Herpes Zoster(Shingles) giving you Sleepless Nights? Choose Homeopathy

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SHINGLES The Painful Scourge

Tired of the Suffering and Misery of Shingles? Now, obtain Faster and Better relief!

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Amazing Facts and Figures About Shingles • Shingles is an extremely painful condition affecting millions globally • There is no definitive cure in modern medicine, just symptomatic relief • More than 1 million cases of Shingles occur in US every year • 1 in 3 persons gets Shingles during their lifetime • 20% of Shingles sufferers develop severe nerve pain lasting from a few months to a few years

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What is Shingles? • Viral infection of spinal nerve roots with painful skin eruptions • Caused by human herpes virus 3 (HHV3) also known as varicella-zoster virus (VZV) • VZV always causes chickenpox as the primary (first) infection • VZV remains hidden in nerve roots after chickenpox resolves • Reactivation of VZV anytime later in life causes shingles or herpes zoster

What Happens In Shingles ? • Red raised rashes come up on one side of body along path of affected nerve like a ‘band’. • Acute pain – mild to severe along the ‘band’ of eruptions. Continued….

What happens in Shingles ?

• Rash turns into fluidfilled blisters. • Blisters start oozing and end up in ulcer or scar • Severe fatigue and malaise.

For complete details about Shingles Click <link for Shingles>

What causes Shingles ?

• Shingles is caused by human herpes virus 3 (HHV3) also known as varicella-zoster virus (VZV). • First infection by VZV causes chickenpox. • Reactivation of VZV later in life causes Shingles

What are Risk Factors for Shingles ? • Older age – risk increases with age, especially after age of 50

• Suppressed immunity – weakened immune system from AIDS, cancer, etc. • Certain drugs that suppress immune response, given after organ transplant or in autoimmune diseases • Cancer – certain cancers such as Hodgkin’s disease, lymphomas, etc. • Stress – severe and/or prolonged unresolved physical or emotional stress

What can Shingles lead to? • Ear complications such as vertigo, ringing in ears, hearing loss, one-sided facial paralysis, etc. • Post herpes nerve pain (neuralgia) which can be very severe and persist for a few weeks to even years after the skin eruptions have completely healed.



What can Shingles lead to ? • Eye complications such as erosion or ulceration of cornea, dryness of eyes, retinal affections, inflammation of optic nerve, cataract, glaucoma, etc. • Rarely, facial paralysis, inflammation of brain or its coverings, inflammation of nerves, stroke, etc.



• Apply cool wet compresses to lessen pain • Do local dressing with water at room temperature 5-6 times/day • Keep skin clean and allow rash to remain uncovered • Compress vesicles with mixture of white vinegar and tepid water • Rub coconut oil 4-5 times daily to nourish skin and prevent dryness • Discard used articles or disinfect them by boiling or other means

Don’ts • Do not share articles used by the infected person • Don’t re-use contaminated articles even for the same person • Avoid close contact with infected person for 7-9 days until all blisters have dried and healed • Don’t cover the blisters • Do not apply strong / abrasive ointments or other applications

Diet and Nutrition Foods to Include : • Balanced healthy diet and plenty of water. • Fresh fruits except citrus fruits • Lightly cooked, fresh, green and yellow vegetables • Legumes like black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, etc. • Mushrooms • Whole grains in moderate quantities


Diet and Nutrition

Foods to Avoid: • • • • • •

Sugar, chocolates Drinks such as coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks Fried foods Peanuts and peanut butter White rice and white flour Processed meats

Homeopathic Approach • • • • • •

Homeopathic approach is Holistic (concerning whole person, not each part separately) Patient friendly Deep rooted Long lasting Gentle Swift ……and much more

Emphasis is on building up your disease resisting and fighting capacity

Homeopathic Approach • Medicines are customized to suit unique condition of each individual patient. • When prescribed correctly, produce no known side effects. • Safe for all age groups – from newborns to centurions • Safe during pregnancy as well as during breastfeeding

Role of Homeopathy in Shingles • As a preventive, it enhances the body’s natural defense mechanisms or ‘immunity’ and prevents reactivation of the chickenpox virus (VZV) • Reduces intensity of symptoms and duration of the disease course

Role of Homeopathy in Shingles • Prevents dreaded complications of shingles • Prevents recurrence of shingles attacks • Reduces duration and severity of post shingles nerve pain (post herpetic neuralgia)

Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles • 80+ highly effective homeopathic remedies for Shingles as well as its complications • Remedies are chosen on basis of unique and individualizing features of each case (i.e. customized for each patient). Some examples: • Natrum Muriaticum for Shingles with marked periodicity of attacks, pain is worse from sunrise to sunset. • Lachesis for left-sided shingles with inability to bear slightest touch, worse during and after sleep. • Lycopodium for post shingles nerve pain worse from 4 to 8 p.m. See how the remedies are differentiated on the basis of minutest details, which is the core of Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles • Remedies are chosen on basis of several characteristic parameters such as factors that improve or worsen the symptoms, peculiar symptoms, specific timings, etc. Some commonly used homeopathic remedies for Shingles are: • Cinchona officinalis • Conium • Crotalus horridus • Nitric acid • Sarsaparilla …and many more … For complete details of homeopathic treatment Click


Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles Conium

• Herpes affections of chest and armpit regions with numb feeling down the arm • Ulcerative lesions with offensive fetid discharge • Sweat as soon as one sleeps with offensive odor of sweat • Person is depressed, takes no interest in anything and yet is afraid of being alone


Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles

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Cinchona Officinalis Skin is extremely sensitive to touch, but hard pressure relieves Hardness of glands with ulcers Pain as if sprained, worse with slight touch but better by hard pressure Person is indifferent with a tendency to hurt the feelings of others Continued….

Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles • • • •

Sarsaparilla Skin is emaciated, shriveled, lies in folds Shingles coming on in summer or spring time after exposure to open air Pain worse in damp conditions, at night and when yawning Ill humored person who is very sensitive and is easily offended To know more about homeopathic treatment

Click http://www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Herpes-Zoster-Shingles-Homeopathic-Treatment

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Case of Shingles resolved with Homeopathic treatment A 55-year-old lady came with post shingles nerve pain since 1 month. Important Symptoms in brief: • Shingles eruptions resolved 2 weeks ago, but nerve pain persisted on left side of her chest • Severe pain – couldn’t bear even touch of clothes Individualizing Features (Homeopathic Approach): • Sensitive skin – unable to bear even touch of clothes • Very talkative – continued to talk despite the pain • Suspicious – couldn’t trust anyone around her


Case of Shingles resolved with Homeopathic treatment

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Treatment given and Results obtained: She was prescribed the homeopathic remedy Lachesis. After 72 hours, her pain was better by 50% and she could sleep peacefully Eruptions were gradually replaced by normal healthy skin. Within 1 week, her pain was reduced by 80%. She completely recovered in 10 days with no pain at all. Continued….

Case of Shingles resolved with Homeopathic treatment Summary:

This case vividly demonstrates the brilliance of homeopathy in swiftly healing the patient and freeing her from her terrible pain and suffering

Homeopathy Heals from Within, To Enhance and Enrich Quality Of Life Check out many such successfully healed cases Click http://www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Herpes-Zoster-Shingles-Success-Stories

Choose Homeopathy, Choose Optimal Health • Get quick and long lasting relief from severe pain and discomfort • Don’t fall prey to Shingles,Get strong from inside • Save and protect your health in the most natural & scientific way Aren’t you looking for a quick and permanent relief? Don’t you want to protect yourself from this pain & suffering? Get Ready for a Fast, Reliable, Accurate and Permanent Solution Click http://www.welcomecure.com/Patient/Registration

Welcomecure Welcome Cure, Bye Bye Disease Protecting and Enhancing Your Health, Always….. For additional information about Shingles and its effective homeopathic management http://www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Herpes-Zoster-Shingles-Overview At “welcomecure” we have top-of-the-line homeopathic experts with decades of rich clinical experience on successful management of a wide range of disease conditions such as Shingles

Visit http://www.welcomecure.com/Patient/Registration

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