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A Message From Weld Australia’s President
Image: David Lake (President, Weld Australia).
A Message from Weld Australia’s President: David Lake
In late May, I had the opportunity to travel to Sydney for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic for Weld Australia’s Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting.
Whilst there, I visited Weld Australia’s brand new offices. With a modern, light-filled lay-out, the new offices are the perfect workspace for Weld Australia’s innovative, forward-looking team.
I met with Weld Australia’s senior leadership about the wide variety of projects underway. In all our activities, we are focused on securing the future of Australia’s welding industry through the provision of quality member services, advocacy, training, certification and qualification.
Member Resources
We recently launched a brand new website: weldaustralia.com.au. Designed specifically with members in mind, the new website is easier to use and navigate, ensuring that tasks like enrolling in training and registering for an event are quick and simple. We’ve also launched two exciting new features in our Member Portal: a Resource Centre and Member Directory.
The Member Directory is a publicly available and searchable directory of Weld Australia company members, providing free exposure on the Weld Australia website. The Resource Directory houses all of the resources Weld Australia makes available to members and the broader industry, including Technical and Guidance Notes and publications.
Training and Exams
Education continues to play an important role in Weld Australia’s operations. All of our new online training courses have proved extremely popular with industry, many selling out in record time. Just some of new courses include those associated with the International Welding Specialist (IWS) and International Welding Inspector – Basic (IWI-B) certifications. In addition to these, Weld Australia launched a new AS 2214 Certification of welding supervisors - Structural steel welding and AS 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors - Certificate 10.
Company Certification
Our work in the area of company certification is more important now, than ever. There has been significant growth in certification recently. 70 companies will be certified to AS/NZS ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials by close of the year, compared to just 13 companies three years ago. Rates of certification to EN 15085 Railway applications – Welding of railway vehicles and components and DIN 2303 Welding and allied processes - Quality requirements to be met by production and maintenance companies for military products are also on the rise.
As the peak body for welding in Australia, we play a key role in promoting and advocating for enhanced practices and greater opportunities for Australian welders. Weld Australia’s CEO Geoff Crittenden is implementing a comprehensive advocacy program, focused on issues such as welder training, onshoring, quality, and welder safety. Recently, Geoff has been advocating to the Federal Government regarding looming skills shortages, welder training and TAFE funding.
Advanced Welder Training Centres (AWTCs)
Our work around Advanced Welder Training Centres (AWTCs) is progressing. Two new AWTCs have been commissioned recently for Victorian Correctional Services and South Metro TAFE in Western Australia. Weld Australia is also working with the New South Wales Government on a pilot program in 16 schools across the state, who are now using welding simulators as part of their STEM training.