Drayton Community News November 20, 2015

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COMMUNITY NEWS Volume 48 Issue 47

Drayton, Ontario

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Friday, November 20, 2015


Consultant will be hired to assist with works director recruitment

Sounds good - Tyler Bernier of the First Palmerston Scouts tries out the drum of Glenn Leibeold of the Mount Forest Cameron Highlanders as fellow Scout Kayden Coulter looks on. The Scouts and Highlanders participated in Remembrance Day services in Drayton on Nov. 11. More photos on page 8.

photo by Caroline Sealey

by Patrick Raftis MAPLETON - The township has created a selection committee and authorized it to engage a consultant to assist with recruitment of a new public works director. At the Nov. 10 meeting, Mapleton council authorized the selection committee, consisting of newly-appointed CAO Brad McRoberts and Mayor Neil Driscoll, to spend up to $20,000 to hire a third party to provide recruitment services. McRoberts was promoted from public works director to fill the CAO/clerk position on Nov. 4, creating the current vacancy. His hiring was the result of a search conducted with the assistance of consultant Nigel Bellchamber of Bellchamber and Associates at a cost of around $15,000. McRoberts was originally

hired in June 2014 to replace former public works director Larry Lynch, who was dismissed in December 2013. Bellchamber and Associates was also hired to consult on the hiring of the public works director and a restructuring of the department at that time at a cost estimated by former CAO Patty Sinnamon to be between $15,000 to $20,000. In October of 2014, four public works management positions were eliminated and three new positions were created as a result of the restructuring process. McRoberts said proposals for the consulting position will be requested from the firms considered for the chief administrative officer recruitment. Funds will be drawn from existing budget and/or reserves as required, he explained in a written report.

“Would the world come to an end if we were to hire a director of public works without spending upwards of $20,000 on a consultant?� asked councillor Dennis Craven. “I don’t know if the world would come to an end, but you could end up with an employee who doesn’t have the qualifications for the position,� replied McRoberts. The CAO pointed out consultants are “very key� to the process and skilled at “strategically asking questions that certainly help the recruiters figure out whether those people are appropriate for the positions or not.� While stating he “fully agreed� with McRoberts’ statement, Craven noted, “I had a half-dozen people ask me if we could not do this.� The motion to create a Continued on page 5

Former local pastor invited to attend UN climate change conference DRAYTON - A Mapleton resident has been invited to attend the United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference in Paris, France from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11. Willard Metzger of Drayton, a former local pastor who has served at Bethel, Floradale, and Community (Drayton) Mennonite Churches, is attending on behalf of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). In her letter of invitation, CCC president Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton acknowledged the “valuable voice of the Mennonite family in our ecumenical work,� as well as Metzger’s “unique ability to bridge relationships across the various Christian expressions� in the CCC.

For Metzger, who serves as Mennonite Church Canada executive director and a CCC vice-president, concern for climate justice is a natural extension of the Christian faith. “When people are left hungry, thirsty and homeless, there is no justice and there is no peace,� said Metzger. “When we care for creation, we take fundamental steps toward peace.� Climate change is already impacting people in various parts of the world. After attending the 2011 UN Climate Change Forum in Durban, South Africa, Metzger offered some alarming statistics. Island states like Fiji are losing homes and livelihoods as sea levels rise. Somalia holds

climate change responsible for the deaths of 20,000 children and the malnutrition of 730,000 others in 2011. Thailand lost two-third of its 2011 rice harvest to flooding. In Kenya, rising temperatures, soil erosion and drought has reduced the yield of the food staple maize to five bushels per hectare - just 20 per cent of what it was 50 years ago. More recent reports suggest years of drought and inefficient government responses are behind the war in Syria that is driving so many refugees out of the country. Climate change is widely expected to continue increasing poverty levels by impacting food and water resources and livelihoods, eventually making

some parts of the Earth uninhabitable. Metzger’s pursuit of climate justice has garnered him meetings with a variety of high level politicians over the years, from former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair, to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his years as a Liberal MP. In 2011, Metzger shared his thoughts on climate change with a group of Canadian Senators and members of Parliament in Ottawa prior to attending the 2011 UN Climate Change Forum as an observer for the World Council of Churches (WCC). Continued on page 5

Climate conference - Mennonite Church Canada executive director Willard Metzger of Drayton, together with other faith leaders, participated in a march through the streets of Durban in support of climate justice at the UN Climate Change Forum in 2011. photo by Kaitlin Bardswich

Car wash owner asks council to consider tiered rate system for water by Patrick Raftis

MAPLETON - The owner of a local car wash says the township’s rates under the new metered water system are having a serious impact on his Drayton operation. Henry Brouwer told council on Nov. 10 his water bills for the Drayton car wash were $550 every two months under the previous flat rate system. “I will admit that was probably a really good deal on water,� said Brouwer. However, he pointed out, “I’m now playing $2,000 every two months so I’ve had a (300 per cent) increase on my slow months.�

Brouwer said he had expected his costs to go up, perhaps even double, under the new system. “A (300 per cent) increase on a small business seems pretty extensive,� he said. Noting the township had monitored water usage for about a year before switching to metered billing, Brouwer said he was “curious when you would have noticed my water usage and calculated what my rate was going to be, why a (300 per cent increase) didn’t set off any red flags or concerns?� Brouwer said he expects his costs to rise even higher dur-

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ing the winter months, when it’s necessary to weep water through the lines to keep them from freezing. Councillor Dennis Craven asked how the rates were impacting Brouwer’s Moorefield car wash. Brouwer said costs for the Moorefield business have actually dropped slightly, because the operation has been less busy since the Drayton car wash opened up. Noting some municipalities have different rates for commercial users, Brouwer asked if a two-tiered rate system could be considered in Mapleton. “The way things are right

now I’m not going to be able to keep paying those rates,� he said. Councillor Dennis Craven said, “That certainly seems like a ridiculous increase.� While acknowledging water rates need to cover the cost of the system, Craven stated, “it’s still got to be a reasonable rate, right? And I think that’s why there’s a commercial rate in a lot of townships. “We’ve had a problem in the past in this township of keeping businesses here. If we’re going to have an unreasonable water rate, that’s what’s going to happen. They’re going to go where the water’s cheaper.�

Weekly Wag

t is the Everes e g n a h c te a Clim st s, the thornie of all problem . g humankind in c fa e g n e ll cha on Pugh - Lewis Gord

However, Craven pointed out, “up until we started charging the metered rate, maybe you weren’t paying enough.� Councillor Michael Martin said he feels a tiered rate structure is “worth looking at. “I struggle with higher rates promoting conservation, versus a fixed number council needs to receive for spending and capital projects,� he noted. CAO Brad McRoberts said council could look at the idea of adjusting rates during upcoming budget discussions. Brouwer asked if anything could be done about his high water bills in the interim. McRoberts said the water

rates are established by a bylaw, so it’s unlikely anything could be done in terms of interim relief prior to council considering changes to the bylaw. Craven wondered if future rate relief could be made retroactive. “I wouldn’t think it would be,� said McRoberts. Brouwer also advised council he sells town water in small containers through a vending machine. “Is this something that’s allowed?� he asked. McRoberts said council could amend the bylaws to specifically allow the sale of water in small containers.

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fun to explore and learn in a dents to practice by giving a group, regardless of the topic,” special “super duper” sticker each week. explained Ms. Tanis. “Practicing She alsoThe liked that it News, was aFriday, November PAGE TWO Community 20, does 2015 not need to program that was tested, tried be long; 10 to 15 minutes a day and true, being taught by more to start,” she said. Ms. Tanis’ creativity shines than 800 teachers to over 24,000 students on three differ- through by offering several ent continents and touting extra practice incentives Canadian origins, being found- throughout the year to ensure students attain their musical ed in 1980. Once students have colMYC’s mission statement goals.H;DEL7J?EDI RENOVATIONS is to “provide the best quality lected enough stickers on their ! 7::?J?EDI practice thermomemusic education to young chil- “happy+ ADDITIONS they have a party. This dren by blending the pleasure ters,” +'/$,).$+(*( 519.638.5242 : H joy > < C of 7music J > A 9 making year, to celebrate the 2010 and 9the +'/$-'&$)&/519.710.3097 with sound instruction.” Olympics, students earned

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Co-ed Gym, 30 Minute Signing on -Full Goldstone’s Nathaniel MechlerCircuit with his club team Classes for All Ages, Personal coach Dermott Smith of First Attempt JumpsTraining Academy (FAJA), 89 Colleen Wellington St. and S., DRAYTON centre, mother Mechler father Roland Mechler, has N0G 1P0, to(519) 638-2100 received a scholarship the University of Houston. submitted photo www.bodyworksdrayton.ca bodyworks@execulink.com

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Tanis’ MYC classes, such as Canada Music Week, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. Theme days are planned as well. Throughout the year her students participate in a Christmas concert, and a spring recital and have the option to participate in the Palmerston Canada Music Week Festival and the Drayton Music Festival. “Children are so receptive to music that it makes sense to use this medium to spark their creativity and develop their

placed on the studio wall in the shape of the 5 Olympic rings. When the rings were complete students enjoyed an Olympics music class. This past year Ms. Tanis encouraged the students not only to practice but also to think of others, by practicing for pennies. Once the pennies were all collected they were donated to Camp Bucko, for burn victims. For the upcoming year she is planning two new incentives; a “Tree of Thanks” incentive around Thanksgiving time and a “Seed Incentive” in the


Gift certificates available

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taxes included


DRAYTON FESTIVAL THEATRE Discover the Joy of MYC with LORRIE 519.638.2232 FREE Summer Try it Classes!

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TICKETS: $10 (ONLY 2000 SOLD) Tanis Cowan

Tickets available from The Drayton Chophouse 519.638.5715 and a la mode (Both in Drayton). Tickets also available at taniscowan.myc@sympatico.ca The Drayton Food Market on Nov. 21 & 28 from 10am-2pm.

MORE INFO: Drayton* Music Kinettes PupsFacebook also availablepage or call Bob Bignell 519-741-7595.

Proceeds from both the draw and the talent show go directly toward the splash pad.

siblings can attend the class as about Pups and to view class videos visit themusicclass.com. well. The Sunshine keyboard The ultimate success of any program is geared towards MYC program lies behind the children ages 3½ and 4; the teacher and Ms. Tanis is no Sunbeam keyboard program exception to that rule. It’s obvitoward ages 5 and 6; and the ous she is an enthusiastic Moonbeam keyboard program teacher who cares a great deal is for ages 7 through 9. All for her students. three keyboard programs inte“Their struggles are my grate creative movement, struggles,” she states. “And rhythm, singing, music theory their triumphs are equally triand composition for parent and umphant for me.” child in a weekly one-hour sesmorea information true dream comevisit It was ton.For - Mapleton MAPLETON sion. email father his tanisfor Nathaniel,” said multi-sport track star Nathaniel www.myc.com, Participating a AmeriMYC cowan.myc@sympatico.ca or Roland Mechler, who noted the to an is headedin Mechler class helps children develop call 519-638-5715. team in Houston is coaching on a scholarship. can university Mechler, who earned a made up of 10 ex-Olympians, bronze medal in decathlon who “have assured Nathaniel at the Pan American Junior that they will do everything Championships in Edmonton in possible to help him achieve his July, has received a major track Olympic dreams.” At the University of Housand field scholarship offer from the University of Houston be- ton, Nathaniel will be studying kinesiology in a program bolginning in the fall of 2016. In Houston, the Goldstone stered by NASA sponsorship youth will be coached by Kyle and consistently ranked in the Tellez a 17-year veteran with top five in the U.S. Nathaniel’s parents, Roland the school. The Tellez name is renowned in track circles as and Colleen “are just ecstatic Kyle’s father Tom Tellez (now that Nathaniel can pursue his retired and living in South dream of elite athletics and Texas) was among the top track simultaneously get a worldand field coaches in U.S. histo- class education. To have found ry, having worked with notable a place where the coaches athletes like Leroy Burrell, Carl believe in and will help him achieve those dreams, makes Lewis and Mike Marsh. “Tom Tellez showed up to a it extra special,” stated Roland recruiting breakfast to meet Na- in an e-mail to the Community Houslast weekend thaniel Tender loving in care for News. the

Mapleton track star headed to Houston on athletic scholarship

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November 20 - Monthly Euchre, Drayton Legion, 8pm. 15 Elm Street. Everyone Welcome. November 21 - Bazaar, Knox Presbyterian Church, 315 Main St. W., Palmerston 9am-12pm. Baking, tea tables, Christmas giftware. More info: call Gladys 519-417-4441. November 21 - Country Christmas Community Craft Show 10am-2pm. PMD Arena Hall. Penny table, books, Christmas items. Lunch booth. Admission: food bank donation. Info: Mary 519-638-3324. November 27 - Drayton Mapleton Ag Society Annual General Meeting. 7:30pm, Drayton Ag Building, 49 Elm St. Drayton. Dessert/Coffee. Door Prizes. Guest Speaker: Caroline Sealey –“The Fair”. Contact: Natalie Green 519638-5093. November 29 - Turkey Dinner, Drayton Legion, 5:306:30pm Homemade Christmas Pudding and Christmas Treats. Adults: $15, Children 6-12: $5. Everyone Welcome November 29 - Jamboree at the Palmerston Legion at 1pm. Hot meal at 5pm. Info: 519-343-3749.

Parent and Tot Skating, 11:00am-11:50am Adult Skating, 12:00pm-1:00pm Bantam vs. Walkerton Capitals AE, 8:30pm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Parent and Tot Skating, 11:00am-11:50am Adult Skating, 12:00pm-1:00pm

MAPLETON MINTO EIGHTY ONES 2015/2016 Home Game Schedule

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 7:00PM Location: Palmerston vs. Saugeen Shores FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 8:30PM Location: Palmerston vs. Lucknow

For more info: www.mapleton-minto81s.ca or www.woaasrhockey.com

The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015 PAGE THREE

Trillium provides $6,000 to Mapleton Fire Rescue MAPLETON - The Trillium ROOTS Community Fund has contributed $6,000 to Mapleton Fire Rescue to assist with purchase of a battery operated cutter/spreader to upgrade existing extrication tools. Through the fund, Trillium Mutual Insurance Company provides financial assistance and support in rural communities in which its policyholders live and serve. The company announced in early 2015 that up to $240,000 would be available for a number of capital projects, with a focus in the areas of health care, recreation and wellness, emergency response, agricultural and eco/sustainability. The deadline for the next intake of applications is Feb. 3. More information about the ROOTS (Recognizing Our Opportunity To Support) Community Fund can be found at www. trilliummutual.com.

Guest Speaker: Caroline Sealey ‘The Fair’ DOOR PRIZES

Dessert and Coffee

Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society’s

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Fri. November 27, 7:30pm

Extrication donation - Mapleton Fire Rescue recently received $6,000 from the Trillium Mutual ROOTS Community Fund to purchase a battery operated cutter/spreader to upgrade existing extrication tools. From left: deputy chief Daryl Brodhaecker, firefighter Justin Yutzy, Fire Chief Rick Richardson, firefighter Amanda Meyer, Trillium ROOTS council member Margaret Jack and Trillium Mutual Insurance Company president and CEO Joe Dietrich.

Drayton Agricultural Building 49 Elm Street, Drayton

Agenda Topics:

Renovations on buildings, Township agreement, New Directors & Volunteers

submitted photo

Township revises management committee format ager of public works, chief by Patrick Raftis MAPLETON - The format building official, deputy treaof the township’s management surer, deputy clerk, business development and marketing committee has been revised. Council approved the new coordinator, and manager of facilities. This group will meet format on Nov. 10. Under the previous struc- monthly to review and discuss ture the CAO chaired a man- ongoing issues and provide upagement committee, which dates on assigned tasks, departalso included the directors of mental work plans, projects, finance and public works, the and related budget concerns. The management team will chief building official, the fire chief, the business develop- also provide input on township ment and marketing coordina- procedures for consideration of the senior management team. tor and the mayor. “The above revisions will The new structure recommended by CAO Brad McRob- allow for more productive use erts sees the committee split of staff’s time while ensuring McRoberts accountability,” into two entities. A senior management team, states his report. “While the revisions forwhich will meet weekly, will include the CAO, finance di- mally remove the mayor from rector and public works direc- these meetings, the mayor can tor. The senior management and will meet weekly, or more team will review and provide frequently as required, with feedback on all procedures and the CAO to discuss any issues. functions of the township and It will be the responsibility of ensure the procedural manual the CAO to ensure appropriis kept up to date and consistent ate action is taken or direction with legislative requirements. obtained from council as reThe group will also review the quired.” McRoberts told council the status of budgets. A separate management management team meetings chaired by the CAO, will be “a little more inclusive team, also 'UD\WRQ&KRS+RXVH SGI $0 will include the fire chief, man- to include some of the middle


management staff and give them an opportunity to bring Continued on page 5

Natalie Green 519-638-5093

Celebrate Incredible. Help us recognize the junior citizens who make our communities better. Nominate someone age 6–17 for a 2015 Ontario Junior Citizen Award! Annaleise Carr, 2012 and 2014 Ontario Junior Citizen, Simcoe, ON At 14, Annaleise Carr was the youngest person ever to swim across Lake Ontario. Two years later, Annaleise swam across Lake Erie. Combined these efforts raised awareness and hundreds of thousands of dollars for Camp Trillium, a family camp for children with cancer. Her book, Annaleise Carr: How I Conquered Lake Ontario to Help Kids Battling Cancer, inspires others to take on great challenges and help their fellow citizens.









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ASK ABOUT OUR FREE ROAD TEST PACKAGE. Driving Simulator offered in Drayton MTO Approved Beginner Driver Education Course Provider





PAGE FOUR The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015


COMMUNITY NEWS Published by W.H.A. Publications Limited P.O. Box 189, Drayton, Ontario, N0G 1P0 24 Wood St., Unit B, Drayton (inside Studio Factor) Telephone 519-638-3066 Fax 519-638-2875 drayton@wellingtonadvertiser.com Published on Fridays Deadline: Monday at 10am Subscriptions $52 plus HST in Canada W.H. Adsett, Publisher Chris Daponte, Editor Patrick Raftis, Reporter Caroline Sealey, Office Manager Alicia Roza, Graphic Designer


Persons wishing information regarding circulation, rates and additional service, etc. should feel free to contact the staff. The Publisher accepts responsibility for claims and honours agreements made by himself or by regular staff on his behalf. No responsibility is accepted for actions of persons not in the employ of the paper, or otherwise over whom the Publisher has no control. All advertising accepted is done so in good faith. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a reasonable allowances for signatures, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisements will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is merely an offer to sell, and may be withdrawn at any time.

Ontario Community Newspaper Association

Canadian Community Newspaper Association

STAFF Office Manager: Caroline Sealey OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Tuesday 9am-12pm, Thursday 9am-3pm DEADLINE: MONDAY 10AM



Cost should reflect reality That water costs for commercial and industrial users would rise under the recently implemented metered water system in Drayton and Moorefield was not only expected, but appropriate. Part of the reasoning, after all, was to illustrate the actual costs of delivering water to customers who were used to thinking of this valuable resource as all but free, and encouraging conservation. Mapleton council was confronted with the new reality of the situation at the Nov. 10 meeting, when a local car wash operator pointed out the metered system has resulted in a 300 per cent increase in the water costs for his business. Council is rightly concerned about the possibility of losing businesses due to the added operational costs of realisticallypriced water. And in this case, there appears to be some room for remediation. However, council shouldn’t overreact out of fear of an exodus of business to some mythical low-water-rate districts. Most municipalities that have avoided it to this point, have been pretty much compelled by new provincial expectations on cost recovery to install a metered system. Most are also attempting to reduce the level of subsidization for high-consumption users in order to both encourage conservation and be fair to modest users. Why, for example, should the owner of a personal vehicle that might get washed monthly help to pay, through rate subsidization, the costs for a business with a fleet of pickups that get washed weekly? Perhaps it should cost $16, not $4 to wash your vehicle? The problems created by a blasé approach to the true cost of water obviously go far beyond the municipal level. Recent publicity surrounding a water-taking permit application in Centre Wellington by Nestle Waters Canada has highlighted the fee set by Ontario’s natural resources ministry, which is only $3.71 per million litres. That million litres for a water bottler could generate $2 million through the sale of half-litre bottles. Meanwhile the province recovers only 1.2 per cent of the $16.2 million it spends each year on water quantity management programs. Again, taxpayers subsidizing business profiting from access to a natural resource. It’s actually imperative to change people’s attitudes about water conservation. Contrary to popular perception, the supply is not infinite. A new study from the University of Victoria indicates just six per cent of the groundwater around the world is replenished within a “human lifetime” of 50 years. Combine that with studies showing one-third of the world’s aquifers are “overstressed” because they have almost no new water flowing in to offset usage, and you can see why we need to stop thinking of water as something we can waste in guilt-free fashion. Patrick Raftis

Listowel outscores Community 5-2 in local hockey action LISTOWEL 5 COMMUNITY 2 Listowel struck for two unanswered goals in the first period. Curtis Wagler started the scoring with a wrist shot from in front the net. The centring pass came from Brad Gartz. Late in the period Listowel added their second goal with a scramble at the net. Phil Shantz buried a rebound left by an Andrew Jantzi snap shot.

Listowel added a shorthanded goal to start the second. A stretch pass by Phil Shantz gave Zach Gingrich a breakaway. Gingrich scored with a wrist shot to the glove side. Listowel scored two more goals in the final minute of the period. Kyle Streicher blasted a rebound into the top corner and Max Brubacher rifled in a loose puck, assisted by Mike Gingrich and Max Brubacher.

Community finally entered the game with a powerplay goal. A two-man advantage allowed Kyle Wideman to score, assisted by Kevin Gingrich. Community added one more powerplay goal in the final minute. Kyle Wideman undressed the defence and buried the puck in the short side corner, assisted by Colin Snyder. However the early Listowel lead proved too much to erase.

MISSIONARY 3 BETHEL 2 The first goal of this game came early in the second period. A loose puck rolled out to the right side point and Devin McGuire rifled a shot to send the puck into the top corner. Missionary added another goal late in the period. Matt Duff tipped the puck in on the blocker side from a shot off the Continued on page 7

TOWNSHIP OF MAPLETON Community Information Page

7275 Sideroad 16, P.O. Box 160, Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 Phone: 519-638-3313, Fax: 519-638-5113, Toll Free: 1-800-385-7248 www.mapleton.ca


NOVEMBER 27, 2015 Taxes may be paid at the following locations: • Township of Mapleton Municipal Office, 7275 Sideroad 16 by cash, cheque or debit/interac • at most Financial Institutions or • by Telebanking/On-line banking with most financial institutions. Taxes may also be paid by mail addressed to the Township of Mapleton, P.O. Box 160, Drayton, ON N0G 1P0

KEEP ROADWAYS CLEAR AND SAFE In accordance with the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, Section 134, the deposition of debris, mud, leaves, or any other debris onto the roadway is an offence under the Highway Traffic Act and can result in fines, penalties, and costs for removal and disposal. The depositing of these materials on the roadway can result in damage to property or result in accidents causing injury or death. The Township of Mapleton respectively asks that residents ensure that they are not depositing or tracking these materials onto our roadways. Let’s make sure our residents and visitors are safe when traveling on our roadways.



• December 4 @ 7:00 p.m., Drayton • December 5 @ 1:00 p.m., Moorefield • December 20 @ 2:00 p.m., Alma (Alma Parade Theme: Barnyard Christmas)


Car show donations - The Palmerston Car and Truck Show Committee recently presented $400 to the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation and $200 the Palmerston Community Food Bank. From left: front, food bank representative and foundation director Barb Burrows, Brenda Grandy, foundation director Lynn Hodgins and Ann Henderson; back, Joe Walter, Trish Diniz, Dwight Robinson and Dianne Robinson. submitted photo

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Tuesday, December 1, 2015

1:00pm 6:00pm

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Regular Meeting of Council Mapleton Youth Action Council @ Drayton Library. Open to All Youth 14-24yrs Regular Meeting of Council

The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015 PAGE FIVE

Township hiring consultant

Pre-school students visit local dairy farm Farm visit - Mapleton Preschool students, parents and teacher Lauren Rumph visited Mapleton’s Organic Dairy on Nov. 4 for a morning of learning and exploring. Participants enjoyed seeing the animals and exploring how milk is collected. Group members ended the tour with an ice cream treat, and enjoyed finding their way through the hedge maze. Among those clearly pleased with the ice cream were, from left: front, Branten Beyer, Nate Stolz and Karson Fear; back: Mary Lou Fletcher and Austin Schieck. For registration information contact Betty Douglas at betty.douglas@ugdsb.ca. submitted photo

FROM PAGE ONE selection committee and authorize it to hire a consultant passed unopposed. Council had previously directed McRoberts to immediately recruit for the position with an application deadline of Dec. 2, with the intent to fill the position by Feb. 1. A short-list of candidates will be brought to council for final interviews, with council then making the decision.

Climate change FROM PAGE ONE Among more recent engagements, he participated in a Justice Tour across Canada, a public engagement forum coordinated by the CCC and Citizens for Public Justice helping people connect the impacts of climate change with poverty.

Management format revised FROM PAGE THREE issues forward on a monthly basis.” Councillor Dennis Craven asked if the mayor and councillors “would be welcome to attend” management meetings “without being able to comment.” “While I don’t think it’s necessary, I certainly wouldn’t object to it,” said McRoberts. He explained “staff work for the CAO and the CAO works for council and keeping to that structure is probably best.” The report containing the new structure was approved unopposed.

Service recognized - Firefighter Grant Morgan, centre, received a 30-year recognition award from the federal government for service to the Maryborough and Mapleton Fire Departments. Mapleton Fire Chief Rick Richardson, left, and Mayor Neil Driscoll presented the award at the Oct. 27 township council meeting. CORRECTION: Grant Morgan’s name was printed incorrectly in the caption that accompanied the above photo in the Nov. 11 issue. The Community News regrets the error.

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PAGE SIX The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015

2014/2015 Township of Mapleton Council


HOW ARE WE DOING The Township of Mapleton Council has now completed a full year in office and would like to obtain feedback from you as to how we are doing in our role of representing the community. We truly want to know if you believe we are making decisions in the best interest of the public. The goal of this survey is to get a better understanding of how we are doing as a council and if we are addressing concerns, being transparent in our actions and communicating effectively to the community.

Donation to hospital - Recently a few members of Blair Masonic Lodge met at the Palmerston and District Hospital to present a $2,000 donation to the hospital foundation, assisting the foundation with the Healthcare Heroes Radiothon campaign to purchase equipment in the lab, dietary and surgical services units. “The foundation is grateful for this generous donation,” said development officer Dale Franklin. From left: foundation director Lynn Hodgins, Blair Lodge master Hugh Thompson and lodge members Murray Fleming and Paul Brown. submitted photo

Your responses are voluntary and will be kept confidential. All responses will be compiled and analyzed as a group. 1. Are you aware of the different methods of contacting Council members, including phone, email, or a personalized letter? Yes


Don’t Know

Please specify

No (go to question 4)

3. Do you feel that your concern was handled in a timely manner? Yes

Do you believe Council is making decisions that are in the best interest of the community/public? Yes


2. Have you contacted Council in the past 12 months? Yes



How would you rate council’s performance overall? Very Satisfied



Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied

4. Do you believe Council is visible at public events? Yes




Not Sure

Very Dissatisfied

Do you have any additional feedback regarding Council’s performance to date?

5. Do you think it is important for Council to be out at public events? Yes


photo by Patrick Raftis

Don’t Know

6. Accessible can be defined as: “One who is respectful and approachable”. According to this definition, do you think that Council is accessible? Yes


Don’t Know

14. Do you live within a rural or urban area of Mapleton? Urban (within a town) 15.

Councillor Michael Martin Councillor Marlene Ottens Councillor Lori Woodham

7. A phrase that is commonly being used to describe municipal government today is “Open and Transparent”. Council’s goal is to be more open and transparent whereby decisions and the reasons for those decisions are made available to the public. According to this definition, do you feel that Council is open and transparent? Yes


Don’t Know

8. Does Council communicate with the public well? No

Townhall Meetings

Social Media


10. If Other, please specify

Which of the Mapleton communities is closest to your residence? Alma


Glen Allan




Newspaper Other

Sharing God’s Grace and Hope 88 Main Street East, Drayton


Sunday, November 22 at 10am Pastor Paul Droogers leads morning worship

16. Which of the following best represents your household? Single

Family, with children

Family, no children


17. Do you own or rent? Own


13 to 24

25 to 39

65 & over

No Response

40 to 64

We would like to share with you our First Year in Office Report Card. A copy of this report will be placed on the Mapleton Township website.

Don’t Know

9. What are your preferred choices of communication? (please rank the options in order of preference with 1 being your preferred choice and 6 being your least preferred choice). Website

Rural (within the country)

18. Please indicate your age group.

Please specify


Drayton Christian Reformed Church


Mayor Neil Driscoll Councillor Dennis Craven

Palmerston remembers - The Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph in Palmerston drew a large crowd on Nov. 11. Local Scouts were among those paying their respects.

To request a copy please contact Christine Hickey at the Township Office at 519.638.3313 ext. 42 or chickey@mapleton.ca after January 26, 2016.

Completed surveys can be dropped off at the following locations: PMD Arena Complex, Drayton Branch - Wellington County Library and the Mapleton Administration Office until Monday November 30, 2015.

Parents Matt and Leona and happy siblings Lila and Jack are proud to announce the new members of our family Set h Cara Joy and a Car

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80th Birthday Ken Burbidge

Drop In Nov. 28 Moorefield United Church 2-4 pm Best Wishes only

The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015 PAGE SEVEN

Floradale moves ahead of Drayton in local church league standings with 5-1 victory

FROM PAGE FOUR boards by Rich Colwill, assisted also by Pat Landman. Bethel finally scored with a scramble at the net. Caleb Bauman finished the play. Bethel then capitalized on a power play to come with Na-

than Holland forcing the puck past the net minder, assisted by Ian Bott and Tyler Holland. FLORADALE 5 DRAYTON 1

With only a point separating the two teams, this became the game for first place.


Floradale took the lead midway through the opening period. Tim Martin fed a pass to Alex Martin along the left boards. Martin scored with a rising wrist shot into the corner. Floradale added a goal to end the period. Braedon Gin-

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FUNDRAISING DINNER & SILENT AUCTION – Saturday December 5 at the Palmerston Evangelical Missionary Church. Funds raised will go to PEMC’s Mission Project (building a church in Haiti). Two dinner sittings: 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Tickets are: Adults $15.00, Kids 6-12 $6.00, 5 & under free. For tickets, call the church at 519-343-3740.

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Green as


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ces n announ Wellingto it Minto Sochan nch Somer Gerber and space to Northern Renew rship with Lau Inc. offered d, moers state. Holdings d by qualifie ,� organiz launch partne


occupie eneurs: in for successthe program’s ies be entrepr North propert Since - Renew t- tivated236 Main St. 2,500 2015, three WORTH is a coloffers have commi KENIL in May, ton been reWelling Town in Mount Forest ation to the Mount Forest that has Northern initiative of the ip to help square feet ed and has ample their particip laborative Mapleton Townsh - ted in an effort re and cently renovat in program get exposu ip of Welling of Minto, ; and


eneurs s by provid- parking Main St. Northunits the Townsh entrepr - 392 Ěľ their busines to a storehas two doors andton North. people Forest d in a busy to growlow cost access “put talented Mount It helps storefronts ing closes n. square antici- available. Locate their busi- front locatio palities #9 is 2,500 spacn into downtore,wnbuilda sustain Church able The munici these empty plaza, Unit four office two filling Draytothe Tem- gain exposu with g new and offers and become ers state. pate that aid in drawin wns, feet a large garage square sbyterian age of met at present ness, ise,â€? organiz 850 will spaces to local downtogener- es and Unit #1B is offers empty the enterpr is easily congregation Knox Pre years in vill very bays. Hall until ment, for a was a The program space that visitors the and in- feet of open the vision of service from perance was built in 1888.Reverwn stores fee to assist stimulate employ 9, 2015 activity tor it. ic r le to The closing obe d downtoparticipation their modera the churchin the church occupy econom after e133 Oct wns, making adaptab tion of Interim Morden reflecte small d in gettingFrid downto le destina- business that will ed on page 3 ng ay,ate celebra Sealey beginnings day. she has those involve and becomi vigorate Continu by Carolin - After wor- its humble to the present ts end Kathy few years more desirab s built dine in, past Drayton them a n-stay, shop,gto Drayd with the stressed busines ful. futile attemp h on the DRAYTON s mini- tion to visit, years in Knox late 1800s 133 involve involve llin several establis success for is to g been Morden faithAfter We invest. shippin congregation of to 1883 a congreent “but gation.iser.com The program and been held its from 1871 investm n, congrevert ls ton, the elders have community mal risk and its opportunities in Drayto called in onad erian Church 27. church g was church lton Hil ed in Presbyt .wellingt church on Sept. in mem- a Ha to the l meetin unlimit years. ful service the www gationa 6 final al a decline ber 1883.meeting it was and God over ates ed on page Due to limited financi r- Decem Continu this and h a PresbyDuring candid s bership the current membe n to establisDrayton. The decided in e 41es, a lengthy decisio y resourc res Issu close to 48 terian Church add facilitl and , chose ship, after process Volume making . ental for drywal intenance $88,850 the church environm ns h ay ona sec-macombinedcs; amount of the amount of $59,975 for underw edwork Kenilwort Wo front; Glass in to acousti concer amount - Barton es and store nies in the s of the ates rk - Council has approv . entranc included






Myslik Hills by Jaimegton-Halton for portion nance facilityin aluminum e Group of Compa for MAPLETON their of tenders pal mainte $10,200 for - All-Rit fencing; began - Wellin expressed enns for 0 ond rounda new munici new facility stration ERIN 8 for the ates ct candid policies on local the of $40,46 Security Solutioframes, $17,60 re at the municiconstru pal admini hardwa federal ction of - Royal doors and for door and party most recentriding. began recently on the same Constru ber at the munici the views a facil- hollow metal and $6,650 a facility Patrick Raftis ance facility ent at g for the re and replace replace d 16. late Septem meetin vironm of $7,041 al mainten photo by Sideroa on shop will down in door hardwa shop will tion nErin didates amount municip burned centre on Group Transi all-can Mapleto Maplet tion; s in the the new The bynew y that Action installa The new ction on Hosted od Interior mill work; washroom d 16. e Change of the Sept. 30 counsame propert Rutt - Baywo for ay - Constru on Sideroa Climat � ry and 2013. hour on the Sept. 14, RP ity ellingby Olivia - Perth-W carpent picture the ber ofthe for $3,948 first Work underwtration centre in Novem ber of 2013.meeting on rs Chamberlain for finish *( F H parties ted to “bigto answerall Novem Wood Sales of Erin, WORT to: of $2,635 pal adminis burned down - W.G. hour was dedica 16725$ ates from Oct.At1 ato specialproject manage KENIL tenders amount ce. y that debate candid on to award amount of accessories; and Sales in the the secondthe zed audien<72 propert and Ltd. 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The firema an Cla n on page date Roger l Party, minsand ate Ethan right, em ood stationnal photos 90 Toronto Jays ended East divisio tes rd, Libera of candid Fre Rockw the e le ale Pritcha the Additio of the A sta NDP es which Ramsd on schedu can Leagu � Denveropen house at - Jam G “Driver John Nater,and Nicole attendance. the Amerimeeting stayed his or her drive - at the Oct. 3 in ux a Rated 4 to 10. Rabido Party were Taking ement truck title), the candidate shared runs Oct. y 2pm the Green ss risk manag, candidates Monda Departmentweek, which and each opinions. emissions 7pm & tion Busine the debate improve their preven Sunday off views and house gas could rgantheatre.com ay 8pm, asked how To start Green ement tive enhow they effectiveness & Saturd visit www.no ates were in theFriday the advanc ; -3640 or Candid support alterna d for discussed siveness and TIMES: uting to deman county programs call 519-343 the respon ement - contrib care in the voice to adparty would s to reducetowards a 100 more info manag For ; y. health stronger y ors, will reof risk ergy source and work govern econom of rural ga 2 ture industr the NDP in the county with the to integrate agricul - creatin care issues ble energy Forward fossil fuels ux said renewa nity tor to work Rabido the Growing more board facilita the commu re of Norths vance health per cent to tion of agreed workverse cuts staff, and ance structu and Grove by 2050. candid ate Canada’s and tted to ating duplica Raftis to reduce their Each programs.NDP is commi and work- elimin on the es. the govern Health CareNov. 30. by Patrick Myslik ces activiti ent, based to be doneemissions but gton r, by “The e risk Local have needed the provin to improv gas and Jaime COUNTY - their Wellin ls “into one� corporations in and other are confid to one anothe . with ouse is Rabil N ing “We greenh varied greatly sful outwe have agriculture ms,� said to start an INGTO are confident inte- hospita two hospita over a decade s CEO commitment have a succes from the WELL to The ls ing with progra AgriStability r for answer Trant, the place coal as y. be able ement s a shared l officia togethe we will the release For use of manag ams like been gutted hospita boards will worked e that include rs. “Progr the countr ed s that mate. states have been 2, ating the doux. respective not amalga stic that Norths an allianc key staff membe ntative nvest elimin source across propos come,� they’ve NDP on Oct. represe years; said and Agri-I grate, butare very optimi and Grove and other te releaseFisk said the energy the Liberal Party’s 30, four met as a joint board chairs. and the past few g, Trant Care tor h h “We al will l board On Sept. over the to access In a separa fundin facilita researc Throug chair Joan nors fromgton Healthunity Hospit te the ructure available for board each hospita with the shared obsysmuch harderthat.� Wellin have failed infrast LHIN is pleased “gover Comm d to integra or- from g committee on achieves be needed be d ing rial reverse will the parties these k for two to will the Memo money networ to the follow ... are focuse outcom needs to and pment path forwar res of our to amal- steerin Fuhr saidwhen it comes gover- both boards possible health s hospifind a and agreed and develoalso said there sses ance structu t the need y to the c vehicle probest chair jectives: h all three busine govern ement tems. He s electri ing the resources g stabilit throug l sites; tions withouNWHC board chair toward city - bringin three hospita organiza- for residents that time and to respond programs. ess risk manag problems shift ganiza a board . electri stated the the l ,� and rertation that “Busin facing similar political s,� gamate , which nance of positioning y of hospita transpo source of n and Groves tal sites, longer be needed that joint press are ble source the ms mation rs no - better “The from renewa n in a grams other problems rm stabilit progra Tom Sulliva on long-te n should rs of amalga be d Dobso some membe e partly follow as most to enact. Theseto the ones Howar tions for needs to to rumou concern for ng, decisio Oct. 1 try said. “We’r parties fail to deliverand of course lease. release, issued a joint steer- operations; ting planni allocation to has caused nity.� ates that Trant out NDP ly g of The d to toward - facilita resource routine intended for you by politiley pointed the envithe commu , Fisk “reiter way.� directe d s; and first meetinup to work release s of es, ir, once was sucGajerski-Cau they are promised to In the ls were never ing the directe making, needs of patientorganization’ ttee set ance, continu c, inTom Mulca hospita but instead were structure have been ,� said Fuhr. Conservative r in Quebe ons. ing commi of govern h ongoing dis-p meet the hening the talent, leader the ance tion t ministe “The - strengt and retain lists and amalgamate, cal parties govern integra face as er regime that througwe will develo ronmen reducing emissi te their specia ms we r to attract in e will He added,Schellenberg this rid“We believe merge ability physicians, cessful of the proble why we in to integra30.� ance that and and dialogu is the ued told “One and the reason page 31 you and Harper been in place cussion of joint govern at the same cluding contin by Nov. gamation � Fisk not failed on ians ued ations, y, while health care leadership; ng for the ves set out model that has 11 years has drabble should “Amal a Canad Contin corpor to 6. “We’re te stabilit the unique l sites - allowi of the objecti ing for more dribble hospital promo on Oct. the corporate it comes ting hospita ent; of of Advertiser of I expect re-elected when time suppor of the three District Hos- achievement e agreem ement page 19 bylaws in utions and achiev care in the ng the Continued on they be programs.� ned Conser contrib Palmerston all Hospital in the alliancting the of changi ing s, - suppor in the deliver ter also mentiom. ted model (Grove Louise Marsh plated ag, integra McCot to the progra .� pital and oo Wellin rk a robustgton as contem cial cooper cuts Forest) vative issue of provin economy in Mount t, the Waterltion Netwo to Wellin gton Plan; the Wellin “The ion Integra In Augus reason n Harper Health a resolut a huge a Rural Stephe tion is has stalled. work with the ton Localboard passed of KPMG as to ) n ter said. Ontario (LHIN Mark Rocho 2015 but refused McCot t Centre Wellington snapshot� has all of Ontario,� ment and the appoin “Our community province federal govern on page 32 “If the Continued A to that. been true’t be done; e always “We’v said it couldnit and manform lot of people ement, ment did in the s come and income well, the governt supply manag of supply change protec ies, access industr aged to the three pillars a win-win.� market has This g tarof foreign keepin already intact ... es lower Rutt tees. by Olivia COUNTY - Can- guaran the dairy marketforeign prod-. management also promis TPP for N d TransWhile 3.25% CanaThe y. r ion allotte INGTO tariff on be WELL on in the 12-natcould have 10 per cent will add anothe allow iffs in the industr le, the would l TPP s, TPP will (TPP) For examp s to Japan the next turkey ada’s inclusi on severa ucts, the sectors, the export Partnership g 2% for 9% over ture. Pacific cant impact locally dian beeffrom 39% to agricul prin- In otherfor chickens, 1.5% for hatchin d in and a signifi most notably lowere tee signed on Oct. 2.1% for eggs, ies, TH result for Ca- 15 years. industr partnership, e guaran 2.3% ls Incom access could some that opportunity Rim The TON NOR ian officia for Pacific a huge Canad ng agreementotive, eggs. market “This is s in the Asia protecting WELLING Foreign revenue losses page 32 ciple by autom ies on wide sweepi farmer TO | it while Welling- in perpetual 5, is a the agriculture, al industr Continued | MIN y, nadianwe’ve done � said Chong includes and pharmaceutic econom ement, el and | ERIN digital ment- supply manag MP Micha iser. forestry impacts on MOSA as lton Hillswith the Advert and govern LPH ERA as well ton-Ha ew rs’ rights | GUE sector, in an intervi ises. worke ement enterpr LETON owned supply manag n and egg | MAP chicke In the dairy, INCH the | PUSL including

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. active of Ontario has also been comGreen of the aspects as local in other After serving governor,l Green munity. - John nt, deputyand nationa inpreside DRAYTON elected and the n, he governor of district of the Kinsme memMaster was recently nt a life the as Grand Ancient Free preside ed with stalled on of served Lodge was honour s of Can40 Grand . He has ed Mason Ontario for over bership l board g chair of and Accept Province of local hospita foundin ada in the two years. oldest and was inment, whichs next years the the is Enterta for theatre ensonry Drayton s seven Freema . to man, charity ty known now operate estern Ontario active fraterni goodwill and memacross southw e to his nity, has couraging d, and y every In respons to commu Harvirtuall to all mankin s from profession, orcontribution made a Paul was bership was and and in a Green by Rotary, occupation officials state Fellow provincial citation ion ris a ganizat arts in is . awarded ution to the serpress release Master, Greenthe ial long in for contrib As Grandfor overseeing in years GREEN Ontario, a provinc ible over 25 , recR JOHN for respons of Grand Lodge s MASTE award politics Mason GRAND in vice activities about 40,000 . service municipal active elected for 40 years of l, serving held has been in Ontarioof ConHospita Green ognition r , having District in 543 lodges politics years, at Palmerston in being awarda membe where is pal 36 for Green ating Medal No. 295, Master munici positions as mayor. all culmin Lodge s Jubilee pful estogo He elected ng 22 years warden of ed the Queen’ as Worshi includi served as a Barb he served again in 2005. and as in sevand has in 2003. and his wife in 1983 membership elect- He County they atpolice ton Green . n where also holds lodges. He was Mas- Wellingr of the county of health live in Drayton United Church eral other t Deputy Grand uently membession, board ttee on tend Drayto daughter in Oty commi one ed Distric er who and subseqGeneral commi have provinadvisor daught the the 1998 They of and husg for ter in comthe Board plannin of Agriculture, tawa and anotheria with her y served on of Grand Lodge ng rural He was lives in Austral daughters. cial Ministr Affairs. three Purposes in 2003, includi r of and Rural the board of the band and g membe Food a to mencin as palities ttee. Munici also elected three years ment commi Grand Association of Deputy the manage elected He was July 2013. in Master


n nity Christia at Commu on Program Educati “dairy day� class on Regional Dairyon activities. Topics for his d photo /Wellington and handssubmitte ice cream makes of the Dufferin ations present technology. - Kyle Mulder Harper through Dairy day Sept. 29. Nancyto the school , processing and on School the dairy farm ss, careers , dairy goodne brought

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gave him three shots on the net. After being taken down he sent the puck rolling into the short side corner, assisted by Ryan and Nick Martin. A goal in the dying seconds by Corey Wideman put the game away.



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the first shift of the third. Herman Mulder sent Eric Decker over the blueline. Decker sent a screened shot through the crowd for the goal. Floradale answered in the middle of the period. Unrelenting pressure by Greg Martin



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grich buried a rebound left by Dan and Tim Martin. Floradale scored again late in the second. Alex Martin set up Corey Wideman at the point. Wideman rifled a slapshot past net minder Kevin Ottens. Drayton finally scored on

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PAGE EIGHT The Community News, Friday, November 20, 2015

Mapleton remembers the fallen Drayton Remembrance Day service - A large crowd attended the Remembrance Day service at Memorial Park in Drayton on Nov. 11. Clockwise from right: Community Christian School students Ryan Mulder and Mariah Rumph lay a wreath accompanied by local Legion member Patty Cherrey; a member of the 1943 Palmerston Cadet Corps stands vigil at the cenotaph during the service; Drayton Girl Guides march to the cenotaph. photos by Caroline Sealey

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