to join in. We will have a civilized discussion about what needs to be done to quell things like the retweeted tweet being retweeted by the native who looks for offensive things to retweet. Then we can all go home and talk amongst ourselves about how ridiculous some of the other people in the forum were who we didn’t agree with. We are even allowed to say a few nasty things about them in private. And as long as we don’t tweet about them later, we should all get along just fine. Hope to see you there. Brendan is the author of “The Flatlander Chronicles” and “Best Of A F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire” available at BrendanTSmith.com. His latest book “I Only Did It For The Socks and Other Tales of Aging” will be published in March 2021.

Weirs Times F.O.O.L columnist, Brendan Smith’s first book with over 30 of the best of his original Flatlander Columns. From learning to Rake The Roof to Going To The Dump to Buying Firewood for the first time and everything in between, Brendan recounts the humorous tales of his learning to fit into New Hampshire life as a Flatlander from New York.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Make out checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: The Flatlander Chronicles, c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

The Abominable ‘America Last’ Porkulus

This country is not governed by a “Republican Party” and a “Democratic Party.” It is governed by an establishment “uniparty” that betrays our citizens at every turn. Exhibit A: The joint annual ritual of fiscal vulgarity known as the omnibus spending bill. While Americans are distracted with the holidays, Beltway crapweasels stuff by Michelle Malkin their legislative Christmas trees with mulSyndicated Columnist tibillion-dollar goodies for every special interest except the American people. I’ve reported with depressing regularity over the past quartercentury on how these pork-laden monstrosities get rammed through Congress, unread, with little scrutiny or outrage. But finally, light bulbs are going off. The juxtaposition of measly COVID-19 relief for U.S. citizens against the backdrop of lavish aid for illegal immigrants, the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, overseas social justice warriors, nongovernmental organizations and foreign countries is just too brazen to ignore. Americans will receive $600 COVID-19 relief checks and $300 unemployment payments as part of the consolidated federal government funding package. The $900 billion in COVID-related aid is folded into the massive, 5,600-page legislation encompassing 12 fiscal 2021 spending bills worth $1.4 trillion. The puny pandemic stimulus for we the people is a pittance compared with these giveaways buried in the abominable “America last” porkulus: --15.4 million illegal immigrant family members are now eligible for stimulus checks and can also now receive retroactive payments worth up to $1,800. --The amnesty program for thousands of Liberians who’ve lived and worked here unlawfully since 2014 has been extended for another year. --Untold numbers of illegal immigrants who claim to live with “unaccompanied minors” smuggled across the border will now enjoy a new shield from deportation. --While funding support for the detention and removal of illegal immigrants by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has been slashed by $431 million, open borders nonprofits are rejoicing over new funding for catchand-release pilot programs that will keep deportable illegal immigrants out of federal custody. --$500 million to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama to “address key factors that contribute to the See MALKIN on 20

The Perversion of Science America’s scientists are essentially miracle workers. Within mere months, they have developed highly effective vaccines for COVID-19. By year’s end, millions of Americans will have received their first doses. by Ben Shapiro We should begin to see Syndicated Columnist death rates from COVID drop precipitously in the coming weeks as more and more Americans gain immunity from the virus. Yet never has there been a larger gap between America’s scientists and America’s public health professionals. Science is supposed to guide the decision-making for both groups. Yet public health professionals have consistently failed to utilize science as their lodestar, instead sacrificing their credibility on the altar of intersectional politics. Throughout the summer, public health professionals ignored perfectly obvious dangers surrounding mass protests over alleged racial injustice; many of those top health professionals suggested that the risks of racism in American society amounted to a health problem all their own. Throughout the pandemic, public health officials have caved to the political incentive toward overbroad lockdown policies, simultaneously exempting themselves from the rules. Now we learn that public health officials pushed for vaccine distribution not based on health risk but on racial factors. As the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported this week: “Every US state has been advised to consider ethnic minorities as a critical and vulnerable group in their vaccine distribution plans, according to Centers for Disease Control guidance. As a result, half of the nation’s states have outlined plans that now prioritize black, Hispanic and indigenous residents over white people in some way.” This insanity is rooted in eugenic concerns. “Older populations are whiter,” public health “expert” Dr. Harald Schmidt of the University of Pennsylvania told The New York Times in early December. “Society is

structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.” In other words, a disproportionate number of white people survive to old age; we should, therefore, give vaccines to younger, less vulnerable nonwhite citizens in “essential industries” and let Grandma die. Not only is this obviously racist; it happens to engender policy that kills more black people in absolute terms. Age is a far better predictor of COVID vulnerability than race: As Dr. Gbenga Ogedegbe of the New York University Grossman School of Medicine found, infected patients die at the same rate regardless of race. This means that if you give tranches of the vaccine to patients based on racial concerns rather than age concerns, the most vulnerable black and Latino populations -- elderly blacks and Latinos -- are more likely to die so that younger black and Latinos can receive a vaccine for a disease to which they are probably 10 times less vulnerable. This is the price of social justice thinking. By treating people as members of racial groups rather than as individuals, and by prioritizing race above age, more black and brown people die in absolute terms, even if the overall proportionality of black and brown deaths drops versus white deaths. “Equitable” statistical outcome has become a higher goal than actually saving lives. That’s absurd and tragic. And it should undermine our trust in our public health officials. So, trust the scientists when they root their decisions in science. But doubt them at the top of your lungs when they start proclaiming that they are experts on morality. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. He is the author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller “The Right Side of History.”


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Naughty vs. Nice Who should be on Santa’s naughty and nice lists this Christmas? *NAUGHTY: I’d give lumps of coal to: Federal bureaucrats, whose rigid by John Stossel rules delayed COSyndicated Columnist VID-19 tests. The CDC wouldn’t allow private companies to sell COVID-19 tests until the CDC’s own test didn’t work. President Donald Trump, for talking about cutting that red tape but not doing the hard work needed to get enough of it done.

Gavin Newsom, California governor, for eating with several other families, unmasked, while his state forbade that. Trump for refusing to say that he’d accept the election results. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, for -- after her party made it illegal -- getting her hair done and then criticizing the salon owner. Senator Ted Cruz, for killing a bill that would’ve given asylum to Hong Kongers fleeing the oppressive Chinese regime. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock for tweeting: “Pass the potatoes, not COVID,” and “Host virtual gatherings instead of in-person dinners...”

as he was boarding a flight to join his family for Thanksgiving. Government’s foreign policy bureaucrats, one of whom admits “playing shell games” to trick leaders into leaving more American troops in Syria. Most Republicans, for refusing to criticize the president when he lied. Teachers unions for putting the kids last. Before they would return to work, LA’s union demanded “a moratorium on private schools, defunding police, increasing taxes on wealthy, Medicare for all...” Catholic schools opened to help kids. Union leaders helped themselves. Almost all Republicans, for shut-

ting up about debt once Trump was the big spender. Rioters who hijacked Black Lives Matter demonstrations, wrecking lives and spreading hate. Antifa’s violent goons, and today’s Proud Boys for being destructive jerks. The media for utterly ignoring Hunter Biden, calling his emails a “distraction.” Twitter for blocking the NY Post’s account for 16 days and labeling their links exposing Hunter Biden’s emails “unsafe” and “harmful.” Google, for censoring search results to show only certain news See STOSSEL on 21

Looking Ahead at 2021; A Post-Pandemic World? C o v i d - 1 9 changed everything. Our Lives, our Health, the Economy, the Election, and certainly our Future. While the pandemic presents by John J. Metzler an enduring chalSyndicated Columnist lenge to the world, events nonetheless move forward shrouded by the continuing health emergency and jolted by lethal socio/economic ramifications. Now, nearly one year into suffering from the Wuhan virus, we enter a new year with trepidation but with guarded optimism that we may be on the verge of conquering the deadly virus. Yet the world moves on and we

inherit the static deadly conflicts in places like Syria, Yemen and Libya. We see escalating ethnic fighting in Ethiopia and the Sub-Saharan Sahel region. Let’s review some key issues; Flash Points China: Will we see Deja vu all over again with a more accommodating Biden Administration? The People’s Republic presents the U.S. with both an economic and strategic challenge; the Trump Administration notably confronted communist China over its trading and technology theft practices. But will the Biden team who views Beijing as an economic and military competitor return U.S. policy towards China with a debatable Reset or Measured Skepticism? Word has

it that Biden team advisors want better ties and are suggesting American cooperation with China’s Space Program among other things! (What planet are we on??). Hong Kong: Hong’s Kong’s status has proven a political and security Barometer on Beijing’s intentions, both to the former British Crown Colony as much as a warning to free and democratic Taiwan. By suppressing civil and political rights in Hong Kong, the People’s Republic glaringly shows its true colors and signaled the rules of the game for Taiwan and the disputed South China Sea. Significantly, France and Poland among others are pushing back against a European Union-China

investment agreement. Iran/The Persian Puzzle: To Confront, Coerce or Coexist? The seemingly perpetual crisis with the Islamic Republic of Iran which has now lasted nearly forty years and outlasted seven American presidents. An incompetent and corrupt theocratic regime still rules Iran. Nonetheless, the new Administration eagerly wishes to return to the flawed 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, possibly before Iran’s presidential elections in June. Korean Peninsula: Joe Biden’s first security challenge may well be North Korea, whose mercurial leader Kim Jong-un was neutralized by Donald’s Trump’s epic showdown i n 2 0 1 7 . See METZLER on 20


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Simple Tips for Navigating Wellness This New Year

by Kelly M. Chapman Meredith Whole Living Center

As we enter the season of new beginnings, it’s difficult to ignore the many solutions offered to the age old quest for optimal wellness. It never ceas-

es to amaze me how many paths to overall well-being continuously emerge, and how abundant commercialized options have become, particularly as we approach the new year. The foundational basics most systems for optimal wellness have in common are: •Mindful attention to a healthy diet and eating habits. •Physical activity that supports a strong, supple body.

•Rituals that support proper hygiene and body systems maintenance, such as consistent and sufficient sleep. •Philosophies and practices that support mental/emotional relaxation and well-being in an ever-changing, challenging world. •Connection to something greater than ourselves, including a community that supports our world view. An overwhelming number of variations



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on these themes inundate us annually as we transition from the excesses of the holiday season into the season of resolutions and, as a general rule, the following considerations should help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming range of options. Any system, modality or philosophy that attempts to tell you they are the only or best way for you to achieve your goals should be met with caution. Any offering that attempts to make you feel fearful or pressured into accepting their way as the only way- especially at a financial cost to youshould be met with a healthy dose of skepticism and a deep breath taken before committing. Tried and true methods toward wellness are generally intuitive, universal, and for the most part can be implemented with low or no cost variations. The best routine for you is the one you’ll do. The various testimonials you’ll hear delivered from people who claim a specific modality worked for them means exactly that- it worked for them. Regardless of how scientifically sound, or how amazing the potential results might be, simply put- no self care regimen will work if See CHAPMAN on 11

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Stop Your Complaining!

by Dr. Graham Moneysmith, DC. Contributing Writer

2020 is mercifully ending! Is 2021 going to be better? Who knows! But I think we can all agree the bar is pretty low. In a year, where life has been difficult for so many, it’s been easy to be negative or complain. Our lifestyles, jobs, businesses, finances, physical and mental health have all been dramatically affected. And maybe you don’t feel like making a resolution this year. Life in 2020 has felt out of our hands and in many ways, it has been. There are a few things we can still control such as our perspective, our reaction, and how we will face negative situations. Have you ever considered making a resolution to be positive or to stop complaining? You may want to consider it, because the implications for your health may be huge! In the 2012 book, “Three Simple Steps”, British author Trevor Blake makes the claim that 30 minutes of exposure to negativity such as complaining peels neurons away

from the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of your brain used for solving problems. Meaning that if you “peel away” neurons your hippocampus won’t be as effective. Blake says, “….it turns your brain to mush”. Let’s just draw out the implication, Mr. Blake is making: exposure to complaining (via listening to it and doing it) physically damages your brain. Moreover, some research has indicated that complaining and exposure to it, mimics stress effects in the brain. We all know how damaging stress is to almost all aspects of our health, physically and mentally. Stress reduction can be really tricky. An “easier said than done” type of deal. Yet, that means we have to limit it where we can and avoiding complaining could be a start. 1) Change your perspective. It’s easy to complain about small stuff. It’s even easier to complain about big stuff like work, finances, or relationships. Yet, if you think about times in your life where you’ve experienced real stress or real tragedy, you probably stopped complaining about traffic and the weather. When we lose a loved one or get a scary diagnosis ourselves, you don’t worry about your

bank account or your broken cell phone. The point here, I think, is this: save the complaining for the real stuff and stop sweating the small stuff. Enjoy your life and enjoy all the days that have no real problems. Those days are blessings. There will be enough bad days in our lives, let’s not make the mundane ones bad, too. In 2020, it all seems like big bad stuff, so limit your negative reactions to the small stuff. 2) Recognize there are positive complaints. Most complaints are pointless and negative, but what if you’ve been truly wronged. What if you’re the victim of

a crime, fraud, or a bad product? These may be cases where logging a complaint can protect your interests or safety. The key here is to make your complaints goal and outcome oriented and not just for the sake of complaining. We need to save this type of complaining for when it is needed and not use it all the time. 3) Avoid chronic complainers. If you are continually exposed to complainers, there are indications that it will turn you into a complainer as well. Basically, exposure creates habit. If you find yourself with a chronic complainer, avoid them and if they See COMPLAIN on 11

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

CHAPMAN from 8 you don’t do it. At any given life stage your daily routine, responsibility load, financial situation, and a range of other factors create unique considerations that you alone are aware of when deciding what will work best for you. Small, incremental changes over time can be just as, if not more, effective as jumping into a full-on lifestyle overhaul. While it might be tempting to wake up on January 1 thinking, “This is the year I eat a pristine diet, exercise 5 days each week and experience continuous bliss”, all or nothing changes often fail because when we can’t do it all, we end up doing nothing. Small, incremental changes over time are often easier to integrate and maintain than allat-once approaches. Perhaps committing to increasing the percentage of vegetables on your plate leads to more energy and better sleep, and one positive choice supports the implementation of the next. Regardless of which path you choose, remember to add to your goals a commitment to giving yourself the necessary grace to navigate missteps without feeling like a failure. Once we get over the inundation of options, most of us are capable of recognizing the changes we need to make in our daily lives to move toward better wellness. By trusting our instincts and com-

mitting to what we will truly do, we’re all capable of making great strides toward better health in the New Year! Kelly M. Chapman, M.A. is Certified Authentic Leadership Coach & Owner at Meredith Whole Living Center.

COMPLAIN from 9 are unavoidable, do your best to shut out the complaining. If you happen to be the chronic complainer, then break that habit for yourself and the good of others around you. And maybe, in the same thought process, cut back on negative

news exposure. Obviously, this has been a rough year. But do your best to control what you can control. Mainly, our reactions. Recognize that building this type of resilience and a more positive outlook will help your health and in turn make

your more adaptable. Lastly, know that you are strong and keep grinding, We will get through all the hard

stuff, it’s what we as a country have always done. Happy New Year!

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by Tim Moore Contributing Writer

One of the first lessons I teach new anglers and those looking to increase their catch is how to properly match their rod and reel to their line and lure. A correctly matched rod, line, and lure is an important ingredient in the success of any angler. Will you catch fish with an improperly matched setup? Sure, but with well-balanced gear you’ll catch more fish, feel your lure, detect more bites, and ultimately become a better angler. The species of fish sought usually dictates what size rod and what pound test line to use, but lure weight and action often plays a heavy role in which rod and line to use.

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Heavier lures need heavier rods. Every lure is designed to produce a specific action. Some lures are designed to be fished fast, while others are designed to be fished slowly. When fishing lighter lures, such as the Epoxy Drop, 2-3 pound test line will allow you to produce the quick kicking action that drives most fish crazy. Light line will straighten out faster, allowing you to produce the quick kicking action that works for any of the Tungsten Drop Series lures. Depending on the size of the fish you are after, a 24 or 26-inch

rod will allow you to control your lure, but also detect bites under most circumstances. If you increase the size of your lure, say to a ¼ ounce blade spoon, you’ll want to increase the size of your line and rod to accommodate more weight on the business end of your setup. A 28inch rod paired with 4-pound test line is a more appropriate match for a heavier lure, such as a ¼ ounce Blade Spoon. If your lure is too heavy for your rod it will load the rod and prevent you from controlling

the lure and detecting bites. Selecting line for use in cold weather presents a unique challenge. Even the best monofilament line has memory, especially when it gets cold. When your line comes off the spool it is going to want to coil. These coils act as springs and can dampen the action you are attempting to produce with your lure. Line coils also prevent you from detecting bites by adding cushion the same way a shock absorber adds cushion to your vehicle. Your line should be light enough that your lure can straighten it out. Small jigs like the Epoxy Drop or Dingle Drop work best with 2 or 3-pound test line. Increase the size of your lure and you should increase the size of your line. Rod construction is very specific. Every rod is built to certain specifications based on power and action. Power (light to heavy) refers to how much pressure it takes to flex a rod, and action (slow to fast) is determined by where the rod flexes. With today’s rod construction you can tailor your rod to the lure you’re using and fish species you’re after. For instance, due to the size and power of Lake Winnipesaukee’s white perch, I See MOORE on 18


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Baseball, Buck O’Neil, And Happiness by Mike Moffett Contributing Writer

NEWS ITEM: Commissioner of Baseball Robert D. Manfred, Jr. announced that Major League Baseball is officially elevating the old Negro Leagues to “Major League” status. With this action, MLB seeks to ensure that future generations will remember the approximately 3,400 players of the Negro Leagues as Major League-caliber ballplayers. Accordingly, the statistics and records of these players will become a part of Major League Baseball’s history. Some say the MLB action is decades late, but “better late than never.” The injustice of denying Major League opportunities to wonderful baseball players due to their race can never be fully rectified for longdeceased individuals, but shining a light on their exploits is a good thing. What with so many baseball fans obsessed with numbers, statistics, records, and milestones, some wonder how the Negro League numbers will be integrated with MLB’s. Some interesting discussions are inevitable. So does Josh Gibson now hold the big league record for single-season batting average with .441, supplanting Nap

Buck O’Neil Lajoie’s .426 or Rogers Hornsby’s .424? There are, inconveniently, many missing Negro League statistics—but there’s little that can be done about that now, unfortunately. They’re gone forever, like the hundreds of letters George Washington wrote to his wife Martha that she destroyed after his death. Ken’s Burns wonderful “Baseball” television series focused much attention to the sport’s history of racial injustice, a legacy which left many understandably embittered. It was what it was. Which brings us to Buck O’Neil. O’Neil was a Negro League star who figured prominently in Burns’ “Baseball.” He played with the Kansas City Monarchs from 1938-55 and never got a chance to showcase his marvelous talent against MLB competition. But Burns’ series made O’Neil a celebrity

and much of his appeal was due to his utter lack of bitterness as he recounted life in the Negro Leagues. His positive aura inspired our better angels. And after “Baseball” first appeared on PBS in 1994, O’Neil ironically became one of the most famous baseball figures in America. On May 13, 2006, at the age of 94, O’Neil received an honorary doctorate in education from Missouri Western State University where he also gave the commencement speech. On July 29, 2006, he spoke at the induction ceremony for the Negro league players at Cooperstown’s Baseball Hall of Fame. O’Neil was nominated but never selected for enshrinement. But he was never bitter. “God’s been good to me,” said O’Neil. “They didn’t think Buck was good enough to be in the Hall of Fame. That’s the way they thought about it and that’s the way it is, so we’re going

to live with that. Now, if I’m a Hall of Famer for you, that’s all right with me. Just keep loving old Buck. Don’t weep for Buck. No, man, be happy, be thankful.” O’Neil’s thankfulness, as opposed to bitterness, no doubt contributed to his longevity. Happy people are healthier than angry people. He passed away on October 6, 2006 at the age of 95. While O’Neil never played in the Majors, he did become the first African-American big league coach—with the Chicago Cubs in 1962. His long baseball journey allowed him to impart many lessons to modern baseball stars. And perhaps his most powerful lesson was to embrace gratitude, as opposed to grievance, in seeking happiness. “Happy New Year!” See MOFFETT on 16

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —



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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 — CULVER from 1 cially impressed with the Lakes Region Humane Society because of their feral cat program. Gail always fed and took care of the ‘lost cats’ that were part of our neighborhood, often taking them to the vet for shots and finding them new homes with cat-friendly friends. Over the years many cats even moved in with us to become our own house pets and lifelong friends.” LRHS has a barn on site. That barn is home to a variety of feral cats. These cats are fully vetted before transition- Gail Culver with her grandson, Flynn. ing into the barn and given fresh food, water, and litter daily. They come and go as they please, which is what they are accustomed to. What these cats didn’t have was a heat source (other than heaps of blankets and cubbies). “Gail was especially concerned about homeless cats when winter arrived – for years she built temporary shelters on our back deck, providing them with a warm Gail reading a Halloween book to her grandson place to eat and stay when the snow began Brady. She often wore this witch’s hat at school. to fall and temperatures She could do a mean “melting witch” from the dropped,” said Michael Wizard of Oz movie - her favorite movie. COURTESY PHOTOS Culver. It was agreed that the a walled-off, insulated, beautiful cat tree which feral cats would ben- finished, and heated he assembled in front of the cats’ most favorite efit from the addition feral cat palace. On December 11th, sunny window. of a heated space and Gail’s passion for anithus a collaboration, Michael visited the new dubbed the Gail Culver space bringing with him mals was matched by Feral Cat Lounge Proj- a custom sign reading her passion for teaching ect, commenced. This “That Momma’s Feral which she did for 30+ project was completed Cat Lounge” which he years in several school by LRHS Maintenance hung at the top of the systems, including LouPerson, Gary Dean, who barn stairway. (“That isville, KY, and Sussex, went above and beyond M o m m a ” w a s w h a t NJ. She especially loved to renovate the space grandson Brady called to instill a joy of reading from drafty barn loft to Gail.) He also brought a in her students, often re-


sorting to dressing in appropriate costumes to read to them and enjoying their participation. Recently, the Gail Culver Scholarship Fund was set up at Port Jervis High School by Michael and Amanda to award scholarships to one or two graduating seniors annually. The creation of the Gail Culver Feral Cat Lounge is a fitting tribute to Gail’s other passion, a love for all animals. Mike Culver related one story (out of many) about Gail’s amazing care for animals. “One spring Michael Culver in the new Gail Culver Feral Cat Lounge many years ago at Lakes Region Humane Society. Gail found a baby See CULVER on 16


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

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CULVER from 15 robin under a tree in our backyard. She knew it was against all odds but she decided to try to save the bird. So she nursed the bird with a eye dropper and eventually digging up worms as it got bigger. Needless to say the bird ‘Chirpy’ survived and would sit on Gail’s shoulder out-

side. Chirpy would fly around the yard but always would return. Eventually Chirpy flew off to live its own life, thanks to Gail’s caring.” “The Gail Culver Feral Cat Lounge is such a meaningful way for our family to remember Gail (Mom and Grandmother) and to honor her enduring kindness to all






animals,” said Culver. “We urge others who share Gail’s love of animals to support the Cat Lounge and the LRHS Spay/Neuter program.” The Culver Family donated generously and LRHS is extremely grateful for this fantastic upgrade. LRHS is accepting donations to cover some unanticipated project

costs. Those who wish to join the Culver’s in honoring Gail, can donate online www.LRHS.net, over the phone 603-5391077 or mail a check made payable to “LRHS” with “In Memory of Gail” recorded on the memo line. Donations can be mailed to PO Box 655, Ossipee, NH 03864.

MOFFETT from 13 Sports Quiz Who was the last Negro League player to play in the Major Leagues? (Answer follows)

pitcher Rick Aguilera (1961) and basketball star Brent Barry (1971). Sports Quote “ My parents wanted me to play more sports because they were acutely sensitive to their children being one hundred percent American, and they believed that all Americans played sports and loved sports.” – Martin Lewis Perl, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics and son of Russian Jewish immigrants

Born Today That is to say sports standouts born on December 31 include MLB


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Sports Quiz Answer Hank Aaron played with the Indianapolis Clowns in 1951 before signing with the Boston Braves. He hit his 755th and final MLB homer with the Milwaukee Brewers in 1976.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Wicked BREW Review



Godmother Imperial Stout

by Jim MacMillan Contributing Writer

Well, as we begin the close of 2020, we will probably want to just forget about it entirely. Most of us will say that this was unlike anything any of us has ever experienced. Yes, this may sound trivial or contrite, but none of us will soon forget the events that have brought the world to its financial knees and those people who are not with us today due to a tiny warrior called Covid. We need a hero to save us! I’d love to see some mythical character come down to slaughter the evil virus. A fairy godmother to wave her magic wand and make these terrible microbes go away for good… and no, I am not equating the long-awaited vaccine with the fairy godmother. But this makes for great foreplay to our focus beer of the week; Godmother Imperial Stout. Lord Hobo Brewing Company was founded in Woburn, MA, in 2015 by Daniel Lanigan. He chose a converted industrial space and constructed a castle-like front entrance

to draw attention to their new digs. Lord Hobo packages all of their beer in 12 or 16 oz cans which helps preserve that ‘brewery freshness’ they seek to maintain. Distributed to 15 states, they are about to complete a 500 person capacity facility (Covid rules may hinder this a bit) and have plans for further expanding a Boston Seaport venue soon. In their words, “Craft beer is the most affordable luxury item and we are determined to bring that to your table!” You can find out more about their brews on facebook.com/lordhobobrewing or at their website; lordhobobrewing.com

I know we have covered a lot of porters and stouts lately here in these pages so please excuse me for just one more… Godmother Imperial Stout is worth learning about. We New Englanders aren’t especially known for great stouts with a few exceptions. Great Britain has pretty much held that crown. But as our craft beer gets more crafty in America, we have experienced bunches of well made beers, including stouts come of age. Godmother is one of them. Luscious and roasty with an especially gentle mouthfeel, Godmother’s appeal is in its richness. A

well balanced blend of dark malts and matched hop bittering allow this 12% ABV stout to be deceptively charming. A healthy mocha head sticks around for much of the first half glass adding layers of lacing inside the rim. Tastes follow the perceived aromas and life is good. Lord Hobo makes great beer and this is another shinning example of brewing excellence. BeerAdvocate.com has officially rated this beer ‘Outstanding’ and awarding an 93 out of 100. Followers also rated it as high as 4.50 out of 5.0 telling us that Lord Hobo has a serious hit in a can. Find your four pack at Case-n-Keg and other providers of quality craft beer. Yes, we need a hero but in the meantime, Lord Hobo is helping us forget the past and focus on an optimistic 2021. Cheers!

WHAT’S ON TAP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? A listing of some of the area’s beercentric watering holes where you can find old favorites on tap as well as some cutting edge seasonals.

ACKERLY’S JOHNSON’S GRILL & GALLEY TAPHOUSE 83 Main Street, Alton 603.875.3383 Akerlysgrillandgalleyrestaurant.com Smuttynose - Finest Kind 603- Winni Ale Tuckerman - Pale Ale Great Rhythm - Squeeze Stoneface IPA


At Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant 233 D.W. Hwy, Meredith 603.279.6212 hartsturkeyfarm.com Bud Light Stoneface IPA Moat Mtn - Blueberry Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale ...+6 More On Tap


At Funspot Family Entertainment Ctr. 579 Endicott St N., Weirs 603.366.4377 funspotnh.com Bell’s - Christmas Ale Woodstock - Dbl Pigs Ear Equilibrium - Wavelength Sloop - Nelson Bomb Southern Tier - Creme Brulee Nitro Gneiss - Nord ...+6 More On Tap

At Johnson’s Seafood & Steak 69 Rt 11, New Durham 603.859.7500 eatatjohnsons.com/ newdurham Wormtown- Blizzard of ‘78 Bentwater- Sluice Juice Maine Beer Co.- Lunch Southern Tier- Salted Caramel Banded- Blueberry Charms & Hexes Liars Bench- No Dice Pilsner ...+30 More On Tap

PATRICK’S PUB 18 Weirs Rd., Gilford 603.293.0841 Patrickspub.com Patrick’s Slainte House Ale Sam Adams - Seasonal Guinness Tuckerman - Pale Ale 603 - Winni Amber Ale Shipyard - Pumpkin Ale Woodstock - Autumn Ale ...+8 More On Tap


At The Craft Beer Xchange 59 Doe Ave., Weirs Beach 603.409.9344 FB @craftbeerxchange Smuttynose - Key Lime Pie Hobbs - One Arm Farmhouse Flanders - Holiday Red Ale Woodstock - Autumn Brew Woodland Farms - Big ‘Effin Porter Maine Beer Co. Mean Old Tom ...+30toMore On Tap ** Tap listings subject change!


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 — MOORE from 12

Newest Release By Brendan Smith

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With over 40 of the best of Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years. Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Also available on Amazon andlocal bookstores Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com

prefer the 30-inch Jason Mitchell Gen8 and 28-inch Dave Genz Legacy series combos. I run these combos with 3 pound test line for Epoxy Drops and 4 pound test line for Blade Spoons. These set ups are a little heavier than I would recommend for most other species, but you never know when a lake trout will hit your line while white perch fishing on Winnipesaukee. Even with slightly heavier set ups, I still get good lure control, bite detection, and can handle the power of 2 to 3 pound white perch. One of the best ways to gain an appreciation for a matched setup is to fish with one that isn’t matched well. It won’t take long to realize how much of an advantage the right match gives you. When you change the size

Tim Moore says matching your rod to the fish you are targeting is key.

GILPATRIC METAL RECYCLING, LLC Newest Release By Brendan Smith

“The Best of a F.O.O.L. In New Hampshire”


*Flatlander’s Observations On Life Bring us your ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycle! With over 40 of the best of

—Call for pricing

Brendan’s weekly columns he covers everything from politics to health to technology to shopping and more. This is the perfect sampling of his unique humor which has been entertaining readers of The Weirs Times and Cocheco Times for twenty years.

Order your autographed copy today for $13.99 plus $3 for shipping. (Please include any inscription you would like the author to personalize your copy with.) Send checks or money orders for $16.99 to Brendan Smith and mail to: Best of a F.O.O.L., c/o The Weirs Times, PO Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247. Order online at www.BrendanTSmith.com (Pickup autographed copies at the Weirs Times)

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of your lure, be sure you make the necessary adjustments to the rest of your gear. A properly matched setup allows you to maximize the potential of your equipment, which means better sensitivity, better lure control, and more success. More success means more confidence, and more confidence means more fish.

Tim Moore is a year-round professional fishing guide in New Hampshire. He owns and operates Tim Moore Outdoors, LLC. He is a member of the New England Outdoors Writers Association and the producer of Tim Moore Outdoors Fishing on YouTube. Visit www. TimMooreOutdoors. com for more information. Email questions or comments to info@ TimMooreOutdoors. com.

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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 — SMITH from 3 greater variety than are to be found in any other Almanack.” As indicated there were numerous weather related facts and predictions in the almanacs of old as in the present. The snowfall for the winter of 1905-6, we are told was a mere 53.6 inches, but the following year of 1906-7 brought 84.6 inches of snow. These were the observations from Concord, New Hampshire, though the almanac was distributed throughout New England. Under the title of ‘Scientific” the 1910 issue revealed the plans of Danish explorer Captain Roald Amundsen concerning a polar expedition he was about to undertake. He had an innovative idea to use polar bears as draft animals to pull the sledges he planned to use during his expedition. He had ordered twenty 3 year old bears from an animal trainer who promised that they would be successful in carrying out the work. They were to be loaded onto the explorer’s ship for the trip to the polar regions. The trainer had been working with the bears for a month “ and the results attained are said to promise success for them in polar work.” Dairy farmers were advised to keep records of the production of individual cows. One farmer was said to have discovered that one of his cows was yielding butter fat at the rate of $11.75 a month while another was producing at the rate of $1.57 a month. The writer asked the question, “Who ever heard of a dairy farmer running behind because he knew too much about his cows?” Did you ever wonder how much land you would need to raise

1811 Scholar’s Review article by Dudley Leavitt.

Dudley Leavitt. dairy cows? The 1910 standard was that to make a profit the farmer needed an acre of land for each good cow. “Progressive” farmers across the country were adopting the “cow to an acre” plan. There was concern about the future of sheep, however, with the report that the keeping of sheep numbering flocks of thousands on the western ranges might be nearing its end. The keeping of smaller flocks of sheep by New England farmers was encouraged with the perhaps startling comment: “If New England people would kill off their dogs and go to raising sheep they would find it profitable. This course must be pursued all over the country or sheep will soon become extinct.” My guess is that the writer meant “hogs” instead of “dogs.” The old almanac took me back to the days when oleomargarine was being sold for a substitute for butter,

though I didn’t realize that its use began so many years before my time. I do remember those blocks of white oleomargarine which came with packets of coloring to mix into the margarine to make it

look like butter, and kneading the coloring into the block of margarine with my hands. I also remember operating the churn to make real dairy butter. Well, in 1910 there was a tax on oleomar-

garine. The law was designed ‘for the double purpose of protecting the dairy butter makers from dishonest competition, and the public at large from having oleomargarine palmed off upon them for good

butter.” The tax in 1910 was a quarter of a cent on a pound of uncolored oleomargarine and ten cents a pound on colored oleomargarine. A uniform tax per pound of two cents was being proposed. The almanac listed Courts of law in the New England states and the dates they were in session along with the names of some judges and clerks. There was also information about post office service. Regular letters took two cents for postage, but you could send a letter by special delivery for ten cents additional postage with the promise of immediate delivery within one mile of the post office or within its carrier delivery area. A post card would be delivered with a one cent stamp attached. Why not prepare for the new year by reading an almanac? Robert Hanaford Smith, Sr., welcomes your comments at danahillsmiths@yahoo.com


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

MALKIN from 6 migration of unaccompanied, undocumented minors to the United States.” --$461 million to Colombia for drug control and “human rights” programs. --$75 million to the “Caribbean Basin Security Initiative.” --$33 million “for democracy programs for Venezuela. --$1.65 billion to Jordan for “foreign military financing” and other assistance. --$700 million in economic aid to Sudan for “global health” and “transition.” --$40 million to Syria for economic support, drug control and law enforcement, and emergency medical and rescue response. --At least $25 million for “democracy” and “gender programs” in Pakistan. --”Not less than” $135

million for drug control and law enforcement assistance in Burma. --”Not less than” $85.5 million to Cambodia. --$130 million to Nepal for “development” and “democracy” programs. --$1.3 billion to Egypt for “economic support” and “higher education.” --$453 million to Ukraine. --$241 million for Tunisia. --$15 million to refurbish a patrol boat in Sri Lanka. --$170 million to Vietnam, including $19 million to clean up dioxins. --$200 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs.” --$132 million “for assistance for Georgia.” --”Not less than” $1.5 billion for implemen-

tation of Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Asia Reassurance Initiative. Then there’s Israel, which raked in $500 million in military aid, plus $250 million to invest in “people to people” exchanges among Palestinians, Israelis and Americans, “$5 million for refugee resettlement, $2 million for cooperative COVID-19 health research, $2 million for “sustainability” research, $4 million for the U.S.-Israel Center of Excellence in Energy and Water, $2 million for cooperative energy programs, $2 million for U.S.-Israel “border security” programs and $2 million for “strategic dialogue” among the U.S., Israel, Greece and Cyprus.” This half-billion-dollar gift to Israel, one of the world’s wealthiest nations with universal health care and highly

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subsidized higher education, comes on top of the $3.8 billion in foreign aid already allocated to the country this month through the National Defense Authorization Act -- which also included $3.3 billion for security assistance, $500 million for missile defense, $47.5 million for “anti-tunnel technology” and $25 million for anti-drone aerial systems thousands of miles away to protect them. Not us. What about our borders? What about our domestic peace? What about our health? What about our sustainability? What about our schools? What about our small businesses? What about our human rights? Americans who dare ask these questions are viciously attacked by the uniparty gatekeepers and globalist water-carriers as “xenophobic,” “racist” and “anti-Semitic.” We’ve had enough. A manufactured public health crisis, post-George Floyd anarchotyranny, and the wholesale hijacking of our election system are pushing citizens to the brink of revolt. In such times, and at all times, any self-respecting sovereign nation must put its people first. If you don’t demand leaders who represent your interests, you deserve the serial abusers you elect, embolden and empower. Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@ protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

METZLER from 7 Though North Korea has refrained from testing nuclear weapons or long range missiles since the Trump deal, expect Pyongyang to test the waters with a new Administration. In the showdown, Washington will not likely pay enough attention to Japan a key and reliable U.S. ally in a bid to Play the China card in presumably solving North Korea. Post Pandemic Phase WHO: Why reward the World Health Organization (WHO) for not sounding the virus alarm in time? Plans by the incoming administration to return the USA to the WHO membership are rooted in feel good emotions and global hand holding rather than critical analysis. Refrain from rejoining until WHO gets credible, verifiable and transparent medical information from inside China to see what really happened in Wuhan. Vaccine Diplomacy. The USA and the Europeans and Latin America are distributing the vaccines. Europe remains in lockdown and has had as many fatalities as the U.S. Britain’s seemingly endless BREXIT battle is over; Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally got a trade deal with the European Union for a less than bitter break. The incoming Biden Administration, Jobama 3, heralds Back to Business as usual with a team of Washington Insiders who reflect the status quo, especially in dealing with China and Iran. Joe Biden inherits an economy which after

the Covid shock has begun to rebound. Unemployment has dropped dramatically but we need prudent policy to keep economic growth alive. Yet poor policies on the state level in places like California and New York have hobbled growth and destroyed small business through a series of unpredictable policy swings. Wild Card Wishes The Emotional and economic stress of shutdowns and the ensuring economic disaster are yet to be fully comprehended. School disruptions have caused far deeper psychological stress on students and teachers than we assume. We need normalcy not lockdowns and edicts. The American sponsored Abraham Accords between Israel and key Arab states show the Middle East that peace is possible, presenting a far better alternative that perpetual animosity and confrontation. Keep the diplomatic momentum going towards peace. Free Hong Kong media activist Jimmy Lai who sits in prison for daring to criticize the Beijing regime. The world has changed. Have a HEALTHY and Happy New Year. John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism The Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China.


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 — STOSSEL from 7 outlets (and almost never showing the Daily Caller or Breitbart). The media for constantly making life seem worse than it was. And Trump -- for making everything about him. *NICE: Merry Christmas to vaccine developers all over the world. Equally noble were the entrepreneurs who failed but spent their own money trying. Innovative companies like Zoom that invented good things and let people use them for free.

Jeff Bezos for delivering packages right to my door. I don’t mind that he’s made $200 billion for himself. It’s his money. He didn’t take it from others. He created wealth. Joe Biden, for declaring victory in a dignified, modest manner. Donald Trump, for being first president in decades to leave office without starting a new war or sending troops to a new conflict. The founders of LBRY.tv, and Parler.com, for building social media options with less censorship. Doctors, nurses and EMTs who risked their lives help-

ing others. Doctors, nurses and EMTs who came out of retirement to help others. Truckers, shelf-stockers, gas station workers, store owners, food processors and all the essential workers who kept working during COVID-19, making our lives better. The politicians and bureaucrats who finally lifted years of stupid regulations to allow professionals to work in other states and let truck drivers drive when they want to drive. People who wore masks even when they didn’t need to, just to reassure those the

media had made crazy. Businesses that adapted to serve the vulnerable, doing things like switching to deliveries and starting senioronly hours. Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, who launched a digital currency revolution that gives us an alternative to government currencies. Citizen journalists like Andy Ngo and Tim Pool, who cover topics (like antifa) that most media barely touch. Businesses that stayed open, to pay their workers, even when losing money. Volunteers who helped people.

Notice the pattern here? Most of the worst came from politicians and the media, who want to be praised for “serving” us. The best came from free Americans doing what we think is right. Merry Christmas, 2020. John Stossel is author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.” For other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2020 BY JFS PRODUCTIONS INC.


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— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

Super Crossword



by Parker & Hart


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —




Runners Up : Never mind putting a square peg into a round hole, the box brothers had the problem of putting a round hat onto a square head. Alan Doyon, Meredith, NH


The Winklman Aeffect

PHOTO #838

Jim and Ed never figured out how to think PHOTO #840 outside the box. - Alan Send your best brief caption to us with your name and location Dore, Rochester, NH..

‘Now what do you think of the Tom Brady trade?” -Jason Gilson, Alexandria, NH.

Protection measures now required for low-flying pigeons. - Robert Patrick, Moultonboro, NH.

within 2 weeks of publication date... Caption Contest, The Weirs Times, P.O. Box 5458, Weirs, NH 03247 email to contest@weirs.com

by John Whitlock


— THE WEIRS TIMES, Thursday, December 31, 2020 —

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