Step into our
Spectacular Views
Table of Contents Mayor's Message
Page 4
Section 1 - Local Government Mapleton Council
Pages 6-7
Mapleton Contacts
Pages 8-9
CAO/Clerk’s Department
Pages 10-11
Building Department and By-law Enforcement
Pages 12-13
Finance Department
Pages 14-15
Public Works
Pages 16-17
Emergency Services
Pages 18-21
Seniors' Centre for Excellence
Pages 22-23
Economic Development
Page 24
Section 2 - Living in Mapleton Festivals and Events
Pages 26-27
Taste Real - Local Food
Pages 28-29
Parks and Recreation
Page 30
Mapleton Youth Action Council Page 31 Community Centres and Hall Rentals
Pages 32-35
Drayton Library
Page 36
Trees for Mapleton
Page 37
Health and Medical Services
Pages 38-39
Garbage and Recycling
Page 40
Section 3 - Explore Mapleton Maps
Pages 42-46
Roots of Mapleton Township
Pages 47-49
Section 4 - Business Directory Business Directory
Pages 51-81
Mayor's Message We are happy to bring you the 2016 Mapleton Community Guide. The overwhelming uptake for the community guide in 2015 was remarkable. This is a local guide produced in Mapleton with a goal to keep residents and visitors informed on what Mapleton has to offer. Mapleton is a great place to live, work and play. We are a community rooted in farming traditions, with a variety of outside activities and culture. We are growing not only agricultural based business and industry but also traditional and innovative enterprises. Our community groups, volunteers and residents are a giving community. Their collective efforts have demonstrated the importance of community and the strength of Mapleton. We invite our residents and welcome visitors to explore and enjoy the great benefits Mapleton has to offer. I am honoured to represent the residents of Mapleton as Mayor. It is my goal to have council and staff work together to provide the best results for the community. We are not only planning for tomorrow but for future generations and we must ensure there is investment in Mapleton’s infrastructure to allow for positive growth that will make a lasting impact on our municipality for years to come. I look forward to everyone enjoying and using this made in Mapleton Community Guide that is a true testament of our community.
Neil Driscoll, Mayor
Mapleton combines solid traditional Canadian values that stem from our agricultural roots with the innovation needed to make our community prosperous and attractive for work and play. Steps are taken to prevent errors but sometimes they do occur. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact the Township of Mapleton at 519.638.3313 if you notice an error or omission. Cover Photo: 2015 photo contest winner Gracie Stark page 4 | Section 1
Mapleton Council County Council The County of Wellington is governed by a Council comprised of seven Mayors and nine Councillors. Mapleton is represented by Mayor Neil Driscoll and Ward 2 County Councillor Gregg Davidson.
Mayor Neil Driscoll Email: ndriscoll@mapleton.ca T: 519.501.0137
County Council meets once a month in the County Council Chambers located at the Wellington County Administration Centre, 74 Woolwich St., Guelph. Gregg Davidson Ward 2 County Councillor Email: greggd@wellington.ca T: 226.929.7481
Mapleton Contacts
Councillor Dennis Craven
Councillor Michael Martin
Email: dcraven@mapleton.ca T: 519.638.2971
Email: mmartin@mapleton.ca T: 519.501.7904
Councillor Marlene Ottens
Councillor Lori Woodham
Email: mottens@mapleton.ca T: 519.638.2894
Email: lwoodham@mapleton.ca T: 519.638.2984
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ONE Mapleton Council Meetings Regular Council Meetings are held twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the Council Chambers at the Township Administration Office. Council meetings are open to the public. Meeting schedules, agendas and minutes can be found on the Township website. Agendas are distributed and posted to the Mapleton website by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the upcoming Regular Council Meeting.
If you would like to attend a Council meeting as a delegation to address a concern, you are asked to formally submit your proposal by completing the Request to Appear Before Township of Mapleton Council form available on www.mapleton.ca or at the Municipal Office. Please return the form to the CAO Clerk's Department no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled meeting.  You are asked to submit in writing the reason you wish to attend and any background information along with your contact information.  Delegations are limited to 10 minutes. Mapleton Contacts
If you are unable to attend a Council meeting, you are welcome to write a letter to Council that will go on the agenda as correspondence or you are welcome to contact members of Council directly.
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Mapleton Contacts Township of Mapleton Administration Office 7275 Sideroad 16, P.O. Box 160, Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. T: 519.638.3313 TF: 1.800.385.7248 F: 519.638.5113 W: www.mapleton.ca
Sta Contacts CAO / Clerks Department CAO Clerk Brad McRoberts, MPA, P.Eng. T: 519.638.3313 x 24 E: bmcroberts@mapleton.ca Deputy Clerk Barb Schellenberger T: 519.638.3313 x 23 E: bschellenberger@mapleton.ca
Building Department Continued Administrative Assistant Jenni Spies T: 519.638.3313 x 29 E: jspies@mapleton.ca Municipal Law Enforcement Officer & Property Standards Officer Maurita Boyle T: 519.638.3313 x 25 E: mboyle@mapleton.ca Fire / Rescue Fire Chief Rick Richardson T: 519.638.3313 E: rrichardson@mapleton.ca Public Works Director of Public Works Jamie Morgan T: 519.638.3313 x 41 E: jmorgan@mapleton.ca
Economic Development Coordinator T: 519.638.3313 x 26
Manager of Public Works Jim Grose T: 519.638.3313 E: jgrose@mapleton.ca
Executive / Planning Assistant Christine Hickey T: 519.638.3313 x 42 E: chickey@mapleton.ca
Facilities Manager, Recreation Sandra Good T: 519.638.3333 E: sgood@mapleton.ca
Administrative Assistant / Receptionist Sarah Wilson T: 519.638.3313 x 31 E: swilson@mapleton.ca Building Department Chief Building Official Patty Wright, CBCO, C.P.S.O. T: 519.638.3313 x 36 E: pwright@mapleton.ca
Parks, Cemeteries and Facilities Coordinator Richard Hurren T: 519.638.3313 E: rhurren@mapleton.ca Administrative Assistant Jaclyn Dingwall T: 519.638.3313 x 21 E: jdingwall@mapleton.ca
Building Inspector T: 519.638.3313 x 34
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ONE Finance Department Director of Finance Yufang Du T: 519.638.3313 x 30 E: ydu@mapleton.ca Deputy Treasurer / Tax Collector Teresa Armstrong T: 519.638.3313 x 22 E: tarmstrong@mapleton.ca Accounts / Payroll Bonnie Facklam T: 519.638.3313 x 32 E: bfacklam@mapleton.ca Finance Clerk Ruth Shaw T: 519.638.3313 x 40 E: rshaw@mapleton.ca Seniors’ Centre for Excellence Seniors' Services Coordinator Helen Edwards T: 519.638.1000 E: hedwards@mapleton.ca Administrative Assistant Hayley Fletcher T: 519.638.1000 E: adminassist@mapleton.ca Canine Control Please see www.mapleton.ca for Dog Control Officer information Garbage and Recycling Wellington County Solid Waste Services Rothsay Waste Facility 8495 Wellington Road 7 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday T: 1.866.899.0248
Other Government Contacts County of Wellington 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario N1H 3T9 TF: 1.800.663.0750 T: 519.837.2600 W: www.wellington.ca Grand River Conservation Authority 400 Clyde Road P.O. Box 729 Cambridge, ON N1R 5W6 TF: 1.866.900.4722 W: www.grandriver.ca Maitland Valley Conservation Authority 1093 Marietta Street P.O. Box 127 Wroxeter, ON N0G 2X0 T: 519.335.3557 W: www.mvca.on.ca Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) Kitchener Assessment Office 4271 King Street East, Suite 100, Kitchener ON N2P 2E9 T: 1.866.296.6722 W: www.mpac.ca Member of Parliament Perth-Wellington John Nater, MP 59 Lorne Avenue, Unit A Stratford, ON T: 519.273.1400 TF: 1.866.303.1400 W: www.nater.ca Member of Provincial Parliament Perth-Wellington Randy Pettapiece, MPP 55 Lorne Avenue East, Unit 2 Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 T: 519.272.0660 TF: 1.800.461.9701 F: 519.272.1064 E: randy.pettapiececo@pc.ola.org W: www.pettapiece.ca section 1 | page 9
CAO/Clerk's Department Office of the CAO The Chief Administrative Officer is the principal advisor to Council, providing advice on legislation, developing policies, strategic planning, budgeting, community relations and economic development. The CAO is the liaison between Staff and Council, ensuring that staff adequately implement and administer the policies that are enacted by Council. As Head of Staff, the CAO is responsible for the overall management of the Township's operations, including human resources and staffing matters. The CAO ensures that service delivery and general government operations are carried out in compliance with the approved budget in a cost efficient manner. The CAO is also responsible for ensuring that the municipality meets all statutory obligations and municipal standards as may be determined by upper levels of Government and Council. The CAO works closely with all Department Heads who report directly to the CAO to ensure a high level of communication and coordination between departments on policy and operational issues.
Clerk’s Department The Clerk's Department provides administrative support to council and its various committees, including the preparation of council agendas and maintaining the Township's corporate records. Requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Commissioning of Documents are also administered by the Clerk's Department. The Clerk's Department is responsible for Cemetery Services, including the sale of graves and coordinating the opening and closing of graves in cooperation with funeral service providers, and maintaining interment rights information and burial records of the Township owned cemeteries. Lottery Licensing, Canine Control (kennels), Transient Trader Applications, Civic Addressing and Livestock Claims are all processed through the Clerk's Department.
GENEALOGY Contact the Clerk’s Department at the Township Office should you wish to review the cemetery records. An appointment is required so that staff can be available to assist you with the information you are looking for.
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ONE Planning Applications such as minor variances, zoning amendments, subdivisions, and consents (severances) are processed in the Clerk's Department. Township staff are prepared to meet and work with potential applicants to review the application requirements and guide them through the necessary steps. Complaints regarding Closed Session Meetings also fall under the Clerk's Department. The Township has appointed a Closed Session Meeting Investigator. To access the request for a closed session meeting investigation, please contact the Clerk's Department or the Township's website at www.mapleton.ca. Public Complaints are also administered by the Clerk’s Department.
Complaints must be received in writing (letter, fax, email). If an individual attends at the municipal office they are still required to complete the complaint in writing. All complaints will be received courteously, investigated and acted upon fairly and in a timely manner. It must be understood by the complainant that while the Township will make every effort to assure the privacy of the complainant, a complainant may be required to present evidence in support Township Operated of the complaint at any hearings of Appeals committee or Court of Law of Drayton Cemetery 187 Wellington Street North Ontario. Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 The Complaint Policy and Form can Hollen Cemetery be accessed through the Township's 8051 Hollen Road website or by contacting the Clerk's Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0 Department. Community Cemeteries (Not operated by Township) Cemeteries The Township of Mapleton operates and maintains the Drayton Cemetery and Hollen Cemetery. Staff would be pleased to meet with you or your family to discuss your needs and burial options.
Bethesda Cemetery 8398 Wellington Road 8 Derryadd Cemetery 8278 Concession Road 14 Glen Allan Cemetery 7829 Wellington Road 45
LOOKING FOR YOUR ANCESTORS’ BURIAL SITE? The Wellington County Museum and Archives is also a great local research source. Wellington County Museum and Archives 0536 Wellington Road 18, Fergus ON N1M 2W3 T: 519.846.0916 x 5221 www.wellington.ca/museum www.mapleton.ca
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Building Department and By-Law Enforcement Why do you need a building permit? A building permit is your formal permission to begin construction or demolition. The Township of Mapleton Building Department must approve plans for any new structure, addition, or renovation. Building permits are necessary to ensure that zoning requirements, fire and structural safety standards are met as required by the Ontario Building Code. The building department promotes and assists with building development in keeping with Federal, Provincial, County and all other applicable law to ensure safe structures for our residents, businesses and visitors. Who is responsible for obtaining a building permit? The property owner is responsible for ensuring there is a building permit for the project they are undertaking. Contractors often apply and obtain permits as part of their contract with the property owner. When is a permit required? A permit may be required for: the construction, renovation or demolition of a building to change the use of a building the installation, alteration, extension, or repair of on-site sewage systems A permit is not required for a building occupying an area less than 10 square meters (107 ft²), unless it contains plumbing or is attached to another structure. All buildings must comply with the applicable setbacks of the zone in which the structure is located, as per the Township of Mapleton’s Zoning By-Law. Grand River Conservation Authority approval may also be required for construction projects. Property owners are encouraged to visit www.grandriver.ca to determine if any of their property falls within a GRCA regulated area. Under Planning and Regulations, click ‘Map my Property’ for interactive maps and Building Department aerial photos to help determine if a GRCA permit is needed for the proposed construction. Questions, information and to book inspections GRCA Resource T: 519.638.3313 x 29 Planning Department Phone: 1.866.900.4722 E-mail: planning@grandriver.ca Inspections All inspections are booked through the Building Department at 519.638.3313 x 29 with at least 24 hours’ notice; please have your permit number available when you call. page 12 | section 1
ONE By-law Enforcement The Township is governed by several by-laws including the Property Standards By-law and the Clean and Clear By-law adopted by Council to ensure a safe and attractive community.
Dog Complaints Contact the Mapleton Township office for direction regarding dog concerns or complaints.
Mapleton has a complaints policy to ensure the proper handling of complaints and concerns, the form and more information is available at www.mapleton.ca or by contacting the administration office. Concerns can be directed to the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property Standards Officer Maurita Boyle T: 519.638.3313 x 25 E: mboyle@mapleton.ca
Parking and Noise Complaints can be directed to the County of Wellington Ontario Provincial Police Parking and noise concerns are regulated by the Wellington County Parking By-Law 5000-05 and Noise By-Law 5001-05. County of Wellington OPP North Wellington Operations Centre 6725 Wellington Road 109 PO Box 729 Palmerston, ON N0G 2P0 T: 519.343.5770 F: 519.343.5780
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Finance Department The Township of Mapleton Finance Department is responsible for all financial functions including property tax billing, water and sewer billings, accounts payable and receivable, banking, reports to Provincial and Federal government, funding requests, municipal budget and financial strategies. Where do your tax dollars go? The Township of Mapleton is responsible for Municipal roads, water and wastewater operations, recreation facilities, fire/rescue services, parks, cemeteries, and all other activities that ensure responsible management of the municipality. The County funds a wide range of public services including county roads, solid waste management, public safety (police, ambulance, emergency management and public health), social services (housing, income support and child care) and cultural programmes (libraries and the County museum & archives).
WHERE DO YOUR TAX DOLLARS GO? (Residential, 2015)
Municipal Portion County Portion Education Portion
Property Taxes Property tax billing occurs twice a year. Interim billing is sent out in February for March & June installment payments and Final billing is sent out in August for September and November installment payments. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the property owner from payment of taxes nor from penalty of late payment. If a tax bill for the wrong property is received, return it to the municipal office immediately. If a mortgage company is responsible for paying property taxes on your behalf please forward the tax bill to them. If the property has changed ownership, send the bill to the new owner or return it to the municipal office, indicating who purchased the property. To avoid misdirected mail, please advise the municipal office of any changes in mailing addresses.
Property Assessment The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has the role of accurately valuing and classifying properties in Ontario in accordance with the Assessment Act and the regulations established by the Ontario Government. MPAC provides a range of services including the preparation of the annual assessment rolls for use by municipalities and the Province of Ontario to calculate property taxes and education taxes. When your municipality/local taxing authority sets property tax rates, your assessed value and classification are used to determine your property taxes. page 14 | section 1
ONE An assessment increase does not necessarily mean your taxes will increase. For questions about your property taxes, contact the municipality. More information about MPAC visit www.mpac.ca or call 1.866.296.6722. Municipal Water & Sewer Billing Water/sewer billing is currently issued in 2 month cycles. The water/sewer rates are based on the study done in June 2015. Customers pay a fixed monthly charge based on the size of their water meter and a volumetric charge based on the amount of water used each month. This blending of fixed and usage charges is intended to promote conservation by giving the customers control of their bills by reducing their monthly usage. View the current Fees and Charges By-law for detailed water/sewer rates at www.mapleton.ca Mapleton Payment options Pre-Authorized Payment: You can set up your tax payment and your water/ sewer billing on pre-authorized payment with the municipality. Billing can be set up for monthly withdrawal or a payment due date withdrawal. Cash, cheque or interac is accepted at Municipal Office 7275 Sideroad 16 Mail payment to P.O. Box 160 Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 Pay your bill at most Financial Institutions and through Online/Telephone banking.
Rebates and Loan Programs Farmland Taxation Program Questions should be directed to: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 1 Stone Road West, Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2 T: 1.800.469.2285 F: 1.519.826.3170 E: farmtax@omafra.gov.on.ca The Tile Loan Program Authorized by the Tile Drainage Act, this program provides loans to agricultural property owners to help them finance tile drainage projects. Applications are received at the Township office and approved by council. All tile loans have 10-year terms, and repayments are made annually. Landowners are eligible for a loan of up to 75% of the value of the tile drainage work. For current loan interest rates please contact the Township office. More information can be found at www.omafra.gov.on.ca or by contacting the Mapleton Township Office. Vacancy Rebate Program For Commercial and Industrial properties. The building must be vacant for a minimum period of 90 consecutive days to qualify. The deadline to file for vacancy rebate is February 28th of each year. Please contact the municipal office for more information. www.mapleton.ca
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Public Works Special Events, Parades & Road Closings The Township of Mapleton supports community events such as parades, walkathons and charitable fundraising events (toll booths) by non-profit organizations that are conducted on municipal roadways. If you require a road closure for a special event contact the Public Works Department to make the necessary arrangement. Municipal Drains Questions and concerns about municipal drains should be directed to the Municipal Drain Inspector Jim Grose jgrose@mapleton.ca or by contacting the municipal office 519.638.3313. Entrance/Culvert & Road Crossing Application If you are planning to construct a driveway, laneway or other form of access from a roadway to public or private property, or if you are doing work that involves crossing a roadway an entrance/culvert/road crossing permit must be obtained from the municipality. Applications are available online at www.mapleton.ca or by contacting 519.638.3313 X 21. Water/Wastewater Ontario Clean water Agency has a contract with Mapleton to operate and maintain the water and wastewater systems in Drayton and Moorefield. Questions or concerns regarding water or wastewater systems please contact 519.638.3313 x 21.
Wise Water Use Reduce water consumption Repair leaks Retrofit, adapt or replace aged appliances with water-efficient models Visit Environment Canada’s Website www.ec.gc.ca and look for Wise Water Use Tips.
Water Meter Program A water meter is now required on every property in Mapleton that receives municipal water. You may also wish to read your own meter to monitor your water usage. Take a reading at a set time during the day, and another reading the same time on the following day. The difference between the two readings is the volume of water you used over that 24 hour period. Mapleton will maintain the meter at no cost providing you take precautions not to damage it. It is illegal to tamper with a water meter. Street Light Repair If you are aware of a street light that requires repair, please notify the Township office or report the issue online at www.mapleton.ca. Please provide: the specific location of the light the condition (is it completely out, flickering, or damaged?) your contact information, should any questions arise page 16 | section 1
ONE Roads & Winter Maintenance The Township of Mapleton asks for your cooperation with the following: Do not shovel snow onto roads, or in rural areas plow snow across Township roads to far side ditches Keep snow piles low to avoid obstructing visibility of pedestrians and drivers Do not park on the street overnight in the winter months Keep snow away from fire hydrants Winter Parking Roads cannot be properly cleared of snow when they are an obstacle course of parked cars. In Mapleton, no person shall park a vehicle on a municipal highway, street or parking lot between the hours of 2:00 am and 6:00 am of any day during the months of November, December, January, February, and March of any year, as per Township By-law Number 5000-05. The provisions of the winter parking section of By-law 5000-05 or as amended shall be enforced pursuant to the provisions set out in Part 11 of the Provincial Offences Act. Reduced Load Limits on Roads All roads and/or highways within the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Mapleton are subject to the reduced load limit during the period of March 1st to April 30th of each year. The road reduction limit shall be a maximum of five thousand (5,000) kilograms per axle. Any person who contravenes any provision of the Mapleton By-law 99-60 or as amended is guilty of an offence under the Highway Traffic Act.
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Emergency Services Fire Department Placing a Call to 911 In case of emergency, call 911 You will be required to provide: Your civic address number Your road name Your name Phone number Use 9-1-1 When urgent Police assistance is required to report a crime, to save a life, to report a serious traffic accident When urgent Fire assistance is required, such as when you see or smell smoke, see a fire, or to save a life When urgent Emergency Medical Services are required to save a life Do NOT use 9-1-1 For general inquiries To inquire about winter road conditions and closures To inquire about traffic concerns For fun or pranks The Mapleton Fire/Rescue Emergency Response provides: Fire suppression Medical aid Auto extrication Water rescue Confined space rescue
When using a cell phone, make sure you tell the dispatcher that you live in Wellington County. The proper information will ensure a quick response to your needs.
Important Non-emergency Numbers Police Wellington County OPP Phone 1.888.310.1122 Ambulance Guelph-Wellington Emergency Medical Service Phone 519.842.1677 Fire Mapleton Fire/Rescue Phone 519.504.3055 (Township of Mapleton)
Four areas of the Township have agreements with neighbouring fire departments to ensure emergencies are responded to as quickly as possible. Arthur Fire Department...................... Northeast Elora Fire Department ........................Alma area Floradale Fire Department .................Southeast Wellesley Fire Department ................Southwest
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Emergency Services
Open Air Burning Open air fires require a completed burn notification and must comply with the current By-law. Any open air fires within the Township of Mapleton that exceeds a ground area of 2 meters x 2 meters require a minimum of 24 hour prior notification to the Township by completing a notification form obtained from the Municipal Office during normal business hours, or from the Township website. Forms must be submitted and received at the Township office during regular office hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, a minimum of 24 hours prior to your burn date. Your notification is only valid once processed by Township staff. There is no fee for notification. Terms and conditions of this notification are set out on the notification form and the occupant will sign to acknowledge those terms and conditions are met. Burning is only permitted during daylight hours and controlled burns must not interfere with neighbouring properties or roadways, including smoke, ashes or embers. If you burn without notification and the fire/rescue trucks are dispatched you will be invoiced for the service.
Interested in becoming a Mapleton Volunteer Firefighter? Mapleton Fire/Rescue is comprised of 1 full-time Fire Chief, 40 volunteer firefighters and 4 auxiliary members. Recruitment takes place every 2 years. The next recruitment will be in October 2016.
to our volunteer firefighters for your dedicated service to our community. www.mapleton.ca
Drayton Fire Department
Moorefield Fire Department section 1 | page 19
Emergency Services
Only working smoke alarms can save your life! IN FACT, ALARMS INCREASE YOUR CHANCES installing smoke alarms, refer to the Every home SMOKE in Ontario must have a CAN• When manufacturer’s instructions for information about working smokeOF alarm on every storey SURVIVING A FIRE BY UP TO 50%! correct placement. and outside all sleeping areas. • Test your smoke alarms every month using the test When installing smoke alarms, IT’S THE LAW. Every home in Ontario must • button. Replace smoke alarm batteries at least once a Homeowners refer to the manufacturer’s • have a working smoke It is the responsibility of homeowners to install and
maintain smoke alarms on every storey of their home alarm on every and outside sleeping areas. storey and Landlords outside all sleeping areas. It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure their rental
year, and whenever the low-battery warning chirps.
instructions for information
alarms don’t last forever. Replace smoke • Smoke about correct placement. alarms with new ones if they are more than ten years old.
• Test your smoke alarms every • Steam from the shower or cooking in the oven, properties comply with the law. month using thesmoke testalarms button. stove or toaster can cause to IT’S THE LAW. Tenants activate. DO NOT REMOVE THE BATTERY. Instead, If you are a tenant of a rental property and do not have moving the alarm to a different or • tryReplace smoke alarmlocation, batteries Homeowners the required number of smoke alarms, contact your purchase a smoke alarm with a hush feature that attemporarily least once year, landlord immediately. It is against theof law for tenants to will silenceathe alarm. and For further It is the responsibility information about dealing with nuisance alarms, remove the batteries or tamper with the alarm in any way. whenever the low-battery homeowners to install and visit the OFM website: www.ofm.gov.on.ca FAILURE TO COMPLY THE FIRE warning chirps. maintain smokeWITH alarms on CODE every FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SMOKE SMOKE ALARM REQUIREMENTS COULD ALARMS, CONTACT YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT storey ofA their and outside • Smoke alarms don’t last RESULT IN TICKEThome FOR $235 OR A FINE OF Office of the UP TO $50,000 FOR INDIVIDUALS OR $100,000 sleeping areas. forever. Replace Fire Marshal 2006 smoke alarms FOR CORPORATIONS. www.ofm.gov.on.ca with new ones if they are more Landlords than ten years old. It is the responsibility of • Steam from the shower or landlords to ensure their rental cooking in the oven, stove or properties comply with the law. toaster can cause smoke Tenants alarms to activate. DO NOT Only working smoke alarms can save your life! If you are a tenant of a rental REMOVE THE BATTERY. installing smoke alarms, refer to the Every Every home in do Ontario must have a a • When property and have thehave When installing smoke alarms, refer to the home innot Ontario must • Instead, manufacturer’s instructions for information about moving the about manufacturer’stry instructions for information working smoke alarm on every storey correct working smokeof alarm on every storey correctplacement. required number smoke placement. alarm to a different location, or and outside all sleeping areas. andcontact outside all sleeping areas. your everymonth monthusing using the test • Test alarms, your landlord Test yoursmoke smokealarms alarms every the test • purchase button. IT’S IT’S THETHE LAW. a smoke alarm with a button. immediately. It LAW. is against the Replace smoke alarm batteries at least once a Homeowners • hush feature that will Replace smoke alarm batteries at least once a Homeowners • and whenever the low-battery warning chirps. year, It is the responsibility of homeowners to install andand law for toofremove year, and whenever the low-battery warning chirps. It is tenants the responsibility homeowners tothe install temporarily silence the alarm. maintainmaintain smoke alarms on every storeystorey of their home smoke alarms on every of their home Smoke alarms forever.Replace Replace smoke • Smoke alarmsdon’t don’t last last forever. smoke batteries or tamper with the • and outside sleeping areas. and outside sleeping areas. alarms with if theyare aremore morethan than ten alarms withnew newones ones if they ten For further information about Landlords years old. alarm in any way. Landlords years old. It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure theirtheir rental dealing with nuisance alarms, It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure rental or cooking cookingininthe the oven, fromthe theshower shower or oven, • Steam • Steamfrom properties complycomply with the law. properties with the law. stove orortoaster can smokealarms alarms stove toaster can cause cause smoke toto visit the OFM website: FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH TenantsTenants activate. THEBATTERY. BATTERY. Instead, activate.DO DONOT NOTREMOVE REMOVE THE Instead, If you are a tenant a rental property andALARM do have If you areCODE a of tenant of SMOKE a rental property andnot do not have trywww.ofm.gov.on.ca moving differentlocation, location, try movingthe thealarm alarm to to a different oror THE FIRE the required of smoke alarms, contact the required numbernumber of smoke alarms, contact youryour purchasea asmoke smoke alarm alarm with that purchase withaahush hushfeature feature that immediately. It COULD is against thefor lawtenants for tenants will temporarilysilence silence the landlordlandlord immediately. It is against the law to to will temporarily the alarm. alarm.For Forfurther further REQUIREMENTS FOR MORE ABOUT information aboutINFORMATION dealing with alarms, remove the batteries or tamper withalarm the alarm in any way. information about dealing withnuisance nuisance alarms, remove the batteries or tamper with the in any way. visit theOFM OFMwebsite: website: www.ofm.gov.on.ca www.ofm.gov.on.ca visit the RESULT IN A TICKET FOR $235 SMOKE ALARMS, CONTACT YOUR FAILURE TO COMPLY FIRE CODE FAILURE TO COMPLY WITHWITH THE THE FIRE CODE FOR MOREINFORMATION INFORMATION ABOUT FOR MORE ABOUTSMOKE SMOKE OR A SMOKE FINE OF UP TO $50,000 ALARM REQUIREMENTS COULD FIRE DEPARTMENT SMOKE ALARM REQUIREMENTS COULD ALARMS, CONTACT YOUR YOUR FIRE ALARMS, CONTACT FIREDEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT RESULT IN A TICKET OR A FINE RESULT IN A TICKET FOR FOR $235$235 OR A FINE OFOF Officeof ofthe the FOR INDIVIDUALS OR $100,000 Office UP TO $50,000 FOR INDIVIDUALS OR $100,000 UP TO $50,000 FOR INDIVIDUALS OR $100,000 FireMarshal Marshal 2006 2006 Fire FOR CORPORATIONS. FOR CORPORATIONS. www.ofm.gov.on.ca FOR CORPORATIONS. www.ofm.gov.on.ca
Only working smoke alarms can save your life!
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BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SEE IT, TASTE IT OR SMELL IT. The only way to detect the presence of the deadly gas is to install a carbon monoxide alarm. On October 15, 2014, the Ontario Government formally enacted a new law - The Hawkins-Gignac Act - making carbon monoxide alarms mandatory in all Ontario homes at risk of CO. This revision to the Ontario Fire Code, supersedes any existing municipal by-laws.
Now, no matter the age of your home, if you have any oil, propane or gas-burning appliances, furnace or water heater, a wood or gas fireplace, or an attached garage or carport, you must have working carbon monoxide alarms installed near sleeping areas.
For more information visit the Office of the Fire Marshal at www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca or contact the Municipal Office. www.mapleton.ca
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Seniors' Centre for Excellence The Seniors' Centre for Excellence coordinates support services and programs to enable seniors to remain in their homes for longer periods of time. The program is offered in Township of Mapleton, the Town of Minto and the Township of Wellington North.
Brokered Homemaking Program Help is at Hand! The Seniors' Centre for Excellence is pleased to offer Brokered Homemaking Service in Mapleton, Minto, Wellington North, and Centre Wellington. These helpful workers can assist with light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, light pet care and more! The cost for a homemaker is $14/hour with a minimum of 2 hours per visit. To qualify for this service you must either be a senior or someone living with a chronic condition.
Contact us to register To apply for Brokered Homemaking service and do a quick assessment over the phone, contact the VON at 519.323.2330 or Toll Free 1.888.506.6353.
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ONE Congregate Dining Programs Programs are different every month and feature a speaker, good food and company. All dining programs start at 12:00 p.m. The cost is $10. Please call to register at 519.638.1000
Drayton: Drayton Reformed Church, 1st Friday of the month Palmerston: United Church, 2nd Wednesday of the month Clifford: United Church, 3rd Friday of the month Harriston: Legion, Last Wednesday of the month Arthur: United Church, Last Thursday of the month
VON SMART Gentle Exercise Programs High Impact, regular and low impact classes are available
Drayton: Drayton Reformed Church, Mondays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Palmerston: United Church, Tuesdays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. Clifford: United Church, Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. Mount Forest: VON Office, Tuesday and Thursdays at 3:15 p.m.
Exercise Opportunities Strength, balance and cardio exercise classes. Arthur: Seniors Hall, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. Harriston: Knox Presbyterian, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Seniors’ Centre for Excellence Walking Groups- November-April
Drayton PMD Arena, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. Arthur Arena, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30 a.m. Harriston Arena, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. Palmerston Arena, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m.
Friendship Circles Join us for a coffee and a biscuit while catching up on the news. All are welcome! Mount Forest: Pentecostal Church, every Tuesday 10:30 a.m. Palmerston: United Church, last Wednesday of the month 10:00 a.m. View newsletters and calendar of events at www.mapleton.ca For more information about programs, register to receive the monthly newsletter and calendar of events call: Helen Edwards, Program Coordinator 11 Andrews Drive West Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 hedwards@mapleton.ca T: 519.638.1000 TF: 1.866.446.4546
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Economic Development Economic Development in Mapleton seeks to improve the quality of life for residents and ensure sustainable, strong, growing local businesses. This is done by promoting Mapleton as a great place to live, work and play! We also explore business and tourism opportunities and support community activities and events. Contact the Economic Development Coordinator for information regarding Business Retention & Expansion, Industrial Land, Municipal Business Directory, Business Inquiries, Mapleton Culture, Wellington Festivals & Events and Taste Real. Local Business Resources Wellington-Waterloo Community Futures Development Corporation provides business training and financing to area businesses. www.wwcfdc.com Guelph Wellington Business Enterprise Centre can help with business start-up, early growth and self-employment. www.guelphbusiness.com
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Find it at www.mapleton.ca Make sure your business is listed in the Mapleton Business Directory and your event information is posted on the Mapleton Community Calendar. Submit your information to the Economic Development Coordinator T: 519.638.3313 x 26
Festivals and Events MARCH
Drayton Farm Show Drayton Kinsmen March 29-30, 2016 PMD Arena Complex www.draytonkinsmen.ca
Mapleton Custom Rodders Car Show June 17, 2016 Moorefield Ball Diamonds
Canada Day Celebration and Fireworks July 1, 2016 Drayton Fairgrounds
Children's Fishing Derby Moorefield Optimist Club May 28, 2016 Cosen's Pond 8408 Wellington Road 8 Moorefield Duck Race May 28, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. Kinsmen Park Spring Rural Romp May 28, 2016 www.tastereal.ca Mapleton, Minto and Wellington North
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Smoke and Sounds Festival July 8-9, 2016 Drayton Fairgrounds Conestogo Lake Annual Fishing Derby July 10, 2016 www.grandriver.ca Conestoga Lake 6580 Wellington Road 11
DECEMBER continued AUGUST Drayton’s 160th Old Tyme Fair August 5-7, 2016 www.draytonfair.com Drayton Fairgrounds Campin & Jammin in the Park August 19-21, 2016 www.draytonfair.com Drayton Fairgrounds Alma Optimist Club Annual Car Show August 27, 2016 Wallace Cummings Park, Alma
SEPTEMBER Alma Optimist Club Annual Road Kill Race September 11, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Alma Community Centre
DECEMBER Drayton Santa Claus Parade December 2, 2016 Mapleton Fire/Rescue
Moorefield Santa Claus Parade December 3, 2016 Moorefield Optimist Club Alma Santa Claus Parade December 18, 2016 Alma Optimist Club
FEBRUARY 2017 Alma Annual Plunger Toss February 4, 2017 Alma Optimist Club Alma Cow Palace YEAR ROUND EVENTS Drayton Festival Theatre May 12 to September 3, 2016 33 Wellington St. S., Drayton www.draytonentertainment.com Alma Dances, year round Hosted by: Alma Optimist Club Alma Community Centre 51 Simpson Street East, Alma Mapleton Market Saturdays from July 9 - October 1 Drayton Fairgrounds section 2 | page 27
Taste Real - Local Food
A self-guided tour of local food in Mapleton, Minto and Wellington North.
Taste Real is your connection to local food and farm experiences in Wellington County. We work with over 100 food and farm partners to get local food from farm to table. Guelph Wellington Local Food Map. Pick up your free copy at the local library or participating locations. Visit www.tastereal.ca to learn more about the Taste Real programme and to sign up to the monthly local food e-newsletter. Be a part of the local food economy and become a Taste Real Partner. Make connections with local growers, producers and retailers and expand your consumer base. Contact Christina Mann for more details at christina@tastereal.ca.
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TWO Taste Real in Mapleton: Ell-crest Farms Paul and Pam Ellis 8329 Wellington Road 8, Moorefield T: 519.638.2127 www.ellcrest.ca Frozen beef and products
The Kabbespatch David and Tracy Kabbes 7904 Wellington Road 8, Alma T: 519.638.3349 www.kabbespatch.com Pheasant, Guinea Fowl, Chicken, Rabbit, Pork Mapleton’s Organic Dairy Martin de Groot 8548 Wellington Road 7, Moorefield T: 519.638.1115 or TF: 1.877.779.9795 www.mapletonsorganic.ca
Organic ice cream and yogurt made on site, café, demonstration barn and educational tours. Hours: Winter Hours: Thanksgiving to Victoria Day, Tuesday-Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Summer Hours: Victoria Day to Thanksgiving, Open Daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. www.mapleton.ca
Ross Enterprises Free Range Turkey Buck Ross 7672 Sideroad 12, Moorefield T: 519.848.2270 Premium free range turkeys available in Grocery Stores across Canada. Drayton Chop House 41 Wellington Street North, Drayton T: 519.638.3463 www.draytonchophouse.com
Experience the friendly service, inviting atmosphere and made-from scratch recipes using the featuring fresh local ingredients and premium cuts of beef. Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday - Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Drayton Food Market Drayton Food Market 90 Wellington Street S., Drayton T: 519.638.2041 www.draytonfoodmarket.ca Hours: Monday - Wednesday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday – Friday 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. section 2 | page 29
Parks and Recreation ABC Park 85 Andrews Drive, Drayton Accessible Playground, Volleyball Court and Gazebo
PMD Arena Complex 68 Main Street West, Drayton Ice Surface
Alma Ball Diamond 12 Simpson Street East, Alma Ball Diamond and Batting Cage
Riverside Park 57 Wellington Street North, Drayton Senior Soccer Field Centennial Park 58 Wellington Street North, Drayton Picnic Shelter
Rothsay Optimist Park 110 Head Street, Rothsay NEW Playground in 2015
Drayton Agricultural Fairgrounds 51 Elm Street & 56 John Street, Drayton Ball Diamonds, Senior and Junior Soccer Fields and Playground Glen Allan Park 6525 Sideroad 17, Glen Allan Playground, Picnic Shelter and Tennis Court Wallace Cummings Park 51 Simpson Street East, Alma Playground, Picnic Shelter, Volleyball Court, Walking Trail, Wetland Boardwalk, Toboggan Hill, Labyrinth and Memory Arboretum
Kinsmen Park Playground 38 Elm Street, Drayton Playground Moorefield Ball Park 15 Ball Avenue, Moorefield Ball Diamonds, Batting Cage, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Playground and Picnic Shelter page 30 | section 2
Alma Baseball Diamond Bookings: Trish Kieswetter @ 519.848.5956 or 519.846.5413 Drayton Baseball Diamond, Soccer Pitch and Arena Ice Bookings: Sandra Good @ 519.638.3333 Moorefield Baseball Diamond Bookings: Moorefield Athletic Association Gertie Ottens @ 519.638.3591 www.mapleton.ca
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Mapleton Youth Action Mapleton Youth Action Council Council
Are you tired of the limited youth options? Do you want to have your voice heard? Do you want to be involved in the choices that impact youth in Mapleton? Are you interested in helping your community? Are you wanting to work with adults who value your input? Do you want to build skills for your future? The Mapleton Youth Action Council meets every first and third Tuesday of the month (September - June). We will meet from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., in the meeting room at the Wellington County Library Drayton Branch. By being a part of a youth council, you have the ability to plan and create things that youth want, help your community, represent your peers, meet new people, earn volunteer hours and learn new skills! MYAC Vision: To establish a positive youth presence in Mapleton, that shapes the growth and future of our community through meaningful, youth participation! Together, MYAC will work on different ideas and projects that will help make Mapleton more youth-friendly! That could include: Running new events Planning awesome projects Spreading the word about youth events Advising local companies and Council, to ensure a youth perspective is kept in mind Working with existing community groups Speaking at events and meetings to make youth voices heard
JOIN TODAY! Open to All Youth (14-24 years) Just drop by the next meeting, or contact for more information! Jaclyn Dingwall – Youth Council Coordinator 519.638.3313 x 21 jdingwall@mapleton.ca
Help support other services in our community
s: r
section 2 | page 31
Community Centres and Hall Rentals
s l a t n e R Hall Consider the Township of Mapleton and one of our many facility options in Drayton, Moorefield and Alma.
We have facilities to meet all your hall rental needs equipped with kitchen and bar facilities and the ability to accommodate events of all sizes. Our facilities include the newly renovated PMD Arena Hall, Maryborough Community Centre and the Alma Community Centre.
For hall bookings, rates and information for Drayton and Moorefield
For hall bookings, rates and information for the Alma Community Centre
Please contact Jaclyn Dingwall at 519.638.3313 x 21
Please contact Trish Kieswetter at 519.846.5413 or 519.848.5956
Alcohol Policy Permanent Liquor License Explanation The Township of Mapleton operates the PMD Arena and the Maryborough Community Centre under a permanent liquor sales license. As the liquor license holder, the Township must have control over the sale and service of alcohol at all events occurring within these establishments. The Township of Mapleton is also able to apply for catering endorsements for events held outdoors and in the non-licensed facilities. For details about the Alcohol Policy visit mapleton.ca or contact the administration office 519.638.3313 x 21.
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ALMA COMMUNITY CENTRE 51 Simpson Street East, Alma
A beautiful community hall for your upcoming wedding, party or family event. Located in Alma, Ontario and operated by the Alma Optimist Club. The Alma Hall features: State of the art commercial kitchen Bar Area Large Parking Area Seating Capacity: 295
BOOKINGS AND INQUIRIES: Contact Trish Kieswetter T: 519.848.5956 or T: 519.846.5413
Full hall can be divided Air Conditioning Large entranceway
section 2 | page 33
Community Centres and Hall Rentals PMD ARENA COMPLEX 68 Main Street West, Drayton
Mapleton Community Centres are ideal locations for your next big event, family reunion, meeting or fundraiser. The PMD Arena Complex in Drayton features an updated community hall and ice surface. Full Commercial Style Kitchen Bar Services – Permanent Liquor License Built-in Projector System & Screens Access to TV Networks provided by Mornington Communications Air Conditioned Ample Parking
page 34 | section 2
Contact Jaclyn Dingwall T: 519.638.3313 x 21
PMD ICE SURFACE BOOKINGS: Contact Sandra Good T: 519.638.3333
Tables & Chairs Portable Stage Wi-Fi Access Coat Room Audio/ Visual Equipment Recommended Seating Capacity: 300
The Maryborough Community Centre is located in the village of Moorefield, surrounded by a beautiful community park.
Full Commercial Style Kitchen Bar Services – Permanent Liquor License Place Settings for 300 Tables & Chairs Ample Parking Upper & Lower Hall Permanent Stage Air Conditioned Recommended Seating Capacity: 300
Contact Jaclyn Dingwall T: 519.638.3313 x 21
section 2 | page 35
Drayton Library Your local Library is a welcoming community space for everyone to enjoy. The library offers computer access, wireless internet connection, books, magazines, media and more. The Drayton Branch of the Wellington County Library offers a number of great programs throughout the year. Visit the library for more information about program schedules and to sign up!
Programmes: Babytime (0-12 months) Toddler Time (1-3 years) Story Time (3 – 5 years) Afterschool Adventures (SK – Grade 3) Booktastic Club (Grades 4-6) Adult Book Club The Page Turners Book Club (Pre-teen & Teen) Adult Scrabble Club March Break and Summer Programmes Lego Challenge
Wellington County Library Drayton Branch 106 Wellington Street South, Drayton, Ontario N0G 1P0 T: 519.638.3788 Branch Supervisor: Bep Vandenberg Email: bepv@wellington.ca
Hours: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Closed 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed
www.wclib.ca page 36 | section 2
Trees for Mapleton Mapleton Youth Action Council
Trees for Mapleton is helping farmers adapt to climate change and develop a green infrastructure for the stability of food production and a healthy community. Wind breaks are a production tool, just like seed, soil, drainage and machinery. The Mapleton strategy includes wrapping every 100 acres with windscreens, buffering all waterways with trees, wrapping all forest fragments with windbreaks, planting shelterbelts around all farmsteads, linking forest fragments, and planting living snow fences. The potential is 5 million trees in Mapleton Township.
Positive Impacts:
Increased farm income Ability to adapt to climate change Reduced carbon footprint Decreased road maintenance & salt Increased stability Positive Stewardship
For more information about tree planting programs for both farm and non-farm rural landowners in Mapleton contact:
Trees for Mapleton Forestry Specialist Joe Heeg T: 519.621.2763 x 2259 Email: jheeg@grandriver.ca www.grandriver.ca www.mapleton.ca
section 2 | page 37
Health and Medical Services Mapleton Health Centre 11 Andrews Drive West, Drayton ON N0G 1P0 Physician Offices Health Centre, Upper Level T: 519.638.3088 F: 519.638.3982 Minto-Mapleton Family Health Team Health Centre, Lower Level Team-based primary health care and counselling services in collaboration with Minto-Mapleton physicians and nurse practitioners. T: 519.638.2110 F: 519.638.5096 www.mmfht.ca
Drayton Dental Group Health Centre, Lower Level T: 519.638.3800 Dr. David R. Bock, Optometrist Health Centre, Lower Level T: 519.638.3411 Seniors’ Centre for Excellence Health Centre, Lower Level T: 519.638.1000 TF: 1.866.446.4546 www.mapleton.ca See pages 22 and 23 for more information about programs
www.mapleton.ca page 38 | section 2
Section www.mapleton.ca 2 | page 38
TWO Health Resources Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre Health-care services and resources to support you at home, at school or in the community. TF: 1.888.883.3313
Here 24/7 Access addictions, mental health and crisis services. TF: 1.844.437.3247
Hospitals and Public Health Palmerston and District Hospital 500 Whites Road Palmerston ON N0G 2P0 T: 519.343.2030 F: 519.343.3824
Louise Marshall Hospital 630 Dublin Street Mount Forest ON N0G 2L3 T: 519.323.2210 F: 519.323.3741
Groves Memorial Community Hospital 235 Union Street East Fergus ON N1M 1W3 T: 519.843.2010 F: 519.843.7288
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health 474 Wellington Road 18 Fergus ON N1M 2W3 TF: 1.800.265.7293 F: 519.846.0323 www.wdgpublichealth.ca
www.mapleton.ca www.mapleton.ca
section Section 2 |2 page | page 39 39
Garbage and Recycling Mapleton Youth Action Council
The County of Wellington provides Solid Waste Services for Mapleton Township.
Urban Areas Garbage and recycling curbside collection occurs every week in urban areas. Mapleton garbage and recycling is picked up every Tuesday. Wellington County has a full user pay system for garbage. There is a fee for every bag of garbage picked up at curbside. Place your bags at the curbside by 7:00 a.m. on your collection day, as collection may occur anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. User pay bags are available throughout the area:
Alma General Store, 3 Peel Street West, Alma Drayton Food Market, 90 Wellington Street South, Drayton Sunny Convenience, 89 Wellington Street South, Drayton Daisy Mart, 12 Wellington Street South, Drayton Mar-Span Home Building Centre, 7873 Wellington Road 8, Drayton Rothsay Waste Facility, 8495 Wellington Road 7, Rothsay
Blue Box Materials should be separated into two different blue boxes Paper Products Glass, Metal and Plastic Containers Look for NEW Mobile Household Hazardous Rural Areas Waste Depots in your Drop-Off Garbage and Recycling area in 2016. Contact Residents can take garbage and recycling Solid Waste Services materials to any Wellington County Waste Facility. for more information. Rothsay Waste Facility, Transfer Station 8495 Wellington Road 7 in Mapleton Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Disposal fees apply for waste No fee for recycling Please separate your recyclables!
Wellington County Solid Waste Services T: 519.837.2601 TF: 1.866.899.0248 www.wellington.ca
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Roots of Mapleton Township
The Mapleton area was originally a part of the Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bush held by the government of Upper Canada as Clergy Reserve. The land in the Township was surveyed in two sections during the 1840s. The South-East section known as the former Peel Township was surveyed by Robert Kerr in 1843 and the North-West section known as the former Maryborough Township was surveyed by Patrick Callaghan in 1849. The land at that time was surveyed into farm lots of 200 acres. Most settlers claimed deeds to land parcels from 50 acres to 100 acres.
Who was settling in Mapleton?
People who emigrated from Britain and European countries made their way down the St Lawrence River and Lake Ontario to York, known today as Toronto. From York they travelled northwest to settle on unclaimed land which we live today. Before slavery was abolished in the United States many black slaves escaped to Canada. There was a thriving black farming community with two schools and a British Episcopal Church in the southern section of the Township before the land was surveyed.
What did Mapleton Look Like?
As the early settlers made their roots and set up lives they quickly established various churches of their choice. Today we can only see the existence of many rural churches by the small abandoned cemeteries that have outlasted the buildings that once dotted the landscape. The community thrived and activity grew, many small hamlets spread across the Township. In these small hamlets there were tradesmen who supplied the necessities of life for the settlers. Each hamlet attracted blacksmiths, harness and wagon makers, carpenters and masons, shoemakers, tailors and dress makers, millers, and general store keepers. Mail was delivered by stage coach to most of the hamlets and kept people connected.
Able Moore and family on their Farm, Con 16 Lot 17, Peel Township, ca. 1878. www.mapleton.ca
section 3 | page 47
Roots of Mapleton Township Change came when the Grand Truck Railway was built through the Township in the early 1870â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Stations were established at Alma, Goldstone, Drayton and Moorefield. The ease of shipping and receiving goods at these centres spelled the demise of most of the other hamlets. Small clusters of houses still show the sites of some of Mapletonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s original hamlets. Today our township is a mix of large farms and urban settlements with many industries and businesses serving not only our local area but often a global market.
Looking for More Mapleton History? Wellington County Museum and Archives 0536 Wellington Road 18, Fergus, Ontario T: 519.846.0916 TF: 1.800.663.0750 www.wellington.ca/museum Mapleton Historical Society Paul Day, President T: 519.638.3469 Photos provided by the Wellington County Museum & Archives ph 4788, ph 8587, ph 4783, ph 2847 and ph 11560
Wellington Street of Drayton, ca. 1900.
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THREE Hamlets in Mapleton:
Moorefield grocery store, ca.1914.
Goldstone Cheese Factory, ca. 1890.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Alma Bosworth Creekbank Cumnock Dorking Drayton Glen Allan Goldstone Hollen Houstonville Lebanon Macton Moorefield Parker Rothsay Tralee Trecastle Stirton Riverbank Wallenstein Winfield Wyandot Yatton
Delmage's Store, Rothsay, ca. 1910.
ton et ton, 00.
section 3 | page 49
Business Directory Accountant / Bookkeeping Services A & B Tax Service 39 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3940 Books Accounting & Office Services Trisha Lee 9 Bonniewood Dr, Drayton 519.500.6135
Antiques and Collectibles Paul Noonan’s Antiques 4 Elora Street North Alma, ON N0B 1A0 519.846.9286
Art Studio Studio Factor 24A Wood St, Drayton 519.638.0888 www.studiofactor.ca
Buehler Automotive and Transmission 3 Elora St S, Alma 519.846.9221 www.buehlerauto.com C&S Auto Accessories 21 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.5362 www.candsauto.ca Coverdale Mobile Service Mapleton 519.498.1422 Dippel’s Family Garage 24 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.2950 Doug Arndt’s Auto Body 29 Elm St, Drayton 519.638.5512 Geddes’ Garage of Alma 56 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.0590
Alva Cherrey Garage 10 Main St E, Drayton 519.638.5220
Jay-Mar Auto Body 7206 Twelfth Line, Alma 519.846.0437
Automotive Technical Service 73 Elora St N, Alma 519.846.0413
Shantz Rust Control 6554 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.4470
Bill’s Paint and Collision 7026 Sideroad 12, Moorefield 519.638.2048
Brouwer’s Service Center 53 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3054 www.napaautopro.com Bruce Heath Collision Service 62 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.8330
RBC Royal Bank, Drayton Branch 23 Main St E, Drayton 519.638.3061 RBC Royal Bank, Moorefield Branch 46 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3011
Beauty Salon/Aesthetics/Spa A Golden Touch, Hair, Nails, Tanning Drayton 519.881.9464 section 4 | page 51
Mapleton’s SPOT FREE
Paul Franklin Contracting Residential • Agricultural 7138 Wellington Rd 11 P.O. Box 39 Drayton, On N0G 1P0
2 Locations to Serve You Better DRAYTON
24 Andrews Dr.
59 McGivern St
· 1 Automatic Touchless Bay · 2 Self Serve Wash Bays · 2 in-Bay Vacuums · Pet Wash · Vending Machine · Change Machine
Cell: (519) 574-0192
· 2 Self Serve Wash Bays · Vacuum · Change Machine · Vending Machine · Water Refill Machine
Available yton at the Dra n Locatio only
Save 25%
when you purchase your Drayton Wash Card
Inquiries? Call 226-749-4422
Dippel’s Family Garage “Your Complete Car Care Centre”
24 Wellington St., Drayton
“Your complete vehicle maintenance & repair facility”
Located in beautiful downtown Alma, Buehler Automotive & Transmission Inc. has been serving our community for 20 years providing excellent service in vehicle repairs including tires, brakes, air conditioning, exhaust systems, steering, suspension, alignments, transmissions, towing & recovery, trailers, RV’s & Motor homes, and vehicle safety inspections to name a few of our services. Visit us to learn how to set your vehicle on a maintenance schedule that covers all your factory warranty requirements.
3 Elora St. South Alma ON N0B 1A0
519-846-9221 or 1-888-335-3736
www.buehlerauto.com | e-mail: shop@buehlerauto.com https://www.facebook.com/buehlerauto
Business Directory Carol’s Hair and Tanning Salon 59A Wood St, Drayton 519.638.2489 Hair Daze 20 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3025
Bed & Breakfast Gazebo Inn Bed & Breakfast 7918 Wellington Rd 8, Drayton 519.638.2794 gazeboinn.ca Margaret’s Cozy Hillside Bed & Breakfeast 26 Queen St, Drayton 519.638.2817
Camp / Lessons Willowcrest Farm Julie Diamond 6638 Wellington Rd 10, Moorefield 519.638.5882 www.willowcrest-farm.com
Camper / Trailer Rental Conestogo Lake Conservation Area 6580 Wellington Rd 11, Wallenstein 519.638.2873 www.grandriver.ca
Mapleton’s Spot Free Car Wash Moorefield 59 McGivern St, Moorefield 226.749.4422
Church Alma Bible Church 59 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.1001 www.almabiblechurch.ca Alma Presbyterian Church 8 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.0680 Alma United Church 7 Rebecca St W, Alma 519.846.5250 Christian Reformed Church 88 Main St E, Drayton 519.638.2032 draytoncrc.org Community Mennonite Fellowship 109 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5853 Drayton Knox Presbyterian Church 44 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.343.2612
Girl Guide Camp 8029 Concession 3, Wallenstein 519.638.2569
Drayton Reformed Church 74 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.2035 www.draytonreformed.org
Riverside Rentals 7011 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.638.3075 riversiderentals.ca
Drayton United Church 34 Main St E, Drayton 519.638.2021 www.draytonunited.ca
Car Wash
Goldstone United Church 7516 Wellington Rd 8, Alma
Mapleton’s Spot Free Car Wash Drayton 24 Andrews Dr, Drayton 226.749.4422
Goshen Mennonite Church 6918 Wellington Rd 12, Drayton 519.638.3722
section 4 | page 53
One Stop Shop for all your Automotive Needs!
Air Conditioning Parts
Complete Automotive Repairs
Heavy Truck
Heavy Off Road
· Alignments · Repairs to Hydraulic Hoses · Repairs to Heavy Trucks & Trailers · Engine Diagnosis
After Hours Contact: 519-590-5705
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519-638-3054 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 8-6
Tel: 519.638.8941 8016 Wellington Cty. Rd. 7, TF: 1.800.283.9228 RR1, Moorefield, ON Fax: 519.638.3292 info@countryair.ca | www.countryair.ca
"%7*$& :06 $"/ %&1&/% 0/
L #
Business Directory Mapleview Mennonite Church 7184 Fourteenth Line, Alma 519.638.2150 Maranatha Conservative Mennonite Church 31 John St, Drayton 519.638.2446 Moorefield Mennonite Fellowship 102 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3931
Cleaning Services Janetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cleaning Service & Gardening Janet Katerberg 25 Wood St, Drayton 519.635.0761 Jo-Anne Brown 19 High St, Drayton 519.729.6363
Clubs and Groups
Moorefield United Church 14 Moore St, Moorefield 519.638.3258
4-H Club, Lifestyles Lynne Flewwelling 519.638.2568
New Covenant Mennonite RR 2, Wallenstein 519.698.2617
Alma Community Recreation Association Chris Grose Alma 519.846.0282
Old Colony Mennonite Church 7902 Wellington Rd 7, Drayton 519.638.5501 Selah Fire Drayton 519.830.5642 www.selahfire.com St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Roman Catholic Church Macton 7613 Line 86, Linwood 519.698.2097 St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church 12 Union St, Drayton 519.638.2025 Woodlawn Mennonite Fellowship 6449 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.638.3764
Alma Optimists Nik Schrier Alma 519.846.9146 Conestoga Sailing Club 256 King St. N, Waterloo 519.638.5241 kwsailng.org Drayton Figure Skating Club Deb Mantler Drayton www.draytonskatingclub.org Drayton Kinette Club Wanda Dobben Drayton draytonkinettes@gmail.com www.draytonkinsmen.ca Drayton Legion Mary Miller 15 Elm St, Drayton 519.638.3324
section 4 | page 55
Home of the
Drayton Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs Have you made a difference in your community today?
You can see the difference... when you put a smile on a child’s face, when you build a place where families can play, when you help someone less fortunate.
Together we can make our community a better place!
Contact your local Kinsmen, Kinette or Kin club and become part of the difference Drayton Kinettes Drayton Kinsmen Draytonkinettes@gmail.com draytonfarmshow@live.com Pres. Gina Dobben Pres. Chad Bridge 519-820-7828 519-503-8036 chad.bridge@walinga.ca
Serving the community’s greatest needs since 1968 1-800-PICK-KIN visit KinCanada.ca
MAPLETON MARTIAL ARTS mapleton@cngk.ca | 519-575-3865 | www.cngk.ca Classes offered on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Masonic Hall, 61 Wellington Street South, Drayton • Improve fitness and flexibility • Build self-confidence • Learn personal safety skills • Develop positive life habits • Child fitness tax eligible
...and it is FUN for ALL ages! Free beginners classes offered in September and January. Don’t miss out!
Business Directory Drayton Mapleton Agriculture Society Natalie Green 519.638.5093 www.draytonfair.com Drayton Masonic Lodge John Green Drayton 519.638.2126 Drayton Moorefield Minor Ball P.O. Box 22, Drayton 519.638.5341 www.draytonmoorefieldball. playsoftball.ca Drayton Soccer Club Joanne Keunen RR1, Palmerston 519.638.3769 draytonminorsoccer.ca Drayton Youth Centre 21 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.594.0051 draytonyouthcentre.ca
Mapleton Historical Society Paul Day Drayton 519.638.3469 Moorefield Athletic Association Gerty Ottens Moorefield 519.638.3591 Moorefield & District Horticultural Society Jo Houston Moorefield 519.638.2623 Moorefield Optimist Glenn Babin Moorefield 519.638.2029 Ontario Truck and Tractor Pullers Association Moorefield 519.994.2552 www.ottpa.net
Girl Guides/Brownies Candace Burnett Rothsay 519.638.2311
PMD Minor Hockey Association Jason Jack Drayton 519.573.7795 draytonminorhockey.com
Kinsmen Club of Drayton Drayton info@draytonkinsmen.ca www.draytonkinsmen.ca
Rotary Club of Drayton Bob Bignell Box 216, Drayton 519.638.2263
Lake Conestoga Snowmobilers Inc. - District 9 55 Northfield Dr. E, Waterloo 519.638.5254
Reapers of Hope 12 Maudsley St, Moorefield 519.638.0829
Mapleton Custom Rodders Barry (Toad) Hymers Moorefield 519.638.2269
Computer - IT - Phone GuentherTECH 43 Edward St, Drayton 519.492.0099
section 4 | page 57
Maryborough Township Housing Corporation
All Varieties of Aggregate and Trucking CALL FOR PRICING T: 519.538.2116 C: 519.837.7232 F: 519.638.2462
THE TERRACE • Affordable housing for seniors • 15 units on one level • Moorefield, Ontario
Contact Lori Woodham for more info at moorefield.seniors@gmail.com Lori Woodham, Property Manager (519) 638-2984
8505 Wellington Road 8 Midway between Drayton and Palmerston
Driscoll Farms Ltd. Satellite Site For HDC
• Fast, Fair and Friendly Service • 4 Receiving Pits • Receiving All Commodities Including: Corn, Canola, Barley, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Hard and Soft Winter Wheat, Branson, Crusher Soybeans and IP Soybeans • Trucks available to pick up commodities from your farm
Contact Neil (519)-501-0137 | neil@driscollfarms.ca
For more information go to: http://www.driscollfarmsgrainelevator.com
Business Directory Mornington Communications 21 Wellington St S, Drayton 800.250.8750
Downey Construction 23 Bonniewood Dr, Drayton 519.638.3675
Phonemaster Services 7805 Wellingon Rd 45, Wallenstein 519.747.3333
Drayton Ridge Subdivision 68 Main St W, Drayton 226.668.5999
Xenium IT Corp 7332 Twelfth Line, Alma 519.669.9994
G L Carpentry RR 2, Drayton 519.638.5448
Construction/Contrators/ Builders
Glenvalley Construction 6516 Sideroad 17, Wallenstein 519.698.1134
Ashberry Home Improvements Mapleton 519.638.2689 AWF Contractors Limited 7226 Blind Line, Elmira 519.669.2256 B.C. Carpentry & Flooring Installations 54 Ridgeview Dr, Drayton 519.638.7737 Bernieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Drafting Service 21 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5362 Craftsman Hardwood 34 Drayton Industrial Dr, Drayton 519.638.3380 Cosens Excavating 8408 Wellington Rd 8, Moorefield 519.638.3418 Culpâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lathing and Insulating RR#2, Drayton 519.638.2715 Donkers-Harris 6362 Sideroad 6, Listowel 519.291.4881
Grant Morgan Carpentry and Lawn Maintenance Moorefield 519.638.3513 Jeff Duimering Carpentry Jeff Duimering 7164 Sideroad 15, Moorefield 519.638.9948 John Schneiders Excavating RR 1, Alma 519.638.2767 K.M. Home Improvements 7562 Third Line, Wallenstein 519.669.3744 Lloyd Scott Enterprises 46 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.5871 Mackey Design & Build 7347 Sideroad 12 519.638.5242 Mapleton Contracting 8505 Wellington Rd 8, Drayton 519.638.2116 Mapleton Flooring & Windows 83 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5112
m www.mapleton.ca
section 4 | page 59
Delivery to Local Parks Available
Hardtop & Travel Trailer Rentals & Sales 7011 Wellington Rd. 11, Drayton | 519.638.3075 | www.riversiderentals.ca
David Martin Office: 519-638-5462 Cell: 519-895-6234 8012 8th Line, RR#2 Drayton www.stirtonconstruction.ca
Decision Drivers of Canada SEE THINGS YOU DON’T SEE
Great New Name, Same Great Management, Staff & Courses Formerly Drayton Driving School
BECOME A THINKING, COLLISION FREE AND SOLO DRIVER IN EIGHT MONTHS! CLASS SIZE: From 12 students to 24 students per class COURSES CONSIST OF: minimum 41 hours of (20 hours in-class, 11 hours in-car, 10 hours flexible homelink) ONE HOUR MORE THAN MINISTRY STANDARDS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF IN-CAR LESSONS. Driving simulator offered with the in-class portion of every course! ONE ON ONE IN-CAR LESSONS
MTO Approved Beginner Driver Education Course Provider
10 WELLINGTON ST. NORTH UNIT 1, DRAYTON 519-638-9990 www.decisiondrivers.ca info@decisiondrivers.ca
Business Directory Martinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Construction 7375 Wellington Rd 8, Alma 519.638.3188
Stewart Smith Construction 7305 Wellington Rd 7, Alma 519.846.5312
Martin Groundworks PO Box 71, Wallenstein 519.669.3606
Stirton Construction David Martin 8012 Eight Line, Drayton 519.638.5462 www.stirtonconstruction.ca
Marvin Weber 7429 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.2405 Marwil Concrete Construction Drayton 519.577.0370 www.marwilconcrete.ca Maur-Mart General Contracting 8531 Concession 8, Moorefield 519.638.3384 MBM Construction 6672 Ruggles Rd, Wallenstein 519.669.3082 Mohlecrest Construction Jordan Mohle 519.504.1837 N M Bauman & Sons 55 Scenic Dr, Alma 519.638.8993 Paul Franklin Contracting 7138 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.574.0192 Post Farm Structures 80 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.5988 Skerritt Excavating 68 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.0415 Spaling Carpentry 7118 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.638.2232
.ca www.mapleton.ca
The Murry Group Limited 83 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3077 Weber Excavating 6547 Sideroad 18, Wallenstein 519.669.3641 Wellington Construction 8718 Wellington Rd 7, Palmerston 519.343.2456
Convenience Store Alma Town Convenience 3 Peel St W, Alma 519.846.9622 Daisy Mart 12 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.8905 Sunny Convenience 89 Wellington St S., Drayton 519.638.5319
Drivers Training Decision Drivers of Canada 10 Wellington St N., Drayton 519.638.9990
Electrial Services C. Deen Electric Inc 122 McGivern St., Moorefield 519.638.3860 Gleeson Electric Moorefield 519.638.5552 section 4 | page 61
r e t a W
A Source of Life!
We Do: Water Well Drilling, Cleaning, Extensions, Repair & Inspection by Camera Cable & Rotary Equipment, Pumps, Pressure Tanks, Decommissions
Len (Elora) Jeff (Harriston) Mike (Drayton)
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Business Directory Haycock Electric 7136 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.638.2467
Frontier Sales & Equipment 7213 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.8709
Murray’s Electric 6563 Wellington Rd 10, Listowel 519.638.3182
Husky Farm Equipment 7440 Wellington Rd 17, Alma 519.846.5329
Rob DeWeerd Electric Inc. 7514 Sideroad 16, Alma 519.638.2229
Mar-Line Industries 7456 Fourth Line, Wallenstein 519.669.2323
Stecho Electric Moorefield 519.746.0047
Shantz Farm Equipment 7452 Wellington Road 7, Alma 519.638.3317
Willard’s Electric 6581 Wellington Rd 10, Listowel 519.638.8915
Farm Service and Supply
A & E Farm Drainage 7853 Wellington Rd 45, Wallenstein 519.698.9933
Mohle Excavating Mike Mohle 519.584.4089
Beer’s Seeds 7708 Sixteenth LIne, Drayton 519.848.3488
Clean Field Services (CFS) 7668 Eighth Line, Drayton 519.638.3457
Alma Community Centre 51 Simpson St E, Alma 519.846.5413 Maryborough Community Centre 15 Ball Ave, Moorefield 519.638.3313 PMD Arena Complex 68 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.3333
Farm Equipment ESM Farm Equipment 7293 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.5176 Flewwelling Farm Equipment 7630 Wellington Rd 8, Alma 519.638.2528
Conestogo Argi Systems 7506 Wellington Road 11, Alma 519.638.3022 E. Bearinger Inc 8494 Concession 12, Moorefield 519.638.3538 Frey’s Hatchery 80 Northside Dr, Wallenstein 519.669.2291 FS Partners - Drayton 44 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.3026 www.fspartners.ca
section 4 | page 63
Edie Creations
Custom Sewing & Alterations
Hamburger, Steaks, Roasts, Pepperettes & Jerky
Edith Langdon 23 Dales Dr., Drayton H: 226.818.7743 C: 519.590.7744 ediecreations@gmail.com
Paul & Pam Ellis 519-638-2127
Located 1 mile NE of Moorefield on Cty. Road 8 Fire #8329
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Business Directory J.K. Reid Manufacturing and Sales 7647 Wellington Road 10, Moorefield 519.638.3551 www.jkreid.com Lebanon Ag Service 8450 Concession 3, Listowel 519.291.6802 Matt Coffey - Pioneer Seed Sales 7473 Sixteenth Line, Arthur 519.848.6904 Martin Drainage 7215 Wellington Road 86, Wallenstein 519.669.1440 Martin Well Drilling Drayton 519.638.8929 (Mike) www.martinwelldrilling.com Norwell Dairy Systems 37 Drayton Industrial Dr, Drayton 519.638.3535 OK Tire Moorefield 8360 Concession 8, Moorefield 519.638.3413 www.oktire.com Pit King 7481 Sideraod 17, Alma 519.638.2319 Rick Strauss, Painting, Concrete Grooving, Sales and Whitewashing 7732 Sideroad 21, Arthur 519.848.3184 RK Animal Supplies 7647 Wellington Road 10, Moorefield www.rkanimalsupplies.com Sprucegreen Truck & Tractor Repairs 7055 Wellington Rd 12, Drayton 519.638.5870
Sprucevale Grains 7446 Wellington Rd 8, Alma 519.638.3153 Triple G Livestock 7994 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.2920
Feed Supply Nieuwland Feed & Supply 96 Wellington Street North, Drayton 519.638.3008 Spectrum Feed Services 58 McGivern Street, Moorefield 519.638.3003 Wallenstein Feed & Supply 7307 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.5143
Financial Planning/Investments Fifth Wheel Financial Services RR 3, Wallenstein 519.699.4483 Jack Financial 11 Wellington Street South, Drayton 519.638.3328
Fitness/Health Dynafit Fitness 89 Wellington Street South, Drayton 519.638.2100
Florist Blooming Daleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 28 Main Street East, Drayton 519.638.7723
Grocery Retail Dorking Grocery & Home Baking 6362 Wellington Road 11, Listowel 519.698.0352 Drayton Food Market 90 Wellington Street South, Drayton 519.638.2041 section 4 | page 65
www.rbcroyalbank.com 1.800.769.2511
New Late Hours To Serve You Better RBC DRAYTON RBC Moorefield
custom renos | inside & out | stump removal
519 • 638•2689 ashberry@hsfx.ca
23 Main Street E., Drayton 519.638.3061 Monday 9:30 - 5:00 Tuesday 9:30 - 5:00 Wednesday 9:30 - 8:00 Thursday 9:30 - 5:00 Friday 9:30 - 6:00
46 McGivern St., Moorefield 519.638.3011 Monday 9:30 - 4:30 Tuesday 9:30 - 4:30 Wednesday 9:30 - 4:30 Thursday 9:30 - 4:30 Friday 9:30 - 5:00
Advice You Can Bank On
Pine Corner Tree Farm Inc. Jack & Diana Vos
D. Cell: 519.505.4031 Tel: 519.638.2734 Fax: 519.638.5892 www.pinecorner.ca pinecorner2@gmail.com 7016 Wellington Rd. 109 Moorefield ON, N0G 2K0
Heritage Funeral Homes Inc.
DRAYTON FUNERAL CHAPEL 20 Wellington St., Drayton 519.638.3072
CRAWFORD FUNERAL CHAPEL 243 Geroge St., Arthur 519.848.6872
PALMERSTON FUNERAL CHAPEL 267 Main St., Palmerston 519.343.3800
We are proudly family owned and operated, serving the municipalities of Mapleton, Wellington North and Minto. Funeral Planning, Traditional and Cremation Services, Cemetery Lettering and Monuments Available Funeral Directors: Kenneth A. Thompson, Mary M. Thompson, Victor N. Roberts and William J. Crawford
Business Directory Gourlay’s Store 38 McGivern Street, Moorefield 519.638.3013 Orchard Lane Bulk Foods 7378 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.5432
Local Food and Farms
Peel Sausage 7860 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.3446
Restaurant à la mode 21 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.502.8325
Apple Creek Farms 6879 Wellington Road 11, Drayton 519.638.9996
Country Sisters Coffee Plus 6368 Sideroad 15, Listowel 519.698.2845
Circle R Livestock 7489 Fourth Line, Wallenstein 519.669.4146
Drayton Chop House 41 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.3463 www.draytonchophouse.com
Ell-crest Farms 8329 Wellington Road 8, Moorefield 519.638.2127 Grand Moraine Growers 7369 Twelfth Line, Alma 519.638.1101 www.grandmorainegrowers.ca Kabbes Patch 7904 Wellington Road 8, Alma 519.638.3349 Mapleton’s Organic Dairy 8548 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.1115 mapletonsorganic.ca Ross Enterprises 7646-7672 Sideroad 12, Moorefield 519.848.2270
Moorefield Diner 42 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.0413 Palm Pizza Plus 11 Main St E, Drayton 519.638.0808 Small Town Pizza 89 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.2500 www.smalltownpizza.ca The Upper Room Family Restaurant 24 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.2939 www.upperroomfamilyrestaurant.ca
Funeral Home
Royal Fortress Meadows Kimberley & Trevor McKnight 8024 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.0132 www.rfmalpacas.com
Heritage Funeral Homes 20 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3072 www.heritagefuneralhomes.ca
Food Processing
Alma Fuel Depot - Fast Stop 6974 Wellington Rd 7, Alma
Country Poultry Processing 7707 Fourth Line, Wallenstein 519.698.9930 www.mapleton.ca
Gas Bar and Fuel Supply
Drayton Fast Stop 44 Main St W, Drayton section 4 | page 67
after school ° home school ° day camps ° march break & summer ° paint nights by request
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1 or 2 bedrooms • Utilites Included • Laundry Facilities • Indoor Hallways Common Lounge with Kitchen • Entertainment room • Mailboxes
81 Wood St., Drayton, 32 Units 519-638-3300 • www.conestogacrest.ca
Albannach Acres
EQUINE BOARDING FACILITY Indoor and outdoor board available.
Albannach Acres is a small family owned stable near the towns of Drayton and Alma. We offer a non-competitive environment where the leisure rider can spend hours enjoying the companionship of their equine partner. Please call or visit website for more information.
Ivan LeBlanc 7754 12th Line, Alma ON 519.638.0018 Farm@albannachacres.ca www.albannachacres.ca
CAR SHOW Moorefield Ball Park Friday night of the Father’s Day weekend in June
Toad Hymers 519-638-2269 mcr@tnt21.com
allways oxes
Business Directory Grain Elevator Driscoll Farms Elevators 7153 Sideroad 12, Moorefield 519.501.0137 www.driscollfarmsgrainelevator.com
Health Care and Services David R. Bock, Optometrist 11 Andrews Dr W, Drayton 519.638.3411
Edge Mutual Insurance Company 103 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3304 www.edgemutual.com Secure Insurance Solutions Group 9 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3091 www.secureinsurance.ca
Drayton Dental Group 11 Andrews Dr W, Drayton 519.638.3800 www.communitydentalgroups.com
Bournecrest Kennels 8435 Concession 8, Moorefield 519.638.3445 www.bournecrest.on.ca
Drayton Family Chiropractic 89 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5500
Sun Shine Kennel Home of Maltese 7487 Wellington Rd 7, Alma 519.846.5420
Drayton Massage Therapy Clinic 61 A Wood St, Drayton 519.504.8004 Living Well Centre 12 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.3200 Mapleton Health Centre, Physician Offices 11 Andrews Dr W, Drayton 519.638.3088 Minto Mapleton Family Health 11 Andrews Dr W, Drayton 519.638.2110 www.mmfht.ca Seniors’ Centre for Excellence 11 Andrews Dr W, Drayton 519.638.1000 www.mapleton.ca
Insurance Brown Insurance Brokers 1 Hilwood Dr, Moorefield 519.638.3039
Supreme Labradoodles 7931 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.502.0393 www.supremelabradoodles.com
Landscaping - Services and Supply Culp’s Lawn Care 66 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.5341 Dr Walker Mowers Sales & Service 66 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.7748 KLT Tree Service 26 Simpson St E, Alma 519.846.8039 Scholten’s Landscape Inc. P.O. Box 76, Drayton 519.638.2060 www.scholtenslandscape.com
section 4 | page 69
Barbara’s Dog Grooming Tender loving care for the four-legged member of your family.
Tasha Post 519.638.5183
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Dale R. Keller Sales Representative Direct: 519-500-1865 Bus: 519-747-0231 dale@kellersellsrealestate.com
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Twitter: @Norgan_Theatre
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Business Directory Legal Services Wood Clemens, Fletcher and Cronin 26 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5767
Library Wellington County Library Drayton Branch 106 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3788 www.wellington.ca
Limousine Service Paradise Limo Service 28 River Run Rd, Drayton 519.638.0061
Manufacturing ANS Doors 6522 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.8509 ASB Conestoga Furniture 7351 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 1.866.446.4188 asbconestoga.ca BHF Manufacturing 7367 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.2164 www.bhfmfg.com Buggyline Industries 7468 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.0821 Canarn AgSystems 7686 Sixteenth Line, Arthur 519.848.3910 www.canarm.com Countryline Furniture 7388 Third Line, Wallenstein 519.669.4118 www.countrylinefurniture.com
Credit Valley Steel Products 6393 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.0510 www.cvsp.ca Denco Storage Sheds 8309 Wellington Rd 7, Drayton 519.638.5550 www.dencosheds.ca Farm Way Plastics 7169 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.2246 Freyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Furniture 7973 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.2324 Glen Allan Pillars 6439 Sideroad 17, Wallenstein 519.698.2566 www.gapillars.com Kraemer Woodworking 6626 Sideroad 17, Wallenstein 519.698.1112 www.kraemerwoodworking.com Maco Enterprises 7806 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.2746 www.macoenterprises.ca Mapleton Manufacturing 7235 Blind Line, Elmira 519.669.0437 mapletonmfg.com Marginstove Limited 7364 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.3602 Mar-Span Truss 7221 Sideroad 16, Drayton 519.638.3086 www.marspantruss.com
section 4 | page 71
Excavation for: New Buildings, Ponds, Ditches, Culverts, Tile, etc. Demolition • Top soil • Gravel • Floating Services Licensed Septic System Installer Laser Equipped • Underground Line Locating Snow Removal Serving the residents of the Mapleton Community since 1999 R.R. 2, MOOREFIELD, ON N0G 2K0 | 519-638-3418
Drayton, Ont.
Servicing all your Electrical Needs Residential/Custom Homes | Agricultural Commercial | Service | Generators robdeweerdelectric@hotmail.com
Business Directory Martin Wood Products RR 1, Wallenstein 519.698.2969
Wallace Woodcraft 8661-8655 Concession 14, Palmerston 519.343.4646
Martin Woodturning 7111 Wellington Rd 86, Elmira 519.669.1507 www.martinwoodturnings.com
Woodland Horizon 128 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.5961 www.woodlandhorizon.com
Millside Industries 6408 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.4343 www.millside.ca
Nelsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Threading & Mfg 7367 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.0012 Ontario Tire Dealers Association 22 John St, Drayton 1.888.207.9059 www.otda.com Parker House Furniture 7629 Wellington Rd 7, Alma 519.638.3619 parkerhousefurniture.ca Penguin Pole 7213 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.1606 Riverview Fine Furniture 6506 Wellington Rd 12, Wallenstein 519.698.0173 Rothsay 8406 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.3081 www.rothsay.ca SMB Manufacturing 6376 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.1537 www.smbmfg.com Spruce Line Furniture 6370 Sideroad 19, Wallenstein 519.698.2177 www.legacyfurniture.ca www.mapleton.ca
Artech Millwrights 7435 Wellington Rd 8, Alma 519.638.5160 www.artechmill.com J&J Millwrighting 8546 Concession 3, Listowel 519.291.1195
Municipal Township of Mapleton Office 7275 Sideroad 16, Drayton 519.638.3313 www.mapleton.ca Trees For Mapleton Mapleton 519.621.2763 x 2259 Wellington County Garage 30 John St, Drayton 519.638.2918 www.wellington.ca
Music Drayton School of Music 19 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.3666 www.draytonschoolofmusic.ca Mapletone Records 12 Spring St, Drayton 519.993.8353 mapletonerecords.ca Music For Young Children 123 River Run Rd, Drayton 519.638.5715 www.myc.com section 4 | page 73
Fresh, from scratch meals made from local providers. In house baking and take out available for all items. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Catering on or off site 24 Wellington St. S. Drayton ON Tues.-Sat. 7 am –8 pm • 519.638.2939 upperroomfamilyrestaurant.ca upperroomfamilyrestaurant@gmail.com
519.323.1734 | Fax: 519.323.9980
160 Drayton Fair
www.lifttrucktrain.ca glenn@lifttrucktrain.ca
Old Tyme
Demolition Derby
Business Directory Newspaper Community News 24B Wood St, Drayton 519.638.3066 www.wellingtonadvertiser.com
Pet Care Barb’s Dog Grooming 8032 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.3904
Photography Horizon Photography 139 River Run Rd, Drayton 519.568.1881 www.horizonphotography.ca J.E.G. Photo and Imaging Alma 519.897.8637 www.jegphoto.photoreflect.com Sharon Grose Photography Alma 519.575.8487
Plumbing/Heating/Refrigeration Bowman Plumbing Services 7989 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.0176 Dray N’Way Plumbing 8012 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.5053 Eric Robinson Plumbing 7 Elora Rd S, Alma 519.846.2990 Frey’s Water Systems 8588 Concession 8, Moorefield 519.638.5674 Gleeson Plumbing 8289 Wellington Rd 8, Moorefield 226.818.4378
Klaassen Mechanical Plumbing Moorefield 519.638.2106 Precision Home Systems, Heating & Air Conditioning 19 High St, Drayton 519.729.6363 Tri-Mech 7877 Wellington Rd 8, Drayton 519.638.2836 www.trimech.ca
Post Office Canada Post 29 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.2946 www.canadapost.ca Postal Outlet - Alma Town Convenience 3 Peel St W, Alma 1.800.267.1177 Postal Outlet - Brouwer Service Centre 53 McGivern St, Moorefield 1.800.267.1177 Postal Outlet - Wallenstein General Store 7278 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 1.800.267.1177
Publishing Angel Hope Publishing 161 River Run Drive Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 519.638.3215
Real Estate Kempston & Werth Realty Ltd., Brokerage Jennifer Richardson Drayton 519.635.7113 (cell) 519.418.home (office) www.jenniferrichardson.ca section 4 | page 75
Your Home Grown Realtor
Born, raised and proud to be working for you in Mapleton Township!
Kempston & Werth Realty Ltd. Brokerage 188 Wallace Ave. N. Listowel, ON C: 519-580-5224 E: culling@kempstonwerth.ca
Business Directory Peak Premier Realty & Auctions Inc., Brokerage Edith McArthur Mapleton 519.638.2509 www.peakrealestate.com
Repair Brubacher Repair Service 8632 Concession 3, Listowel 519.291.5169 Country Air & Repair 8016 Wellington Rd 7, Moorefield 519.638.8941 www.countryair.ca Country Radio & TV 40 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3017 G & H Small Engines 48 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.2421 Shock Tec 7998 Wellington Rd 7, Drayton 519.638.5690 www.shocktec.ca
Residence Conestoga Crest Senior Citizen Apartments 81 Wood St, Drayton 519.638.3300 www.conestogacrest.ca Maryborough Township Housing Corporation 11 Caroline St, Moorefield 519.638.2984 Village on the Ridge - Adult Lifestyle Community Drayton 519.496.5607 info@villageontheridge.com
Retail Brubacher’s Harness Supplies 6377 Yatton Sideroad, Wallenstein 519.669.2064 www.brubachersharness.ca Dobben’s True Value Hardware 21 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.5362 www.dobbens.ca Fear’s Bibs n Cribs 45 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.5955 www.fearsbibsncribs.com Jolley’s Farm Toys Alma 519.848.2332 jolleysfarmtoys.ca K A Hammond & Co Limited 43 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3063 www.kahammond.ca Mar-Span Home Hardware Building Centre 7873 Wellington Rd 8, Drayton 519.638.2420 www.marspan.com Sears Pickup Location 19 Wellington St N, Drayton 519.638.3666 www.sears.ca
School Alma Public School 12 Simpson St E, Alma 519.846.5110 Centre Peel Public School 7623 Sixth Line, Drayton 519.638.2668
section 4 | page 77
Decorating to renovating Home Owners helping homeowners rentals
Wood Splitter
key cuttin G
Mini excavator
ruG docto r
Skid Steer
knife Shar penin
air toolS
Screen rep air
SMall tractorS
artic clea r Water
Mill Shop
electric toolS
paint Matc hinG
Free estim ates
Home Hardware Building Centre 7873 Wellington road 8, 1km east of Drayton Mon-Fri: 7:00am - 6:00pm Sat: 8:00am - 4:00pm phone: 519-638-2420 Fax: 519-638-5015
Business Directory Community Christian School 35 High St, Drayton 519.638.2935 www.ccsdrayton.org Drayton Heights Public School 75 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.3067
Simplified DĂŠcor Interior Painting 519.638.5183 Stitch N Smart Custom Embroidery 7357 Sideroad 12, Moorefield 519.638.5272
Fourth Peel School 7443 Fourth Line, Wallenstein 519.669.4023
Drayton Storage 48 Main St W, Drayton 519.638.1113 www.draytonstorage.com
Goldstone Parochial School 7205 Sideroad 19, Alma 519.638.3832
Mapleton Preschool 35 High St, Drayton 519.638.3331 Maranatha Conservative Mennonite School 31 John St, Drayton 519.638.2446 Maryborough Public School 73 McGivern St, Moorefield 519.638.3095 Yatton Parochial 7279 Third Line, Wallenstein 519.669.1303 Upper Grand District School Board 500 Victoria Rd N, Guelph 519.822.4420 www.ugdsb.on.ca
Service Edie Creations, Seamstress Edith Langdon 23 Dales Dr, Drayton 226.818.7743 Photo Organizer 519.638.3651
Brubacherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Quality Hardwood John Brubacher 7819 Sideroad 19, Arthur 519.848.6241
Theatre Drayton Festival Theatre 33 Wellington St S, Drayton 519.638.5555 www.draytonentertainment.com
Trucking DR Freight Service 6516 Sideroad 17, Wallenstein 519.698.0002 www.drfreightservice.com Reciprocal Ventures 7201 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.669.8887 Wark Milk Transport 68 Peel Street East, Alma 519.389.6914
Veterinary Services Heartland Veterinary Clinic 7294 Wellington Rd 11, Drayton 519.638.3391 www.heartlandvets.ca
section 4 | page 79
Business Directory Welding
Paul Reibel, Welding 7438 Sideroad 15, Moorefield 519.638.3659
Gibson Welding 52 Peel St E, Alma 519.846.5188 David Weber, Welding 7531 Wellington Rd 86, Wallenstein 519.698.2620
Submit your business information for the 2017 Directory. Contact the Economic Development Coordinator at 519.638.3313 x 26
GREGG DAVIDSON COUNTY COUNCILLOR, WARD 2 MAPLETON Contact me if you have comments or questions regarding: County Roads, Social Services, Police Services, Libraries, County Museum, Economic Development, Garbage and Recycling. If you don’t know who to contact, LET ME HELP.
Complete Automotive Repairs
56 Peel St. E. Alma
(County Rd. 17, Just East of Alma)
MTO Approved B.D.E. Course Provider 24 HR NOTICE FOR C ANCELLATION $30 Fee applies
Questions or Concerns: greggd@wellington.ca or phone or text 226-929-7481. Stay informed: follow me on Twitter @GreggTDavidson
Woods, Clemens, Fletcher & Cronin Professional Corporation - Lawyers J. Arthur Woods, B.A. LL.B. William G. Clemens, B.A. LL.B. Mary-Lou Fletcher, B.A. LL.B. Tracey G. Cronin, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B.
DRAYTON OFFICE 26 Wellington Street South Mon and Wed 9am-5pm or by appt.
9 Memorial Ave., Elmira, ON N3B 2Z6 519.669.5101 (Tel) • 519.669.5618 (Fax) Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
section 4 | page 81
n w o y r e v Yo u r
1.82% GIC 1 Year GIC - 2.00% 0% 3 Year GIC - 2.4 5 Year rest y Inte Dail 1.00%
Friday, Feb
ruary 5,
R U YO #1 E C R U SO l a
County taxpayer s to pay $15 more per $100 ,000 in reside ntial assessm ent
by Mike Robi ELORA nson dents with - Centre Wellingt $331,205 an average asse on resissme can bill to jump expect their over nt of all tax by near but only $37 is attribly $90 this year the town ship porti uted to a rise in on of On the Feb. 2, Cen 28.ca levy. committ 638-ckfi33 ee of the tre Wellingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nancial men w.ja whole ded adop ww which inclu tion of the 2016 recombudg des a et, levy with 15 increase an overall of 3.89 r 20, 20 be That amo %. m by Patri unt inclu cated 2% , Nove des the WE LLI NGT ck Raftis dediFriday ON COU towards capital levy to be County the repla coun NTY cement of directed budget with cil adopted Once the bridges. its 2016 county tario portions in property a 2.5 per cent to of the bill and education increase n, On taxes on come blended without world a directax rate increare included, the Drayto some heat Jan. 28 - but not the d countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ase is 2.43 The mos â&#x20AC;&#x153;Woul were to hire fiscal direced debate on the hout %. sions bega t recent set of if we lace tion. rks wit ,000 The rep 47 end wo incre to an n disc 4 ase of abou us$20 r public tinued on Jan. 26 and 27 lion over directo 48 Issue nJune 201 t $3.3 milards of and conFeb. 2. May tor of the 2014 stressed total ng upw ?â&#x20AC;? asked cou hired in public works was disor levy ndi Kell coun the 2% capi brings the y Linton spe ty levy to o er sultant used on . million. tal levy just unde Buddy benc Raftis town- form Lynch, wh 2013. preon a con nis Craven the world Taxe ber ry on priorities selected bridgesis being dential prop s on the aver r $87.9 by Patrick ociates - The ction Lar The benc h - The Get in Touc Decem cillor Den â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if , but you age based TON h sed in and Ass shipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s asse established in rise by an erty in Wellingt resiâ&#x20AC;&#x153;I don e to an end ployee bench are will be placed outs h for Hutch grou MAPLEcreated a sele it to mis Bellchamber to consult on the town t managem p delivered ide and will Sierra Smit rks ized com per $100 average of 1.35%, on will ent plan He said h an em lificahired McNabb its third â&#x20AC;&#x153;bud lic wo enco would h and Kyle ,000 of asse ship hastee and author to assist or $15 up wit and scho qua â&#x20AC;&#x153;allows us the proposed . was alsong of the pub ructuring departme Ferguson urage kindness dy benc ol principal could endsnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the replied increase nt figures ssment, treasury commit a consultant new pubNancy Mun . Back row from and inclusion for hâ&#x20AC;? to Kenilworth plete eigh to stay on track the hiri and a rest that time indic a ition,â&#x20AC;? The levy o doe Publ students and com left are: Myrn t bridges dle. engage ruitment of ctor increase ate. er wh s for the pos ent at so that they ic School on Jan. coun with dire from rec form a in artm cil.â&#x20AC;? Hutc was r. h 2.8% this tion by dep con hiso wit term of neve reduced 29. in a draf See artic directo 10 meeting, erts. d out of the t estimated on to be council Linton said le on page n, Sharon Kramp, r feel alone. On the McRob CAO pointe â&#x20AC;? to the budget sess t presented at lic works ized cos Nov. nam Paul a staff 7. hor 0. a budg Sin at a the key mon aut ,00 pres Coffe ion earli The et â&#x20AC;&#x153;tha ry ith after ented a solid At $20 y, Sonya ncil Patty tee, con photo by s are â&#x20AC;&#x153;ve tion we needt gives us the CAO ,000 to at â&#x20AC;&#x153;strateg committe further discussioner this ton cou Olivia Rutt cern $15 2014, four pubi- sultant and skilled informat e Maple ction commit ppointed leve to at tha wee mak by the l. s ns as a coun bet Treasure FERGUS Jaime Myslik ober of nagement pos e proces ing questio ers figure and cil.â&#x20AC;? He e good decisions the sele of newly-a In Oct taxpayer - Mem stres erts Advertise r Ken DeHart and Frien and thre cally ask p the recruit ple are rks ma dollars bein sed these are sisting r McRob to spend told the ds refugee bers of the Faith to secure an apar peo hel lic wo e eliminated created as wheneve Brad plished by the reduction was g spent, shock on tment in tainly ether those positions ensure all r possible CAO Neil Driscoll, a third accomdrawing â&#x20AC;&#x153;and Jan. 26, learngroup received Fergus and tions weritions were ructuring citiz the we reser wh hire the $260 nece enâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s have a refug yor ve to nt ,000 out available ssary supp fund ing their perspective to take a 0 Ma ee spon e for week. ruitme Syrian new pos of the rest upon $20,00 lies new main for work on the from a on this.â&#x20AC;? ropriat He adde ing in Cana sorship family lly lt vide rec up to countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tenance shop â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arriv were was arriv als appnot.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; he â&#x20AC;&#x153;fu eda just two a resu their tax d people want to to pro Mapleton Jan. 28. to be built propos or ted party . stating days later - really, reall a great team and al. . â&#x20AC;&#x2122; stat thing fami t imagine [leaving] promo to process. erts said ition will in â&#x20AC;&#x153;And they dollars are bein see how , on foun y pulled While h McRoberts had a people In total liar and alrea everyWhen services erts was g toge hardest part McRob sulting pos s ctor d them â&#x20AC;&#x153;I dy are being want to see that tax spent. $191.7 mill, the county will eedâ&#x20AC;? wit an apar ther and we McRob works dire n on Faith Evanthe group, spearhea noted, we the firm con is theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re I think their found furn ion in 2016 spend lic itio from in- agr nt, Craven ple ask me if gelical Luth ded for the sense to spent on things thatdollars miss iture ... and tment and we friends and fami services Fergus, ef adm , with me uested them.â&#x20AC;? from pubCAO/clerk pos current eran Chu by thing from acco ly,â&#x20AC;? Kebbel-Bing their make appl zen peo â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think be req red for the chi ruitment. rch in 13%; Wel unting for 41% social car seats we found ever a Linton said theran Wor ied to the Can eer half-do do this.â&#x20AC;? fill the creating the was the lington Terr ; roads create adian Lu- goods,â&#x20AC;? Kebbel-B to beds to kitch y- trauma and they had escaped said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;the over ld Relief not conside officer recwn from I 4, to licin get ng ld 5 v. agre is ace g hiri cou e e en I ted all feeling (the spon 9%; that citiz eer said. tion a decentlyNo ement 11%; popag â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have number of theirthink ... quite a great ens y. His rch conduc - istrativ will be dra reserves taxes are waste serv administration outfi The mo tinued on it would holder), members sorship /or vacanc large con necessary understand that 6%; solid ds extended Con She was tted home.â&#x20AC;? a a sea ices 5%; com and be of were Fun in e mon of to get to , heal but told feel family had nce Jordan.â&#x20AC;? ths part of matched libraries they th/a mbu of a leve g bud lained result assista the welc with a fami before they were committee that amber Though existin he exp setting the l of comfort thatdo need Green Lega lanc e 3%; plan 4%; oming met the fami ly. uired, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their with theNigel Bellch ociates at deen fami English, ning , ly doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as req report. are doing right priorities and we are ly in Toro the Zain Al Abe ment and cy, emergency once you normal experienc speak sultant ber and Ass 0. - tef plan parents Rash our best nto last Frid man that we â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tha eold of written ,00 am dollars as to bining for museum operation ageto take Eng eed and Awa ay. takes two put in your appl e is that smiles t was just so Bellch around $15 originally Glenn Leib and much as stretch their tax 3%; and lang to exciting ication it lish all around of we can.â&#x20AC;? other area s comdrum of The Scouts In his Of the ily to com four months for and is uage lessons, whil as a second a cost erts was on. s out the your fam- tion that it was and just the reali e,â&#x20AC;? being asse Centre Weloriginal report to 25% of local levy, roads s 5%. McRob Beer, chai explained Ingr uts trie Coulter looks zareal, ssed befo e Asmaa, 16, ley these were the consume id . 11. re line Sea den rston Sco and depu lington financial council, nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t imag they were here, in school for cial services, total; policing task forc r for the Faith and Kebbel- were t Palme w Scout Kay yton on Nov photo by Caro inary peop the com sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s placed ty treasurer manager 19%; soRasheed e. Firs real adm â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sin Frie ing state inist peop the Dra wast le, nds ce fello ration and Mark d the ernment the Canadia e 9% s as nier of vices in The Zain le,â&#x20AC;? Kebbel-Beer these can start has already aske semester. is n gov2.48% incre 2016 draft incluBradey hlander ambulan each; libraries 8%; solid Tyler Ber d when Day ser Al Abe said. working, the Syrian expediting the in 2011 ce ded a good - Cameron Hig embrance ase in the arriv plus the from sout deen family fled told him he first but the group he managem 7%; planning, eme health/ th uninest Sounds base tax in two weekfamilies, our fami al of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wh in Rem 2% dedicated has ent and hwestern needs to rgency English. ich is unt For the Ear levy ly came s.â&#x20AC;? Gree museum learn som On Jan. the Mo ders participated parts of Between the figh one of the first area Syria, operation n Legacy 4%; 27, coun capital levy. e some In ting start areas 2%. of clicil directed s 2% and Highlan tos on page 8. the group, last Tuesday and for le. said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ed,â&#x20AC;? Keb s where lived Syria, Rasheed staff other habitab erâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pursuit ed him onsible Continue in a rura bel-Beer and Awa y fled to More pho Property St. Jame including partner Friday, whole d on page l area nge resp children garner high tef Jord Metzg and s tax, at 23 the larg ate cha of ice has James LuthAnglican in Ferg churches astat area was just flatte an and their They vegetables, Keband grew olives 20,000 730,000 est sing 46%, represents ed.â&#x20AC;? us and St. es clim deaths of ned and devmate just with a varietythe years, of eran belle also offs serv on Beer in revenue sold bake etting Elmira, gs lost r the who The fami home. scrambled d goods from said. iland malnutriti meetin iticians ove Minister tzger, rch Canada spending the $191.7 mill source ly lived in e and the in 2011. Tha rice harpol in their , el Jord with For Me ty ion a Prim C Chu refug lev an 1 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tha gran in until it mov accountin ee tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former , Green Par nnonite ctor and a CCcli- others rd of its 201 ya, risg for 28% ts and subsidies pleton ed to Cana camp suggested why I think it as Me make up -thi In Ken sion from n Harper May and New was kind for dire , while user da last by Jaime - A Ma that n g. to two ive N cer they din abou phe ero of cut TO Myslik and th come to floo Ste fees invited s exe sources total t 4%, and othe der Tom dent, con ural extenWE LLI DRAY a little bit Elizabe Olivi vest to peratures, soiluced the been r revenue Continue Nation 22% Leader atic Party Lea Minister vice-presiice is a nat faith. t has Wellingt NGT ON COUa Rutt d on page â&#x20AC;&#x153;This budg . ing tem ught has red le maize residen the United Change on NTY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; just 10 days later 32 Democr to Prime years as et ensures mate justthe Christian left hundeadly barn County experienc , on Jan. ir, and dro the food staptare - just However attend Climate France the coun are 14. ed two fires at oppo u in his Mulca sion of is, work ty Continue the coun people s, there ld of only regio , Wellington Trudea s per hec it was 50 Frame nce in Par 11. site d on page ty last câ&#x20AC;&#x153;When and homeles is no yie is not the tating and how Justin l MP. bushel mon n in Onta . at shared 13 officials th, which ends of enced ive dire sty destructiv cutsay era rio that Confere v. 30 to Dec Drayton, there hen to five cent of wh tzger , thir fatal loca exe , Lib Whi is ers Me nge a and l unco e barn gry fire le expe ada it is.â&#x20AC;? of 1, cha Puslinch per â&#x20AC;&#x153;W ice fires in the h lead ofmmon. ri- Goo of 2016. gest from No d Metzger who has rch Can othâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve In 201 on climate adian Fire Chie tzger. er faitneve no just e 20 rs ago. t trend first mon de lation that seen orts sug ffits it seem f Stev nite Chu Willar al pastor radale, is ce,â&#x20AC;? said Me n, we tak suprpor th chan said the risk ... may yea ent rep sinlike A fire on ine of Can though Menno n, together withTom of fire does en ge with an anom s like this and ard pea Flo creatio er loc Harrop said be contributing.â&#x20AC;? Jan. 13 More rec ught and es are his h a group members of nce of Durban the seas aly to us,â&#x20AC;? kille 1. e for s tow nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a form at Bethel, (Drayton) 201vey, confere r of Drayto the streets distr she canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on, Wel inMul swich publ of dro nt respons t is wit we car ental step said in d a barn full of near Listowel Federation of prior to t â&#x20AC;&#x153;Th lington a year in recent tzge rs and ugh Climate Forum ict Kait lin Bard ic safet years Agri served mmunity Georgeto chic ernme history prioremember wate e fact that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ia tha by chief for Cen y officer and when there lard Me a march thro ate Change pho Senato ent in Ottawa Climate is attendady fundam wn on Jan. kens, a fire Janet Harrop said culture presiden Firetoand r in a cold cows, tor Wil tre Wellingt r to 2015 cient govthe war in Syr gees out is alre re pumping wasn and Co Churches, Canadian condition the unique Resc t up to UN Clim ated in Parliam the 2011 UN observpeace.â&#x20AC;? te change in varinite temp on kille a fire near Dela 15 killed two hard s Decemb â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a big freeze lead â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ue. particip justice at the ng an behind so many refu Menno behalf of the (CCC). ware on have cont of the last few mon weather the vege d 500 milk er. With Clima ing fight on the equipme erature can be attendi Forum as l of people rld. After Jan. out the freez ribut causes of not exactly sure nt and the ers - extre climate Counci driving ntry. ing on of Churches nge wo widely ... what the of cattle, and ing goats and 30 17 fires in Janu ed to the delu ths may the rode tation remained acting all these invitarld te is Cha e equi the cou imp l Wo of ma a ge of barn ... once we fires head the lush ary. nt pment gettime cold, hoses freezfireby have been 2,100 pigs a fire near Park change Counci her letter . Dr. parts of for the ). 1 UN Cli n, of increashed â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; reali ral habitat population to leav , inviting ting hill killed on Jan. 19. and ze that, nt Rev Climate continue acting er rches (WCC ed on page 5 on someestablis In any l- ous nding the 201 in Durba t know the wet and ng wet and glov ing, side e for its we ly On pre of now that to natu fire can are ike Feb. these things like es getC time of red ack cause of atte work in s um preventio unl s 1, Now farm fires, but ected levels by imp and Chu Continu Guilbaul som helpitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tion, CC Hamilton n tactics a fire in Elgi85 dairy cattle d ratemay ce of es tzger offe cs. exp so ers are seeinyear. nge For e in term thedon t too, reco that.â&#x20AC;? barn aw, ers perished unknown causes often when you e density of that pointe nisti ships of poverty er resourc king ble voi our Cha Africa, Me own n byl be own gniz Cou cou g stat lua ing ven a Karen rode ld ers get nty. ed to Wel fighting of fires in higher wat rodents that ma South alarming chargg cou to stop the â&#x20AC;&#x153;va ily in priorfromto theand farm Guil lington Nort er, Cra barn fires the hardter. ef that barns itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s have mitigatio nts in their barn are losare chew food andods, eventually relilingt h Fire Chie edged nnonite fam well as s happenin Howev il we started maybe thin Two in the winand then bault s rimWel like Fiji ods as some as g.â&#x20AC;? onnge , unt you get a ing through wire minimize the n measures in plac and aryinte of barn able liveliho kille states ring cha are tragic said barn fires of f Dave fire, liho the Me al work,â&#x20AC;? ability to d 55 spark and side e to ruraâ&#x20AC;&#x153;This time of year to be s,â&#x20AC;? out, â&#x20AC;&#x153;up metered rate ugh.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;? Harrop horses: 43 fires Island es and live alia holds for the com any kind nic rein Janu Mulvey effects. Clas cil con it starts a going eno ique l areas fire fighting the sy Lane ecume rate pointed ifinfutu munity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Puslinch ing the enâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t paying l Martin atbylaw. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And this explained. Stablesred challeng Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not those erâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;un ships across sâ&#x20AC;? ing homels rise. Som out som in ficult and is in most case at mare fire on a farm is onma a boarven wonde es face year with de retMetzg e uniq Jan. s very the warm fall very en now p paying you werncillor Michaerate strucression sea lev relation Cra dingcou stab ldlebein Mou 4, and 12 com for a farmer, for worst night... the rode the unusually colder temperatud by firefighters ue ven Guilbaul arduous,â&#x20AC;? he said. difnths, wh er to kee . ed bridge Christian exp Cou Cra ef mo mun the tier nt t a the res, nt adde in taxin weather ity,â&#x20AC;? it comes Forest s density whe d barn fires uld p wat feels winter rate reli he said ncillor Dennis ms like did to outdoor especially whe g on fire worst, beca said Guilbaul farming high king at. variou n e. k it wo are said he ing the essary to wee p them n t. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the rth loo higher rates ly see and all of get cold was water sour CCC. use they Cou â&#x20AC;&#x153;If itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roactiv uldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t thin kee â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not service resources. â&#x20AC;&#x153;very is â&#x20AC;&#x153;wo really certain h in the know how a sudden ces. dents are he had downtow itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nec the lines to CE certainly a pond and se.â&#x20AC;? erts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wo , â&#x20AC;&#x153;That nall NT er tureâ&#x20AC;&#x153;I struggle wit ation, versus devasthereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a RobWE RE Mc s said culous increaledging wat er saidts to go up, ised cou ll hydrant on n Toronto whe and food trying to find a these ro- the wate takes a little itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s frozen, it through zing. conserv ncil needs De nni Brouw warm spot n in betw and there be,â&#x20AC;? said er also adv LLI longer to a ridi sma TO the every corn cos r out of it cou in NG moting cost of acknow â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been som N | PUSLI d his get rural een,â&#x20AC;? he said. from free illo r , under rates Brouw town water g While to cover the s pro d number spending and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obviou er and e specu- ment on board that but we have equi is expecte even double areas ... you s ed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; fixe Co unc ed how the erâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s d a vendin NC sell a sly stat for ick Raft ner nee s pwate in he allow H ed. s e , uw ugh the ow Patr have ing ven tank r,â&#x20AC;? Mulvey not | MAPLE eiv s us to get rate by Bro rease . ven ask ts cil tainers thro - The s the perhap able rate someth s,â&#x20AC;? he to rec tem, Cra said. the ing ers and water shutto rely on water TON | system TON cent) inc t- Crare impacting h. con project d McRober the sys to be a reason tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why â&#x20AC;&#x153;Is this asked. for ciste GUELPH MAPLE car wash say new newâ&#x20AC;&#x153;A (300 per ss seems pre was capital the we rns or pondtles and lookat the Bra he l k tha got chine. al field car er the ERAMOSA costs foractu- still And I thin l rate in a CAO l could look during ma allowed?â&#x20AC;? said counci s that we ll busine . Moore of a loc rates und are havt? e can s er said nci Continue thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mercia on a sma ive,â&#x20AC;? he said ip had erts to speipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s | ERIN Brouw business hav ause righ d on page a com said cou adjusting rateussions. nsh townsh water system on his McRob the bylaws water d | MINTO 21 the thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nships. ty extens the tow disc d act htly, bec orefiel ge for idea of blem in sale of metere serious imp ld amend budget if anything | WELLI Noting water usa - Mo dropped slig been less lot of tow e had a pro of keepoming ed h cou cally allow the switch NGTON nally red ing a operation. on has n car ers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;v township re upc Brouwer ask about his hig cifi told cou s monito a year before, Brouwer n operati the Drayto NORTH If weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; this ll contain e the e. in Drayto ry Brouwer . bill don sma ing t e her ut er rim pas sinc inte onable sses ld be er in Hen his wat h were abo to metered bill s when you up. busy lities busine e an unreas going cou bills in the the wat ing Nov. 10 was â&#x20AC;&#x153;curiou my water er h opened e municipa com- ing said hav atâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wat er to was was cil on Drayton car erts wh som ng FRP said he nths und McRob at my e noticed Noting nt rates for ed if goi er rate, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to go for the ry two mo system. ere 5$*( uld hav calculated whwhy a yâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re er ask ld wat wo diff r.â&#x20AC;? The eve uw 72 . e 0 rate ape band $55 to be, didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hav l users, Bro system cou to happen waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s che 7216 usage vious flat t was pro going the se) mercia red rate the pre l admit tha deal on '5$< QLWV where pleton. rate was cent increa s or conâ&#x20AC;&#x153;I wil lly good Units DJeH 8 a two-tie red in Ma are right RUag rea 6Wor [ side (300 perany red flag DO St [ 10x20 be con way things ably a said Brouwer. nted out, LGXal 15 set off ividu ,QGLY poi â&#x20AC;&#x153;The ects his [10 10x Ind water,â&#x20AC;? every he exp er, he ns?â&#x20AC;? 10x [ Howev ying $2,000 a (300 cer Brouwer said n higher dur 5x10 RQDO al WRUV ZQ WUDF pla V ODon tors, t JH 59as 6HDV rise eve DUV Se Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m now LUH V lawn trac e eres s, WRUD ERDWV F ZLQs, WHU W nths so se on my slow costs to RV Ev mo rag PHU two VXP the est boats, car r/winter tire sto t) increa W. per cen ge is e thorni nd. summe Main St. s.â&#x20AC;? th chan month ki erston
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