Well In You: The Growth Edition.

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The Playbook_Issue 3

From lawyer to self confessed ‘funtrepreneur’.



The edition dedicated to following your dreams.

Welcome The warmest of welcomes from all the Wellineux team to our third Well In You Playbook.

So much of what we believe and create at Wellineux lies in the immense power of mindfully taking charge of your life. Of being your own leader. Of getting clear on what you want and leading your life, your career and your wellness in that direction. As we travel this self-leadership journey, opportunities for growth pop up along the way and we want to help you to navigate them smoothly. Inside this Playbook you’ll find included inspiration for growth in all aspects of your life from your wellness and mindset to your career. Whatever growth opportunities come your way, make sure you lead yourself towards the ones that truly reflect who you are and what you truly want. We believe in you. Be well, be you,

Amanda and Michelle


Well In You | Issue 3

Give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into who you are meant to be. Stop playing small. You're meant for greater things. THE GROWTH EDITION

Well In You | Issue 3


In this issue


Sarah Holloway The journey from lawyer to self confessed health and wellness 'funtrepreneur'.


Raw Matcha Mint Cheesecake Recipe Clean and green!


Do What You Love In A Space That You Love The most inspiring co-working spaces in Australia.

The content in this article is expressly the opinions and thoughts of the author. This magazine does not make any health claims, and should not be used in treatment of any illness. Please do not publish, display or distribute the content included within this magazine without attributing it to Wellineux. On occasion we will include affiliate links for products and services that we wholeheartedly love, we earn a small commission from every sale as a result, this is one small way in which we are able to keep this publication available to you, free of charge.


Well In You | Issue 3


Moving Into The Unknown Is it time to break up with your 9-5? Or is there a better way?

The Arts & Crafts Project: That will change your life.



Natural Harry How two kids took their passion for nutrition to the streets.

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To be

5% happier I would... (What’s your 5% today?)

“Discover an amazing new healthy cafe to set myself up with my laptop for the day” - Lisa M, QLD.

“Make time to go to the market and make sure work doesn’t get in the way” - Audrey, MEL.

“Cancel that bloody gym membership, and move my toosh outside!” - Abigail, SYD.

“Give myself permission to say ‘no’ to going out on Friday night” - Meredith, MEL.

“I would get into my head and tell it to love my body, because it is a work of art, flaws and all” - Sally, NZ.

“Schedule a coffee with my best friend” - Carla, PERTH.

“Put aside my entire pay check so our family can go on that holiday” - Tom, TAS.

“Say yes to the job (and to everything)” - Mark, MEL. Well In You | Issue 3


Sarah Holloway MATCHA MAIDEN


have always been one of those super keen beans on a mission to continually “grow” themselves through seeking out new challenges, learning new things and actively avoiding the comfort zone. I never knew, however, until a little over a year ago when my partner and I started Matcha Maiden just how fast and how far our “growth” could actually go. Over the past 14 months, our lives have changed so dramatically both personally and professionally as a couple and as individuals. It has been a whirlwind of a journey getting our start-up off the ground full of struggles, successes and serendipity that has taught me so much about growth in business, relationships, and in myself. The overarching take away for me has been that life isn’t about finding yourself; it’s about creating yourself. Growth is unavoidable as time passes, but how you grow and what you grow into is entirely up to you.

From mergers and acquisitions lawyer to self professed ‘funtrepreneur’. To give you an idea of the overwhelming growth we have experienced, picture me this time last year in a big city office at the desk by 8am in my suit and heels ready for a day of drowning in piles of thrilling legal paperwork. I’d scoff down all three meals at the desk, skip exercise to power through whatever deal we were working on and then squeeze in a little 8

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bit of Matcha Maiden work in the wee hours of the morning as my “hobby” to relax. Only one year later, I unashamedly live in my gym gear (whether or not there has been a legitimate gym visit) skipping between brunch meetings, yoga studios or wellness events some of which I am privileged enough to speak at. My office is wherever I choose on the day and I don’t even know where my suits are anymore. Our wonderful Matcha Maiden now has warehouses in Melbourne and Los Angeles, over 1000 physical stockists (including Urban Outfitters across the USA), our first staff member, four interns, several new products and over 70,000 social media followers. I’ve gone from dreaming up a life to living my dream life in such a short time that I still pinch myself everyday. Looking back now, it all sounds pretty impressive but the speed of our growth from a backyard start-up to international health food business belies the hard yards it took to get there. Matcha Maiden was one of the first matcha powder companies on the market, which gave us a wonderful head start, but we still had to start from zero. To reassure you all, one short year ago we were buying our bags and scales from eBay, getting labels printed at Officeworks waiting in queues with uni students printing their exam notes, then physically packing and sealing each individual bag of matcha ourselves in a friend’s commercial kitchen (think a bright green coloured Breaking Bad situation - hilarious).

Looking back now, it all sounds pretty impressive but the speed of our growth from a back-yard start up to international health food business belies the hard yards...

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While those are some of my fondest memories, I am VERY relieved to now have some wonderful packers (we use a local sheltered workplace who are absolutely divine). At the start, we had absolutely no idea about freight, customs, labelling, retail, wholesale, invoicing, GST, nothing! Clearly, we have undergone some serious growth since those early days. To summarise all the lessons we’ve learned in one short article would be impossible (it’s been a very humbling experience to say the least), but I thought we’d share some of the highlights. Most people know I love a good motivational quote, so I’ve chosen a few that resonated the most with our “growth” story. I rattle these off over and over (so apologies if you’ve seen them before), but they never get old for me and always bring me back to the right frame of mind. They have been relevant as much to the business as they have been to each of us in our own personal lives along the way. Hopefully you can find a pearl of wisdom among them!


You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be. You have to actually set goals to be able to achieve them. Again, growth is inevitable as time passes but if you don’t know what you want to grow into, how can you end up getting there? Goal setting is very important for progress – I encourage you to write some down and reflect on them over the year to see how you’re tracking.





Comfort zones are great, but nothing ever grows there. As I mentioned, growth is inevitable but how far you grow outside of what is familiar is up to you. We jumped all the way out of the box having no experience in retail, food or e-commerce whatsoever and it’s been the steepest but most rewarding learning curve of our lives. Perhaps without jumping quite so far, you need to push yourself beyond your limits to know just how far you can actually go! The grass is greener where you water it. Speaking of where things grow, YOUR garden is the only place you should be concerned with. Don’t focus on everyone else’s business or journey (as hard as that is in today’s social media obsessed world), as they are simply not on the same pathway as you. Competitors are great for inspiration and insight, but not for endless defeatist comparison.



Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I love this one, not necessarily for anger but just for bad feelings in general. You won’t always have positive experiences with everyone in business (as much as I like to think we could), and sometimes things leave a bitter taste in your mouth. But holding a grudge or dwelling on something only operates to your own detriment. Business is business and sometimes you need to take the emotion out of it. Don’t let yourself get walked all over but also don’t waste energy.

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Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Fear of failure is a huge deterrent to action and is one of our most destructive human tendencies. If you gave it a go, you might actually surprise yourself. I always used to “self select out of things” by just assuming the answer would be no or that I wouldn’t be able to do it. But how would I ever have known if I didn’t just try? And what’s the worst that can happen? Failure isn’t dire; it’s a learning opportunity. Don’t miss it! Look after your body, it’s the only place you have to live. Finally, this one is all about looking after your health and not burning out. Goals and growth are great, but it’s possible to do too much at once. Being one of those over enthusiastic people who is always trying to ‘grow’ more, I tend to maintain a plate that’s not only full but overflowing. But when I finally crash, I realise how pointless it all was – if you don’t pace yourself.

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e l t s u h


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From the x Wellineu Kitchen

Raw Matcha Mint CHEESECAKE

For the crust: 1 cup coconut flakes 1 cup walnuts 1 cup pitted dates 1 tablespoon coconut oil Pinch sea salt For the filing: 2 1/2 cups raw cashews 1 cup fresh mint 1 cup full fat coconut milk 1/2 cup coconut water 1/2 cup rice malt syrup 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted 1 tablespoon matcha green tea powder

Method: Line a 20cm round baking tin with baking paper. You may also like to use a 12 hole muffin tray to create mini cheescakes too. Place all ingredients for the base in a high powered food processor, combine until a sticky dough forms. Press into the prepared baking tin and place in the freezer for 20 minutes to set. To make the filling, place all ingredients sans matcha tea powder into the food processor, combine until silky smooth. Divide the creamy coconut mixture in half. Spoon one half on top of the frozen base and return to the freezer to set for 20 minutes. Place the other half into the food processor with the matcha green tea powder, combine until the green pigment is evenly distributed. Spoon on top of the coconut layer and return to the freezer for one hour to set. Garnish with coconut, berries, mint leaves, raw cacao... you name it. YUM. More recipes from the Wellineux Kitchen here.


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HEALTHY FACT: Matcha can have the nutritional value of up to 10 cups of regular green tea and up to 137 x the antioxidants of regular green tea.

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Well In You | Issue 3

If you can' t stop thinking about it, don' t stop working for it. Artwork by My Hidden Forest Well In You | Issue 3


Everything you need to create your intentions board can be found within this kit.


Well In You | Issue 3

The Arts & Crafts Project THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

Words: Linsday Parrish, Finally Finding Me The concept of visualization has been around for centuries. Thanks to today’s world of newage thinking, meditation, yoga, and Rhonda Byrne’s film The Secret, mainstream society is just beginning to discover the real power behind visualization. Due to the law of attraction in this world, what we focus on is what we always get more of. When we think of something, on a quantum physics level, our brain emits an energy out into the world, and since like attracts like, those energies we put out eventually find their way back to us. So, how do we focus our busy “monkey minds” on bringing our passion and desires into our life? There is an easy solution to gain clarity and focus on what you really want. Enter from stage right, the arts & crafts project that will absolutely change your life! Yes, I’m talking about a visualization board. Usually

made of poster board or a cork board, this powerful collage is your chance to put your absolute dream life out into the Universe and watch it manifest before your eyes. Before you sit down to tackle this life-changing project, it is important to reflect on what you want in your life. What areas are you wanting to feel more fulfilled? What would you do with your life if money were no object? Do you want to feel more passionate about your current line of work? What changes do you want to see in your life? Close your eyes. Imagine that you are already there. In that immensely fulfilling career, doing what you love to do, inspiring others… What does the perfect life look like to you? What does it feel like? When you trust those feelings of fulfillment, you are trusting in the very wisdom that created you. As Dr. Wayne Dyer mentions in his film The Shift, this inner feeling of passion and fulfillment is there to tell us who we are, and who we are meant to be.

Begin collecting pictures and phrases that reflect that feeling of fulfillment, of purpose. It can be anything: magazine pictures, a business card with a great quote, a drawing, or even a coaster from that day spa that makes you feel more like you. Glue or pin these items on the backing of your choice to keep them all in place. Every single item on this board should make you incredibly happy when you look at it. They should make you feel something. Spend a few minutes each day looking at this collage. Imagine what it will feel like when these things come to fruition. How excited will you be? How happy will you be? How fulfilled will you be? Focus on those feelings as though it has already come true. Because right now, the world has already begun shifting to be in alignment with your thoughts. And, everything you’ve ever hoped or dreamed for is already on it’s way.

Well In You | Issue 3


Start up smart:




ou’ve felt the shift. You’ve been nudged by chaotic winds of change. Swept up by formidable waves of uncertainty. And pulled by the ocean-deep longing for greater connection. You know that what you truly need right now is grounded guidance to support and hold you during this spiritual storm. There is a powerful awakening occurring both within and outside of ourselves and the confusion and chaos that rains down on us during this wild tempest are simply symptoms of a far greater awakening.


Well In You | Issue 3

“Let us guide you on a path to reclaim your power, heal the chaos and confusion within and awaken your soul to realise the depths of your true being.” Created by professional psychic and channel, Helen Jacobs, The Little Sage brings students of the universe a channeled method for soul awakening and ascension through Intuitive Living.. From corporate PR to intuitive living, this is Helen Jacobs story...

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Well In You | Issue 3

The Little Sage H

elen Jacobs is the founder and creative director of The Little Sage, as well as an intuitive, psychic, channel and soul healer.

As part of her own Intuitive Living journey, Helen followed her "little sage" and adventured away from a successful career in PR, making the brave leap into creating The Little Sage, moving deeper and deeper into her truth and her soul blueprint. Today, Helen works with a Spiritual Support Team she calls “Chris”. This team includes a collaboration of spirit guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters whose messages she channels and offers to The Little Sage community. When Helen’s not journeying into higher dimensions, she lives in Brisbane, Australia with her husband, Gary, and their two little girls, Isla and Rose. You can read more about Helen’s story here. SO, WHERE TO START? Intuitive Living begins with the decision to live from your inner wisdom, or what we call your little sage. It's about identifying your authentic self, and in doing so becoming more aware of your own true calling, in life, in career and in love.

But you were never meant to journey alone. The Little Sage helps you cultivate your knowledge and understanding of the Intuitive Living method. You'll tap in to the guidance of psychic channel and founder, Helen Jacobs, allowing you a direct line to the universal wisdom and support needed during your time of spiritual transformation. Helen’s own personal Spiritual Support Team offer insights (which includes a collaboration of guides, angels, archangels and ascended masters), while introducing you to the lifestyle approach and teachings that underpin the Intuitive Living method. INTRIGUED? Join Helen and learn how to live intuitively. Her subscribers only community is privy to psychic insights, weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly forecasts, Q+As with Helen, video content, a forum and free bonuses each month, this portal provides those who are awakening, awake, ascending or simply those who realise there is ’something more’ with the tools to help you best navigate your intuitive living journey to reach and live your life purpose. www.littlesage.com Well In You | Issue 3




hink back to a time where you accomplished something that you saw as a real achievement. Perhaps it was 5 km run, a 30 day yoga challenge, or having a baby. There may have been set backs on the way yet you persevered when the going got tough and you stayed committed to getting to where you wanted to go. What you may not realise is that this type of dedication is a trait associated with being a leader and in having a particular type of mindset, a growth mindset. What is even better is that all of us are capable of cultivating a growth mindset long term. And we can use this mindset to lead in all areas of our life. Here are five ways to help you develop that growth mindset for good.


Know what mindset you’re currently in. The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. Knowing the difference can help you quickly shift out of one into the other so you can get back on track. You know those moments when you say, “I can’t do it”? You’re in a fixed state of mind. A growth state of mind would instead say, “This is challenging, how can I do it differently.” A growth mindset will see possibilities everywhere.


Surround yourself with people who already have a growth mindset. It’s been reported that you are the sum of the five people you spend most of your time with. If you want to develop your mind into a growth mindset, surround yourself with people


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on a similar journey or people who already have what you desire. And seek out a mentor to learn from and support you.


Know why you want to have a growth mindset. Do you want to become healthier; be a role model for your children; achieve a particular academic goal? And how will having what you want improve your life? These questions act as a compass and higher motivation for you to commit to your new mindset. Write out why and stick it in a place that you can see every day as a constant reminder. Our minds love to be reminded. That’s why ads work so well.


Be open to taking your time in developing your mindset. As with learning anything new, you may take a step forward and two steps back at times. Shifting your mindset can take time, so be OK with this part of growing. We all go through it and it is an essential part of expanding that mind of yours. A misstep is not failure; it is simply an indicator that you need to shift your tactics.


Support your body as you grow. Be gentle with yourself and support yourself as you grow. Eat good food. Move your body daily, even if for five minutes, as you will always feel better and find it easier to shift your mindset as your body is filled with those feel good endorphins. And give yourself time for reflection each day to see where you’ve grown.



I’m not good at this.

I'm not good at this yet.

It’s not working.

What other way is there to do this?

This is too hard.

I can keep practicing until it becomes easier.

I made a mistake.

Good lesson learnt!

I’m not smart enough.

I can keep learning what I need.

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Well In You | Issue 3

A Recipe for Success.



f you could ever imagine that a little retro wooden caravan would become the home of your plantbased organic and raw café, you’d have to be Harriet and Fraser of Natural Harry.

“Natural Harry was our Pipe dream,” Harriet said. “We wanted to build a 1950’s inspired wooden van serving vibrant, nourishing, organic smoothies and raw desserts.” And so they did in the middle of winter in 2013. With Fraser’s carpentry talent and passion for bespoke design, he handcrafted their van from scratch. By summer of the same year their little van was rolling into their seaside home of Barwon Heads in Victoria ready for service. “Our van sat on a leafy vacant block in the main street of town,” Harriet said. “Umbrellas hoisted, beanbags scattered and cruisy tunes set the tone for a relaxed, sunny summer’s pit-stop.” But what started as a beachside smoothie van has grown. Natural Harry shows you another way to think about food, and they have put all of their knowledge into a new recipe book. It is filled with 70 delicious plant-based recipes focusing on nutrition and quality ingredients and featuring the recipes for their most popular smoothies and raw desserts plus other delicious plant-based meals. And here we have one of those delicious recipes to share with you. Well In You | Issue 3



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“Nature holds the finest colour palette if you ask me. There is absolutely no need for articificial colours or flavours and this slice is a good example of that. It is as vibrant in flavour as it is in colour and is guaranteed to get the tick of approval� - Harriet, Natural Harry


Well In You | Issue 3

Lime & Blackberry LAYER CAKE

Serves 12. For the base: 1 1/2 cups raw almonds 10 medjool dates, pitted For the lime layer: 1 large avocado, peeled and stoned 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted 1/3 cup maple syrup 1 tablespoon frozen raspberries, crushed For the blackberry layer: 1 1/2 cups cashews, soaked overnight 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1/3 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted 1 pinch good quality mineral salt 2/3 cup blackberries, fresh or thawed from frozen

Method: Line a 15cm x 25cm slice tin with baking paper. Begin by blitzing almonds in a food processor for 5 seconds. Keeping the motor running, add the dates one at a time. Once well combined and slightly sticky, press the mixture into the bottom of the slice tin. Sprinkle with broken raspberries and gently press into the base mixture. Place into the freezer while you make the secondlayer. Combine all lime layer ingredients in your food processor and blend on high until a very smooth and creamy consistency is formed. You may need to pause processing to push mixture down the sides as you go. Pour on top of the base layer and gently spread evenly with a spatula then return to the freezer for 2 hours to set. Once set, drain and rinse cashews, add all blackberry layer ingredients to your food processor and process on high speed until smooth and creamy. Spread over the lime layer and sprinkle with dried berries. Return to the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours to set. Remove slice from the freezer 10-15 minutes before slicing.

For the toppings: 1/4 cup pistachios, crushed 1/4 cup edible dried flowers (optional)

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Well In You | Issue 3

Want more?

You can purchase your own copy of the recipe book from the Natural Harry online store. Or take a road trip to them direct in Barwon Heads (pictured), Harriet and Fraser would love to see you.

Well In You | Issue 3


Why the Big Kids Should Play Words: Kelly Carthy, Luxe Fitness Escapes


o you remember the feeling of freedom on a swing or the sense of adventure you once got exploring a new playground? Or perhaps the feeling of solace in reading a book in a quiet place and being transported into another world? What was it that you loved when you were a child? What gave you joy and left you feeling complete? There was a time when much of our world was one of discovery and unstructured play. We have become so caught up in our work and various


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responsibilities that many of us have lost the ability to do anything that is unplanned or provides no real purpose other than to relax and have fun. Dr Stuart Brown, a leading researcher in the area of play suggests that play is a moving target, it is not a thing. He suggests that the more situations that we experience where we feel it is not okay to fail, the less likely we are to play. The fear of losing control and doing something that does not have a clear end point seems nonsensical and an unnecessary use of our time.

In a time when so many of us are under immense pressure and often in a constant state of stress perhaps it’s time we took a moment to observe our children’s ways. Watch a child for as little as 5 minutes and you will notice the sheer joy that comes from being immersed in an unstructured activity. We rationalize that children have not learnt to play by the rules yet and need to grow up but are we the ones who are completely missing the point? Notice their fluidity as they change the rules to suit them, often completely


The art of play is about rediscovering the activities that fueled your joy when you were younger as well as finding new ones that you’ve always wanted to try.

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changing the structure and direction of the game when it no longer serves their sense of joy. And here is a key to happiness that we have all been missing. When a child plays they are generally focused on one simple question. What gives me the biggest sense of joy and fun in this moment? They are completely present. They are not trying to be happy, they are not thinking ahead and fretting for what comes next or looking back at how they performed. They are simply immersed in whatever they happen to be doing at the time. You only have to look at the expression on their face to appreciate how they’re feeling. “Play is purest expression of love.” – Dr Stuart Brown “Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain

development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them.” The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds - Kenneth R. Ginsburg So as adults what are the benefits and how do we rediscover the art of play? Some of the benefits above can have a positive impact on adults as well. Play relieves stress, boosts our creativity and can help us with problem solving. It improves brain function with some studies even suggesting that it may help in the prevention of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It can help us to better connect with others and re-ignite intimacy in our relationships. The art of play is about rediscovering the activities that fueled your joy when you were younger as well as finding new

Rock-climbing – indoor or outdoor Read a book out loud in character to your partner Leave your fit-bit behind and enjoy an untimed run along a new trail Colour in (and don’t worry about being inside the lines) Draw or Paint Make something – jewelry, craft, bake Fly a plane Ride a horse Lie on your back and make shapes with the clouds Write a story

ones that you’ve always wanted to try. The brilliance of being an adult is that if you used to dream of flying a plane when you were little you can actually go and learn to fly a real one now. The most important thing to remember is that you must throw away the need to control your activity or reach a specific outcome and focus on the feeling of doing and being immersed in the moment. After watching grown adults falling into fits of laughter after attempting headstands on Stand Up Paddle Boards or experiencing the exhilaration that comes from flying a plane for the first time or cantering a horse down a beach. I can tell you that there is no failure in play, only a return to your purest sense of self. Well In You | Issue 3


Go play... Talk to Kelly and her team at Luxe about crafting an unforgettable fitness holiday in Noosa. Whether you want a gentle relaxation or an intense challenge, your Luxe experience can be tailored to suit your needs and abilities. Embrace the era of the healthy solo traveller. Get in touch with Kelly at luxefitnessescapes.com.au 36

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Well In You | Issue 3


Moving into the Unknown



ou’ve decided you want to chase that dream, but the questions of ‘Is it even possible?’ and ‘Do I have to break up with my 9-5 completely?’ keeps playing on your mind.

To get something you've never had you have to do something you've never done. We can tell you that yes, it is possible, and no, you don’t need to break up with your job. You can make your dream job happen simultaneously, It may mean you have to move into doing something you’ve never done before and take on extra work, but this is your prompt to step outside of your comfort zone. 38

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And by making a transition while still in your current job, you can make the most of having the security of steady income, income that will help you finance your dream. It’ll let you test the waters with your idea and give you the time to learn what you need to, to make the leap for good... or not. You may realise that building your dream on the side is exactly what you needed to bring back that spark for your current job. Because the grass isn’t always greener! But you’ll never know if you never give it a go. HOW TO START? Be inspired by the stories of Clare Robinson and Narin Barnett.

Clare Robinson From Corporate Advertising Executive to Leadership and Wellness Coach. Clare spent 15 years climbing the Corporate Advertising ladder in the UK before becoming a Leadership and Wellness Coach. For her, making the move from her corporate role to her dream job took some self-realisation.

M A K IN G C LA R E' S 3 TI PS TO N A TR A N SI TI O 1. Reconnect back with yourself and figure out your why. 2. Put a great team around you in the area you’re after. 3. There is always going to be good and bad days, work towards your why and what you’re here to do. And have that somewhere to remind you.

“I knew I didn’t want to do what I was doing anymore for a long time,” she shared. “I sort of fell into my job in Corporate Advertising, and even though I was doing really well in my role, I didn’t feel a sense of internal fulfilment and it started to take a toll.”

It took Clare around 18 months to transition into her own consultancy, Clarety, where she ‘works with business leaders to find or renew their sense of purpose and instil a well-being based culture in their companies.’ Now she is thriving and helping others do the same: claretyinc.com.

“I took an internship at The Golden Door Health Retreat and that’s when things started to click. I was surrounded by people that were passionate about supporting people to find an essence and quality to their lives that would see them thrive. I was hooked and ready to find the way back for myself and then share this with others.”

Narin Barnett From Marketing to School Teaching to Custom Illustrations & Art

Now that she knew what she wanted to do, Clare began studying for her coaching qualifications in psychology, wellness, meditation and mindfulness while she took on a part-time role in corporate advertising to support her transition. She also worked with a coach and mentor to help her with the transition, something she highly recommends.

Narin Barnett discovered her dream job while on holiday in Noosa. But the really great thing about her story is that she was already in another dream job that she had transitioned into five years earlier. For Narin making her dreams happen is how she rolls. “I used to work at a toy company in marketing, and a big part of my job was working with Well In You | Issue 3


NA RI N 'S 3 TI PS TO M AK IN YO UR DR EA M HA PP EN G 1. Give yourself a 'realistic' deadline to launch your business. children, which I just loved as they always made me smile,” she said. “After about four years in this job, I decided to follow my passion and pursue teaching. I went back to uni and completed my Masters in Teaching. I have been teaching for five years now and am currently teaching a beautiful foundation class at Brighton Beach Primary School.” For Narin, school holidays as a teacher came as a real luxury coming from the corporate world and she wanted to make the most of this extra time. “I have always been creative and last year I started buying adult mindfulness colouring books as a way of relaxing. I soon became frustrated because I realised I could be creating these drawings myself so I started drawing again.” It was in the July last year on a family holiday to Noosa that My Hidden Forest was born. Narin was so inspired by the beautiful nature that she just started drawing again. “I give myself two days a week to focus on My Hidden Forest to work on orders,” she said. “During the holidays I am lucky that I have more time to develop new ideas.” Although not fully transitioned, Narin has found a mix that works for her while she looks to make it a full time gig at some stage in the future. Contact Narin for a custom illustration, or purchase her work on Etsy: My Hidden Forest.


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2. Find something you love to do and then it won’t really feel like work. 3. Find only a couple of days and/or nights where you want to work on your new business and stick to it.


Well In You | Issue 3


Do what you in a



that you love




Inspire 9

Work Club (coming soon)

If you have creative juices running through your veins this location may well be calling your name. A community of start ups, freelancers and those inspiringly innovative creative types, Inspire 9 is where they design, craft and ship the projects that move them. This community believes in pursuing passions together – because life and work is better that way.

“The line between work, home, retail and hospitality is becoming increasingly blurred”.

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Work Club believes there is no reason to separate work from life, because work done beautifully can create a wonderful life. Their environment offers a space for every mood, and with members ships carefully curated to foster the meeting of varied industries and professions, you’ll also find a touch of intentional disrupt.

Why not come work for a day in the Wellineux HQ co-working cafe? Ask us more. Well In You | Issue 3




Tank Stream Labs


Tech entrepreneurs and developers unite within this inner city space, and the number of successful collaborations that have resulted from working alongside likeminded others is immense. TSL has 29 start ups and 129 entrepreneurs spread across two floors, Pocketbook, taxi booking app GoCatch and AirTasker all in residence.

One of the larger tech coworking hubs within Australia, Fishburners is spread across two spaces in Sydney (one in the Ultimo design hub, and another in Darlinghurst). Their not for profit nature means they are able to keep membership prices low.

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River City Labs

Space Cubed

Located in the Fortitude Valley, the space hosts about 100 members, including Uber, and features sound proof meeting rooms – for when your ideas are still top secret! With coffee on tap and regular networking and mentoring opportunities, this is the go to for collaborative working in QLD.

A social enterprise, designed with the big goal of supporting 20,000 entrepreneurs by 2025, this space moves people from ideas into action. The entrepreneurs you’ll find within are tackling some of the big social, environmental and economic challenges of our time.

Well In You | Issue 3


Connect with us via social media. Your destination for all things health and wellbeing. You’ll find healthy tips, nourishing recipes, inspiring information and more!


instagram: @wellineux


You may also want to visit Wellineux in person or have a chat over the phone. Get in touch with Wellineux founder Amanda personally on 0400 927 031 or email amanda@wellineux.com.

Our address: 51 Brady Street, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205. We have a gorgeous paleo inspired cafe on site and we’d love for you to drop by for a coffee and to say hi!


Well In You | Issue 3

Well In You | Issue 3




Kelly Carthy

Sarah Holloway

Kelly is the founder of ‘Luxe Fitness Escapes’: health and fitness escapes located in Noosa that have been designed to help people regain their life balance.

Sarah started her working life as a mergers and acquisitions lawyer at a leading international law firm. Whilst she enjoyed several years of invaluable learning, development and travel, it became increasingly difficult for her to balance her demanding professional lifestyle with her focus on health and wellbeing and with her more creative side. To restore some of this balance, Sarah and her partner Nicholas started Matcha Maiden as a humble side project and unknowingly stumbled upon a sizeable gap in the market. Having discovered matcha on several of their many overseas adventures, they were surprised to find Australia a little late to the matcha party and were unable to find a product that achieved the right balance between affordability and quality. So this match(a) made in heaven decided to start their own matcha mission and it’s been matcha madness since then!

With close to 20 years as an experienced and results orientated Personal Trainer and health and wellbeing professional, Kelly boasts a diverse range of teaching experiences in Australia and abroad. From dance and teaching Pilates and Personal Training to Snow-board and Ski instruction. She has worked with a wide range of clientele from the elite athlete to the hopeful weekend warrior finding the common thread that ties all of her clients together is a desire to have more balance and meaningful experiences in their life. Kelly’s 360º approach is to consider all aspects of a clients’ fitness; physical, mental and emotional to empower them to achieve their full potential. Integrating the best aspects of Functional Personal Training, Pilates and Yoga with Nutrition and Lifestyle coaching. Kelly provides a unique holistic approach to lifestyle design that is truly personalised to the client. Time spent with Kelly Carthy will leave you feeling calm, rejuvenated and full of energy to make the most of your busy life: luxefitnessescapes.com


Well In You | Issue 3

Eight months on, Matcha Maiden’s Mix N Matcha is now in over 400 stores mostly in Australia but also in the US, the UK and Asia (adding new countries to the list every day). Find Matcha Maiden online at: matchamaiden.com

Lindsay Parrish

Diana Martinez

As a Life Stylist, Lindsay has taught clients around the world how find their true happiness and passion for life through gratitude, visualizations, and adventure.

Diana is a freelance writer and creative coach with a passion for wellness and sharing words to help others live more considered and creative lives. Her words have appeared on wellness websites and publications, such as inspiredCOACH magazine, Wellineux, and Beautiful You Australia, and she shares words weekly on fearless writing, inspired stories, and considered living on sheloveswords.com.

Though she graduated cum laude with a degree in Communications and a minor in Psychology, she credits the true depth of her education not from books, but rather her life experiences over the last several years. In 2013, Lindsay was shaken to her core after her father’s unexpected passing, and fought a long and difficult path to find happiness again. In 2015, she founded Finally Finding Me, first as an inspirational hobby on Facebook, but soon realized that there was huge demand in the field of inspiration and adventure when her fan base grew to over 10,000 followers in just a few short months. Beginning August 2016, limited enrollment will open for Lindsay’s new online course that focuses on teaching students how to find their true passion and happiness. For pre-enrollment information and to follow Lindsay’s adventure, sign up for her newsletter at FinallyFindingMe.com.

Well In You | Issue 3


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Well In You | Issue 3

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