Community Guide Spring 2011

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community guide


HIKE trail! the


Series 2011


the beautiful Elora Cataract Trailway ...

Centre Wellington’s Hidden


Sunday MAY 1st, 10 am start - Welcome Spring Sunday JUNE 12th, 9 pm start - Flight of the Fireflies Sunday JULY 10th, 9 pm start - Hot Summer Nights Sunday AUGUST 14th, 9 pm start - Full Moon Sunday SEPTEMBER 11th, 10 am start - Indian Summer Sunday OCTOBER 2nd, 10 am start - Fall Harvest Sunday NOVEMBER 6th, 10 am start - Saving Daylight Sunday DECEMBER 4th, 10 am start - Jingle Bells

Mark your


May to August - Hikes will begin at the Gerrie Road entrance, Elora September & October - Hikes will begin at the Belwood Conservation Area - Main Entrance November & December - Hikes will begin at the Gerrie Road entrance, Elora Evening hikes - please remember to bring your flash light! For more information call 519.843.2800.

Discover the Elora Cataract Trailway today, and be Active every day ... for your Health

COMMUNITY Community Contact List Centre Wellington Events Elora Centre for the Arts Fergus Grand Theatre

4 5 8-9 28-29

FITNESS Fitness Classes Weight Room


26 27


community guide



activities for YoUtH | aDULt | seNiors reGistratioN starts WeDNesDaY, MarcH 9tH

On the cover: Centre Wellington Pre-school’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt held at the Wellington County Museum. This year the event will be held on April 23rd, 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon.

Register Online AQUATICS: How to register Registration Form General Pool Information Pool Swim Schedule Pool Aquafit Schedule Admission Prices Lesson Descriptions (preschool) Red Cross Program Structure (kids) Swimming Lesson Schedule Specialty Programs Advanced Leadership ADULT 55 PLUS Victoria Park Seniors Centre Programs

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 43-54


Community Contact List HELP Ambulance (Admin.) 843-5909 Animal Control, Jo Alans 843-7734 Blue Cross 1-800-873-2583 Centre Wellington Hydro 843-2900 Centre Well. Township Office 846-9691 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 Distress Centre Well/Dufferin 1-888-821-3760 Fire - Administration 843-1950 Fire - Public Safety Officer 843-1950 Groves Hospital Volunteer Assoc. 843-2010 Groves Memorial Hospital 843-2010 Health Unit, Well/Duff/Guelph 846-2715 Highway Info (Winter) 1-8888-638-9899 Hydro Emergency in Fergus/Elora 827-8588 or 827-8589 Kid’s Help Line 1-800-668-6868 OPP - 24 hrs 1-800-310-1122 OPP - Admin 856-1506 Poison Information 1-800-268-9017 Rural Womens Support Programme 843-6834 Sewer Emergency 1-888-886-9281 St. John Ambulance, Les Morrison 846-8704 The Door Youth Centre 787-0925 GENERAL INFORMATION B.I.A Office, Elora 846-2563 B.I.A Office, Fergus 787-1384 Centre for Environmental Excellence 846-0841 C.W. Comm. Sportsplex - Fergus 843-2800 846-9841 Elora Information Centre Elora Community Centre 843-2800 Fergus Information Centre 226-383-3000 Post Office, Elora 846-5681 Post Office, Fergus 843-1730 Wellington Cty. Library, Elora Branch 846-0190 Wellington Cty. Library, Fergus Branch 843-1180 Wellington Cty. Library, Aboyne Branch 846-0918 ARTS & CULTURE C.W. Childrens Drama, Sara Dunbar 843-5007 C.W. Singers, Suzanne Bielmann 837-1994 C.W. Youth Band, Brent Rowan 823-8893 846-8906 Elora Arts Council, Riki Weiland 843-7703 Elora Cataract Trail, Raymond Soucy Elora Centre for the Arts 846-9698 Elora Community Theatre, B. Allen-Hill 846-9612 Elora Festival 846-0331 Elora Festival Singers 846-0331 Elora & Salem Horticulture, C. LaCroix 843-3131 Elora Writers Festival, Shirley Smith 846-0235 Fergus Brass Band, Dale Campbell 830-3349 Fall Fair Board, Ted Kent 843-3371 Fergus Grand Theatre 787-1981 Fergus Horticultural, Helen Lacroix 843-3131 Fergus Pipe Band, Cindy Lindsay 843-3656 Fergus Scottish Festival 787-0099 Fergus Truck Show 843-3412 Grand Celtic Pipe Band, C. MacDonald 787-0191 Grinder Productions, Eric Goudie 780-7593 Kindermusik 843-3517 Music for Young Children 843-3517 Neighbour Woods, Toni Ellis 846-0841

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Not so Grand Players, Judy Faires On the Spot Productions, Paul Faires Performance Studios Puppets Elora, Annerose Schmidt Village Idiot Productions Vision Theatre Productions Volunteer Centre of Guelph Wellington Wellington Cty. Museum & Archives

787-0346 787-0346 843-3517 846-8123 846-9336 787-2324 822-0912 846-0916

CLUBS & LODGES Beavers, Belwood, Mary Anne Beavers, Elora, Debbie Savage Beavers, Fergus, Grant Townsend Belwood Hall (for bookings) Belwood Lions Club, Parry Frank Bridge Club, Don McNiven Brownies, Sparks,Fergus, M. Skerritt Brownies, Sparks, Elora, Cathy Bruder Centre Wellington Rotary, Sarah Jacobs Centre Well. Women’s Events Comm Cubs, Elora, Debbie Savage Cubs, Scouts, Belwood, MaryAnne Elora Lions Club, Tom Waind Fergus & District Kinsmen, Chris Lloyd Fergus Lioness, Darlene Heffernan Fergus Lions Club, Norma Peterson First Fergus Scouting, Grant Townsend G.R.C.A., Belwood, Derek Strub G.R.C.A., Elora, Dan Morden Guides, Pathfinders, Elora, Cathy Bruder Guides, Pathfinders, Fergus, M. Skerritt IODE, Shelagh McRae Masonic Lodge, Elora, Chris Brown Masonic Lodge, Fergus, Mike Blazek Mercer Masonic Lodge, David Chance Optimist Club of C.W. Fergus, G. Bailey Optimist Club, Elora, Shirley Giesel Opti-Mrs., Rose Shaw Order of Eastern Star, Muriel Brown Probus Club of CW, Donna Allcock Rebelah Lodge, Elora, Ann Warren Rotary Club, Jeff Ostic Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 229 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 275 Senior Transit Senior Transit, Bus Rental The Door Youth Centre Victoria Park Seniors Centre Welcome Wagon, Patty Klein Women’s Institute, Doreen Ecclestone

843-6551 846-0656 843-3383 843-2800 787-2137 843-1361 846-0328 763-2199 843-1960 843-6834 846-0656 843-6551 846-2319 787-0522 837-6297 843-2163 843-3383 843-2979 846-9742 763-2199 846-0328 843-3174 787-0554 843-7685 843-4224 843-2554 846-9480 843-4192 787-0554 846-2280 843-2247 843-2540 846-9611 843-2345 787-1814 843-1711 787-0925 787-1814 843-7055 843-1998

SUPPORT SERVICES Big Brothers & Big Sister of Centre Well 787-0106 Block Parents, Elora - call OPP Block Parents, Fergus - call OPP Cancer Society, David Mitchell 843-8839 Centre Wellington Food Bank 787-1401 Community Resource Centre of N&Cwell 843-7000 Community Mental Health 843-6191 Continuing Education 836-7280 Family & Children Services 824-2410 Meals on Wheels 519-323-92 Spark of Brilliance, P. McCulloch 843-6191

DANCE INSTRUCTION Belly Dance with Voula Celtic Thunder, Irish Dancing Clickin Country Cloggers, S. Patterson Elora Grand Squares Fergus/Elora Academy of Dance DD Ballroom Dance Group, D. Dube Grand River Dance Academy MacDonald School of Scottish Arts M. Matthews Highland Dance Scottish Country Dancing Square Dancing, Valerie Kampf Tilt Your Kilt Highland Dance

830-6583 787-0096 823-5625 843-3260 846-6666 846-8806 843-5040 846-5854 843-5078 843-3565 843-3260 787-4602

SPORTS & LEISURE Badminton Club, Ross Langlands 843-3246 Ball Hockey, Cary Valedis 846-2983 Baton Club - Superstars, Krista DiStasi 994-0639 Basketball CW Celtics, Spencer Linwood 820-9971 Beach Volleyball, Tom Woods 787-1945 Belwood Sailing Club, Margaret Hull 821-9972 Break Away Sports, Julie Katerberg 846-9013 Cheerleading Bears, Cyndi or Kimberly 827-6811 Curling Club, Elora 846-0440 Curling Club, Fergus 843-2641 Cycling Club, Nick Bachinski 787-0441 Fergus Model Flyers, Don Martin 843-3153 Football, Chris Brown 787-0554 Friends of the Grand, Larry MacGratton 843-3102 Grand River Girls Hockey, Barry McKerracher 843-6218 Gymnastics Club, Ross Langlands 843-3246 In-door Soccer 843-3360 843-1246 In-Line Hockey, Doug Wagenaar Kayak Club, Wayne Donison 400-0858 Men’s Three Pitch, Elora, Ashley Woods 787-1888 Men’s Three Pitch, Fergus, P. Wallace 843-5047 Men’s Three Pitch, Fergus, D.Parkinson 846-5699 Mill Ridge Pony Club 787-0664 Minor HardBall, Elora& Fergus, Gerry Hill 846-8911 Minor Hockey , C.W., Mike Von Massow 846-8610 Minor Lacrosse, C.W., Stephanie Klages 843-5279 Minor Ball, Alma, Robert Held 848-5599 843-4672 Minor Softball, Fergus, Jeanne Dalton Minor Softball, Ponsonby, Pat Kurtz 836-8466 Ponsonby Rec. Club, Shirley Obergan 846-8113 Racquets Club 846-9910 Ringette, Terry Williams 846-1002 Rugby Club, Darren Landoni 787-8742 Skating Club, Fergus, Sherry Vincent 787-2922 Skating Club, Elora, Betty Havasi 846-2271 Snowmobile Club Inc, Leslie O’Reilly 836-4095 Soccer, F.E.D.S 843-3360 Special Olympics, Ron Heiple 843-5197 Sychronized Skating, Tracey Allsop 843-5470 787-7057 Swim Team, Beth Hickey Tennis Club, 787-7003 Three Pitch, Elora,Tracee Fletcher 787-1170 Women’s Industrial Ball, Laurie Brohman 824-2675

Date Event

Location Info

MARCH 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar - 1 May 6 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 14 - 18 Mar 14 - 18 Mar 14 - 18 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 23 - 27 Mar 25 & 26 Mar 25 - 27 Mar 26 Mar - 5 Jun 26 Mar 26 & 27 Mar 27 Mar 27 Mar 31 Mar

Free Public Swim to the 1st 40 kids, sponsored by Newdon Ind. Irish Dance Recital by Marilyn Abraham What every Babysitter should know course Egypt, Gift of the Nile Elora Co-op Preschool Spagetti Dinner & Silent Auction & Raffle Spring Leisure Show - Registration for summer groups Registration day for swimming lessons & programs Spring Leisure Show - Registration for summer groups March Break Madness Day Camp Program March Break Drop in activities 1-4pm daily March Break Camp Centre Wellington Blood Donor Clinic Fergus Horticultural Society - Robert Pavlis - “Gardening Myths” 7:30 pm Elora/Salem Horticultural Society - Robert Pavlis - “Gardening Tricks” 7:30 pm A Murder is announced by Simon Leibovitz (proceeds to Food Bank) Emergency Level First Aid Level A CPR course Standard Level First Aid Level C CPR and A.E.D. Costal Dignity Elora Skating Club Carnival Elora Fergus Ringette Western Regionals Fergus Skating Club Show Time Elora Public School Chili Fest Dufflebag Theatre presents “Something for Nothing”

C.W. Community Sportsplex Belwood Hall St. John Ambulance Wellington County Museum Elora Community Centre C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Community Centre C.W. Community Sportsplex Wellington County Museum Elora Centre for the Arts C.W. Community Sportsplex Victoria Park Seniors Centre Heritage River Retirement Residence Fergus Grand Theatre St. John Ambulance St. John Ambulance Wellington County Museum Elora Community Centre Sportsplex & Elora C.C. C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Community Centre Fergus Grand Theatre

519-843-2800 519-787-0096 519-846-8704 519-846-0916 519-846-9333 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-846-0916 519-846-9698 888-236-6283

APRIL 2 Apr 2 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 - 10 Apr 9 Apr 12 Apr 16 Apr 16 & 17 Apr 17 Apr 20 Apr 22 - 24 Apr 23 Apr 23 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 & 30 Apr 29 Apr - 1 May

Free Public Swim to the 1st 40 kids, sponsored by Newdon Ind. What every Babysitter should know course Centre Wellington Blood Donor Clinic Skills Canada Competition Tartan Day, 1-4pm Home Alone & People Savers Course Centre Wellington Blood Donor Clinic Inter-County Softball Assoc. Umpire Clinic Elora Antique Show & Sale C.W. Equine Tack Exchange Fergus Horticultural Society - Clara Bauman “Moving My Garden” 7:30 pm Guelph & District Kennel Club Dog Show Elora United Church Fish Fry Supper Elora Preschool & Museum Easter Egg Hunt, 8:30-12 noon Elora/Salem Horticultural Society - Gwynedd Brundrette - “Water Gardens” Chamber of Commerce Awards of Excellence Emergency Level First Aid Level A CPR course Standard Level First Aid Level C CPR and A.E.D.

C.W. Community Sportsplex St. John Ambulance Elora Community Centre C.W. Community Sportspelx Fergus Scottish Festival Elora Public Library C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Community Centre C.W. Community Sportsplex Victoria Park Seniors Centre C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Community Centre Wellington County Museum Heritage River Retirement Residence C.W. Community Sportsplex St. John Ambulance St. John Ambulance

519-843-2800 519-846-8704 888-236-6283 519-843-2800 519-787-0099 519-846-0190 888-236-6283 519-843-2800 800-667-0619 519-787-2750

MAY 1 May 1 May 1 May 4 - 6 May 5 - 7 May 6 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 & 8 May 8 May 11 May 12 May 14 May 14 May 17 May 24 May - 2 Jun 27 - 28 May 27 - 29 May 27 - 29 May 29 May

Hike the Trail Series 2011 - Welcome Spring 10am, Gerrie Rd entrance Hay Fever by Noel Coward, presented by Elora Community Theatre OMEGA Miniature Show & Sale Fergus Lions Club Home & Leisure Show Artcetera 2011 Fergus Lions Club annual Fish Fry Supper What every Babysitter should know course Grand River Ice Express Annual Fundraiser Free Public Swim to the 1st 40 kids, sponsored by Newdon Ind. Elora Festival Book Sale Women in Crisis Mothers Day 5k Run Spark of Brilliance Fashion Show Remax - Free Seminar “Building Wealth & Smart Investing” 1-3pm; 7-9pm Elora & Salem Horticultural Society Plant Sale 8am-12noon Best Blooming Plant Sale - Fergus Horticultural Society 8am-12noon C.W. Blood Donor Clinic District 26 Senior Games Emergency Level First Aid Level A CPR course Standard Level First Aid, Level C CPR, and A.E.D. United Church Conference Fergus Lions “Walk for Dog Guide”

Elora Cataract Trailway Fergus Grand Theatre C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Centre for the Arts C.W. Community Sportsplex St. John Ambulance C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Curling Club Fergus C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Salem School House Stonehouse - Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex St. John Ambulance St. John Ambulance C.W. Community Sportsplex Forfar Ball Diamond, Fergus

519-843-2800 519-787-1981 519-823-5837 519-843-2800 519-846-9698 519-787-1987 519-846-8704 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-846-0331

JUNE 1 Jun 3 - 5 June 3 - 5 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 6 - 19 June 10 - 12 June 12 June 12 June 17 - 18 June 17 - 18 June 17 - 19 June

C.W. Blood Donor Clinic Toronto Ultimate Club - Tournament Senior Lacrosse Tournament Fred Eaglesmith What every Babysitter should know course Free Public Swim to the 1st 40 kids, sponsored by Newdon Ind. Back Door Book Sale - bring your own bag & fill for $5 Historic Automobile Show & Sale Hike the Trail Series 2011 - Flight of the Fire Flies, 9pm Gerrie Rd Fergus Horticultural Society Garden Tour 12:30-4:30 Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life Emergency Level First Aid Level A CPR course Standard Level First Aid, Level C CPR, and A.E.D.

Elora Community Centre C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Fergus Grand Theatre St. John Ambulance C.W. Community Sportsplex Fergus Library C.W. Community Sportsplex Elora Cataract Trailway

888-236-6283 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-787-1981 519-846-8704 519-843-2800 519-843-1180 519-843-2800 519-843-2800

C.W. Community Sportsplex St. John Ambulance St. John Ambulance

519-824-4261 519-846-8704 519-846-8704


Centre Wellington Events

519-787-1981 519-846-8704 519-846-8704 519-846-0916 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-846-9977 519-787-1981

519-843-2800 519-846-0122 519-846-9333 519-843-5140 519-846-8704 519-846-8704

519-848-3392 519-787-0203 519-843-3131 888-236-6283 519-787-1814 519-846-8704 519-843-2800 519-843-2800 519-787-7405

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Business Meetings

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JULY 8 TO 31, 2011

July 8, Mozart Requiem July 9, Spitfire Band July 16, Sarah Slean July 22, Elora’s Own: Breit, Swick, McManus July 23, Matt Dusk July 24, Israel in Egypt July 30, Swingle Singers and so much more...

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Each class       will end with a short group  critique. Optional homework    exercises will be assigned.    Please bring in any previous   drawings for feedback from    Eileen or the class.                                                                                                                                                                      

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Page 9

Everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of your advertisement. However, mistakes can happen. Please proofread carefully and sign & send back by____________________. **Feb 11/11**

**Failure to respond by the date indicated delays the production of this publication** Get inspired Thank you for your cooperation. Get challenged Get real results  Ad okay with corrections  I require a new proof

Contact Karen at Ext. 24 if necessary.

 Ad okay as is

...get it at a great price Summer Camps, Workshops & Equine Assisted Learning


670 Gzowski, Fergus ON

519-843-3000 AdVErTISEr LISTING

T: 519-846-1251


Dixon Hardware Building Centre ........................................................... 519-843-1171 W:



Dixon Home Hardware Building Centre

Home Owners helping homeowners™

745 St. David Street North Fergus, Ontario N1M 2L1

T 519.843.1171 • F 519.843.3504 Toll Free 1.877.743.9667

Please send back changes or approval to: 613-394-6188 by the date above.

March 14 - 18, 2011 Fee: $106.00 per child -- $22.00 per child per day

Page 10

1 800 551-3651

Know you’re protected. For all that happens in life ~ speak with our Insurance Specialists to get the coverage you need. Competitive rates. Multi-policy discounts.

Fergus Elora St. John Ambulance 2010 Training Schedule A United Way Agency Course Location

St. John Ambulance Training Facility (pre-registration is required)

66 County Rd. 7, Elora

(Lower level of Village Motor Inn)

Call: (519) 846-8704

What every Babysitter should know Cost: $50.00


Home Auto Farm Commercial


Investment Retirement Life Planning


Dates: Mar 5; Apr 2; May 7; Jun 4; Sept 10; Oct 8; Nov 12 Emergency Level First Aid Level A CPR Cost: $80.00 Dates: Friday 7-9; Saturday 9-2 Mar 25, 26; Apr 29, 30; May 27, 28; Jun 17, 18; Aug 26, 27; Sept 23, 24; Oct 28, 29; Nov 18, 19

Elora 519 846-5031 | Fergus 519 843-2540 Guelph 519 824-3630 | Shelburne 519 925-3033

Standard Level First Aid and Level C CPR & A.E. D Cost: $144.00 Dates: Weekends Friday 7-9; Saturday & Sunday 9-5 Mar 25, 26, 27; Apr 29, 30 May 1; May 17, 28, 29; June 17, 18, 19; Aug 26, 27, 28; Sept 23, 24, 25; Oct 28, 29, 30; Nov. 18, 19 20

Looking for more Advance Training? CPR Health Care Professional Course Call for Dates Medical First Responder (MFR) Call for dates. 3 & 5 day courses Minimum prerequisite: St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid & Heart Saver

For more information on our services, or if you wish to volunteer, please call 519-846-8704.

Our Dates Don’t fit your Schedule? We will gladly arrange a custom, private course to your group or industry at a time and date that is convenient for you. Courses can be held at your location or ours. Minimum number of students required.

Page 11

Week 1: July 4 - 8 Week 2: July 11 - 15 Week 3: July 18 - 22

*Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Week 7:

Aug 2 - 5 Aug. 8 - 12 Aug. 15 - 19 Aug. 22 - 26

Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm 5 day camp $130.00 *4 day camp $104.00 This series of one-week camps is designed and placed around various themes each week for ages 5-10 years. Activities include plenty of outdoor fun, active games, arts & crafts & swimming! Our staff ratio is 1:8. All staff have First Aid, CPR and have attended leadership training. Camp offered at the C.W. Community Sportsplex. For more information call (519) 843-2800 or visit our website at www.

Leader-in-Training Program Interested in becoming a future day camp leader or possibly a life guard?

Apply today for an L.I.T. position. Day Camp Qualifications Must be at least 13 years of age as of June 1, 2011 Pool Qualifications Must be 14 years of age as of June 1, 2011 and have completed Bronze Medallion Applications are available at the C.W. Sportsplex, candidates will be required to attend an interview. This is a volunteer position and can be used towards your high school volunteer hours. If you have any questions, please call 519-843-2800.

Deadline to apply: May 27, 2011 Page 12



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Fergus & District ruoHorticultural T nedraG Society

Tour 21 ePlant nuJ ,Sale yadnuGarden S May 14 Sunday, June 12 0Saturday, 3 : 4 0 3:21 8:00am - 12noon 12:30 - 4:30pm More info. see:

Don’t stand in line - get Online! stand in-aquatics line get shsugrehp.etisOnline! /programs. gro.oiratnonedrag. n’t stand in get Online! You Don’t can register on line line for &f/p seniors

You can line for&aquatics & seniors programs. can register onregister line for on aquatics seniors programs.

look for these icons on the home page for home these page icons on the home page ese iconslook on the

NEW Registration Begins NEW Registration Begins NEW Registration Begins W Registration Begins WEDNESDAY AugustMarch 25th 9th WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY August 25th

ESDAY August 25th

Not registered before?

before? Contact the community Sportsplex now to get yourNot familyregistered set up registered on our registration program, 843-2800. This will speed up the process on the first day. Not before? ntact the community Sportsplex now toNot get your family set up on our registration 843-2800. will speed up the process on the first day. registered before? theThis internet. It will also enable youup to on register usingprogram, programable Contact the community Sportsplex now to get your family set our registration program, on 843-2800. This will speed up the process on the first day. munity Sportsplex now to get your familyItset on our registration program, 843-2800. This will on speed the process on the first day. willupalso enable you to register using programABLE theup internet. It will also enable you to register using programABLE on the internet. answer any questions or add comments When youIt have setusing up: programABLE on the internet. will alsoyour enableaccount you to register answer anyonquestions ortoadd comments en you have your account set up: 5. Click Check Out submit answer any questions or add payment commentsinformation. From the website, can then register forset any up: activity. It’s easy, simply; When you haveyouyour account answer any questions or add comments 5. Click on Check Out to submit payment information. ve your account set up: m the website, you can register any activity. It’s easy,It’ssimply; 6. “Continue” twicetotosubmit confirm your order 5. Hit Click on Check Out payment information. 1. the Search thethen current activities. From website, you can thenfor register for any activity. easy, simply; 5. Click on Check6.OutHit to submit payment information. ou canthe then register for any activity. It’s easy, simply; “Continue” twice to confirm your order 7. Click “Ok” on the security notice, complete Search current activities. 6. Hit “Continue” twice to confirm your orderyour credit card payment Clickthe oncurrent any activity name and hit “Add to my cart” 1. 2. Search activities. 6. Hit “Continue”7.twice to (MasterCard confirm order ent activities. Click onyour theonor security notice, complete youryour credit card payment Visa), and hit “Continue Click on activity name hit ID “Add toPassword my 7. “Ok” Click “Ok” the security notice, complete credit card payment 3. Login with yourand Login andhit 2. any Click on any activity name and “Addcart” to my cart” 7. Click “Ok” on the security notice, complete credit card payment tivity name and hit “Add to my cart” or Visa), andyour hit (note: you canorprint your receipt) That’s it, you’re registered! Login with your Login IDfamily and Password (MasterCard Visa), and“Continue hit “Continue Select the member(s) who will participate in the activity and (MasterCard 3. 4. Login with your Login ID and Password (MasterCard or Visa), and(note: hit “Continue r Loginthe Password (note: you can your your receipt) That’s it, you’re registered! youprint can print receipt) That’s it, you’re registered! Select family member(s) who will who participate in the activity and and 4.ID and Select the family member(s) will participate in the activity (note: you can print your receipt) That’s it, you’re registered! y member(s) who will participate in the activity and

Page 13


How to Register - Registration begins Wed. Mar. 9th


See pages 14-24 for Aquatic programs

• In Person • 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus Office Hours

Mon to Thurs. 8:30am - 9:00pm Fri. 8:30am - 8:00pm Sat & Sun 11:30am - 4:00pm

• On Line • ProgramABLE All you need is your family PIN Number, and Visa or Master Card number.

• By Mail • • By Fax •

Township of Centre (519) 843-2565 Wellington Parks & Recreation Dept. P.O Box 58 Elora, Ont. N0B 1S0

Visa or Master Card Payments only

Adult/Senior Programs

See pages 43-54 for complete listing of programs for Adults/Seniors

• In Person • 150 Albert St. W. Fergus Office Hours

Mon to Fri. 9:00am - 4:00pm

• On Line • ProgramABLE

• By Mail • • By Fax • Victoria Park Seniors Centre

All you need is your family PIN Number, and Visa or Master Card number. 150 Albert St. W., For first time users, please contact Victoria Park Sr. Centre to obtain your pin number.

Fergus On N1M 1X2

(519) 787-2091

Visa or Master Card Payments only

Not registered before? Contact the community Sportsplex now to get your family set up on our registration program, 843-2800. This will speed up the process on the first day. It will also enable you to register using programable on the internet. No phone registration on the first day of registration please.

Registration Policies Completing your registration Form: Please complete the form in its entirety. If your program identifies other days or times that may be alternatives for you, enter them as your second choices. This will avoid delays in processing if your first choice is full. All registrations will be processed on a first come first serve basis. Registration that are dropped off in person, emailed or faxed before registration starts will be processed at the end of the first day of registration.

Refunds: 1. A full refund will be issued for all courses cancelled by the Township.

Payment fees: We accept cheques, money orders, cash, debit, Visa or Master Card. We have calculated the HST (13% effective July 1st) and included it in our fees where applicable. There is a $45.00 fee for NSF cheques. Please note: Registrations and bookings will not be accepted on those accounts that have an outstanding balance. No post dated cheques are accepted.

4. Pro-rated refunds will be issued for medical reasons only with a doctors certificate. (A minimum $15.00 or 15% administration fee will apply.)

Program Cancellations: Register early to avoid disappointment. Delayed registration may result in program cancellation. If your class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, you may transfer to another program, subject to availability, or receive a full refund.

Page 14

2. Request for refunds must be received 5 business days prior to program start date. A minimum $15.00 or 15% administrative fee is deducted from the refund. 3. No refunds will be issued if requests are made less then 5 business days prior to the course start date.

5. Transfers will be accepted prior to the third class. No transfers will take place beyond the 3rd class of a session. 6. No refunds will be issued for senior’s bus trips. Disclaimer: Precautions have been taken to ensure correct information, however, if an error occurs with pricing in this book, our registration system will be taken as the correct fee.


Township Centre Wellington Township ofofCentre Wellington Registration Form

Registration Form

PART A: Family Information - please print clearly Adult Last Name:

Adult First Name:




Postal Code

Home Phone #


Cell Phone #

Bus. Phone #

Participant Medical Conditions

Emergency Contact Name

Home Phone #

Cell Phone #


PART B: PARTICIPANT Information - Can be used for more than 1 family member/If program is full applicant will be waitlisted First Name Birth Date mm/dd/yr Sex M/F 1. PARTICIPANT Last Name Program Name (Choice1)

Start Date



Program Name

Start Date




First Name

Program Name

Start Date



Program Name

Start Date




First Name

Program Name

Start Date



Program Name

Start Date



PART D: Waiver

Birth Date mm/dd/yr

Birth Date mm/dd/yr

Sex M/F

Sex M/F

PART E: Method of Payment

Disclaimer: Cash





I, _________________________________________________

Cheques payable to:Township of Centre Wellington

hereby release the Centre Wellington Parks & Recreation Department from all damages arising from any accidents or injury which is caused by or arises from participation of the applicant hereon or during any

Card #

program or in any facility where a program is being held.

Expiry Date

Total: $

Card Holders Name (please print) Parent/Guardian's Signature:



Cancellation Policy: A minimum of $20.00 or 15% administration fee will apply to all cancellations. No cancellations are accepted within 5 business days of course start date.

Page 15


General Pool Information: Did you know....? Diapers • As a courtesy to all we request and require that all children who are not toilet trained wear specially designed swimming diapers. The Aquatic Centre has both disposable and reusable swim diapers available at our administration desk. The Sportsplex stocks swim diapers in infant, child, youth, and adult sizes. Feeding your children before swimming: Please refrain from feeding your child a large meal prior to swimming. Free Public Swimming • NEWDON INDUSTRIES LTD PUBLIC SWIM will provide free admission to the first 40 children and youth entering the 2:00 pm to 3:55 pm public swim on the first Saturday of each month Private Rentals • A private pool rental is a great way to celebrate a birthday, or host a special event. Rental times are available Saturday and Sundays between 4:00pm-5:00pm. Call the Supervisor of Aquatic Services (519-843-2800) for more information. Spectators • Spectators are welcome to watch from the spectator gallery. Viewing lessons from the pool deck is not permitted. Strollers • Due to their size, and the possibility of

restricting change room exits, unattended strollers are to be left in the area by the pool office. We apologize for the inconvenience, however we need to ensure all exits are maintained free of obstructions in case an evacuation is required. Gift Ideas • Looking for gift ideas? Why not purchase swim tickets or passes for Aquatic programs? Inquire by phone (519) 843-2800.

Swimming Lesson information:

Cancelled Classes • Classes with low enrolment will be cancelled approximately 1 week before programs start. Register early to avoid disappointment. Deck Supervisor • During swimming lessons there is a deck supervisor that oversees all the lessons. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress they are available to answer your questions. • Family Lessons We offer an alternative format of swimming lessons on Monday and Friday evenings called “Family Lessons”. You can coordinate all your children’s lessons’ to take place at the same time. PLEASE NOTE: In order to coordinate this, instructors will teach multi level classes. Lessons will be 45 minutes in length to provide additional practice time for swimmers.

Missed Classes • If you miss a scheduled lesson we are unable to make them up. Not sure what level to register in? Please call the Sportsplex (519) 843-2800 to arrange a time for a FREE SKILLS ASSESSMENT by one of our Aquatic Staff. Private Lessons • Private lessons run in the same 9 lesson format as all other lessons. If this doesn’t fit your schedule, we do offer “one time” private lessons. When registering online for Semi private lessons you can register 1 child online which will reserve the lesson for you. You need to contact the Sportsplex to register the 2nd child. For more information call the Supervisor of Aquatic Services, (519) 843-2800. Swim Lesson Progressions • Did you know your child may repeat a level 3 or 4 times before completing all of the requirements successfully? When registering your children please ensure you register them in the correct level. Swimming skills build from one level to the next. If your child hasn’t completed a level, they will not have the skills they need for the next level. Transfers • You can switch classes prior to the start of the third lesson if there is space available.

New for the Spring: We’ve made some changes for the Spring session. Please look through the aquatic section for more details.

Swimming lessons:


The Aquatic Centre is offering twice a week lessons (Tuesday & Thursday nights) from March 22nd – April 14th. All Red Cross levels are running between 4:00-6:00pm. A variety of “one time” classes for children and adults will be offered between the Winter and Spring sessions. Stroke correction, Swim to survive, and adult lifesaving classes will be held on Mondays & Wednesday evenings. Pre-Registration is required.

Swim Changes:

We have a new Annual Family Swim pass. This is valid for all drop in swims (lane, public, family, adult leisure, special needs, parent & tot). The cost is $520 / year and can be paid on a monthly basis. During Friday evening public swims the slide will be open from 6:30-7:30. Noon hour lane swims will run from 11:45-12:55.

Other Programs:

This spring we are offering Canoe Clinics on Sunday Mornings. Pre registration is required for these clinics.

Page 16

Pool Swim Schedule - Spring 2011 aquatics These swim times will be in effect from Saturday April 2nd until Thursday June 30th. Our admission policy is in effect for all swims. Please make note of these additional schedule changes:

Pool Swim Schedule - Spring 2011

These swim times will be in effect from Saturday April 2nd until Thursday June 30th. Our admission policy is in effect for Friday April 22nd,make Monday 25th - Aquaticschedule Centre ischanges: Closed for Good Friday & Easter Monday all swims. Please note April of these additional

Holiday Hours: Monday May 23 (Victoria Day), Centre the Aquatic Centre will have "Holiday Hours". (Lane Swim, Parent Friday April 22nd, Monday April 25th - Aquatic is Closed for Good Friday & Easter Monday & Tot/Special Needs Swims from 11:45-1:00pm; Family Swim 1:05-3:55pm; Public Swim 2:00-3:55pm) School Board Days: Friday 8th, and Friday 3rd Centre the afternoon Adult Leisure,Hours". Parent and Tot Swim, Swim (2:00Holiday Hours:PA Monday May 23April (Victoria Day), theJune Aquatic will have "Holiday (Lane Parent & Tot/Special Needs Swims from 11:45-1:00pm; 1:05-3:55pm; Public Swim 2:00-3:55pm) 3:30) will be combined with a Public Swim. The slideFamily will beSwim closed. School Days: On Friday 8th, and Friday 3rdthe thefirst afternoon Adultand Leisure, Tot Swim NewdonBoard PublicPA Swims: the April first Saturday of eachJune month 40 children youthParent will beand admitted free (2:00of 3:30) will be combined with a Public Swim. The slide will be closed.

charge to the 2:00-3:55pm public swim, courtesy of Newdon Industries ltd. (April 2, May 7, June 4)

Newdon Public Swims: On the first Saturday of each month the first 40 children and youth will be admitted free of charge the 2:00-3:55pm public swim, courtesy Wednesday of Newdon Industries ltd. (April 2,Friday May 7, June Saturday 4) SwimtoType Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Swim Type

Whirl Pool Whirl Pool

Lane Swim Lane Swim

6:30-8:30am Monday 9:45-10:00am 6:30-8:30am 10:45-11:00am 9:45-10:00am 11:45-12:55pm 10:45-11:00am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm 8:45-9:30pm 2:00-3:30pm 6:30-8:30am 8:45-9:30pm 9:00-11:45am 6:30-8:30am 11:45-12:55pm 9:00-11:45am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm

Tuesday 9:30-10:00am 10:45-11:00am 9:30-10:00am 11:45-12:55pm 10:45-11:00am 11:45-12:55pm

8:45-9:30pm 8:45-9:30pm

8:45-11:45am 11:45-12:55pm 8:45-11:45am 11:45-12:55pm

8:00-8:45pm 2:00-3:30pm 8:45-9:30pm 8:00-8:45pm

8:00-8:45pm 8:45-9:30pm 8:00-8:45pm


Wednesday 9:45-10:00am 6:30-8:30am 10:45-11:00am 9:45-10:00am 11:45-12:55pm 10:45-11:00am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm 8:45-9:30pm 2:00-3:30pm 6:30-8:30am 8:45-9:30pm 9:00-11:45am 6:30-8:30am 11:45-12:55pm 9:00-11:45am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm

8:00-8:45pm 2:00-3:30pm 8:45-9:30pm 8:00-8:45pm

Thursday 9:30-10:00am 10:45-11:00am 9:30-10:00am 11:45-12:55pm 10:45-11:00am 11:45-12:55pm

8:45-9:30pm 8:45-9:30pm

8:45-11:45am 11:45-12:55pm 8:45-11:45am 11:45-12:55pm

8:00-8:45pm 8:45-9:30pm 8:00-8:45pm

6:30-8:30am Friday 9:45-10:00am 6:30-8:30am 10:45-11:00am 9:45-10:00am 11:45-12:55pm 10:45-11:00am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm 6:30-7:55pm 2:00-3:30pm 6:30-8:30am 6:30-7:55pm 9:00-11:45am 6:30-8:30am 11:45-12:55pm 9:00-11:45am 2:00-3:30pm 11:45-12:55pm 6:30-7:55pm 2:00-3:30pm



11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm

11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm

11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm 11:45-1:00pm

11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm 11:45-1:00pm



11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm

11:45-1:00pm 1:05-3:55pm


8:45-9:30pm 8:45-9:30pm For Lane Swims in BOLD, 8:45-9:30pm the pool is shared with other programs.8:45-9:30pm At least 1 lane will be available for swimming lengths. For Lane Swims in BOLD, the pool is shared with other programs. At least 1 lane will be available for swimming lengths.

Public Swim


Public Swim

Parent and Tot Parent and Tot

Adult Leisure Adult Leisure Swim Swim

2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm

10:00-12:00pm 10:00-12:00pm


11:00-12:55pm 11:00-12:55pm 2:00-3:30pm; 2:00-3:30pm;


11:00-12:55pm 11:00-12:55pm 6:00-7:55pm 6:00-7:55pm



2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm








11:45-1:00pm 11:45-1:00pm

11:45-1:00pm 11:45-1:00pm




Family Swim


2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm

10:00-12:00pm 10:00-12:00pm

11:00-12:55pm 11:00-12:55pm 2:00-3:30pm; 2:00-3:30pm;



Family Swim Special Special Needs Needs Swim Swim


11:00-12:55pm 11:00-12:55pm 6:00-7:55pm 6:00-7:55pm

2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm


Swim Descriptions

Public Public Swim Swim -- Come Come enjoy enjoy time time in in the the pool. pool. All All the the pools pools and and the the waterslide waterslide are are open. open. A A lane lane will will be be designated designated for for those those wanting to swim lengths. Admission policy is in effect for all swims. *New this Spring -Friday evenings the waterslide wanting to swim lengths. Admission policy is in effect for all swims. *New this Spring -Friday evenings the waterslide will be closing at 7:30pm**

will be closing at 7:30pm**

Parent and Tot Swim - Leisure pool (no slide) will be open for these swims. Parents can come and swim with their Parent and Tot Swim - Leisure pool (no slide) will be open for these swims. Parents can come and swim with their children in our warm leisure pool. Children are to be accompanied by an adult. These swims are combined with our children Needs in our warm leisure pool. Children are to morning be accompanied byleisure an adult. swims are with combined with our Special Swims.Please note, during some swims the poolThese may be shared our Diaperfit Special programNeeds for 15 Swims.Please minutes of the note, swim.during some morning swims the leisure pool may be shared with our Diaperfit


Lane Swim - The Main pool is open for swimmers of any age to swim lengths. For Lane Swims in Bold only one or two lanes are available for lane swimming and other programs will continue to run in the remainder of the pool. Get in shape by shape by swimming swimming and and join join the the "In "In motion" motion" Swim Swim challenge! challenge! For For more more details details ask ask our our staff staff at at the the Sportsplex! Sportsplex!

program for 15 minutes of the swim.

Adult Leisure Swim - Adults can come to enjoy "unstructured" swimming in the main pool. Two lanes are designated for Adult Leisure to Swim Adults can come to enjoy "unstructured" swimming in the main pool. Two lanes are designated for those wanting swim- lengths. The Whirlpool is available.

those wanting to swim lengths. The Whirlpool is available.

Family Swim - Come enjoy time in the pool as a family. All the pools are open, the waterslide will open at 2:00. Children are to be accompanied by an adult. A lane will be designated for those wanting to swim lengths. The last 2 hours of these swims will be combined with public swimming. Special Needs Swim - Leisure pool (no slide) will be open for these swims. Our leisure pool is maintained at 92 degrees. Caregivers volunteering their time to help a person with special needs is admitted free (1 caregiver per person). Adults, seniors, and children are welcome. These swims are combined with parent and tot swims. Please note, during some morning swims the leisure pool may be shared with our Diaperfit program for 15 minutes of the swim. Pool

Aquafit Schedule - Spring 2011

These Aquafit times will be in effect from Monday April 4th - Thursday June 30th. All Classes are led by Certified instructors. Pre registered Aquafit classes are listed below.

Page 17

Special Needs Swim - Leisure pool (no slide) will be open for these swims. Our leisure pool is maintained at 92 degrees. Caregivers volunteering their time to help a person with special needs is admitted free (1 caregiver per person). Adults, seniors, and children are welcome. These swims are combined with parent and tot swims. Please note, during some morning swims the leisure pool may be shared with our Diaperfit program for 15 minutes of the swim.


Pool Aquafit Schedule - Spring 2011

These Aquafit times will be in effect from Monday April 4th - Thursday June 30th. All Classes are led by Certified instructors. Pre registered Aquafit classes are listed below. Classes cancelled: Friday April 22, Monday April 25th, Monday May 23, Friday July 1 Aquafit Type General Aquafit Deep Water Aquafit Rehabilitation Aquafit Arthritis Aquafit



9:00-9:45am 8:00-8:45pm

8:45-9:30am 8:00-8:45pm 10:00-10:45am

10:00-10:45am 5:15-6:00pm 12:00-12:45pm 1:00-1:45pm

Wednesday 9:00-9:45am


8:45-9:30am 8:00-8:45pm

1:00-1:45pm 7:00-7:45pm





10:00-10:45am 5:15-6:00pm

9:00-9:45am 10:00-10:45am


9:00-9:45am 10:00-10:45am





Aquafit Descriptions (classes geared to adults 18yrs +)

General Aquafit - Use the resistance of water to assist in a quality low impact workout. The option of deep water aquafit will be made available to those interested in it. Deep Water Aquafit - Enjoy the benefits of an aquafit workout with no impact on joints. Floatation belts are provided, comfort in deep water is required. Rehabilitation Aquafit: These classes, taught in our warm leisure pool can assist with recovery, increase flexibility and range of motion much faster and with less stress on the body than a typical post rehabilitation exercise class. Arthritis Aquafit - This class is specifically designed for those dealing with Arthritis. These classes are taught in our warm leisure pool. Excercising in warm water can maintain and improve your mobility through range of motion exercises.

Pre-Registered Aquafit - Spring 2011 Pre registered Aquafit programs allow our instructors to build more personalized programs. Classes are free for participants with aquafit memberships, but registration is required. See Class descriptions above. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Start / End Date




Cost - Adult Cost - Senior

Arthritis Aquafit

April 4 - June 27

April 8 - June 24

April 25, May 23

April 22

11 Classes $66.00

11 Classes $66.00





Diaperfit Schedule - Spring 2011

Diaperfit - A pre registered aquafit class designed for parents and their babies (children must have established neck support). The first 30 minutes is an Aquafit class for the parent. (Babies float in a boat beside their parent). The last 15 minutes is spent in the leisure pool and is a structured parent and tot class. Participants need to register for this program. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday April 4-May 16 no class Apr 25

Start / End Date

May 30-June 27


6 week Apr/May 5 weekMay/June

Cost - 5 class Cost - 6 Class Diaperfit

Page 18 Infant (up to 12

April 12-May 17 May 24-June 28

Two 6 week sessions

April 13-May 18 May 25-June 29

Two 6 week sessions

$40.25 $48.35






Swim Admission Prices

One Time

10 Swim Tickets




RED CROSS PROGRAM Swim Admission Prices RED CROSS PROGRAM STRUCTURE STRUCTURE 10 Swim Tickets One Time Red Cross Swim Preschool

Red Cross Swim Kids



Level 1

Duck Level 1 Turtle / Sea Turtle Level 2 Salamander Level 3 Level 4



AquaAdult 1

(Basic swimming skills)

AquaAdult 2

(Swimming strokes)

Crocodile Whale

Level 5


Level 6

Level 6

Progression Base Level 7


AquaAdult 3 Aquafit Admission (Liftime swimming fitness) Prices 10 Swim One Time

Level 3 Level 4

$37.00 $31.00

(max 4 people, addi-(Swimming strokes) tional member $1.75)

AquaAdult 3

(Liftime swimming fitness)

Level 5


Level 2

$15.75 $26.25

Adult (18-55 yrs) Senior (55 yrs +) Adult


Tickets $60.00

$6.75 $6.00


Swim Membership

Aquafit Membership

6 months

One Year

6 months

One Year









Valid for all Swims (Lane, Public, Family, Adult Leisure, Special Needs and Parent & Tot, swims



AquaAdult 1

Level 7

(Basic swimming skills) Red Cross Swim Preschool Level 8 progress through the swimmers AquaAdult 2 lower levels based on participation(Swimming and age. strokes) Level 9 Preschoolers aged three to five 3 move throughAquaAdult the upper levels (Liftime swimming fitness) based skill evaluation. Levelon 10


/Student (16,17yrs)

Level 8 Level 9

Level 10 Red Cross Swim Kids uses continuous evaluation for Legend: swimmers to progress through completed or in-completed the levels. completed


AquaAdults on description and hopefully added to oneisofbased the 2 swim personal interest and goal “Sea Turtle” description, to read: “Sea Turtle is where setting. his level develop skills in swimming, glides, and eep water and safe entries.”

Progression Base Red Cross Swim Preschool

Family Swim Pass (2 adults, 4 children)

Fees include HST. Patrons with Swim or Aquafit Memberships receive a 3 month locker rental FREE. (Deposit Still applies) Please note lockers are available to rent on a monthly basis. A $20 refundable deposit is required. Lockers are $5/month. Memberships can be purchased for shorter time frames (1, 2, 3, 4 month periods). Please inquire at the Sportsplex.

Legend: completed or in-completed

Red Cross Swim Kids completed uses continuous evaluation for swimmers to progress in-completed through the levels.


Red Cross Swim Starfish Kids


Free Infant (up to 12 months) AquaAdults $2.00 Child (under 1-5 yrs) Youth (6-17yrs) $3.00 Adult (18-55 yrs) AquaAdult $4.25 1 (Basic swimming skills) Senior (55 yrs +) $3.75 Family $8.50 AquaAdult 2

This page canprogress be reduced to 50% and hopefully added swimmers through the- lower levels based onto one of the 2 swim description pages. I would also like to alter the “Sea Turtle” to AquaAdults read: “Sea Turtle is where participation and age. Preschoolers aged threedescription, to five 3-5 year olds enter the program. This level develop skills in swimming, and interest and goal setting. on personal move through the upper levels based on skill evaluation. is based glides, floating and builds awareness of deep water and safe entries.”

THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON - Aquatics Employment – Spring 2011 Assistant Instructor: Minimum requirement : Red Cross Assistant Water Safety Instructor (AWSI), Bronze Cross

Instructor / Guard: Minimum requirement: NLS, RC/LSS instructors, Standard First Aid, CPR “C” all current within 2 years

For all positions, experience and additional certifications will be considered when determining employment offers. Please include a photocopy of all required certifications when applying. Full Job Descriptions are available at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex. Candidates are invited to submit a complete resume detailing education, experience and references to the undersigned no later than Friday March 11th, 2011 - Attn: Bruce Parkin. How to Apply: Mailing: C.W. Parks & Recreation, P.O. Box 58, Elora, ON, N0B 1S0 In person: C.W. Community Sportsplex, 550 Belysde Ave. Fergus Fax: (519) 843-2565 Email: All applications are appreciated, however, only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information completed or in-completed and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act 2001 and will be used only for candidate selection. completed

Legend: in-completed

of the 2 swim description read: “Sea Turtle is where

Page 19

• A q u a t i c s •


Swimming - Preschool 5. SALAMANDER (3 to 5 years) Cost: $63.00

1. STARFISH (4 to 18 months)

Class Ratio 10 participants:1 instructor

An introductory class for babies and their parent or caregiver. To enter this level, babies must be able to hold their head up. The goal of this orientation to water class is to experience buoyancy, movement, entries and songs and play in the water.

2. DUCK (18 to 30 months) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 10:1

For toddlers or older babies with a parent or caregiver. Toddlers build confidence while enjoying the water through games, songs and active water play.

3. TURTLE (30 to 72 months) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 4:1

Pre-requisite: 30 mths or older


A transitional level for preschoolers and their parents. Parents can gradually transfer the preschoolers to the care of the Instructor. Skills include swimming, glides and floating and builds awareness of deep water and safe entries.

4. SEA TURTLE (3 to 5 years) (unparented) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 5:1

Pre-requisite: 36 mths or older

Sea Turtle is where 3-5 year olds enter the program. This level develop skills in swimming, glides, and floating and builds awareness of deep water and safe entries. m o PagePage 20 30 - Centre Wellington Community Guide

Pre-requisite: Sea Turtle

Preschoolers actively learn new swimming skills including assisted floats and glides through games and songs. The fun includes learning to jump into chest deep water.

preschool Cost: $63.00

Ratio 5:1

6. SUNFISH (3 to 5 years) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 5:1

Pre-requisite: Salamander

Assisted by an Instructor, preschoolers work on stroke and skills progressions. Learning also focuses on good judgements in, on and around the water, and entries and floats in deep water.

7. CROCODILE (3 to 5 years) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 5:1

Pre-requisite: Sunfish

Preschoolers start independent glides and kicking in deep water. Endurance is built through increasing distance for front and back swims. Swimmers learn about the dolphin kick and try synchro skills in the water.

8. WHALE (3 to 5 years) Cost: $63.00

Ratio 5:1

Pre-requisite: Crocodile

In Whale, children will learn to swim independently and participate in team games. Preschoolers will increase their distance and improve skills in front and back swims. Swimmers also learn about throwing assists to help another person in the water.


Swimming - ages 6-13 years

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 10 Class Ratio - 10 participants:1 instructor

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 9 Ratio 10:1

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 8 Ratio 10:1

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 7 Ratio 10:1

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 6 Ratio 8:1

Ratio 8:1

Front crawl, elementary backstroke and breast stroke continue to be to Frontcrawl, crawl,back back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke continue refined. In thisInlevel are encouraged to try combining different strokes and be refined. this children level children are encouraged to try combining different kicks for and fitness. They workThey on head-first surface dives andshallow standingdives divesand and strokes kicks foralso fitness. also work on head-first learn aboutdives wise and choices, influences, and selfpeer rescue from ice. and Endurance is built standing learnpeer about wise choices, influences, self-rescue through a 400 metre swim. Cost $77.00a 400-metre swim. Cost: $70.50 from ice. Endurance is built through

Level88provides provides introduction to breastroke, the breaststroke, firstdives, surface Level anan introduction to the foot firstfoot surface anddives, rescueand rescue Children entries. learn Children about the dangers open water, hypotherimia, entries. aboutlearn the dangers of open water,ofhypothermia, and the performance the breathing performance of rescue on children and Endurance ofand rescue on children andbreathing adults. Endurance is built onadults. the dolphin kick andis built on the dolphin kick and 300-metre swim. Cost: $70.50 300 metre swim. Cost $77.00 Level 7 continues to build skills and endurance for front crawl, back crawl and eleLevel 7 continues to build skills and endurance for front crawl, back crawl and elementary mentary back stroke and introduces whip kick on the front. Children learn about back stroke and introduces whip kick on the front. Children learn about airway and breathairway and breathing obstructions, and participate in timed treading water for ing obstructions. Endurance is built through timed treading water and a 150 metre swim. increasing endurance. Endurance is built through timed treading water and a 150Cost $77.00 metre swim. Cost: $70.50

Frontand andback back crawl continue torefined be refined the elementary backstroke newly Front crawl continue to be as theaselementary backstroke is newlyisintroduced. introduced. Children are also introduced to safety on ice, elementary of others Children are also introduced to safety on ice, elementary rescue of others withrescue throwing assists, with throwing assists, treading water andisthe dive.a Endurance is built treading water and the front dive. Endurance builtfront through 75 metre swim. Costthrough $70.00 a 75- metre swim. Cost: $64.00 Back crawl crawl isis introduced, with sculling skills andand whipwhip kick on Children try stride Back introduced,along along with sculling skills kicktheonback. the back. Children try dives and receive an an introduction to safe skills. Endurance is developed through dolphin stride dives receive introduction to boating safe boating skills. Endurance is developed through kick and kick a 50 and metre swim. Costswim. $70.00 dolphin a 50-metre Cost: $64.00

Thefront front crawl, and shoulder rollcrawl for back crawl are further developed. Red Cross Swim Kids The crawl, backback glide glide and shoulder roll for back are further developed. Children work on Children work on kneeling dives, surface support and a greater sense dives, surface support and developing a greater sense of developing self-safety by understanding theirof Level 4 kneeling Ratio 6:1

Red Cross Swim Kids Level 3 Ratio 6:1

self-safety by understanding their own limits. own limits. Endurance is built through a 25-metre swim.Endurance Cost $63.00is built through a 25metre swim. Cost: $57.50

Thelevel level provides an introduction to front crawl as well the for making This provides an introduction to front crawl as well as foundation for foundation making wise choices on where wise choices on Diving whereis and whenand to children swim. Diving is on introduced and children will work and when to swim. introduced will work floats and changing direction. Endurance achieved by building strengthEndurance in flutter kickisand 15 metrebyswim. Cost $63.00 on floatsisand changing direction. achieved building strengh in flutter kick and a 15-metre swim. Cost: $57.50


Red Cross Swim Kids Level 5

Further refinement of strokes, with an introduction to butterfly and scissor Further refinement of strokes, with an introduction to butterfly and scissor kick as kick as a warm-up/cool down stroke for fitness. Children learn about sun a warm-up/cool down stroke for fitness. Children learn about sun safety, rescue of safety, rescue of others from the ice, and head-first and feet-first shallow others from the ice, and head-first and feet-first surface dives. Endurance is built dives. Endurance is built using dolphin kick and butterfly drills and a 500using dolphin kick and butterfly drills and a 500 metre swim. Cost $77.00 metre swim. Cost: $70.50

• A q u a t i c s •

This level thethe childchild buildbuild skills in frontinand backand swims. Children areChildren introducedare to deep water activities Red Cross Swim Kids This levelhelps helps skills front back swims. introduced to and proper useactivities of a Personal Endurance is built onDevice flutter kicking assisted glides. water andFlotation properDevice use of(PFD). a Personal Flotation (PFD). with Endurance is Level 2 deep Cost $63.00 Ratio 6:1 built on flutter kicking with assisted glides. Cost: $57.50

Red Cross anentry entry level for children move in shallow water. This an level provides an water oriThis isisan level for children ready toready move to in shallow water. This level provides orientation to the Swim Kids This and the pool area and introduces floats andarea glidesand withintroduces kicks. Children buildand theirglides endurance bykicks. improving entation to the water and the pool floats with Level 1 distance. Cost $63.00 Ratio 6:1

Children build their endurance by improving distance. Cost: $57.50

Centre Wellington Community Guide - Page 31Page


aquatics Swimming Lesson Schedule Start / End Date

Monday April 11-June 20

Tuesday April 19-June 14


April 25 May 23


Day of the Week

Wednesday April 20-June 15

Thursday April 21 - June 16

Friday April 8-June 17

Saturday April 9-June 18

Sunday April 10-June 19



April 22 May 20

April 23 May 21

April 24 May 22

4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:30-7:00 7:30-8:00

3:00-3:30 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00


10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30

5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 7:30-8:00


Private Lessons


4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00



12:00-12:30 6:00-6:30

5:30-6:00 6:30-7:00





12:30-1:00 6:30-7:00

5:00-5:30 6:00-6:30

12:00-12:30 5:00-5:30





4:00-4:30 5:30-6:00




Sea Turtle

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00

4:00-4:30 5:30-6:00

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15

9:30-10:00 11:00-11:30



4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00

4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15

10:00-10:30 11:00-11:30

5:00-5:30 6:00-6:30 7:30-8:00


4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


10:00-10:30 4:30-5:00 6:00-6:30


4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15




4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


10:30-11:00 5:00-5:30 7:00-7:30


4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15




4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


9:00-9:30 6:30-7:00


4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15


Swim Kids 1

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


5:00-5:30 6:00-6:30 7:00-7:30

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 2

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


4:00-4:30 5:00-5:30 7:00-7:30

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 3

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


4:00-4:30 5:00-5:30 7:30-8:00

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 4

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15 6:30-7:15 7:15-8:00


4:30-5:00 5:30-6:00 7:30-8:00

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 5

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 7:15-8:00



4:00-4:45 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 6

4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 7:15-8:00



4:00-4:45 5:30-6:15



Swim Kids 7

4:00-5:00 7:00-8:00









Swim Kids 8 Swim Kids 9 Swim Kids 10 Adapted Aquatics

4:00-5:00 7:00-8:00 4:00-5:00 7:00-8:00 4:00-5:00 7:00-8:00

4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00

4:30-5:00 5:30-6:00 6:30-7:00 9:30-10:00 4:00-4:30 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 9:00-9:30 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30

9:00-9:45 4:00-4:30 5:00-5:30 9:00-9:45 4:30-5:00 5:30-6:00







4:30-5:00 7:30-8:00


On Thursday morning and Monday and Friday evenings lessons are run in our "FAMILY LESSON" format. All levels are offered at the same time. Swimming levels will be combined and most lessons will be 45 minutes long. For ONLINE registration, these special classes will have a "family" designation beside them. Note: 45 minutes classes cost $70.00

Page 22 Spring 2010 Data:CommunityGuide-2011:Spring 2011:Aquatics:

Lesson outline - leisure guide.xls

aquatics Swimming SwimmingLessons Lessons 3:1 3:1Ratio Ratio

Mini MiniSession Session Lesson LessonSchedule Schedule

Maximum Maximum of of 3 children 3 children in in a class. a class.

Lessons Lessons run run Tuesday Tuesday and and Thursdays Thursdays between between March March 2222 - April - April 1414 (8(8 lessons) lessons)

Saturday Saturday

Sunday Sunday

Cost Cost - $96.50 - $96.50

April April 9-June 9-June 18 18April April 10-June 10-June 19 19

Cancellations Cancellations Sea Sea Turtle Turtle Salamander Salamander Sunfish Sunfish Crocodile Crocodile Whale Whale Swim Swim Kids Kids 1 1 Swim Swim Kids Kids 2 2 Swim Swim Kids Kids 3 3 Swim Swim Kids Kids 4 4

April April 23,23, May May 21 21 April April 24,24, May May 22 22 5:00-5:30 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 5:30-6:00 6:00-6:30 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 6:30-7:00 5:00-5:30 5:00-5:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30 9:00-9:30

Please Please note: note: Classes Classes willwill be be combined combined with with similar similar levels. levels. Costs Costs - 45- 45 minute minute classes classes cost cost $62.25, $62.25, minute classes cost $68.50. 60 60 minute classes cost $68.50.

Private Private Lessons Lessons Sea Sea Turtle Turtle Salamander Salamander Sunfish Sunfish Crocodile Crocodile Whale Whale Swim Swim Kids Kids 1 1 Swim Swim Kids Kids 2 2 Swim Swim Kids Kids 3 3 Swim Swim Kids Kids 4 4 Swim Swim Kids Kids 5 5 Swim Swim Kids Kids 6 6 Swim Swim Kids Kids 7 7 Swim Swim Kids Kids 8 8 Swim Swim Kids Kids 9 9 Swim Swim Kids Kids 1010

5:30-6:00 5:30-6:00 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:45-5:30 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:00-4:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45 4:45-5:45

AQUA TEENS 1 / AQUA ADULTS 1 Develop comfort in the water through the attainment of basic flotation, movement and breathing skills. AQUA TEENS 2 / AQUA ADULTS 2 Develop one or more swimming strokes and enhance water safety knowledge and rescue techniques. AQUA TEENS 3 / AQUA ADULTS 3 Maintain or increase fitness through stroke improvement while swimming lengths. Candidates must be able to swim 2 strokes 100m each to start in this level. AQUA TEENS $73.00 Wednesdays 7:15-8:00pm April 20th – June 15th AQUA ADULTS $86.75 Wednesdays 7:15-8:00pm April 20th – June 15th CANOE CLINICS - $20 per class This is a very basic 2 part experience oriented introduction to canoeing. Content will include

Spring Spring 2010 2010

safety activities such as retrieving a swamped canoe and canoe over canoe rescue. Technical skills such as forward and backward paddling, pivots and sideward displacements as well as landings will be covered. Classes will be lead by a fully certified ORCKA and Paddle Canada canoe instructor. Canoes, paddles and PFDs will be provided. Classes will run on Sundays – 10:3011:30am Part 1 – Sunday March 20, May 1 Part 2 – Sunday March 27, May 8

STROKE CORRECTION CLINICS Children $6.00, Adults $6.75 per class These stroke correction clinics are intended to focus on specific problem areas. We have separate classes for children and for adults. Pre-registration is required. You can register for 1 class, or for all four weeks. Pre-registration required. March 23rd, 30th, April 6th, 13th Front Crawl - 6:15-6:45, Whip Kick - 6:45-7:15, Breaststroke - 7:15-7:45

ONE TIME LESSONS Children $6.00, Adults $6.75 per class Participate in a one time lesson with a certified Instructor. Participants will be divided into groups of similar swimming ability. (Beginners, Starting Strokes, Stroke Correction) No written evaluations are provided. This is a great opportunity for participants of any age to develop swimming skills. Pre-registration required. Dates: March 28th, April 4th 6:30-7:00pm

SWIM TO SURVIVE CLINIC Children $6.00, Adults $6.75 per class The Swim to Survive program is a Lifesaving Society survival training program that teaches Canadians the minimum skills needed to survive an unexpected fall into deep water. These skills are expressed in a skill sequence in the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard: ROLL into deep water - TREAD water (1 min.) - SWIM 50 m. Children and Adults are welcome to come practice these skills and attempt to meet the standard.Pre-registration required. March 28th 6:00-6:30pm, April 4th 6:00-6:30pm

PRIVATE LESSONS Private $162.00 for 9 lessons; Semi Private $110.00 / child for 9 lessons One to one instruction to work on swimming challenges. Lessons are 30 minutes in length. For Semi Private lessons children must be within one level of each other. It is the responsibility of the swimmer to find a second participant. One time private lessons are available. For information call (519) 843-2800.



ADAPTED AQUATICS- $63.00 Adapted aquatics is for children and youth with a physical or developmental disability who need 1:1 support to feel comfortable in the water and to progress in their swimming skills. Participants will be taught by an experienced aquatics instructor. See the Swimming Lesson Schedule for class days and times.

TRAINING SWIM - $55.90 (13 weeks) This program is geared towards adult swimmers whose skills range from beginner fitness to serious tri athlete. Staff will provide you with a swim workout each week and help you build your fitness level. Wednesdays 8:00-9:00pm April 6th – June 29th

Data:CommunityGuide-2011:Spring Data:CommunityGuide-2011:Spring 2011:Aquatics: 2011:Aquatics:

Page 23

Lesson Lesson outline outline - leisure - leisure guide.xls guide.xls


Introductory Lifesaving Courses The Canadian Swim Patrol program provides enriched training for kids who are ready to go beyond learn-to-swim. The Swim Patrol program is an official training program of the Lifesaving Society – Canada’s Lifeguarding experts. These classes can be taken in conjunction with Red Cross Swim Kids levels. Classes: Wednesday nights from 4:00-5:00pm. April 20th – June 15th. ROOKIE PATROL - $77.00 Pre-requisite: Recommend completion of Swim Kids 7 Rookie Patrol features timed 100m swims, 350m workouts and swims with clothes. A work-hard play-hard approach develops swimming strength and efficiency with emphasis on personal responsibility for Water Smart behavior.

RANGER PATROL- $77.00 Ranger Patrol features a timed 200m swim, 100m fitness medley and support/carrying a 5 lb weight. Content is challenging but achievable with effort. Skill drills enhance capability in the water including a non-contact rescue STAR PATROL - $77.00 Star Patrol demands good physical conditioning and lifesaving judgment. Content features 300m swims, 600m workouts; swim with clothes; defense methods; support and carry 10lb weight. Scene assessment and a towing rescue are introduced. Star Patrol is excellent preparation for the Bronze Star Award. ADULT LIFESAVING BASICS $10.25 per class (includes HST) Would you know what to do if your child was in trouble in the water? Learn what to do, and more importantly what not to do in this very

brief lifesaving introduction. This class will be in water, and will give you “hands on” introduction to basic lifesaving skills. Come with your own questions. Pre-registration required. March 28th 7:00-7:45pm – focusing on backyard pools April 4th 7:00-7:45pm – focusing on waterfronts and cottages CPR / AED / (Defibrillation Course) - $53.00 Pre-requisite: None After completing this course successful candidates will be certified in CPR and AED. Candidates will be taught Adult CPR and choking procedures as well as when and how to operate an automated external defibrillator unit (AED). Date: Tuesday March 29th 5:30-9:30pm

Advanced Leadership Please Note: 100% attendance is required for all leadership courses. Check your calendar to ensure you are able to attend all classes. Refunds will not be issued.

course. Candidates must be present for exam on June 16th. Dates: Course runs Thursdays 4:00-6:30pm April 7th – June 16th.


BRONZE STAR / BASIC FIRST AID - $89.00 Pre-requisite: Recommended age 12 Too young for Bronze Medallion? Get a head start by taking Bronze Star! Have lots of fun, while learning first aid skills, life guarding techniques and swim training. Basic First Aid is included in the course. Dates: Course runs Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm April 21st – June 16th.

BRONZE CROSS - $140.50 Pre-requisite: Bronze Medallion, Emergency First Aid This course teaches the difference between lifeguarding and lifesaving, the principles of emergency procedures, teamwork and the use of special equipment. Candidates must be present for exam on June 16th. Dates: Course runs Thursdays 4:00-6:30pm April 7th – June 16th.

BRONZE MEDALLION / EMERGENCY FIRST AID- $152.50 (Fee Includes Manual) Pre-requisite: 13 years of age (prior to exam) or Bronze Star. This course develops physical fitness, decision making and judgment skills for water rescue. First aid, rescue breathing, tows, carries and releases are some of the skills covered. Emergency First Aid certification is included in the

ASSISTANT WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR (AWSI) - $211.50 Pre-requisite: Bronze Cross, 15 years of age by the end of the course. 100% attendance is required. This certification course is a prerequisite to the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Course. 8 Hours of assistant teaching is to be completed during the course, and is in addition to normal class time. Once certified, Assis-

tant Water Safety Instructors have two years to become Water Safety Instructors. Dates: Course runs on April 9th, 10th, 16th, & June 5th 9:00-6:00pm. NATIONAL LIFEGUARD RECERT (NLS) $90.00 Pre-requisite: NLS Certification (need not be current) Date: April 10th 7:00-12:00pm AQUATIC SUPERVISOR TRAINING (AST) $109.50 Prerequisites: Current National Lifeguard or current Lifesaving Society Instructor; 100% attendance. Candidates are required to bring a letter from their employer, on letterhead, stating they have 100 hours experience for the first class. The Aquatic Supervisor Training course is geared to deck-level supervisory staff. This 10 hour course provides the knowledge and skills to manage a safe aquatic environment. Dates: April 11th & 12th, 5:0010:00pm

What do I need to become an Instructor or Lifeguard? To Become a Lifeguard

To Become an Instructor

• Bronze Medallion / Emergency First Aid – CPR B (pre-requisite: 13 years of age OR Bronze Star)

• Bronze Medallion / Emergency First Aid – CPR B (pre-requisite: 13 years of age OR Bronze Star)

• Bronze Cross (pre-requisite: Bronze Medallion, Emergency First Aid)

• Assistant Water Safety Instructor Course (AWSI) (pre-requisite: 15 years of age)

• Standard First Aid – CPR C (Must be from LSS, RC, ST. John, OR CDN Ski Patrol

• Volunteer Hours – 20 hours minimum Hours normally completed during AWSI course

• National Lifeguard Service (NLS) (16 years of Age, Standard First Aid, Bronze Cross)

• Red Cross / LSS Water Safety Instructors Course (16 years of age, AWSI Certification)

Page 24

Catch the Baseball Fever Centre Wellington Minor Baseball Association is introducing Little League Baseball in 2011. This is an exciting format with house league as a base for the Program. Some Divisions may have to alter due to registration numbers. • Registration is open to everyone-Early bird registration deadline for a chance to win 4 pack of Blue Jay tickets is March 15th 2011 • Limited space is available so please register early to ensure your spot on the team • Winter training is NOW, INDOORS, & FREE Sundayevenings Feb-Apr at CWDHS

League Registration Form – LG

Centre Wellington Minor Baseball Association Cougars Hardball Player’s Name: Please Print

Birth Date: Last Name

First Name


Address: Postal Code:

City: Phone #:


Birth Certificate Registration #:

(New registrants must provide a copy with registration)

(bottom right corner)

Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please Print

Signature of Parent/Guardian: Blast ball (Local) $40.00 (2006-2007) Little League Major $125.00 (1998-1999-2000) (house league)

Date: Tee-Ball (Local) $50.00 (2004-2005)

Peewee $125.00 (1998-1999) (If Available)

Little League (house league) $100.00 (2001-02-03)

Bantam $150.00 (1996-1997)

Midget $170.00 (1993-1995)

Please send registration form to: CWMBA c/o Sandy Sorbara 750 St. David Street South, Fergus, ON N1M 3V1 (Please make cheques payable to CWMBA, postdated cheques will be accepted before Mar 31st)

Page 25

Fitness Classes

Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex 519-843-2800

Schedule of Classes Day Class


Tuesday Interval Sweat Tuesday Pilates* Mixed levels Tuesday Step & Strength Tuesday Golf Fit

9:15 - 10:00am Wendy Armstrong 10:00 - 11:00am Wendy Armstrong 6:30 - 7:15pm Heather Merry 7:30 - 8:30pm Wendy Armstrong

Wednesday Wednesday

9:15 - 10:00am 7:00 - 8:00pm

Wendy Armstrong Michelle Paczay

Thursday NRG Circuit Thursday Golf Fit Thursday NRG Circut - Youth & Parents Thursday Cardio Pump Thursday Golf Fit

9:15 - 10:00am 10:15 - 11:15am 5:30 - 6:15pm 6:30 - 7:15pm 7:30 - 8:30pm

Wendy Armstrong Wendy Armstrong Wendy Armstrong Melanie Chipman Wendy Armstrong

Friday Strength & Stretch

9:15 - 10:00am

Wendy Armstrong



8:30 - 9:30am

Wendy Armstong


Circuit Training (Weight Room)

9:00 - 10:00am

Michelle Paczay

Monday Step & Strength Monday Golf Fit Monday Body Blast

9:15 - 10:00am 10:15 - 11:15am 5:00 - 5:45pm

Body Blast Circuit Training (Weight Room)


Wendy Armstrong Wendy Armstrong Wendy Armstrong



Interval Sweat: Cycling, skipping, shadow boxing & abdominal work.

Pilates: New Session begins April 4th (12 wk session). Monday/Wednesday also available.

Step & Strength: Intervals of stepping and muscle conditioning make for a great overall workout.

Bootcamp: Indoor bootcamp continues for another 8 weeks (March & April) and then will be moved outdoors. Bootcamp is fun and intense and will push you out of your comfort zone. Join this athletic style workout and see results quickly. You don’t have to be an athlete to join!

Cardio Pump: Two minute intervals...cardio then strength. Strength & Stretch: Work with the stability ball and weights and finish the week with a longer stretch. Circuit Training (Weight Room): A fast-paced, intense workout involving rapid transition from station to station on strength training equipment. Prior experience an asset. Intermediate to advance class. NRG Circuit (Aerobics Room): An energizing class where individuals move through cardio, strength and balance stations. Body Blast: A group resistance training class utilizing bands, dumbbells, body bars, steps, balls & bodyweight.


Golf Fit: As a golfer you realize the importance of flexibility. This class will focus on improving your flexibility, mobility and strength. 6 week session begins April 4, 2011. NRG Circuit for Youth & Parents (ages 9 & up): Parents are you looking to do something active with your kids? Or is your pre-teen/teen in between sports? This fun class will run for 8 weeks & will focus on improving cardio & strength. Session begins March 24. For more information contact Wendy Armstrong (519) 843-3018, cell: 519-994-0348 or email wendy055@

Option 1: 10 tickets for $59.25 Option 2: Three-month fitness membership for $129.00 Option 3: Six-month fitness membership for $231.50 Option 4: One-year fitness membership for $317.50 Option 5: We also have a drop in rate of $7.00 per class

Weight Room Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex 519-843-2800


Large weight room facility Free weight room orientation Membership holds available Pro rated memberships Personal Training available Showers & Saunas Card access security* * $20.00 deposit required. (refundable)

circuit training classes Wednesday 7-8pm, Sunday 9-10am Free to members, or $7 per class Adults Fees 1 month .............. 3 months ............ 6 months ............ 1 year .................

Senior & Students

43 129.00 $ 231.50 $ 317.50 $



55+ 16+ $ 1 month .............. 36.00 3 months ............ $108.00 6 months ............ $193.00 1 year ................. $264.00

A minimum $15 or 15% administration fee will apply to all cancellations.

Day Pass $7.00 Treadmill Only Pass $3.25

For information call 519-843-2800 Sun - Fri: 6:00am - 10:30pm, Sat: 6:00am - 9:00pm

New Members:

One month trial only $29.00 (inc HST)

Page 27


THEATRE for you. for us.

spring 2011

Page 28

Vision Theatre presents

A Murder is Announced

A Miss Marple Mystery March 23 – March 27

Dufflebag Theatre presents

Something for Nothing March 31

Fred Eaglesmith June 4th

Tickets available NOW!

In person at 244 St. Andrew St. W, Fergus Call the box office at 519 787 1981 Or visit us online at Fergus Grand Theatre would love to host your event. For rental information and rates please contact Kerry at 519 767 1981 Please visit us on March 29th on your Doors Open tour

Page 29


r o f s u n i o j d n a e m ! Co E S I C R E X E d n a N U F r and 18 or olde





If you are o play pick up t would like ckey (any level 4 ho n o e) 4 m o e c l l y e t s w e c n of experie ril p A m o r f s Season run end of July to the @ Call Doug 6 24 1 3 4 8 9 1 5 175 2 7 7 2 9 1 or 5


ows h S e r u s i e t the L

See us a

Centre Wellington

Field Lacrosse Registration Fees:

U11 Novice (2001 - 03) $135 U13 Peewee (99-2000) $135 U15 Bantam (97 - 98) $160 U17 Midget (95 - 96) $160 Season Starts normally 3rd weekend in April, and runs for the next 5 weekends. Provincial Championships last weekend in May.

Any questions feel free to call Dale Sett 1-289-820-7905 or Kim Macgregor Spruyt at 519-787-3893 or email: There will be a $25 jersey deposit this year returned upon completion of season. New Players MUST bring a copy of their Birth Certificates. Page 30

Centre Wellington Minor Softball Association

2011 Registration

We would like to extend a sincere welcome to our new and returning players. We are already looking forward to the 2011 season and we hope it will be a great one for all our players. Included on this information sheet are our upcoming registration dates. Also please note that the final registration will take place earlier this year to allow more time to make up teams, secure any additional sponsors and to order shirts.

2011 Registration Dates



Saturday February 19th 10:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday March 8th 6:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday March 26th 10:00am - 12:00pm Saturday April 16th Final Registration 10:00am - 2:00pm

CW Sportslex, Boardroom B Leisure Show, C.W. Sportsplex Hall C.W. Sportsplex, Boardroom B C.W. Sportsplex


There will also be special balloon discounts ranging from $5.00 to $50.00 off!

Ask about our 10% Family Discount.

(Post-dated cheques do not qualify for this discount.) Check out our new website! Download registration forms and check for season updates

2011 Centre Wellington Minor Softball Association Board Members

President Laura Abel 519-787-3877 Past President Jeanne Dalton 519-843-4672 Vice-President Kristy Sheehan 519-993-0868 Treasurer Scott Lindhorst 519-846-0546 Secretary Jeanne Dalton 519-843-4672 Umpire in Chief Doug Abel 519-787-3877 Booth Managers Doug and Laura Abel 519-787-3877 Equipment Manager Rick Jones 519-843-2257 Assistant Equipment Manager Mitch Nagel 519-787-4183 T-Ball Conveners Laura Abel/Jeanne Dalton 787-3877/843-4672 3-Pitch Convener Mike McKenna 519-843-6960 Junior House Convener Carla Thorne 519-831-8640 Senior House Convener Chris ‘Bubba’ Dalton 519-843-4672 Over-Age Convener Mike Larkin Adult 3-Pitch Convener Dan Sheehan 519-787-8215 Registration Kristy Sheehan 519-993-0868 Skills Development Committee Members Cindy Lochart 835-9439, Jennifer May 843-5234, Stevie Nagel 843-4183, Chris Dalton 843-4672, Dan Sheehan 787-8215 Special Events Committee Members Cindy Lochart 835-9439, Stevie Nagel 843-4183, Chris Dalton 843-4672, Carla Thorne 831-8640 Please keep the board member list handy during the season. We encourage parents and players to communicate any questions or concerns to our board members. While we may not be able to provide answers on the spot we will ensure that any questions are brought to the board’s attention. We will do our best to reply as soon as possible. Have a great season!

Please consider coaching this season – the kids will thank you!

Page 31

Spring Leisure Show

Minor Sports Registration Night C.W. Community Sportsplex Tuesday, March 8th 6-8pm Elora Community Centre Thursday, March 10th 6-8pm

For more information call

(519) 843-2800

Be Active Everyday... for your Health!

Fergus Elora District Soccer P.O. Box 112, Fergus, On. N1M 2W7 Club Phone: 843-3360 Fax 519 843 6711 e-mail Website:

2011 FEDS Outdoor Soccer ONLINE registration is from 1st February to 1st April ONLY Registrations may be taken at the office or via post 1st April – 1st May Saturday February 26th, FEDS Office 10am-1pm Tuesday March 8th, C.W. Community Sportsplex 6pm-8pm Thursday March 10th, Elora Community Centre 6pm-8pm Saturday March 26th FEDS Office 10am-1pm U4 Born 2007 Only $105 Play Saturday $110 Play Saturday U6 Born 2005-2006 U8 Born 2003-2004 $120 Play Friday U10B U10G Born 2001-2002 $130 Play Tuesday *Please note players born 1992 may choose to play U18 or Adult Men’s House 1992+ $155 Play Monday

Unless you registered for the 2009/10 Indoor Onwards Program proof of age MUST be provided. No Exceptions.

This includes adults

U12B U12G Born 1999-2000 U14B U14G Born 1997-1998 U16 Born 1995-1996 U18 Born 1993-1994

$130 $130 $130 $130

Play Mondays Play Thursdays Play Friday Play Wednesday

Ladies House 1992+


Play Wednesday

Numbers are limited so register early to avoid disappointment. Once Divisions are full, players will be placed on a waiting list.


U9-U18 Level 6 $175 Men’s United B SWRSL $270

U15 Level 5 $250 Mens United KDSL $295

Ladies Travel OWSL $295

If you interested in becoming a Referee please contact the office courses will run in March. Coaches/Assistant Coaches and Volunteers are always needed! Training will be given. Visit for further details. OFFICE LOCATION: 135 St. David St. S., Lower Level (Rear of Old Livery Stables) Fergus, Ontario Hours: Although the office is manned at various times FEDS Guarantee that someone wil be available Mondays 10am-2pm, Wednesdays 10am-2pm & Saturdays 10am - 12am

Page 32

















Minor Lacrosse Association C E N T R E











M i n Minor Lacrosse Association

2011 Box Lacrosse Season Offering Lacrosse to Boys and Girls ages 4 - 21.

2011 Box Lacrosse Season Season 2011 Box Lacrosse


O FFE R I N G L AC R OS S E TO B OYS & G I R L S AG E S 4 - 2 1

Offering Lacrosse to Boys and Girls ages 4 - 21.

Contact with any inquires

Community League (born 2001 - 2004)


for the 2011 Box Lacrosse season March 8th at Fergus Leisure Show from 6-8pm March 10th at Elora Leisure Show from 6-8pm For more information on Registration fees, Girls & Rep Lacrosse & Sponsorship Packages go to: or email

Peanut/Paperweight Program (born 2005 - 2007)

The Centre Wellington Minor Lacrosse Association 2011 REGISTRATION DATES WILL SOON BE is pleased to offer a local league program geared Welcome to an exciting year of Paperweight Lacrosse in Centre POSTED introduces kidsAT to the basics of the game to new comers and parents who don’t want to do Wellington! Our program environment. The Peanuts and Paperweights will the travel that comes with most sports. It will be a in a fun be divided out according to their age on Thursday evenings. The great mentoring program to offer the skills in theContact with any inquires game of lacrosse. The program is only provided for 4 year olds (born in 2007) will have a 30-minute practice focusing on learning the basics of the game. The 5 - 6 year olds (born Tyke and Novice age players. The league would run in 2005 & 2006) will enjoy a one-hour practice, progressing to a approximately 11 weeks with start up beginning 30 minute practice, 30 minute game later in the season. Centre mid to late April. The benefits would be a lower Wellington Minor Lacrosse will also offer a Select program to the registration fee (not going to increase during the 6 yr. old Paperweights who are looking for a more competitive season), less travel time, shorter schedule, and challenge and a little more floor time.The Select program will more focus on skill development that would help consist of a few tournaments, some exhibition games and a few extra practices. It will also involve an additional fee requirement. introduce new kids to the sport. This is good preparation for those players who are interested in Nights of play will be playing at the rep level once they move up to the Tyke division. Tykes - Tuesday nights 5:30 - 7:00pm More information will be provided once the season is underway. Novice - Tuesday nights 5:30 - 7:00pm

In Home, Gym, Pool Personal Fitness Training (519) 846-5945 Email: Personal Fitness Consulting; Post Rehab Programs; Injury prevention programs; Water Therapy Programs; Core Conditioning Programs; Sport Specific Programs Offering: Spring Pilates Classes in Elora Thurs. AM & Wed. PM Beginner, Intermediate & Intermediate/Advanced Levels Adult Strength Training Class

Heather Ennis,

Certified Personal Trainer (over 15 years experience) Aqua Rehab & Arthritis Aquafit Instructor Specialist, Pilates Mat & Movement Specialist.

Wed. 10:15am Beginner, Intermediate

Private Water/Land Training Available Living Fit Helps:

• Osteoporosis • Arthritis • Diabetes • Parkinson’s Disease • Multiple Sclerosis • And many other medical conditions • For better living * Gift Certificates Available * Page 33

Reaching Your Individual Best With the Support of a Great Team The Fergus Flippers are a recreational competitive team, which now practice year round at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex. Off-season sessions will focus on training and preparation while the competitive season runs during the summer months. This session the Flippers will be working on endurance/skills/drills/kicking/lengths and FUN as our number one goal. For more information please call: Beth Hickey at 519-787-0576

Spring Registration Date:

Caring for our Community!

Providing expert guidance in exercise and rehabilitation 805 Tower ST. S. Fergus

519-787-2714 Serving the C-W Community since 1999

Tuesday, March 8 from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the C. W. Community Sporsplex Thursday, March 10 from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the Elora Community Centre

Home Game Schedule All home games at Elora & District Community Centre Spring Session is as Follows: Tuesdays & Thursdays March 22 - May 26 Registration Fees: 1st Swimmer: $80 2nd Swimmer: $150* 3rd Swimmer: $200* *from same household

Page 34

Date Sat. April 30

Time Opponent 2:00pm vs Huntsville

Fri. May 6


vs. Own Sound

Sun. May 15


vs. St. Catharines

Sat. May 28


vs. Ohsweken

Fri. June 17


vs. Owen Sound

Sun. June 19 7:00pm

vs. Norwood

Sat. June 25

vs. Brooklin





ELORA COMMUNITY CENTRE 29 DAVID STREET, ELORA Seating for 300 people - Fully equipped kitchen Bar facilities, sound system and air conditioned.

CW COMMUNITY SPORTSPLEX 550 BELSyDE AVE., FERguS Full hall capacity 500 people Half hall 220 people Fully equipped kitchen Bar facilities, sound system and air conditioned.

BELWOOD HALL QuEEN STREET, BELWOOD Seating for 150 people Kitchen equipped with fridge and stove photo of decorated sportsplex hall graciously provided by Cobblestone Creations

For hall rental information and reservations CALL 519.843.2800 or

Tower St.-PO Box 447 Tower St.-PO Box 447 Fergus, ON, N1M 3E2 Fergus, ON, N1M 3E2 Clubhouse Phone Number: Clubhouse Phone Number:

519-787-7003 519-787-7003 (After April 1 ) st

(After April 1st)

20102011 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday April 6th Thursday (7:30pm)April at the7th(7:30pm) at the C.W. Community Sportsplex C.W. Community Sportsplex Boardroom ‘B’

If you were a member in 2010 or are interested in becoming a member, please join us on April 7th. For more information on these events or the were a Club Member in 2009, please attend this Tennis Club, visit our website at

“Fergus Tennis– Promoting Tennis as a Fun, Healthy & Lifelong sport”

If you important meeting and have some input into our Club ‘The Club is always looking for volunteers and looksfor forward seeing you at the meeting.’ Event planning and activities thisto year! ‘The Club is always looking for volunteers and looks 2011 REGISTRATION DATES forward to seeing you at the meeting.’ Thursday April 14th (6:30pm to 8:30pm) at the C.W.DATES Community Sportsplex 2010 REGISTRATION AND 16th at (10am-Noon) at the Thursday AprilSaturday 15th (6pmApril to 8pm) the Fergus Tennis Clubhouse Tower Street, Fergus

C.W. Community Sportsplex Boardroom ‘B’

On AprilAND 16th, come and meet our Club Executive to learn more aboutththe Club and our planned activities for 2011. Saturday 17 (10am-Noon) We will be April serving refreshments and you can also bring your racquet to hit some balls & try our Ball Machine. (Weather Permitting) at the Fergus Tennis Clubhouse

Tower Street, Fergus

Page 35

For the April 17th Registration Day, join some of our regulars to hit some balls and meet our Club Pro for questions and tips about improving your game. (Weather permitting)

food Join the



Explore Wellington/Waterloo back roads Two scenic routes ... 45 km or 70 km.

Sunday, May 29th he Support t n ngto i l l e W e r t Cen nk Food Ba

CW District High School - 905 Scotland St., Fergus Register: from 8:00 a.m. Ride Starts: at 9:30 a.m. PRE-REGISTER IN PERSON: March 15th - May 20th 201 St. Andrew St. W. Fergus More information: 226-820-4475 |

Page 36




CLASSIC YOGA PLUS MINDFULNESS TUESDAY 6:30-8PM / FRIDAY 9-10:30AM Stretch your body and your mind. Experience the benefits of classic Hatha Yoga at your own level of skill and intensity, and practice Mindfulness meditation to enrich your life with deeper self-awareness. Create a stronger, more flexible body, reduce stress and recharge yourself. FITNESS FUSION YOGA THURSDAY 6:30-8PM Energize! The ultimate exercise for a toned, strong, balanced body and a focused mind. It’s a dynamic blend of aerobic Kundalini yoga, Power yoga’s deep stretching and strengthening, Bikram’s posture intensity and Pilates core training. Concentrated effort with meditative flow. GENTLE and RESTORATIVE YOGA THURSDAY 9-10:30AM Soothe and nurture body and soul with accessible, easy paced, basic level yoga. Enjoy slow, relaxing movements, softly focused breathing and guided meditations. Experience restorative poses that renew your sense of well-being, release tension and relieve stress. You can do it!

CLASSES START APRIL 19 10 weeks for $100 / 6 for $72 / Drop in for $13 Beginners and drop ins are always welcome - classes held at Melville United Church, Fergus MORE INFO: or call Sharon at 519-787-2311 Sharon Burke MA, Yoga Master – has over 20 years teaching experience.


All home games and practices held at Ponsonby Recreation Park. Located 5997 2nd Line E., Centre Wellington

Your 2011 Executive & Committee: President: Shirley Obergan 846-8113 780-1009 Chairman: Steve Warmington Rec Co-ord./Registration: Pat Kurtz 836-8466 846-5592 Park Co-ord.: Stew Giles Rentals/Tournaments/Registration 846-8113

DATES TO REMEMBER FOR 2011: June 24th - 25th 2011 Elora Rocks Mixed 3-Pitch Tourney. Call Merv 846-0328 July 8-10, 2011 Tom Rider Memorial Men’s Fastball call Shirley 846-8113 Proceeds for Groves Memorial/Park August 13th - 14th, 2011 OASA Peewee Boys Provincial B Championship Volunteers needed.


T-Ball 2007, 2006, 2005 Mites-3 Pitch 2005, 2004, 2003 (under 8) Atom 2001-2002 (under 10) Squirt 1999-2000 (under 12) Peewee 1997-1998 (under 14) Bantam 1995-1996 (under 16) Midget 1992, 1993, 1994 (under 19) Jr.’s 1988, 1989, 1990 (under 23) Men’s



10.00 80.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 125.00 $ 125.00 $ 135.00 $ 145.00 $ 145.00 $

Registration to be held at

Elora Community Centre Thurs. March 10, 2011 6-8 pm during leisure night visit our website for registration form and mail it in with cheque by Apr. 1st, 2011. T-Ball & Mites players will receive a T-shirt please provide sizing Fundraising - bring along your Zehr’s tapes... Every bit helps.

Page 37


Providing opportunities for all ages and both sexes. Highland Rugby Club encourages participation in the increasingly popular, fast-paced sport of Rugby. We offer a range of programs to suit all abilities and give an option to learn the basics of this sport in a safe environment. Senior men & woman U18 girls & U18 boys U14 & U16 boys U15, U17 girls

play Saturday play Wednesday play Saturday play Saturday

U8, U10, U12 Coed U6 Flag All travelling teams

play Saturday play Thursday train on Tuesday & Thursday

New players, old players, supporters, and volunteers are ALWAYS welcome.

Victoria Park FERGUS

Registration forms available on website or we will be at the Leisure shows in March 8th and 10th. Joe Bowley: 519-400-0547 e: Youth rugby registration fees qualify for the children’s fitness tax credit.

Wendy Armstrong Certified Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Fitness Instructor • Individual Program Design • Nutrition/Weight Management • Core Conditioning • Rehab, Injury Prevention • Cardiovascular, Strength, Endurance, Flexibility Training • Sports Conditioning • Private and Semi-Private Training • Group Classes • In-home and Gym Training


Indoor, Outdoors - more levels

Pilates/Golf Fit, NRG Circut Youth & Parents Page 38

For better balance in health, work and life! GOLF FIT, BOOTCAMP, PILATES, NRG CIRCUIT - youth & PARENTS



Golf Fit

Mon. & Thurs. 10:15-11:15am Tues & Thurs 7:30-8:30pm Improve your game. Improve your flexibility.


Sat. 8:30-9:30am Indoors for March & April Evenings added for outdoors

Tues. 10:00-11:00am Pilates Mon. & Wed. 6:30-7:30pm & 7:30-8:30pm Beginner, Beyond Beginner & Intermediate/Advance levels offered. NRG Circuit for Youth (ages 9 & up) & Parents Thurs. 5:30-6:15pm


Class schedule subject to change based on registration.

Please call for more information:

cell: 519-994-0-Fit (0348) phone: 519-843-3018

Centre Wellington Community Guide Spring 2011

March Break

Discover Ancient Egypt with daily family activities! 1 - 4 pm

Monday, March 14 Mummies & Archaeology

Wednesday, March 16 The Nile & Transportation

Friday, March 18 Hieroglyphics & Art

Tuesday, March 15 Food & Clothing

Thursday, March 17 Paper & Society

Also, tour the ROM travelling exhibition: Egypt, Gift of the Nile ` Admission by donation ` Children must be accompanied by an adult.

0536 Wellington County Rd. 18 Fergus, Centre Wellington, Ontario, CANADA N1M 2W3

tel: 519.846.0916 ext. 5221 TOLL FREE:1.800.663.0750 ext. 5221

Whatever your sport we have what you need. Shoetopia Footwear Outlet 860 Tower Street South Fergus, On

Shoetopia Footwear Outlet has what you need in footwear for the sport of your choice! With brands like Saucony and New Balance, you’ll find widths from B to 6E. Whether it’s tennis, zoomba, a jog on the treadmill or the track -

we have it covered at Shoetopia


Page 39

To advertise in the Community Guide call 519-843-2800.

2011 Home Game Schedule Sat. April 30

- Windsor @ Elora

- 7pm

Sun. May 1

- London @ Elora

- 7pm

Sat. May 7

- Spartan @ Elora

- 7pm

The Community Guide is distributed to every home in Centre Wellington.

Wed. May 11 - Owen Sound @ Elora - 8pm Sat. May 14

- Guelph @ Elora

- 7pm

Wed. May 25 - Orangeville @ Elora - 8pm Sat. June 4

- Orangeville @ Elora - 7pm

Wed. June 8

- Owen Sound @ Elora - 8pm - 7pm

Wed. June 15 - Guelph @ Elora

- 8pm

Sat. June 11 - Hamilton @ Elora

Page 40


TEL: (519) 843-6177 FAX: (519) 843-5630 CELL: (519) 820-2824 EMAIL:

Be active everyday ... for your



° Property Maintenance ° Landscape Design & Construction ° Irrigation ° Landscape Products ° Snow Removal & De-Icing Telephone: 519.843.5489 | Fax: 519.787.0373 | Email:

Giving kids a sporting chance.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart

is a community based charitable program that helps kids in financial need to participate in organized sport & recreation such as basketball, soccer, dance or swimming. If your child is interested in physical activity, please contact Big Brother/Big Sisters or the Community Resource Centre to find out if he/she is eligible.


519-843-7000 Page 41

Karen S. Barker

RMT, B.Sc (NANS), BA, DO (MTP) 210 St. Andrew St. E., Fergus

Ontario 55+ Senior Games Event Listing May 26 to June 2, 2011 DATE




Tues. May 24

Opening Ceremonies Scrabble

11:00 a.m.

Lawn Bowling

9:30 a.m.


1:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m.


9:30 a.m.

Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex Elora Lawn Bowling Club Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex Elora Legion


9:00 a.m.


1:00 p.m.

Thurs. May 26


10:00 a.m.


10:00 a.m.

Fri. May 27


9:00 a.m.

Table Tennis

10:30 a.m.

Mon. May 30


10:00 a.m.

5 Pin Bowling

9:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m.

Nordic Walking

11:00 a.m.

Tues. May 31

Golf 18 Holes

10:00 a.m.


10:00 a.m.

Wed. June 1

Duplicate Bridge

9:00 a.m.

Contract Bridge

1:00 p.m.

10 Pin Bowling

1:30 p.m.


9:00 a.m.

Bid Euchre

1:00 p.m.

Closing Banquet

5:00 p.m.

Wed. May 25

Thurs. June 2

9:30 a.m.

Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex Fergus Tennis Club Centre Wellington Sportplex Victoria Park Seniors Centre Evergreen Centre Guelph Evergreen Centre Guelph Elmira Bowl Victoria Park Seniors Centre Victoria Park Seniors Centre Fergus Golf Club Evergreen Centre Guelph Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex Woodlawn Bowling Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex Centre Wellington Sportplex

Pick up your registration forms at your Royal Canadian Legion branches, the Centre Wellington Sportsplex, senior centre, community centre’s and libraries in your area. Open to all 55+ Senior residents of Centre Wellington, Guelph, Wilmot, Woolwich, Waterloo, Cambridge and Kitchener

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS APRIL 26, 2011 For more information contact: Joan Coxhead 519-843-3616

Page 42


Osteopathy Clinic Treatment for chronic and acute pain dysfunctions that is

• Personalized • Participatory • Preventive By Appointment Only Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm

The Best of Both Worlds INDEPENDENT LIVING WITH THE SUPPORT YOU WANT! When is the right time for retirement living? Heritage River Retirement Residence is all about independent living without any household responsibilities.


Call Heritage River or drop in for a personal tour today!

Call: (519) 846-5350 25 Wellington Drive, Elora Ontario

Victoria Park Seniors Centre 150 ALBERT ST. W. FERGUS (519) 787-1814

Adult & Senior Programs Registration for the Spring 2011 Session begins Wednesday, March 9th Victoria Park Seniors Centre Will be closed: April 22 (Good Friday), April 25 (Easter Monday), May 23 (Victoria Day), July 1 (Canada Day)

• In Person •

• On Line • ProgramABLE

• By Mail • • By Fax •

Victoria Park (519) 787-2091 All you need is your family PIN Number, and Visa or Master Card number. Seniors Centre Visa or For first time users, please Office Hours 150 Albert St. W., contact Victoria Park Sr. Mon to Fri Master Card Fergus On Centre to obtain your 9:00am - 4:00pm N1M 1X2 Payments only pin number. All registrations will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Please Note: Registrations that are dropped off in person, mailed or faxed before registration starts will be processed at the end of the first day of registration.

150 Albert St. W., Fergus


Victoria Park Seniors Centre provides a wide variety of recreational programs, special events, bus trips, services and volunteer opportunities for older adults. The programs offered are tailored to individuals 55 years of age and older; however all registered programs are open to any adult looking to stay active, develop new skills and friendships. Victoria Park Seniors Centre, which officially opened its doors in June 1992, is a municipal recreation facility operated by the Parks and Recreation Department of the Township of Centre Wellington. Our goal is to support active, healthy lifestyles for older adults through an extensive range of social, health, recreational and educational programs. We invite you to drop by, take out a membership and experience the benefits of participating.


Membership renewals are due June 1, 2011. The new membership year runs June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012.


• Membership fee: $21.50 per person (includes HST) • The membership year runs June 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012 • Available to anyone 55 years of age or older. A younger spouse may also join. Membership has its benefits: • Reduced enrolment fees on all registered programs, bus trips & drop-in activities • Access to more than 70 weekly programs and services for seniors • Access to appointments at any of our clinics (foot care, blood pressure, hearing clinics, low vision clinics, reflexology, chair massage, coin appraisal) • Vote at the Annual General Meeting and hold office on the Centre’s Advisory Board • Have a direct link with local government through the Parks & Recreation Department • Discover a new hobby, skill or talent • Opportunities to become involved in meaningful volunteer work • And, most importantly, meet new friends! Please note that membership fees are non-refundable. Once you have a valid membership, additional fees are required to participate in programs, special events, bus trips, etc.


• Address: 150 Albert St. West, Fergus. The Centre is situated on the edge of Victoria Park. Tel: 519-787-1814 Fax: 519-787-2091. Website: (click on “Departments” “Parks & Recreation”, “Seniors Centre”). • Office Hours: Mon to Fri, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, (except statutory holidays). Activities are also held in the evenings & some Saturdays.


The Centre is run by a volunteer Advisory Board of seven elected Centre members and one appointed Council Representative. The Advisory Board acts a liaison between the seniors and the Township of Centre Wellington and works with the Parks and Recreation Dept. to provide quality recreational opportunities for older adults. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 9:00 am. All members welcome.


Interested in providing your input into programs and events for older adults? This volunteer committee organizes special events and fundraisers for the Centre. We meet the first Monday of the month at

10:00 am. The group is always looking for new ideas and volunteers to help plan events! Interested? Contact Kathryn Morgan at the Centre.


Centre Wellington (Victoria Park Seniors Centre) will be the host for the 2011 Waterloo-Wellington District 26 Summer Senior Games (held over 8 days from May 24June 2). Friendly competition for those 55 years and older! Participants compete in various events from the seven surrounding communities: Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Wilmot, Woolwich and Centre Wellington. Some of the events include: snooker, tennis, golf, euchre, bid euchre, bridge, darts, crokinole, cribbage, scrabble, table tennis and much more! Most event locations will be in Fergus, some in Elora and some at the Evergreen Seniors Centre in Guelph. Opening Ceremonies are held Tues. May 24 at 11:00 am at the Sportsplex and Closing Ceremonies/Banquet held Thurs. June 2 at the Sportsplex at 5:00 pm. Registration forms available at Victoria Park Seniors Centre.

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Winners of the scheduled events will go on to compete at the South Western Regional Senior Games in Chatham-Kent on Sept. 1, 2011. For more information, please call the Centre 519-787-1814. Interested in volunteering? We are looking for help with running the events, helping with opening & closing ceremonies, food preparation and more. Contact the Centre if you can help.

if you would like to volunteer or have an activity idea!


• Billiards, Snooker & Pool We have two billiards tables available for members’ use, Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Centre is also open Monday to Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm and some Saturdays. Fee: $38 for an annual billiards membership (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012). You must first be a member of the Centre to obtain a billiards membership. Alternatively, members can pay the drop-in fee of 25¢ per game (or $1.25 for nonmembers). Contact: Ted Haines 519-843-4408. Learn to Play Pool sessions are scheduled the first Wed. each month at 2:00 pm.

• Registration for all Spring 2011 programs begins Wed. March 9 @ 8:30 am. • All programs offered at the Seniors Centre require pre-registration, unless specified as a “drop-in” activity group (which do not require registration). Dropin activities are continuous unless a date is provided. • Payment must be received upon registration and can be made in person by cash, cheque, debit or credit card, over the phone by credit card or online on our ProgramAble registration system (contact the Centre for your PIN number & barcode). Cheques made payable to: Township of Centre Wellington – VPSC. • Not a member? Not 55 yet? No problem! You are still welcome to register for any program (a nonmember fee will apply). Younger adults are welcomed as valued participants and are invited to register for programs.

DROP-IN PROGRAMS New participants always welcome! All drop-in activity programs are offered on an ongoing basis unless otherwise stated. You are not required to register in advance, however, you may want to contact the Activity Convenor (listed below each activity) before your first visit, as some groups do require prior organization of players. Most groups charge a small pay-as-you-go fee or set an annual fee. Attend any activity for free on your first visit. Then choose to become a member OR pay the non-member fee each time ($1 added to drop-in fee). Have an idea for a new activity? Please contact the Centre. NOTE: We are looking for volunteers to organize Saturday morning drop-in group activities. Speak to Kathryn Morgan at the Centre

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• Bid Euchre This fun group meets Tuesdays at 1:00 pm. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non (with prizes).Convenor: Andrea Corner 519-843-7406. We can teach you how to play the game! “Learn to Play Bid Euchre” classes are scheduled usually the last Tuesday of the month at 10:00 am. Call the Centre to register.

• Canasta Canasta is a matching card game in which the object is to create melds of cards of the same rank, then “go out” by playing or discarding all the cards in your hand. Join in this new weekly card group Mondays at 9:30 am. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play – we will teach you! Convenor: Ina Boyle 519-846-8669. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Chess Group meets Wednesdays at 2:00 pm. Join us each week to challenge yourself and meet new people. New to the game or haven’t played in a little while? No problem – we can teach you. Lessons scheduled on the first Wed. of each month at 2:00 pm. Call the Centre to register. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Choir: Victoria Park Ensemble This vibrant group practices Mondays at 2:00 pm and is always looking for more people to join them! Join us if you love to sing or play an instrument. Convenor: Morven McCorquodale 519-843-5066.

• Book Club Love to read? Share your interest with others! Group meets first Friday of the month at 11:00 am to discuss the book of the month, have conversation and find common bonds through books. You’ll read and enjoy books you may have never chosen for yourself! Book list is generated based on group input and is available at the Centre. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non. Interested in joining? Contact Convenor: Lee Walsh 519843-3491.

• Craft Group Join us for a good time on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Crafts made by the group are sold in the Centre’s Craft Shoppe year round and at our Annual Fall Bazaar (always held the first Saturday in November). All proceeds support the Centre. Newcomers welcome! Contact Co-convenors: Jean Haines 519-843-4408 or Diane Thompson 519-787-4179 if you would like to join. Can’t decide what to buy? Gift certificates are also available!

• Bridge Duplicate Bridge is played Mondays at 7:00 pm (including holiday Mondays). $3 drop-in fee for members / $4 non (with prizes). Convenor: Don McNiven 519-8431361. Contract Bridge is played Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Convenor: Marjorie Lake 519-843-7136. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non. Duplicate Bridge is played Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. No charge if you attend Wednesday Lunch otherwise $1 drop-in fee for members / $2 non. Convenor: Leone Masson 519-843-2044. Social Bridge is played Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Convenor: Jean Holman 519-843-2004. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non.

• Cribbage Group meets Friday mornings at 9:30 am. They welcome new players and can teach you how to play. Convenor: Vern Dowdall 519-843-3907. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Crokinole This fun group meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Contact Donna Wagenaar 519-843-4754 if you are interested or simply dropin! We can show you how to play the game. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Darts This group meets Thursday mornings at 10:00 am. We can teach you how to play and darts are available for those who do not have their own. Convenor: Don

Martin 519-843-3153. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Drama Group: The Victoria Park Players If you enjoy performing, this fun and lively group is for you! No experience needed! The group meets weekly at pre-arranged times to practice. They organize two performances each year and will be working towards the annual Spring Performance held Fri. May 13 @ 2:00 pm. Interested? Please contact Joan Brownlow 519-787-2972. • Drop-in Games & Puzzles Come out and have a great time. Bring a friend! We have cards, cribbage boards, checker boards, chess, crokinole and jigsaw puzzles available. • Euchre Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 pm. No charge if you attend the Wednesday Lunch, otherwise $1 drop-in fee for members / $2 non. Contact Donna Wagenaar 519843-4754. Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm. Drop-in fee: $2 members / $3 non (with prizes to be won). Convenors: Mary & Peter McDougall 519-843-4079. • Line Dancing-Thursday This beginner group for men and women meet Thursday mornings 9:15-11:00 am to learn basic steps. Convenors: Ray & Marie Burkitt 519-846-0036. Could you help us instruct this class? We are looking for volunteer instructors/helpers. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Line Dancing-Wednesday Come out for fun and exercise on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:30 pm to learn basic steps. Please join us! Convenors: Anne & Ron Davidson 519-848-6133. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Movie Fridays at 1:00 pm. Drop-in fee: $2 members / $3 non and includes refreshments after the show! Be sure to pick up the movie listing page from the Centre. • Quilting Group Experienced quilters are welcome to join this group, which meet Mondays at 1:00 pm. Contact Diane Thompson 519-787-4179 or Jean Haines 519-843-4408. (If you would like to learn to quilt, please contact the Centre for quilting courses offered).

• Rug-Hooking (Traditional) This group meets Monday afternoons at 1:00 pm. All are welcome to come for a creative, social afternoon. Newcomers welcome. Contact the Centre 519-787-1814. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non.

includes wood. Convenor: Paul Spedaliere 519-787-2593.

• Scrabble Friendly competition and fun! This group welcomes newcomers and meets Friday mornings at 9:30 am. Convenor: Trudy Kelly 519-8432506. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non.

• Art/Hobby Group Bring any type of art or hobby you would like to work on to tap into your creative side. • Carpet Bowling We will teach you how to play. • Financial Discussion Group The purpose of this group is to share information and learn how to better understand and manage your investments. Interested? Contact the Centre or Joan Coxhead 519-843-3616. • Mah Jong Mah Jong is a fun game of Chinese origin which involves skill, strategy, calculation and a certain degree of luck. • Shanghai If you like the game Yahtzee, you will love Shanghai.

• Shuffleboard Join us for fun, friendship and gentle exercise on Mondays at 1:00 pm. Beginners are most welcome! We will teach you the game. Convenors: Joan Lambert 519-787-1881 & Fern Saunders 519-843-3777. Drop-in fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Table Tennis Exercise in disguise! It’s fun, noncompetitive play. Group meets twice a week on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am and Thursday afternoons at 1:00 pm. Convenor: Valerie Benn 519-846-8160. Dropin fee: $1 members, $2 non. • Ukulele Band Join us twice a week for this fun group! Mondays & Fridays, 3:004:00 pm. No musical experience needed. Will teach any beginner! You just need to bring your own ukulele. Contact Ken McCorquodale 519-843-5066. • Walking Groups Monday afternoons at 1:30 pm (including statutory holidays) meeting at the Centre to explore a different area each week. No cost. All walking levels welcome! Contact: Ross Chalmers 519-7874135 or Harald Hennecke 519843-2286. Monday-Friday Mornings at 9:00 am meeting at the track in Victoria Park. No cost. All welcome! Walking poles available for use. Contact: Donna Wagenaar 519-843-4754 Tuesday & Thursday Mornings at 8:30 am. Learn to use walking poles for a more effective workout! No cost. Walking poles available for use. Fitness instructor Kelly Offer will offer instruction and guidance. Contact the Centre. • Wood Carving Group meets Wednesdays at 1:00 pm to learn and share knowledge! Bring your own carving tools. $3 drop-in fee (for members only)

We are hoping to start up the following Drop-in Groups. Please contact the Centre 519-787-1814 if you are interested:

CENTRE SERVICES Blood Pressure Clinics

FREE! Held the first Wednesday each month from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm (see dates below) at Victoria Park Seniors Centre. Kelley Eves, Nurse Specialist – Metabolic Care with the Upper Grand Family Health Team, will check your blood pressure and provide information on how to control your blood pressure. No appointment needed – simply drop-in! Thanks to the Upper Grand Family Health Team for sponsoring this program. Upcoming clinic dates: April 6, May 4 & June 1

Foot Care Clinics

It’s important to prevent and treat foot problems. Healthy feet make a happier person! Registered Nurse Pauline Mikol provides the foot care. $22. Appointments are necessary and do fill quickly. To book your ½ hour appt., call the Reception Desk at the Centre 519787-1814. Bring a small towel with you. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours if you need to cancel an appointment so that we have time to contact someone on the waiting list. Cash or cheques accepted.

CNIB Low Vision Clinic (NEW!)

FREE! This CNIB Lions’ Low Vision Clinic offers you the opportunity

to learn more about vision loss, CNIB services and to explore various products designed to assist with all aspects of daily living. A CNIB Low Vision Specialist will be on hand to answer your questions. 3rd Tuesday of every month, 9:30 am-12:30 pm held at Victoria Park Seniors Centre. Drop-in! No appointment needed. For more information contact: Ruby van Eeken (Low Vision Specialist with the CNIB) 1-800-265-4177 ext. 5164. March 15, April 19, May 17 & June 21

Hearing Clinics

FREE! A drop-in Hearing Clinic will be held Wed. March 16 & Wed. June 15 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm when a Hearing Care Counsellor from the Canadian Hearing Society is available to talk to you on a one-to-one basis about any hearing concerns you may have. As well, a FREE Hearing Screening Test (to identify the possibility of hearing loss) is scheduled on Tues. June 21. Simply call the Centre 519-787-1814 to book your ½ hour appt. for this test. Also offered this spring: “Do I Really Need a Hearing Aid? on Thurs. June 30, 12:30-4:00 pm.


NEW! Deeply relaxing, reflexology works the reflex points in your feet that relate to different organs and areas of your body. Circulation is improved to facilitate balance within the body. You will leave feeling relaxed and yet having a renewed energy. Certified Reflexologist, Karen Murtagh, provides the reflexology appointments $20. To book your ½ hour appt., call the Centre 519-787-1814. Appts. available every other Monday from 12:30-3:30 pm March 14 & 28 April 4 & 18 May 2, 16 & 30 June 13 & 27

Chair Massage

NEW! Join specialized certified practitioner, Christine Brown, for a relaxing 10-minute chair massage. Reduce tension, stress, headaches, stiff necks, backaches and increase circulation. No removing of clothes and no oils used. To book your appointment, call the Centre 519-787-1814. Appts. available the 2nd Wednesday of the month 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Cost: $10. March 9, April 13, May 11 & June 8

Wednesday Lunch

Join us every Wednesday at 12:00 Noon! Cost is $8 members/$9 non. Meet old friends or make new ones while enjoying a delicious and nutritious lunch. Stay for a social afternoon of euchre, bridge, crafts or chess (no charge for these activities if you come for lunch), also woodcarving or billiards (drop-in fee applies). Menus are listed in the Centre’s monthly calendar. Call ahead to reserve a spot, as sometimes lunch is soldout. Don’t miss the following monthly (and sometimes twice a month) fund-raising homemade lunches organized and prepared by the Centre’s Program Committee volunteers: March 16 (St. Patrick’s) April 20 (Spring Lunch) May 4 (Homemade Lunch) May 18 (Victoria Day BBQ) June 1 (Homemade Lunch) June 15 (Celebrate Summer BBQ)

Garden Fresh Box

A non-profit, fresh produce-buying service operated by the Guelph Community Health Centre. Victoria Park Seniors Centre is one of many drop-off sites in Wellington County (but the only site in the Fergus area!). Your order includes a “Fresh Idea” newsletter with recipes and other useful information. The Garden Fresh Box content changes from month to month because the fruits and vegetables are chosen in season when they are at the peak of their nutritional value. To order a Garden Fresh Box, contact Victoria Park Seniors Centre 519-7871814. Place your order by the 1st Friday of the month (cash only). Payment must be made at time of order. Pick up your order on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Victoria Park Seniors Centre between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. Please bring your own grocery bags. This program runs year round! Cost: $20 large box or $15 small box

Card Service

Did you know that the Centre sends out cards to members? If you happen to know a member of the Centre who may be ill, recovering from an operation, requiring a sympathy card, etc., let us know at the Centre or contact our Outreach Coordinator, Lori Runnalls.

Crafts for Sale

Visit our lovely Craft Shoppe full

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of beautiful handmade items. All items are made by our talented craft and quilting group volunteers and the crafts are available for sale year round (gift certificates available). You will find some wonderful homemade crafts and collectibles, including baby clothing, quilts and blankets, sweaters, hats, mitts, scarves, and so much more! Available Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Our annual Fall Bazaar fundraiser is always held the first Saturday in November featuring crafts made by the group. All proceeds support Victoria Park Seniors Centre.

Monthly Calendar

Be sure to pick up a copy of the monthly calendar, listing day-today programs at the Centre. It lists menus for Wednesday lunches and also next month’s programs. Free copies are always available at the Centre and also on the website

Library, Newspapers & Coffee

Check out our newly reorganized library area. See the wonderful collection of books stocked by your generous donations. Drop by to read a book or borrow one to take home. Come out for coffee and browse through the newspapers (Toronto Star, Fergus-Elora News Express, etc). We also accept donations of current magazines for our coffee table. A large selection of jigsaw puzzles are also available to borrow. Help yourself to any of the information pamphlets and government publications provided on a range of topics of interest to older adults.

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering at Victoria Park Seniors Centre? There are a number of volunteer positions available: kitchen help, registration desk, foot clinics, special events, food preparation, activity convenors, committee work. Volunteers are also needed to help with the 2011 Summer Senior Games held in Fergus May 24June 2. Contact the Centre 519787-1814.

Grocery Tapes Fundraiser

Support the Centre by saving your grocery receipts when shopping at any Zehrs or L&M. We are collecting these grocery receipts to help support our programs! Sim-

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ply drop off your receipts to the Centre. For every $450 dollars worth of tapes, we receive $1.00. It doesn’t sound like much but it adds up!

SUPPORT SERVICES Free Income Tax Service

This free income tax service is designed for lower income seniors. To find out if you qualify or to register for this service, please call the Community Resource Centre 519843-7000. To fill out the necessary registration form, please drop by the Community Resource Centre Office located at 160 St. David St. S, Fergus. Computer literate volunteers are also needed to assist with this service.

Wellington Transportation Service

Through the joint efforts of many volunteer transportation service providers across Wellington County, transportation is available to assist seniors in accessing medical appointments, social programs, shopping, banking, etc. Volunteer drivers provide transportation. Call 519-843-7003 or 1-866-694-9562.

VON Meals on Wheels

Delivers hot, delicious and nutritionally balanced meals to your home around the noon hour. Call 519-323-2330 or 1-888-506-6353 press “3” for the Meals on Wheels program.

Seniors Transit Bus

ber registered (sometimes up to 4 weeks in advance!) depending on the venue. We travel by coach equipped with a washroom on board. All trips depart from and return to Victoria Park Seniors Centre. Return times are approximate, depending on weather and traffic.

Black Donnelly Tour

Includes a tour of the Donnelley Museum, lunch at the Malibu Restaurant, tour of Ice Culture, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 8:00 am, approx. return time 5:00 pm. Thursday, April 14 $64 member / $74 non

MS Chi-Cheemaun Spring Repositioning Cruise

Scenic Georgian Bay from Owen Sound to Tobermory. Includes the cruise on the MS Chi-Cheemaun, buffet lunch on board, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 9:00 am, approx. return time 9:00 pm. Thursday, May 5 $95 member / $105 non

Canadian International Military Tattoo

Includes buffet lunch at Hamilton Convention Centre, the Tattoo at Copps Coliseum, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 10:45 am, approx. return time 6:30 pm. Sunday, June 26 $99 member / $109 non

Hill Island Lodge


Lansdowne, Ont. Featuring Kingston & Ottawa 6 days, 5 nights accommodation at Hill Island Lodge. Attractions: guided tour up the Rideau Locks with picnic lunch, museum visit in Ottawa, city tour of Kingston, 1 hour boat cruise of 1000 Islands, nightly entertainment, luxury coach, gratuities, baggage handling & taxes. Cancellation insurance available at an additional cost. Sun. July 24-Fri. July 29 Single: $719 or Double: $595

We are always in the process of organizing new bus trips for Victoria Park Seniors Centre. Some trips may not be listed if arranged after this publication went to print. We encourage you to contact the Centre anytime for updates. Register early to avoid the disappointment of a sold-out or cancelled trip. We need a minimum num-

Greg Frewin Magic Show Travel to Niagara Falls! Includes tour of Joseph’s Estate Winery, lunch at Betty’s Restaurant, Magic Show at the Greg Frewin Theatre in Niagara Falls, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 9:00 am, approx. return time 7:00 pm. Saturday, July 30

A bus runs on Wednesdays in the Fergus area for seniors. $1.50 one-way ($3 round trip). The bus picks you up at home, drops you off at your destination and brings you back home. To use this service, you must contact the bus driver ahead of time. Pick up a bus schedule and drivers’ phone numbers at the Centre. Coordinator: Byron Beirnes 519-843-4148.

$93 member / $103 non

Old Mill & Red Rocket Tour

Take a trip through the past on the “Red Rocket”. The iconic streetcar served TTC riders from 1938 until 1995 when the last one was taken out of regular service. Over that time the TTC operated 745 “Red Rockets” as they became known in Toronto. Enjoy lunch at the Old Mill Restaurant, a famous Toronto Inn, located in the beautiful setting of the Humber Valley. Includes lunch, the Red Rocket Tour with historian Mike Filey, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 9:45 am, approx. return time 5:15 pm. Note: only 45 seats available on this tour! Thursday, August 18 $89 member / $99 non

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament

Welcome to the 11th century! Medieval Times is inspired by the true medieval tradition of royal families inviting guests to a festival and 4-course feast to watch knights compete on horseback. Privileged royal guests are transported to faraway lands including a romantic snowy rendezvous in the woods and an authentic medieval tournament for the Battle of Champions. Includes dinner at Medieval Times and the show, luxury coach transportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 1:00 pm, approx. return time 7:30 pm. Sunday, September 25 $86 member / $96 non

Fall Colour Cruise

Enjoy a buffet lunch at the Inn at Christie’s Mill (a beautiful scenic dining room overlooking the water), followed by a 2.5 hour fall colour cruise on the Muskoka Trent-Severn Waterway departing from Port Severn. The Serendipity Princess cruises to the Big Chute Marine Railway - only two of its kind in the world. Also includes luxury coach tranportation, hst, driver’s gratuity. Departs 9:45 am, approx. return time 7:30 pm. Thursday, October 6 $90 member/ $99 non


All fitness participants must fill out a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (Par-Q) prior to

participation in any fitness program. Not only will it help guide your participation but will assist instructors in monitoring your progress. Those with certain medical conditions will need to fill out a PARmed-X form in consultation with their doctor. Forms given at time of registration. If you registered online, please print form off our website Forms should be returned by the first day of class. Register early for fitness classes as space is limited. NOTE: Due to allergies, please avoid wearing perfume.

Strength Training

Certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer will help you regain strength and stamina and then build on that to improve bone density, coordination and stability in this intermediate level class. Become fit with the use of body weight, resistance tubing and chairs. Strengthen and tone various muscle groups. (No class Apr. 25 or May 23). Mondays, 1:00-1:45 pm April 11–June 27 (10 classes) $50 member / $60 non

Low Impact Aerobics

An intermediate level, moderate intensity class for those with good mobility or those who have taken fitness classes before. Instructor: Kelly Offer. Tuesdays, 9:00-9:45 am April 12–June 28 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non

Beginner Strength Training

Beginner exercise program ideal for those new to fitness or for those wanting gentle range of motion exercises to improve balance, flexibility and muscle tone. Suitable for those who must exercise from a chair or for those who can stand. Instructors: Kelly Offer (Tuesdays & Thursdays) and Julie Wynhofen (Wednesday class). Tuesdays, 10:00-10:45 am April 12–June 28 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non Wednesdays, 10:40-11:25 am April 20–June 22 (10 classes) $50 member / $60 non Thursdays, 11:00-11:45 am April 14–June 30 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non

Pilates for Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis

Much of the classical Pilates reper-

toire is contraindicated for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis and can actually put you at risk for fracture and exacerbate the risk factors associated with these conditions. In this class we will manipulate the Pilates repertoire to make it bone safe and effective for building bone density. If you have been diagnosed with osteopenia, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, this is the class for you. Join certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer for this fun and challenging class! Tuesdays, 11:00-11:45 am April 12–June 28 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non

Break Through: Osteoporosis Prevention & Management

Information program developed by Osteoporosis Canada and designed specifically for adults 50+ to help achieve good bone health and reduce risk for developing osteoporosis. For those with osteoporosis, it will help treat the disease, manage symptoms, avoid fractures. For each class, certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer, will provide you with information to help you maintain bone strength, prevent bone loss and falls. Note: This ½ hour class is a lecture/presentation format. Due to grant funding, class is free but please pre-register! Tuesdays, 11:45 am-12:15 pm April 12-May 17 (6 classes) Tuesdays, 11:45 am-12:15 pm May 24-June 28 (6 classes)

Urban Pole/Nordic Walking

FREE! Think cross-country skiing without the skis! This outdoor weekly drop-in group will help you build a regular walking routine into your life. A highly effective core muscle strengthening exercise that increases stability and balance. Poles reduce impact on knee and hip joints. Safe, enjoyable and easy to learn. Learn proper techniques for breathing, posture and balance. Join certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer for this fully integrated walking program that turns walking into a workout! Great workout in all types of weather. Come dressed for the weather as we walk year round in rain, sun & snow! Walking poles provided (limited number) or bring your own. Start anytime. Free! Tuesdays &/or Thursdays 8:30-9:00 am

Stability Ball – Intermediate Level

Improve balance and strength using balls and mats. The ball offers many options, is suitable for intermediate to advanced participants and will improve your balance, strength and flexibility. All equipment supplied. Instructor: Julie Wynhofen. Wednesdays, 9:00-9:45 am April 20–June 22 (10 classes) $50 member / $60 non

Men’s Fitness Back to Basics

If you have ever suffered from an episode of back pain (or simply want to avoid one) then this is the class for you. We will work on strengthening and conditioning your abs and back for reduced back pain, better stability and a flatter stomach. While the focus of this class is on the core, flexibility and balance training will round out the program. Instructor: Julie Wynhofen. Wednesdays, 9:50-10:30 am April 20–June 22 (10 classes) $50 member / $60 non

Advanced Strength Training

This class is designed for those who have had previous strength training experience (one year or more) and/or are mobile enough to transition from standing to mat work and back again. This class uses various resistance and balance training equipment. Join certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer for this fun and challenging class! Thursdays, 9:00-9:45 am April 14–June 30 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non

Beginner to Intermediate Level Strength Training

Class will accommodate those new to fitness, at a beginner level or those at a more intermediate level. Certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer will help you regain strength and stamina and then build on that to improve bone density, coordination and stability. Become fit with the use of body weight, resistance tubing and chairs. Strengthen and tone various muscle groups. Options will be given to accommodate all levels of fitness. Thursdays, 10:00-10:45 am April 14–June 30 (12 classes) $60 member / $72 non

Gentle Yoga I

Gentle Yoga, Level 1 is ideal both for those new to yoga as well as for those with some experience who enjoy a gentler practice with basic breathing practices and a brief, quiet seated meditation ending each class. It is a slightly shorter class than the Level II Yoga and most of the practice is done on the floor. Please bring a yoga mat, a towel and a strap (or an old tie) to each class. Instructor: Karen Murtagh. If you have any questions, please contact Karen at 519-803-0663. Pre-register. (No class Apr. 25 or May 23). Mondays, 10:40–11:55 am April 4–June 27 (11 classes) $88 members / $93.50 non

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga gives all the same benefits of other kinds of yoga without having to come to the floor to do the postures. We will use the chair for stability in standing postures and then sit on the chair for breath work, movements to increase range of movement and for postures as well as to sit for a quiet meditative practice to end each class. Please bring a yoga mat, a yoga block as well as a yoga strap (or a tie). This class is suitable both for beginners and for those who have done yoga before but who would prefer not doing floor postures. Instructor: Karen Murtagh. Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00 pm April 5–June 21 (12 classes) $96 members /$102 non

Gentle Yoga II

This 1½ hour class incorporates lying, seated, kneeling and standing postures. Explore opening, breathing, stretching and strengthening in the context of mindfulness, community and joy. Instructor: Jill Davey. If you are unsure which yoga class (Gentle Yoga I or Gentle Yoga II) is the best fit for you, contact Jill 519843-5900 to inquire. Please bring a yoga mat and yoga block to class. (No class May 26). Thursdays, 11:10 am-12:40 pm April 7–June 9 (9 classes) $72 members / $76.50 non

Tai Chi

This slow-moving, meditative and gentle exercise helps restore and maintain fitness and flexibility. This non-strenuous introductory class is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Instructor: Billye Milliken. Pre-

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register. (No class May 23). Mondays, 9:00-10:00 am May 2-June 27 (8 classes) $44 members / $48 non **NOTE: Take any of two of the above fitness courses per week (per person) and save $5 OR take three fitness courses per week (per person) and save $10.

Walking Groups

Monday afternoons at 1:30 pm (including statutory holidays). The group meets at the Centre to explore a different area each week. No cost. All walking levels welcome! Contact: Ross Chalmers 519-787-4135 or Harald Hennecke 519-843-2286. Monday to Friday Mornings at 9:00 am meeting at the track in Victoria Park. No cost. All welcome! Walking poles are available for use. Contact: Donna Wagenaar 519-843-4754. Tuesday & Thursday Mornings at 8:30 am. Learn to use Nordic walking poles for a more effective workout and we provide the poles! No cost. Certified fitness instructor Kelly Offer will be walking with the group to teach techniques and to show how to effectively use the walking poles.


A gentle exercise that stretches, strengthens and tones specific muscle groups as you learn the basic foundations movements. Experience the magical effects created by using a veil as a prop while manipulating the fabric to frame and flow around the body. Build confidence, grace of movement and improve posture. Join us for the fun of it and meet women of all ages who practice it. Bring a yoga mat, water and towel. Dress comfortably. Veils provided. For adults aged 21 and up. Instructor: Lise Stewart. (No class on these Mondays: Apr. 25 or May 23. No class these Wednesdays: May 18 or June 15). BONUS: For those registered in the Monday or Wednesday classes, you can attend the Saturday morning drop-in class 10:00-11:30 am for $2 per class! The Saturday morning class is not for beginners. Mondays, 9:00-10:30 am April 18–June 6 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm

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April 18–June 6 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm Apr. 27–June 8 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non Saturdays, 10:00-11:30 am (Intermediate Level) $2 drop-in fee - ongoing Mondays, 9:00-10:30 am June 13–July 18 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm June 13–July 18 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm June 22–July 27 (6 classes) $39 members / $45 non

FREE Class: Zumba Gold

A chance for you try out this new fitness/dance class to see what it is all about! Instructor: Nerine Christie. Pre-register Tuesday, April 19 12:00-12:45 pm

Zumba Gold

A fitness class designed for the active older adult. A fusion of international music, this class tones and sculpts without you even knowing it. This class is based on the principle that a workout should be fun & easy to do. If you like to dance, you will love Zumba. Instructor: Nerine Christie. (No class Apr. 25, May 23). Try the free trial class on April 19! Note the new Tuesday class. Mondays, 12:00-12:45 pm April 18-June 27 (9 classes) $67.50 member / $76.50 non Tuesdays, 12:00-12:45 pm April 26-June 21 (9 classes) $67.50 member / $76.50 non

Line Dancing

Thursday Line Dancing Beginner group for men and women meet Thursdays 9:1511:00 am to learn basic steps. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non. Convenors: Ray & Marie Burkitt 519-846-0036. Could you help instruct this class? Let us know! Wednesday Line Dancing Fun and exercise on Wednesdays 3:00-4:30 pm to learn basic steps. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $2 non. Convenors: Anne & Ron Davidson 519-848-6133.

DAYTIME COMPUTER CLASSES Beginner & Intermediate Computer Course

Focusing on Email, Internet searches and basic word processing skills. Three students per class. Five weeks (one hour class held Mon. afternoons and Wed. mornings). Beginners will be introduced to information required to effectively use their computers. Those with some keyboard experience will learn new skills to help better manage their work, including how to: work with Windows, make your computer “user friendly”, type letters, prepare tables/charts, columns and posters, avoid problems and what to do when mistakes happen. Instruction manual included. Instructor: Joan Coxhead. Mon 1:15-2:15 pm & Wed 9:30-10:30 am May 30–June 29 (10 classes) $85 member / $95 non Mon 2:30-3:30 pm & Wed 10:45-11:45 am May 30-June 29 (10 classes) $85 member / $95 non

Troubleshoot Your Computer

Learn how to avoid those annoying little messages that keep appearing on your computer screen with these preventative steps for your computer. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. Mar.16, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Computer Photo Editing

Now that you have taken all those digital photos, learn how to store and edit them. Learn to transfer pictures from your camera using the computer’s built-in function. Learn how to edit your photos (touch up colour, crop, add special effects), print and incorporate them into letters and other documents including your e-mail program. Some computer experience needed. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Fridays, 2:00-4:00 pm Mar. 18-Apr. 1 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

Computer Security

This class will focus on the ways you can protect your computer from viruses, spam and inter-

net scams. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. Mar. 23, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Downloading Refresher

This workshop is for those who have some experience in downloading or who want to know what can be downloaded from the Internet. We will go to some of the best “freebie” sites and discuss the steps of safe downloading. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. Mar. 30, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Computer Printing

This workshop will teach you about the world of computer printers. Whether you are looking to buy one or want to do more with the one you own, this course will help you understand the benefits of today’s printers. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. Apr. 6, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Purchasing a New Computer

Are you in the market for a new computer but not sure where to begin? Presenter Dushan Grunstein will take you through the steps of buying a computer, including determining your needs and requirements, what to look out for, what the “extras” are and help you get started. Two dates to choose from. Pre-register. Fri. April 8, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non Wed. June 15, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Where the Heck Are My Files?

This two week course will help you find files already on your computer and manage all of your files for future. It will allow you to manage doc and image files better, know where your files and photos are saved when they download from your camera, internet or saved from a program. This session would be suitable for both mac and pc users. Some computer experience in necessary. Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 pm Apr. 13 & Apr. 20 (2 classes) $36 member / $44 non

Internet Refresher

In this workshop reacquaint yourself with the Internet, learn simple

and useful shortcuts and how to protect your computer from spam and viruses. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein Fri. April 15, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

EBay–Online Auction Site

Do you have treasures just collecting dust? They may be worth cash if you know the secret to selling. Or maybe you are looking for something special or want to complete a collection? Learn how to do it all on EBay, the internet’s most popular auction site. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. April 27, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

Computer Maintenance & Clean Up

Is your computer too slow? Learn how to get peak performance out of your computer. Topics: removing unused programs, defragmenting your hard drive, checking for free HD space, ScanDisc, virus and hacker protection, spyware and adware. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Pre-register. Fridays, 2:00-4:00 pm April 29-May 13 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

Face Book

Face Book is a very popular social networking website that allows you to join “networks” of groups and friends to chat with online. Learn how to share pictures, stories and keep updated with family and friends. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wed. May 4, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non


YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips. Every day some short video clip on YouTube makes headline news. This class will give you some tips on how you can join the fun. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Pre-register. Wed. May 11, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 member / $22 non

New Computer Know How

If you have recently purchased a computer but do not know where to start, this class will give you a general overview. Presenter: Dushan Grunstein. Pre-register. Wed. May 18, 2:00-4:00 pm $18 members / $22 non

Word & Excel 2007

Microsoft Word is an excellent program to help you create better documents, letters, cards and so much more. You will also be introduced to the capabilities of Microsoft Excel, spreadsheet software, which allows you to create charts, graphs and formulas, prepare budgets and more. Some mouse and keyboard experience needed. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Fridays, 2:00-4:00 pm May 20–June 3 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

Digital Photos to Movies

You have mastered the art of taking photos with your digital camera – now what do you do with them? Let us show you how Movie Maker software (that comes with Windows) takes your ordinary photos and brings them to life and can be played on any DVD player. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 pm May 25–June 8 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

Downloading Free Stuff

Ever wonder how people get that great software, games or music for their computer for free? This course will show you where to go to get that free stuff as well as the process for downloading and proper file management. Participants should be comfortable with the mouse and have internet browsing experience. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Fridays, 2:00-4:00 pm June 10-June 24 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

Google Me

Google Earth, Google maps, Google News, Google Video… Google has evolved far beyond a search engine for the internet. It is a powerful source for information, tools and general fun. Learn all the ways you can “google”. Instructor: Dushan Grunstein. Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00 pm June 22-July 6 (3 classes) $54 member / $66 non

EVENING & WEEKEND COMPUTER CLASSES Picture Perfect – Managing Your Holiday Digital Images

Digital cameras and scanners are now found in most homes and offices and have great potential to

enhance projects and services if used effectively. This course will share practical strategies and techniques for managing and using digital images acquired through digital photography or scanning. Learn how to enhance and manage images using simple desktop applications, incorporate them into documents and projects, and place them online via applications such as Web E-mail and Facebook. Instructor: Corie Kelly, MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist). Tuesdays, 6:00–8:00 pm March 22 & 29 (2 classes) $36 member / $44 non

Make Your Own Greeting Cards & Calendars

Have you ever wanted to make your own personalized birthday cards that contain text, pictures, symbols and borders? This course is to help you produce documents that contain artwork and use various fonts and styles. The emphasis is on simplicity of process with lots of hands-on practice. Printing and various other sharing techniques will also be discussed. No previous typing skills are needed. Instructor: Corie Kelly, MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist). Thursdays, 6:00–8:00 pm March 24 & 30 (2 classes) $36 member / $44 non

Social Networking

Don’t be left out of the communications world. Attend this overview to social networking and learn all about making new contacts, sharing information, and connecting with friends using Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. Instructor: Corie Kelly, MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist). Sat. March 26, 9:00 am–12:00 pm $27 member / $33 non

DVD/CD Burning

Do you want to preserve digital photos you took on vacation instead of taking up precious space on your hard drive. Or maybe keep a digital record of your house inventory to store in a safety deposit box? This course will explain how to make a CD/DVD; how to erase a CD/DVD; how to copy your pictures and verify they are copied and how to back-up your files to a CD/DVD. It also introduces Windows Media Player 11; helps you make your own music library and

then shows you how to copy this music to a CD/DVD. Make sure your “one of a kind” picture is saved from computer failure: burn it on a CD/DVD. Instructor: Corie Kelly, MOUS (Microsoft Office User Specialist). Sat. March 26, 1:30–3:30 pm $18 member / $22 non


Join us twice a week for this fun group! No musical experience needed. Will teach any beginner! You just need to bring your own ukulele. Contact convenor Ken McCorquodale if you have any questions 519-843-5066. No charge. Mondays & Fridays 3:00-4:00 pm

Drama Group Rehearsals for the Spring Performance

If interested, please contact Joan Brownlow at 519-787-2972. The Spring Performance will take place on Friday, May 13th at 2:00 pm at the Centre.

Watercolour Painting for Everyone!

Join instructor Lorraine McDonald in this fun and relaxing class where we will work in various techniques of watercolour to create beautiful paintings. We will also try our hand at some pen and ink. Each class will begin with a demonstration. All levels welcome. Supply list available at registration. Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm April 7-June 9 (10 classes) $86 member /$91 non Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm June 16-Aug. 18 (10 classes) $86 member /$91 non


Do you have a guitar collecting dust in a closet? Are you a little rusty from not playing for years? Then this is the course for you. In this relaxing class we will learn to tune a guitar and how to play using chords, strumming and learn a few songs. You will need a guitar and a music stand. Instructor: Lorraine McDonald. Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:00 pm April 14-May 19 (6 classes) $58 member /$63 non Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:00 pm

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May 26-June 30 (6 classes) $58 member /$63 non

Bunka Artistry

This Japanese embroidery technique uses a punch needle and coloured silk-like rayon threads to create beautiful pictures resembling delicately shaded paintings. No knots to tie and mistakes are easy to correct. This course is for new and returning students and all skill levels. All supplies available from instructor Mary Pierson (beginner kit cost: $50). Beginners are welcome and can start anytime! Contact the Centre for class dates in June. Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 am Apr. 19-May 24 (6 classes) $38 members / $44 non

Rubber Stamping / Card Making

Beginner to advanced stampers will enjoy this fun, hands-on cardmaking workshop. Create your own personalized greeting cards and learn other crafty ideas! Bring scissors, glue stick and a $6 supply fee to class. Instructor: Joanne McTavish. Pre-register. Tuesday, April 19 9:30-11:30 am (1 class) $3 member / $5 non

Watercolour Painting with Vivian

Learn different techniques, leaving whites, masking, negative spaces, centre of interest, glazing, colour value. You will work on your favourite subject, so bring a picture or drawing. Supply list available at registration. Instructor Vivian Andrews. Fridays, 1:00-3:00 pm April 29-June 24 (9 classes) $42 member / $49 non

Jewellery Making: Spiral “S” Necklace

Stunning is the word for a necklace that allows you to create an individual look just by changing beads. Different colours, sizes, shapes, mix and match, all the same—endless possibilities! There will be a variety of beads to choose from at no additional cost but you are welcome to bring your own (14 to 18 depending on size would be enough). You will also learn to make your own clasp in this class. Join instructor Karen Howard, FCGmA for this fun 2-hour class. Bring a supply fee of

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$34 to class. See a photo of the necklace at the Centre. Supplied for your use that day will be all pliers and wire cutters. This project is easy to learn and easy on the hands. Thursday, May 26 (1 class) 1:00-3:00 pm $29 members / $32 non

CARDS & GAMES Learn to Play Bid Euchre

Join in a fun session with volunteer instructor Andrea Corner to learn how to play this interesting card game. It’s easy and you’ll learn quickly! Pre-register. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $3 non. Many dates to choose from: Tues. Mar. 29 @ 10:00 am Tues. Apr. 26 @ 10:00 am Tues. May 31 @ 10:00 am Tues. June 28 @ 10:00 am

Learn to Play Chess

Have you always wanted to learn to play this intriguing game? Join us for this fun session to learn the basics. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $3 non. Please pre-register. Many dates to choose from: Wed. Apr. 6 @ 2:00 pm Wed. May 4 @ 2:00 pm Wed. June 1 @ 2:00 pm

Learn to Play Pool

Calling all women! Have you always wanted to learn to play pool? Join in this small, friendly, relaxed class at the Centre in the billiards room to learn the basics of the game. All equipment provided. Please pre-register. Drop-in fee: $1 members / $3 non. Many dates to choose from: Wed. Apr. 6 @ 2:00 pm Wed. May 4 @ 2:00 pm Wed. June 1 @ 2:00 pm


Join in this new weekly drop-in card group held Mondays at 9:30 am. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to play – we will teach you! Contact the Centre if you are interested. $1 drop-in fee for members or $2 non-members (but try if for free your first time!).

GENERAL INTEREST Genealogy: Organizing Your Family

Do you have some genealogical information on your family but are not sure how to put it all together? Need help finding more information? Come with your information,

stories and photos and learn how to organize it into a book form that you will be able to share with family members. Supplies: $5 payable to instructor at class. Instructor: Margaret McCarney. Saturdays, 10:00 am–12:00 pm March 19-May 7 (8 classes) $56 member / $64 non

Do It Yourself Seminar

Not sure how to use those tools that you have sitting on a shelf? Let the Travelling Handyman, Ken Ferrier, show you how to put them to good use doing small jobs around the house including changing a door knob from the round type to a simple lever type that allows easier access to a room. That constant drip from the bathroom tap or that tap that just won’t shut off may just need a simple washer or cartridge replacement or possibly a new set of taps. As an added bonus Ken will be giving away as a door prize a 2 hour in-home service at no charge (materials not included). Mon. March 21 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non

Retirement Readiness

Retirement planning involves lots of choices and decisions about finances, health issues, relationships, leisure time, lifestyles and identity concerns. Let’s take a look at what this next stage brings. Whether you are in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, this planning session will get you started. Instructor Donna McCaw brings the experience, the research and a sense of humour to the process of retirement planning. A $20 fee for the workbook is payable to the instructor at first class. Mondays, 6:30-9:30 pm March 21 & 28 (2 classes) $34 members / $38 non


Want to learn how to do this puzzle that so many people seem to be doing these days? Find out why it is so addictive! Or maybe you have tried doing it but can’t seem to get beyond the easy or intermediate level? Learn some tips to help you on your way to solving the puzzles quickly and without mistakes! Those who have taken this workshop before are welcome to take it again as a refresher. (Thanks to volunteer Bud Fauteux for leading this session). Join us for one session or attend both. $1 member / $3 non-member.

Tuesday, March 22 9:30-11:30 am (1 class) Tuesday, May 10 9:30-11:30 am (1 class)

Coin Appraisal Clinic

Have you wondered about the value of those coins you’ve been saving? Coin expert and volunteer, Donald Quant, will value and identify your coins and trade dollars. He has been an avid collector all his life and has extensive knowledge to share. Book your appointment between 2:00-4:00 pm prior to the clinic by calling the Centre. Tuesday, March 22 $1 member / $3 non Tuesday, June 7 $1 member / $3 non

Gardening Talks with Trevor!

Join Trevor Ashbee, Horticulturalist for the Township of Centre Wellington for a fun morning of gardening tips and talk. He’ll provide you with lots of useful information that will have you looking forward to the upcoming gardening season. Great ideas to get you going this spring! Two dates: Mon. March 28 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non Mon. May 9 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non

Lunch & Tour of Heritage River Retirement Residence

If you’ve never toured Heritage River Retirement Residence in Elora, now’s your chance! Held the last Thursday each month. Includes a delicious lunch at Heritage River and the tour – all at no cost to you! Tour of the facility is at 11:00 am and the complimentary lunch is at 12:00 pm. Please pre-register at the Seniors Centre. March 31, April 28, May 26 or June 30.

Beginner French

This class is for those people who have no or little French experience. It is an introduction to the French language. This course will include pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, writing and beginning conversation. Instructor: Virginia burns, a retired French Immersion teacher. Please bring a notebook & French/ English dictionary to class. Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm March 31-May 19 (8 weeks) $46 member / $52 non

Book Club

Love to read? Share your interest with others in this drop-in group at the Centre which meets the first Friday of the month at 11:00 am. The list of books to be discussed can be found at the Reception Desk of the Seniors Centre. For more information contact the Centre 519-787-1814 or group leader: Lee Walsh 519-843-3491. Drop-in! $1 member / $2 non. April 1, May 6 & June 3

Friday Movies

Fridays at 1:00 pm we show great movies on a large-screen TV. $2 for members or $3 for non-members to cover cost of refreshments after the show. Thanks to Cherry Hill Video for sponsoring this program. Pick up the detailed movie sheet from the Centre, listing our line-up of great films! No need to pre-register – just drop-in! April 1 Secretariat April 8 Nanny McPhee Returns April 15 The Oxford Murders Cancelled April 22 (Good Friday) Cancelled April 29 (Art & Hobby Show) May 6 A Dog Year Cancelled May 13 (Drama Performance) May 20 The Winning Season May 27 You Again June 3 Red June 10 Charlie St. Cloud June 17 Dean Spanley June 24 The Last Brickmaker in America

Cruise Travel Presentation

Thinking of going on a cruise? Or maybe you’ve been before but want some up to date information? Join us for an interesting talk that will focus on the different types of cruises and land tours, the cruise industry, overview of a cruise and planning ahead. Presented by Paul Valeriote, Cruise & Vacation Specialist with Expedia Cruise Ship Centers. Mon. April 4 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non

Easy French Plus

This is for those people who have some knowledge of the French language. The course will include reading, writing, basic grammar and conversation. Teacher will be Virginia Burns, retired French Immersion teacher. Please bring a French/English dictionary with you. Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 pm April 5-May 31 (9 weeks)

$52 member / $58 non

Tell Your Story: A Workshop for Seniors

Life stories are a window into the past and provide understanding for today. When our grandparents, parents and other family members share their stories they bring our ancestors to life; their stories connect us to our roots. Preserving these stories leaves a legacy to our children, grandchildren for generations to come. “Telling Your Story” is a how-to workshop for individuals interested in preserving these irreplaceable family treasures. Through a combination of discussion, demonstration and lecture, the personal historians, Lucy Ferguson and Jack Watkins will: show you tricks to jog your memory, audio recording of your stories, guidance towards a written story and much more. Fri. April 8, 9:30-11:30 am $ 1 member / $3 non

Lower Your Taxes: The Opportunity of Pension Income Splitting

This seminar is for the retired or soon to be retired couple who has a variance in income and would like to take advantage of the opportunities from pension adjustments. This would also be helpful for couples who are concerned about Old Age Security Clawback. Presented by Liam Johnston, Investors Group Financial Services. Mon. April 11 @ 10:30 am $1 members / $3 non Life Stories - Recording An opportunity to experience telling your life stories to a professional and compassionate personal historian. Lucy Ferguson B.A. and Jack Watkins M.S.W of Expressions of Wisdom assist individuals in telling and recording their stories as a therapeutic process, while at the same time providing a family treasure for loved ones. They are inviting individuals to experience this process through a one-hour, no charge interview session where your stories will be guided by their expertise and then recorded to a personalized audio CD. Lucy and Jack are both passionate about their work and are hoping to raise awareness about the value of both telling and preserving these life gems. Call the Centre 519-787-1814 to book your

appt. time. Friday, April 15 Appts: 9:30-11:30 am

Home Children Presentation

Between 1869 and the early 1930’s over 100,000 British Home Children were sent to Canada by over 50 childcare organizations. Few of the British Home Children were able to find their families once in Canada. Many of their descendants continue to search their 20 million unknown British relatives. Join presenter Harold Oudney (and member of the Centre) for a very interesting and informative talk. Harold has a wealth of experience gained from research into his own family (as his father was a Home Child). NOTE: Please bring any pictures, stories or pertinent information about your own Home Child relative if you have them to this session. Mon. May 2 @ 10:15 am $1 members / $3 non

55 Alive – Mature Driver Improvement Course

A driver refresher classroom course by the Canada Safety Council to help mature drivers improve driving skills. Learn about current rules of the road, how to operate your vehicle safely in today’s driving environment and some adjustments to common agerelated changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. Gain more confidence behind the wheel. Instructor: Susan Fow (Certified Professional Driving Instructor). Cost includes a workbook and a Driver Improvement Certificate issued by Canadian Safety Council. Please pre-register one week in advance. Bring a bag lunch. Fri. May 20, 9:00 am-2:30 pm $45 member / $54 non

Financial Discussion: Understanding Your Investments

This session is geared to small investors holding mutual funds. Know what “products” you hold and compare them with other investment options. Increase your gains by learning about the many costs involved and ways to decrease those costs. This discussion will put you on the road to becoming “financially literate” and help you know what questions to ask of your Financial Planner/Advisor.

Group led by volunteer & Centre member: Joan Coxhead. (We are hoping to start a monthly drop-in group to share information and better understand and manage investments. Interested? Contact the Centre or Joan Coxhead 519843-3616). Mon. June 6 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non

If You Can’t Predict, You Should Prepare

Whether the market is gliding along smoothly or starts to get a little rocky, a consistent investment approach is best. To learn how this philosophy might benefit you, join in this seminar. Learn strategies for staying focused when the market becomes volatile. Learn how to make informed financial decisions. Presented by James Rankin, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones. Mon. June 27 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non


Reduce tension, stress, headaches, stiff necks, backaches and increase circulation. Join specialized certified practitioner, Christine Brown, for a relaxing 10-minute chair massage. (No removing of clothes and no oils used). To book your appointment, call the Reception Desk at the Centre 519-7871814. Held the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Mar. 9, April 13, May 11, June 8 Appts. available 9:00 am-12:00 pm Cost: $10


Deeply relaxing, reflexology works the reflex points in your feet that relate to different organs and areas of your body. Circulation is improved to facilitate balance within the body. You will leave feeling relaxed and yet having a renewed energy. Certified Reflexologist Karen Murtagh, provides the reflexology appointments. To book your ½ hour appointment, please call the Reception Desk at the Centre 519-787-1814. Held every other Monday. Mar. 14 & 28, April 4 & 18, May 2, 16 & 30, June 13 & 27 Appts available 12:30-3:30 pm Cost: $20

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Eat Well to Age Well

Join is for an informative nutrition session on senior friendly ideas for healthy eating. Presented by Amy Waugh, Registered Dietitian with the Upper Grand Family Health Team. Don’t miss it! Pre-register. Tues. March 22 @ 3:00 pm $1 member / $3 non

Walk & Talk Wellness Session

Join us for a fun session that will have you moving and learning at the same time! Learn how you can get a great walking workout. We will discuss falls prevention, the benefits of walking with poles, proper footwear, healthy snacks and much more. Bring water. Presented by Phyllis Enns, Wellness Nurse with the Upper Grand Family Health Team. Tues. April 12, 3:00-4:00 pm No charge

Rightsizing Our Homes and Possessions

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the “stuff” in your home, or thinking of downsizing to a smaller residence? Wondering what to do with the accumulations of a lifetime? In this workshop, professional organizers Liz Vogt and Kathy MacLean (Methodical Minds) will share tips and strategies for clearing the clutter, deciding which treasures to keep and what to do with the rest – to help make your current home organized and efficient, or help you manage your move. Mon. April 18 @ 10:15 am $1 members / $3 non

Mobility & Daily Living Aids for Seniors

Michelle Kennedy, Mobility Consultant with Motion Specialities will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have in regards to any mobility aids, daily living aids or other products such as oxygen and CPAP currently on the market as well as any available funding options you maybe entitled to. A qualified service technician will be on site to evaluate your walker/ wheelchair for safety. Parts and service under $40 required on this day will be complimentary. No charge. Drop-in! Wednesday, April 20 10:00 am-12:00 pm Wednesday, May 18 10:00 am-12:00 pm

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Brain Gym

Improve your brain fitness! Challenge yourself in this fun and interactive session to help you on your way to improving your memory, concentration, balance and coordination. This unique program is based on current scientific research on how the brain functions. Research studies show keeping your brain active and alert slows down or reverses some of the symptoms of aging, such as lack of concentration, poor recall, limited thinking patterns, and inability to learn new material. Presented by Heritage River Retirement Residence. Tues. April 26 @ 1:30 pm $1 member / $3 non

Eating for Diabetes: Enjoy your Food & Manage Blood Sugar

Learn about risk factors for diabetes, how to monitor your blood sugar and why this is important. Find out which food choices have the least impact on blood sugar levels. Presented by Amy Waugh, Registered Dietitian with the Upper Grand Family Health Team. Tues. April 26 @ 3:00 pm $1 members / $3 non

An Introduction to Homeopathy:

Homeopathy is a holistic, complementary medicine that can be used for both acute and chronic ailments. Because it is a very dilute medicine, it is gentle, nontoxic, non-allergenic and has no side-effects. You can easily learn enough about it to treat yourself and family for colds, flus and first aid. For chronic ailments it is best to seek help from a qualified Homeopath. In this session presented by Marg Gollinger, Homeopath (DSHM), she will discuss the principles of homeopathy and how it works, choosing remedies and potencies, what ailments it treats, how to take it and what to expect. Come out and make a remedy! Fri. April 29 @ 10:30 am $1 members / $3 non

Emergency First Aid /CPR

Defibrillator training will also be included. Availabe to volunteers of Victoria Park Seniors Centre. No charge but you must pre-register. This class will be held in May. Date to be determined. Please contact the Seniors Centre if you are interested.

The Arthritis Society’s Chronic Pain Management Seminar

The Arthritis Society is Canada’s only not-for-profit organization dedicated to arthritis education and community support to the 4 million Canadians living with arthritis. This workshop is patterned after course sections from the Arthritis Self-Management Program, designed to strengthen your ability to manage arthritis and compliments prescribed treatment programs. Learn about arthritis pain and what you can do about it, medications, exercise and stress management. Share experiences with others living with arthritis. Topics: physical causes of pain, what pain is, pain cycle; what you can do about it, relaxation techniques, coping with depression, use of exercise and handling fatigue. Fri. May 6, 9:30-11:30 am No charge

Memory Fit Sessions

Each interactive session includes a 7 minute “Brain Gym” workout, and segments on “Busting Brain Myths”, “Eating for Your Brain” and “Making Your Brain Sweat with Riddles”. Questions and discussion throughout. Take-away sheets with Brain “Homework”. Presented by Robin Smart, Education Coordinator with the GuelphWellington Alzheimer Society. You are welcome to attend just one session or all three! No charge but pre-registration is suggested. Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00 pm May 3-May 17 (3 sessions)

Nutrition Seminar

There’s a lot of conflicting and confusing nutrition information out there. Join in this fun, interactive session to obtain the right nutrition information. Presented by Community Food Advisors with the Public Heath Unit. Mon. May 16 @ 10:15 am $1 member / $3 non

Friday Film Series: Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease

Please join us for an excellent series of films from Leeza Gibbon’s: “The Family Guide to Alzheimer’s Disease. (You may remember Leeza Gibbons as a host from Entertainment Tonight show. Her mother was diagnosed with Al-

zheimer’s which inspired Leeza to do the series to help others). Presented by Robin Smart, Education Coordinator with the Guelph-Wellington Alzheimer Society. You are welcome to attend just one session, two, or all three! No charge but registration is suggested. Friday, June 3 @ 10:00 am “Understanding Alzheimer’s Friday, June 10 @ 10:00 am “Behaviour Issues Friday, June 17 @ 10:00 am “Family Caregiving”

Hearing Screening Assessments

Come out and get your hearing screened by Mary Young, Hearing Care Counsellor with the Canadian Hearing Society. Book your ½ hour appointment prior to the clinic by calling the Reception Desk at Victoria Park Seniors Centre 519-787-1814. This is geared to individuals wondering if their hearing has changed and to help identify the possibility of hearing loss. If you wear hearing aids and have questions, please call Mary Young at the Canadian Hearing Society 519-821-4242 to set up a separate appointment. No charge. Tuesday, June 21 Appts. available: 9am-3pm

Do I Really Need a Hearing Aid?

Join us for this workshop on how to deal positively with the change in your hearing. Topics covered: hearing assessment, what is an audiogram, types of hearing aids, cost and adapting to aids. Also to be discussed, “maybe I don’t really need a hearing aid” and effective communication strategies. Lots of time for questions and discussions. Geared for those who may have hearing aids or thinking about purchasing their first set. (Note: This is an information session only – no selling of hearing aids). Presented by Mary Young, Hearing Care Counsellor with the Canadian Hearing Society. Thurs. June 30, 12:30-4:00 pm $5 donation to CHS

SPECIAL EVENTS Open House & New Members Welcome!

Get a taste of the life of a senior! Bring a friend and discover new activities and opportunities to make the most of your retirement

years. This is our opportunity to welcome current members, new members and future members! Anyone who wants to learn about what the Centre has to offer is invited. See displays of our activities, meet activity convenors, advisory board members, staff and other new members. Enjoy refreshments, tour the facility and learn about the many opportunities and programs available to you. A great opportunity to find out what the Centre is all about. No charge! Fri. March 11 @ 10:00 am

St. Patrick’s Day Homemade Lunch

Erin Go Bragh! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the Seniors Centre with an Irish-themed homemade lunch and some Irish musical entertainment! Reserve your ticket ahead of time as there is limited seating. Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing this fundraiser. Wed. March 16 @ 12:00 pm Cost: $8 member/$9 non

Fergus Grand Theatre Presents: Agatha Christie’s A Murder is Announced

Don’t miss this play at the Fergus Grand Theatre! Tickets available for a reduced senior’s rate of $15 or call Box Office 519-787-1981. March 23 to 27.

Tan Jay Fashion Show

See the new spring fashions from Tan Jay & Alia and the new arrivals of jackets, pants, skirts, sweaters, vests and much more! Regular and petite sizes available. Can you help model the clothes (no experience needed)? Let us know at the Centre as we are looking for volunteer models. Refreshments and door prizes included. Also enjoy displays from Fifth Avenue Jewellery. (Please note early bird deadline). Friday, March 25 @ 1:30 pm $5 mem / $6 non (by Mar. 18) $6 mem / $7 non (after Mar. 18)

Volunteer Appreciation Event

Volunteers are an integral part of the success and vibrancy of our Centre. To celebrate all the time, effort and energy volunteers give, Victoria Park Seniors Centre’s vol-

unteers will be invited to the 13th annual volunteer appreciation event at the Grand River Raceway. Tues. April 5 @ 9:15 am

a one-of-a-kind event with music & drama! Donations gratefully accepted at the door. Drop-in. Friday, May 13 @ 2:00 pm

Dessert & Euchre/ Bid Euchre Party!

Victoria Day BBQ Lunch

Join us at the Centre for a fun afternoon and enjoy delicious homemade dessert & ice cream! Both bid euchre & euchre will be played (your choice) with cash prizes to be won. Dessert served at 1:00 pm and euchre/bid euchre starts right afterward. Bring a friend! Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing this fundraiser Friday, April 15 @ 1:00 pm $5 members / $6 non

Spring Lunch

Join us for a special homemade lunch at the Centre to celebrate spring. Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing this fundraising lunch. Call the Centre for the special menu. Wed. April 20 @ 12:00 pm Cost: $8 member/$9 non

Art & Hobby Show

Do you have a hobby that you would like to show off to others? Do you draw, paint, wood carve, scrapbook, sculpt, make crafts, sew, knit, crochet, embroider, cross-stitch, stain glass (to name just a few)… Now is your chance to show off your creations! Have a fun afternoon at the Centre displaying your art and handicrafts and talking to others about your hobby. No charge for a display table. Contact the Centre if you would like to display your work. Everyone is welcome to come out and see the exhibits! Enjoy refreshments and see displays of interesting creations. Donations gratefully accepted at the door. Drop-in! Friday, April 29, 1:00-3:00 pm

Homemade Lunch – May 4

Join us for a delicious homemade fundraising lunch prepared by our Program Committee. Join us! Call the Centre for the menu. Wed. May 4 @ 12:00 pm Cost: $8 member/$9 non

Spring Performance

Don’t miss this very special afternoon performance produced by our two very talented Victoria Park Seniors Centre groups: The Victoria Park Players” and “The Victoria Park Ensemble”. This is

Celebrate Victoria Day by joining us for a delicious BBQ lunch at the Centre. Enjoy barbecued hamburgers, a variety of homemade salads and dessert. Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing this fundraising lunch. Wed. May 18 @ 12:00 pm Cost: $8 member/$9 non

Summer Senior Games Opening Ceremony

Join us for the Opening Ceremony which officially kicks off the start of the Waterloo-Wellington District 26 Summer Senior Games held in Centre Wellington this year. The ceremony is held at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus. All welcome – no charge! Enjoy refreshments after the ceremony (sponsored by Centre Wellington’s Parks & Recreation Dept.). Tues. May 24 @ 11:00 am

Special Entertainment: New Horizons Band

Join us for a very special musical performance at the Centre. Entertainment provided by the New Horizons Band of Guelph. Enjoy the sounds of a 30-piece brass and woodwind band and enjoy refreshments afterwards. Free! Don’t miss it! Pre-register. Tuesday, May 31 @ 10:30 am No charge

Homemade Lunch – June 1

Join us for a delicious homemade fundraising lunch prepared by our Program Committee. Join us! Call the Centre for the menu. Wed. June 1 @ 12:00 pm Cost: $8 member/$9 non

Summer Senior Games Closing Ceremony & Banquet

Join us for the Closing Ceremony which officially brings to a close the 2011 Waterloo-Wellington District 26 Summer Senior Games held in Centre Wellington this year. The banquet & ceremony is held at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus. All welcome. Cost includes dinner. Please pre-

register. Thurs. June 2 @ 5:00 pm $15 per person

Celebrate Seniors’ Month!

Did you know that June is Seniors’ month? Enjoy a memorable afternoon of singing and entertainment led by the Centre’s talented choir: “The Victoria Park Ensemble”. Join us for a special celebration cake and lots of other treats. All are invited! No charge. Monday, June 6 @ 2:15 pm

Poker Walk

To celebrate “June is Seniors Month”, join us for a fun morning to promote fun, physical activity! At designated stops, you will receive a playing card. At the end of the walk we will see who has the best poker hand. No poker playing experience needed! (Walking a total of 2 kms). Prizes to be won! No charge but please pre-register. (Walking poles available for use). Monday, June 13 @ 10:30 am

Celebrate Summer BBQ!

Celebrate summer by joining us for a BBQ lunch at the Centre. Enjoy barbecued hamburgers, a variety of homemade salads and dessert. Reserve your seat. Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing this fundraising lunch. Wed. June 15 @ 12:00 pm $8 member/$9 non

Strawberry Social

Come celebrate the Ontario strawberry season. Join us for a fun afternoon of toe-tapping music with the band: “Grand Connection” for a bit of bluegrass, country and gospel style music. Enjoy the sounds of violins, guitar and autoharp among other instruments! And of course, enjoy fresh Ontario strawberries, shortcake and ice cream after the show. Don’t miss this annual event! Thanks to the Centre’s Program Committee for organizing the event. Pre-register. Please note early bird deadline! Tues. June 28 @ 2:00 pm $6 (by Jun 22) OR $7 (after Jun 22)

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Belly Dance For Adults Aged 21 & UP.

Belly Dance is a gentle aerobic exercise that strengthens and tones the entire body, promoting flexibility and boosts self-esteem. This mysterious and ultra-feminine dance style has been passed down from mother to daughter for 100’s of years. It’s a great make-over for body and mind. Classes are held at Victoria Park Centre, 150 Albert St. W. Fergus.

Call 519-787-1814

to reserve a spot for day or evening class March 7 - Apr 11; March 9 - April 13 April 18 - June 6; April 27th - June 8 Daytime: Monday 9-10:30am Evening: Monday 7-8:30pm Wednesday 7-8:30 pm Saturdays 10-11:30 am Cost $45 for 6 weeks BONUS: $2 drop-in Sat. 10:00-11:30am

WANTED: YOUR PROGRAM IDEAS • Do you have an idea for a new drop-in activity? • We are also looking to start-up Drop-in Activities on Saturday mornings. • Are you interested in taking a course, seminar or workshop you don’t see offered? • Do you have a skill you would like to teach others? • Is there a movie you would like to see? Please share your ideas by contacting Kathryn Morgan 519-7871814.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: • For the 2011 Waterloo/Wellington District 26 Senior Games Held over 8 days from May 24 - June 2. Interested in lending us your talents? We are looking for volunteers! Contact the Centre 519-787-1814 if you can help! • Line Dancing Volunteer Could you help teach line dancing? We need another volunteer to help out with the Thursday morning class. Contact the Centre 519-787-1814 or Marie Burkitt 519-846- 0036. • Program Committee Volunteers are needed to help on the Centre’s Program Committee, which plans and organizes special events and fundraisers for the Centre. This Committee meets once a month on the first Monday at 10:00 am. For more information contact the Centre. • Special Events Volunteers are needed to help with food preparation, set up and organization for special events. Please contact Kathryn Morgan 519-787-1814.

Sharon O’Shea

Sales Representative Accredited Senior Agent

ERRORS: While precautions are taken to ensure correct information, sometimes mistakes are made. If an error occurs in this publication, the computer registration system will be taken as the correct information.

Monica Hendel

Sales Representative Accredited Senior Agent

135 St. David Street South, Unit #6 Fergus,Ontario N1M 2L4 tel: 519-843-SOLD (7653) fax: 519-843-7652 toll free: 1-888-928-EDGE (3343) email: email:

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PROGRAM CANCELLATIONS: All classes are subject to cancellation if there are insufficient registrations. If your class is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, you receive a full refund, or if you prefer, transfer to another class.

REFUNDS: Did you know that if you pay with your credit card or debit card we can refund your card immediately should your course be cancelled? Consider using your credit card or debit card to register for a course or bus trip – no more waiting for a cheque in the mail!




May 24 Scrabble – June 2, 2011



55+ 55+ SENIOR GAMES 2011

Shuffleboard e, Shuffleboard, C ontract B ridge, Duplicate Bridge, Table Tennis, Contract Bridge wling, Crokinole, Euchre, Bid Euchre, Horseshoes, Pickleball, Darts, Duplicate Bridge bbage, 5 Pin Bowling, 10 Pin Bowling, Walking, Nordic Walking, Table Badminton, Golf, Tennis Snooker, and Tennis. Lawn Bowling ur Brochures and Registration Forms at your Royal Canadian Legion Crokinole he Centre Wellington SEuchre portsplex, Senior Centres, Community Centres and Bid Libraries in your area. Euchre


EADLINE FOR RHorseshoes EGISTRATION IS APRIL 26, 2011 For mPickleball ore information contact: Darts Joan Coxhead 519-­‐843-­‐3616 Solo Cribbage SENIOR GAMES PARTNERS 5 Pin Bowling h Township 10 Pin Bowling Wilmot Township uelph Walking City of Cambridge aterloo Nordic Walking City of Kitchener TOWNSHIP Badminton OF CENTRE WELLINGTON Golf DEADLINE FOR Snooker IS Bridge, Duplicate Bridge, Table Te and Tennis Scrabble, SREGISTRATION huffleboard, Contract

MAY 24 – JUNE 2

Victoria Park Seniors Centre

May 24 – June 2, 2011

26, E2011 Lawn Bowling, APRIL Crokinole, uchre, Bid Euchre, Horseshoes, Pickleball For more information contact: Solo, Cribbage, 5 Pin Bowling, 10 Pin Bowling, Walking, Nordic Wa Joan Coxhead 519-843-3616 WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP Badminton, Golf, Snooker, and Tennis. WILMOT TOWNSHIP CITY OF GUELPH CITY OF CAMBRIDGE Pick up your Brochures and Registration Forms at your Royal Canadian CITY OF WATERLOO CITY OF KITCHENER up your Brochures Branches, the Centre Wellington Sportsplex, Senior Pick Centres, Community and Registration Forms at your Royal Canadian and Libraries in your area. Legion Branches,


the Centre Wellington Sportsplex, Senior Centres, Community Centres and Libraries in your area.


For more information contact: Joan Coxhead 519-­‐843-­‐3616

Page 55


FERGUS LIONS CLUB present their




may 4, 5, 6, 2011

centre wellington community sportsplex Wednesday, thursday & friday nightly 6 to 10 pm FREE ADMISSION - Bring a food donation for the Centre Wellington Food Bank





4:30 - 5:30 PM Exhibitors Only 5:30 - 7:30 PM General Public



$14 - ADULT UNDER $7 CHILD, 12 & at the show Tickets available

For exhibitor information, contact: Ian McArthur 519.843.6604 Don Doyle 519.787.1987 Fergus Lions Club - or mail to: Fergus Lions Club Home Show P.O. Box 82 | Fergus ON | N1M 2W7















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