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Second Section March 30, 2012

Marjorie Clark: Building Puslinch community family albums


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PAGE TWO Inside Wellington - Second Section of the Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012

Farmers Breakfast Speedside United Church Saturday April 14, 8am-10am

$7 adults, $3.50 Age 12 & under Eggs, Pancakes & Sausages + more


Inside Wellington’s Events listings are reserved for non-profit/charitable events. Please send your event info to: 20-25 words 4 weeks prior to event date


& SAVE MORE! 1/2 PRICE MYSTERY SALE 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm We will announce at 5:00 pm what the Mystery Special will be. Also check Facebook for our evening special. 59 Church St. W., Elmira 519-669-8475

Thank You We are sincerely grateful to this wonderfully generous community in which we live. We would like to thank all of you who came out to bowl in our

“Bowl for Kids 2012 campaign� and all of you who sponsored a bowler or gave generous donations, in cash and in kind and the super door prizes. To Roger & Ivan Lawrence at Mount Forest Bowling Centre, always the gracious hosts and Jim Hunter, Brenmar Transit without whose generosity we could not profitably run the school challenge. Because of all of you we raised $61,000. We are ever indebted to you and trust you had fun helping us surpass our goal. Please accept this as your invitation to attend our Awards breakfast April 21 at 8:30 a.m. at the Savoury Thyme Eatery, 32 Elora St., Harriston. Please call 519-323-4273 to let us know how many will be attending, from your group, by April 13.

Bowl for Kids Committee Big Brothers Big Sisters North Wellington

Public Service announcement

The Victoria Park Seniors Centre in Fergus has a wide variety of programs for all including bus trips, fitness, computer, dance, health and wellness, arts and music, general interest and everyday drop in programs. Registered programs may be taken by anyone over 18 years old. Don’t be disappointed register early for all programs and seminars. Check out our website at or call 519-787-1814. *** Just for Women, Just for Fun fundraiser for BBBS. Saturday April 28, 2012. Workshops, refreshments, lunch, raffles. Tickets available until April 6. 519-323-4273. *** The Grand Valley Library is showcasing Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley at its Rotating Art Gallery. April features Peter Marshall who burns images into wooden panels before painting and Manuela Marshall who creates images in fabric and embroidery embellishments.

Fri. Mar. 30

Harriston-Minto Cancer Society Soup and Sandwich Luncheon, 11:30-1pm. $8. Harriston United Church. For more info. Contact Laverne Stinson 519-338-5566. *** Century Church Theatre, 72 Trafalgar Road, Hillsburgh. Romantic Comedy by Bernard Slade. A delightful comedy from the writer of Bewitched, The Partridge Family, and Same Time Next Year. A Century Theatre Guild production, directed by Dale Jones. Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm. Sundays at 2:30pm. $18 inclusive. Box Office 519-855-4586. *** Harriston Legion Branch #296 - Dinner 5-7pm. Tickets $12, Children under 12 $6, preschoolers free. For more information call 519-338-2843. *** Alma Optimist Beef Barbecue. 5-7pm. Alma Community Hall. Admission $12, kids $4. *** Contra dance with live music. Highland Rugby Club Field House, 150 Albert St. W., Fergus. 8-10:30pm. Admission $10 (students $8). No partner or previous experience necessary. Contact Carolyn Crozier 519-843-3030. *** Guelph Arts Council’s Schmoozefest 5-7pm. Come schmooze with local artists and arts supporters at Van Gogh’s Ear, 10 Wyndham St., N. Guelph. Book a 2-minute spotlight in advance. 519-836-3280.

Sat. Mar. 31

Celebrating April Fool’s Day at Barrie Hill United Church. A 3 course roast pork dinner and entertainment. For tickets contact Tim at 519-763-2661. Ticket price $25. Proceeds to the Barrie Hill Kitchen Renovation Fund. 5702 Wellington Rd. 29, R. R. #5 Rockwood. *** Come one and all to the Country Breakfast at Rockwood United Church 8-11am. Tickets at door. Adults $7, Child $5 and Family Deal $20 (2 adults and 2 or more children). All welcome. For more info. call 519-856-4160. *** Marsville Lions Community Breakfast. $5 per person. Marsville Community Centre. Last Saturday of every month. 7:30-10:30am. Also, recycling of wine bottles, beer bottles and cans, pop cans. *** Scrapbooking and crafts day at Knox Church Ospringe. 9am- 3pm Lunch provided, donations to the food bank gratefully received. 519-856-4453 for directions or more information. *** Trinity United Church, Grand Valley. Spring Fling. Pancakes, sausage and fresh maple syrup served from 8:30-1:00. Also home baking, fish pond and syrup for sale. Adults-$5/Children under 12-$3. *** Arthur Legion Karaoke. 8:30pm. *** Country Dance. Alma Community Hall. $10. Dance to Country Versatiles. *** The 20th Annual KW Christian Home Educators’ Conference. 8am-5pm. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 110 Doon Road, Kitchener. Explore the displays of curriculum and other learn-

ing materials from over 50 vendors. Discover new insights on effectively delivering home education as presented by recognized experts and experienced homeschooling parents. Adults $42, couples $59, teens $17. Call 519-744-2587 for details. *** “Guelph Seedy Saturday� Norfolk Street United Church. 1-5pm. Seedy Saturday provides an opportunity for community members to exchange non-genetically modified seeds with each other. We also encourage that the seeds involved be local and organic as much as possible. Folks can drop off clearly labeled and descriptive seed packets at the ‘seed swap’ table in exchange for others. More details can be found at

Sun. Apr. 1

Century Church Theatre presents Romantic Comedy by Bernard Slade. 2:30pm. Tickets: 519-855-4586. *** Annual Chili Cook Off and Dessert Bake Off Fundraiser. 4:30 -7pm. Elora Arena. Profits to Elora Public School Playground Enhancement Project. Adults: $10, Children under 10 $5, Family Ticket: 2 adults with 3 or more children $30. Entry free for all participating cooks! *** “Quintessence� Elora Centre for the Arts. Opening reception 2-4pm. Show runs from March 29 to May 6. *** The choir of St. John’s United Church, Belwood presents the Cantata “No Stone Could Hold him� by Lloyd Larson. 7pm. In the church. Refreshments and free will offering. *** You are invited to the annual meeting of the Chalmers Community Services Centre, 2pm at Kortright Presbyterian Church, 55 Devere Dr., Guelph. For further information, please call 519-822-8778. *** CWL Spring Tea and Bazaar. Church of Our Lady Immaculate, Norfolk St., Guelph. 11am -3:30pm. Light lunch served at noon in our Tea Room, $6. For information 519-763-0054. *** Halton Agreement Forest 
3 hrs. 
We enter on the 6th Line of Nassagaweya and hike along fire road and parts of Bruce Side Trail. Meet at Guelph covered bridge parking lot east of Gordon Street at 12:30 to car pool. Bring water/snacks. Trails may be wet. All welcome. 

Leader: Norm 519-836-3568; Gayle 519 8561012 
Level 2. Speed Moderate. *** Guelph Boathouse Art Show - Featuring artists Dennis Novosad of Fergus, Gail Root of Rockwood and Juanita Johnstone of Guelph; curated by Remarque Art Consulting of Guelph. The Boathouse is located at 116 Gordon Street in Guelph. Contact: Joanne Poluch at

Mon. Apr. 2

Ladies of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Frederick St. Arthur. Monthly meeting 7:30pm. Easter theme. All welcome. *** Victoria Park Seniors Centre Seminar: Achieving Healthy Weight Loss, Why Fad Diets Don’t Work. 10:15am. Call 519-787-1814 for an appointment. *** Speed River Section 1. 
2 hrs. 
Meet for a 6pm. departure at the parking outside of Guelph Humane Society. We will follow SR Sect 1 to Niska Rd. and return on the John Woods Side trail. All welcome. 
Leader: Norm 519-836-3568 
Level 1. Speed Moderate. *** Ignatius Old Growth Forest Trail. 5 km. 
This trail stretches eastward across Highway 6 North to Victoria Road. Come prepared with footwear for muddy conditions. Arrive early or stay later to walk the labyrinth or the Stations of the Cosmos, both spiral walks. Meet in the parking lot beside the labyrinth at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Highway 6 N. 6:15pm. All welcome.
Leader: Vanessa 519-821-5335.
Level 1. Speed Moderate.

Wed. Apr. 4

Canadian Cancer Society Annual Daffodil Luncheon. 11:301:30pm. $10 per person. Salad plate, rolls, pie, tea and coffee. Royal Canadian Legion Br. 275. 500 Blair St. Fergus. Takeout and delivery call 519-843-1426.

Thurs. Apr. 5

%HG %XJV GRQÂśW PDNH JRRG VRXYHQLUV Sunday April 15, 2012 Games start at 1pm - Doors open at 11am

share the wealth package $15 - main program package $25 (both packages are required - extra strips available)

“Proceeds to local Community projects� Held at Grand River Raceway

7445 Wellington County Rd. 21, Elora Held under lottery license #M634122. FERGUS ELORA ROTARY FOUNDATION Staffed by: Centre Wellington Rotary Club and Fergus Elora Rotary Club


Belwood Lions Jamboree. 7:30pm Belwood Hall. Come and play, sing, dance and just enjoy the entertainment. Admission $5pp. (Performing musicians: Free). Call 519843-7011 for information.

Fri. Apr. 6

Elora United Church/Howell’s Fish Fry and Silent Auction, 4:30-7pm, at the Elora Community Centre. Takeout available. Tickets: Elora United Church or 519-8469451. Adults - $15, children under 12- $8 (1/2 portion fish). *** Good Friday Cantata – performed by area choirs and conducted by Derek Moore. Grace Continued on page 15

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE THREE

Marjorie Clark: Building Puslinch community family albums by MIke Robinson

PUSLINCH From Aberfoyle to Badenoch and from Crieff to Morriston, Puslinch Township lays claim to numerous communities, each with its own unique heritage. “It’s not about me; it’s about our history,” says resident Marjorie Clark For her, it is about sharing those stories with others in her community. “Knowing where we came from is an integral part of knowing who we are,” Clark said. Though her name might be on the cover of many of the current Puslinch historical books, Clark stresses she is just one of many people who took part and only one of many people chronicling local histories in the area. One only needs to look within the front door of the Puslinch Township office for verification. A table in the front lobby is dominated by a wealth of various local histories. Some of the books Clark has been involved with include: - The Clark Family, 1979; - Our Village of Morriston, 1981; - A Genealogy of Badenoch Families, 1999; - Puslinch in the Papers, 2001; - Life in Puslinch, 18731898, published 2004; - Marriages, Puslinch Township, published 2004; - Badenoch, 1831-2007, published 2007; - The Maple Leaf Forever, The Military in Puslinch Township, published 2008; - A Celebration of Lives, Obituaries of Puslinch Township, published 2009; - Marriages, Puslinch Township, Volume 2, published 2010; and - Our Home and Native Land, Community in Puslinch Township, published 2011. Clark’s initial reticence to be the centre of attention was echoed by others who know her. Copies of many of those books are at the Wellington County Archives and the Puslinch Historical Society

Archive. Her history of Morriston is on the shelves of the Aberfoyle branch of the Wellington County Library (where the Puslinch Historical Society Archives are located). Each person has their own reasons and story as to why they became involved in local history or genealogical research. In the dedication of her latest book, Our Home and Native Land, Community in Puslinch Township, Wellington County, Ontario, Clark gives a glimpse into how it began for her. “I began this in answer to a letter of enquiry from a long-lost second cousin in BC,

capable than me.” She added, “After that first book on the Clark family, I never stopped to this day. “There is something about local history and genealogy; one is telling one’s own story, really. Our family, our neighbours, our township, it is all just an extension of ourselves. “Especially so, I suppose, when one’s family has lived in the township, as mine has, since 1832, when the first trees were cut. My cousins still live and farm where our greatgreat-grandfather, John Clark Sr. settled.” Less was accomplished in the first number of years of research, as Clark still worked

“My desire is to bring alive the Puslinch of their ancestors for them.” - Marjorie Clark, on encouraging others to keep local history alive.

which was sent to my uncle in 1979, who passed it to an aunt, who gave it to another aunt, who showed the letter to me.” The cousin’s letter began, “I believe we are related.” Clark said she started with a few pages in response but soon, it was a sheaf of papers “... and then, I realized I had a book.” She published a book on her paternal line and gave away 100 copies within the family. “I had always been interested in local history, as I listened to my parents and aunties talk about who was related to who and how, from the time I was wee,” she said. “On summer evenings, I would accompany my aunts and mother to Crown Cemetery to water the flowers and afterwards, to wander about, listening while they talked about our family, neighbours and friends, who had gone before us. “My father, too, would often regale us with stories from his boyhood and what Badenoch and Morriston were like then. I thought that someone ought to record all of that, but someone more

full-time. When she retired as a staff member at McMaster University in 2002, she began concentrating full-time on Puslinch history. “If my efforts with coauthors and as part of a group are counted, I think there are about ten books in publication now. I have material for a couple more on my computer presently. “The books are sold on a cost-recovery basis, as it is not our aim to make money from the endeavour. We produce our own manuscripts, deal with the printer and do our own advertising for the books, although friends and acquaintances have graciously reviewed the books for the Puslinch Pioneer. “We also do our own shipping by Canada Post. We are particularly grateful to Brenda Law and the staff of the Puslinch Township municipal office for displaying and selling the books from a desk in the lobby.” Once a computer was acquired, efforts expanded to a website in about

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Killean Tug of War Team (1902) - Front row, from left: R. Burmaster, L. McLarty, D. Ferguson, M. McLarty and A. McKellar. Back: Capt. Gilchrist, James Gorman and D. McKellar. submitted photos 2003, and to the “Friends of Puslinch History” group around 2006. To date, there are 116 members in the group, which continues to grow. She stressed her “historical endeavour is not entirely my own, as the website, which you are probably familiar with - http://www.clarksoftomfad. ca, is the production of my brother, John R. Clark. “Like myself, he also researches and assists me with the construction of my books. “Throughout the years, I have occasionally written articles for print in the Puslinch Pioneer, our volunteer-run Puslinch paper; another great medium through which to reach people.” Clark was a founding member of the Puslinch Historical Society in 1984. From 20032005, she served as president. “Hopefully, my efforts bring an awareness of our past to current residents of our township, [so] they may understand how we came to be as we are.” As well, many of Clark’s contacts are descendants of early pioneer families who settled Puslinch Township - and those descendants are spread far and wide across this continent. “My desire is to bring alive the Puslinch of their ancestors for them and for those who will investigate in the future,” she said. She points to her most recent book Our Home and Native Land, Community in Puslinch Township [2011]. “I did not intend to do this book but, while searching through my files for data for articles for the Puslinch Pioneer, I realized what a wealth of material was now in

MARJORIE CLARK my possession. I began with the idea of putting together a few articles. Then, I found that I was writing a book and it seemed to have a community theme. Really, it is my version of a Puslinch Township history.” Clark noted an earlier book - The Maple Leaf Forever, The Military in Puslinch Township, [2008] - began as she worked on the obituary collection. “I realized that there was quite of bit of information on the participation of Puslinch men in the military, from the days of Mackenzie Rebellion, the Fenian Raids, the Northwest Rebellion, the Boer War and the First World War.” As to resources available, Clark says researchers into Puslinch subjects are able to access the archives of the Puslinch Historical Society (PHS),

which is located in the Puslinch Township Library in Aberfoyle. “The PHS has been collecting information almost since its formation as a group.” The archive is open on Saturday from 10am to 5pm and on Wednesday from 1 to 4:30pm (for enquiries contact Betty Ferguson at Ferguson@in.on. ca). Clark added archivist Karen Wagner of the Wellington County Archives possesses a good collection of Puslinch material. is another source of vital statistics and the census for not only Puslinch Township, but all of Ontario in the case of births, marriages, deaths; and all of Canada for census information. Beyond sources in one’s own family, these are Clark’s recommended places to visit, as well as The Clarks of Tomfad.

Overseas effort - The Badenoch World War I. Red Cross Kh Front row from left: Phyllis Han aki Club packing boxes for Elliot and Gra sold ce ni Standing: Bess Hanning. Middle: Marjorie ng, Marjorie Simpson, Chris iers overseas in tie McLean, Be ie Simpson, McLean, Jess Li ie Martin and ssie McEdward, M rs. Angus Mar zzie Hanning, Margaret M M argaret McLea tin, Maggie M n. cLean, Mary Sc cPherson, Jessie McLean, ott, and Mrs. Ja Maggie mes Simpson.

PAGE FOUR Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012


ENTERTAINMENT Two community theatre groups win at Western Ontario Drama League SARNIA - Two area theatre companies are celebrating recognition after a gala event at the Western Ontario Drama League (WODL) handed them honours. The Guelph Little Theatre (GLT) production of Picasso at the Lapine Agile played to audiences during the WODL festival’s entry night on March 16. WODL adjudicator Ron Cameron-Lewis praised their creative engineering in their sets, lights and other areas of the production, as well as their directorial choices in presenta-

tion. The following evening, WODL held their gala awards, considered the Academy Awards for community theatre. With more than two dozen theatre groups nominated, only five plays proceeded to the Sarnia WODL Festival. Both Guelph Little Theatre and Elora Community Theatre (ECT) were nominated. ECT’s Norm Foster play Self Help won four awards and 10 other nominations. Bronwyn Allen Hill won best supporting actress; Michelle DiTomasso won

best actress; Trevor SmithDiggins won best actor and Jude Winterbottom won for best direction. GLT’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile earned 12 nominations, winning six awards and one special adjudicator’s award. Rob Gray won best supporting actor; Sally Nelson won the adjudicator’s award for making the most in a cameo role. The ensemble cast won a series of awards: The Reuben Cardinell Memorial for best coordinated production; The Spanik Award for best visual production; The Matthewson

Memorial for the best ensemble work; The D. Park Jamieson Award for the best production and the WODL regional trophy as festival winner. The GLT will proceed to the Theatre Ontario Festival held in Sault Ste. Marie in May where they will perform their play on May 18, in hopes of winning more theatre honours. GLT’s next production, The Glass Menagerie opens April 13, with three weekend shows until April 28. For tickets visit or phone 519-821-0270.

Drayton Entertainment presents Symphony in the Country DRAYTON - Two professional arts organizations will come together when the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony takes centre stage at the Drayton Festival Theatre on April 28. Symphony in the Country was conceived as an opportunity to make cultural opportunities more readily accessible to rural communities. “This is an incredible chance to bring new audiences to the Drayton Festival Theatre, as well as introduce

theatregoers to the world of orchestral music,� said Alex Mustakas, artistic director of Drayton Entertainment. “It’s fitting that this event be performed in our beautiful 1902 opera house, with its rich and varied musical history.� Mustakas added the two concerts represent a rare opportunity to hear a nationally acclaimed 50-piece orchestra in an intimate setting. “It will feel like the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony is playing in your living room,�

said Mustakas. Several classical and musical theatre selections will be featured, including Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro, regarded as a cornerstone of the symphony’s repertoire. Audiences will also hear West Side Story Selections composed by Leonard Bernstein and arranged by Jack Mason. Symphony in the Country takes place April 2 at 3 and 7:30pm at the Drayton Festival Theatre. The concerts are

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sponsored by Heffner Toyota and Peel Maryborough Mutual Insurance. Tickets are $38 for adults, and $20 for children and may be purchased through the box office at 519-638-5555 or at

Actor accolades - Trevor Smith Diggins and Michele Di Tomasso, lead actors in the Elora Community Theatre’s production of SelfHelp, were awarded best actor and best actress at the Western Ontario Drama League’s gala ceremony. submitted photo

Harvey takes stage at St. Jacobs theatre WATERLOO - With tremendous audience response to 9 to 5: The Musical, the St. Jacobs County Playhouse prepares to stage the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy, Harvey. A thought-provoking play about dignity, self-respect, and the loyalty of friendship, Harvey will entertain audiences for three weeks, from April 11 to 29. Theatregoers are invited to suspend their disbelief and enter the surreal world of Elwood P. Dowd, an affable man who claims to have an unseen (and presumably imaginary) friend named Harvey, who is described as a six-foot tall rabbit. When Elwood decides to introduce Harvey to guests at a party, his society-obsessed sister attempts to commit Elwood to a sanitarium, inadvertently setting in motion a chain of events that will cause everyone to question their own reality. “Audiences can’t help but be charmed by the warmth and wit in this compelling story about the power of friendship

and the beauty of imagination,� said Alex Mustakas, artistic director of Drayton Entertainment. “With its larger-than-life characters and insightful look at the human condition, Harvey encourages each of us to challenge our perception of reality.� Over the past two decades, Mustakas has directed over 100 productions for Drayton Entertainment, and will return to the helm to direct Harvey. Written by Mary Chase, Harvey was a runaway success when it opened on Broadway in 1944. In 1945 Chase was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in drama for Harvey, which made her the fourth woman in history to win the prestigious award. The stage play inspired the beloved 1950 motion picture starring James Stewart. A revival of the play is set for Broadway later this year, starring Emmy Award winner Jim Parsons (of The Big Bang Theory) as Elwood. The cast for the Drayton Entertainment production includes Ted Simonett as Elwood P. Dowd, Michelle

Fisk as Elwood’s status-seeking yet skeptical sister Veta Louise, Victor A. Young as Judge Omar Gaffney, Brian McKay as the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. William B. Chumley and Jayne Lewis as Dr. Chumley’s wife Betty, as well as Jayme Armstrong, who is being praised for her performance in 9 To 5: The Musical currently on stage at the St. Jacobs Country Playhouse, Alan K. Sapp and Tova Smith. Director Alex Mustakas is supported by set designer Allan Wilbee, lighting designer Simon Day and costume designer Jessica Bray, whose combined talents will transport audiences to the 1940s. Harvey plays eight shows a week from April 11 through April 29. Tickets can be purchased at, in person at the box office, or by calling 519-747-7788 or toll free 1-855-drayton (372-9866).

Urban wildlife workshop GUELPH - Discover how to provide much needed sanctuary for a diversity of wildlife right in the backyard. Guest Instructor Leslie Work will present The Arboretum’s Urban Wildlife Habitat Gardening workshop on April 13 from 9am to 4pm. In that session participants will select native wild plants as well as common garden annuals, perennials, and shrubs to create gardens that are beautiful, and that provide food, shelter, and water for urban wildlife. They will learn how to cultivate evening magic with night-scented plants. Garden maintenance and bird nest boxes will also be covered. Each participant will seed a flat of habitat plants to take home. The registration fee is $75 plus tax and the registration deadline is April 6. For more information or to register, call The Arboretum at 824-4120 extension 52358.

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE FIVE


ENTERTAINMENT Erin Community Theatre presents Canadian premier of dark comedy Vino Veritas ERIN - Erin Community Theatre will present the Canadian premiere of Vino Veritas for their Spring 2012 show. Written by Detroit native David MacGregor, the play makes its Canadian debut on stage at Erin’s Centre 2000 for two weeks in March. First staged at Jeff Daniels’ Purple Rose Theatre in Chelsea, Michigan in 2006, Vino Veritas has gone on to great professional acclaim in both the United States and Europe. “We are extremely excited to be able to present this show as a Canadian premiere” said Erin Community Theatre’s (ECT) president Rob Dodds. The play centres around two couples that meet for a cocktail before attending an annual Halloween costume party. The ‘vino veritas’ in question is the ceremonial wine of a native tribe in Peru. Described as a tribal truth serum, it allows the couples to experience an evening of unbridled honesty. Actors Susanna Lamy and John Carter star as Lauren and Phil, the couple who acquired the wine on a recent adventure in Peru. Marg Brady, seen most

GSO presents winner of Concerto competition GUELPH - In 2002, the Guelph Symphony Orchestra (GSO) initiated the Under-23 Concerto Competition to offer talented young musicians the opportunity to perform a full concerto as part of the GSO’s regular concert series. Each year a different instrumental category is offered and the age category is open to students who are working on or have completed their undergraduate studies. This year’s competition winner is Sarah Whynot, who will be performing Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G April 1. The program will also include Roman Carnival Overture by Hector Berlioz, and César Franck’s Symphony in D Minor. This concert marks the finale to the season. French Masters will be at the River Run Centre on April 1. For ticket information, visit GSO will also be offering a repeat performance of this programme at the Milton Centre for the Arts on April 27. For information on that performance, visit

The Wellington Advertiser is now on Follow us! @WellyAdvertiser

Spring Miscellany celebrates arts within Eden Mills EDEN MILLS - The Community Hall in Eden Mills will be the site of the annual Spring Miscellany, an annual celebration of the arts on March 31. Bringing together song, music, and readings to the small stage, the event offers an evening of refreshments for body and spirit. This year’s artists include: Harry Posner and Jeremy Grant, spoken word and drum artists; Blue Yonder, playing folk, bluegrass and blues; Olivia and Christina Peloso,singer/musicians; writers Frank Glew, Mary Swan, of Guelph and Janet Wilson, of Eden Mills and. The show begins at 8 pm,

Wine anyone? - The Erin Community Theatre presents the dark comedy Vino Veritas at Erin’s Centre 2000, the Canadian premiere of the production. submitted photo recently on our stage in last season’s acclaimed production of Stepping Out and newcomer to ECT Gary McIlravey play Claire and Ridley, next-door neighbours and test subjects for the vino veritas. This adult ‘comedy of dark truths’ fulfills the theatre company mandate nicely. Director Kathryn DeLory

said, “We are always looking for interesting, unique and thought provoking scripts to present to our audiences in Erin. I believe we’ve scored a major coup with Vino Veritas. It blends an inventive storyline with hilarious situations and creative ideas.” Vino Veritas will be on stage at Erin’s Centre 2000

from March 22 to 24 and March 28 to 31 at 8pm. The March 24 performance is for 2pm. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students/seniors. They can be obtained through What’s Cookin’ at 98 Main Street, 519-833-0909, or can be purchased at the box office.

Guelph Youth Singers welcome Acadian students for African benefit concert GUELPH - Guelph Youth Singers (GYS) will welcome choristers from Les Jeunes Chanteurs d’Acadie for a sixday SEVEC choir exchange. The program’s goals are to bring youth together from different provinces and territories across Canada in order to improve their knowledge and understanding of Canada, to help them connect with one another and thereby strengthen the fabric of Canadian society, and to foster an appreciation of the unity and diversity of Canadians. The highlight of the exchange takes place on April 12, when the two choirs and the Guelph Community Singers present a concert, “United for

Africa.” The concert will benefit Bracelet of Hope, a grassroots organization that engages Canadians in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. One African country becomes AIDS free by placing a bracelet on the wrist of every Canadian. The concert includes three African dances, and the popular choral song, “Here’s to Song,” sung by all choirs. Les Jeunes Chanteurs d’Acadie will share Acadian culture with traditional Acadian repertoire. Guelph Community Singers will present a solo set to include the well-known African marching song “Siyahamba.” Les Jeunes Chanteurs


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d’Acadie, under the direction of conductor, Nadine Hébert, has gained national and international recognition by participating in many competitions and festivals across Canada, the United States and Europe. In May, GYS will visit Moncton, New Brunswick for the second leg of the exchange. “United for Africa,” appears at the Harcourt Memorial United Church, 87 Dean Ave., on April 12 at 7pm. Tickets are $15 each or $40 per family and are available at the door. Tax receipts are available for those wishing to make a further donation to Bracelet of Hope.

but out of respect for Earth Hour, Eden Mills Community Hall will turn off the electric lights, run the microphones off a car battery and use beeswax candles for lighting. The concert is a fundraiser for the Eden Mills Community Club, sponsored by Sleeman’s Brewery. Spring Miscellany happens on March 31 at 8 pm. Doors open at 7:30pm. The Eden Mills Community Hall is located 108 York Street. Tickets are $20. There will be a cash bar. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at The Bookshelf, in Guelph or from Kit Bresnahan, by calling 519-856-1188 or email

Lowest of the Low play Grand Theatre April 5 FERGUS - Canada’s legendary Indie band, Lowest of the Low, are set to take the stage at Fergus Grand Theatre on April 5. Front-man Ron Hawkins and founding member Stephen Stanley celebrated the 20th anniversary of their renowned Gold album, Shakespeare My Butt, in 2010 with a re-issue of the album which included a 45 minute documentary of the bands history. The iconic debut album was honoured by Chart Magazine in their top 10 of the Top 100

Canadian Albums of All Time, alongside Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and The Tragically Hip. In Fergus, Ron and Stephen will be together again, combining some of their respective solo material with memorable acoustic versions of Lowest of the Low tunes. The band plays April 5 at the Fergus Grand Theatre. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets are $30, available at the theatre’s box office by calling 519-7871981 or by visiting

New show opens at Whitestone Gallery GUELPH - The Whitestone Gallery, in Guelph, is hosting a new show by member Mary Karavos. “Limitless” runs from March 31 to April 27, with an opening reception planned for April 7, from 7pm to 9pm. Karavos is a Collage Fibre artist who transforms handmade imported paper into masterful works of art. Her work is a rich interplay of texture and colour made possible by the patient layering of hand-

torn paper. Her distinct style of collage attracts collectors and buyers from Canada, the US, Europe and Asia. With a range of work that encompasses abstracts, figurative work, floral images and cityscapes, her art is original and enchanting. The Whitestone is an artist-run gallery, located at 80 Norfolk St. For more information visit


PAGE SIX Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012


Funeral Planning

Common estate planning mistakes to avoid when establishing a will

by Dan Allen Each year in Canada billions of dollars in assets are transferred at death. Those planning to transfer all or some of their assets to heirs may want to make sure their money goes to the people and causes most important to them. Outlined below are some of the common mistakes people make trying to transfer wealth. No will A basic and all too common mistake is failing to have a valid will. A will communicates intentions and allows the deceased - and not the government - to determine how their assets will be distributed. It also allows people to choose the executor of their estate and the guardian for their

children. Just a reminder: re-marrying often invalidates any previous will and people should seek legal advice on how this impacts estate planning.

when leaving registered investments (ie.- RRIF or RRSP) to anyone but one’s current spouse. Spousal issues Another example of failing

A will communicates intentions and allows the deceased - and not the government - to determine how their assets will be distributed. Treating equals unequally Often, when splitting assets, the intention is to divide them equally among beneficiaries. However, failing to take into account tax consequences means the wealth transfer may not be equal. This is particularly tricky



to consider the tax implications often involves second marriages or separated spouses. Let’s say a person leaves RRSPs to their current spouse and the balance of their estate is to go to their children from a previous marriage. That person might assume

their spouse will roll the RRSPs over to his/her own RRSPs tax free, but instead he/she could request the RRSPs be paid out in cash and the tax obligations are left for the estate (children) to pay. If one’s intentions are clearly described in a will, the executor can elect to have the taxes deducted from the RRSPs prior to cashing out to a spouse if they choose not to roll over the RRSPs tax-free. Minor beneficiaries It is important to consider the ages of individuals named as beneficiaries. Generally, death benefits cannot be paid directly to minors and the funds will be paid into the courts and a public trustee assigned. Once they reach the age of majority, the beneficiaries will be entitled to the funds without restriction. To better protect children, a will can establish a trust and name a trustee to act on their behalf according to specific instructions as to how the money is invested and when





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money is paid to beneficiaries. No beneficiary Unless there is a specific reason to have assets flow through one’s estate, it may be a better idea to name specific beneficiaries on insurance contracts, including insurancebased investments. Where specific beneficiaries are named on an insurance contract, the proceeds are paid directly to the beneficiaries usually within a few weeks of the insurance company receiving the necessary proof of death documentation. By avoiding the estate, the death benefit avoids the delay of the public probate process, potential claims by creditors and challenges to the validity of the will. Unused charitable donations If planning to make a significant charitable donation at death, steps should be taken to ensure one’s estate will be able to use the entire donation receipt. The limit for claiming receipts is 100% of this year’s

and the previous year’s income. With RRSP balances becoming taxable income at death (unless rolling over to spouse), an easy way to ensure one stays within the limit is to name a favourite charity as beneficiary on one’s RRSP/ RRIF. The charitable receipt will offset the taxes due on the RRSP at death. In conclusion, there are many reasons why it is important to plan for a wealth transfer at death. Anyone who doesn’t have a will should arrange for a lawyer to prepare one and review the will and beneficiaries regularly. In addition, they should meet with a financial advisor to discuss their wishes in order to structure investments accordingly. Dan Allen works for The Heritage Group - Private Financial Services Inc. in Guelph. He is an elder planning counselor and master financial advisor specializing in retirement income planning.

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE SEVEN

Funeral Planning

and Removing the confusion around wills: Is probate a necessary evil or not? by Eileen Quinn There is a common misconception that probate is only necessary if the deceased died without a will. This is not true. Probate is the process whereby an individual’s appointment as an estate trustee (the new name for an executor or administrator) is confirmed by the court. A “grant of probate” is now known as a “certificate of estate trustee,” although it is still commonly referred to as “probate”. Probate is not always required in order to deal with the administration of an estate. It will depend upon the nature and value of the assets owned by the deceased.

For example, the following assets can be dealt with by an estate trustee without having to obtain probate: jointly-owned property or bank accounts; real estate outside of Ontario; RRSP/RRIFs and life insurance proceeds designated to a named-beneficiary; shares in a private corporation; personal property; vehicles and investments or bank accounts below a nominal amount (usually $10,000, but the amount varies with each financial institution). Probate provides evidence to third parties (such as financial institutions) that the estate trustee has the authority to deal with the deceased person’s assets. If the deceased died

intestate then probate will likely be required because without a will, the third party has no proof the person dealing with the administration really has the authority to do so. If probate is required then the court charges a fee (no surprise there), commonly referred to as “probate fees” but the proper term is “estate administration tax” (EAT). The EAT is calculated on the entire value of the estate (subject to certain exceptions) as at the date of death, and must be paid at the time the application for probate is made. Even if probate is only necessary to deal with one asset of the estate, EAT must still be

paid on the entire estate value. In Ontario, EAT is calculated using the following formula: $5 per $1,000 on the first $50,000 plus $15 per $1,000 on the value over $50,000. For example, EAT for an estate valued at $1,000,000 will amount to $14,500. Jointly-owned assets, real estate outside Ontario and assets passing by beneficiary designation (RRSP/RRIF/ TFSA/Life Insurance) are deemed to pass outside of the estate and as such, are not included for the purpose of calculating EAT. Probate fees are normally avoided where estates pass between spouses due to the fact

that most, if not all, assets are held jointly. However, for individuals in the higher income tax bracket, joint ownership is not always the best estate planning method. Sometimes it makes more financial sense to forego EAT savings in favour of income tax savings. However, if EAT avoidance remains a primary estate planning concern, then there are a number of estate planning tools available to

reduce or even avoid EAT altogether. It is important to remember estate planning does not work on a one-size-fits-all basis. A detailed review by a lawyer of one’s personal and financial circumstances is necessary to identify estate planning goals and the options available to achieve those goals. Eileen Quinn is an associate with Miller Thomson LLP in Guelph.

Woods, Clemens & Fletcher Professional Corporation - Lawyers 9 Memorial Ave., Elmira, ON N3B 2Z6 519.669.5101 (Tel) • 519.669.5618 (Fax)

Be Sure to have your Estate Plan in place! Call today for an appointment to review your wills and powers of attorney. Starting mid April our Drayton office will be open 2 days a week on Monday and Wednesday from 9am-5pm. We are also happy to serve you Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm at our Elmira Office!

Serving the community in all your Estate Planning and Tax needs. Carol Mitchell CFP

J. Arthur Woods, B.A. LL.B. William G. Clemens, B.A. LL.B. Mary-Lou Fletcher, B.A. LL.B. Tracey G. Cronin, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. Drayton Office 26 Wellington Street South



Law Office

Dr. Abraham Groves left a legacy of care when he bequeathed land, to be used for a hospital; to the community he had dedicated his life to serve. He knew health care was not only an immediate priority but would continue to be for future generations. Dr. Groves’ planned gift continues to help people 77 years later. Did you know that bequests are still the most popular way to leave a legacy of care? Bequests made through your will, or special gifts by other methods such as life insurance or charitable trusts, will help patients for years to come in the same way Groves Memorial Community Hospital is already known for its top-notch physicians, caring nurses, dedicated staff and devoted volunteers. A planned gift, now or in your will, not only benefits Groves Memorial Community Hospital but also offers tax advantages to you and your heirs. It’s a promise we can bank on as we plan the future of our hospital and of health care in our community.

Groves Legacy Society An example of language for your will:

For more information contact:

I give, devise, and bequeath to Groves Memorial Community Hospital Foundation the sum of _____ dollars ($_______) as an unrestricted gift, to be used at the sole discretion of the Foundation.

Groves Hospital Foundation Sherri Sutherland, Executive Director 235 Union Street East Fergus, Ontario N1M 1W3 519.843.2010 ext 3268

More samples that could be used in your will can be found on our website’s planned giving page. Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson


PAGE EIGHT Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012


Funeral Planning

Interesting facts, myths about wills, estates According to CBC News, some of the most common estate planning myths and misconceptions include: - I’m not rich enough to worry about estate planning; - joint ownership will keep the “tax man” at bay; - my parents thriftiness will make me rich; - above all, I’ve got to minimize probate fees; and

- my kids can sort it out after I’ve gone. FACT: If a person dies without a valid will, their surviving spouse may have to share their estate with their children. For example, Harry died without leaving a Will believing that his wife would receive all of his assets. Harry’s estate was worth $1,000,000 and

all of his assets were in his sole name. Under the intestacy rules, Harry’s wife is only entitled to the first $200,000. The remaining $800,000 is divided between his wife and his children. FACT: Marriage revokes a will but not a beneficiary designation under a life insurance policy or RRSP plan. submitted by Miller Thomson LLP

Heritage Funeral Homes Inc.

Forward-thinking for funeral planning Palmerston Funeral Chapel 267 Main Street Palmerston, Ontario 519-343-3800

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Gilbert MacIntyre & Son EST. 1933

by Peter MacIntyre Most people find the question of pre-planning a funeral a difficult one. But it’s not as difficult as people might think. Pre-planning allows the time to talk, investigate, compare, and come to decisions that will meet individual and family needs. Once a funeral home is selected and preferences are discussed, the next logical step is to prearrange the service. Many people do this with a sincere desire to be helpful to their family and to avoid questions and confusion later on. Since funerals most directly affect the family of the deceased, it is essential to include their suggestions in the

plans. Funeral directors have the proper forms needed for making these prearrangements. The funeral director will keep a copy of these forms on file, but the person making the arrangements should as well. Remember, thinking ahead puts the person planning in charge, which most people find comforting. Pre-planning one’s own funeral is now widely practiced across Canada. Most funeral homes also offer the option to pre-pay the expenses. Pre-paying a funeral retains all the obvious advantages of the pre-arranged funeral, but goes further with respect to the financial advantages. Prepaying expenses is a

hedge against inflation. All services, merchandise and other disbursements are guaranteed to be provided as they are required - and at today’s price. Why pre-plan a funeral? First and foremost, it will provide peace of mind knowing that loved ones won’t have to make crucial decisions during a time of grief and emotional stress. They won’t have to make guesses about burial, cremation, services or memorial - they’ll know exactly what is expected and how to best honour the deceased’s memory. Peter MacIntyre is manager of pre-paid services at Gilbert MacIntyre and Son Funeral Home and Chapel Ltd. in Guelph and Rockwood.

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PREPLANNING BENEFITS INCLUDE: - Make informed decisions - Provide direction for your survivors - Peace of mind

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE NINE


Funeral Planning

Planning should be a team approach with legal, accounting, insurance advisors surviving spouse must be able to deal with the assets as they please. In other words, if the deceased owned shares in a corporation that they agreed would be sold in a mandatory buy-sell agreement on their death, those shares would not pass “indefeasibly” to their spouse on death and would be taxed at fair market value of the deceased taxpayer’s final tax return. Incidentally, there is a rather easy way to get around this problem in structuring such agreements. Similarly, for “qualified farm property” another term that cannot be properly defined in this article, such property can generally be left to Canadian resident children without the “deemed disposition” and tax consequences passed on to the next generation.

The whole area of these deemed dispositions can cause confusion, unfairness and hard feelings amongst family members. Consider a widowed parent of two children who lends $100,000 to one child during their lifetime. When doing their will, knowing they have only one other asset, being a $100,000 RRSP, they feel the solution is easy by forgiving the loan and leaving the RRSP to the other child. When the final tax return is filed and a decent amount of the RRSP disappears to Canada Revenue Agency in taxes, the child who was left the RRSP will not feel as if they were treated the same as the other child. The above summarizes the main factors in thinking about estate planning. There are many others, some of which are:

- minimizing probate fees by use of joint tenancy for some assets and/or second or “corporate wills” for corporations; - use of spousal or children trusts in order to safeguard assets and/or provide significant tax benefits due to additional income splitting opportunities; - how to deal with children involved in the family business versus those who are not; - tax implications of donations in a will including donations of items on which capital gains have accrued in order to negate the tax on the gain; - use of capital gains exemption on final tax returns to minimize taxes for beneficiaries when they sell assets; - dealing with disabled beneficiaries; - dealing with non-resident beneficiaries;

End of life planning can include more than finances by Diane Murray Are people ready? Try to picture how one’s family and loved ones will cope and be looked after once they die. Finances and material needs aside, do the loved ones know how cherished they are? Leaving a legacy and leaving no loose ends can be so much more than just the financial aspect of death. It is important to show one’s nearest and dearest how much they are treasured. Too many times people the bereaved feel ashamed because the last words they exchanged with a loved one were in anger or frustration. Unresolved disagreements or issues can literally haunt the ones left behind,

cause them great feelings of guilt, and impede the grieving process. It is important to treat each other, especially those with whom people are close, with love and respect every day. Take the time to reach out to a loved one and make amends. People truly never know

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tional or spiritual regrets. As John Edward of TV’s Crossing Over always states, “Communicate, appreciate and validate the ones you love today, so you don’t need a medium to do it for you after.” Diane Murray is an evidential medium at fhealings in Belwood.

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Cremation container to hold deceased Transfer of deceased from place of death to crematorium Viewing/Identification of deceased at funeral home if requested before transfer to crematorium Procurement of all legal documentation Unlimited copies of death certificate Notification of CPP/OAS or other agencies Filing of CPP death benefit and survivor benefit forms Container to hold cremated remains (urn optional but not required) Holding of cremated remains at funeral home until final disposition is arranged Memorial tree for Wall-Custance Memorial Forest University of Guelph Disbursements extra





The very minimum of service. Includes:

• • • • • • • • • • •



Use of funeral home visitation room, funeral home chapel and reception centre. Register book, unlimited stationery and memorial cards Funeral home staff for visitation, service, reception and interment services Cremation container to hold deceased Transfer of deceased from place of death to crematorium Viewing/Identification of deceased at funeral home if requested before going to crematorium Procurement of all legal documentation Unlimited copies of death certificate Notification of CPP/OAS or other agencies Filing of CPP death benefit and survivor benefit forms Container to hold cremated remains (urn optional but not required) Holding of cremated remains at funeral home until final disposition is arranged Memorial tree for Wall-Custance Memorial Forest University of Guelph Disbursements extra


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Visitation and Funeral Service with Casket




A memorial visitation/service at the funeral home. The deceased is not present for service. Pictures of the deceased, flowers and cremated remains are present for memorial service. Includes:


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events such as marital status changes. In summary, estate planning is a complex matter that needs a team approach of the individuals, and their advisors such as legal, accounting and insurance. Dennis Zinger is partner in the Elora office of Collins Barrow’s Wellington-Dufferin District.

Wall-Custance Funeral Home and Chapel is pleased to provide the average costs for at-need services provided to families for the fiscal year of September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011

Insidgeton Wellin Read the “flipbook” version online at

when it is their time to leave. They each need to do their heart and soul a favour and work to resolve any outstanding issues. They also need to give the lasting gift of love and forgiveness to themselves and to those who they cherish. It is best not to leave behind others who may have emo-

- dealing with U.S. estate taxes on U.S. assets; - ensuring wills are amended when ownership of assets are changed such as when they are put into a corporation; - ensuring wills are changed when goals for business succession are changed; and - review of beneficiaries under RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs or life insurance policies after


Visitations and a funeral service at the funeral home. The body is present in a casket that has been purchased or rented. The family may choose embalming or no embalming of the deceased, as well as viewing or no viewing of the deceased, even though the body is present in a casket for the visitation and service. Includes: •

Use of funeral home visitation room, chapel and reception centre Register book, unlimited stationery and memorial cards Funeral home staff for visitation, service, reception and interment services Casket purchased or rented from funeral home Transfer of deceased from place of death to funeral home Transfer of deceased from funeral home to cemetery or crematorium after the funeral service Funeral home motor vehicles as needed May include concrete grave liner for burial interment when required Procurement of all legal documentation Unlimited copies of death certificate Notification of CPP/OAS or other agencies Filing of CPP death benefit and survivor benefit forms Memorial tree for Wall-Custance Memorial Forest University of Guelph Disbursements extra

• • • • • • • • • • • •

* *

Disbursement Services

Our averages for the categories listed do not include HST or disbursements. Disbursements may include cremation/interment charges, newspaper notices, flowers, luncheon, honorariums etc. Disbursements may be billed to the Wall-Custance Funeral Home account by the family at the time of death. Wall-Custance Funeral Home requires no deposit for funeral home services, merchandise or disbursements at the time of death.


by Dennis Zinger The topic of estate planning is broad and cannot possibly be fully covered in a short article. This article will attempt to address briefly many of the topics that need to be considered in “estate planning” From a tax point of view, the main point to remember is that generally on death, there is a deemed disposition of all assets of the deceased at fair market value with the inherent tax consequences hitting the person’s terminal tax return. There are exceptions, the most common of which is that assets left “indefeasibly” to a spouse can pass to the surviving spouse with no tax consequences until they dispose of the assets or die without a spouse to leave the assets to. The term “indefeasibly” is again the subject of some case law but in general terms, the


PAGE TEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012


Funeral Planning

Life insurance is a big part of planning

by Dave Menegotto Life insurance is a vital component for estate planning. It can be used as income replacement, offsetting capital gains and to cover final expenses at time of death. The beneficiary will receive funds that are tax free and not subject to probate fees. This is beneficial for buy-sell agreements and key man insurance. For families it can provide time to adjust to new circumstances following the death of the insured. A policy should be implemented sooner than later as policy costs are lower for younger individuals and they

are usually medically eligible. Another benefit to starting earlier is that some policies can be paid in full and remain in force for the duration of the insured’s life. Polices are also offered for critical illness. This pays the insured a lump sum benefit if diagnosed with an illness or injury covered under the policy. Planning early for life insurance needs can be more cost effective and help people avoid the risk of being declined for health issues. It is important to determine the amount of insurance required. This can be done through a financial needs anal-

Pre-paid funerals are transferable

ysis. Assets and liabilities are determined with current and future expenses. These can include mortgages, car loans, RRSP and RESP contributions. The insured person’s income needs to be taken into account and how long it is needed for. It is important for each individual to review their financial situation. This should be revisited on an ongoing basis to determine an amount of life insurance that correlates to their estate plan. Dave Menegotto is a representative of Sutherland Insurance in Guelph.

A touching tribute to ‘ancestors’ The following poem was found in the files of Woodlawn Memorial Park. Dear Ancestor, Your tombstone stands among the rest, neglected and alone; The name and dates are chiseled out on polished, marbled stone. It reaches out to all who

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care, It is too late to mourn; You did not know that I exist. You died ‘fore I was born. Yet each of us is part of you, in flesh, in blood, in bone; Our heart contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own. Dear Ancestor, the place you filled, one hundred years ago; Spreads out among the

ones you left, who would have loved you so. I wonder when you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew; That someday I would find this spot and come and visit you. Woodlawn opened in 1854. There are more than 35,000 “ancestors” resting there.

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Helpful tips for writing a will NC - Homemade wills are generally valid if certain minimum requirements are met, at least in some provinces. But there is no substitute for the professional expertise of a competent lawyer or notary. The smaller an estate, the more important that it be settled quickly: delays usually mean more expense. Costs for a will depend on how simple or complicated the will is. But wills are usually much less costly than people expect and definitely less than the emotional and financial costs of not having one.

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Lawyers charge for their time and knowledge, often by the quarter-hour. So, the more time people can save them, the lower the cost will be. Before visiting a lawyer, make a list of all one’s property, including life insurance, real estate, bonds, savings accounts, jewellery, RRSPs, family heirlooms and works of art - everything. Also list people who will be left something, including their addresses and their relationship, as well as the executor and alternate executor.

by Scott Young A little known benefit of prepaid funerals is that they are completely transferable from one funeral home establishment to another. As people live longer, they may relocate to be closer to their children, grandchildren, care giver or to pursue their retirement dreams. If one’s residence changes, it could be important to move funeral arrangements. It is advisable to first select a funeral home that will honor the pre-paid funeral contract a person presently has. If satisfied with the second funeral home selected, that funeral home establishment will provide the necessary paperwork and contact the prior funeral home in writing to notify them the person wants their pre-paid funeral (monies and interest) to be transferred to the new funeral home. The prior funeral home may keep an administration fee of 10 percent - to a maximum of $200. Another trend that is occurring as people are living longer, is more traveling and spending many weeks or months at destinations away from their primary residence. Funeral home establishments offer travel insurance to compliment pre-paid funerals. This insurance is a one time fee ranging from $300 to $500 that provides coverage for the insured to be brought back from the place of death, anywhere in the world, to the funeral home chosen. Scott Young is the owner of Wall-Custance Funeral Home in Guelph.


353 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, ON N1E 2X9 Telephone: 519-824-7400 Fax: 519-824-7521

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Estate F P uneral

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE ELEVEN



Planning ahead offers peace of mind by Ken Thompson Peace of mind for others and oneself is something everyone would like to achieve. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one realizes there are many things that have to be taken care of at a very emotional time. Pre-planning one’s own funeral will provide peace of mind that family members will not be faced with these decisions at a difficult time. Talking about funeral arrangements is not an easy topic to discuss with family, or anyone for that matter, but it is an important one. Sometimes families have no idea what their loved ones are comfortable with or what services they would want. Family members also need to be comfortable with the decisions made with a preplanned funeral. When meeting with the funeral director individuals can choose the type of service that best suites their needs and benefits their family. They can choose a casket (traditional, with visitation,

funeral service, burial or cremation) or an urn (cremation, visitation/memorial service and burial). The funeral director will record the instructions, including a notice card (which can be personalized with a verse or picture), favourite hymns, location of service, pallbearers, flower bearers, fraternal organizations such as Legion, Masonic Lodge or Eastern Star and any other details the individual feels are important. Changes or updates can be made at any time after the pre-arrangement has been completed. In providing all of this information to the funeral home in advance, when the death occurs, all the information is on file at the funeral home as well as at the deceased’s home. Some questions that arise while sitting down in a prearrangement are, can I pay for this now and how does prepayment work? After deciding on the services, the funeral director will figure out the price of the services and merchandise at today’s price.

If pre-paid, the funeral home would invest the money into a guaranteed investment certificate in trust for the funeral services. Funeral homes are legislated with regards to the investment, as to where it is invested, including yearly audited reports on all prearrangements which is required and reviewed by the Board of Funeral Services. The interest that accumulates on the G.I.C. would be used to cover any increase in cost from time of investment until the time of need. Many funeral homes will guarantee the price, which means that if there is not enough money in the investment to cover the cost of the original contracted services, there will be no extra cost to the family. The funeral home is responsible for the extra costs. If there is additional money in the investment at the time of passing then any excess funds are returned to the estate. Ken Thompson is a funeral director with Heritage Funeral Homes Inc. in Drayton and Palmerston.


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Unintended Consequences – Did You Actually Mean What You Said? The language of wills is neither simple nor obvious. Think about the word “child” for instance. To most people, if they saw that word in a Will, it would conjure up a very specific group of people. For many it includes children they have raised virtually their whole lives. To others it is only children born to someone and does not include children from a first marriage that have been adopted. If the word is used without any modification or clarification in a Will, both interpretations could be wrong. The legal meaning starts by including only children that are yours by birth or legally adopted by you. Another common one is the use of the term “nieces and nephews”. Did you mean your own nieces and nephews born to your siblings or did you also mean to include your spouse’s nieces and nephews? Did you intend it to include great nieces and nephews? Do you want to include a child that is your sister’s stepdaughter? It is this collision between the intentions of someone making a Will and the words used to reflect those intentions, which can often result in law suits after someone has passed away. The cost of these battles is high, not only in the monetary sense but in terms of time and, most importantly, relationships. Another area where actions and intentions often don’t align relates to giving specific assets to beneficiaries. You have a house, a RRSP and a life insurance policy each worth $250,000 and no other assets, and want to treat your 3 children equally; you might decide to leave one to each of your three children However, there is a very good chance you will not end up giving them the same amount unless you are very careful in how your Will is constructed and how you make those gifts to your children.

For example, if you designate the insurance to one child, designate the RRSP to the next child and then leave the house in the Will to the third child, the child getting the house will end up having to pay the income taxes triggered on the RRSP by your death out of the sale proceeds of the house because payment of the taxes is the responsibility of the Estate. If you are leaving the RRSP to someone other than a spouse or a disabled child (there are very specific rules relating to the disabled child exemption), the whole of the RRSP is treated as income in the year of your death. That means that today about 46% of the RRSP would be paid in income taxes, or in this case $115,000. The house, if it is your principal residence, together with the life insurance proceeds, is not subject to income tax. Two children would get $750,000 and one would get less than $135,000 as he would also be absorbing the Probate fees on the house which would be $3250. However, careful planning and drafting can avoid that unintended consequence in trying to simplify everything. If you named the Estate as the beneficiary for the insurance and the RRSP, and then divided the Estate equally between the three children, you would accomplish your goal of giving them an equal amount. The probate fees on $750,000 would be $10,750 and the income tax still $115,000. The three children would each end up with approximately $208,000. The additional probate fees would be a small price to pay for achieving your goals. These are just a few of the examples of the unintended consequences which good estate planning and will drafting can help you avoid. Seek professional advice to ensure your intentions are clear after you are gone.

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100 Stone Road West, Suite 301, Guelph ON (Ontario AgriCentre) Tel: 519-780-4633 | Fax: 519-822-1583

PAGE TWELVE Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012

Rural Life

Agricultural Information Contact Centre | 1-877-424-1300 |

The OMAFRA Report

A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). If you require further information, regarding this report, call the Elora Resource Centre at 519846-0941. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAFRA Website: www.omafra. IT’S COLT’S-FOOT TIME AGAIN! by John C. Benham, Weed Inspector Now that the snow is gone - beware those bright yellow flowers are appearing now! Many times they are confused with dandelions. Remember the dandelion has a smooth flower stem and the Colt’s-Foot flower stem has scales. Very few leaves will be present at flowering time. Make note of the location so it can be destroyed later in the season. Do whatever is necessary to eliminate the flower heads before they set seed. I am told each flower head will contain about 3,500 seeds similar in structure to a dandelion. They are distributed far and wide by the wind. If the seed lands on bare soil it will establish itself and become extremely competitive smothering out all competing crops with its dense canopy of leaves. Its underground creeping root system rapidly expands the patch. I have seen Colt’s-Foot leaves up to 14” across appear in late June to early July that are very effective in smothering all the neighbouring plants. Roundup is most effective in controlling this noxious weed when applied in late July and August when the plant is storing root reserves for next year. Check the patch later since often there will be leaves under the canopy that do not receive the spray. After all the living plants are destroyed recheck the spot since it is an inviting spot for new seedlings. Keep in mind that Colt’s-foot is a noxious weed under the Weed Act and must be destroyed. Be sure to meet the requirements of the Cosmetic Pesticide Act. I can assure you that if you choose to ignore this plant, it will never diminish or leave on its own accord. Check out those early yellow flowers and take appropriate action! FNA & OFA SIGN PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT

from AgriLink Farmers of North America (FNA) and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) announced the formation of a new partnership that will strengthen the value both organizations provide farmers in Ontario. FNA’s national farmers’ business alliance joins the list of 12 companies and organizations that are part of the OFA member benefits partner program offering enhanced value and savings to members. The partnership was announced at the Western Fair Farm Show in London, Ontario. With more than 10,000 members across Canada, FNA leverages the strength of its farmers’ business alliance to provide lower cost inputs and improve farm profitability and empower farmers. FNA’s mandate complements the valuable work that OFA does in policy and regulation for farmers in Ontario. The new partnership is designed to increase and strengthen both organizations – two important sources of farmer empowerment. Members of OFA will receive a significant discount on the price of a membership in FNA which allows them to access the programs and services FNA farmers’ business alliance provides. FNA recognizes that the OFA represents farmers in the province, and when those farmers are active in their farm organizations, their voice is stronger. At the same time, when farmers work together through a business alliance like FNA, they are able to influence prices for products in their favour. Each provide their own unique source of farmer empowerment, yet both share the identical objective of improving the profitability of farmers and improving the environment within which farmers operate. OMAFRA CAN HELP DEVELOP YOUR FOOD SAFETY PROGRAM If you need guidance or the tools to help develop your food safety program, OMAFRA is here to help. At low or no cost, you’ll be able to: • discuss your specific food safety questions one-on-one with a Food Safety Advisor, either by phone or in person • get employee training materials, including a DVD on Personnel Practices • have access to posters (available in English/Spanish or

French/Spanish) showing proper hand-washing and product handling techniques • get MS Word versions of customizable Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) policies, procedures, and records • have access to example HACCP plans, and MS Word versions of the HACCP plan forms. Call 1-877-424-1300 or email for help. COMING EVENTS: Mar. 31 - Elmira Maple Syrup Festival; the world’s largest one-day Maple Syrup Festival. For more information, phone 1-877-969-0094 or website: Mar. 31 - Grower Pesticide Safety Course at 8:45 a.m. and Separate Exam at 2:45 p.m. in Orangeville. To register, phone the Ontario Pesticide Education Program at 1-800-652-8573. Apr. 3 - Wellington Federation of Agriculture, monthly Board meeting at OMAFRA Boardroom, Elora. For information, contact Lisa Hern at 519-848-3774 or email: Apr. 4 & 5 - Drayton Farm Show, PMD Arena Complex, Drayton. The website is: Apr. 4 - National Farmers Union Waterloo-Wellington Local, monthly board meeting at 7:15 p.m. at the Husky Farm Equipment, Alma. (They meet every first Wednesday of the month). Apr. 5 - Waterloo Federation of Agriculture, monthly Board meeting will be held at the Wilmot Recreation Complex. For information, contact Richard Cressman at: 519-662-2790 or email: Apr. 11&12 - Poultry Industry Show – Western Fair Entertainment Centre, London. For more details visit: Apr. 16 - A Taste of Woolwich at Breslau Mennonite Church, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Come see (and taste for free) the best of the Township. Contact: Carol 519-883-2004 ext. 5336 or Barb 519669-3961. Apr. 18- Ontario Forage Masters 2012, registration deadline to: Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, 1 Stone Road W., Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2. For information, phone 1-800265-9751 or sent your application by fax to: 519-826-4224.

Ritz announces reappointment to FCC now carrying

Ottawa – Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz announced the reappointment of Jason Skinner to the board of directors of Farm Credit Canada (FCC) on March 7. “I am pleased to announce the reappointment of Mr. Skinner to the FCC board,”


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said Ritz. “With over 25 years of experience in agricultural marketing, policy and management, he will continue to bring an important skill set to the organization.” As Canada’s leading agriculture lender, FCC is advancing the business of agriculture. With a healthy portfolio of more than $22 billion and 19 consecutive years of portfolio growth, FCC is strong and stable – committed to serving the industry through all cycles. FCC provides financing, insurance, software, learning programs and other business services to producers, agribusinesses and agri-food operations. It is a Crown corporation that reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. The reappointment is for a three-year term and is effective immediately. To learn more about FCC, visit www.fcc-fac. ca/en/.

MAY 12


fruits, vegetables, bedding plants, perennials Applications available online: OR call 519.341.1860

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012 PAGE THIRTEEN

Rural Life Local food champions announced at Source it Here event by Kelly Waterhouse GUELPH - Five local businesses and one high school shared the honour of being proclaimed a Taste Real Local Food Champion by Guelph Wellington Local Food last month. The award winners were announced at a ceremony during the 4th annual Source it Here event at St. Ignatius’s Loyola House. Taste Real Local Food Champion awards recognize innovation, excellence and commitment to the local food economy in Guelph and Wellington County. To be considered for an award, nominees had to demonstrate consistent and pro-

gressive use or provision of all types of local food. The award categories recognized different sectors of the food chain that cover production, distribution and consumption. The award categories in 2012 were: broader public sector institution, restaurant, caterer, farmer, retailer and distributor. This year’s 2012 Taste Real Local Food Champions were: - broader public sector institution: The Food School, Centre Wellington District High School (CWDHS); - restaurant: Artisinale; - caterer: South Street Café Catering; - farmer: Thatcher Farms;

- retailer: Frabert’s Fresh Food; and - distributor: Greenliner Produce. “Acknowledging the people in the industry, and acknowledging us, as farmers, it’s amazing,” said Dana Thatcher, of Thatcher Farms in GuelphEramosa. “We love what we do, so for people to recognize it, is wonderful. Putting good food on people’s tables means the world to me.” For Chris Jess, teacher and director of the CWDHS Food School, the award encourages his program. “It means we’re on the right track, that we’re doing good things with the Food School, the cafe, catering and retail

sales we’re running all with the local food we’re acquiring for our programs,” Jess said. “This is what distinguishes us a little bit, because it makes our program unique.” Jackie Fraser, co-owner of Fraberts Fresh Food, said, “We are thrilled and honoured to receive this award from our local food peers. “We are so fortunate to have wonderful, innovative farmers and food processors right here in Wellington County. This healthy and thriving local food community, right at our doorstep, makes our job easy.” Guelph-Wellington Local Food’s mandate is to promote the procurement of local food by citizens and businesses.

Ontario’s veal industry receives $140,000 in Traceability Foundations Initiative funding for gap analysis GUELPH - The Ontario Veal Association (OVA) recently secured approximately $140,000 in funding to complete the Gap Analysis of Traceability Capabilities and Practices in Ontario’s Veal Industry project as part of the Traceability Foundations Initiative (TFI). The project will examine the existing traceability and information sharing capabilities of the Ontario veal industry and determine industry’s preparedness for implementing traceability systems to improve profitability and competitiveness. The project will identify options that can be pursued in order to better facilitate future information sharing among members of the supply chain, from dairy producer to abattoir, that are applicable to both milk and grain fed veal production. International veal and beef

supply chains will be analyzed to identify the location and type of information that is collected and shared, and the way that specific types of information are used to achieve competitive advantages. The type of information that is being captured and shared at different points along the supply chain from dairy farms through to processors in the production of both milk and grain fed veal in Ontario versus the type of information that could be captured and shared will be identified through a series of focus groups and supply chain partner interviews. The project results will identify the information that veal producers would like to access that is currently unavailable, and how the identified information could be more effectively and efficiently captured given existing infrastructure.

7th Annual Waterloo & Wellington Beef Tour Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Starting at 11:00 am, Lunch 12:00 noon Lester R. Martin 571389 Sideroad 57, RR# 1 Mt. Forest, ON N0G 2L0 Tour 3 more barns in afternoon •Edward Bauman •Dennis Burkhart •Lester Wideman

West Luther 4-H


Thurs. April 12, 7:00pm Damascus Hall

Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Vet & Field Crop Clubs will be offered.


Tabletop demonstrations of mock recall events will also be performed to ensure the proposed plan is functional from a food safety perspective. Possessing an accurate insight into current practices will enable Ontario’s veal industry to develop, implement and utilize traceability systems more effectively. Benefits would expand beyond improvements in their ability to track and trace animals and products and begin to positively impact and grow their business models. As seen in the UK, the Netherlands and other jurisdictions, such a system would enable producers and other members of the supply chain to continually improve the profitability of their operations by possessing the ability to make better business decisions and reduce costs while simultaneously increasing revenues.

The first step in achieving that outcome is to identify the information sharing practices that presently occur, the reasons why these practices are being followed, and how they compare with the information that could be shared and utilized for traceability purposes so as to gain a competitive advantage. “This is a great way for the Ontario veal industry to work with our supply chain partners to proactively explore opportunities to address traceability issues while improving our profitability,” stated OVA president Judy Dirksen. The TFI is a federal-provincial cost-shared initiative. The federal funding investment is made through the Agricultural Flexibility Fund. The Ontario Veal Association proudly represents Ontario’s grain-fed and milkfed veal farmers.

Report encourages greener, more sustainable future

TORONTO - According to a new report by RBC and the Farm and Food Care Foundation, further investment and innovation in sustainable business practices at the farm level is critical for the future success of the Canadian agriculture industry. “Canadian farmers have an established track record as leaders in sustainable farm management,” said Andrea Bolger, head of business financial services, RBC. “With continued investment in innovative technology and energy efficient equipment; farmers can capitalize on the many productivity benefits of sustainable business, while ensuring access to global markets, now and in the future.” The report entitled, Growing from Strength: Farmers enhancing productivity with sustainable innovation, provides an overview of the latest trends and technologies in the agricultural industry and how farmers can incorporate environmental considerations into strategic decision making

so they can continue to provide healthy, safe and affordable food. “We’ve seen a growing trend over the past 10 years in some regions among Canadian farmers making investments in environmental sustainability,” said Bruce Christie, chair, Farm and Food Care Foundation. Highlights include: - major trends driving change in the agriculture sector such as farmers’ role in feeding a growing global, urbanized population, competing land uses, consumer scrutiny and biological innovation; and - the top environmental challenges that farmers need to be aware of; productivity (doing more with less); protecting water as an essential resource; ecosystem services: (stewards of habitat and biodiversity); climate change, (adapting to uncertainty); bioenergy and biomaterials, (discovering market opportunities). Copies of the report are available at and www.farmfoodcare. org.

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Dr. Kyle Steeves Eldale Veterinary Clinic is pleased to announce the addition to our staff of Dr. Kyle Steeves. Kyle graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph in April of 2011. During his time in veterinary school Kyle focused on large animals, doing placements in Minnesota, eastern Ontario and a summer externship at Eldale Veterinary Clinic. Before attending OVC, he completed a Bachelor of Science degree at Queen’s University in Kingston. Growing up in Aurora, he always enjoyed spending time at his friend’s farms and was fascinated by the large animals. He has spent time working in the thoroughbred industry in addition to working with pleasure horses. His areas of interest include dentistry, metabolic diseases and foal care. Although he doesn’t currently own any horses he is keen to jump back in the saddle in the near future. Dr. Steeves is excited to work with the diverse array of horses and other livestock that are in the Waterloo and Wellington areas and welcomes your calls to discuss the care of your animals.

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PAGE FOURTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012

Edge U16A team captures provincial championship

Gold medalists - The five pin mixed bowling team representing Grand River zone won a gold medal in the 2012 Ontario Winter Games. Front, from left, are: Melissa Schneider, Kelsey Schoular, and coach Fred Clarke. Back: Connor Groot, Mapleton’s Ben Straus and Derek Klomp. submitted photo

Hometown pride - The Fergus Team 2 Novice Icehogs played in a two-day tournament near Niagara Falls during March Break. After two ties in the round robin, the team defeated Lincoln 9-2 to move to the semi-finals, where it defeated Niagara 4-3. In the final game the team beat Beamsville 6-3 for the championship. submitted photo

Bronze medals - At the recent ‘AA’ Provincial Ringette Championships in Whitby, two Teams representing Guelph captured medals. The U16 team took home bronze and the U14 team took gold, going undefeated and will head to Quebec for the Eastern Canadian Ringette Championships as Team Ontario. The U16 team includes, front: goalies Jenna Beaulieu and Rachel Shaw. Second row: Moira Davidson and Jessica Mezenberg. Third row: trainer Doug Chase, head coach Craig Richardson, Natalie Lawton, Hayley Chase, Larissa Dufresne, Carissa Habermehl, Brianna Gartley, Breanna Hahn, coach John Mezenberg and coach/manager Trish Scott. Back: Nicole Evans, Colleen Scott, Abby Richardson and Taylor Jarvis. submitted photo

CENTRE WELLINGTON - On April 12, a group of local ringette players will represent Ontario in the Eastern Canadian Ringette Championships in Repentigny, Quebec. The team won the spot after taking the provincial championship in Ottawa on March 18 with a record of 7-1. As Team Ontario, they will be playing against teams from Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. However the cost associated with taking the trip is quite significant. Local businesses and community organizations are being asked for assistance with a financial donation to help offset team expenses. Tax receipts can be issued. The Elora-Fergus U16A Edge is a group of young women, ranging in ages from 14 to 16, who have pursued and achieved excellence in the sport of ringette. For more information, please call team manager Tammy Becker at 519-8438852 or 519-993-8856.

Team Ontario - The Elora-Fergus Edge U16A team will be heading to the Eastern Canadian Ringette Championships next month. Front Row, from left are: Allison Wallace, Jessica Sealey, Laura Whichelo, Tegan McManus, Cyann Hollis, Carly Stephens and Kali Curtis. Back: Leah Shantz, Courtney Becker, Courtney Coverdale, Talia Harrison, Erica Johnston, Brittney Stephens and Megan Stultz. submitted photo

Baton athletes head to Switzerland for World Championships PUSLINCH - Mildmay’s Bailey Pinder, 16 and Puslinch’s Mackenzie Ross, 14, only have a few more days to fine tune their routines before traveling to Neuchatel, Switzerland for the National Baton Twirling Association (NBTA) World Championships from April 4 to 9. In July, both Superstars Baton Club members qualified to represent Canada at the world championships. The baton twirling competition occurs every three years with a different host country each time. Each athlete competing in Switzerland had to qualify in their native country as one of the top three competitors in their age division. Pinder will represent Canada in the Junior X-Strut and 2Baton divisions. She is also the reserve for the Junior

solo and rhythmic twirl divisions. Ross will represent Canada in the PreTeen X-Strut, Solo, 2Baton and Rhythmic Twirl divisions. Both athletes are also a member of the Junior Dance Twirl Team who will be competing for a top spot in Switzerland. Coach Krista DiStasi said both athletes have worked very hard over the past nine months to have their routines ready for the competition. Baton is gaining recognition across the world and has found itself involved not only in the world championships but also the World Games, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Junior Olympics and the international event Twirl Mania. For more information on the club, visit

Off to Switzerland - Mackenzie Ross and Bailey Pinder head to the 2012 National Baton Twirling Association World Championships in April. submitted photo


we want your

whatever the season. whatever the sport.

Silver medals - The Centre Wellington Fusion 2012 peewee select team reached the finals for the Dick Catterall hockey tournament in Jordan Station, which ran March 14 and 15. The Fusion made it to the finals but lost the championship game 3-0 to the hometown Jordan Lions. submitted photo

Send us your photos, story ideas or write ups. It’s your sport. It’s your newspaper. Submit online:

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, May30, 6, 2012 2011 PAGE PAGE FIFTEEN FIFTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March


FROM PAGE TWO Anglican Church Arthur. 7:30pm. Free will offering. *** Good Friday Pancake Breakfast at Grace Community Church, 7427 Wellington County Road #30 (old Marden Road). 9 -11am. $5/ each or $20/ family. Proceeds for Youth Missions in Ecuador. For tickets or for more info. please call 519-837-1457. *** Easter Services at Everton Community Church - 0379 Evert St., Everton. Good Friday Communion Service on Apr. 6, 10:30am. Easter Sunday Worship Service on Apr. 8, 10:30am. Further information available by calling 519-856-1185. 

*** Stratford Conservation Area.
8km. Carpooling can be arranged to leave Guelph by 9am when contacting the leader. Or meet 10am in the parking lot of the Stratford Art Gallery at 54 Romeo Street South to walk along the Avon River on the Avon side trail. Lunching is an option at Tango, 104 Ontario St. All welcome. 
Leader: Susan Bard 519-836-6570. 
Level 1. Speed Moderate. *** Easter services offered by Arkell United Church, 600 Arkell. Road: Good Friday April 6 - worship and communion. Sunday April 8th- 7am. Sunrise Service, meet at the parking lot at Starkey Hill. 8am. Breakfast at the church, 10am. Easter Worship Service.

Sat. Apr. 7

Jam Session Fergus Legion 2-5pm. Everybody welcome. *** Barrie Hill United Church Easter Bunny Hop Dance. 7pm at Rockmosa Community Centre, Rockwood. $15 at the door. Prizes, raffles, 50/50 etc. Proceeds to Barrie Hill United Church kitchen renovation project. For info. call Jenny 519-856-0737. *** Laura Bailey Memorial Trail, Guelph.
7 km. 
Hike start time 10am. Meeting place Grange and Victoria Plaza. This is a combination of trail and road walking in the east side of Guelph. Bring water, no pets. Coffee at Planet Bean an option afterwards. All welcome.
Leader: Terry 519 265-6203. 
Level 1. Speed Moderate.

Sun. Apr. 8

Welcome all children to St. John’s Anglican Church, Rockwood’s 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt. 11am. Please call 519-856-9211 to register your child. *** Palmerston United Church presents “Once Upon a Parable” an Intergenerational Musical Pageant. Easter Sunday 10:30am. Please join us for breakfast at 8:30 am. Adults-$5; Families-$20. *** Royal Canadian Legion Listowel. Jamboree. Elizabeth St., Listowel. 1-5pm. Roast beef dinner, served at 5pm $9. Call 519291-2569 for info. *** St. John’s Community Church, Orton. Easter Service 9:30am. Speaker: Gary Furis.

Tues. Apr. 10

The Arboretum, University of Guelph presents Dufflebag Theatre’s The Three Musketeers - interactive children’s theatre 6:30pm. $8 per person. Tickets: 519-824-4120 ext. 52358. *** Victoria Park Seniors Centre: Everyday Matters Seniors Counselling. No charge. Call 519-787-1814 to book your appt.

Wed. Apr. 11

Rockwood & District Lioness, Euchre and Bridge Night. Rockmosa Community Centre, Rockwood, 7pm. $5 a person. Lunch and prizes to follow. *** The Grand Quilt Guild meets on the second Wednesday of each month, at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275, 500 Blair Street, Fergus. All are welcome - doors open at 7pm and meeting concludes at 9:30 pm. *** Soup and Sandwich Luncheon at the Clifford Community Hall. 11:30am-1:30pm. $8 person. Silent Auction and Bake Sale Table. Proceeds to the Cancer Society and St. John’s LWMLC. All welcome.

Thurs. Apr. 12

How To Be A Dragon Hunter. Guelph Field Naturalists. 7:30pm, University of Guelph Arboretum. Discuss the art of dragon hunting: how to take your nature identification skills, your love for the outdoors and your natural hunting instincts and apply them to the fascinating world of dragonflies and damselflies. Visitors always welcome. *** Arthur Agriculture Society meeting. 7:30pm. Upstairs Hall. Arthur Community Centre. All Welcome. *** Euchre - St. Mary Family Centre, Mount Forest - 7:30pm. $2.50 includes light lunch and prizes. *** St. Clement’s Parish Spring Card Party. St. Clement’s Community Centre, St. Clement’s. Doors open at 6pm. $5. Wheelchair accessible. Lunch, draws, prizes, quilt raffle. Everyone welcome. *** General Meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association, North Perth – North Wellington Branch. Thursday, 7:30pm at Drayton Reformed Church, 74 Wellington St. S. Drayton. Guest Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Alton, B.Sc., O.D., Optometrist, Palmerston Topic: “Visual Effects of Diabetes”. Come and bring a friend. ***

West Luther 4-H Club Sign Up. Damascus Hall. 7pm. Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Vet and Field Crop clubs offered. Call 519-8483998. *** General Meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association, North Perth – North Wellington Branch. Thursday, 7:30pm at Drayton Reformed Church, 74 Wellington St. S. Drayton. Guest Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Alton, B.Sc., O.D., Optometrist, Palmerston Topic: “Visual Effects of Diabetes”. Come and bring a friend.

fri. Apr. 13

Community euchre sponsored by the Optimist club of Puslinch, 7:30pm at the Puslinch Community Centre. $3 per person. Lunch provided. 50/50 draw. All welcome. For information call Neil Smith at 519-837-3838. *** The Arthur & Area Historical Society starts a series of history talks on the Roaring Twenties with “World War I: The end of an era” by Ian Turner. In the Historical rooms at 146 George St., Arthur. 1:30pm. Free admission, refreshments. *** Emmanuel Christian High School Silent Auction and goods, services and talent fundraiser, at 7pm. $10 per person at door. Evening of socializing, Great food and drinks while feasting your eyes on donated objects and services from local businesses offered up to be bid on. 8037 Wellington Road 19. More information call 519-787-1851. *** Arthur Branch Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Luncheon, Arthur United Church. 11:30-1pm. $7, Soup, Sandwich, Dessert. *** Silent Auction at the Arthur Legion . 5-7pm. Sponsored by Grace Anglican Church. Chili, Hot Dogs, Pies etc. available. Everyone welcome for bidding fun, food and fellowship.

March 28 AT 4PM

an More th kes a c n just pa




Maple syru Festival p Thursday, Apri

l 12th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Saturday, Apri l 14th, 8:30 am - 6:30 pm

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Meal Prices:  10 adults, $5 children 6-11, children 5 & under Free. $

Entertainment, craft show, food booths and more...


includes: Pancakes, maple syrup, sausage & applesauce with beverage.

Dance featuring Lulu’s Roadhouse Saturday, 9pm-1am Age of Majority Contact: 519-357-7297 All events are indoors and wheelchair accessible Courtesy vans available. For more info call 519-335-3748

sat. Apr. 14

Frog Frolic. Please call the Guelph Lake Nature Centre at 519836-7860 to register. 7-9pm. Who’s that singing in the swamp? Let’s find out together. There will be a short slide show highlighting Ontario’s frogs and a chance to meet with the Nature Centre’s resident hoppers, before we head out to the swamp to find the elusive spring peepers. Bring a flashlight and rubber boots. *** ‘Little Breeches Club’ for Children Ages 4–7 Saturday Mornings. Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre, Puslinch. Phone 519-837-0558 ext. 21 for program details. *** Canadian Fiddle Champion, Scott Woods and his band play tribute to “Fiddle Legends” 7pm. Calvary United Church, 48 Hawksville Rd. St. Jacobs. Advanced tickets - $20; children 12 and under $10 by calling 519-885-5012. *** Pot luck supper and games night at Knox Church Ospringe. 6pm. 519-856-4453 for directions or more information. *** Ballinafad United Church all you can eat Spaghetti Supper. 5-7pm continuous service. Ballinafad Community Center. Call 905-8734918 to reserve tickets. *** UCHS Spring 2012 Rabies Clinic 10am-2pm at Elmira Farm Service, 8911 Wellington Road #124 in Ospringe, (southeast corner Hwy #124/Hwy #125). Microchips $30. Rabies vaccinations (good for 3 years) $30. The clinic is open to all who are interested. Donations of canned goods will support the EWCS Foodbank. Upper Credit Humane Society, 5383 Trafalgar Road, Erin. 519-833-2287. *** St. Joseph’s Church Listowel Fundraising Gala at Elma Community Centre, Atwood. Black tie event. For tickets please contact Bev Seim 519-291-4400 ext 3. Tanya Terpstra 519-3562847 or Catherine Terpstra 519-418-2602. *** The Colonel John McCrae Legion Branch #234 Guelph Presents Tribute To Dean Martin and Johnny Cash. Featuring John Morello. 8pm. 519-822-1565. Tickets can be purchased at the bar or office. $15 each. *** Farmers Breakfast. Speedside United Church 8 -10am. $7 adults, $3.50 12 and under. Eggs, pancakes, Sausage and more. *** Spring Luncheon and Bake Sale, 11:30am - 1pm. at Knox-Elora Presbyterian Church. Lunch $8. Lots of home baking for sale. Info 519-846-0680. *** Saturday Night Ceilidh Concert. Fergus Grand Theatre, 8pm. Join us and indulge in Scottish fun at the Fergus Tartan Day Ceilidh Concert. Experience the incomparable Rant Maggie Rant and celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Fergus Pipe Band. $25 per person. Box Office: Fergus Grand Theatre 519-787-1981. *** Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275 Fergus Spaghetti Dinner. In celebration of the Ladies Auxiliary 70th Anniversary. Adults $10, Children under 10, $5. Tickets are available in the branch or at the door. 5-7pm. *** Downloading eBooks 101 at the Hillsburgh Branch Library, 98B Trafalgar Rd., Hillsburgh from 10:30 – 11:30am. Learn how to download eBooks, transfer books to your eReader, and navigate the Overdrive website. Please register by calling 519-855-4010. ***

Here’s How it Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Find the answer below.

Horoscopes - For the first week of April-

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, sit down with a calculator and get a better handle on your finances, especially what you’re bringing into the house each month and what is going out.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, expect others to turn to you for the next good idea or advice. It can be taxing being the reliable one, but it also an honor to be respected like this.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 It may be time to take a relationship to another level, Taurus. Look for inspiration from another couple you admire and enjoy the ride.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, when you want to get yourself heard, there is no point sugar-coating what you have to say. Most people appreciate honesty, even if it’s abrupt.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, with so much to do, you’re barely squeaking by this week. So avoid taking on any additional projects. Don’t dig yourself into a hole that you can’t get out of. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, financial issues are certainly keeping you on your toes, although you are hoping for a respite. Go with the flow for now and find a better way to organize. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, don’t be surprised when others are amenable to your ideas. You give careful consideration to all your proposals, and it’s no wonder others are ready to follow your lead. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, if you haven’t felt the crunch of a deadline yet, you probably cannot avoid it this week. Tackle the work head-on and don’t allow yourself to procrastinate. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, there’s too much on your mind to focus on just one thing for the time being. This is a sign that you need to cut down on your stimuli -at least temporarily.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, some decisions you make may not be the right decisions. A wise person learns from his or her mistakes but also tries new things. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, remember that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Stop looking at what’s wrong where you are, and focus on what is right. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, trust friends and family when they insist they have your best interest in mind. You can’t always look out for yourself.

PAGE SIXTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, March 30, 2012


April 10 April 11 April 12 April 17 April 26

9:00 am 1:00 pm 9:00 am 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 10:00 am

Roads Administration Centre, Keith Room Solid Waste Services Administration Centre, Keith Room Police Services Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Social Services Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Information, Heritage and Seniors Board Room, Wellington Terrace Land Division and Planning Administration Centre, Keith Room Economic Development Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Administration, Finance and Personnel Administration Centre, Guthrie Room County Council Administration Centre, Council Chambers

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Friday, April 6 Saturday, April 7 at 8:00 am

EASTER CLOSURES All County of Wellington Administration and Social Services offices will be closed on Friday, April 6 and Monday, April 9.

CURBSIDE GARBAGE AND BLUE BOX COLLECTION: CANCELLED Friday, April 6 RESCHEDULED Saturday, April 7, starting at 7:00 am QUESTIONS? 519.837.2601 1.866.899.0248



Thomson Beattie: A TITANIC TRAGEDY

Wellington County Library Branch Hours GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 6 CLOSED: all libraries SATURDAY, APRIL 7 OPEN: all libraries open regularly scheduled hours EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 8 CLOSED: all libraries EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 9 OPEN: Aboyne and Marden Branches, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm CLOSED: all other libraries For more information visit

ALTERNATE FORMATS OF THIS PUBLICATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. For more information, contact: Jennifer Cowan, Accessibility Clerk, at: 519.837.2600 x 2373* or

Please Register by calling: Wellington County Library, Fergus Branch, 519.843.1180 Wellington County Museum and Archives, 519.846.0916 x5221

Join us for a presentation of Thomson Beattie's life in Fergus, his career in Winnipeg, and his fate aboard Titanic, April 14, 1912. Thursday, April 12, 6:30 pm Wellington County Library, Fergus Branch Or Saturday, April 14, 2:00 pm Wellington County Museum and Archives

Wellington Rd. 18 between Fergus and Elora T 519.846.0916 x 5221 TOLL FREE 1.800.663.0750 x 5221 E W

Wellington County Library

FEEDBACK - HOW ARE WE DOING? Do you have an idea for an upcoming issue? County Communications Page Andrea Ravensdale, Communications Manager Wellington Advertiser 519.837.2600 x 2320* orMarch for publication: 30, 2012 *ALL CALLS CAN prepared BE MADEby TOLL FREE TO 1.800.663.0750 Phil Dietrich Wellington County Museum & Archives

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