Well.In.You | The MIND Edition feat. Turia Pitt.

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Yo u c a n r u o y t u p u o an yt h ing y u o y f i o mind t t i e v e i l e b t rul y

f l e s r u o y n i t s In v e


Well In You | Issue 5

Wellineux’s Entrepreneur Retreat The flagship wellness experience. Join our February 2017 intake. One beautiful day that will remind you of the power of wellbeing in business. If you’re serious about progressing your entrepreneurial journey, and taking your business to the next level, this one day inner city immersion will equip you with the tools to infuse wellbeing into your day to day, in a very time efficient way. Cue renewed energy, inspiration and clarity, as we will work with you to get clear on your ‘why’ in order to drive your business forward rapidly, and with renewed intention, in the new year. Secure your place and read about the full schedule for this one day, like no other, here.

Well In You | Issue 5


Amanda McMillan Co-founder & CEO Brent McMillan Co-founder & Creative Maxine Yeates Corporate Connections


Canan Canik LEGEND

Sarah John Editor of Well.In.You Marketing & PR

Michelle McCartan UK Co-Founder & Author

Aaron March Chief Finance

To contribute to our Magazine and for Marketing & PR opportunities, get in touch with Sarah John: sarahj@wellineux.com For Partnership Enquiries, Workplace Wellness or Retreat enquiries, contact Maxine: maxine@wellineux.com To reach out to Amanda directly: amanda@wellineux.com CONNECT WITH US 0400 927 031 51 Brady Street South Melbourne 3206 @wellineux | wellineux.com


Well In You | Issue 5

E D I TOR S LET TE R Welcome to Well.In.You: MIND. It’s an edition dedicated to uncovering the unwavering belief that anything is possible. If you set your mind to it. So often we build walls within our mind that hold us back. Self doubt, limiting beliefs and lack of confidence create very real barriers to bringing to life your best life. That life represented beautifully by magazine clippings patch-worked to your vision board. How do you get there, if your mind has begun concentrating on the 'can’t do's' instead of the ‘I can’s'? This edition will catapult you out of self doubt and second guesses, and into the confidence to achieving your dreams. Within you will find renewed perspective, inspiration and real life stories from members of our community, from whom we know you will relate. It was an absolute pleasure interviewing Turia Pitt for this magazine, as we write this Turia has just completed an Ironman at the World Championships in KONA and has been nominated as 2016 Australian Of The Year. From inspiration to inspiration. I’ll leave you with her words: “Never underestimate the power of self belief". Enjoy the magazine. Can't wait to hear what you think! Be well and Be You.

Well In You | Issue 5


Contr ibutors 6

LANA NOWAKOWSKI, FREELANCE WRITER Lana Nowakowski is a freelance writer and editor with a professional background in law and marketing. Lana mainly writes about interesting people, health, happiness and life’s little quirks and curveballs. She also writes about nutrition, science and technology for two Hong Kong-based children’s magazines. Lana is a freelance editor for a range of professionals, small businesses and online retailers.

ELLE LYNN, FOUNDER OF JUJU CREATIVE HUB Elle Lynn is the Creative Director of JuJu Creative Hub, a Branding, Marketing & Design services agency for female entrepreneurs. Elle guides her clients to discovering and uncovering their unique brand values and message and finding ways to authentically amplify this message to reach more people. It's Elle's personal belief that everyone has a unique set of gifts that should be explored to create real impact in the world.

Well In You | Issue 5

SARAH JENSEN, ONLINE BUSINESS COACH Sarah Jensen is a sought after online business coach, internationally published writer, host of the iTunes New and Noteworthy “Rock Your Goals” podcast, and creator of the award winning Rock Your Goals workshops. Sarah helps women build a business and life they love (that loves them right back) without going broke or burning out in the process. She believes in owning your awesome, writing your own rules, and chocolate. Connect with Sarah at sarahjensen.com.au.

Louise Pontin is an exercise physiologist who specialises in movement for mental health and wellbeing. Her training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Non-Violent Communication, coupled with her own lived experience of depression give her a deeper understanding of the psychology behind living and moving alongside mental distress. She also writes a blog and runs workshops related to movement and mental health at themindmovement.co




Tess Bartlett is a writer, speaker and inner transformation coach for women. Her writing has been published in an anthology of women's writing as well as in a number of magazines including a yearly feature in The Successful Coach Magazine and several editions of Happiness and Wellbeing Magazine. Tess offers practical and spiritual tools to guide clients and readers through life’s challenges.

SUSAN LLEWELYN, FOUNDER OF PIKKIE PRODUCTS Clare successfully launched bbe boutique in 2008 and became a mother. Along with the challenges of balancing motherhood with her business, came health challenges not only for Clare’s sister, diagnosed with terminal cancer, but also for Clare’s newborn son, resulting in endless doctors’ visits and hospital stays. By the end of that year, Clare made the exceedingly difficult decision to temporarily close the public doors on bbe boutique, and concentrate on her family. In 2013, feeling more in control of her son’s health needs and fresh with a desire to grow the business, Clare relaunched bbe boutique with a range of soy wax candles. This ready to purchase collection became the perfect introduction to couture candles.

? s u r o f e t i r w o t t Wan

Email: sarahj@wellineux.com

Susan is the founder of Pikkie Products. Susan began her creative life working in fashion, production management and design in the clothing industry. A family crisis led her to search for a deeper understanding of herself and the world around her. Returning to university, she studied sociology, literature and creative writing, travelled the world before moving into full time motherhood. Watching her children grow inspired her to connect with her local community and subsequently start her business Pikkie Products, a home, wellness and lifestyle brand some 12 years ago. Susan’s inspiration comes from her love of nature, colour and the connections with those around her. Susan is an advocate for choosing to live our best life, whatever form that takes, the choice is ours. Well In You | Issue 5


i n th i s i s sue TUR I A Pitt On the untapped power of the mind.

12 20


Get the m i nd


And your business will follow.

Fr ee your s elf From The Confines Of Your Mind Q: What do you hang on the walls of your mind? Just a thought to ponder as you let your mind wander...

Bur n i ng The Midnight Oil Introducing the concept of “The Third Space� in this practical guide to preventing burnout in our busy lives.


The content in this article is expressly the opinions and thoughts of the author. This magazine does not make any health claims, and should not be used in treatment of any illness. Please do not publish, display or distribute the content included within this magazine without attributing it to Wellineux. On occasion we will include affiliate links for products and services that we wholeheartedly love, we earn a small commission from every sale as a result, this is one small way in which we are able to keep this publication available to you, free of charge.


Well In You | Issue 5

26 Gr een

Le ar n i ng to

Walnut Smoothie


Mind food to get your motor running!

Sleep Again The learnings of an insomniac turned “sleepspert".

M i nd your Own Business


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Movement Matters It's not what you might think!


fr agr ance Evokes Memory How one woman found the perfect way to honour her late sister.

Well In You | Issue 5




THE COMPETITION: We have an amazing PRIZE PACK for this month’s #JOMLove Winner!! We are giving away one place on our 2017 Entrepreneurs Retreat! If you have a big idea brewing, and you’re looking for the tools to kickstart your idea into reality, or you’re an entrepreneur looking to infuse some wellness into your everyday, this competition entry is especially important for you!


HOW TO ENTER: Take a snap of your Journey Of Me in action and tag #wellineux #jomlove on Instagram. Make sure you follow and tag @wellineux too. Entries close 31 December 2016. If you don’t have a Journey Of Me 8 month wellness guide as yet, you can purchase yours here. Good luck!



Well In You | Issue 5


WINNER!! Congratulatutions Sammi @sammiisays for your beautiful post that won you an URBAN RETREAT. Sammi says: What a wonderful way to start the day @ wellineux A Wellness Centre that helps to inspire & empower individuals and workplaces. Allowing them to live a happy, healthy & contented life đ&#x;’› Your work is truly remarkable & I was honoured to connect with you today đ&#x;™Œ Has Wellineux inspired you? We love to feature you in our next magazine too. #journeyofme

Well In You | Issue 5


It's time to



n September of 2011, Turia Pitt, a beautiful 25 year old mining engineer and ex-model was working and loving life in the far north of Western Australia, when she entered an ultramarathon that would change her life forever. Trapped by a fierce grassfire in a gorge of the remote Kimberley, Turia and five other competitors had nowhere left to run. Turia escaped with severe burns to 65% of her body. Following an induced coma, numerous skin grafts from international donors (Turia had too little unburned skin of her own left for grafts), life threatening infections and operations, Turia’s story of survival, coupled with the sincere grace and gratitude in which she conducts her day-to-day, is a true testament to the power of the mind. Today, Turia is an athlete, humanitarian, motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur and recently announced as 2016 Australian of the Year finalist. After having completed an Ironman in prestigious KONA last month, Turia shows no sign of slowing down. We spoke with Turia Pitt about the untapped potential of the mind.


Well In You | Issue 5

We really can achieve ANYTHING we put our minds to. When you truly believe that, it’s incredible the direction your life can take.

MINDSET Turia Pitt, on the power of optimism and our inner words. "You know, I really try to start each day with gratitude. The coolest thing about practicing gratitude is that when you’re truly grateful – that’s the only experience you’ll have. You know, you can’t be grateful and angry at the same time, or grateful and bitter, or grateful and sad. Every morning (and in fact, all throughout the day!), I make a conscious choice: am I going to make today a bad day, or am I going to make it a great day? We may not be able to control what happens in our day but we definitely have control over how we respond. In fact, our reaction and our feelings are the only thing we do have control over."

THE UPSIDE OF THE DOWNSIDE On quality of life after the accident and how, for Turia, it is more enriched than ever before. I’ve always been a really driven person – I’ve always believed that our purpose here is to keep stretching ourselves. To keep growing and improving through the choices we make and the opportunities we take to step outside our comfort zone and be challenged. So, I think that I was always going to chase down pretty massive goals. But the fire taught me just how resilient I can be and how capable I am of selftransformation - I’ve had to completely re-invent my life but now I know that I am capable of that kind of re-invention. That makes me feel strong and resilient. I guess I’m more grateful now too. I wasn’t ungrateful before the fire, but I feel like I’m really grateful for the opportunity to live big, to

take on big challenges and to enjoy the process of change. I love that saying ‘Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives’. The last five years have taught me that our time on this earth is so fleeting – it really is up to us to make the most of it. Life is so much richer because of that lesson.

STRONGER TOGETHER The beautiful close relationships Turia has with partner Michael and her Mum are well documented, relationships that prompt Turia’s number 1 piece of advice for anyone facing a difficult time. A testament to the power of connection, and having a partner in crime in your corner. Support circles: this is something I talk about a lot in my online goal setting program School of Champions. Having the support of genuine, likeminded people is so key to overcoming adversity. After all, no one ever achieves anything alone. I’ve been so lucky to have the support of my amazing mum and partner Michael, but I was also supported by medical professionals and a fantastic psychologist who helped me overcome some of my biggest challenges. If someone lacks an existing support group, my advice would be to seek out the support of a professional. Everyone needs someone in their corner to act as a sounding board, offer practical advice and cheer you on. Having said that – the most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself. How do you talk to yourself? Do you look at yourself in the mirror and think, ‘man, I should lose some weight from my thighs’ or do you think, ‘damn, watch out world this sexy lady is coming Well In You | Issue 5


for ya!’. Do you pat yourself on the back each time you’ve achieved something, no matter how small? How do you feel about yourself? Are you proud to be the person that you are? Or do you constantly put yourself down with negative self-talk? I’m no saint, and I can’t claim to always get that internal dialogue right. One thing that’s helped has been talking to myself like I would talk to my best mate. So, let’s say you make a mistake at work, and you start telling yourself that you’re useless and you never get anything right. How would you say that to your best mate? You’d say, "you’re awesome. Yes, you made a mistake but people aren’t perfect, and people make mistakes. You’ve done so much for your company, so cut yourself some slack and move on".

ON BECOMING A CHAMPION And creating a whole school full of them! Turia’s thoughts on motivation. The good news: it can be learnt. Motivation. It’s a fickle beast, always there to pep you up at the start of your journey and then buggering off as soon as things get tough. That said, it’s this simple - when it comes to achieving a big goal, don’t rely on motivation! Motivation is definitely not innately within me! But to build it, I find that it’s really important to be clear on why you’re taking on your journey – really breaking down the reasons behind why you want to achieve your goal. Having a clear and compelling reason for achieving your goal is key, as is making sure the goal is right for you. People often tell me they want to lose weight or run a marathon but when I ask them how long they’ve been trying to achieve that goal, they’ll often tell me they’ve been trying for years without success.

Then there’s instant gratification – we all want things fast and we want stuff now, but true results don’t happen overnight. It took me two years to train for an Ironman, and three years before that to even get ready for an Ironman. So I ask, do they know how they’re gonna lose weight? What eating plan are they going to use? What mental strategies will they use when they’re tempted? How will they talk to themselves when they slip up? (No one’s perfect!). What exercise are they going to do? Will they need a gym? Do they have joggers? How much weight do they want to lose? Where do they want to lose it from? Are they willing for it to take time (up to 1 year even) and change their habits bit by bit? That’s a lot of questions I know – but the more specific we are about a goal, the more likely it is that we’re going to achieve it. I also think that often we sell ourselves short. We don’t take on goals that will really stretch us outside our comfort zones – goals that terrify us a little bit. Because when we take on goals that seem impossible, be that a 10km run or starting a new business, and we do the work, and stick through the grind to achieve them – that’s where the magic happens. That’s where we get more confidence, more resilience and self belief. We get all that in spades and we can use that to take on new goals.

THE FUTURE We spoke with Turia about the future, an what she would you do today, if she knew she could not fail.

So, let’s look at one of those goals: losing weight.

I'd love to continue doing what I’m doing now – mentoring thousands of people to achieve their biggest, scariest goals and grow their confidence and self-belief through my online programs. My whole aim is to inspire people to take action in their lives and if I can keep doing that, I’ll be immensely proud.

How badly do they wanna lose weight? Do they have a compelling heart-jerking reason for why they wanna lose weight? Having more energy to play with their kids is a good one. How have they tried to lose weight in the past? What diets have they tried, what exercise did they try, what

Turia’s next intake for School Of Champions happens in early 2017 and we’ll be bringing you more information direct to you shortly. In the meantime, read more about Turia on her website. Be sure to sign up to Turia’s newsletters – they’re a great read, full of inspiration of course, and laughs.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


worked and what didn’t?

Well In You | Issue 5




. S TA R T . SMART .








(And your business will follow)


assionate entrepreneur for entrepreneurs Elle Lynn, Creative Director of Juju Creative Hub, explains why according to the Huffington Post, 95% of start ups will fail in the first year. And it’s not what you might think. It's easy to assume that every new entrepreneur who decides to throw in the 9-to-5 to start building a business on their terms would be dreaming about the success that this new venture will bring. Chances are they have done their duediligence, created those all-important business plans and got their financials in order. So why is it that, according to The Huffington Post, 95% of startups will fail in the first year?


Well In You | Issue 5

Were they a little too eager to challenge the status quo? Was their no market for their idea? Did they blow their budget on a meaningless lowimpact marketing campaign? While all of these are very important factors to consider when building a new business or launching a new product, there's one key factor that isn't taught in a business textbook. Your Mindset. As renowned innovator, Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right�. So if all that's standing in the way of you creating that dream business is your mindset, what are the mindset shifts that you need to take to make it a reality?

Current Mindset: I don't have time for that... Mindset Shift: I have more than enough time to create joyfully. You've heard it before - you have exactly the same amount of hours in the day as Beyonce. But let's bring that a little closer to home (because sometimes you don't need to be compared to Queen-B).

my priority right now’. Whether that be to put the dishes away, respond to that email that's been floating in our inbox for over a week or to take on that new client project. The fact of the matter is that you DO have the time to do it, you just don't want to give that task priority right now.

You have exactly the same amount of hours in the day as anyone else who is also creating a business of their own, launching a new product or doing epic things online.

When we change this conversation through our internal dialogue, we move from a lack mindset and feeling like we are a slave to our Google Calendar to a mindset that allows us to have a choice and be in control of the way that we use our most valuable resource – OUR TIME.

When we are telling ourselves that we ‘don't have time for that’ we are really saying ‘that is not

Current Mindset: I don't have enough money to do that... Well In You | Issue 5


By changing your mindset from believing that you are not good enough to focusing on the value you bring to your clients, the purpose is no longer about you.

Mindset Shift: I allow money to flow freely to me to support my business' growth.

Mindset Shift: I have plenty of value to offer my clients.

If you've heard of the Law of Attraction then you'll know that 'like attracts like’. The same rule applies to money and as the saying goes 'You've got to spend money to make money’. However, it's not about blowing your hard-earned money on frivolous pursuits, it's about spending your money mindfully by investing in things that will benefit and grow your business.

Business mogul, Marie Forleo shares the message that 'The world needs that special gift that only YOU have'. But in an online marketplace, where you're constantly seeing everything that others are creating, it's very easy to fall into the trap of comparing everything that you're creating to what others are doing. We often let our fear of things not being perfect hold us back from launching that new product, writing that blog post or offering that new service. We procrastinate from putting our work out into the world by doing hundreds of 'plans' and hours of frivolous preparation.

Mindfully investing opens up your mindset to see every dollar you spend on your business as an opportunity to invite in more abundance. By investing in the right things, at the right time, you give yourself more freedom to work wholly in your zone of genius, which is the reason you started your business in the first place. When we move from a mindset that tells us we don't have enough money, to a mindset that shows us that investing our money wisely will bring more money into our business, we are asking ourselves 'how much is this hour worth to me?' For example, you could spend 100 hours tweaking your website, getting increasingly frustrated with every minute that goes by. Or you could invest in a web-designer that will have your site sorted in a fraction of that time, allowing you to get on with the business of doing your business (and thus allowing you to attract more abundance). Current Mindset: I'm not good enough to do that...


Well In You | Issue 5

When you keep focused on your own journey and the benefit you bring your clients and customers, what others are doing is barely a blimp on your radar. By changing your mindset from believing that you are not good enough to focusing on the value you bring to your clients, the purpose is no longer about you. You're here to make an impact on the world. So it's about time that you did just that, and stopped letting fear get in the way. It has been said that ‘running a business is the biggest personal development lesson that you’ll ever learn’ and I whole-heartedly believe it. Business plans, financial plans and marketing plans are all important but completely obsolete if you don’t look after yourself and your mindset. Is there a limiting self-belief holding you back? Instead of buying into the idea, try shifting the energy and see where it takes you. Because I truly believe that you have the ability to build your big, beautiful business!

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@wellineux wellineux.com

Free yourself

FROM THE CONFI NES OF YOUR M I ND What do you hang on the walls of your mind? - Zora Neale Hurston A ‘How To’ Guide & real life musings, penned by the #getunstuck NLP master practitioner, Tess Bartlett. Your mind is like a prison, you feel trapped with nowhere to run. You sit in silence, listening to the never ending barrage of words hurled at you; words that only serve to keep you small. ‘You’re such a failure’ ‘Why’d you even try?’ ‘You’re not good enough!’ Your inner critic exclaims. Sometimes, you’re not even aware it’s happening because you’re so used to its incessant ramblings. Its constant presence slowly closing in on you. You have no idea how to break free from its confines. I know, because this was my story. Up until I was 27 I flew through life as if in a dream. I paid little attention to how my behaviour affected others and my thoughts ruled my existence. I didn't know it at the time, but I was living in doing, rather than living in being. My thoughts swung from reliving past events, to worrying or fretting about the future, and because of this I felt depressed and anxious most of the time. Research has shown that ruminating over the past (excessively reliving past events) can lead to depression while ruminating or worrying about the future may lead to anxiety. While today I know this to be true, at the time I didn’t know how to change it and so spent the majority of my life locked in my mind and its continuous chatter. It wasn't until several years later when I was travelling alone in Thailand that I woke up. I’d started meditating and listening to spiritual talks 20

Well In You | Issue 5

every day and one particular day stands out from the rest. I was sitting on the beach, water lapping at my feet, when suddenly the sound of water breaking on the shore was crystal clear. The sun was shining high over the water’s edge, its heat prickling my skin. The smell of coffee tempted me with its aroma as it wafted over the sidewalk. The sea breeze gently massaged my skin. For the first time in my life, I was present. As I drew salt air into my nose I noticed my mind prattling away in the background. I was suddenly aware of the nonstop chatter that accompanied me everywhere I went. As I stopped to take in the sights and sounds around me, there was a complete distinction between my mind and what I have come to see as being the true self. Never before had I made this distinction. What was even more astounding was that every time I paused to take in the sights and sounds around me, the noise in my mind quietened. Our true self exists despite what is going on in our mind. Eckhart Tolle describes this true self as being the observer of our mind, the self that is aware: “Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that it is the pain-body. Accept that it is there. Don't think about it - don't let the feeling turn into thinking. Don't judge or analyse. Don't make an identity for yourself out of it. Stay present, and continue to be the observer of what is happening inside you. Become aware not only of the emotional pain but also of "the one who observes," the silent watcher. This is the power of the Now, the power of your own conscious presence. Then see what happens.”

While Tolle speaks of the observer, Tara Brach talks of Non-identification; of resting in natural awareness: “Non-identification means that your sense of who you are is not fused with or defined by any limited set of emotions, sensations or stories. When identification with the small self is loosened, we begin to intuit and live from the openness and love that express our natural awareness.” Our true self rests in presence. She shares moments in time with experiences only our senses can define. She is found in touch, sight and smells that exist in this moment. Our true self shows up when we allow her to be open and express herself. When we allow her to be creative, to be nurtured and loved. She exists in this moment, and this one. Each time we come back to the present moment we are strengthening the pathway back to our true self who lays resting and ready, awaiting our return. We only have to give ourselves permission to pause and listen to her needs, her wishes, and her desires. When we quieten the body the mind will follow, leading to a freedom within. 3 tips to free you from the confines of your mind Pause and breathe Firstly, in order to free yourself from the confines of your mind, find time in your life to slow down and pause. This doesn't need to be hours of your day. It may simply be a pause: a brief and gentle moment taken several times throughout your day. It may involve having something in your environment such as a timer, or a mental note taken when brushing your teeth, anything that reminds you to sit for a moment and breathe. Afformations Secondly, once you have paused and come back to the present moment you can then ask yourself a set of questions that will affirm how to do this.

Affirmations in the form of questions are called afformations. Here are a few to get you started: 'How can I slow down and pause right now?' 'What can I do in this moment?' 'How can I take a moment to nourish my soul right now?' ‘How can I love myself even more right now?’ Afformations such as this will act as a reminder of how you can choose, at any moment, to come back to your body and the present moment. Mindfulness Lastly, after you have set a reminder (be it an action, a visual cue or a signifier) and asked yourself the afformations you may then tune in to the sensations in your body and the sounds around you. This may take only a few seconds, or it might be a 20 minute meditation practice, either one is fine. Rather than being about quantity, the regular action of pausing and consciously coming back to the present moment will help free you from the confines of your mind, as you tune into your body and your mind. Well In You | Issue 5


MindfulLeadership BURN I NG THE M I DN IGHT OI L

burn out phrasal verb of burn adjective: burnt-out

1. cease to function as a result of excessive heat or friction. "the clutch had burned out"

Lana Nowakowski interviews peak performance researcher, business consultant and author Dr Adam Fraser about preventing burnout despite our chaotic work lives. A clear headspace can be excruciatingly difficult for the modern worker to find. Interruptions at work derail our trains of thought at least every couple of minutes, and we spend around a quarter of our workdays recovering from distractions. Work can seep, bleed and haemorrhage into our home lives. Many of us are hyper-connected, rabidly checking emails and messages from first thing in the morning until last thing at night. In many workplace cultures, work-life balance has become meaningless jargon, a foreign concept or a laughing stock.


Well In You | Issue 5


Start with adequate sleep and exercise, then introduce these things to maximise your recovery every day, week, month, quarter and year

Every day, do something that relaxes and calms you, like meditation or relaxation practice

Every week, do something that makes you feel alive, like socialising or a yoga class

Every month, have a day of no responsibility where you don’t have anything to do or anyone to look after

Every quarter, take a long weekend

Every year, take a holiday

Add in horrible bosses, family responsibilities, financial pressures, health worries or sleep debt, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel like our heads are about to explode. High-pressure lifestyles are the new normal, but we need to be aware that they can cause burnout, says peak performance researcher, business consultant and author Dr Adam Fraser (of dradamfraser. com). “Burnout happens when you’ve undergone too much pressure for too long,” he says. The people at highest risk of burnout are those: • whose work intrudes on their home lives • who try to be everything to everyone • with little control over their work • in monotonous jobs • who spend a lot of time caring for others, such as health workers, counsellors, teachers and mums.

Through his research in the corporate and sporting worlds, Dr Fraser has arrived at a formula for preventing burnout that absolutely anybody can implement, regardless of their work situation. That’s right; even if you can’t change anything about your work situation, you can do a lot of other things to protect yourself from burning out. Dr Fraser’s research started during a stint at the Australian Institute of Sport. “They were starting to explore how to prevent an athlete from burning out,” he says. “One of their challenges was that the Olympic team often burned out just before the Olympics.” The research found that the key to preventing burnout was short, regular and consistent bursts of recovery. “It was two steps forward, one step back,” Well In You | Issue 5



says Dr Fraser. He decided to expand the research into the corporate world, with great results. “We did studies showing that when people followed the formula, they prevented burnout.” It is an effective, evidence-based formula, but it is not a magic formula. Even Dr Fraser isn’t immune to burning out from time to time. “I hit a bit of burnout this year,” he says. “I had a full calendar and no opportunity to have a big break, so I inserted lots of small breaks into my day. Every night I made sure I was in bed by 9:30. I did lots of meditation. I did a lot of short, regular, consistent bursts of recovery.” Dr Fraser says it is worth assessing the internal, interpersonal and social media pressures we face, because carrying unrealistic expectations can make us more susceptible to burnout and make burnout worse. “I see the pressure people have on themselves today, to be perfect, to get it right, to be happy and feel great all the time, and it all adds to burnout.”

If you’re feeling burnt out, Dr Fraser’s number one strategy is taking a big break or a series of small breaks.

A visit to your GP is also a good idea to check for mental and physical conditions that could be causing or contributing to the way you’re feeling. For example, depression and burnout can be closely related, says Dr Fraser. “Burnout is different to depression, but it’s a tricky area. Burnout could lead to depression. Depression could lead to burnout. Or one could be confused for the other.”

Dr Fraser’s final suggestion for preventing burnout is recognising that our lives do not only consist of work and home. The third space is the gap between activities, which many of us begrudge as lost or useless time. Dr Fraser’s book The Third Space presents seven years of research and a strategy for minimising the personal costs of our work lives and vice versa. Dr Fraser says that refocusing when we are in the third space boosts our relationships, productivity and balance. “It’s about that ability to become present, to become calm, and really come back to the moment before you transition into the next thing,” he says. “The third space helps with anxiety and encourages focus and clarity. All of that helps avoid or manage burnout.” Dr Fraser’s TEDx talk, on three simple steps to not take a bad day home, is available here.


Well In You | Issue 5

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s a mother of three, it’s no revelation that I have experienced my fair share of broken sleep. As a parent, being sleep deprived comes with the territory. Babies cry to be fed and soothed and we respond, day and night as our sleep bank takes a hit. We catch sleep where and whenever we can, as if sleep is the lifeblood of our domestic economy. While the months and years passed by one by one my kids learned to sleep so well and deeply that gradually my sleep deficit reduced. Soon I was able to do more, start a business, help out at school, have coffees with friends, join a committee, get some exercise and live a little more. Just as I started to think of all the possibilities, what the second half of my life could bring, my world unravelled when I stopped sleeping through the night. While my almost grown up kids slept peacefully in their beds, I was awake and my mind was busy. When once I would nap on the couch after dinner, I found a second wind. Television became irresistible. Long form dramas like The Sopranos and Mad Men became the novels I couldn’t bring myself to read. I bought a smart phone and I became addicted to the light I held in the palm of my hand. I placed orders to China in the middle of the night and sent emails to customers at two o’clock in the morning. Sometimes I’d drift off then wake in a panic looking for my phone, only to find it dropped on the floor. It was months before I noticed that my sleep


Well In You | Issue 5

It was months before I noticed that my sleep routine had imploded. Soon I was wired and tired.

routine had imploded. Soon I was wired and tired. My GP suggested how to improve my sleep hygiene. I was to go to bed at the same time. Avoid technology and bright lights one hour before turning in. Exercise vigorously so that I was physically tired. Get up at the same time each morning. Sunlight before 10am was essential to reset my body clock. Melatonin (a hormone that can diminish with age) was prescribed one hour before bed to make me sleepy. Dr Google had a few tips too like taking magnesium for my restless legs, staying hydrated by day, sipping on camomile tea at night and getting up and out of bed when I couldn’t sleep. All this “doing” was overwhelming. In fact, the more I strived to sleep, the more my sleep deteriorated. Exercise made me tired but more

restless. Catching up with friends made me happy but over excited. Avoiding technology made me edgy. Driving anxious. The herbal teas and supplements kept me running to the bathroom. Most nights I averaged maybe three hours of sleep but some nights I couldn’t sleep at all. A girlfriend asked me “what do you do all night?" and I found that difficult to answer. Mostly I just felt too much. Guilt, boredom, hunger and frustration, not sleeping was torturous. It was ironic too that I was sewing handmade eye pillows and heat packs for spas, yoga studios and healthcare centres while in a chronic sleepdeprived trance. Soon I was avoiding answering the phone, orders took longer to complete and I was incapable of meeting my weekly market nights. I started losing school newsletters and

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missing parent/teacher interviews. My legs ached and my hips creaked. A chiropractor said I had the posture of an elderly woman. A myotherapist told me my hamstrings were as tight as professional footballers. Finally I almost drove smack into an electricity poll and I woke up. This not sleeping thing was actually a life threatening condition. I had to get my act together, but how? Not having any answers, I started a process of exploration that eventually got me back on the path to sleeping well again. I became a sleepspert in training. I said NO to anything that was at odds with improving my health. I listened to what my body was trying to tell me. I acted and made appointments with key health professionals, my bug guns: a psychiatrist, a sleep specialist, a gynaecologist and a meditation therapist. Slowly we ruled in and out all the underlying physical, emotional and spiritual problems that were interfering with my sleep. Over several months I learned how to change my relationship with sleep and I was back, sleeping 8 hours a night.



Put yourself first and delegate. Life teaches us to put others first but not at the expense of our own health. I got my partner and kids more involved around the house, cooking a meal one night a week, making their own lunches and cleaning the house.


Listen to your body. Look for clues, in favour of pushing through with your schedule. I cut back on my work and made more time for myself. I did what I could and gave up what I should. I became more present, with myself, and those I loved.

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Get a sleep assessment. Professor Matthew Naughton at the Epworth Sleep Centre identified that I had a metabolic

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disturbance. Low ferritin is one of the leading causes of aching, restless legs and Restless Legs Syndrome. Once my ferritin levels returned to a level that was right for me, my RLS and anxiety disappeared.


Ask your doctor for a full health check up. Vitamin deficiencies and hormone imbalances can develop quietly. I was definitely in the throws of peri-menopause with irregular and heavy periods for 10 years but had avoided doing anything about it. My gynaecologist suggested a Mirena IUD and soon my blood loss reduced and my energy returned.


Find your local guru. When my psychiatrist Dr Rowan McIntosh, first suggested this I thought he was crazy! I mean wouldn’t some drugs be more appropriate? Best practice in psychiatry today, however, involves a more holistic approach. Why? Study after study has shown that meditation can be just as beneficial as antidepressants. So l reluctantly enrolled in a twelve-week mediation course at the Stillness Mediation Therapy Centre in my local area. Here I learned from Pauline McKinnon that “when the body is still, the mind will follow.” Meditation is a learned technique that involves slowly retraining the brain. Once learned, however, the results are like magic.


Be kind to yourself. It takes time to learn new habits so take things gently and congratulate yourself at every step. Have a massage and a cuddle. Never underestimate the healing power of the human touch.


You’re not alone. Lack of sleep is a relatively new area of research but an increasingly important one in our modern world. Arianna Huffington believes we need a “Sleep Revolution” and I’m definitely with her on that one. Now time for a nap!

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Walnut Smoothie

Ever noticed the similarity between the shape of a walnut… and your brain? It’s no co-incidence, they are a perfect pair. Walnuts are the ultimate mind food. Promoted as mood enhancing, memory boosting and also calming, not least of all because they are absolutely brimming with Omega 3’s. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to help the brain function at peak performance, and research has linked a low omega 3 intake to depression and cognitive degeneration. Walnuts are also known to reduce cholesterol, and to raise melatonin levels by a massive three times. Sleeplessness and insomnia be gone. This recipe will help add a handful of walnuts to your day, to keep your spirits high, you feeling rested, and with all the moving parts in your heart working in a very good way.

2 cups coconut water or filtered water 1 whole frozen banana 1 heaped cup baby spinach 1 heaped cup kale, ribs removed 2/3 cup raw walnuts 2 scoops vanilla protein powder of choice 1 tablespoon chia seeds 6 large ice cubes


Well In You | Issue 5

Method: Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender and combine for 30 seconds or until smooth and creamy. Pour into 2 glasses to serve.


Looking for healthy catering for your event? The Wellineux Kitchen caters! Get a quote & talk ideas for your next event here.

Well In You | Issue 5


"Gorgeously decorated event spaces, deliciously nourishing food and gifts aplenty, all coupled with a welcoming vibe, Wellineux are renowned for creating wellness events like no other. With a desire to create a space where people can meet and grow, while providing easily actionable tips to implement into your life immediately, a Wellineux Wellness Workshop is an important addition to your unique wellness journey."


W I T H T H E A RT S ER I ES H OT ELS The weather is warming up so here's to getting out and about! Join Wellineux and the Art Series Hotel Group for a morning of yoga, mindfulness, nutrition workshops and talks from inspiring wellness leaders. This hands on, conversational event will touch on Wellineux's eight dimensions of wellbeing. It is your opportunity to feel truly connected to the likeminded women in your community. And it's all set within the stunning art infused Melbourne Art Series Hotels. Why not bring a girlfriend who is immersing herself health and wellbeing too? Or perhaps a friend who needs a little inspiration to get started. WHAT TO EXPECT: //Get your body moving with morning yoga. //Be inspired as you listen and chat with amazing wellness speakers. //Immerse yourself wholeheartedly with a hands on creative workshop. //You'll receive your own copy of our best selling 8 month wellness journal, the Journey of Me (RRP: $35 +GST) //Take home a gift box packed with wellness gifts that will further support you on your wellness journey //Plus tips and practical tools to implement into your life immediately Did we mention the amazing partner give aways on the day?! 2016/2017 events now on sale here!


eing in business can be a tonne of fun, but if you don’t look after yourself and set some loving boundaries, it can become a vortex of comparison and self-doubt. Award winning business coach Sarah Jensen, has 5 tips that will help you reclaim your creativity, rock your confidence and own your worth like the biz boss you really are. UNFRIEND, UNFOLLOW, UNSUBSCRIBE (!!) Being inspired by others is great, but what happens when inspiration turns to comparison? Suddenly you’re seeing what everyone else is doing and your brain starts shouting “you’re not good enough” or “you’re not doing enough” and you start scrambling to do more, be more, give more, create more. MORE!!! If you find you’re feeling the vibes of imitation (or intimidation) rather than inspiration, it’s time to review and refine how you spend your time online. For example, if you feel triggered every time you look at someone’s Instagram feed, or read their blog posts or see their latest product, service, offering or success story, ask yourself this question:


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“Do I really want what they’ve got?” If the answer is no, wish them well, unfollow if it’ll help reduce the feelings of frustration and move on. Or, if you’ve got a case of the green eyed monster because they’re rocking YOUR goal, then I have some great news for you my friend – if it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for you too! Try taking a step back and viewing what others are doing as a beacon of light, shining

bright and showing you what’s possible. You could even reach out to them and ask how they did it, or simply claim your goal and start taking action to bring it to life. FRIEND, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE On the flip side, social media can be a powerful motivational tool to bring positivity and purpose into your life. Spend a little time on your favourite social media platforms and find people,

businesses, brands, missions and movements to follow that inspire you, align with your values, remind you what you’re working towards and make you feel great about yourself. That way, next time you’re scrolling through your feed, you’ll be surrounded by images, quotes, tips and tools that will help you stay focused on your dreams. CREATE BEFORE YOU CONSUME This tip is a combination of incredible advice I received from the amazing Christina Butcher of Hair Romance and the beautiful Chloe Wigan of One Infinite Life, and it’ll change the way you approach your day. It goes a little something like this... If you find yourself checking notifications on your phone before your feet hit the floor in the morning. Stop it! Take time to do something nurturing for yourself before you start your day and then, when you sit down to work, create before you consume. That means working on your ‘most important tasks’ or your creative projects before you start scrolling. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of social media or gotten stuck in my inbox in the mornings. Next thing you know, it’s nearly noon and I still haven’t started on the work that really needs to be done.

Also, if you find it hard to stick to self-imposed boundaries, try uninstalling apps from your phone, stay off of social media until after your morning creative sesh is done, or use an app like self-control (available for Mac users) which allows you to block social media accounts while you get the important stuff done. When you create before you consume, not only will your authentic voice flow with ease, but you won’t be comparing yourself to what you’ve just seen during your scroll fest, so you can go forth and confidently create the content you were meant to share. GET OFFLINE & CULTIVATE SELF-CARE Time offline is vital, not just for your physical self, but for your emotional and mental wellbeing as well. Getting out from behind the computer and going for a walk in the sunshine, taking a yoga class, curling up with a good book (just for fun, and not for research!), having a bath or a massage, or doing some meditation will do wonders for your energy and your creativity. Not only that, but giving yourself time and permission to take a break from your to do list gives your brain time to relax and recharge, which creates space for creativity, clarity and calm. Try writing a list of all the things you love to do that help you feel nurtured, invigorated or energised and then use it like a delicious self-care menu you can choose from each day.

This becomes even more important when you’re deep in creation mode as reducing the ‘noise’ and removing the distraction of what ‘everyone else is doing’ will allow you to tap back into your authentic message and share it with ease. So make loving self-care and ‘switch off’ time part of your daily, healthy habits and enjoy the beautiful benefits. OWN YOUR WORTH It can be really easy to look around and feel like you don’t measure up, like it’s all been said and done before, so why would anyone want to hear from you. But here’s the real deal: there’s no one on this planet who is exactly like you. No one has your unique and magnificent mix of thoughts, feelings, knowledge, experience, personality and way of doing things, and that’s your gift. For the times it feels tough, or sticky, or like you just want to quit, remember that what you have to say matters and there are people out there who need to hear it from you. In your words. With your unique flavour. From your heart to theirs. So own your awesome, own your worth and get out there and shout your message loud and proud for the people who need it.

Well In You | Issue 5



for good mental health


or a long time now, we’ve been told that we are too fat as a country, and we need to exercise more. Exercise physiologist Louise Pontin has a problem with this. On two counts. One, that the focus is on our weight and not our actual health, and two, that exercise doesn’t work for everybody. There is so much more to health than what we weigh. Sure, there are other physical markers of health such as blood pressure and iron levels – but there is also how we feel. When I hear the statistics on how many Australians are mostly sedentary (21%, according to a 2012 national survey) I think less about how much weight we as a population might be putting on, and more about how our collective mental health might be suffering. Increased sedentary behavior is associated with increased risk of experiencing mental ill health. It’s not totally clear whether the sedentary behavior is the cause or the effect, but I would guess that it’s both. For so many years, Western society has considered the mind and the body to be two separate entities. The idea that what was going on in your body could affect your brain function seemed ridiculous, and even more so, to link a mind-related disorder such as mental illness to what the rest of your body was doing on a day to day basis was just not done. Let alone thinking that you could do things with your body that could actually be considered a treatment for your mind! These days however, we are finally starting to accept the idea that there is no separate brain and body – rather there is one body, that houses a brain. What you do with your body most definitely affects your brain, and thus, your mind. And depending on how you live, this


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can be either a good or a bad thing. Our human bodies are an incredibly complex system, with internal communication going on constantly. Signals are being sent from the brain to the body, but also from the body to the brain. Our brain is constantly monitoring incoming information about everything from what the temperature around us is to what level of chemical or hormone is running through our blood. Movement also sends feedback to the brain. Slowing down and doing mindful movement (like certain types of yoga or tai chi) can send a signal that we are safe, that it’s ok to relax. Speeding up and doing something of high intensity can send the signal that it’s a time to be alert and active. Every movement that we do, from jumping off a wall to lifting our pinky finger, has effects throughout our whole body. Each of the 37 trillion-odd cells in our body is affected by movement – studies have shown that our very DNA can change based on mechanical input – or the forces created by movement. This makes intuitive sense to me when we consider the lives that our ancestors used to live. We have grown long legs and an upright posture so we can walk and run efficiently. We have long arms and strong hands to be able to lift, carry, push, pull and climb. We have flexible muscles and mobile joints so we can bend, squat, twist, crawl and jump. We are built to move. We all accept that doing regular exercise is necessary for good physical health. If we expand our view of the physical body to also include the brain, then it follows that regular exercise is necessary for good mental health. I would go

one step further to say that what we really need is more movement. As I said earlier, exercise – a structured subset of movement, involving repetitive movements of major muscle groups – simply doesn’t work for everyone. Some people just don’t enjoy it. To limit our idea of healthgiving movement to exercise only, is to limit our potential to be more active. Increasing our movement levels may involve doing more exercise, if that’s what lights you up, but it may not be. It could be doing more active transport; it could be more slow, gentle stretching on the floor. Maybe it’s more playing outside with your kids, or going dancing with your friends on a Saturday night. Finding a way to move your body that works for you just may be one the best things you can do to maintain your mental health. Louise is an exercise physiologist who specializes in mental health. She is super passionate about spreading the word on how exercise improves mental health & wellbeing, and helping people to use movement to manage their mood. We’d love you to be able to reach her, and you can do so here.

Well In You | Issue 5


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Well In You | Issue 5

PAUS E AND BR E ATHE Work and life can be the place of many distractions. Daily, information and chatter from all directions clutters our minds and thoughts. The Pause & Breathe will support your practice of mindfulness, will settle your distracted thoughts and increase your focus. By taking a dedicated moment to pause and breathe you can let go of worries playing on your mind, and release any feelings of anxiety and doubt. You'll dramatically reduce any mental health strain - an important long term investment in your overall wellbeing. Cue increased mental clarity! And an immense new ability to think with curiosity and innovation. Importantly, you'll have the mental space to be kind. Keep your Pause & Breathe on your desk at work, notice your focus and productivity flourish. #investinyourself

Well In You | Issue 5





he smell of tulips that transports you back to your grandparents garden. The perfume on a passer-by that immediately triggers forgotten feelings of an old flame. The gently waft of a bakery that reminds you of your trip to Italy. Fragrance has the power to evoke memory. For Clare Elsworth, this became most powerful in 2013, a moment that spurred new creations that will burn brightly, in memory. My beautiful 37 year old sister Wendy had passed away from cancer, and to say I was riding a debilitating train of grief would be an understatement. I was also single parenting an at times medically volatile 3 year old who, due to his condition, was unable to be in any kind of group care. I had chosen to close the doors of my business just as it was gaining traction, to allow me to focus on my family priorities. The creative juices were no


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longer flowing and I was starting to become unable to keep up with my orders. Life was definitely not looking like the one I had mapped out and hoped for. I was scared, alone and grieving. My natural state of always finding the silver lining had its work cut out. Many times I did not recognise the woman staring back at me in the mirror. Her sad eyes rarely matched the smile she plastered on for the outside world to see, the lines on her face told of the stressful days that turned into long nights caring for her son and back into another long day. Crying in the shower became a luxury for when single parenting allowed. But as it happens if you are lucky in times of trial, you find out who is in your tribe and who cares if you are falling apart. In the weeks that followed Wendy's passing, friends from past and present reached out offering their condolences. On a coffee visit to a friend's house

just days after her passing, my shaky body unable to cope with caffeine at the time, my friend pulled out a recent gift she had received of Turkish Apple tea. My tears flowed instantly as that was Wendy's favourite tea and so it seemed fitting we sit and share a pot in the kind of warmth that comes from time spent with such a close friend. That same night, another friend brought dinner over. The gift of food must surely be one of the best things to take to a grieving friend. Along with the delicious meal, she had brought some dessert, something she said she hadn't bought before but that caught her eye at the counter of the Italian Providore across the road. Traditional Turkish Delight. Wendy's go-to treat of choice. Again the tears flowed. Without knowing it, my friend had just delivered another little cushioning warmth from above. As I smelled the sweet rosey deliciousness before me, I was filled with memories shared with my sister.

A few days later, a gift arrived in the post from an old school friend who also shares a close relationship with her sisters. From the thoughtful words in her card, she was feeling my pain. Inside was a red heart shaped jewellery box. Red was a colour that always reminded me of Wendy and again I felt the signs that can be highlighted from desperation and grief. My local cafe, which I am still fiercely loyal to, had come to taking extra special care of me. As I walked past in the bewildered state that had become my normal, the owner would sit me down and knowing my usual, would set it down before me, no questions, just a knowing look that told me I wasn't alone and she was there to take care of me. One particular day, when she refused my payment, she happened to be carrying a pot of chai latte to another customer. As the aroma filled the air, I was flooded with memories of cafe visits with Wendy. As a

non-coffee drinker, chai lattes became her standing order. I came to realise that while living with grief had become my normal, fragrance could evoke wonderful memories that would fill me with joy, and I needed to direct my energy more positively than the grief had been allowing me. And so my life of candle making began. While I had made candles in the past, it was never with a real focus or direction of what creating fragrances could do. The candle I created in my sister's memory would fill the air with Turkish Apple tea, Turkish delight and chai lattes, and I would pour it in red glass. Even 3 years on, whenever I burn it, different memories of times shared with her come flooding back to me. Sometimes the memories bring tears, and sometimes laughter, but I've learned not to fight the feelings and just let them flow.

That first candle led me to reopen the doors of my business, and begin creating signature fragrance candles for others. For my wedding clients this allows them to fill the air of the reception with a unique fragrance they will forever associate with their special day. Or for their guests to take home a gift that will transport them back to that same day. Most recently I have enjoyed creating a candle for a meditation group I was part of. Now that our guru has moved to Hong Kong, whenever I burn the candle at home, I am immediately filled with the peace that came with her meditations. Fragrance evokes memory and for me has not only been an essential part of my healing, but has also become a part of my every day, able to instantly change my mood, keep me focused or take a well-earned trip down memory lane. Well In You | Issue 5


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Inspiring wellness leaders // A beautiful breakfast // Your Copy of the Journey of Me (JOM) // A Packed Wellness Gift Box // Amazing Give Aways // Tool’s and Techniques...

Join Wellineux and Australia’s most remarkable guest speakers for a nourishing healthy breakfast & hands on workshop experience. Depart feeling inspired, empowered and energised

DISCOVERY (May) Amanda McMillan Founder, Wellineux

REST (June) Philip Watkins Naturopath, The Help Movement

MOVEMENT (July) Emma Palmer Founder, Moksha Yoga

NUTRITION (August) Damien Kristof The Wellness Couch

MIND (September) Alice Nichols Founder, The Whole Daily

CONNECTION (October) Jacqui Alexander Founder, Humming Puppy

Time: 7am Location: Melbourne BOOK NOW RESOURCES (November) Donna DeZwart CEO, Fitted For Work



GROWTH (February) Melanie Gleeson Endota Day Spa

www.wellineux.com or call Maxine on 0429 519299


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