www.centrewellington.ca Page 3 Centre Wellington Community Guide Fall Edition 2022 Fall Contents COMMUNITY: Community Contact List 4-5 REGISTRATION: How to Register 7-11 AQUATICS: Swimming Admittance 12 Supervision Requirements 13 General Pool Information 14 Swim Descriptions 15 Aquafit 15 Swimming Lessons 16 Additional Aquatics Programs 16 Swim Lesson Conversion Chart 17 Swimming Lesson Programs 17 Parent & Tot Lessons 18 Preschool Lessons 18 School Age Lessons 19 Advanced Leadership 20 Become an Aquatic Assistant 20 Become an instructor Guard 21 Become a Lifeguard 21 THEATRE Fergus Grand Theatre 23-25 FITNESS: Weight Room 2 Fitness Classes 26 ADULT/SENIORS: Victoria Park Seniors Centre Programs 35-46 Published by: The Wellington www.wellingtonadvertiser.comAdvertiser Find games that are convenient for you Search through available games, dates and times to find one that works best for you! Buy your spot Pick the team you wish to play for and purchase your position in the game! Show up and play Show up on game day in your teams colour ready to play! 1. a. 2. a. 3. a. What is PickupHub?
Why Choose PickupHub?
PickupHub is for those interested in playing organized sports. It allows participants the opportunity to register in advance so that teams can be formed ahead of time for drop-in sports programs. How Does it Work?
PickupHub allows players to show up in their teams colours, ready to play! Players can also see who will be at the game ahead of time, to ensure there are enough players to run a game. centrewellington.ca/parksandrecreation/ pickuphub.net youth.pickuphub.net
Well/Dufferin Fire1.888.821.3760–Admin.and Public Safety Groves519.843.1950Memorial Hospital Highway519.843.2010Info 1.800.265.7293HealthWellington/Dufferin/Guelph519.846.9691Township519.787.9025TheSewer519.515.0623Madd1.800.668.6868Kid’s519.827.8588/519.827.8589Hydro1.888.638.9899(Winter)EmergencyinFergus/EloraHelpLineWellingtonCountyChapterEmergency1.888.886.9281DoorYouthCentreofCentreWellingtonPublic General Info B.I.A Office, 519.846.0190Wellington519.843.1730Post519.846.5681Post519.846.0841Centre519.843.5140CW519.843.7161B.I.A519.846.2563EloraOffice,FergusChamberofCommerceforEnvironmentalExcellenceOffice,EloraOffice,FergusCtyLibrary,EloraBranch
Page 4 www.centrewellington.ca Help Animal Control, Guelph Humane Centre519.824.3091SocietyWellington Hydro Distress519.843.2900Centre
Belwood Car 519.846.5357SherriRotarycentrewellingtonrotary.caRonRotary519.766.3816Probus519.938.6762PogsonOptimist846.9742G.R.C.A.,843.2979G.R.C.A.,519.846.0328M.Girl519.843.5142Jim(Lions,Fergus519.843.3225Fergus519.843.4852LloydFergus226.979.7289SmytheFergus519.843.5528Elora519.843.1314CWinfo@belwoodlions.orgBelwoodbelwoodlakecarclub@gmail.comClubLionsClubKinettes,MaryLloydLionsClubCameraClub,RichardandDistrictKinsmen,BruceLionsClub,MargaretMurraySantaClausParade,Optimist,Kinsmen,Rotary)DandyGuides,Elora,FergusandAlma,SkerrittBelwoodEloraClubofCW-Fergus,JillClubofCW.,NormaSeibertClubofCW.,MacKinnonClubofFergusElora,Mullin(Secretary)
Volunteer Centre Guelph and Wellington519.822.0912WellingtonCounty Museum and 519.846.0916Archives Club and Lodges
Community Contacts
Wellington Cty Library, Fergus Wellington519.843.1180BranchCty Library Aboyne 519.846.0918Branch Arts and Culture CW Singers, Robin 1.888.713.4088Neighbour519.843.3517&Kindermusik,519.843.7942Grinder519.998.5748DuncanGrand519.787.0245Gleeful519.787.0099Fergusinfo@ferguspipeband.comFergus519.846.9691Fergus519.856.9621Fall519.591.8558Fergus519.824.7867DudleyElora519.846.0331Elora519.496.6481Elora519.846.9698Elora519.843.7703Elora519.846.0556Eloracentrewellingtonsingers@gmail.comGowArtsCouncil,BarbLeeCataractTrail,RaymondSoucyCentrefortheArtsComm.Theatre,DebStansonFestivalandSingersandSalemHorticulture,FosterBrassBand,UweClaussenFairBoard,WendyWittakerGrandTheatrex200PipeBandScottishFestivalSounds,AnneThomson-KingCelticPipeBand,AshleyProductions,EricGoudiePerformanceStudiosMusicforKidsWoods,ToniEllis
Please note: If contact information is incorrect please call 519.846.9691 x260 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Industrial • Commercial • Residential • Farm Bucket & Auger Truck • Pole Line Installations ESA-7000955 PO Box 69, 588 Glengarry Cres., Fergus ON N1M 2W7 Bill Rowe • Dave Rowe 519.843.5494 roweelectric.ca Serving Fergus & Area Since 1983
Support Services
Dance Instruction Blue Bonnet Lassies Highland Dance Celtic519.827.8143Thunder, Irish Dance Fergus/Elora519.843.1986Elora519.787.0096GrandSquaresAcademy of Dance 226.218.1848Stage519.846.6666Presence Sports and Leisure Basketball (men’s) Doug Warran Basketball-CW519.846.1063 Celtics, Blake Bushidonewblsc.caBelwood226.971.1614Bears519.787.2963CudmoreCheerleadingSailingClubMartialArts, S. Champagne Curling519.993.6367Club, Elora Curling519.846.0440Club, Fergus Fergus519.843.2641Tennis Club Grand519.787.7003RiverGirls Hockey, Dan Gilles 519.830.7490
Page 5
Big Brothers and Sister of Centre 1.866.380.0758Stroke1.833.900.7433WellingtonRide519.323.2330Meals519.836.3921Hospice1.800.307.7078519.824.2431ServicesFamily519.824.2410Family519.843.6191Community519.843.7000N.Community519.787.1401FoodCentre1.888.713.4083R.SoucyC.W.519.939.3333SupportCancer519.787.0106WellingtonSocietyServicesCommunityFoundations,WellingtonBankResourcesofandC.WellingtonMentalHealthandChildrenServicesCounsellingandSupport(Rural)WellingtononWheels(VON)Well,CountyRecoveryCanadax263
Lawn Bowling Club-Elora Rocks Minor519.846.0642Hockey 519.787.2122SwimVisitSoccer,VisitSkatingfergusskateclub@gmail.comSkating519.994.1137Rugbyefr@elorafergusringette.caRingette226.820.3889ShirleyPonsonby647.938.4663Minoralmasoftballexec@gmail.comMinorinfo@cwminorlacrosse.caMinorcwminorhockey.caCW.Lacrosse,CWSoftball,AlmaBall,CW,RobinLarkinSoftballClub,OberganClub,JoeBowleyClub,FergusClub,Eloraeloraskatingclub.comF.E.D.S.fedssoccer.caTeam,AngelaKlein
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 229 Royal519.846.9611Canadian Legion, Branch 275 1.888.855.3336Scouts519.843.2345Canada
Refund policy
6. A $20 administration fee will be applied to refunds requested.
5. Transfers will be accepted prior to 3rd class. No transfers will take place beyond the 3rd class.
2. Request for refunds must be received 1 week prior to program start date.
4. No refunds will be issued for senior’s bus trips.
Page 6 www.centrewellington.ca Wouldn't Your Ad LookWouldn't Your Ad Look Great Right Here?Great Right Here? Contact our Recreation Programmer for details about advertising in our next Community Guide Alicia Benham | Recreation Programmer 519-846-9691 centrewellington.ca/parksandrecreation/abenham@centrewellington.caext.260
Payment Fees: We accept cheques, money orders, cash, debit, Visa or Master Card. We have calculated the HST and included it in our fees where applicable. There is a $35.00 fee for NSF cheques and a $20.00 fee for declined credit card payments.
Please note: Registrations and bookings will not be accepted on those accounts that have an outstanding balance. No post dated cheques are accepted.
3. No refunds will be issued within 1 week of the program start date.
A full refund will be issued for all courses cancelled by the Township.
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3 Months: $167.60 6 Months: $299.55 One Year: $415.30 Senior (55 + years) 3 Months: $141.15 6 Months: $253.30 One Year: $345.30 Family Swim Pass One Year: $434.55 (2 adults, 4 children) Valid for all Swims (Lane, Public, Family, Adult Leisure, Special Needs and Parent & Tot, swims.
SWIM ADMISSION: Infant (up to 12 months): FREE Child (1-5 years)
Children between the ages of 6 and 9 who have passed the facility swim test may be admitted to the swimming pool unaccompanied. Parent/guardian must be present for the swim test, and remain in the facility for the duration of the swim.
when you get both aquatics and weight room on a one year membership
3 Months: $237.55 6 Months: $398.75 One Year: $701.85 Senior (55 + years) 3 Months: $205.05 6 Months: $325.95 One Year: $606.70 Fees include HST. Patrons with a Swim or Aquafit Membership receive a 3 month locker rental FREE. (Deposit still applies)
SAVE 20%
The ratio of non-swimmers to parents or guardian may be increased for children aged 6-9 to a maximum of four bathers to one parent or guardian if life jackets are worn by all non-swimmers in their charge.
Swimming Admittance
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Admission Policy
Shorter Membership Periods Memberships can be purchased for shorter time frames, (1, 2, 3, 4 month periods). Please inquire at the Sportsplex for costs. Lockers Please note lockers are available to rent on a monthly basis. A $20 refundable deposit is required. Lockers are $5.95/month.
Whirlpool: Due to the high temperature, the whirlpool is for use by patrons 16 years of age and older.
One Time: $8.30 10 Tickets Pass: $70.55 Senior (55 + years) One Time: $7.50 10 Tickets: $63.75
One Time: $2.45 10 Swim Tickets: $20.85 Youth (6-17 years) One Time: $3.55 10 Swim Tickets: $30.20 Adult (18-55 years) One Time: $5.10 10 Swim Tickets: $43.35 Senior (55 + years) One Time: $4.70 10 Swim Tickets: $39.95 Family One Time: $10.80 10 Swim Tickets: $91.80 (max 4 additionalpeople,members $1.55)
Children under the age of 10 years may not be admitted to the swimming pool unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian who is at least 12 years of age and are responsible for their direct supervision with a maximum of 2 children for each parent or guardian.
Successfully completed facility swim test. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Parent/ Guardian remains in the facility Age 10+ (Non Swimmer) If not a competent swimmer will be required to stay in shallow water.
High-risk participants must be in a ratio of 1:1. High-risk participants are defined as those who have a condition or illness that may put them at risk in an aquatic environment (e.g. frequent seizures, fainting conditions, etc) and those who are unable to control behaviour or impulses and require direct supervision.
Green Wristbands 1:2 1:2
Red Wristbands Yellow Wristbands
Ask facility staff for more information.
Tread Water for 20 seconds, front swim 10 meters, tread water for 20 seconds, front swim. Swimmers must make an attempt at over arm recovery with a near horizontal body position. Lifeguards reserve the right to have any swimmer complete the swim test and to determine competency to use the deep area of the pool. Whirlpool Due to the high temperature, the whirlpool is for use by patrons 16 years of age and older.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Always (parent/guardianaccompanied12+)
Age 6-9 (Competent Swimmer)
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Always accompanied (parent/guardian 12+)
Swim Test Criteria
In order to ensure adequate supervision and to identify children at greater risk, the Township of Centre Wellington is now issuing wristbands during public and family swim sessions.
Swim Test Cards
i Supervision Requirements
High-Risk Participants
Always (parent/guardianaccompanied12+)
Each ratio indicates the maximum number of children that one responsible person (aged 12 or older) is able to supervise. Parent/guardian must be in proper bathing attire, in the water, actively participating within arms reach at all times.
Successfully completed facility swim test. Child can use water slide and swim in deep areas.
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ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: No adult supervision required. Age 6-9 (Non Swimmer) Did not pass facility swim test. Parents must be within arms reach at all times in shallow water.
Age 5 and under (Competent Swimmer)
Patrons that have successfully completed the swim test will receive a “Swim Test Card”. Upon future visits to the facility children can present the swim test card to reception staff when paying for the swim and will receive the appropriate colour wristband. A parent / caregiver must be in the facility during the swim. If you forget your swim test card you will be required to complete the swim test again. If at any time a patron with a swim test card is unable to complete the swim test their swim test card will be revoked.
Red Wristbands or1:2 1:4 with Lifejackets
Age 5 and under (Non Swimmer) May not be admitted to the swimming pool unless they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Must stay within arms reach.
We will continue to admit caregivers volunteering their time to help a person with special needs to our programs free of charge. If you would like to apply for a PAL card to use in neighboring municipalities an application form is available to fill out. There are certain eligibility requirements that must be met to obtain a PAL Card. Application forms are available from the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus ON N1M 3T9, or by contacting Community Services at 519.846.9691 ext. 321 Strollers Due to their size, and the possibility of restricting change room exits, unattended strollers are to be left outside of the change rooms. Strollers are not to be on the pool deck. We apologize for the inconvenience, however we need to ensure all exits and the pool deck are maintained free of obstructions in case an evacuation is required.
A private pool rental is a great way to celebrate a birthday or host a special event. Rental times are available Saturdays and Sundays after regular programs. Please call our reception staff at the Sportsplex at 519.846.9691 x 903 for more information.
Gift Ideas
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AQUATICS Family Swim Passes
Personal Assistant for Leisure Activities (PAL) Card
The Township offers an annual Family Swim Pass and it is valid for all drop in swims (lane, public, family, adult leisure, special needs, parent and tot). The cost is $434.55 per year. This pass can be used for two adults and up to four children. We offer numerous other passes for adults and seniors for a variety of programs as well. Please call 519.846.9691 x 903 for more information. Feeding your children before swimming Children may experience nausea while swimming after eating a large meal. Please give your child ample time to digest their food before swimming. Please do not feed your child a large meal just prior to swimming.
Diapers As a courtesy to all we request and require that all individuals who are not toilet trained wear specially designed swimming diapers. The Aquatic Centre has both disposable and reusable swim diapers available at our administration desk. The Sportsplex stocks swim diapers in infant, child, youth, and adult sizes.
A “PAL” card is available to people with a disability who require assistance to attend Township of Centre Wellington Recreation programs. The “PAL” card is issued to the person with the disability and allows them to be accompanied by a friend, relative, support worker, etc., as their support person who participates as an attendant at no additional cost. A support person can be a different person each time but they will help the person with a disability with tasks related to communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs, or with access to goods or services.
Patrons wishing to use video cameras or other photographic devices during registered or supervised Township programs, including camera phones and personal digital assistants, may take photographs only of children and patrons in their care. Every attempt must be made to limit or eliminate other patrons from being filmed or photographed in the background. Photographic devices including cell phones, are strictly prohibited from change rooms.
Looking for gift ideas? Why not purchase swim tickets or passes for Aquatic programs? Inquire by phone 519.846.9691 x 903.
Pool Temperatures
Spectators Spectators are welcome to watch from the Aquatic Viewing Gallery. Viewing lessons from the pool deck is not permitted.
Photos / Videos
Financial Assistance for Swimming Lesson
The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington provides financial assistance for children in need so they can participate in sports, cultural and recreational activities. Funds are available for the activity of the child’s choice as long as the activity will benefit and enrich their own personal development. For further information or information on how to apply, contact the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington at 519.826.9551.
General Pool Information
We have 3 different pools on our deck. They are maintained at the following temperatures: Main Pool 28 Celsius (82 Fahrenheit) Leisure Pool 33.5 Celsius (92 Fahrenheit) Whirl Pool 38 Celsius (100 Fahrenheit)
Private Rentals
Public Swim Come enjoy time in the pool. All the pools and the waterslide are open. A lane will be designated for those wanting to swim lengths. Admission policy is in effect for all swims.
Qualified candidates are invited to submit a complete resume detailing education, experience and references to: Centre Wellington Community Services ATTN: Bruce Parkin, Aquatics Employment By Email: parks@centrewellington.ca By Mail: 1 MacDonald Square, ELORA, ON N0B 1S0 By Fax: 519.843.2565
These classes are geared to participants with arthritis and other mobility challenges. Participants should expect to be taught a variety of range of motion exercises to help maintain and improve mobility and flexibility. These classes are taught in our leisure pool.
In Person: Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Avenue East, Fergus
Centre Wellington’s Community Services Department is accepting resumes for Assistant Instructor, Instructor, Lifeguard and Aquafit Instructor. For all positions, experience and additional certifications will be considered when determining employment offers. Please include a photocopy of all required certifications when applying. Full Job Descriptions are available at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex by contacting the Aquatics Department.
AQUATICS Swim times will be in effect from Tuesday September 6, 2022 until Friday February 3, 2023. Our admission policy is in effect for all swims. Our Swim schedule can be found at centrewellington.ca/aquatics
Adults, seniors, and children are welcome. Any caregiver volunteering their time to help a person with special needs is admitted free (1 caregiver per person). These swims are combined with our parent and tot swims and take place in our leisure pool, which is maintained at 33.5 degrees celsius (92F).
Adult Leisure Swim Adults can come to enjoy “unstructured” swimming in the main pool. Two lanes are designated for those wanting to swim lengths.
These classes assist with recovery, increase flexibility and range of motion much faster and with less stress on the body than a typical post rehabilitation exercise class. These classes are taught in our leisure pool.
Swim Descriptions
Lane Swim
Aquafit class times will be in effect from Tuesday September 6 - Friday January 27 2023. All Classes are led by Certified instructors. Our Aquafit schedule can be found at centrewellington.ca/aquatics i
The Main pool is open for swimmers of any age to swim lengths. Get in shape by swimming and join the “In motion” Swim Challenge! For more details ask our staff at the Sportsplex! Parent and Tot Swim Parents or caregivers can come and swim with their children in our leisure pool (the slide is not in operation). Children are to be accompanied by an adult. These swims are combined with our adult “leisure pool swims” Special Needs Swims.
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Aquafit (Classes Geared to Adults 18+)
Use the resistance of water to assist in a quality low impact workout. The option of deep water aquafit will be made available to those interested in it.
Leisure Pool Movement Enhancement
Leisure Pool Swim
Leisure Pool Rehabilitation Aquafit
General Aquafit
Information gathered relative to this position is done so in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act & will only be used for candidate selection. Accessibility accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process. Applicants must make their needs known in advance. We thank all those that apply; however only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
JOB CLOSES: Fall Session 1 – August 26 2022 – 4:00pm Fall Session 2 – November 4 2022 – 4:00pm
Your child will receive a report card booklet that will track their progress throughout the swimming levels. Please bring your child’s report card to their first class and give it to their instructor. If your child is not present for the last swim lesson you can pick up their report card at the front administration desk at the Sportsplex.
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Private Lessons Private $212.95 for 9 lessons; Semi Private $144.35 child for 9 lessons
Swim Lesson Progressions
Private Lessons
When registering your children, please ensure you register them in the correct level. Swimming skills build from one level to the next. If your child hasn’t completed a level, they may not have the skills required to be successful in the next level.
Swim Lesson Report Cards
Adapted Aquatics
i We offer most swimming levels at every lesson time frame. This format of programming allows parents to register multiple children at the same time. In order to coordinate all of our swimmers, instructors will teach multi-level classes.
Not sure what level to register in? Please call the Sportsplex, 519.846.9691 x 227 to arrange a time for a FREE SKILLS ASSESSMENT by one of our Aquatic Staff. Deck Supervisor During swimming lessons there is a deck supervisor who oversees all lessons. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress the deck supervisor is available to answer your questions.
i Course dates and times for all aquatic programs can be found at ca.apm.activecommunities.com/centrewellington/
Children 6 years of age and older must use gender specific change rooms, or the family change room.
Registering early gives us a better idea of which programs are of interest to you. People often wait until the last minute to register only to find out that the program is full, or has been cancelled due to low registration. Registering early increases your program choices. If you are currently enrolled in lessons and concerned about registering in the wrong level you can transfer between levels if a change is needed. Check with your child’s instructor after lesson 8. Classes with low enrolment will be cancelled approximately 1 week before programs start. Missed Classes If you miss a scheduled lesson we are unable to make them up. Transfers You can transfer classes prior to the start of the third lesson if there is space available.
AQUATICS Swimming Lessons
Private lessons run in the same nine lesson format as all other lessons. If this doesn’t fit your schedule, we do offer “one time” private lessons. When registering online for semi private lessons you can register one child online which will reserve the lesson for you. You will need to contact the Sportsplex to register the second child. Please call our reception staff at the Sportsplex at 519.846.9691 x 903 for more information.
Change Rooms
$87.80 Adapted aquatics is for children and youth with a physical or developmental disability who need 1:1 support to feel comfortable in the water and to progress in their swimming skills. Participants will be taught by an experienced aquatics instructor.
Did you know your child may repeat a level multiple times before completing all of the requirements successfully?
One to one instruction to work on swimming challenges. Lessons are 30 minutes in length. For Semi Private lessons children must be within one level of each other. It is the responsibility of the swimmer to find a second participant. For information call 519.846.9691 ext 903
Cancelled Classes
Additional Aquatics Programs
Society Swim for life Lessons New
Parent & Tot 1 (4-12 Months) Parent & Tot 2 (12-24 Months) Parent & Tot 3 (24-36 Months)
Society Swim for life Lessons
Previous Lifesaving Lifesaving
We are now proudly offering the Lifesaving Society Swim Life swim program. While program names have changed, our commitment to providing quality programs remains the same. Please use the chart below to determine which level your child should register in.
Preschool A1 (3-5 Years)
Red Cross Lessons Previous Red Cross Lessons New
*Parents in water for first 3-5 lessons Preschool A2 (3-5 Years) Preschool B (3-5 Years) Preschool C (3-5 Years) Preschool D (3-5 Years) Preschool E (3-5 Years)
www.centrewellington.ca Page 17 AQUATICS Swim Lesson Conversion Chart
Swimmer 1 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 2 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 2 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 3 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 4 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 5 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 6 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 7 (6-13 Years) Swimmer 8 (8-13 Years) Swimmer 9 (8-13 Years)
Swim Kids 1 Swim Kids 2 Swim Kids 3 Swim Kids 4 Swim Kids 5 Swim Kids 6 Swim Kids 7 Swim Kids 8 Swim Kids 9 Swim Kids 10 Swimming Lesson Programs Welcome to our fall registration information. Please refer to our level descriptions and the swimming level conversion chart to determine the appropriate level for your childs’ swimming lesson. The specific lesson times can be found online at centrewellington.ca/aquatics. If you have questions regarding our swimming programs please call 519.846.9691 ext 903 to talk to one of our reception staff at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex. NoneNoneAugust 3 August 3 NoneNone NoneNone August 7 August 7 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAYFRIDAY SUNDAY Sept 12 - Nov 14 (8 Lessons) Cancellation:Oct10,31 Nov 21 - Jan 30 (9 Lessons) DecCancellation:26,Jan2 Sept 13 - Nov 8 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:None Nov 22 - Jan 31 (9 Lessons) DecCancellation:27,Jan3 Sept 14 - Nov 9 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:None Nov 23 - Feb 1 (9 Lessons) DecCancellation:28,Jan4 Sept 15 - Nov 10 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:None Nov 17 - Jan 26 (9 Lessons) DecCancellation:29,Jan5 Sept 16 - Nov 11 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:None Sept 17 - Nov 12 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:None Sept 11 - Nov 13 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:Oct9 Nov 18 - Jan 27 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:Dec23,30 Nov 19 - Jan 28 (9 Lessons) Cancellation:Dec24,31 Nov 20 - Jan 29 (9 Lessons) DecCancellation:25,Jan1 FALL SESSION 1 DATES FALL SESSION 2 DATES
Parent & Tot 1 (4 to 12 months)
PARENT & TOT 2 (12 to 24 months) Parent/guardian is required in the water with their child. With a caregiver, the child will perform assisted front and back floats, learn how to travel at the surface by kicking, and introduction to entries with a PFD. This level teaches children to get their face wet and blow bubbles.
Preschoolers try both a jump and a side roll into deep water while wearing a PFD. They recover objects from the bottom in waist-deep water. They work on kicking and gliding through the water on front and back unassisted. Fitness swim 5-7m unassisted.
Parent/guardian to accompany child into the water for the first 4 lessons. Preschoolers develop a foundation of water skills with the Instructors. Swimmers jump into chest-deep water assisted. Floating on front and back, and glides with assistance for 3 seconds. Shallow water movement wearing a PFD. Fitness swim 1-2m assisted. PRESCHOOL A2 Preschoolers develop a foundation of water skills with the Instructors. Swimmers jump into chest-deep water assisted. Floating on front and back, and glides with assistance for 3 seconds. Shallow water movement wearing a PFD. Fitness swim 1-2m unassisted.
Preschool Lessons
PARENT & TOT 3 (2 to 3 yrs)
Preschoolers learn independent jumps into deep water and exit. They open their eyes under water and recover objects from chest-deep water. Front crawl is introduced at this level and for 2-3m unassisted. Fitness swim is 7-9m unassisted.
Parent/guardian is required in the water with their child. With a caregiver the child will have fun jumping into the water with assistance. They learn to hold their breath and open their eyes under water. Kicking on front and back provide the building blocks for orientation and stroke development.
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Preschool Lessons
for children 3-5 years (30 minute programs) $79.40 Lifesaving Society Parent & Tot Lessons for parents and children up to 3 years of age (30 minute programs) $79.40
Preschoolers build on deep water skills by demonstrating a forward roll entry with a PFD. They develop endurance by holding their breath under water for up to 10 sec. Interval training and whip kick is introduced at this level. Fitness swim 10-12m.
Parent/guardian is required in the water with their child. With a caregiver, the child will explore the water through buoyancy, movement skills, introduction to PFD’s and entries. Learn how to help your child play in the water with comfort and confidence.
Preschoolers jump into chest-deep water and get in and get out wearing a PFD. They submerge and exhale under water. They glide on front and back 3m and with a buoyant aid will flutter kick on back 5m. Fitness swim 2-4m unassisted. PRESCHOOL C
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Beginners become comfortable jumping into water with and without a personal flotation device. They open their eyes, exhale and hold their breath underwater. They work on floats, glides and kicking on front and back.
SWIMMER 2 Advanced beginners jump into deeper water and become comfortable falling sideways into the water wearing a personal flotation device. Swimmers support themselves at the surface without an aid, recover an object in chest deep water. Fitness swim is 10-15m.
SWIMMER 4 Swimmers work towards stride dives and standing dives into deep water. They improve the front crawl, back crawl and whip kick. Swimmers are introduced to a 3m underwater swim. Fitness swim is 50m. (2 lengths of the pool.)
SWIMMER 3 Swimmers develop front and back crawl strokes, and explore whip kick in a vertical position. Swimmers tread water for up to 30 sec and learn to transition from front to back flutter kick. Fitness swim is 20-25m.
Intermediate swimmers master dolphin kick, diving off blocks and eggbeater. They are introduced to sculling and continue to maximize efficiency in front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Fitness swim is 300m.
SWIMMER 10 Advanced Swimmers develop each stroke over 100m. They also learn lifesaving skills such as entries with aids, and removals of unconscious victims. First aid focuses on treatment of victims with bone and joint injuries, and respiratory emergencies. Swimming drills develop a strong lifesaving foundation. Fitness swim is 600m.
School Age Lessons for children 6-13 years (45 & 60 minute programs) $87.8045MIN $96.2060MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 45 MIN 60 MIN 6060MINMIN PROGRAMSWIMSwim for Life
Junior swimmers shallow dive into deep water and perform in-water back somersaults. They achieve the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard: roll into deep water, tread 1 min and swim 50m. Swimmers continue to develop front and back crawl while breaststroke skills are introduced. Fitness swim is 100m.
SWIMMER 8 Swimmers rise to the challenge of advanced aquatic skills including head and foot first surface dives and a 25m obstacle swim. First aid focuses on assessment of conscious victims, contacting EMS and treatment for bleeding. They swim lengths of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Fitness swim is 350m. SWIMMER 9 Swimmers continue stroke development with 75m swims of front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke. Lifesaving skills include a rescue with a buoyant aid and a timed object support. First aid focuses on assessment of unconscious victims, treatment of victims in shock and obstructed airway procedures. Fitness swim is 500m.
Intermediate swimmers increase efficiency in front crawl, back crawl, and work to develop breaststroke skills. They are introduced to stride entries, scissor kick and vertical dolphin kick. They also develop strength and power by performing front and back crawl sprints. Fitness swim is 150m.
Bronze Medallion / Emergency First Aid $200.30 (Fee Includes Manual) Pre-requisite: 13 years of age (prior to exam) or Bronze Star. This course develops physical fitness, decision making and judgment skills for water rescue. First aid, CPR, tows, carries and releases are some of the skills covered. Emergency First Aid certification is included in the course. Candidates must be present for the last class (exam).
Bronze Star / Basic First Aid $117.30 Pre-requisite: Recommended age 12 Too young for Bronze Medallion? Get a head start by taking Bronze Star! Have lots of fun while learning first aid skills, life guarding techniques and swim training. Basic First Aid is included in the course.
Become an Aquatic Assistant
Bronze Cross BronzePre-requisite:Medallion / Emergency First Aid Standard First Aid CPR C (Must be from LSS, RC, St. John, OR CDN Ski Patrol)
Bronze Medallion / Emergency First Aid - CPR B
What do I need to become an Instructor or Lifeguard?
Aquatic Volunteer Clinic - FREE Pre-requisite: Bronze Medallion, 13 years of age. This clinic is a requirement for people looking to volunteer with our Learn-to-Swim program. In this two hour clinic we will introduce some teaching methods to you and show you how to use these techniques while volunteering. Volunteer hours can be used toward your High School Volunteer hours. This program is free of charge, but please register in advance. i Course dates and times for all aquatic programs can be found at ca.apm.activecommunities.com/centrewellington/
Do you enjoy swimming?
Do you want to work in Aquatics with Centre Wellington?
Advanced Leadership
15Pre-requistite:YearsofAge, Standard First Aid Bronze Cross
Bronze Cross $200.30 (Includes CPR Mask) Pre-requisite: Bronze Medallion, Emergency First Aid This course builds on skills learned in Bronze Medallion and teaches the difference between lifeguarding and lifesaving, the principles of emergency procedures and teamwork. Candidates must be present for the last class (exam).
Page 20 www.centrewellington.ca
National Lifeguard (NL)
LifeguardNational Certification is required for instructors Lifesaving Assistant Instructor Course Pre-requistite: 14 Years of Age, Bronze Cross.You can apply to be an assistant instructor with a WSI certification Lifesaving Swim Instructor Course Pre-requistite: 15 Years of Age, Bronze Cross, Assistant instructor certification
Pre-requisite: 13 Years of Age OR Bronze Star
Pre-requisite: Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid, 16 years of age by the end of the course, 100% attendance. Please note: The only accepted Standard First Aid certifications are those issued by the: Lifesaving Society, Red Cross, St. John’s or Ski Patrol. The National Lifeguard Pool Certification builds on the fundamental skills, knowledge and values taught in the NL core content to train lifeguards in safety supervision and rescue in a pool environment.
Would you like your child to become a Lifeguard or Swimming instructor? Would you like to get certified yourself? Please contact us to find out about the different Aquatic employment opportunities that are available at our Aquatic Centre. Learn about when to start, the courses you need to take, the volunteer opportunities available, our hiring process, and what makes working in Aquatics a rewarding job! Please contact us at 519.846.9691 ext 321 for more information!
www.centrewellington.ca Page 21
Swim Instructor Course
Facilitating Your Child’s Aquatic Career FREE
Become GuardInstructoran Become Lifeguarda
Assistant Instructor Course $165.00 Pre-requisites: Bronze Cross, 14 years of age by the end of the course. 100% attendance is required in pool and classroom sessions. Through classroom learning and in-water practice, the Lifesaving Society Assistant Instructor course prepares candidates to help instructors with swimming and lifesaving classes. Candidates are introduced to key principles of learning and teaching while they master basic progressions. The roles and responsibilities of instructors and their assistants are emphasized.
Standard First Aid Full course: $183.75 (includes manual and exam fee) Pre-requisite: none, recommended 12 years+, 100% attendance is required Standard First Aid is a requirement for candidates enrolling in the National Lifeguard (NL) program. This 16 hour course provides comprehensive training to cover all aspects of first aid and CPR. Standard First Aid incorporates all of Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding of first aid. First aid certifications can only be re-certified one time, after that the full course must be taken.
National Lifeguard (Nl) (includes$320.45 manual and exam fee)
Pre-requisites: Bronze Cross, Assistant instructor certification, 15 years of age by the end of the course. 100% attendance is required in pool and classroom sessions. The Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate the swimming strokes and related skills found in the Lifesaving Society Swim for life. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, planning skills, and a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques.
Page 22 www.centrewellington.ca
www.centrewellington.ca Page 23 5 1 9 . 7 8 7 . 1 9 8 1 fergusgrandtheatre Get Involved at the Grand The Fergus Grand Theatre relies on a small but dedicated group of volunteers to provide theatregoers with a full range of audience services we wouldn't be where we are today without them If you are looking to volunteer with us, please visit our website to view the current volunteer options. fergusgrandtheatre.ca It Gets IGrander t Gets Grander Upcoming Shows at Uthe pcoming Shows at the Fergus Grand FTheatre ergus Grand Theatre Theatre Rentals The Fergus Grand Theatre is rented out year round to individuals and organizations who use the building to stage a variety of artistic, cultural, corporate, and charitable events. New inquiries are always welcome, visit our website to learn more! Little House on the Prairie Musical October 21 - 30, 2022 The Traveling Wilburys Tribute November 5, 2022 The Liverpool 4 November 12, 2022 Hells Bells - A Tribute to AC/DC November 18, 2022 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever December 9 - 18, 2022 Murder at the Howard Johnson's February 10 19, 2023 The Importance of Being Earnest May 5 - 14, 2023
Middle Raged September 23rd, 8pm Gary Pearson, writer on Corner Gas, and Mad TV, teams up with Geri Hall, star of This Hour has 22 Minutes and Astrid and Lily Save the World, in this sketch comedy show about getting older.
Sansei: The Storyteller November 4th, 8pm Kunji Mark Ikeda uses dance, theatre, and humour to tell the story of one of Canada’s darkest decisions, the internment of Japanese Canadians. But if not for the internment, Ikeda wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale today.
Better Together
How to Fail as a Popstar November 26th, 8pm TheDecemberFitzgeralds2nd,8pm
Fergus Grand Theatre 2022-2023 Presenting Series
Fresh off a string of shows across Canada and around the world, The Fitzgeralds are back for another high-energy show filled with fiddling and dance, this time with a holiday twist. Does this photo look familiar? 519-787-1981 fergusgrandtheatre.ca
Page 24 www.centrewellington.ca
Illuminating, raw, honest and hopeful, How to Fail as a Popstar is Vivek’s Shraya’s debut theatrical work, chronicling her journey to “not quite” pop music superstardom.
Derina Harvey Band
April 28th, 8pm
www.centrewellington.ca Page 25 Better Together Fergus Grand Theatre 2022-2023 Presenting Series
Derina Harvey leads this award-winning Celtic Rock sensation, with a fresh take on traditional folk songs, humour, Derina’s vibrant personality, and world class vocals. Imagine Great Big Sea, if fronted by Adele!
We encounter a girl in the mountains of B.C with a pocket full of stones, the rainbow warrior’s prophecy, and a mysterious inscription that obscures our past.
The Knitting Pilgrim February 25th, 2pm
Founder and front man of all-Cree rock band Midnight Shine, and 2022 Juno nominee for Contemporary Indigenous Artist of the Year, Adrian Sutherland is a roots-rock artist from Attawapiskat First Nation.
Actor and knitter Kirk Dunn uses personal storytelling, image projection, and three huge knitted panels that look like stained glass windows, to explore the connection amongst Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Adrian
Prophecy Fog
January 21st, 2pm
519-787-1981 fergusgrandtheatre.ca
Grow longer and stronger with Group Centergy , an invigorating mind body workout It incorporates yoga and Pilates fundamentals with athletic training for strength, balance, mobility, and flexibility Emotive music drives the experience as you breathe and sweat through this full body movement journey.
MOSSA designed you
Fitness classes are
to help
Page 26 www.centrewellington.ca
Group Blast Athletic cardio training that uses The STEP in a variety of ways. This highly effective workout will get your heart pounding as you improve your cardio fitness, agility, coordination, power, and strength with exciting music and motivational coaching
Group Active is a diverse workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, builds total body strength, and enhances Movement Health for daily life Inspiring music and professional coaching will ensure you succeed with a variety of innovative and athletic exercises using dumbbells, body weight, and The STEP.
Group Fight is a gripping hour that burns a ton of calories and builds total body strength. Tap into the hottest mixed martial arts movements done at a rapid fire pace to smash your cardio fitness! From the boxing ring to the fighting cage, Group Fight combines cutting edge moves with thrilling music. This electric experience is addictive. Group Power is a cutting edge strength training workout designed to get you muscle and movement strong. It combines traditional strength training with full body, innovative exercises using an adjustable barbell, weight plates, body weight, The STEP , heart pounding music, and expert coaching.
Group Ride is a cycling experience brought indoors that will get you heart, lung, and leg strong. Inspiring music sets the pace and creates the terrain as you roll over hills, chase the pack, spin the flats, climb mountains, and sprint to the finish!
become a better mover, be more resilient, and feel better in your body Each 60 minute class is taught by a qualified fitness instructor and is a great fit for all fitness levels ABOUT PRICING Per Class: $8 70 10 Class Pass: $73 95 Monthly Membership: $55.90 Parks & Recreation CW Community Sportsplex 550 Belsyde Avenue East, Fergus 519 846 9691 ext 903 parks@centrewellington ca www centrewellington ca SPIN with Wendy Armstrong This energizing group cycling class will challenge your cardiovascular system, improve your stamina and increase the strength of your lower body You'll cover all types of terrain in this class. DATES and PRICING 10 Week Spin Session Tuesday October 4 @ 6:30pm Thursday October 5 @6:30am $87.00/10 Week Session REGISTRATION REQUIRED Visit centrewellington.ca/fitness for the full MOSSA Fitness Schedule
REGISTER ONLINE NOW! LEARN TO SKATE, LOVE TO SKATE OUR PROGRAMS REGISTER ONLINE NOW! LEARN TO SKATE, LOVE TO SKATE OUR PROGRAMS We offer a broad range of Skate Canada programs. From Parent & Tot, PreCanskate & Canskate, to Starskate. We also offer great group sessions, Power & Performance and Jumps & Spins. OUR COACHES FSC coaches are trained, accredited and experienced professionals certified by Skate Canada. OUR ICE Find a session which suits your schedule. Monday, Wednesday & Friday nights at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex in Fergus. OUR SEASON Fall and Winter programs run from September - April. We also have Spring Ice available in April and May! Half season registration is available. FERGUS SKATING fergusskateclub@gmail.comFergusskatingclub.comCLUB CelticTunder Academy of Irish Music & Dance Celebrating 14 years in CW Wednesdays and alternate Saturdays Every youth lesson includes both music & dance Instruction in trad solo & group sets, Munster style jigs, reels, hornpipes & slip jigs ceili, ribbons, chair & longsword dancing, Appalachian & Marley clogging Canadian step, sean nós, maypole, Dan Furey & brush 'n barrel dances penny whistle, harp, concertina, bodhran, fiddle & uilleann pipe Affordable tuition Shoe rentals School instruments Ages 2-100 Youth Adults Homeschoolers Certified teachers Recreational Performances Competition Free Recital 519.787.0096 celtic_thunder@hotmail.com Sláintemhaith Daytime, Evening and YogaInFergus.caClassesWeekend YogaInFergusYogaInFergus • Intro to Yoga • Yoga for Athletes • Remedy Yoga with RemedysRX • Chair Yoga • StretchingClasses • Private Classes • yogainfergus@gmail.comWorkshops&Series
Page 28 www.centrewellington.ca
www.centrewellington.ca Page 29 CW COMMUNITYCW SPORTSPLEXSPORTSPLEXCOMMUNITYPICKLEBALLPICKLEBALLPre-RegistrationishighlyencouragedPRICING $3.25/Person/Court Time $27.65/10 $27.65/MonthTickets INFORMATION Parks and Recreation 519-846-9691 centrewellington.ca/parksandrecreation/parks@centrewellington.caext.903 Registration opens 7 days prior to activity date Please let staff know you are here Doubles play is permitted
Support for individuals living with complexity to draft a plan of action to address their goals to live a healthier life. FHT office, home or community visits or virtual Scan with your camera phone for more information.
RAISING HAPPY, HEALTHY EATERS Learn information and strategies to help you feed your baby with confidence. Through the EarlyONwebsite CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP A monthly support group for those caring for a loved one with cancer or other complex illness. Call 519-843-3947 ext117 CARE MAP WORKSHOP Takea focused look at creating a support system diagram to assist with the lives of caregivers and care receivers. Register online Or call 519-843-3947 ext123
FHT office or virtual THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE SUPPORT Learn what types of movement works best for ongoing health concerns. FHT office or virtual CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT Understand more about your chronic pain and how to best manage it. FHT office or virtual SUPPORTIVE & PALLIATIVE CARE Support for patients and families as they navigate serious illness, end-of life, and bereavement FHT office, home visits or virtual MEDICATION MANAGEMENT Understand your medications for any condition, ensure your medications are working for you and address and safetyor adherence concerns.
FHT office, home visits or virtual
Assists patients who are ready to quit or reduce smoking. FHT office or virtual
GROUP NAME DESCRIPTION HOW TO SIGN UP POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM Empowers parents with ideas, skills, and strategies to build positive behaviours in kids 2-12 years old. Register online Or call 519-843-3947 ext123
FHT office, home visits, or virtual DIABETES OR HEART HEALTH CARE Support to optimize the management of diabetes or heart health. FHT office or virtual LUNG HEALTH SUPPORT Supportto optimize your COPD, asthma and other lung health issues. FHT office or virtual MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELLING Support for patients 13y and older to improve coping and management for mental health concerns.
FHT office or virtual NUTRITION SUPPORT Support around food for managing illness, chronic disease, gut health, food allergies, feeding infants and children and more.
MINDFUL EATING Learn about the benefits of mindfulness and mindful eating, managing cravings and how to eat in response to natural food cues. Register online Or call 519-843-3947 ext107
BREASTFEEDING CAFE Drop-in peer to peer support for pregnant, breast or bottle feeding parents. Weekly at Melville United Church on Thursdays from 1-2pm Drop In! Or call 519-843-3947 ext 105
Online registration now available for select programs at: WWW.UPPERGRANDFHT.ORG
GERIATRIC AND SENIORS CARE Supporting seniors to enjoy an enhanced quality of life, promote independence,prevent injury and stay connected to the community.
A weekly support group facilitated by Stonehenge Addictions Services that addresses challenging stigma, building healthy social relationships and coping skills. Call 519-803-5873
Ask your healthcare provider to get started
Page 30 www.centrewellington.ca
www.centrewellington.ca Page 31
Page 32 www.centrewellington.ca SOUTHTOWERVET.CA For Your Pet's Life. For Your Life. For Both. Dr. Oren LEVSTEIN &Fergus701AssociatesTowerStreetS.,ONN1M2R2T:519.787.8550F:519.787.0170 E: info@southtowervet.ca
www.centrewellington.ca Page 33 Now, Tomorrowfor Complete Accounting,Audit,Tax and Advisory Solutions including Succession and Estate Planning. Barrow - Guelph Wellington Dufferin is Tilly GWD. Long-time local insight tomorrow www.bakertilly.ca 450 Speedvale Ave. West, Unit 113 Guelph, ON N1H 7Y6 Tel: 519.822.7670 Fax: 519.822.6997 0342 Gerrie Rd., Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Tel: 519.846.5315 Fax: 519.846.9120 andMeetingsBirthdaysAnniversary’sStagWeddings&Doesmore! Club Room Fellowship & Social Catering Full kitchen available for your choice of caterers. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, Branch 275, Fergus 500 Blair St. www.ferguslegion.cainfo@ferguslegion.ca519-843-2345Fergus New Members are always welcome! Hall Rentals 82 Wellington Rd 7, 519-846-2636ELORA www.thegorge.ca @gorgecountrykitchen INDOORDINING TAKE-OUT Curbside pick-up also availableBreakfastDinner Lunch
Page 34 www.centrewellington.ca LEARN TO HIGHLAND DANCE! 519.827.8143 bluebonnetlassies@gmail.com Visit us at bluebonnetlassies.wordpress.com • Qualified B.A.T.D. and CanadaScotDanceInstructors. • Participate in dance outs and community events. • Classes for ages 3 and up. • Full and half year classes available. Blue Bonnet Lassies School of Highland Dance https://bluebonnetlassies.wordpress.com/bluebonnetlassies@gmail.com(519)8278143 Learn to Highland Dance! Qualified B.A.T.D. and ScotDance Canada Instructors Participate in dance outs and community events Classes for ages 3 and up Full and half year classes available Register now to save a spot for September! • Invisalign • Implants – placement & restoration • Tooth whitening • Extraction of wisdom teeth • Same day crowns Hours Monday – Thursday 8 am to 8 pm Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 200 St Patrick St E, Fergus, ON www.drmauramckeown.ca519.787.0024 New Patients Welcome Family & Cosmetic Dentistry IT’S TIME TO PLAY Register by July 31, 2022 to qualify for select discounts and be entered in a draw for one free registration for the 2022/23 season. elorafergusringette.ca Play a Team SportHave Fun Make Friends Improve Skating Skills Presented By: For more information about the event, ringette programs and pricing, or to register today, visit our website atTrywww.elorafergusringette.cafor FREE at our Come Try Ringette event on September 11, 2022 Registration NOW OPEN
☑ Reduced
Membership has its benefits: fees on all virtual and in-person programs, special events, drop-in activities, bus trips, lunches, seminars and workshops to 70+ weekly programs (in-person and virtual) and services for seniors (drop-in fees apply) hold office VPSC active
Victoria Park Seniors Centre provides a wide range of social, recreational, educational, wellness and volunteer opportunities for older adults in a safe and enjoyable environment. Programs offered (in-person and virtual) are tailored to individuals 55+, however, all registered programs are open to all adults looking to stay active, develop new skills and friendships. There are two pricing levels in this Guide: a member price and a non-member price. Victoria Park Seniors Centre is a municipal recreation facility operated by the Community Services Department of the Township of Centre Wellington. Our goal is to enhance the wellbeing of older adults through a lifestyle that embraces daily physical activity and social interaction. We invite you to drop by and experience the benefits of participating.
• Memberships
HOW TO REGISTER In Person or Mail: 150 Albert Street West, Fergus, ON N1M 1X2 Telephone: 519.846.9691 1.800.750.5023x204x204 Online: www.centrewellington.ca/seniorscentre
See “How to Register Online” in this guide for the step by step registration process. Complete payment must be received upon registration. Cash, cheque, debit, credit, over the phone by credit card or online. Pre-registration is required for most programs. Fees include HST. Cheques payable to: Township of Centre Wellington. Membership fees are valid for one year from time of purchase or renewal may be purchased at any point in the year Available to anyone 55+ and a younger spouse/partner may join
☑ Access
Advisory Board ☑ Opportunities to volunteer, stay
and involved $27/personincl.HST SENIORS
beginsRegistrationTuesday,August23,2022@8:30am VICTORIA PARK SENIORS CENTRE (VPSC)
Closure Dates September 5 Labour Day October 10 Thanksgiving November 11 Remembrance Day December 26 to January 2 ABOUT
Note: Membership fees are non-refundable. Once you have a valid membership, additional fees are required to participate in programs. Non-members and those under 55 years of age are welcome to participate at the non-member rate.
☑ Vote at the inMeetingGeneralAnnualheldNovember ☑ Be eligible to
on the
www.centrewellington.ca Page 35 FALL 2022 Not a member? Not yet 55? You are still welcome to register for any program. A non-member fee will apply. VICTORIA CENTRESENIORSPARK
Welcome Tours And Information
• Euchre Wednesday at 1:00 pm. Thursday at 7:30 pm.
• Guitar: The Country Classics Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Bring an acoustic six-string guitar.
• Creative Writing Wednesdays at 10:30 am.
• Billiards: Ladies Afternoon Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.
• Carpet Bowling Fridays at 1:00 pm.
• Conversación en Español Fridays at 11:15 am.
Page 36 www.centrewellington.ca
Upcoming sessions: September 19, October 17 or November 14. Meet other new members, staff and volunteers. If you can’t attend one of the sessions, please call the Centre to schedule a tour at your convenience or drop-in anytime.
This volunteer committee organizes special events and fundraisers for the Centre. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at 10:15 am Interested in providing input into programs and special events for older adults? This committee is always looking for new ideas and volunteers to help.
• Bridge (Social) Thursdays at 1:00 pm.
• Colouring Circle Mondays at 1:00 pm.
• Billiards, Snooker & Pool Daily. Ladies Only Tuesday afternoons. Annual billiards membership $50 for VPSC members or pay the drop-in fee.
• Hand and Foot Card Game Tuesdays at 1:00 pm. A fun card game, related to canasta.
New Scrabble.Carving,forBooktheconvenorsVPSC.formember.$1groups.welcomeparticipantstojointheseDrop-infee:memberor$2non-Haveanideaanactivity?ContactParticipantsorareneededforfollowingactivities:Club,SongCircleStringPlayers,WoodDuplicateBridge,
• Book Club First Friday of the month at 11:00 am.
ActivityDrop-In Groups
• Art Drop-in Wednesdays at 1:00 pm.
• Cribbage Fridays at 9:30 am.
• Darts Thursdays at 9:30 am.
• Bingo Thursdays at 1:00 pm.
• Canasta Mondays at 9:30 am.
• Genealogy Tuesdays at 10:45 am.
VPSC Advisory Board Victoria Park Seniors Centre is run by a volunteer Advisory Board comprised of seven elected VPSC members and one appointed TCW Council Representative. The Advisory Board acts as a liaison between seniors and the Township of Centre Wellington, and works with the Community Services Department to provide quality recreational opportunities for older adults. Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 9:00 am. All members are welcome to attend. Interested in joining the Board? Positions available beginning January 2023 for a three-year term by election or acclamation at the November Annual General Meeting. Contact VPSC for more information.
• Crafts & Quilting Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Items made are sold in VPSC’s Craft Shop. No drop-in fee. All proceeds support VPSC.
• Conversation en français Tuesdays at 3:00 pm.
• Crokinole Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Crokinole cues available.
• Bunka Artistry Tuesdays at 9:30 am.
• Drama ContactThursdays.VPSC.
• Choir, Ukulele, Bell Ringers: The Melody Makers Mondays at 1:00 pm.
VPSC CommitteeProgram
New Members’ Talk and Tours are held monthly at 10:00 am at the Centre (except December) to provide you with information on programs and services offered.
• Bid Euchre Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.
Appointments: Tuesdays Reflexology Clinic
Deeply relaxing, reflexology works the reflex points in the feet that relate to different organs and areas of your body. Circulation is improved to facilitate balance within the body. Leave feeling relaxed with renewed energy. Service provided by Registered Reflexologist: Colleen Trudeau. $35 for 30 minutes, $50 for 45 minutes and $65 for 1 hour. Cash Only. Call VPSC to book your appointment. Appointments: Mondays
We send monthly emails to keep you up to date on what is happening at VPSC, including the monthly calendar. To receive this, please email khall@ centrewellington.ca or pick up a copy at the Centre. Day-to-day programs, events, clinics, and lunch menus are listed. Calendar also available at centrewellington.ca/seniorscentre.www.
Page 37
We are in the process of resuming lunches this fall on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon. Refer to the monthly calendar for full menus, dates of the lunches and cost. Meal includes main course, vegetable, roll, salad or juice, dessert, tea and coffee. Take-outs available. Meet old friends or make new ones while enjoying a delicious lunch. NEW: Pre-registration and payment required by the Friday prior. We also host homemade fund-raising lunches and BBQ’s from time to time, organized by the Centre’s Program Committee.
Foot Care Clinic
Have your feet assessed by a Registered Practical Nurse, certified in Advanced and Diabetic Foot Care. Includes cutting and filing toenails, reduction of corns and calluses, moisturizing skin. $30 cash only. Call VPSC to book appointment. Veterans welcome, bring your Veterans Affairs card. Allow 24 hours if cancelling an appointment to give time to consult the waiting list.
• Scrabble Thursdays at 9:30 am. • Shuffleboard Tuesdays at 1:00 pm.
Coffee Cart
Wednesday Lunches
• Line Dancing Wednesdays at 3:00 pm. Contact VPSC.
Want to help? VPSC depends heavily on the generosity of volunteers. Help make a difference in the lives of seniors in Centre Wellington. Various volunteer positions are available. For more volunteering information contact Kelly, Seniors Volunteer & Membership Coordinator at khall@ centrewellington.ca or 519.846.9691 x278.
• Mah Jong Fridays at 9:30 am. American & Chinese versions played.
Begins: Wednesday, September 14 Crafts for Sale Visit our lovely Craft Shop full of beautiful handmade items, made by our talented Craft and Quilting Group volunteers. Homemade crafts and collectibles, including baby clothing, knitted sets, quilts, blankets, sweaters, hats, mitts, scarves, and more. All proceeds support VPSC. Cash only. Open Wednesdays 1:00 to 4:00 pm Or by appointment Monthly Email Update with Monthly Calendar
• Wii Bowling Tuesdays at 1:00 pm. Can be played seated in a chair.
• Tap Dancing Tuesdays at 3:00 pm.
• Table Tennis ContactMondays.VPSC.
• Ukulele Band: The Melody Makers Mondays at 1:00 pm (with Choir) & Fridays at 1:00 pm.
Our coffee cart is back this fall! Coffee (regular or decaf) available for $1.00 per cup. Cookies or granola bars also available for $1.00. Stay for coffee and chat with new friends. Library, Newspapers, Puzzles Check out our collection of lending library books stocked by your generous donations. Come for coffee and read the Toronto Star newspaper, delivered daily. We also accept donations of current magazines. We have a variety of magazine subscriptions generously donated by Ward Hearing. Jigsaw puzzles are available to borrow (donations accepted) or try your hand at the on-going jigsaw puzzle in the library.
Senior Centre Tours Are you thinking of participating in a program or joining the Centre? Our reception volunteers or Centre staff would be happy to take you for a tour of the Centre and answer any questions. Volunteer Opportunities
i Fall Virtual (Zoom) Fitness, Yoga, Zumba (See descriptions further in guide)
Fall Tour Travel to Midland for a relaxing sightseeing lunch cruise onboard The Georgian Spirit Enjoy a tour of Sainte Marie Among the Hurons museum. Also includes a stop at Highway 9 Farmers Market for some of the Holland Marsh’s famous produce. If interested in this trip please contact the Centre. Final itinerary and cost to be confirmed.
September or October Day Start/End Date Time Weeks Member Non Zumba Gold Zumba Gold Fit Bones Plus Fit Bones Plus Building Strength - Lower Body Building Strength - Lower Body Yoga & Movement for Healthy Joints Yoga & Movement for Healthy Joints Building Strength - Core Building Strength - Core Fit Bones Fit Bones Fit Bones Plus Fit Bones Plus Building Strength – Upper Body Building Strength – Upper Body Moderate Hatha Yoga Moderate Hatha Yoga Yoga & Movement for Healthy Joints Yoga & Movement for Healthy Joints
Page 38 www.centrewellington.ca
ThursThursThursThursTuesTuesTuesTuesTuesTuesMonMonWedWedWedWedFriFriFriFri Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 13-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 13 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 16-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 16 Sept 16-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 16 10:00-10:30 AM 10:00-10:30 AM 9:15-9:45 AM 9:15-9:45 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 9:15-9:45 AM 9:15-9:45 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 9:50-10:20 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 10:30-11:00 AM 67678787888877787876 $24$28$36$42$32$28$32$28$32$32$32$32$28$28$28$32$28$32$28$24 $30$35$48$56$40$35$40$35$40$40$40$40$35$35$35$40$35$40$35$30
Bus Trips
• The moderator/instructor will mute all participants when the class begins.
Virtual (Zoom) Fitness Class General Information
We are hoping to get back to some bus trips eventually and are currently in the process of organizing a fall trip but we are still waiting for confirmation and further details. Contact VPSC for updates. All trips depart from and return to VPSC. Return times are approximate, depending on weather and traffic. NOTE: Those who require special assistance are responsible for arranging an escort to assist them. Our Travel Escort Volunteer cannot provide special care or one-onone assistance. No refunds on trips. Travel arrangements are made in collaboration with Great Canadian Travel TICO# 2280154. Bus trips are subject to change. All trips include luxury coach transportation equipped with a washroom, bus driver gratuity and hst.
• Once registered, a Zoom link to participate in your class will be emailed 12-24 hours before the first class and will be valid for the duration of the class. Do not share this link.
• Please ensure your screen name on Zoom matches the name on your registration.
• It is recommended that your physician be consulted prior to the start of any activity.
i Fitness Class General Information SENIORS
• If you miss a scheduled class, we are unable to allow make ups.
• Avoid wearing scents to class.
www.centrewellington.ca Page 39 Fall In-Person Fitness & Dance (See descriptions further in guide) Day Start/End Date Time Member Non Belly Dance Belly EssentricsSweatSweatAllAllZumbaZumbaMoveStrengthStrengthStrengthStrengthStrengthStrengthZumbaZumbaLowLowPracticeUrbanUrbanPilates:Pilates:FunFunLowLowMobilityMobilityZumbaZumbaDanceGold-ToningGold-ToningandBandsandBandsImpactStrengthImpactStrengthFitnessFitnessGentleGentlePoleWalkingWorkshopPoleWalking:&PointersWorkshopImpactIntervalsImpactIntervalsGoldGoldTrainingTrainingTraining-BeginnerTraining-BeginnerTrainingTrainingwithEaseGold-ToningGold-ToningAroundFitnessAroundFitnessCircuitCircuit TuesTuesTuesTuesTuesTuesTuesTuesMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonMonWedWedWedWedWedWedWedWedWedWed Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 12 Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 October 24 October 31 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 6-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Oct 5-Dec 7 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 14-Oct 26 8:50-10:20 AM 8:50-10:20 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 10:35-11:20 AM 10:35-11:20 AM 11:40 AM-12:25 PM 11:40 AM-12:25 PM 1:00-2:00 PM 1:00-2:00 PM 6:00-7:00 PM 6:00-7:00 PM 9:30 AM-12:00 PM 9:30-10:30 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 9:55-10:40 AM 9:55-10:40 AM 11:40 AM-12:40 PM 108888887888117676767676868788887 FREEFREE$133$114$63$54$49$42$49$42$56$48$64$48$56$56$64$56$56$56$56$56$56$56$70$64$56$56$56$56$56$63 FREEFREE$147$126$70$60$56$48$56$48$63$54$72$54$64$64$72$63$64$64$64$64$64$64$80$72$63$64$64$64$64$70 Weeks
• All equipment supplied except yoga equipment.
• Bring indoor running shoes and water.
• See course descriptions for instructors, cancellation dates and other information.
• Our fitness instructors make every effort to modify exercises to suit individual needs. However, please find a class suitable for your physical ability rather than simply a convenient time. If unsure, consult with instructors / staff.
WeeksWeeksFall In-Person Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation
TuesTuesTuesTuesMonMonMonMonMonMonWedWedWedFriFriFri Sept 12-Oct 24 Oct 31-Dec 19 Sept 12-Oct 31 Nov 7-Dec 12 Sept 12-Oct 31 Nov 7-Dec 12 Sept 13-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 13-Oct 25 Nov 1-Dec 20 Sept 14-Dec 7 Sept 14-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 14 Sept 16-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 23 Sept 23-Oct 21 10:30 AM-11:30AM 10:30 AM-11:30 PM 10:30-11:15 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 11:30 AM-12:30 PM 11:30 AM-12:30 PM 9:30-10:30 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:00 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 10:30-11:30 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 9:30-10:30 AM 10:00-11:00 AM 12878767678677775 $132$72$63$72$63$54$63$42$49$72$54$63$63$63$63$45 $144$80$70$80$70$60$70$48$56$80$60$70$70$70$70$50
Moderate Slow Yoga Moderate Slow Yoga Ayurveda Course Ayurveda Course Standing & Seated Yoga Standing
Nov 2-Dec 14 Sept 7-Oct 26 Nov 2-Dec 21 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 8-Oct 27 Nov 3-Dec 22 Sept 9-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 23 Sept 9-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 23 Sept 9-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 23 Sept 9-Oct 28 Nov 4-Dec 23 11:40 AM-12:40 PM 3:15-4:00 PM 3:15-4:00 PM 8:40-9:25 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 6:30-7:30 PM 6:30-7:30 PM 8:40-9:25 AM 8:40-9:25 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 9:35-10:20 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 10:30-11:15 AM 787868788788887888787 $152$133$56$56$56$56$56$64$56$56$49$56$63$56$49$64$48$56$49$56$49 $168$147$64$64$64$64$63$72$64$64$56$63$70$64$56$72$54$64$56$64$56 (See descriptions further in guide) & Seated Yoga Tai Chi Level 1 Tai Chi Level 1 Tai Chi Level 2 Tai Chi Level 2 Deepening Meditation Standing & Seated Yoga Standing & Seated Yoga Yoga with Jane Yoga with MindfulnessJanefor Kindfulness
Page 40 www.centrewellington.ca DayDay Start/End Date Start/End Date TimeTime MemberMember NonNonFitnessOsteoOsteoEssentricsFitFitFoundations - Beginner Fitness Foundations - Beginner Zumba Gold-Toning Zumba TotalTotalStrengthStrengthZumbaZumbaLowLowPilates:Pilates:StrengthStrengthStrengthStrengthGold-ToningTrainingTrainingTraining-BeginnerTraining-BeginnerMixedLevelMixedLevelImpactCardioandMuscleImpactCardioandMuscleGold-ToningGold-ToningTrainingTrainingBodyFitnessBodyFitness ThursThursThursThursThursThursThursThursThursThursWedWedWedFriFriFriFriFriFriFriFri
Virtual: Fit Bones Plus Exercise program designed specifically for older adults to help achieve good bone health and reduce risk of developing osteoporosis. Focus on standing balance and building strength. Instructor Kelly Offer will guide you through exercises and provide information to help maintain bone strength and prevent bone loss. No class Oct. 6, Nov. 29.
Virtual: Fit Bones Gentle chair exercise program designed specifically for older adults to help achieve good bone health and reduce risk of developing osteoporosis. Focus will be on increasing range of motion and maintaining strength. Instructor: Kelly Offer will guide you through exercises and provide information to help maintain bone strength and prevent bone loss.
Fitness Foundations - Beginner
A beginner cardio strength class using intervals of gentle cardio exercises. Class designed to get your heart rate up and your joints moving with gentle strength exercises and rotations to aid mobility and muscle tone. No floor work and chairs may be used for added support when needed.
This beginner to intermediate level class includes cardiovascular fitness, strength and endurance, balance and flexibility. A variety of equipment will be used including stability balls. Participants should be able to get up and down from the floor. Instructor: Glenda Rose. Belly Dance Join us for a fun body and mind awakening class. Come and exercise without too much strain or shortness of breath. The only prerequisite required is that you can bend your knees and lift your arms over your head. The class has been designed to suit beginner and intermediate levels. We will exercise using veils, fan veils and canes. Dress comfortably in either a peasant skirt or yoga pants. You may dance barefooted, with socks or with ballet-type slippers. Props will be lent out to new students during class time. Those who wish to acquire their own props can either buy them from the teacher or online. Instructor: Lise Stewart. No class Oct. 10. Essentrics Essentrics is a fitness program that lengthens (eccentric movement) and strengthens the body without the use of weights. With 40 minutes of standing exercises and 20 minutes of floor work, the class consists of continuous, but very slow, movement. Each week you will notice improvement as you continue this full body program. Please bring a thin yoga mat, a strap, water and a towel. Instructor: Karen Murtagh.
Virtual: Yoga and Movement for Healthy Joints
All Around Fitness
Instructor: Angie Reid. SENIORS
Instructor: Kelly Offer.
Virtual (Zoom)
www.centrewellington.ca Page 41
Instructor: Kelly Offer. No class Nov. 29
Virtual: Building Strength Lower Body Exercises to help strengthen the leg muscles, as well as the gluteals and lower back muscles. A mat is needed as some exercises will be done on the floor. Hand weights may occasionally be used, too. Each class includes a warm-up and a cool-down/stretch period. Intermediate level class, however, options for different fitness levels are demonstrated.
Instructor: Kelly Offer. No class Oct. 6.
Fitness and DescriptionsDance(InPerson)
This class combines yoga and other movements for the focus and benefit of keeping mobility and strength. We will sit on the chair to begin followed by some standing movements.
Virtual: Building Strength Core
Fitness DescriptionsClass
The target zone for this class is the core, working on the abdominal and back muscles. A mat is required for this class as most exercises are done on the floor. Each class includes a warm-up and a cool-down/stretch period. Intermediate level class, however, options for different fitness levels are demonstrated.
Instructor: Karen Murtagh. Virtual: Building Strength Upper Body Arms, chest and shoulder muscles are put to work in this class. Hand weights are used. If you don’t have weights, water bottles or soup cans work. Each class includes a warm-up and cool-down/stretch period. Intermediate level class, however, options for different fitness levels demonstrated.
Virtual: Moderate Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga done with a varied combination of standing, hands and knees, seated on floor and lying on front and back, ending with a short relaxation practice. Yoga mat or running shoes for stability. Instructor: Karen Murtagh. No class Nov. 11.
Virtual: Zumba Gold Join us for great music while focusing on balance, range of motion, coordination with moderate intensity. Wear running shoes. Instructor: Sarah Gray. No class Oct. 10, Dec. 5.
Total Body Fitness
An advanced level, moderate to high intensity class for those with good mobility. We will alternate intervals of low impact cardio with strength training. Participants should be able to get up and down from the floor.
A low impact class that focuses on full body strength and cardiovascular training. A beginner to intermediate class with a variety of options. A variety of equipment will be used. Some movement will be on the floor but options for seated and standing will be given. Instructor: Jennifer Wilson. No class Oct. 10 Mobility and Bands
Instructor: Karen Murtagh. No class Oct 10.
Low Impact Intervals
Fun Fitness
Instructor: Wendy Armstrong. Osteo Fit Physical activity plays an essential role in the treatment of Osteoporosis by stimulating our bones to maintain structure and strength. When treating Osteoarthritis it is important to ensure proper alignment of joints. Four types of exercise are necessary in the management of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: strength, posture and core stability, balance and weight bearing. Improving strength, balance and posture reduces the risk of falling. Instructor: Jane Gage, Reg. Kinesiologist. No class Nov. 23.
Strength Training
An intermediate level class for those wishing to increase strength, balance and flexibility. All equipment supplied. Participants should be able to get up ad down from the floor. Instructors: Glenda Rose (Wednesday), Angie Reid (Tuesday, Thursday), Glen Froom (Friday). No class Nov 11.
A beginner strength training work out with a focus on total body strength and an emphasis on improving balance, stability, and flexibility. No floor work and chair may be used for added support when needed. Instructor: Angie Reid. Sweat Circuit Circuit training is a combination of stations where participants will do a mix of body weight, strength, and low impact cardio exercises with rest periods in between. Mix of equipment will be used. Moderate to advanced. Must be able to get down on the ground. Instructor: Angie Reid.
Low Impact Strength
A complete whole body workout to music incorporating low impact fitness. Components of fitness include warm-up, cardiorespiratory endurance, cardiorespiratory cool-down, muscle strength and endurance, stability/ balance, and flexibility/stretching. All equipment is provided. Here is a chance to do something good for yourself! Instructor: Glen Froom. No class Nov.11.
A moderate low-impact cardio and weights class with a bit of balance and stretching. All of this is set to fun music to inspire you to move and feel good! The Canadian Centre for Activity and Ageing recommends 150 minutes of moderate cardio per week. What a great way to start the week off! No floor work. Please bring water.
Instructor: Glenda Rose.
A low impact class for all levels, focusing on range of motion for ease of everyday movements, balance, and some strength training with bands. Some movement may be on the floor but seated or standing options will be given.
Pilates: Gentle This class is designed for those looking to keep mobile and work at a slower pace to improve everyday function. Whether you are post surgery, recovering from an injury or wanting a gentler movement experience, by the end of this class, you should be able to use your core muscles more effectively, improve balance, muscle tone and strength and improve posture. Each class has gentle standing exercises, floor or chair-based Pilates exercises and relaxation. Class suitable for all ages and levels. Mats and props supplied, just bring water and a sense of humour. No previous Pilates experience necessary. Instructor Kelly Offer is a Registered Massage Therapist and certified Pilates Instructor who specializes in pain relief and injury recovery through movement. No class Oct 10, Nov 28.
Strength Training - Beginner
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Low Impact Cardio and Muscle
Pilates: Mixed Level Progressing some of the beginner exercises and reinforcing the fundamental moves for a full body conditioning class. See improvements in core strength, mobility and flexibility. No previous experience required. Equipment supplied. Instructor: Kelly Offer. No class Oct 6.
Instructor: Glenda Rose. No class Nov 11.
An intermediate to advanced level, moderate to high intensity class for those with good mobility. Approximately 20 minutes cardio, 15 minutes of muscle and a stretch at the end.
Instructor: Jennifer Wilson. No class Oct. 10. Move with Ease Do you notice that your body is stiffer and less flexible? This class is designed for those who want to increase flexibility and move with more ease during daily activities. We will use chairs, mats and various other tools to assist with stretching and will venture down to the floor for some mat work No pain, all gain.
We offer these meditation practices to cultivate peace within ourselves and our world. Metta, often translated as lovingkindness, is a meditation practice for developing goodwill towards all, ourselves included, to enhance our capacity to respond to life’s inevitable difficulties with a sense of connection and care. Suitable for both new and experienced meditators. Explore a variety of approaches to this heartopening practice including commonly experienced obstacles and practical ways to bring kindness into daily life.
Urban Pole Walking Practice and Pointers Workshop
Zumba Gold-Toning
Yoga, Tai DescriptionsMediationChi,(InPerson)
This series is for students that have completed an introduction to meditation series with Jill or have previous meditation experience and practice. The classes will include teachings, partially guided meditations, and community sharing about the practices. Chairs available for sitting. Instructor: Jill Davey.
Tai Chi Level 1
We will review some tips and tricks using walking poles to warm up, review and increase our capacity to get the most benefit from pole walking. Join certified Urban Pole Walking instructor Nancy Revie for this morning session. Come dressed for the weather and bring a water bottle. Handouts included. This workshop is offered free of charge due to grant funding but please pre-register as space is limited. Let us know if you are bringing your own walking poles or if you need to borrow. Zumba Gold Join us for great music while focusing on balance, range of motion, coordination with moderate intensity. Wear running shoes. Instructor: Sarah Gray. No class Dec. 6.
Ayurveda Course
Join us for cardio with a focus on muscle conditioning using maracalike toning sticks (provided). Wear running shoes. Instructor: Sarah Gray. No class Oct. 10, Dec. 5, 7,8,9.
www.centrewellington.ca Page 43
Facilitators: Jill Davey, Cathy Rose. Moderate Slow Yoga Moving with intention to stretch, build strength and self-awareness through Hatha Yoga. Moderate means you have yoga experience and slow means our movements are not rushed. We incorporate standing, hands and knees and floor postures. Bring a yoga mat, blocks if you have them and a light blanket. Instructor: Michelle Vandenburg. No class Oct. 10. Standing & Seated Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga is a purifying and grounding practice that nourishes us on all levels that can be enjoyed without getting on the floor. Develop your strength and flexibility while doing warm-ups and postures standing with the use of your chair for support and then while sitting on the chair. Bring a thin yoga mat and one yoga block. Instructor: Karen Murtagh. No class Oct. 10.
Urban Pole Walking Workshop
Mindfulness for Kindfulness
This slow-moving, meditative and gentle exercise helps restore and maintain fitness and flexibility. This non-strenuous introductory class is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Instructor: Christina Graf. Tai Chi Level 2
Continue to expand upon your Tai Chi knowledge. This level is suitable for those who have taken Level 1 or previously studied Tai Chi. Instructor: Christina Graf. Yoga with Jane Practice a variety of basic postures and breathing techniques to improve awareness, flexibility, strength, and balance. Students are encouraged to respect their level of ability and explore and modify postures with care. Each class ends with a guided meditation to promote deep relaxation. Bring a
Join in this pole walking workshop to help you build a regular walking routine into your life. Learn proper techniques, for breathing, posture and balance as well as properly adjusting your poles to get the most benefit from urban pole walking.
Join certified Urban Pole Walking instructor Nancy Revie for this morning session which is a combination of classroom and field instruction. Handouts included. Come dressed for the weather and bring a water bottle. This workshop is offered free of charge due to grant funding but please pre-register as space is limited. Let us know if you are bringing your own walking poles or if you need to borrow
Ayurveda is the ancient system for health arising in India but continues to be practical for all at any age. It is a natural approach to self-care that is not in opposition to other health practices but works alongside them. As we age, we need to more intentionally focus our efforts for not just longevity but for a sense of ease in our bodies. To understand why we need to change our routines to achieve that please join us for both sessions. No class Oct 10.
Deepening Meditation
NOTE: If you are new to this class, contact instructor prior to Oct.jill@riversoundretreat.com.registrationNoclass26.
Wednesdays, 9:30 am to 11:00 am October 5 to November 9 (6 classes)
Page 44 www.centrewellington.ca yoga mat and something to keep cozy during relaxation. Instructor Jane Finoro is a certified yoga instructor, trained in traditional practice. She has taught yoga for many years with the Upper Grand Board of Education. No class Nov. 11.
Instructor: Jane Finoro. $96 ($84 Members) Fridays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm November 18 to December 23 (6 classes)
Nutrition Workshop: Say Sayonara to Sugar! In today’s diet, sugar is hiding everywhere from tomato sauce to salad dressings to crackers. It makes up a whopping 21% of our calories consumed daily. This session will teach you to recognize the many places sugar is hiding in your daily routine, impact on overall health and how to gently kick that sweet sugar bug and say Sayonara to Sugar.
Beginner Rug Hooking
Drawing Fundamentals: Level 2 With previous drawing experience or as a follow up to Level 1, this course will provide inspiration and the opportunity for continued development through practice. A variety of subjects and exploration of media beyond the pencil will be explored. Bring your sketchbook, eraser and pencils to the first class.
If you are looking for a relaxing hobby, try rug hooking - a traditional craft that has gained popularity in Canada. Learn how to pull loops to hook the design and how to finish your piece. No skill or experience required. Bring a pair of small scissors. Kit available from instructor at first class for approx. $90. See photo of project at VPSC. Instructor: Pat Rivett is an experienced Rug Hooker and a member of the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild. $85 ($75 Members) Wednesdays, 9:30 am to 11:30 am September 14 to September 28 (3 classes) Rubber Stamping and Card Making Workshop Beginner to advanced stampers will enjoy this fun, hands-on cardmaking workshop. Create your own personalized greeting cards and learn other crafty ideas. Bring scissors, glue stick and a $8 supply fee to class. Instructor: Joanne McTavish. $5 ($3 member)
Thursdays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Happiness Wellness Workshop: Cultivating Happiness in Difficult Times Are you feeling stuck in life? Coping with a life change or transition? Needing to find joy again after lockdown? Just plain unhappy? In this course you will gain the insights and take the steps to improve your happiness and life satisfaction. With support of a Positive Psychology Coach, you will develop new skills, restore yourself and reconnect with the joys of experiencing your life. Each week builds upon itself. Tap into your strengths, skills, knowledge, resources, and values, to create positive experience and emotion. Gain the skills and develop a tool kit to cultivate resilience to create a positive change. Each week will include group exercises, discussions, and practical tools. Instructor: Pat Rivett. $134 ($124 Members)
Includes a booklet containing all the sweet scientific facts behind what sugar does to our bodies, step by step breakdown on what to do to shake the sugar, the simple Complete in 3 Rule and how to use it to design tasty, blood sugar balancing meals,
Refer to the Drop-in Activity section for a list of activity groups offered in addition to the following courses: i Writing Your Family Stories Do you have a legacy or story to share with the next generation? Perhaps there is a season of your life that you would like to explore around a favourite ancestor. Maybe this is the time to give voice to those stories. Donna Mann is an award-winning author of historical and biographical fiction and non-fiction. No class Oct. 10. $45 ($36 Members) Mondays, 9:30 am to 11:30 am September 12 to November 7 (8 classes) Drawing Fundamentals: Level 1
Special Interest (In Person)
Wednesday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am September 21 OR November 23 Minds in Motion Minds in Motion® is a unique opportunity for persons living with dementia and their care partner to attend a weekly program together, with benefits for all. Each class held at Victoria Park Seniors Centre begins with some gentle group exercise followed by an engaging and stimulating social recreation program. Laughter and new friendships are often a result as participants exercise both their bodies and mind. Start anytime. To register, contact the Alzheimer Society 519.742.1422.
Explore the basic techniques of drawing and develop your artistic eye in this intro class. No previous experience is required; however, this would be a great opportunity to renew an interest from earlier days. Bring your sketchbook, pencils, an eraser, and a desire to learn. Instructor: Jane Finoro. $128 ($112 Members) Fridays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm September 16 to November 4 (8 classes)
www.centrewellington.ca an easy grocery list reference guide and sample recipes to help get you inspired. Instructor: Angie Reid. $29 ($23 Members) Monday, November 28 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Nutrition for a Healthy Heart (In-Person) Join Registered Dietitian, Leanne Richardson from the Upper Grand Family Health Team for a presentation on nutrition for heart health. We will review multiple dietary patterns that improve heart health, and talk about practical ways to introduce heart healthy foods into your meals and snacks. There might even be a few new recipes to add to your books!
This talk will provide you with suggestions on how to support conversation for people living with dementia. It includes suggestions for conversation starters and an opportunity for questions and discussion. The session is designed for care partners of people living with dementia who are in the early and mid stages of their journey.
Monday, November 21 at 10:00 am
Virtual Seminar: Cheat Sheet for Communication
Please pre-register for all seminars listed below (for both the virtual and the in-person seminars). If attending a virtual seminar, the Zoom link will be provided upon registration. By donation at the door for in-person seminars. i Virtual MediterraneanSeminar:Diet
Page 45
Thursday, September 29 at 9:30 am Virtual Seminar: Care in the Later Stages An examination of the late stages of dementia. We explore the best interaction, activity and approach techniques. Presented by: Robin Smart, Public Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington. Friday, October 7 at 10:00 am Virtual Seminar: Why Do People with Dementia Wander? What causes 6 out of 10 people living with dementia to wander? How can we help people with dementia stay safe? This session will look at what the Finding Your Way® program is and give tips and strategies to help keep the person living with dementia safe in the community, along with information and resources to help you be prepared for incidents of someone going missing. Presented by: Robin Smart, Public Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington. Friday, November 18 at 10:00 am 10 Tips on Being an Executor (In-Person) Debbie Stanley, Certified Executor Advisor, and owner of ETP Canada, will be sharing ten tips and strategies to help manage the realities of being an estate executor. In her years of experience in helping families, being more prepared can help make a challenging project easier. Debbie’s ten tips for being an executor teaches how to reduce stress and save money in making your time with your lawyer, financial advisor, and accountant more efficient when dealing with the estate’s administration.
Explore this way of eating based on the traditional cuisine of the Mediterranean. This diet is high is vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds and olive oil. This discussion will focus on the relationship between brain health and nutrition. (Bonus recipes provided.) Presented by: Robin Smart, Public Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington. Friday, September 9 at 10:00 am
Presented by: Robin Smart, Public Education Coordinator, Alzheimer Society Waterloo Wellington. Friday, December 9 at 10:00 am
Presented by Julie Martin-Jansen, Advocate Resource Counsellor with Hospice Wellington. Thursday, December 8 at 10:00 am
Expected Loss – Coping with Anticipatory Grief (In-Person) Anticipatory grief gives us a chance to understand and accept that the person is going to die. By processing feelings of grief in a healthy way, you gain opportunities to heal relationships or say things you’ve always meant to say. This session will help you understand that grief does not wait for death to happen - grief can begin well before a loved one dies. Presented by Julie Martin-Jansen, Advocate Resource Counsellor with Hospice Wellington. Thursday, September 15 at 10:00 am
Grief & Holidays - Survival Skills Worksop (In-Person) This seminar is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one and is hoping to find ways to prepare for the upcoming season of holidays. In this workshop we will share ideas about how to honour the memory of your loved one, creative ways to establish new traditions and incorporate the memory of your loved one in existing rituals.
All classes are subject to cancellation with insufficient registration. If cancelled due to low enrolment, you will receive a full refund or you can transfer to another class. Early registration is recommended to avoid cancellations. If a class is cancelled due to weather, we will contact all participants by phone or email to notify of the cancellation.
From time to time we add new programs or bus trips that are not included in this Guide. Refer to the monthly calendar for new programs offered or see the monthly email blast. Errors While precautions are taken to ensure correct information, sometimes mistakes are made. If an error occurs in this publication, the computer registration system will be taken as the correct information.
• Do you have an idea for a new drop-in activity?
• Are you interested in taking a course, seminar or workshop you don’t see offered?
Why not join us for lunch and stay for entertainment afterwards?
By donation at the door New Members’ Talk and Tours
Wednesday, November 9 at 1:30 pm By donation at the door Deck the Halls! Help us decorate the Centre for Christmas – a perfect way to get into the holiday spirit. We are looking for volunteers so let us know if you can help out.
Wednesday, September 14 at 1:00 pm
Wednesday, December 21 at 1:00 pm By donation at the door
Join us for a special musical afternoon with the Centre’s Melody Makers. This talented group includes the choir, ukulele, bell ringers, guitar, drums and many other instruments.
Monday, September 26 at 9:30 am
Begins: Wednesday, September 14 Musical Afternoon Program
Did you know that if you pay by credit or debit we can refund directly to the card should the course be cancelled? Consider using a credit or debit card when registering. Allow up to 4 weeks to process cheque refunds. For refund centrewellington.ca/seniorscentrepolicies:
September 19, October 17 or November 14
Musical Remembrance Day Program
Mystery Card Walk: National Seniors Day Event Did you know October 1 is National Seniors Day in Canada? To get a jumpstart on celebrating, join us for an enjoyable morning to promote fun, physical activity. Everyone wins a prize! We will be walking two kilometers on a pre-determined route Walking poles are available to use. Everyone can participate, even if you cannot go on the walk. No charge but please pre-register so we can make sure everyone receives a prize. And don’t miss the upcoming pole walking workshops held in October (see the fitness section for more details).
• Do you have a skill you would like to teach others? Contact VPSC. New Programs
Special Events (In Person)
Friday, November 18 at 9:00 am Annual General Meeting
Find out what is happening at your Centre. All members are encouraged to attend. Includes: committee, financial and drop-in activity reports and the election of the Advisory Board. Note: All activities are cancelled at the Centre during this meeting. Thursday, November 24 at 2:00 pm Christmas Carol Sing-along Get into the holiday spirit! Join us for an afternoon of festive Christmas carols, led by the Centre’s Melody Makers Choir. Request your favourite Christmas carols. All welcome. Why not join us for lunch and stay for entertainment?
Wednesday Lunches
We are in the process of resuming lunches this fall on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon. Refer to the monthly calendar for full menus, dates of the lunches and cost. Take-outs available. NEW: Pre-registration and payment required by the Friday prior. We also host homemade fund-raising lunches and BBQ’s from time to time, prepared by the Centre’s Program Committee. Refer to monthly calendar for more information
Discover new activities and opportunities at Victoria Park Seniors Centre to make the most of your retirement years. Meet other new members, volunteers and staff. Take a tour, and learn about programs and services available to you. Sessions held monthly at 10:00 am. See dates below. Or contact the Centre to schedule a tour anytime. No charge.
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Join us for a special musical Remembrance Day Program with the Centre’s Melody Makers. This talented group includes the choir, ukulele, bell ringers, guitar, drums and many other instruments. Why not join us for lunch and stay for entertainment?
Family Stick & Puck
Stick & Puck
Ice Programs at CW Community Sportsplex
For more information about our ice programs offered as well as schedules, visit www centrewellington ca/skating
Children 9 and younger must be supervised on ice, by a parent/guardian at least 12 years of age with sufficient skating ability A parent/guardian is required to be in the facility for the duration of the skate.
CSA approved helmets must be worn by all children and all participants in Stick & Puck programs and are highly encouraged for all children, youth and adults in ice programs
The Township also offers a number of Shinny Programs: Senior 55+ Shinny Senior 65+ Shinny Adult Shinny Ladies Shinny Youth Shinny, U11, U13 & U15 (coming soon)
This self taught stick and puck program allows for a relaxed atmosphere to help develop hockey or ringette at your own pace. No scrimmages/games, slap shots or body contact is permitted.
Family Skating
This skating time is designed for families to skate in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere. This skate is ideal for younger children and families. Children 9 and younger must be supervised on ice, by a parent/guardian at least 12 years of age with sufficient skating ability.
The perfect time to skate if you are over the age of 18. Skate at your leisure, no pucks or sticks are permitted.
For more information about our shinny programs, visit youth.pickuphub.net
Adult & Senior Skating
Public Skating Public skating is open to all ages and abilities. Strollers are not permitted on the ice. Children 9 and younger must be supervised on ice, by a parent/guardian at least 12 years of age with sufficient skating ability. Parks and Recreation CW Community Sportsplex 519 846 9691 ext. 903 ca centrewellington.ca/parksandrecreation/
Free Public Skating is Back But we need your help! Let's break down the barrier to a happy, healthy and active community. The Township of Centre Wellington is looking for sponsors for the 2022/2023 Ice Skating Season. Sponsorship opportunity costs start at $160.75 per skate. Discounts are available for organizations sponsoring multiple skates. Public skating will be held at the Elora Community Centre (ECC): Saturday 2pm - 3pm Sunday 1pm 2pm Public skating will be held at the CW Community Sportsplex (CWCS): Saturday 2:30pm - 3:30pm Sunday 4:30pm 5:30pm For more information about Sponsorship Tiers, available dates or questions about sponsoring, please contact: Alicia Benham | Recreation Programmer abenham@centrewellington.ca 519 846 9691 ext 260 www.centrewellington.ca