Inside Wellington 042712

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INSIDE WELLINGT­­­ON Second Section april 27, 2012

EQUINE Making sense of horse sense

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Theatre Centre Wellington brings Annie to the stage May 2 to 5 EVENTS RURAL LIFE WOMEN IN BUSINESS SPORTS GUELPH’S GOT IT COUNTY PAGE the second section of the wellington advertiser


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PAGE TWO Inside Wellington - Second Section of the Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

Cheaper By The Dozen at Fergus Grand Theatre FERGUS - Having just won four awards and 10 nominations at the Western Ontario Drama League Festival in Sarnia, Elora Community Theatre is presenting its new show, Cheaper By The Dozen. Featuring local actors, the play tells the classic tale of the large, loving but tumultuous

Gilbreth family. Cheaper By The Dozen will play at the Fergus Grand Theatre May 4 to 6 and 10 to 12, with evening performances at 8pm and Sunday shows at 2pm. For tickets visit or call 519-787-1981. For information visit

An Evening with Mark Twain HILLSBURGH - Patrick C. Smith reprises his most famous role in An Evening with Mark Twain at the Century Church Theatre on April 28. Perhaps the most wellloved humorist of all time, Twain entertains with his hilarious and sometimes scandalous views on a wide range

of subjects, including the law, drinking, swearing, journalism and smoking. An Evening with Mark Twain plays on April 28 at the Century Church Theatre at 8pm. Tickets are $23. For tickets, contact the box office at 519-855-4586 or


By General Store Country Bluegrass Band.

Sat. Apr. 28th, 7:30pm at St. John’s United Church, Belwood $20 per person, proceeds to building fund. Refreshments served. For tickets call Norm Lindsey 519-787-0510 or available at door.

Royal City Ambassadors’ Annual Show

Harmony In Bloom y & fun A Family Show with 4 part harmon Rd., Guelph

at Lakeside Church- 7654 Conservation on Friday, April 27 at 7:30 pm April 28 at 2:00 pm and a matinee performance on Saturday ent Stud $5 / lt Adu $20 Tickets: -9920 -823 519 or 0 -270 -836 519 Call


sat. Apr. 28

Gently used articles needed. 59 Church St. W., Elmira 519-669-8475 Hours: Mon-Wed 9:30-5 | Thurs 9:30-8 | Fri 9:30-5 | Sat 9:30-4

Sunday May 6, 2012 Games start at 1pm - Doors open at 11am

share the wealth package $15 - main program package $25 (both packages are required - extra strips available)

Held at Grand River Raceway

7445 Wellington County Rd. 21, Elora

FRI. Apr. 27

The Arthur & Area Historical Society continues its series of history talks on the Roaring Twenties with “Entertainment - a new approach to fun” by Gail Donald. In the Historical rooms at 146 George St., Arthur at 1:30pm. Free admission, refreshments. *** Victoria Park Seniors Centre Seminar: Travel Insurance 101: What You Need to Know. 10:30am. Call 519-787-1814 to register. *** Victoria Park Seniors Centre: Arthritis Society’s Chronic Pain Management Workshop. 1-3pm. No charge. Call 519-787-1814 to register. *** Three Cantors benefit concert 7:30pm at St. George’s Anglican Church, Woolwich St. Guelph to raise funds for sustainable agriculture in Cuba. Tickets $20 for adults and $10 for students and children available from 519.822.1399. *** Pork dinner at St. Mary Family Centre, Mount Forest. Two seating’s: 5pm, 6:30pm. Admission: adults $12, children 10 and under $6. For tickets call 519-323-3967 or 519-323-1599. *** Progressive Euchre card party. 7:30pm at Teresa of Avila Church Hall, Elmira. $6. All welcome.. *** Fergus contra dance. 8-10:30pm. $10 per person. Live music always. New location for April only. Historic Ennotville Library, 6th line, 5km south of Fergus on Hwy 6. (turn right at Ennotville). No partner or previous experience necessary. For more information call Janice Ferri 519-843-9971. *** Royal City Ambassadors’ Annual Show “Harmony In Bloom” A Family Show with 4 part harmony & fun. Lakeside Church- 7654 Conservation Rd. 7:30pm. Matinee performance Saturday 2pm. Tickets $20 Adult / $5 Student. Call 519-836-2700 or 519-8239920. *** All Saints Community Dinner. This month’s feature is yummy home-style meat loaf with mashed potatoes, peas and corn, not to mention dessert. 6-7pm. Erin’s best dinner deal, every 4th Friday of the month. No sermon and no charge; free will offerings gratefully accepted. All Saints Church, 81 Main Street, Erin.


“Proceeds to local Community projects”

Public Service announcement

The Victoria Park Seniors Centre in Fergus has a wide variety of programs for all including bus trips, fitness, computer, dance, health and wellness, arts and music, general interest and everyday drop in programs. Registered programs may be taken by anyone over 18 years old. Don’t be disappointed register early for all programs and seminars. Check out our website at or call 519-787-1814. *** Just for Women, Just for Fun fundraiser for BBBS. Saturday April 28. Workshops, refreshments, lunch, raffles. 519-323-4273. *** Karaoke Every Friday night, no cover, everyone welcome. Columbus Hall, 84 Lewis Road Guelph 519-821-4050. Held under lottery license #M634122. FERGUS ELORA ROTARY FOUNDATION Staffed by: Centre Wellington Rotary Club and Fergus Elora Rotary Club

Until Alone is Over- “A Variety Show of Professional & Local Musicians, Singers, Artists and Dancers of All Ages” benefit performance, hosted by Rachel Clark. Trinity United Church, 21 Arthur Street Elmira. 4pm and 7:30pm. Admission $10 at the door, $5 for students and children. Cash only. Vendors on-site. Child care provided. Wheelchair accessible. All proceeds go towards continuing Rachel’s orphanage & community work in Kenya. *** ‘Little Breeches Club’ for Children Ages 4–7 Saturday Mornings. Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre – Puslinch. Phone: 519-837-0558 x21 for program details. *** Marsville Lions Community Breakfast. $5 per person. Marsville Community Centre. Last Saturday of every month. 7:30-10:30am. Also, recycling of wine bottles, beer bottles and cans, pop cans. *** Scrapbooking and crafts day at Knox Church Ospringe. 9am - 3pm. Lunch provided. Donations to the food bank gratefully received. 519-856-4453 for directions or more information. *** Saturday Night Dance at the Elora Legion featuring the Country Versatiles. Starts at 8pm. Cost $10 per person, lunch provided. Call 519-846-9611 for more information. *** Cribbage Tournament/Silent Auction, Guelph Legion 57 Watson Pkwy S. Registration 10:30am. Games start at noon. $20 per two person team with top ten teams winning. Food available and door prizes. For more information call Sue at 519-763-1635. *** Fashions in Bloom fashion show. Linwood Community Centre Complex, 5279 Ament Line, Linwood. 1-4pm. Silent Auction Door Prizes. Vendors. $12 per person , contact Gloria at 519-6982577 or Laura at 519-698-2398 for tickets. Everyone welcome. *** Spring Basement Sale St. James Anglican Church 171 Queen St. E. Fergus. 8am to 12 pm Everyone welcome. *** 3rd annual Avery’s Bravery Race, Rockwood Conservation Area, 10am. There will once again be a 5km run, 2km walk and a Free 100 metre dash for kids 10 and under. Tons of free fun activities

for the kids. All proceeds are going to the SickKids Hospital. Over $12,000 has been raised so far. Registration: For more info, contact Christine at 519-856-0066. *** Bluegrass concert by General Store Country/Bluegrass Band. 7:30pm. Belwood St. John’s United Church. $20/person, proceeds to building fund. Refreshments served. For tickets call Norm Lindsey 519-787-0510, or at door. *** Arthur Legion Karaoke 8:30pm. *** Until April 29 - Aberfolyle Junction Model Railway Show. Last shows at this location. Railway will shut down following the spring shows and relocate to St. Jacobs, ON. See one of the most detailed model railway in full operation 10am-4:30pm. Admission: Adults $8, children $5., Seniors $6. Barrier free access. From Hwy 401, exit at #299( N to Guelph) Located on old Hwy #6, south of Aberfoyle. Watch for road signs. For info call 519 -836-2720. *** Optimist Club Of Centre-Wellington Fergus Garage Sale. Fergus Curling Club. 8am-2pm. For more information contact George Bailey 519-843-2554. *** Healthy Choices Wellness show. 10:30-5pm. Best Western Conference Centre, 716 Gordon Street Guelph. Admission $5, proceeds donated to Power of Hope, supporting families in our community. Call Lee at 226-218-4240 for more info. *** Wheels of Hope, a project of Elora United Church & Friends is holding its first major bike collection day. This will be held in conjunction with the Wellington County Rain barrel/Composter sale day. 8am-1pm. Bring your unwanted mountain / fat tired bike to the Grand River Racetrack parking lot in front of the barn. Look for our display and banner. All suitable bikes collected will ship to Namibia, Africa. For information prior to the collection date or for pickup call Wheels of Hope 519-843-6144. *** Spring Vegas Night, Maryhill Knights of Columbus at the Bridgeport Rod & Gun Club, 1229 Beitz Road, RR #1 Breslau. 519-648-2633. Fun begins at 8pm. *** The Guelph and District Labour Council will be holding the Day of Mourning. It is to honour workers injured and killed on the job. It will be held at Goldie Mill Park at 1pm, with light refreshment to follow at the Baker Street Station restaurant. *** Country Breakfast at Rockwood United Church, Harris Street, Rockwood .8-11am. Tickets available at door $7 Adults, $5 Child, Family Deal $20. Buffet breakfast. All welcome. For more information call 519-856-4160. *** An Evening with Mark Twain, starring Patrick C. Smith. A visit from one of the world’s best-loved humourists. 8pm. Century Church Theatre, 72 Trafalgar Rd., Hillsburgh. Special student discount; please call for details. Box Office 519-855-4586.

sun. Apr. 29

Palmerston Legion Jamboree 1-5pm. *** Salvation Sounds - 6:30-8:30pm. Worship Uninterrupted Guelph Corps: 1320 Gordon Street Guelph. Salvation Sounds invites all women to join us for “After Easter” Mary Magdalen - The Language of Love. *** The Elora Festival Singers presents “I Saw Eternity,” a pre-launch concert featuring the Elora Festival Singers’ soon-to-be-released CD, St. John’s Church, 36 Henderson Street, Elora. $35 plus HST. To order tickets or for more information 519-846-0331. *** Saugeen Valley Fur & Feather Association. 7am-noon. Mount Forest Fairgrounds, 320 King St. E. No charge. Buy, sell, trade. Please patronize our food booth. No food vendors. *** Annual Spring Mom2Mom Sale Event. 9am-noon at the Elora Community Centre at 60 David St. W., in Elora. Admission is $1 and tons of deals to be had. Refreshments available on site. Call 519-846-1239 for more info. *** Centre Wellington Singers “A Change in the Weather” concert, 3:30pm Melville United Church, Fergus. Tickets: $15 Adults, $5 12 and under from members, at door or reserve at 519-843-5419. *** Cats Anonymous Rescue & Adoption is holding a “Meet and Greet” Open Day. 1-4pm at the shelter in Marsville. A great opportunity for you to drop in, learn about our work and meet our extremely adoptable cats. Call 519-855-6850 for more details.

MON. Apr. 30

Victoria Park Seniors Centre Seminar: How to Start Your Family History. 10:15am. Call 519-787-1814 to register. *** Until May 2: Used Book Sale at the Rockwood Branch of Wellington County Library. Monday to Wednesday 10am - 8pm. Please call 519.856.4851 for more info. *** TOPS #ON 4913 Harriston Open House. 7:30-8:30pm. Harriston United Church (nursery). Elevator available. Come see what we’re all about. 519.338.3012. *** Open House-Bring A Friend Night Elora Grand Squares invites Continued on page 19

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE THREE

Horse play: Making sense of horse sense by Kelly Waterhouse

ERIN - The horse-human connection is timeless. It is in the folklore of cultures, the history of wars, the fables of youth and the screenplays of blockbuster movies. While the love of horses and what they teach people about their own humanity is not new, putting it into practical knowledge and applied skill is. A local group of equine enthusiasts is aiming to change that with a little horseplay. Some might call it “horse whispering,” a term made famous by Nicholas Evan’s best-selling book, or the Academy award-winning movie it inspired, starring Robert Redford. But fiction becomes fact in the hands of Helen Amanda Russell, an interpreter of “horse patter,” the name for her personal method of understanding and processing the silent communication of the horse. “I teach the basic, physical language of the horse through demonstrations, examples and by creating an environment for hands-on learning,” Russell explains on her website, “I do this by pointing out horse body gestures, nuances and movements, while explaining how this articulates into a message to other horses or people.” Translating that into the human experience is a natural, subtle occurrence that happens in the silent interaction between a person and a horse. This can happen with any horse and any person, whether they are comfortable around horses, a trained rider or just someone who admires the animal as a beautiful creature. The interaction is dependent upon the exchange that happens between human and animal. “By talking ‘horse’ using our own bodies, we are able to communicate back and forth in order to create a conversation that the animal understands and

one the people are learning to interpret and respond to appropriately,” Russell described. “In doing so, I have found that people become more aware of their own body language and this new awareness provides a useful tool for working with horses or to apply in other aspects of their lives.” Russell has extensive training in horsemanship with the British Horse Society, and has participated in eventing, coaching and horse training. In recent years, Russell began to study “natural horsemanship” or what is commonly referred to as horse whispering under the guidance of renowned practitioners such as Monty Roberts and Chris Irwin, before heading to the The Epona Center in Tucson, Arizona where she has trained to communicate and interpret body awareness through Epona, known as “the way of the horse.” For years Russell was actively involved in the equine community of Wellington County, before finding greener pastures in British Columbia. Yet several times a year she returns to this area to support various workshops on experiential learning with horses. In May, Russell will come to Erin and Rockwood to join three of her equine colleagues, each of whom credit their inspirational friendship with Russell for opening their minds and hearts to the fascinating work of horse patter. Bridget Ryan first met Russell when she hired her to train a “wild little pony.” Impressed with Russell’s skill, Ryan began an eight-week apprenticeship with Russell to work on her own horses on her family farm in Erin. Kate Kerr, a Fergus native, met Russell through mutual equine contacts. Kerr has been around horses all her life and has always felt a special bond with the animal that she could never quite translate, until she

Horsing around - Kate Kerr shows her slow and steady approach with horses, using her body language to create a sense of safety for the horse, with an openness to engage in silent dialogue. photo by Kelly Waterhouse

found someone who spoke her language. Kerr is currently apprenticing with Russell, studying to take the reins in encouraging other people to learn the way of the horse. Nora Zylstra-Savage is a writing coach who admits she has a fear of horses, but a determination to conquer it creatively. She met Russell through a mutual friend and said their work, both being somewhat “intuitive and alternative,” inspired an instant connection. Russell encouraged her to trust the horse patter process, but also to write about it.

their would be a range,” Ryan explained. “There would be really experienced horse people to people who had never really set foot near a horse, but they were inclined to use horses versus another modality, like writing or art or exercise.” Explaining the diversity of experience, Zylstra-Savage said the work is an alternative to more traditional disciplines of self-awareness. “It can be whatever … it can be practical, which is horsemanship, or it can be emotional work,” she said. “There are lots of different therapies, and

“It’s not magic. There is no illusion. It is what it is.” - Kate Kerr, on the horse-human connection. Together, these three women have taken their individual talents, under the guidance of Russell, to create a series of workshops that are intended to empower people with a greater understanding not only of horses, but also of themselves, their goals and their place in the herd. This May, they are offering two workshops: Relationships versus Agenda and Learn to Play Again: Essentials for Life. “People really responded to that [our workshops], because it gave them more tools to explore whatever level they came in at, and we’d find

Horse time - Bridget Ryan, Kate Kerr and Nora Zylstra-Savage encourage people to step out of their routine and spend a little quality time to experience “the way of the horse” through creative workshops. photo by Kelly Waterhouse

the horse is the one people are choosing because they have an affiliation to horses. They are using that for their emotional growth work.” Kerr believes this work is important because people have lost the art of interpreting body language and signals. “Horses give us a visual of what we actually do ourselves and don’t acknowledge. Horses are large animals with big hearts and you don’t have to look too deeply to see it.” In these workshops, issues such as boundaries, both physical and personal, are explored. There is reflective work, personal insight, all with the purpose of allowing the animal to mirror the individual’s internal emotions. “Horses reflect really strong emotions, like fear and anger,” Ryan said. “But they also reflect the really peaceful, positive emotions as well.” Kerr explained that as prey animals, horses are intuitive as their means of survival. Everything from the shape of their hooves to the wild horse instincts carried through their genes, gives them a heightened awareness. “Subconsciously, we carry these things with us,” she added. “You give an ‘energy.’ It’s whatever energy you are giving off and it will hit the horse in pressure points that it will make them explode or calm right down.” Exploring this visceral experience in a workshop setting requires flexibility of both the instructors and the partici-

pants. However, this flexibility allows for workshops to be diverse in both practice and intention, driven largely by the desires of those who attend. “In Relationships versus Agenda, we ask the question, ‘Do we establish a relationship first that makes our agenda go a little more smoothly?’ What happens when we push that agenda on the horses?” Describing the flow of the work, Kerr said, “It’s all about what you feel and how you are putting it on the horse to do. We’ll go through exercises and try to put the horse in a [metaphorical] box or try different kinds of play practices and ask, how much energy do you have to spend to get the horse to do what you want them to do because of your agenda? … Sometimes you turn your back on them and they just end up standing in the box, because you finally took the pressure off them,” she said, laughing. In Learning to Play the work is about allowing both the participants and the horses to have fun and experience that sense of playfulness and ease that stressful schedules rarely allow. “It’s all about joy,” Kerr said. While workshops do not involve riding the horses, the experience is every bit as intimate. Mornings begin with the group standing by the fence simply observing the horses, watching how the herd responds to strangers. “We see the interactions and get an impression of the animal,” Kerr explained. The group then goes inside to discuss their initial interaction with the horse, their body language, how they behaved. In the second workshop, Learning to Play Again, writing will be an important component to the work, with exercises led by Zylstra-Savage. After the first meeting with the horses, she encourages participants to write their feelings or overall perceptions of the horses. Throughout the day, there are opportunities to explore the experiences through words, with the option to share these observations with the group at the end of the day. Back out in the field, the participants are then asked to pick one horse in particular that seems to resonate with them, which Kerr said happens intuitively. After a one-on-one observation of the horse, the work

with that animal begins in the round pen, a set-up designed for the safety of the participant and the horse, allowing the horse to focus as facilitator and the student to practice the art of the silent communication techniques. “So whether it is walking, getting them to stop, boundary work, using your arms or your body language to direct or say something, then it is for them to respond and it’s a very contained place,” Zylstra-Savage explained. Ryan added, “If you are a person who isn’t really familiar with horses, the round pen creates a safety barrier. A lot of times barriers are metaphorical. If people have them there it allows them to take that step.” This is where the self-learning begins. “It could be the same horse every time, but the reaction will always be different, depending on the person,” Zylstra-Savage explained. “It shows us that we are all different and that they, [the horses] are not just giving of themselves, they are giving a reflection of you. It becomes that personalized.” Kerr believes when people take that reflection out into the world with them, they can change their perceptions. “It starts by being aware of our response, why we felt that way, why did our heart sing or why we have the feeling in our gut, hold our breath, stop dead in our tracks?” she asked. “We are in tune with our surroundings. We have instincts. We are so unaccustomed to acknowledging and honouring them that we question them. It’s not magic. There is no illusion. It is what it is.” Relationships versus Agenda runs May 26 on the Tenth Line north in Erin, featuring Russell, as Epona facilitator, along with Kerr and Ryan. The session runs from 9am to 4:30pm. Learning to Play Again: Essentials for Life runs May 27 at the same location from 9am to 4:30pm. Zylstra-Savage will join the session to add the creative writing component. Admission to each workshop is $175. Lunch is $10 or people can bring their own. Snacks will be provided. Yoga, by donation, is offered at 8am. Space is limited. To register for the workshops contact Bridget Ryan at 519-855-4562 or email equineerin@gmail. com. For more information on the work of Helen Adams Russell visit


PAGE FOUR Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

Horse racing and the provincial budget: From thriving to surviving? by David Meyer WELLINGTON CTY. People from rural and urban centres are still dealing with the fallout of the March 27 provincial budget and what harm it might cause as the government walks away from its partnership with the horse racing industry. The Liberal government, looking for any extra cash it can obtain in the face of a huge deficit and large debt, decided to end its 14-year agreement with 17 Ontario race tracks. That deal is estimated by some as being worth about $345 million a year to the horse industry. The industry has used the money to increase purses, which spurred interest in breeding horses and all the spin-offs that engendered, from more training facilities, barns, veterinarian work, feed supplies and right down to horse trailer manufacturing. A few months ago, the government, including Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, was touting its “partnership” with the industry. On budget day, partnership suddenly became a “subsidy” and a what officials called a hidden benefit for horse owners and breeders. The breakdown of slots

profits has been: 75 per cent to the provincial government; 5% to the host municipality and 20% shared equally by the track operator and horse racing industry. The racetrack uses its 10% to cover expenses and the other half goes to the people who breed and race horses, through race purses. The fallout from the new policy, as well as the cry from the horse industry, was immediate. The government closed three slots facilities in Fort Erie, Sarnia and Windsor at a cost of over 500 jobs. The horse industry said as many as a dozen racetracks could go out of business. With 60,000 people working in the horse industry, there could be a massive loss of jobs in rural Ontario. Grand River Raceway In a trophy case in the upstairs hall at the race track in Elora are photos and citations about what the Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) has meant to the area since it began operations with the opening of the slots in 2003. The headlines include; GRAS donates $125,000 for park development; and 2008 Scholarship/Bursary award recipients, and Equine Guelph

and 4-H [receive] $10,000 October 19, 2009 [from GRAS]. Grand River Raceway general manager Ted Clarke said if the slots cash disappears, the tracks “may not be viable.” He explained, “This track was built dependent on both activities. If racing has to support the site maintenance and all those other things ... then we have a problem whether or not we survive. It’s probably more acute when you are a horse person dependent on purse income.” Clarke has been through the downside of horse racing before. Before the track moved to Elora it was in Elmira when attendance dwindled, purses dropped and more stayed away because good horses raced elsewhere. He revitalized that operation by making it the first to telecast races from as far away as the United States. That allowed it to generate a small amount of cash other than just on 50 racing dates. When slots came to tracks, Woolwich Township rejected a slots facility, and the track moved to Elora. For the horse industry, Clarke said of income, “There is no other source. The horse

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Empty building? - Grand River Raceway general manager Ted Clarke is worried the provincial government’s abrogation of its partnership with the racing industry could cause many race tracks to close and do major harm to the industry, as well as cost many jobs in rural areas. photo by David Meyer people are absolutely challenged - but the track may be challenged, too.” And, he said a little sadly,

“We had an ally in the government. In this case, we don’t.” Research spin-offs More than just suppliers

could be affected if the industry suddenly collapses. Clarke believes the horse Continued on next page

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE FIVE


Provincial budget cuts could fall hardest on horse industry in Wellington County from previous page industry itself will survive in some form, and not all horses in Wellington County are bred for racing. But, the track has, over the years, been the centrepiece of a growing industry in Wellington. Gayle Ecker, the director of Equine Guelph at the University of Guelph, said of the cuts, “It’s going to have a negative impact on the whole horse industry - and not just on racing. It’s going to have a domino effect a lot of people are not aware of.” She gave a simple example. A farmer plants lots of hay to supply the industry. The number of horses drops, so the farmer, like any other retailer, looks for something else to supply - and cuts his hay production. Ecker said, “Less hay increases the price for the horse industry.” She said the same thing will hit ferriers and the number of veterinarians. “If you have 60% of your clients in the racing industry ... Some have 100%.” Eventually, the cuts could even affect programs at the university. Ecker said Grand River Raceway and a number of companies servicing the horse industry support Equine Guelph and its equine research. “It can trickle down and have an effect on research.” One researcher at Equine Guelph is working with

Denmark on stem cell research from umbilical cord blood from horses that could have implications for human health. Equine Guelph also runs the popular and internationallyrecognized EquiMania, which provides education programs on safety, riding and horsemanship for youths. When asked if that could be affected, Ecker said, “That remains to be seen. We have sponsorships from companies that specialize in horses. Yes, it has the potential to impact all our education programs.” Ecker, like others in the horse industry, is puzzled at the province’s approach. “I’m having a hard time understanding them,” she said. Local government steps up Wellington County and Centre Wellington Township are lobbying to change the government’s mind. The county has the largest horse population of any region in Ontario, and both municipalities have shared slots revenue for eight years, collecting about $15 million. Township Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj has been in contact with the 21 mayors of municipalities with race tracks. She said they must speak with one voice to make an impact, and she is learning more and more about the devastating effects the cuts could have. She has seen many changes in the township in the

past several years as people got into the industry and made major investments. “People have changed their farm processes to accommodate the industry,” Ross-Zuj said. “This is just devastating news.” She talked to a farmer who grows hay for race horse owners, and “the race horse industry is his client.” She said young people joined the industry and it is tough work that requires education and long hours. “This would be devastating for employment,” she said. Ross-Zuj added if horses have little value, there is a good chance many could end up at slaughter houses. “If there’s no market and no purse money, a lot of horses won’t be needed,” Ross-Zuj said. “They [owners] are quite worried about the horses they’ll have to take care of.” County Warden Chris White has been planning to write to Premier Dalton McGuinty to explain the devastation if the

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2:39:11 PM

cuts proceed as of March 31, 2013. Last week, he announced a change in strategy. “I’m holding off,” he said. Instead, White has the support of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association, an arm of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and he has also obtained support from the Western Wardens Association. He convinced both groups Wellington County should take the lead in lobbying the province. White planned a meeting in mid-May to determine the best approach. He said county economic development officer Jana Reichert is preparing an overview of the horse industry and the effects of the cuts. White said there might, as some supporters of the cuts have stated, be “some rich horse owners” involved, but he wants to show they are a small part of a pyramid that includes suppliers and the work force in the horse industry. “The ripple effects of this

are deep and wide,” he said. White has since learned Chatham Mayor Randy Hope is organizing a meeting in Milton of chief administrative officers and mayors who have racetracks in their jurisdictions, and he hopes to join it (he was waiting for a reply from Hope as this issue went to press). “I think they’re looking at it from a municipal perspective,” White said. “For me, it’s, ‘See where we are and how we approach this’.” He has talked to politicians in Duncan’s riding and to other Liberal supporters. “This has got to be fixed,” White said. “There’s got to be some Liberals who see this for what it is.” Clarke noted that he, too, has had hearings with Liberal MPPs who were sympathetic. White noted the lobby approach to date has been scattered, with lobbies and protests and he believes those fighting for the industry are going to have one opportunity to con-

vince the government to drop its cuts. “We need to get everybody pushing the same way,” he said. White added he, too, is puzzled why the government is hitting the industry. “He [Duncan] is getting $1.1 billion a year with zero outlay ... If they think there’s $1 billion out there in [increased casino] gambling, I don’t see that.” He said the Don Drummond report to study the provincial deficit considered only spending and not revenue, and White said that might be why the horse group became a target. Drummond saw money going out, but did not consider the return, he opined. “We’ve got to say, ‘This is really what you’re going to do if you proceed with this’,” said White. “You kill a bunch of rural jobs to create 2,500 jobs in Toronto. It’s strange.”


PAGE SIX Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

Professional is offering two equine photography workshops in May by Kelly Waterhouse

BELWOOD - Photographer Sylvia Galbraith never leaves home without her camera. She never enters a barn without one either. While commercial photography has been the emphasis of her career, Galbraith has expanded her portfolio to include portraiture, aerial, wedding photography, stock/ art images and other works as the entrepreneur behind Silver Creek Photography. But horses are her passion and always in her sights. “I can’t think of anyone who isn’t moved by the sight of a horse running around,” Galbraith said. “I’ve always had horses,” she said, noting she became a professional photographer after graduating the commercial photography program at Sheridan College in the early 80s. Smiling, she adds, “What else would I photograph?” Her equine photos, many sold as stock images, have earned her a reputation for capturing the strength and composure of horses through the professional eye of her lens. “Sometimes I work for private horse owners who will

have me photograph their horses for advertising, such as stallions, for breeding,” Galbraith explains. “A lot of my images end up in magazines, on calendars, book covers, things like that. It’s interesting to see the different uses and interpretations.” Her work caught the attention of the faculty at the University of Manitoba’s extensive equine department, who cold-called the Belwood photographer with a request to host equine photography workshops on their campus. That led the artist to similar equine workshops at Humber College in Toronto. The success of those sessions encouraged Galbraith to share her experience and passion for photography with her fellow horse lovers. For the past six years she has featured equine photography workshops at Travis Hall Equestrian Centre in Fergus. “They’re wonderful to do this for me,” Galbraith said, adding many of the student riders at this facility act as models when required. Travis Hall owner Dave Johnson and his daughter Cindy, an equestrian coach, are very accommodat-

ing and have made this an ideal working relationship. Galbraith joked, “Cindy bathes the horses for me even though I tell her not too.” This spring, Galbraith is holding two workshops at Travis Hall, with a Basic Equine Photography workshop running May 5, and Advanced Equine Photography on May 26. “The workshops are popular because they are so challenging,” Galbraith explained, noting the greatest challenge is the four-legged subject itself. “There is always a certain stride to their movement. A horse can be so gallant and poised one minute and so awkward and ungainly the next, simply because of the way they move.” For the students and instructor alike, the challenge is worth the effort, Galbraith said, noting not all of her students are “horse people,” but are interested in expanding their photography skills. “Some people have an interest in just taking photos of their own horses,” she said. In the basic equine course, the day begins with lessons on Continued on next page

Equine photography - Professional photographer Sylvia Galbraith is running two photography workshops on capturing the beauty of horses. photos by Sylvia Galbraith

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE SEVEN


Learning to focus on horse’s confirmation is key to capturing great images from previous page understanding which cameras, lenses and equipment are best for working in the equine theme. Issues such as lighting, action shots and setting poses will be discussed. Out in the field and barn area, Galbraith has the students focus on the horse’s confirmation, taking photographs of the horse standing still and head shots. Later, they will add human models allowing the students to photograph horse and rider. “Then we have the horse run free,” an exercise in capturing the horse’s movement in action, she said. Throughout the workshop, students learn how to use their camera settings to get the best results. “The advanced course is a little more structured,” Galbraith explains, adding that workshop focuses on photographing horses in show competition settings, such as jumper courses, dressage tests and mounted games. “It’s about knowing how to pick the right spot at say, a show event, where you are limited in placement and movement.” For this course, Galbraith encourages participants to use an SLR camera, designed for high speed photography, as there is a lot more shooting involved. “Not everyone who takes this course is a horse person, but it is designed for people who like to shoot fast,” she said. Photographing dressage, she points out, is about the horse’s speed and the turns the animal takes with the rider in the dressage arena.

“The difficulty of photographing that is you have to shoot quickly, know where the horse is going and where the horse will look its best,” Galbraith said. Jumping requires the photographer to understand the layout of the jumper course design. “It’s about good angles,” she explains. “I teach them how to read the map and to know which jump is best for shooting.” Photographing the mounted games is a whole new set of challenges. “It’s full speed ahead and they [horse and rider] don’t hang back for photos,” she said. “It’s all about timing.” At Travis Hall, riders will put the photographers through their paces in these disciplines, both inside and outside the arena. “People will come away with the skill required to photograph a horse in these venues,” Galbraith assures. She know this because she has seen the results at the end of each workshop, when people share their work. “I want people to come away with a sense of appreciation of their own abilities to photograph a horse,” she said. “Seeing people realize they have the potential to take the kind of photos they admire is great. People find it really rewarding.” As a horse lover, she hopes they appreciate the beauty of their subject matter. “Horses are beautiful,” Galbraith said. “In a nut shell, they are elegant and strong, and not to pull out all the cliches here, but to be able to capture that is really something. Horses

are majestic creatures.” The group dynamics help too, she believes. “It’s always a fun kind of day, with a really friendly group of people who always seem to have a lot in common beyond photography.” The Basic Equine Photography workshop runs May 5 at Travis Hall Equestrian Centre from 10am to 4pm. The cost is $125 plus HST. Lunch is included. The Advanced Equine

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Photography workshop runs May 26 from 10am to 4pm, at a cost of $165 plus HST. Lunch is included. Participants can sign up for both workshops for one price: $260. These workshops are open to teens and adults. Gift certificates are available. For more information on Sylvia Galbraith or her workshops, visit To register, call 519787-7040 or e-mail

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PAGE EIGHT Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

EQUINE Canada, Denmark doing acclaimed research

by Jackie Bellamy GUELPH - Canadians and Danes were the first nations to source equine umbilical cord blood for regenerative medicine. The anticipation over the exciting applications of this research were indicated by over 3,500 downloads that occurred within two weeks of the first report published back in 2007. “The long term goal is to find new treatment modalities for diseases and conditions where there currently are no good treatment modalities,” said Dr. Thomas Koch, who researches joint cartilage repair at Aarhus University, Denmark and the University of Guelph. Koch said one reason stem cell research is such a hot topic because of the concept of a reduced burden on the health care system. Such relief could result from curing incurable, degenerative diseases. The successful isolation of cells from equine umbilical cord blood has put the U of G on the map as a leader in equine stem cell research. In his latest work, Koch is able to iso-

late mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for potential cartilage repair by using a very simple, non-invasive procedure. Umbilical cord blood is obtained at the time of foaling by clamping the cord and collecting the blood into a transfusion bag. Once at the lab, that blood is then put into a plastic container and then the cells that “love plastic” show their potential for regenerative research. Any unwanted floating cells are easily removed from the container because the desirable MSC cells actually adhere to the plastic and multiply. Koch can then create cartilage from these cells in the lab. Studies for maintaining cells at the injury site are ongoing. The complication is integrating cell-repaired cartilage with the underlying bone and adjacent normal healthy cartilage. Koch is investigating sophisticated matrices and scaffolds as well as a technique known as mosaic arthroplasty. In mosaic arthroplasty, a number of plugs consisting of cartilage and bone are placed in the cartilage and bone defect in a cobble-

stone pattern, hence the name mosaic. Pioneered by Dr. Mark Hurtig, from the University of Guelph, that option, although technically difficult, might allow a better integration between cartilage and bone. Using umbilical cord blood cells to make bone cells and cartilage cells has earned Koch’s research international recognition. The application for bone healing in fracture and cartilage repair is promising. Now researchers are working on better ways of differentiating undifferentiated cells into cartilage cells so there will be enough cells for therapy. Koch is employed by the Orthopedic Research Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark and funded by the Danish Research Agency for Technology, Production and Innovation. Additional operating funds are provided through: Grayson Research Foundation of Lexington, Kentucky; BioE Inc. of Minnesota, USA; SentrX Animal Care Inc. of Utah, USA; Morris Animal Foundation, USA and the Equine Guelph Research Fund.

Second War Horse benefit and gala is on May 10

Horse work in a laboratory - Dr. Thomas Koch check blood from an equine umbilical cord that could have implications for human healing. photo courtesy of Studio 404

GUELPH - War Horse in Toronto has extended the duration of its partnership with Equine Guelph until the end of June. Mirvish Productions will donate $10 to the Equine Guelph-OEF War Horse Welfare Education Fund for each War Horse ticket pur-

chased by OEF members for performances to June 30. As a special thanks, at the performance, OEF members receive a free CD of the show’s music. Over 160 horse lovers helped raise funds for horse welfare education programs at War Horse on March 8. There were a number of prizes won

at that gala. Lesley Kahan of Etobicoke won a luncheon with Equine Guelph director Gayle Ecker and Equine Guelph cochairman of research Dr. Jeff Thomason, plus a tour of the OVC and Civic Museum featuring OVC’s 150th anniversary display. Equine Guelph is hosting

another special evening on May 10. The gala includes premium seats and numerous other prizes. To order tickets call 416872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333 or go online at www.mirvish. com and indicate this special benefit code – WHFUND in order to benefit Equine Guelph.


Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE NINE

Grand River Raceway launches 66-card racing season on May 2 ELORA — Grand River Raceway kicks off its 2012 live racing season May 2 with a line-up of favourites and new features. The track will have 66 cards in its ninth season, which spans May through October. It will feature racing on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights on varied dates on the half mile track. The full schedule can be seen at web/?page_id=23. The trackfeatures much more than racing. The interactive, between-races Tarmac Show returns with a variety of contests and video features. Paddock Report host Darryl MacArthur is there on Monday nights with live reports from the backstretch. It is geared to provide viewers with access to enhanced handicapping information.

The Paddock Report relays commentary from the connections of starters prior to each race. Opening night The first night of racing marks the third annual Local Biz Night, presented in cooperation with the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce. The event will host more than 200 local businesspeople paired with a horse in the Local Biz Night race. Prior to the dash, guests have a cocktail reception hosted by the OLG Slots At Grand River Raceway, followed by dinner and a trip to the paddock to meet their horse. May 2 also kicks off the first of six Grand River Raceway handicapping tournaments offering more than $8,000 in cash prizes throughout the season and three spots in the $25,000

racing’s only drag (queen) race. The inaugural event in 2011 was TriPride’s most successful single fundraising event to date; - Fun and Frivolity Friday Nights, with Friday night racing offered June 1 through Oct. 12. In June, July and August, 107.5 DAVE FM will broadcast live from tarmac tent, alongside the Neighbourhood (Grand River Raceway’s interactive horse education program for kids); - June 29, Horse Name Costume Game, $500 in cash prizes for participants of all ages that challenges race fans to dress in the likeness of the name of a horse racing that night. Incredible costumes from more than 150 participants in 2011 ensures great fun in 2012; - Aug. 6 at 1:30pm, the 22nd

TROT National Handicapping Championship. 2011 top performers On May 7, the top performers of Grand River’s 2011 season will be honoured with video vignettes and award presentations throughout the race broadcast. Four people and eight horses will be recognized. Coming events A full roster of race night events are in the works for 2012, including: - May 27, open house, an interactive glimpse of harness racing behind the scenes, including the chance to drive a racehorse. It is presented in cooperation with the Ontario Harness Horse Association. It is free and suitable for all ages. - June 1, second annual Tri-Pride Night At The Races, featuring horse

annual Industry Day, a celebration of horses and the harness racing industry, featuring a $150,000 Battle Of The Belles and $300,000 Battle Of Waterloo; - Sept. 29, a special addition Saturday night card to host the $800,000 championships of the Ontario Sires Stakes Grassroots Series. Eight $100,000 championship races are featured in the event, which makes its first-ever showing at Grand River Raceway. A newly formatted $12.99 buffet will be featured every race night in the Captain’s Quarters tiered dining room overlooking the racetrack. Post time for the season-opener on May 2 is 7:05pm. For more information, visit www.

Gypsy horse does well at competition

Gypsy on tour - Rider and trainer Kendra Taylor of Fergus and Gypsy horse Sasha took part in a competition in London recently. While the duo usually do dressage, it stepped up to show versatility in the all breed competition. submitted photo

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C. WELLINGTON TWP. Wellington Co. Gypsy Horse’s mare, Sasha and her trainer and rider Kendra Taylor of Fergus were chosen recently to be part of a four breed team selected by Heartland’s Amber Marshall for the just-for-fun barrels and poles competition at the March CanAm. That involved a day trip to London to promote the Gypsy Vanner Horse breed and the highlight was competing alongside Marshall’s team in CanAm’s Horsepower All Breed’s competition as part of the Equine Extravaganza show. The CanAm’s westernbased barrels and poles competition was a marked departure from the four year old mare’s core dressage discipline. As a three year old, Sasha competed with Taylor in the Conestoga Canadian Dressage Riders and Owners Association (CADORA) shows and fin-

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ished the season by winning the 2011 overall champion in the walk-trot test. This year, Taylor intends to compete with Sasha in the more rigorous silver competitions of Caledon dressage. Despite her youth and the composure that comes with dressage training, when Sasha sensed the excitement in the audience and the opportunity for a head to head race with another breed, she

stepped on the accelerator. Relatively new to North America, Gypsy Vanner horses were bred by the Romany travellers of England to pull their family caravans. Can Am provided the opportunity to showcase the breed’s versatility. Wellington Co. Gypsy Horses is south of Elora and has bred, trained and sold Gypsy Vanner horses since 2008.

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PAGE TEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012


Fight against infectious disease ongoing by Gayle Ecker GUELPH - With a highly mobile horse community, keeping a horses free from disease is one of the biggest challenges for horse owners. The fight against infectious diseases has taken a step forward with a donation from the Equine Foundation of Canada. That funding allows the purchase of new equipment, including a microcentrifuge and fluorometer, for the Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses at University of Guelph. “This equipment will help us explore some new areas in equine infectious diseases and hopefully help us understand how to better treat and prevent serious infections,” said Dr. Scott Weese, an equine internal medicine specialist and microbiologist with the Ontario Veterinary College and University of Guelph’s Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses. “We are grateful for the assistance of the

Come drive

Equine Foundation of Canada in advancing equine infectious disease research.” The funding for the equipment will help advance specialized work being done in his lab, and complement the array of equipment that is already present there, including a state-of-the-art next generation sequencing system. “Our laboratory was the first laboratory of any type in Canada to obtain this system, and it provides a unique capability internationally to perform equine infectious diseases research,” said Weese. With increased awareness of the dangers of infectious disease, recently heightened by the news of an equine herpesvirus (EHV-1) fatality in Ontario, this is a timely and welcome development. Gayle Ecker, the director of Equine Guelph, said, “Biosecurity, the prevention of disease spread, is an issue of growing concern for the industry. Equine Guelph will

be working with Dr. Weese and his staff to get more information out to the horse industry in our communications and education programs. The Equine Foundation of Canada has helped to move that agenda forward with its funding for new equipment and are to be commended for their initiative to help the Canadian horse industry in this way.” Registration is now open for the new education program Beat the Bugs: Biosecurity for the Horse Owner, which launches this spring. Members of the equine industry will take away valuable information for themselves and for their employees to help prevent the spread of infectious disease. For more information about Biosecurity programs offered by Equine Guelph visit: or contact Dr. Susan Raymond at

A trusting bond - Holding her sleeping baby causes no stress for this mom, just kisses. This is the winning photo in Equine Guelph’s recent competition to show the horse and human bond.

photo by Natalie Elliott



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containing horse health check items. The winners are: - video, Aletia Townsend, Guelph; - photo, Natalie Elliott, Clinton; drawing, Christina Backhouse, Kingston, Nova Scotia; and - story, Teigen Bond, Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia.

“Galloping Gourmets” or

Maggie Horne Broker

GUELPH - When Equine Guelph held a recent competition asking people to show the horse and human bond, there were plenty of submissions to ponder and they came from across Canada. There were winners chosen in four different categories of media. They received a basket of goodies from Equine Guelph

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Photos and more information at


Winners in media contest

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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE ELEVEN

Equine certificate includes several courses starting in September

GUELPH - The University of Guelph has unveiled its new Equine Welfare Certificate that will offer students a chance to explore animal welfare issues in the horse industry locally and globally. Made up of six online courses, the program was designed to engage students who have a passion for making a better world for horses, and will examine the biological and emotional factors that affect a horse’s quality of life. Course content will include housing, management practices

and procedures that can affect the well being of horses. “It is extremely important that everyone who owns or works with horses understands not only the complex issues, but also the common practices in daily care and management that can affect the welfare of horses,” said Tina Widowski, director of the Campbell Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare. “Through our partnership with Equine Guelph, we are able to combine top expertise in equine science and animal

welfare science to deliver a practical and well-rounded program in equine welfare.” Offered by the Campbell Centre, Equine Guelph and the Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support, the Equine Welfare Certificate core courses include equine welfare, advanced equine behaviour, advanced equine health through nutrition and global perspectives in animal and equine welfare. There are also two elective courses including health and disease prevention, the equine

Trail Riders celebrate 50th - On April 14 many riders gathered to celebrate the 50th season of Rockwood Trail Riders. Hundreds of competitors over the years have been involved, with many becoming quite successful. This year’s show season starts May 13 and continues through June 10, July 8 and Aug. 12. Those events are at RR1 Rockwood. For more information email or check From left: three-time champion Morgan Patterson, honorary new member GuelphEramosa Mayor Chris White and Northfield Farms coach and trainer Vannessa Taylor. Rockwood Trail Riders is the oldest continuously-run local horse club in Ontario. submitted photo

industry, equine nutrition and advanced equine anatomy. The courses will be offered during the fall semester beginning Sept. 10 this year; however, the pre-requisite courses for the certificate are currently available for registration, with those courses starting in May. Most people want the best for their horses, but many horse

lovers also yearn for the chance to better understand why horses do the things they do and recognize situations that may compromise horse welfare. “This program has been designed to provide students with the tools to become familiar with negative emotional states and recognize how welfare can be objectively assessed

in the horse to improve its overall health,” said Gayle Ecker, the director of Equine Guelph. For more information, contact the Centre for Open Learning and Educational Support at info@coles., call 519767-5000 or visit www.

Equine Guelph has vaccination planner Disease is always a concern for a horse owner and spring is reminder to check horse vaccination records. Equine Guelph’s vaccination Equi-Planner, sponsored by Merck Animal Health, is a useful tool for horse owners to generate personalized immunization schedules. With the latest identification of EHV-1 in Ontario, it is important to make sure horses are protected. The vaccination Equi-Planner is a tool customized to each horse owner’s needs. The tool will tailor a schedule that reflects owners’ situations and provides a starting point for a veterinarian. Horse owners are asked to complete six questions that help

determine individual farm differences and risk factors, including: age, use, sex, exposure to outside horses and geography. That data is then compiled and a printable customized vaccination schedule is provided for each horse.

Owners are encouraged to review this with their veterinarian To access the Vaccination Equi-Planner, visit http://www. equiplanner.php.

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PAGE TWELVE Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

Mapleton 4-H Lifeskills Club started meetings March 29 MOOREFIELD - The first meeting of the Mapleton Lifeskills 4-H Club, entitled A Walk on the Wild Side,was held on March 29 at the Optimist hall in Moorefield. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge, led by club leader Cathy Dobben. Members then went outside to explore nature and make new discoveries before heading inside to discuss what we felt, smelt, saw and heard. Next on the agenda was the election of club officers; Marina Meulenbelt was elected club president, Alexis Kuper is vice-president, Jordan Dobben was chosen as secretary, and Laura Shaw is press reporter. The roll call was “What is the highest point of land within 20 kilometers?” Members then had a snack provided by club leader Lynn Flewwelling. Meeting two The second meeting of the Mapleton Lifeskills Club, was held on April 10 at the Optimist Hall in Moorefield.

The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge led by Meulenbelt. The secretary’s report was read by Dobben. The meeting was handed over to the leaders. The roll call was, “What is one thing you would bring with you on a hiking trip?” Everyone then discussed what stretching exercises should be done before going on a hike. Club members then did some of those stretches. Next everyone was handed an object related to hiking with each member saying what their object was, and what it was for. Members then participated in a judging exercise of shoes and compared how all shoes are good for different things. Club leader Flewwelling explained what should be included in a first aid kit. The meeting was closed. The next meeting is April 24 at 6:30pm at Flewwelling’s house. Snacks were provided by Katie Miller. submitted by Laura Shaw

Breeders’ group features Canadian horse on June 2 ERIN - The Upper Canada District Canadian Horse Breeders Association is holding a Canadian Horse Pageant at Hidden Meadow Farm, 5806, 2nd Line Erin on June 2. There will be demonstrations of the Canadian Horse in harness, under saddle, jumping, and classical dressage. Marathon cart rides will be available in the morning. There is a silent and live auction of new and used horse tack and equipment and related items. There are vendor booths available. In April of 2002, the Parliament of Canada passed

a bill establishing the Canadian Horse as Canada’s national horse, recognizing the breed’s attributes and contribution to Canadian history. The bill received royal assent, becoming law, on April 30, 2002. Hidden Meadow Farm is dedicated to breeding Canadian Horses that continue to show the versatility, athletic ability, and intelligence of the “little iron horse.” All proceeds are used for education and to promote Canada’s national horse. For more information contact Geoff Pantling at 519-8556498 or

4-H photo project begins ERIN - On March 30 Erin’s latest 4-H project was launched: photography. New members saw parliamentary procedure for the first time, one of the skills every member would absorb. The meeting began with introductions, a recap of what the senior club accomplished the previous year: a book documenting old barns in Erin. That set the bar high for current members, but the projects for the 2012 club are individually-based, as opposed to the group effort of 2011 club. The evening progressed to

the skill section, during which every member was taught basic rules of photography, and how to manipulate a digital camera. The rest of the evening was spent playing with newfound skills and snapping shots of nearly every inch of leader June Switzer’s family home. The evening was spent in a welcoming, engaging environment, members have come to associate with 4-H clubs across the county. In the true 4-H spirit, it was full of “learning to do by doing.” submitted by Brittany Thomson

Wellington County 4-H

Rural Life

Agricultural Information Contact Centre | 1-877-424-1300 |

The OMAFRA Report A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). If you require further information, regarding this report, call the Elora Resource Centre at 519-846-0941. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For technical information, call the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or visit the OMAFRA Website: www. PROVINCIAL PREMISES REGISTRY LAUNCHED Effective April 1st, 2012 Premises Identification Numbers can be obtained from the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR), now operated by approved service provider Angus GeoSolutions Inc. (AGSI). The PPR is a Ministry initiative and the only official provincial registry for obtaining Ontario Premises Identification Numbers for agri-food businesses. Premises Identification Numbers issued before April 1st, remain valid; the information is already in the PPR. Obtaining Premises Identification Numbers for agri-food businesses is an important step towards traceability in Ontario. Registering for a premises ID is easy and free – Contact Angus GeoSolutions Inc. to register: phone 1-855-697-7743 (MY PPR ID) or online at: BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM by Don Blakely, OMAFRA If you are participating in a food safety program you know one of the major components of your program is keeping specific records to support the safe production practices on your farm. If you have experienced preparing for a yearly audit, you also know the time it takes to gather the records in order to have them ready for auditor review. During the hectic production season, records often get collected on pieces of paper or forms which can be misplaced and take hours to locate. Now is the time, before the growing season gets started, to get organized. Gather all the blank record templates that will be required for the season, put them in one binder or folder and store it in a location that will act as a reminder to complete the data when the practice occurs. Being organized during the growing season will save you valuable hours at the end of the season. For additional information about food safety on your farm, visit the website at or call 1-877-424-1300. Food Safety Question? Ask us. GROWING YOUR FARM PROFITS by John C. Benham The next two day Growing Your Farm Profits workshop will be held in the Elora OMAFRA meeting room on Tuesday, June 5th and Tuesday, June 19th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will also be a two day Growing Your Farm Profits workshop held in Baden on Monday, June 11th and Monday June 18th from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For both workshops, you may register online at or call Liz at 519-6383268. Lunch and refreshments are provided. There are no costs to you. By attending the workshop and completing a workbook similar to the Environmental Farm Plan you are then eligible to access the cost share funding.

Cloutier appointed to board of Farm Credit Canada Ottawa - Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced the appointment of Sylvie Cloutier to the board of directors of Farm Credit Canada (FCC) on April 11. “I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Cloutier

to the FCC Board,” said Ritz. “I am confident Ms. Cloutier will be a strong addition to the board, particularly with her leadership background in the agri-food industry.” As Canada’s leading agricultural lender, FCC is advanc-

Adults $12; Children 9 & under $7; 4 & under FREE Dinner Served 5:30pm - 7:30pm

New Scarecrow Contest

The scarecrow has to be ready to be put in your garden. Novice (9-11); Junior (12-14); Intermediate (15-17); Senior (18-21) They will be judged and prizes awarded that evening. Open to all Young People. Tickets: James 519-669-2025; Carol 519-833-0455; Marg 519-787-0219; Barb 519-284-2959

ing the business of agriculture. With a healthy portfolio of more than $23 billion and 18 consecutive years of portfolio growth, FCC is strong and stable; committed to serving the industry through all business cycles.

FCC is a Crown corporation that reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Cloutier’s appointment is a term of three years and is effective immediately, as of the April 11 announcement.

Important food safety measures for fiddlehead greens OTTAWA (CNW)Health Canada is reminding Canadians of the importance of properly cooking fresh fiddleheads before eating them. Fiddleheads are the curled, edible shoots of the ostrich fern. They are collected along the banks of rivers and streams and sold as a seasonal vegetable at farmer’s markets, roadside stands and in some grocery stores.

There have been cases of temporary illness in Canada and the United States associated with eating raw or undercooked fiddleheads. Studies to date have not determined the cause of these illnesses. Fiddleheads should never be eaten raw. Prior to cooking, Health Canada recommends removing as much of the brown husk as possible from the fiddleheads. Fresh fiddleheads should

Beef BBQ & Silent Auction Saturday, May 5th Alma Community Centre, Alma

Improve your farm business planning process by attending either of these free two day interactive workshops. You will have the opportunity to assess and improve your farm business management, set up your priorities and goals, develop an action plan suited to your farm business and qualify for the generous cost share funding that will assist you in paying for advice and help from knowledgeable sources. You know that you are responsible for your business and here is an opportunity to learn to make improvements so that your farm business will be more successful. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. PROGRESSIVE DAIRY OPERATORS YOUTH BUSINESS WORKSHOP Progressive Dairy Operators and Grand Valley Fortifiers are pleased to announce the successful completion of our 2nd Annual Business Management Workshop Series. This year 14 enthusiastic participants took part over the 6 weeks, with presentations by informative industry speakers plus each day’s subject was enhanced by real life examples of an established dairy producer. Topics covered included: Debt Management & Capital Utilization, Business Management & Benchmarking, Business Structures & Succession Planning, Human Resources and the Art of Negotiation. On the final day each participant was required to prepare a Project Presentation, which was judged by their peers, on a subject learned in one of the workshops as applies to their enterprises. All of the presentations were fantastic. 1st Prize – 1 Year enrolment in Profit Profiler plus a Blackberry 64G Playbook • Stefan Weber, Scenic Holsteins Ltd “Comparison of Custom Manure Spreading vs. Doing it Yourself” 2nd Prize –1 Year enrolment in Profit Profiler • William Judge, Judge Farms “Benchmarking your Way to Success” 3rd Prize – $495 towards 1 year enrolment in Profit Profiler • Stefan Pelkmans, Nassau-Lee Farms – “Penciling out a Daritech Master Bedding Purchase” This project is funded in part through the Agricultural Management Institute (AMI). The AMI is part of the Best Practices Suite of programs for Growing Forward, a federal-provincialterritorial initiative. COMING EVENTS May 1- Wellington Federation of Agriculture, monthly board meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the OMAFRA boardroom, 6484 Wellington Rd. 7, Elora. For information, contact Lisa Hern at 519-8483774 or email: May 2 - National Farmers Union Waterloo-Wellington Local, monthly board meeting at 7:15 p.m. at the Husky Farm Equipment, Alma. (They meet every first Wednesday of the month). May 26- Wellington Rural Romp – a day in the countryside at over a dozen farms in Wellington County with gardening and baby farm animals on display. Visit: May 29 - Wellington County Farm Safety regular meeting at Husky Farm Equipment, Alma at 8:00 p.m. sharp. For more information, call Walter Grose at 519-846-5329.

SPECIALISTS in Farm & Rural Land Severance Applications SURVEYING INC. PHONE: (519) 821.2763 FAX: (519) 821.2770 EMAIL: 423 woolwich st., guelph on n1h 3x3

then be washed in several changes of clean cold water. Cook them in boiling water for 15 minutes or steam them for 10 to 12 minutes. The water used for boiling or steaming fiddleheads should be discarded. Fiddleheads should also be boiled or steamed prior to sautéing, frying or baking. Due to their short growing season, many people freeze fiddleheads. Be sure to use the same cooking methods outlined above when preparing fiddleheads that have been frozen. Preserving fiddleheads with a pressure canner is not recommended, as safe process times have not been established for home-preserved fiddleheads. Symptoms of illness usually begin 30 minutes to 12 hours after eating raw or undercooked fiddleheads and may include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and

headaches. Illness generally lasts less than 24 hours but can result in dehydration, particularly among the elderly and in infants. There have been no reported cases of illness associated with eating fully cooked fiddleheads. Anyone experiencing the above symptoms after consuming fiddleheads should seek the advice of a health care professional and contact their local public health unit. It is estimated that there are approximately 11 million cases of food-related illnesses in Canada every year. Many of these cases could be prevented by following proper food handling and preparation techniques. For more information on food safety tips and fiddleheads visit the federal government’s Food Safety for Fiddleheads website at

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE THIRTEEN

Rural Life

Farm Credit Canada reports another increase in farmland values

GUELPH - According to a new Farm Credit Canada (FCC) Farmland Values report, the average value of farmland in Ontario increased by 7.2% during the second half of 2011. In the two previous sixmonth reporting periods, farmland values increased by 6.6% and 2.4%, respectively. Farmland values have been rising since 1993 in this province and reached a peak

increase of 8.2% in the last half of 1996. The FCC report provides information about changes in land values across Canada and is available at In comparison, the average value of Canadian farmland increased by 6.9% during the last six months of 2011, following gains of 7.4% and 2.1% in the previous two semi-annu-

al reporting periods. Overall, farmland values increased in nine provinces and remained unchanged in Newfoundland and Labrador. Saskatchewan, which has 40% of Canada’s arable land, experienced the highest average increase at 10.1%. Saskatchewan results appear to be in line with the pace of price increases in the U.S. where double-digit growth in farm-

land values have been reported in several corn and soybean states including Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. Two contributing factors to the value increase in Saskatchewan are the current and anticipated strength of commodity prices, combined with land values that previously increased at a slower rate than in other areas of the country.

Young Farmer Loan to help next generation of producers Saskatoon - Young and beginning farmers will find it easier to start and grow their farm businesses with the help of a new $500 million loan program. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Farm Credit Canada (FCC) President and CEO Greg Stewart recently introduced the Young Farmer Loan. “Agriculture is a key driver of jobs and economic growth here in Canada, and young farmers are vital to the longterm prosperity of the agriculture industry,” said Ritz.

“Encouraging young farmers to invest wisely and contribute to a prosperous, modern sector is not only good for agriculture but good for Canada.” This new loan offers qualified producers who are under 40 years of age loans of up to $500,000 to purchase or improve farmland and buildings. Producers between the ages of 18 and 39 make up approximately 16 per cent of Canadian producers, according to the 2006 Census. The FCC Young Farmer Loan includes features and

options that address this demographic, and support their longterm success. These include: - variable rates at prime plus 0.5% and special fixed rates - no loan processing fees “We listen to our customers, and we develop products and services to meet their needs,” said Stewart. “By allowing young producers to borrow with no fees at affordable rates, the Young Farmer Loan will help them build their businesses and develop a solid credit history. As a responsible lender, we’re

excited to see how they use this product to grow their business and the industry.” The Young Farmer Loan enhances FCC’s suite of existing products and services that support young producers, such as the FCC Transition Loan, FCC Business Planning Award, FCC Learning events and publications, FCC Go Ag! events, and FCC Management software for both accounting and field management. For more information on the FCC Young Farmer Loan, visit

Federal government spends to upgrade processing plant TORONTO - The federal government says producers in southern Ontario will benefit from upgrades to a local processing facility with the support of the government. Agriculture Minister Gerry

Ritz announced an investment of $3 million to Quality Meat Packers Limited to upgrade its processing facilities. “Our government is creating the conditions for growth in the hog sector which will help

hog producers and processors compete on the national and international scene,” said Ritz. David Schwartz, president of Quality Meat Packers, said, “This loan allows us to invest in the modernization of our

“Low interest rates, in relation to inflation, and higher farm income levels have recently led to significant increases in farmland values in some provinces,” said Michael Hoffort, FCC senior vice-president of portfolio and credit risk. “FCC’s analysis indicates that farmland value trends are sensitive to interest rates and crop receipt trends. With interest rates expected to remain at historic lows until 2013, it will be especially important to monitor trends in crop and livestock receipts in the coming year. “Those factors combined with strong demand from expanding farm operations and increasing interest by nontraditional investors have all played a role in the continuing trends toward higher farmland prices.” Canadian farmland values have risen steadily during the last decade. The highest semi-annual average national increase was 7.7% in 2008. The last time the average value decreased was by 0.6% in 2000. The average national price

Toronto plant that has been processing Ontario hogs for over 50 years. We will enhance food safety and traceability, improve plant efficiency, and reduce operating costs [with new equipment].”

OFA: Changes needed in ‘Species at Risk’ legislation By Keith Currie GUELPH Farmers encountering endangered species on the farm can face serious financial repercussions due to the loss of the use of their farmland. That’s because once a species is considered a Species at Risk in Ontario (SARO), it receives automatic protection for both the species itself, and for its habitat. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) will be seeking amendments to the Endangered Species Act, 2007 that would help address the important issues of biodiversity, while being respectful of farmers who rely on their land for their livelihood. The Act came into force on June 30, 2008, and is supported by The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in

Ontario (COSSARO), which is a government-appointed committee that determines which species of plant or animal should be added to the SARO list. There are five categories for species at risk, ranging from species considered “extinct” such as the passenger pigeon, to species of “special concern” such as the snapping turtle. Members of the Species at Risk committee are required to have relevant scientific expertise or aboriginal traditional knowledge. While the committee reports to the Ministry of Natural Resources, species listed in its reports are automatically added to the SARO list, with no ministerial discretion, and can have significant implications to Ontario farmers and on-farm practices. OFA would like the follow-

ing changes to the Endangered Species Act, 2007: 1. COSSARO’s report should be a main point of consideration – but not the only consideration – in listing a species on the SARO list. Adding a species to the list should be at the Minister of Natural Resources’ discretion, and allow for the consideration of the socio-economic implications of the listing. 2. COSSARO’s listing decisions must reflect the overall global distribution and ranking of the species, including any factors contributing to species decline that are outside of Ontario’s jurisdiction to affect. 3. Membership on COSSARO should be expanded to include one person representing agricultural community knowledge, perhaps specifically from OFA.

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WE HAVE THE SUPPLIES & FEEDS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS! *Chicks can be ordered and picked up at our Fergus, Guelph, Moffat and Freelton locations ONLY* Order Deadline May 11, 2012 - Pick up date June 15, 2012

SPECIAL - $2 off on Backyard Feed Products purchased on Chick Pick-Up Day --- see store for details Guelph Elmira Fergus Moffat FREELTON 519-837-0510 519-669-5502 519-843-2451 905-854-2242 905-659-3341 7707 Mill Rd. 10 Maple St. 285 Beatty Line 2150 15 Side Rd. 234 Freelton Rd.

“Committed to our Customer’s Needs”

4. Implementation of the “safe harbour” concept into the Endangered Species Act, which would encourage private property owners to create habitat for endangered and threatened species, free from habitat restrictions. 5. The Ministry of Natural Resources should thoroughly investigate the implications of focusing on the protection of ecosystem or habitat types in lieu of protecting the habitats of individual species. OFA represents 37,000 farm business members and their families and is committed to working toward legislation that will preserve the environment while enabling prosperous and sustainable farms in Ontario. Keith Currie is an executive member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.


of farmland has increased by about 8% annually since the general upswing in commodity prices began in 2006. That’s about twice the rate observed in the first part of the decade. Recent long-term projections from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provide a positive outlook for Canadian agricultural producers. “A more affluent population in emerging economies like China and India is driving the global demand for food which results in crop and livestock prices that have remained above historical averages,” said Jean-Philippe Gervais, FCC senior agriculture economist. “That helped propel the value of farmland to recordhighs in North America. “It will be important for producers who want to sell or buy farmland to keep an eye on possible variations in Canadian farm income in the coming years.” The FCC Farmland Values Report has been published since 1984. To view previous reports, visit

PAGE FOURTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

In Like a wine Cellar of years gone by... The Cellar Pub and Grill in Elora is owned and operated by Janet Scott. She was born and raised in Fergus, and studied Hotel and Restaurant Management at college. It has always been Janet’s ambition to have her own business, and when The Cellar came up for sale last year, she jumped at the chance to buy it. The Cellar’s theme is true to its name, and is decorated like a wine cellar of years gone by. The atmosphere is warm and inviting and, each


Janet Scott

day, Chef Mike and his staff create the delicious casual fine dining menu at reasonable prices. The Cellar is licensed, and in the summer guests can relax and dine on the outdoor patio, and enjoy watching the ducks swimming on the Grand River. It has been called the prettiest patio in the area. By owning and operating The Cellar Janet is fulfilling her life-long dream.

13 Mill St. East, Elora, Ontario


Moments Like These... Melissa Brice is the owner of a photography/ videography business called Moments Like These which has been in operation since 2004. Photographs are taken ‘on location’ in relaxed outdoor settings, utilizing nature as the perfect backdrop to produce pure, genuine, beautiful results. Melissa is the sole photographer and videographer of Moments Like These, although often assisted by her husband John. Melissa handles all consultations, photo and video sessions, and delivery herself, giving clients confidence in knowing that they will deal one on one with Melissa from start to finish. Melissa is proud to announce that she has recently added Moments in Motion to the business;

Providing the Very Best In Quality Dance Education The Fergus-Elora Academy of Dance a registered RAD & ISTD Institute, now in its’ seventh year of operation is located in the Historical Elora Centre for the Arts. Erica Finlayson is a dancer whose passion for her art began from the time she could walk, inspiring a career that has taken her full circle from her home town to her own school. Erica began dancing as a child in Fergus. She studied with Teresa Randall and after graduating, grew in her art, entering York Universities prestigious Fine Arts Program. Now qualified with a third degree through Britain’s Royal Academy of Dance she has brought her knowledge back home, teaching and sharing her love of the arts with a new generation of dancers. Her studio offers curriculum that includes

Leave footprints in time.

Moments Like These


Erica Finlayson

RAD Ballet, ISTD Modern, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre, Line Dance, Ballroom, Yoga, Belly Dancing and Adult Athletics Erica Finlayson BFA Honours Dance, BEd Fine Arts Dance Royal Academy of Dance RTS Special Education & Sign Language, Level 1 O.T./U.G.D.S.B. (3 yrs)

Your 1st Choice Home Stager! A Certified Home Stager® since 2007, Wynn is an expert in preparing properties for the competitive Real Estate market. Incorporating clients’ art, furniture and ‘collectables’, Wynn transforms homes to reflect changing lifestyles. Her suggestions are innovative, practical and come from a lifelong passion for home design. Wynn, and her team (painter, carpenter, electrician, etc.) if required, ensure projects meet key client and realtor timelines. Home staging is also for people who want to renew their current space and are looking for new ways to appreciate what they already have. Feeling overwhelmed? Wynn is your “go to” person –


whether downsizing, updating, or settling into a new space. Wynn owned a successful catering business, manages rental properties and operated a B&B with her husband, Frank. They live in the artfully designed, renovated and landscaped home, McNab House, in Elora.

95% of buyers buy on emotion. Make it “love at first sight”. The Staging Diva ®

Fergus-Elora Academy of Dance 75 Melville St., Elora 519-846-6666

Know Your Local Farmer!

Melissa k. Brice

creating custom, personalized music videos for engagement, maternity, family and pets. Imagine yourself being the star of your own video in a musical masterpiece that you will cherish for a lifetime! What a unique way to preserve some very special times of your life. Details, pricing and sample information can be found on the website.


Dana Thatcher

Dana Thatcher, owner of Thatcher Farms Country Store loves what she does! She has a passion for good food and strives to cultivate a worthy connection between food and farming. Good healthy food takes root at the farm and when one understands how their food is grown, they value it and seek quality ingredients for their family’s mealtime traditions. Together with her husband and three young children, the Thatcher Family raise

and produce what they sell in their store. Tasty beef, pork, lamb, chicken, eggs, and honey are offered at their newly expanded onfarm Country Store as well as fresh baked goods, both sweet and savory. Sharing their fresh food, knowledge and love for farming is what Thatcher Farms does best! You can visit with Dana and her family at their on farm country store as well as at the Guelph Farmer’s Market Saturdays 7am-noon.

Connecting with loved ones on the other side... Diane has been aware of people in spirit around her since she was a child. As she looks back there were signs all along the way pointing her in the direction of serving Spirit and not until a horrifying accident did she start to pay attention. Diane nurtured her gift primarily in the U.S., working with many prominent mediums in New York, New Jersey and Maine. She now sits regularly for clients from Vancouver to New Brunswick and has helped law enforcement here in Canada and China.

Diane Murray

Connecting with loved ones on the other side is intended to promote comfort and healing. A medium should be able to connect with your loved ones and bring through specific information or evidence to validate for you whom they claim to be communicating with. The evidence can be, but not limited to, their name, their relationship to you, how they passed and memories of their time here on earth. Those in spirit like to relay that they are still very much around us and support us as we continue to live our lives here on earth. “I went to see Diane just a tad bit skeptical as I believe that not everyone that says they are psychics or mediums can really do what they say they can. Let me tell you that she is for sure and certain the “real deal”! She is a wonderful and compassionate person and not only delivers messages, she delivers them with the love that they are sent with.” - Donna Mc

fhealings Promoting comfort & healing... working with Spirit

Lamb • Beef •• Pork Lamb Pork Lamb •• Beef Beef • Pork additive & hormone free, raised by your local farmer. additive & hormone raised by your farmer. Lamb • free, Beef • local Pork additive & hormone free, raised by your local farmer. additive & hormone free, raised by your local farmer.

Connecting with loved ones on the other side. Private & Group sessions available. Diane Murray Belwood, On (519) 787-1681 |

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE FIFTEEN



A balancing act: How to juggle commitments to work, family The two-income family has grown so much in recent years that it has almost become the norm. It’s often not a question of “Does Mom work?” but rather, “What does Mom do for a living?” Still, having both parents contributing to the household income means changes to the family dynamic are inevitable. This begs the question of how to balance it all. Proponents of dual-income families say that in an economy where everything seems to cost more, it’s a smart idea for both parents to work. This scenario may offer greater financial security and protect against financial disaster should the “primary”earner lose his or her job. It has also been said that when both parents work, there are opportunities to split up responsibilities at home and lay to rest any lingering stereotypes about what is “men’s work” and what is “women’s work” around the house. Others say that it’s actually a financial trap. There are arguments that the abundance of two-income families has driven up prices so that it is more difficult for individuals with one income to live comfortably. Plus, there’s no guarantee that two incomes will provide financial security, especially when every penny is accounted

for, as is often the case in twoincome environments. Whether one is for or against two-income families, in a world where it has become so prevalent, families are learning to adapt. There are certain areas of life where it can be stressful or difficult to do it all, especially from the woman’s perspective. However, there are many strategies for staying sane while working and caring for a family. Here are a few tips. *Stay involved in school. Working parents may be at a loss as to how they can get involved with school or daycare happenings without compromising work. While not everyone can be “class mom,” teachers can offer suggestions on how to contribute one’s own time. Perhaps using business savvy to create a class website or weekly newsletter is an idea. Try taking one day a month to volunteer time at school, with work hours made up on a weekend or with a flex time program. Find out if party planning can be done after work hours. *Avoid busy mornings. With everyone getting dressed and ready for work and school at the same time, mornings can be chaotic. The best idea is to do as much as possible the night before. Everyone in the household should lay his or her clothes out for the follow-

Accurate Bookkeeping KEY To Successful Business As time goes by, it’s getting more and more difficult for a business person to wear all the different hats required to run a successful business says Jeannine Ross of Business Facts Bookkeeping Service. Jeannine and her staff take responsibility for bookkeeping, preparing Payroll, Employee deductions, ROE, T4’s, HST and WSIB forms before the due dates. This allows their clients to use this valuable time and expertise on more productive tasks and build their business. Business Facts also prepares personal and small business income tax returns, or provide detailed business statements and records for use by a chartered accountant. For those business people who want to keep their own books, but need guidance, Jeannine & staff will help them set up a manual or computerized accounting system, offer advice and instruct them on how to work with the software, and offer

Jeannine Ross

on going support afterwards. Business Facts has been providing bookkeeping services, training and guidance to their clients since 1981. Jeannine being co-owner and co-manager of several different businesses over a number of years, understands the client’s business challenges & needs as well their accounting needs and can offer guidance in both areas. Business Facts Bookkeeping Service is located on 6631 Hwy # 6 N of Fergus. For more information or to set an appointment call 519787-6600.

ing day. Briefcases and backpacks should be stocked and ready to grab. Lunches can be pre-made and stored in the refrigerator. Children can help out to free up parents’ time to ready themselves. Making arrangements with neighbours to get kids on the school bus or participating in a car pool could also help. *Making the most of evenings. Set aside at least one night a week where the family comes together. This means no late work projects, sports practices, etc. Turn off the television and spend time together. On other nights, take the time to touch base with everyone in the house. Aim for family dinners together, even if it’s a quick meal of heat-and-eat convenience foods. *Establish a routine. Kids (and often adults) feel most comfortable with a routine, especially when they know what to expect. Create a routine that works - don’t worry if it’s not the perceived “right” way to do things. For example, maybe the kids can eat a toaster cake on the way to school if breakfast time is rushed. It’s alright to let the kids watch a few minutes of cartoons in the morning if it frees up a moment for parents to hop in the shower. *Get some help. Being “Superwoman” isn’t necessary

to get it all done. Sometimes it takes a little help. If the laundry is overflowing and one prefers playing with the kids on the weekend instead of spending the day folding clothes - drop it off at the laundromat to be washed and folded. Set up a kid swap with other working moms so each can have some time to themselves. Perhaps a grandparent or a neighbour can pitch in. Order groceries online and have them delivered so it frees

Eleanor Steffler Eleanor studied Fine Art at the University of Guelph. She works in a variety of painting mediums and particularly enjoys painting with an abstract intuitive approach. Without any preconception of the outcome, she layers washes of paint on the canvas while looking for the subject in the paint. The most dominant images are brought out while leaving room for the imagination. As long as the viewer is engaged the painting continues to unfold. Eleanor’s works are in private collections internationally.

GReen Man - For Earth Day

Living in Elora provides a great community in which to raise three wonderful children. Enjoying the magnificent Elora gorge, the winding Irvine River and surrounding tranquil walking paths, Eleanor finds true inspiration in all nature’s beauty. Eleanor’s works are privately commissioned internationally and as much as Eleanor likes painting, she enjoys the interactions with the different cultures and people she has encountered in her travels.

spouse or partner or go to bed at the same time and enjoy private moments. Balancing work and family is something more and more families are having to do as of late. Learning strategies for making the most of time at work and at home will enable working parents to reduce some stress and enjoy their days as much as possible. - Metro News Services

up more time for the family. *Make time for oneself. It’s alright to set aside some time for mom and her partner or spouse. It doesn’t always have to be about the kids. In fact, if the relationship is strong, it will carry over into the way parents handle themselves with the children and promote a stronger dynamic and could help provide more focus at work. Whenever possible, take moments to talk with one’s

Karen Thompson-Harry In her family-law practice, Karen ThompsonHarry always works towards solutions that meet the families’ needs, interests, and common goals. She aims for outcomes that are balanced, not imposed or coerced. Karen knows that every marital separation is difficult. Much of this difficulty stems from miscommunication, so she focuses on helping divorcing clients communicate more effectively with their spouses by incorporating “powerful non-defensive communication” – a crucial skill for couples who continue to have contact with each other because they have children. This way, they can maintain a respectful relationship, rather than fight each other. When a couple is happy about their settlement, their communication has improved, and they feel good about how they have treated each other,

Karen Thompson-Harry

Karen knows that she has succeeded. Karen is also trained as a mediator and has received her “accreditation” with the Ontario Association of Family Mediation, and she has been practicing collaborative family law since 2000. She has a personal and professional commitment to the principles of alternative dispute resolution in family law and she describes herself as a “peacemaker”. The traditional, adversarial process of solving family-law cases is designed for extreme positions, bullying, and coercion.

Commissions welcome. Business Facts Bookkeeping Service Accounting, Bookkeeping & Training RR#1, 6631 Hwy #6 N., Fergus, ON 519-787-6600

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1 Wellington Rd. 124, Erin Ontario

(519) 833-0040 • (866) 969-0040 website:


PAGE SIXTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 Advertorial

Looking to dig up some dirt? The company trucks are a familiar sight around Guelph, Wellington County and beyond. After all, they have been travelling the local highways and byways since 1975. That is when Andy and Jack Lodder began operating their plumbing and excavating business, and now in their 37th year, Lodder Brothers Ltd. can boast a strong team of thirty plus employees, including 2nd and 3rd generation family members. It is currently owned by Art and Tony Lodder who work with three division managers. Today we are focusing specifically on the full range of excavating services offered by Lodder Brothers Ltd. They can handle any size and type of construction job that requires any kind of digging. Mark Lodder is the Excavating Manager at Lodder Brothers Ltd., and with years of experience in the construction industry, Marks expertise and knowledge in this particular field is readily available to help their customers as he manages the team’s impressive fleet of heavy machinery, consisting of backhoes, excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, and a float to bring equipment to your site. For example, if you need to install a septic system, then look no further. Lodder Brothers Ltd. can handle the job from start to finish, providing certified site evaluation - whether it be residential or commercial - then designing the optimum system for you. They will install the complete system, and continue to follow up with your septic system maintenance. It’s a worry free process when you are dealing with the experts. The company has an active membership with “The Ontario On-site Wastewater Association”, an association made up of installers, system designers and government agencies that all strive to improve the septic system industry. Lodder Brothers Ltd. can also dig out your foundations and footings for any new building project. They have machinery available to handle pretty much any sized job, from private residential projects to extensive commercial projects. If you are having issues with flooding or poor drainage on your property or around your home and foundation, call Lodder Brothers Ltd. for an evaluation. They can excavate and grade the property if

necessary, or install the drainage required to remove the excess water from the problem area. Perhaps you would like to keep the rainwater for use around the garden? In that case, speak to Lodder Brothers Ltd. about installing an underground rainwater collection system. The rain is collected and drained into a tank, where it can be later used for irrigation. It’s a great way of saving water, and is better for the plants! If you have a job that requires excavation, think Lodder Brothers Ltd. As Mark himself remarked, “If a job requires digging in the dirt, give us a call!” The area serviced by Lodder Brothers Ltd. has also grown quite extensively over the years. They now often travel to sites outside of Wellington County, from London to Toronto and beyond. So if you happen to know someone who is looking for an excavating team outside of the county, tell them to give Lodder Brothers Ltd. a call. They offer the complete excavating package. Besides the excavating side of the

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business, there are, of course, those everyday plumbing issues in and around the home and office. In cases like that, you really need to know that you are dealing with experts who can be trusted to provide you with the correct information, an effective and quality repair, and fair pricing. Also, it is recommended that you take care of those smaller plumbing issues. Don’t leave that dripping tap, or leaky toilet. It is only costing you money and is wasteful. You can always consult Lodder Brothers Ltd. about ways

to improve the water consumption in your home. Please note that Lodder Brothers Ltd. offers a 24 hour, seven day a week emergency service, so it doesn’t matter what time of day or night, you can always give them a call if you need help with a plumbing emergency. Their record really speaks for itself. After 37 years of successful business, there is little doubt that Lodder Brothers Ltd. is providing a valuable service to our community. Lodder Brothers Ltd. is located at: 500 Maltby Road E., Guelph, ON N1L 1G4 Tel: 519-8366370


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Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012 PAGE SEVENTEEN


ENTERTAINMENT Theatre Centre Wellington brings family musical Annie to the stage May 2 to 5 by Kelly Waterhouse FERGUS - You can bet your bottom dollar that the sun will come out this May when Theatre Centre Wellington presents the family musical, Annie. Featuring a cast of over 30 Centre Wellington District High School (CWDHS) performers supported by a live pit band, this production includes choreography, student-designed sets and a stage crew of volunteers. The CWDHS musical production comes under the guidance of faculty members Jenny Ritter, director, Bill Zinck musical direction and Kelly Janzen, producer. Annie will run from May 2 to 5, in the school auditorium, with evening performances beginning at 7 pm. But the production also has a sentimental spirit, with the announcement that Zinck, the music behind many of CWDHS events, is retiring at the end of term. Zinck spent his entire teaching career in the music department of CWDHS. As he likes to joke, “he never left high school.� Zinck has been a part of many events at the school including several musicals in

the recent years such as Music Man, A Christmas Carol and Zombie Prom. He has inspired young musicians from to perform abroad in regions such as Scotland, England, Sweden, Belgium and France. For the last 22 years, Zinck has had the opportunity to work his wife, Kelly Janzen, CWDHS’s choir and vocal teacher. “She had choir, I was band. When things are clearly defined it works great,� he said, smiling. Zinck is looking forward to retirement, because it means devoting more time to pursuing other musical interests, such a playing with the Guelph Concert Band. He also looks forward to time at the family cottage and the list of woodworking projects he can now focus on. “It’s time for me to start that next part,� Zinck said. “At this stage of the game there is a lot of younger people who deserve a shot at teaching.� In Zinck’s career, he has seen many changes in education, and admits that he has serious concerns for the future of his profession. “We need a revolution in education,� Zinck said. “We

need to make all subjects equal so that all kids are equal.� While the arts programs continue to be in jeopardy in school funding, Zinck points out that his own school offers three out of the four arts disciplines, but notes that students are only required to take one art course for their high school credit. “I’ve done a fair amount of outreach [in primary schools] and what I see is that if art doesn’t appear to become a priority, it won’t flourish,� he said, noting primary schools are restricted by budgets and faculty. “I think art is what makes us human. It’s been around as long as we have,� he said, adding as education becomes political art programs decline, and “subjects that are compulsory, as in important,� take priority. Zinck chose to take an active role representing his colleagues with the Ontario Secondary School Federation, where he participated on the District Provincial Council for four years and the as branch president for CWDHS. For new teachers trying to navigate the education system, Zinck offers this advice: “Life is about relationships. Teaching

Yes, Miss Hannigan - Theatre Centre Wellington’s production of Annie will run from May 2 to 5 at Centre Wellington District High School. Rehearsals are underway, with Emma Phillips, as Miss Hannigan, and Shayla MacDonald, Kayla Martin, Kelly Hebner, (as Annie), with Haley Martin, Laura Bender and Rachel Flewelling as the orphans. photo by Kelly Waterhouse is about relationships. It’s not formulaic,� he explains. “In the arts, we get the opportunity not to be so rigid, to get to know the kids better, and help them to get to know themselves better.� That means ensuring his students share a mutual respect, being punctual and giving their best effort. “I really enjoy the challenge, like when a kid wants to play guitar but can’t read the music,� Zinck said. “They discover it - that it’s a language - it’s logical and they are meant to get it.� Zinck likes the way music

brings students together too. “We have to think together and breathe together,� he said. “It’s very much a team effort.� Admitting that he will “miss the kids the most,� Zinck looks back on his career with fondness. “What we do matters...we help kids unlock themselves. We inspire them. But when they

finally “get it,� we’ve done our jobs as teachers,� Zinck said. Zinck will make his final CWDHS musical direction performance in Annie from May 2 to 5, in the school’s auditorium. The show begins at 7 pm. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for students and seniors. For more information call 519843-2500.


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Newfoundland & st. pierre Escorted by john Stickney July 4 to 17, 2012 Join John & Judith Stickney on our Newfoundland, Labrador and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Discovery Tour. This exclusive departure features the very best of Newfoundland with excursions into Labrador and St. Pierre! This tour is a GUARANTEED departure with limited availability remaining. Includes return air from Toronto, 13 nights accommodation, local guides, full tour manager, 27 meals, great included sightseeing and some very special surprises! A big piece of Canada with a touch of European flair!

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PAGE EIGHTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012

Fusion suffer overtime loss in OHF championship

Team Ontario - The Elora Fergus Edge U-16 ‘A’ team represented Ontario and finished fourth at the Eastern Canadian Championship in Quebec on April 14. The team finished with a record of one win and three losses versus teams from Nova Scotia, Quebec and PEI. submitted photo

SUDBURY - Following a successful season, the Centre Wellington Fusion major peewee ‘AA’ team fell just short of its ultimate goal of winning the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) championship. The team, under the leadership of coaches Ryan Black and Derek Bolger, previously won the OMHA ‘A’ championship three years in a row and the OHF championship in 2009. In just its second year in ‘AA’ the team captured the OMHA title and travelled to Sudbury to compete against North Bay, Sudbury and Mississauga in the OHF tournament. The Fusion finished the round robin with a 2-2 record, before defeating London 2-1 in the semi-finals. The Fusion met the Mississauga Braves in the final game and after trading goals the teams were tied 2-2 after the third period. The first 10 minutes of overtime could not determine

Second place - The Centre Wellington Fusion major peewee ‘AA’ team lost in overtime to Mississauga in the final game of the Ontario Hockey Federation Championship recently. submitted photo a winner - nor could a second 15 minute overtime period, as both teams fought hard for the win. Team officials said Fusion

goalie Mark Henderson played “unbelievable.” Over 70 minutes after the game began, Mississauga scored with just over three

minutes left in triple overtime. Despite the loss, team officials said Fusion players should be proud of their accomplishments this season.

Edge capture bronze medal


Affordable Camps

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Locals win - Nikki Heseltine of Elora and Danni Walser of Belwood helped the Waterloo Wildfire Open ‘A’ ringette team capture the gold medal at the Eastern Canadian Championship in Quebec on April 14. The Wildfire had a very successful season overall, winning four gold medals and one silver at tournaments before capturing the provincial title, which allowed the team to represent Ontario at the eastern nationals. submitted photo

The U-12 ‘A’ Elora Fergus Edge ringette team captured a bronze medal at the West Ferris provincial tournament on April 14. The girls finished the tournament with a record of three wins, two losses and a tie - against teams from Mississauga, London, Guelph Waterloo and Mitchell. Players include: Rachel Thorpe, Rachel Woods, Madison Lomker, Lauren Eccles, Abby Colquhoun, Danielle McIntosh, Amy Aitchison, Abby Hahn, Anna Hamill, Heather Vink, Hayley Morrison, Maddy Richardson, Ashton Kemper and Taryn McManus. Team officials are: Becky Branton, RD Branton, Lynne Vink, Brittany Dors and Janice McIntosh. submitted photo


we want your

whatever the season. whatever the sport. Send us your photos, story ideas or write ups. It’s your sport. It’s your newspaper. Submit online:

or send to

End of a fine season - The Novice ‘B’ Grand River Mustangs concluded their inaugural season of rep hockey recently at the provincial championships. The girls finished the final tournament with a record of two ties and a loss, despite an overall record of 34-11-10 this season. submitted photo

Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, 2011 PAGE FIFTEEN Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, AprilMay 27, 6, 2012 PAGE NINETEEN

Inside Wellington Events Send your Non-Profit/Charitable event info to: 20-25 words, 4 weeks prior to event date

Speedside United Church FROM PAGE TWO you to a free introductory night of “modern square dancing”. No dancing experience required. Dress casual. 7:30-10pm followed by refreshments. St. Mary School, 251 Irvine St. Elora (back door entrance). For info. email

Tues. May 1

Groves Hospital Volunteer Association is pleased to announce the reopening of the “Arthur New to You” shop. The shop is now located at 207 George Street (former location of Brenda’s Bakery). Doors open at 10am. Join us for refreshments and special sales promotions. *** Grand Talent Competition. The Grey Wellington Theatre Guild’s second Grand Talent Competition. The final competition will be held in early June, with auditions to be held May 10 and 11. Audition time slots must be booked by calling 519-338-2778. The competition, which features one grand in total prize money ($500 first prize, $300 second prize, $200 third prize), is open to all amateur performers, all types of acts and all ages. *** General Meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association, North Perth – North Wellington Branch. 7:30pm at the Mount Forest Fire Hall, 381 Main St. N Mount Forest. Guest Speaker: Dr. Peter Clarke, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P., Endocrinologist, Mount Forest. Topic: “Keeping Current With Diabetes Care.” Come and bring a friend.

Wed. May 2

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Elora Legion, 110 Metcalfe Street, Elora. 7pm. All agency volunteers, staff, board members and public are welcome. Please join us. *** Fish dinner Trinity United Church, Listowel. 4:30 – 7pm continuous service. Adults $13, children $5. Tickets sold at door $15. Call Clara at 519-291-2736. For take out/ delivery, call Beatrice at 519-291-5703. *** Anti-Bullying Information Session. 7pm, Palmerston Public School. Speakers: Children &Youth Counsellors: Jill Hope & Joanne Worth. Q & A to follow. *** Spring Luncheon- St. Johns United Church, Belwood. 11:30-1 $10/person at door. Takeouts available. 519-843-3698. *** The Guelph Male Choir presents an evening of Songs from the British Isles with guests: the Soenen Sisters - flute harp & cello.
A delightful evening to reminisce and enjoy four-part male harmony representing all of the ‘islands musical tastes’ - Wales, Scotland, Ireland & England. 7:30pm, Trinity United Church, 400 Stevenson St. N, Guelph. 
GMC supports Kiwanis Music Festival of Guelph & UNICEF. Admission: $1. 519-827-1360.

Home cooked meals in an early 1900’s General Store. Breakfast, Lunch and Homemade Desserts Mon-Sat 8:00am - 4:30pm 2238 Floradale Rd., Floradale 519-669-2142

fri. May 4

Community euchre sponsored by the Optimist club of Puslinch, 7:30pm at the Puslinch Community Centre. $3 per person. Lunch provided. 50/50 draw. For info. call Neil Smith at 519-837-3838. *** The Arthur & Area Historical Society concludes its series of history talks on the Roaring Twenties with “The Stock Market Crash - what did it mean to families?” by John Walsh/Ian Turner. In the Historical rooms at 146 George St., Arthur at 1:30pm. Free admission, refreshments. *** 12:00pm Drayton Reformed Church Join Robin Smart from the Guelph-Wellington Alzheimer Society for “Brain Health” hosted by the Senior’s Centre for Excellence. Register at 519-638-1000.

Thurs. May 10th, 2012 Tickets: $15 -Adults, $7 children under 12 5:00pm Setting - Ruth 843-2351 | 6:00pm Setting & takeout- Beth 856-4567


new to you Shop

door p refre rizes m


*** Ignatius Great Auk And Stations Of The Cosmos Walk 
1 1/2 hrs 
We’ll explore the Marden Creek Wetlands and return to higher land to walk through several spiral walks such as the labyrinth and Stations of the Cosmos and end up at the Peace Pole. Come prepared with footwear for muddy conditions. Meet in parking lot beside labyrinth at Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Highway 6 N. 6:15pm. Leader: Vanessa 519-821-5335 or vhyland@rogers. com 
Level 1. Speed Moderate.

Thurs. May 3

Belwood Lions Jamboree - 7:30pm Belwood Hall. Come and Play, Sing, Dance & just enjoy the Entertainment. $5. (Performing musicians: Free). Call 519-843-7011 for information.

Beef Dinner



Sat. May 5

‘Little Breeches Club’ for Children Ages 4–7 Saturday Mornings. Sunrise Therapeutic Riding & Learning Centre – Puslinch. Phone: 519-837-0558 x21 for program details. *** Spring Craft and Bake Sale 10am - 3pm, Guelph Legion 57 Watson Pkwy S. Free admission, parking. Lunch available. Call Janet at 519-265-2226. *** Guelph Horticultural Society Annual Plant Sale. 7am- noon. Come early to get the best selection. For more information, please visit: *** Giant Garage Sale - Sponsored by IODE - Royal Wyndham Chapter. 8am -12noon. 185 Janefield Ave., Guelph. All proceeds go to charities. *** Crime Stoppers 3rd Annual Mulch Sale Fundraiser. 8am-1pm, while quantities last at the Imperial & Paisley Road plaza in Guelph. $5 per 2cu ft bag, tax in. Cash and carry. For more information visit *** “2012 Gathering of Quilts” show at Three Willows United Church 577 Willow Rd., Guelph. Raffles, Silent Auction, Judged Quilt Display, Tea Room, Door Prizes and Merchant Mall. Friday 10am- 5pm. Saturday 9am- 4pm. Show Admission $5 per person. *** Until May 5 - Aberfolyle Junction Model Railway Show. Last shows at this location. Railway will shut down following the spring show and relocate to St. Jacobs. See one of the most detailed model railways in full operation 10am-4:30pm. Admission: adults $8, children $5, seniors $6. Barrier-free access. From Hwy 401, exit at #299 (north to Guelph), located on old Highway 6, south of Aberfoyle. Watch for road signs. For information call 519 -836-2720. ***

Book Sale May 5 & 6, 2012

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would like to thank the Arthur Community for their past support & donations and hope the support will continue

Here’s How it Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Find the answer below.

Horoscopes - For the first week of May -

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, assess a situation before acting. Only then will you have a clear view and map out the steps that you must take. Pisces may help you with your plan.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, when it rains it pours, and this week you’ll find out the true meaning of that expression. But being a fighter means you’ll find the silver lining.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, it can sometimes feel impossible to find that perfect someone for a loving relationship. If you’re single, let a friend set you up this week.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, although you may want to help when a friend comes to you, there is not much you can offer in this particular situation besides support and encouragement.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, with so many momentous things going on it can be hard to keep track of all the things you need to get done. A few tips on organization will go a long way.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Things are completely out of your hands, Capricorn. While you thought you would feel helpless, this experience can actually prove liberating for you.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you just may find that when you stop thinking so intently about something, all of the answers become clear. This could be the solution you were seeking.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, the beginning of the “funin-the-sun” season is starting and you are very excited about all of the outdoor recreation prospects. Make your to-do list now.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may find it puzzling that so many people keep turning to you for words of wisdom. If you have the advice to offer, go ahead. You can also politely decline.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 It could take a helping hand to pull you up from a tricky situation, Pisces. You just may be lucky to have this person on your side.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, look internally for help this week. Though there are plenty of reasons to avoid an activity, there are many excellent reasons why you should engage yourself. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Happy times are on the horizon, Libra. You just have to make it through a few more obstacles and tasks before you get there. The finish line is in sight.

PAGE TWENTY Inside Wellington - Second Section of The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2012


May 8

9:00 am 1:00 pm

Roads Solid Waste Services

Administration Centre, Keith Room Administration Centre, Keith Room

May 9

9:00 am 1:00 pm 4:30 pm

Police Services Social Services Information, Heritage and Seniors

May 10

9:00 am

Land Division and Planning

May 15

10:00 am 1:00 pm

Economic Development Administration, Finance and Personnel

May 24

10:00 am

County Council

Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Board Room, Wellington Terrace Administration Centre, Keith Room Administration Centre, Guthrie Room Administration Centre, Guthrie Room

Administration Centre, Council Chambers


HHW EVENT DAY IN ERIN Saturday, May 5 Erin Centre 2000, 1 Boland Drive, Erin 9:00 am - 3:00 pm No charge to participate • Commercial, institutional, industrial and agricultural wastes not accepted • Open to County of Wellington residents only


Home and Leisure

Crime Stoppers of Guelph-Wellington

MULCH SALE FUNDRAISER Saturday, May 5 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (In the plaza at Imperial Rd and Paisley Rd in Guelph) Saturday, May 12 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (Centre Wellington Sportsplex in Fergus) Colours Available • Canada Red® • Bark Mulch • Red Devil® • Black Beauty® • Mocha Brown® $5 per 2cu ft. bag (tax included) Cash and Carry. For more information, visit:



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CENTRE WELLINGTON COMMUNITY SPORTSPLEX, FERGUS MAY 9 - 11, 6:00-10:00 PM Admission is free Friday night Fish Fry, tickets $14.00 adults, $7.00 children 12 and under, available at door.

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