Inside Wellington September 6, 2013

Page 1


Second Section September 6, 2013

Barb McKay: Volunteering a lifestyle and a team effort

EVENTS RURAL LIFE Fergus fall fair COUNTY PAGE SPORTS Harriston FALL FAIR Welcome Home

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Century Theatre Guild set for new season

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PAGE TWO Inside Wellington - Second Section of the Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

Guelph Optimist Club

Roast Beef Dinner

Friday, September 13th, Serving 5-7pm All You Can Eat

89 Beechwood Ave., Guelph Includes Pie, Cake, Tea or Coffee. Adults $15, Under 8 $5. Tickets at the door. 519-822-9581

Fri. Sept 6

Arthur Fall Fair. Enter exhibits 9am - noon. 7pm Fair parade, downtown Arthur. Buildings open 7-10pm, Arthur Community Centre. *** 7:30pm. Melville United Church, St. Andrew/Tower St., Fergus. Concert by Brad Halls, “Marvellous Music from the Movies”. $12/adults, children/free. Tickets at door or call 519-787-0570, 843-3274, 843-1781. *** Sept. 6 & 7: Aberfoyle Fall Fair. Theme “Field to Feast” at the Puslinch Community Centre, Brock Road, Aberfoyle. Friday 9am-5pm exhibitors submit entries. Judging at 5pm. Gates open 7pm. Vintage tractor pull, children’s entertainment. Saturday gates open 9am. Exhibitors hall open, games at the ball diamond, vendors and market tent. Midway, pet show, Birds of Prey, the Balloon Man etc. Pick up Entry Tags at Puslinch Library. *** Fish Fry Dinner and Super, 50/50 Draw, Harriston Legion Br. 296. 5-7pm. Tickets $13, Children 12 and under $6. Children 5 and under free. Take out available. Call 519-338-2843.

Here’s your opportunity to save lives. Here’s your opportunity Melville United Church, Fergus

to saveDOOR lives. CELEBRATION OPEN September 6th – 8th, 2013

Brad Halls concert, Friday 7:30pm. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Lunch supporting S.H.A.R.E. . Melville sponsored FREE community swim: CW Sportsplex, Sun. Sept. 8th, 1 - 2 pm

Here’s your opportunity to save lives.


FERGUS Community Blood Donor Clinic Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus Tues. Sept. 17th, 2pm - 8pm

ELORA Community Blood Donor Clinic 60 David Street, West, Elora Wednesday October 2nd, 3:00pm - 7:00pm

Sat. Sept 7

Call 1 888 2 DONATE Call 1 888 2 DONATE

for more information or to book an appointment. for more information or to book an appointment.

When shopping for

Call 1 888 2 DONATE

for more information or to book an appointment.

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MCC’s school kit campaign

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Drop off at the shop anytime

Arthur Fall Fair opens at 8:30am. Sport pony show. 4-H calf show. Buildings open 10am. Chili cook off, 6pm. Admission by donation. *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners are holding a series of summer talks, Garden Gab Sessions. Guelph Enabling Garden Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich St. N., 10am-noon. *** Puslinch Country Squires dance at the Puslinch Community Centre. 8pm- midnight. Advance tickets $10, at the door $12. Call Florence for Tickets 519-763-9782. *** Drive a Ford Event - Foodland, Elmira, 9am - 4pm. Come out and test drive a car (one test drive per household). Ford will donate $20 to Woolwich Lions for each test drive up to $6,000. Classic Car Show & Shine. 10am-3pm. $5 entry fee. Dashboard plaque for the first 50 cars. Barbecue, children’s games, prizes. Car registration call Sandy 519-638-2523. *** Sept. 7 and 8, 13 and 14 - Holstein Drama Group presents the 20th anniversary production of He Won’t Come in From the Barn Sept. 7 dinner theatre 5:30pm $20 per person. Sept. 8 Matinee 2pm $12 per person. Sept. 13 and 14, 7pm $12 per person. 10 and under free. More info: 519-334-3490. *** Join in a Walking Tour of downtown Drayton, hosted by the Mapleton Historical Society and Wellington County Historical Society, 1:30pm. Starting at the fire hall, Main Street West. Everyone welcome. *** Fergus Legion Branch 275. Jam Session. 2-5pm. For more info. call the legion 519-843-2345. Everyone welcome.

Sun. Sept 8


Arthur Fall Fair, Buildings open 12-4:30pm. Exhibits removed 5-6pm. *** Corn Roast: Support the Share Agricultural Scholarship Fund to help teens in Belize, Central America attend high school. Bring lawn chairs and swim suits. 3-7pm. Raefield Farm, 4231 Wellington Road 27, Rockwood. 519-856-9953. *** Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Elora Community Theatre. 7pm at the Heritage River, Elora, lower level. Refreshments, entertainment and awards. All welcome. For info. call 519-4966481. *** Barbecue / Corn Roast. 10:30am Service. To welcome new youth pastor. Mount Forest Pentecostal Church. *** 2nd Annual Belwood Lake Classic Car Show. 12-4pm. Belwood Ball Diamond., Smith St., Belwood. Open to all “cool” rides. Free admission.

59 Church St. W., Elmira 519-669-8475 Benefitting the work of Mennonite Central Committee Hours: Mon-Wed 9:30-5 | Thurs 9:30-8 | Fri 9:30-5 | Sat 9:30-4


MON. Sept 9

The Guelph Needlecraft Guild Class Selection and General Meeting. 7:30-9:30pm. Kortright Presbyterian Church, 55 Devere Dr, Guelph., Contact: Sandy Schoen, 519-767-0017. This meeting is free to all. *** G & W Breast Cancer Support Group monthly meeting. 7:30pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Guelph. For info. please call, 519-824-2928.

Sunday at 1pm September 8, 2013 Admission $45 – includes all games (extra strips available)

Tues. Sept 10

Royal City Quilters Guild meeting program and registration will take place. Guest fee is $5. Three Willows United Church, 577 Willow Rd., Guelph. Doors open at 6:45pm program starts at 7pm. For more information call 519-821-7891. *** Guelph Twp. Youth Horticultural club, Marden Community Center, 7pm. Make a Stained Glass flower design using pressed flowers, and create a cover page for the society 2014 yearbook

$15 redeemable slot play coupon provided to each bingo player

“Proceeds to local Community projects” Held at Grand River Raceway

7445 Wellington County Rd. 21, Elora Held under lottery license #M713235. FERGUS ELORA ROTARY FOUNDATION Staffed by: Centre Wellington Rotary Club and Fergus Elora Rotary Club


Second Section of:








Section 6, 2013

Barb mcK


Volunteeri ng a lifes tyle and a team effort


ENTERTAI ARTS & NmENT Century Th eatre guild set for ne w season

using drawings, photos, etc. Leader 519-836-9535.

Wed. Sept 11

Storytelling at the Library with the Guelph Guild. 7-8:30pm. Guelph Public Library, Main Branch (downtown) 100 Norfolk at Paisley. 519-824-6220. Free. Join us for an evening of traditional and modern tales. We have a short open mic time. Please call first if you have a longer story so we can plan the evening. We welcome tellers with all levels of experience. *** Rockwood & District Lioness Euchre, Rockmosa Community Centre, Rockwood. 7pm. $5 a person. Lunch and prizes. *** Get Hired! Job Fair. 1:30-4:30pm. Italian Canadian Club (135 Ferguson St., Guelph). For information about attending the Job Fair, contact Guelph Lutherwood at 519-822-4141. *** Grand Quilt Guild Meeting - Guest Speaker is Brenda Miller. Doors open at 7pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, Fergus Branch, 500 Blair St., Fergus. *** Euchre. Harriston Legion Br. 296, Harriston. 8pm. Light lunch provided. $5 per person. Bring a Partner. For more info. call 519-338-2843. *** Fergus Lions TV Bingo Starts at 7pm on TV Cogeco Cable 14. *** Harvest Tea to support families in Africa. 2-5pm in the Butterfly Garden of St. James Church, 171 Queen Street E., Fergus. Tickets $8 by calling 519-843-2141 or 519-843-1846.

Thurs. Sept 12

Arthur Agricultural Society meeting. 7:30pm. Upstairs hall, Arthur Community Centre. All welcome. *** Until Sept. 15 - Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. A Comedic Twist on Hamlet, University of Guelph, George Luscombe Theatre (off William Winegard Walk and Johnson Green). Sept 12 and 13 at 8pm, Sept. 14 and 15 at 1pm and 8 pm. Tickets Adults $15, Students $10. On sale mid University Centre University of Guelph. Also on sale at the door 30 min before performance. 519-836-8498. *** Ladies’ Bible Studies begin at Central Pentecostal Church 7674 Colborne St., between Elora and Fergus. Registration 9:30–10:30. Introductory classes from 10:30-11:30. Seven courses being offered, all women very welcome. Childcare for babies and preschoolers at minimal cost. For more information call the church office 519-846-0272.

FRI. Sept 13

154th Harriston-Minto Fall Fair with dog demo team, junior calf show, lawn mower races, exhibits and midway. *** September 13, 14 and 15, 177th annual Fergus Fall Fair, Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex. Tractor, truck pulls, demo derby, midway, agriculture, entertainment and more. *** Until Sept. 22 - Century Church Theatre (72 Trafalgar Rd, Hillsburgh) presents Same Time Next Year, a romantic comedy by Bernard Slade. A Century Theatre Guild production starring Deb Huggins and Keith Assoun. Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm. Sundays at 2:30pm. Box office 519-855-4586.

Sat. Sept 14

Trunk Sale at Three Willows United Church 8am-noon, Rain or shine. For info. call Pauline 519-823-9948. *** 154th Harriston-Minto Fall Fair hosts Light Horse Show, Ag. Awareness, parade, horseshoe tournament and much more. *** Opening ceremonies for the New Arthur Community Trail, 11am. Arthur Lions Park, Hwy. 6 N, Arthur. All welcome. 519-8205913. *** Swingin, Fiddles, Scott Woods Concert. 8pm. Knox Presbyterian Church, Guelph. Info. and tickets: Church 519 821-0141. *** Family Fun Fest. Free barbecue, games, inflatable’s, Pony rides, etc. 11-3pm. Mount Forest Pentecostal Church. 259 Fergus St. S.

SUN. Sept 15

154th Harriston-Minto Fall Fair serves farmer’s breakfast, classic vehicle and motorcycle shows, demo derby and much more. *** Rockwood TFR, Start time 12-2pm from Waterside Park Pavillion for more info. *** Knox Holstein Presbyterian Church is celebrating their 150th Anniversary. 11am, Guest speaker is the B. Gen. (R) Dr. David Kettle. *** The Bond Tract - Where Stewardship was born. The walk will take place at the Bond Tract at the corner of Crief Road and Continued on page 15

Send your arts, entertainment and sports to:

To advertise in Inside Wellington: For the events calendar, please send 20-25 words, 4wks prior to the event date to:

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE THREE

Barb McKay: Volunteering a lifestyle and a team effort by Patrick Raftis

MORRISTON - Why volunteer? Ask Barb McKay. “It’s fun. It’s rewarding. You get so much more out of volunteering than you ever give,” she states. And that’s just for starters. Volunteers also enhance their communities, provide help to those who need it most and get to be part of the enriching team atmosphere that pervades most volunteer endeavours. McKay should know. The outgoing former Puslinch Township councillor, who runs a small beef and sheep farm on the edge of Morriston with her husband Don, a current county councillor and also an active community volunteer, has a lengthy history of altruistic activity with a wide variety of organizations. Originally from Dundas, McKay “got a feel for Wellington County and Guelph,” while pursuing an undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology at the University of Guelph. Later she attended the University of Toronto obtaining her Masters degree in social work. At the same time, Don, a professional meteorologist whom she married in 1970, was obtaining his PHD at U of T. McKay had been a child and youth worker before obtaining her Masters, then worked briefly at St. Joseph’s Health Centre after graduation. She later joined the staff of Canada House, in Hamilton where she worked with emotionally disturbed adolescent boys and their families for 27 years. “We had a bit of an ‘outward bound’ program,” notes McKay. “We did a lot of canoe trips, hiking and camping trips with the kids - that was part of our philosophy. A lot of the kids came back years later and said

‘that was the best thing,’” she recalls. McKay’s social work career served as a springboard into one of her most enduring volunteer commitments. In 1987, she became involved with GuelphWellington Women in Crisis (GWWC) and was a part of the expansion of the agency’s Rural Women’s Support Program (now known as the Shelter Program) into Puslinch. The volunteers’ role involved educating the community about the need for help with women who are experiencing domestic violence, McKay explained. They also provided support for women through the program by being “phone friends,” and accompanying them to court or other appointments. “Basically helping people is social work, so I felt I had some skills that I could help them on a volunteer basis. My social work skills in terms of empathy and listening and problem solving were helpful in that volunteer role.” McKay feels her social work skills helped her to deal with the potentially-stressful experience of dealing with victims of violence. “You have to keep a level mind,” she notes. Talking to local groups to attract donations to the program was another part of the volunteers’ role in the support program. It’s something that became a theme for McKay with various groups. “I enjoy meeting people and I enjoy helping agencies progress by getting funds. “And unfortunately, in today’s environment, all agencies need to do their own fundraising ... for anything beyond the basic services,” she explained.

Volunteering couple - Both Barb and Don McKay have given years of political and volunteer service in Puslinch Township and beyond.

Efforts recognized - Barb McKay, centre, was named volunteer of the year for Puslinch Township in a ceremony organized by Wellington County council in April. Making the presentation, from left, were: councillor Lou Maieron, husband and councillor Don McKay, Puslinch Mayor Dennis Lever and county Warden Chris White. Advertiser file photo COVER PHOTO - Barb McKay on her farm just south of Morriston in Puslinch Township.

“And I enjoy going to fundraisers. Don and I go to a lot of charity events.” McKay believes programs like those offered through the GWWC, while needed everywhere, are particularly vital outside urban areas. “Domestic violence in rural environments is much more complicated for the client. There’s much more isolation, much more difficulty in getting to appointments,” she said, adding that part of the fundraising was to allow the agency to provide clients with rides to appointments. McKay worked as a support program volunteer for about nine years, before taking a break, but continued to be involved with the agency through attending fundraising events. “In every volunteer position that I’ve had, there’s a time when you need to step back,” she noted. Her hiatus from the group was short-lived, as about six years ago, “at a different age and stage” in her life, she took advantage of an opportunity be become a member of GWWC board of directors, where one of her roles became, of course, fundraising for a cause she feels is extremely important. “Unfortunately domestic violence is something that’s very present in all communities in all social/economic groups, in all cultures and there’s a real need for all oppressed women and children to have some support. The hope is to stop the cycle of violence in communities.” McKay was a Puslinch Township councillor for nine years and a Wellington County councillor for four. While on Puslinch council, she became a part of the community’s original Community Oriented Policing (COP) committee. In some ways, the COP appointment was a natural extension of both her political role and her volunteer experience. “It basically covered a lot of issues. Certainly domestic violence was one, but in this community they were certainly concerned about traffic, [Highway 6] in particular.” McKay said the COP committee provides an important link between citizens, police and politicians. “People could bring issues

that they had to this committee and the committee could advocate on issues in the community.” She also volunteered with the local Special Olympics committee for five years, helping athletes with special needs achieve their goals and has participated in two Habitat for Humanity projects – one women’s build and one to build an accessible house. For over 10 years, ending in 2012, McKay was part of the Friends of Mill Creek, another initiative that involved council, as well as a group of “unlikely” collaborators,

mental engineering.” While much of her volunteer work has been locallybased, McKay also pitches in on a global basis. “To anyone who every has a chance to be an international volunteer, they should do it. It’s life changing in lot of ways to go to a developing country and help out.” McKay has made seven trips with various organizations to Central and South American locations. She says her work with Medical Ministry International has been among the most rewarding.

“Volunteering is not an

individual thing. It’s a team effort. It’s a beautiful thing.” - Barb McKay of Puslinch.

including representatives of the gravel and water industries, the local community, politicians, environmental advocates, the Ministry of Environment and the University of Guelph. “It’s a group of people who basically do projects in the community that enhance the quality of the water and improves Mill Creek.” One such project was the establishment of the Mill Creek Ranger program, which allows students to work for a summer on environmental improvement work. “They hire students in summer with crew leader from the GRCA and do field and stream work to enhance the quality of the water – making healthy streams basically,” says McKay, who, naturally, was on the fundraising committee for the Ranger program. “Corporations were very generous – they could see the value of getting youth out working a project that’s going to help the environment. “Some of the parents were saying it’s the best summer job their kids ever had,” said McKay, adding, “A lot of these kids go on to study environmental science and environ-

“I’ve been on medical and dental missions but I’ve also been on eye missions as well. “I find the eye missions the most fulfilling,” said McKay, who’s role in these trips is as a “general helper” as she has no medical experience or qualifications. Her most recent trip, to the Amazon basin, involved 92 volunteers, including 12 doctors and five optometrists working out of a school complex, but with access to a hospital, the group performed 180 cataract surgeries and 75 treatments for people with a condition that causes crossed eyes and gave out 5,000 pair of used glasses. “On the eye missions you can see immediate change. Someone gets glasses and they can see and read. It’s just so fulfilling to see that immediate help you can give - and really with not a lot of cost factor,” says McKay, who primarily worked booking appointments with help of a translator. “They used my organizational skills,” she noted. McKay says the people receiving such services are “so, so grateful” for help with, “things that we take for granted - that we can go and get a pair

photos by Patrick Raftis

of glasses and we can see, or the cataract surgery as well. If we hadn’t come they wouldn’t have got it.” Because the communities in the region are so remote, the arrival of the mission groups is communicated through radio station and spread by pastors to outlying regions. But somehow, those who need the treatment get the word. “Three brothers came down the river for three days on the little putt, putt boats that they have there,” to receive treatment, she said. McKay has been on seven international volunteer missions and states, “I’m planning on going more. I really enjoy them. “The people themselves were just so wonderful.” For McKay, volunteering is a lifestyle that has come naturally, “a family trait” she picked up form her parents who believed in helping out whenever possible. Even her recreational pastimes sometimes involve an element of volunteerism. An avid bridge player, she also participates in instructional games, which allow beginners to learn the finer points of the game in an environment where it’s okay to ask questions. It’s something she recommends for everyone, regardless of their situation. When she stepped away from politics in 2010, McKay realized she wanted to spend more time travelling and volunteering. She realizes not everyone is in the position to make large time commitments, but notes there are many ways to become involved. “It’s good to take part in these one-day volunteering opportunities that are available at things like the Special Olympics, or selling daffodils (for the Canadian Cancer Society),” she points out. “For some people, it’s a great way to get a feel for volunteering.” Being part of a volunteer organization, she explains, enriches not only the lives of those receiving assistance, but those that participate. “Volunteering is not an individual thing,” she said. “It’s a team effort. It’s a beautiful thing.”

PAGE FOUR Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

177th Fergus Fall Fair September 13-15

Theme: Milk and Cookies

Supports the Fergus Fall Fair your A great chance to learn about where fun. have and from es com local food We’re located in the W. Fergus Marketplace at 105 Queen St. Open 7 days per week h more. Selling milk and cookies and so muc



Any 2 pitas *plus taxes

Fun for everyone - The Fergus Fall Fair has plenty to offer and plenty to take in and learn for visitors, as witnessed at last year’s fair.

Advertiser file photos

Greetings from The Township of Centre Wellington! We warmly welcome everyone to the 177th Fergus Fall Fair.

Ted Arnott, M.P.P.

Congratulations to the organizers and many volunteers involved in this year’s presentation of the annual Fall Fair. Many volunteers contribute countless hours of time and talent to ensure the success of this community event and we extend our appreciation and sincere thanks to ALL for their efforts. Cut out and bring in this ad to receive this special offer Not valid with any other offer. Valid in store only until Jan. 31, 2014 at:

In keeping with this year’s theme, “Milk & Cookies”, the seasonal celebration of our community’s rich agricultural heritage promises to be another opportunity to enjoy the unique displays and fun activities for all ages.

Wellington-Halton Hills


GARA FARM BUILDINGS INC. Drive Sheds • Pole Barns • Equine Facilities Belwood

Please enjoy the Fergus Fall Fair as we celebrate our rural roots together! 7999 Wellington Rd. 109, Arthur 519-848-5151 786 Tower St. South, Fergus 519-787-4141






Sept. 13. 14. 15

Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex

Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj

Councillors Kelly Linton, Ward 1; Kirk McElwain, Ward 2 Mary Lloyd, Ward 3; Fred Morris, Ward 4 Walt Visser, Ward 5; Steven VanLeeuwen, Ward 6

Thurs., September 12, 2013 7:00 -9:00 pm Midway - discounted price rides 7:00 -8:30 pm Exhibits received at Sportsplex Hall Fri., September 13, 2013 8:30 -11:30 am Hall & Shed exhibits received 12:00 noon Judging of Hall exhibits 5:00-6:00 pm Chili cook off (tent) NEW* 6:00 pm Four Seasons Pony Rides and Petting Farm throughout evening 6:30 pm Tractor Pulls 7:00 -9:00 pm Display buildings open to the public Sat., September 14, 2013 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Hall/Shed Exhibits Open 9:00 am Hunter & Jumper & Gymkhana Show 10:00 am Four Seasons Pony Rides and Petting Farm throughout the day 10:30 am 4-H Livestock Show 10:30 am Sanctioned Garden Tractor Pull 11 am, 2:30 & 4:45 pm Cody Moynihan (tent stage) 11 am - 1:15 & 3:30 pm Craz-E-Crew BMX Stunt Team NEW* 11:45 am-12:45 pm Em&M Juggling Act (tent stage) 11:45 am, 2:00 & 4:15 pm Sheep Herding Demonstration 12:30 & 2:45 pm Diamonds in the Ruff (Dog Show) 1:00 pm Beef & Dairy Cattle Shows 1:00 - 1:30 pm Belly Dancing (tent stage) 3:00 - 4:30 pm Two of a Kind (tent stage) 6:00 pm Mini Modified & Truck Pulls 9:00 pm Buildings Close to Public

Sunday, September 15, 2013 9 :30 am Heavy Horse Show (Halter & Hitch) Display buildings Open to the Public 10:00 Four Seasons Pony Rides and Petting Farm throughout the day 10 am - 3 pm Antique & Classic Car Show 11:00 am Sheep Show 11:00 am & 1:00 pm Farrier - Paul Fischbach 11:30 am Pony vs. Dog Run (Diamonds in the Ruff/Travis Hall Equestrian Centre) 11:30 am - 1:00 & 3:00 pm Craz-E-Crew BMX Stunt Team NEW* 12:00pm Goat Show Baby Show (tent stage) Cookie Decorating 12:00, 1:30 & 3:30 pm Sheep Herding Demonstration 12:30 pm Western Game Show 12:30 & every half hour to 4:00pm Sheep Shearing Demonstration (Ag Tent) 12:30 pm Western Game Show 1:00 pm Pedal Pull for children 1:15-2:45 pm Black Family (tent stage) 2:15 pm Diamonds in the Ruff (Dog Show) 3:00 - 5:00 pm DEMOLITION DERBY “Expanded” 3:00-4:00 pm Geddes Family (tent stage) 4:15 - 5:00 pm Dunc Lamont (tent stage) 5:00 pm Hall Exhibits closed to Public 5:30 - 6:00 pm Exhibits to be removed Admission:

Evening shows: $15 Saturday & Sunday: $9 Students: $7, 6-10: $3 5 & under:FREE Weekend Pass $30 Parking $5

Theme: Milk and Cookies PROOF OF YOUR AD for the Sept. 6 issue.

Chris Feenstra Gerry Swaving (519) 787-3786 (519) 843-2727 (519) 820-1562 (519) 820-4374 Fax: (519) 843-6659


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Congratulations on the 177th Fergus Fall Fair Custom Design and Manufacturing THIS IS EXACTLY HOW YOUR AD WILL APPEAR IN 205THE Breadalbane NEWSPAPER. St. Fergus 519.843.7500

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE FIVE

177th Fergus Fall Fair September 13-15

Theme: Milk and Cookies

Fergus Fall Fair to offer full slate of events for all ages, tastes FERGUS - With the number of activities at this year’s 177th Fergus Fall Fair, visitors might to just take a break and have some milk and cookies between some of the events. The Fergus Agricultural Society couldn’t have picked a more fitting theme, as “Milk and Cookies” conjures up a moment of relaxation in busy schedules. Fair president John Worton extended a warm welcome to all in this year’s fair book. “I encourage you and your family to join us in celebrating the fair this year, and invite you to participate in the weekend activities,” he wrote. “From the agricultural tent and antique car show to the dog show and the children’s pedal pull, there is something to see and do for everyone.” The fair takes place Sept. 13 to 15 at the fairgrounds at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex. The ambassador program will take place a week prior to the fair, on Sept. 8 from 6 to 9pm, and will also include community displays, a bale competition and a beef barbecue. On Sept. 12, the day before the fair’s official opening, the midway opens at 7pm along with hall exhibits being received. On Sept. 13, judging of the exhibits will take place, with the ever popular tractor pulls starting at 6:30pm along with pony rides and a petting farm coordinating with the opening to the public at 7pm.

show, goat show, sheep herding and sheep shearing demonstrations, Western game horse show, and a dog show. The antique and classic car rally runs most of the day, kicking off at 10am and for the second year in the row, the fair will host its demolition derby. Also during the day will be shows by the Craz-E-Crew BMX stunt team. Allison Witzel, who has served as the fair ambassador for the past year, has had a busy term, which will end with the crowning of a new ambassador on Sept. 8 prior to this year’s fair.

There is a full slate of events on Sept. 14, starting with the hunter and jumper show and Gymkhana show set to start at 9am along with the opening of the exhibits. The 4-H livestock show is scheduled to start at 10:30am with the beef and dairy cattle show opening at 1pm. Spread throughout the day will be sheep herding competitions, a juggling act, magician, belly dancing and mini-modified and truck pulls set to start at 6pm. Sept. 15 starts off with the heavy horse show (halter and hitch) and will be followed through the day by a sheep

In this year’s fair book, Witzel outlines some of the events she has seen in conjunction with the myriad of ambassador functions she has attended. “It is hard to believe how quickly this past year has flown by,” she said in her fair welcome. “Representing our community as the 2012-13 Fergus Fall Fair Ambassador has been

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show and presenting trophies to our first ever demolition derby competitors made for an unforgettable weekend. “ Witzel’s tenure also allowed her to attend many different events as the fall fair and community ambassador, including the recent Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) Ambassador of the Fairs competition.

a phenomenal experience. “Reminiscing back on the memories I have made since September, I cannot help but smile! During the fair weekend, I took the opportunity to hand out ribbons to 4-H beef and dairy competitors as well as peddle pull participants,” she noted. “Volunteering in the lumber jack show, judging the baby

Please accept my best wishes on the 177th year of the Fergus Fall Fair. The Fair owes its success to the efforts of the many organizers, volunteers and participants. I look forward to seeing you there. (866) 878 5556



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Refreshments, Threshing Bee, Vintage Tractor Show, Lace Making, Quilting and Spinning Demonstration, Rope Making, Sheep Shearing. Official opening of the 1877 Barn exhibit at noon


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2nd Line @ Hwy 6 South of Fergus Mon - Fri 7am-5pm • Sat 9am-4pm FERGUS




PAGE SIX Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE SEVEN


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Summer of international softball the experience of a lifetime for Rumph

Final match - Angela Watt (aka “Loose Wheel”) and Catherine Armstrong (“Off da Rails”) of the Fergus Feims roller derby team take out a Highland Dames jammer during action at the Elora arena on Aug. 10. The Feims were narrowly edged by the visiting Dames 146-144 in what was the team’s final competition of the regular season. The Feims will be in action again during a tournament on Oct. 20 at the Neustadt Arena at 3pm. The Feims would like to thank fans for their support, which helped raise $250 for cancer research. photo by Teresa McKee

Tennis club hosts successful open house FERGUS - The Fergus Tennis Club hosted an Open House on Aug. 21 to showcase the club and its tennis programs to members and the local community. As part of the event, an exhibition match was scheduled between two local professional tennis players who have been playing in both national and international tennis tournaments over the past few years. Club officials say Guelph’s Sonja Molnar and Kitchener’s Sandra Dynka thrilled the crowd, which included many young junior tennis players, with an exciting set of tennis. The pair then spent time with the juniors, answering questions and sharing tennis tips. The open house also included a showcase of the latest tennis racquets, a draw for great prizes and food and refreshments. Officials say it was a great evening of tennis activities that was enjoyed by all. Submitted by Ed O’Shaughnessy, president of the Fergus Tennis Club.

Sonja Molnar and Sandra Dynka

by Patrick Raftis MAPLETON - Playing international softball with the Canadian Senior Women’s National Team has been “the best experience of my life so far,” says Drayton native Victoria Rumph, who added a Pam Am Games silver medal to her trophy case earlier this month. Canada won the Silver medal at the Pan American Championship, held from Aug. 10 to 18 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Canada beat Cuba 2-0 to earn a spot in the gold medal game, before losing 8-1 to the United States. It’s a been a hectic summer for Rumph, who played with Team Canada in July as they finished fourth at both the General Tire World Cup of Softball in Oklahoma City and the Canadian Open Fastpitch International Championships in Surrey, B.C. The top five finish in Puerto Rico qualified the Canadian team for the 2014 ISF Women’s World Championship next August in Haarlem, Netherlands, as well as the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto. “The team has such a great group of girls and I am so lucky to have been a part of this group both on and off the field,” said Rumph. “I’ve learned so much playing at this level from both the coaches and veteran players and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.” Rumph is a catcher who made the national squad for the first time this year after completing her senior year at Youngstown State University in Ohio, where she batted .291 with six home runs and 35

VICTORIA RUMPH RBIs in 46 games in 2013. This spring she became Youngstown State’s career leader in runs batted in, breaking the previous record of 119. Rumph said she was very impressed with the level of play in the international game, particularly the defence. “Girls are constantly leaving their feet to make unreal plays which are successful almost all the time. The energy amongst the team and even the fans is inspiring to be around,” she stated in an email to the Advertiser. She continued, “Of course standing on the podium and accepting the silver medal with my team and Canada written across my chest is something I’ve only ever dreamed about. To say it gave me butterflies is an understatement.” In Puerto Rico, Rumph shared catching duties with Natalie Wideman. She started half the games in round robin action and also got the start in the quarter-final game against Puerto Rico. For Rumph, the most memorable moment of the quarter-final came when Puerto Rico loaded the bases early with none out.

“The home crowd was roaring so loud we couldn’t hear anything but we got out of the inning with no runs scored against us, quieting the huge audience,” stated Rumph. In January the national team will head to Miami to train together for a week, but all through the off-season members will be training hard individually. The team has selection camps every spring, and Rumph says, “I hope to continue to wear the leaf on my chest for a long time. It is such a privilege and an honour to play the sport I love and represent Canada around the world.” As for her future in softball Rumph hopes someday to represent Canada on the biggest sporting stage of all. Softball is making a bid to get back into the Olympics in 2020 in Tokyo. The international Olympic Committee will be voting between softball/ baseball, wrestling, and squash on Sept. 8 in Rio de Janeiro. The decision will be based on the amount of world participation in each sport, as well as the level of social media support on both Facebook and twitter. The World Baseball and Softball Confederation are seeking support. The website for the Confederation is On Facebook, the group is asking people to “like” the page Play Ball 2020, and on twitter supporters should follow @playball2020 and use #playball2020. “This movement is very important to me because if softball were back in the Olympics I have the potential to be an Olympic athlete, which has always been a dream of mine,” says Rumph.

Local squash player wins gold at World Masters Games in Italy by Patrick Raftis MAPLETON - Moorefield area resident Kathy Cowper returned from Europe recently with a gold medal and a world championship title. Cowper won all five of her squash matches at the World Masters Game in Torino, Itay, defeating a competitor from Auckland, New Zealand in the final to claim the gold medal in the 50-plus division. Cowper took up competitive racquet sports while attending the University of Waterloo. She was on the varsity badminton team in her first year of

KATHY COWPER school but switched to squash in her second year and played varsity the rest of the way.

For the past dozen years she has played out of the Elora Racquets and Fitness Club. Cowper was a Canadian Masters champion in 2010, a U.S. Open champion in 2012 and a runner up at the competition in 2011, so she was confident she could be competitive in Torino. Cowper noted there isn’t a qualifying process for the World Masters Games, “but usually people don’t enter unless they’re at a certain level of play.” The event wasn’t Cowper’s first endeavour at global com-

petition, but it was her most successful. Last year she entered the World Masters Squash competition in Birmingham, England, but broke a bone in her foot during her second match and had to withdraw. “The most important thing in masters sports is to keep injury free, that’s everybody’s aim,” she noted. Injuries kept Cowper’s husband out of the games in Italy this year. Bruce Cowper was set to compete in triathlon and duathlon events, but tore an Achilles tendon before the games.

“So he had to relegate himself to the sidelines on this trip. It would have been exciting for us both to have competed.” The World Masters Games are held every four years and involve about 20,000 competitors in 20 different sports. “Canada was well represented. It was really kind of neat to walk down the street and see someone with a Canadian hat or shirt on,” said Cowper. “We had a pretty good cheering squad with the support of other Canadians. “The whole city was pretty

much overrun with masters athletes. It’s a pretty big competition.” Cowper said she enjoyed both the games and the opportunity to get to know other competitors. “It’s really nice to have people that can compete on the court, that will also relax and socialize after. So you end up meeting a lot of like-minded people with similar interests.” The next World Masters Games will be held in Auckland, New Zealand, with Cowper hoping to be a part of that experience as well.

space for the whole team

( well almost )



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PAGE EIGHT Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013



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Green Stone Granite A New Innovation

We’re all familiar with the concept of recycling. Most of us equate it with our day-to-day garbage; plastic, glass, aluminum, etc. But recycling also takes place on a much larger scale - scrap metal, for example. Today we’re looking at an innovative recycling program of a popular substance, whose origins go back the creation of the earth itself. We’re talking about granite. It is the fourth hardest substance in the world. It comes in all kinds of amazing colours, from pale hues to jet black. Each piece is as unique as a diamond and often contains swirls of colour or amazing elements that might remind us of a starry night or a shell-strewn beach. It is used in so many ways to enhance the beauty of our homes. You might be surprised, and probably dismayed, to learn that 30 to 40% of this beautiful and valuable quarried material ends up in landfill or crushing facilities. It’s a sad waste of time and resources. Ah, but there are those among us who see opportunity in such a statistic. One such company is Green Stone Granite. Discover granite like you’ve never seen it before. As their brochure states, it’s a recycled luxury. Green Stone Granite is one of the first companies in Canada to do this. They got the inspiration from a similar venture in the United States. Since its inception, Green Stone Granite has grown and is now developing a healthy clientele. Not only are they saving waste, they’re saving their customers a good deal of money! So, what does “recycling” granite actually mean? Well, Green Stone Granite diverts gran-

ite pieces from countertop fabricators that might otherwise have been scrapped. These pieces can range from small to large, and come in a wide range of colours. Their value and quality too, can vary. What do they do with all these pieces? Well, they actually do many things, but we’ll begin with the original product’s main focus, which is cutting the granite into gorgeous tiles and reselling them to their customers at a reduced cost. The finished look is just gorgeous! And, since this is a totally natural product, it can be used inside and out. Lately, the use of natural stone for outdoor features has become very popular. Patios, pathways, cladding for an outside kitchen, porch tile - granite is the perfect material. It doesn’t warp, won’t crack in the cold or heat, and can be cleaned over and again to look as good as new. The colour will never fade, since it was created over millennia by natural mineral formation. One of Green Stone Granite’s customers bought cladding for a retaining wall. What a way to spruce up boring old concrete! Its popularity remains very high for inside use too. A granite tiled back-splash in the kitchen or bathroom is a fantastic and easy way to spruce up the space. Or how about tiling over that outdated brick fireplace? With the savings you’ll find at Green Stone Granite, you can perhaps afford that touch of luxury after all. Green Stone Granite isn’t quite like other granite retailers. Because it’s scrap granite, the inventory changes constantly. There’s no telling Continued on next page

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE NINE



firepits from $

Gorgeous Granite Fire Pits for home or cottage 100% solid stone


291 Woodlawn Rd. W. , Unit 3A Guelph 519.821.6060

new location Open by appointment

Visit our photo gallery for more ideas!

Almost Anything Is Possible... FROM PREVIOUS PAGE what beautiful pieces might be coming in on any given day, so visit the showroom regularly to see what’s available. Or, if you don’t happen to see what you want when you visit, just leave your requirements. Should something suitable come in, the folks at Green Stone Granite will be happy to notify you. Green Stone Granite doesn’t fabricate custom countertops however, so if you’re looking for a new kitchen or bathroom countertop, you’ll have to shop “new.” They may have pieces suitable for a narrow countertop however, such as a reception desk, a bar top, or an outdoor kitchen. There are so many other uses, though for granite. Thresholds, for example. A nice piece of granite as a threshold adds a touch of luxury to a doorway. Window sills too, are gorgeous done in granite. A granite shelf? A coffee table top? An outdoor table top? A fire pit? Hey, they’re open to ideas, so if you think of an application that might work in granite, ask them about it. Fire pits are becoming increasingly popular We urge you to check your local bylaws before buying one, as these laws can vary depending on where you live. Green Stone Granite make granite fire pits. In fact, they’re a big seller for the company right now. Granite kitchen boards are another fashionable and popular choice, and a great idea for a gift. Granite is an ideal choice for rolling out pastry, kneading dough, or as a serving platter. In fact, Green Stone Granite recently sold a custom granite board to a professional chocolatier. They make wine stoppers from granite. Beautiful things, they are, and each one is unique! Another neat gift for a wine lover. Do you like your drinks on the rocks? How about serving them literally on the rocks? Green Stone Granite makes granite cubes, called “whiskey stones” that can be placed in the freezer. Granite holds cold very well, so folks are popping one of these whiskey stones in their drink instead of ice! They’re a conversation piece - a real “ice breaker” at a party!

This Guelph-based company has sold products all over Ontario, and the word is spreading. Another remarkable thing too, is that Green Stone Granite is currently able to recycle approximately 60 to 70% of all the granite they divert. The rest? It goes to a ‘crushing’ company for use in roads and paving. This figure, however, is set to improve. The company goal is zero percent waste, which will be achieved as it grows. On a busy week, Green Stone Granite will stop about 4,600 pounds of granite from being thrown into landfill. That’s pretty impressive. So, look around your home and garden, and see if you can’t spot something that might look good finished in a nice piece of granite. Then give them a call, set up an appointment, and see what’s available in their showroom. Take your ideas to them, if you like. They’re always open to suggestions. For bigger jobs, such as tiling, they can set you up with a recommended contractor if you need one. For those of you familiar with Green Stone Granite, please note that they’ve recently moved from their original location on Woodlawn Road to a unit farther east. Green Stone Granite is now located at: 291 Woodlawn Road West, Unit 3A, Guelph, ON N1H 7L6 519-821-6060 Showroom: By Appointment

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PAGE TEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013


ENTERTAINMENT Myra’s Story in Fergus on Sept. 7 FERGUS - Myra’s Story, the acclaimed one-woman play which earned Outstanding Production honours at the 2013 London Fringe Festival and was named Critic’s Choice at Hamilton Fringe last month, comes to the Fergus Grand Theatre on Sept. 7. The one-night-only engage-

ment is a fundraiser for Elora Community Theatre, which last February hosted a public reading of the script by Irish playwright Brian Foster in advance of the show’s Canadian premiere. Myra’s Story portrays a day in the life of a homeless Dublin “wine connoisseur” as she begs


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for money off passersby. Myra shares her story with street-smart style, wry wit and brutal honesty, becoming the characters who have shaped her life, from her irascible father and idealistic husband, to her neighbours: Tina the Tap, Big Birdie and Jimmy the Continued on next page

Tarot project to be unveiled on Sept. 13 ABOYNE - The Wellington County Museum and Archives (WCMA) will offer a collaborative art exhibition, The Elora Tarot Project, from Sept. 13 to Nov. 3. Featuring a tarot card deck created by 65 local artists, the project is the brainchild of coordinator Shelley Carter, a local tarot reader and enthusiast, who developed the idea of a unique “made-in-Elora” deck. Officials say each card is an individual piece of artwork and the collaborative results of the project are “stunning in their imagery and design.” For a feature story on the Elora Tarot Project see next week’s Inside Wellington.

Century Theatre Guild opens season with comedy Same Time Next Year HILLSBURGH - Century Theatre Guild opens its new season at Century Church Theatre in Hillsburgh on Sept. 13 with Bernard Slade’s celebrated play Same Time Next Year. The play traces a 25-year relationship between two people, each married to someone else, who meet for only one weekend a year. Each one evolves as the years pass, as George re-evaluates what is important to him, and Doris finds new talents and strengths. As their relationship progresses, the emotional stakes run higher, and they are faced with decisions about how their relationship will continue. Audiences laugh and cry along with George and Doris in this poignant, touching, yet consistently funny narrative. The play gives nostalgic insights into the morals and attitudes of the period 1951 to 1976, as changing fashions, the hippie period, women’s liberation and the Vietnam war affect their lives and their relationship. The passage of time is portrayed through music and audio clips that will be a familiar

Romantic comedy - George (Keith Assoun) and Doris (Deb Huggins) share pictures of their respective children in a touching moment from Same Time Next Year, on stage at the Century Church Theatre in Hillsburgh from Sept. 13 to 22. submitted photo memory to those who lived through that period and a fascinating insight for those who are too young to remember. Starring Deb Huggins and Keith Assoun and directed by Norman Stell, Same Time

John Elliot Theatre 9 Church St. BOX OFFICE: 905-877-3300

Next Year runs Sept. 13 to 22, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 2:30pm. Tickets are $20 and may be reserved by calling the box office at 519-855-4586 or visiting

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE ELEVEN


ENTERTAINMENT Lucas Rogerson to perform in Harriston HARRISTON - Singer/ songwriter Lucas Rogerson knew there would come a time when his work would demand a stage of its own. To the delight of old fans, new fans and music lovers everywhere, Rogerson, a Drayton resident, recently launched his debut album Streetlights at Toronto’s Horseshoe Tavern and is set to continue his Ontario tour. The tour hits the stage in Harriston at the Town Hall Theatre on Sept. 21 at 7:30pm. Tickets are $25 and are available at Harriston Home Hardware, by calling the box office at 519-338-2778 or by visiting

Lucas Rogerson

Exhibit features paintings, writings of Hallie Watson at county museum ABOYNE – Discover the quiet beauty of 20 of Hallie Watson’s pastel landscapes and writings in the art exhibition, Gumboots and Drawing Board: Fields and Streams of Mono, at Wellington County Museum and Archives (WCMA). This exhibit opens Sept. 7 and runs until Nov. 3. Hallie Watson describes her childhood as a hybrid one; when she was five, her parents bought a farm in Dufferin County, near Mono Centre. During the week, she attended school in Toronto but, on weekends and summer vacations, she lived outdoors in the fields and streams. Kneehigh rubber gumboots provided the passport into a mysterious and fascinating world that no city child could experience. “It was the sights and smells of her outdoor adventures that determined the themes of much of Hallie Watson’s art,� said WCMA curator Susan Dunlop. “From her hand, these pastel images evoke the richness of

Myra’s Story is fundraiser for Elora Community Theatre FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Tadpole. In addition to the top production honours from the jury panel of eight as part of London’s TiLee Awards, Myra’s Story has earned multiple standing ovations and fivestar reviews. The play is performed by award-winning actor Jennifer Cornish and directed by Darlene Spencer of Toronto’s Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts. In naming Myra’s Story a Critic’s Choice for Hamilton Fringe 2013, Patricia Bradbury of The View Magazine states, “A virtuoso performance by

Jennifer Cornish makes this play a must-not-miss. “Finely directed by Darlene Spencer on a bare stage with nothing but a bench and a chair, this glorious and gripping one-woman play gives a portrait of Dublin that is vivid and taut.� Myra’s Story runs at the Fergus Grand Theatre Sept. 7 at 8pm. Tickets are $25 and include a post-production reception, with proceeds going to support Elora Community Theatre. For tickets or more information, call the box office at 519-787-1981 or visit www.

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JIMINY GLICK, ED GRIMLEY & EVERYTHING ELSE YOU LOVE ABOUT MARTIN SHORT, LIVE! the changing seasons and their inter-relationship with all living things.� An integral component of the exhibit is the artist’s writings on her observations, as both child and adult, on rural life. “I have a place in all of this. I am a small piece of the wildly complicated puzzle,� said Hallie Watson. “I still wade through the tall grass in my gumboots, then

take them off and sit in a field drawing. In this way I settle in to the quiet turning of life.� Now a native of Nova Scotia, Hallie continues to spend part of each year on the farm in Dufferin County. An artist’s reception will be held at the WCMA on Sept. 13 from 7 to 9pm. The galleries are open weekdays from 9:30am to 4:30pm and 12 to 4pm on weekends and holidays.


MARTIN SHORT Thursday, September 19 @ 8PM



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PAGE TWELVE Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

Rural Life

Agricultural Information Contact Centre | 1-877-424-1300 |

OMAF and MRA Report

A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) and the Ministry of Rural Affairs (MRA). If you require further information, regarding this report, call the Elora Resource Centre at 519-846-0941. Office hours: 8:30am to 5pm. For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAF and MRA website: GROWING FORWARD 2 A federal-provincial-territorial initiative GROWING FORWARD 2 INFORMATION SESSIONS The Ministry of Agriculture and Food will be hosting 24 information sessions across the province for Growing Forward 2 between Aug. 28 and Sept.13. Targeted at producers and food and agri-product processors, these sessions will provide information on the “Implementation Funding Assistance” component of GF2. An overview of GF2 programming, including areas of focus, funding assistance, eligibility and selection criteria, will be discussed. For information on dates and locations, visit the ministry’s calendar of events (Dateline) at: Program details can be found on the GF2 website at: For more information and to register for a session, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300. The first intake for projects will be held between Sept. 9 and Oct. 24. FREE SOIL TEST INTERPRETATION AT THIS YEAR’S IPM OMAF’s soil specialists will be available at the International Plowing Match (IPM) to help you interpret and act on your soil test results. Take your soil test report to the OMAF exhibit Sept. 17 to 21. While you’re there, learn about soil health, as well as the latest in precision agriculture and agricultural mapping data.

ADVANTAGE SERIES OF FOOD SAFETY PROGRAMS™ IS CHANGING The Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF), and the Ministry of Rural Affairs (MRA) are keeping pace with the changing marketplace, reducing duplication and responding to industry preference for globally-recognized food safety programs by phasing out the Advantage Series of Food Safety Programs™. Changes: • Certification services will no longer be offered for Ontario food processors. •Ministry staff are working with food processors to support food safety best practices and to foster a sustainable, globally competitive food industry in Ontario. • Over the next few years, Advantage resources and materials will be revised to be applicable for any food safety program. What does this mean to Ontario producers and processors? Any Ontario farmer or food processor can get help to implement any voluntary food safety program from OMAF and MRA. • We can answer your questions about globally-recognized food safety programs, specifically those benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), as well as national food safety programs. • We continue to provide resources, training and information related to food safety best practices: Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Agricultural Practices, and Hazardous Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). For more information, please phone 1-877-424-1300 or email ENVIRONMENTAL FARM PLAN and GROWING YOUR FARM PROFITS WORKSHOPS – OSCIA website If you are wishing to attend an Environmental Farm Plan or Growing Your Farm Profits Workshop please visit the OSCIA web-

site at and click on “Workshop Calendar” to see the time and location of upcoming workshops. Click on the desired workshop to register. COMING EVENTS Sept. 6 – 7 Aberfoyle Fall Fair. Call: 519-837-9288 or refer to Sept. 7 – 8 Stratford Garlic Festival: Sept. 10 – 12 Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show: Sept. 13 – 15 Fergus Fall Fair. Call: 519-856-9621 or refer to . Sept. 13 – 15 Harriston-Minto Fall Fair. For information contact: 519-338-3903. Sept. 17 – 21 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo, Perth County; website: Sept. 25 Shakespeare Swine Seminar, Shakespeare Community Centre, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. To register please call 1-877-4241300. Sept. 25 Forestry Twilight Tour – “Planning For Trees on the Farm” – 7 to 9 pm at R&R Poultry, 7649 Sideroad 6 East, Kenilworth, ON. Please RSVP to: Mark Funk at the GRCA: 1-866-900-4722 Extension 2259 or e-mail Sept. 28 Fall Wellington Rural Romp – 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Details revealed soon. Sept. 28 Colwyn Championship Showcase – A Fancy Rare Breed Poultry Show will be held at Colwyn Stables on 6104 Wellington County Road #29 (just south-east of Fergus). 9am – 3pm. For more information please call: 519-843-3459 or check the website at:

New report recommends deeper integration of local food into distribution system OTTAWA - CNW/ - Food grown and consumed locally across Canada should be more deeply integrated into the broader national food distribution system; a move that would benefit local producers and ultimately the whole food economy, according to a new Conference Board of Canada report released on Aug. 20. Most food grown locally in Canada is currently sold through large retail chains and major distributors, a pattern that is likely to continue. “Local food is a growing part of the Canadian food system and interest has surged in recent years,” said Michael Bloom, vice-president, organizational effectiveness and learning. “What we’re finding is that there is room to expand the role of local food systems in Canada, and that in doing so, there are significant economic benefits to be realized.” The Centre for Food in Canada report, Cultivating Opportunities: Canada’s Growing Appetite for Local Food, finds the economic impact of local food systems is most significant in Quebec and Ontario. Across Canada, 20 per cent

of food is consumed within the same province in which it is produced - a widely-used definition of local food. Quebec leads with 29% of the province’s overall food production (in total dollar value) being consumed by Quebecers. In Ontario, 24% of food produced (by value) is eaten within the province. Locally-produced food also makes up a substantial share of the food consumed in British Columbia (16%) and Nova Scotia (13 %). The report defines local food as food consumed as close to where it is produced and processed as is reasonably possible, allowing for regional differences in seasonality and availability. The report indicates interest in local food is being driven by concerns about quality, health and nutrition, food safety, local economics and farmers, and the environment. Local food systems have economic benefits for a wide range of businesses. The largest benefits go to small and medium sized producers, as well as retailers and food service operators that focus on niche and premium markets. Local food is not a stand-

alone solution to public concerns about the food system. Non-local food plays an important role in providing Canadians with access to a wide variety of products; Canada also benefits from global trade in food. Consumers indicate some of their motivation for purchasing local food is to support their local economy and

farmers. Many also believe that local produce is fresher than alternatives. Availability and convenience, as well as the price of some local food products, are the main barriers to local food consumption. The report recommends a number of actions that could support local food systems, including:

- provide small and medium producers with additional information and guidance on direct marketing and selling local products to large retailers in the broader food system; - retailers, food service operators and distributors should extend their work with local producers to increase the availability and visibility

Federal government challenges 4-H youth to feed a ‘hungry planet’ CALGARY – Canada’s next generation of farmers and producers will benefit from continued support from the federal government. At the Global 4-H Youth Agriculture Summit, agriculture minister Gerry Ritz reaffirmed on Aug. 21 the Harper government’s commitment to developing Canada’s future agriculture and food leaders by announcing an investment of up to $5.17 million in 4-H Canada initiatives over the next five years. “With their new ideas, fresh perspectives and optimism, youth leaders and young farmers are key to achieving global food security,” said Ritz. “Our government is proud to sup-

port 4-H Canada as it continues to inspire Canadian youth to achieve their potential and to become tomorrow’s community and business leaders.” Ritz officially opened the Feeding a Hungry Planet summit, co-sponsored by 4-H Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Bayer CropScience, which brings together youth from up to 20 countries to share solutions to strengthen food security. 4-H Canada, in its 100th anniversary celebrations this year, will use the federal funding to further its “Embrace the Future” initiative, aimed at growing membership in rural areas, introducing 4-H pro-

grams in urban and suburban areas, and strengthening the 4-H experience nation-wide. Ritz told the summit participants they were gathering at a time of tremendous optimism about the future of agriculture, with growing global demand for safe, high-quality, environmentally-friendly food. “As never before, the world is looking to young agricultural producers to strengthen food security both in your countries and around the world,” Ritz added, noting innovation and science-based trade are critical to supporting young farmers, driving global economies and strengthening food security. Support for 4-H Canada

have direct connections to agriculture. Hosted on the family dairy farm of brothers Phil and Peter Armstrong of Armstrong Manor Farms near Caledon, Ontario, the event also included exhibits by commodity organizations representing Ontario dairy, beef, grain, sheep, honey and egg farmers. Education Minister Liz Sandals, an MPP for Guelph, brought official greetings from the province and commented

that “today is a great opportunity to see and understand that agriculture is big business for this province, and critical to Ontario’s economy.” Ontario MPPs and their staff were guided through presentations by OFA directors to highlight the basic steps in crop production from choosing seed to harvest technology, an overview of the diversity of crops grown in Ontario and emerging markets for new innovations

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comes from Growing Forward 2’s AgriCompetitiveness program, a five-year, $114.5-million program that invests in key areas that strengthen the agriculture and agri-food industry’s capacity to adapt and be profitable in domestic and global markets. Innovation and market development, along with competitiveness, are the three strategic objectives of Growing Forward 2, the fiveyear, $3-billion federal-provincial-territorial framework for Canadian agriculture. For more information on the Growing Forward 2 agreement and AgriCompetitiveness Program, please visit www.agr.

Federation has a field day with Ontario politicians GUELPH - Twelve Ontario politicians left their local ridings recently to experience the province’s largest economic driver, agriculture, in action on a family farm north of Toronto. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) organized the OFA 2013 Field Day themed “Cultivating our Future” to demonstrate the importance of the agri-food sector to Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) who may not

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of local food, and label these products as local; - governments - both provincial and local - could expand their leadership in local food marketing and labeling initiatives; and Public sector institutions could make procurement of local food a priority when costeffective and efficient to do so.

53 Fair Rd, Guelph (at Silvercreek Pkwy)



SATURDAYS 8am - 12noon Except Long weekends

like biomass. A new viewing feature in the Armstrong’s dairy barn gave attendees a front row experience of milking time. “The OFA spends a considerable amount of effort meeting with politicians in their environment, and as farmers, we wanted to bring them to our “office” to see how Ontario farmers cultivate the land to grow food and bio-products for the future,” says OFA President Mark Wales. He also used the event to reinforce the importance of the proposed Local Food Act, urging politicians and staffers to commit to increasing the use of Ontariogrown and processed products, as well as considering food literacy and educational elements in new legislation. The OFA plans to make its Field Day an annual event and regular opportunity to provide a rural perspective to Ontario politicians on issues that impact the business of farming.

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013 PAGE THIRTEEN

Rural Life

OFA values policy feedback at county level

by Debra Pretty-Straathof As Ontario’s largest general farm organization, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) represents more than 37,000 farmers across Ontario. The OFA takes a great deal of pride in being recognized, among government, media and the agricultural community as “the voice of Ontario farmers.” But with that recognition comes significant responsibility. Ontario is a geographically diverse province, with more than 200 agricultural commodities. Many of Ontario’s farmers face a variety of challenges and concerns that aren’t always shared by the majority of OFA’s membership base, but they are no less important when they affect the opportunity for profitable and sustainable farms. And OFA depends on our Policy Advisory Council (PAC) members to bring those issues forward, addressing them as an organi-

zation or at a policy level. OFA relies heavily on feedback and guidance from the PAC, whose members are elected to represent their county or commodity, and tasked with bringing policy concerns to OFA’s board of directors. And to ensure accountability, the OFA board of directors must report back to PAC on issues. The PAC was formed five years ago when OFA restructured its board of directors. Members meet four times per year, and the board relies on the PAC to bring forward issues from the grassroots, county level. PAC members frequently engage with task teams to provide responses to recommendations that help shape government policy, and its assistance continues to evolve. In the most recent PAC meeting held last month the council reviewed drafts of OFA’s strategic and operational plans, and members were in-

vited to provide input before the plans are finalized by the board. PAC members also provided critical input on policy issues OFA is asked to comment on, such as the recentlyannounced review of the Farm Business Registration process. Part of a secondary goal with the PAC is to develop awareness and leadership skills among PAC members. Participating in the PAC is an ideal choice for young and beginning farmers, or others who may want to pursue leadership roles within the organization in the future. The OFA does its best to represent the needs of Ontario farmers at a policy level. We are grateful for the dedication and commitment PAC members have shown in helping us meet this goal. For more information about the PAC visit Debra Pretty-Straathof is vice-president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.

Beef science cluster receives $14 million

Fun day with donkeys in Puslinch East Wellington Community Services recently organized a children’s program trip to the Donkey Sanctuary in Puslinch, which featured perfect weather and plenty of fun. The volunteers who work at the sanctuary enjoy hosting visitors and explaining interesting facts about the donkeys while providing a chance for the children to interact with the animals. For more information on EWCS children’s programs go to submitted photo

CALGARY – The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) welcomed news of $14 million in funding for the Beef Cattle Industry Science Cluster under Growing Forward 2. Announced Aug. 20 by Agriculture and Agri-Food (AAFC) Minister Gerry Ritz at Soderglen Ranches in Airdrie, AB, the funding supports strategic research that will drive

the efficiencies that enable producers to realize continuous improvements, while enhancing overall sector sustainability. CCA President Martin Unrau said investment in research and innovation is crucial to the long-term sustainability of the cattle industry and provides benefits to the public at large as well. The Beef Cluster is man-

aged by CCA division, the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC). Industry will also contribute to the Cluster, with $5 million largely from the BCRC’s National Check-off research allocation, as well as direct investments from provincial beef industry groups. Provincial governments will also contribute approximately $1 million.

Maple Leaf announces sale of Rothsay operation Celeb

rating 100


ROTHSAY - Maple Leaf Foods has announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Rothsay, its rendering and biodiesel business, to Darling International Inc. of Irving, Texas. The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2013, subject to regulatory approvals. “The sale of our rendering and biodiesel business supports our strategy to focus on effective capital deployment and profitable growth in the consumer packaged foods market,” said president and CEO Michael McCain in an Aug. 23 press release. “We are delighted to have concluded almost a year-long process with an agreement with Darling, the North American leader in food waste recycling. The sale will support future investments in our consumer facing businesses and allow Darling to build on Rothsay’s strong capabilities and deep customer relationships.” In 2012 Rothsay had approximately $85 million in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. Proceeds from the transaction of approximately $645 million will initially be used to pay down debt. Upon completion of the prepared meats strategy, management will consider appropriate deployment of excess capital, including reinvesting in its core consumer packaged food businesses or returning excess capital to shareholders. Rothsay is the leading rendering company in Canada and a leading producer of biodiesel. The business operates six rendering plants located in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia and a biodiesel facility in Quebec. It employs approximately


Fair Office 519.853.4699 30 Park Avenue Prospect Park, Acton

Acton Fall Fair Schedule of Events FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 2013

Rendering division sold - Maple Leaf Foods has announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Rothsay, its rendering and biodiesel business to Texas-based Darling International. photo by Patrick Raftis

550 people, who will transition to Darling once the transaction closes. Maple Leaf plans to enter into a long-term contract with Darling to receive byproducts recycling services at competitive market rates. Darling International Inc. is the largest and only publicly traded provider of rendering and bakery residuals recycling solutions to the U.S. food industry. The company recycles beef, poultry and pork by-product streams into useable ingredients such as tallow, feed-grade fats, meat and bone meal, poultry meal and hides. The company also recovers and converts used cooking oil and commercial bakery residuals into valuable feed and fuel

ingredients. These products are primarily sold to agricultural, pet food, leather, oleo-chemical and biodiesel manufacturers around the world. In addition, the company provides grease trap collection services and sells used

cooking oil collection equipment to restaurants. Maple Leaf Foods Inc., headquartered in Toronto, employs approximately 19,500 people at its operations across Canada and in the U.S., United Kingdom and Asia.

Georgetown Anglers and Hunters Association


1) September 15 4) October 27 2) September 29 5) November 10 3) October 13 6) November 24

5002 8th Line

1.6km North of 32 Sideroad Halton-Wellington Line

10:00 am to 3:00 pm 25th Anniversary EDUCATION DAY For School children - seniors and preschool children welcome - children must be accompanied by an adult Educational Displays & Demonstrations Wagon Rides - Interactive Learning 4:00 pm Gates Open to Public Full midway in operation; exotic and domestic birds and farm animals in Poultry/Ag Awareness Tent; Homecraft exhibits in main building – Jr. work, school work, baking, plants flowers, antiques, crafts & hobbies 7:00 pm Heavy Horse Pull 8:00 pm 50th Anniversary Miss Acton Fall Fair Pageant & Opening Ceremonies

SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 2013 8:00 am Gates Open A full day of events, including midway, food booths, vendors, beef cattle show, 4H shows, poultry show, English Hunter show, light horse show, field exhibits, horseshoe pitching, heavy horse show, Flyball Dog Agility Show, pony rides, Ag Awareness tent, & more! 10:00 am English Hunter Jumper Show 10:30 am * new time for 2013 Baby Show Beef Cattle Show 11:00 am Heavy Horse Show

12:00 Noon Parade Starting at Mackenzie Smith Bennett School and through downtown then into the fairgrounds featuring local floats, marching bands, and more! 3:00 pm MUSIC THROUGH THE AGES featuring David Cavan Fraser. Come celebrate the wonderful music of yesteryear and today - with songs from each decade since 1913 6:00 pm Garden Tractor Pull 8:00 pm Battle of the Bands Come out and cheer on your favourite local band – see the amazing talent from our community!

SUNDAY, SEPT. 15, 2013 8:00 am Gates Open Daily events feature Antique Tractor Pull, 4x4 Truck Pulls, Mini Pedal Pull for the kids, Dairy Cattle Show, Pet Show, Petting Zoo, Gymkhana Games and the midway! Heritage Poultry Display contest. 2:00 Battle of the Bands winner will perform 5:00 to 6:00 pm pick up Homecraft Exhibits & prize money

ADMISSIONS (incl. HST) Adults $9.00 Seniors & Students $8.00 Children, 12 and under $4.00 Children under 5 Free Limited Disabled Parking $5.00 WEEKEND PASSES $20.00 Admission for all 3 days – no refunds Available at: CIBC, Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, TD Bank, Royal Bank & Prosperity One.

Celebrating 100 Years -

PAGE FOURTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

BARNYARD Harriston-Minto Fall BONANZA Sept. 13-15, 2013


Harriston-Minto fair a Barnyard Bonanza of country-style fun HARRISTON - “Barnyard Bonanza” is the theme of the 2013 Harriston-Minto Fall Fair, set for Sept. 13 to 15, and local organizers are planning an impressive array of activities. “We have a great line-up of events to enjoy, including the R&R Pet Paradise Dog Sport Team and lawn mower races on Friday evening, the parade, Horse Show and Baby Show on Saturday, and the Car and Motorcycle Show and Demolition Derby on Sunday. The Midway will be running all weekend,” states Harriston-Minto Agricultural Society president Jack Shannon, in a message to fairgoers. In his welcome, Minto Mayor George Bridge said, “The Harriston-Minto Fall Fair will have many events, exhibits and fun activities for young and old alike and on behalf of council, I would like to invite everyone to attend, participate and enjoy this annual community event. It’s always a pleasure for our council to support our vital agricultural community.” The fair gets underway on Sept. 13, with gates opening at 6pm. The exhibit hall will be packed with displays and the dog demo show gets underway at 7pm in the cattle show ring. The official opening of the fair takes place at 8pm in the auditorium, followed by a talent show. Other Friday evening events include the Junior Calf Show,

Barnyard Bonanza - Exhibits, demonstrations, talent and pet shows and of course, a parade, are all part of the fun at the Harriston-Minto Fall Fair. Clockwise from above: checking out the exhibit hall at the 2012 fair; local students ride on a parade float; Sastri Fisk-Beharry picked up a chest full of medals with his pal Angus at the 2012 “mutt” show; Olivia Douglas shows off her dancing skills at last year’s talent show; Angela Ewtushik and Rally, of R&R Pet Paradise, at last year’s dog sport demo. Advertiser file photos

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Pharmacy Proud to support the

154th Harriston Minto Fair 16 Elora St., Harriston

519-338-3230 The Full Service Family Pharmacy Fall Fair Harriston-Minto

In Our Community At Cargill, we believe in the importance of community and are proud to support the many towns in which we work and live. That’s why we’re proud to be a part of the 2013 Harriston Minto Fall Fair, and hope you and your family enjoy the event. Call the Cargill Harriston location at 519-338-2015.

Sept. 13-15, 2013

BARNYARD A BONANEvZ ents: Schedule of


6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm

Exhibits, Midway Open R&R Pet Paradise Dog Sport Team, Silent Auction Jr. Calf Show Talent Show & Official Opening of the Fair Lawn Mower Races Pie Auction


9:00am Light Horse Show 10:00am Exhibits Open 11:00am Midway Opens Agricultural Awareness & Children’s Activities 12:00pm Parade 1:00pm Horseshoe Tournament Mutt Show Jr. Farmers Olympics 1:30pm Baby Show 2:00pm Horse Pull Cake Decorating Contest

2-5pm 3:00pm 3:15pm 4:00pm 8:00pm

Beer Garden Field Crop Awards Homecraft Demonstration Pork Auction Midway Toonie Night The Bran Muffins Dance & Wing Night


8am-10:30am Farmer’s Breakfast 9:00am Motorcycle Show & Shine Antique Vehicles Show & Shine 10:00am Exhibits Open 11:00am Agricultural Awareness 12:00pm Midway Opens 12:00-5:00pm Beer Garden 12:30pm Pedal Tractor Pull All Breed Beef Show 4-H Interclub Beef Show 2:00pm Free Bike Draw Big Bale Rollout 2:15pm Demolition Derby 4:00pm Silent Auction ends 4:30-7pm Beef & Pork BBQ, cost: Adults $15, under 12 $5 | 519.338.5566 | 519.338.3903

McPhail’s of Harriston

lawn mower races and a pie auction. The midway will feature a ride-all-night price of $30. Sept. 14 events begin with a Light Horse Show at 9am. At 11am, the Agricultural Awareness display, presented by the Harriston-Minto Junior Agricultural Society, opens up and runs until Sunday at 5pm The annual fall fair parade begins at noon on Saturday, followed by a horseshoe tournament, 4-H Dairy Show and a Mutt Show at 1pm. Also on Saturday, the baby show will take place at 1:30pm, a horse pull is set for 2pm, field crop awards are presented at 3pm and the popular pork auction will take place at 3:15pm. Saturday evening’s main event, The Bran Muffins Dance and Wing Night, gets underway at 8pm. Sept. 15 fun starts with a hearty fair breakfast from 8 to 10:30am. At 11am antique vehicle and motorcycle shows open up. At 12:30pm, the All Breed Beef Show and 4-H Beef Show take over the show ring and the pedal tractor pull will provide fun for the youngsters. The Big Bale Rollout at 2pm precedes the Demolition Derby, which starts at 2:15pm. The fair wraps up with a pork and beef barbecue from 4:30 to 7pm. The Harriston-Minto Fall Fair is a true family event and this year, the family with the most members present on any one day will receive a smoked ham, courtesy of the Harriston Packing Company, while the second largest family contingent will receive a Redwood Restaurant gift certificate. Adult admission to the fair is $5 on Friday night and Saturday, and $10 on Sunday. For children under 12, admission is just $1 each day. Weekend passes are available for $12 for adults and $2 for children. For more information go to

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Inside Wellington - Second The Wellington Advertiser, May 6, 6, 2013 2011 PAGE PAGE FIFTEEN FIFTEEN Inside Wellington - Second SectionSection of The of Wellington Advertiser, Friday, Friday, September

Mon. Sept 16

The Guelph Needlecraft Guild Class Payment and Social Night. 7:30-9:30pm. Kortright Presbyterian Church, 55 Devere Dr, Guelph, Contact: Sandy Schoen, 519-767-0017. Free to all. *** Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington Open House 5-7pm. WestJet raffle draw to be made. Big Brothers Big Sister of Centre Wellington, 195 St. David St. S. 2nd Floor, Fergus. 519-787-0106. Unlocking a child’s potential, creates a future where anything is possible ... Start Something. Be sure to get your WestJet raffle ticket and help us celebrate. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada 100th Anniversary. *** Elmira & District Horticultural Society presents “The Right Garden Tool to Get the Job Done� with Christine Gilhuly. 7:30pm. Trinity United Church. Everyone welcome.

tues. Sept. 17

Cancer Support Group, Upper Grand, 753 Tower, St., S. Fergus. Every third Tuesday of each month, 10am-12noon. Lunch Out -first Wednesday of each month. Wheelchair accessible. Contact Judy D. 519-843-3947 Ext: 100 or Joyce B. 519-843-3213. *** 7:30pm. Guelph Twp. Horticultural Society meeting at Marden Community Centre, 7368 Wellington Rd. 30 Speaker: Kim Delaney, Palmerston on Seed Saving. Refreshments. All welcome. 519-822-5289.

Wed. Sept. 18

Alzheimer’s Coffee Break, 2-4pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Hall, Fergus. Guest speaker Robyn Smart. All welcome. *** Jim’s Jujubes Spaghetti Dinner in memory of Jim Murray. All proceeds going to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. 5-7pm, Moorefield Community Hall. Eat in or take out. Adults $12, Kids 5-12 $6, under 4 free. For more info. or tickets email *** Fergus & District Horticultural Society meeting and flower show, 7:30pm. Speaker: Rob Johnson. Topic: “Effects of Climatic Change on Trees�. Victoria Park Centre, Fergus. Everyone welcome. For further info. call Roberta at 519-843-5892. *** Arthur Legion General Meeting. 8pm.

Thurs. Sept. 19

Join the Grandmothers of the Grand at the Elora Legion at 7pm. Photojournalist and speaker, Paola Gianturco will be showing her photos and speaking about the grandmothers featured in her book, Grandmother Power. Tickets $10. Inquiries phone: 519-994-3324. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. *** Grace Anglican Church, Arthur. Speaker Ken Speers. Feature Christian Reapers of Hope, Music John Kroft. 9:30am. Coffee and snacks. Everyone Welcome.

Fri. Sept. 20

Black Family Concert. Old tyme fiddle & step dance concert. 7pm. St. John Parish Centre, Georgina St. Arthur. Tickets $12. For information call 519 848-6722. *** St. Mary Parish, Mount Forest Fundraising Chicken Barbecue. 5-7pm, St. Mary Parish Center, Mount Forest. 1/4 chicken dinner $7, 1/2 chicken dinner $ 15. For tickets or more info. please call 519-323-1215 or 519-338-2571. *** Arthur Legion Wing Night. All you can eat $14. No take out.

Sat. Sept. 21

Country Dance. Alma Community Centre, 8pm. $12.50. Dance to Southridge Sound. ***

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. Grand Valley High School Reunion at the Community of Christ Church on Mill Street in Grand Valley. Gathering at 4pm, dinner ‡†Â?Â‡Â•Â†ÂƒÂ›ÇĄ ‡’–‡Â?„‡” ʹ͸–Š ˆ”‘Â? ͡ǣͲͲnj͚ǣͲͲ Â’Â? at 6pm ($15). Let organizers know by Sept. 7. For more info. Wednesday, September 18th from 5:00-7:00 pm ƒ– –Š‡ ‘‘”‡Ď?‹‡Ž† ‘Â?Â?—Â?‹–› ƒŽŽ contact Leona Taylor 519 941 4047. at the Moorefield Community Hall *** Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners are holding a series of sum- †—Ž–• ÇŚ Í„ͳʹ Š‹Ž†”‡Â? Č‹͡njͳʹČŒ ÇŚ Í„͸ ÇŚ ‘” ÇŚ Adults - $12 Children (5-12) - $6 EAT-IN or TAKE-OUT mer talks, called Garden Gab Sessions, at the Guelph Enabling ‘” Â?‘”‡ ‹Â?ˆ‘”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ƒÂ?† –‹…Â?‡–• ‡njÂ?ƒ‹Ž —• ƒ– Œ‹Â?•Œ—Œ—„‡•̡‰Â?ƒ‹ŽǤ…‘Â? Garden in Riverside Park, 689 Woolwich Street North, 10amFor more‘” …ƒŽŽ ƒ‹Ž ƒ– ͡ͳ͝nj͸;ͺnj;Ͳ͚͚Ǥ information and tickets e-mail us at noon. Information email or call Gail at 519-638-3077. *** Č— ‹…Â?‡–• ƒŽ•‘ ƒ˜ƒ‹Žƒ„Ž‡ ƒ– Š‡ —””ƒ› ”‘—’ ‡ƒ† ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‹Â? ‘‘”‡Ď?‹‡Ž†Ǥ Mud, obstacles, and sweat: the Canadian Cancer Society presents * Tickets also available at the Wellington Warrior Challenge at Cox Creek Cellars, Guelph. The Murray Group Head Office in Moorefield. Not your average charity race, the Wellington Warrior Challenge is dirty, fun, and full of obstacles that will put all other 5K races to shame. For more info. 519-824-4261. *** Until Sept. 22 - 10am to 5pm, Hills of Erin Studio Tour 25th anniversary. Free, self-guided tour of artists’ studios and venues in Erin and Hillsburgh. Go to for a map of locations. *** Hillsburgh Baptist Church is having a Chicken BBQ dinner. 5-7pm. Half Chicken is $15, Quarter is $12. Call 519-855-4533 and leave message for tickets. *** Madd Wellington County victim vigil butterfly release at 3:30pm, Wellington County Museum, 536 County Road 18 Elora. The event is an opportunity to reflect on lives lost or injuries suffered as result of impaired driving. Butterflies will be released in one large release and can be released by individuals for a donation to MADD. The general public is welcome.


FROM PAGE TWO Sideroad 10 S in Puslinch. 2pm, cover roughly 1- 2km and take about 1.5 hours. Please be prepared for on and off road walking with some wet patches and varied terrestrial habitats. *** Grand Valley’s Terry Fox Run / Walk / Cycle. Register at the Grand Valley Community Centre. 10am start. Lunch Provided. For more info. contact: Kim 519-928-2973, Lisa 519-928-5252. *** Community Breakfast. Fergus Legion 9-11:30am. $7 per person, $3 for children 10 and under.

‹• Š‘•–‹Â?‰ ƒ •’ƒ‰Š‡––‹ †‹Â?Â?‡” ‹Â? Â?‡Â?‘”› ‘ˆ ‹Â? —””ƒ› ™‹–Š ƒŽŽ ’”‘…‡‡†• is hosting a spaghetti dinner ‰‘‹Â?‰ –‘ –Š‡ ‡—Â?‡Â?‹ƒ ĆŹ ›Â?’Š‘Â?ƒ ‘…‹‡–› ‘ˆ ƒÂ?ƒ†ƒǤ in memory of Jim Murray with all proceeds going to the

Sun. Sept. 22

Everdale Organic Farm and Environmental Learning Centre Annual Carrot Festival. 5812 6th Line, Hillsburgh. 11am–5pm. Admission Free. *** Annual Palmerston Fundraiser Golf Tournament for Friends of the Orphans Canada. Walkerton Golf and Curling Club. Registration starts at 11:30, shotgun start: 1pm sharp. 9 holes, golf cart, steak dinner, prizes, only $75 per person. Silent Auction. Come to enjoy the meal and silent auction $25. To register: or *** Fish Fry, Community of Christ Church, Mill St Grand Valley. 5pm. Adults $12.50, 12 and under $6, preschool free. *** Will Devonshire’s Annual Fall Benefit Concert and Dessert Soiree playing classical and original guitar compositions, 7pm, $10, Orton Community Church. For tickets call 519-855-6385. Proceeds donated to Erin Food Bank and Orton Community Association. Sponsored by the Bahais of Erin.

Mon. Sept 23

Rockwood Presbyterian Church Annual Roast Beef Dinner. 6pm. Rockmosa Community Centre. Adults $15, Children 7-12 $7. Children under 7 free. Advance tickets only. For tickets phone Joan 519-856-2839, Jean 519-856–9565.

Tues. Sept 24

Maryborough Horticultural Society Meeting, 7:30pm. Moorefield Optimist Hall. Mini-talk on Gourds by Hannah Veld. Speaker: Margaret Signer. Topic: Teas. Info. 519-291-1458. *** CW Probus meeting. Annual meeting. Speaker: Linda Austin “Devils & Kiwis: Adventures in Tasmania and New Zealand: Aboyne Hall at Wellington County Museum. Retired Seniors welcome.

Wed. Sept 25

Elora & Salem Horticultural Society’s Monthly Meeting, 7:30pm at the Heritage River Retirement Community, 25 Wellington Drive, Elora. Lyn Dettweiler will discuss “Growing Delightful Dahlias�. Light refreshments are provided. Everyone is welcome.

Thurs. Sept 26

Boots, Blankets and Boobs Casual Cocktail Party and Fashion Show. Erin Agricultural Centre, Erin. 7-10pm. Proceeds to the Cancer Care Program, Headwaters Health Care Centre. Tickets call 519-833-2002. *** Arthur Lions Club Drive Thru Chicken Barbecue 4:30–7pm. Meals to be picked up at St. John’s Parish Centre, Arthur. Tickets available from Lions members $12.50. Delivery available.


Second Section of:



Here’s How it Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Horoscopes ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you may not like scheduling too many things in advance, but sometimes it pays to plan and let others know your schedule so their minds are at ease. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 You may experience a financial windfall this week, Taurus. It may be a good time to ask for a raise or to play the lottery. Luck is on your side in the coming days. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, expand your horizons and your path to success will be illuminated. Creativity will bring new opportunities and people into your life this week. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Share your optimism and enthusiasm with others, Cancer. You may prove unable to contain your happiness, so don’t be surprised if those around you pick up that vibe. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, expect your social life to take off this week. Things pick up with your friends, and romance might be right around the corner. Enjoy the ride. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you might think you can do no wrong at work, but scale back on risky decisions. Right now you have achieved financial stability, and you don’t want to risk that. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, your heart is set on a lofty goal, but you recognize all the hard work necessary to make that goal a reality. Give it your best shot, and you will be glad you did.


Second Section September 6, 2013

Send your arts, entertainment and sports to:

Volunteering a life style and a team effort

the Seco nd Secti on of the well ingto n

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may convince yourself that now is not the time to spend money on something that will make you feel good, but there is no reason to let fear get in the way of happiness. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 A friend or partner could open up a window of opportunity for you, Sagittarius. Make the most of this opportunity, and success will soon follow. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get much done this week, Capricorn. There are many enticing distractions, and you can afford to devote some time to trivial pursuits. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, this week may allow you to have your cake and eat it, too. Friends may be envious of your luck, so be sure to share some of your good fortune with those around you. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, devote ample time to your personal life this week. A few things need sorting out, so don’t hesitate to put other matters on the back burner.

To advertise in Inside Wellington:

Barb mcKay:


For the Second Week of Sept.

ARTS & ENTERTAINmENT Century Theatre gu ild set for new season

For the events calendar, please send 20-25 words, 4wks prior to the event date to:

adve rtiSe r


free preSS


newS week ly ™

PAGE SIXTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, September 6, 2013

Fall Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Event Days Attention: County Residents Bring your HHW materials for recycling or proper disposal to an upcoming HHW Event Day.

Sunday, September 22 - 12:00 to 5:00 pm

Saturday, September 14 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Wellington County Aberfoyle Roads Garage, 7396 Wellington Road 34, Aberfoyle

Special Guest - Ty Banton

12:30 - 2:00 pm


$5.00 per person or $12.50 per family

Music in the Barn

Saturday, October 26 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Liquidation World, 480 Smith Street, Arthur

Ty Banton - 12:30 - 2:00 pm Grand Squares Dancing - 2:30 - 3:30 pm Bill Beattie and Friends - 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Official opening of the 1877 Barn exhibit at noon

Event Details: • Commercial, institutional, industrial, and agricultural wastes will not be accepted • Open to County of Wellington residents only

Celebrate the rural heritage of Wellington County! Wellington County Museum and Archives located between Fergus and Elora

For a full list of acceptable HHW items, visit

T: 519.846.0916 x 5221

TOLL FREE: 1.800.663.0750 x 5221

Other disposal options can be found at

Win Pirate Treasure!

Beginning September, the County, together with the seven municipalities, will begin interviewing almost 300 businesses across Wellington.

Celebrate Pirate Day with Mango Languages Did you know that Thursday, September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Celebrate with Wellington County Library! Brush up on your pirate speech skills by using Mango Languages and take part in our month-long scavenger hunt. You could win a Kobo Arc tablet!

The Business Retention and Expansion interviews are part of Countywide economic development efforts and directly follow the County Economic Development Strategy adopted by Council in 2012.

Thank you for doing business in Wellington!

Each week we will ask you for a different pirate phrase. If you can answer correctly, you’ll receive a ballot to enter our draw. Each Branch will be giving away a Mango Languages prize filled with pirate treasure and one lucky winner will receive a Kobo Arc tablet! The scavenger hunt will run for the month of September – all ages are welcome to take part.

Each municipality agrees speaking directly to businesses will help to understand the type of investment activity, existing support structures and critical gaps. A public meeting in February will show results and devise a priority list for supporting existing businesses and to nurture the growth of our communities.

What is Mango Languages? Learning a new language has never been easier. Free to use in your local library branch, at home, or on the go, Mango Languages is a fun and interactive way to learn. Choose from over 60 languages currently available as well as English courses for non-native speakers.

The business interviews follow specific guidelines and will focus on four key sectors; health care, manufacturing, agriculture and the creative economy.

Stop by your local branch for a Mango Languages demo by staff or visit our website to get started

For more information, please contact: Jana Reichert BA, MSc Economic Development Officer T 519.837.2600 x 2525 C 519.830.9969 E


FEEDBACK - HOW ARE WE DOING? Do you have an idea for an upcoming issue? Andrea Ravensdale, Communications Manager 519.837.2600 x 2320* or *ALL CALLS CAN BE MADE TOLL FREE TO 1.800.663.0750

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