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Building Service System for Elderly Center Building Service BLD60903/ARC2423 Prepared by: Tang Ze Zheng (0318967) Yong Yu Joon (0318299) Foong Lih Wey (0322687) Tan Wei Zhen (0318560) Jeffrey Liew (0317951) Chew Jia Chen (0322852)

Lecturer: Mr. Mohamed Rizal

Index 1. Introduction of Elderly Center 2. Fire Protection System 2.1 Literature Review 2.2 Case Study 2.3 Proposal 3. Air Conditioning System 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Literature Review 3.2.1 Types of Air Conditioning System 3.3 Case Study 3.3.1 Split Unit Air Conditioning System 3.3.2 Types of Split Unit Air Conditioning System 3.4 Proposal 4. Mechanical Air Ventilation 4.1 Literature Review 4.1.1 Types Mechanical Air Ventilation 4.2 Case Study 4.2.1 Extract System 4.3 Proposal 5. Mechanical Transportation System 5.1 Literature Review 5.1.1 Types of Mechanical Transportation 5.1.2 Types of Elevator 5.2 Case Study 5.2.1 Hydraulic Lift 5.3 Proposal 6. Summary/ Conclusion 7. References 7.1 Fire Protection System 7.2 Air Conditioning System 7.3 Mechanical Air Ventilation System 7.4 Mechanical Transportation System

2.0 Fire Protection System Prepared by Yong Yu Joon (0318299) Jeffrey Liew (0317951) Chew Jia Chen (0322852)

2.0 Fire Protection System 2.1 Literature Review Fire protection system is use to protect human lives, prevent material assets from being damaged and save the environment from destruction. Homes made of wood burns easily while heavy timber have some resistance. Steel is non-combustible, but the heating from fire will make steel expand due to its malleable properties which will result the collapsing of structures. Concrete is a fire-resistant material, it is perfect for modern structures and is widely used today, but because of its porous properties will sustain damage and loses its strength under fire. Another fire-resistant material is masonry which will retain its structural integrity in fire.

Fire protection system can be categorized into 2 parts, which is active fire protection system and passive fire protection system. Active fire protection is made up of a group of systems consisting of manual automatic approach for actuation. An example of the manual active fire protection system would be manually operated fire extinguisher and fire telephone which requires human handling. Active fire protection system includes fire/smoke alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers as well as firefighters. Passive fire protection is a system integrated into the structure of a building that is treated as a barrier for the occupants to escape in time. The system delays the speed of combustion and smoke spreading at the same time providing routes for means of escape. This can be done by modifying and altering the architectural elements with fire resistance characteristic. That is why planning is important and fire safety factors must be a concern at the design stage of the building. The selection of materials, compartmentalization of building and installations of emergency guidance such as floor plans and sign are crucial for a safe evacuation.

Case Study Active Fire Protection Active fire protection system is a group of systems that require some amount of action or motion in order to work efficiently in the event of a fire. Actions may be manually operated, like a fire extinguisher or automatic, like a sprinkler, but either way they require some amount of action. These systems play an important role in protecting property and lives of the tenants. Below is using stage 1 fire protection system.










Fire Alarm System

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The fire alarm system is an important element in the fire protection system. It is responsible to respond to a fire and alert the tenants in case of fire. A fire alarm system detects fire, warn tenants with alarms and bells through glaring visuals of red light and loud ringing. The alarms may be activated via smoke detectors, manual activation devices such as manual call points and pull stations. The fire alarm systems in our design are placed at strategic positions near nodes and main circulation paths to ensure maximum efficiency of sound travel.

UBBL Clause 237 1)Fire alarms shall be provided in accordance with the Tenth Schedule to these By- laws. 3)Provision will be made for the general evacuation of the premises by action of a master control.

Hose Reel System

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The hose reel system is a system used by tenants or firemen during early stages of the fire. The system consists of a hose reel pump. When used, the pressure of the pipe will drop below the field adjusted setting of the pressure switch. This triggers the pump to operate and provide a constant pressure of water. Hose reel system can deliver a large amount of water than the conventional fire extinguisher, making it the key element for bigger fire cases. Hose reel systems were placed next to the lifts and near rooms with higher risk to catch fire than others such as the kitchen and places with abundance of furniture.

-Each discharges 30 l/min of water within 6 meters coverage -Rubber hoses are typically 30m in length and 25mm in diameter -Pipework for hose reel is generally 50mm diameter and the feed to hose reel should not be less than 25mm diameter -Length of the hose reel is 30m whereby every 800sq meters usable floor area. -Usually located at each floor along the escape routes or behind the staircase

Smoke Detector

Photoelectric smoke detector

Ionization smoke detector

Photoelectric smoke detectors use the principle of scattered or reflected light to indicate the presence of visual smoke. They work much like the automatic eyes used to open doors. When there's no smoke, the chamber is dark. The light shines across the chamber and is received in a light trap on the far side. When smoke is present in the chamber, a photocell located at right angles to the light source senses the light scattered off the smoke particles and, at a certain level of illumination, triggers the alarm horn. The ionization smoke detector uses a radioactive source (typically Americium-241, an alpha-emitting radionuclide) to ionize the air within the sensing chamber. The ionization of air by the radioactive particle causes a very small flow of electrical current. When smoke from a fire enters the chamber, its presence causes a reduction in the current's flow. The electronic circuitry senses the reduced flow and triggers the alarm horn. For our building, we use photoelectric smoke detectors throughout the building besides the kitchen area which we use the ionization smoke detector.

UBBL Clause 153 A lift lobbies shall be provided with smoke detectors Lift not opening into a smoke lobby shall not use door reopening devices controlled by light beam or photo-detectors unless incorporated with a force close feature which after thirty seconds of any interruption of the beam causes the door to close within a pre-set time.


2.2.3 Fire Alarm Trigger

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Fire alarm trigger are designed for the purpose of raising an alarm manually once verification of a fire or emergency condition exists, by operating the push button or break glass the alarm signal can be raised. It is easy for the tenants to trigger the emergency alarm to alert people to escape. By breaking the glass and pressing the button, it will send a warning signal to the alarm panel to cut off the electricity power supply, ringing the alarms to warm nearby people. The triggers were placed at obvious and conspicuous locations to avoid confusion and minimize effort needed to find them.

UBBL Clause 155 1) The fire mode of operation shall be initiated by a signal from the fire alarm panel which may be activated automatically by one of the alarm devices in the building or manually. Fire safety in design, management and use of building – Code of practice Clause 42.2.4 c) Fire alarm call points and other fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishing and main inlet and outlet values should not be obstructed by stored goods, machinery or parked vehicles Clause 43.2 k) Fire safety signs and notices, fire extinguishers, manual call points, escape lighting, fire doors and shutters should not be obscured, even temporarily, by stock, or by advertising banners, posters, etc.

2.2.4 Fire Hydrant

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The fire hydrant allows firefighters to easily gain access to water supply for firefighting purposes. The fire hydrant is usually installed at an open space area, so that it will be convenient for the firefighter to utilize the hydrant during emergency. There are currently no existing fire hydrants on Jalan 18/16 therefore we propose a hydrant to be installed in the middle of the street to ensure maximum range of usage.

UBBL b) All essential services, including roads, landscape, car parks , drains, sanitary, water and electrical installation, fire lifts, fire hydrant and others were required sewerage and refuse disposal requirements have been provided. Clause 225 1) Every building shall be served at least one fire hydrant located not more than 91.5 meters from the nearest point of fire brigade access. 2) Depending on the size and location of the building and the provision of access for fire appliances, additional fire hydrant shall be provided as may be required by the Fire Authority. According to fire safety in design, management and use of buildings- Code of practice Clause 3.7 All fire hydrants should be inspected once a week. In particular, it should be ensured that there are no obstructions impeding access, that the indicator plates are in position, and that the isolating valves are locked open

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Sprinkler system is a water supply system running along the ceilings in the building. It consists of the main pipe and distribution pipes to individual valves known as sprinkler heads. The sprinkler head is activated by heat from the fire when the fire burns the heatsensitive glass bulb breaks and released the pressurized water inside, putting out the fire below. Sprinkler systems help to reduce the growth of a fire, thereby increasing life safety and limiting structural damage. The recessed pendant sprinkler shoots water downwards from the ceiling and shoots out water in a circle motion. These types of sprinkler are much more common and are used in almost any type of rooms.

UBBL Clause 226 - Where hazardous process, storage or occupancy are of such character as to require automatic sprinklers or other automatic extinguishing system, it shall be of a type and standard appropriate to extinguish fires in the hazardous materials stored or handled or for the safety of the occupants. Clause 228- 1) Sprinkler valves shall be located or occupy are of such character to require automatic sprinklers or other automatic extinguishing system, it shall be readily accessible to the Fire Authority. 2) All sprinkler systems shall be electrically connected to the nearest fire station to provide immediate and automatic relay of the alarm when activated According to fire safety in design, management and use of buildings- Code of practice Clause 31.2.2 All buildings with an occupied story over 30m above access level should be sprinkler protected.


2.2.6 Alarm Bell

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The alarm bell is a device that creates loud alert sounds. Its functions by means of an electromagnet, consisting of coils of insulated wire wound round iron rods. Once electric is applied, the current will flow through the coils. The rods will become magnetic and attract a piece of iron attached to a clapper. The clapper hits the bell and creates a repetitive loud ringing sound to alert tenants of emergency. Each floor is equipped with at least 1 alarm bell. Emergency Exit Sign

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Emergency sign indicates the emergency escape route during fire. It is usually placed in open areas or fire staircases. It is often installed together with the emergency light to provide a clear visual guide for tenants during fire Emergency exit signs are found near the exit locations of the building. The sign will remain lit indefinitely when the building is in use. UBBL Clause 164(1), all fire doors shall be fitted with automatic door closer. Fire doors may be held open provided the hold open device incorporates a heat actuated device. Clause 172(1), storey exits and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible signs and not be obscured by any decorations, furnishings or other equipment. Clause 172 (2), a sign reading KELUAR with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the exit is not immediate.

Fire Extinguisher

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Fire extinguishers are usually found in places which are distant from the main fire suppression devices such as hose reel or water hydrant. It is used to handle small fires as it is portable and user friendly. There are 2 main types if fire extinguishers: stored-pressured and cartridge-operated. In stored pressured units, the expellant is stored in the same chamber as the firefighting agent itself. Depending on the agent used, different propellants are used. With dry chemical extinguishers, nitrogen is typically used: water and form extinguishers typically use air. Fire extinguishers are used to control small breakouts of fire, where the main firefighting devices such as hose reel is far from reach, making them the best choice. Dry powder is used near the kitchen due to high temperature of oils and exposure of flammable gas. Carbon dioxide is used on the rest of the building due to unlikeliness of odd flammable materials. Clause 227 Portable extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the relevant codes of practice and shall be sited in prominent positions on exit routes to be visible from all directions and similar extinguishers in a building shall be the same method of operation.

Passive Fire Protection Passive fire protection is the use of fire barrier systems that are integrated into the structure of the building to ensure the safety evacuation of the tenants of the building.

Fire Escape Plan

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A floor plan which shows the possible evacuation routes at the current floor of the building. It is color coded and uses arrows to indicate the designated exit. This plan is usually found near staircases and exits. It is a simple guide for tenants during cases of emergency Fire escape plans are found beside escape routes on every floor. The floor plan states mechanical transportation such as lifts cannot be used during fire due to risk of power failure as tenants might get trapped. The plan indicates the location of the fire extinguisher, escape routes, fire reel and break glass alarm system.

Passive Fire Plans N.T.S

Fire Staircase

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A fire staircase is an emergency exit which is separated by fire resistance walls. It provides a method of escape in the event of fire or other that emergency that makes the stairwells inside the building inaccessible. The law states that along the path of the fire staircase there should be no inhibition objects. Fire stairs were provided at both ends of the building to ensure safe passage of inhabitants no matter where the fire starts.

UBBL Clause 165 Exits to be accessible at all times Except as permitted by-law 167 not less than TWO separate exits shall be provided from each storey together with such additional exits as may be necessary. Clause 168 Staircases Except as provided for in by-laws 195 every upper floor shall have means of egress via at least two separate staircases. Staircases shall be of such width that in the event of any one staircase not being available for escape purpose the remaining staircases shall accommodate the highest occupancy load of any one floor discharging into it calculated in accordance with provisions in the Seventh Schedule to these Bylaws.

Emergency Light image retrieved from:

Emergency light is a battery-backed lighting device that switches on automatically when a building experiences a power outage. Emergency lights are standard in new commercial and high occupancy residential building. Emergency lights functions automatically once power failure starts to happen. It is fitted with a charged battery to illuminate exit path access pathways. The maintenance of the emergency lights is needed as it needs high level of illumination quality and consistency during emergency. Emergency lights are placed in main circulation routes to ensure safe passage to the nearest exits in case of electrical blackout.

Fire Rated Wall

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A fire wall is a fire-resistant barrier used to delay the spread of fire for a rated period of time. Firewalls can subdivide a building into separate fire areas and are constructed in accordance with the locally applicable building codes. Firewalls are typically made out of drywall/gypsum board partitions with wood or metal framed studs.

Fire Compartment Wall and Floor

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The discrete compartments sub-divided from buildings can restrict the spreading of fire. These fire compartments are separated from one another by compartment walls and compartment floors made of a fire-resisting construction which hinders the spread of fire. Compartment walls are placed at the walls facing the main walkway. The opened space in the building is excluded.

Fire Compartment Wall Plan N.T.S

3.0 Air Conditioning System Prepared by Tang Ze Zheng (0318967)

3.0 Air Conditioning System 3.1 Literature Review Air conditioning often refer as A/C or AC is an operation of changing the several conditions of air to creates a comfortable interior space for human. The ideal interior temperature for human to feel comfortable is 23 Degree Celsius to 27 Degree Celsius according to ASHRAE human comfort chart. It is almost impossible to achieve natural ventilation in Malaysia due to the hot and humid climate. Air conditioning system became a popular method in Malaysia to control the interior temperature within the comfort range. The common types of air conditioning system that used in Malaysian buildings are split unit air conditioning system, centralized air conditioning system and window air conditioning system. Through the process of air conditioning, thermal comfort is able to achieve by drawing in natural air and expelled the hot air from the building. There are 2 cycles involved in the process of air conditioning. The refrigerant cycle and air cycle. However, air conditioning system creates a huge negative impact to our environment. It requires massive energy power to operate which included electrical and water in order to function properly. Aspect of air conditioning: Air movement, Air temperature, Air humidity and Air Purity

3.1.1 Types of Air Conditioning System Window Unit Air Conditioning System Window unit air conditioning system is the simplest air conditioning system. It is only suitable for single room. This system usually installed on the openings like window or the walls. All the components of this system are placed in a single casing. The components are condenser, compressor, cooling coil, expansion valve and evaporator.

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Centralized Air Conditioning System Centralized air conditioning system are commonly used in mid and high rise buildings which require high cooling loads. This system runs on different direction from a base location. This system has large compressor, condenser, thermostatic expansion valve and evaporator. All these component are kept in a large plant room which also the place refrigerant cycle are performed. This system requires huge room to store all the machineries which is few times larger than the split unit system.

Image retrieved from Split Unit Air Conditioning System Split unit air conditioning system is the most popular system being used around the globe. This system produced only little noise when operate and does not require major installment work to install. It is very common among residential buildings in Malaysia. This system consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. The indoor unit are the evaporator or cooling coil which provide the cooling effect in the room. The outdoor unit are the condenser and compressor which rely on sufficient air flow to remove heat.

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3.2 Case Study 3.2.1 Split Unit Air Conditioning System In Split Unit Air Conditioning System, the unit is separated into two parts. Indoor and outdoor unit. The indoor unit which provides the treated air are installed inside the room. The outdoor unit are installed outside the buildings to draw the outdoor air and condense it into treated air. There are many advantages for split unit air conditioning system. As the indoor unit is separate, it allows the manufacturer to make more powerful AC. As the outdoor unit is placed outside the buildings, the noise produced during the operation will not affect the interior rooms. Split a0ir conditioning system is a popular choice for small and moderate offices and also residential buildings. Outdoor unit The outdoor unit also known as condenser unit. It is installed outside the room to be air conditioned in the open space. It functions to expel hot air from the interior space as well as draw the outdoor air to be treated and supply into the building. In outdoor unit lots of heat is generated inside the compressor and the condenser, hence there should be sufficient flow of the air around it. The condenser is covered with aluminum fins so that the heat from the refrigerant can be removed at faster rate. The propeller fan draws the outdoor air and blow over the compressor and condenser to cool them. The outdoor unit contains the important components like compressor, condenser, expansion valve and more. The compressor adds pressure to the refrigerant that it receives from inside buildings in order to increase the refrigerant’s temperature and make it easier to transfer heat in the next step of the cooling process. After leaving the compressor, refrigerant flows through condenser coils. As this happens, a fan blows air over the coils in order to cool them off and release heat to the air outside. Refrigerant lines connect indoor and outdoor units in order to cycle refrigerant and continue the cooling process.

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Refrigerant Cycle Refrigerant cycle is a process of removing the heat air of an interior space from one place to another in order to cool down the interior temperature. The heat inside the building is transferred through the evaporator and removed to the outside air through condenser. First, the low-pressured gas entered the compressor. It is compressed and moved out from the compressor as high-pressure gas. Next, the gas flows to the condenser. The gas being condensed into liquid and the heat is expelled to the outside air. The liquid then flows to the expansion valve under the high pressure. The valve function to restrict the flow of the liquid and lowers the pressure as it leaves the expansion valve. The low pressure liquid then moved to the evaporator for absorbing the heat from inside air and changes the fluid to gas form. As a hot low pressure gas, the refrigerant moved to compressor where the whole cycle is repeated.

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Components in refrigerant cycle Compressor The function of compressor is to circulate the refrigerant in the system with pressure. Heat it contained is concentrated. Low pressure gas is changed to high pressure gas in compressor. The pressure buildup can only be achieved by having restriction in the high pressure side of the system. It is a small valve inside expansion valve. The compressor has reed valve to control the entrance and exit of refrigerant gas during pumping process. Compressor is normally belt-driven from the engine casket. Magnetic clutch provides a mean of stopping the pumping of compressor when refrigerant is not required. Evaporator In evaporator the refrigerant liquid is converted to gas, absorbing heat from air in compartment. The pressure of liquid reduced when it reached dissipating its heat content and making it much cooler than the fan air flowing around it. This make refrigerant to absorb heat from warm air and vaporize. The evaporator removes heat from the area that is to be cooled. The desired temperature of cooling of the area will determine if refrigeration or air conditioning is desired. Expansion Valve The refrigerant enters the inlet and screen as a high-pressure liquid. The refrigerant flow is restricted by a metered orifice through which it must pass. As the refrigerant passes through the orifice, it changes from a high-pressure liquid to a low-pressure. Condensers Function to reject the heat absorbed by the evaporator. The refrigerant changes from a gas to a liquid in the condenser. Huge amount of heat is expelled during the change of state.

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Indoor Unit The indoor unit of the split air conditioner is a box type housing in which all the important parts of the air conditioner are enclosed. The most common type of the indoor unit is the wall mounted type though other types like ceiling mounted and floor mounted are also used. The function of indoor unit is to cool the room temperature. The blower draws the warm air and it passes the filter and the evaporator which leads to cooling of the air and the process keep continue. The cool air blown from the indoor unit able to cool the room temperature. The direction of air flow is able to control through vertical and horizontal louvers.

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Air cycle Air cycle is a procedure to distribute treated air into the room that needs to be conditioned. The latent heat inside the room is removed when the return air is absorbed by the evaporator with help of gas or liquid. The distribution of air can be through duct work or chilled water pipes. The hot air in the interior space will slowly be removed and the interior temperature turned cooler.

3.3.2 Types of Split Air Conditioning System Split unit without outside air (ductless split) This system does not supply fresh air to replace the indoor air in the existing interior space. The existing indoor air is recycled and recirculated in this system. This system usually installed in small individual room. The types of indoor unit are floor mounted, wall mounted and ceiling cassette.

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Split unit with outside air (ducted split) In this system ductwork is used to distribute the treated air. The existing indoor air are mixed with fresh air from outdoor to be recycle and recirculate. This system has larger capacity than ductless split system. The evaporator often installed in suspended ceiling and closet.

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Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) / Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) This system is a multi-split system. This system is conditioned by a single outdoor unit comprising of single or multiple compressor and is circulated within the building with multiple indoors units and refrigerant piping. In this system, each indoor is controlled by its own wired control panel, while there are some possibilities for wireless remotes and centralized controllers, enabling controlling all indoors from one location.

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Types of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) / Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) Master & slave system . One outdoor unit is connected to several indoor units . Only master unit able to control the individual unit or all units at the same time. The temperature of all indoor units will be same as the master setting Zoned control units . One outdoor unit is connected to several indoor units . Each indoor unit has its own individual temperature controller . Each room able to adjust the temperature of the indoor unit itself . Only cooling is available Variable refrigerant volume (VRV) system . One outdoor unit is connected to several indoor units . Able to provide versatility of each indoor unit may cool or heat independently of each other

UBBL 1984 41. Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning. (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building by- laws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air-conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air-conditioned enclosure, such that within half an hour of the air-conditioning system failing, not less than the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the air-conditioning system is not functioning. (3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to these By-laws shall apply to buildings which are mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned. (4) Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, waterclosets, bathrooms or corridors is provided for and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Third Schedule to these By-laws, the provisions of these By-laws relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting shall not apply to such lavatories, water closets, bathrooms or corridors.

3.4Proposal Proposed System Split Unit Air Conditioning System Split unit air conditioning system is the most ideal system to be install in the Elderly center. First, split unit air conditioning are easy to maintain as the scale and complexity of the system component are smaller compare to centralized system. The repair services do not require huge operation, man power and time to be done. Next, since the outdoor unit are placed outside the building, the noise produced during refrigerant process will not affect the elderlies inside the center. Moreover, split system does not contribute much to distribution of smoke in occurrence of fire. Besides, the installation of this system is easier compare to centralized system and less disruptive to other unrelated areas. Hence it is a split unit, when one of the indoor unit break down, the other indoor units are still able to operate and will not affect by the incident. Indoor Unit Ceiling Cassette The indoor units for the elderly center are ceiling cassette. Ceiling cassette offers variable directions of treated airflow. Due to variable direction of airflow, it able to cool the interior space faster than wall mounted indoor unit which offer one direction of airflow. Moreover, the louvers of ceiling cassette can be adjusted to the user’s preference, this can avoid direct hit of cool airflow to the elderlies which is not good for their health.

Next, ceiling cassette are able to runs on a timer and can be set by the user to run or turn off at certain times. This can avoid unnecessary cost and energy.

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Proposed Split Unit Air Conditioning System Type Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) / Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) The type of split unit air conditioning system to proposed for the elderly center are Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF). VRF system require less space to install the outdoor unit as it only need one outdoor unit to operate all the indoor units in the elderly center. The service of this system become easier as it only has one outdoor unit. When one of the indoor unit are not functioning, it will not affect the other indoor units. Zoned Control Unit The type of VRF system proposed for the elderly center are Zoned Control Unit. Zoned control unit able to control the temperature of indoor unit according to the requirement of the certain room and will not affect the temperature of other indoor units. Moreover, zoned control unit offer user to turn off any indoor unit when air conditioning is not desired without affecting other indoor units.

Recessed wall with louvers As the outdoor unit for VRF system is placed outside the building, it will affect the overall appearance of the elderly center buildings. The outdoor unit are designed to place inside a recessed wall. To avoid affecting the refrigerant process, louvers are placed on the rece ssed wall for the outdoor unit to draw and expel air. The purpose of the recessed wall is to maintain the aesthetic value of the building by hiding the air conditioning system outdoor unit inside.

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Plan Drawing Blue coloured shaded areas are the area treated with air conditioning system. The areas excluded for air condition system are opened space and toilet. Those areas are where natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation took place.

Ground Floor Plan NTS The air conditioned areas are reception, dining area, office and lift lobby

First Floor Plan NTS The air conditioned areas are games room, reading area, cinema and lift lobby

Second Floor Plan NTS The air conditioned areas are office, lift lobby

4.0 Mechanical Ventilation Prepared by Tan Wei Zhen (0318560)

4.0 Mechanical Ventilation 4.1 Literature Review Mechanical ventilation is a process of changing the condition and quality of air when the natural forces of air pressure and gravity are not enough to ventilate the air in the building (Adamovsky, 2016). Mechanical ventilation serves a few purposes, for example, to ventilate operable independant on exterior conditions, high ventilation demand, precise operation control, and temperature and humid control (Adamovsky, 2016). The different of mechanical ventilation works by pulling out the indoor air with outdoor air by the help of electronic gadgets (Adamovsky, 2016). Mechanical air ventilation can be alluded as warming ventilation, aerating and cooling (HVAC) as it incorporates with heating, cooling and humidity control (Adamovsky, 2016). In commercial developments, mechanical ventilation is typically driven by air handling units (AHU) connected to ductwork within the building that supplies air to and extracts air from the interior. Typically they comprise an insulated box that forms the housing for; filter racks or chambers, a fan (or blower), and sometimes heating elements, cooling elements, sound attenuators and dampers. In some situations, such as in swimming pools, air handling units might include dehumidification. See Air handling units for more information. Mechanical ventilation may be controlled by a building management system (BMS) to maximise occupant comfort and minimise energy consumption. Regular inspection and maintenance is necessary to ensure that systems are operating optimally and that occupants understand how systems are operated.

4.1.1 Types of Mechanical Ventilation Hybrid Ventilation System

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Hybrid Ventilation is a two-mode system which is controlled to minimize the energy consumption while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort (Szikra, 2013). The two modes refer to natural and mechanical driving forces (Szikra, 2013). The purpose of its control system is to establish the desired air change rate but lowest possible energy consumption (Szikra, 2013). The demand control is based on Indoor Air Quality, where the most influencing parameter is CO2 (Szikra, 2013). The more traditional thermal comfort control is based on temperature monitoring, but a predicting intelligence (Szikra, 2013). Lighting is also demand controlled based luminary sensors (Szikra, 2013). And of course opening of the window, operating shading device is controlled by demand (Szikra, 2013). The building shell is airtight, well insulated (Szikra, 2013). Underground duct and culvers are applied for pre cooling or preheating the incoming air (Szikra, 2013).

Extract System

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The exhaust system, known as fan can extract the hot air insde a room and cause the negative pressure on the inlet side which can help to freshen the air to enter to the interior spaces (Adamovsky, 2016). Mechanical extract fans are to discharge away from the occupied space (Jim, 2000). While overall house ventilation rates are expressed as the number of air changes per hour, mechanical ventilation systems move particular volumes of air per unit of time – usually the number of litres per second (l/s) or m3/hour. Mechanical air extract ventilation is generally driven by a fan. To minimise energy use, fans should be sized and controlled to move only the amount of air required for the time required – i.e. air should only be extracted while pollutants or moisture is being produced (Adamovsky, 2014). For rooms used infrequently or intermittently, an extract fan linked to the operation of the light switch means the fan will only run while the room is occupied. A timer switch can ensure that it runs for a short time afterwards. Alternatively, a sensor can switch the extract fan on when steam or excessive moisture is detected (Adamovsky, 2014). If the fan noise is a problem, it can be mounted outside the room and connected via ductwork. Stale, moist or polluted air must be discharged outside and not into another building space.

Balanced Ventilation System

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A balanced ventilation system has two fans, one brings outside air into the building and the other one exhausting stale interior air (Building Science Corporation, 2013). In most balanced ventilation systems, heat - and sometimes moisture - are exchanged between the two air streams, reducing the heating and cooling loads caused by outside ventilation air. These system are knows as HRVs (heat recovery ventilators) and ERVs (energy or enthalpy recovery ventilators) (Building Science Corporation, 2013). In most homes, ventilation is provided accidentally when air leaks through the building envelope. Accidental ventilation is unreliable because it is dependent on a pressure difference between indoor and outdoor spaces caused by temperature and wind variations. Too much fresh air often enters a house during cold weather causing uncomfortable drafts and high heating bills. Not enough fresh air may enter during mild weather which can lead to poor indoor air quality. In severe climates, balanced ventilation systems can be equipped with a heat exchanger that recovers most of the heating and cooling energy from the exhaust air. There are two types of heat exchangers: sensible and total. Sensible heat exchangers recover dry heat.

4.2 Case Study 4.2.1 Extract System There are proprietary mechanical ventilation systems available that exhaust odours and steam from wet area rooms and fixtures. These are best suited to multilevel residential and commercial buildings which contain typical wet area rooms where mechanical ventilation is required. The system is wired into the light switch circuit which controls the dampers and exhaust fan. If all of the typical wet area rooms, such as those shown in Figure 1 are not occupied, all dampers are closed and the roof mounted fan is switched off. If only one light switch is turned on, the damper to that room opens to a pre-determined position and the fan starts to run at a corresponding low speed. As more rooms are occupied and light switches are turned on, dampers will open and the fan speed increases proportionally. As light switches are turned off, dampers close and the fan speed decreases and will stop when all light switches are turned off.

4.3 Proposal Proposed System Extract System The extract system is the most ideal type for an elderly center. The mechanical extract system continuously extract air from the interior space. The mechanical ventilation system is suitable for the elderly center due to its ease to install and lowest cost to install among all other systems. Besides, the mechanical ventilation system also provides continuous low-level background ventilation. It has a small negative pressure in building to prevent moisture mitigating into the constructions of external walls and prevent condensation and consequently the mould growth. There are also few disadvantages, first of them is that the heat recovery from the exhaust air is not easy to implement. Next is that the air infiltration through the building envelope easily creates drought in winter or cold climates which is out of our concern to this elderly center due to the fact that Malaysia is a summer country.

Indoor Units Exhaust fan

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Exhaust fans are mounted on the ceiling. They are used to remove stale, polluted or humid air from the inside. It is usually placed on the ceiling or on the wall. UBBL Section 41 - Mechanical Ventilation & Air Conditioning Windows and openings allowing uninterrupted air passage is not necessary if the rooms are equipped with mechanical ventilator or air conditions.

Exhaust fan (kitchen)

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Exhaust fans in the kitchen can minimize the soot produced during cooking. It helps to extract the soot and release them at the exhaust air outlet that placed outside of the building.

Propeller fan

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Propeller fans serves the purpose of removing hot and humid air and its often used to bring in outdoor air to encourage ventilation and cooling the internal spaces of the building. It is usually needed in the washroom area and the services room. MSI1525 Code 8.4.1 Temperature Control Each system should be provided with at least one thermostat for the regulation of temperature. Each thermostat should be capable of being set by adjustment of selection of sensors over a minimum range between 22c - 27c. Multistage thermostat should be provided for equipment exceeding 35/65kWr in conjunction with 8.4.2. Ductwork system

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The way how ductwork works is that it channels the air form the enclosed spaces to outside of the building by pipes and tunnels. The stale air will be transported throughout the tunnels and expel the stale air outwards. It usually hides between the ceiling and the upper floor slab, exposing the air supply diffusers or extract fans.

Outdoor Units Exhaust air outlet

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The exhaust air is sucked directly into the exhaust air ring via a design cover, a filter and the distributor module. Due to the patented ring distribution system, the desired amount of air is discharged at each exhaust air outlet. It is usually placed on the top of the roof.

Plan Drawings The yellow colored shaded area is to highlight the area that are affected by the mechanical ventilation.

Ground Floor NTS

First Floor NTS

Second Floor NTS

5.0 Mechanical Transportation System Prepared by Foong Lih Wey (0322667)

5.0 Mechanical Transportation System 5.1 Literature Review The mechanical transportation of people and goods is an energy- using service which needs the designer’s attention at the earliest stages of building design. Standards of service rise with expectations of quality by the final user and with the provision of access for disabled people. The principles of transportation systems are outlined and reference is made to movement between buildings. The common types of transportation system are that integrate in modern buildings are elevators, escalators and travellators.

Figure 5.1.0 Elevator Source: (“Kaplanlawyers”, 2015)

Figure 5.1.1 Escalator Source: (“Dentonlawfirm”, 2015)

Figure 5.1.2 Travellator Source: (“Gulfelevators”, 2012)

5.1.1 Types of Mechanical Transportation Elevator An elevator or lift is a type of vertical transportation that raising or lowering people or goods between floors (levels, decks) of a building, vessel, or other structure.

Escalator An escalator is a type of vertical transportation in the form of a moving staircase – a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. Travellator A travellator is a slow moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a horizontal or inclined plane over a short to medium distance.

5.1.2 Types of Elevator Elevator is an example of vertical transportation system, which use for raising and lowering people or goods to different floors of building. Vertical transportation is a requirement of any building which exceed 4 storeys to overcome the concentrated of human flows within certain periods of the working day. It is also essential in the building which is less than 4 storeys if the access of the elderly and disabled is required.

Elevators can be classified into 4 main types of hoist mechanism which are: 

Traction elevator

Hydraulic elevator

Climbing elevator

Pneumatic elevator

___________________________________________________________________________ Various types of elevators can be classified from the main hoist mechanism of Traction Elevator.

Traction elevator: 

Machine room (MR) Traction Elevator: - Gear-less Traction - Geared Traction

Machine room-less (MRL) Traction Elevator

___________________________________________________________________________ Various types of elevators can be classified from the main hoist mechanism of Hydraulic Elevator. Hydraulic elevator: 

Machine room-less (MRL) hydraulic elevator - Holed Hydraulic -

Holeless Hydraulic


Roped Hydraulic

Traction Elevator Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, which pass over a wheel attached to an electric motor above the elevator shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speeds than hydraulic elevators. A counter weight makes the elevators more efficient by offsetting the weight of the car and occupants so that the motor doesn’t have to move as much weight.

Machine room (MR) traction elevator 

Gear-less Traction Elevator Gearless Traction Machines are low-speed (low-RPM), high-torque electric motors powered either by AC or DC. The traction sheave is connected directly to the shaft of the traction motor, and the motor rotation (speed) is transmitted directly to the traction sheave without any intermediate gearling. Gearless Traction elevators can reach speeds of up to 20m/s.

Figure 5.1.4 gear-less machine Source: (“mitsubishielectic”, 2015).

Figure 5.1.3 schematic diagram of gear-less traction elevator Source: (“usl”, 2013)

Machine room (MR) traction elevator 

Geared Traction Elevator Geared traction machines are driven by AC or DC electric motors. Geared machines use worm gears to control mechanical movement of elevator cars by “rolling” steel hoist ropes over a drive sheave which is attached to a gearbox driven by a high-speed motor. These machines are generally the best option for basement or overhead traction use for speeds up to 3 m/s.

Figure 5.1.6 gear-lesss machine Source: (“mitsubishielectic”, 2015).

Figure 5.1.5 schematic diagram of gear-less traction elevator Source: (“usl”, 2013)

Machine room-less (MRL) traction elevator Machine Room-less Elevators are traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The machine sits in the override space and is accessed from the top of the elevator car when maintenance or repairs are required. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft on the highest landing and within around. Machine room-less (MRL) traction elevator elevator becoming the most popular choice for midrise building.      

Creates more usable space Use less energy (70-80% less than standard hydraulic elevators) Uses no oil (assuming it is a traction elevator) All components are above ground similar to roped hydraulic type elevators Slightly lower cost than other elevators; significantly for the hydraulic MRL elevator Can operate at faster speeds than hydraulics but not normal traction units

Figure 5.1.8 Differences of MR and MRL elevator Source: (“kone”, 2015)

Figure 5.1.7 schematic diagram of MRL traction elevator Source: (“archtoolbox”, 2015)

Hydraulic Elevator Hydraulic elevators are supported by a piston at the bottom of the elevator that pushes the elevator up as an electric motor forces oil or another hydraulic fluid into the piston. The elevator descends as a valve releases the fluid from the piston. They are used for low-rise applications of 2-8 stories and travel at a maximum speed of 200 feet per minute. The machine room for hydraulic elevators is located at the lowest level adjacent to the elevator shaft. Figure 5.1.9 Hydraulic Elevator Source: (“electricalknowhow”, 2014)

Climbing Elevator Roped Hydraulic Elevator A climbing elevator is a self-ascending elevator with its own propulsion. The propulsion can be done by an electric or a combustion engine. Climbing elevators are used in guyed masts or towers, in order to make easy access to parts of these constructions, such as flight safety lamps for maintenance. Climbing elevators are often used in work and construction areas.

Figure 5.1.10 Climbing Elevator Source: (“electricalknowhow”, 2013)

Pneumatic Elevator Roped Hydraulic Elevator Pneumatic elevators are raised and lowered by controlling air pressure in a chamber in which the elevator sits. By simple principles of physics; the difference in air pressure above and beneath the vacuum elevator car literally transports car by air. It is the vacuum pumps or turbines that pull car up to the next floor and the slow release of air pressure that floats car down. They are especially ideal for existing homes due to their compact design because excavating a pit and hoist way are not required. Figure 5.1.11 Pneumatic Elevator Source: (“electricalknowhow”, 2013)

UBBL 1984 152. Openings in lift shafts. (1) Every opening in a lift shaft or lift entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the local authority is provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special buildings as they may be approved by the D.G.F.S. (2) Landing doors shall have a FRP of not less than half the FRP of the hoistway structure with a minimum FRP of half hour. (3) No glass shall be used for in landing doors except for vision in which case any vision panel shall or be glazed with wired safety glass, and shall not be more than 0.0161 square meters and the total area of one or more vision panel in any landing door shall be not more than 0.0156 square meters. (4) Each clear panel opening shall reject a sphere 150 millimeters in diameter. (5) Provision shall be made for the opening of all landing doors by means of an emergency key irrespective of the position of the lift car. 154. Emergency mode of operation in the event of mains power failure. (1) On failure of mains power of lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without answering any car or landing calls and park with doors open. (2) After all lifts are parked the lifts on emergency power shall resume normal operation: Provided that where sufficient emergency power is available for operation of all lifts, this mode of operation need not apply.

5.2 Case Study 5.2.1 Hydraulic Elevator Machine room-less (MRL) hydraulic elevator: Holed Hydraulic elevator With holed hydraulic systems, the elevator car is mounted on a piston that travels inside a cylinder. The cylinder extends into the ground to a depth equal to the height the elevator will rise. As hydraulic fluid is pumped into the cylinder through a valve, the car rises. As the fluid returns to the reservoir, the car descends. This system is often called Inground Hydraulic.

Advantages: -Usually the lowest material cost application. -Accommodates front and rear openings in any configuration. -No extensive pit or overhead is required -Available for both low and high capacity cars. -Of all the application types, this equipment package is the easiest to install.

Disadvantages: -Areas with frequent seismic activity will have the greatest risk of oil contamination. -The jack must go down into the ground roughly the same distance as the desired travel. -Drilling a jack hole is expensive and may be nearly impossible in certain structural or geologic conditions. Figure 5.2.1 Holed hydraulic elevator Source: (“schumacherelevator�, 2014)

Machine room-less (MRL) hydraulic elevator: Holeless Hydraulic elevator Holeless hydraulic consists of pistons mounted inside the hoist way to raise and lower the car. This is especially a solution for buildings built in bedrock, a high water table or unstable soil conditions locations that can make digging the hole required for a conventional hydraulic elevator impractical. Holeless hydraulic systems use a direct-acting piston to raise the car.

Advantages: -No jack hole is required. This eliminates the cost of drilling and the risk of oil contamination. -Accommodates front and rear openings in any configuration. -Available for both low and high capacity cars.

Disadvantages: -Usually requires more overhead than an Inground project. The greater the travel, the greater the overhead must be. -Requires a wider hoist way for the jacks. -The material cost is typically higher than that of an Inground package.

Figure 5.2.2 Holeless hydraulic elevator Source: (“schumacherelevator�, 2014).

Machine room-less (MRL) hydraulic elevator: Roped Hydraulic elevator Roped hydraulic elevator extends the rise of the holeless elevator to 18 meters (60 ft), without the need for a belowground cylinder. Roped hydraulic elevator systems have the piston attached to a sheave which has a rope passing through it. One end is attached to the car while the other is secured at the bottom of the hoist way. Also, roped hydraulic systems require a governor because the rope is holding the car up.

Advantages: -No jack holes are required even though the travel can be as great as 100 feet. -Accommodates front and rear openings in any configuration. Available for both low and high capacity cars. -No extensive pit or overhead is required. -Large platform designs and high capacity projects can be accommodated.

Disadvantages: -Required a wider hoist way for the jacks and roped equipment. -The installation time is greater than that of an Inground application.

Figure 5.2.3 Roped hydraulic elevator Source: (“schumacherelevator�, 2014)

Components in Hydraulic Elevator The Tank The tank should have capacity that is sufficient enough to provide an adequate reserve to prevent the entrance of air or other gas into the system. A glass tube will be given to determine the oil level and the minimum level mark will be clearly indicated. An oil level monitoring device shall be provided, and if operated, it shall maintain a visual and audible signal in the control panel until the fault is being fixed. The main function of the tank is to hold the liquid used in the system. This liquid is usually oil based because it is compressible and it has the ability to lubricate itself. Figure 5.2.4 Tank Source: (“unitec”, 2015)

Motor/ Pump The main function of the pump used in hydraulic elevator is to push the liquid into the cylinder constantly to lift the elevator, the pump is a submersible type with variable speed valve levelling.

Figure 5.2.5 Elevator Hoist Source: (“Clearwatertech”, 2011)

The pump and motor shall be fixed on one robust bedplate or within the power unit assembly if it is suitably rigid. The motor pump and bearing shall be mounted and assembled so that proper alignment of these parts are maintained under all normal operating conditions. An oil filter shall be fitted on the pump inlet. A stopcock shall be provided to enable the filter to be cleaned or changed without significant loss of oil. The pump motor shall be of the single speed squirrel cage or slip ring type and it shall run with minimum noise and vibration.

Valve The power unit control valve shall be a variable speed proportional valve type that includes all hydraulic control the valve inherently. A stopcock shall be provided between the control valves and the cylinder, and also between the reservoir tank and the pump if the pump is mounted outside the tank. Figure 5.2.6 Elevator Valve Source: (“SRPGroupofcompanies”, 2014)

The main functions of the valve are allowing the liquid out of the system, keeping the pressure low when open, and increases pressure when closed.

Actuator An actuator is the device that transfers fluid or electrical energy into mechanical energy.The actuator could be piston because it moves up and down. Figure 5.2.7 Hydraulic Actuator Source: (“JASC”, 2014)

5.3 Proposal Proposed System Holeless Hydraulic Elevators Hydraulic elevators are usually cheaper to install than the traction variety. They also occupy less space in a building, as the hoistway requires about 10% less area. These elevators are also more effective when high loads need to be moved, as the hydraulics provide a greater lifting force than traction ropes. The disadvantage of the traction elevator is its cost. Installation can be 15 to 25% miore expensive than a hydraulic system. The traction elevators may also be difficult to maintain, as the machine’s controls are located in the shaft headroom. This area could be difficult to access.

Figure 5.3.1 Glass Hydraulic Elevator Source: (“”, 2016)

Plan Drawing The blue coloured shaded area is to highlight the area that the elevator is placed. It is placed at the most back part of the building because the back part has access to all three levels.

Ground Floor Plan NTS

Lift Lobby The lift will be placed in front of a lift lobby that is more than 2m long so that the users will be able to wait or walk pass easily without feeling compact. The lobby should be spacious, so that a pathway could be added towards the lift.

Location of lift lobby on ground floor

Figure 1.1.1 Lift Lobby Source: (“megwise�, 2015)

UBBL 1984 152 (1) - Every opening in an elevator shaft or elevator entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the

local authority is provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special building as may be approved by D.G.F.S. Door System Elevator door plays a very important role in the safety feature of the lift. It is to separate the waiting lobby and the elevator shafts. The door is to prevent people to fall into the elevator shafts avoiding deaths.

Figure 1.1.2 Lift Door Detailed Source: (“Globalliftequipment:, 2015)

Figure 1.1.3 Two Speed Doors Source: (“Electricalknowhow, 2014)

Every elevator car will have a door opening device at the top. The device is to open the inner door and the outer door of the elevator shaft together on each floor. The door opening device reacts with the controller by sending signals to open or close the doors and by receiving signals when the doors have been totally opened or closed. The controller will also receive the signal to indicate which car they are coming from.

MS 2021-1, Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Part 1: Electric lifts. Emergency doors shall be capable of being self-closing. If there is an access door to the pit, other than the bottom terminal landing door, it shall comply with the requirements of 5.2.2.

Ventilation There will be an opening on top of the lift car to allow air flow inside, improving the ventilation in the lift car. By having ventilation holes, it can prevent suffocation when the lift malfunctions unexpectedly or emergency.

Figure 1.1.3 Lift Ventilation Source: (“Globalsources�, 2015)

By-Law 151 of UBBL 1984 - Ventilation to lift shaft Lift shafts shal l be provided with vents of not less than 0.09 square meter per lift located at the top of the shaft. Where the vent does not discharge directly to the open air, the lift shafts shall be vented to the exterior through a duct to the required FRP as for the lift shafts.

Fire Service Fire service code is depending on the location of the elevator. There will be two phase for fire service for elevator; phase one and phase two. These are two modes that the elevator can go into.

Phase One Phase one mode is activated by a corresponding smoke sensor or heat sensor in the building. The elevator will automatically go into phase one when an alarm has been activated. The elevator will wait an amount of time, then proceed to go into nudging mode to tell everyone the elevator is leaving the floor. Once the elevator has left the floor, depending on where the alarm was set off, the elevator will go to the fire-recall floor. However, the elevator will have an alternate floor to recall to if the alarm was activated on the fire- recall floor. When the elevator is recalled, it proceeds to the recall floor and stops with its doors open. The elevator will no longer respond to calls or move in any direction. There is a fire-service key switch located on the fire-recall floor. The fire-service key switch can turn fire service off, turn fire service on or to bypass fire service. The only way to return the elevator to normal service is to switch it to bypass after the alarms have reset.

Phase Two Phase-two mode can only be activated by a key switch located inside the elevator on the centralized control panel. This mode was created for firefighters so that they may rescue people from a burning building. The phase-two key switch located on the COP has three positions: off, on, and hold. By turning phase two on, the firefighter enables the car to move. However, like independent-service mode, the car will not respond to a car call unless the firefighter manually pushes and holds the door close button. Once the elevator gets to the desired floor it will not open its doors unless the firefighter holds the door open button. This is in case the floor is burning and the firefighter can feel the heat and knows not to open the door. The firefighter must hold door open until the door is completely opened. If for any reason the firefighter wishes to leave the elevator, they will use the hold position on the key switch to make sure the elevator remains at that floor. If the firefighter wishes to return to the recall floor, they simply turn the key off and close the doors.

Smoke Detectors In any case when fire happens, the fire indicators will light up and a bell will be ringing. The elevators will then automatically go back down to the ground floor to allow the people inside to leave the building in an instant.

Figure 1.1.4 Smoke Detector Source: (“Paragon�, 2014)

UBBL 1984 153 (1) - All elevator lobbies shall be provided with smoke detectors 155 (2) - If mains power is available all lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without ans wering any car or landing calls, overriding the emergency stop button inside the car, but not any other emergency or safety devices, and park with doors open. 155 (3) - The fire lifts shall then be available for use by the fire brigade on operation of the fireman's switch. 155 (4) - Under this mode of operation, the fire lifts shall only operate in response to car calls but not to landing calls in a mode of operation in accordance with by-law 154.

7.0 Reference

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The Basics of Passive Fire Protection. (n.d.) Retrieved November 22, 2016, from http://www/

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7.2 Air Conditioning System

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7.4 Mechanical Transportation System

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