Equine Special Edition February 28, 2014

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Star of the show From Ennotville to the Super Bowl; Local Clydesdale goes to Hollywood

Special Feature of The Wellington Advertiser ~ Feb. 28, 2014

page 2 | equine







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Equine | Page 3

Local Clydesdale featured on popular Super Bowl commercial by Kelly Waterhouse ENNOTVILLE - It’s not every day a horse breeder sees one of their horses on the most popular Super Bowl commercial of the year, but for David and Susan James, owners of Rosedale Farm, the day of the big game was a touchdown and a big win for one of their prized Clydesdale geldings known as Alex. “I was so excited, I felt like Brad Pitt’s mom,” said Susan James, laughing. “It was all very exciting.” It was also totally unexpected. And like most great sports stories, there is a good back-story. The Budweiser “Puppy Love” commercial, produced by creative agency Anomaly, focuses on the connections animals share with one another at the Warm

Springs Ranch, the breeding stable for the Budweiser Clydesdales. The commercial depicts the bond between a 10-weekold Labrador retriever puppy and the Clydesdales. Through tenacity and several attempts, the puppy ultimately earns a spot on the Budweiser Clydesdale team. One of the horses featured in that team is Alex. “We sold two of our geldings, Alex and Andrew, to Anheuser-Busch a year ago last September,” Susan said, noting the horses were three years old when they left Rosedale Farm for the Budweiser Clydesdale training centre in Merrimack, New Hampshire. For a small breeder, that was a big honour in itself and it came via an equine

breeding contact in Embro, Ontario, a third generation Clydesdale horseman and well known figure in the breed’s industry. Knowing the quality of their horses, he put the people at Budweiser’s Clydesdale breeding ranch in touch with the James’.

would join the esteemed stables of 250 Clydesdales that are selected to represent the Budweiser tradition of hitch horses. “We know they couldn’t be in a better place. It’s the best place in the world for a Clydesdale to be.” To qualify for a Budweiser

We felt very honoured, not only because they went to Budweiser, but because they were chosen. “We felt very honoured, not only because they went to Budweiser, but because they were chosen,” Susan said, noting their two horses

travelling hitch team, a Clydesdale gelding must be four years old, stand 72 inches at the shoulder when fully mature, weigh between

1,800 and 2,300 pounds, have a bay coat, four white legs, a white blaze and a black mane and tail. Green Leaf Royal Flush, a Clydesdale from a farm in Cannington, sired both Alex and Andrew to mares at Rosedale Farm, and the young geldings shared similar confirmation, physical features and personality traits ideally characteristic of the draft horse breed. “Alex is a dark bay who stands 18 hands high, with



a nice long neck. He has the four white legs with feathered feet and a brown left knee, while Andrew had a brown right knee,” Susan explained. “Alex is perky and he loves to drive.” Through regular contact with the trainers at Budweiser, Susan stays up to date with the success of her former horses. She learned Andrew had the good fortune to be transported to the prestigious Continued on next page

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page 4 | equine

Clydesdale goes to Hollywood From previous page Grant Farm, the main stable of the Budweiser Clydesdales and ancestral home of the Busch family, located on 281 acres outside St. Louis, Missouri. But Alex stayed in New Hampshire. “A few weeks ago, my contact told me that Alex had just returned from California, after filming the Super Bowl commercial,” Susan said. “I don’t know why they chose him, when they have 250 to choose from, but it was very exciting.” When commercials were released on the Internet a week before the Super Bowl game, Susan and David were among the 37 million viewers who watched “Puppy Love,” making it the most popular commercial of the 2014 Super Bowl line-up. “A million of those views were mine alone,” Susan joked. The Budweiser website quotes company vice president, Brian Perkins as stating, “The Budweiser

Clydesdales are an icon of the brand and have become an icon of the Super Bowl as well. These majestic horses represent the values of the brand and universal values of trust, quality and nobility that appeal to audiences of all ages.” As proud as they are, Susan and David are leery of being in the spotlight, but hope the attention on their

ple who have Clydesdales and there is so little reward for all their hard work. I hope this story is just really heartwarming for the breed.” The pair plans to take part in the World Clydesdale Show 2015, to be held in London, Ontario from Sept. 29 to Oct. 3. The show will celebrate the breed and the people carrying on its tradition as a gentle giant.

We are rather insular people, but hopefully the exposure of the Clydesdale will help the breed in this very depressed equine environment ... gelding’s success will help promote the future of the breed. “We are rather insular people, but hopefully the exposure of the Clydesdale will help the breed in this very depressed equine environment,” Susan said. “There are so many peo-

It’s not easy to do, at a time when all facets of the equine industry are in peril, Susan notes. “The industry, because of the economy (since 2008), and the McGuinty government, who just didn’t give the horse industry a period of time before it cut it

off at the knees basically, have destroyed the trainers, the vets, blacksmiths, feed companies ... because of the destruction of the horse industry.“ She adds, “If horses are all people have known, their lives have been destroyed.” Susan hopes the Budweiser commercial and its local link will bring happiness to her fellow equine community members. “I hope there is joy someone can take from seeing a local horse do good,” she said. “Any bright light in the horse world is a good story to share with horse people, for them to enjoy. Everybody loves a feel-good story.” Susan and David plan to continue working with their Clydesdales, including driving a team. “We have bred and shown in the past,” Susan said, noting the retired couple is happy with the status quo of the farm. “We just find that it’s a lot of work. Now the horses are here because we love them.” It’s not your typical retirement plan, but neither Susan nor David would trade a thing. “We just enjoy the horses, although it’s a seven-day-aweek job,” said Susan. “It provides exercise and it’s good for your heart to look into those big brown eyes and know they trust you to take care of them.”

Best Buds – Millions of people have watched the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial “Puppy Love,” now deemed the most successful commercial of the sporting event, with over 37 million views on the internet alone. The ad depicts a love story between a Labrador puppy and a Clydesdale. The commercial features a herd of Clydesdale horses, including “Alex” (cover photo), born on Rosedale Farm in Ennotville. Susan James and her husband David sold two of their Clydesdale geldings (Alex and Andrew) to Budweiser over a year ago, and just weeks before the Super Bowl commercials were released on the Internet, the couple was notified one of their horses was in the production, which was filmed in California. Alex is 18 hands high, a dark bay horse with four white feathered legs and one brown knee on his left leg. Alex has two proud “mothers”: dam Candy (a mare that remains on Rosedale Farm and is pictured here with Susan James) and Susan herself. photo by Kelly Waterhouse

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Equine | Page 5

Local woman helps establish Canadian Paso Fino Horse Association By Sarah Grandy FERGUS – Marijean Harris’ love for horses has grown immensely since she came across her first Paso Fino over 20 years ago, while her daughter was attending the Caledon Pony Club. From there she began learning everything she could about the breed. “That one ride sold me,” said Harris of Centre Wellington. “They are the smoothest riding horse in the world; it’s the Cadillac ride.” Translated, Paso Fino means fine step or fine walk. Paso Fino horses don’t trot, they move with an even fourbeat gait, which according to Harris is their trait. She was captivated by the beauty and smooth gait of the Paso Fino breed. Harris joined other Paso Fino breeders, owners and admirers from across the country to work on forming the Canadian Paso Fino Horse Association (CPFHA) last year. “The time has come for a national association because the interest in the Paso Fino horse has grown so much,” said Harris. “Our goal is to have our own national breed association for Paso Finos in Cana-

da. By having a national voice there will be the opportunity to collectively support the breed and maintain the quality of the horse in Canada.” She added, “Also, there will be the opportunity for Canadian Paso Fino Horses to compete internationally.” Harris is the owner of Forest Gait Farm, near Fergus,

tification according to a student’s level of riding. Younger riders will eventually be assessed for participation in international competition on the Canadian youth team. “It’s a unique facility, the only one in Ontario that is offering a Paso Fino academy, breeding, technical advice and education for members

They are the smoothest riding horse in the world; it’s the Cadillac ride. which is the home to the CPFHA and the Paso Fino Equestrian Academy (PFEA). She is a professional Paso Fino trainer, the president of the CPFHA and a PFEA coach. The PFEA offers private or group riding lessons for riders from age six to adult. “The youth is the future of the breed,” Harris said. “Engaging youth will ensure the future of the breed and that’s why we have this academy here.” The academy offers cer-

of CPFHA,” said Harris. The academy also offers camps during March Break and a summer camp. Alongside Harris is Dr. Fernando De La Torre, originally of Columbia, where he established a riding school for youth, and a veterinarian practice. He is now the vice president of the CPFHA and the director of the PFEA. “He has a lot of experience and expertise in teaching the art of riding the Paso Fino horses,” said Harris. Last year Harris added an

indoor riding arena, which facilitates year round riding lessons, without having to worry about the weather. Harris currently owns 10 Paso Finos, including Marchi, a breeding stallion and a national champion in Canada and the US. The CPFHA will be a membership organization. Inaugural membership applications are now being accepted for 2014. The three levels of CPFHA membership include: individual/farm (breeder); associate (non-breeder); and affiliated group (organization/association). For more information call 519-787-2909, email forestgaitfarm@gmail.com, or visit the Facebook page at www. facebook.com/CPFHA.

Smoothest ride - Marijean Harris, owner of Forest Gait Farm, located near Fergus, with Marchi, her breeding stallion and national champion in Canada and the United States. photo by Sarah Grandy

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page 6 | equine

Equine | Page 7

Headwaters Horse Country looking for signature art piece

Area quarter horse breeders staying in the racing game by Kris Svela

HILLSBURGH – Carol and Bryn Robertson are horse breeders who have seen the ups and downs in the industry. Both agree one of the major “downs” came with the provincial government’s decision in March 2012 to cut the province’s slots at raceway revenue program, which annually generated about $345 million for the industry. After the government announcement two years ago, the couple briefly considered throwing in the towel. “Because of what the government said about racing we said ‘no more,’ but we stayed anyway,” Carol said. The industry is restructuring with transition assistance from the province of about $400 million over the next five years. The couple hopes it will be enough to improve the

overall industry picture. The Robertsons have lived on and owned their 100-acre, Hillerin Farm for almost 48 years, breeding horses and showing them, and then getting into quarter horse racing about 18 years ago. Now both retired, the couple can devote more time to breeding and racing horses. Right now they’re focusing on their latest race hopeful, One Famous Glass, a four-year-old gelding from a strong line and already an award winner. Owned by Carol, her daughter-in-law Jaime Robertson, and local veterinarian Dr. Chuck Hall, the horse won Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc. top honours for 2013, including top three-year-old gelding, high point three-year-old and Horse of the Year. One Famous Glass was

also named by the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) as the 2013 Champion Canada Hi-Point Three-YearOld Gelding. The award is given in each of the 10 regions in the United States, Canada and Mexico to the horse that owns the most points in his category. The offspring of sire One Famous Eagle and dam Quick Glass, One Famous Glass known to the couple as “Eagle” - is expected to get in two races in the U.S. this year before coming home for the Ontario racing season. “We call him Eagle because One Famous Eagle is one of the top studs in North America,” Carol said. “Bryn took him back to Oklahoma City in January and we’re hoping to have him racing by March.” South of the border, the horse is being trained by Clint Crawford, one of the top trainers in North America. Bryn is listed as the official trainer, while Carol is listed as one of the owners on the quarter horse licence, which is required at tracks here and south of the border. Their son Michael, a professional farrier, is also part of the team associated with Eagle. “It is a family operation,” Carol said. “You have to be licenced in each state and province that you race in

(and) you have to be fingerprinted to get your licence.” Just recently they went through the fingerprinting aspect of licencing. The Robertsons were impressed with Eagle’s pedigree at the annual yearling auction at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City, which is considered a premiere location for buying top-rated horses. The auction offers anywhere from 800 to over 1,000 yearlings for sale in September. “The yearling sale is just amazing,” said Carol. Armed with a book containing the pedigree of each

pion,” Carol said. One Famous Eagle is now a syndicated stud horse. “It’s very hard to get a breeding to him,” Carol said, noting they considered breeding one of their mares, but the cost was out of reach. The perceived demise of the industry has also meant purses have been cut, making it difficult for those with race horses. In quarter horse racing the purse is generally split between the top five horses in a race, based on times. Eagle posted six firsts, one second and a fifth in eight starts in 2013, earning

Why would you buy a race car and run it for nothing? yearling offered at the auction, they first saw Eagle in a stall and had him walked to get a better look at him. They felt the yearling looked “really, really good.” The yearling’s sire was champion in his own right, posting $1.3 million with seven wins. Eagle’s brother, One Dashing Eagle, posted six wins as a two-year-old with winnings of $2 million. “He was a world cham-

$65,000. “If you had taken that back to the year before he would have earned $200,000 to $250,000. He had the most wins of any horse in Ontario,” Carol said, referring to purse sizes prior to the provincial government’s 2012 elimination of the slots program. With changes in the size of the purses, the couple has taken on a different way of assessing their race horses.

“In essence it’s a ‘three strikes you’re out’ rule,” said Carol. If the horse fails to win a portion of the purse in its first three races, it is evaluated by the couple to see whether they should keep working with it or sell it. “We can’t afford to let the losers drain the winners,” Carol said of the decision to sell off horses that don’t perform or have promise that they could perform. “Why would you buy a race car and run it for nothing?” Carol said as a small breeding operation the couple has to take into account all the costs associated with racing, including feed, licencing, association membership, stall fees and jockeys. In the case of Eagle, expenses are split between the three owners, but “so are your earnings,” Carol said. “We got rid of five or six horses last year,” she added. She’s the first to admit she doesn’t like to sell off horses she has grown to love. “I hate getting rid of horses, but you have to do it,” she said. “You want to make sure they have a good home.” Carol relays the story about Home on the Bayou, a horse that achieved AQHA Superior Race Horse status. They considered selling, but because of the horse’s personality, they just couldn’t

part with him. “I just felt if we sold him and he didn’t produce what

was going to happen to him?” Today Home on the Bayou is enjoying living on the farm.

Another horse that holds particular favour with Carol is Had to be Fandango, a mare with lifetime winnings of around $150,000. “We retired her last year, to become a broodmare ” she said. Fandango also achieved AQHA Superior Race Horse status. “She is a big mare with a lot of heart and personality.” The couple has seen the breeding industry dropoff since the government announcement led to reduced purses, but they hope their business will find a niche in a market Carol says “has gotten considerably smaller.” Carol and Bryn will continue their efforts in an industry they love, despite recently coping with the loss of an indoor ring destroyed when the roof collapsed. They remain hopeful that the industry can survive. “Whether we will come back from that we don’t know,” the couple said of the industry’s future.

On track - Quarter horse breeder and racer Bryn Robertson checks out some of the horses he owns together with his wife Carol on their 100-acre Hillerin farm near Hillsburgh. photos by Kris Svela

determination of winners. The competition is open to individuals who are a resident, business operator or a representative with an interest in the Headwaters Region (the County of Dufferin, Town of Erin, Town

in the design. Entries received before April 26 that meet the requirements of the competition will be included in the competition. To register for the competition complete an entry

Submissions are welcome in the Headwaters Horse Country Art contest until April 26 at 11:59pm of Caledon and King Township). All two and three-dimensional art, regardless of category or media, should initially be submitted electronically as 300 dpi jpeg images. Officials say art submitted must be a representative of Headwaters Horse Country, although horses are not a required element

form with the required information (including name, address, telephone number and email address). Artists will be sent a welcome kit when their registration has been processed and they are entered into the competition. For more information call 519-942-0314 or visit http://www.thehillsofheadwaters.com.

Missed this Equine feature? Contact one of our sales Reps today about the next one.




Faye: Ext. 529 | Sherry: Ext. 528 Glenn: Ext. 514




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Stop on by or give us a call for more information on our products! 5531 Perth Line 86, Listowel 519-291-1094 1-800-663-9820

The Headwaters area is home to over 23,000 horses, a network of riding trails, and world class equestrian facilities that host everything from amateur to international competitions. Set against the backdrop of some of Ontario’s most spectacular countryside, the equestrian lifestyle is supported by charming towns, villages, hamlets and a variety of amenities that help make Headwaters a centre of equine excellence. Headwaters Horse Country is home to the equestrian events of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games. The group has issued a call for entries in a search to find a signature piece of art. Officials say this is a skill-based competition and chance plays no part in the

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page 6 | equine

Equine | Page 7

Headwaters Horse Country looking for signature art piece

Area quarter horse breeders staying in the racing game by Kris Svela

HILLSBURGH – Carol and Bryn Robertson are horse breeders who have seen the ups and downs in the industry. Both agree one of the major “downs” came with the provincial government’s decision in March 2012 to cut the province’s slots at raceway revenue program, which annually generated about $345 million for the industry. After the government announcement two years ago, the couple briefly considered throwing in the towel. “Because of what the government said about racing we said ‘no more,’ but we stayed anyway,” Carol said. The industry is restructuring with transition assistance from the province of about $400 million over the next five years. The couple hopes it will be enough to improve the

overall industry picture. The Robertsons have lived on and owned their 100-acre, Hillerin Farm for almost 48 years, breeding horses and showing them, and then getting into quarter horse racing about 18 years ago. Now both retired, the couple can devote more time to breeding and racing horses. Right now they’re focusing on their latest race hopeful, One Famous Glass, a four-year-old gelding from a strong line and already an award winner. Owned by Carol, her daughter-in-law Jaime Robertson, and local veterinarian Dr. Chuck Hall, the horse won Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc. top honours for 2013, including top three-year-old gelding, high point three-year-old and Horse of the Year. One Famous Glass was

also named by the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) as the 2013 Champion Canada Hi-Point Three-YearOld Gelding. The award is given in each of the 10 regions in the United States, Canada and Mexico to the horse that owns the most points in his category. The offspring of sire One Famous Eagle and dam Quick Glass, One Famous Glass known to the couple as “Eagle” - is expected to get in two races in the U.S. this year before coming home for the Ontario racing season. “We call him Eagle because One Famous Eagle is one of the top studs in North America,” Carol said. “Bryn took him back to Oklahoma City in January and we’re hoping to have him racing by March.” South of the border, the horse is being trained by Clint Crawford, one of the top trainers in North America. Bryn is listed as the official trainer, while Carol is listed as one of the owners on the quarter horse licence, which is required at tracks here and south of the border. Their son Michael, a professional farrier, is also part of the team associated with Eagle. “It is a family operation,” Carol said. “You have to be licenced in each state and province that you race in

(and) you have to be fingerprinted to get your licence.” Just recently they went through the fingerprinting aspect of licencing. The Robertsons were impressed with Eagle’s pedigree at the annual yearling auction at Heritage Place in Oklahoma City, which is considered a premiere location for buying top-rated horses. The auction offers anywhere from 800 to over 1,000 yearlings for sale in September. “The yearling sale is just amazing,” said Carol. Armed with a book containing the pedigree of each

pion,” Carol said. One Famous Eagle is now a syndicated stud horse. “It’s very hard to get a breeding to him,” Carol said, noting they considered breeding one of their mares, but the cost was out of reach. The perceived demise of the industry has also meant purses have been cut, making it difficult for those with race horses. In quarter horse racing the purse is generally split between the top five horses in a race, based on times. Eagle posted six firsts, one second and a fifth in eight starts in 2013, earning

Why would you buy a race car and run it for nothing? yearling offered at the auction, they first saw Eagle in a stall and had him walked to get a better look at him. They felt the yearling looked “really, really good.” The yearling’s sire was champion in his own right, posting $1.3 million with seven wins. Eagle’s brother, One Dashing Eagle, posted six wins as a two-year-old with winnings of $2 million. “He was a world cham-

$65,000. “If you had taken that back to the year before he would have earned $200,000 to $250,000. He had the most wins of any horse in Ontario,” Carol said, referring to purse sizes prior to the provincial government’s 2012 elimination of the slots program. With changes in the size of the purses, the couple has taken on a different way of assessing their race horses.

“In essence it’s a ‘three strikes you’re out’ rule,” said Carol. If the horse fails to win a portion of the purse in its first three races, it is evaluated by the couple to see whether they should keep working with it or sell it. “We can’t afford to let the losers drain the winners,” Carol said of the decision to sell off horses that don’t perform or have promise that they could perform. “Why would you buy a race car and run it for nothing?” Carol said as a small breeding operation the couple has to take into account all the costs associated with racing, including feed, licencing, association membership, stall fees and jockeys. In the case of Eagle, expenses are split between the three owners, but “so are your earnings,” Carol said. “We got rid of five or six horses last year,” she added. She’s the first to admit she doesn’t like to sell off horses she has grown to love. “I hate getting rid of horses, but you have to do it,” she said. “You want to make sure they have a good home.” Carol relays the story about Home on the Bayou, a horse that achieved AQHA Superior Race Horse status. They considered selling, but because of the horse’s personality, they just couldn’t

part with him. “I just felt if we sold him and he didn’t produce what

was going to happen to him?” Today Home on the Bayou is enjoying living on the farm.

Another horse that holds particular favour with Carol is Had to be Fandango, a mare with lifetime winnings of around $150,000. “We retired her last year, to become a broodmare ” she said. Fandango also achieved AQHA Superior Race Horse status. “She is a big mare with a lot of heart and personality.” The couple has seen the breeding industry dropoff since the government announcement led to reduced purses, but they hope their business will find a niche in a market Carol says “has gotten considerably smaller.” Carol and Bryn will continue their efforts in an industry they love, despite recently coping with the loss of an indoor ring destroyed when the roof collapsed. They remain hopeful that the industry can survive. “Whether we will come back from that we don’t know,” the couple said of the industry’s future.

On track - Quarter horse breeder and racer Bryn Robertson checks out some of the horses he owns together with his wife Carol on their 100-acre Hillerin farm near Hillsburgh. photos by Kris Svela

determination of winners. The competition is open to individuals who are a resident, business operator or a representative with an interest in the Headwaters Region (the County of Dufferin, Town of Erin, Town

in the design. Entries received before April 26 that meet the requirements of the competition will be included in the competition. To register for the competition complete an entry

Submissions are welcome in the Headwaters Horse Country Art contest until April 26 at 11:59pm of Caledon and King Township). All two and three-dimensional art, regardless of category or media, should initially be submitted electronically as 300 dpi jpeg images. Officials say art submitted must be a representative of Headwaters Horse Country, although horses are not a required element

form with the required information (including name, address, telephone number and email address). Artists will be sent a welcome kit when their registration has been processed and they are entered into the competition. For more information call 519-942-0314 or visit http://www.thehillsofheadwaters.com.

Missed this Equine feature? Contact one of our sales Reps today about the next one.




Faye: Ext. 529 | Sherry: Ext. 528 Glenn: Ext. 514




We have everything for the horse enthusiast in your family!

please please read: please please Weread: want to hear read: from read: We want you! to hear We want to hear ©FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC

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your ad will appear in This is newspaper. exacTly how The Thisad is exacTly how your will appear in SALE: please check to make sure that FOR This ad is exacTly how your will appear in Registered Filly The newspaper. the ad information is correct. KWPN your will appear in The newspaper. Charmant x Calista please check to make sure that Mark any errors on this copy and The newspaper. by Majesteit please check to make sure that

Stop on by or give us a call for more information on our products! 5531 Perth Line 86, Listowel 519-291-1094 1-800-663-9820

The Headwaters area is home to over 23,000 horses, a network of riding trails, and world class equestrian facilities that host everything from amateur to international competitions. Set against the backdrop of some of Ontario’s most spectacular countryside, the equestrian lifestyle is supported by charming towns, villages, hamlets and a variety of amenities that help make Headwaters a centre of equine excellence. Headwaters Horse Country is home to the equestrian events of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games. The group has issued a call for entries in a search to find a signature piece of art. Officials say this is a skill-based competition and chance plays no part in the

the email information is correct. or fax back to please check to make sure that theany information is correct. Mark errors843-7607 on this copy and (519) theany information is correct. Mark errors onback this copy email or fax to and or any call (519) Mark errors on843-5410 this copy email or843-7607 fax back to and (519) email or fax back to by(519) Tuesday noon. 843-7607 or call (519) 843-5410 if we do noT hear (519) 843-7607 orbycall (519) Tuesday noon. froM you, 843-5410 your ad orFORcall (519) 843-5410 SALE: by Tuesday noon. if we do noT hear will be prinTed in The KWPN Registered Filly by Tuesday noon. if we you, noT froM newspaper asyour iThear is ad here. Charmant xdo Matesse if we you, do noT hear froM your by Fabricius will be prinTed in ad The deadlines: froM your ad will beyou, prinTed infor The newspaper as iT is here. our deadlines will be prinTed in The newspaper as iT is here. addeadlines: submission is newspaper as iT is here.

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page 8 | equine

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PROOF OFthe YOUR Serving EquineAD Industry for 47 years for the Feb. 8th issue. Suppliers of : 2 columns x 2.6”- $93.00. + HST.

PLEASE FAX BACK APPROVAL A.S.A.P. Omega Alfa Thanks, Providing Custom Horse Mixes Local Delivery Natalie McKay Production 29 TrafalgarDept. Rd. Hillsburgh 519-855-4403 Hours: Mon-Fri. 8-5:30, Sat. 8-12, Sun. Closed

Young carriage driver fares PLEASE READ: well Weat international event want to hear WELLINGTON CTY. -from An you! competitive group of many Elora teen is celebrating a experienced adult drivers. successful season of carThe event tests dressage, riage driving, a sport cross-country marathon and THIS IS reEXACTLY HOW YOUR AD in WILL obstacle APPEAR INcone driving over nowned for its versatility EQUINE EDITION. breed, size, and THE shape of three days of competition, that competing horses. Please check to make andsure is similar to the mounted informationequestrian is correct. Alexis Clark is theamong sport of eventing. Mark any errors on this copy and many junior competitors in Officials say Clark’s secemail or fax back to Wellington County and be- ond-place finish was impres(519) 843-7607 yond who are keeping the sive considering she was ridor call (519) 843-5410 carriage tradition alive. ing a “green” pony and was by Feb. 20th the at NOON. Last year the 17-year-old, lone Canadian competiIF WE DO NOT HEAR working with a leased pony tor atADthe show. FROM YOU, YOUR named ApplegarthsWILLRoyal Clark BE PRINTED IN THE also made her debut Gala, showcased her skills AS at the Royal Agricultural WinNEWSPAPER IT IS HERE. DEADLINES: and training at the Garden ter Fair in Toronto in the fall Our deadlines for Welsh and half-Welsh State Combined Driving in the submission is Show in New Jersey inadOcevening driving performancFEB. in 19 AT tober, placing second a 3:00 es. P.M. We head to press FRIDAY, FEB. 21

All Equine show returns to London Please feel free to call us to discuss your ad.

LONDON - All Equine:Please Ontario’s sign yourpremier equine show is coming to the Western Fair District Agriplex here. From March 14 through 16, horse enthusiasts, casual riders, trainers, competitors and more will enjoyThe three-days of clinics, seminars, shows, competitions and shopping, inside the expansive, three-venue, 160,000-square-foot agriplex. Fergus, Ont. The second edition of All Equine brings many exciting new additions including Eastern Canada’s first ever trainer’s challenge. Three of Canada’s top trainers will compete for the inaugural title by preparing an un-tamed, untrained horse to be safe and responsive to a rider. a $50.00 The event also features an internaCANCELLATION FEE tionally-sanctioned Extreme applies to Cowboy any ads Race. A celebration ofcancelled horsemanship after and competitive speed, Extreme CowTUESDAY at N00N. boy Racing is considered the fastest growing equine sport in North America.


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Ride on - Alexis Clark and Applegarths Royal Gala, a Welsh/ Newfoundland pony cross, fared well at the Garden State Combined driving Show in October. submitted photo

A fashion show, featuring the latest in equestrian and western fashions, will be presented on the All Equine catwalk during the event. All Equine officials are also excited to announce the return of: - Doug Mills, of Kamloops, BC, a

The second annual All Equine Show is March 14 to 16 three-time Trainers of the North Challenge champion; - a Working Cow Horse Clinic; and - Russ Krachun “Kozak” Horsemanship. There will also be chiropractic clinics, equine massage clinics, farrier and hoof health clinics, and clinics on nutrition and supplements, saddle fitting, farm

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safety, stabling, equipment and fencing, and more. New to the show for 2014 are the Silver Stars Precision Riding Club, a “not-for-profit” group of talented and dedicated young riding students with exceptional riding skills. The Silver Stars are a group of horses with riders, aged 11 to 22, wearing colorful costumes performing choreographed maneuvers to recognizable music. General admission tickets are available for $15 for adults ($12 in advance on westernfairdistrict.com). Children 10 and under are free. An all-inclusive weekend pass, is $25 per person. There is free and accessible parking. The show runs March 14, from 12 to 9pm, March 15 from 10am to 8pm, and March 16 from 10am to 5pm. For more information and advance tickets visit www.WesternFairDistrict. com or call 1-800-619-4629.

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Equine | Page 9

Saddle theft has happy ending

Stable owner hopes story will highlight importance of proper equine insurance

FOREST GAIT FARM Paso Fino Equestrian Academy •


ERIN - The owner of a local equine facility is hoping her story will motivate other horse lovers to ensure their animals and equipment are safeguarded. “I just want to make sure that everyone has the proper insurance for their stuff,� said Kim Mervyn, of Park Lane Stables south of the village of Erin. On Nov. 20, 13 English style riding saddles were stolen from her tack room. Three belonged to Mervyn; the rest to her clients. “I was upset and in shock,� said Mervyn. “How could someone do this to me and to my clients?� Rider Michelle Cowan of Georgetown, was the first to discover the theft, which included her own saddle. “I couldn’t even talk,� Cowan said of her reaction to the disappearance of the equipment. She noted riders and staff at Park Lane Stables are very close, “So it felt like a personal attack, even though it wasn’t.� Mervyn explained the saddles were all “high end� and custom made in France, with some ranging in value from $5,000 to $6,000, for a total combined value of about $60,000. “It was a major theft,� said Mervyn. But rather than sit back and feel sorry for them-

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selves, those at Park Lane Stables - including both Mervyn and Cowan - took matters into their own hands. They spread the word to “every tack shop from the GTA to Wellington,� placed reward ads in local newspapers, told their story on social media sites like Facebook, and monitored eBay for any clues. The eBay avenue eventually paid off about a month ago, as a Park Lane Stables staff member successfully bid on a saddle girth that a

client identified as one of those stolen from the Erin facility. “We were able to get [the seller’s] name and location by giving a U.S. shipping address ... and contacted the Sheriffs Department in Orange County, North Carolina,� Mervyn said. “The police located his storage unit, obtained an arrest warrant and raided the locker. Everything was there. The saddles still had the nameplates on the back! They were stripped of irons

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and leathers, all taped and ready to be sold.� Ronald Nixon Jr. was arrested and charged with possession of stolen property, in addition to unrelated firearms charges. North Carolina authorities are hopeful Nixon, who they say works in the horse industry as a trainer and has spent time in the Toronto area at Woodbine Racetrack, will help them identify the individual who sold the stolen goods to him. Continued on page 11

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page 10 | equine

Arthur teen enjoys first-year success in Canadian Belgian Youth Program by Patrick Raftis

Showmanship success - Sarah Roelofsen had a successful first season on the Canadian Belgian Youth Program (CBYP) show circuit in 2013, including several first place finishes and a third place showing at the Royal Agricultural Winter photo by Lynn Cassels-Caldwell Fair.

ARTHUR - For a youth with limited prior experience with horses, Sarah Roelofsen had quite a successful first season on the Canadian Belgian Youth Program (CBYP) show circuit in 2013. Working with horses owned by Firefly Hill Farms near Damascus, Sarah competed in about 10 showmanship events, finishing first in her class at events in Fergus, Drayton and Lindsay. She also brought home a third-place ribbon from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto last fall. “I think I did pretty well,” says the 14-year-old Grade 9 student at Wellington Heights Secondary School. Growing up in Arthur, Sarah didn’t have a lot of opportunity to be around

horses, aside from a few excursions with her mother, Sally Roelofsen. “We went horseback riding every once and a while, but not that often,” said Sarah, who first became involved with Belgians about a year ago. Her grandfather, Jack

with the horses and Nancy was right there to take Sarah in. Dad recovered and was there to see Sarah win a first at the Lindsay fair, and many more shows.” Sally added her family is thankful to Campbell for the opportunity she provided and the time she has spent

It was always my dad’s wish that Sarah get involved with the horses and Nancy was right there to take Sarah in ... Benham, lives near the Firefly Hill operation in Wellington North and arranged with owner Nancy Campbell for Sarah to work with them. As it turns out, the connection was a timely one, Sally points out. “Nancy took Sarah under her wing with the horses, farm, and her home when my dad had a bad burn accident and was in the Hamilton burn unit for a few weeks,” Sally explained. “My mom, brother and I were spending a lot of time at the hospital. “ItROUGH was always my dad’s ROUGH wish that Sarah get involved PINE PINE Great for Board Great for Board && Batten Batten 11 xx 12 12


with her daughter. Sarah helps with stable cleaning and other chores and in return, gets to work with the horses. At Campbell’s suggestion, she began showing Firefly Hill horses at competitions around the region and ended up earning an honorable mention for the Central Ontario region of the CBYP for her efforts this past season. As a newcomer to the circuit, Sarah enjoyed the opportunity to constantly meet new people who share her interest in horses. What

¢ROUGH ROUGH lin. ft.ft. ROUGH lin.PINE PINE PINE Great for Board & Batten ¢


Great for Board &of We aaforfull line Great & Batten We stock stock full ofBatten 1Board x 12line 1 x112x 12

she enjoys most though is working with her newfound equine friends. “It’s pretty much about the horses,” said Sarah, adding she is looking forward to competing on the CBYP circuit again this summer. The Canadian Belgian Youth Program is designed to promote youth involvement in showing and the development of Belgian draft horses and to recognize their achievements. Each season, Champion Canadian Belgian Youth and Reserve Champion Canadian Belgian Youth awards are presented in both junior (age 8 to 13 ) and senior (14 to 18) divisions in three geographic areas: east, central and west. A three-member panel decides the Champion and Reserve champion placements based on: - the number of qualifying shows and classes attended by the nominee; - placings achieved in the listed classes; and - details regarding their involvement with Belgians throughout the current show season as provided in a written submission.



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Man charged in Erin saddle theft From page 9 “He claims he bought them in Canada on a recent trip, but we believe he either had an informant or an accomplice,” said Mervyn. “The person that stole the saddles had to have known how to get into our barn and no one had ever seen this guy before.” While she awaits word on a possible local connection to the theft, Mervyn is very pleased with the outcome thus far. “It’s wonderful to know that good guys do win,” she said. “I am so lucky to have such a supportive and understanding group of clients. They made an awful situation easier on me.” It now appears most of the stolen items will be returned by the beginning of March, but almost all the victims were covered under their home insurance anyway. “Everybody except me,” Mervyn said with a laugh. She explained no one was covered for their loss under their equine insurance, an oversight she summed up in one word: “dumb.” Luckily, she added, “I think there is a clause in home insurance covering equipment related to a hobby.” Dennis Graham, CEO of Secure Insurance Solutions, which has offices in Drayton, Erin and Elora, said there are “many different insurance options” for horse owners. “They can obtain coverage for not only the horses themselves, but all of the tack, equipment, riding apparel, horse trailers, farm properties, etc. that go along with horse ownership,” said Graham. He noted equipment coverage should be added to existing policies as it is usually not automatically included. Once added under a Henry Equestrian Plan, “tack and equipment is covered regardless” of where it is stored, Graham said, though owners should check with their own insurance provider to ensure that is the case. Graham’s best advice to horse enthusiasts is to “have a comprehensive policy that

Equine | Page 11

Horsing around

Recovered - The Orange County Sheriff’s office, following up on tips generated by Park Lane Stables, recovered the saddles stolen from the Erin farm. Orange County Sheriff’s Office photo

insures for the broadest range of perils available.” Mervyn, for one, said she is going to heed that advice. “I know that my clients (and myself) will now ensure they are fully covered under their equine policies,” said

Mervyn. “It’s so important to have coverage … You just never know what can happen and when. I would have never thought this would have happened in my barn.” Cowan said all the vic-

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tims are pleased with the final outcome and look forward to putting the episode behind them. “I think we’re all pretty relieved we’re on the back stretch,” she said with a smile.

Winter is playtime for Alaska, a stallion Gypsy Vanner horse whose full name is Alaskan Winter. A recent snowfall provided plenty of fun and exercise for this horse on his home property, the Wellington County Gypsy Vanner Horse Farm in Ariss, owned by Kathy and submitted photos Dennis Mutti.

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page 12 | EQUINE





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