INSIDE WELLINGTON Second Section June 28, 2013
Special Needs Soccer: Sportsmanship at its best
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Toast of the Towns fundraiser returns to Fergus on July 5
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PAGE TWO Inside Wellington - Second Section of the Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
GRCA parks offer new pricing to encourage usage CAMBRIDGE - G r a n d River Conservation Authority (GRCA) parks are opening for the 2013 season with a new pricing structure that officials say will help people enjoy the parks more often. The new prices encourage mid-week and shoulder season visits with lower camping and day-use fees. Prices will be higher during the busy summer season and on weekends. And this year there is a new 10 per cent seniors’ discount for day use. There is also a 10% seniors discount on vehicle season passes. The GRCA operates 11 parks, eight of which offer camping. They will be open until Oct. 15. Campers will get a $7 per night break if they visit one
of the eight campgrounds on a weekday before June 13 or after Sept. 3. That’s a reduction from the normal summer weekday fees of $34 to $51 a night depending on the park and level of service. Campers will pay a bit more on weekends and long weekends. Fees for adult day use will range from $5.50 to $6 depending on the park and the day of the week. The child’s fee (ages six to 14) will range from $2.75 to $3. Children five and under are free. Season passes, which allow unlimited access to all parks for a carload, will be $122. More information on each park, including fees, can be found in the Parks section of the GRCA website at www.
44th Annual
Southampton Craft Show
Thursday, July 4, 10am-7pm • Southampton Coliseum
Over 140 Artisans & Artists | 50/50 Draw Food Court - Pie & Ice Cream Parlour 11am - 6pm Free Parking | Wheel Chair Accessible | Drop off at Main Door Cold Plate Dinner 4-6pm Gate Admission $3, Children under 10 are FREE Proceeds to PRANCE Therapeutic Horseback Riding
For more info visit the
Your children are invited to attend
Summer Bible School
Where: Maranatha Conservative Mennonite Church 31 John Street, Drayton When: July 3-12, 2013 Time: 9:00am - 11:30am Grades: Kindergarten (age 5 before 2014) through Grade 8
Confirming attendance in advance is appreciated. For information and enrollment contact: Dennis and Colleen Martin 519-638-5550 For transportation please contact Eric & Rosa Brubacher at 519-323-7471
Fri. Jun 28
Ladies Coffee Hour in Rockwood, last Friday of the month, 9:3011:30am. Everyone welcome. St. John’s Anglican Church, 112 Guelph St. For more info. 519-856-9211. *** Knox United Church Fish Fry, 5-8pm. Clifford Community Hall. Adults: $14, Children 5-11: $6. Tickets: 519-327-8133, 519-3278586, 519-327-8053 or at the door. *** BBQ Chicken Dinner. Faith Lutheran Church, 290 Belsyde Ave. E. 5-7pm. 1/2 BBQ chicken, potato, salad, drink and dessert $15. For tickets call 519-843-5030, visit the church, Tue-Thurs. 9am12pm, or at the door. Eat-in or take out. *** All Saints Community Dinner. It’s too hot to think up yet another exotic meal, so we’re going with hamburgers this month. Hot off the grill and guaranteed delicious. 6-7pm; no sermon & no charge; free will offerings gratefully accepted and gluten-free available. All Saints Church, 81 Main Street, Erin. “Look for the big white spire”. *** Acclaimed eco-film “Symphony of the Soil” showing in agricultural building on Main Street, Erin, 7:15pm following Farmer’s Market, 3-7pm and O’Canada “Day of Soil” activities and demos. Free admission; donations appreciated. Panel discussion on local “foodshed” following movie. See symphonyofthesoil. com for information. *** Movie Night. Arthur United Church. 7pm. Mary Poppins.
Sat. Jun. 29
Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $10. Dance to The Country Versatiles. *** Marsville Lions Community Breakfast. $5 per plate. Marsville Community Centre. Last Saturday of every month. 7:30-10:30am. Sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, juice, tea, coffee. *** Alma Optimist Country Dance. 8pm Alma Community Centre, $10. Dance to Bill Beattie Band. *** 1st Annual Get In Touch For Hutch 1km/5km walk/run. 10am Arthur & Area Community Centre. For more information visit Race day registration available (arrive early). *** S.S. #4, Maryborough School Reunion at Knox Presbyterian Church, Palmerston 11am- 3pm. Call 519-343-3939 to register. *** Bibles For Missions Fergus Thrift Store “Blast From The Past Fashion Show” fundraising event. 6pm. Showcasing fashions from 1900-1990s, silent auction, entertainment, and after-hours shopping and refreshments. Tickets $5, available in store. *** The Wellington County Learning Centre Annual Book Sale at 179 George St. in Arthur. 10am-2pm. Make a donation and take as many used books as you like! CD’s VHF movies and DVD’s. *** The 4th annual Art in the Street downtown & Frederick Street, Arthur. 10–3pm. Arts & crafts, historical walk, live music, vendors, antique vehicles.
Sun. Jun. 30
Arthur Optimist Movie Night at the B Ball Diamond, Arthur Community Centre. “Madagascar 3 Europe’s Most Wanted”. At dusk. All welcome. Bring your lawn chair & blanket.
Mon. Jul. 1
Sunday July 7, 2013 Admission $45 – includes all games (extra strips available)
$15 redeemable slot play coupon provided to each bingo player
“Proceeds to local Community projects” Held at Grand River Raceway
7445 Wellington County Rd. 21, Elora Held under lottery license #M713235. FERGUS ELORA ROTARY FOUNDATION Staffed by: Centre Wellington Rotary Club and Fergus Elora Rotary Club
Orton Annual Canada Day Celebration & Chicken Barbecue at St. John’s Community Church. Rain or shine. Sittings at 4:30, 5:30, 6:30pm. Half chicken dinner - $14, Quarter white - $12, Double quarter dark - $12, 3 & under free. To order tickets call 519-855-4243. Advance orders recommended. Takeout available. *** Canada Day Fireworks Display. Orton Community Park at dusk. Ages 12 & up $3, ages 4-11 $2, ages 3 & under free. For info. call 519-855-4243. *** Crossroads Community Church 10th Annual Celebrate Canada Event at Crossroads (by the water tower) in Harriston. Free family event. Entertainment, mega jump houses, temporary tattooing, clowns, give-aways and family affordable food. The event ends with a fantastic fireworks display at dusk. No pets on grounds please.
*** Wheels of Hope Bike Collection. Bring your old adult or child mountain bikes or parts to Elora United Church, 8am-1pm for distribution to the needy in Africa. For more information contact 519-843-6144.
Thurs. Jul. 4
44th Annual Southampton Craft Show. 10am-7pm Southampton Coliseum, 140 Artisans & Artists. Food Court 11am-6pm. Admission $3. Children under 10 Free. Hosted by PRANCE.
Fri. Jul. 5
Friday mornings, until August 23 - Join the Guelph Guild of Storytellers and friends for another season of traditional and modern stories in the beautiful garden by the river. 10:30-11:30am. Beve Matson, 519-821-1312. Guelph Enabling Garden. 709 Woolwich, behind Evergreen Seniors Centre.
Sat. Jul. 6
Elmira and District Horticultural Society’s Garden Tour. 9am2pm. Tickets $10. For info. and tickets call Barb 519-669-8239. *** Free: Open Gardens Day and Art in the Garden in Grand Valley. This self guided tour of six of Grand Valley’s spectacular gardens. 10am-3pm. Maps are available in the Village. *** Damascus Beef BBQ. Damascus Community Centre. 5-7pm. Adults $12, Child $ 5, Preschool Free. Take-outs available. Call for Tickets: 519-848-3246, 519-848-3120, 519-848-2206. *** July 6 & 7 - Art in the Yard - 10am-5pm. Artists showing Original on the grounds of the Elora Centre for the Arts, 75 Melville St. Elora. Art, Live Music, Food, Kids Creative area. 519-846-9698. *** Living Well & Wise Show Health & Wellness Event. Royal Canadian Legion #442, 12 Dundas Street, Erin. 10am-6pm. Alternative health & energy treatments. Angel guidance, psychics and mediums. Herbal remedies, holistic, nutrition and more. $5 admission. Kids under 12 free. Proceeds to local charity.
Sun. Jul. 7
Guelph Horticultural Society Garden Showcase 2013. 1-5:30pm. Theme “Spaces for Living”. Selection of artists and craft persons set in each garden, refreshments, door prizes. Tickets: $10 per person (under 12 free). Call Lynn Near 519-837-8875.
Mon. Jul. 8
36th Annual Norm Jary ARC Industries Golf Tournament. Cutten Fields in Guelph. Shot gun start at 11am. Tournament includes 18 holes golf /cart. Lunch Buffet, dinner. Prize table, Live and silent auction. Call Doreen Rye 226-314-0829.
Tues. Jul. 9
Until July 12 “Everywhere Fun Fair” Kids Camp at Elora United Church. 9am-noon, for children finished JK to Grade 5. Lots of games, crafts, Bible stories, music and more. $15 week for first child in family, $10 week for each additional child. For more info. call Barb at 519-846-2542. *** Arkell United Church Summer Social. 600 Arkell Road, Arkell. Music, cards, lunch and dessert. 12-4pm. Draw prizes! Tickets are $10, call Penny at 519-822-6709.
wed. Jul. 10
Ontario Forage Expo. 10am. Ikendale Farm 358 Con. 12, Greenock, R.R. #4 Walkerton West of Huron Tractor Twp. Rd.2 “In field” demonstrations, exhibits, speakers. 1-877-892-8663. *** Euchre. Harriston Legion Branch 296, Harriston. Start at pm. Light Lunch provided. $5 per person. Bring a Partner. Call 519338-2843.
Thurs. Jul. 11
Arthur Agricultural Society meeting. 7:30pm. Upstairs hall, Arthur Community Centre. All Welcome. *** Upper Credit Humane Society’s Annual Golf Tournament. Eagle Ridge Golf Club, R.R.#4 11742 Tenth Line, Georgetown. 1:30pm. Shotgun start. Golf, Dinner/Silent Auction: $175; Club Link Members $120; Golf only: $145; Dinner and Silent Auction $50. Registration or sponsorship information: Laura 416-7067406.
fri. Jul. 12
Guelph Optimist Club Roast Beef Dinner. Serving 5-7pm. All you can eat. 89 Beechwood Ave., Guelph. Includes pie, cake, Continued on page 11
INSIDE WELLINGTON Second Section June 28, 2013 For the events calendar, please send 20-25 words, 4wks prior to the event date to:
Toast of the Towns fundraiser returns to Fergus on July 5
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Special Needs Socce r: Sportsmanship at its best
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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013 PAGE THREE
Special Needs Soccer: Sportsmanship at its best by Kelly Waterhouse
ELORA - It’s raining on the soccer pitch at Southridge Field here, but the athletes don’t seem to care. They are too busy laughing, high-fiving and chasing a soccer ball to be distracted by a little thing like rain. This is their night to play. The athletes belong to Fergus-Elora and District Soccer (FEDS), as part of the adult Special Needs Soccer (SNS) league. “Every Friday night they really look forward to soccer because it’s part of their routine,” said Ashley Murray, a support worker at a group home in Fergus. She has three individuals from her facility who participate. “I think it gives them a chance to really socialize with their peers and not feel the pressure of being excluded in other ways.” In the middle of the action, keeping the ball in play with a smile and infectious enthusiasm is Pat Espina, president of FEDS since 2004. He is also the creator of the SNS team, and has served as its coach since 2010. His daughter Michelle was the inspiration for the league. “My wife Irene and my daughters Jessica, Michelle and Allison have been involved with the challenges and desires of special needs people since Michelle was born,” Espina explained. “Michelle had a condition called Williams Syndrome, which resulted in her having some special needs. Michelle died in 2005 unexpectedly at age 17. “Because of our experiences our family has some understanding with the needs that this part of the community has and also understands that most of them want to do what all other people do. They just have challenges while doing it.” Soccer is a passion for Espina, a native of Chile who says of his sport, “in Chile it is a way of life, so I guess it is in my blood.” In his role, he has coached girls soccer for 10 years, and been an active player for the last 12 years. “At some point I thought that it would be great that FEDS would have a program for special needs people, especially adult special needs people. Many adult special needs people do not get too many opportunities to experience the type of experience that FEDS has to offer through soccer.” He credits the support of the volunteer executive board of FEDS for making the league a reality. The idea was a success and the league has grown to 34 athletes between the ages of 17 to 55, drawing players from Arthur, Mount Forest, Hillsburgh, Elmira, Guelph and Centre Wellington. “FEDS works with the Guelph Community Living organization, who help us
reach the members that we have,” Espina said. Every Friday for the past three years, throughout the soccer season, Barbara WebsterPowell and Stephen Powell bring their son Leif, 18, to join in the games. Leif, a student at John F. Ross, also plays basketball in winter and enjoys swimming. But Webster-Powell says being a soccer mom is fun. “There is something about this that totally de-stresses me. It’s just so lovely,” she said. “There is nothing like this in Guelph,” added Stephen, who has no problem making the short trip to Centre Wellington for the sport. That’s because these parents see the value of soccer in their son’s life. “Leif can say, ‘I play soccer,’ just like everybody else,” said Webster-Powell. The sport of soccer, she adds, also gives her son life and social skills. “It’s the practical stuff, like fresh air and exercise and a sense of belonging to a group ... without this, people like Leif can feel ostracized.” It’s the inclusiveness of the group, Webster-Powell says, that makes the league a success. “They accommodate all the players, no matter what the skills, so I think the athletes experience a sense of achievement and fun,” said WebsterPowell. “They all play together.” That’s exactly what Espina strives for with the SNS league. “Soccer offers them an opportunity to participate in a team sport where they can try to expand their abilities and experience the great game while experiencing the many other benefits that come with it,” Espina said. “I hope that they feel that they can be soccer players and that they are capable of belonging to a club like FEDS.” Inclusiveness is key, he believes. “Our special needs soccer players are made to feel as the rest of our FEDS members. That is the point,” Espina said. “They pay their fees, they use our soccer balls, they get their jerseys, shorts and socks. We’re all part of the same club. We love it.” For Riley Hillis, 21, of Guelph-Eramosa, being a part of a team is important. He is active in basketball, bowling, swimming and track and field, and this is his third year on the FEDS team. “I think the league is fantastic,” said Riley’s father, Kerry Hillis. “Riley’s sisters grew up playing soccer and he never had that opportunity.” While some of the athletes are able to run and kick the ball and follow the basic structure of the play, others require their support workers to take the field alongside them. “I think many of the workers love to come out as they see
Special athletes - LEFT: Riley Hillis gets set to take the field during Fergus-Elora and District Soccer Special Needs Soccer league play. ABOVE: Tannis Campbell and Glenn Curtis work together on the red team. Cover photo: Brian Platt and coach Pat Espina (back row), and Amie Oliver and Leslie Ann Wallace. photos by Kelly Waterhouse
their people doing something that they truly enjoy, get fresh air, exercise, participate and socialize,” said Espina. Murray agrees. She believes the skills taught in the league are important, from running and kicking the ball, to scoring goals and working together. “The coaches really encourage their independence, which is very important,” Murray said. “I think they offer a lot of support and encouragement.” Cheered on by his aunt Jan Hillis, Riley enjoys being a part of the team atmosphere. “It’s true sportsmanship,” said Jan. “Everybody shares. Everybody gets a chance.” That kind of respect isn’t just what these athletes are taught, but who they are. “They are all very respectful, caring and patient for each other,” said Espina. “When one of our players takes the ball and is moving very, very slowly
out of the experience,” said Espina. “I think many are surprised at what the group is capable of. I am amazed every week at what they can do.” It’s his enthusiasm for the players, as much as the sport, that makes Espina the kind of coach that has earned the respect of the parents of the special needs athletes, and the affection of the athletes themselves. “Coach Pat is wonderful. He greets every player ... always with a smile. It’s just lovely,” said Webster-Powell. “He has a big, big heart and you can tell the players just love him.” She adds, “He is very respectful of all the players and as a result, the game is a very respectful game.” Jan Hillis agrees. “He has a huge amount of patience and everybody gets a chance, and everybody shines.”
“I hope they feel they can be soccer players and that they are capable of belonging to a club like FEDS.” - Coach Pat Espina, president of Fergus-Elora and District Soccer. with the ball, all of the players let that player carry the ball and stand back, they just wait for their turn. When someone falls, they all stop and only continue when that person is okay.” Espina’s respect for his players is obvious, and he enjoys their honesty. “That is one of the things that I have learned about special needs people. They tell it to you like they feel it. If they are happy they show you true caring. When they are mad, they tell you about it or they show it. When they are sad, you feel their sadness,” Espina said. Watching from the sidelines, Webster-Powell says, “There is always laughter and a lot of congratulations ... and a lot of clapping and high-fives.” She also liked that players will stop to allow for each other’s turn. “One of my favorite stories was a game where someone scored on the goalie and the goalie cheered ... because it was a goal,” said WebsterPowell, of the overall spirit of the game. This kind of enjoyment for the families is important to Espina’s goal with the league. “I think the families get joy
That is Espina’s goal. “I get joy out of the experience. Everything about this program is right,” Espina said. “They (the athletes) give me confirmation that they are all capable of experiencing fun and able to be a part of something good. I hope that some of what they learn at soccer may be of use in their lives, such as having courage to try other experiences because they can do things others can do.” But Espina can’t do it alone. Volunteer coaches are an important part of the special needs league. “We have a wonderful group of volunteers now,” said Espina. “I think they all love the experience and feel like I do. We always need more volunteers and not only with the SNS program, but also with our other programs. No real soccer training is needed but we have offered some basic training in the past.” Mark DePass has been a soccer player with FEDS for many years, and was inspired by Espina’s vision for the SNS league. “I knew that I would like to play a part, and when the volunteer coaching opportunity came up, it was the perfect opportunity to become
involved,” DePass said. “I believe coaching athletes at any level can be very rewarding. I think in our case, it might even be a little more rewarding because we are dealing with people who haven’t had many opportunities to play organized sports.” He notes the pride he takes in seeing the players who are intimidated early in the season, often preferring to be on the sidelines, but later join in the game. “One day each of them would eventually take the plunge and join in. Now they are right in the middle of things and more fully involved with the play. Playing a part in that transition can be very rewarding,” DePass said. “Just sharing in their enjoyment on the field and seeing how quickly and far they have progressed in their technical and team playing skills, has been very inspiring.” DePass is the mechanical manager of Trade-Mark Industrial Inc., the corporate sponsor for the SNS team, and he’s proud to link the two organizations together. “FEDS’ Special Needs Soccer program is a fantastic example to soccer clubs across Ontario of what can be done. Trade-Mark is just happy to have been given the opportunity to be involved with this team and to have the chance to give back a little to this community,” DePass said. He feels it is a sound investment into a group of remarkable athletes. “It amazed us in the beginning what naturally good team players we have in our group. The respect they show to each other is amazing,” DePass said. “Without being asked, higher skilled players will give space and time opportunities with the ball to not only their teammates but also to the opposing team’s players so that everyone can get time on the ball, enjoy themselves and improve at the same time. The experience of playing on a team gives them a chance to develop these skills that they already have.” To celebrate the achievements of the athletes in the SNS league, the coaches developed a new event, the first Special Needs Soccer Festival, which will be held July 6 from 12 to 4pm at Victoria Park in Fergus. “Well, this is a very unique event. As far as I know there has not been anything like this,” said Espina, who has invited groups from Halton
Hills and Kitchener to take part in an afternoon of non-competitive soccer and other activities. The event is open to adults, 16 years of age and over, belonging to a special needs soccer program. “In total we should have about 80 to 90 participants,” he said. “We will be having two sets of soccer games, we will have music, festival type games, food, face painting, clowns, trophies and most important, so it seems, cake for all.” While the event is free, donations will be collected to support expenses and fund future plans to build an indoor/ outdoor arena. “We hope that our community will embrace the event and will come to support the players and experience something that they have most likely not experienced before,” Espina said. He credits the sponsors for making this event possible. “We have terrific sponsors. Our number one sponsor is Trade Mark Industrial Inc. They have been very caring and giving since the beginning of the program. For the festival we also have some other sponsors including: Walmart, Jim and Maureen Farquharson (Remax), Brazilian Soccer School, Musashi, and the Quatro Group,” said Espina. “The festival will cost a significant amount of money. Whatever sponsors we can get, the better.” It’s a big undertaking, but for the athletes, it’s exciting to be in a tournament atmosphere, meeting new people and enjoying the sport of soccer. “This is all new to all of us,” said Espina. “I think that if the festival is successful, there is a good chance that it could be a yearly event.” DePass believes the growth of the SNS league is an indication the future is a positive one. “I feel that all of our soccer players enjoy themselves each week. Most of them are returning players and every year we are growing in numbers,” DePass said. That makes Espina very proud. “I think all of our assistants and I really love to see those special moments, such as when one of our players, that has never scored, scores a goal, or as simple as one of the members whose whole purpose for the year was to step on the field and does,” he said. “This is what SNS is about.” For more information visit
PAGE FOUR Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
Rural Life
Agricultural Information Contact Centre | 1-877-424-1300 |
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the Ministry of Rural Affairs (MRA). If you require further information, regarding this report, call the Elora Resource Centre at 519-846-0941. Office hours: 8:30am to 5pm. For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAF and MRA website: GET AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL INFO WITH ONE NUMBER As of June 3, 2013, connecting with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the Ministry of Rural Affairs, got easier. You can call just one number - 1-877-424-1300 or TTY 1-855696-2811 - to access provincial services and information on agriculture, food and rural Ontario. Knowledgeable staff in the Agricultural Information Contact Centre (AICC) will help you with the information or services you need. This move to a single toll-free number is part of the Ontario government’s Open for Business initiative to create faster, smarter and more streamlined government-to-business services. You can learn more about Ontario’s Open for Business initiative by click-
Grass Fed Beef & Free Range Chicken
OMAF and MRA Report ing: UNDERSTANDING AND REDUCING NOISE NUISANCE FROM STATIONARY FARM EQUIPMENT - by Hugh Fraser, Agriculture Engineer, OMAF and MRA Noise is an unwanted sound. Although rural areas are generally quiet, farmers live in a competitive world, and modern farms sometimes have to use noisy stationary equipment. Some neighbours might not like the noise they produce. Unresolved rural noise problems can result in poor neighbour relationships. Avoid problems before they start by using best management practices and common sense. For background information on noise from stationary farm equipment and some Best Management Practices to reduce possible nuisance for neighbours, visit: www. VALUE-ADDED AGRICULTURE VIRTUAL COMMUNITY ESTABLISHED The Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs, in partnership with the University of Guelph, has launched a pilot virtual community for farmers, rural entrepreneurs, students and advisors to network and learn from each other about adding value to farm businesses. A virtual community is an online social network where people who have similar interests can come together to share and learn from each other. The Exploring Value Added Opportunities (EVAO) virtual community pilot builds on the Ministry’s new ELearning modules, workshops and other training resources. It is free and easy to join. Whether you are just starting out, or have years of experience to share you can be involved as much as you like. All you need is an interest in adding value, and internet access to join us on Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter. Go to: to access the EVAO resources including workshop dates and e-learning sign up. SECURING YOUR HAY SUPPLY IN A CASH CROP WORLD by Barry Potter, Agriculture Development Advisor, OMAF and MRA, Virtual Beef, May 2013 Hay has been in short supply this past year, as the dry weather
reduced overall yield for forage crops across the province in 2012. However, a more permanent influence on hay supply in your area may very well be the high price of commodities such as corn, soybeans, cereals and canola. Hay has been a lower value crop compared to other commodities in the crop world, and beef farmers watch in frustration as cash croppers outbid them for rented land. Hay gets ploughed under in their “backyard�, leaving beef farmers to either source hay elsewhere or sell cows. For further reading, please visit: COMING EVENTS July 2- Wellington Federation of Agriculture, monthly board meeting at OMAF and MRA Elora at 7:30 p.m. For information, contact Lisa Hern at: 519-848-3774 or email: July 9- Ontario Canola Growers Association Canola Crop Tour; Time: 10:00 am; Place: Holmes Agro, Orangeville; Contact: Carrie James, 519-986-3519. July 10 - Forage Expo; 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Admission is free. Place: Dave Kuntz, Ikendale Farm, 1062 Concession 14, Carrick, RR4, Walkerton. Check the website for more information: www. July 11-13- Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Summer Tour. Location: Cornwall, Ontario. For more information, visit: July 11- FarmSmart Expo – all day event at the University of Guelph, Elora Research Station, 6182 2nd Line, Ariss (south of Elora, one block west of County Road 7). July 12- FarmSmart Expo Youth Day - 1:00 pm - University of Guelph, Elora Research Station, 6182 2nd Line, Ariss (south of Elora, one block west of County Road 7). Aug. 21- North American Manure Expo – 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., University of Guelph, Arkell Research Station – Arkell, Ontario. (tour August 20th, 2013 - North Wellington area). Contact: Christine Brown at: or www.manureexpo2013. com. Sept.10-12- Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show: Sept.17-21- International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, Perth County; website:
Forage expo comes to Bruce County on July 10
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Off to a good start - The growing season is well underway across Wellington County.
photo by Penny Lipsett
Wanted: Ontario farmers to grow hazelnuts SIMCOE - Erie Innovation and Commercialization (EIC) is looking for farmers who are interested in being part of one of Ontario’s newest crops: hazelnuts. Varieties have been identified that will grow well in Ontario’s climate and the emerging sector is now seeking farmers who are willing to start planting some of these trees. “We have an identified market potential in Ontario for hazelnuts that’s equivalent to about 10,000 hectares of trees,� says John Kelly, vice president
of EIC, an initiative of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. “Hazelnuts can be grown anywhere in Ontario that apples are, and the revenue potential for this crop is significant.� It can take four years for hazelnut trees to start bearing fruit and seven years before they hit full production. By then, however, the potential net return is estimated at $2,000 per acre. Brantford’s Ferrero Inc., which manufactures Nutella and Ferrero Rocher chocolates,
currently imports its hazelnut supply but is very interested in accessing a stable, locally grown source. Anyone interested in planting hazelnuts or learning more should contact EIC at 519-426-7913. Project funding is provided in part by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program. In Ontario, this program is delivered by the Agricultural Adaptation Council. For more information visit
Top Dollar Paid for your scrap metal in a clean Paved yard!
BRUCE COUNTY - The Ontario Forage Expo will be held in Bruce County on July 10 at Ikendale Farm (358 Concession 12, Greenock, RR4, Walkerton), west of Huron Tractor on Township Road 2. Demonstrations will begin at 10am. The event, co-sponsored by the Ontario Forage Council and Bruce County Soil and Crop Improvement Association, will present a wide array of demonstrations and activities related to the forage industry. Watch the leading equipment companies demonstrate forage machinery in side by side field trials: - listen to keynote speakers on forage related topics; - visit with forage and forage related trade show exhibitors; and - lunch will be available. There is no admission charge for the farming community. For more information contact Ray Robertson, of the Ontario Forage Council at 1-877-892-8663 or support@ontarioforagecouncil. com.
Inside Wellington can be read online in flipbook format.
•Scrap Steel & Cars •Copper, Alum, Brass
Eco-Friendly Vehicle Recycling
53 Fair Rd, Guelph (at Silvercreek Pkwy)
SATURDAYS 8am - 12noon Except Long weekends
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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013 PAGE FIVE
Rural Life
Local residents to compete in pageant
WALKERTON - The Ontario Miss Mid-West and Princess Pageant will be held at the Walkerton Community Centre on July 13. The doors open at 6:30pm and the pageant starts at 7pm. With 39 girls competing, president and CEO Barb MacArthur says the pageant is the largest in mid-western Ontario and includes contestants from Wellington, Huron, Perth, Grey and Bruce counties. The theme for this year’s
event will be “A Little Bit Country.” For the third year, the Jordan Lynn Fawcett Memorial Award will be presented to one of the Princess contestants. Jordan was the 2007-08 Ontario Little Miss Princess, who passed away Nov. 2, 2010. Emily Giberson 2012-13 Ontario Little Miss Princess will be passing on her title, assisted by 2011-2012 Ontario Miss Mid West Queen Emily Burgess, of Harriston.
During the pageant, organizers will be presenting a cheque to a member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southwestern Ontario. Wellington County residents participating in the 2013 pageant include: McKenna McGovern and Katelyn Poersch of the Mount Forest area; Shaelyn Thompson and Eden Powell of the Harriston area, and Nicole Dipucchio and Katherine Idzik of the Arthur area.
Groups unite as Ontario Bean Growers Amalgamation, new reports, fees effective on July 1 Safety day - Sixty students and their families, from Goldstone parochial school, recently attended a farm safety day organized by the Wellington County Farm and Home Safety Association at Orvie Brubacher’s farm. Farm safety board member Walter Grose did a presentation on dust masks, highlighting the importance of using them correctly. Some masks are designed for dust and other masks are designed for chemicals, Grose explained. submitted photo
Horse & Buggy Trail now open - Duck farmer Justus Martin, left, and Southgate Mayor Brian Milne sampled some of the creations by Chef Gary Gingras (background) at Holstein park on June 14 during the launch of the third season of the township’s Horse and Buggy Trail. Officials say the trail offers “a unique tour of tidy Mennonite farms, old villages and historic country stores.” submitted photo
STRATFORD - The amalgamation of the Ontario Bean Producers’ Marketing Board and the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers Association to become Ontario Bean Growers is well underway, with the announcement of a general manager and the setting of 2013 license fees. Erin Morgan (formerly Fletcher) has been hired as the general manager of Ontario Bean Growers, working from the new office at 59 Lorne Avenue East in Stratford. As of July 1 all producers of beans in the province will report production and pay license fees to the new Ontario Bean Growers organization. License fees for all beans for the 2013 production year have been set at $6.60 per tonne ($0.30 per cwt).
“We are excited for this new chapter in bean production in Ontario with the creation of this new board,” says Marinus Bakker, chair of the Ontario Bean Producers’ Marketing Board. “More information about the board of directors and the new regulations will be available to producers after July 1.” As the July 1 commencement date approaches, Morgan will be providing regular updates to producers on the Ontario Bean Growers website as details become available at http://www.ontariobeans. “Our commitment to our members as this process continues is transparency,” says Gary Fluttert, chair of the Ontario Coloured Bean
Growers Association. “Our new general manager has gone through this process of amalgamation as a manager at Grain Farmers of Ontario, and we are anticipating a productive and exciting next few months as we get the new organization up and running.” Ontario Bean Growers is a not for profit organization that represents the interests of farmers in Ontario that grow beans. Founded in 2013, the organization is an amalgamation of the Ontario Bean Producers’ Marketing Board and the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers Association. The farmer members of Ontario Bean Growers produce fifteen different types of beans on 130,000 acres annually.
OFA: Government needs to pick up pace to sustain horse racing industry by Mark Wales, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture The provincial government is going in circles when it comes to the Ontario horse racing industry. Since the announcement cancelling the Slots at Racetrack program in March 2012, we’ve seen numerous reports from the Horse Racing Industry Transition Panel, a group of former Ontario cabinet ministers tasked with working with the horse racing
industry and consulting on the sector’s transition. And now we can expect another report this month. But our industry needs less talk and more action. Premier Kathleen Wynne has reportedly requested the transition panel develop a plan that will sustain the future of horse racing in Ontario. The new plan will be aimed at: - modernizing the governance and regulation of the horse racing industry; - growing the fan base and providing more wagering
options; - providing ongoing government support; and - ensuring animal welfare. A draft plan for consultation is due this month, with a final plan to be complete by October 2013. But the Ontario horse racing industry can’t wait for another report hoping for a long-term lifeline to save this once thriving sector. We’ve seen too little and it may already be too late. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) wants
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breeding in Ontario actually dropped by 30%. The annual fall yearling sales – once an important sales opportunity for the industry – are now a discouraging affair. In 2012, prices at fall yearling sales dropped an average 42% over 2011. Ontario’s horse racing industry and everything it touches is in crisis. We don’t need another report to tell us how to make the horse racing industry work – we need action before we lose our industry.
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Ontario since the cancellation of the Slots at Racetracks program 18 months ago. A sector that once provided 60,000 jobs throughout rural Ontario now stands to lose 26,000 racing horses and the associated jobs and spin off revenue to business and rural communities. And those losses are piling up. Many Ontario breeding programs were cancelled and mare herds culled when the value of Ontario’s standardbred breeding industry dissolved overnight. Standardbred
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Premier Wynne and her government to step up and take action instead of producing reports. We need to secure the future of this important industry that supports farmers, businesses and rural communities, and returns substantial revenue and tax dollars to Queen’s Park. Every aspect of our province’s horse racing industry – from breeding farms to feed stores and veterinarians – has seen revenues slashed and thousands of jobs lost in
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PAGE SIX Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
Minto celebrates - The Clifford Classic Truck and Car show in Clifford will be part of the Canada Day fun in the Town of Minto. RIGHT: Mallory Emmerson, 11, of Palmerston, left and Christina Maxwell, 9, of Harriston show off their leopard-look face painting at the 2012 Crossroads Community Church Canada Day party in Harriston, which features fireworks. Advertiser file photos
Fireworks and classic trucks in Minto this weekend MINTO – Fireworks and classic trucks are among the attractions to be found in the Town of Minto during this Canada Day long weekend. The fourth annual Clifford Classic Truck and Car show runs June 28 to 30 at the Clifford
Rotary Park. Organizers say the event a great way to re-live the “golden years of trucking.” The show includes the largest classic and antique big rig show in Ontario throughout the weekend, with the car show portion taking place on June
29. On-site camping is available and the Rotary food booth will be open all weekend and the club hosts a pork chop barbecue on Saturday night. On July 1, the Crossroads Community Church in Harriston will host its annual
Canada Day Celebration. The family-friendly event includes fun for all ages, with affordable food, children’s activities, face painting and live entertainment. The event begins at 6pm and concludes, as usual, with fireworks at dusk.
Orton continues July 1 tradition Canada Day play - Volleyball will again be part of the fun on Canada Day in Mapleton. This year’s action will take place at ABC Park in Drayton. Advertiser file photo
Volleyball, fireworks part of Canada Day fun in Mapleton DRAYTON - Beach volleyball and fireworks are on the agenda as Canada Day will be proudly celebrated in Mapleton once again this year. Canada Day Volleyball will be held at the at the Drayton ABC Park on July 1. Registration and set up are scheduled to begin at 1:30pm,
with mixed volley ball action set to begin at 2pm. Organizers are looking for mixed teams consisting of three players. The Drayton Rotary Club will be serving hot dogs, beginning at 8pm. Fireworks will begin at dusk at the Drayton Fairgrounds.
Happy Birthday
Canada 6458 Wellington Rd. 7, Elora 519-846-5393 (Beside the Beer Store)
ORTON - Continuing a long tradition in the Erin area community, the Orton Community Association is hosting its annual Canada Day celebration and chicken barbecue. The barbecue will be at St. Johns Community Church with sittings at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30pm. Half chicken dinners are $14; quarter chicken white $12; double quarter dark $12, three and under free. To order tickets call 519855-4243. Advance orders recommended. Takeout is available. Music will be by “Intgr8”. The Canada Day Fireworks display at Orton Community Park starts at dusk. The cost for ages 12 and up is $3; ages 4 to 11, $2; and ages three and under, free. For information call 519-855-4243.
Big feast - Derrick Mehlenbacher and Jodi Virgin of Hillsburgh were in charge of cooking hundreds of pieces of chicken to feed the crowds at the annual Canada Day celebrations last year at the Orton park and church. Over 400 attended the barbecue chicken dinner over three seatings, before taking in a large fireworks display. Advertiser file photo
The evolution of Canada Day as our national holiday Formerly known as “Dominion Day,” Canada Day marks the anniversary of the Constitution Act of 1867, joining Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Canada province (now Ontario and
Quebec) into a single country. The Constitution Act granted Canada a substantial amount of independence from England, although complete independence was not given until 1982. The first official
celebration was held in 1917 to honor Canada’s 50th birthday. The government first recognized Canada Day in 1958 by holding a trooping of the color on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Canada’s centennial marked
the first widespread celebration in 1967. The holiday was finally made official by a unanimous vote on Oct. 27, 1982; the same year that the Canada Act was passed by Parliament.
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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013 PAGE SEVEN
Full schedule of July 1 events in Centre Wellington Elora events include soapbox derby, parade, races and more ELORA - Whether you call it Canada Day or Dominion Day, there is going to be a lot going on here on July 1. Various websites indicated a multitude of activities throughout the community. Events include a pancake breakfast, soapbox derby, a duck race, live entertainment at the river, parade along Metcalfe Street and more. The breakfast, starting at 7am, will be at MacDonald Square next to the post office while the soapbox derby traditionally runs along Geddes Street - from David Street to near the Elora library - from 8 to 11am. For more information on the races call 519-846-2993. Once the races are over, get set for the annual Dominion Day parade through town. Traditionally the parade starts around 11am. At noon following the parade, the Elora Legion is hosting a party on the patio. The afternoon includes a jam session,
barbecue and prizes. Members and guests are welcome. If you are looking for a bit of a run, KnECT (Knox Elora Care Team) from the local Presbyterian church is again organizing its 5/10km walk/run, which begins at 8:30am, with all proceeds to local charities. For more information visit or call 519-2402209. Billed by organizers as “Elora’s premiere running event,� the races end at Bissell Park, and will be followed by the annual Dominion Day Dashes for Kids, which kicks off at 12:15pm. In addition, a Canada Day Historical Walking Tour is also slated to begin at noon. A troupe of costumed characters will take participants back to the historic time of Confederation, beset with political and social strife as well as fun-loving personalities ready to entertain with story, song and poetic treats.
Racing fun - Elora’s own Blake Dickinson was among over a dozen participants in last year’s soapbox derby in Elora on July 1. The popular event is returning this year. Advertiser file photo / Tyke, Novice, Peewee, and Bantam Tournament is set to run all weekend from June 28 to 30 at both the Fergus and Elora arenas. For more information, contact Marlin Bauml at or 519-787-5464. Tournament details will also be posted on the Centre Wellington Minor Lacrosse website (www.cwmla. com).
For more information call 519-846-9841 or visit http:// For the sports-minded, enjoy a special Canada Day game of lacrosse as the Jr. B Elora Mohawks take on the Orangeville Northmen at the Elora Community Centre. For more information call 519-846-9841. Addditionally, the Scott Gerrie Memorial Tournament
Events at Fergus sportsplex will light up night sky on Canada Day FERGUS - Planning is well underway for a big Canada Day birthday party at the Centre Wellington Sportsplex in Fergus on July 1. This will be Canada’s 146th birthday and everyone in the community is invited to the party. The festivities get underway at 6pm and there will be a variety of activities for the whole family. Youngsters can enjoy having their face painted and taking rides in the kiddie midway. Live music will be performed on the main stage. Confirmed local acts this year
include Nick Gush and Lucas Rogerson, who will both perform individually and then join forces to lead an ensemble of local performers, culminating in the singing of O Canada and the traditional Canada Day fireworks display. Back by popular demand is the dunk tank. Online nominations are open for “dunkees�. Names will appear in an online poll which will hopefully “encourage� those who have been nominated, to agree to spend a bit of time in the dunk tank. Proceeds will help many local youths learn horsemanship through the Grand
Happy Canada Day Ted Arnott, M.P.P.
Wellington-Halton Hills
Inside Wellington
Read the “flipbook� version online at
www. wellington
the support of our local vendors, the township, entertainers and attendees, it will be another great celebration of being Canadian�, says event organizer Michael Weinstein. “Start your July 1 in Elora with all of their activities, go home for a nap and then come out to the sportsplex for a great way to wrap up Canada Day.� Admission for the celebration is a $2 per-person donation. For more information and a detailed listing of vendors and performers, check out www. or call 519787-5410.
River Pony Club. The public is encouraged to nominate their favorite local person online at or by calling 519-787-5410. Nominators will remain confidential. For fans of zumba, there will be a demonstration on the main field during the evening. A number of food vendors will be on site offering a variety of foods and snacks for purchase. Several of the booths are operated by local groups and organizations and this is a fundraising and exposure opportunity for them. “This is a great annual event put on by the township. With
le Affordab y a t s t nigh ul in beautif
Pancakes, fireworks return on July 1 by Mike Robinson ABERFOYLE - On the road or at the local community centre, the Optimist Club of Puslinch intends to help residents celebrate the Canada Day weekend in style. Club president Ken Roth noted the club will be selling fireworks from June 27 through to July 1 until noon. This year the club is also hosting its first Motorcycle Poker Ride on June 30. He quipped “anyone with a Harley Davidson is welcome to come out and register.� Roth said the new event was just another idea to help raise funds for kids in the community. A pancake breakfast runs from 9 to 10:15am as kickstands go up and the ride begins at 10:30am and continues to 2:30pm. www.
For more information and to pre-register call Michael at 519-780-2710. On Canada Day the Optimists host a pancake breakfast at the community centre from 9 to 11am “... or until we run out of pancakes ... whichever comes first.� Roth added that at dusk, there will be a fireworks display at the community centre park. Roth said there is no charge for either the breakfast or the fireworks on Canada Day. “It is the club’s way of showing their appreciation to the community for its support of the Optimist Club throughout the year,� Roth said. He added, “I hope everyone comes out to have a good time.� That said, club officials said donations to help bring out the best in kids will be gratefully accepted. www.
0RQGD\ -XO\ illage Inn 0R QGGD D\ -XO \ 0RQ \ -X O\ \ Elora 0R QG D\ -XO cwcanD\ www.QG 0R -XO \ Air Conditioning | High Speed Internet 0R QG D\ -XO \ Cable TV | Non Smoking Rooms www.cwca Complimentary Continental Breakfast nadaday.LQ & ca\ HQW UH : 0RQGD\ QJWRQ -XO HOOL 66 Wellington Road 7, Elora LQLQ & &HQWUHQW UH : HOOL QJWRQ H : HO OLQ JW RQ www.cwca 519.846.5333 | 1.888.733.3567 HQW UH : nadaday.LQ & HOOL QJWRQ UD OR ( Q 0 cD \ L(OR a Q '\ L UD OR RwP.cQ LR LQ 'D Q Q LR LQ & LQcG 'R HQW UH : w 'R UD HOOL wP D QJW d SquareRQ ( nal Q \ L cDo w \ t - Ma DrOghte y.-cratee fasSqua ' nadaQ akonald re LR X tert Bre ghkfas dantee - MacD LQaElo efi Fir\ P r Brea Rw-11a '7am lun Firefi LQ & Vo HQW w raVolu UH : UD HOOL QJW d SquareRQ w.cmwcaElora OR nal ( cDo Q St Ma L es t ddfas Ge D ak ' Bre adap vidGedd ghStter aQ LR -Fir efi St dBo esand 0 aDerb LQnSoElo r\ y. and StDa xlun PQ cDe David RR - rby yatee Vo ' ra Box UD .or dg Square res OR m GSoap nal tca St ( -11a cDo nec es Q 8am Ma dd w.k Lefiselvid Ge ww fast and see D St k.knec Dap/100kra\Qrun/BoVok run Bre Par ' lwww Da ter -Park It is our pleasure to extend gh Bis rby tcare LR alk De xlun /w r\ LQ see tee P llFir So R Bisse 5k walk ' X Elo LQ & .or 5k/1 HQW res UD UH : y tca O HOOL dg SquareRQ OR tar 0 nec QJW Ro nal St ( w.k \ am cDo es CW Q ww ddy by Lefi Geed kCWsee inate nat fast - Ma RP congratulations and good wishes Dyalk rdi ak eghlcooSt dPar ter sel vid Bre Bis Da Q -Fir Q rad rby LR /w Rotar run x ' Da LQ byand k Day r\ nDe Bo G /10 tee nio ap 5k coord mi So lun R dePa Do Vo '8:30 Para sic, D ra muare Elo inion .or live y Dom res tar ge, \ tca Ro 0 era dg Squ nec CW nal bev w.k by St to each and every one on our cDo esand ed ww mQ ddfas - Ma nat 11aR see Gedog rdi and Ekhot Par X ak lcoo c, e-gh St FRE sel Bre rad vid livetmusi Bis rk Da Pa ter rage, y Pa alk O l beve Da /w rby efi and sel n llin De dog \ run Fir G Bis x nio We r hot k at Bo mi FREE tre tee /10 Do ap nch Cen 5k Park sic,gton lun ll So of Lu D Vo mu Bisse ip at hra nsh Elo\ Lunc g Tow .orlive country’s 146th Birthday. era n,yge, tarres by: bev Rongto tca UD red eStWelli CW nec and nso Centr OR by of w.k Spo dog es ship . ed 12pm ( ww dd hot Town ion nat Q Ge E by: see tat rdi L X k sored FRE and sen coo \ Par Spon St e l rk pre on. D l sel vid Pa rad ntati l ica Bis Da ' OElorbyyalk\PatatraClub- ion Lio ns. Spo prese tor sel rical his Da Wellin /w De LR tre xnBis nio katrun nch Bo miQ ofres Lu /10 ap Do sic,gton 5k So nsh mu b Tow 'RPLQhisto Clu g Squ by: ge, .orlive yCen era red tar are bev nso tca Roip Lions nec Elora and CW d the the w.k by by nal dog d by ed ww serve cDo hot ved nat E sen see Ma ) We hope you will be able to join in k ser rdi pre FRE t der l Par coo l un fas L ica e rk sel ak tor Pa and rad QyalkPalr Fir his sel /w Da nBis for r)kidofs 12 katrun &BisefighterforBrekids(Ra12 andcesunde Centre Wellington minio /10 Lunch The
on some of the events that are planned throughout our community on July 1st and make some great memories with family and friends. Thank you organizers and volunteers!
y a d h t r i B y p p a H
Optimist Club’s inaugural motorcycle ride part of Puslinch celebrations
Come let us celebrate together Canada’s confederation, a land of promise and diversity; this place we are proud to call home! Sincerely, Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj Councillors Kelly Linton, Ward 1 Kirk McElwain, Ward 2 Mary Lloyd, Ward 3 Fred Morris, Ward 4 Walt Visser, Ward 5 Steven VanLeeuwen, Ward 6
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PAGE EIGHT Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
ENTERTAINMENT Japanese jazz musicians to play early summer concert in Eden Mills EDEN MILLS - Eden Mills Music at the Hall presents its fourth annual early summer concert featuring Sapporo City Jazz Festival Contest winners. This year Chihiro Yamazaki plays trumpet, with the Route 14 Band, a trio featuring bass, piano and drums. The artists will also be performing at the Toronto International Jazz Festival. The concert takes place at the Eden Mills Community Hall at 7:30pm on June 29. Chihiro Yamazaki plus Route 14 Band is a new-generation instrumental jazz group from Japan. They have performed across Japan, as well as internationally. Most recently, in March 2013, on tour in North America, they participated in the Canadian Music Festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Japan Nite at Clintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tavern in Toronto. Founded in 2012, the group released Yozorano Trumpet, its first CD in 2012 and will soon release a classic cover album The Nutcracker/Tchaikovsky. They have won first prize at the Sapporo Jazz Festival and the Sumida Street Jazz Festival. Chihiro Yamazaki a.k.a. Anna, plays trumpet in the
Eden Mills concert - Chihiro Yamazaki and the Route 14 Band will perform in Eden Mills on June 29. submitted photo
Beatlemania Revisited at Fergus Grand Theatre The look, sound and excitement of the Beatles live performances will be re-created at the Fergus Grand Theatre with a new, international touring show called Beatlemania Revisited on July 13 at 8pm. This unique theatrical event features a combination of talented European and North American cast members in the roles of John, Paul, George and Ringo. Leading the cast is the incomparable Ian Garcia, best known for his stunning portrayal of Paul McCartney in the London, England cast of The Beatles show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rainâ&#x20AC;?. Drummer Ringo Starr
I am not Neil Young, The Musical plays June 29
to Eden Mills. Organizers note Eden Mills enjoys the opportunity to hear these artists early in their careers in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;intimate and acoustically-excellent Community Hall.â&#x20AC;? The concert is a fundraiser for the Community Hallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Energy Retrofit. Tickets can be purchased for $25 at the door or in advance at: The Bookshelf, Quebec Street, Guelph, 519-821-3311; or from Kit Bresnahan, 519-856-1188 or
well-known Japanese band Tokyo Brass Style which boasts over 20,000 indie CD albums sold, before signing on with Universal Music Japan. Route 14 artists are Satoshi Yamashita (drums), Koji Yamamoto (bass), and Hana Takami (keyboard). Before arriving in Eden Mills, the band will have played two concerts at the Toronto International Jazz Festival â&#x20AC;&#x201C; at the Rex Jazz and Blues Bar on June 28 at 2pm, and in the Distillery District, Pure Spirits Patio at noon on June 29 before coming
BEATLEMANIA REVISITED will be played by UK native Mark Matthews, now a Canadian citizen and recent Juno
Award winner, while Canadian Bill Black performs as George Harrison, and European Colum Henry plays John Lennon to perfection. All songs in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beatlemania Revisitedâ&#x20AC;? are performed â&#x20AC;&#x153;note for noteâ&#x20AC;? by the cast members who are augmented with full costumes to capture the spirit of the Fab Four. Tickets are $27 plus taxes. Showtime is 8pm and tickets are available for pick-up at the theatre box office, 224 St. Andrew Street West, by calling 519-787-1981 or on-line at
HILLSBURG - The awardwinning show, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Am Not Neil Young, The Musicalâ&#x20AC;? is coming to Hillsburgh, for two performances only, on June 29. Written by Don Lamoureux and Frank Wilks, former singer and guitarist of Buffalo Springfield Revisited, the show is an upbeat multi-media presentation, with back-projections featuring episodes from Neil Youngâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career, plus music from Wilks and a talented group of musicians, as Wilks tells his stories of the ups anddowns of living a rock-star life in the shadow of Neil Young. Having filled the shoes of
Neil Young and Richie Furray in the band he was actually mistaken for Neil Young himself, because he sounded so much like him. Wilks ends up finding himself and dealing with issues in his life. In the second half of the show, Wilks will be performing a solo concert of Buffalo Springfield songs as well as his own songs from his 10 CDs. The show plays at 2:30pm and 8pm, at Century Church Theatre, 72 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh. Tickets are $27 and may be reserved at 519-8554586.
Soft Turns exhibit at Elora Centre for the Arts ELORA - The Minarovich Gallery of the Elora Centre for the Arts (ECFTA) features a new exhibit, running until July 14. Soft Turns Through The Windowâ&#x20AC;¨begins a series of exhibitions exploring the notion of the public and private, inside and outside, intimate and exter-
nal. Soft Turns, features Sarah Jane Gorlitz and Wojciech Olejnik, who have been working collaboratively since 2006. Their work accesses the evolving dichotomies between the foreign and the familiar. Using common materials, the artists create models which are used
in their stop-motion and video installations. Soft Turns have exhibited across Canada and internationally, including upcoming exhibitions in Sweden and Germany and the 18th International Contemporary Art Festival in Brazil. The exhibit is curated by
Tarin Iris Hughes, artistic director of the ECFTA, and is sponsored by Ed Video ArtistRun Centre and the Ontario Arts Council. Admission is free. The ECFTA is located at 75 Melville. For more information contact 519-846-9698 or
Art in the Yard hosts 11th annual Juried Outdoor Art Show ELORA - Art in the Yard is holding its 11th Annual Juried Outdoor Art Show and Sale, Saturday and Sunday, July 6 and 7, from 10am to 5pm, both days. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event promises a wonderful line-up of artists, musicians, interactive childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s area for kids of all ages, food and ice cream. Over 50 artists, working in oils, acrylics, photography, wood, ceram-
ics, encaustic and jewelry will be showcasing their artwork on the 2-acre grounds of the Elora Centre for the Arts, in the heart of the village of Elora. Indigo Riff returns again this year, bringing their jazz quartet to the yard, Saturday afternoon. The remainder of the weekend will be filled with the sounds of the Elora Acoustic Cafe members with
a full-line-up available on the Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website. The childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s area in the secret garden will be full of art supplies, including clay, acrylic paints and all the supplies needed to make a magic stick. Saturday afternoon will feature a welcome by the Townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mayor, and the awarding of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Best in Showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; award as well as the
Volunteersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Award. Art in the Yard is one of the Elora Centre for the Arts largest fundraising events, and all proceeds go towards arts programming. Admission is by donation. For more information, please contact the Elora Centre for the Arts at 519-846-9698 or visit the website at www.
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Enter in branch or online *No purchase necessary. Limit: one (1) â&#x20AC;&#x153;no purchaseâ&#x20AC;? entry during the contest period. Contest is open to residents of Canada, excluding residents in the province of Quebec, who are the age of majority in their province of residence. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries submitted during the contest period. Contest period begins on June 1, 2013 and ends on June 30, 2013. Enter online at or in person at an Instaloans branch. One (1) set of prizes for residents of Ontario and Manitoba and one (1) set of prizes for residents of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland/ Labrador and all three Territories. Prize sets contain over twenty (20) prizes to be awarded: one (1) main prize consisting of a dollar amount equivalent to the winnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s monthly net income, up to a maximum of $5,000, ten (10) second prizes of $500 each and ten (10) third prizes of $250 each. Main prize is subject to sponsorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acceptance of evidence of winnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s monthly income for the month of June, 2013. Skill testing question and release required. Complete rules are available at the web site above or in participating branches.
Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013 PAGE NINE
ENTERTAINMENT Toast of the Towns returns to Fergus as fundraiser for Alan Argue and family
Showstoppers - Diana Braithwaite and Chris Whitely at the 2012 Underground Railroad Music Festival. Organizers recently announced the festival will switch formats from an annual event to semi-annual, with the next festival now scheduled for August, 2014. Advertiser file photo
Underground Railroad Music Festival changes format to semi-annual event by Patrick Raftis DRAYTON – The Underground Railroad Music Festival won’t be held here this year, but organizer Diana Braithwaite says the festival will be back in 2014. Braithwaite, who initiated the festival in 2009, says plans are in the works to hold the event every second year, rather than annually. “The festival actually is going really well, and it’s been quite successful,” said Braithwaite. “In order to keep it a manageable event for myself at this time, it kind of works having it every two years. “It’s quite a lot of work and I want to start to get more involvement with the community as well so I’m going to be working on that and also
bringing in a few national and international acts. “There’s an old saying, ‘Don’t hang your hat where your hand can’t reach.’ I want to make sure I can reach my hat,” she quipped. Braithwaite says she is aiming to hold the 2014 festival in August and is hoping to find a date, which won’t conflict with other major August events such as the Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games and the Kitchener Blues Festival. Past festivals have proven popular, attracting crowds estimated at 400 to 600 people, said Braithwaite, who anticipates no problems with getting things rolling again for future events, “I’ve already had a ton of calls about it, and promo-
tional opportunities have come in as well,” she notes. “So I know that when we’re back in 2014 that it’s going to be well received.” The 2014 festival will be the fifth since it was initiated by Braithwaite, a Toronto-based musician and a descendant of the original black settlers of the Queen’s Bush area. The first two festivals were held in Glen Allan, which was considered a main terminus of the Underground Railroad, the term for a series of safe houses and individuals who helped black slaves reach Canada from the United States in the early 1800s. The event was moved to Drayton’s Centennial Park in 2011 to take advantage of parking and other facilities.
FERGUS - Toast of the Towns is returning to the Fergus Grand Theatre and this time it is in support of concert founder Alan Argue and family. This time the event is being put on by family and friends of Argue, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Proceeds from the event will help offset the costs of treatment, travel and other expenses the family have had to incur over recent months. The event will be held on July 5 at 7pm and will feature familiar local performers including Paul Hock, Megan Thoms, Adam J. Shaw, Andrew Robillard, Bill Beattie, Donna Pritchard, Deb Deckert and many more. Audience members will also have the opportunity to participate in a silent auction where pieces of Argue’s art work will be featured as well as donations from area merchants. Argue lived in Centre Wellington for more than 30 years before recently moving to Alberta to live with his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. He was, and continues to be, a strong supporter of local arts and culture. With a talent for both music and painting, he was a regular participant in local art exhibitions and performances. He was also the coordinator for the Fergus Grand Theatre for several years and the director of popular performances such as Snow, Bah-Humbug and many
Concerts return to Riverside Park GUELPH - The Guelph Concert Band will hold its popular Summer Concerts in the Park series again this summer at the Riverside Park Bandstand. Sunday evening performances will take place July 14, 21 and 28, beginning at 7pm. Admission is by donation, with a suggested amount of $2 per person. Lawn chairs or blankets are recommended. For more information visit
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others. He served as a member of the Fergus Lions Club and more recently the Ariss Lions Club. Community has always been an important part of Argue’s life and those hosting the event want to bring the community together in his honour. To purchase tickets to Toast of the Towns, contact the Fergus Grand Theatre at www. or call 519-787-1981. Tickets are $20
for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Those who cannot make the event, but wish to make a personal donation to the cause can do so at the Fergus TD Bank under the account Alan Argue – Trust 0077-6394972. If you wish to make inquiries or help with other areas of Alan’s care or have questions please contact Larry Wainwright at 519-843 4516 or email
PAGE TEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
Play ball - A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Funâ&#x20AC;? Raiser Baseball Tournament, held on June 1, was a family and community day that raised funds in support of the Groves Hospital Foundation. Proceeds from the event totalled $2,411, which will support the hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obstetrical department in its goal to purchase a Giraffe baby warmer. submitted photo
On point - John Black Grade 8 student Thomas Cook looks for a teammate to hand the ball out to during a rugby game against a team from St. Theresa. photo by Kris Svela
Rugby club program teaches students the rules and regulations of the game
Provincial champs - The Centre Wellington Mohawks U-17 Field Lacrosse team recently took home the gold medal at the West Ontario B Division championships held in St.Catharines. submitted photo
Field lacrosse team wins provincial gold CENTRE WELLINGTON - The U-17 Centre Wellington (CW) Mohawks Field Lacrosse team finished the regular season in first place in the West Ontario B Division with a record of five wins and one loss. The team then entered the provincial qualifier weekend as a top contender for B Division. The first team it met was St. Catharines under the lights at Wilfrid Laurier University. Both teams played outstanding defence with solid netminding as the game ended in a 5-5 tie. The next team they faced
was Oakville and the Mohawks finished with a solid 13-7 win. The Mohawks then focused their attention on their rivals Guelph and managed to double up on them with a 10-5 win. The final game of the qualifiers was versus Orangeville, a team known to produce excellent field lacrosse players and a very competitive centre. The Mohawks played a near perfect game, with a 9-1 win. The Mohawks ended the qualifiers with a solid three wins and one tie record, putting them in first place representing the west division and qualifying for the provincial champi-
onship. The Mohawks started where they finished off qualifiers with a 17-7 win over Innisfil in their first game of the provincials. Once again the Mohawks faced Orangeville and put forth a strong 14-3 win. The last game of the round robin play saw the Mohawks face Whitby, but they only managed to score seven goals to Whitbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10. Once the calculations were performed to determine the semi-final teams, the Mohawks ended up in first place in their pool. The semi-final was against a Mississauga team. CW learned from their loss to Whitby that they needed to pull together as a team if they wanted to end up as provincial champs. The Mohawks were up to the task and won their game 10-5, which put them into the championship game against Orangeville. The Mohawks had the confidence needed to put together a strong game against Orangeville and did not take them lightly. CW came out fast and tenacious. The Mohawks defence and goaltender kept Orangeville to minimal opportunities while the Mohawks offence shared the scoring amongst the team. The game was called after three-quarters due to a lightning storm. The Mohawks were declared the champions with a 8-3 score after the third quarter. The team ends the season with a record of 12 wins, two losses and one tie, and a total of 164 goals and 86 goals against.
by Kris Svela FERGUS - It was a test run for students from several area schools on the rules and regulations of playing rugby - a sport they will seek out when they move on to high school. Of the eight teams taking part in the rugby training at Victoria Park on June 13, two were from John Black Public School in Fergus, three from St. Joseph Catholic School in Fergus, two from Egremont Community School in Holstein, and one from St. Theresa Catholic School in Elmira. Over 100 students participated in the second annual elementary school rugby day hosted by the Fergus Highland Rugby Club. John Black principal Bruce Davies dropped by to watch his students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They (club representatives) have been coming to our school for about two weeks to train the students because rugby can have high injuries. My concerns were resolved when I saw the training they were getting,â&#x20AC;? Davies said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to give the
kids an opportunity to choose which sport they like.â&#x20AC;? Davies, who has been a principal at John Black for almost seven years, added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In high school, myself, we were forced to play rugby without the training.â&#x20AC;? For the training session, the game was played similar to flag football, without the body contact for which rugby is known. Highland Rugby Club vice president Juli Brattan said the aim of the program is teach rugby skills and regulations to student who might consider playing when they attend high school. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The elementary school flag rugby day is about having fun and learning to play rugby,â&#x20AC;? Brattan said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since there are no other programs in the area like this, we intend to offer the event again next year and continue to grow the number of teams involved.â&#x20AC;? The Fergus club has been establish for over 20 years. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our flag rugby programs are the fastest growing programs in our club,â&#x20AC;? Brattan
said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have established ourselves as a family-oriented club where you can bring all your kids to training on the same night, at the same time, and enjoy the family atmosphere on the pitch.â&#x20AC;? Brattan added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We accommodate all age groups in our club from U-6 to senior men and women. Our U-18 womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team has won the provincial championship for the last two years and continues to get stronger. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have over 10 players who play in the provincial rugby program and we have three senior women who are currently playing with Team Canada.â&#x20AC;? Teams paid about $100 each to participate in the club program for students, Davies said. The day started with a skills session where the students learned basic rugby skills like pass-catch, evasive running, defence and kicking. In the afternoon games were set up with two 15-minute halves. For more information on the local rugby club visit www.
Heritage days - The Fergus-Elora and District Soccer United U-9 Boys represented Centre Wellington in the Heritage Days Soccer Tournament in Ancaster June 15 to 16. submitted photo
InsideWellington Wellington- -Second SecondSection SectionofofThe TheWellington WellingtonAdvertiser, Advertiser,Friday, Friday,June May28, 6, 2011 Inside 2013 PAGE PAGE FIFTEEN ELEVEN
Sat. Jul. 13
Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $10. Dance to Tri Country Classic Country. *** Guelph Horticultural Society Annual Flower Show “Summer’s Glory” Old Quebec Street Mall, Guelph. Noon- 4pm. 37 classes of horticulture including roses, lilies, and other perennials and annuals. Six designs with “Wedding Fever” as the theme. Come out and see “Summer’s Glory” in flowers. *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners are holding a series of summer talks, called Garden Gab Sessions, at the Guelph Enabling Garden in Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich Street North, 10amnoon. For information email
tues. Jul. 16
Cancer Support Group, Upper Grand, 753 Tower, St., S. Fergus. Every 3rd Tuesday of each month, 10am-12noon. Lunch Out -1st Wednesday of each month. Wheel chair accessible. Please contact Judy D. 519-843-3947 Ext: 100 or Joyce B. 519-843-3213.
Sat. Jul. 20
Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $10. Dance to Country Troubadours. *** Elora Festival - Jorge Miguel Flamenco Ensemble. Traditional and contemporary Flamenco through music, song and dance. 7:30pm, Gambrel Barn, $40+HST, eyeGo & uGo available. 519846-0331.
Sun. Jul. 21
The Mount Carmel Cemetery Memorial Service. 2:30pm on the grounds. If inclement weather prevails, the Memorial Service will be held at St. John’s United Church, Belwood.
Mon. Jul. 22
Until July 26- Everton Community Church “Babylon” Vacation Bible School. 9am-12pm. Children aged 4-11 yrs welcome. Call Beryl at 519-856-9603 to register. *** Until July 26 -Vacation Bible School at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Clifford. The theme is “Go Tell It On The Mountain”. 9am-12pm. Stories, singing, worksheets, crafts, water balloons, play, and snacks. Come and bring a friend, you will have lots of fun.
Fri. Jul 26
Ladies Coffee Hour in Rockwood, last Friday of the month, 9:3011:30am. Everyone welcome. St. John’s Anglican Church, 112 Guelph St. For more info. call 519-856-9211. *** Alma Optimist Beef BBQ. 5-7pm Alma Community Centre. $12.
tues. Jul. 30
CW Probus Meeting. Speaker Paul Holyoke, Wellington Social Justice Group Action. “Another side of Wellington.” Facilitator: Barb Lynden. 10am. Aboyne Hall at Wellington County Museum. Retired seniors welcome. Steve Bell & Trio. This two-time JUNO Award-winner delights with his mastery of guitar and voice. Elora Festival. 7:30pm, Gambrel Barn, $40+HST. eyeGo & uGo. 519-846-0331.
Thurs. Aug. 8
Arthur Agricultural Society meeting. 7:30pm. Upstairs hall, Arthur Community Centre. All Welcome.
fri. Aug. 9
Guelph Optimist Club Roast Beef Dinner. Serving 5-7pm. All you can eat! 89 Beechwood Ave., Guelph. Includes Pie, Cake, Tea, Coffee. Adults $13, Under 8 $5. Tickets at the door. 519822-9581. *** Until August 11- 68th Annual Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games. Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Ave. E., Fergus. Box Office: 519-787-0099 or 1-866871-9442.
Here’s How it Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Sat. Aug. 10
Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $10. Dance to The Country Versatiles. *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners are holding a series of summer talks, called Garden Gab Sessions, at the Guelph Enabling Garden in Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich Street North, 10amnoon. Information email *** Living Well & Wise Show Health & Wellness Event. Royal Canadian Legion #229, 110 Metcalfe Street, Elora. 10am-6pm. Alternative health & energy treatments. Angel guidance, psychics & mediums. Herbal remedies, holistic, nutrition and more. $5 admission. Kids under 12 free. Proceeds to local charity.
Sat. Aug. 17
Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $10. Dance to Tri Country Classic Country. Cancer Support Group, Upper Grand, 753 Tower, St., S. Fergus. Every 3rd Tuesday of each month, 10am-12noon. Lunch Out -1st Wednesday of each month. Wheel chair accessible. Please contact Judy D. 519-843-3947 Ext: 100 or Joyce B. 519-843-3213.
Sat. Aug. 24
Country Dance at the Elora Legion featuring Swan Creek. Starts at 8pm. Cost $10 per person, lunch provided. Call 519-846-9611. *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners are holding a series of summer talks, called Garden Gab Sessions, at the Guelph Enabling Garden in Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich Street N., 10am-noon. Information email
Tues. Aug. 27
CW Probus Meeting. Speaker Prof. Laura Middleton, U of Waterloo. “Working the body to benefit the brain”. Facilitator: George Collin. 10am Aboyne Hall at Wellington County Museum. Retired seniors welcome. *** Maryborough Horticultural Society Fall Flower Show and General Meeting. 7:30pm. Moorefield Optimist Hall. Entries to be placed by 6:30pm. Speaker: Sandra Duncan. Topic: Horticulture ‘Hits and Misses’. Info. 519-291-1458.
Firefighters breakfast - Harriston firefighters held their annual community breakfast on June 1. With the fire hall under renovation, the event was moved to the Harriston-Minto Community Centre. The venue change clearly didn’t dampen anyone’s appetite for pancakes and sausage, as the firefighters, including Pete Scheeringa, right, served over 500 breakfasts. photo by Patrick Raftis
Sun. Aug. 4
McKee Cemetery Memorial Service. 2pm. Speaker: Doug Sargent. In case of rain, service will be held in St. John’s United Church, Belwood. Please bring lawn chairs. *** Show Tunes. A medley of songs from the music-theatre repertoire showcasing our own Elora Festival singers. 3:00pm, Gambrel Barn, $40 +HST. eyeGo & uGo. 519-846-0331.
tues. Aug. 20
Sat. Jul. 27
Country Dance at the Elora Legion featuring Marion’s Country Band. Starts at 8pm. Cost $10 per person, lunch provided. Call 519-846-9611. *** Marsville Lions Community Breakfast. $5 per plate. Marsville Community Centre. Last Saturday of every month. 7:30-10:30am. Sausage, eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, juice, tea, coffee. *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners summer talks, “Garden Gab Sessions”, at the Guelph Enabling Garden in Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich St., N. 10am-noon. *** Steven Page. Former Barenaked Ladies star brings blend of power-pop, disco, jazz, and folk to the stage! 7:30pm, Gambrel Barn, $45+HST. eyeGo & uGo available. 519-846-0331.
Fri. Aug. 2
Sat. Aug. 3
Until August 4 - ANTIQUE & FJORD HORSES Fundraiser for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Sat.10am–5pm, Sun. 12–5pm with a CFGB 30th Anniversary Celebration Service at 3pm with supper to follow. Bring lawn chairs & cameras. Beautiful horses, antique John Deere tractors, classic cars, antique buggies, wagons, plows, gas signs & stationary engines. Live music, food. Donations (cash or cheque) to CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK. 102081 Con 6, West Grey, at the farm RR2 Ayton. For more info: 519-665-2303. *** Circle the Sea. Cruise around the world with flute, violin, and cello trio, Sonic Escape! 3pm, St. John’s Church, $35+HST. eyeGo & uGo. 519-846-0331.
FROM PAGE TWO tea, coffee. Adults $13, Under 8 $5. Tickets at the door. 519822-9581. *** Cold Plate luncheon, Knox Presbyterian Church, Palmerston. 11:30am-1pm. $13-adults. Under 12 Years $6. For tickets call 343-3428 or 343-3805.
Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You don’t need to hide behind a mask, Aries. Let your true feelings be shown and you will gain more respect for having done so. If you meet resistance, try again. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Don’t worry about a missed opportunity this week, Taurus. You will get a second chance and make the most of that well-deserved opportunity. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you will need to find ways to sure up a plan of action before you can start to move forward. You may want to seek advice from Pisces. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, keep trying even if you feel as though your efforts are getting you nowhere. Eventually you will make a breakthrough, and all that hard work will pay off. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, take care of a few things early in the week and then enjoy some much-needed and well-deserved rest and relaxation. Put travel at the top of your to-do list. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may experience a scare, but it will be short-lived and you will recover quickly. The rest of the week may prove uneventful, but do your best to stay busy. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you may be second-guessing an earlier decision that you now find isn’t working out exactly as you had hoped. It is not too late to take a different path. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, spend some quality time
INSIDE WELLINGTON Second Section June 28, 2013
For the events calendar, please send 20-25 words, 4wks prior to the event date to:
Toast of the Towns fundraiser returns to Fergus on July 5
the Seco nd Secti on of the well ingto n
Send your arts, entertainment and sports to:
at home if you have been away for awhile. Time spent with your loved ones will reinvigorate you and put some hop back in your step. SAGITTARIUS -Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, step out of the shadows for a bit this week to get the praise and recognition you deserve. There’s no shame in accepting the gratitude of others. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your focus on the future may be making it difficult for you to see what is right in front of you. Take stock of your immediate future and you’ll be glad you did. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, expect to tackle many things on your to-do list this week. While you are feeling motivated, keep going. You may accomplish a lot more. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, sometimes you will have to make sacrifices, and this week you may find yourself putting others first. You thrive at being selfless.
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Special Needs Socce r: Sportsmanship at its best
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For the First week of July
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PAGE TWELVE Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, June 28, 2013
You are eligible for subsidized housing if: are at least 16 years old and able þ You to live independently household members are legal þ All residents of Canada removal order has become þ No enforceable under the Immigration
Of course you can still use the original book return at the main doors or bring your materials into the library, where staff is always happy to assist during your library visit. The Marden Branch is located at 7368 Wellington Road 30, RR#5 Guelph. Make your Opinion Count We want to hear from you! This is your chance to let us know how we are doing with our services and collections. The survey is available at www.wellington. ca/Library, and in a paper format at all locations. Choose the short, medium, or long version. Contact your local branch for more information.
member of the household owes þ No money to any social housing provider
Business Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (Summer hours May 21 - September 3)
Why does SWS want recyclables only placed in a blue box?
of Wellin ty
on gt
T: 519.837.5492 X 4060 TOLL FREE 1.800.663.0750 E: wghsinfo@wellington. ca
Beaches are “posted” when levels of E. coli exceed Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines on two consecutive samples. Postings recommend that people avoid swimming or swim at their own risk.
County of Wellington Housing Services 138 Wyndham Street N. Guelph N1H 4E8
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Inspectors check the water at each public beach in Wellington County. At the beginning of the swimming season, health inspectors investigate and complete a survey on the conditions at each beach and the quality of the bathing water. During the summer, weekly water samples are taken and tested for E. coli bacteria.
IMPORTANT! Please make sure you include certified copies of proof of age and status in Canada documents with your signed application form.
Wellington County has many fantastic beaches to enjoy!
For more information on posted beaches in Wellington County, please visit:
and Refugee Protection Act
No member of the household has been convicted of an offence in relation to geared-to income housing assistance or found by a court of law or the Landlord and Tenant Board to have misrepresented their income for the purpose of receiving geared-toincome housing assistance
Posted beaches in Wellington County
Wellington County Council and staff wish Connie all the best in her retirement.
The convenience of a drive-up book drop has come to Wellington County Library! At the Marden Branch you can now return library items without having to leave your vehicle. The new book bin is located on the east side of the library building, providing easy access to the covered slot when returning library items.
On June 30, Connie Halls, a long serving employee at Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home will be retiring after over 28 years of service.
Drive-up book return at Marden Library
Cou n
Long Service Employee Retirement
Municipal style blue box is a requirement for curbside collection of recyclables. Why? Efficiency • Visual consistency for drivers throughout routes with no question of resident’s intention • Lip allows consistent handling by collector • Cardboard boxes often fall apart when picked up, especially if they become wet Health and Safety • Nothing can poke through the rigid municipal style box • Bottom holes permit rain and snow to drain, and allow washing to prevent attraction of insects • Specific size limits likelihood of exceeding allowable weight (40 lb or 18.2 kg)
FEEDBACK - HOW ARE WE DOING? Do you have an idea for an upcoming issue? Andrea Ravensdale, Communications Manager 519.837.2600 x 2320* or *ALL CALLS CAN BE MADE TOLL FREE TO 1.800.663.0750